Work program "Fundamentals of world religious cultures" for the textbook by R.B. Amirova. Foundations of world religious cultures Foundations of world religious cultures education

There are many cultures and religions in the world, people of different views and beliefs live together, and children study the religious culture of their people in schools. We are different and it's interesting! Module "Fundamentals" Orthodox culture"is an opportunity to talk about us and what surrounds us. Especially in Moscow - the heart of Rus' and the world center of Orthodoxy.

The outstanding significance of Orthodox Christianity in the historical formation of the Russian people is well known, Russian statehood, national culture. Our entire history, literature and art are imbued with the spirit of Orthodoxy. Even for people who are far from Christianity and Russian culture, but who strive to know and understand the history and culture of Russia, and also have an idea of ​​the origin of many modern traditions and customs, it will be interesting to open the door to the life of the Orthodox Church.

The return of Orthodoxy to school began immediately after the end of the period of atheistic prohibitions. Since then, in many regions of Russia, children have already been studying the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, and extensive pedagogical experience in teaching this module has been accumulated. In modern conditions, the study of the foundations of Orthodox culture is not identical to the study of the Law of God in the pre-revolutionary Russian school; it does not involve the student’s involvement in religious practice, participation in divine services, or “teaching religion.” The goal is the systematic study by the child of the Orthodox Church. Christian tradition and introducing him to Orthodox culture, primarily in its ideological and moral dimensions.

Studying the foundations of Orthodox culture in school today is supporting families in raising children based on the historical and cultural values ​​and traditions of the Russian and other peoples of Russia, for whom Orthodoxy is a traditional religion. This is an introduction to the eternal, God-given Christian moral norms, preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church, on which the life of an individual, family, and people in our world is based.

Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” as part of the course “Fundamentals religious cultures and secular ethics" in the 4th grade includes only about 30 lessons and only slightly reveals to the child the basics Orthodox tradition. This world is ancient and modern at the same time. A world covered in legends and tales about the exploits of holy people: Ilya Muromets, the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky, Venerable Sergius Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. And along with them are our recent contemporaries, revered by the Church for their deeds of mercy and deeds of faith. ABOUT moral ideals, outstanding representatives of the Christian spirit will be discussed in the lessons of Orthodox culture. Schoolchildren will become familiar with the symbolic language of the Orthodox artistic culture, the art of icons, frescoes, church singing, with a Christian attitude towards family, parents, work, duty and responsibility of a person in society.

Among the main topics of the course: “What Orthodox Christians believe,” “Good and evil in the Orthodox tradition.” “Love for one’s neighbor”, “Mercy and compassion”, “Orthodoxy in Russia”, “ Orthodox church and other shrines", " Orthodox calendar», « Christian family and its values."

Additional lessons for the module may include excursions to churches, visits to museums of ancient Russian art, concerts of sacred music, meetings with representatives of the Orthodox clergy. Lessons and additional activities involve interaction between the teacher and the families of students, joint study and mastery of the values ​​and traditions of Orthodoxy.

The module “Fundamentals of Islamic Culture” introduces schoolchildren to the fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of Islam or Islam. Islam arose in the 7th century among the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula - the Arabs. Its appearance is associated with the name of the Prophet Muhammad, with the Revelation that he received from God, recorded in the Koran. The Koran is the Holy Scripture that was revealed to Muhammad through the angel Jibril over a period of twenty-three years.

The Koran is the main source of the doctrine of Islam, its moral, ethical and legal norms. Gradually, not only Arabs, but also many other peoples accepted Islam. They began to live according to the instructions of the Koran and Sunnah. The Sunnah is the second source of Muslim doctrine and law; it preserves the sayings of the prophet, as well as everything that Muslims know about his life, actions, and moral qualities.

Islam has formed a holistic system of spiritual and moral values ​​that have entered the life of all Muslim peoples. The relationships of Muslims in the family, in society, and in everyday life are inextricably linked with the religious teachings of Islam. At the same time, each Muslim region has preserved its own special traditions and customs, reflecting their geographical, historical and ethnic conditions of existence. It was this diversity that gave impetus to the development of legal schools and religious movements, which allowed Islam to subsequently find its place in different societies and historical eras. Thanks to this diversity, Islam has received the status of a world religion and is actively spreading on all continents, finding an increasing number of followers.

Islam in Russia has its own ancient history, a special place and found unique ways of development. The first acquaintance of the peoples of our country with this religion took place back in 643, when Muslim detachments reached the ancient Dagestan city of Derbent. And although in those years Islam did not take root in the North Caucasus as the dominant religion, it was this first acquaintance with Arab Muslims that gave impetus to the development of trade and cultural ties with the Islamic world and became the starting point for the spread of Islam in the territories that later became part of the Russian Empire. Thanks to these connections, Islam over time gained a foothold in many regions of the Caucasus and the Volga region, and Muslim communities arose in the Urals and Siberia.

The culture of Islam in our country is original and unique; it has its own characteristics, formed over many centuries under the influence of Russian realities, in conditions of close interaction between Muslims and followers of other traditional Russian religious beliefs and cultures.

The main topics of the module “Fundamentals of Islamic Culture” within the framework of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” are: “The Prophet Muhammad is an example of a man and a teacher of morality in the Islamic tradition”, “Pillars of Islam and Islamic ethics”, “Responsibilities of Muslims”, “For why the mosque was built and how it is arranged”, “Muslim chronology and calendar”, “Islam in Russia”, “Family in Islam”, “Moral values ​​of Islam”, “The art of Islam”. The study ends with the topic “Muslim Holidays.” In addition to information about Muslim holidays, students will learn about the holidays of the peoples of Russia, for whom Islam is a traditional religion.

The module “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture” is aimed at families for whom the culture of this ancient, one of three world religions. Buddhism arose in the 6th century BC in India and then spread to China, Tibet, and Mongolia. Currently different directions Buddhism is practiced by more than 500 million people in the world. The founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha, opened the possibility for people to understand the causes of suffering and end suffering. The path to achieving nirvana, to which in Buddhism a person goes through self-restraint and meditation, worshiping Buddha, and performing good deeds.

Buddhism is one of the traditional religions of peoples Russian Federation. About 1% of the Russian population consider themselves adherents of the Buddha’s teachings. First of all, among residents of the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia, and Tyva. There are Buddhist communities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other Russian cities.

Studying this module of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” at school is intended to introduce students in an accessible form to the fundamentals of Buddhist culture: its founder, Buddhist teachings, moral values, holy books, rituals, shrines, holidays, art. The first content block of the course is devoted to the moral life values ​​of the Buddhist tradition. Here children will learn what Buddhism is, the basics of the Buddha's teachings, the history of Siddhartha Gautama himself and the basic concepts of Buddhist culture. It will be said about the sacred books of Buddhism, the Buddhist picture of the world and ideas about the essence of man in Buddhism will be revealed. A number of lessons are built around the understanding in Buddhism of such moral concepts as good and evil, non-violence, love for people and the value of life, compassion for all living beings, mercy, attitude towards nature and all living things. Separate classes are devoted to family values, responsibilities of parents and children. The contents of the second block of the course are the study of holidays, customs, rites, symbols, rituals, and the art of Russian Buddhists. The main trends in Buddhism and the history of the emergence of Buddhism in Russia are revealed. It tells about the path of spiritual and moral improvement of a person and the teaching of virtues. Separate lessons are devoted to the symbols of Buddhism, Buddhist shrines, rules of behavior in a Buddhist temple and its internal structure. Children will learn about lunar calendar in Buddhism, art in Buddhist culture, including the unique visual tradition in Buddhism.

Studying the module “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture” as part of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” provides for students to master the following main topics: “Introduction to the Buddhist Spiritual Tradition”, “Buddha and His Teachings”, “Buddhist Saints”, “Family in Buddhist Culture” and its values”, “Buddhism in Russia”, “Man in the Buddhist picture of the world”, “Buddhist symbols”, “Buddhist rituals”, “Buddhist shrines”, “Buddhist sacred buildings”, “Buddhist temple”, “Buddhist calendar”, “Holidays in Buddhist culture”, “Art in Buddhist culture”.

Judaism is one of the monotheistic religions, the number of followers of which in the world, according to various estimates, is from 10 to 15 million people. Currently, the majority of Jews live in the State of Israel and the United States. In Russia, communities of followers of Judaism have existed since ancient times. The module “Fundamentals of Jewish Culture” is aimed at families who are aware of their connection with the religious tradition and culture of Judaism.

The study of the module “Fundamentals of Jewish Culture” as part of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” is aimed at presenting the basic knowledge about this religious tradition in historical, ideological, and cultural aspects in an accessible way for elementary school students.

Schoolchildren master such concepts as “monotheism”, “religion”, “culture”, “Judaism”, “sacred text”, “Pentateuch”, understood in the context of this religious tradition. Particular attention is paid to the structure and names of sacred books, which significantly expands the child’s horizons. The first sections especially emphasize the role of the commandments (mitzvot), which determine the moral and ethical content of Judaism; ample space is also devoted to the teaching of the Oral Torah, which determined the uniqueness of the modern Jewish religious heritage. During the excursion into the historical past, concepts significant for Judaism are introduced: “Covenant”, “prophecy”, “Messiah”, “righteousness”, “temple service”, mercy and charity.

Great importance is given to customs, holidays, memorable historical dates, modern synagogue service and prayer, Saturday (Shabbat) and the rituals of this day, traditions of daily observance of norms and commandments, religious customs of the life cycle (family ties, coming of age, wedding, etc.) . The development of moral categories is based on life experience children, using quotes from the Torah and other religious, as well as historical literature. A special lesson is devoted to the concepts of good and evil in Jewish culture. Great place are occupied by the theme of family as a moral value, spiritual union; family life; harmony of man in the world around him. Questions are considered about what qualities are necessary to create a strong family, what qualities parents try to pass on to their children, what the Torah and Jewish sources say about the attitude towards elders, about upbringing, about the purpose of human life.

The content of the module includes the following main topics: “Introduction to the Jewish spiritual tradition”, “The Torah - the main book of Judaism”, “Classical texts of Judaism”, “Patriarchs of the Jewish people”, “Prophets and righteous men in Jewish culture”, “The Temple in the life of the Jews” , “The purpose of the synagogue and its structure”, “Saturday (Shabbat) in the Jewish tradition”, “Judaism in Russia”, “Traditions of Judaism in the everyday life of Jews”, “Responsible acceptance of the commandments”, “Jewish home”, “Introduction to the Jewish calendar : its structure and features”, “Jewish holidays: their history and traditions”, “Values ​​of family life in the Jewish tradition”.

The module involves studying the foundations of world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) and national religion (Judaism), and is aimed at developing in 4th grade students ideas about moral ideals and values ​​that form the basis of religions traditional for our multinational country.

During the lessons, children master the concepts of “culture” and “religion”, learn about religions and their founders. In the process of learning, they become acquainted with sacred books, religious buildings, shrines, religious art, religious calendars and holidays. Much attention focuses on family and family values ​​in religious cultures, mercy, social problems and attitudes towards them in different religions.

The first substantive section of the module examines the basics of religious cultures. the main task when studying this section, the goal is for students to form an idea of ​​the model, the spiritual and moral ideal of a person, which is contained in the religious traditions being studied, and also to develop an understanding of the need to strive for spiritual and moral improvement of man and society. Children get acquainted with the methods of moral development of people developed over centuries, passed on to descendants through religion and culture.

Studying the module “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures” will help children not only broaden their horizons, but also better navigate life. We live in rapidly changing conditions, there is intensive migration of the population, representatives of different cultures and confessions. In order to teach our children to interact correctly, without conflicts, it is necessary to give them knowledge about the main religions of the peoples of Russia. This will avoid false ideas, will to some extent protect against the influence of religious sects, will contribute to the formation of an understanding of the values ​​of religious culture and the need to preserve it, and the formation of an idea of ​​what a modern person should be.

The main topics studied in this module: “Culture and Religion”, “Ancient Beliefs”, “Religions of the World and Their Founders”, “Sacred Books of the Religions of the World”, “Keepers of Tradition in the Religions of the World”, “Man in the Religious Traditions of the World”, “Sacred buildings”, “Art in religious culture”, “Religions of Russia”, “Religion and morality”, “Moral precepts in the religions of the world”, “Religious rituals”, “Customs and rituals”, “Religious rituals in art”, “Calendars of religions” world", "Holidays in the world's religions". The module is information-rich, only one hour a week is allocated for its study, therefore, to master it, it is necessary to work outside of class hours, joint discussion of the studied material by adults and children.

Full personality formation is impossible without familiarity with the basics of morality. From early childhood, a person learns to distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies, to evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers, the behavior of adults, including parents.

What will our children's worldview be like in the near future? What spiritual and moral guidelines will they choose? Who will help them make informed choices? Along with the family, school today is becoming one of the main institutions that raises such important questions education.

The moral experience of the person himself and of all humanity as a whole constitutes the main content of the educational module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics,” which is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to the basics of morality, giving primary ideas about morality and its meaning in human life, based on the positive actions of people. This educational module creates conditions for instilling patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, and a sense of pride in one’s Motherland.

During the lessons, fourth-graders will gain knowledge about the basics of Russian secular (civic) ethics, become acquainted with the “golden rule of morality”, and together with the teacher they will reflect on what friendship, mercy, compassion are and how they are manifested; how the words “virtue” and “vice” are understood in the modern world; what is a moral choice and how to make it without conflicting with your conscience; think about the values ​​of family life and the role of the family in their own destiny. Lessons are based on live interaction between the teacher and children in joint reflections and experiences about specific life situations. A large role in revealing moral concepts and creating problematic situations in the classroom is given to working with texts. Discussing excerpts from literary works, stories, and parables allows the child to reflect on the actions of people and characters in fiction.

Teaching the module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” involves studying the following main topics: “Culture and Morality”, “Ethics and its Importance in Human Life”, “Holidays as a Form of Historical Memory”, “Moral Patterns in Cultures” different nations", "State and citizen morality", "Moral models in the culture of the Fatherland", "Labor morality", " Moral traditions entrepreneurship", "What does it mean to be moral in our time?", "Higher moral values, ideals, moral principles”, “Etiquette”, “Methods of moral self-improvement”. The module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” can contribute to establishing better mutual understanding between the child and his parents, and establishing agreed upon moral requirements of family and school.


Original text project
textbook for students

Russia is our Motherland

You will learn

How Russia developed historically, and what place does your generation occupy in this process.

How rich is our Fatherland?

What are traditions and why do they exist?

Basic Concepts

Traditions Values ​​Spiritual traditions

You live in a wonderful country, whose name is the Russian Federation, or Russia for short. Say this word out loud and you will feel in its sound light, expanse, space, spirituality...

The history of our country goes back more than a thousand years. During this time, approximately 40–50 generations have changed. One generation gave birth to another. You and your peers are the younger generation. Your parents are the older generation. When you become an adult and create your own family, then you will be the eldest, and your children will be the younger generation.

In every generation, people worked, studied, selflessly fought for the happiness of their children, for the right to live freely in their country. One generation passed on its native language, life experience and knowledge, place of residence to the next, and multiplied spiritual and material wealth. This is how our country developed historically.

We respectfully call our country the FATHERLAND, because our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers and their ancestors studied, worked and defended their land in order to preserve Russia for future generations.

We lovingly call our country HOMELAND because we were born in it. The life of your family, of the entire people to which you and your ancestors belong, takes place in Russia.

It is the sacred duty of every Russian citizen to love his Motherland, strengthen its power and prosperity.

Previous generations accumulated and preserved enormous wealth for posterity. The nature of Russia is diverse and fabulously rich. Our country is the largest country in the world by territory. Russia's main public treasure is its people. The Russian Federation is the most multinational country in the world, 160 peoples and nationalities live in it in friendship and harmony. But, nevertheless, the main wealth of our great Motherland is spiritual traditions peoples of Russia.

Spiritual traditions allow a person to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad, useful and harmful. Spiritual You can call a person who follows these traditions: loves his homeland, his people, parents, treats nature with care, studies or works conscientiously, respects the traditions of other peoples. Spiritual man distinguished by honesty, kindness, curiosity, hard work and other qualities. The life of such a person is filled with meaning and has significance not only for himself, but also for other people. If a person does not follow these traditions, then he has to learn from his mistakes.

This happens not only in society, but also in the family. Remember, your parents often tell you that you should dress for the weather, observe good hygiene, and avoid dangerous situations. Why? Because if you do not follow these simple rules, your health may be at risk.

Spiritual traditions contain the same simple rules social behavior. They warn us against illnesses, against relationships with people that can cause pain and suffering. Like parents, older generations take care of the younger ones and pass on to them their spiritual experience, which they, in turn, received from previous generations.

Today you have chosen to study one of the greatest spiritual traditions of Russia. Your classmates will study other traditions. All together you are the young people united Russia, whose life is based on the diversity and unity of the great spiritual traditions.

Important Concepts

Traditions (from the Latin tradere, which means to convey) are what have great importance for a person, but not created by him, but received from his predecessors and will subsequently be passed on to younger generations. For example, congratulating family and friends on their birthday, celebrating holidays, etc.

Value is any material or spiritual object that is of great importance for a person and society as a whole. For example, the Fatherland, family, love, kindness, health, education, natural resources of the country, etc. - all these are values.

Spiritual traditions are values, ideals, life experiences passed on from one generation to another. The most important spiritual traditions in Russia include: Christianity, primarily Russian Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and secular ethics.

Questions and tasks

Consult with your parents and name a few traditions accepted in your family.

What values ​​underlie your family's traditions?

Culture and religion

You will learn

What is religion.

What religions are there?

What place does ritual occupy in religions?

Basic Concepts

What is religion? The most important part of most spiritual traditions is religion.

The word "religion" comes from a Latin word that means to bind or unite. Today we call religion such a phenomenon in people's lives that includes:

– people’s beliefs in the existence of a supernatural (otherworldly) world, for example, in one God, or in many gods, or in spirits and others supernatural creatures;

– people’s behavior in everyday life;

– participation of people in religious activities – rituals. Rituals are those actions that should bind and unite people with other world. In ancient times, the main part of the ritual was making sacrifices to the gods, later these became prayers.

What religions are there? Religion has existed since ancient times. The beliefs of the most ancient people are called primitive beliefs.

Gradually, many different religions arose in the world. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Ancient India had (professed) their own religions, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome... These beliefs are called ancient religions. We know about these religions from ancient legends and myths, surviving temples, drawings. Many of the ancient religions did not survive to this day; they disappeared along with the states in which they existed.

However, some religions of antiquity have survived to this day - we call them traditional beliefs.

Many peoples created their own national religions. The believers of these religions belong mainly to the same people. The most numerous of these religions are Hinduism (the religion of the Hindus) and Judaism (the religion of the Jews).

Over time, religions emerged that are called world religions. Believers of these religions live in different countries and belong to different nations. Today, the world religions are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. Believers of these religions live in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa.

Religions of Russia. In our Russia, since time immemorial, there have been different religions. Most of us are Orthodox Christians. A significant number of Russians profess other world religions - Islam and Buddhism. Many adhere to Judaism. These four religions are considered the traditional religions of Russia.

However, we have believers who adhere to other religions, for example, Catholicism or Protestantism. Some Russian peoples Traditional beliefs have also been preserved. A considerable number of Russian residents do not profess any religion.

According to the myths of the ancient Greeks, the palaces where gods who did not know old age and death feasted carefree were located on the high Mount Olympus. Chief among the gods was Zeus, lord of the sky, lord of lightning, father of gods and people. His brother Poseidon was the ruler of the seas, and his other brother Hades ruled the underworld.

Let's discuss it together

What rituals exist in religious activities?

Why are some religions called world and others national?

Questions and tasks

How do you understand the word “religion”?

What religions are called national?

What religions are called world religions?

What religions are considered traditional for Russia?

On the map of the Russian Federation, show where the largest peoples of our country live, and indicate what religions they profess.

Find out which religions predominate in your city, region, region, republic.

Culture and religion

You will learn

What is culture?

How religion and culture are connected.

How should I behave? cultured person.

Basic Concepts

Culture Values

Each religion has made its own invaluable contribution to world culture and into the culture of our Motherland.

What is culture? In everyday speech, the word “culture” is often associated with ideas about palaces and museums, theaters and libraries. Sometimes we use words such as “cultured person”, “cultured society”, “behave culturally”. This is also connected with the word “culture”.

In science there is such a definition: “Culture is the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by man throughout his entire history.”

Among the monuments of material culture we can include tools and objects of everyday life that were created by man, beautiful houses and mighty fortresses...

When we talk about monuments of spiritual culture, we mean the ideas and images that were created outstanding writers, painters, architects, scientists. And besides, such concepts as good and evil, justice, beauty. Spiritual values ​​also include moral standards of human behavior and religion.

What types of temples are there? Many monuments of material and spiritual culture arose in connection with religion, as necessary for its existence, or reflecting its content.

Every religion needed a special place to perform rituals. This is how special buildings arose that were supposed to serve these purposes. We are still delighted to visit the majestic temples of Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome that have survived to us.

It has not reached us, but descriptions of the most important sanctuary of the Jews, the Jerusalem Temple, remain. The first Christian churches arose in ancient times, some of which have survived to this day. Unique in architecture, solemn ancient Buddhist temples are found throughout Asia. The first sacred buildings of Muslims - mosques - were erected in Asia and Africa. Now Christian and Buddhist temples and mosques can be found all over the world.

In ancient temples, as a rule, statues of the god to whom the temple was dedicated were placed. Many ancient statues have survived to this day, and today we can admire the amazing art of ancient sculptors thanks to these works related to their religion.

The influence of religion on culture. In Buddhism and Christianity, as well as in a number of other religions, music is used during ritual rites, so the first musical works were also associated with religion. Later, many musical works of secular composers were written by them on religious subjects.

Religion is reflected in the language we speak and in our daily behavior.

This is interesting

In the culture of Muslim countries, calligraphy is of great importance - the art of beautiful and elegant writing. Arabic manuscripts were very elegant: patterns, colorful miniatures, endless script of words. The writing instrument was a kalam - a reed pen, and the materials were papyrus, parchment, silk, and paper.

Let's discuss it together

We say about someone that he is a cultured person. What does this mean?

What does the concept of culture of behavior include?

Questions and tasks

Explain how you understand what culture is.

Try to give examples of material and spiritual culture.

Why do you think religious buildings - temples - are considered the cultural heritage of peoples?

The emergence of religions. Ancient Beliefs

You will learn

How ancient people cared for the souls of their ancestors.

What is polytheism and the pantheon.

Which people in the world first believed in one God and what a covenant is.

Basic Concepts

Pantheon Polytheism Testament

The first religions. Religious feelings arose in man at a very early stage of his history. The discovered burials of ancient people were made with great love and care. This indicates their belief in an afterlife and in higher powers. Ancient people took care of the souls of their ancestors and believed that these souls of dead people continued to participate in the life of their family and the entire tribe. They were asked for protection, and sometimes they were afraid of them.

Ancient people believed that the world around them was inhabited by spirits, good or hostile. These spirits lived in trees and mountains, streams and rivers, fire and wind. They also believed in sacred animals, such as bears and deer.

Faith in spirits is gradually being replaced by faith in gods. In ancient states - Egypt, Greece, Rome, as well as in China, Japan, India - people believed that there were many gods and each god had its own “specialization”. There were gods who patronized crafts or art, others reigned in the seas and oceans, in the underworld. Collectively these gods were called the pantheon. Since there have always been many gods in the pantheon, the religions of these ancient times are called polytheism.

Judaism. The first people who believed in One God were the Jewish people. The patriarch is considered the ancestor of the Jews Abraham. He left the country of his ancestors and settled in the land of Canaan, promised to him by God. Since then the Jews have called this land Promised Land(promised). But soon famine came here, and Abraham’s grandchildren and their families moved to Egypt. The Jews found themselves in the position of slaves in Egypt: they did hard work and were subjected to cruel treatment. They dreamed of being freed from this slavery, but the Egyptian king - Pharaoh - did not want to let them go. At this time, a boy was born in one Jewish family, who was named Moses. When Moses grew up, God commanded him to rescue the Jewish people from slavery. Moses led his people back to the Promised Land. This journey has been long. For forty years the Jews wandered in the desert. During his journey on Mount Sinai, Moses received stone tablets from God - tablets, on which they were recorded commandments God to the Jewish people. Thus, Moses made an agreement with God ( covenant). According to this covenant, God protects his people, and the people must be faithful to God and keep his commandments.

The Jews reached the Promised Land and created their kingdom there. To honor their God, the Jews built a Temple in the city of Jerusalem. But after some time, the kingdom of the Jews was invaded by powerful neighbors. The Jerusalem Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were resettled to the neighboring state of Babylonia. After the fall of Babylonia, the Jews were able to return to the Promised Land and rebuilt the Temple of the One God in Jerusalem. However, the invasions continued and, in the end, power over the lands of the Jews passed into the hands of the Romans.

This is interesting

The ancient Egyptians had many gods . Sun God Ra was considered the main god of the Egyptians. Every morning he sailed in his boat across the sky, illuminating the earth. The god of wisdom was especially revered Thoth. He was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis bird. He taught people writing, counting, and various knowledge.

Let's discuss it together

Why did ancient people believe in sacred animals?

What forces of nature do you think could be patronized by the gods of ancient civilizations? ?

Questions and tasks

Why did ancient people care about the souls of their ancestors?

Explain what the pantheon of gods is.

Which people developed faith in one God?

What Moses received from God on Mount Sinai.

How did you understand what the Covenant is?

In what city and under what rulers was the temple built?

The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders

You will learn

Who it Christ and what he taught people.

What happened after the death of Jesus and how it began to spread Christianity.

About life Muhammad and his teachings.

Where did it originate? Buddhism.

About life Buddha(Enlightened One) and his departure to nirvana.

What's happened " four noble truths» Buddhism.

Basic Concepts

Messiah (Christ) Stupas Buddhism

Christianity. The Jews were waiting for a prophet who would deliver them from all troubles (they called him Messiah– “anointed one”, in Greek Christ). Therefore, when the preacher Jesus appeared, many of the Jews followed Him, believing that He was the promised Messiah - Christ.

As the stories of His followers tell, Jesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem. His parents did not have enough room in the hotel, so the Mother of Jesus, Mary, gave birth to the Child in a cave, which was used for sleeping cattle.

When Jesus grew up, He began to preach, teaching that people should love God and their neighbors. He not only preached, but also healed the sick and helped those who needed it. The people who followed Him and believed in Him considered Him not only a man, but also the Son of God, who came to open the path to a righteous life for people.

Jesus called every person to change, to become better. However, many people expected something different from the Messiah. They believed that he should deliver the Jews from their enemies and oppressors, that he should be a brave military leader, and not a preacher. Therefore, a conflict soon arose between Jesus and the leaders of the Jewish people. Jesus was captured near Jerusalem, in a garden called Gethsemane, and they decided to execute him with a terrible execution: they crucified Him on the cross, as they did with the most evil criminals. At that moment, most of the disciples became afraid and left Him.

Only a few people came to remove His lifeless body from the cross and give it a dignified burial. Among these most faithful followers of Jesus were several women who came again to His tomb on the third day after his execution. But here a startling discovery awaited them: the coffin was empty. As Christians believe, Jesus, as the Son of God, was not subject to death, and He rose from the dead.

Inspired by this message, the disciples of Jesus Christ began to preach His teachings in Judea and beyond, and soon this teaching spread to many countries. It began to be called Christianity, and the followers of Jesus - Christians.

Islam. In 570, in distant Arabia, in the holy city of Mecca for the Arabs, a boy was born who was named Muhammad. He grew up an orphan who was in the care of his grandfather and then his uncle. Quite early on, Muhammad became Hanif- this is the name in Arabia for people who believed in one God, lived a pious life, but were neither Jews nor Christians. At the age of 25, Muhammad married a wealthy merchant, Khadija.

One day, when Muhammad retired to pray on a low mountain near Mecca, an angel appeared to him, began dictating sacred texts to him and announced to him that he was a messenger of God. Muhammad did not immediately believe in his prophetic mission, considering himself unworthy. However, his beloved wife Khadija convinced him, and Muhammad began preaching among the Meccans. This happened around 610.

Muhammad called on all Arabs who believed in different gods to return to the religion of monotheism, which is practiced by Jews and Christians. He believed that God (in Arabic - Allah) sent prophets to people long ago; both Moses and Jesus were prophets. He considered himself the last prophet. In his opinion, Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) preached the same religion as him, and together they go back to the tradition of the forefather Ibrahim (Abraham).

Muhammad managed to unite the scattered tribes of Arabia, and his successors who ruled after him - the caliphs - managed to subjugate territories far beyond the borders of the Arabian Peninsula. Together with the Arabs, the religion that Muhammad preached spread across different countries and continents.

The new religion was called Islam. This word contains the root “peace” and can be roughly translated as “surrendering oneself to God.” The adherents of Islam began to be called Muslims. Although these words sound different to us, Arabic they came from the same root.

Buddhism. Third world religionBuddhism- arose earlier than others in distant India.

In the VI century. BC, in the family of the ruler of a small principality in northern India, a boy was born, who was named Siddhartha Gautama. The sages saw all the signs of a great man in the child and predicted that he would become either a great sovereign, ruler of the whole world, or a saint who knew the truth. The prince lived in the palace in luxury and without worries. His parents wanted him to become a great sovereign and tried to raise him that way. The boy was very capable and surpassed all his peers in science and sports. At the age of 29, he married the princess and had a son. But one day the prince met a funeral procession and realized that all people on earth and he himself were mortal; another time he met a seriously ill man and realized that illness awaits any mortal; for the third time the prince saw a beggar begging for alms, and realized the fleeting and illusory nature of wealth and nobility; and finally, he saw a sage immersed in contemplation and realized that the path of self-deepening and self-knowledge is the only way to comprehend the causes of suffering and the way to get rid of them.

The prince left his home and began to wander in search of the truth of life. One day he sat down under a banyan tree and swore that he would not leave this place until he achieved his goal and knew the truth. And “enlightenment” came to him, he realized the “four noble truths.”

These truths were that

1) there is suffering in the world;

2) there is a cause of suffering;

3) there is liberation from suffering; The state of liberation from suffering in Hinduism was called nirvana.

4) there is a path leading to liberation from suffering.

So Prince Siddhartha Gautama became Buddha (Enlightened One).

Having become Enlightened, the prince began to travel and preach his teaching, which was later called Buddhism. Buddha had disciples. After many years he began to age. Then he said goodbye to his disciples, lay down in the lion pose, plunged into contemplation and entered the great and eternal nirvana, in which there is no suffering. The disciples cremated his body, and the ashes were taken by them to different parts of the world and enclosed in special structures - stupas. It is said that one of the disciples removed a tooth of Buddha from the funeral pyre and kept it as a priceless relic. In the VI century. A temple was built on the island of Sri Lanka, which today is called the “Temple of the Tooth Relic”.

This is interesting

According to Christian legend, simple shepherds and wise astrologers (magi) learned about the birth of the Messiah. Following the guiding star, they reached Bethlehem, where they worshiped the newborn Jesus, bringing Him gifts from the treasures of the East: gold, frankincense and myrrh (myrrh is an aromatic oil).

This is interesting

The ancient religion of India was Hinduism. Its peculiarity was the belief that the human soul does not die with the body, but is born on earth again and again in a variety of guises: human, animal or even plant. Who exactly a person will be born next depends on how he behaved in life; his next life will be a punishment or a reward for him.

Let's discuss it together

Why do you think Jesus' followers considered Him to be the Son of God?

Why do you think Christianity, Islam and Buddhism became world religions?

Questions and tasks

In what city was Jesus born?

Why did many people follow him?

Why did conflict arise between Jesus and the leaders of the Jewish people?

Which city is considered sacred for Muslims? Why do you think?

What did Muhammad call the Arabs to do?

Why did Prince Siddhartha Gautama leave his palace?

How do you understand what the word Buddha means?

Look at the map and name the places where world religions arose, determine in what century each of the world religions arose, name the founders of world religions.

Sacred books. Vedas, Avesta, Tripitaka

You will learn

When did sacred texts first appear and what were they called.

How the Buddhist sacred text Tipitaka was created.

Basic Concepts

Vedas Avesta Tipitaka

The most ancient sacred texts. The emergence of writing, that is, the ability of a person to write down his words and thereby preserve them, is directly related to religion. In ancient times, the need arose to record appeals and requests of people to the gods in whom they believed. IN Ancient Egypt and in Mesopotamia they invented signs that denoted the sounds of speech. Gradually, writing became the property of many peoples. And the first thing people did was write down their sacred texts.

Some of the oldest great texts considered sacred were written in India. For many centuries, stories about the gods of Hinduism were transmitted orally in poetic form. In ancient times they were written down and named Vedas, what does “knowledge”, “teaching” mean? . The Vedas consist of four parts and contain tales of the creation of the world and the main deities of Hinduism, ancient hymns to the gods, and descriptions of Hindu rituals.

The sacred book of Buddhism. The teachings of the world's most ancient religion - Buddhism - were not written down for a very long time. It was passed on from mouth to mouth and in this oral form spread throughout different countries. The Buddha's disciples and followers collected information about his life and about when, how and what he taught people. This took several centuries. And only after about six hundred years all the collected information was combined and written down on palm leaves in the Indian language Pali. These leaves were placed in three special baskets. This is how the Buddhist Scripture came into being, called the Tipitaka (meaning “Three Baskets of Wisdom”).

This is interesting

Peoples related to the ancient Indians once lived in Central Asia and Iran. These peoples believed that there was a constant struggle in the world between good and evil gods and their servants. Stories of this struggle were recorded in the holy book Avesta.

Questions and tasks

What is the reason for the appearance of sacred texts?

What are the Vedas? What do they talk about?

What is the Avesta about?

When were the sacred texts of Buddhism written down?

Why is the Buddhist Holy Scripture translated into Russian called “Three Baskets of Wisdom”?

Sacred books. Torah, Bible, Koran

You will learn

What's happened Bible and what it consists of.

What is the Muslim holy book called? Koran.

Basic Concepts

Canon Torah Bible Koran Prophets

Holy books of Judaism and Christianity

The book in which everything that the ancient Jews believed was written down became their Holy Scripture. They believed that in him God himself revealed the truth to people. The Jews called their Holy Scripture Tanakh, and those of them who settled after the conquests of their state in different countries and spoke mainly in Greek, they began to call this book Bible, which means "Books" in Greek.

Later, the Holy Scriptures of both Jews and Christians were called the Bible because Christians included in it stories about the life of Jesus and his disciples. Christians began to call this part of the Bible the “New Testament”, and the Holy Scriptures of the Jews the “Old Testament”.

Old Testament

New Testament


Its first part is called the Pentateuch (in the Jewish tradition - the Torah) because it consists of five books. The first of them, called “Genesis,” tells about God’s creation of the world and man and the life of the first generations of the Jewish people (“forefathers”). IN next book, Exodus tells the story of how Moses led the people out of Egypt and made a covenant with God. In other books of the Pentateuch the rules of life for Jewish believers were written down.


Four of his disciples - Matthew, Luke, Mark and John - spoke about Jesus Christ, the founder of one of the world's religions. They wrote the Gospels, which translates as “good news.” The disciples wanted to convey to people the good news that Jesus is the son of God, that he is the Messiah (Christ), and what Christ taught people. Christians believe that the Gospels are inspired because God himself inspired Christ's disciples to write them.

The Pentateuch is followed by books about the further history of the Jewish people, about how the Jerusalem Temple was built and destroyed, about the kings and the most respected people of this people.

Acts of the Apostles

The disciples of Christ were called apostles. After the death of Jesus, they also began to preach his teachings in different countries and parts of the world. Their travels and adventures are recounted in a book called “The Acts of the Apostles.”

The third part contains many poetic texts and teachings.

Epistles of the Apostles

Small communities of Christians began to appear everywhere where civilized people then lived. And the first disciples of Christ wrote letters to these communities... These letters were called the “Epistle of the Apostles.”


But not only stories about the past were contained in the writings of the apostles. They also talked about what the future holds for humanity. This part of their writings was called "prophecies."

Holy book of Islam. Muslims believe that God sent messengers to people, and each messenger received Scripture from him to convey it to people. The source of all these Scriptures is the Mother of Books, which is kept under the Throne of the Most High. Muhammad received from God the Koran, which was transmitted to him by the angel Jibril (Gabriel) for more than ten years.

Lecture. Foundations of world religious cultures

Existing living conditions modern society are such that they lead to an increase in negative factors affecting the individual, the result of which is the spiritual and moral decay of a significant part of our youth. (The number of drug addicts and street children among teenagers is increasing, the number of divorces, single mothers, and many others is growing.)

Analysis of the National Doctrine of Education, Modernization Concepts Russian education for the period up to 2010 showed that education is designed to ensure: “the secular nature of education”, “education younger generation in a spirit of high morality and respect for the law."

Spiritual culture or “spirituality” consists of many areas. In addition to religion, it includes all areas of the sciences of nature and society, literature and poetry, all types of arts, as well as law, morality, rules, patterns and norms of behavior, traditions, language, ceremonies, symbols, customs, rites, etiquette, etc.

This “ORKiSE” course is also educational in nature, which will help educate the spiritual and moral personalities of our state, as well as introduce us to the history and culture of the peoples of multi-confessional Russia.
Slide 1. Requirements for the results of mastering the content

Mastering educational content should ensure:

  • Understanding of spirituality, ethics, ethics, morally responsible behavior for human life, family, society.

  • Knowledge of the basic norms of secular and religious morality, religious commandments; understanding their significance for human life, family, society.

  • Formation of initial ideas about the historical and cultural foundations of traditional religions and secular ethics in Russia.

  • Formation of respectful attitude towards traditional religions and their representatives.

  • Formation of an initial idea of ​​the domestic religious and cultural tradition as the spiritual basis of the multinational, multi-confessional people of Russia;

  • Knowledge, understanding and acceptance by an individual of values: Fatherland, family, religion - as the foundations of the traditional culture of the multinational people of Russia;

  • Strengthening faith in Russia;

  • Strengthening the spiritual continuity of generations through education.
The textbook introduces the origins and history of the world's most important religions, their relationship with culture and ethics, their impact on art, and their role in people's lives.
Slide 2. Textbook structure

  • Main text

  • 2-4 illustrations

  • Headings: 1) “You will find out” (the main questions of the topic are formulated).

  • 2) “This is interesting” (additional material)

  • 3) “Let’s discuss it together” (a problematic issue for collective discussion).

  • 4) “Questions and tasks”:
a) aimed at understanding the text read;

b) to talk with parents.

  • Vocabulary in the lesson and at the end of the textbook.


  • Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland

  • Lesson 2. Culture and religion

  • Lesson 3. Culture and religion

  • Lesson 4. The emergence of religions. Ancient Beliefs

  • Lesson 5. The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders

  • Lessons 6 – 7. Sacred books of the world's religions

  • Lesson 8. Tradition Keepers in the World's Religions

  • Lessons 9 – 10. Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution

  • Lesson 11. Man in the religious traditions of the world

  • Lesson 12. Sacred structures
ORKSE course requirements

  • Use of info-community technologies

  • Ability to perform information search to complete educational assignments.

  • Texts various styles and genres, conscious construction of speech utterances, in accordance with communication tasks.

  • Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

  • Willingness to recognize the possibility of existence, different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own.

  • Express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events.

  • These requirements are taken from the second generation standards.

Communication skills:

  • Construction of monologue speech.

  • Ability to collect and organize material.

  • Make a plan, thesis, outline, use different types of speech, construct statements in a certain style. Select linguistic means, improve statements.

Speech is a human activity that uses language for the purposes of communication, expressing emotions, forming thoughts, understanding the world around us to plan one’s actions.
Communication skill is a skill that connects thinking and speech into a single process, and it is in the speech environment that communicative skills are formed.
Objects of linguistics is the author and the reader. Speech should be worn on thought like a dress. Thought turning into speech is rebuilt and modified. The thought is not expressed, but is accomplished in the word.
Types of tests:

Continuous tests:

  1. Description – artistic and technical.

  2. Narration – story, report, reportage.

  3. Explanation – reasoning, summary, interpretation.

  4. Argumentation – scientific commentary, justification.

  5. Instructions – instructions for performing work, rules, charters, laws.
Non-continuous texts:

  1. Forms – tax, visa, questionnaires.

  2. Information sheets (schedule, price lists)

  3. Receipts – vouchers, tickets, invoices, receipts.

  4. Certificates – orders, certificates, diplomas, contracts.

  5. Calls and announcements - invitations, agendas.

  6. Tables and graphs.

  7. Diagrams

  8. Tables and matrices

  9. Lists

  10. Cards

Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland

You will learn:

  • How Russia developed historically, and what place does your generation occupy in this process.

  • How rich is our Fatherland?

  • What are traditions and why do they exist?

Russia is a multinational and multi-religious state. The population of Russia in 2002 is 144 million people. (there are more than 100 peoples on its territory, 109 in the Kurgan region different nationalities). According to Internet forecasts, by 2010 the population of Russia will decrease to 120 million people. According to Andrei Kuraev, in 50 years Russia will have 2% of the world's population. (12% is the territory that we occupy and 32% is the minerals and subsoil that our Russia is rich in). A demographic crisis is observed throughout the Russian Federation. Compare the demographic situation of different peoples of Russia.

Important Concepts

  • Traditions are a way of transmitting ethnic experience from one generation to another in the form of customs, orders, and rules of behavior.

  • Traditions are elements of social and cultural heritage transmitted from generation to generation and preserved in certain societies, and social groups During a long time.

  • Value is the significance (benefit, usefulness) of a certain set of objects for a set of living beings.
Values- these are the deep foundations of society, then how homogeneous or, if you like, unidirectional they will become in the future, how harmoniously they will be able to combine values different groups, will largely determine the success of the development of our society as a whole.
Questions and tasks

  • Consult with your parents and name a few traditions accepted in your family. (For example, celebrating Easter, Maslenitsa, wedding ceremony, etc.)

  • What values ​​underlie your family's traditions? (Be kind, responsible, neat, truthful, obedient, etc.)

Lesson 2. Culture and religion
Goal: formation of the concepts of religion and culture

  1. Give an initial idea of ​​world religions and cultures of the peoples of Russia

  2. Develop cognitive interest to world religions and cultures of different faiths

  3. To foster respect for the traditions and beliefs of the multinational people of Russia.

During the classes
You will learn:

  • What is religion.

  • What religions are there?

  • What place does ritual occupy in religions?
The word “religion” is familiar to all of us, both believers and non-believers. Science knows about 5 thousand religions (and according to some estimates even more).

Religious scholars - scientists who study the religious traditions of the world - have created more than two hundred definitions of religion, but they, in their opinion, do not reflect this phenomenon of spiritual life in its entirety.

“In this sense, religion is like time,” rightly notes the American researcher B. G. Earhart, “everyone feels what it is, but it is not so easy to grasp its essence and give it an exact definition.”

The word “religion” is translated and explained in different ways. It first appeared among the ancient Romans. They designated everything that was connected with the veneration of the gods. According to the explanations of Cicero (106-43 BC), a famous Roman orator and philosopher, the word “religion” comes from the Latin. Relegere, which means “to treat with special respect” (conscientiousness, holiness). St. Augustine (354-430), an early Christian thinker, believes that the explanation of this meaning comes from the verb religo, and then the word “religion” takes on a different meaning - I bind what is untied, I reunite (God and man, sacred and profane). The concept of religion is ambiguous. There are more than 250 definitions of religion.

? What do you think religion is?

For example, religion is a special area associated with the spiritual life of people and addressed to the human soul.

Religion – certain picture world, including a whole set of ideas about the causes and nature of the Universe?

Religion is a complex of rituals, rites, and traditions.

Religion is a community of people who adhere to one or another religious tradition (confession).

But we must not forget that religion is separated from the state, but not separated from society. Therefore, the attitude towards religion is everyone’s business, individual and personal.

On the religious globe, religions that have numerous followers in different regions of the world stand out: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

Name of religion


in million people

% of world population

Founding time

Sacred texts




I century AD










III millennium BC





544 BC

Tipitaka (Tripitaka)

Tribal religions



Doist. time

Oral tradition

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization secondary school named after. S.A., Surkova p. Theology of the Penza district of the Penza region

Adopted at a meeting of the teachers' council Discussed Approved

Minutes No. _______ dated____ at the meeting of the Moscow Region Director of the school

Protocol No.____ from_____ Ramzaytsev G. A.

Working programm

for the 2015-2016 academic year

in the course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics”

Teacher: Bakalova V. A.

Explanatory note

Document status

The work program for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” is compiled on the basis of the educational program MOBUSOSH named after S.A. Surkova s. Theology.

The training course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for grades 4-5 of a general education school is a comprehensive multi-choice course that introduces schoolchildren to one of the five most important national spiritual traditions (optional). In accordance with this, the course exists in the form of various modules, each of which is devoted to the consideration of one of the spiritual traditions - Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, secular ethics - or an overview of the foundations of world religious cultures.

The regulatory and legal basis for the development and introduction into the educational process of secondary schools of a comprehensive training course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (hereinafter referred to as the ORKSE Training Course) is the Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2009 (Pr-2009 VP-P44-4632 ) and Order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2009 (VP-P44-4632).

The ORKSE training course includes the following modules:

Fundamentals of Orthodox culture;

Fundamentals of Islamic culture;

Fundamentals of Buddhist culture;

Fundamentals of Jewish culture;

Fundamentals of secular ethics;

Foundations of world religious cultures.

In 2011-2012 academic year with the consent and choice of parents (legal representatives) of MOBUSOSH students named after. S.A. Surkova p. The module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures” was chosen for the study of theology.

The ORKSE training course is a unified comprehensive educational system.

Issues related to the introduction into the school curriculum of information about the main religious cultures considered within the framework of the culturological approach are important today, since the nature secular school is determined, among other things, by its relations with the social environment, religious associations, recognition of freedom of religion and worldview of participants in the educational process. Request for modern education, which, among other things, solves the problems of spiritual and moral education of Russian citizens, is high enough to remain unanswered.

At the same time, teaching the fundamentals of religious and non-religious culture in a secondary school leads to the need to solve the most difficult cultural, ethical, legal, psychological, didactic and educational problems.

In this regard, it becomes relevant to include in the school curriculum the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics,” which is comprehensive in nature, introducing schoolchildren to the basics of various worldviews and based on moral values, humanism and spiritual traditions.

Document structure

The educational program includes three sections: explanatory note ; main content with the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course; requirements to student learning outcomes.

general characteristics training course

Target comprehensive training course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” - the formation in younger teenagers of motivation for conscious moral behavior based on knowledge of the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia and respect for them, as well as dialogue with representatives of other cultures and worldviews.

The training course is cultural and is aimed at developing in 10-11 year old schoolchildren ideas about the moral ideals and values ​​that form the basis of religious and secular traditions, understanding their significance in the life of modern society, as well as their involvement in them. The basic cultural concepts of the training course - “cultural tradition”, “worldview”, “spirituality” and “morality” - are the unifying principle for all the concepts that form the basis of the course.

This course is designed to actualize in the content of general education the issue of improving the child’s personality on the principles of humanism in close connection with religious and universal values. The course should play an important role both in expanding the student’s educational horizons and in the educational process of forming a decent, honest, worthy citizen.

The main principle embedded in the course content is community in diversity, multi-unity, multiculturalism, which reflects the cultural, social, ethnic, religious essence of our country and modern world.

The general spiritual basis of the multinational people of Russia is formed historically and is based on a number of factors:

The common historical fate of the peoples of Russia.

A single space of modern social life, including a developed system of interpersonal relations, a dialogue of cultures established over centuries, as well as a common socio-political space.

The educational process within the boundaries of the curriculum and the accompanying system of interdisciplinary connections forms in students an initial understanding of religious cultures and secular ethics through:

orientation of the content of all modules of the training course towards a common pedagogical goal - the education of a moral, creative, responsible citizen of Russia;

pedagogical coordination of the system basic values, underlying the content of all modules of the training course;

systems of connections established between the modules of the training course, as well as between them and others academic subjects;

orientation of educational content to joint comprehension by teachers, students and their parents current problems development of the personal value-semantic sphere of younger adolescents;

uniform requirements for the results of mastering the content of the training course.

The educational process, carried out within the boundaries of the curriculum and the system of interdisciplinary connections, pedagogically models and meaningfully reveals the foundations of religious and secular cultural traditions. National spirituality itself, taking into account the diversity and depth of its components, cannot be exhausted by the content of this course.

The main objectives of the comprehensive training course:

familiarizing students with the basics of world religious cultures;

development of the younger teenager’s ideas about the importance of moral norms and values ​​for a decent life for the individual, family, and society;

generalization of knowledge, concepts and ideas about spiritual culture and morality received by students in primary school, and the formation of their value-semantic worldview foundations, which ensure a holistic perception of national history and culture when studying humanitarian subjects at the basic school level;

developing the abilities of primary schoolchildren to communicate in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious environment on the basis of mutual respect and dialogue in the name of social peace and harmony.

The training course creates the initial conditions for students to master Russian culture as a holistic, original phenomenon of world culture; understanding of religious, cultural diversity and historical, national-state, spiritual unity Russian life.

Schoolchildren’s mastery of the educational content of the educational content “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures” should ensure:

understanding the meaning of morality, morally responsible behavior in human life and society;

formation of initial ideas about the foundations of religious cultures;

acquaintance with the values: Fatherland, morality, duty, mercy, peacefulness, and their understanding as the basis of the traditional culture of the multinational people of Russia;

strengthening by means of education the continuity of generations based on the preservation and development of cultural and spiritual values.

Place of the item in curriculum schools.

To study this course in the MOBUSOSH curriculum named after. S.A. Surkov provides 34 hours in 4th grade, at the rate of 1 hour per week.

The main content of the course “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics”

Module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Russia is our Motherland. (1 hour)

Culture and religion (2 hours). Ancient beliefs (1 hour). Religions of the world and their founders (1 hour). Sacred books of the world's religions (2 hours). Keepers of tradition in the world's religions (1 hour). Good and evil. The concept of sin, remorse, repentance (2 hours). Man in the religious traditions of the world (1 hour). Sacred buildings (2 hours). Art in religious culture (2 hours). Creative works students. Presentation of creative works (2 hours). Religions of Russia (2 hours). Religion and morality. Moral commandments in the religions of the world (2 hours). Religious rituals. Customs and rituals (2 hours). Religious rituals in art (1 hour). Calendars of the world's religions (1 hour). Holidays in the world's religions (1 hour). Family, family values ​​(1 hour). Duty, freedom, responsibility, learning and work (1 hour). Mercy, caring for the weak, mutual assistance, social problems societies and the attitude of different religions towards them (1 hour). Love and respect for the Fatherland. Patriotism of the multinational and multi-confessional people of Russia (1 hour). Preparation of creative works of students (2 hours). Presentation of creative works (2 hours).

Teaching aids for a comprehensive training course

"Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics"

Module “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

For students:

1. Textbook for students “Fundamentals of world religious cultures”, grades 4-5. Education. Moscow. 2010

2. Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.L. Beglova, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokareva and others. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Foundations of world religious cultures. 4-5.

For parents:

"Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics." A book for parents.

For the teacher:

1. “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics.” Programs of general education institutions. 4-5 grades. 2010

2. “Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics.” Book for teachers. Reference literature.

3. Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.L. Beglova, E.V. Saplina, E.S. Tokareva and others. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Foundations of world religious cultures. 4-5.

4. Encyclopedic and reference literature.

Thematic planning







Methodology, types


Methods and forms of control, reflection




Parent Involvement

Russia is our Motherland

Formation of ideas about the concepts of Motherland, state, state symbols, cultural traditions.

Russia. Homeland. Patriot. Fatherland. The president.

State symbols.

Spiritual world.

Cultural traditions.

Working with illustrative material, independent work with sources of information, creative tasks, preparing a creative conversation with family members

proverbs with words family, Motherland, Russia, Fatherland.

PC, exhibition of books about Russia, flag, coat of arms, map, portraits of statesmen, heroes of Russia, great people, reproductions of paintings depicting Russian landscapes, cities, etc.

Consult with your parents and name a few traditions accepted in your family. What values ​​underlie your family's traditions?

Culture and

Forming in students respect for world religions as cultural values


Culture. Religion. Rituals.

Lesson learning new material, students learning communication

with culture, working with text and illustrations

Creative work “Composing

sentences with words

culture, religion"

Tests on the disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures.”

Photos and images of holy books

different religions

Culture and

Culture. Religion

Conversation, commented reading, oral history on a topic, independent work with sources of information, filling out a table, preparing a creative conversation with family members

Creative work “Composing

sentences with words culture, religion,

Christianity / Orthodoxy"

Answer the questions on page 7;

Together with adults, find on the map where the largest peoples of our country live. Find out what religions they follow.

The emergence of religions.



Getting to know people's ideas and beliefs ancient world

Pantheon. Polytheism. Covenant.

Conversation, commented reading, oral narrative on a topic

Presentations “Ancient Beliefs”, “Gods of Ancient Greece”; educational animated series “Ancient Beliefs. The emergence of religions";

Learn terms.

Learn and talk about the gods of Greece, Rome, Slavic gods, Indian gods (to choose from).

The emergence of religions.

peace and their


Acquaintance with the main world religions and their founders.

Messiah (Christ). Christianity. Islam. Nirvana.

Stupas. Buddhism.

Conversation, commented reading, oral narrative on a topic

Collective reflection provided in electronic accompaniment to the lesson

manuals, answer questions


Books of world religions: Vedas, Avesta,


Vedas, Avesta, Tipitaka

Lesson on updating knowledge.

Conversation, working with text

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

manuals, answer questions


book of peace:

Torah, Bible,

Koran, Tipitaka

Formation of the concept of “sacred books” through familiarization with cult books world religions.

Canon. Torah. Bible. Koran. Prophets

Lesson on updating knowledge.

Conversation, oral story on a topic, working with illustrative material, filling out a table, working in groups with sources of information, playing, working with text.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

PC, multimedia, handouts.


legends in religions

Getting to know the keepers of traditions in the world's religions

Priest. Rabbi. Apostle. Bishop. Priest.

Deacon. Hierarchy. Umma. Imam. Hafiz. Sangha.

Establishing the relationship between religious culture and human behavior

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”, illustrations “Keepers of Tradition in the Religions of the World”

Tell family members

and friends about world


Good and evil. The emergence of evil in the world Concepts of sin, repentance, repentance

Acquaintance with moral standards of life, development of concepts of good and evil.

Good, evil, sin, repentance, retribution, repentance

Conversation, commented reading, work with sources of information

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Prepare a story with examples from the history of human ideas about good and evil.

Prepare proverbs about good and evil.

Good and evil. Concepts of sin, repentance and retribution. Heaven and Hell

Formation of skills in composing a story on a topic, using a plan, keywords, and the ability to carry out information search to complete tasks.

Good, evil, fall, repentance, retribution. Heaven and hell, traditions

Preparing a story on a topic

Independent work

To prepare for

essay “What is

good and evil"

Man in

religious traditions

Prayer. Sacraments. Namaz. Mantra. Orthodox


Commented reading, work with illustrative material, independent work with a source of information

Creative work “Continue”

sentence “Prayer is... ».

Filling out the table

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Prepare a story for

topic "What does it say about




Formation of the concept of “sacred building” through familiarization with religious buildings of world religions.

Development of table making skills.

Synagogue. Church. Altar. Icon. Fresco.

Independent work with a source of information

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson.

Filling out the table

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Write which ones

sacred buildings

you met in your



Mosque. Minaret. Mortar. Pagoda.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson. Filling out the table

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Write which ones

sacred buildings

you met in your

Art in



Getting acquainted with historical iconography, compiling an oral story based on what you saw.

Icon. Calligraphy. Arabesque.

Conversation, commented reading, work with illustrative material.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Write a short story “My impressions of the icon (seven-branched candlestick, image of Buddha, calligraphically written book, arabesques)”

Art in



Introduction to Buddhism and its symbols.

Seven-branched candlestick. Methods of depicting Buddha.

Conversation, commented reading, work with illustrative material.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Prepare a story

"My impressions of



Ability to perform information search to complete educational tasks, development of creative abilities

Discussion, selection and preparation of creative work, development of evaluation criteria

Independent work of students to draw up a plan for future creative work

Using multimedia

Preparation of creative works of the student's choice



Development of abilities and skills in working with multimedia

Protection of creative works

Presentations of creative works

History of religion in

Formation of respect for world religions as cultural values


Metropolis. Patriarch. Synod. Protestants.

Conversation, commented reading, work with illustrative material.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

multimedia installation, presentation, reproductions of paintings by I. Eggink " Grand Duke Vladimir chooses faith” and V. Vasnetsova “The Baptism of Rus'”


Task 1: make a test on the topic “Religions of Russia.”

Task 2: make a table “Sacred buildings, symbols of religions


Formation of ideas about the religious rituals of world religions, their origin.

Rituals. Rituals. Sacraments.

Conversation, commented reading, work with illustrative material.

Collective reflection provided for in

electronic accompaniment for the lesson

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Prepare a report on rituals

Questions p.57

Pilgrimages and shrines

Formation of ideas about pilgrimage, about the main shrines of world religions.

Pilgrimages: Hajj, Nakhor

Conversation, commented reading, work with illustrative material.

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Questions p.61

Holidays and calendars

Systematization and generalization of knowledge about holidays in the religions of the world

Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, Christmas, Easter, Kurban Bayram, Eid al-Adha, Mawlid, Donchod, Sagaalgan

Independent work with sources of information

Independent work

Disc “Fundamentals of World Religious Cultures”

Report on traditional religious holidays by group

Holidays and calendars

Group research work


Religion and

Moral commandments in religions

Acquaintance with the moral precepts of world religions, the formation of an expansion of concepts - good and evil.

IN textbook taking into account age characteristics Students in grades 4-5 are given basic ideas about the origins, history and characteristics of the world’s religions, their influence on people’s lives. The authors did not set the task of reflecting controversial issues of religious teachings and religious studies in the manual.

Religious feelings arose in man at a very early stage of his history. The discovered burials of ancient people were made with great love and care. This indicates their belief in an afterlife and in higher powers. Primitive people took care of the souls of their ancestors and believed that these souls of dead people continued to participate in the life of their family and their tribe. They were asked for protection, and sometimes they were afraid of them.

Ancient people believed that the world inhabited by spirits, good or evil. These spirits lived in trees and mountains, streams and rivers, fire and wind. People also revered sacred animals, such as bears and deer.

Faith in spirits is gradually being replaced by faith in gods. In ancient states - Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, Japan - people believed that there were many gods and each god had its own “specialization”. There were gods who patronized crafts or art, others were considered the rulers of the seas and oceans, the underworld. Collectively these gods were called the pantheon. A religion in which many gods are worshiped is called polytheism.

Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland 4
Lesson 2. Culture and religion 6
Lesson 3. Culture and religion 8
Lesson 4. The emergence of religions 10
Lesson 5. The emergence of religions. Religions of the world and their founders 12
Lessons 6-7. Sacred books of the world's religions 16
Lesson 8. Tradition keepers in the world's religions 22
Lessons 9-10. Good and evil. The concept of sin, repentance and retribution 24
Lesson 11. Man in the religious traditions of the world 28
Lessons 12-13. Sacred structures 30
Lessons 14-15. Art in religious culture 34
Lessons 16-17. Creative works of students 38
Lessons 18-19. History of religions in Russia 40
Lessons 20-21. Religious rituals. Customs and rituals 52
Lesson 22. Pilgrimages and shrines 58
Lessons 23-24. Holidays and calendars 62
Lessons 25-26. Religion and morality. Moral commandments in the religions of the world 68
Lesson 27. Mercy, caring for the weak, mutual assistance 72
Lesson 28. Family 74
Lesson 29. Duty, freedom, responsibility, work 76
Lesson 30. Love and respect for the Fatherland 78.

Publication date: 05/10/2013 03:39 UTC

  • Fundamentals of world religious cultures, 4th grade, work program based on the textbook by Beglova A.L., Saplina E.V., Tokareva E.S., Yarlykapova A.A., Tereshchenko N.V., 2014