Why do you dream of wearing a coat? New coat interpretation of the dream book. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Children's dream book What does Coat mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of a Coat - There comes a period when you will miss the warmth and attention of others. Aggression is possible, and therefore there is a need for protection. During this period, communication with loved ones and friends is necessary, especially heart-to-heart conversations, as this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of a Coat according to the dream book:

Coat - Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to one’s own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends difficult situation, in which you turn to friends for support. A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a coat mean?

Coat – Purchase; new - losses in business; old - success, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of a Coat?

Seeing in a dream

Coat – Put on a new coat - good sign, wishes will come true. Putting on someone else's coat that doesn't fit is a sign of an unpleasant situation; putting on your own coat means a trip; tearing it means failure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coat - Exposure; old – acquisition; new - a mistake, an oversight; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing a Coat in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Coat - If you dreamed black coat, - this means that in reality your dedication will be duly rewarded. A red coat warns that you may become a victim of cruelty, meanness or hypocrisy. A woman's cape in a dream promises happy love.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of a Coat in a dream:

Coat - Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures. If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires. If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows. An owl in which you lost your coat is unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Coat in a dream

Coat - too big for height - frightening; good - honor and importance; lose - you will get into trouble; to see someone taking away - you will encounter difficulties; seeing someone wrapped up is a hobby.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Coat:

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Coat in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of a Coat - New - honor, respect - dirty - poverty, humiliation - not for your height - great fear - good - honor and meaning - to lose - you will get into trouble - to see how someone takes it - you will face difficulties - to see someone wrapped up - infatuation

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Coat according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Coat (jacket) in a dream - It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret. Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances.


Dream interpretation black coat

Why do you dream about a black coat in a dream according to the dream book?

Dreaming of a black coat means receiving a worthy reward for your dedication. Actions performed for the sake of others to the detriment of oneself will be noticed and repaid threefold.

There is no need to doubt the need for good deeds; sooner or later your efforts will be noticed and all the hardships suffered will be made up for.

Who dreamed of a black coat?

Why do you dream of a man in a black coat?

The dream book defines a dream about a man in a black coat as the onset of unpleasant events full of disappointment. It may also mean excessive attention to one’s sensuality or indicate a hidden secret or secret.

Buying a black coat for a deceased father in a dream

If you dreamed that you were buying a black coat for your deceased father, you should pay tribute to the memory of your deceased parent. Visit his grave, or go to the church to light a memorial candle.


I dreamed about Coat in a dream book, which means interpretation of dreams in a dream about Coat

Star dream book Dream Coat why do you dream?

Dream interpretation of dreams: You dreamed of a Coat, what is it for - a new dream means good luck. Old - to health problems, poverty. Capricorn.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dreamed of a Coat.

Coat - patronage. The coat is new, clean - they will help you; old, dirty - vulnerability.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of a Coat?

What does it mean to see in a dream You dreamed of a Coat, why is it - a manifestation of stubbornness. Putting on someone else's coat means correcting other people's mistakes. Trying on a beautiful coat means good luck. A coat that doesn’t fit your height means you’ll be afraid of responsibility. To lose is to get into trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Coat mean in a dream:

What does a Coat mean in a dream - recognition in society awaits you. Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does Coat mean:

You dreamed of a Coat, what is it for - you see a new fashionable coat on yourself - your most cherished wish will soon come true; A dream in which you see a long coat is especially favorable. You see a coat on yourself from someone else's shoulder - only with the help of friends will you be able to stand on your feet in difficult situation. You see an old torn coat in a dream - only fortitude will help you survive the coming sorrows. It’s as if you asked someone for a coat for a while - you will pay for other people’s sins and mistakes. It’s as if you’ve lost your coat - the dream says that you allow yourself to be careless in financial matters and in paperwork; through this unforgivable negligence you will have losses.

Phoebe's Big Dream Book Interpretation of the dream Coat:

What does a Coat mean in a dream - to recognition in society, respect from others. Imagine an outerwear store. You see a lot of different coats there. Imagine looking at them and trying them on one by one, and then choosing the one you like best and buying it. It must be an expensive, beautiful, luxurious coat that suits you very well - perhaps the one you dream of.

Russian dream book What does Coat mean in a dream:

What does a new coat mean in a dream - respect in the family and at work; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrow a coat - you risk “borrowing” other people’s mistakes.


Why do you dream of black clothes?

Now many people are interested in the question of why black clothes are dreamed of, what it could mean and how to decipher it. Both in life and in dreams, the color black is a sign of something not very good. It doesn’t have to be death or a disaster, but the person will definitely be sad. This could be a fight that changes everything in a person's life.

What if a person dreamed of black clothes? If he sees himself in such clothes, then this may mean that bad news may come, both from work and on the personal front. If you see a black veil on your head, this may mean that the woman has a rival, and the man has a rival. Wearing black clothing may indicate that there may be a disorder or illness. That is, this can mean everything that concerns bad emotions and other equally unpleasant events. See yourself in wedding dress that turns black may mean that you have a disease that will require surgical intervention, etc. That is, everything associated with the color black may mean something not good in a person’s life,

It is important to know that black is not always a sign. That is, this may be against the background of the fact that you had a bad day and went to bed with bad emotions. That's how it went bad dream, because a person believes that everything is bad in his life, and no one helps him solve his problems. Also, a quarrel with a loved one can lead to such a dream.

In general, if you dream about clothes, then this does not portend anything bad. That is, if in a dream you see how you buy new clothes or wash, dress, etc., then this only brings happiness and changes for the better in life. Then why decide for yourself that black clothes are something bad, you can change everything yourself. An illness, if it is foreshadowed by a dream and a person believes in it, will definitely come. And what’s most disgusting is that this is on a subconscious level, he attributes this disease to himself. It will not necessarily be serious, but it will be enough for a person to verify the veracity of the dream. It also portends problems at work or in the family. So you need to know that a person always has problems and this does not depend on sleep. Therefore, one should not believe too much in dreams

What could a dream about black clothes portend? Yes, anything, that is, it could be something very bad, or, on the contrary, it could be some kind of sign. That is, there is evidence that anyone who dreams of a person who is dressed in black means that bad news will come. That is, many people now say that after they dreamed of a man in black, something bad happened, for example the death of a person close to them, etc. That is, there is only one conclusion, that this is just a harbinger of some kind of news . Many people claim that these are the souls of those who once died or, on the contrary, must depart to another world. So you shouldn’t be afraid of such dreams, you just need to decipher them correctly and compare all the facts, or just ignore them altogether and everything will be fine.

It is important to always follow the rules of caution; you do not have to believe in all the dreams you have. After all, we decide our fate ourselves, not our dreams. No one argues that dreams can be prophetic, but, whatever one may say, humanity itself decides how to live and what to do.

In conclusion, I would only like to say that no matter what clothes we dream of, black, red, white or purple, we ourselves decide what to do with our lives. After all, we can do everything to make our life the most beautiful and amazing. You don't need to pay attention to dreams.


Dream Interpretation Coat green

Why do you dream of a green coat in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a green coat in a dream means successfully overcoming troubles caused by others. The situation will turn out to your advantage, rewarding you for the inconvenience you endured.

Overcoming difficulties depends on the desire and desire to overcome. Set realistic goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.


Black clothes

Dream Interpretation Black clothes dreamed of why you dream about Black clothes? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Black clothes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Seeing or wearing rags or old clothes in a dream is a sign of need and deprivation. If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

Seeing or buying children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream one should expect family scandals or quarrels with a lover. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadow troubles and worries.

Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes. Unfashionable but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you modest prosperity and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you are taking off old, worn, tattered clothes, or simply clothes that you don’t like, then they are waiting for you good changes in life, success in business and personal.

Staining a dress with oil in a dream is a sign of success in love.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if they don't suit you, means that troubles and disappointments await you. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken on the wrong business. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes and hints that they are not comfortable cutting down a tree. If you dream that you do not like your clothes in a dream, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If your clothes are too big for you or you are wearing someone else’s, then you are doing something wrong. Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help. If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should be wary of envious people or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream your clothes are too small, then you are doing empty work. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may soon find yourself in straitened circumstances if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Clothing that fits you poorly in a dream foretells disappointments and experiences associated with this. Wearing the clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you will receive an inheritance after their death (or after separation from these people).

A dream in which you saw that someone else’s good or rich clothes suited you perfectly, something that you did not entrust great hopes, will come true and promises you the respect of others and profit. The same can be said about the long clothes that you dream about.

If you dream that you are poorly or poorly dressed, then your life will be joyless and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

Admiring someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: beware of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that illness or great sorrow awaits you. Wearing a wedding dress with pleasure in a dream means joy and success in business. Often such a dream foreshadows new meetings and acquaintances.

Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes on oneself in a dream is a sign of disgrace, humiliation and shame.

Clothes drenched in blood, seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

A rich dress made of expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc., to see in a dream means receiving good news, benefit and respect from others. The dream in which you put on a toga has the same meaning.

Having or seeing a lot of elegant clothes in a dream means that you live carefree and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts that you will soon have to regret your extravagance.

Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then good news about success in business awaits you. If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if in the dream you can finish your work. But if you do not finish it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing your shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit. Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor. Buying trousers in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off your pants in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

Seeing or wearing a formal dress, tailcoat or tuxedo in a dream is a sign of imminent entry into a profitable marriage. Seeing a uniform in a dream means that a responsible job awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune. If you dream that you are putting on a priest’s robe, then the patronage of an important dignitary awaits you. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dream that you are walking through mud and your clothes are dirty, then beware of illness.

Putting on a woman's dress is a shame and loss for men; for a woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage.

Losing clothes or a piece of clothing in a dream is a sign that your hopes are in vain.

Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

Being left without clothes in a dream means that shame and humiliation await you.

Seeing or wearing a vest means false news. For a woman to see herself luxuriously dressed (in a shiny, unusual dress or suit) is a sign of a serious illness.

A hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken.

Applying patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously reduce your expenses. Seeing patches on others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it up in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others. Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean everything that is connected with hopes of improving one’s material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Seeing or installing a lot of patches means lack of money. See interpretation: spots.

To be wrapped in rags and numerous clothes in a dream means that you will be entangled by bad and deceitful people. Such a dream calls for caution. Being wrapped in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of honor and respect from others.

Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-ordered life in the house.

Breaking it, losing it or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

Leather clothing in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can try your luck in risky ventures. It is believed that the business will work out.

Seeing a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings.

Wearing a corset in a dream means suffering due to one’s own curiosity.

Trying on a corset in a dream means for a wedding.

Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should show patience in an important matter, and not take out your anger on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

A men's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

Seeing a masquerade costume in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

A children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky in places you never thought possible. See interpretation: masquerade.

Seeing cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of celebration, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and vile act of your partner or loved one. If you dream that there are no cuffs on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then something will not turn out the way you would like. See interpretation: cufflinks, jewelry, collar.

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go. Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, and humiliation.

If it turns out to be large, then disappointments and failures await you in a matter that is “too tough for you.” If you dream that someone took your coat, then difficulties await you in business and in your personal life.

A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are putting on a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A raincoat (raincoat) in a dream means that you need to take safety measures to protect your interests or health. A camouflage cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles in business and indicates the need to keep your eyes open, since the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with it in a dream means receiving advantageous offer. If you don’t like the cloak in a dream, then your affairs will not go well. See interpretation: gap.

A home or hospital robe in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men’s dressing gowns in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon join your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. Seeing a lot of dress robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries. Being undressed in a dream is a sign of loss and loss. Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. Being dressed sloppily or inappropriately in a dream is a sign that you will be taken by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting. See interpretation: naked.

Seeing yourself in underwear in a dream is a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends illness. Seeing others in a dream in the clothes they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone in your family will need your help. The dream warns you about the need to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation and ask you for help.

Trouble, worries and grief are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off your underwear.

Seeing your underwear on your lover in a dream means that failures, monetary losses, shame and humiliation await you. To dream that your lover's underwear is damaged - torn, cut, burned, etc. - is a sign of great monetary losses and experiences. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return your money or that your creditor will ruin you. And sometimes both together. If you dream that some important person appears in your presence undressed or naked, then this is a sign of anxiety about a loved one.


(See interpretation: veil).

Wearing a sundress in a dream is a sign of wasting time or empty worries about some business.

Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, anxiety and dishonor. Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and the useless machinations of slanderers seeking to discredit you. See interpretation: insects.

Frills and ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval from others. See interpretation: lace.

Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect from the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cutting coattails in a dream means losses and disappointments. A clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If it is broken, then the dream warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some person.

A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but remain intact, means: your friends will betray you and begin to spread bad rumors about you. This is an unhappy dream. He foretells you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

Clothing made of linen or cotton in a dream is a sign of poverty, unless you wear it out of season. A dream about clothes made from cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and disappointments. See interpretation: fabrics.

In general, in a dream it is very important to be dressed according to the season, as this indicates that your business is going well and nothing threatens your well-being.

Seeing or examining the lining or back of clothing in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when taking important decisions, which may affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. Seeing a crowd dressed in white underwear in a dream means that you will soon experience a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. Cheerful company in beautiful white clothes in a dream - a sign of success in business and in love.

Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands; red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect from others and power await you. For lovers, wearing red outfits predicts that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them. The crimson color of clothes in a dream foretells you victory over your enemies, success in business and the protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothes are a sign of good luck in love and respect from others.

If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream means failure in love. Yellow color in clothes means jealousy, gossip, love affairs.

White clothes on a loved one in a dream warns you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and pure thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some false accusation will be dropped against you.

Colorful and bright clothes in a dream foreshadow an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, and peace of mind. See interpretation: color, buttons.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash actions and casual relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Buying clothes in a dream foretells a happy event in your life. Light clothes means satisfaction and elation, dark means sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Children's clothing portends family troubles. Fashionable outfits - to interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like, is out of fashion - you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

A tailored shirt and perfectly fitting clothes mean that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will give you deep moral satisfaction.

If clothes don’t fit and spoil your entire figure, in reality you will break with old connections and attachments without making new ones.

To envy a rival dressed in an elegant suit that suits her very well is real life You will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicion.

If you don’t like someone’s flashy or tasteless clothes, you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance on upcoming celebration or when visiting some spectacular event.

A button that came off inappropriately or broke in the very interesting place the castle is foreshadowed by sad events and temporary unrest.

Repairing new clothes portends that your inescapable energy will help you overcome unexpected obstacles.

Patching old clothes means you will experience hardships that will not last long. Putting on old clothes from someone else's shoulder foreshadows the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool stuffed with money.

Dirty clothes warn of possible deception when purchasing an expensive item at the market. Washing clothes in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage, having revealed your plans ahead of time. Taking your clothes to the dry cleaner foretells unexpected income that will be used to pay off debts.

If in a dream you repaint your clothes, it means you will have a great time this coming weekend; if you change it, you’ll have to really take care of household chores and devote free time communication with family.

If you dream that your wardrobe has a wide selection of outfits, do not rely on support and do not believe other people’s promises, because they will certainly let you down.

To see an empty closet, having lost all your clothes, means beware of tarnishing your reputation by associating with people of questionable behavior.

Taking off your clothes means that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of different clothes or try them on one after another promises you strong marital happiness. Giving someone your clothes in a dream means losing property.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then it is for the one who is alive - faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead - his good position near Allah Almighty, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes represent the piety of the one who wore them in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who wear black clothes in a dream, if they are not used to doing this in reality. As for the fact that if he is used to wearing it, then this means honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance for him. And whoever sees that he is wearing a red robe, he will be given a lot of wealth, from which the allocation of Zakat will become obligatory, and therefore let him fear Allah and give Zakat. If a woman sees herself wearing red clothes, then this is her joy. For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts. And whoever sees that he is wearing old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness. Blue or light blue clothes also represent anxiety and sadness. And taking off dirty clothes in a dream means the disappearance of worries and anxieties. If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from enemies. Military clothing refers to the husband. Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means. Woolen clothes in a dream indicate acquisition great wealth and luxurious worldly life. Cloth yellow means illness, care and sadness. Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law. Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes in a dream means well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothing, as well as on what it was like: clean and intact or dirty and torn.

Excellent but unfashionable clothes are a sign that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream, expect changes, and not the best ones.

The yellow color of clothing portends interesting entertainment And financial success.

The blue color indicates that your energy and the support of your friends will help you achieve your cherished desires.

The crimson color promises deliverance from terrible enemies.

Green robes are a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multi-colored robes signify drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad.

If your clothes don't fit you well, you will have to give up some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, then the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her.

A young woman who sees herself in a black suit in a dream will face sadness and disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes always dream of deception and warn against communicating with strangers, as well as against actions that could tarnish your reputation.

But you dream of clean clothes for prosperity.

D. Loff wrote about these dreams: “Clothing is a reflection inner world and human personality. This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Therefore, before interpreting a dream about clothes, ask yourself whether your clothes cause admiration or ridicule.

Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies.

Giving clothes in a dream is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem.

Sometimes in a dream you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.”

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive, this is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead, this is his good position near the Almighty Allah, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of paradise.

White clothes represent the piety of the one who wears them in a dream.

Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who put on black clothes, if they are not used to doing this in reality.

If he is used to wearing it, then for him it is honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance.

And whoever sees that he is wearing red clothes, he will be given wealth, from which it is necessary to allocate employment, and therefore let him fear Allah and give employment.

If a woman sees that she is wearing red clothes, then this is joy.

For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts.

And whoever sees that he has put on old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness.

Blue or light blue clothes also mean anxiety and sadness.

And taking off dirty clothes means the disappearance of worries and anxieties.

If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from enemies.

Military clothing refers to the husband.

Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means.

Woolen clothing indicates the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life.

Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness.

Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law.

Wearing clean, spacious and neat clothes is a sign of well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Shabby clothes that are about to tear - the wife looks away.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you hand someone official clothes, a uniform, you will have a purpose.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

A woman puts on a man’s clothes - indicates the birth of a noble offspring

Soiled, dirty underwear portends an unhappy birth.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Cutting clothes, wearing mourning clothes - portends happiness.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Flies land on clothes - portends slander, slander.

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders and cover yourself with clothes from the weather - it will be a great mercy.

Cutting clothes with scissors portends misfortune with your wife.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Gusts of wind tug at clothes - illness, illness.

Losing items of clothing foreshadows a difficult birth for the wife.

The belt on the clothes opens or unties on its own - good luck and happiness in all matters.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

You fold and collect new clothes - there will be various adversities and failures.

If you wash dirty clothes, a new employee or official will arrive.

You wash, clean your clothes - in all cases, to happiness.

If you kill a person so that the blood stains his clothes, you will receive material profit, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.

Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes foretells that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new affairs, and make new love affairs. All this will completely change you.

Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.

Walking with a person in white means illness and grief for him, unless this is a young woman or a child. IN the latter case you can expect pleasant events.

Seeing yourself and others portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. Commercial activities will not meet your wishes.

Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.

Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.

Seeing ill-fitting clothes in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

Seeing an old man or young man in well-tailored suits - means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.

If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes, the dream foretells that she will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.

Seeing the loss of some toilet detail in a dream means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

For a young woman to see herself in a black suit in a dream - the dream portends sadness and disappointment.

If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, it means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.

Interpreting a dream about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will harm you.

Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn about caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an action that could tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes mean prosperity.

If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough of even the most necessary things.

For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon not be in your favor. Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economical person; for married women it is a promise of comfort in the home and harmony.

Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.

Seeing an important person undressed in a dream portends grief and pain for the people dear to you.

Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future.

If you have greasy stains on your clothes, you are in for a profitable business.

For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a rich marriage.

Black clothing symbolizes illness.

White clothes are a good dream.

To see a lot of clothes means a lot of trouble ahead.

You saw a jacket in a dream - you might catch a cold.

Wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream means wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude.

A jumper in a dream symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations.

Wearing a jumper means making a new friend.

Wearing a jumper means lasting friendship.

Taking off a jumper means a quarrel.

Dressing in a dream - you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dressing sloppily or inappropriately in a dream means welcoming an unexpected guest.

Dressing in new outerwear in a dream - new wife or a mistress.

Cleaning clothes is good luck.

Sharing clothes with someone means your wife will cheat on you.

Lots of people wearing violet and purple clothes - to abuse.

A woman in men's clothing - for the birth of a son.

You see fur clothes - you will receive some property legally.

If you put on fur clothes, you will receive some property legally.

Brocade clothing on you is a harbinger of sadness and loss.

Burning clothes means loss.

If your clothes burn, it means loss of property.

A man in overalls - for a woman she will be deceived about true character your lover.

A man in overalls - for married woman- a sign that she will remain ignorant for a long time about the reasons for her husband’s frequent absence, until an incident forces her to think seriously.

Sundress for a woman - the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life, mistrust on the part of the spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction.

It all depends on what the clothes are like: whole, dirty, clean, torn.

Excellent, but unfashionable clothes - good luck awaits you, but you may overlook some fresh, original idea.

If someone offers you clothes that are out of fashion, expect changes in your life.

Young girls' clothes white- pleasant events.

Yellow clothes are interesting entertainment.

Blue clothes are friendly support in your affairs.

Raspberry-colored clothes - you will recognize falsehood in a warm friendly relationship in time.

Green clothing is your hope for success.

Multi-colored clothes - an interweaving of good and bad.

If a girl sees herself in a black toilet - sadness, disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes are a warning about possible deception and the need to behave more carefully with strangers.

This dream is the second episode of the previous one. The main conclusion: take care of yourself, please!

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

The condition of the dreamed clothing is key to the interpretation of the dream.

If the clothes were old, dirty and torn, strangers will deceive you. To stain new clothes is to commit a shameful act. Clean, well-groomed, but already worn clothes - thanks to the support of friends you will be able to stay afloat. New clothes - you will win the respect of people. Buying something from clothes means receiving a gift. If you dreamed that you were choosing only fashionable and stylish clothes in a store, this means that in reality you will achieve the favor of an authoritative person - but only on the condition that in your dream you had enough money to buy these fashionable clothes. Otherwise, you will not be able to arouse the interest of the right person.

If you dreamed that you wanted to buy a fashionable item, but you didn’t have enough money for it, imagine that one of your friends comes into the store and gives you the required amount.

You have many beautiful and bright outfits - the dream warns you that you are too proud of people. This irritates many people; intrigues are already woven behind your back.

Imagine inviting your colleagues to visit and giving them all the outfits as gifts.

Trying on new, but old-fashioned and ill-fitting clothes - you will lose the tender or propose an idea that is outdated a long time ago.

Imagine that you are preparing for theatrical production, and you need old-fashioned clothes for the role. You're not going to wear it.


Leather coat

Dream Interpretation Leather coat dreamed of why you dream about a Leather coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Leather Coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Breaking is a failure.

Dream Interpretation - Coat. blazer

It personifies the external representation of a person, his image.


Black leather coat

Dream Interpretation Black leather coat dreamed of why you dream about a black leather coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black leather coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coat

The dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person. Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right road, which sooner or later will lead you to life success. Trying on a coat in a dream foreshadows tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul.

Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from absolutely strangers.

Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish.

A patched and patched coat foreshadows complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends.

Turning a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires. Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny.

If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires.

If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to your friends for support. If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows.

An owl in which you lost your coat is unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

If you saw a coat in a dream, it means you won’t suffer from your own stubbornness.

If you took someone’s coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others.

A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and fulfillment of desires.

If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, then in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support.

A torn, worn coat dreams of trouble.

If you have lost your coat, you may be overly gullible and careless in financial matters.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to one’s own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Buying a new, high-quality, expensive coat means recognition in society awaits you. Wearing such a coat means you will enjoy all the blessings of life. If the coat is worn and in patches, you will have to be content with little.

Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Coat - For bad weather. The worse the coat, the worse the weather. Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Putting on a new coat is a good sign; your wishes will come true.

Wearing someone else's coat that doesn't fit means an unpleasant situation; putting on your own coat.

Dream Interpretation - Coat

Putting on a new coat means taking a good chance / getting a new man.

Someone else’s that doesn’t interfere, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To see a small, black coat on a friend - he will leave you, but will regret it all his life.

Putting yours on means getting ready for the road.

Breaking is a failure.

Taking off your coat on the street is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Coat. blazer

It personifies the external representation of a person, his image.

It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret.

Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret.

Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties.

Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness.

Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires.

If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows.

A dream in which you lost your coat is unfavorable - you will have to re-arrange your fate, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Freud's Dream Book

The coat, oddly enough, is a phallic symbol.

A new coat symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner or have another one.

A dirty or torn coat symbolizes genital diseases or impotence.

Torn buttons or a ribbon symbolize the desire for sex with elements of sadism.

Several coats in your wardrobe symbolize your desire to have several sexual partners.

A lost coat indicates the need to break off relations with your sexual partner.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A coat that is too big for your height means frightening; good - honor and importance; lose - you will get into trouble; to see someone taking away - you will encounter difficulties; seeing someone wrapped up is a hobby.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Family dream book

We saw a coat in a dream - so as not to suffer from our own stubbornness.

If you took someone's coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others.

A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and the fulfillment of Desires.

If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support.

A torn, worn coat - dreams of trouble.

If you have lost your coat, you may show excessive gullibility and negligence in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sewing a new coat means a change in image; put on - you need an assistant (heir).

Why do you dream about a coat?

Spring dream book

Crimplene coat - to memories of a good life.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Summer dream book

Seeing a crimple coat on someone in a dream means buying a new thing.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Autumn dream book

Seeing yourself wearing a Crimplene coat in a dream means a misunderstanding.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person.

Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life.

Trying on a coat in a dream portends tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul.

Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers.

Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish.

A patched and patched coat - portends complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends.

Re-facing a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires.

Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny.

If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Coat - New - honor, respect - dirty - poverty, humiliation - out of size - great fear - good - honor and significance - to lose - you will get into trouble - to see someone taking away - you will encounter difficulties - to see someone wrapped up - enthusiasm

Why do you dream about a coat?

Esoteric dream book

Coat - for bad weather.

The worse the coat, the stronger the bad weather.

Unusual coat - weather anomalies.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation modern woman

Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness.

Borrowing a coat from someone foreshadows failure due to the mistakes of others.

If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires.

If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support.

A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Coat - purchase; new - losses in business; old - success; buy - family troubles.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Modern dream book

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign that you will suffer from the stubbornness of other people.

Borrow a coat - a prediction that mistakes strangers will make you unhappy.

If you dream that you are wearing a beautiful new coat, you will be extremely lucky in realizing your desires.

To dream that you are wearing someone else's coat means that you will turn to a friend with a request to ensure your safety.

If you dream that you are wearing a torn coat, this foretells the loss of a close friend and the sad state of your business affairs.

Seeing a new coat in a dream is a harbinger literary success.

Losing your coat in a dream means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life, since too many losses occurred due to your self-confidence in conducting commercial affairs.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Eastern dream book

Seeing a coat is a sign that you may get hurt by other people.

A new coat is a harbinger of literary success.

If you borrow a coat, it means that the mistakes of others will be fatal for you.

Wearing a nice, comfortable coat is good luck.

If you are wearing a torn old coat, expect failures and losses.

If you dreamed that you lost your coat, it means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life: too many losses happened because of your self-confidence.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

new, clean - honors and respect; old, dirty - poverty and humiliation.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Putting on a new coat means taking a good chance / getting a new man.

Someone else’s that doesn’t interfere, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To see a small, black coat on a friend - he will leave you, but will regret it all his life.

Putting yours on means getting ready for the road.

Breaking is a failure.

Taking off your coat on the street is a disease.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coat - exposure; old - acquisition; new - a mistake, an oversight.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Coat mean in a dream - recognition in society awaits you. Imagine being served a beautifully tailored, high-quality coat, trimmed with fur.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Star dream book

You dreamed of a Coat - a new dream means good luck. Old - to health problems, poverty. Capricorn.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Coat - you see a new fashionable coat on yourself - your most cherished wish will soon come true; A dream in which you see a long coat is especially favorable. You see a coat on yourself from someone else's shoulder - only with the help of friends will you be able to stand on your feet in a difficult situation. You see an old torn coat in a dream - only fortitude will help you survive the coming sorrows. It’s as if you asked someone for a coat for a while - you will pay for other people’s sins and mistakes. It’s as if you’ve lost your coat - the dream says that you allow yourself to be careless in financial matters and in paperwork; through this unforgivable negligence you will have losses.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Big dream book Phoebe

What does a Coat mean in a dream - to recognition in society, respect from others. Imagine an outerwear store. You see a lot of different coats there. Imagine looking at them and trying them on one by one, and then choosing the one you like best and buying it. It must be an expensive, beautiful, luxurious coat that suits you very well - perhaps the one you dream of.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Coat (jacket) – personifies the external representation of a person, his image. It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret. Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Russian dream book

What does a new coat mean in a dream - respect in the family and at work; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrow a coat - you risk “borrowing” other people’s mistakes.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Women's dream book

Dreaming about a Coat – Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to one’s own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Coat - a manifestation of stubbornness. Putting on someone else's coat means correcting other people's mistakes. Trying on a beautiful coat means good luck. A coat that doesn’t fit your height means you’ll be afraid of responsibility. To lose is to get into trouble.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Coat - patronage. The coat is new, clean - they will help you; old, dirty - vulnerability.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

See Clothes.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Old Russian dream book


Why do you dream about a coat?

Dream book of the future

A new coat means respect at work and in the family; old and dirty - poverty and humiliation; borrowing a coat from someone - foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures.

Why do you dream about a coat?

Online dream book

If you dreamed of a coat, you will suffer because of someone’s stubbornness.

If it blue- this is a warning that someone will try to harm you, but there will be a very wise and influential person who will protect you.

It suddenly breaks - you will lose some friend, and things at work will go very badly.

If you dream that you have a new one, you will be successful in the literary field.

Lost coat - the dream book says that you urgently need to look at your life from a different angle, since due to your excessive confidence you can lose a lot of money.

According to the dream book, choosing a coat means meeting a person who will radically change your destiny, paint your usual days with new colors, and make you experience many positive emotions. Your life will change for the better.

A dream in which you see yourself in a green coat foretells you troubles that those around you will cause you, but you will cope with them safely, and in the end you will only benefit from this situation.

To see the process of trying it on - someone who was wholeheartedly trusted and for whom they were ready to do anything will behave extremely ugly with you, which will greatly upset you.

If you dreamed that you were purchasing a white coat, you would find a like-minded person who would be very friendly towards you.

If it is black, what you are now doing for others, while infringing on yourself, will be accepted with great gratitude, and will return to you with a trinity.

If you saw a very beautiful red coat in a dream - all your plans will certainly come true, the circumstances will turn out to be the best for you.

The dream book interprets a completely new, well-tailored coat as good sign, indicating that all your plans will be successfully realized.

clothing jacket

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness. Taking someone's coat for a while portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat, this portends a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. A torn coat portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream: a sign that you will suffer from the stubbornness of other people. Borrow a coat: a prediction that the mistakes of strangers will make you unhappy. If you dream that you are wearing a beautiful new coat, you will be extremely lucky in making your dreams come true. To dream that you are wearing someone else's coat means that you will turn to a friend with a request to ensure your safety. If you dream that you are wearing a torn coat, this foretells the loss of a close friend and the sad state of your business affairs. Seeing a new coat in a dream: a harbinger of literary success. Losing your coat in a dream means that you will have to reconsider your attitude towards life, since too many losses occurred due to your self-confidence in conducting commercial affairs. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat Coat: a period is coming when you will miss the warmth and attention from others. There may be manifestations of aggression, and therefore the need for protection. During this period, communication with loved ones and friends is necessary, especially heart-to-heart conversations. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat The dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person. Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life. Trying on a coat in a dream foreshadows tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul. Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers. Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish. A patched and patched coat foreshadows complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends. Turning a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires. Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny. If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Coat Coat: warmth and therefore love. A coat in a woman’s dreams: protection of a man (father, husband, etc.). In dreams of men, a man in a coat: a man who is well protected before a risky undertaking. Sheepskin coat, sheepskin coat: may have a meaning close to the symbolism of sheep and sheep. Fear of losing your coat: fear of losing your own faith. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Coat Coat: personifies the external representation of a person, his image. It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors: keeping your secret. To wear someone else's coat: to have a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing your coat in a dream: unfortunate circumstances. ABC of dream interpretation

Interpretation of the dream Coat Coat. Seeing a coat in a dream means that you will suffer from your stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone foretells that other people's mistakes will become the cause of your failures. If in a dream you are wearing or looking at a new beautiful coat, this dream foretells exceptional luck in the fulfillment of your desires. If you realize in a dream that you are wearing someone else’s coat, this foreshadows a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. If your coat is torn, the dream promises you great sorrows. An unfavorable dream in which you lost your coat: You will have to re-arrange your destiny, and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Big dream book

Why do you dream about Coat? A new coat: respect at work, in the family old and dirty: poverty and humiliation; borrowing a coat from someone: portends that other people’s mistakes will become the reason for your failures. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Coat We saw a coat in a dream - so as not to suffer from our own stubbornness. If you took someone's coat to wear - the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others. A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream portends good luck and fulfillment of desires. If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat, then in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support. A torn, worn coat dreams of trouble. If you have lost your coat, you may be overly gullible and careless in financial matters. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Coat (jacket) Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Coat Seeing a coat in a dream means torment due to your own stubbornness. Borrowing a coat from someone: portends failure due to the mistakes of others. If in a dream you put on a new, beautiful coat or just look at it, exceptional luck awaits you in the fulfillment of all your desires. If in a dream you are wearing someone else's coat: this foreshadows a difficult situation in which you will turn to friends for support. A torn coat: portends big troubles. A dream in which you lost your coat is also unfavorable: you will have to re-arrange your destiny. You will curse yourself for being too gullible and careless in financial matters. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Coat (jacket) It personifies the external representation of a person, his image. It can be a sign of protection from external influences or a means of disguising a secret. Wearing a coat indoors means keeping your secret. Wearing someone else's coat means having a decent appearance in case of financial difficulties. Tearing a coat in a dream means unfortunate circumstances. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Coat We saw a coat in a dream: how not to suffer from our own stubbornness. If you took someone’s coat to wear: the reason for your failures may be the mistakes of others. A beautiful, new coat seen in a dream: portends good luck and the fulfillment of Desires. If in a dream you suddenly realize that you are wearing someone else’s coat: in reality, in a difficult situation, turn to your friends for support. A torn, worn coat: dreams of trouble. If you have lost your coat: you may show excessive gullibility and negligence in financial matters.

The dream in which you buy a coat is a sign of a good attitude towards you from a distant but spiritually close person.

Sewing a coat in a studio means that in reality you have chosen the right path, which sooner or later will lead you to success in life.

Trying on a coat in a dream foreshadows tears because of the unfair attitude towards you of a person to whom you were recently ready to give all the fervor of your soul.

Letting someone wear your coat means that in reality you will hear the most flattering compliments and praise addressed to you from complete strangers.

Wearing a coat from someone else’s shoulder means a lack of attention to you from those closest to you, which causes you mental anguish.

A patched and patched coat foreshadows complicated circumstances from which you will emerge with honor, having received the support of true friends.

Turning a coat portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your cherished desires. Losing your coat by leaving it in a public place is a sign that you will have to rebuild your destiny.

If in a dream your coat was stolen or robbers took it off, it means that in reality you will hear gossip about yourself coming from your friends or even your closest relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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In many interpretations, clothes that are seen in a dream are identified with the personal qualities and partly the fate of its owner. This rule is often used to guide the dream book, explaining why one dreams of a new coat. Appearance products and the plot of the dream will help to foresee future circumstances.

Miller's explanation

Miller's dream book considers a new coat to be a kind of refuge: under it the dreamer hopes to hide from what worries him in real life. Sometimes it is armor that makes it easier to withstand an unfriendly environment. Having put on the clothes in a dream, the sleeper will feel much more confident after waking up, and his chances of success will increase.

Fitting room secrets

In the dream book there are many explanations of why you dream of trying on a new coat. When you happen to try on outerwear that is obviously too big, the interpreter advises relying only on yourself. Talking about your difficulties will not find support; you will only give your enemies a reason to gloat.

If you dreamed of trying on a coat and seeing that it was too small, in reality you risk getting into an awkward position. Fur trim promises material well-being and social growth. Trying on a new thing happens shortly before fighting for your interests.

If a girl dreamed of a man who was about to try on a mackintosh, she could expect an affair with a celebrity or the patronage of an important person.

Get used to the best

The dream book tells in detail why you dream of seeing yourself as the happy owner of a new thing. Often such a sign promises changes for the better.

Seeing yourself in a dream in brand new outerwear is a success for those who in reality are secretly proud of their own resourcefulness, intelligence and charm.

If you dreamed of seeing yourself in the mirror wearing this piece of clothing and admiring the reflection for a long time, the dream book believes that in real life you will need an assistant. By coordinating your actions, you will achieve brilliant success.

Successful purchase

You should know why you dream of buying a new coat. A pleasant event in a dream marks the start of a successful period in reality.

  • When you have to buy a new thing, a successful completion of the matter is not far off;
  • If you dream of a purchase, significant financial achievements lie ahead;
  • Buying a wardrobe item in a dream brings confidence in real attractiveness;
  • Buying a coat happens on the eve of a meeting with a like-minded person;
  • If in a dream you manage to buy a dirty item, beware of dubious events.

Dress warmly

If you happened to wear a luxurious cape in a dream, the dream book promises that in reality you will be able to put envious gossips in their place, save your reputation and regain the trust of people who are significant to you.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream of wearing this brand new piece of clothing. The symbol means that the sleeper sometimes lacks sensitivity towards those who are dear to him.