Literary movements and trends: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism (symbolism, acmeism, futurism). Main literary movements (classicism, romanticism, realism) Directions in literature classicism romanticism

Literary method, style or literary movement are often treated as synonyms. It is based on a similar different writers type of artistic thinking. Sometimes a modern author does not realize in which direction he is working, and his creative method is assessed by a literary critic or critic. And it turns out that the author is a sentimentalist or an Acmeist... We present to your attention the literary movements in the table from classicism to modernity.

There have been cases in the history of literature when representatives of the writing fraternity themselves realized theoretical foundations their activities, propagated them in manifestos, united in creative groups. For example, Russian futurists, who published the manifesto “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste” in print.

Today we are talking about the established system of literary trends of the past, which determined the features of the development of the world literary process, and studied by literary theory. The main literary trends are:

  • classicism
  • sentimentalism
  • romanticism
  • realism
  • modernism (divided into movements: symbolism, acmeism, futurism, imagism)
  • socialist realism
  • postmodernism

Modernity is most often associated with the concept of postmodernism, and sometimes socially active realism.

Literary trends in tables

Classicism Sentimentalism Romanticism Realism Modernism


literary movement of the 17th – early 19th centuries, based on imitation of ancient models. Literary direction second half of the XVIII– beginning of the 19th century. From French word“Sentiment” - feeling, sensitivity. literary movements of the late XVIII - second half of the 19th century V. Romanticism emerged in the 1790s. first in Germany and then spread throughout the Western European cultural region Greatest development received in England, Germany, France (J. Byron, W. Scott, V. Hugo, P. Merimee) direction in literature and art of the 19th century century, aiming at a truthful reproduction of reality in its typical features. literary movement, aesthetic concept, formed in the 1910s. The founders of modernism: M. Proust “In Search of Lost Time”, J. Joyce “Ulysses”, F. Kafka “The Trial”.

Signs, features

  • They are clearly divided into positive and negative.
  • At the end of a classic comedy, vice is always punished and good triumphs.
  • The principle of three unities: time (the action lasts no more than a day), place, action.
Special attention- to the spiritual world of a person. The main thing is declared to be the feeling, the experience of a simple person, and not great ideas. Typical genres are elegy, epistle, novel in letters, diary, in which confessional motives predominate. Heroes are bright, exceptional individuals in unusual circumstances. Romanticism is characterized by impulse, extraordinary complexity, and the inner depth of human individuality. For romantic work The idea of ​​two worlds is characteristic: the world in which the hero lives, and another world in which he wants to be. Reality is a means for a person to understand himself and the world around him. Typification of images. This is achieved through the truthfulness of details in specific conditions. Even with tragic conflict life-affirming art. Realism is characterized by the desire to consider reality in development, the ability to detect the development of new social, psychological and public relations. The main task of modernism is to penetrate into the depths of a person’s consciousness and subconscious, to convey the work of memory, the peculiarities of perception of the environment, in how the past, present are refracted in “moments of existence” and the future is foreseen. The main technique in the work of modernists is the “stream of consciousness,” which allows one to capture the movement of thoughts, impressions, and feelings.

Features of development in Russia

An example is Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” In this comedy, Fonvizin tries to implement main idea classicism - to re-educate the world with rational words. An example is the story by N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa", which, in contrast to rational classicism with its cult of reason, affirms the cult of feelings, sensuality. In Russia, romanticism arose against the backdrop of national upsurge after the War of 1812. It has a pronounced social orientation. He is imbued with the idea of ​​civil service and love of freedom (K. F. Ryleev, V. A. Zhukovsky). In Russia, the foundations of realism were laid in the 1820s - 30s. works of Pushkin (“Eugene Onegin”, “Boris Godunov” Captain's daughter", late lyrics). this stage is associated with the names of I. A. Goncharov, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov, A. N. Ostrovsky and others. Realism of the 19th century is usually called “critical”, since the determining principle in it was precisely the social critical. In Russian literary criticism, it is customary to call 3 literary movements that made themselves known in the period from 1890 to 1917 modernist. These are symbolism, acmeism and futurism, which formed the basis of modernism as a literary movement.

Modernism is represented by the following literary movements:

  • Symbolism

    (Symbol - from the Greek Symbolon - conventional sign)
    1. The central place is given to the symbol*
    2. The desire for a higher ideal prevails
    3. A poetic image is intended to express the essence of a phenomenon
    4. Characteristic reflection of the world in two planes: real and mystical
    5. Sophistication and musicality of verse
    The founder was D. S. Merezhkovsky, who in 1892 gave a lecture “On the causes of the decline and on new trends in modern Russian literature” (article published in 1893). Symbolists are divided into older ones ((V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub made their debut in the 1890s) and younger ones (A. Blok, A. Bely, Vyach. Ivanov and others made their debut in the 1900s)
  • Acmeism

    (From the Greek “acme” - point, highest point). The literary movement of Acmeism arose in the early 1910s and was genetically connected with symbolism. (N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, O. Mandelstam, M. Zenkevich and V. Narbut.) The formation was influenced by M. Kuzmin’s article “On Beautiful Clarity,” published in 1910. In the programmatic article of 1913 “The Legacy of Acmeism and Symbolism” N. Gumilyov called symbolism “ worthy father“, but emphasized that the new generation has developed a “courageously firm and clear outlook on life”
    1. Focus on classical poetry of the 19th century
    2. Acceptance of the earthly world in its diversity and visible concreteness
    3. Objectivity and clarity of images, precision of details
    4. In rhythm, the Acmeists used dolnik (Dolnik is a violation of the traditional
    5. regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. The lines coincide in the number of stresses, but stressed and unstressed syllables are freely located in the line.), which brings the poem closer to the living colloquial speech
  • Futurism

    Futurism - from lat. futurum, future. Genetically, literary futurism is closely connected with the avant-garde groups of artists of the 1910s - primarily with the groups “Jack of Diamonds”, “Donkey’s Tail”, “Youth Union”. In 1909, in Italy, the poet F. Marinetti published the article “Manifesto of Futurism.” In 1912, the manifesto “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste” was created by Russian futurists: V. Mayakovsky, A. Kruchenykh, V. Khlebnikov: “Pushkin is more incomprehensible than hieroglyphs.” Futurism began to disintegrate already in 1915-1916.
    1. Rebellion, anarchic worldview
    2. Denial of cultural traditions
    3. Experiments in the field of rhythm and rhyme, figurative arrangement of stanzas and lines
    4. Active word creation
  • Imagism

    From lat. imago - image A literary movement in Russian poetry of the 20th century, whose representatives stated that the purpose of creativity is to create an image. Basics means of expression Imagists - metaphor, often metaphorical chains that compare various elements of two images - direct and figurative. Imagism arose in 1918, when the “Order of Imagists” was founded in Moscow. The creators of the “Order” were Anatoly Mariengof, Vadim Shershenevich and Sergei Yesenin, who was previously part of the group of new peasant poets

Before talking about specific ones, you first need to learn about literary trends. They represent historical incarnations artistic knowledge and the reproduction of the world, manifested in the ideological and aesthetic community of a group of writers.

In the history of literature, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, modernism and postmodernism are distinguished.

Literary direction is a special synthesis of the way of understanding reality through art and individual style creator Any literary movement includes a collection of works that have common features. Within a literary period, several literary movements may appear, for example, in the Age of Enlightenment - classicism and sentimentalism, as well as rococo. The name of the dominant movement often becomes the name of an entire period in literature, and its time frame may extend beyond clear limits. Literary directions may form movements or schools.

Periodization of the main literary trends:

  1. classicism (XVIII – early XIX centuries);
  2. sentimentalism (second half of the 18th – early 19th centuries);
  3. romanticism (second half of the 18th – early 20th centuries);
  4. realism (second half of the 19th century);
  5. modernism (late 19th – 20th centuries): impressionism, symbolism, futurism, acmeism, expressionism, surrealism, existentialism, etc.;
  6. postmodernism (since the 1980s of the 20th century).

Literary directions

Main features of a literary movement

Representatives of literature


A guide to the aesthetics of ancient art. The undeniable priority of reason over feelings is affirmed. The authors proclaim the principle of rationalism: art should be reasonable and logically verified. The fleeting is rejected, the essential properties of things are emphasized. The civil themes in the work are shaped in strict creative norms according to the canonical model.

G. Derzhavin, M. Lomonosov, V. Trediakovsky, I. Krylov, D. Fonvizin


Instead of the severity of classicism, feeling is glorified here as an essential feature human nature. The hero (sometimes the heroine) is not afraid to feel and reveal to the reader his emotional world, which is diverse and changeable. It is recognized that regardless of his class, everyone has a rich inner world.

Ya. M. Karamzin, young V.A. Zhukovsky


The technique of romantic dual worlds prevails. The author creates a conflict of contrasting the hero's ideal with his environment. The incompatibility of this ideal and reality is realized in the departure into the world of traditions and legends, dreams, fantasies, and exotic countries. Personality concerns romantics in light of its loneliness and disappointment. The hero is haunted by the understanding of the tragedy of life, at the same time he expresses the rebellion of the spirit.

A. S. Pushkin. M. Yu. Lermontov, V.A. Zhukovsky, F.I. Tyutchev, M. Gorky,

Emphasis on literature as a means of understanding the world. Its ability to objectively reflect reality increases. Item artistic research– the relationship between character and circumstances, the authors show the formation of character under the influence of the environment. However, the ability to fight and defend the right to self-determination with the will is not canceled. Reality is shown in constant development, presenting the typical in a unique and individual embodiment.

I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, N. A. Nekrasov, F. M. Dostoevsky, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin

Critical Realism

Branch throughout the 19th century. It bears the main signs of realism, but is distinguished by a deeper, always critical, even sarcastic author's view

N. V. Gogol, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin


Unites many movements and schools with different aesthetic concepts. One thing in common is the rejection of realism and a strict connection between characters and circumstances. At the forefront is the self-worth of the individual and its self-sufficiency. Causes and effects tire and are overthrown as unnecessary.


First significant modernist movement. The origins of the movement are in romanticism with its duality. Having refused to understand the world, symbolists construct it. Particular emphasis on subconscious contemplation, knowledge of the secret contained in symbols.

V. Bryusov, D. Merezhkovsky, 3. Gippius, F. Sologub, A. Blok, V. Ivanov, L. Andreev, A. Bely,

A reaction to the imperfection of symbolism, its persistent idea of ​​​​perceiving reality as a parody of higher beings. Acme students master a diverse outside world, proclaiming culture as the highest value. Poetry is characterized by stylistic balance, clarity of images, precise composition and details.

N. Gumilev, A. Akhmatova, S. Gorodetsky, O. Mandelstam


The main feature of this avant-garde movement- overthrowing the traditions of the past, destroying the old aesthetics, creating a new art of the future. The authors believed in the principle of "shift", reflected in lexical and syntactic updating poetic language: vulgarisms, neologisms. Oxymorons...

V. Khlebnikov, I. Severyanin, V. Mayakovsky,


Aesthetic and ideological pluralism gave rise to an anti-hierarchical text that denies ideological integrity and speaks of the impossibility of mastering reality using a single method or language. Writers emphasize the artificiality of their works and are not afraid to combine stylistics different directions, genres and eras.

A. Bitov, D. A. Prigov, Sasha Sokolov, V. Pelevin, V. Erofeev

In addition to these main areas, the following are often distinguished:

  • Impressionism (latest third XIX- beginning of the 20th century) with the desire to convey the first fleeting impression, it captures a riot of feelings and emotions into the focus of attention. The composition of the work is clearly fragmentary. Attention is directed not to the general, but to the specific and individual. Guy de Maupassant and M. Proust are worthy representatives of this trend.
  • Expressionism (1910–1920s) combines critical pathos and horror at the cruel picture of existence. The death of man and humanity, the attraction to abstraction and the grotesque are features of some of the works of L. N. Andreev and F. K. Sologub.
  • Existentialism (mid-twentieth century) gives a feeling of the collapse of all values. tragedy human existence irresistible. J. P. Sartre and A. Camus saw a lonely person in familiar society.

The level of your preparation for the Unified State Exam is determined not only knowledge of literary trends, but also the ability to choose them among the many available. And if you still find it difficult to remember the direction when writing an essay or taking a test, remember our tables— the features outlined in them exhaustively describe all the literary areas necessary for the Unified State Exam.


The first area on our studied list was classicism. And this is no coincidence - in terms of duration of existence it surpasses many. Its “exemplary” features were formed under the influence of great writers in the then new era.

XVII - XIX centuries (17th-19th centuries)

Originated in Italy, gained great popularity in France.

A. D. Kantemir;
V. K. Trediakovsky;
A. P. Sumarokov;
M. V. Lomonosov;
N. Boileau;
P. Corneille;
J. Racine;
J.-B. Moliere

  • reason is above all (the method of rationalism of R. Descartes);

  • strict adherence genre features(domestic situations were not depicted in " high genres", and philosophical conflicts in "low");

  • the use of metalogical (sublime speech) and autological (speech devoid of tropes and figures of language) speech in accordance with the genre;

  • heroes are divided into strictly positive and negative;

  • the main conflict is the conflict between reason and feeling (reason, accordingly, prevails);

  • observance of the "three unities" for dramatic works(place, time, action);

  • depicted and approved positive traits authorities and states.

GenresHigh: tragedy, ode, poem.

Low: comedy, fable, epigram, satire.


Sentimentalism brought into our literature more depicted emotionality and attention to the feelings of the characters. Works such as “Poor Liza” by N. M. Karamzin and “Unhappy Margarita” by G. P. Kamenev demonstrated to 18th-century readers the possibility of such reverence for the fate of heroes.

Periodization and place of originSecond half of the 18th century.
Representatives in Russian literatureN. M. Karamzin;
A.N. Radishchev.
Representatives in foreign literatureLaurence Stern;
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

  • feelings are above all;

  • dividing heroes according to their ability to feel and experience them (positive ones with a rich mental organization, negative ones with a poor one);

  • special interest in the hero’s feelings;

  • depiction of the varied feelings of the characters in large quantities(tears, exclamations, suicide, fainting).

GenresNovel, diary, story, elegy, message, confession.


Works romanticism almost always depict the tragic fate of a character. Traction romantic hero to the ideal is sometimes so strong that it leads to a conflict between the world of the present and the world of dreams.

Periodization and place of originend of the 18th - first half of the 19th century.

Originated in Germany.

Representatives in Russian literatureV. A. Zhukovsky;
M. Yu. Lermontov (early works);
A. S. Pushkin (early works);
K. N. Batyushkov;
N. M. Yazykov.
Representatives in foreign literatureF. Schlegel;
F. Schelling;
Victor Hugo;
Alfred de Vigny;
Prosper Merimee.

  • two-worldness, escape from a truly ideal world, division of the world into “here” and “there” (“here” - oppression, unhappy life at the will of others, “there” - the embodiment of dreams of life);

  • in-depth analysis of the hero’s inner world (psychologism);

  • a new type of hero - exceptional, lonely, opposed to reality, usually with a tragic fate;

  • the author's use of folklore, mention of historical events.

Genresnovel, poem, ballad.


In part, realism penetrated Russia with an objective reflection of life phenomena. And, if we take into account only this feature, then it appeared in our literature a long time ago. It is even generally accepted that late works Pushkin, in which the life and everyday life of the heroes were depicted with the utmost sense of detachment, relate to realism in full.

Periodization and place of originXIX century.

Originated in European countries.

Representatives in Russian literatureA. S. Pushkin;
L. N. Tolstoy;
F. M. Dostoevsky;
A.P. Chekhov.
Representatives in foreign literatureO. de Balzac;
C. Dickens;
E. Zola

  • the authenticity of the events depicted ("War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy);

  • typification of characters and phenomena, despite their individuality (the education of Oblomov or Tatyana Larina);

  • the characters' characters are determined by the social environment, their socialization (the growing up of Stolz, Oblomov and their different futures);

  • the characters are depicted with a special psychologism (Portrait, speech characteristic heroes of Dostoevsky);

  • principles of historicism, nationality ("Quiet Don" by M. A. Sholokhov);

  • new types of heroes (type " little man"(Devushkin, Bashmachkin, Marmeladov), the type of "superfluous man" (Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin, Oblomov), the type of "new hero" (nihilist Bazarov, heroes of N. G. Chernyshevsky).

  • ambiguity author's position(there is no obvious division into positive and negative characters)

Genresnovel, epic novel, short story, tale.

Types of realism

Types of realism
NameTraitsPeriodExamples from Russian literatureExamples from foreign literature
Enlightenment realismFaith in the human mind, the development of creative traits.XVII - XVIII centuries.A. N. Radishchev;
D. I. Fonvizin;
G. R. Derzhavin;
D. Defoe;
J. Swift;
Critical realismthe works are aimed at exposing people, the author's criticism of vices and recreating life to the smallest detail.1840 - 1890sV. G. Belinsky;
N. G. Chernyshevsky;
N. A. Dobrolyubov;
A. P. Chekhov
Honore de Balzac;
George Eliot
Socialist realismdepicted a socio-political ideal, faith in socialism and communism.1920-1980sN. A. Ostrovsky,
M. A. Sholokhov,
A. N. Tolstoy,
D. Poor,
later work of V.V. Mayakovsky
A. Barbusse;
M. Andersen-Nexe;
I.-R. Becher;
V. Bredel.


TO modernism include many movements: avant-gardeism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism, impressionism, expressionism, cubism, imagism and surrealism. Some of them appeared not only in literature, but also in painting. And some, in particular Cubism, on the contrary, were almost not reflected in literature.

Avant-gardeVarious movements that are opposed in their mood to traditional culture.
Originated in 1860
Actively developed in 1870 - 1920.
A movement based on the depiction of instant impressions of reality.
Originated in 1910
Associativity, “aesthetics of moral shock,” emotional richness.
Originated in 1907
Developed throughout the 20th century.
Analytical perception of things and phenomena, lack of organic images.
Originated in 1918.
Actively developed in 1910 - 1920.
Originated in 1910-1920.
Developed throughout the 20th century.
Chaotic reflection of reality, alogism.

LITERARY TRENDS classicism sentimentalism romanticism realism Bogacheva Galina Gennadievna, Secondary School No. 21, Vladimir

LITERARY DIRECTION unites writers of one historical era connected by a common understanding of life values ​​and aesthetic ideals, creates its own type of hero, has characteristic plots, its own style of speech and favorite genres, and has something in common with other types of art. classicism sentimentalism romanticism realism End show

REPRESENTATIVES OF DIRECTIONS IN LITERATURE classicism realism G. R. Derzhavin M. V. Lomonosov D. I. Fonvizin Moliere N. Boileau F. M. Dostoevsky A. N. Ostrovsky L. N. Tolstoy N. V. Gogol A. S. Pushkin I. S. Turgenev sentimentalism romanticism N. M. Karamzin A. N. Radishchev K. F. Ryleev V. A. Zhukovsky M. Yu. Lermontov Byron

Classicism In Russia Statement XVIII century absolute monarchy end of the 17th – beginning of the 19th century Peter I Elizaveta Catherine II Petrovna Understanding in Russia the results of revolutions, confrontation Realism, the search for real noble and, from the 30s of the 19th century, heterogeneous-democratic ways of re-creating the cultures of reality HISTORICAL AGES Folk. In Russia, liberation Sentimentalism wars in Europe and America. 1773 - 1775 - Pugachev rebellion second half of the 18th century - The bourgeoisie is new and its suppression, the beginning of the 19th century, social force December 14, 1825 - Uprising in Russia Patriotic War 1812 The Great French - on the Senate the hero of the war The people are the true square of Romanticism, the revolution is enslaved and without rights. Feeling of disappointment, and XVIII - the beginning XIX end the disappointment of a century of dissatisfaction in its results in Russian society.

Affirmed life values ​​Classicism Classicus (lat.) - exemplary Ш the primacy of state interests over personal ones; Sh cult moral duty; Ш cult of reason, rationalism Sentimentalism Sentimental (English) - sensitive Ш the primacy of feeling, not reason; The highest value is the person, not the state; Ш nature is the measure of all values; Ш the idea of ​​moral equality of people Realism Realis (lat.) – material, real Ш the desire to understand man and the world; Ш discovery of the laws of human existence and society Romanticism Romantique (French) – mysterious, unreal Ш rejection of lack of spirituality real life; escape from existing reality and search for an ideal outside of it; Ш affirmation of the intrinsic value of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, attention to the inner world of man; Ш freedom

Classicism Realism Strict adherence to the rule of “three unities”, reasonable rules, Simplicity, harmony, in dramaturgy: eternal laws, logic (1 house) place of composition created on the basis of the study of time (1 day) works of the best examples of action (1 conflict) ancient literature Fidelity to reality, Psychologism; Depiction of life The principle of conveying the high nationality of historicism to its development the artistry of the essence of life, the significance of ideas Aesthetic ideal Sincerity, simplicity, Naturalness, devotion to “nature”, poetry, organic connection touching, tenderness and sadness with nature Sentimentalism Nature as an expression Freedom, power, Depiction of indomitability, spontaneous beginning of the desired - a stormy impulse of life, freedom of the world of dreams Romanticism

C L A S S I C I Z M S E N T I M E N T A L I Z M 1. A clear division of heroes into positive (makes a choice in favor of reason) and negative 2. The main heroes are kings, generals, statesmen figures Mitrofan 3. Identification of one and Prostakov’s leading features from the comedy in the character of the hero D. I. Fonvizin (miser, braggart, fool) “Undergrown” 1. Dividing the heroes into positive (a commoner endowed with a rich spiritual world) and negative (a hard-hearted representative of the authorities) 2. Main character works by O. A. Kiprensky. an ordinary person. Poor Liza 1827 REALIZM Typification of characters (the fusion of the typical and the individual). New types of heroes: the “little man” type (Vyrin, Bashmachkin, Marmeladov, Devushkin); type " extra person"(Onegin, Kukryniksy. Oblomov); Pechorin, P. Sokolov. Illustration of the hero type Illustration for the novel “new” for the novel by A. S. Pushkin for the story “The Overcoat” and the Children” by I. S. Turgenev. Bazarov) (nihilist “Fathers of N.V. Gogol “Eugene Onegin” Exclusivity of the romantic hero: M 1. Strong personality, a man of high passion, living with the desire for freedom N 2. Internal duality T 3. Loneliness I 4. Tragic fate H 5. Search for the ideal. Demon M. Vrubel. and dreams M 6. The embodiment of the romantic K. Bryullov. L. Pasternak. Confession of Mtsyri's rebellion against reality Fortuneteller Svetlana T I P G E R O YA

Classicism Scenes from ancient and national history. Heroic destinies. A duel of passion and duty. A. P. Losenko. Hector's farewell to Andromache, 1773 Sentimentalism Individual situations of everyday life. Days of work in the lap of nature. Image peasant life(often in pastoral colors). A. G. Venetsianov. On the arable land. Spring Realism STORIES Detailed and objectively recreated pictures of national life. Depicts the relationship between a person and environment. Human character is revealed in relation to social circumstances. I. E. Repin. Barge haulers on the Volga I. Shishkin. Sosnovy Bor Romanticism Conflict between the hero and society. A duel between personality and fate. The hero's actions in unusual, exceptional circumstances: exotic countries, uncivilized peoples, other world K. Bryullov. The last one is I. Aivazovsky. Rainbow day Pompeii

CLASSICISM REALISM High: ode, epic poem, tragedy Short story, essay, novella, novel, Middle: scientific poetry, poem, drama, epic novel, elegy, sonnet, message epic poem, epic cycle (The goal is a comprehensive image of the world) Low : comedy, fable, epigram, satire GENRES Family romance, diary, confession, letters, travel notes, memoirs, elegy, message, sensitive story (written in the 1st person) SENTIMENTALISM Novel, story, novel in letters, elegy, idyll, romantic poem, thought, ballad (The goal is self-disclosure of the inner world of the individual, a story about individual destiny) ROMANTICISM

Picturesque portrait of V. A. Zhukovsky romanticism D. Levitsky. Catherine II classicism V. Borovikovsky. Catherine II sentimentalism I. Repin. Portrait of A. Rubinstein realism

HISTORICAL ERA Classicism late XVII - early XIX century Establishment of the absolute monarchy In Russia XVIII century Peter I Elizabeth Catherine II Petrovna

Affirmed life values ​​Classicism Classicus (lat.) - exemplary Ш the primacy of state interests over personal ones; Ш cult of moral duty; Cult of reason, rationalism

Classicism Strict adherence to reasonable rules, eternal laws created on the basis of the study of the best examples of ancient literature Simplicity, harmony, consistency of the composition of the work Aesthetic ideal The rule of “three unities” in dramaturgy: place (1 house) time (1 day) action (1 conflict)

REPRESENTATIVES OF CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE N. Boileau D. I. Fonvizin Moliere M. V. Lomonosov G. R. Derzhavin

TYPE OF HERO D. Levitsky. Catherine II C L A S S I C I Z M 1. A clear division of heroes into positive (makes a choice in favor of reason) and negative 2. The main heroes are kings, generals, statesmen 3. Identification of one leading trait in the character of the hero (the miser , braggart, fool) Mitrofan and Prostakova from D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”

STORIES Classicism Stories from ancient and Russian history. Heroic destinies. A duel of passion and duty. A. P. Losenko. Hector's farewell to Andromache, 1773

GENRES CLASSICISM High: ode, epic poem, tragedy Middle: scientific poetry, elegy, sonnet, epistle Low: comedy, fable, epigram, satire

HISTORICAL ERA Sentimentalism second half of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century People's liberation wars in Europe and America. The bourgeoisie is a new social force in Russia 1773 - 1775 - Pugachev's rebellion and its suppression

Affirmed life values ​​Sentimentalism Sentimental (English) - sensitive Ш the primacy of feeling, not reason; The highest value is the person, not the state; Ш nature is the measure of all values; Ш idea of ​​moral equality of people V. Borovikovsky. Catherine II

Sentimentalism Naturalness, devotion to “nature”, organic connection with nature Aesthetic ideal Sincerity, simplicity, poetry, touching, tenderness and sadness

TYPE OF HERO S E N T M E N T A L I S M 1. The division of heroes into positive (a commoner endowed with a rich spiritual world) and negative (a hard-hearted representative of the authorities) 2. The main character of the work is an ordinary person O. A. Kiprensky. Poor Lisa 1827

STORIES Sentimentalism A. G. Venetsianov. On the arable land. Spring Individual situations of everyday life. Days of work in the lap of nature. Depiction of peasant life (often in pastoral colors).

GENRES Family novel, diary, confession, letters, travel notes, memoirs, elegy, message, sensitive story (written in 1st person) SENTIMENTALISM

HISTORICAL ERA Romanticism late XVIII - early XIX centuries In Russia Patriotic War of 1812 People - true hero war - enslaved and powerless. A feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction in Russian society. Great french revolution and disappointment in its results on December 14, 1825 - an uprising on Senate Square

Affirmed life values ​​Byron V. A. Zhukovsky K. F. Ryleev Romanticism Romantique (French) – mysterious, unreal Sh rejection of the lack of spirituality of real life M. Yu. Lermontov; escape from existing reality and search for an ideal outside of it; Ш affirmation of the intrinsic value of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, attention to the inner world of man; Ш freedom

Romanticism Image of what is desired - the dream world Freedom, power, indomitability, stormy impulse Aesthetic ideal Nature as an expression of the spontaneous beginning of life, freedom

T I P M. Vrubel. Demon G E R O Y L. Pasternak. Confession of Mtsyri The exclusivity of K. Bryullov. Fortuneteller Svetlana Exclusiveness P About the romantic hero: M 1. Strong personality, a person A of high passion, living with the desire for freedom N 2. Internal duality T 3. Loneliness I 4. Tragic fate H 5. Search for an ideal and dream M 6. The embodiment of romantic rebellion against reality

STORIES Romanticism K. Bryullov. The last day of Pompeii I. Aivazovsky. Rainbow Conflict between the hero and society. A duel between personality and fate. The hero's actions in unusual, exceptional circumstances: exotic countries, uncivilized peoples, the other world

GENRES Novel, story, novel in letters, elegy, idyll, romantic poem, thought, ballad (The goal is self-disclosure of the inner world of the individual, a story about individual fate) ROMANTICISM

HISTORICAL ERA Realism since the 30s of the 19th century In Russia, the confrontation between the noble and mixed-democratic cultures Understanding the results of revolutions, searching for real ways to recreate reality

Affirmed life values ​​Realism Realis (lat.) - material, real A. S. Pushkin L. N. Tolstoy A. N. Ostrovsky F. M. Dostoevsky Ш the desire to understand man and the world; Ш discovery of the laws of existence of man and society I. S. Turgenev N. V. Gogol

Realism The principle of nationality Fidelity to reality, the transfer of the essence of life, the significance of ideas The principle of historicism The depiction of life in its development Psychologism; high artistry

REALIZM Typing of characters (combination of the typical and the individual). New types of heroes: the “little man” type (Vyrin, Bashmachkin, Marmeladov, Devushkin); the type of “superfluous person” (Onegin, Pechorin, Oblomov); type of “new” hero (nihilist Bazarov) Illustration for the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” TIP G E R O Y Kukryniksy. Illustration for the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol P. Sokolov. Illustration for the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”

Realism Detailed and objectively recreated pictures of national life. Depicts the relationship between man and the environment. Human character is revealed in relation to social circumstances. STORIES I. E. Repin. Barge haulers on the Volga I. Shishkin. Sosnovy Bor

GENRES REALISM Short story, essay, novella, novel, poem, drama, epic novel, epic poem, epic cycle (The goal is a comprehensive depiction of the world)

Main literary movements Classicism Sentimentalism Romanticism Realism Signs of a literary movement Unite writers of a certain historical era Represent a special type of hero Express a certain worldview Select characteristic themes and plots Work in certain genres Stand out in style artistic speech They put forward certain life and aesthetic ideals

Classicism 17th – early 19th centuries. Russian classicism - national-patriotic themes associated with the transformations of Peter 1 Distinctive Features- Violation of the truth of life: utopianism, idealization, abstraction in the image - far-fetched images, schematic characters - Edifying nature of the work, strict division of heroes into positive and negative - use of language that is poorly understood to the common people-national, civil orientation - Establishment of a hierarchy of genres: “high” (odes, tragedies), “medium” (elegy, historical works, friendly letters), “low” (comedies, satires, fables, epigrams) - The rule of “three unities”: time, place and action (all events occur in 24 hours, in one place and around one storyline)

Representatives of classicism Russian literature: M. Lomonosov (“Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747”) G. Derzhavin (ode “Felitsa”) A. Sumarokov (tragedies) D. Fonvizin (comedies “The Brigadier”, “The Minor” ") Western European literature: P. Corneille, Voltaire, Moliere, J. Lefontaine

Sentimentalism 2nd half of the 18th – early 19th centuries. Distinctive features - Revealing human psychology - Feeling is declared the highest value - Interest in to the common man, to the world of his feelings, to nature, to everyday life - Idealization of reality, subjective image of the world - Ideas of moral equality of people, organic connection with nature - The work is often written in the 1st person, which gives it lyricism and poetry

Romanticism A direction reflecting the artist’s desire to contrast reality and dreams. Distinctive features - unusualness, exoticism in the depiction of events, landscapes, people - daydreaming, idealization of reality, cult of freedom - striving for ideal, perfection - strong, bright, sublime image of a romantic hero - image of a hero in exceptional circumstances (in a tragic duel with fate) - Contrast in a mixture of high and low, tragic and comic, ordinary and unusual

Representatives of romanticism Russian literature - V. Zhukovsky (ballads Lyudmila, Svetlana, Tsar of the Forest - K. Ryleev (poems) - A. Pushkin (Poems " Caucasian prisoner", "Gypsies", "Bakhchisarai Fountain") - M. Lermontov (poem "Mtsyri") - N. Gogol (story "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka") - - M. Gorky (story "Old Woman Izergil", "Song of Falcon", "Song of the Petrel" - Western European literature - D. Byron, J.V. Goethe, Schiller, Hoffmann, P. Merimee, V. Hugo, V. Scott

Realism A movement in art and literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, which is based on a complete, truthful and reliable depiction of life. Distinctive features - The basis is a conflict: hero - society - typical literary characters- Typical techniques in depicting reality (portrait, landscape, interior) - Depiction of a certain historical era, real events - Depiction of events and characters in development - All characters are depicted not in the abstract, but in interaction with the outside world

Representatives of realism - A. Griboedov (comedy “Woe from Wit”) - A. Pushkin (“Little Tragedies”, “Eugene Onegin”) - M. Lermontov (novel “A Hero of Our Time”) - N. Gogol (poem “Dead Souls”) - I. Turgenev (novels “Fathers and Sons”, “On the Eve”, “Rudin”, etc.) - L. Tolstoy (“After the Ball”, “Resurrection”, “War and Peace”, “ Sevastopol stories", etc.) - F. Dostoevsky ("Crime and Punishment", "Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", etc.)