Son of Philip Kirkorov - Martin Kirkorov: age, interesting facts. Children of Philip Kirkorov: how old are they, who is their mother and the latest photos of the kids

Philip Kirkorov - king of pop Russian stage, talented singer, composer and producer. The 49-year-old man haunts many female fans. They are always interested in how the artist’s personal life goes. The female audience is interested in knowing who Kirkorov’s wife is, and does such a woman really exist?

And since the singer’s personal life is covered with a thick curtain, it is still sometimes possible to lift some of the curtains.

Kirkorov's wife: does she exist?

For the first time, the public began to speculate that Philip did not live on his own, but with the mother of his own children, even after the birth of the children. When little Martin and Alla Victoria grew up, information leaked to the press that the young lady called a certain Natasha her mother.

Following from this, the woman with whom the singer lives is Kirkorov’s wife, Natasha. At first it was impossible to find a photo of her, since only people close to the star family knew the woman’s last name.

Today we have no doubt left that Kirkorov’s wife is Natalya Efremova.

How the relationship developed

Kirkorov's 49-year-old wife, Natalya, is a pretty, dark-haired woman who has her own fashion business. At first the woman was just a friend. Philip and Natalya met more than 10 years ago. One day, an artist came to her huge brand boutique to buy an interesting costume. Having fallen in love with a trendy clothing store in Moscow, the artist apparently did not lose sight of the owner of the boutique herself. A pleasant conversation ensued, which after some time grew into a strong friendship, and perhaps even a romance. Natalya helped select the best outfits for Kirkorov, strictly ensuring that they were in a single copy.

It is unknown at what exact moment Kirkorov’s current wife moved into the singer’s house. Her biography is also shrouded in secrets. But we must not lose sight of the fact that Natalya baptized little Alla-Victoria, being in the status best friend artist. The presenter Andrei Malakhov became her partner and the girl’s spiritual father. Well, who knows - maybe it was a distraction for the public.

Could Natasha give birth to Kirkorov's children?

It is also not known for certain who the woman was who carried and gave birth to Philip Bedrosovich’s two children. Assuming that this is Natalya is most likely wrong. Firstly, the woman’s age may not allow her to give birth to children. And secondly, one day the king of the stage himself said that his children were born different girls who became surrogate mothers. One of them comes from the USA. This circumstance is also indicated by the fact that the difference between Kirkorov’s children is seven months. This means that the same woman would physically not be able to give birth to two babies at once during such a small difference.

But one cannot lose sight of the fact that Philip’s daughter and Natalya Efremova are strikingly similar.

What is Natalia's role in the family?

According to psychologists, Kirkorov acted very wisely by choosing a woman who had seen life as his wife. The singer did not deprive children of a full, normal upbringing, when children in a family must be raised by both mother and father. For this he chose the “right woman”. Natalya, in turn, is a good friend and support for Kirkorov himself, and an attentive mother for his children. This is very important in education. How the children were conceived is a nuanced matter.

Efremova was born in Moscow, into a family of hereditary military men. Therefore, how a woman should behave in an exemplary family should be well known to her.

Kirkorov does not like to brag

The King of Pop avoids all questions about Natalya. But occasionally he gives a dry comment, such as that Kirkorov’s wife is not a public person, but his children have a complete family. Children are not raised by a “single father,” as many people think, and this is all that, according to the singer, the general and curious public should know for now. Well, maybe this is correct, because everyone is familiar with the episodes from the life of Philip Bedrosovich, when what seemed happy in public was not so in reality.

Kirkorov's wives

Today, the names of many women are known who, in one year or another, prescribed themselves affairs with Kirkorov, and he simply called them his friends. There are many such examples, and it may not be entirely ethical to talk about them now.

Everyone knows Kirkorov's first wife - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. At one time, the young artist fell madly in love with the Diva of the Soviet stage and won her heart. Parting with Alla was not easy for Philip, and long time he was depressed, promising to love Pugacheva forever.

Many years have passed since then, and today the singer is happy again. He has wonderful children: little daughter Alla Victoria and son Martin. His current common-law wife replaces the children's mother. At the same time, Philip finally formed a real loving family. And this is above all and more valuable than all awards. Therefore, we can only wish that everything goes as well as possible for the singer in the future. Not only on stage, but also in my own family.

Kirkorov Philip Bedrosovich is a man whom the whole world knows; he never tires of conquering his fans with his talent and extravagance. This bright Bulgarian is a star of Russian show business, without whom not a single concert program can do.

Kirkorov never left fans and ill-wishers indifferent to his modest person. He claims that he doesn't care what people think about him. evil tongues, since Philip Bedrosovich already knows that he is the real King.

Kirkorov never ceases to delight his fans with popular hits, as well as an exclusive show program created for his birthday. At the same time, all the people of the world know the brilliant singer and call him nothing less than our Filya.

Height, weight, age. How old is Philip Kirkorov

A friendly army of fans of the actor, singer and producer is in a hurry to find out what their beloved Fili’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Philip Kirkorov? This is an equally popular query on the Internet, to which it is not difficult to find the answer.

Knowing the year of birth, you can clarify when the king of show business was born. Kirkorov was born in 1967, so he is already fifty-one years old. Zodiac circle gave the celebrity the sign of a cheerful, ambitious, original, inquisitive and creative Taurus.

The eastern horoscope endowed him with character traits that suit the Goat, such as peacefulness, thriftiness, solidity, determination, perseverance, serious attitude to life.

By the way, the growth of a star is of no less interest, since even the most tall people forced to throw their heads up to look into his eyes, since Kirkorov’s height was one hundred and ninety-eight centimeters. Moreover, the singer’s weight does not exceed ninety-five kilos, which is quite good for his height.

Biography of Philip Kirkorov

The biography of Philip Kirkorov was full of surprises, but many of them still exist at the level of legends and speculation, rumors and gossip. The boy was born in Varna, Bulgaria, he amazed everyone with his uniqueness, since at the age of seven he was already singing in big stage. At the same time, he was a real quiet person, studied diligently and participated in the life of the school, in addition, he studied at a music school.

In order to help their son, his parents moved him to the capital of the USSR, and there the boy met the Diva and her daughter. At the capital's school, Philip also became an excellent student, he helped lagging students and was a favorite of teachers. The young man received a certificate of secondary education with honors and a gold medal; he tried to become a student at GITIS, but failed in the exams.

Kirkorov entered Gnesinka, but after graduation he did not immediately find a job, since television was closed to him due to his strange appearance and huge demonic eyes. Helped to become famous father, who at one of his concerts sang the hit “Alyosha” in a duet with Filya, and then the song “Sinbad” at one of the New Year’s Blue Lights.

The singer made his solo debut in the concert of Ilya Reznik, but because of this he did not pass the final exams at Gnesinka. He performed in music competition in Yalta in 1988, but showed very poor results, however, Diva noticed rising star and invited me to my own theater. After which Philip began performing with hits that Derbenev himself wrote for him, and therefore invariably took first place in music competitions.

At the same time, the guy was not under the wing of the Prima Donna for long; he quickly went on a free voyage and already toured the USSR in 1989. In the nineties, his debut albums were released and he recorded songs that quickly became real hits.

Kirkorov became a welcome guest on television show programs; in the late nineties, the guy performed with Michael Jackson himself. Currently, Philip does not depend on anyone, he produces his own shows and stages his own concert programs.

The man appears in films and TV series, often in leading roles or cameos. He has worked in musicals and films “On the back of a black cat”, “Love in big city", "Carnival Night-2", "Voronins", "Granny of easy virtue", "Understudy", "Crew", "Night in the style of childhood", "Old songs about the main thing", "Golden Key".

Kirkorov wrote high-quality soundtracks for many films, including “Just Give”, “In My Garden”, “Chili Cha Cha”, “Strings”. He is engaged in dubbing and dubbing of animated films,

The star not only has a rich filmography, but also boasts an extensive list of theatrical works. Kirkorov staged the musical “Chicago”; he is also the host and participant in the entertainment and concert programs “Morning with Kirkorov”, “Soundtrack”, “Two Stars”, “Minute of Fame”, “New Year’s Parade of Stars”.

Among other things, Kirkorov also received the title of Mr. Eurovision, since he prepares contestants for the prestigious competition, and in 2009 he became the co-host of this show.

At the same time, the singer’s life is quite stormy, because in addition to the rapid creative process it is also filled with numerous scandals, which Kirkorov justifies by being excessively impulsive. By the way, many books have been written and filmed about Philip. documentaries, he advertised jewelry stores and real hits were written about him.

Personal life of Philip Kirkorov

The personal life of Philip Kirkorov has never been an open book, since there are many dark spots in it. The fact is that in his youth Philip was simply pursued by crowds of fans who were driven crazy by his huge eyes and chic timbre. The most interesting thing is that the fatal Bulgarian never paid any attention to them, since from childhood he was faithful to only one woman - Alla Borisovna.

At the same time, Philip Bedrosovich was often noticed next to young actresses and singers. The loudest was the alleged affair with his young and talented protégé Anastasia Stotskaya, but the guys denied its existence for a long time until the singer gave one frank interview.

It turns out that Nastya fell in love with her producer at first sight, but did not believe that he could reciprocate her feelings. The most interesting thing is that the girl achieved her goal: the romance lasted three years, but then the couple became mired in squabbles.

The problem was that Stotskaya hated the fact that her producer constantly arranged unexpected tours and unscheduled interviews for her. This caused a huge scandal, since not only the love couple ceased to exist, but also the professional union. Kirkorov considered himself betrayed and ended all relations with Nastya until she took the first step towards reconciliation a few years later.

After this, heated debates began to circulate about the reasons for the reconciliation of the producer and singer, since little son Kirkorova and Stotskaya’s son are incredibly similar, like brothers.

At the same time special attention I am attracted by the personal life of Philip Kirkorov; the mother of his children is still unknown. It is believed that she was an old friend and businesswoman Natalya Efremova, who is often seen with children. The kids constantly call the girl nothing other than mom Natasha, but she claims that she simply became a godmother for them.

Family of Philip Kirkorov

The family of Philip Kirkorov was known far beyond the borders of the former Soviet Union and Russia, since he came from the ancient Bulgarian Krikorian family. My real name the boy was changed as soon as he went to school, so that he would not have any problems.

It is worth noting that not only Russian, but also Armenian, Bulgarian, Irish and Gypsy blood flows in the artist’s veins.

Father - Bedros Kirkorov - Bulgarian, Soviet and Russian singer, and her mother, Victoria Kirkorova, nee Likhachova, was a popular circus performer who hosted her husband’s programs.

At the same time, Philip’s father is still alive and well, but his mother died suddenly from cancer back in 1994. His paternal grandfather, who worked as a shoemaker, had the same name as the singer.

By the way, his paternal aunt is famous opera diva, she lives in the States.

Fans are interested in the question of how Philip Kirkorov’s family lives, how he dresses and where he currently lives, and how he copes with the kids. It is worth clarifying that the singer and actor lives simply wonderfully, since he has several houses and luxury apartments around the world. By the way, along with residential apartments, it is possible to find a living space in which concert costumes are simply stored.

The man has in his possession huge amount mansions on Rublevka, in Bulgaria, in Miami, many of which were built according to his personal designs. At the same time, Philip dresses very extravagantly, but he can equally easily wear a suit with rhinestones or a formal suit with a tie.

Kirkorov not only wears clothes from famous world brands, but also has a clothing line named after him. In addition, several years ago the singer sold branded clothes with tags, which he bought but did not wear or wore to concerts.

Children of Philip Kirkorov

The children of Philip Kirkorov are another huge mystery in the singer’s life, since until recently fans thought that the appearance of children was a regular PR move by the showman in order to attract attention. However, it soon became known that the extravagant singer still had a daughter and son.

The boy and girl are not royal twins, as previously thought; they were born with a small age difference of several months. The fact is that the children were born to two different surrogate mothers, and their names are hidden. It was rumored that singer Nastya Stotskaya could be the mother of Kirkorov’s son, but no answer was received to this question.

The kids are incredibly similar to their father, but they are different in character. They call their father’s girlfriend Natalya Efremova mom, who spends a lot of time with them, like a godmother, along with Andrei Malakhov. Their sister and brother are raised by their beloved Aunt Marie, she gives them small gifts and feeds them with national Bulgarian dishes and sweets.

The father and nannies who have passed a strict selection never refuse to help the king of the stage. At the same time, the children of Philip Kirkorov, a photo of his daughter and son 2016-2017 is attached, have already performed in their daddy’s concerts many times, and are also young Internet stars.

Son of Philip Kirkorov - Martin-Christo Kirkorov

The son of Philip Kirkorov, Martin-Christo Kirkorov, is the singer’s second child, who was born to an unknown woman in 2012. The boy has a double name, the first part of which is associated with the singer Ricky Martin, and the second is a tribute to Bulgarian national names.

The brown-eyed handsome guy is currently visiting kindergarten, he is artistic and creative. Martin draws beautifully and works at a modeling agency, and also sings beautifully. So recently the boy recorded a song with his father at Fadeev’s restaurant.

At a concert in honor of the anniversary of the show business star, the son of Philip Kirkorov made his debut on stage and touched his father; he sang a magnificent song for his daddy in a duet with his grandfather.

Daughter of Philip Kirkorov - Alla-Victoria Kirkorova

The daughter of Philip Kirkorov, Alla-Victoria Kirkorova, is a long-awaited baby in the pop star’s family; the baby was born to an unknown surrogate mother in 2011. The touching news that he had become a dad overtook the singer on the set of the show “Let Them Talk,” which he immediately informed everyone about.

The beauty received as a gift two of the names most dear to Kirkorov - his beloved woman and mommy, whom the baby is very similar to. At the same time, Alla sings and dances superbly, draws and does gymnastics professionally.

The long-awaited daughter of Philip Kirkorov photo is now constantly trying her hand at something new. She is photogenic, so she works in a modeling agency, participates in shows of children's collections and is the face of the L'Officiel Children brand.

The ex-wife of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Pugacheva

The ex-wife of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Pugacheva - is his first and most strong love, which, according to family legend, was predicted to the mother of the future singer by Baba Vanga herself. At the same time, the Diva was 18 years older than her chosen one, whom she met at a traditional Christmas tree in the Kremlin, where she came with her daughter Kristina.

The thirteen-year-old boy did not give the woman peace, he tried to please her, but only caused headaches and disgust. Everyone knew that he was destined to marry Alla, but not Pugacheva herself, who did not understand the guy and his musical views.

He often argued with her when he worked at the Prima Donna Theater, but could not forgive his affair with Chelobanov, so he simply left both her life and the project. The guy proposed marriage at Christmas meetings in 1994, and Alla finally accepted him, and the couple was signed by Sobchak himself in St. Petersburg, while the wedding took place in Jerusalem.

By the way, Alla and Philip were married for 11 years; the reasons that the marriage broke up can not be accurately named, since the spouses did not make them public. Most likely, these are either Kirkorov’s constant adventures and debts for the project, or quarrels in the family that Galkin extinguished. There are also rumors that the problem is that Philip Bedrosovich is a latent homosexual, although the man only laughs at this version.

Philip Kirkorov's common-law wife - Natalya Efremova

Philip Kirkorov's common-law wife, Natalya Efremova, is a real mystery woman who causes a sea of ​​gossip around her person. It is known that Natalya is a woman who dressed the singer for many years, supported him and worked in a prestigious boutique.

The woman raised her son Yegor on her own, and at the same time also made sure that only exclusive, branded and high-quality items from the latest collections reached the king.

Many fans are shocked that Natasha’s mother lives in Kirkorov’s house and spends all her time with them. By the way, they noticed that Kirkorov’s daughter is unrealistically similar to Efremova.

Recently, the wife of Philip Kirkorov came out in public; a photo that they were able to find on the Internet proved that Natalya is trying not to attract unnecessary attention to herself. Natasha prefers to wear huge scarves or glasses from sunlight, which complement her image as a lady of mystery and prove that she is not a public person.

Photo of Philip Kirkorov before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Philip Kirkorov before and after plastic surgery are those materials that need careful verification, since the Bulgarian is so charismatic and bright that all plastic procedures are in vain.

The king of show business often says that he has never gone under the surgeon’s knife, but he has corrected the shape of his face and done a facelift, as well as blepharoplasty. All procedures were done only using the latest development - gold threads, so as not to harm the singer’s delicate skin.

Kirkorov says he will never go to a plastic surgery center again because he wants to age gradually. At the same time, he works out in the gym, swims, runs in the morning and eats right.

Instagram and Wikipedia Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov’s Instagram and Wikipedia have been created by him personally for quite some time, since the singer wants to share his impressions and current news with his fans.

On Wikipedia you can find a reliable article about Kirkorov, from which you can learn about his education, school years, romance novels, parents, marriage, having babies and creativity, divided by industry.

At the same time, no less than 1,000,000 people have subscribed to the profile of the king of Russian show business, who are ready to watch and evaluate his photos and videos with children, as well as from the filming of new projects and concerts.

By the way, Kirkorov is a great joker with an excellent sense of humor; for example, he did not hesitate to tell fans about the incident in Tuapse. The concert video clearly shows that the scenery bit into the singer’s back at the concert, Philip screamed like he was being cut, and then laughed at his cowardice.

April brings a lot of happiness and spring joys to life, so the long-awaited joy came to the family of Bedros and Victoria Kirkorov: in April of the distant 1967, on the 30th, their son was born, named Philip. But first, let's look at the family of the future celebrity.

Bulgarian roots

Philip Kirkorov's father, Bedros Kirkorov, had not only Bulgarians in his family, but also Armenians. Since childhood he had a very good voice and excellent vocal abilities, thanks to which he was able to break out among the people. In 1962, Bedros was accepted into GITIS, from which he successfully graduated and went on tour around the country. He was very young then, and when asked how old Bedros Kirkorov was when he met his future wife, Philip replies that he was about 20. It happened significant event in 1964, in the sultry and hot city of Sochi, where Victoria Likhacheva toured with a circus troupe. The young and attractive Bulgarian liked this girl so much that he, without wasting time, decided to get married to her, which took place that same year. And three years later a son was born into the family.

Kirkorov's childhood

Little Philip was named after his grandfather, whom his father greatly honored and respected. He spent his childhood in the Bulgarian city of Varna, the same place where he was born. His mother worked as a presenter, so the family often traveled, but since 1974, Philip Kirkorov, who was 7 years old at that time, lives permanently in Moscow, where he studies the piano and receives vocal education. Here he meets Alla Pugacheva for the first time, a fateful meeting takes place on Rozhdestvenskaya, where Philip was invited in the same way as other gifted children. When wondering how old Kirkorov was at that time, you can look through various sources and make sure that he was 10 years old at that time. And ahead was the unknown metropolitan world, who didn’t even suspect that he was hosting a future pop star.

The singer's youth

Many fans, with ever-increasing interest, are asking the singer’s friends and himself how old Kirkorov was when he started performing on stage on his own? Answering this question, we can say that he was 15 years old, and he dreamed of distant heights, so he studied extremely diligently at school, for which he received a gold medal. The first impulse was to follow in his father’s footsteps and enter GITIS, but, oddly enough, the admissions committee, which was very strict at that time, considered him an insufficiently gifted young man and advised him to try himself in another craft. Despite the refusal, Kirkorov, whose age was too young to fall into despondency and despair, submits documents to the famous Gnessinsky music school, and thanks to hard work, he achieves significant success here, duly appreciated by his teachers. He completed his studies in 1988, graduating with honors.

Start of career growth

How old Kirkorov was in 1988 is very important, since it was in this year that he, already an adult 21-year-old young man, met his future wife Alla Pugacheva at Christmas. But then there was nothing between them yet and there could not be, and Kirkorov interested Pugacheva and composer Leonid Derbenev primarily with his skill, since everyone then loved the song “Alyosha,” performed by Philip in his native language in his first year. Touching and sad, she won the hearts of many listeners, but still did not bring much fame. Leonid Derbenev offers to write several songs for Philip, which have become legends in his performance. These are “You, you, you”, and “Atlantis”, and “Day and Night”. Success came unexpectedly, and Philip was invited to Alla Pugacheva’s theater, with whom he collaborated for some time, until in 1990 he received the Grand Prix “Shlyager-90” and decided to perform solo.

Solo career

Kirkorov receives first recognition and becomes permanent actor New Year's "Blue Lights". Indicators of success at that time were awards in the Bulgarian Golden Orpheus competition and first place in the Interfirst competition held in Macedonia in 1992. Since 1993, the singer has received the Ovation Award almost every year. In 1995, Philip tried himself at Eurovision, but did not win, since he was only in the top twenty best performers. However, its popularity is growing in its homeland. Since 1996, Philip has taken part in the Golden Gramophone, having currently won about 12 awards. For contribution to development musical art Philip Kirkorov becomes a five-time winner of the World Music Awards, and also receives the “Professional of Russia”, “Service to Art” and “Francis Skaryna” orders. Among modern list awards can be called the MUZ-TV awards, of which the singer already has four. In 2013, Philip Kirkorov received the Russian Music Award channel RU.TV in the category “Best concert show" - "Another". The singer has dozens of videos, many excellent songs that are already well known to all Russians and even residents of foreign countries. He also released more than 16 albums, starred in films and musicals, the most famous of which were “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Chicago” and “Subway.” Recognized as an Honored Artist not only of Russia, but also of the CIS countries. Today he is actively involved in production activities, preparing young artists to perform at Eurovision.

The singer's first marriage

Even at the beginning of his career, when practically no one was interested in how old the singer Philip Kirkorov was, he met the winner of a beauty contest in the Moscow region - Maria Shatlanova, the relationship with whom lasted almost 10 years and ended in separation, after which many facts remained unclear. So, it is still unknown whether Philip is the father of Maria’s daughter, Nastya, although the ex-wife herself never admitted the reality of this assumption. She gave interviews several times about life with the star, in which she blamed Alla Pugacheva for their separation.

singer - Diva

The relationship between Alla and Philip has long been known to everyone in detail thanks to the ubiquitous yellow press, but few people remember that it all began with great love and marriage, concluded in 1994. Envious people whispered that it was thanks to Alla’s support that Philip was able to achieve so much at such a young age. But still this is not so, since the viewer fell in love not with Alla Pugacheva’s protégé, but with a young Bulgarian singer with a strong and in a beautiful voice, whose songs seemed intended for all women in the country. The marriage to Alla broke up in 2005, after much bickering. Philip was very worried about the breakup, and did not even appear on stage for some time, but he was able to overcome himself and today performs with even greater zeal and talent. There were no children in this marriage, despite the couple's numerous attempts to have a child.

Children of Philip Kirkorov

Philip loves children very much, but he was unable to experience the joy of fatherhood with any of his women, so he turned to the services of modern medicine and maternity planning. And so, in 2011, his daughter was born, named after Alla Pugacheva and the mother of the singer Victoria - Alla-Victoria. Just a year later, a son appears - Martin-Christine. Thus, the reader received the long-awaited answers to the question of how old Kirkorov’s children are. Knowing the years of their birth, it is easy to calculate and find the numbers of interest. Answering the question of how old Kirkorov’s son is, it can be noted that this year he will turn two years old, which his father is incredibly happy about. On at the moment The children live in America and are raised by a nanny, since they were born from different children specially selected in a foreign clinic. The singer tries not to advertise his time with the children and does not give any interviews on this matter, although curious journalists still learned something about his children and obtained several photos of Philip with the children.

brawler and hooligan

So sweet and always smiling on stage, in life the singer is endowed with a rather tough temper, which constantly leads to unpleasant situations, such as attacks on journalists and fans, obscene language and insults towards correspondents. For this, Philip was brought to justice more than once, although the matter was resolved peacefully. The most famous scandal, which continues to this day, is Philip’s communication with the famous rapper Timati in social network Twitter. The scandalous story began quite recently due to the fact that the singers cannot share popularity among the viewers of the MUZ channel, so today’s pages of Timati and Philip Kirkorov are full of insults against each other, so far only veiled as barbs. Although Sergei Lazarev was also drawn into the scandal, Philip began congratulating him on his birthday by comparing him creative talent with Timati’s music, of course, without naming names, but the comparison was not in favor of the latter, and everything became clear to blog readers.

Thus, despite the fact that the singer has already reached the age that is commonly called middle age, he remains as eccentric and intolerant as before, the example of Timati is an example of this. Those interested in how old Kirkorov will turn in 2014, and what kind of thing it will be, will be interested to know that famous singer turned 47 years old on April 30, but such a date is just a mark in the passport, since for everyone Kirkorov remains forever young and the most beloved artist.

Philip Kirkorov is a world-famous singer. Few people are left indifferent by his bright and unique video clips, beautiful songs, most of which immediately after their release become hits and conquer the top of all Russian charts. He is also involved in producing, acting in films and voicing cartoon characters. On Kirkorov's account large number awards and achievements. Even his explosive nature and numerous unpleasant incidents do not reduce the number of his fans.

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Philip Kirkorov - biography

The singer was born on April 30, 1967 in the Bulgarian town of Varna. Many nationalities were mixed in his family, including Armenian, Gypsy, Russian and even French blood. His dad Bedros Kirkorov is a world-famous Bulgarian singer. Mom Victoria Markovna is a concert presenter. She died in the spring of 1994 from cancer.

Boy with early childhood He toured a lot with his parents, who always took him with them. He first appeared on stage at the age of five. It happened at his father's concert. The boy came out to give him flowers, was introduced to the public and earned his first standing ovation. Philip was an excellent student. He finishes school with excellent marks.

In parallel with regular school, he studies in music school, where he plays piano and guitar.

After graduating from school, the future king of pop decides to get into theater institute, but the attempt ends in failure. From 1984 to 1988 he studied at Gnesinka, from where he graduated with honors. Path along the stage career ladder Kirkorov begins in the fall of 1985, when his first filming for television took place. This happened in the program “Wider Circle”. The young singer performed the song “Alyosha”.

In 1987, the singer was invited to work at the Leningrad Music Hall, and almost immediately he went with him to Germany. But Kirkorov did not work here for long. Then he met the famous songwriter Ilya Reznik, who became one of those who helped the singer conquer show business.

Happens in 1988 most important event in the fate of Philip Kirkorov - acquaintance with A. B. Pugacheva. It happened at an evening organized by Ilya Reznik. At the same time, Kirkorov met with L. Derbenev, who later became the author of several iconic hits. Among them are “You, You, You”, as well as the famous “Atlantis”.

After meeting A. Pugacheva, the singer goes with her on a tour of European countries. During the same period, Kirkorov performed his debut solo album in Perm and became a finalist in “Song of the Year”.

Since the end of 1989, he has been constantly performing on stage. Philip Bedrosovich becomes the winner of several competitions at once. The young singer produces two show programs: “Atlantis” and “Heaven and Earth.” The first of them immediately begins to be called the best program this year. In addition to touring Russia, the singer goes with concerts to European countries, Canada, Israel, America, Australia.

In 1993, he received several more awards, including the prestigious Ovation competition, where he became best singer this year, and "Golden Orpheus".

In 1994, another solo show was released - “I am not Raphael”, which, in addition to songs by Russian composers, included songs by Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and some other famous world performers. 1994 is also notable for the appearance of the song “I Raise My Glass,” which gained enormous popularity.

At the end of the fall of this year, with A. B. Pugacheva, Kirkorov makes an impressive performance in Atlantic City. And 1995 brought the singer two awards at the Ovation competition. At the same time, the videos “Birdy”, “Sweetheart” and others were filmed.

A few days before Eurovision, Philip Kirkorov is informed that he will be performing for Russia. Despite the short time for preparation, the singer perfectly represented the country, although he received only 17th position. In the future, he prepares and produces other stars to perform at Eurovision. Among them in different years turned out to be Ani Lorak, Angelica Agurbash, Dmitry Koldun, and the Tolmachev sisters.

In 1995, Kirkorov released the show “The Best, Favorite and Only for You.” In 1997, he traveled with him throughout Russia, visiting CIS countries and others.

In 1999, the singer, at the invitation of Michael Jackson, performed for Russian Federation in one of his programs. In 2002, he organized a production of the musical “Chicago” in Russia and played the main role in it. In 2003, Kirkorov's new talent was discovered. He becomes a TV presenter and hosts his own program on STS for several years.

In addition to his career as a singer and presenter, today Philip Kirkorov has left his mark in cinema. He starred in films such as “Love in the City” in all three parts, numerous New Year’s musicals, the Mexican novella “Like in the Movies” and many others. In addition, he voices characters from some cartoons, including New Bremen Town Musicians", "The Nutcracker", "The New Adventures of Aladdin" and many others. He also acts as a jury member at popular competitions.

Over the years of creativity, the singer receives numerous awards, including the Order of Francis Skaryna, titles People's Artist Chechnya, Ingushetia, Russia, Ukraine. His collection includes a large number of Golden Gramophone, Muz-TV, Sound Track and MTV awards. And on stage he has long been presented as nothing less than the king of pop of the Russian stage.

Philip Kirkorov - personal life

Kirkorov's first wife is Maria Shatlanova, who starred with him in his first videos. But the marriage did not last long.

In 1994, Kirkorov proposed to Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. She said yes, which was followed by a January engagement and a spring wedding. A few months later, the couple got married in Jerusalem. In 2005, Alla and Philip officially separated.

There are all sorts of rumors circulating about Kirkorov after the divorce. He is credited with affairs with many women, including Ani Lorak, Anzhelika Agurbash, Masha Rasputina, Anastasia Stotskaya and others. And they are even accused of being gay.

11/26/2011 Kirkorov becomes the happy father of his daughter Alla-Victoria, and already on 06/29/2012 his son Martin-Christo is born. Both children are born from a surrogate mother, which causes mixed reactions from society. Moreover, according to Philip Kirkorov, the children know their mother, but he does not want to bring her name up for public discussion.

Today the singer lives with his nannies, children and father Bedros in his large country house. He not only manages to work on new songs and videos, producing, and staging the new show “Another,” but also devotes a lot of time to his children. And he pleases his fans with numerous selfies and photographs of children on social networks.

One of the brightest and most brilliant Russian pop stars is Philip Kirkorov. His unconditional talent has won an army of millions of fans. different ages. He devotes himself not only to performing songs, but is also considered a successful producer. How old is Philip Kirkorov? Popular singer born April 30, 1967, and celebrated his 50th birthday in 2017.

Philip was born into a rather remarkable family: his father, Bedros Kirkorov, was applauded in many halls of the USSR and neighboring countries, his mother - famous TV presenter. From childhood, the boy knew what it meant to be famous and popular, because from the cradle Philip accompanied his parents on tour. But when he was 7 years old, the capital became the singer’s permanent place of residence. In 1974, the future showman went to first grade and also entered music school, where he studied vocals and piano.

The boy grew up as a gifted child, participated in many competitions and festivals children's creativity. At one of these events, he first met his future wife, Alla Pugacheva. How old was Kirkorov at that time? The singer himself says about 10.


F. Kirkorov knew from childhood that success awaited him. Therefore, the boy studied well and waited for his “finest hour.” After graduating from school with a gold medal, Philip went to enter GITIS, but the admissions committee did not notice his talent future star stage, and he failed his exams. Another would despair, and perhaps think about changing professions, but not an artist. He submitted documents to the Gnessin Music School and was enrolled as a student. Thanks to perseverance and undoubted talent, the showman graduated from this institution with honors in 1988.

First steps

The musician made his debut on the stage in 1985, when he performed the song “Alyosha” in Bulgarian in the television program “Wider Circle”. The touching composition was liked by most viewers, but, alas, did not bring fame. In 1987, the musician got a job at the Leningrad Music Hall. Together with this troupe, the singer went to conquer Berlin, and upon returning from the tour, a meeting took place in the singer’s life that turned his life upside down and became significant - he makes friends with famous poet Ilya Reznik. This man greatly contributed to the artist’s career.

Path to success

In 1988, at a creative meeting with Ilya Reznik, the ambitious Philip introduced himself to Pugacheva. Alla Borisovna was able to discern talent young man, and therefore invited him to perform at her “Christmas meetings.” Around the same time, the artist met Leonid Derbenev. Thanks to their collaboration, mega-hits such as:

  • "Atlantis"
  • "Heaven and Earth"
  • "You, you, you"
  • "Night and Day"

Next year, new hits are added to the already well-known hits: “Marina” and “You Say Cherry.” The singer performs successfully in Russian cities and abroad. His work and perseverance pay off - Kirkorov is awarded the title “Singer of the Year”.

In 1995, Philip goes to Eurovision, but takes only seventeenth place. This failure hits the singer’s vanity, but he does not despair, and by the end of the year he releases new album entitled “Tell the sun: “Yes!”.

At the pinnacle of glory

By 1995, Kirkorov decided to try himself as a producer for young talents, and he succeeded. Ani Lorak, Anzhelika Agurbash and Dmitry Koldun - these young performers became famous thanks to the efforts of the artist.

Kirkorov worked actively, releasing a new album every year:

  • "With love for the only one"
  • "Diva"
  • "I'm not Rafael"
  • "In Love and Madly Lonely"

The early 2000s can be called the apogee of the singer’s career, because it was then that he became the owner of the prestigious World Music Awards for the second time. In addition, at this time the performer takes part in the charity program of the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

Participation in films and television projects

The role in the series “Beauty Salon” became the artist’s debut on the “wide screen”, but special success she didn't bring it. The next time Kirkorov tried to conquer cinema was in 2008, when he played the role of the angel Valentin in the film “Love in the City.” The artist so talentedly embodied his character that he was invited to film the sequel to the film.

The artist successfully takes part in New Year's productions, as well as well-known TV series, for example, “My Fair Nanny” and “Matchmakers.” In addition, the singer worked as a TV presenter: his program “Morning with Kirkorov” was quite an impressive success, and was broadcast on Channel One for two years.

The artist did not refuse to conquer the theater. In 2000, he took part in the production of Metro. And a little later he himself became a director and performer leading role in the musical "Chicago". The performance created a sensation, and even foreign publications called Kirkorov best incarnation Bill Flynn, and Philip's portrait took pride of place in the Broadway gallery.

Personal life of the artist

There are legends about Philip’s romances and affairs, but still the most remarkable event in the artist’s personal life can be called his marriage to Pugacheva. According to the artist, he spent five long years wooing the prima donna, but she did not accept the advances young singer seriously. In the spring of 1994, they entered into a marriage, and, of course, the whole country followed this event.

The star couple became the main subject of discussion in all gossip columns, and for their family life watched by millions of curious eyes. According to most, their marriage was just a PR project. But be that as it may, after 11 years living together the couple decided to divorce. Neither party commented on the reasons for the divorce, but according to rumors, Pugacheva had a new hobby - the young parodist Maxim Galkin.

Artist's children

A few years after the divorce, Philip realized that he would not meet another woman who could replace his “diva.” But the thought of procreation haunts the singer. And then he becomes a “surrogate father.” The name of the biological mother, who gave Kirkorov his daughter Alla-Victoria in 2011, is kept secret. A year later, the artist decides to become a mother again, as a result of which his son Martin appears, named after the artist’s favorite performer, Ricky Martin. Kirkorov still does not reveal the details of his paternity.

The artist still devotes his life to creativity. In 2016, Philip held a grandiose show in the Kremlin called “I”. A record number of spectators came to express their gratitude to the singer, and they did not regret the rather impressive sums they had to pay for the ticket. Kirkorov created a world-class show with excellent production, impressive special effects, a unique stage, and, of course, new and old hits.

In addition, the artist continues to be involved in producing activities. This year, Sergei Lazarev became his protégé, who, under the leadership of his patron, took third place at the prestigious Eurovision contest. The result was unexpected, because audience voting The Russian singer was the absolute leader, but in the final table he lost to the Ukrainian performer Jamala.