Christmas fortune telling. Fortune telling with grain or millet. The future is through folk signs

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, all Christians prepare for this holy day: they clean their homes, cook kutya, remember folk traditions, rituals and fortune telling. Christmas time is the best time to ask fate about the number of future children, the time of birth of the child, and cast a spell on his gender. Fortune telling for a child at Christmas is not only a great way to have a fun holiday evening with friends and family. Any prediction and magical statement certainly leaves its mark on real life, even if you consider it just fun.

Christmas fortune telling for a child using a chicken bone

After the festive feast on Christmas Eve, cook chicken bones. Relax and mentally make a wish: “I want to become a mother in the new year.” Take the bones outside late at night. Check the result in the morning. If the bones remain in place, the wish will come true. One or two have shifted slightly - the wish will come true after overcoming difficulties. The bones are covered with snow - it is better to change the wording of the desire. The bones are gone - the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling for a child at Christmas using a log

You need to choose a log at random, without considering the bundle of firewood in advance. Appearance The log will shed light on the appearance of the future baby: whether he will be docile (smooth) or naughty (rough), light or dark. If it was difficult to pull the log out of the bundle, the path to childbirth will be difficult. A heavy and long log predicts a large and tall baby. If one log is followed by another, you should expect twins.

Fortune telling with a needle on the gender of a child

Stick a needle into the woolen fabric and mentally ask the question: “Who will I give birth to – a girl or a boy?” Thread a thin silk thread/your own hair into a needle and bring it to your palm. The needle swings like a pendulum - a boy will be born, a girl walks in a circle, stands still - no pregnancy is expected in the new year.

Fortune telling by stones

Write your favorite children's names on the stones or attach sheets of names to them. Place the stones in the water. Leaves/inscriptions that will not wash off indicate the expected number of babies. Based on the surviving names, the gender of the children can be determined.

Fortune telling with a ring

Pour running water into a glass and lower the wedding ring to the bottom. Place the glass in the cold and, when the water freezes, count the number of depressions (girls) and tubercles (boys) formed.

Fortune telling for Christmas with children using other people's windows

On Christmas Eve, go with your children to the next street/to the next house and look into the windows. Tightly curtained windows predict a peaceful, calm life, a noisy feast - happy year, rich in events, dark windows predict troubles and problems.

Fortune telling for love and the birth of a baby

Strong and truthful fortune telling for a child at Christmas. Come to the Temple at 12 midnight on Christmas Day and walk around it 12 times, glorifying the born baby Christ. Seeing the festive joy and prayerful delight, the Lord will definitely respond to the desire to be loved and send true love which will culminate in the birth of a long-awaited baby.

You can only do so many fortune tellings for Christmas at home from January 6 to 7, 2019 for children. Traditionally, while girls were getting married and before next Christmas, many were already having children or were pregnant. Those who were still expecting a joyful event were looking for at least some ways to find out their future.

It would not be amiss to remind you that Orthodox Church doesn't relate well to . But even she changes her anger to mercy on Christmas Eve before Christmas. It is believed that on this night, as well as on all subsequent nights until Epiphany, which falls on January 19, evil spirits weakens, and fortune telling is no longer a demonic act, but simple fun.

On the night of Christmas, people believed in this and still believe in it, various miracles happen. Including, you can see your future, especially if it concerns children. It is especially good when there is a full moon on Christmas Eve night. This will happen, for example, in 2019.

Special rules of fortune telling:

There should be a minimum of noise, light and people in the room where the ritual is performed. Of course, you need to turn off the TV and music. Fortune telling should be done closer to midnight, so that there is no more noise outside the window.
Also, during fortune telling, you should not cross your arms or legs, this can reduce the energy flow and make it difficult to look into the future.
You need to prepare well for fortune telling: wash, put on clean clothes, untie your hair and comb it, remove jewelry, a belt and other objects that may interfere with the free flow of energy.

Christmas fortune telling for children

On the floor of the unborn child

There may be various fortune telling at Christmas on January 6-7 for children, including to determine the sex of the baby. To perform this ritual you will need to take a needle and thread. Hold the thread between the big and index finger, try not to touch these objects. Hold the needle over your open palm. If it starts spinning clockwise, your baby will be a girl next. If the needle starts swinging like a pendulum, it will be a boy. When the needle does not swing at all for a long time, this indicates that the woman will not have children.

On the rocks

You will need to take ink and write on the stones the names that you like the most. You can simply glue a piece of paper with a name to each stone. Next, you need to lower the stones into the water and start observing what happens. If the inscription on the stone does not wash off (or the paper does not come off), then you will have as many children as there are inscriptions on the stones. By the way, by the surviving names, you can also predict the gender of future babies.

On a glass

You need to take a glass and pour water into it. Then, on the night of Christmas Eve or on any of the nights of Christmastide, except Christmas Day from January 7 to 8, take the glass out into the cold and leave it there overnight. In the morning, bring a glass into the house and see how the water in it has frozen. How many tubercles there are in the water, the number of sons a woman will have, and how many holes there are, the number of daughters she will have. By counting all the signs, it will be possible to determine the exact number of children.

These are the three most popular

Human curiosity has no limits. We always want to know everything, about everything and everyone. This is our nature. However, there are things in the world that cannot always be predicted or planned. This includes pregnancy. Yes, some people are planning it. But their number is so insignificant compared to those to whom it, like winter to housing and communal services employees, comes unexpectedly. And there are those who are really looking forward to it, like the children of Santa Claus, but, alas, it still doesn’t come and doesn’t come. What to do?

How to find out the moment of conception of the unborn child? How to check pregnancy when the tests are silent or, due to the short period of time, cannot yet provide reliable information? Try pregnancy fortune telling!

Yes, yes, yes! You heard right. And there are such people. Moreover, you can predict pregnancy in different ways, and each method is distinguished by its originality and its percentage of reliability. Well, let's get started?

Fortune telling about future children

The most common pregnancy fortune telling refers to the gender of the child. Well, who wants to wait a whole nine months for the baby to be born and tell the parents whether they have a daughter or a son?

This fortune-telling does not require any cunning devices, and even those who do not have a child under their hearts, but are interested in who they will have in the future - a boy or a girl, can guess at it.

What needs to be done to lift the veil of secrecy? Take a needle with thread threaded through the eye. Moreover, you need to hold the needle over an open palm by the thread. The hand should not move. But the needle must perform certain manipulations over the woman’s palm in the form of oscillations or movements in certain directions or in a circle.

It is these movements that are a clue to solving the mystery of the sex of the unborn baby. This fortune telling also helps determine the number of children and their gender. You should guess until the needle stops responding, which will mean only one thing - the previous child will be your last.

Take a needle and thread right hand and place it above the left, which should be turned with the palm facing the needle.

For fortune telling, it is better to take a white thread

The thumb of the left hand should be well moved to the side and between it and the other fingers, lower and raise the needle three times, and then fix it above the center of the hand, where it will begin to swing to the sides or describe circles. A circle is a girl, oscillations to the sides are a boy. A frozen needle means no children.

If you already have children and want to know if you will have more, know that the needle will begin to show the gender of the child with the first baby, and then subsequent ones. That is, if you already have children, during the first procedures you have the opportunity to check the accuracy of the needle. Each subsequent procedure after the babies are born will indicate the next baby.

Christmas fortune telling for those wishing to get pregnant

Among those who want to get a round tummy with their favorite belly this coming year, the most popular Christmas fortune telling. In addition to needle fortune telling, women froze overnight wedding ring in a glass of water and asked a question about pregnancy, reading the answer from the frozen surface of the water. Lumps on the surface are sons, depressions are daughters, a flat surface is the absence of children in the near future.

The most truthful Christmas fortune-telling is performed on the night before Christmas and on the Old New Year (the night of January 13-14), as well as Epiphany (the night of January 18-19). Although you can guess during the entire Christmas period.

The ring can be used as a pendulum

Fortune telling can be done using a chicken bone, on cards, on a ring, with a log, and so on. The main thing is that this will be a fortune telling for pregnancy and its veracity is estimated at 90%. Why not 100%? Because 10% are left to chance and possible non-compliance with the ritual.

Fortune telling by chicken bone

Prepare any chicken dish, have lunch, leave the bones, relax, make a wish, and in the evening take the bones out into the yard. If in the morning the bones remain in the same place - the wish will come true, if the bones have shifted a little - to achieve the goal you will have to overcome some difficulties, if they disappear - the desire is not destined to come true, at least in the near future, bones covered with snow say that you should give up wished for.

Fortune telling with a log

Do you live in the city and can’t even imagine where to get logs for this fortune-telling? Then go to a store that sells products for fireplaces, grills and barbecues. You can also find a log in a restaurant, of course - your request will sound strange to the waiter, but is it as important as fortune telling? We think not.

The log is taken at random, without examining the bundle of firewood. This will help you figure out what kind of child the child will be - light or dark, smooth or rough. If the log is difficult to pull out of the bundle, it means that childbirth will not be easy, as will pregnancy. But that doesn't mean you should throw that log and start pulling out another one. You can't do that.

This fortune telling used to be very popular

Long log - tall child. Heavy - dense. If after one log a second one immediately falls out - twins.

More about pregnancy fortune telling

There are also simpler fortune telling and signs about pregnancy. So, it is believed that if a woman becomes ugly during pregnancy, then she is expecting a girl. The boy only decorates his mother, and the girl takes away her beauty during pregnancy, but in fact - female hormones.

Another fortune telling based on a woman’s appearance is done by the appearance and shape of her abdomen. When pregnant with a boy, the belly is more droopy and vague. With girls, the belly is located higher and has a sharp shape, protruding it forward.

Another way to predict pregnancy is to compare the year of conception and the age of the mother, that is, the pregnant woman. If both numbers are even or odd, then the woman will have a girl, but if the numbers are opposite in value, then the woman will have a boy.

Pregnancy fortune telling is just an assumption and an opportunity to guess. None of them gives the same result as ultrasound, but each of us knows cases when even it was wrong. No one can give a 100% guarantee except the child himself and he will announce his gender at the time of birth! Good luck with your pregnancy, childbirth and life hand in hand with the most desired and beloved creature on earth - your child!

In this article:

In Rus', Christmas has always been the most anticipated day of the year. Long winter evenings when people had free time, Christmas fortune telling was born. Why at Christmas? Yes, because this particular holiday, like no other, is associated with the miracle of the birth of a special baby in Bethlehem, named Jesus Christ.

Christmas fortune-telling is also called yuletide, as it is performed during the yuletide period, which lasts two weeks, from Christmas Eve on January 6 to Epiphany on January 19. This can be fortune telling on cards, mirrors, runes, logs, wax, onions, books, coffee grounds and much, much more.

We will present some of the fortune-telling below, explaining step by step how to carry out the rituals and why it is better to perform fortune-telling before Christmas, on Christmas day or on Christmas night.

Fortune telling during the Christmas season is the most reliable and often comes true, since on these holy days angels and good spirits. If you believe folk beliefs, then the most powerful day is Christmas Eve. Since the traditions of the Russian people take their roots from the times when the old style was in effect, it is better to guess using the old style.

The most popular are Christmas fortune telling, which girls and women certainly wanted to know. But most of all they were interested in the issue of marriage and the personality of the betrothed, so the bulk of fortune telling is devoted precisely to these issues and related ones.

Rules for fortune tellers at Christmas

  • The room where fortune telling occurs should be quiet. Any sound or whisper is a problem that prevents you from focusing on the question at hand, breaking the thread of contact with the Universe, which does not like interference.
  • During fortune telling, you should not cross your arms and legs, as the communication channels may “overlap,” which will lead to their narrowing and difficulty in passing information that will stall or arrive in incomplete volume.

Wax fortune telling

This is the most common and popular fortune telling. On Christmas Eve, collect cinders from white wax candles, melt them, pour them into a container with cold water. You need to pour the wax in one motion, this way the figures will turn out better. This doesn't mean you have to pour the wax out in one fell swoop, just that the stream of wax shouldn't be interrupted and can flow slowly.

Frozen wax figure- this is the key to the secret of your future. First, examine the wax on both sides, determine what the resulting figure looks like most, and then proceed to interpretation. Here are some of the meanings:

  • house - marriage for a girl, in in a general sense– new farm;
  • pit - a place of burial, which means death or fatal illness;
  • stripes - roads, crossings;
  • the wax split into large number drops - to money;
  • mushroom - longevity;
  • trees with branches up - quick joy;
  • ring - wedding;
  • damn - long girlhood;
  • stars - luck;
  • dragon - completion of a great job;
  • bell - to alarm;
  • flower - lover, love, marriage;
  • apple - wisdom and health;
  • egg - the emergence of something new;
  • cross is a disease.

Onion fortune telling

If you can’t wait to find out what your betrothed or betrothed’s name will be or you can’t choose between several suitors or applicants, try telling your fortune on a bow, especially since it’s very simple.

Choose good bulbs based on the number of people you like, write the names or initials of specific people on them and place them in a container of water. This should be done the night before Christmas, saying:

“Oh, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?” or “Oh, onion, whisper, who will be my bride?”

Now we just have to wait for the bulbs to sprout. The first onion to release a feather will become the winner, and with it the person whose initials or name is written on it.

Fortune telling about your future husband

There are a lot of fortune telling about your future husband. One of the simplest ones is to go out into the street and ask the first man passing by his name - this will be the name of your future spouse. Also, the appearance of this person will tell you how handsome and rich your groom will be.

You can find out what the groom will look like in in my own dream. This dream must be prophetic. To summon him, take a clean comb before going to bed, slowly comb your hair with it, while saying: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up.”

Then put the comb under your pillow and go to bed.

Another way to see the groom in a dream. Eat something salty before bed and when you go to bed, say:

“Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will give me a drink.”

You can tell fortunes using four glasses with clean water. Place a teaspoon of honey in the first glass, half a spoon of salt in the second, a quarter of a teaspoon of citric acid in the third, and a little wine is poured into the last.

The contents of the glasses are thoroughly mixed, after which they are covered with napkins so that the girl whose husband is being told fortunes does not see their contents. Without hesitation, you should choose one glass and learn about your spouse by its contents.

Throw a bachelorette party and have fun

Thus, water with honey signifies the sweet life and good husband, salty water is a tear and sadness, sour water is not fun life, with wine - the husband is an alcoholic or a heavy drinker.

Fortune telling for children

Children are also a very worrying issue for women, which arises immediately after marriage. You can tell fortunes about children using a ring or a needle and thread.

Fortune telling by ring

Take a bowl of clean water, throw your wedding ring into it and leave it in the cold. In the morning, look how frozen the water is. If the surface of the water is smooth, the fortune-telling woman will not have children in the near future. If the surface is uneven, look at it very carefully, because the bumps are boys, and the depressions are girls. Accordingly, the number of tubercles and dimples you count, the number of children you will have.

Fortune telling with a needle

This kind of fortune telling may interest you in working with a pendulum

Take a needle and white thread. Thread the thread through the eye. Take the thread by the end with your right hand, and point the tip of the needle into the center of the palm of your left hand at a short distance from it. Keep an eye on the needle. If it begins to sway across your palm, it means you are having a girl, if along it means you are having a boy. After the needle stops, it may begin to swing again, which means it alerts you to the gender of the next baby. Wait until the needle stops making any movements at all, and until then, count the number of your children and do not forget to remember their gender.

Fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling about desires is as different as others. We suggest you try to tell fortunes using grains, a handful of which should be taken in left hand, clench your palm into a fist and say your desire out loud. After this, count the number of grains. If you have an even number of grains in your hand, your wish will come true, but an odd number - not now.

You can tell your wish by looking at a cat, if you have one in your house. Make a wish and invite your cat to come to you. If he crosses the threshold of the room right paw- the wish will come true, the left one will not.

Fortune telling by book

Take any book, preferably one with spiritual content, make a question, make a wish on a page and a line at the top or bottom, read your prediction, which will become an answer or parting words.

Fortune telling at Christmas time is an old Russian tradition. But it’s up to each of us to guess or not. Many fortune-telling predict misfortunes and misfortunes, spoiling the mood not only of the fortuneteller, but also of those around him. Is it worth it to ruin your holidays, and even worse - by obsessing over predictions and life, committing unreasonable acts or actions.

If you are very impressionable and are afraid of misfortune, childlessness, death, then we do not recommend you to guess, since fortune telling may turn out to be incorrect, and you yourself will program yourself to this result. The main thing is to remember that each of us forges our own happiness, as well as unhappiness! So let's forget about all the bad things and think only about good things, say good things and do good things!!!

Good afternoon everyone. There is a very old and old tradition- to guess at Christmas. After all, this way you can look into the future and find out about the future, the future groom, your desires, etc.

Fortune telling, of course, is best on the night of January 7 and during the Christmastide period. It is believed that these days the predictions are the most accurate and very often come true.

Christmas fortune-telling is called Yuletide. They take place during the Christmas season, which lasts 2 weeks, starting with Christmas Eve (January 6) and ending with Epiphany (January 19).

The most powerful day for predictions is considered to be Christmas Eve - the night from January 6 to 7. And you can predict the future on maps, mirrors, candles, paper, water, books and much more.

Today I want to provide you with the most popular methods of fortune telling. And since it’s mostly girls who want to know their future, there will be a lot of predictions about marriage and love.

But before you proceed directly to the rituals themselves, first familiarize yourself with the rules of Christmas fortune-telling.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas?

  • The room where the action will take place must be quiet. Sounds and noise can break the thread of contact with the Universe;
  • During the ritual, you cannot cross your arms and legs, as the information will then not be received in full;
  • During the ceremony, remove all rings, belts and other items that are tied to you. Hair should also be let down;
  • No lighting other than candles should be used indoors;
  • Don’t forget to take off your pectoral crosses and remove all icons from the room;
  • Choose an “unclean” place to perform actions. Previously, the most successful place was considered to be a bathhouse.

Please note that if you do not believe in mysticism, then all predictions will be false.

Now let's try to get answers to the questions that concern you most. Let's tell fortunes for the coming year.

Let's find out what life will be like

Various items are placed in a deep opaque container, for example a piece of ash, sugar, a ring, an onion, etc. You need to take turns pulling out an object, whoever pulls out what will be in the future. Ash - bad life, sugar - sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - for tears, a glass - a cheerful life, gold ringrich life etc.

Let's learn about fate by the shadow

A very simple and popular method. You need to take a sheet of paper and crumple it thoroughly. Then put it on a saucer and set it on fire. When the sheet is almost burned, use a candle to display it on the wall. Consider the resulting shadow and try to recognize your future in it.

Find out about the lives of relatives

In the evening, during dinner, you need to walk down the street and look into your neighbors’ windows. If you see heads sitting at the table, it means that the relatives will all be alive. If you don’t see the heads, then misfortunes may happen to your relatives.

Let's find out what awaits us in the future by wax

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. Then say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” And with last words pour melted wax into milk. Next, carefully observe what is happening. If the wax hardens in the shape of a cross, then some illnesses await you in the new year. If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious. If a flower blooms, get married or find a loved one. If you see an animal, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy. If the wax flows in stripes, roads and crossings lie ahead of you, but if it starts to appear like stars, expect good luck in your service or in your studies. If a human figure is formed, you will gain a friend.

Let's find out about the coming year by eavesdropping

You need to stand under your neighbors' windows or under their doors and eavesdrop on their conversations. If they sort things out and break dishes, then you will have a very “fun year”, and if you hear silence, then your year will be calm and harmonious.

Let's learn about the future with the help of an egg

So, take a fresh egg. Make a small hole in it. Carefully pour the contents into a glass of warm water. When the protein has curled, look at the resulting shape. Depending on the shape, guess your future. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). But if your protein sinks to the bottom, then there will be a fire in the house.

Let's learn about what interests you from the book

Everything is simple here. Take a book, preferably with spiritual content. Without opening it, mentally ask yourself the question you want to answer. Next, guess the page number and line number at the top or bottom. Then open it and read it in the hidden place. What you read is your answer to the question.

Let's learn about the future from coffee grounds

Make yourself some coffee and drink it. Next, cover the cup with a saucer and tip it up and down three times. Your thickening should spread along the bottom, and various shapes will appear. Use them to guess. See the outline of a dog - for friendship, the outline of a forest - for wealth, the cross - patience, and the wreath - glory. If you see a staircase, it means you will achieve your desired goal, the shadow of a person means a pleasant date, and the shadow of a house means abundance. The contours of a church or a bell mean returning home, but a deer will indicate the fast road.

Let's learn about acceptance important decision by hair

Suitable for female. In windless and moonlit night cut off a section of your own hair. Burn them on the fire and watch how they burn. If your hair lights up all at once, it means changes for the better await you and there will be success in any planned endeavor. If they burn and smoke, then there will be changes in life. If your hair burns brightly and for a long time, it means you will get something big. But if they smolder for a long time and do not light up, then this is a sign of trouble, a warning of troubles or illnesses.

We find out about our desire by the nut shell

Pour water into the basin. Glue paper strips along the edges of the pelvis. Write events on them in advance, for example, wedding, money, trip, work, etc. Take half a walnut shell and secure the stub of a church or personalized candle in it. Light the candle and push the shell towards the middle of the pelvis. Next, the shell should float to one of the strips on its own. Which strip the “ship” sails to is what it expects in the future.

However, the wish will come true if the paper strip, upon contact with the shell, lights up from the candle flame.

Find out about the future using a knife

Take a wooden round board or cut out a circle of cardboard with a diameter of 30 cm. On the sides write answers to frequently asked questions: yes, no, caution, love, guest, meeting, tears, travel, etc. Now place a regular kitchen knife in the center of the circle and mentally ask a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. Whatever message the tip of the knife points to will be the answer to your question. Moreover, one of the three messages is the answer itself, and the other two are the cause or consequence of the predicted event. If after rotation the knife stops between two messages, then the fortune telling should be repeated again.

Christmas fortune telling at home for your betrothed in a dream

The most popular predictions are related to the event of marriage for girls and any information about their betrothed. Therefore, let's look separately at the rituals about the future husband that are performed in a dream.

1. Eat something salty for dinner. And when you go to bed, say the following words: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me, give me a drink.” So, in your dream the groom will come and give you water.

2. Even before going to bed, you can whisper the following words: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Saturday with Sunday. Friday is only alone, just like I am alone. Friday - holy mother, turn to me, whoever loves me will dream of you.” In a dream, the appearance of your betrothed will appear.

3. From a new deck of cards, select 4 kings and put them under the bed, while pressing them down with your shoe (heel) and say the following words: “The betrothed is a mummer, I’m waiting for you dressed up. Come, show yourself, marvel at me.” Go to bed and wait for a prophetic dream.

4. While walking down the street, break off one small branch each from a poplar, aspen and birch tree. At home, tie them with a thread pulled out from the clothes you are wearing. Before going to bed, hide this bouquet under your pillow and say the following spell 3 times: “Balideff, Asalbi, Abumaleff.” The one you dream about is your betrothed.

5. So you can put soap, a comb and a belt under the pillow. And to go to sleep, say the words: “Betrothed, dressed up, come to me - wash me, comb my hair and girdle me.”

6. Place a bowl of jam under the bed and say the words: “I have all the sweetness.” You will dream about those suitors who have the most serious intentions towards you.

7. As you lie down to sleep, say the words: “I lie young on the Zion Mountains, 3 holy angels are in my heads. The first one sees, the second one will tell, the third one will predict my fate.” Remember the dream you had in all its details and look up its meaning in the dream book. You will be given a hint about whether you will get married this year or not.

8. If you are spending the night in a new place, then perform the following ritual. Before going to bed, say: “I’m sleeping and lying down in a new place, the groom is dreaming about his bride.”

9. Place a mirror, a comb and a sprig from a bath broom under the pillow. Before going to bed, read the invitation: “Betrothed, come and take a steam bath in the bathhouse.”

10. Pick a bouquet of 12 different herbs (this must be done in advance). Make a wish for each branch different meaning(get married, be alone, meet your future husband, receive several marriage proposals, etc.), you can even write them on pieces of paper and wrap them around twigs. Place the bouquet at the head of the head and say the words: “Betrothed, come for a walk with me, collect grass in the field.” At night the groom should dream, and in the morning, pull out any twig at random and use it to judge what will happen during the year on the “love front”.

11. Place 2 glasses of water by the bed, and place a wooden spoon or spatula across. Say the words: “The betrothed is a mummer, come to me, take me across the bridge.”

12. Take 3 laurel leaves, write on them the cherished names whose help you will turn to during the fortune-telling process: Ananias, Azarius, and Misail. Hide them under your pillow. Lie down so that there is a window in sight. Say before going to bed: “I go to bed from Monday to Tuesday, looking and looking at the windowsill. Whoever is destined for me, let him appear in my dreams.”

13. Place a spruce twig under your pillow and say before going to bed: “I go to bed on Monday, I put a spruce tree at my head. Betrothed, dressed up, come dressed up.”

14. Write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, kiss this word with painted lips so that a mark remains. Place the piece of paper on a small mirror and put it under your pillow. Go to bed and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, let anyone who dreams of me dream about me.”

15. Before going to bed, place four kings under your pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream about him in my dreams.” If you dream king of spades- the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling for New Year and Christmas using glasses

The following method allows you to find out about your future using glasses or shot glasses. The ritual process is not difficult and even a novice fortune teller can handle it.

Check out this ritual.

To tell fortunes with glasses, you need to take 6 identical piles and fill each one with: sugar, salt, water, vodka, put a ring, any millet.

Blindfold each participant in turn. She must choose one pile. Depending on which pile she chooses, that’s the year she’ll be waiting for. Sugar - sweet boundless year; salt - tears; water - a normal year; vodka - there will be a lot of festivities; ring - wedding; millet - the year will be harmonious.

How to tell fortunes for the Christmas holidays using tarot cards

Card predictions are also very popular, especially using a deck of tarot cards. With their help you can look into the future; learn about feelings; get a push, a sign; learn to understand the world and yourself.

I have prepared for you classic methods tarot card layouts:

  • Layout of 12 houses;

  • Layout for 23 cards;

  • Layout for the future;

  • Relationship breakdown.

In addition to a deck of tarot cards, you can also use a regular deck, but you need to take a new one.

  • On Christmas night, place the King of Diamonds under your pillow and wish upon the person you want to marry. Whatever you dream about this night will come true.
  • Take a new deck and shuffle it well. Next, take out one card at a time and say the words: “For yourself, for home, for heart, for soul.” If you have chosen all the red cards, you are lucky, luck will not turn away and will be with you all year. If everyone is black, you need to prepare for serious obstacles. This year better plans don't build. If you come across both black and red cards, it means a changeable future. Cards “for the heart”: ace of hearts - great love; ace of spades - blow; diamond - wealth; Crusade - a good career.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2019 for love

And for those who are lonely and really want to meet their soulmate, the following predictions. With their help you will find out whether you will find love in the coming year.

  • If you are lonely, but really want to meet your true love, then at midnight go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. This ritual will destroy loneliness and help you find love.
  • Take a large container of water. In this case, take water in the morning and put it in the room for the whole day. In the evening, add a handful of ash, sugar and salt to the water. Mix everything carefully. When the liquid “calms down”, throw your hair and the hair of the man you are fortune-telling into the water. Place this container on the window and leave until the next morning. In the morning, look at the hair: if they are connected to each other, then this man is your destiny and soon you will marry him; if the hair is located on different sides of the container, then separation cannot be avoided. It's a bad sign if one of the hairs sinks. This suggests that the one to whom it belongs will fall ill in the near future.
  • Take the container with water outside. Around this container there should be unmarried girls. Each person should pick up several twigs or twigs. Next, one of the girls should go to the container and throw the rods into the water, then stir the water. When the water calms down, you need to look at the result. If a girl was destined to walk down the aisle this year, then the first letter of the betrothed's name was formed from twigs. If the branches floated chaotically, then this indicated that this year the girl would remain unmarried. Every girl should perform this ritual and learn about the wedding and her betrothed.
  • At Christmas, a girl must set the table in an empty house. Place all utensils on the table except forks and knives. Then close all the windows and doors, sit opposite the place prepared for the guest and say the following words: “Mummer, come to me for dinner.” In this case, the girl should be alone in the house. Next, wait. Do not forget that you can only illuminate the room with wax candles. When your betrothed comes to you, he will make a sound: a sharp gust of wind, a knock on the door or window. At the same time, you must always sit and not get up from your seat. Next, the spirit will appear before you in the guise of the one you marry. He will talk to you and ask questions. Under no circumstances should you answer them. Sit calmly and don’t react in any way, but just remember your appearance. Then suddenly ask the question: “What’s your name?” The guest will name the future groom. Then the spirit will reach into your pocket for the gift, do not look at the gift and under no circumstances accept it, otherwise the spirit will take you with it. Therefore, as soon as the guest reaches into the bag, say: “Cheer me” and cross yourself. The spirit will immediately evaporate.

  • Perform the next ritual at night before the first star appears in the sky. Go outside and stand at an intersection. Think of the name of your groom and mentally imagine his image. Now draw a circle around yourself using chalk. Stand in the center and listen. If you hear singing, laughter, joyful conversations, then this year you will go down the aisle with the man you wished for. If you hear sobs, screams, quarrels, then you will not become a wife this year.
  • Perform this ritual in the company of friends. Take a spool of thread, a candle and a ruler. Cut a thread for each participant. Moreover, they all must be the same in length. When each girl has a thread, then at the same time approach the candle with the threads and at the same time set the threads on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will go down the aisle. If someone’s thread does not burn out at all, but goes out, this means that her wedding will not happen soon.
  • Take a matchbox and two matches. Insert matches into the sides of the box so that they are facing each other. The first match is you, the second is your desired specific man. Light the matches. If during the burning process both matches turn towards each other, this indicates that people are destined to be together. If this does not happen, then the couple may break up.

Christmas fortune telling for a wish under the pillow

Now let's tell fortunes again for the coming dream. For me, these are the best ways to find out about your future.

If you are going to tell fortunes using a pillow, then follow these rules:

  • It is necessary to loosen and comb your hair thoroughly;
  • remove all jewelry, especially gold;
  • Charms should be done in splendid isolation, so that nothing distracts attention;
  • You cannot talk to friends/relatives about the supposed fortune-telling - this may negatively affect the result;
  • the pillow should be moved to the opposite side, the sheet should be rearranged with the bottom side up, and the nightgown should be put on inside out;
  • If possible, 3 days before the ritual, adhere to fasting (do not eat fried, fatty, smoked foods).

So, before going to bed, write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper and hide them under your pillow. Go to bed. Get up early in the morning and take out three sheets of paper one at a time - these wishes will come true.

Instead of wishes, you can write male names and roll up the pieces of paper. In the morning, take out one piece of paper and read the written name. This name will belong to your future husband.

But the predictions are not related to sleep, but also about desires.

Take a handful of grains in your left hand and clench your palms, then say your wish out loud. Then count the number of beans in your hand. If there is an even number of grains, the wish will come true, if there is an odd number, not now.

If you have a cat in the house, then use his help. Make a wish and call the cat to your place. If he crosses the threshold of the room with his right paw, the wish will come true, but with his left paw, it will not.

Also, to find out about your desire, you can use the following rituals:

Fortune telling for Christmas on Christmas Eve

As I said before, the most exact date in order to find out about your future, appears on the night of January 6-7. Therefore, if you succeed, then try to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve.

Here are some more interesting rituals:

At midnight, take a knife and go outside with it. Go to the snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, while saying the words: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?” Then shut up and listen carefully to the dogs barking. If you hear an angry bark, it means your husband will be strict and gloomy. If the dog barks cheerfully, then the husband will also be cheerful and kind. If you hear a dog howling, then your marriage will be short-lived and your young wife will very quickly become a widow.

Leave the house at night and in complete darkness, select one log from the woodpile. Do not look at it or change it for another if it is difficult to pull out. And when you come to the house, take a good look at it. A smooth and even log is a good and handsome groom. A rough log is an ugly but hard-working husband. Thick and good bark is a rich betrothed. Stripped bark - poor groom. Thick log - large and strong future husband. A log with knots is a big family. Crooked log - an old groom or someone with physical disabilities.

Take two wax candles. Light one candle, but put pieces of the other in a spoon and heat it over the burning first candle. Melt the pieces into wax. Quickly pour this melted wax into a glass of cold water. In the light of a candle, examine the resulting figure; it will show you the future.

Take a jar and pour any cereal or grain into it. Hold your left hand over this jar, palm down. Think and ask the question that interests you. Next, take a handful of cereal with your left hand and pour it onto the table. Now recalculate the number of grains. Even number indicates a positive answer - “Yes”, an odd answer - “No”.

At night, when everyone is asleep, take the gold chain and rub it between your palms. Hold it in your right hand, then shake it and throw it on the floor. If you have formed a circle - to troubles, a stripe - to luck, a knot - to difficulties and illnesses, a triangle - to love success, a bow - to a wedding, a snake - to betrayal, a heart - to love.

Sit in front of a mirror with a candle in absolute dark room in the middle of the night. There should be no one else in the room except the fortuneteller. Light a candle and look carefully into the reflective surface. After 5 minutes it will fade. And then behind the glass will appear the image of the betrothed, or rather the devil, who will take his guise. The girl should say: “Cheer me!” The evil spirits will disappear.

Take a regular glass with a smooth surface and a wedding ring. Pour water into a glass, about 0.5 volume. Lower the ring to the bottom of the glass and begin to peer into it. As a result, the girl should see her betrothed in the ring.

Fortune telling for the groom using paper and candles

In order to find out the secret about your fiance, perform any of the rituals suggested below or described above:

  • Take a sheet of paper, a frying pan and a candle. Crumple the paper and mentally think about the groom. Place the paper in the pan and light it with a candle flame. When the paper burns out, light it with a candle and examine the resulting shadow, while you can rotate the leaf. The outlines will indicate your future with your fiancé;
  • Take a container and fill it halfway with salt or sugar. Place 2 candles in it and draw a circle around the bowl with chalk to connect your pair. Light these candles at the same time. Now watch the candles. If one of them burns out faster than the other, then the person who owns the first candle will be the follower in this relationship. If the flame is even, calm, without sparks, then the relationship will be strong and long-lasting. If one of the candles goes out, love will quickly disappear in your union. If the light wriggles, there is soot and smoke, then this relationship will not bring you happiness, you will often quarrel and swear;
  • For treason. Carry out the procedure at midnight. Buy 2 absolutely identical candles from the church in advance. Then choose from them which one will be yours and which one will be your betrothed. Scribble on them suitable names. Prepare two bowls of salt. Place candles in them. Draw a chalk circle around the cups so that they are in the very center. Say the following words 3 times: “Fire, you go everywhere, you know everything in the world, you reveal secrets, you cleanse the dirty! Bring, O fire, to the purity of thought and deed of the servant of God (the name of your beloved) in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen, amen, amen! After speaking the words, light the candles. Next, look at the flame and observe. If your candle goes out first, it means your lover is cheating on you, at least in his thoughts. If the candles burn evenly and for a long time, it means your partner is honest with you;
  • Prepare paper, a bowl of water, candle pieces and walnut halves. Cut out small strips of paper and write on them the names of those who may love you. Next, stick these leaves on different parts of the bowl with inside. Pour water so that it reaches the notes, but does not wet them. Now take an empty nut shell and attach a small lit candle to it. Place the shell in water. The shell should independently swim up to the note and light it with a candle flame. Whose name is on the note is your beloved. If the candle flame does not light a single piece of paper, then you will be unlucky in love this year.

Or use other rituals in which paper and candles do not take part.

  • Go out into the street at midnight and ask the first person you meet for their name. This is exactly what your betrothed will be called;
  • Take several bulbs and mark each of them with the initials of the fortune-telling letters. Plant the bulbs in the ground. Whose onion sprouts first, that girl will be the first to get married;
  • Take your wedding ring and throw it on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, it means the girl is getting married soon, and the man is going on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home;
  • Insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox and light them. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the “miraculous” guy and girl will be together;
  • Pour grain into one plate and pour water into another. Place a mirror nearby. Bring in the rooster. If the rooster approaches the mirror, it means the groom will be handsome and gentle, if he approaches grain, he will be rich, and if he approaches water, he will be prone to drunkenness;
  • Girls should take turns throwing their felt boots on the road and, by the direction of the “toe” of the felt boots, recognize the direction in which they will get married.

Christmas fortune telling at home using wax and water

Well, now let’s take a closer look at the options for making predictions on wax using water. I’ve already told you how you can tell fortunes with it, and now I’ll give you more explanations on the resulting figures.

Fill a basin or deep bowl with cool water. Take a wax candle in your hand. Light the candle and wait for some wax to melt. Then pour the wax into the water. You should get a figure or several figures. She will predict your future.

Ring or wreath - imminent marriage;
Serpent or coffin - bad sign;
Swan and mushroom - prosperity and success;
Many small figures - great sign, financial well-being;
Apple - wealth and success;
Egg - fears.

Also pay attention to the flame during fortune telling. If the candle is lit the first time and it burns stably, this is good sign. If the candle hisses and sparkles, news or an important message awaits you. A candle that does not light well and barely burns is a bad sign. If the candle does not want to light, then it is better not to guess at all on this day.

Well, here are other meanings of the possible resulting figures:

How to tell fortunes for money and luck at Christmas 2019

Now I will offer you interesting ways predictions by which you will know whether your year will be prosperous, profitable or not.

Take a large vessel with water and a few pebbles. Think carefully about your desire for money, and then throw a pebble into the water. If there appears on the surface of the water even number circles, then the wish will come true.

Take the Bible or other spiritual book. Think about something that interests you financial issue. Next, guess 3 numbers - page number, top and bottom lines. Then open the intended page, find the hidden lines and read what is written. Grasp the meaning of the phrases, this is your answer.

Take 7-9 matches and burn them to charcoal. Throw coals into a glass of water, while thinking about why you need money. If not a single ember sinks, then expect prosperity and wealth.

And also watch the video, in which you will learn about another method of fortune telling with money.

Christmas fortune telling for the birth of a child

  • Take the ring and put it in a glass of water, and pierce the wool with a needle. Now hang the ring or needle on a thread and slowly lower it near the hand of whom you are telling fortunes. If the ring or needle makes circular movements, then a girl will be born, if it is pendulum-shaped - a boy, if the object does not move - there will be no children.
  • Pour into a cup (glass) clean water and throw a wedding ring into it, leave it in the cold. In the morning, look how the water froze. If the surface of the water is flat, then the woman will not have children in the near future. If the surface is uneven, examine it carefully. If you see the tubercles, this is for a boy, and the depressions are for a girl. The number of bumps and depressions you count, the number of children you will have.
  • Thread the needle with white thread. Take the thread by the end with your right hand, and point the tip of the needle at the center of the palm of your left hand at a short distance from it. Look at the needle. If it sways across the palm, it means it’s a girl, if along it means it’s a boy. If the needle stops and then starts swinging again, it means she wants to tell about the gender of the next child. Wait until the needle stops doing anything at all, and until then, count the number of children and determine (remember) their gender.

Fortune telling for Christmas for children: video selection

Well, in conclusion, I want to offer several stories on predictions for children, they are also interested in participating in such rituals.

In general, remember the most important thing - in all fortune-telling you need to see one positive thing, and if something is not very promising for you good news, then just don’t believe in it and it won’t come true. All the best to you!