Family thought in the epic novel “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Essay on the theme "family thought" by Tolstoy "war and peace"

The history of a people consists of the destinies of millions of citizens of the state. In the works of Leo Tolstoy, the theme of family ties, their honor and dignity occupies a key place. Comprehensively developed family thought in the novel "War and Peace" is the basis of the storyline. The writer repeatedly emphasizes that great people consists of little people who pass on traditions and virtues to their children from generation to generation.

The Rostov family is an example of noble happiness.

Count Ilya Andreevich Rostov had four children of his own; the fifth girl, Sonya, was his niece, but was brought up as own daughter. The Countess, a faithful wife and caring mother, looked exhausted from four births, but was sensitive to the fruits of her torment. Children grew up without strictness, surrounded by care and tenderness.

The author treats this house with love, presenting the owners as kind and hospitable people. Mutual respect, sincerity and decency reign here. Future mothers of the fatherland and loyal subjects of the sovereign in the person of men are brought up in simplicity of communication.

The gates of the count's estate are open to guests. IN big house luxurious, as the hospitable hostess has been accustomed since childhood, noisy and cheerful from the many-faced cries of children who feel free and spacious. Using the Rostovs as an example, you can trace family values, as Leo Tolstoy understood them.

The image of Natasha Rostova, the youngest daughter, her youth and life are typical of a Russian noblewoman early XIX century. Society shapes the meaning of a girl's life, which is to become a devoted wife and caring mother.

In a paired union, Natasha and Pierre Bezukhov manage to recreate the family model of society, where the father behaves as the spiritual legislator of the family, the mother bears the burden of the keeper of the hearth, and the children promise to provide for the future.

Princes Bolkonsky, patriots and defenders of the state.

The main theme of raising men in the Bolkonsky family is duty to the Sovereign and the Fatherland. Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky as old general retired, gravitates towards a simplified level of life at the level of Spartan traditions. A soldier at heart, he honors the memory of Catherine II as great woman past. This is an ideological servant of the imperial system, ready to die for state priorities.

Being an educated person, the old man values ​​intelligence and activity in people, forming these qualities in his children. In the Bolkonsky house, work is in full swing from morning to evening, because the head of the family is constantly at work, either creating a new military manual, or with pleasure, rolling up his sleeves, tinkering at the machine.

When Andrei goes to war, leaving his pregnant wife, the father blesses his son’s decision, because in their family the interests of the country have always stood above personal circumstances.

The life values ​​instilled by the father form in the daughter such a rare character trait as selflessness. Being a rich and educated bride, Marya Bolkonskaya could have gotten married back in early youth, but remained with her father until the end of his days. The author presented the complex relationship between father and daughter as a psychological drama between a tyrant and a victim. Family members remain devoted to each other, neglecting painful situations that arise as a result of misunderstandings.

In the Kuragin family, the greedy father raised unworthy children

Prince Vasily Kuragin served at the emperor's court with benefit for himself. A calculating mind and a thirst for enrichment guide the nobleman’s actions. Having influence in the royal palace, an official rarely uses it to help others, using it in his own interests.

Kuragin speaks poorly of his own children, considering them a punishment from above, from God. Lev Tolstoy presents Hippolyta, Anatoly and Ellen to the reader as an example of unworthy behavior in society. These adult children are aimed at entertainment, an idle lifestyle; their characters are based on cynicism and indifference to all the problems of the country.

The author mentions Princess Kuragina twice, calls her fat and old, expressing his rejection, condemning her for complete indifference in raising children. After all, in order to form virtue in a child, you need to work hard, spend a lot of time, which the Countess did not deign to do.

According to the author, Helen deserves censure because she does not want to give birth to children. But in the family where the girl grew up, there was neither affection, like the Rostovs, nor honor and decency, like the Bolkonskys. Therefore, having married Pierre Bezukhov, the young woman recreated the life she knew - without love and tender feelings.

There is a struggle for inheritance in the Bezukhov family

The old count had so many illegitimate children that he himself did not know them all. He lived out his life surrounded by three nieces, and they hoped that after death their uncle would provide for them. Kirill Vladimirovich's fortune was considered enormous. Numerous close and distant relatives surrounded the dying nobleman with their attention, hoping for wealth.

The father loved Pierre Bezukhov more than other children, so he gave his son a decent education abroad. Compared to all the contenders for the inheritance, Pierre looks like a disinterested, decent and naive young man.

The main intrigue for the count's inheritance is led by Anna Drubetskaya on the one hand and Prince Kuragin on the other, having enlisted the support of the nieces of the hangers-on. The Kuragins are the direct heirs of the old man’s previously deceased legal wife. And Drubetskaya is the niece of Kirill Bezukhov himself, in addition, Pierre Kirillovich baptized her son Boris.

His Excellency was smart person, foresaw human passions by inheritance, so he submitted a petition to Emperor Alexander I himself so that Pierre would be recognized as his own son. The king granted the request of the dying nobleman. So Pierre received the title of count and the most profitable fortune in Russia.

Conclusion: family thought is one of the main themes of the novel “War and Peace,” which defines the state fortress as the fortress of an individual family in the state.

The main thought in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” along with the people’s thought, is “family thought.” The writer believed that the family is the basis of the entire society, and it reflects the processes that occur in society.

The novel shows heroes who go through a certain path of ideological and spiritual development; through trial and error, they try to find their place in life and realize their purpose. These characters are shown against the backdrop of family relationships. So, the Rostov and Bolkonsky families appear before us. Tolstoy depicted in his novel the entire Russian nation from top to bottom, thereby showing that the top of the nation had become spiritually dead, having lost contact with the people. He shows this process using the example of the family of Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children, who are characterized by the expression of all negative qualities, inherent in people high society - extreme selfishness, baseness of interests, lack of sincere feelings.

All the heroes of the novel are bright individuals, but the members of the same family have a certain common feature that unites them all.

So, main feature The Bolkonsky family can be called the desire to follow the laws of reason. None of them, except, perhaps, Princess Marya, is characterized by an open manifestation of their feelings. The image of the head of the family, the old prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, embodies the best features of the ancient Russian nobility. He is a representative of an ancient aristocratic family, his character bizarrely combines the morals of an imperious nobleman, before whom all the household are in awe, from the servants to his own daughter, an aristocrat proud of his long pedigree, the traits of a man of great intelligence and simple habits. At a time when no one required women to display any special knowledge, he teaches his daughter geometry and algebra, motivating it like this: “And I don’t want you to be like our stupid ladies.” He educated his daughter in order to develop in her the main virtues, which, in his opinion, were “activity and intelligence.”



His son, Prince Andrei, also embodied the best features of the nobility, advanced noble youth. Prince Andrei has his own path to understanding real life. And he will go through errors, but his unerring moral sense will help him get rid of false ideals. So, . Napoleon and Speransky turn out to be debunked in his mind, and love for Natasha will enter his life, so unlike all the other ladies of high society, the main features of which, in his opinion and the opinion of his father, are “selfishness, vanity, insignificance in everything” . Natasha will become for him the personification of real life, opposing the falsehood of the world. Her betrayal of him is tantamount to the collapse of an ideal. Just like his father, Prince Andrei is intolerant of simple human weaknesses that his wife, a very ordinary woman, has, a sister who is looking for some special truth from “God’s people,” and many other people whom he encounters in life.

A peculiar exception in the Bolkonsky family is Princess Marya. She lives only for the sake of self-sacrifice, which is elevated to a moral principle that determines her entire life. She is ready to give all of herself to others, suppressing personal desires. Submission to her fate, to all the whims of her domineering father, who loves her in his own way, religiosity is combined in her with a thirst for simple, human happiness. Her humility is the result of a peculiarly understood sense of duty as a daughter who does not have the moral right to judge her father, as she says to Mademoiselle Burien: “I will not allow myself to judge him and would not want others to do so.” But nevertheless, when self-esteem demands, she can show the necessary firmness. This is revealed with particular force when her sense of patriotism, which distinguishes all Bolkonskys, is insulted. However, she can sacrifice her pride if it is necessary to save another person. So, she asks for forgiveness, although she is not guilty of anything, from her companion for herself and the serf servant, on whom her father’s wrath fell.

Another family depicted in the novel is in some way opposed to the Bolkonsky family. This is the Rostov family. If the Bolkonskys strive to follow the arguments of reason, then the Rostovs obey the voice of feelings. Natasha is little guided by the requirements of decency, she is spontaneous, she has many child traits, which is highly valued by the author. He emphasizes many times that Natasha is ugly, unlike Helen Kuragina. For him, it is not the external beauty of a person that is important, but his internal qualities.

The behavior of all members of this family shows high nobility of feelings, kindness, rare generosity, naturalness, closeness to the people, moral purity and integrity. Local nobility, unlike the highest St. Petersburg nobility, is true to national traditions. It was not for nothing that Natasha, dancing with her uncle after the hunt, “knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in Anisya’s father, and in her aunt, and in her mother, and in every Russian person.”

Tolstoy's great value attached to family ties, the unity of the whole family. Although the Bolkonsikh clan should unite with the Rostov clan through the marriage of Prince Andrei and Natasha, her mother cannot come to terms with this, cannot accept Andrei into the family, “she wanted to love him like a son, but she felt that he was a stranger and terrible to her Human". Families cannot unite through Natasha and Andrei, but are united through the marriage of Princess Marya to Nikolai Rostov. This marriage is successful, it saves the Rostovs from ruin.

The novel also shows the Kuragin family: Prince Vasily and his three children: the soulless doll Helen, the “dead fool” Ippolit and the “restless fool” Anatole. Prince Vasily is a calculating and cold intriguer and ambitious man who claims the inheritance of Kirila Bezukhov, without having a direct right to do so. He is connected with his children only by blood ties and common interests: they care only about their well-being and position in society.

The daughter of Prince Vasily, Helen, is a typical social beauty with impeccable manners and reputation. She amazes everyone with her beauty, which is described several times as “marble,” that is, cold beauty, devoid of feeling and soul, the beauty of a statue. The only thing that occupies Helen is her salon and social receptions.

The sons of Prince Vasily, in his opinion, are both “fools.” His father managed to place Hippolytus in the diplomatic service, and his fate is considered settled. The brawler and rake Anatole causes a lot of trouble for everyone around him, and, in order to calm him down, Prince Vasily wants to marry him to the rich heiress Princess Marya. This marriage cannot take place due to the fact that Princess Marya does not want to part with her father, and Anatole indulges in his former amusements with renewed vigor.

Thus, people who are not only related by blood, but also spiritually, unite into families. The ancient Bolkonsky family is not interrupted by the death of Prince Andrei; Nikolenka Bolkonsky remains, who will likely continue the tradition of moral quests of his father and grandfather. Marya Bolkonskaya brings high spirituality to the Rostov family. So, “family thought,” along with “folk thought,” is the main one in L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Tolstoy's family is studied at turning points in history. Having shown three families most fully in the novel, the writer makes it clear to the reader that the future belongs to such families as the Rostov and Bolkonsky families, who embody sincerity of feelings and high spirituality, the most prominent representatives of which each go through their own path of rapprochement with the people.

“War and Peace” is one of best works Russian and world literature. In it, the author historically correctly recreated the life of Russian people at the beginning of the 19th century. The writer describes in detail the events of 1805-1807 and 1812. Despite the fact that the “family thought” is the main one in the novel “Anna Karenina”, in the epic novel “War and Peace” it also occupies a very important place. Tolstoy saw the beginning of all beginnings in the family. As you know, a person is not born good or bad, but his family and the atmosphere that prevails within it make him so. The author brilliantly outlined many of the characters in the novel, showed their formation and development, which is called the “dialectics of the soul.” Tolstoy, paying great attention the origins of the formation of human personality, has similarities with Goncharov. The hero of the novel “Oblomov” was not born apathetic and lazy, but life in his Oblomovka, where 300 Zakharovs were ready to fulfill his every desire, made him so.

Following the traditions of realism, the author wanted to show and also compare various families that are typical of their era. In this comparison, the author often uses the technique of antithesis: some families are shown in development, while others are frozen. The latter includes the Kuragin family. Tolstoy, showing all its members, be it Helen or Prince Vasily, pays great attention to the portrait, appearance. This is no coincidence: the external beauty of the Kuragins replaces the spiritual. There are many human vices in this family. Thus, the meanness and hypocrisy of Prince Vasily are revealed in his attitude towards the inexperienced Pierre, whom he despises as an illegitimate. As soon as Pierre receives an inheritance from the deceased Count Bezukhov, his opinion about him completely changes, and Prince Vasily begins to see in Pierre an excellent match for his daughter Helen. This turn of events is explained by the low and selfish interests of Prince Vasily and his daughter. Helen, having agreed to a marriage of convenience, reveals her moral baseness. Her relationship with Pierre can hardly be called a family one; the spouses are constantly separated. In addition, Helen ridicules Pierre's desire to have children: she does not want to burden herself with unnecessary worries. Children, in her understanding, are a burden that interferes with life. Tolstoy considered such a low moral decline to be the most terrible thing for a woman. He wrote that the main purpose of a woman is to become a good mother and raise worthy children. The author shows all the uselessness and emptiness of Helen's life. Having failed to fulfill her destiny in this world, she dies. None of the Kuragin family leaves behind heirs.

Complete opposite Kuragin family Bolkonskikh. Here you can feel the author’s desire to show people of honor and duty, highly moral and complex characters.

The father of the family is Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, a man of Catherine’s temperament, who places honor and duty above other human values. This is most clearly manifested in the scene of farewell to his son, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who is leaving for the war. The son does not let his father down, does not lose honor. Unlike many adjutants, he does not sit at headquarters, but is on the front line, in the very center of military operations. The author emphasizes his intelligence and nobility. After the death of his wife, Prince Andrey was left with Nikolenka. We can have no doubt that he will become a worthy person and, like his father and grandfather, will not tarnish the honor of the old Bolkonsky family.

The daughter of the old Prince Bolkonsky is Marya, a person of pure soul, pious, patient, kind. The father did not show his feelings for her, since it was not in his rules. Marya understands all the prince’s whims and treats them resignedly, because she knows that her father’s love for her is hidden in the depths of his soul. The author emphasizes in the character of Princess Marya self-sacrifice for the sake of another, a deep understanding of daughterly duty. The old prince, unable to pour out his love, withdraws into himself, sometimes acting cruelly. Princess Marya will not contradict him: the ability to understand another person, to enter into his position - this is one of the main traits of her character. This trait often helps save a family and prevents it from falling apart.

Another antithesis to the Kuragin clan is the Rostov family, showing whom Tolstoy emphasizes such qualities of people as kindness, spiritual openness within the family, hospitality, moral purity, innocence, closeness to people's life. Many people are drawn to the Rostovs, many sympathize with them. Unlike the Bolkonskys, an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding often reigns within the Rostov family. This may not always be the case in reality, but Tolstoy wanted to idealize openness and show its necessity between all family members. Each member of the Rostov family is an individual.

Nikolai, the eldest son of the Rostovs, is a brave, selfless man, he passionately loves his parents and sisters. Tolstoy notes that Nikolai does not hide from his family his feelings and desires that overwhelm him. Faith, eldest daughter Rostov, noticeably different from other family members. She grew up an outsider in her family, withdrawn and angry. The old count says that the countess “did something tricky with her.” Showing the Countess, Tolstoy focuses on her trait of selfishness. The Countess thinks exclusively about her family and wants to see her children happy at all costs, even if their happiness is built on the misfortune of other people. Tolstoy showed in her the ideal of a female mother who worries only about her cubs. This is most clearly demonstrated in the scene of the family's departure from Moscow during the fire. Natasha having kind soul and heart, helps the wounded leave Moscow, giving them carts, and leaves all the accumulated wealth and belongings in the city, since this is a profitable business. She does not hesitate to make a choice between her well-being and the lives of other people. The Countess, not without hesitation, agrees to such a sacrifice. Blind maternal instinct shines through here.

At the end of the novel, the author shows us the formation of two families: Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova. Both the princess and Natasha, each in their own way, are morally high and noble. They both suffered a lot and finally found their happiness in family life and became the guardians of the family hearth. As Dostoevsky wrote: “Man is not born for happiness and deserves it through suffering.” These two heroines have one thing in common: they will be able to become wonderful mothers, they will be able to raise a worthy generation, which, according to the author, is the main thing in a woman’s life, and Tolstoy, in the name of this, forgives them some of the shortcomings characteristic of ordinary people.

As a result, we see that “family thought” is one of the fundamental ones in the novel. Tolstoy shows not only individuals, but also families, shows the complexity of relationships both within one family and between families.

“War and Peace” is a Russian national epic, which is reflected national character of the Russian people at the moment when their historical fate was being decided. L.N. Tolstoy worked on the novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work, the writer’s attention was attracted not only by historical events, but also by the private, family life of the characters. Tolstoy believed that the family is a unit of the world, in which the spirit of mutual understanding, naturalness and closeness to the people should reign.

The novel “War and Peace” describes the life of several noble families: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys and the Kuragins.

The Rostov family is an ideal harmonious whole, where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members. It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, and closeness. With the Rostovs, everything is sincere, it comes from the heart. Cordiality, hospitality, hospitality reign in this family, and the traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved.

Parents raised their children, giving them all their love. They can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nikolenka Rostov lost a huge amount of money to Dolokhov, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay off his gambling debt.

The children of this family have absorbed everything best qualities“Rostov breed”. Natasha is the personification of heartfelt sensitivity, poetry, musicality and intuitiveness. She knows how to enjoy life and people like a child.

Life of the heart, honesty, naturalness, moral purity and decency determine their relationships in the family and behavior among people.

Unlike the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys live with their minds, not their hearts. This is an old aristocratic family. In addition to blood ties, the members of this family are also connected by spiritual closeness.

At first glance, the relationships in this family are difficult and devoid of cordiality. However, internally these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to show their feelings.

Old Prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of a serviceman (nobility, devoted to the one to whom he “sworn allegiance.” The concept of honor and duty of an officer was in the first place for him. He served under Catherine II, participated in Suvorov’s campaigns. He considered intelligence and activity to be the main virtues , and his vices are laziness and idleness. The life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is a continuous activity. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns, or manages the estate. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky greatly respects and honors his father, who was able to instill in him a high concept of honor. road-road honor,” he says to his son. And Prince Andrei fulfills his father’s instructions both during the campaign of 1806, in the Battles of Shengraben and Austerlitz, and during the War of 1812.

Marya Bolkonskaya loves her father and brother very much. She is ready to give all of herself for the sake of her loved ones. Princess Marya completely submits to her father's will. His word is law for her. At first glance, she seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment she shows strength of will and strength of spirit.

Both the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys are patriots, their feelings were especially clearly manifested during Patriotic War 1812. They express folk spirit war. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and the surrender of Smolensk. Marya Bolkonskaya rejects the French general's offer of patronage and leaves Bogucharovo. The Rostovs give their carts to the soldiers wounded on the Borodino field and pay the most dearly - with the death of Petya.

Another family is shown in the novel. This is Kuragin. The members of this family appear before us in all their insignificance, vulgarity, callousness, greed, and immorality. They use people to achieve their selfish goals. The family is devoid of spirituality. For Helen and Anatole, the main thing in life is the satisfaction of their base desires. They are completely cut off from people's life, they live in a brilliant but cold world, where all feelings are perverted. During the war, they lead the same salon life, talking about patriotism.

In the epilogue of the novel, two more families are shown. This is the Bezukhov family (Pierre and Natasha), which embodied the author's ideal of a family based on mutual understanding and trust, and the Rostov family - Marya and Nikolai. Marya brought kindness and tenderness, high spirituality to the Rostov family, and Nikolai shows kindness in his relationships with those closest to him.

Showing in your novel different families, Tolstoy wanted to say that the future belongs to families such as the Rostovs, Bezukhovs, and Bolkonskys.

Lesson topic: Happiness is simple. “Family Thought” in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and world

Purpose of the lesson: show that L.N. Tolstoy in the epic novel “War and Peace”

asserts eternal values– a patriarchal family with relationships built on “goodness and truth” as the basis human life.

Lesson Objectives: a) understand the questions that he poses to himself

“What is real life?”, “What holds a family together?”;

b) improving the ability to conduct a dialogue with the author;

c) strengthening the prestige of the family, the formation of a value system of moral guidelines and ideals.

Equipment: portrait of Leo Tolstoy, text of the epic novel “War and Peace”, song “Parental Home”, epigraph to the lesson: “What is needed for happiness? Quiet family life... with the opportunity to do good to people" (L.N. Tolstoy)

Lesson progress:

1. Opening remarks teachers

“War and Peace” is among the eternal creations bequeathed from century to century. We open the pages of the novel, where Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy contrasts the senselessness and inhumanity of the war of 1805 with the life he called “real.” Peaceful life is not isolated from the “big” history, it has its own “pool of life”, and people are like rivers: each has its own channel, its own source. This source is the home, family, its traditions, way of life.

Today we get to know the family nests of the main characters: the Rostovs; Bezukhov, Kuragin, Bolkonsky, we will visit these families to understand the main issue: "What kind family life Does Tolstoy think it’s real?” (Write a problematic question in a notebook)

2.Work on the content of the text. Conversation.

Where does the first part of the second volume begin? (Example student answers; they may be structured differently)

The war did not end, but it paused. After the victory at Austerlitz, Napoleon concluded a beneficial peace with Austria and went to Paris, and the Russian troops returned to their homeland, and many officers received leave, including Nikolai Rostov.

What kind of desire is Nikolai Rostov gripped by, what feelings does he experience when approaching his parents’ house?

He’s going on vacation to Moscow, he’s already arrived and thinks: “Soon, soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lanterns, cab drivers!” N. Rostov is overwhelmed with an impatient desire to quickly drive up to home. He recognizes the most ordinary objects with emotion and is upset when his long-awaited home stands “motionless, unwelcoming...”. We are so familiar with the feeling that Nikolai experienced a few minutes after his arrival: “Rostov was very happy with the love that was shown to him: but the first minute of his meeting was so blissful that his current happiness seemed not enough to him, and he was still waiting for something again, and again, and again"

- Now draw a conclusion, what does his parents’ home mean to him?

In his parents' house, he - an officer, an adult man - with natural ease re-entered his childhood world, he understood “burning his hand with a ruler to show love”, and Natasha’s chatter, and the fact that she tried to put on his boots with spurs, and Sonya , circling around the room - all this, it seemed, had been in him for all the long months under cannonballs and bullets, and now here, in his parents’ house, it came to life and blossomed.

Remember in what situations we meet the Rostov family?

Tell us about your parents. (Student messages)

Standing on the popular point of view, the author considers the mother to be the moral core of the family, and the highest virtue of a woman is the sacred duty of motherhood: “The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about 45 years old, apparently exhausted by children, of whom she had 12 people. The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from her weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspired respect.” The author emphasizes the closeness of mother and daughter with one name - Natalya. Tolstoy also describes the Count with tenderness. Count Rostov greeted all the guests equally cordially... dear or dear, he said to everyone, without exception, without the slightest shade, both above and below him, to the people standing, he laughs with a “sonorous and bassy laugh,” “laughing, he screams...” he is “loose kindness itself.” The hospitable and generous house of the Rostovs cannot but charm the reader. Both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, the most different people: neighbors in Otradnoye, poor old landowners, Pierre Bezukhov. There is a feeling of selfless cordiality. The life of the Rostovs in the village is even more patriarchal in nature - at Christmas time the serfs dress up and have fun with the masters.

-What is the relationship between parents and children?

These elderly people love each other tenderly and reverently; they have wonderful children. The relationship between parents and children in the Rostov family is built on sincerity of feelings, love, understanding, respect, and trust in each other. The spirit of equality and selflessness dominates in this family. Here they openly rejoice, cry and worry together. The Rostovs are ready to accept and treat anyone: in the family, in addition to their four children, Sonya and Boris Drubetskoy are being raised. Their home is comfortable for both friends and strangers...

Retell the episode “Natasha’s Name Day” (volume 1, part 1, chapters 7-11, 14-17). Retelling and analysis of the episode.

What does this picture add to the characteristics of the Rostov “breed”?

Simplicity and cordiality, natural behavior, cordiality and mutual love in the family, nobility and sensitivity, closeness in language and customs to the people.

Strong students compiled the Rostov family code, they speak in class with creative work, which may include the following items:

a) generous hospitality;

b) respect for each individual;

c) sincerity and mutual understanding between parents and children;

d) openness of soul;

d) all feelings come out;

e) a sense of patriotism.

We see that the Rostov family lives more by feelings than by head. And Tolstoy loves the Rostov family (as is known, in the person of Nikolai Rostov he portrayed his father), he loves because they good people. I think each of us would be happy living in such a family.

And now we’ll stay a little with the Bolkonskys, in Bald Mountains. Nothing can change the calm, active and measured life of the old princely house in Bald Mountains. “The same hours, and walks along the alleys...” And as always, early in the morning, a majestic little old man in a “velvet fur coat with a sable collar and the same hat” goes out for a walk in the fresh snow. He is old, Prince Bolkonsky, he deserves peace, this calculated life, composed by himself. But this old man did not dream of peace.

What was Nikolai Andreevich thinking about when reading his son’s daily letters?

He probably longed with all his heart to go there, to the Austrian fields, remembered the great Suvorov, dreamed of his Toulon - he is old, but he is alive and full of spiritual strength. Mental, but not physical. You have to come to terms with it; that you cannot easily, as before, jump on a horse and ride under bullets across the enemy. You have to come to terms with the fact that thought does not work as quickly as before, and your strength is diminishing, and there is no place for you where before it seemed impossible without you... He is difficult, this old man, because he cannot come to terms with his helplessness. But, as much as he has the strength, he will be useful to Russia, his son, his daughter.

- What did Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky want to give to his children??

Long ago, when he was young, strong and active, among the many joys that filled his life were children - Prince Andrei and Princess Marya, whom he loved very much. He was involved in their upbringing and training himself, without trusting or entrusting this to anyone. He wanted to raise his son smart, noble, happy, and his daughter - not like the stupid young ladies of society - but a beautiful woman.

What was his soul aching about?

The son grew up handsome, smart and honest, but this did not make him happy. He went into an incomprehensible life with an unpleasant woman - what remains for the father? Trying to understand my son and take care of his wife: but this is not what I once dreamed of...

His girl also grew up and became a rich bride; he taught her geometry, raised her to be kind and noble, but this will only make life more difficult for her. What does she know about people, what does she understand in life? The daughter looks ugly! But he, like no one else, understands how rich he is spiritual world daughters; he knows how beautiful she can be in moments of great excitement. That is why the arrival and matchmaking of the Kuragins, “this stupid, heartless breed,” is so painful for him. They are not looking for his daughter, but for his wealth, his noble family! And Princess Marya is waiting, worried! He, with his desire to make children truthful and honest, he himself raised Andrei unarmed against Princess Lisa, and Maryu - against Prince Vasily. Today he is alive and saved his daughter, but tomorrow?

What do all the Bolkonskys have in common?

Severity, “dryness,” and pride are the most frequently repeated traits in portraits of father and son. But perhaps the most important thing that unites all the Bolkonskys is the similarity of their eyes, highlighted by Tolstoy: like those of Princess Marya, the same “ beautiful eyes"in Prince Andrei (chapter 25), they also “shone with an intelligent and kind, unusual brilliance,” the intelligent and brilliant eyes of Bolkonsky the father. Aristocratism, pride, intelligence and deep work of thought, the depth of the spiritual world hidden from the eyes of strangers - these are the characteristic features of the Bolkonsky family. At the moment of the birth of the son of Princess Lisa and Prince Andrei in the Bolkonsky house “there was some kind of general concern, softness of heart and consciousness of something great, incomprehensible, taking place at that moment...”

What are the similarities and differences between the parents and children of the Bolkonskys and Rostovs?

The Bolkonskys, like the Rostovs, have the same mutual love of family members, the same deep cordiality (only hidden), the same naturalness of behavior. The Bolkonsky house and the Rostov house are similar, first of all, in their sense of family, spiritual kinship, and patriarchal way of life.

Against the background of the characteristics of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, the relationships in the Kuragin family will sound in contrast. How does Vasily Kuragin understand his parental duty?

Vasily Kuragin is the father of three children. He, too, probably doesn’t sleep well at night, thinking for his children, how to help, guide, protect. But for him the concept of happiness has a different meaning than for Prince Bolkonsky. All his dreams come down to one thing: to find a more profitable place for them, to get rid of them. How much effort the magnificent wedding of his daughter Helen, the current Countess Bezukhova, cost Prince Vasily! Having abandoned all his affairs, he looked after and guided the “unlucky” Pierre, assigned him to a chamber cadet, settled him in his house, and when Pierre never made an offer, Prince Vasily put everything on his shoulders and decisively blessed Pierre and Helene. Helen is attached. Ippolit, thank God, is in diplomacy, in Austria - out of danger; but the youngest remains, Anatole, with his dissipation, debts, drunkenness; The idea arose to marry him to Princess Bolkonskaya - one could not wish for anything better. All Kuragins easily endure the shame of matchmaking. Their calmness comes from indifference to everyone except themselves. Pierre will brand their spiritual callousness and meanness: “Where you are, there is debauchery and evil.”

What are the relationships in this family?

There is no place for sincerity and decency in this house. The members of the Kuragin family are connected to each other by a terrible mixture of base instincts and impulses! The mother experiences jealousy and envy towards her daughter; both brothers do not hide their physiological attraction to their sister; the father sincerely welcomes arranged marriages for children, dirty intrigues and bad connections... It seems that the growth of this nest of sins and vices can only be stopped physically - and all three younger Kuragins remain childless. They are alien to Tolstoy: barren flowers! Nothing will be born from them, because in a family one must be able to give others the warmth of the soul and care.

3. Individual performances students (assignments are given in advance)

Describe one of the representatives of each family:

Natasha Rostova

Marya Bolkonskaya

Helen Bezukhova

4. Define in one word the main core of the family:

Rostov family (love)

Bolkonsky family (nobility)

Kuragin family (lie)

5. Answer to the problematic question: “What kind of life does Tolstoy call real?” Reading and analysis of the epigraph.

- Family is one of nature’s masterpieces. And Tolstoy brilliantly translated this idea into his novel. The best heroes"War and Peace" is kept in family relationships such moral values ​​that save Russia in a moment of national danger.

- In the epilogue of the novel we see two wonderful families - Natasha and Pierre, Princess Marya and Nikolai. We think that such families were close to the author himself. Almost all of Tolstoy's favorite heroes stand at the origins of the new - third generation. We see the peaceful flow of life - beautiful, full of pure joys and creative works. The epilogue of the novel is Tolstoy’s hymn to the spiritual foundations of the family, like highest form unity between people. It is this kind of life, I think, that Tolstoy calls real.

6. The music of the song “Parents’ House” sounds, the teacher says:

Yes, “the parental home is the beginning, and in everyone’s heart there is a reliable berth.” Each family has its own “beginnings” and understands happiness in its own way. “The real life of people is life with its own essential interests of health, illness, work, rest, with its own interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions...” Tolstoy affirms eternal values ​​as the basis of happiness - home, family, love. This is what each of us needs. We all dream of a home where we are loved and welcomed.

I. Why is an epilogue needed in a novel?

“If vicious people are connected with each other and constitute a force, then honest people need to do only the same. It’s so simple”

Remember what kind of life Tolstoy considered real? Life in the world.

How does the peaceful life of the epilogue differ from peaceful life v.2?

As a result of everything they have experienced, the heroes find their place in life, they become closer to the people.

1) Tolstoy unites his two favorite families, the Bolkonskys and the Rostovs..

2) What wisdom did Pierre come to? (epilogue part 1 chapter 16)

3) Where and why Pierre was led by the desire for the unity of all honest people ? (Part 1 Chapter 14)

Secret political society, general troubles in the life of society and the state. It seems to be the same thing that led him to the Freemasons in his time.

4) But the method of action remains the same?

Pierre now sees confrontation with the evil that reigns in the world not only in the cleansing of the heart of every person.

II. Which other characters in the novel become close to folk life, understanding his interests and concerns?

Nikolai Rostov (chapter 7).

What are Political Views Nicholas? (Ch. 14) Which side is Tolstoy on in the dispute? How does he show this?

III. Why did the novel end this way?

If Prince Andrei were alive, would the search for how to live honestly continue, would he come to the secret society? When his son grows up, he will continue his work ( continuity of generations).

IV. When was the novel finished? (1869)

What is still a very pressing question? - “Who can live well in Rus'?”

1. State of the people.

2. Woman's position(novels by Turgenev, plays by Ostrovsky).

V. Does Tolstoy answer these questions in his novel? Or does he leave them aside?

1) The peasant question: your own view.

People - main strength history, but he glosses over the contradictions between the master and the peasant, he believes that peace, harmony, harmony between the master and the peasant are possible where the master is good ( Rostov, uncle in Otradnoye, Rostov the owner- Chapter 7).

- What about Nikolai’s political views? Whose side is Nikolenka on? (Ch. 16)

2) Your view on the purpose of a woman.

a) How do Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, for example, solve this issue?

And Tolstoy? (ch. 10)

b) According to Tolstoy, the purpose of a woman is family, motherhood.

With love and respect he draws Natasha the mother in the epilogue, who understanding and respect refers to Pierre's affairs. In a dispute with Nikolai, she is Pierre's ally. And if Pierre suffers the fate of the Decembrist, she will share his fate.

D/z: Prepare for an essay on topics.

Tolstoy considered family to be the basis of everything. It contains love, and the future, and peace, and goodness. Families make up society, the moral laws of which are laid down and preserved in the family. The writer's family is a society in miniature. Tolstoy's heroes are almost all family people, and he characterizes them through families.
In the novel, the life of three families unfolds before us: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys, the Kuragins. In the epilogue of the novel, the author shows the happy “new” families of Nikolai and Marya, Pierre and Natasha. Every family is endowed characteristic features, and also embodies some of his views on the world and its values. Members of these families participate in one way or another in all the events described in the work. The novel covers fifteen years of life, families are traced through three generations: fathers, children and grandchildren.
Rostov family- example ideal relationship family members who love and respect each other. The father of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, is depicted as a typical Russian gentleman. The manager Mitenka constantly deceives the count. Only Nikolai Rostov exposes and fires him. No one in the family accuses anyone, suspects anyone, or deceives anyone. They are one whole, always sincerely ready to help each other. Joys and sorrows are experienced together, together they look for answers to difficult questions. They quickly experience troubles; emotional and intuitive feelings predominate in them. All Rostovs are passionate people, but the mistakes and mistakes of family members do not cause hostility and hostility towards each other. The family is upset and grieving when Nikolai Rostov loses at cards, experiences the story of Natasha’s love for Anatoly Kuragin and the attempt to escape with him, although the entire secular society discusses this shameful event.
In the Rostov family there is a “Russian spirit”, everyone loves national culture and art. They live in ϲᴏᴦlasia with national traditions: welcome to guests, generous, love to live in the countryside, enjoy taking part in folk holidays. All Rostovs are talented, have musical abilities. The courtyard people who serve in the house are deeply devoted to the masters and live with them like one family.
During the war, the Rostov family remained in Moscow until last moment while it is still possible to evacuate. Their house houses the wounded, who need to be taken out of the city so that they are not killed by the French. The Rostovs decide to give up their acquired property and give away the carts for the soldiers. This is how it manifests itself true patriotism this family.
A different order reigns in the Bolkonsky family. All living feelings are driven to the very bottom of the soul. In the relationship between them there is only cold rationality. Prince Andrei and Princess Marya do not have a mother, but their father replaces parental love over-demanding, which makes their children unhappy. Princess Marya is a girl with a strong, courageous character. She was not broken by her father’s cruel attitude, she did not become embittered, and did not lose her pure and gentle soul.
Old Bolkonsky is sure that in the world “there are only two virtues - activity and intelligence.” He himself works all his life: he writes the charter, works in the workshop, studies with his daughter. Bolkonsky is a nobleman of the old school. He is a patriot of his homeland and wants to benefit it. Having learned that the French are advancing, he becomes the leader people's militia, ready to defend his land with arms in hand, to prevent the enemy from setting foot on it.
Prince Andrei looks like his father. He also strives for power, works in Speransky’s committee, wants to become a big man, to serve for the good of the country. Although he promised himself never to participate in battles again, in 1812 he went to fight again. Saving his homeland is a sacred matter for him. Prince Andrei dies for his homeland like a hero.
The Kuragin family brings evil and destruction to the world. Using the example of the members of this family, Tolstoy showed how deceptive external beauty can be. Helen and Anatole beautiful people, but this beauty is imaginary. External shine hides the emptiness of their souls. Anatole leaves a bad memory of himself everywhere. Because of money, he wooes Princess Marya and destroys the relationship between Prince Andrei and Natasha. Helen loves only herself, destroys Pierre's life, disgraces him.
Lies and hypocrisy, and contempt for others reign in the Kuragin family. The father of the family, Prince Vasily, is a court intriguer, he is only interested in gossip and vile deeds. For the sake of money, he is ready to do anything, even commit a crime. His behavior in the scene of the death of Count Bezukhov is the height of blasphemy and contempt for the laws of human morality.
There is no spiritual relationship in the Kuragin family. Tolstoy does not show us their house. They are primitive, undeveloped people, whom the author portrays in satirical tones. They cannot achieve happiness in life.
According to Tolstoy, a good family is a reward for a righteous life. In the finale, he rewards his heroes with happiness in family life.

Lecture, abstract. Family thought in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Tolstoy considered family to be the basis of everything. It contains love, and the future, and peace, and goodness. Families make up society, the moral laws of which are laid down and preserved in the family. The writer’s family is a society in miniature. Almost all of Tolstoy’s heroes are family people, and he characterizes them through their families.

In the novel, the life of three families unfolds before us: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys, the Kuragins. In the epilogue of the novel, the author shows the happy “new” families of Nikolai and Marya, Pierre and Natasha. Each family is endowed with characteristic features and also embodies its own view of the world and its values. Members of these families participate in one way or another in all the events described in the work. The novel covers fifteen years of life, families are traced through three generations: fathers, children and grandchildren.

The Rostov family is an example of an ideal relationship between loved ones who love and respect each other. The father of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, is depicted as a typical Russian gentleman. The manager Mitenka constantly deceives the count. Only Nikolai Rostov exposes and fires him. No one in the family accuses anyone, suspects anyone, or deceives anyone. They are one whole, always sincerely ready to help each other. Joys and sorrows are experienced together, together they look for answers to difficult questions. They quickly experience troubles; the emotional and intuitive principles predominate in them. All Rostovs are passionate people, but the mistakes and mistakes of family members do not cause hostility and hostility towards each other. The family is upset and grieving when Nikolai Rostov loses at cards, experiences the story of Natasha’s love for Anatoly Kuragin and the attempt to escape with him, although the entire secular society discusses this shameful event.

In the Rostov family there is a “Russian spirit”, everyone loves national culture and art. They live in accordance with national traditions: they welcome guests, are generous, love to live in the countryside, and take part in folk festivals with pleasure. All Rostovs are talented and have musical abilities. The courtyard people who serve in the house are deeply devoted to the masters and live with them like one family.

During the war, the Rostov family remains in Moscow until the last moment, while it is still possible to evacuate. Their house houses the wounded, who need to be taken out of the city so that they are not killed by the French. The Rostovs decide to give up their acquired property and give away the carts for the soldiers. This is how the true patriotism of this family is manifested.

A different order reigns in the Bolkonsky family. All living feelings are driven to the very bottom of the soul. In the relationship between them there is only cold rationality. Prince Andrei and Princess Marya do not have a mother, and the father replaces parental love with over-demandingness, which makes his children unhappy. Princess Marya is a girl with a strong, courageous character. She was not broken by her father’s cruel attitude, she did not become embittered, and did not lose her pure and gentle soul.

Old Bolkonsky is sure that in the world “there are only two virtues - activity and intelligence.” He himself works all his life: he writes the charter, works in the workshop, studies with his daughter. Bolkonsky is a nobleman of the old school. He is a patriot of his homeland and wants to benefit it. Having learned that the French are advancing, he becomes the head of the people's militia, ready to defend his land with arms in hand, to prevent the enemy from setting foot on it.

Prince Andrei looks like his father. He also strives for power, works in Speransky’s committee, wants to become a big man, to serve for the good of the country. Although he promised himself never to participate in battles again, in 1812 he went to fight again. Saving his homeland is a sacred matter for him. Prince Andrei dies for his homeland like a hero.

The Kuragin family brings evil and destruction to the world. Using the example of the members of this family, Tolstoy showed how deceptive external beauty can be. Helen and Anatole are beautiful people, but this beauty is imaginary. External shine hides the emptiness of their low souls. Anatole leaves a bad memory of himself everywhere. Because of money, he wooes Princess Marya and destroys the relationship between Prince Andrei and Natasha. Helen loves only herself, destroys Pierre's life, disgraces him.

Lies and hypocrisy, and contempt for others reign in the Kuragin family. The father of the family, Prince Vasily, is a court intriguer, he is only interested in gossip and vile deeds. For the sake of money, he is ready to do anything, even commit a crime. His behavior in the scene of the death of Count Bezukhov is the height of blasphemy and contempt for the laws of human morality.

There is no spiritual relationship in the Kuragin family. Tolstoy does not show us their house. They are primitive, undeveloped people, whom the author portrays in satirical tones. They cannot achieve happiness in life.

According to Tolstoy, a good family is a reward for a righteous life. In the finale, he rewards his heroes with happiness in family life.

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    • In his novel War and Peace, Tolstoy traces the lives of three generations of several Russian families. The writer rightly considered the family to be the basis of society, and saw in it love, the future, peace and goodness. In addition, Tolstoy believed that moral laws are laid down and preserved only in the family. For a writer, a family is a society in miniature. Almost all the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy are family people, so characterizing these characters is impossible without analyzing their relationships in the family. After all, a good family, the writer believed, is […]
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    • Character Ilya Rostov Nikolay Rostov Natalya Rostova Nikolay Bolkonsky Andrey Bolkonsky Marya Bolkonskaya Appearance A curly-haired young man of short stature, with a simple, open face No different external beauty, has a large mouth, but is black-eyed, short in stature with dry outlines of the figure. Quite handsome. She has a weak body, not distinguished by beauty, is thin-faced, and attracts attention with large, sad, radiant eyes. Character: Good-natured, loving [...]
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