The main character of the novel is the young landowner Eugene Onegin. The novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin: analysis, characteristics of heroes, materials for essays

Plan of characterization of a literary hero:
1. Where was Onegin born and lives, what is his position in society?
2. What kind of education did Onegin receive? Was such an education an exception among the nobility?
3. What does Onegin do, what is his hobby, what books does he read?
4. How did social life affect Onegin?
5. What characteristics of the hero does the author of the novel who befriends him note?
6. What is Onegin doing in the village?
7. What does Tatyana learn about Onegin in his house?
8. How does the author of the novel evaluate Onegin’s response to Tatyana’s letter?
9. Why did Onegin accept Lensky’s challenge?
10. How do you feel after the duel and travel?
11. What does Onegin’s meeting with Tatyana in high society bring?

Onegin is a young metropolitan aristocrat of the 20s of the 19th century, who received a typical aristocratic education under the guidance of tutors. They taught him “everything in jest,” “something and somehow,” but Onegin still received that minimum of knowledge that was considered mandatory among the nobility: he knew little classic literature, Roman and Greek, superficially - history, even had an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe political economy of Adam Smith. Such education, impeccable French, elegant manners, wit and the art of maintaining a conversation make him, in the opinion of society, a brilliant representative of the secular youth of his time. It took Onegin about eight years to live a social life. But he was smart and stood significantly above the crowd surrounding him. No wonder he felt disgusted with his empty and idle life. A “sharp, chilled mind” and satiety with the pleasures of the world led to Onegin’s deep disappointment with life. Languishing with boredom, Onegin tries to look for the meaning of life in some activity. He was attracted literary work. But the attempt to write “yawning”, out of boredom, could not, of course, be crowned with success. The system of his upbringing, which did not accustom him to work, also took revenge for itself: “nothing came from his pen.”
Onegin begins to read. And this activity did not produce results: Onegin “read and read, but to no avail,” and covered the shelf of books with “mourning taffeta.”

In the village where Onegin left St. Petersburg to receive an inheritance, he makes another attempt practical activities. Onegin's character is revealed further in the following plot plan: friendship with Lensky, acquaintance with Tatyana Larina, duel with Lensky, travel, love for Tatyana and last meeting with her. As the action of the novel develops, the complexity of Onegin's nature is revealed. Onegin appears in the novel as a bright, extraordinary personality. This is a person who clearly stands out from the surrounding society, both in his natural talent and in his spiritual needs.

“A sharp, chilled mind”, “involuntary devotion to dreams”, dissatisfaction with life - this is what created Onegin’s “non-imitative strangeness” and elevated him above the environment of “proud insignificance”. Following the characterization of Onegin in the first chapter, Pushkin recalls his dreams of freedom (“Will the hour of my freedom come?”) and adds:

Onegin was ready with me
See foreign countries."

These lines shed light on another important feature of Onegin’s mental makeup - his love of freedom. “Do you know me? “Yes and no…” Pushkin asks and answers, as if doubting that the reader will correctly understand Onegin’s complex social type. And the hero of the novel was really such a social type, the individual features of which Pushkin could reveal only by hints. “Oneginism” was a common phenomenon in Russia in the years when the novel was written. An explanation for this phenomenon must be sought in the socio-political situation of the country. In the 20s, the “beautiful beginning of Alexander’s days” had already passed, replaced by a reaction. Destiny the best people Russian society became bored and disappointed. Noting precisely this, Pushkin wrote in 1828 about Prince P. Vyazemsky: “How could he maintain his cheerfulness in Rus'?” True, in the circles of the most advanced Russian society, a political movement was already brewing, which later led to the Decembrist uprising. But it was a secret movement that did not include everyone advanced people. The majority of the Russian intelligentsia had no choice but to either go into service, i.e. join the crowd of “voluntary hoppers”, or stand aside from the government policy, remaining idle observers public life.

Onegin chose the second. Onegin's position is that of an idle man, but this position was a form of protest against official Russia. Onegin's tragedy lay in his “spiritual emptiness”, i.e. the fact that he did not have a positive program, high goals that would fill his life with social content. His life is a life “without purpose, without work.” Without taking the side of the government, Onegin does not participate in the fight against government reaction. He stays away from the action historical forces, expressing dissatisfaction with life only in the “anger of gloomy epigrams.” This passivity was also facilitated by certain qualities of his character: a lordly aversion to work; the habit of “freedom and peace”, lack of will and pronounced individualism (or “egoism”, as Belinsky puts it). Onegin earned the right to be the main character of the novel, but life doomed him to the role of the main inactive person in history. Onegin's lot becomes the life of a wanderer and loneliness. Returning to St. Petersburg after the trip, he “seems a stranger to everyone.” It turns out " extra person"in your society. This is the name given to people who, towering above environment, turned out to be unadapted to the struggle of life and suffered a downfall both in public life and in personal life.

The novel ends with the scene of Onegin meeting Tatiana after a three-year separation. How it turned out further fate Onegin? There is reason to think that the shock experienced by Onegin could have contributed to his revival. Indeed, the surviving excerpts of the tenth (burned) chapter of the novel suggest that the author intended to introduce Onegin to the Decembrist circle. But this one new page The hero's life was only outlined by the author, but not revealed. In the novel, Onegin appears as a living symbol of the “superfluous people” of his era.

Let's summarize what we read.

Evgeny Onegin is a young man, a St. Petersburg aristocrat, who received a superficial education at home, divorced from the national soil.

The French governor did not care about moral education Evgenia, did not accustom him to work, so the main occupation of Onegin, who entered adulthood, is the pursuit of pleasure.

An idea of ​​how he lived for eight years in St. Petersburg is given by the description of one day of the hero. The lack of serious business and constant idleness bored the hero and led him in his young years to disappointment in social life. Trying to get down to business does not bring results, since he does not know how to work.

Life in the village did not become a salvation for him, since a change of environment without work
above oneself, internal spiritual rebirth did not save Onegin from the blues.

It is important to see how the hero manifests himself in friendship and love. We come to the conclusion that Onegin, who conquered secular beauties, acted nobly towards Tatiana.

Main character Romana - young landowner Eugene Onegin, this is a person with a complex, contradictory character. The upbringing that Onegin received was disastrous. He grew up without a mother. The father, a frivolous St. Petersburg gentleman, did not pay attention to his son, entrusting him to “poor” tutors. Consequently Onegin I grew up as an egoist, a person who cares only about himself, about his desires and who does not know how to pay attention to the feelings, interests, and suffering of other people. He is capable of offending, offending a person without even noticing it. Everything beautiful that was in the young man’s soul remained undeveloped. - boredom and laziness, monotonous satisfaction in the absence of real, living work.

Image of Onegin not made up. In it, the poet summarized the features typical of young people of that time. These are people who are provided for through work and serfs who received a disorderly upbringing. But unlike most representatives of the ruling class, these young men are smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, more noble. They are dissatisfied with themselves, their environment, and the social order.

Onegin in his views and requirements for life he stands above not only his rural landowner neighbors, but also representatives of the St. Petersburg high society. Having met Lensky, who received higher education at the best university in Germany, Onegin could argue with him on any topic, as with an equal. with Lensky reveals in Onegin's soul the possibilities of faithful, friendly relations between people hidden behind the mask of cold egoism and indifference.

Seeing Tatyana for the first time, without even talking to her, without hearing her voice, he immediately felt the poetry of this girl’s soul. In his attitude towards Tatyana, as well as towards Lensky, such a trait as goodwill was revealed. Under the influence of the events depicted in the novel, evolution takes place in Eugene’s soul, and last chapter In the novel, Onegin is no longer the same as we saw him before. He fell in love with Tatiana. But his love does not bring either him or her.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin portrayed a frivolous young man who, even in love, cannot give himself advice. Running away from the world, Onegin could not escape from himself. By the time he realized this, it was already too late. Tatyana doesn't believe him now. And it opens Onegin eyes on yourself, but nothing can change.

Brief description of Evgeny Onegin | December 2014

Image and characteristics Evgenia Onegina in Pushkin's novel of the same name

Onegin. The hero of the novel appears before the reader as both an ordinary person (similar to many others) and an extraordinary person, simple and complex. This complexity and even inconsistency were a reflection of that complex, contradictory era, which gave rise to such characters. At the beginning of the novel, we have before us a young man living according to the laws and customs of secular society. He leaves St. Petersburg not in a fit of love for freedom to the exotic Caucasus, but to an ordinary village for the prosaic inheritance of his uncle. Nothing exceptional, mysterious, like the heroes romantic poems, it doesn't have it. It is significant that the romantics did not understand Pushkin’s plan and were unable to appreciate the new, realistic principles of depicting reality. A. A. Bestuzhev, having read the first chapter of the novel, wrote to the poet with bewilderment in March 1825: “I see a person whom I meet thousands of in reality.” He believed that this is why Onegin is not worthy of becoming the hero of a work of art.

However Onegin for all his typicality, he has such individual, unique features that make him “superfluous” to the society of the Buyanovs, Petushkovs, and Skotinins. The widely used term “superfluous person” (Onegin was the first in this typological series) should be perceived as negative characteristic and, first of all, not a hero, but an environment for which extraordinary people turn out to be inconvenient, unnecessary, superfluous. There can be no completeness in this society human existence. Onegin's disappointment in social life, in the people around him, in himself, finally, is precisely evidence of his extraordinary inner, spiritual qualities which, unfortunately, he was never able to demonstrate anywhere. Onegin’s extraordinary personality is also evidenced by his circle of friends, which include Kavelin, Chaadaev (Pushkin mentions this in Chapter 1) and, most importantly, the author himself, who called Onegin his good friend. And the fact that in Onegin’s office there is a portrait of Byron and a bust of Napoleon is also filled a certain meaning, was a kind of “signal” for the reader, helping him to better understand the worldview of the hero of the novel.

Belinsky conveyed his impression of Onegin as follows:

“...The inactivity and vulgarity of life choke him; he doesn’t even know what he needs, what he wants; but he knows, and knows very well, that he does not need, that he does not want, what self-loving mediocrity is so happy with, so happy.”

And precisely because secular society killed “the passion of the heart and the warmth of the soul” in him, he could not understand Tatyana, her trusting love. IN modern literary criticism The debate about the possibility of Onegin's moral revival does not stop. The opinion is expressed that the love that flared up in Onegin for Tatyana has only a “petty feeling of secular pride and vanity” as its source. Researchers who adhere to this point of view proceed from the concept according to which in the person of Onegin “the historical doom of the noble class is typified,” due to which there can be no talk of any revival of Pushkin’s hero. The meaning of the relationship between the images of Onegin and Tatyana in this case is determined by the concepts: on the one hand, “emptiness” and on the other, “internal integrity.” There is another concept, according to which the evolution of Onegin’s character seems undeniable, especially if we take into account the impact on the hero of the novel of the journey he undertook after the murder of Lensky. According to G.P. Makogonenko, after the defeat of the Decembrists, the path to combat the autocratic-serf system was completely unclear. That's why Pushkin showed moral revival of Onegin's personality through love.

Pushkin's discovery enriched the literature: moral value man, his public position began to be discovered in the sphere of private, intimate life, “tested by love,” as the researcher writes. The most objective approach to solving this is really very complex issue Belinsky approached in his time, taking into account the specifics of Pushkin’s assessments, his dialectical approach in depicting human characters and the prospects for their development: “What happened to Onegin later? - asked the critic. - Has his passion resurrected him for a new suffering, more consistent with human dignity? Or did she kill all the strength of his soul, and his joyless melancholy turned into dead, cold apathy? “We don’t know, and what do we need to know this when we know that the powers of this rich nature are left without application, life without meaning, and the novel without end?”

Characteristics of Evgeny Onegin | November 2015

Characteristics and image of Evgeny Onegin

The hero of Pushkin's novel in verse, Evgeny Onegin, appears before us in different periods own life. The entire first chapter is devoted to a description of his youth.
Onegin's youth

“Young rake” - these words can briefly describe Evgeniy at this time. He does not serve anywhere, leads a social life, attends balls and dinners, and pays a lot of attention to his appearance. He knows how to seem smart and subtle, but in fact his knowledge is superficial, and he uses it only to impress.

He loves women, but his hobbies are superficial. Using his charm, he conquers women, and then quickly cools down.

Eugene Onegin in the village

In the end, Evgeny cools down to this lifestyle. Having had enough of both balls and female attention, he is going to travel, but then his uncle dies, and Eugene remains the heir of the estate.

Here we recognize Onegin on the other side. Not afraid to cause the displeasure of the local landowners, he replaces corvee for the serfs with a light quitrent. Having escaped from the entertainment of the capital, he does not visit his neighbors even in the village, but he becomes close friends with the naive but sincere Lensky.

Killing a friend and rejected love

This friendship ends tragically. The ardent young man sends a challenge to Evgeniy. Onegin realizes that it is better to apologize to his friend, but narcissism forces him to put on his usual mask of indifference and accept the challenge. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin.

Having received Tatiana's letter, Evgeniy was touched. He sympathizes with Tatyana, but does not love her yet. Having never experienced true love towards a woman, using her as a bargaining chip, he is generally not able to take this feeling seriously. Therefore, Evgeny, as usual, plays the role of an experienced, cold-hearted person, while at the same time showing nobility. Evgeny did not take advantage of Tatyana’s feelings, but did not escape the temptation to lecture the girl in love.

Know how to control yourself:
not everyone will understand you like I do,
Inexperience leads to trouble.

Epiphany Onegin

Several years passed and he had to cruelly regret his coldness. In adulthood, he is no longer interested in spectacular poses, he is less focused on himself. Having met Tatyana, a married lady who has perfectly studied the art of “ruling oneself,” Evgeny selflessly falls in love with her. Time does not heal him, months pass, and he still thinks only about her, driving himself almost to madness.

An explanation occurs; he learns that Tatyana still loves him, but is not going to break fidelity to her husband.

Pushkin hero capable of real feelings, but his early commitment to the world spoils him, forcing him to sacrifice love and friendship in favor of posing. When Onegin finally begins to “be” and not “seem,” many mistakes can no longer be corrected.

Characteristics of Evgeny Onegin - | December 2014

In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, next to the main character, the author depicts other characters who help to better understand the character of Eugene Onegin. Among such heroes, first of all, Vladimir Lensky should be named.

According to Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: “ice and fire,” as the author writes about them. And yet they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become such because there is “nothing to do.”

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they that different from each other?

Why did they get together? It is better to present the comparison of heroes in the form of a table:

Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and upbringing
Traditional noble upbringing and education - in childhood he is looked after by a mamzel, then by a monsieur, then he receives a good education. Pushkin writes: “We all learned a little something and somehow,” but the poet, as we know, received an excellent education at the elite Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum. Studied in Germany. About who was involved in his upbringing in more early age, the author says nothing. The result of such education is a romantic worldview; it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
State of mind, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in the sincerity and strength of these feelings.
>No: his feelings cooled down early
He was tired of the noise of the light.
And then the author “makes a ‘diagnosis’ of his hero’s condition - in short: the Russian melancholy has taken possession of him little by little...”
Having returned to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and miracles from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life is for him
Was a tempting mystery
He puzzled over her
And he suspected miracles.
Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relationships with neighbors
Arriving in the village, Onegin is looking for an application to his strengths, a way out of his aimless existence - he is trying to replace corvée with an “easy rent”, he is trying to find people close to him in outlook and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp line from the surrounding landowners.
And they, in turn, considered him an “eccentric,” a “farmazon,” and “they stopped their friendship with him.” Soon boredom and disappointment take hold of him again.
Lensky is distinguished by an enthusiastic and dreamy attitude towards life, spiritual simplicity and naivety.
He had not yet had time to fade “from the cold depravity of the world,” he “was ignorant at heart.”
Idea of ​​purpose and meaning of life
Doesn't believe in any lofty goal. I'm sure there is some highest goal in life, he just doesn’t know her yet.
Poetic creativity and the attitude of heroes towards it
Onegin “could not... distinguish iambic from trochee...,” had neither the ability to compose nor the desire to read poetry; Lensky, like A.S. Pushkin, treats Lensky’s works with slight irony. Lensky is a poet. He wandered through the world with a lyre Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe With their poetic fire, the Soul ignited in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also considers himself a romantic. In some ways he is similar to Pushkin’s friend Kuchelbecker. Lensky's poems are sentimental, and their content is love, “separation and sadness, and something, and the foggy distance, and romantic roses...”
Love story
Onegin does not believe in sincerity female love. Tatyana Larina, upon first meeting, does not evoke any feelings in Onegin’s soul, except perhaps pity and sympathy. Only after several years has passed, the changed Onegin understands what happiness he gave up by rejecting Tatiana’s love. Onegin's life has no meaning, since there was no place for love in it. Lensky, as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. For him, the ideal of female beauty, fidelity - everything is in her. He not only loves her, he is passionately jealous of Olga for Onegin. He suspects her of treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves the evening dedicated to Tatyana’s name day, Olga again sincerely shows her affection and love for Lensky.


With all the differences in characters, temperaments and psychological type between Onegin and Lensky one cannot help but notice whole line similarities:

They are opposed to the nobility, both in the city and in the countryside;

They strive to find the meaning of life, not limiting themselves to the “joys” of the circle of secular youth;

Broad intellectual interests - history, philosophy, moral issues, and reading literary works.


The duel becomes a particularly tragic page in the relationship between Onegin and Lensky. Both heroes perfectly understand the meaninglessness and uselessness of this fight, but neither was able to step over the convention - public opinion. It was the fear of judgment from others that forced the two friends to stand at the barrier and aim the muzzle of a gun at the chest of their recent friend.

Onegin becomes a murderer, although according to the rules he does not commit murder, but only defends his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, was concentrated in Onegin.

After the duel, Onegin leaves, he goes to travel around Russia. He is no longer able to remain in a society whose laws force him to commit acts that are contrary to his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the starting point from which serious changes in Onegin’s character began.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named after Eugene Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine who can fully be called the main one - this is Tatyana. This is Pushkin's favorite heroine. The author does not hide his sympathy: “forgive me... I love my dear Tatyana so much...”, and, even vice versa, at every opportunity emphasizes his affection for the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of her circle Tatiana in comparison with Onegin
. She is not like all the secular girls. There is no coquetry, affectation, insincerity, or unnaturalness in it.
. She prefers solitude to noisy games, does not like to play with dolls, she prefers to read books or listen to her nanny's stories about antiquity. And she also amazingly feels and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana closer to to the common people than to secular society.
. The basis of Tatiana's world - folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of a girl who grew up in a “village” with beliefs folklore traditions. It is no coincidence that the novel included an episode in which Tatyana’s fortune-telling and dream are told.
. There is a lot of intuitive and instinctive in Tatyana.
. This is a discreet and deep, sad and pure, believing and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed his heroine with wealth inner world and spiritual purity:
What is gifted from heaven
With a rebellious imagination,
Alive in mind and will,
And wayward head,
And with a fiery and tender heart...
Believes in ideal happiness, in love, creates in his imagination under the influence of what he reads French novels perfect image beloved.
Tatyana is somewhat similar to Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand oneself and understand life.
. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence.
. The author's good disposition towards both heroes.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” was written by a classic of world literature. Having become the first step of Russian writers in the field of realism, the poetic work turned out to be unique for its time. Writing “Eugene Onegin” took 8 years, from 1823 to 1831. The action covers the events of the period 1819-1925. Pushkin's entire work was first published in 1833.

Critics and researchers compare "Eugene Onegin" with "". The main characters of the poetic work reliably depict images characteristic of the 19th century, and the atmosphere of this period is conveyed with incredible accuracy.

History of creation

While working on the creation of the novel, Pushkin planned to present to the public the image of a hero relevant to new Russia. The character described by the author would easily provoke events necessary for the development of the country and would be capable of serious actions. For Pushkin, an admirer of the ideas of the Decembrists, the novel became a unique interpretation of Russian reality in poetic form.

The work was born during difficult periods of life famous poet: in southern exile and after it, during secret imprisonment in Mikhailovskoye and during the “Boldino Autumn”.

The characteristics of the main character are carefully thought out by the creator of the image. Pushkin scholars find in the description of Onegin’s character traits from Katenin and the author himself. The hero has become a totality distinctive features several prototypes and collectively era, as well as secular youth. A nobleman with overwhelming energy, he becomes the central figure of the novel, on whom the fates of other heroes depend.

Calling Eugene Onegin a “good friend,” Pushkin emphasizes the consonance of the hero’s lifestyle with the era described. The author endows the hero with a noble upbringing, a sharp mind and quick perception, which are harmoniously combined with his principles and point of view.

Eugene's life is boring. He does not feel belonging to the world where he enters, he makes caustic and sarcastic remarks and ridicule of its representatives. Onegin is a new hero who dislikes active actions and prefers passive observation of what is happening. Researchers are still arguing over whether the hero was a “stranger” and “superfluous” person in the era or was an idle thinker who happily lived out his time. The character’s actions are difficult to interpret unambiguously, and his thoughts are not always fair. The hero's purpose in life is unknown: he does not voice it or does not have it at all.

Evgeniy is one of those people who are torn between the arguments of the mind and the heart. He does not stand the test of noble feelings like love and friendship. The duel he provoked is logical for social etiquette, but becomes a game of concepts and a kind of experiment for the bored hero.

A spoiled young man, capable of conquering a secular company, is spoiled by female attention and is not bad-looking. After describing his lifestyle, the reader easily perceives the fact that it is not he who is in love with, but the girl who craves his reciprocity. A person who is inaccessible to the strong sincere feelings, weak in such concepts as love and relationships, Onegin considers himself entitled to lecture the audience. But after a while, the hero becomes a hostage to his spiritual stinginess.

Plot and main characters

The plot of the poetic novel about Eugene Onegin is known to every schoolchild. The introduction describes a young nobleman whose wealthy uncle has fallen ill. Evgeniy is forced to go to visit a relative. The narration is told on behalf of the author, who describes what is happening and introduces himself as familiar to the main character.

Having success among the ladies and entertaining himself with social fun, Onegin came to the conclusion that he was fed up with what surrounded him. He is in a state of melancholy and melancholy, so a trip to his uncle marks the start of a new stage in the character’s life. After the death of a relative, the hero became the owner of a fortune and settled in the village. The melancholy did not go away, and the hero was looking for a way to get rid of it.

In the village, Evgeniy met and found an outlet in him. The ardent young man found himself in love with one of the Larin sisters -. Cheerful girl turned out to be the complete opposite of the eldest of the sisters, Tatyana, who interested Evgeniy. Young people meet, and love for Onegin arises in the heroine’s heart. Tatyana, in a fit of emotion, writes a letter to her lover, but is rejected. On Tatiana's name day, Onegin courtes Olga for fun and receives a challenge to a duel from Lensky. Having killed a friend during a duel, the hero leaves for St. Petersburg.

Three years later, Onegin and Tatyana meet in the capital. The girl married a general and shines in the world. Evgeny is smitten by her. Onegin's letter to Tatyana exposes Eugene's feelings. The woman refuses him, admitting that, despite the reciprocity, she will remain faithful to her husband. The story ends with the author's farewell to the audience.

The main characters of the work: Evgenia Onegin, Vladimir Lensky and Larina’s sisters – and Olga.

Evgeny Onegin is a nobleman born in St. Petersburg. His father squandered his fortune, so an inheritance from a wealthy relative turned out to be appropriate for the hero. Raised by tutors, Onegin had good upbringing, inherent young man its origin. The lack of moral principles has led to the fact that he behaves like a snob and does not know how to appreciate manifestations of passionate feelings. Ladies favor Evgeniy, gentlemen listen to his opinion. The essence of the young man is unchanged, although the hero changes throughout the novel.

Tatyana is the key female image works. She is modest, calm and reserved. The girl's manners emphasize her nobility. Her main entertainment is books. Partly their influence leads to falling in love with Onegin. Under the pressure of feelings, Tatyana decides to take a risky step, which was considered a disgrace for a lady of the 19th century: write a letter to her chosen one. Having received a refusal that hurt her pride, the girl pretends that nothing happened. She gets married knowing that old feelings have not faded away, and finds the strength to refuse Evgeniy, inflamed with love. For the reasonable and decent Tatyana, the thought of treason and betrayal of her husband is unacceptable.

Vladimir Lensky, a young man who became a close friend of Onegin in the village, according to art critics, is based on the young writer. A rich nobleman, 18 years old, is in love with Olga and remains faithful to the flighty laugher for many years. An educated handsome man cannot tolerate the insult caused by his friend's courtship of his lady love. Friendship with Onegin ends in a duel, which becomes a turning point in the narrative.

Olga is the younger Larina, Tatyana’s antagonist. The frivolous girl is too cheerful and loves to flirt with gentlemen. Without demonstrating talents and preferences, the girl is not inclined to think about the future. She perceives Lensky as a toy and does not share his feelings. After Vladimir's death, Olga quickly finds solace with a young officer, whom she marries.

  • The history of the creation of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is closely connected by the author’s achievement – ​​the Onegin stanza. The work was written in a special way, thanks to which Pushkin organized an alternative to prose chapters and easily changed the theme of the narrative. Readers note the author’s transition from presenting thoughts to describing the plot and back. The novel, in the format of a confidential conversation with the audience, was translated into 19 languages.

  • The legendary work has inspired more than once creative people to create art objects. In 1878
  • In the musical field, the plot described by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the novel “Eugene Onegin” was sung by the author and performer, whose pseudonym is Shura Karetny.


Replies of the main character and minor characters characters poetic novels have long been catchphrases. Many quotes from works of the XIX centuries do not lose relevance even in modern conditions.

“We all learned a little something and somehow, thanks to our upbringing, thank God, it’s no wonder for us to shine...”

These lines can describe more than one generation of Russians who read Pushkin’s works. Emphasizing the degree of education of the hero, the author, not without sarcasm, notes that, knowing how to wishful thinking, it is not difficult to create an attractive image in the world.

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails...”

This is what the poet writes, explaining the frivolity of the character, sometimes characteristic of many serious people. Incompatible traits are often combined in the character of extraordinary individuals and those who are not able to amaze with individuality.

“They got along. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other..."

With these words, dedicated to Lensky and Onegin, Pushkin emphasizes the striking differences between the heroes, describing them in the melodic manner of Onegin’s stanza.

"How smaller woman we love, the easier it is for her to like us.”

The writer gave a testament to subsequent generations through the mouth of Onegin and forever handed over to the representatives of the stronger sex a devastating weapon against ladies in love.

The poet puts unchanging truths into the novel, proclaiming:

“...We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones...”

For no one, including Evgeny, there is a more significant personality than his own, which is logical regardless of the era and circle of friends.

The main character of the work is Eugene Onegin, presented by the author in the image of a twenty-six-year-old young rich St. Petersburg nobleman. The hero is described in the novel as an educated, fashionable dandy, fluent in French and a little Latin, with decent manners, leading an idle life, without a position, loving to spend time at party balls and theatrical productions. Characteristics Onegin's poet is called indifference, coldness, causticity and slander, expressed in his sharp, chilled mind, contemptuous attitude towards people and constant boredom everywhere. Distinctive feature Evgeniy Onegin is the lack of ability for a deep, true feeling of love, being an experienced heartthrob who won the heart of Tatyana Larina.

Tatyana Larina

The second main character of the work is Tatyana Larina, depicted in the novel as a simple seventeen-year-old girl who comes from a poor noble family and lives in Russian outback. The girl is well educated, but at the same time she does not speak Russian well, since from childhood she was brought up to communicate in Russian. French, although he is very interested in reading and contemplating the surrounding nature. Tatyana has an unremarkable appearance, although she has a peculiar special charm. By character, Tatyana is described as an intelligent, strong-willed, stubborn woman who combines silence, detachment, daydreaming and great imagination. Tatyana, having met Onegin, experiences a sincere and pure feeling for the young man, but it does not find reciprocity in Eugene. Subsequently, Larina agrees to marry the prince, with whom the girl’s life is built on mutual respect, fidelity and honesty.

Vladimir Lensky

One of the main characters of the novel is presented by the author Vladimir Lensky, described as a young, black-haired, handsome nobleman of eighteen years old, who received German education, who is a friend and neighbor of Evgeny Onegin. Lensky is well-educated, plays chess, plays music, and writes poetry. Vladimir is distinguished by his dreaminess, combined with a passion for philosophy, romanticism, an ardent, enthusiastic character, expressed in his naivety, gullibility, innocence, and faith in goodness. Lensky has the ability to have sincere, tender feelings for a woman and true friendship. In the finale of the work, Vladimir dies, being struck by Onegin’s shot in a duel over Lensky’s fiancée Olga Larina, who after a while becomes the wife of another man.

Olga Larina

Olga Larina is one of the main heroines of the novel, the younger sister of Tatyana Larina, a lovely fair-haired girl with blue eyes, beautiful shoulders, graceful breasts and a ringing voice. Olga has a cheerful, lively, carefree, playful disposition, distinguished by frivolity, playfulness, sociability, and rustic stupidity. Olga's inability to act thoughtfully and her passion for female coquetry become the cause of the death of Vladimir Lensky, who passionately loved Olga Larina and was considered her fiancé.

Tatiana's husband

The secondary hero of the work is Tatyana Larina’s husband, depicted in the image of a prince, who is an old friend and distant relative of Onegin, with whom they have fun together during their youth.

Mother Praskovya

Also minor characters the novel are members of the Larinsky family, including the girls’ father Dmitry Larin, mother Praskovya, and nanny Filipyevna. Larina's spouses live happily family life, because they are distinguished by reasonableness, wisdom and kind attitude towards each other and others. Filipyevna is portrayed as a good-natured peasant woman who, at the early age of thirteen, married without love at the behest of her parents.

Princess Alina and Zaretsky

As minor characters the works are presented by the poet Princess Alina, who is the cousin of the Larin sisters, an old, sick woman with whom the family stays when arriving in Moscow for the bride fair, despite her illness, who loves to host dinner parties, as well as Lensky’s second in the duel, depicted in the image of his friend, Mr. Zaretsky, who has extensive experience in conducting duels, is distinguished by common sense, a sharp mind, but at the same time possesses with an evil tongue, expressed in bad gossip, prudence, cunning. In his youth, Zaretsky manifests himself as a brawler, gambler and rake, remaining an old bachelor for the rest of his life, but at the same time having numerous illegitimate children from serf peasant women. As time passes, Zaretsky changes and, at the end of his life, is engaged in educating his children and quietly running the household.

Heroes of the work Eugene Onegin

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is the pearl of the works of A.S. Pushkin. The work is moralizing and the images of the characters show what is good and bad. In the creation, all attention is paid not only to the central characters, but also to the secondary ones. There are no bad or good characters here, they are all ambiguous and are not subject to harsh criticism.

The main characters are Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin.

Onegin is a young rich nobleman, lives in St. Petersburg, he, like everyone else, metropolitan nobility spends his time at balls, in the theater and looking for new entertainment. In the novel, he is approximately 26 years old, carefully monitors his appearance, and dresses in fashion. Despite his idle life, he does not feel satisfied and is constantly sad. Onegin gained fame as a ladies' man, he is not a stupid young man, he has many talents, but in society he is considered only sweet and smart. Evgeniy is an egoist, he is dependent on public opinion, he does not value his loved ones. His sincerity lies only in melancholy and indifference. For fear of falling in the eyes of society, he kills a friend.

Tatyana Larina is the daughter of a provincial nobleman. For Pushkin, she became the embodiment of Russian national character. She is quiet and calm; she prefers books to noisy companies. She feels more comfortable alone with herself. She is approximately 17 years old, her beauty is discreet, and she dresses simply. Despite his modesty, having fallen in love with Onegin, he takes the first step. As a result, having received a refusal, she pulls herself together and begins to live anew, marrying a worthy but unloved man. Two years later, she has the strength to refuse Onegin, despite her love. After all, she is faithful to her husband.

Minor characters are no less important in this work.

Vladimir Lensky is a young and rich nobleman. Best friend Onegin and his complete opposite. Vladimir is a dreamer, he believes in love, kindness and friendship. Since childhood, he has been in love with Olga Larina, the youngest of the sisters. Despite his great popularity among girls, Vladimir wants to marry Olga, writes and dedicates poetry to her. Lensky became jealous of the younger Larina for Onegin, and as a result died at the hands of a friend in a duel.

Olga Larina is Tatyana's younger sister, her opposite. She is a beautiful flirt, her character is not endowed with depth. The youngest Larina is cheerful, flighty and carefree. As a result of her frivolity and playfulness, Lensky dies in a duel. Olga does not mourn him for long and marries a young officer.

Praskovya Larina is the mother of Tatyana and Olga. In her youth she was a dreamy person. She loved one sergeant, but she was married off to another. At first she could not come to terms with this, but over time she got used to married life and learned to carefully manage her husband.

Tatyana Filipevna's nanny. A kind old woman, she has been caring for the eldest Larina since infancy, teaching her life stories and protects in every possible way.

Prince N is Tatiana's husband, his life is dedicated to serving the Motherland. He loves Tatyana and is ready to do anything for her.

Zaretsky is a neighbor and friend of Lensky and Onegin. Zaretsky is not stupid, but cruel and indifferent. After a stormy youth, he lives on his estate, has no wife, but has illegitimate children from peasant women. He was a second in Lensky's duel. It can be considered the most negative hero, because it was in his power to stop the duel and reconcile his friends.

Princess Alina is the sister of Praskovya Larina. Lives in Moscow, hosts the Larins when they come to the bride fair. She herself is an old maid, having never been married. Despite his old age, he continues to host receptions in his home.

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