DIY family amulet. Mysteries of antiquity: Slavic amulets for home and family

There is a good saying: My home is my castle. It is relevant at all times. There are no accidents in these words. A house is truly a fortress, a kind of “shelter” for a person, in which he can hide from everyone, be alone, or live and enjoy life with his family. The house (apartment) is designed to protect its owner from troubles, not good people, evil spirits and the like.

If there are talismans or amulets in your apartment, then you should not be afraid. No unexpected guests evil people They will not come to you with bad intentions. Evil spirits will also not be able to enter the premises. It is at home that a person restores strength, rests, sleeps, and spends a lot of time. If the atmosphere there is good and favorable, then being in the apartment will be a pleasure.

What legends (beliefs) came to us from Ancient Times

According to legend, there must be three amulets in the house. What they will be, what shape they will be, and so on is completely unimportant. The main thing is that there are exactly three talismans. You can place or hang amulets in the corners of the apartment, in the hallway, at the front door, or somewhere else. It will be important that all three things must be next to each other, in one specific place.

You can use talismans according to ancient beliefs. People in ancient times called such things "chicken gods." Such a talisman is made of stone; more precisely, it is this material that should be taken as a basis. There should be holes made in it in the form of “eyes”.

Pebbles were usually brought from the banks of rivers or seas. These amulets were designed to protect the home and its owner from evil spirits, evil eyes, damage, and the evil eye.

In Ancient Times, stones were most often used as amulets. Agate or magnetite are ideal for these purposes. You can also buy stones. But it’s better if you collect them yourself on the coast. Then there will be no alien, “extra” energy there.

Magnetite has very powerful energy, which it sends into the house. It protects against bad conversations, gossip, evil spirits, and envy. Some especially caring housewives sewed special bags to store amulets in. Bags must be canvas. You put a stone there and then hang the bag.

Also in Ancient Times, people took the remains of animal bones as amulets. These could be teeth (fangs), horns, hooves, and so on. They were protected like the apple of their eye. You need to take care of the talisman in the apartment so that no one steals it. After all, this is your protector.

If you treat it carefully and attentively, the amulet will never “offend you.” If you're lucky enough to find a fossil in the shape five-pointed star, then the person could be called lucky. Not everyone was so lucky. Five-pointed stars, for example, were a symbol of the masculine and feminine; they were responsible for the connection of two souls.

“Witch Ball” - what is it?

IN modern world This amulet is not very popular. And all because few people know him. Have you heard about the Witch Ball? If not, then read on. What kind of amulet is this little-known?!

In Ancient Times, the Witch Ball was a very popular talisman. It was a hollow ball, which could be covered with silver or gold on top. It was also covered with silver (gold) inside.

Because of such a shiny coating, it shimmered and sparkled in the night or darkness. Due to the brightness of the light, it was believed that this ball scared away witches and evil spirits. No evil spirits could enter the house. During the day, the ball also glowed a little, all thanks to the spraying.

You should know that this amulet needs to be wiped with a damp cloth every day. There must be no dust or dirt on it, otherwise it will stop working. Some people filled the ball with needles or pins.

This enhanced its effect against dark forces. If you wish, you can put dill seeds inside the Witch Ball. Dill, as you know, helps to scare away and fight witches and sorcerers, and prevent evil spirits from entering the home.

How to make a talisman to protect your home with your own hands

Time should always be spent usefully. For example, you can spend a couple of hours (or even less) making your own amulet to protect your home. The execution is so simple that even a child can do this task.

But important details and conditions, of course, need to be read in advance. So, let's start with the simplest talisman - a bottle amulet. In principle, any container is suitable for this. It's better to take a bottle of red wine. Fill it completely with colored threads. You can take any color except black! This is important!

When filling the bottle, you need to say the following spell - “Tie the strings, intimidate death!” Everything needs to be said several times. The entire time you are folding (tamping) the threads into the bottle, say this phrase. This amulet really protects your home from troubles and death. Store the bottle not in the room, but in a distant room - basement, attic, cellar.

The second, also simple, amulet is a shoe amulet. You can use an old shoe, even your grandfather’s, as a basis. One shoe must be filled with cutting and piercing objects. This could be glass, pieces of an old knife blade, fork, needle, and so on.

Glass, as you know, also protects the house from evil spirits, the evil eye and everything bad. You will also need dried fern. A couple of tablespoons is enough. You also put them in the shoe. The shoe will then also need to be hung, like the previous amulet, somewhere in the corner.

Remember that no one should see your amulet. Therefore, the most suitable place would be the cellar or attic of the house. If you live in an apartment, then hang this talisman in the corner in the farthest room.

The third version of the simplest talisman is a pouch amulet. It will need to be filled with different herbs: rosemary, chamomile, lavender. They will emit a pleasant smell, plus protect your home from negative influences and evil people.

Also, the pouch amulet does a good job of protecting against thieves. Your home will never be robbed. You've probably noticed that in the yard of the house (if it is country house) they put up statues. It could be a lion, a wolf. They will also protect your home from bad people.

How to make a salt talisman to protect your home

Everything is simple here. At the entrance to a house or apartment (under the rug) you need to pour salt. As you know, it drives away evil spirits, helps fight evil spirits, bad people, envious people and ill-wishers. This sign came to us from Ancient Times. Now many people use it.

Everything here is simple and clear, no costs. Salt costs a penny. Previously, in order to “catch” the devil or the devil, they made a circle of salt around themselves. It was believed that evil spirits could not get into this circle. In this way, a person could protect himself from evil spirits. The salt “burned” the devil’s legs and arms; he would never have been able to reach you.

But for this amulet you need not ordinary salt, but “Thursday salt”. How can I get it? You buy regular, coarse salt in the store. On Thursday you need to go to church (take salt with you) and defend the service. It must be Holy Thursday, before Easter.

Don't forget to buy a thick candle for the service. You take the cinder home, just like the salt. Place some of the salt at home in a linen bag, and scatter the rest under the rug. At the same time, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. And that’s it, the salt amulet to protect your home is ready.

There are quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, due to which negative energy accumulates in the house. Negativity often penetrates families from envious people and ill-wishers, who are haunted by happy people. married couples. Many negative factors affect relationships, so it is important to maintain your happiness. To do this, you can make several amulets with your own hands. They will help couples get rid of any negativity and maintain peace in the family.

Amulet of family happiness

To create this amulet you will need a small piece of natural fabric. You can use linen or cotton. These materials store the energy of nature and help get rid of negativity in the house. Sew a small bag, decorate it with embroidery or your spouse’s names and yours. Place pine needles inside. You need to collect them away from the roads with your loved one. Needles are suitable from both spruce and pine. If you have the opportunity, then put a sprig of artysh grass in your future amulet. She is able to drive away evil spirits and maintain peace in the family. Sprinkle a few grains of rice, oats, millet and buckwheat on the pine needles. Tie the bag with hemp thread and say:

“I will hang a magic bag in the house, I will preserve love, I will attract happiness and wealth. There will be no adversity where love reigns.”

Hang the amulet over front door so that no negativity penetrates your threshold. Once a year, change the bag for a new one, and burn the old one away from home.

Amulet for preserving love and mutual understanding

Lovers need to make this amulet together. Find a bottle of a shape you like and remove all the labels from it. Prepare your favorite dried herbs, fruits, grains and hearts cut out of red paper. Take turns pouring all the ingredients into the amulet bottle and compliment each other as you do so. Fill the bottle halfway and close the lid tightly. This amulet will help you avoid quarrels and conflicts in the family and will repel negative energy. The contents of the bottle need to be changed once a year.

Amulet for happiness in the family

Amulet that attracts love to the family

If you and your husband often quarrel and cannot find common language, this amulet will help you restore harmony in your family. To create it you will need a family photo and church candle. Speak to a photograph at any time of the day with a lit candle. First, read the prayer “Our Father” to tune in to the ritual, and then say the words of the conspiracy:

“Our family is strong, in the photo we are united, in life we ​​are inseparable. Just as you can’t remove a face from a photograph, we can’t be separated in life either. I attract pure love into the family, warmed by the sun, washed with water.”

Wait until the candle burns out completely and place the photo in the bedroom. It will store the energy of happiness and prosperity, preventing negativity from entering your home and family life.

A strong amulet to protect family happiness

To prevent any troubles from happening in your family, create a talisman that our ancestors used. To do this, invite each family member to hold any small item in their hands. Place all the items in a box and read the plot:

“Everyone gave their energy without losing their strength. Hands remember things, they store human warmth. As long as they lie there, there will be no evil, they will quickly forget about us.”

Place the box where no one else can find it and take it. This amulet will drive away any negativity and help your family forget about quarrels and misunderstandings.

Create any of these amulets only in a good mood. If something is bothering you or you are angry, then do not start making protection for your family. Remember that where there is laughter, there will be no room for negativity. Don't bring it into your home negative emotions, give up swear words.I wish you happiness, strong love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Our home is not just walls, floor, ceiling and a sofa with a table. This is our little fortress in which we are protected. From what? And from the penetration of robbers, and from negative energy, envy, which can penetrate unnoticed. We don’t always know with what intentions people come to our home.

Since ancient times, amulets have taken on this protection from negativity and evil. When the house is well protected from evil intentions, it is cozy, you sleep well, and the strength spent during the day is easily restored. The right amulet can even protect you from unwanted guests: they will feel uncomfortable and will leave your home very soon.

The editors of the site have collected 12 amulets for you that you should place in your home in order to live happily.


It has long been a Slavic amulet: it was carried only at weddings and on the day of funerals, as a ritual - they carried the baby around the table, kissed it before a long journey and upon returning home.


Painted, whitewashed - it was considered the main amulet of the family inside the house. It was at the home stove that vows were taken, proposals were made to the bride, and contracts were concluded at the stove pillar. And under the stove lived the patron of the home - the brownie.


Who doesn't know a flower that never fades - immortelle ? This is probably why it has long been considered a talisman that symbolizes longevity. It is no coincidence that there is a popular belief that garlic, pepper, salt dough products drive away misfortune and misfortune from home.

White linen stitch is a symbol of unity in the family.Spikelets of rye and oats - beauty amulets. Poppy protects us from various slander.Peas, buckwheat and beans symbolize a good harvest, i.e. welfare,nut - good health.


A bag filled with corn seeds, beans, peas and sunflower seeds, red peppers (an old symbol of passion) was hung at the entrance or placed in a prominent place - for luck and wealth.


This talisman at the entrance to the house symbolized the feminine principle - firmament. This amulet was capable of not only warding off, but also destroying evil with its sound.


Decorated with dried flowers, seeds, grains, ribbons, embroidery, the broom-amulet brought happiness and health to the house. The broom was considered a symbol of the brownie, so when moving to new home took with them old broom- for the brownie to move with his owners.


Made by hand and accompanied by prayer, they protected the house and especially children from black magic, the evil eye and envy. These dolls have no faces, instead there is a cross. They made wedding motanka dolls for brides, motankas for babies and amulets dolls for the whole family.


Immortelle, ears of rye or wheat, dried in summer, store the power of the sun and protect the house. They can be stored in a bouquet or enclosed in a wreath. If you place the wreath with the forelock facing up, the house will be protected from evil spirits and witches. A wreath with the forelock down - to attract money.


A horseshoe found or purchased as a souvenir should be hung above the door. According to legend, evil spirits wanders around in a circle, and, having reached one end of the horseshoe, turns around empty-handed and goes back.

By the way, if the owners of the house nail a horseshoe with its horns facing up, it means they will receive help from heaven, higher powers. Horns down - protect the house from quarrels and illnesses.


When a young couple gets married, a towel is placed under her feet. According to tradition, it is kept away from prying eyes as a sign of agreement in the family, and then passed on to their children at the wedding. People believe that if the towel brought them happiness and harmony, it will also help their children.


Even if you don’t believe in vampires, believe our wise ancestors. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers placed garlands of red pepper and garlic in the kitchen. They absorb negativity. And calamus root was kept in a closet or chest as a protector against want and hunger.

IMPORTANT NUANCE.Pay attention to what your amulet looks like. If it cracked or darkened, it most likely took on a lot of negativity. The protection worked, but the amulet should be replaced with a new one and the old one should be burned with prayer.

Slavic amulets have a close connection with nature

In ancient times, people sought an explanation for every phenomenon and event: rain, sun, birth and death, change of season. This is how truth was born in the search. The ancient Slavs were a special people who stood out among others for their worldview, worldview, deep belief in the occult higher powers. Today, following our wise ancestors, we are trying to unravel their secrets and riddles, we are in search of protection, so the amulets of the ancient Slavs are a relevant and interesting topic. From time immemorial, people believed in the power of the Family, the power of symbols and signs, a close connection with nature, which was the supreme power, the cult of worship and faith. Each sign and symbol had a sacred meaning, endowed with the Gods magical power, therefore it was believed that it is not the person who chooses the amulet, but the amulet that chooses him. Following the path of knowledge, in search of truths, magical protection and help, we will comprehend the secret meanings of Slavic amulets.

Charms of the Slavs

What is a talisman? Many do not see the differences between amulets, talismans and amulets, but it is fundamental. Main meaning and the purpose of talismans is to attract good luck, prosperity, and success. Among the Slavs, an amulet is an ancient “amplifier” of certain character traits, properties and abilities, helps to improve health and give strength. The amulet is a magical protector, endowed with a powerful function of protection against diseases, negative impact various kinds from the outside. To create amulets Slavic people used only natural materials. It was believed that objects made of wood, clay, metal, precious or semi-precious stones had the greatest magical power. The choice of “defender” depended on several factors:

  • The age of the person. Their own signs and symbols existed to create individual amulets, talismans or amulets existed for children, adult women and men.
  • Type of activity. Among the ancient Slavs, magic and faith in the pagan Gods they worshiped existed undividedly. Each deity patronized a certain type of activity, profession, occupation, so the amulet for a shaman and a carpenter could not be the same.
  • Meaning. All Slavic amulets, amulets and talismans have a sacred meaning, each sign or symbol is individual. For two energies to coincide, basic knowledge and understanding of the meaning of each sign are required. Only in this way will amulets in the Old Slavonic style become real helpers in a variety of life situations.

You need to approach the choice rationally, thoroughly study the properties, find out what certain signs symbolize. Our ancestors believed that intuition and higher powers themselves would suggest the right path, because they acquire a talisman not for one day, but, as a rule, for a lifetime. You can find any symbolic decoration in stores, but there is a belief that ancient Slavic amulets, made with your own hands, have the highest magical power.

Self-made amulets are the most powerful.

Would you like to have your own magical assistant? Then feel free to start creating, make Slavic amulets You can use a stencil from any material at home. But before you begin the creation process, you need to know exactly what these or those amulets and talismans symbolize, what is the secret meaning of ancient Slavic signs.

Mysteries of antiquity

Man has long been attracted to everything secret and unknown. Magic is invisibly present in everyone’s life, but Old Slavonic amulets are not only a secret that we want to comprehend, but also a valuable heritage of our ancestors. Exists specific classification talismans, amulets and amulets of the Slavs:

  • amulets for women or men of envy, illness, evil eye and damage;
  • amulets for the home;
  • talismans and amulets for good luck, harvest and wealth.

As a rule, the oldest woman in the family was engaged in making amulets among the Slavs. Life experience and knowledge, endless love for one’s family, and a pure soul helped to endow objects with powerful protective powers. The manufacturing process was necessarily accompanied by silence in the house. So the needlewoman’s thoughts were clear and pure. As a rule, only one amulet was made for men, but a woman could wear several such jewelry at the same time. Today, the art of making jewelry, talismans and amulets in the Old Slavonic style is very popular. For needlewomen, before starting to create a unique product, it is important to clearly understand the meaning of each sign and symbol.

Women's symbols

Among the Slavs, a woman was the bearer and guardian of the Family, so she needed special protection from negative influences from the outside. The classification of Slavic amulets by meaning identifies a whole group of symbols that have been considered feminine since ancient times. The keeper of the hearth was supposed to protect the entire Family, so women's Slavic amulets were not only decoration, they were also applied to clothing and household items. The most popular Slavic amulets for women and symbols that are exclusively feminine in purpose and energy:

  • Star of Lada, Mother of God. The symbol is a thin interweaving of squares folded into the likeness of a star. Lada is the patroness of family ties, widows and orphans. Amulets and amulets in the form of Lada the Mother of God were made by the hands of women and passed on by inheritance, as a symbolic continuity of the Family and a symbol of veneration family traditions.

The Lada Star is a symbol of honoring family traditions
  • Ognevitsa. Such a sign was strictly forbidden to be used in embroidery or jewelry for girls and young women. The power of the sign had a positive effect only on the body adult woman who has known the joy of motherhood. The amulet helps strengthen character and fortitude, giving strength, patience and endurance. For girls too young powerful amulet contraindicated, as it may simply u break her spirit.

Ognevitsa is suitable only for women who have known the joy of motherhood
  • Woman in labor. The ancient Slavic symbol is intended for girls who dream of becoming a mother. The energy of the amulet is pure, joyful, and has a beneficial effect on mother and child. The sign can be an independent decoration, or can also be used as a beautiful element of embroidered towels or clothing.

Rozhanitsa is intended for girls who dream of becoming a mother

One of the features of Slavic women and amulets is kindness, purity, faith and care for all members of the Family. In order for amulets and amulets made with your own hands to actually help, protecting and preserving their owners, you need to be open-minded, sincere and pure in your thoughts.

Slavic men's amulets

Among the ancient Slavs, a man was a breadwinner, hunter, warrior and protector of the Family. A traditional talisman, amulet or amulet helped to give strength, maintain health and bring good luck in business to representatives of the stronger sex. In their form and design, amulets differed from female symbols in their laconic forms, less ornate lines and weaves; such jewelry was made of copper or silver. The greatest power was possessed by pendants or bracelets made by the hands of loving wives or caring mothers. The most popular magical male symbols of the Slavs and their meaning:

  1. Velesovik. Patron of the symbol - pagan god Veles, he is a security guard underworld. The ancestors believed that Veles gave them knowledge about magic and healing, mysticism. Such an amulet guides men on the right path and helps to avoid rash actions. Velesovik is made only in dark wood or metal and worn under clothing.

    Velesovik guides men on the right path, helps to avoid rash actions
  2. Hammer of Svarog. Traditionally, such a talisman was given to young men who had reached the age of a warrior. This amulet can be given to your father, brother or loved one to protect loved one from various troubles, bring a feeling of calm and self-confidence.

    Svarog's hammer will protect you from various troubles, bring a feeling of calm and self-confidence
  3. Rasich. The oldest, with a deep sacred meaning, Slavic talisman for men. The sign was often depicted on warrior armor, weapons, and priestly clothing, but in everyday life they were careful not to use it. Rasic - symbol great wisdom, a thread or link with our ancestors. A man, wearing such a talisman, will become stronger in spirit and wiser.

    Rasich will make its owner stronger in spirit and wiser
  4. Rodimich. The rough shape, the severity of the lines, all this indicates that the sign is truly masculine. Rodimich is made of silver and is the main male attribute in the family. Such amulets were often given to children to protect them from danger and trouble.

    Rodimich is given to boys to protect them from danger.
  5. Ax of Perun. Perun is the God of angry skies, thunderstorms and lightning, rewarding his enemies as they deserve, providing support to a brave warrior in battle, giving strength. Traditionally, such a Slavic amulet could protect a man not only on the battlefield. Perun's ax stood guard over love, faith, and fidelity.

    The ax of Perun will protect in battle and help in love
  6. Sword in the star of England. A universal amulet for men, powerful talisman, in which the energy of the Primary Fire is concentrated. This symbol is an excellent gift for men who are unsure of themselves or doubtful. The amulet will become a faithful assistant, mentor and source of energy.

    The sword in the star of England is a universal amulet for men

Among the ancient Slavs, a man was the head of a clan; he was associated with a luminary. This is why most male signs are depicted as swastikas or enclosed in a circle.

Amulets for family and home

Ancient Slavic amulets and their meaning are a valuable heritage for us, their descendants. They, like no one else, strived, were able and knew how to protect their Home from ill-wishers, damage and envy with the help of occult objects with deep sacred meaning. You can make a talisman for your home with your own hands; the main thing you need to know is the description of each symbol.

The most powerful amulets for home and family among the ancient Slavs:

By making amulets, talismans or amulets with our own hands, we concentrate positive energy, directing it in the direction that the meaning of a particular symbol indicates to us. Each amulet is individual, endowed with its own strength and properties. In order for the protection to be strong, like armor, you need to be able to select a magical assistant for yourself and your family.

The ancient Slavs had countless magical signs, symbols, and runes, each of which was unique. An Old Slavic amulet is not only a fashionable and original decoration, but also a tribute to traditions and a close connection with ancestors. Each sign or symbol contains a deep sacred meaning and a powerful force that must be used wisely and competently.

A family amulet will help protect your home and loved ones from damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and other troubles (accidental or specially caused). Talismans and amulets are not only special objects that have magical powers, but also spells, rituals, prayers, and energy exercises.

Self-made protection and amulet for a family, made with your own hands, is often more effective than the work of the most experienced magicians. After all, when making a talisman, you put into it all the love that you feel for your family and home.

Item amulets

What can serve as a family amulet? In essence, any thing that you create with your own hands, putting into it the intention of protection and wishes for well-being. You can come up with the words you use yourself or use ready-made spells. Prayers recited with a lit candle will help to imbue the object with spiritual energy. Place the finished amulet in the house and try not to give it into the hands of strangers.

Icons serve as universal amulets for family and home. The Burning Bush is a famous icon embodying the holy image Mother of God. By offering prayers to her, you protect the house from fires and emergency situations. In addition, the icon gives protection to family members whose professions involve danger and monitoring other people (firefighters, soldiers, etc.). Praying this image You also protect your family from the inside - from bad thoughts, temptations and sinful acts.

An excellent amulet for a young family is a motanka doll.

The icon of St. Nikita of Novgorod will protect family members from illnesses and ailments. The words of prayer to this icon will bring cheerfulness to all household members and good mood. The image of John the Warrior will protect the home and family hearth from the machinations of intruders - robbers, invaders, murderers, deceivers, slanderers and sorcerers. The icon of your patron saint will also become a talisman against discord within the family and negative influence from outside.

Folk amulets, created with your own hands, serve to preserve peace in the family, attract happiness, health, wealth and prosperity.

By cultivating positive energies in the house, they already become protection, since it is much more difficult for witchcraft and negativity to penetrate into a home where purity, harmony, peace and love reign. For example, you can make a motanka doll as a talisman for a young couple, or an Arkhangelsk bird of happiness for a family with children. Whatever you choose - a bag with contents of herbs and seeds, a horseshoe, a decorative broom or any other amulet, create it with pure thoughts, investing the power of your love, faith and positive intention.


A ritual performed correctly and with a pure heart is very strong amulet family well-being. The simplest of them are sprinkling all the corners of the house with holy water, wet cleaning with salt, a burning candle and incense. There are also more complex rituals for cleansing the energy of the home. One of the most popular is the ritual with onions.

You will need as many bulbs as there are rooms in your apartment. They must first be cleaned, and then each one must be pierced with a needle with a red thread threaded into it. Pull the thread through the bulb and tie it into a knot. Hang all the bulbs - one in each room. After a week, they can be removed and each wrapped in paper, and then burned. By the way, this ritual will help not only against evil energy, but also against illnesses during “flu-like” times.

When in the forest, try to find small aspen branches - but do not pick them, but take those that have already fallen. You will need as many branches as there are people in your family (don't forget about yourself). Right in the forest, take each twig in your hands and say the name of a family member, then read your favorite prayer (for example, “Our Father”) and say the words “As the night is dark, but love is light, no one “name of a family member” will do evil.” Upon returning home, repeat the entire ritual near a burning candle, and keep the aspen branches at home all year.

There are also small rituals that are easy to perform, as if by the way, without being distracted from ordinary life. For example, while walking in the park, pick a few rowan branches, take them home and tie them with red thread - you will receive a ready-made amulet to protect your home. Herbs such as mint and St. John's wort can also serve as protection - hang them at the entrance to your house and they will neutralize incoming negative energy. In addition, dried thistle kept in the house and a bunch of wormwood under the rug at the front door will help ward off evil.

When fastening a button, lock, or pin on yourself, a child, or a loved one mentally say the words “I close and lock you (or myself) from any evil, misfortune and witchcraft.” Words with the same meaning can be pronounced when putting on any clothes, ring, watch or shoes, tying shoelaces or a belt. To clear the mind and prevent negativity from clinging to bad thoughts in your head, read your favorite prayer at the beginning and end of the day (for example, “Our Father”).


To protect your home and family hearth, you can use ancient Slavic symbols. The family member protects the clan, strengthens family ties, creates unity that is not afraid of negative influences. Kolovrat is a symbol of protection from witchcraft, disease and other troubles, the Black Sun is protection from the penetration of evil into the home. Belobog is a talisman of good luck and prosperity, protecting the family hearth from quarrels and troubles. These symbols can be made in the form of jewelry or decorative items, painted, embroidered on clothes, but it is better to use natural materials for them.

For home protection they use Scandinavian runes. The easiest way to use the Odal rune is that it symbolizes the protection, strength and wisdom of the family. You can draw it with your own hands on a piece of wood or on a pebble with sea ​​coast. To enhance protection, you can use special runic formulas and runescripts. A good amulet for the house will be a combination of runes arranged in the following order: Teyvaz, Algiz, Otal, Algiz, Teyvaz (Algiz in this formula means divine protection, and Teyvaz - strength and victory).

Actually, to protect a house, you can use one Algiz rune, and in addition to runes, you can also use a cross, a pentacle, and even an ordinary circle, personifying indestructible unity. According to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, an image of a bear placed near the entrance to a home protects it from thieves. According to Feng Shui, negative energy can be reflected by a cannon figurine, an image of a chimera, figurines in the shape of a dog, an elephant, or a monkey.

Useful information

  1. To protect your family members, purchase talisman stones for them according to the signs of the zodiac or strong planets in the horoscope. For efficient work You need such a talisman to be given to a person, so buy it and give it as a gift.
  2. Don't forget about the power of silver - this metal neutralizes negative energy. Buy something silver for your home and for yourself - dishes, symbolic decoration or decorative item. Iron has similar properties.
  3. Red color is also known for its protective properties and ability to counteract evil energy. It is necessary that in the wardrobe of your loved ones and in the interior of the house there is a small red element - a thread bracelet, a scarf, a tied ribbon, a toy, a souvenir, etc.
  4. A miniature icon with the image of a patron saint will help protect your loved ones away from home. Write a prayer to this saint in your own hand and glue it behind the icon. Let your child, husband or other family member carry it with them.
  5. Try not to bring into the house things received from people you don’t know (or if you have any suspicions about the donor’s intentions). If it is inconvenient to refuse a gift, take it to work - to the office or sprinkle it with holy water.
  6. Use the rainwater collected on Elijah's day for cleaning for three days in a row - wash the floors and doors. This will protect your home from negativity for the whole year.