What does the dub gesture mean? What does it mean to cover your face with one hand and move the other to the side?

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He was a moron on stage... Arab singer and actor Abdallah Al Shaharani made a move during a concert« deb» — . The gesture, although dance-like, is Saudi Arabia is considered extremely indecent and even illegal - it seems to be a direct reference to drugs. But why?

Dab (in Russian interpretation “dab”) began to be danced en masse last summer - singers, actors, athletes and schoolchildren during breaks all over the world. And then suddenly we started thinking, what exactly is this? Most likely, the “dab” dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact. The world first saw this gesture in the video of rapper Skippa Da Flippa in 2014, and picked it up... “deb” went into rap, crunk and hip-hop. But there is another version - the movement really started from African Americans who, after sniffing the “happy” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side...

To perform the “dab” correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend right hand, bring it to your head while left hand remains straight and slightly extended to the left. That is, a person seems to drop his head on his hand, and maybe that’s why opponents of the “dab” link cocaine lovers here who use it in a similar way - from the elbow. But again... there are no facts confirming this version, but the gesture has long outgrown the rap scene - the “deb” is very often done by athletes.

This is the movement hockey players do without hesitation

... and this is how famous football players celebrate scoring a goal against an opponent. Paul Pogba, a midfielder for Manchester United and the French national team, is especially famous for his love of “dab.”

What is there! LeBron James himself, already a legend of American basketball, greets his team with the help of a “dab.” And even such an elite sport as tennis has its fans of the “dab” - Victoria Azarenka celebrates every winning set with a “dab”.

As for the Arab artist, heated debate erupted on the Internet. Most of the Saudi audience considers such behavior unacceptable, and on the Russian Internet they stand up for the singer - they say, it’s no longer possible to dance!

The modern world is full of dancing. Almost all young people dance, come up with some new styles, while making some type of dance newer and newer. And in many dances there are individual movements that are remembered by many for a long time.

Today we will talk about one of these movements, which became very popular around the 2015s. What kind of movement is this “covering your face with one hand and moving the other to the side” we will analyze in this article and try to give an idea of ​​it. Let's get started!

So, this gesture has a very short and simple name - deb or in English dab. It's part of the dance one of the fragments of the movement, which has become extremely popular in our time. Almost all the youth use it to show how modern they are.

This is something in the style of the latest fashion, which is only gaining popularity and does not decrease in activity over time. What about young people? Even adults make this gesture, because it is very interesting and even helps to show coolness.

If you look into history, you can find out some interesting things. The dance was invented back in 2014, when it began to gain its popularity. Then they began to “force” him into social networks and he gained popularity.

Then in 2015 it was already popular worldwide and this is thanks to one of the first people who showed it in public - Paul Pogba. This is a football player of the English football club “Manchester United”, who decided to use this dance immediately after scoring a goal.

This was his signature celebration, and many football fans took over this dance and included it in the list of the most popular ones around the world. The dance is performed even today, although no less than 3 years have passed since that moment.

However, it was not even Pogba himself who made this dance popular throughout the world. No, he's not. But he was close. Made him famous throughout the world Italian singer Fabio Rovazzi back in December 2016, which helped this dance gain popularity all over the world.

It's funny that I the singer is a rapper, which made this dance the most popular among rap culture. And if we consider that now almost every second person listens to rap, then at least half of the world’s population clearly knows about this dance. Here is such a fact.

This movement can be seen very often in different stadiums, where famous performers after they have sung their track, perform this simple, but very popular gesture. We talked about how the dance happened in 2014. Yes, that's true.

Although it happened precisely at that time, it is still unknown provenance this dance. Some say it came from one person, some say it came from another. In general, it is not entirely clear how it appeared.

What is clear is that he managed very well gain popularity all over the world and to this day is extremely bright movement. Let's be clear; Among your friends, there are those who have at least once taken a photograph in this particular pose? I think there is.

But don’t consider it a shame, because such a gesture only emphasizes your knowledge in the modern world, so promote it further, let even more people know about it.

That's all we love dancing, they help us distract from problems, make our lives easier, and bring sports into it. For some, dancing is even more than just dancing. Someone lives from this and makes money. And imagine how happy this person will be if the invented dance is his creation.

Everyone repeats exactly the movement that he performed and tries to imitate this person. Even if they don’t know the name of the hero, they can repeat after him, because the movement is extremely simple and absolutely everyone can repeat it.

In Saudi Arabia There was even a small conflict that is difficult for an ordinary European resident to understand. In 2018, one of the players “Al-Nojum” performed this very gesture after scoring. Yes, he simply repeated the dab to celebrate his goal.

There seems to be nothing so bad about this. However, this gesture is prohibited in this country and our hero had a hard time in the future, because he threatened with imprisonment. These are the strict rules. The commentator then even said the phrase “No, no, no,” because he understood what this meant for the athlete.

This concludes our article and we explained what a dab is. Or dub, you can call it whatever you want. Both options are correct.

We hope that after reading this article you understand how much this gesture helps to reveal personality and how much it means to modern world. Use it, have fun and share it with your friends.

The modern world is full of different dances and this one will fit perfectly into your life. See you soon and wish you all the best in your life!

The dab movement is a newfangled dance gesture that is not associated (at least in post-Soviet territory) with any traditions or rituals. Perhaps through this trick, the meaning of which at first was only guesswork:

  • Rugby players “feign joy” after each successfully thrown ball;
  • artists, such as rappers, use the dab hand movement to add variety to their performances;
  • people united by some common idea convey the news of their successes to the general public.

Dabbing is just a fashion statement

The fashionable gesture, the meaning of which has puzzled rugby fans for so long, is quite simple to perform: with their heads bent over their arm bent at the elbow, rugby players (and rugby players) freeze in this position for a few short moments.

A gesture vaguely reminiscent of dab movement, was seen in the "fearsome dance" New Zealand rugby players invariably demonstrate to the opposing team before the start of each match. The athletes from New Zealand, as it turned out, “borrowed” this spectacle “not for the faint of heart” from their distant ancestors, who called themselves the Maori people.

Some witty fans have already given the dab a fitting name - the "stupid bow", with most fans agreeing that if only one rugby player had made the stupid gesture, no one would have noticed it.

As it turned out later, the dab movement is nothing more than a newfangled hit the dab dance step, borrowed by US youth from African dancers. It also became known that white-skinned “dancers” make African Americans extremely nervous. As the funds report mass media, black Americans are not happy that the movement is part of them national culture, "went to the masses."

The dissatisfaction of the African-American population is further aggravated by the fact that most “palefaces” do dab incorrectly.

“Parents” of dabbing. Who are they?

When asked what the dab movement means, representatives of the older generation - regulars at discos in the 1970s and 1980s - answer that dab has nothing to do with attempts to offend someone or incite ethnic hatred. The movement really came from African Americans of yesteryear, who, after sniffing the “cheerful” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side and taking such a fashionable position today.

According to another version, dab is a body movement from hip-hop dance, which before today was not particularly popular. To perform it correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend your right arm, clench the palm of the same hand into a fist and bring it to your head, while your left arm remains straight and slightly extended to the left. The whole composition looks like dynamic dance movement.

The reason for the interest of the Russian media in this strange and not everyone understandable dance step was... the conflict that flared up between the two popular performers Russian rap and their fans. The "Tiger" video, released by L"One, is driving Jacques-Anthony's followers crazy, not at all because of the traditional "who is better" debate, but because of the notorious gesture, or rather, because of which Russian rapper was the first to use the dab movement in his work (in in this case Jacques-Anthony claims authorship).

The founders of American dabbing are considered to be members of the group Migos. In any case, they were the first to show dab: first at concerts, and later in video clips.

What does dab movement mean?

To teach everyone how to perform this movement correctly, black rappers took the time to create numerous video lessons. According to black performers, it is necessary to bury your nose in inner part elbow bent arm, make a characteristic “sneeze” (the other hand is extended upward).

What is the meaning of this body movement that makes crowds of fans tear out their hair and clothes? Dab is a common dance gesture based on the habit of sniffing white powder from the elbow.

A funny incident happened in London

A group of young people gathered on the steps British Museum to conduct a flash mob, during which everyone present planned to perform the dab movement. A man who happened to be nearby also decided to take part. He raised his hand, but, misinterpreting the purpose of such a large meeting, instead of “debating”, he reproduced the SS salute.

Hand gestures and their meaning

Psychologists say that gestures can say even more about a person’s emotions than his words, because we most often make body movements unconsciously, automatically, obeying internal sensations, and we cannot always control them. Therefore, it is useful to know what gestures, for example, with hands, mean in order to understand how sincere your interlocutor is, open, calm or excited, etc.

What do hand and palm gestures mean?

Human hands are almost always visible. And they always pay a lot of attention to them in a communication situation. If your opponent is overwhelmed strong emotions, then his palms and hands are unlikely to be at rest; most likely, he will twirl something in his hands, stroke something, touch things, his clothes, hair, etc. It is important to know what hand gestures say in order to correctly interpret the behavior of your interlocutor, focusing not only on words.

The very first gesture that can say a lot about a person is a greeting handshake. If he has a domineering nature, he will extend his hand first, turning it palm down. Wanting to show special respect and even servility, people extend their hand, facing downwards. A compliant, non-conflicting and somewhat shy opponent will most likely give you his hand with his edge up. The one who is unsure of himself, weak character, the hand will be tense and straight, and the handshake will be weak.

Other hand gestures and their meaning:

  • a person often spreads his arms to the sides and shows his palms - he is sincere and open to communication;
  • crossed arms and palms, on the contrary, indicate wariness and not readiness for contact;
  • palms folded on top of each other indicate the opponent’s inflated conceit;
  • hands in pockets, especially if a person is sitting, is a sign of aggression and irritability;
  • the hands are in motion, the person constantly strokes his hair with his palms, touches his face, etc. – he is trying to lie;
  • a person covers his mouth with his hand - he does not agree with you, but does not dare to object;
  • straight palms pressed to each other are a sign of a purposeful and tough person in communication;
  • palms lie on the edge of the table - your opponent expects to receive support from you;
  • half-bent hands - the interlocutor does not want conflict, is ready for any compromises in communication;
  • one hand holds the wrist with the other - the person is not sure of his actions and words, but is trying to pull himself together.

The most common finger gestures and their meaning

There are so-called international gestures that are well understood by people from different countries peace. And they are often used to overcome the language barrier. However, you should still be careful when using some finger gestures that are familiar to Europeans, for example, in Muslim and some other countries. After all, here they can be interpreted as indecent.

That's it famous sign“OK” - the thumb and index finger folded in a ring - is usually an expression of approval. But in Brazil and Arab countries it means a hint of intimate relationships and is considered offensive. In Japan, this gesture should be understood as the question “How much does it cost?”

Meaning of other finger gestures:

  • fingers clasped in a “lock” - an expression of silent disagreement with your words, even if the person smiles at the same time, be sure that he will reject your proposal;
  • fingers clenched into a fist is a sign of pent-up aggression; your opponent is most likely about to explode;
  • joined fingertips forming a hut is a sign of the interlocutor’s self-confidence, he feels a sense of superiority, and your words make him smile condescendingly.

What do widely spread arms mean?

What are the options?


If a person is lying down, maybe he is resting. It's usually good to lie in the grass this way. If a person with his arms outstretched on the floor is breathing intermittently and convulsing, he most likely feels unwell and needs to call an ambulance. If a person spreads his arms to the sides in response to your question, he apparently does not know what to answer you. And if he runs towards you and spreads his arms wide, run into his arms! Well, if this is regarded as body language, then the interlocutor is favorable towards you and has nothing to hide from you.


Wide arms are not a very popular gesture these days. Now people are trying to restrain their emotions and are more cold. People remember what this gesture means:

  1. Exercise (exercise).
  2. Hello (greeting).
  3. Embrace.
  4. Lack of money.
  5. Size (for example, fish caught).
  6. Balance (gymnast in the circus).

There can be many options. Here are a few of them:

  1. Arms spread wide apart, with straight shoulders and arms raised up, a smile and grace on the face - a person is happy, he wants to embrace the whole world, perhaps for the first time he finds himself in some very beautiful place and at the same time feels a sense of delight.
  2. Arms spread wide apart, with tension throughout the body - the person has woken up and is stretching.
  3. Arms spread wide apart when meeting someone is a gesture of greeting, the joy of meeting and the desire to hug.
  4. Arms spread wide to the sides, but at the same time shoulders raised, head to one side, a crooked smile - a gesture of bewilderment.

But the figure of the Vitruvian Man with his arms spread wide, inscribed in a circle and square, which Leonardo da Vinci painted in the 15th century, is a symbol of the proportions of the human body. For example, the distance between widely spread arms is equal to a person’s height.

Hunter nickname

Most often, arms spread wide can mean a willingness to hug a person whom they have seen and are incredibly happy about. Sometimes this gesture can mean surprise. If you find out whether a person is telling you the truth, then this gesture speaks of his sincerity.

But it’s still worth looking at the situation and the person’s facial expressions in order to more accurately determine what this gesture means in a particular case.


As a rule, arms spread wide is a gesture of helplessness, meaning the person does not know what and how he can help you. Other times, it's a willingness to hug and greet you. There are also special gestures, for example by installers, where such a gesture means that the action is completed.


Gesture arms spread wide, may mean Welcome. And can express bewilderment. Or maybe just joy. Here, a lot depends on the specific circumstances under which this all happens, and the width of the arms apart.

Kudryavtsev Vladimir Semenovich

The gesture is quite common and can be seen when a fisherman shows what kind of fish he caught once.

Then an attempt to catch someone or a gesture indicating that we want to hug someone.

Another gesture means some kind of confusion or problem. Or he measures the wall so that he can then measure his arm span with a meter. And does this gesture mean stop - stop.


Widely spread arms mean a person is open and hospitable. This means he is happy to see you and wants to hug you :) Also, if a person spreads his hands, this may mean that he cannot help you in any way in this situation, just throw up his hands. Or, on the contrary, he spreads the clouds above your head with his hands.

red cloud

There are many variations on this theme, starting from the desire to hug a person moving towards a meeting and ending with “fishing things”, that is, a person with his arms apart shows what huge fish he caught it.

Even separated hands can mean bewilderment, or lack of knowledge of something.


My options would be:

  • a person prepares to hug a child/animal/person/pillow
  • does exercises/exercises
  • catches something: a wedding bouquet, keys, money, and so on
  • resting lying on the bed
  • carries something large and/or heavy.

Body language or meaning of gestures...

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Gestures. The meaning of gestures. Body language.

Gestures (their meaning)

Knowledge of body language (the meaning of various gestures, facial expressions, etc.) is mandatory in the West for managers, starting from middle management. This article gives the meaning of only a very few gestures out of all their diversity.

Gestures of openness. Among them are the following: Open hands with palms up / gesture, with sincerity and openness /, shrug, accompanied by a gesture open hands/denotes openness of nature/, unbuttoning a jacket /people who are open and friendly towards you often unbutton their jacket during a conversation and even take it off in your presence/. For example, when children are proud of their achievements, they openly show their hands, and when they feel guilty or wary, they hide their hands either in their pockets or behind their backs. Experts also noticed that during successful negotiations, their participants unbutton their jackets, straighten their legs, and move to the edge of the chair close to the table, which separates them from the interlocutor.

Gestures of protection /defensive/. They respond to possible threats and conflict situations. When we see that the interlocutor has his arms crossed on his chest, we should reconsider what we are doing or saying, because he begins to move away from the discussion. Hands clenched into fists also mean a defensive reaction from the speaker.

Gestures of appreciation . They express thoughtfulness and dreaminess. For example, the “hand on cheek” gesture - people resting their cheek on their hand are usually immersed in deep thought. Gesture critical assessment- the chin rests on the palm. the index finger is extended along the cheek, the remaining fingers are below the mouth / “wait and see” position/. A person sits on the edge of a chair, elbows on hips, arms hanging freely / “this is wonderful!” position. A bowed head is a gesture of attentive listening. So, if the majority of listeners in the audience do not have their heads bowed, it means that the group as a whole is not interested in the material that the teacher is presenting. Scratching the chin / "okay, let's think about it" gesture / is used when a person is busy making a decision. Gestures about glasses / wipes glasses, takes the frame of glasses into the mouth, etc. / - this is a pause for reflection. reflecting on one's situation before more vigorously resisting, asking for clarification or raising a question.

pacing . - a gesture indicating an attempt to resolve a difficult problem or accept difficult decision. Pinching the bridge of the nose is a gesture, usually combined with closed eyes, and indicates deep concentration of intense thought.

Gestures of boredom . They are expressed by tapping your foot on the floor or clicking the cap of a pen. Head in the palm of your hand. Automatic drawing on paper. Empty look / “I look at you, but I don’t listen” /.

Gestures of courtship, "preening" . For women, they look like smoothing their hair, straightening their hair, clothes, looking at themselves in the mirror and turning in front of it; swaying your hips, slowly crossing and spreading your legs in front of a man, stroking yourself on your calves, knees, thighs; balancing shoes on the tips of the fingers / “in your presence I feel comfortable” /, for men - adjusting a tie, cufflinks, jacket, straightening the whole body, moving the chin up and down, etc.

Gestures of suspicion and secrecy . The hand covers the mouth - the interlocutor carefully hides his position on the issue under discussion. Looking to the side is an indicator of secrecy. The legs or the whole body are facing the exit - a sure sign that the person wants to end the conversation or meeting. Touching or rubbing your nose index finger- sign of doubt / other varieties of this gesture - rubbing the index finger behind the ear or in front of the ear, rubbing the eyes /

Gestures of dominance and submission. Superiority can be expressed in a welcoming handshake. When a person shakes your hand firmly and turns it so that his palm rests on top of yours, he is trying to express something like physical superiority. And, conversely, when he extends his hand with his palm up, it means he is ready to accept a subordinate role. When the interlocutor’s hand is carelessly thrust into his jacket pocket during a conversation, and thumb while on the outside, this expresses a person’s confidence in his superiority.

Gestures of readiness . Hands on hips are the first sign of readiness (this can often be observed in athletes waiting for their turn to perform). A variation of this pose in a sitting position - a person sits on the edge of a chair, the elbow of one hand and the palm of the other resting on the knees / this is how they sit immediately before concluding an agreement or. on the contrary, before getting up and leaving/.

Reinsurance gestures . Various movements fingers reflect various sensations: uncertainty, internal conflict, concerns. In this case, the child sucks his finger, the teenager bites his nails, and the adult often replaces his finger with a fountain pen or pencil and bites them. Other gestures of this group are interlocking fingers, with the thumbs rubbing each other; pinching of the skin; touching the back of a chair before sitting down in a gathering of other people.

For women, a typical gesture of instilling inner confidence is a slow and graceful raising of the hand to the neck.

Gestures of frustration. They are characterized by short, intermittent breathing, often accompanied by unclear sounds such as moaning, mooing, etc. Anyone who does not notice the moment when his opponent begins to breathe rapidly and continues to prove his point may run into trouble; tightly intertwined, tense hands - a gesture of distrust and suspicion / one who tries, by clasping his hands, to assure others of his sincerity, usually fails /, hands tightly clasping one another - this means the person is in a “trouble”, for example, must answer a question , containing a serious accusation against him / stroking the neck with the palm / in many cases when a person is defending himself / - women usually adjust their hair in these situations.

Gestures of trust . The fingers are connected like the dome of a temple / "dome" gesture/, which means trust and some self-satisfaction, selfishness or pride / a very common gesture in boss-subordinate relationships/.

Gestures of authoritarianism. Hands connected behind the back, chin raised (this is how army commanders, policemen, and also often stand) senior managers/. In general, if you want to make your superiority clear, you just need to physically rise above your opponent - sit above him if you are talking while sitting, or maybe stand in front of him.

Gestures of nervousness . Coughing, clearing the throat /those who often do this feel insecure, anxious/, elbows are placed on the table, forming a pyramid, the top of which is the hands located directly in front of the mouth / such people play “cat and mouse” with partners while they do not give them the opportunity to “reveal their cards,” which is indicated by moving their hands away from their mouths onto the table, jingling coins in their pockets, indicating concern about the availability or lack of money; tugging at one's ear is a sign that the interlocutor wants to interrupt the conversation, but is restraining himself.

Gestures of self-control. Hands placed behind the back and tightly clenched. Another pose - sitting in a chair, a person crossed his ankles and grabbed the armrests with his hands / typical for waiting for an appointment with the dentist /. The gestures of this group signal a desire to deal with strong feelings and emotions.

Body language expressed in gait.

The most important are speed, size of steps, degree of tension, body movements associated with walking, positioning of toes. Don't forget about the influence of shoes (especially for women)!

Fast or slow gait depends on temperament and strength of impulses: restless-nervous – lively and active – calm and relaxed – sluggish-lazy (for example, with a relaxed, saggy posture, etc.)

Wide steps(more often in men than in women): often extroversion, determination, zeal, enterprise, efficiency. Most likely aimed at distant goals.

Short, small steps(more often in women than in men): rather introversion, caution, calculation, adaptability, quick thinking and reactions, restraint.

Emphatically wide and slow gait– desire to show off, actions with pathos. Strong and heavy movements should always demonstrate to others the strength and importance of the individual. Question: really?

Pronounced relaxed gait- lack of interest, indifference, aversion to coercion and responsibility, or in many young people - immaturity, lack of self-discipline, or snobbery.

Noticeably small and yet quick steps rhythmically disturbed: anxiety, fearfulness various shades. (Unconscious goal: to evade, give way to any danger).

Rhythmically strong gait, swaying slightly back and forth(with increased movements of the hips), claiming some space: naive-instinctive and self-confident natures.

Shuffling, sagging gait refusal volitional efforts and aspirations, lethargy, slowness, laziness.

Heavy "proud" gait, in which there is something theatrical, not entirely appropriate, when, when walking slowly, the steps are relatively small (a contradiction), when the upper body is held emphatically and too straight, perhaps with a disturbed rhythm: overestimation of oneself, arrogance, narcissism.

Firm, angular, stilted, wooden gait(unnatural tension in the legs, the body cannot sway naturally): tightness, lack of contact, timidity - hence, as compensation, excessive hardness, overexertion.

Unnaturally jerky gait, pointedly large and fast steps, noticeable waving of the arms back and forth: the existing and demonstrated activity is often just meaningless busyness and efforts regarding some of one’s own desires.

Constant lifting up(on tense toes): upward striving, driven by an ideal, a strong need, a sense of intellectual superiority.


Good relaxed posture– it is based on high receptivity and openness to the environment, the ability to immediately use internal forces, natural self-confidence and a sense of security.

Body stiffness or tension: a self-defensive reaction when they feel out of place and want to pull away. Greater or lesser constraint, avoidance of contacts, closedness, self-focused state of mind. Often sensitivity (impressionability with the need to evaluate oneself).

Constant tension and external rigidity with a certain coldness of manifestations: sensitive natures who try to hide behind the appearance of firmness and confidence (often quite successfully).

Poor, sluggish posture: outside and inside "hang your nose"

Slouched back: humility, submission, sometimes servility. This is a spiritual state that is confirmed by a facial expression known to everyone.

Commonly accepted conventional poses(for example, one or two hands in pockets, hands behind the back or crossed on the chest, etc.) - if not associated with states of tension: lack of independence, the need to quietly include oneself in the general order. It is often observed when several people gather in a group.

Body Language - Shoulder Girdle and Upper Body

Combination: high shoulders with a slightly hunched back and a more or less retracted chin(more or less bowed head, pulled into the shoulders): a feeling of threat and the resulting defensive behavior: helplessness, a feeling of “bristle,” fear, nervousness, timidity. If it persists constantly, it is an established trait that has developed from a prolonged stay in a state of intimidation, for example, with constant fear of parents or a spouse (domestic tyrant).

Shoulders falling forward– a feeling of weakness and depression, humility, a feeling or inferiority complex.

Squeezing the shoulders forward and outward- at strong fear, horror.

Free shoulder drop– a feeling of confidence, inner freedom, mastery of the situation.

Shoulder push back- feeling of strength, own capabilities, activity, enterprise, determination to act, often overestimating oneself.

Alternating raising and lowering of shoulders– inability to establish something accurately, doubts, thoughts, skepticism.

Protruding chest(intensive inhalations and exhalations, a constant large amount of air remaining in the lungs):

“+”: consciousness of strength, strong sense of one’s personality, activity, enterprise, need for social contacts.

“-”: (especially if emphasized): swagger, “puffed up” person, “puffed up” intentions, overestimation of oneself.

Sunken chest(exhalation is more intense than inhalation in the lungs minimum quantity air) – shoulders often fall forward:

“+”: inner peace, a certain indifference, isolation, but all this is within the boundaries of the positive, as it stems from the weakness of motives.

“-”: poor health, lack of pressure and vitality, passivity, humility, depression (especially with a general loss of strength).

Hands rest on hips: the need for strengthening, strengthening. Demonstration to others of one’s firmness, confidence, stability and superiority: hands are not used at all in an argument, claims to a large space. Challenge, bravado. Often compensation for hidden feelings of weakness or embarrassment. The action is enhanced when the legs are spread wide and the head is pulled back.

Hands support top part body, leaning on something, for example, against a table, the back of a chair, a low platform, etc.: this is an upper body supporting movement for someone who is weak on their feet; in a psychological sense - the desire for spiritual support in the face of internal uncertainty.

An exciting comedy with a touch of charm, thanks to the handsome main character in the image of David Duchovny, it is unique! Californication is wonderful humor and psychological tension at the same time! Comedy with elements of drama - a great combination!

Wedding glasses look amazing, elegant and delicate in the hands of the newlyweds and on festive table! A mandatory wedding attribute will highlight the joy of the bride and groom with crystal ringing. The charm of glasses lies in their exclusivity!

The dab movement is a newfangled dance gesture that is not associated (at least in post-Soviet territory) with any traditions or rituals. Perhaps through this trick, the meaning of which at first was only guesswork:

  • Rugby players “feign joy” after each successfully thrown ball;
  • artists, such as rappers, use the dab hand movement to add variety to their performances;
  • people united by some common idea convey the news of their successes to the general public.

Dabbing is just a fashion statement

The fashionable gesture, the meaning of which has puzzled rugby fans for so long, is quite simple to perform: with their heads bent over their arm bent at the elbow, rugby players (and rugby players) freeze in this position for a few short moments.

A gesture vaguely reminiscent of the dab movement was seen in the "fearsome dance" New Zealand rugby players invariably demonstrate to the opposing team before the start of each match. The athletes from New Zealand, as it turned out, “borrowed” this spectacle “not for the faint of heart” from their distant ancestors, who called themselves the Maori people.

Some witty fans have already given the dab a fitting name - the "stupid bow", with most fans agreeing that if only one rugby player had made the stupid gesture, no one would have noticed it.

As it turned out later, the dab movement is nothing more than the newfangled hit the dab, borrowed by US youth from African dancers. It also became known that white-skinned “dancers” make African Americans extremely nervous. According to media reports, black Americans are not happy that a movement that is part of their national culture has “gone to the masses.”

The dissatisfaction of the African-American population is further aggravated by the fact that most “palefaces” do dab incorrectly.

“Parents” of dabbing. Who are they?

When asked what the dab movement means, representatives of the older generation - regulars at discos in the 1970s and 1980s - answer that dab has nothing to do with attempts to offend someone or incite ethnic hatred. The movement really came from African Americans of yesteryear, who, after sniffing the “cheerful” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side and taking such a fashionable position today.

According to another version, dab is a body movement from hip-hop dance, which until today has not been particularly popular. To perform it correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend your right arm, clench the palm of the same hand into a fist and bring it to your head, while your left arm remains straight and slightly extended to the left. The whole composition looks like dynamic

The reason for the interest of the Russian media in this strange and not everyone understood dance step was... a conflict that flared up between two popular Russian rap performers and their fans. The "Tiger" video, released by L"One, is driving Jacques-Anthony's followers crazy, not at all because of the traditional "who is better" debate, but because of the notorious gesture, or rather, because of which Russian rapper was the first to use the dab movement in his work (in this case, Jacques-Anthony claims authorship).

The founders of American dabbing are considered to be members of the group Migos. In any case, they were the first to show dab: first at concerts, and later in video clips.

What does dab movement mean?

To teach everyone how to perform this movement correctly, black rappers took the time to create numerous video lessons. According to black performers, it is necessary to bury your nose in the inner part of the elbow of your bent arm and make a characteristic “sneeze” (the other arm is extended upward).

What is the meaning of this body movement that makes crowds of fans tear out their hair and clothes? Dab is a common dance gesture based on the habit of sniffing white powder from the elbow.

A funny incident happened in London

A group of young people gathered on the steps of the British Museum for a flash mob, during which everyone planned to perform the dab movement. A man who happened to be nearby also decided to take part. He raised his hand, but, misinterpreting the purpose of such a large meeting, instead of “debating”, he reproduced the SS salute.

Dab(dab) - a dance movement in which the dancer simultaneously drops his head while raising his arm to the elbow in a gesture that is similar to the "sneeze gesture".


There is an assumption that the dance arose due to cocaine lovers who use it with similar motor actions. However, there is no evidence that this assumption is true. Cam Newton, NFL player for the Carolina Panthers, is well known for performing this dance after scoring a goal. Also, football player Paul Pogba, being a Juventus player, celebrated his goals with this movement.

Popularity outside the US

In 2015, Dab gained national prominence in the US, with XXL magazine reporting in August 2015 that "what started out as a regional ad-lib style is quickly becoming hella popular in the clubs and on the streets. It's a phenomenon called Dabbin."

See also

  • Nae Nae
  • Whip

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Excerpt characterizing Dab (dance)

“Yes, yes,” he said, “it’s difficult, I’m afraid, it’s difficult to get... never happened to anyone!” yes, who hasn’t happened to... - And the count glanced briefly into his son’s face and walked out of the room... Nikolai was preparing to fight back, but he never expected this.
- Daddy! pa... hemp! - he shouted after him, sobbing; forgive me! “And, grabbing his father’s hand, he pressed his lips to it and began to cry.

While the father was explaining to his son, an equally important explanation was taking place between the mother and daughter. Natasha ran to her mother excitedly.
- Mom!... Mom!... he did it to me...
- What did you do?
- I did, I proposed. Mother! Mother! - she shouted. The Countess could not believe her ears. Denisov proposed. To whom? This tiny girl Natasha, who had recently been playing with dolls and was now taking lessons.
- Natasha, that’s complete nonsense! – she said, still hoping that it was a joke.
- Well, that's nonsense! “I’m telling you the truth,” Natasha said angrily. – I came to ask what to do, and you tell me: “nonsense”...
The Countess shrugged.
“If it’s true that Monsieur Denisov proposed to you, then tell him that he’s a fool, that’s all.”
“No, he’s not a fool,” Natasha said offended and seriously.
- Well, what do you want? You are all in love these days. Well, you’re in love, so marry him! – the countess said, laughing angrily. - With God!
- No, mom, I’m not in love with him, I must not be in love with him.
- Well, tell him so.
- Mom, are you angry? You’re not angry, my dear, what’s my fault?
- No, what about it, my friend? If you want, I’ll go and tell him,” said the countess, smiling.
- No, I’ll do it myself, just teach me. Everything is easy for you,” she added, responding to her smile. - If only you could see how he told me this! After all, I know that he didn’t mean to say this, but he said it by accident.
- Well, you still have to refuse.
- No, don't. I feel so sorry for him! He's so cute.
- Well, then accept the offer. “And then it’s time to get married,” the mother said angrily and mockingly.
- No, mom, I feel so sorry for him. I don't know how I'll say it.
“You don’t have anything to say, I’ll say it myself,” said the countess, indignant that they dared to look at this little Natasha as if she were big.