Scenario for the student initiation celebration. Initiation as a student: a cool holiday scenario - Interesting competitions, tests and skits

Let's say right away that this is the scenario for the unofficial part of initiation into students. We believe that the officialdom has passed: the rector spoke, the fifth-year students gave parting words, the first-year students said their response and vowed to study well and not disgrace the university. Here we will not describe the dedication script verbatim, because we are all experienced people - we ourselves know how to announce a performance or conduct a competition. So these are just the key points. student initiation script.

First you need to greet the room:
Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to see you in this hall, because it is here and now that you will truly become students.

Afterwards, you can play a game with the audience so that they feel more relaxed. We played the Hey Mambo game all the time, but there are a lot of such games - play the one you like

Once the audience is warmed up, the initiation ritual itself can begin.

Host: And now that everything is ready, we move directly to the initiation ritual. For initiation into students of the Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, I ask everyone to stand up! (pause) Please everyone sit down! Bring the attributes of initiation onto the stage

And while the props for the competitions are being beautifully brought out, one representative from each faculty is invited to the stage. (if dedication is at the faculty, then from the group)

And now the competitions themselves are rituals of initiation into students:

1) Choosing the fate of the faculty
There are three chairs on the stage. On one there is a thick book, on the second there is a beer mug, on the third there is a girl (guy)

Host: Now you choose your destiny for all five years of study at the university. You see three objects. If you choose a book, your class will study well and everyone will receive honors, a beer mug - you will have more fun and carouse, a girl - you will devote more time to your personal life, again to the detriment of your studies. Who's first?

The volunteer is blindfolded with a scarf and unwound. The audience can and should be given hints. Chairs and objects on them can be rearranged, but it is better to do this not immediately, but only after the second or third initiation - so that it does not get boring. We also always hid a military cap or a camouflage hat under a beer mug. You understand its meaning yourself.

This competition was always a great success for us, it was a lot of fun.

2) Knowledge and tears
The second competition is also deeply symbolic. It is dedicated to learning and control of knowledge. Here, first-year students are invited to find out how hard it is to gnaw on the granite of science, and how bitter student tears are during the session.

They take it out on a tray walnuts(according to the number of freshmen) and a cup with highly salted water. Everyone needs to crack a nut and take a sip from the cup. Prepare a heavy object in advance in case a helpless girl (or a helpless boy) suddenly appears on stage.

3) Venerate the holy relics
This is a ritual that is purely specific in terms of props: I don’t know where three more papier-mâché masks are available from the RSRTU. Three people carry them out - quite a sight.

And we say about them that these are the holy relics of poor students who studied at the Radical College for ten years and received the status of great martyrs. And for your grades and sessions to go smoothly, you need to venerate these relics and kiss them. This initiation ritual also always went well.

I will assume that you do not have such props. In this case, instead of this competition, you need to come up with something symbolic, like “hold on to something and you will be happy”

Next, the initiates were given farewell instructions. In ancient times, when we were ordained, the “Holy Father of Laskovsky and Zelenoborsky” Beard admonished us. He read some funny text and blessed everyone with water from a bucket using a broom. Later, when we were initiating students, the freshmen were admonished by “Putin” - but here again there was a man who very well parodied the former president.

At the end, we congratulated the newly initiated students, encouraged them to be proud of their university, and sang with them the radio university chant “Ole, ole, ole! RGRTU! RGRTU!

There was another ritual - “cutting the ribbon”. And since the university is technical, our ribbon is made of steel (perforated corner for plastering corners), and we cut it with a grinder. Very spectacular.

After that, to the applause of the audience, the test participants went to their places, and we continued the initiation into students with a concert.

Another forgotten part of ordination, largely due to the fact that some deans do not attend the informal part of ordination, is the dean's exam. The deans of the faculties were called onto the stage, and a table with tickets (written on official forms) was placed. And all the deans took turns answering questions on the tickets, such as “How to eat deliciously if there are only ten rubles left until the scholarship?” or “Where did you invite girls when you were students?”

Now about the concert. I don't think it makes sense to write the entire concert. IN different years, and even in different days initiation, he changed. Only two factors did not change:

1) The red thread of the concert is the introduction of freshmen to all sides student life. Skits about studying, about preparing for and passing exams, the military department, relationships between students - this is it.

An initiation celebration is a great way to bring joy to all first-year students at a college, university or institute and help them integrate into the team. During it, newcomers can demonstrate their talents, surprise teachers and future comrades with their ingenuity, attention and ability to find a way out. the most difficult situations. This is why initiation into students should be both interesting and fun. To entertain invited guests and performance participants, you can organize competitions and tests. Cool numbers and skits will help freshmen to cheer up and leave unforgettable memories. Among the proposed ideas and video presentations, you can choose original examples to draw up a new scenario for a student holiday.

An original initiation into students - a cool holiday scenario for freshmen

Surprise modern students cool holiday pretty hard. That is why the usual performances with poetry need to be replaced with interesting productions, competitions or skits. They will help freshmen at college and university have an unforgettable time and get to know students from other courses and parallel courses.

Ideas for writing a cool script for a student dedication.

The main part of the holiday should be entrusted to senior students for preparation. They, as experienced students, will be able to choose the coolest numbers and create funny dialogues. For example, include in holiday script for freshmen you can have the following numbers:

  • sketches about life in a hostel, studying at the university;
  • funny stories about passing exams or studying with specific teachers;
  • useful tips on the rules of “survival” at a university or college.

It is important to remember that both curators and teachers will be present at such events. Therefore, stories about them or their teaching methods should be funny, but not offensive.

Examples of original numbers for the initiation of all first-year students into students

To compose cool script and to please freshmen with an unforgettable initiation, it is recommended to study examples of such events. Among the performances offered below, you can choose useful materials to draw up a dedication program.

An unusual initiation of freshmen into students - an interesting holiday scenario

A prerequisite for holding a cool initiation at the institute is the selection of funny and interesting numbers to congratulate freshmen. They can also be involved in the holiday by entrusting them with learning songs and ditties.

Examples of performances and ideas for speeches to create an interesting scenario for student initiation

An excellent option for raising the spirits of everyone present at the holiday are funny dialogues between students and teachers, and the dean. Original stories can be built on life situations that happened to senior students at university or college. It will also perfectly complement dialogues and skits, competitions by including musical or dance numbers, in which first-year students will participate. For example, create great mood This song will help:

How interesting it is to initiate a student - competitions and tests for the script

Eating salt can be considered a classic test for all freshmen. It should first be mixed with sugar and poured into a small plate. At the beginning festive event every freshman must eat a teaspoon of salt (so to speak, so that life does not seem like honey). And then other competitions and competitions may be held.

"Our Life in the Dorm" competition for a fun student dedication

Several people are selected from among the freshmen and each is given one chair. The task of the captain-commandant is to “settle” the students into his dorm: to seat the students on a chair or simply have them hold on to the back of it. The winner is the participant who can score maximum quantity residents.

An interesting test “Test of wits” for students for the dedication holiday

A couple of boys and as many girls as possible are selected to participate. The guys' task will be to transfer girls from one end of the office or hall to the other. This task is complicated by the fact that each time you need to carry the girl in a new way. The guy who is smart and can handle things differently will win. larger number female students

Cool initiation into students - script with funny scenes

A selection of interesting topic for the scene. This could be a story about student life, funny revelations about passing exams or doing internships.

Funny sketch “Daily worries” for a cool student dedication script

A funny skit telling about the difficult everyday life of each student will help make teachers and first-year students laugh at the initiation festival. It can include dialogues between fellow students, their stories about preparing for the next pairs, competitions, communicating with teachers and life in the dorm.

To conduct a cool and interesting initiation into students, you need to look at many examples of numbers and skits. They should become the basis of a holiday that will help first-year students at a college, institute, or university meet senior students and make new friends. It is imperative to include competitions and tests in the celebration scenario. Among the proposed video examples, you can choose original numbers to create an unusual and original celebration of the initiation of all newcomers.

Yesterday I was still a schoolboy, today I am a student. Every autumn excited freshmen inundated by the higher ones educational institutions. They, so different, are now united by one word - students. However, any freshman knows. He will become a student by accepting a “baptism of fire.” Initiation as a student, the script of which is known only to a select few, is a great sacrament for juniors and a real holiday for seniors.

The tradition of initiation into students originated in medieval Paris. At first it was sophisticated bullying of freshmen. Having gone through water, fire and copper pipes“, the newcomers entered into a “secret alliance” designed to obstruct the hated administration.

Now dedication to students the scenario of which is far from a medieval action, it is a holiday. It is eagerly awaited by freshmen, seniors and students responsible for organizing the holiday.

Each institute (and students of different specialties) initiation into students has its own characteristics. At the holiday freshmen get to know each other, participate in different comic competitions, undergo fun tests.

Initiation as a student - a solemn event, so they prepare for it in advance and thoroughly. The organizers take care of festive colorful posters, colorful humorous drawings and inscriptions on student topics. They hang them everywhere. They create a festive atmosphere, amuse them, and set a student fighting spirit.

In the midst of organizational fuss, even the most experienced can become confused. After all, writing a script so that everything is appropriate and incredibly funny is far from a joke. The Internet comes to the rescue. Just type in the search window “student initiation script”, or better yet “ initiation into students script", and you will have hundreds in your hands original ideas on the topic of the main performance, competitions and tests. A little fantasy acting and improvisation on the part of the organizing committee, and the finished script will turn into a masterpiece.

A lot of people gather for the main performance. Excited, joyful freshmen, rubbing their palms, seniors who consider themselves “gurus.”

No one will offend anyone, but the initiation into students will be remembered by everyone for the rest of their lives. As something that embodies the atmosphere of reckless youth, student enthusiasm and humor and, of course, selfless friendship for centuries.

Scenario "Initiation as a student"

Gaudeamus sounds, the presenters (B1 and B2) come on stage.

Q1: Hello, our dear freshmen!

Q2: And our equally dear guests!

Q1: Today, more than ever, we are pleased to welcome you to our university! After all, today we are dedicating you to students! Today you will become part of our large and friendly family!

Q1: Let's ask our freshmen to stand up so we can all look at them!

Q2: Applause!

freshmen stand to applause

Q1: I ask all teachers to remember our new friends well, so that at the session you can easily identify who came to you!

Q2: This is him (addressing the first presenter) jokes. Remember, the more often you go to classes, the longer you will sleep during the session (laughs).

V1: Thank you, we looked at you, sit down! (for freshmen)

Q2: So, let's figure out who the students are?

V1: Let them tell it themselves!

To the music:

On the French side, on an alien planet,

I have to study at the university.

How sad I am, I can’t say in words...

Cry, dear friends, with bitter tears!

We'll shake each other's hands goodbye,

And the martyr of science will leave his father's house.

Here I am standing, holding the oar - in a moment I will set sail.

The poor heart was filled with grief and sadness...

Water splashes quietly - blue ribbon
Remember your student sometimes

The presenters leave, 4 students come out singing along.

S1: You don’t know who a student is?

S2: We'll tell you!

S3: A student is someone who can live on a scholarship on such a scale as never before on any salary!

S4: A student is someone who eats on occasion and sleeps wherever he has to!

S1: You can easily identify a student by appearance.

S2: STUDENT. He rarely gets his hair cut, sometimes combs his hair. Dresses stylishly, once a year - new. In his first year, he has a lot of thick notes on various subjects. The latter, as a rule, has one thin notebook called “for everything.”

S4: STUDENT. He rarely combs his hair, usually gets his hair cut. In the first year she has a fashionable handbag with notes, in the last year she has an old bag. In her first year she has a fashionable manicure, in her last year she has frequent wedding rings. They try to create heirs on the eve of the diploma, because the thickness at the waist contributes to easy passage all protection.

S2: Is it difficult for students to study?

S3: The first five years - yes, but then you get used to it!

S1: What about exams?

S3: An exam is a conversation between two smart people.

S1: Well, what if one of them is so-so?

S3: Well then the second one will go for a retake!

S1: What about your scholarship?

S4: Well, in the first semester you will receive it...

To the music:

We lived together for many winters and many years,
Keeping the holy vow of fidelity and honor.
Well, be always alive and healthy -
I believe the day will come when we will meet again.
I’ll gather you all together if you’re in a foreign land
I won't accidentally die from my Latin,
If the Romans and Greeks don't go crazy,
Compiled volumes for the library.

The students bow, leave, and the presenters come out.

Q1: Well, I hope you have already realized a little about what is ahead of you.

Q2: As they say, I acted recklessly, but I got into college!

Q1: For those who don’t know yet, we will give you two important documents!

Q2: Please note that they have hard crusts. They are expected to live to see you graduate from our alma mater!

Q1: As you probably guessed, this is a student’s record book. What are they for?

Q2: Oh, that's extreme. important documents! (laughs)

Q1: So, student ID! Don't lose it! After all, he will give you a bunch of discounts in cinemas, theaters, exhibitions and transport! Well, it will protect our stronger half from falling into the valiant armed forces!

Q2: Well, what about the record book?

Q1: First of all, it is sometimes graded! It can also be exchanged once for a diploma. But her most important function is that at midnight on the eve of the exam, she needs to wave through the window shouting “Freebie, come!”

Q2: As you already understood, this was one of the secret ways to pass the session! But in fact there are more of them! Remember! When you go to the exam, put 5 rubles under your heel and get an A!

Q2: Don’t forget to tell everyone that on the day of the exam you should be scolded with the last words!

Q1: You cannot wash your hair during the session, otherwise the knowledge will not be retained in your head!

Q2: You can’t paint them either - otherwise the teacher won’t recognize you! (laughs)

Q1: It’s better to find out the teacher’s middle name in the corridor before the exam, and not during it, then your chance of successfully passing will increase somewhat!

Q2: Don't forget to use your notes during the exam!

V1: ...the main thing is not to be seen!

Q2: Do you know that teachers divide students into “dogs”, “lizards” and “drivers”.

Q1: “Coach drivers” are those who ride in troikas.

Q2: In “lizards”, as soon as one “tail” falls off, the next one immediately grows.

Q1: And the “dogs” have a smart, smart look, but they can’t say anything.

Q2: Well, it's time to finish our official part! To you (to students) After all, it’s time to celebrate with your new classmates!

Q1: We would like to wish you interesting lectures, decent teachers and easy exams! Study hard!

Q2: Well, now some champagne for everyone!

To the music:

If I don't get drunk to death at a drunken party,
I will definitely come back to you, friends!
Here I stand, holding the oar, in a moment I’ll set sail!
The poor heart was filled with grief and sadness.

The water splashes quietly - a blue ribbon.
Sometimes remember your student!

They bring out champagne for everyone.

At the very beginning, after the 3rd remark, you can add the dean’s speech with an official speech about the institute (history, achievements, introduction of the teaching staff, the desire to be worthy of the title “student” - to gnaw on the granite of science with zeal)

Instead of a conclusion

And finally, I would like to add that any ritual of initiation into students should carry good mood participants of the ceremony, and not end in a scandal or intervention of law enforcement agencies. As it happened, for example, in September 2016 in Kemerovo, where freshmen were stripped naked at the initiation ceremony.

We hope that you, our dear readers, do not hold such extreme views. Therefore, we wish you a fun student life and success in your studies!

Start. Student Council with a flash mob (exit from the hall to the stage)

High five! to the exit of the presenters

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear students! ...Although, cannot yet bear the proud title of “Student”, because you have not gone through the initiation ritual and have not proven that you are worthy of this title.

Presenter 2: Today, teams of freshmen will compete in a very difficult match, one of which will become the best of the best.

Presenter 1: The most creative, bright and proactive will have to demonstrate what a “Universal Student” should be.

Presenter 2: What will you all need to strive for in order to achieve maximum heights in the difficult student business!

Presenter 1: And according to tradition, the director of the Kursk branch of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov Ustinovich Elena Stepanovna, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, is invited to the stage for parting words.

Presenter 2: Today, 7 national teams are taking part in the competition, which includes first-year students of all specialties and areas of training.

Presenter 1: Which greatly increases the complexity of the task for our experts, who include:

1. methodologist Anna Valerievna Zavalishina

2. Head of OTS and OP Tsvetkov Alexander Viktorovich

3. member of the Student Scientific Society Zevakina Natalya

Presenter 1: So here we go! And to begin with, so that you get into the atmosphere and understand the rules of the game, we have prepared a trial task, with an example of which we will show everything.

Let's ask Natalya Zevakina to come out to us (comes out). She goes to the music box, where our assistants Danil Savchenko and Ruslan Demchishin will play pleasant music in her headphones.

While Natalya is enjoying the music, you will need to complete the task; 30 seconds are allotted for thinking, discussing with the team, recording your answer and submitting it to the jury; answers submitted late are not taken into account.

So, you need to guess how many seconds it will take Natalya to read the alphabet backwards. Time has passed! (30 sec timer starts).

Let's hand over sheets! That's it, we ask Natalya to return to us, now she has to complete a simple task. Natasha, do you have a mentality more inclined towards mathematics or are you a humanist? You now have to read the alphabet, but you will have to remember it from the last letter, i.e. vice versa. Are you ready? Time has passed! . (The time for completing the task is recorded, when the task is completed, the jury assigns points. For an accurate answer - 3 points, for a close answer - 2 points, one of the jury members announces the results). [On average 2.5 minutes per task].

Presenter 2: Now that you know the rules, let's start the game directly with you, our dear freshmen! I will ask one representative from the first team to leave and go to the music box.

This time, you will need to guess how many people our participant will now hug in 20 seconds.

We invite the participant to come to us to explain the task ahead of him. It turned out to be quite pleasant and kind, now you will need to hug as many people as you can in 20 seconds. It is necessary to hug everyone individually and completely, and not close to a clap on the shoulder. Ready? Time has passed! .

(The jury counts and announces the points awarded to the teams).

Guys, you will now need to guess how many seconds it will take our participant to drink a small bottle of water.

That's it, we are ready to tell our hero what he has to do now. Are you thirsty? Well, other than that it doesn’t matter, you will now quench your thirst until the end of the game for sure! You will need to drink this bottle of water. Your friends have placed their bets. Are you ready? Let's go!

(The jury announces the points awarded to the teams).

Presenter 2: We continue and this time we invite a representative from the third team to our guys.

While our participant is enjoying the music, you will need to place bets on how many belts he will count in the hall in 20 seconds! Forward

The sheets have been handed in. We are calling our participant! Tell me, are you wearing a belt? ... Your task now will be the following, you need to count as many belts in the gym as you can in 20 seconds. Are the teams ready? Is the participant ready? Let's go!

(The jury announces the points earned).

The box is loaded and we begin to make assumptions. This time I will guess a number, I will tell it to you, it will be the most difficult task do not prompt the participant. But a big incentive not to do this is that with any attempt to give a hint, the team will lose all previously earned points. So, I will guess the number 11, you need to guess how many seconds it will take the participant to guess it.

You have made your assumptions, the participant returns to us. Now let's see how it really happens. You need to guess the number within 30 that I just guessed. Ready? Time has passed!

(The jury announces the points received for this task).

Presenter 2: This time a representative of team number five is sent to us. Preferably a girl. While she listens to music, we will decide on the task.

Now you need to guess how many people our participant will kiss, leaving a bright trace of lipstick on her cheek. Time has passed

The bets are placed, now we invite our participant to complete the task.

Do you wear red lipstick? Now you will need to leave a kiss mark on your cheek for 20 seconds. Only bright lip prints will be counted, so you will have to paint as you complete the task. Are you ready? Time has passed!

(The jury sets and announces the points received).

Presenter 1: And I'm in music box I invite a representative from the sixth team.

Now we need the help of our respected jury member Alexander Viktorovich Tsvetkov. And you need to guess how many seconds our participant will be able to make him laugh. The time for discussion has come.

You have decided. We can call our participant and give him a very difficult task, which is to make our respected Alexander Viktorovich Tsvetkov laugh. Ready? Time has passed! .

(The jury sets and announces the points earned for this task).

Presenter 2: And now we invite a representative from the seventh team, guy. He goes to listen to music with our guys while you figure it out.

Now you will need to show extrasensory abilities and try to guess which girl our participant will choose from his team. When completing a task, the conditions prohibiting hints remain in force. Ready to start the discussion? Time has passed!

The predictions have been made, now let's see how everything happens. We invite the participant to join us. You will now need to choose a girl from your team.

(The jury announces the awarded points).

Presenter 1: The first round of tasks went unnoticed. Are you wondering who is in the lead? Let's find out from our jury members. (The jury announces the results of the first round of tasks).

Well, shall we continue? I again invite a representative from the first team. He goes to Danil and Ruslan.

Now again we will need to think a little and guess what song from the group “Hands Up” will come to mind for our participant. The time for discussion has come.

Time is up, your options are clear. Let's call our participant and find out what the actual answer is. What kind of music do you like? Now you will need to name the song that first comes to your mind, performed by the group “Hands Up”.

(The jury assigns points to the teams).

Presenter 2: Team number two, a representative from your team is waiting at the music box!

Our participant will have to do a little math. Solve the equation. And you determine how many seconds he can solve it. The time for discussion has come!

The jury has your options, let's see how right you were. We invite team member number two. Which will need to solve the equation. Ready? Time has passed. (Only after this does the Whatman paper with the equation turn around and he solves it).

(The jury awards points).

Presenter 1: Aren't you tired? We invite the next participant from team number three to join our guys.

He now faces a super difficult task, simply super difficult, he will have to compete with Yana. And you need to guess how many of the 5 attempts the participant will win against Yana in rock-paper-scissors. Time has passed.

That's it, time is up, your options are known. And we invite a participant who will have to fight with Yana. Do you know such a game as “Rock-paper-scissors”? You will have 5 attempts. Ready? Yana are you ready? Let's go.

(The jury determines the points and announces).

Presenter 2: We invite a participant from team number four. He goes to listen to music while you think.

This time, you will need to guess how many selfies our participant will take with an individual in 20 seconds. The time has come for your discussions with the team!

Your assumptions are made. We invite our participant to join us. Do you like to be photographed? You will now need to take the maximum number of selfies within 20 seconds, each with only one person. Is the task clear? Time has passed!

(The jury awards points to the teams).

Presenter 1: I want to invite a representative from team five to Danil and Ruslan.

You need to think about how many cities starting with the letter B our participant can name in 20 seconds. Ready to discuss? Time has passed!

You have decided, and now we will find out from our participant how much he knows.

How is your geography? Are you getting your bearings? Do you know the map well? Now you will need to name as many cities as you can in 20 seconds starting with the letter B. Are you ready? Let's go!

(The jury sets and announces points)

Presenter 2: Let's continue with the representative of team six. He goes into the music box.

Now the participant will need to remember the literature. And you can guess how many poets the participant knows, which he will have time to tell in 20 seconds. Let's discuss!

Are you ready? We will ask the participant to come to us to receive the task.

(Scores received are announced).

Presenter 1: Shall we continue? I invite a member from team number seven to the music box!

Now, you have to think about how many seconds it will take our participant to guess the famous song “Poplar Pooh”. Ready to meet with your team? 30 seconds gone!

The bets are in. You just have to believe in the best. We invite the participant to join us.

Tell me do you remember musical game“Guess the melody”? You have to play it now. The music will start playing and as soon as you recognize the song, you say stop, and then the name. Ready? Let's start!

(The jury assigns points to the teams).

Presenter 2: Stage 2 of the game has flown by. It will be interesting to know who is in the lead.

(The jury reads out the results).

And we continue! Third stage. Are you ready? A representative from the first team is waiting for you at the music box.

See this little text? You need to guess how many letters our participant will count in 20 seconds. He won't necessarily be right, remember that! The time for discussion has come!

We know your assumptions. Now we will find out the answer. We invite participants to join us!

Now you have to count in 20 seconds how many letters are hidden in this text. Ready? Time has passed!

(The jury records the points).

Presenter 1: We invite a representative of the second team. He goes to the guys. In the meantime, we will find out the next task.

Now we have to work with letters again. But this time you will need to guess how many seconds it will take the participant to form a word from the letters. It's time for discussion!

Everyone is ready. The participant is invited to join us. Now you have to think a little and minimum quantity time to form a simple word from letters. Ready? Time has passed!

(The jury evaluates the teams' answers).

Presenter 2: And I invite a participant from team number three. He goes to listen to music.

You'll have to remember now children's competition"mummy". To do this, we will invite an assistant, and you will find out who later. Your task is that you have to guess how many seconds it will take the participant to wrap the mummy from head to waist. It's time for discussion!

Are you ready? We invite our participant. Now you will need to remember your childhood and wrap our assistant in toilet paper. And it will be Ruslan Demchishin. From head to waist. Time has passed!

(The jury evaluates the answers)

Presenter 1: I invite a member from team number four. He goes to listen to music. He can't hear us, so let's begin.

Now you will need to estimate how much our participant can sing sound ah-ah. The time for discussion is yours.

The results of your discussions are ready, let's get started. We invite you to join us.

Do you like to sing? What about running? Basically, your task is to sing the sound a-a-a. As much as you can. Ready? Let's begin!

(The jury evaluates and records the results).

Presenter 2: A participant from team number five is invited to the box.

Today we already remembered the alphabet. But now you need to think about how many seconds it will take the participant to recite all the vowels of the alphabet in order. Ready to move on to the discussion? Time has passed!

We invite our participant back. You will have to remember the alphabet now too. But this time, name all the vowels of the alphabet in order. Ready? Time has passed!

(The jury evaluates the task).

Presenter 1: The next participant to be invited is from team number six. Ready?

Great. Now you have to guess how many seconds it will take the participant to untie this knot? Let's discuss!

Ready! We invite the participant to take a closer look. Do your headphones get tangled in your pocket or bag? Do you untangle easily? You now have to unravel a more complex knot, which you tied not yourself, but with my help. Ready? Forward!

(The jury records the results).

Presenter 2: And we invite a representative from the last team that completes the third round to the box.

This time you need to guess in what attempt the participant will be able to tell the tongue twister “Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.” The time for discussion has passed.

Time's up. Let's call our participant. Do you know a lot of tongue twisters? Do you know the tongue twister “Karl stole corals from Clara...?” You have to tell it now. Your classmates placed bets on how many times you will be able to tell it without making a mistake.

(The jury sets the number of points)

Presenter 1: AND last stage our game, for which we send our respected Anna Valerievna Zavalishina to the music box.

For an accurate answer the team will receive 5 points, with an error of a few seconds 0, all others -3.

You need to guess how many seconds it will take Anna Valerievna to tell you the recipe for borscht. Let's discuss!

That's it, the moment of truth has come, we invite Anna Valerievna to join us. You have been given the most difficult task. Now you will need to tell us the recipe for borscht! Are you ready? Time has passed!

(The jury assigns points. Calculates the amount. Signs the certificates). At this time The presenters raise all the students to their feet, the music for the flash mob is turned on and everyone dances.

Awarding certificates. Presentation of symbolic letters of initiation to students.

Student years are probably the most best time in the lives of most people. After all, you can not only study while under the strict supervision of parents or teachers, but first of all, have fun free time. That is why, in order to know how to diversify everyday life, I would like to consider the most fun and interesting competitions for students.

Game "Crocodile"

This is probably the most common and fun activity. To carry it out you need 5 or more people. From all those present, a leader is selected, that is, the one who will show the word. Players need to present the encrypted word in such a way that they guess it. Whoever guessed first what exactly is being discussed becomes the presenter. This is a very fun game that you can play for hours.

Competition "Funny Sausages"

When considering competitions for students, it is imperative to talk about competition games. So, you can prepare fake sausages or sausages, which will have to be attached to the participants’ belts. With these devices, players will need to push a ball or a light cube into a certain goal. Whoever does it first is the winner. This competition is always accompanied by cheerful screams and funny words support.

Who is superman?

Only boys can take part in this competition. So, you will need 5-7 people. The essence of the task: decide which of the young men is a modern superman. And as you know, a real man must do three things: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. There will be some changes in this competition. Guys will have to “plant” a liver, “build” a wife and “grow” a belly.

  • To complete the first part of the task, you need to quickly drink a liter of juice through a straw.
  • The second part of the task requires you to inflate balloons. Then they are tucked under a shirt or jacket, after which the sumo fight begins. The winner is the one who has balloons remained intact.
  • For the third part you will need girls. The guys should gather as many ladies as possible into their team. Whoever has more representatives of the fair half behind him will win.

Superman will have to be announced based on the results of all three rounds of the competition. You can reward him with a medal.

Who's fashionable?

What other fun competitions are there for students? So why not big company don't play dress up. To do this, you first need to prepare a bag full of different clothes: pantaloons, large bras, skirts and sweaters. Under cheerful music the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the melody stops, the person in whose hands the bag is, pulls out an item of clothing by touch. And of course, he puts it on. Then those who dressed best must either dance or sing a funny song. This game can be useful for any youth group, not just students.

Where am I?

When choosing competitions for students, be sure to include the game “Where am I?” in the program. To do this, you need to prepare signs with inscriptions of the places where people can visit. For example: “dormitory”, “public toilet”, “isolation centre”, “nudist beach”, “strip bar”. That is, the signs should be as fun and unusual as possible. The participants themselves do not know which place they will find. attached to the player's back. The presenter asks the most common questions that the participants must answer. For example: “How often do you go there?” The result is very funny. And the winner is chosen by the whole team.


The scenario for the student competition can be supplemented by such a fun game as “Sultan”. To do this you need to choose two men. They will be the sultans. Next, the guys must choose 5-6 wives for their harem. Afterwards, the teams will have to complete several tasks.

  1. When selecting competitions for students, you must also prepare equipment. IN in this case You'll need bloomers. Their “wives” will have to fill them with inflated balloons themselves. The thicker sultan will be the winner.
  2. Next, the sultans must quickly kiss their wives in two places on the body (the places for kissing are chosen independently). For example, this could be the hand and cheek.
  3. The third part is replenishment. That is, the Sultan must think about how to attract more girls to his harem. To do this, the guy goes to the hall, kissing all the ladies he comes across on the way. The one who kisses wins more girls in one time period.

Expectant mother

It is imperative to prepare competitions for So, everyone knows that most university students live in dormitories. And there should be order and cleanliness. To do this, you can hold a competition called “ Expectant mother" So, guys have a big one attached to their stomach. balloon. And they must temporarily collect the matches scattered on the floor. This is not an easy task. It is believed that if the players in such a situation were able to restore order, then real life It will be very easy for them to keep the room clean.

Know ours!

Student initiation competitions can be not only fun, but also educational. So, you can introduce freshmen to the teaching staff of the faculty or department. To do this, you must first prepare portraits of all teachers. It will be good if you can process them in Photoshop in a fun way. And first-year students must show off the knowledge of the teaching staff. That is, beginners will have to guess which subject this or that person will read.

The ideal dean

It is important that competitions for students are fun and funny. So, you can have fun coming up with a portrait of the ideal dean. To do this, two or three teams are given an easel on which they must draw a picture. The team with the best and funniest dean will win.

Find a cheat sheet

Competitions among students can also be educational. Yes, you can prepare fun game, which will teach beginners how to hide cheat sheets. To do this, you need to select several paired teams. The best tandem is a guy and a girl. One will hide cheat sheets on his body, the other will look for them blindfolded. The first team to find everything hidden will win.

In fact, there can be many more games and competitions. It’s good to include the creative component, that is, sing and dance. The main thing is that those present have fun.