Wine: types, benefits and harm, how to choose healthy. How does red wine affect the body: the benefits and harms of the drink

Wine - wonderful drink, which has been making people happy since ancient times. Often this is a magical creation of nature and human hands helped our ancestors survive grief and troubles, tragedies and disasters. Today we love this wonderful drink for its tart taste and wonderful ability to make the world kinder than it really is.

Grape nectar

An alcoholic product based on juice fermentation can be prepared from almost any fruit and berries: cherries, cherries, plums, watermelons, melons and many others. However, it will not be considered wine. Depending on the ingredients and recipe, such a drink may be called liqueur, tincture, or something else. And only one creation of nature is the basis for true wine. The sunny and sweet fruit has always inspired poets. His name is grapes.

Variety of flavors

In the old days, alcoholic drinks were so strong that they were diluted with water. Today people have learned to make different wines - thick and clear, velvety and light. Connoisseurs divide them into table dishes (served with main courses) and dessert dishes (accompanying the final stage of the meal). Depending on the grape variety, drinks vary in color. Red ones go well with meat, and white ones go well with fish dishes. Sometimes alcohol is added to the fermented juice. In this case, the drink is called fortified.

Another criterion for distinguishing wines is the sugar content. Some consumers enjoy sweet drinks. Others, on the contrary, prefer a sour and tart taste. Wines in which sugar is completely fermented during the cooking process are called dry. Such drinks are characterized by natural taste and aroma.

Traditions and rituals

Dry wine serves as decoration festive table. It is often drunk before starting a meal. This ritual serves to awaken the appetite. White wine is traditionally served with a light appetizer. And high-calorie meat dishes need to be accompanied by dry red wine.

Drinking wine is a real art. First of all, you need to inhale its aroma. And only after that take a light sip. Dry wine needs to be held in your mouth for a while. This way it will reveal all the nuances of its taste. You should take small sips. Small portions not only promote taste pleasure, but also provide health benefits.

Dry wine must be poured into transparent glasses with a high stem. It should be slightly cooled before serving. Experts advise opening red wine about half an hour before drinking. This will allow the drink to be saturated with oxygen and reveal the full palette of its taste and aroma. Recommendations regarding white wine are less strict.

Sommelier - professional tasters

The consumption of alcoholic beverages has long been surrounded by numerous rituals. To assess the quality and add special solemnity to the meal, wine is traditionally subjected to tasting. The sample is taken by a specialist called a sommelier. Dry white wine is tasted before red wine. The examination begins with a color assessment. The hue of a wine is directly related to its properties. Deep and dark color typical for aged drinks. Young wine, on the contrary, is bright and transparent.

The next stage of tasting is evaluating the aroma. Experienced sommeliers are able not only to describe it colorfully, but also to characterize the individual components. For example, the natural smell of grapes is often combined with notes of wood. After all, the drink is aged in barrels. Oak containers add aromas of herbs, jasmine, chocolate or vanilla. Barrels made from other types of wood provide completely different nuances.

After examining the aroma, the sommelier tastes the dry wine. This is probably main stage tasting. An experienced master is able to identify not only the grape variety, aging and method of storing the drink. A professional sommelier can quite accurately determine the geographical region and even the year of production of the wine.

The last stage of tasting is assessing the aftertaste. A good dry wine always leaves a mark. Shimmering and sophisticated, it is like a memory of a great time.

Strong drinks as part of culture

Drinking wine is an important part of many rituals surrounding human relationships. In our minds, romantic dates, friendly meetings, and business negotiations are often associated with this noble drink. Wine liberates interlocutors, makes communication sincere and trusting. This is why many people love him. IN different cultures poets sing and glorify this enchanting drink, linking it with such ideological categories as freedom and love.

Health effects

The benefits of dry wine are undeniable. It includes substances necessary for the body such as copper, selenium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Plant pigments flavonoids, contained in large quantities in this noble drink, are strong antioxidants. They prevent blood clotting, strengthen vessel walls and cell membranes, preventing cardiovascular diseases and slowing down the aging process. It is assumed that flavonoids are able to absorb ultraviolet radiation and therefore can protect the body from radiation.

The benefits of wine for human health are provided by tannins. One of their natural properties is the suppression of pathogens. Therefore, tannins are included in many antidiarrheal medications. These plant substances also serve as an antidote for lead or mercury poisoning.

Consumption of wine in moderate doses contributes to:

  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increasing the number of red blood cells and preventing anemia.

Harmful effects

However, you should not abuse this noble drink. After all, even dry white wine can raise blood sugar. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with diabetes limit their consumption of this drink. It is also contraindicated in patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Increases manifold negative impact wine with its excessive consumption. Large doses of alcohol can completely destroy not only the human body, but also his personality. Dry wine can also lead to similar consequences. The harm of strong drinks is primarily associated with a negative effect on the brain.

Clouding of consciousness, memory loss, and general decline intellectual potential - characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication. As a rule, they soon pass. But if a person drinks alcohol regularly, these symptoms remain with him constantly. Excessive drinking over time leads to serious diseases, in particular cirrhosis of the liver.

Since ancient times, red wine has been considered a powerful healer, a source of strength and longevity, of course, in reasonable quantities. The health benefits of red wine are undeniable; drinking a glass of wine a day prolongs youth, improves body tone and mood, and fights depression.

To list all its healing properties, we will need to describe its benefits and contraindications for each person. After all, everything is individual and red wine will benefit some, but a sip may send someone to a hospital bed, let’s figure it out.

The first people who began to glorify wine as a tasty and pleasant medicine were the supporters of Hippocrates, who in turn praised wine and gave it to his patients in moderate doses. Red wine was also very popular in ancient Egypt, Messapotamia, China, and used it as medicine. Back then it was still believed that this is how alcohol manifested its magical properties, and people were actually cured.

And the composition of the wine was studied a little later. Moreover, scientists have achieved a lot in their research and have found out most of the facts confirming that red grape wine has enormous benefits for the body! It is used for heart diseases, colds, diabetes, certain diseases of men and women...

If the question is which red wine to choose - homemade, table, dry or sweet, it is better to make a choice in favor of dry red wine, if you want to fully experience its healing properties.

It is this type of wine that has the least amount of alcohol and no sugar; red table wine has the same properties (the benefits and harms are the same). Pay attention to the Sauvignon or Cabernet grape varieties, they say that they have the maximum concentration of nutrients, although there are a lot of varieties and we will talk about this in our article, but now let’s move on to the composition of red wine.

Red wine benefits and harms

Composition of a useful product

Scientists from the Italian University have proven that red wine is useful for gum inflammation, hearing loss and colds.

Even sweet red wine contains virtually no glucose (0.3 grams) and no fat at all; one glass (150 ml of dry drink) contains:

Proteins 0.11 g
Water 127.7 g
alcohol 15.9 g

The amount of minerals makes you think about the benefits of red wine:

Potassium 190 mg
Sodium 6 mg
Calcium 12 mg
Magnesium 18 mg
Iron 0.69 mg
Selenium 0.3 mcg
Copper 0.017 mg
Zinc 0.21 mg

The opinions of scientists are half divided; some believe that drinking red wine is beneficial, and 50% of researchers also emphasize its harm if consumed too often.

Also, scientists previously could not figure out what exactly affects the body - just alcohol, or bioactive substances contained in wine. And yet they concluded that flavonoids, resveratrol and pectins help fight diseases, and not just the effect of alcohol transforms a person.

Health benefits of red wine

The benefits of dry red wine for health and memory
If you suffer from a lack of concentration or notice that you have difficulty remembering certain important events your life, a glass of red wine will help you, the benefits of which are in this case manifests itself in the improvement of cerebral circulation. Scientists from many countries have already determined that wine improves memory.

For example, researchers at the Litwin-Zucker Center in the USA found that a compound found in wine, resveratrol, prevents the formation of certain beta proteins in the brain that destroy memory.

This is especially true for people with Alzheimer's disease, but it also alerts us to an important discovery. Why not use this evidence to your advantage? It is recommended that, together with the healing infusion, try to develop the brain by solving complex logic problems, crosswords and puzzles; memory can be improved by as much as 40%.

Wine against cancer
The benefits of red wine for the body are manifested in the suppression of cancer cells in our body. Why does this happen and is it true that you can stop cancer with red wine?

Yes, if you trust scientists from the University of Virginia, according to scientists, By drinking one glass of wine every 3-4 days, you starve dangerous formations - cancer cells, and in the literal sense of the word. Naturally, at the same time you need to adhere to a special diet, otherwise the benefits of such treatment will be reduced to a minimum, eat only those foods that are the most healthy - greens, fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils.

Benefits of red wine for blood and heart
It is clear that many will now exclaim about the dangers of alcohol for heart patients. Yes, this is so if a person does not understand his norm and does not adhere to it. Special studies conducted at the Kansas Heart Institute It has been proven that drinking a glass of wine every 2-3 days reduces blood sugar levels. And this, in turn, protects your heart and prolongs your life.

Excess blood sugar and constant spikes occur not only in diabetics, but also in other people. All this provokes inflammation in the body and leads to diseases of the heart, circulatory system, dementia and others.

To protect yourself from vascular diseases, it is recommended to drink red semi-dry wine, the benefits of which are obvious in small doses, specifically at dinner - with meat, fish, vegetables, olive oil and fruit. According to a European study, the claim that red wine is good for the heart has already been proven. Wine helps the production of OMEGA-3, and has an even better effect than if you eat red fish.

Surprisingly, by drinking red wine in moderation, you can reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis and angina.

Dry red wine, product benefits

The benefits of dry red wine for weight loss are undeniable for both men and women. . This is due to the presence of resveratrol in the composition. This active substance can reduce cholesterol, appetite and cravings for sweets, significantly reduce weight and even protect against exposure to sunlight.

The fact is that flavonoids inhibit oxygen compounds inside the skin, preventing the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. These are complex processes and we cannot understand them. But the point is that You may not need sunscreen in nature if you take a bottle of red wine with you . Thus, by drinking up to 200 grams of wine a day, several times a week, we can transform ourselves and maintain youth inside and out.

The benefits of dry red wine for weight loss are a globally proven fact, because studies were conducted on volunteers who expressed such a desire. Thus, doubts about the fact that dry red wine is good for youth and for the body should leave you.

Remember that natural red wine, which is most likely to benefit, is made from black grape varieties; the skin of the grapes gives the drink such a bright shade. There are more than 4,000 such grape varieties. So, in this regard, producers have plenty to choose from.

So, we found out that dry red wine is beneficial for the body, but can also cause harm. So before consuming, consult your doctor and read our recommendations at the end of the article. The benefits of sweet red wine are also high, but at the same time there is a risk of quickly getting drunk or adding calories if you consume more than 150 ml. per day.

Homemade dry red wine: benefits and harms

Homemade wine can be an excellent healer if you follow certain rules. Homemade wine can be made not only from grapes, but also from raspberries, rowan berries, blueberries, strawberries, and black currants. The fruit and berry drink copes well with colds when heated and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The only thing that should be taken into account is that homemade wine is, first of all, an alcoholic drink; it should not be given to a child; in asthmatics, drinking wine can cause an attack. Not a fact, but this could theoretically happen, because the method of preparing homemade wine is somewhat different (sulfur compounds are produced, which can cause an attack of suffocation).

Red wine benefits and harms for women

The benefits of red wine for a woman’s health are manifested, first of all, in the balance of moods; there are fewer reasons that lead to irritability. Red wine is calming and invigorating at the same time.

This good way fight PMS, and at night you will fall asleep like a baby who has been frisky during the day. Thanks to the property of having a beneficial effect on blood circulation, a woman can establish a menstrual cycle, make it regular, red wine during menstruation – benefits, balance and calm.

But the benefit of red wine for women is also that drinking a healing drink helps you lose weight and be slimmer. Every woman dreams of this The main thing is to drink it during lunch or dinner so that the benefits of dry red wine for women are manifested.

The benefits of red wine for men's health

The male population is in favor of taking such a wonderful medicine, you just need to know when to stop. It is men who most often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, because The benefits of dry red wine for men are manifested in a decrease in blood pressure - upper and lower levels.

A drink in moderate doses helps cope with hypertension, as Omega-3 cleanses blood vessels and arteries. Thus, every man can prolong life and youth, and have a toned figure. Scientists have found that the benefits of a glass of red wine a day are obvious for a man; it replaces a jog at the stadium or a whole hour spent in gym.

Yours positive influence Consumption of semi-sweet wine will also have an effect on a man’s body. The benefit of red wine for men is that it contains a tiny proportion of sugars (only up to 0.3 grams) per 150 ml of drink, but it actually cures diseases, helps keep the body in good shape and increases sexual activity by 30%.

It is worth mentioning that men who drink semi-sweet red wine, the benefits of which are manifested when certain doses are observed, two glasses every day can, on the contrary, cause problems for themselves and earn sexual dysfunction.

So, the benefits of semi-sweet and dry red wine for men are manifested in the following:
Blood vessels are cleansed;
“Bad cholesterol” is burned;
The risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced;
Exercises in the gym are being replaced, and beautiful figure;
Sexual activity increases.

Benefits of red wine for the liver

Scientists from the University of San Diego have found that drinking alcohol in the form of dry red wine 3-4 times a week prevents the formation of excess fats and cholesterol on the liver. It turns out that the benefits of red wine for the human body are effective when drinking a moderate amount of red wine and reduce the risk of liver disease by half.

Failure to comply with these rules may lead to bad consequences- addiction to alcohol and the production of excess cholesterol, therefore drinking a glass of red wine is beneficial, and sometimes harmful, be careful.

Options for drinking wine

You can drink red wine in pure form with fish or use several other options. The most interesting and useful is the “medicine” made from garlic and wine. It is necessary to combine red wine and garlic, the tincture, which is 100% beneficial, tastes interesting, and it must be consumed in doses.

To prepare an amazing infusion, take:
Peel the head of garlic and pound it in a wooden mortar;
Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle and fill it with wine, “Cahors” is suitable for this;
Leave in a dark place for about a week, shaking occasionally;
Strain through cheesecloth.

The tincture is ready - “garlic and red wine”, its benefits are almost unlimited, and this composition needs to be stored in the refrigerator. By taking 15 ml orally before lunch, you will significantly boost your immunity, relieve inflammation in the female organs, cleanse your body of cholesterol, and get rid of depression.

But this medicine also has contraindications; it should not be taken if you have gastritis, peptic ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, epilepsy, or hemorrhoids.

If you are caught off guard by a cold and your body is aching, there is another effective remedy and we suggest you try this recipe based on red wine. You need to mix red wine with honey, ideally take dry or semi-dry. The benefits of such a drink will appear immediately. The main thing is to make it while the cold is just starting to overcome you and drink it warm. Heat half a glass of wine to 60 degrees and mix with half a spoon of honey.

If you don’t like drinking this mixture, dissolve it all in half a glass of tea. It turns out almost classic “Mulled wine” only without spices. It’s great if you add cinnamon, ginger and cloves to the drink. Also, an excellent recipe is prepared with orange and apple, but we are not talking about that now, but are talking, first of all, about the benefits of wine as a product.

The health benefits and harms of red wine

Now you know what the benefits of red wine are, and you will be able to answer the question - are the benefits of red wine a myth or a reality? Doctors never tire of repeating about moderation in drinking alcohol.

Speaking about moderation, we can say that everyone has their own limits. The best recommendations are considered to be 50 grams per day during meals. Moreover, the appointments should be divided into three times a week. In some sources, we found that 500 grams of wine can have a detrimental effect on a man’s health, but for women, accordingly, half that amount is 250 grams. If you compare these two options, you can derive the average norm, as they say - neither for you nor for us - this is 100-150 ml of drink.

Drawing conclusions
Red wine benefits and harm to the body

When drinking red wine, you need to remember that it is alcohol and should not be given to children under 16 years of age. Since it can negatively affect the child’s brain. Red grape wine is also contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers; it is useless to discuss the benefits and harms in this case.

Also, for people who are intolerant to wine in any quantity and experience headaches (and there are many such people), it is better to give up the drink.

For adults who do not suffer from serious diseases of the kidneys, stomach, bronchi and liver, a glass of dry red wine, the benefits of which have already been established, will only be beneficial. Moreover, it makes no difference whether you use red homemade wine (the benefits are the same) or red semi-sweet wine (floorforand harm are balanced), you will always be in good shape and in a great mood.

Wine is considered a refined low-alcohol drink. The French, Italians, Spaniards and Caucasians drink it almost every day.

Residents of these countries are convinced that wine has a beneficial effect on the body. After all, it not only helps you relax and relieve stress after a working day, but also relieves a number of diseases, and also prolongs youth.

But is drinking wine really good for you? And what do doctors, scientists and nutritionists say about this?

Wine Features

Wine is made from berries, fruits, water and sugar through fermentation. Grapes are often used to prepare a traditional drink. But at home, wine material can be pomegranate, cherry, or apple. Mulberries, elderberries, rowan berries, currants and even sea buckthorn are also used.

Any natural wine contains minerals (phosphorus, iodine, manganese, rubidium), essential oils and vitamins (PP, B, C). These substances have a tonic effect on the body and lower blood pressure.

The strength of natural wines ranges from 9 to 16%, and fortified varieties - up to 22%. Based on the alcohol content, the type of drink is determined.

Thus, table wines can be sweet, semi-sweet, dry or semi-dry. Fortified varieties are divided into:

  1. liqueur;
  2. semi-dessert;
  3. strong;
  4. sweet;
  5. dessert.

There are also sparkling (carbonated) and flavored wines.

Regardless of the type of drink, every person should know how much alcoholic liquid he can drink per day without harm to health.

The benefits of wine for the body

The drink owes its medicinal properties to its rich composition. It has a positive effect on the body due to the presence of vitamins, acids, fructose and microelements.

The wine has an astringent and antioxidant effect. Therefore, the red drink is used to treat intestinal diseases.

Wine alcohol contains melatonin (sleep hormone), which makes it an excellent remedy for insomnia. But all the healing effects will be noticeable if you drink only a natural drink and no more than 1/10 of a bottle at a time.

Experts are convinced that dry red wine is the healthiest for the body. Numerous studies have proven that this drink is valued for the following properties:

  • increases hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;
  • removes toxins;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 40%;
  • slows down the aging process.
  • prevents the occurrence of oral diseases.

Other beneficial properties of wine are that it has antimicrobial and antiviral effects. The drink also reduces blood cholesterol levels. But experts assure that the maximum benefits of wine will be felt if you drink it with meals.

Wine is also beneficial because it contains resveratrol. This is a biologically active substance that is a strong natural antioxidant.

This component reduces the risk of cancer and has a rejuvenating effect. Resveratrol is also beneficial for the skin. It increases its tone, leads to the production of collagen and prevents the development of obesity.

White wine contains fewer nutrients than red wine. But it is lighter and the vitamins and antioxidants contained in it are well absorbed by the body. Amber grape drink, has the same medicinal properties, like red wine.

General beneficial properties of wine liquids include:

  • normalization of hormonal balance;
  • improvement of short-term memory;
  • increased vision;
  • prevention of colds and flu;
  • normalization of salt balance;
  • improvement of emotional state;
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Since natural wines are very beneficial, a separate branch has even emerged in medicine – wine therapy. According to the therapeutic method, the intoxicating drink can be used as a cure for many diseases and as a cosmetic product.

Therefore, to increase elasticity, rejuvenation and smoothness of the skin, women take baths, masks and massages using wine alcohol.

Is homemade wine healthy?

Many consider the young, low-alcohol grape drink, which was prepared at home, to be particularly medicinal. In fact, the beneficial properties of wine depend on the production technology and wine material.

But often homemade products are poorly cleaned, so they contain fusel oils. These are toxic substances formed during the fermentation process.

However, homemade wines are still useful. For example, an alcoholic drink that contains an apple stimulates digestion, promotes weight loss and improves vascular and heart function.

Wines made from blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries are rich in iron. They increase hemoglobin levels and have a tonic effect on the body.

Wine made from chokeberry, currant or cherry strengthens blood vessels, making them less fragile.

Also, all homemade low-alcohol drinks stimulate the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to various infections.

Harmful properties of wine

Any type of wine contains alcohol, which is poisonous to the body. If a person drinks more than 50 ml of the drink, intoxication will occur.

Red wine, especially sweet wine, will contribute to weight gain. After all, 125 ml of the product contains 80 calories.

White types of the drink are also harmful, since they contain much more sugar and acids than red varieties. If you abuse this wine, tooth enamel deteriorates, caries and other oral diseases develop.

The harm of wine made from white grape varieties lies in its negative effect on the kidneys, liver and stomach. People who regularly drink this drink often experience mental and nervous disorders.

Is wine without sugar harmful? Dry types of the drink, although not dangerous for the figure, can be harmful in a number of diseases.

In general, abuse of any type of wine product can be dangerous for the human body. Alcohol is known to be bad for the liver. Under the influence of alcohol, the organ begins to produce enzymes to metabolize ethanol.

The liver has to cope with a large amount of carbohydrates, because wine contains a lot of glucose. Alcohol also affects the pancreas. Therefore, a person regularly drinking wine, the risk of developing diabetes increases.

Alcohol destroys liver hepatocides, which can result in a number of diseases:

  1. cirrhosis;
  2. hepatomegaly;
  3. hepatitis;
  4. dystrophy.

When drinking wine products every day, the body gets used to alcohol and a person becomes dependent. Without including the drink in the daily diet, mood swings, depression, and even psychosis develop.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of alcohol nervous system gets excited and the person experiences euphoria. But this effect is short-lived, the vessels will dilate by short time and then appear side effects in the form of nausea, headache, malaise and drowsiness.

People who drink even one glass of wine every day have metabolic processes upset, and the beneficial elements that enter the body with food are poorly absorbed. All this leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea and flatulence.

Since wine is a low-alcohol drink, a person who constantly drinks it eventually switches to stronger types of alcohol. Many people start drinking cognac, tinctures or vodka.

What is more harmful: wine or beer? If the grape drink is natural, then it will be much healthier than intoxicating liquid. After all, modern beer producers add a lot of harmful substances to it during the manufacturing process.

Doctors say that even systematic consumption of wine (1-2 times a week) harms the body. But side effects appear over time.

Excessive consumption of wine drinks leads to heart problems. Once alcohol enters the body, it increases blood pressure and increases heart rate.

Alcohol thickens the blood and it cannot in full enter the small vessels of the organ. This is how hypoxia develops, and myocardial tissues die. The main consequences of the negative effects of alcohol on the heart:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • weakening of the myocardium;
  • obesity of the heart muscle;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • dystrophic changes in the organ;
  • arrhythmia.

Those who are thinking about the question: which is more harmful, vodka or wine, should know that both types of alcohol contain ethanol, which becomes toxic to the body.

But vodka has a much higher alcohol content, so its negative impact on human systems and organs will be faster and more significant.

How does wine affect male and female bodies?

Men have a higher metabolism than women. Consequently, alcohol affects the male body differently.

After drinking wine, even a timid man becomes cheerful, open and brave. This is due to the effect of alcohol on the brain, the receptors of which are switched off when intoxicated.

Many representatives of the fair sex consider wine to be a harmless and weak drink. The peculiarity of the female body is that it slowly breaks down alcohols and intoxication occurs much faster than in men.

Ethanol is harmful to women because it promotes tissue dehydration. As a result, the skin becomes sluggish and not elastic. Women recover quickly from wine, because their bodies have more fatty tissue than men.

Since alcohol slows down brain function, women have trouble sleeping after drinking a grape drink. During menstruation, wine increases blood pressure, which only increases bleeding.

Wine products increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. This is explained by the fact that the drink activates the production of estrogens, which lead to the appearance of cancer.

Cahors and other types of alcohol are especially dangerous for pregnant women and those who want to have children in the future. After all, alcohol negatively affects reproductive function.

Pregnant women who regularly consume alcohol increase the likelihood of miscarriage or the birth of a child with various pathologies. Ethanol can cross the placenta and harm the baby's health.

For whom wine is contraindicated?

There are a number of diseases that prohibit drinking wine in any quantity. The drink should not be consumed by allergy sufferers. It contains a lot of allergens - fermentation products, fruits and berries, pollen.

In addition to food allergies, wine alcohol is contraindicated for dysbacteriosis. It is especially undesirable to consume young varieties, which provoke “mast cells” containing histamine. Ethanol destroys cell membranes and releases biogenic amine.

When imidazolyl-2-ethylamine accumulates in the blood, it leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and allergic reactions (dermatitis, urticaria). The substance is also dangerous for hypertension and migraines.

Doctors recommend that people with such contraindications replace wine with stronger drinks (gin, cognac products, vodka). But their quantity should not exceed 200 ml per day.

Drinking wine is prohibited for asthmatics, as it aggravates the course of the disease. Absolute contraindications to drinking wine products:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. gout;
  4. hepatitis C;
  5. chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. renal failure;
  7. lactation period;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. weakened immune system;
  10. disturbances in liver function.

Can children drink wine? Oddly enough, many doctors advise giving a child a red drink if physical development is impaired and there is no appetite.

Scientists are putting an end to the age-old debate about the benefits of red wine. Moderate consumption of this drink brings more benefit to the body than harm, writes Alexey Bondarev in issue 30 of the magazine. Correspondent dated August 2, 2013.

The French are one of the most patriotic nations in the world. No one defends their culture and traditions so fiercely from the invasion of globalism. And the French also defend the custom of accompanying every serious meal with a glass of wine quite fiercely. And there is something to protect from: doctors and nutritionists from different countries For decades, any attempt to prove that moderate alcohol consumption is not a hindrance to good health has been attacked.

Now any patriot of the tricolor flag and the Marseillaise has a serious argument - a real shield with which to repel the attacks of skeptics who do not recognize the benefits of alcohol. The results of the largest study, which was conducted for almost 30 years by scientists from the Universities of Paris and Bordeaux, have been summed up. They observed 35 thousand men aged 40 to 65 years and came to the conclusion that the healthiest of them were those who drank wine in moderation.

This is the first major and authoritative study proving that the notorious French paradox is a reality, and not a fairy tale from the field of national color. In the middle of the last century, this term was used to describe the hypothetical positive effect that red wine produces, mitigating the harm caused to health by high-calorie and fatty foods.

Experts have noticed that the French suffer from a number of age-related diseases (cardiovascular system, digestive tract, etc.) less often than other Europeans.

Experts have noticed that the French suffer from a number of age-related diseases (cardiovascular system, digestive tract, etc.) less often than other Europeans. And this despite the fact that French cuisine cannot be considered a model of dietetics. It includes quite a lot of fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets.

Scientists began to look for the roots of this paradox. However, the search was short-lived, since the only plausible explanation could only be the French passion for red wine, which contains an abundance of the substance resveratrol, which is credited with a beneficial effect on health.

Since then, for several decades, red wine has been one of the most frequently discussed topics in medicine. Perhaps only coffee is discussed just as furiously, says American physician David Hanneman, but in terms of the number of studies, wine is still the leader.

According to Hanneman, the research results can be divided into three groups. The first sing the benefits of wine. The latter say that there is some benefit, but it is insignificant. Still others argue that any alcohol is harmful in principle.

Every few years the pendulum swings in favor of one thesis or another. However, never before have such serious arguments been thrown into the balance as data from studies in which tens of thousands of people took part, Hanneman notes. Now it will be more difficult for opponents of alcohol to prove their case.

French paradox

Experts from the Universities of Paris and Bordeaux claim that their work proves that moderate consumption of wine reduces the likelihood of premature death from cardiovascular diseases by 40%, and from cancer by 20%.

“A glass of wine a day eliminates the need to visit the doctor,” the study authors paraphrase a well-known American saying.

The French experiment, which lasted 28 years, shows that ingesting small amounts of red wine has a positive effect on most people, says Craina Stockley, who works at the Australian Institute of Wine Research.

We are talking not only about diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also about reducing the risk of diabetes, dementia and many other diseases that can significantly reduce life expectancy.

Moderate intake over regular periods of time, albeit not every day, but within a week can be considered sufficient

“Drinking wine in moderation is the key to good health,” says Stockley.

According to the expert, the data from the French study is the last straw in the cup of evidence for the benefits of wine.

“Moderate intake over regular periods of time, even if not every day, but over the course of a week can be considered sufficient,” Stokely answers the question of how much wine you need to drink in order to feel its effects.

At the same time, wine in large doses immediately leads to the opposite effect, Stokely hastens to emphasize. There is one more caveat: the study results apply only to adults; in adolescents, regular drinking can negatively affect the formation of the brain.

It is also worth considering that drinking wine, even in small doses, can have a negative impact on the health of people already suffering from some serious illness and taking medications. However, having made all these reservations, scientists are immediately ready to rush headlong into the pool of enthusiasm about the benefits of wine.

“The point here is not that regular consumption of wine prevents any specific diseases,” explains Stockley, “but that it has a positive effect on a person’s diet and lifestyle.”

Time to throw stones

However, researchers also have progress regarding the benefits of wine for the prevention of specific diseases. An equally large-scale study conducted by American scientists from Boston University together with their colleagues from the University of Rome shows that small amounts of red wine reduce the risk of kidney stones, and also help effectively fight them if they do form. Therefore, red wine is the exact opposite of sugary carbonated drinks that promote kidney stones.

The study, which lasted eight years, included observation of 200 thousand volunteers who reported to doctors what they drank during the day and gave them their medical indicators. Thus, the authors of the experiment were able to compare certain drinks with the health status of their patients.

Those who drink sugary drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are 33% more likely to develop kidney stones than those who regularly drink red wine.

It was found that those who prefer sugary drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, are 33% more likely to develop kidney stones than those who regularly drink red wine. Among other drinks that reduce the risk of kidney problems, scientists noted beer, coffee, tea and orange juice. However, none of them can compare to the effectiveness of red wine.

“It's all about oxolates - chemicals, which are a common cause of kidney stone formation,” explains Gary Curhan of Boston University, one of the study’s authors. According to him, regular moderate consumption of wine leads to the removal of oxolates from the body, and not to their accumulation in the kidneys. This is likely due to fructose in wines, although this remains to be determined with new research.

Miracle component

Search for explanations beneficial properties wines often come up against a long list of its components. Among them, fructose, organic acids, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are usually distinguished. And, of course, vitamins B1, B2, C (all this applies to a greater extent to red wine and mainly dry varieties). However, in recent years Researchers are paying more attention to its other component - resveratrol, which is gradually becoming one of the most noisy subjects of controversy in modern science.

Red wine contains an average of 0.2-5.0 mg/l of resveratrol (in white its content is much lower). Once in the body of living beings, resveratrol has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects, lowers blood sugar levels.

While active dietary supplements containing resveratrol have begun to appear on the market, some scientists praise the substance, while others argue that it is useless. Over the past two years alone, the number of large-scale studies aimed at determining how positively this substance affects health and whether it can prolong life amounts to several dozen.

Once in the body of living beings, resveratrol has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects, lowers blood sugar levels.

In 2012, American doctors from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit found that regular consumption of dry red wine can prevent hearing loss in older people. Naturally, thanks to resveratrol.

Norwegian scientists from the University of Trondheim have published the results of their work indicating that resveratrol can weaken appetite, which means that people who regularly drink red wine in moderate doses are less likely to overeat, and therefore to problems with the digestive tract and obesity .

Their Dutch colleagues took the idea further: the results of their recent experiments indicate the benefits of resveratrol for digestion. Moreover, the benefits are very tangible - so much so that scientists boldly state in conclusion: “One glass of red wine a day prolongs life by an average of five years.”

Canadian pharmacist David Sinclair concluded that resveratrol has a positive effect on the functioning of mitochondria - the parts of cells responsible for storing energy.

But what made the most noise was a study by New Zealand scientists from the University of Otago. On the one hand, their work showed that resveratrol has a number of beneficial properties, on the other, they learned that drinking red wine does not affect longevity.

The controversial substance has a beneficial effect on lower forms of life, experts say, but not on people. The authors of the work tested the effects of resveratrol on six species of living organisms. Various fungi that were supplemented with resveratrol actually lived longer. However, this effect was no longer observed in fruit flies and mice. Now preparations are underway for experiments with people, scientists say.

A question of propaganda

The new research has plenty of critics. As a rule, they argue that the benefits of drinking alcohol in so-called moderate doses are outweighed by significant risks.

Conversations about the benefits of alcohol, be it wine or other drinks, invariably lead to the threat of whitewashing the image of alcohol in the public consciousness, says Mike Daub, a professor at Curtin University in Sydney, Australia.

In fact, Daub believes, alcohol poses a serious threat in both the short and long term - both medically and socially.

Daub calls any publications about the benefits of alcohol based on various studies PR campaigns of the alcohol lobby. Daub does not directly accuse anyone, but says that in many cases, supporters of “scientific” evidence of the benefits of alcohol are directly related to the alcohol industry.

Today there is a tendency to consider the level of health benefits of alcohol to be zero, similar to what is the case with nicotine.

The head of the Federation of Australian Winemakers, Paul Evans, meets such criticism with hostility.

“The trend today is to view alcohol as having zero health benefits, much like nicotine,” says Evans. “But there is also a huge evidence base that drinking wine in moderation can be part of a balanced diet and healthy image life."

Wine in your diet should be considered part of a healthy lifestyle, but not as a major part of it, like the food you eat or the exercise you do at the gym, Stockley emphasizes. And wine should not replace either one or the other.

The cure for everything

Wine is fraught with many dangers, just like any other alcoholic beverage. However, the list of its advantages is huge. When used in moderation, it is a universal remedy.

Useful properties of wine

Permissible daily dose - no more than 50 g

  • Contains vitamins B2, B1, C, P, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese
  • Resveratol present in wine has an antitumor effect
  • Protects cells from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and x-rays, which is useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer
  • Contains catechins, which have an antimicrobial effect and are useful for strengthening the immune system
  • Increases the level of high molecular weight lipoproteins in the blood, which remove low molecular weight cholesterol from the body, which serves as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis.
  • Reduces the number of fat cells in the body, protects against metabolic disorders, in particular obesity
  • Polyphenols help regulate blood sugar levels, which helps avoid the onset and development of type 2 diabetes
  • Resveratol thins the blood and prevents platelet aggregation, helping to prevent thrombosis
  • Resveratol has an effect similar to that of the hormone estrogen, being a natural biostimulant, and is useful for the prevention of certain estrogen-dependent diseases, in particular osteoporosis
  • The high iron content in wine, as well as the property of the drink to promote the absorption of iron from food, are useful for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and significant blood loss
  • A small amount of diluted hot wine with spices is useful in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, such as pneumonia, bronchitis and tuberculosis
  • For some types of intestinal disorders and poisoning, the astringent and antitoxic properties of wine will be useful
  • A little wine before bed thanks to the content of melatonin, a sleep hormone, helps with insomnia
  • Increases appetite and stimulates gall bladder secretion, promoting the digestion of heavy foods, especially fats
  • Contains substances that stimulate carbohydrate, nitrogen and mineral metabolism in the human body

Harmful properties of wine

  • Harmful daily dose - more than 50 g
  • Contains many allergens such as fruits, yeast, pollen, as well as histamines - compounds that cause hives, itchy skin, sneezing, bronchospasms and other allergy symptoms
  • Sulfur dioxide, used in winemaking to inhibit the growth of wine yeast, can cause asthma attacks in asthmatics.
  • Red wine polyphenols may cause migraine attacks in people prone to this disease
  • With frequent alcohol consumption, the enzymatic metabolism slows down and the toxic breakdown product of alcohol - acetaldehyde - accumulates in the liver, which over time can cause serious diseases, including cirrhosis
  • Wine should not be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as alcohol entering the child’s body can cause irreversible damage to the cells of his brain and spinal cord.

Data from the Correspondent's information and reference service

This material was published in No. 30 of the Korrespondent magazine dated August 2, 2013. Reproduction of Korrespondent magazine publications in full is prohibited. The rules for using materials from the Korrespondent magazine published on the website can be found .

Wine is one of the most ancient and consumed drinks in the world. It is described in many works of art that have come down to us from ancient times. There are dozens of different types: red, white, dry, sweet, semi-dry and semi-sweet.

For a long time there has been debate about the usefulness and possible harm wines for health. In some cultures, it is even common for children to drink wine in small quantities. This is a rather controversial point, but it is believed that it helps strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body. In any case, it is something that, when abused, poisons us. In some countries where drinking wine is an integral part of the culture, such as France, life expectancy is much higher, and the number of heart attacks and problems associated with cardiovascular disease is lower than in others where alcohol consumption is not as common.

They also talk about incredible benefits in the Caucasus. Residents of these regions claim that they owe their longevity and good health precisely this grape drink. So what is the secret of the longevity and health of these peoples in reality? Is drinking wine beneficial or harmful?

The effect of red wine on the body

The effects of wine, especially red wine, have been widely studied in recent years. The information obtained suggests that moderate consumption increases life expectancy, protects against certain types of cancer, regulates the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, and also improves the general condition of the nervous system.

Many centuries ago, wines were used to treat many diseases. In the Middle Ages, monks believed that their longevity depended on the constant but moderate consumption of wine. Research has shown that they may have been right.

However, it is important to remember that any possible benefit from drinking wine is possible only with moderate consumption. Nowadays, nutritionists and narcologists recommend drinking no more than one glass for women and no more than two for men. This is considered a safe amount that will not cause damage to your internal organs.

It is important to remember that alcohol is generally contraindicated for some people! Check this point with your doctor!

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin found in wine in large quantities. Some plants secrete it to fight bacteria and fungi, as well as to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It is this substance that has a beneficial effect on your body. It improves heart function, prevents cancer and helps prevent vision loss. Most of this substance is found in grapes, namely in their skins, as well as in blueberries, cranberries and peanuts. If you do decide to drink, then red wine brings more benefits than any other type of alcoholic beverage.

Possible positive effects of drinking wine

Modern research shows that wine can improve several aspects of your health. Some are based on the presence of Resveratrol and other beneficial substances in wine.

Gut and cardiovascular microbiome

Resveratrol has broad effects on your heart and gut health. Researchers have found that drinking red wine benefits and reduces the risk of heart disease and gastrointestinal tract disease by positively influencing your gut microbiome.

The microbiome is the collection of microorganisms within you. Inside your gut are millions of different bacteria that are responsible for important processes in your body. The total weight of bacteria and microorganisms living in you ranges from 1.2 to 4 kg. Red wine helps maintain stomach flora and normalizes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, which has a positive effect on processes in your body, such as immunity.

Increased levels of Omega-3 fatty acids

Drinking very small amounts of this alcoholic beverage, especially red wine, increases the level of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids in plasma and red blood cells. These fatty acids are believed to protect your heart from various diseases. Scientists noticed that a large number of subjects who drank red wine had increased level Omega-3 acids.
Heart health and type 2 diabetes

A glass of red wine with dinner “reduces cardiometabolic risk" in people suffering from diabetes mellitus 2 types. This is in once again proves that drinking red wine in moderation is safe for you. It is believed that alcohol treated through natural fermentation plays an important role in the metabolization of glucose. However, people with diabetes need to be very careful before drinking alcohol. Consult your healthcare practitioner before use. This will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of wine for blood vessels and blood pressure

British scientists have found that procyanides, which are flavonoids and powerful antioxidants, are found in large quantities in red wine. They help maintain blood vessels in good shape. Traditionally made wine contains much more of these beneficial compounds.

Most people believe that only alcoholic wine can be beneficial, but studies have shown that non-alcoholic wines can also help lower blood pressure.

The effect of wine on brain recovery

Resveratrol protects your brain cells from damage and strokes. It increases the level of enzymes that protect nerve cells from damage. Even when a stroke occurs, this enzyme reduces the damage caused by this disease. However, it is still unclear whether the benefits of resveratrol are enhanced by the presence of alcohol in wine.

Protects against vision loss

Resveratrol, which is found in large quantities in wine, protects you from vision loss caused by the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels in eyeball. Diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration are the leading causes of blindness in Russia in people over 50 years of age. This occurs due to an increase in the number of blood vessels in the eye. This process is called angiogenesis. Research into this disease will help confirm preliminary findings and could help not only patients who have eye problems due to diabetes, but also people with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and other causes of retinal detachment.

The effect of wine on the prevention of colon cancer

Research conducted in the UK has shown a relationship between consuming small doses of resveratrol and reducing the size of colon cancer tumors. Small doses of this substance reduced the tumor by 50 percent. True, they summed up that alcohol negates absolutely any benefit from consuming resveratrol and negatively affects the tumor.

The effect of wine on breast cancer prevention

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages significantly increases the likelihood of breast cancer in women. Thanks to the substances found in the seeds and skin of red grapes, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases, and reduce the consequences of drinking alcohol.
Any alcohol increases the level of estrogen, the female sex hormone, in the body of men and women, which contributes to the development of cancer cells. The beneficial substances contained in greater quantities in red than in white wine reduce the production of estrogen and increase the amount of testosterone, the male hormone. Grapes provide the body with these beneficial substances, so including grapes in your diet is better than drinking wine.
In any case, the best alcoholic drink for women is wine.

The effect of wine on lung and prostate health

Drinking small amounts of red and white wine improves the functioning of the lungs and, as in the case of other organs, protects them from the development of cancer.
Observations have shown that men who drink red wine in small quantities have almost halved the likelihood of developing prostate cancer than those who did not drink it at all. Research has determined that drinking three to seven glasses of red wine per week is considered moderate.

Also, those who drank 1 glass per week reduced the likelihood of developing this disease by almost 7 percent.

The effect of wine on preventing dementia and depression

A long-term study conducted jointly by scientists from 19 countries showed that dementia is much less developed in countries where wine consumption is popular. The key to this is Resveratrol described above. Less viscous blood prevents the formation of small blood clots and helps blood vessels remain flexible. Because of this, blockage of blood vessels and further death of brain tissue due to oxygen starvation are reduced.
Also, many nutritionists, doctors and psychologists agree that drinking wine reduces the risk of developing depression.

Health benefits of white wine

In the first part of our article, we found that drinking a few glasses of red wine can be beneficial for your health. Its moderate consumption helps prevent heart attacks, normalizes cholesterol in your blood, and also fights the formation of blood clots. The anti-inflammatory effect of red wine will improve the course of some chronic diseases. The flavonoids and antioxidants in red wine and grapes may help prevent cancer.

What about white wine and champagne, are they just as healthy?

Any white wine has a large number of beneficial properties, sometimes not inferior to red. It also contains large quantities of flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from damage. Many scientists believe that white wine has much stronger antioxidant properties than red.

It protects your heart from aging and provides prevention of various diseases, although not all white wines have this ability. The tests indicated that only one of the three wines sold on store shelves provided a powerful boost in protecting the heart muscle, while the other two had no effect.

Also, many nutritionists agree that for those who want to lose weight, white wine can be an excellent assistant. You are allowed to get up to 15 percent of your daily energy from white wine. It is lower in calories than many juices, plus it is worth considering all the benefits derived from this noble drink, in contrast to the same juices, which contain a large amount of harmful preservatives and sugar.

Champagne influence

Speaking of weight loss, you should also pay attention to champagne. It contains much fewer calories than red and white, and especially beer. That is, champagne is the least harmful alternative for your figure if you want to drink alcohol. However, this is not all the benefits. Researchers have found that champagne, when consumed in moderation, improves the functioning of blood vessels in your circulatory system.
This carbonated drink, consumed three glasses a week, will protect you from brain disorders, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Some black grape varieties used in making champagne will help your brain thanks to phenolic acid. After 40 years, it is recommended to periodically drink a few glasses of wine, which will protect you from the unpleasant consequences of dementia.
Again, we repeat, all advantages are taken into account with reservations. The main thing is the amount of wine consumed, because the amount of alcohol consumed is very important. Excessive consumption will not only negate all the benefits, but will also cause serious harm to your body, on the contrary, worsening the situation.

Please note that the results of the studies cannot be a guarantee of benefit. Each person is at least individual. Other studies, on the contrary, refute the benefits of wine. Most nutritionists and researchers believe that alcohol negates any benefits of the substances contained in wine.

Harm from drinking red and white wine

Wines are one of the most popular drinks in Russia. A large selection allows almost everyone to choose something to their liking.
White wines contain much more sugar and sulfites than red, rose and even beer. Drinking any wine in large quantities can cause serious harm to the body.

Another problem is the bland taste of this drink. Many people do not take it as something serious and consume it in large quantities. Unfortunately, this can push you towards alcohol addiction. This is a really serious problem. Our country is suffering large demographic and financial losses due to people's addiction to alcohol.

Almost 2 out of 3 people exceed the safe limit for drinking wine. In terms of mortality, alcohol is one of the top three risk factors for premature mortality, along with smoking and obesity.

In addition, store-bought wine comes in different qualities. You must understand that unscrupulous manufacturers often violate manufacturing technology and also add substances to the composition that should not initially be in a quality product, for example, various antioxidants and dyes. From this point of view, white wines are much better than red ones. You must understand that pricing policy does not affect this factor in any way. Often expensive wines are much worse in quality than budget ones. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the composition, although even this does not always help to identify a low-quality drink. Manufacturers sometimes cheat by not indicating all the additives in the composition or indicating them with vague wording or in a completely different place on the bottle in small print, which violates the law.

The benefits and harms of wine drinks

Wine drinks are popular in our market. These are wines that, in their composition, do not comply with GOST due to various additives and flavorings. The situation is similar with cheese and cheese products that contain vegetable fats to reduce costs. Such a product cannot be called cheese, since cheese must contain exclusively milk fats and products.

Often the basis for the production of a wine drink is raw materials rejected during the wine making process. Violation of technology or temperature conditions for many reasons can lead to spoilage and the impossibility of further production of a high-quality drink. In order not to lose profit, the manufacturer adds various flavors, water, and sometimes even carbonates the future drink. Its benefits are doubtful. Its popularity is explained by its low cost compared to regular wine.

The benefits of drinking wine drinks are questionable, so we advise you to refrain from this type of alcohol.

Wine affects the development of candida fungus

Many people abroad are starting to give up drinking wine, especially white wine. Yeast fungus in the digestive system provokes chronic fatigue, depression, joint pain in humans, and also disrupts correct work intestines. Wines with a high sugar content can make the situation worse because this type of fungus feeds on it.
A glass of white wine can contain up to 5 times more sugar than red wine. It is also found in many other alcoholic drinks, such as rum, gin, beer and vodka. Their use can greatly aggravate the situation.

Weight gain

Alcohol is, in principle, a very high-calorie product. One glass of wine can contain about 200 calories. This is equivalent to one ice cream cone. The average bottle contains 700 calories, which is equivalent to two large pieces of chocolate cake.
A feature of our body is that metabolism stops after drinking alcohol. Our body prioritizes its removal from the body and until this happens, all metabolic processes stop.

Wine is harmful to the liver

Recent studies show that the number of people with liver disease has increased several times. Many people associate this with drinking large amounts of alcohol, including wine. A large amount of calories together with alcohol has a destructive effect on our liver, causing fat deposits.
People who consistently drink several glasses of wine to help them sleep better are especially at risk of developing liver disease.

Harm of wine to skin

Doctors say that white wine drinkers have an increased risk of developing skin melanoma compared to drinkers of other drinks. Many attribute this to the content of acetaldehyde in wine, an organic substance of the aldehyde class, which is a very toxic carcinogen.
This substance can damage your DNA. Antioxidants found in red wine may mitigate the effects of this poison, but no studies have been conducted on this topic.

What is more, the beneficial or harmful effects of drinking wine on the body?

We have given a large number of different arguments about the benefits and harms of this drink. You must decide for yourself whether drinking wine is worth the benefits it can bring you. Personally, we recommend that you avoid drinking any type of alcohol at all. Eating different varieties of fresh grapes provides greater benefits than what wine can offer. It contains exactly the same beneficial substances, even in large quantities.

If you do decide to drink, drink it in doses that do not exceed the recommended safe amount in order to minimize negative consequences. Alcohol is a powerful poison that destroys our body and mind, causing a large number of complications in our lives. You need to make sure that this bad habit does not affect you. Given that many people do not take wine very seriously, there is a danger that problems may arise without you noticing. Take care of your health and monitor your well-being and then your body will repay you with gratitude.

Also, if you feel that alcohol has become a constant companion in your life and you are developing an addiction, we strongly recommend that you try to completely eliminate it from your life.