What is the talisman for the sign of Aquarius. Talismans for the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius should not wear such stones

People born under the sign of Aquarius ( January 20 - February 18), obey the elements of Air. The representative of this astrological period is distinguished by originality of thinking and a certain amount of eccentricity. That's why a suitable talisman for Aquarius there may be something related to air, sky, flying, or just some unusual thing.

In different life situations the sign can use various amulets and amulets:

Astrologers call the icon the most powerful amulet for Aquarius. This sign needs an object that will show him the right way in confusing situations. The icon does not allow you to give up or become despondent. This amulet enhances self-confidence and gives strength. At the same time, the icon does not allow Aquarius to succumb to temptations to do something bad; it is a kind of conscience of its owner.

An angel figurine made of colorless glass or crystal is the strongest talisman of Aquarius. It protects its owner from dangers and brings happiness in life. Astrologers advise carrying a figurine wrapped in colored cloth with you. The angel protects from enemies and dangers, enhances intuition and intellectual abilities. Such a talisman makes the behavior of the sign less unpredictable and changeable.

A key and a lock are suitable as a talisman for Aquarius. They symbolize everything secret and mystical in the life of representatives of the sign. The key promotes concentration and protects against depression and mental disappointment. The talisman with the key tells Aquarius how best to use his talents and encyclopedic knowledge. The castle can become good family amulet, making the sign representative more faithful and responsible.

An openwork metal butterfly or a painting with butterflies coincides energetically with an air sign. An upset Aquarius only needs to look at these winged insects for a few minutes to start enjoying life again. In addition, the talisman makes the representative of the sign more sociable, improves his oratory abilities and attracts friends. You cannot use a real dried butterfly or a figurine pierced with a pin as an amulet.

The metal of Aquarius, according to some astrologers, is tin. A talisman can simply be a piece of metal in your pocket or on a chain. It is best if it is an alloy of tin with other metals. Such a talisman helps the eccentric Aquarius to better interact with people around him and resolve conflicts peacefully. In addition, tin contributes financial prosperity family of the sign representative.

Aquarius is suitable for items made of silver, platinum, titanium, copper, nickel and brass. Silver cleanses the soul and thoughts of the sign from bad thoughts and negativity. The cupronickel talisman can become a source of strength and creative inspiration for Aquarius.

The graphic symbol of the sign is two parallel curved lines. Zigzags or broken open lines can become a talisman for Aquarius. They protect the representative of the sign from unreasonable decisions and unjustified risks. A decoration or other item with a zigzag does not allow its owner to rush from one extreme to another.

This zodiac sign has trees as mascots. You can use them to make a talisman figurine or grow a living tree in the garden. Such plants for Aquarius are elm, cypress, poplar, pine and cedar. Cypress makes the representative of the sign a good family man, helping to quickly adapt to any circumstances. Cedar gives Aquarius public respect and recognition, which is so important for him.

How air sign Everything related to wind, air and flight suits Aquarius: balloons, any aircraft, birds, sails or wings. Any of these objects or their image help representatives of the sign to understand themselves, clearly define goals and outline ways to achieve them. The “winged” talisman gives energy and inspires, promotes the creative realization of Aquarius. It is desirable that the wings are spread or raised, symbolizing activity and upliftment in life.

Aquarius animal mascots are also associated with the sky and water. Astrologers most often name the crane, dove and dolphin. The crane figurine helps the representative of the sign to realize their talents and build a successful career with their help. The Dove is responsible for communication skills and relationships with loved ones. A talisman with his image contributes to the creation of a strong family, useful acquaintances and the emergence of true friends. The Dolphin performs protective functions: it protects Aquarius from injuries, diseases and enemies. For men, a camel and a goat are suitable as a talisman. These animals make the sign more persistent and punchy.

Aquarius- one of the most unusual signs of the zodiac, he is different out-of-the-box thinking and rebellious spirit. They also show their extravagance in the choice of personal items, especially for women.

Aquarius Woman will always strive to stand out, to express his individuality through clothes and personal belongings.

And the stones are talismans - best way do this when it comes to jewelry. They will emphasize her feminine astral nature and become good helpers on the path of life, beneficially influencing her character, smoothing and harmonizing it.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

The main stones of Aquarius are garnet, sapphire, and lapis lazuli. They will suit most Aquarians. However, when choosing a stone, you should focus on decades (certain periods of time, each of which is equal to ten days).

The zodiac sign Aquarius has three decades, respectively:

  • January 21-February 1. Aquarians born during this period are under the protection of Venus, which brings calm to their disposition, makes them prone to romance, more sensitive, and subject to changes in mood. Despite this combination of romance and modesty, Aquarians born during this period are very attractive to the opposite sex. Stones that give their character determination and energy are suitable for them.
    These stones include:
    • pomegranate;
    • amber;
    • tourmaline;
    • jasper;
    • nephritis;
    • pearl;
    • aquamarine.
  • February 2-February 11. During the second decade, Aquarians are born, under the auspices of Mercury. This planet gives them such qualities as energy, determination, a lively, sharp mind and a great sense of humor. People born under the sign of Mercury are wise and insightful.
    Stones of a similar nature are suitable for them:
    • lapis lazuli;
    • amber;
    • amethyst;
    • onyx;
    • turquoise;
    • Charoite
  • February 12-February 20. This period is ruled by the Moon, and people born under its protection cannot stand lies. Without regret, they part with people who have deceived them at least once, since they themselves prefer never to lie. In addition to the love of truth, they have restraint and the sensitivity inherent in the Moon.
    They need stones that will smooth out these character traits, making them more relaxed:
    • alexandrite;
    • sapphire;
    • tourmaline;
    • pomegranate;
    • aquamarine;
    • chrysoprase;
    • zircon;
    • hyacinth.

More specifically, the advantage of choosing a talisman stone can be expressed in its correspondence to the birthday of the Aquarius sign:

  • January 21 - Hyacinth;
  • January 22 - Citrine;
  • January 23 - Amazonite;
  • January 24 - Lapis lazuli;
  • January 25 - Agate;
  • January 26 - Jade;
  • January 27 - Rhinestone;
  • January 28 - Zircon;
  • January 29 - Sapphire;
  • January 30 - Amethyst;
  • January 31 - Chrysoprase;
  • February 1 - Moonstone;
  • February 2 - Turquoise;
  • February 3 - Turquoise;
  • February 4 - Beryl;
  • February 5 - Sardonyx;
  • February 6 - Sapphire;
  • February 7 - Agate;
  • February 8 - Malachite;
  • February 9 - Yantar;
  • February 10 - ;
  • February 11 - Heliotrope;
  • February 12 - Sardonyx;
  • February 13 - Cat's eye;
  • February 14 - Chrysoberyl;
  • February 15 - Aventurine;
  • February 16 - Opal;
  • February 17 - Sapphire;
  • February 18 - Obsidian;
  • February 19 - Aventurine.

Aquarius talisman stone

Talisman stones for Aquarius:

  1. Quartz. This stone can be used by Aquarius for different purposes. For example, it can be carried with you as a talisman that prevents accidents and protects the life and physical health of Aquarius. To attract love or to develop your creativity Aquarius can use light shades of quartz. Rose quartz will make him softer, protect him from negative thoughts, liberate him, give him self-confidence and help him overcome a creative crisis.
  2. Sapphire. Blue sapphire will be a good talisman stone for Aquarius who want to improve or simply strengthen their health. This stone will help get rid of insomnia and normalize work internal organs. In addition, blue sapphire can be used to protect against slander, lies and envy of others. Sapphires of other shades can be chosen by Aquarians who want to enhance their inner world, increase intuition, attentiveness, gain wisdom, and peace of mind.
  3. Obsidian. Obsidian will help Aquarius in the desire to get rid of bad habits. It can also be used in the solution process complex tasks, in search of a solution to a certain problem.
  4. Amethyst. Aquarius - complex sign zodiac, and despite everything positive qualities, sometimes he is too pliable dark sides of your personality. It will help to cope with this problem gem amethyst. It will protect Aquarius from unnecessary waste of energy, quarrels and scandals, and will help overcome life’s difficulties.
  5. Agate. This stone is designed to protect Aquarius from the evil eye and damage, and is also able to protect him from energy vampirism.
  6. Hyacinth. For lovers of travel, an indispensable stone on the road. It will also be useful to Aquarius during major changes in his life, upcoming or already occurring; it will help maintain balance and clarity of thinking.
  7. Lapis lazuli. Brings success, shelters from negativity. It is believed that he is able to protect Aquarius from any unclean intent or evil presence. This stone will help its owner feel safe wherever he is.
  8. Pomegranate. Red pomegranate is a talisman for bright, active, hardworking Aquarius. It will help them maintain high working capacity, quickly restore their strength, and protect them from stress and overwork. This stone will also help the sociability of Aquarius: it will make communication with others easier, speed up the establishment of contacts both with strangers and friends, and with the object of attraction.
  9. Amazonite. It is believed that this stone is capable of granting youth to the owner, endowing him with colossal vital energy, preserve beauty for a long time.

Aquarius Woman Stones

Luck stones for an Aquarius woman that can bring her success in her personal life,
self-realization, career and motherhood will be represented by precious and semi-precious (natural) minerals.

Gems for the Aquarius woman:

  1. Topaz. Among other properties, it has the ability to “shelter” Aquarius from unaccountable fears and obsessions. Topaz is also suitable for passionate natures, because its main task is to calm, harmonize and purify thoughts, hold back the passions boiling in the soul, give transparency and clarity to thoughts, protect the mind from negative, depressive thoughts and feelings.
  2. Aquamarine. Aquarius women will definitely like this stone, because it has very unusual properties. For example, but it is capable of changing its color, adapting to the mood of the hostess: the light blue color of the stone will be evidence of the good health of the Aquarius woman, and a greenish tint will indicate the opposite. In love, aquamarine will help the Aquarius woman get rid of unnecessary dreams and make Aquarius, who is prone to idealization, more practical.
  3. Amber. A stone that gives vitality, vigor, activity, self-confidence and emancipation.
  4. Chrysoprase. A symbol of new beginnings and successful completion of current affairs. This is a stone for women who want to advance in career ladder: it gives its owner determination, clarity of thinking, the ability to quickly make the right decisions, and ability to work.

Natural stones for the Aquarius woman:

  1. Pearl. It is not surprising that pearls have long been perceived by people as the guardian of purity, fidelity, decency and prosperity. And therefore, undoubtedly, it should be present in every box married woman Aquarius. It will help save the marriage, protecting it from unnecessary quarrels, scandals and reproaches, will give Aquarius femininity and softness, will make her more compliant and gentle.
  2. Pomegranate. For an Aquarius woman, the garnet stone is a symbol of success. A stone of passion, clairvoyance and love of life. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on women expecting a child and helps pregnant women during childbirth. Unmarried girls helps to find a betrothed, start a family, attract a man.
  3. Amethyst. A very favorable stone for the Aquarius woman, it will give her insight and sensitivity. In addition, amethyst is able to accumulate and store a certain energy of the owner for a long time, so it will be useful to wear it in connection with happy, joyful events, then after a while the stone will acquire the properties of a real guardian talisman. There is also an opinion that amethyst can help a young woman get pregnant faster.
  4. Rhinestone. Gives its owner a positive attitude and also protects her from the evil eye. Among other things, it can be used to cleanse energy.
  5. Obsidian. For a sociable Aquarius, who is constantly at the center of events, this stone will help protect himself from the bad thoughts and emotions of other people, as well as gossip and deceit. Taking the blow, he absorbs all the negativity of outsiders, keeping Aquarius calm and peaceful.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius

Aquarius should not wear such stones:

  1. Diamond. Diamond makes Aquarius overly stubborn and arrogant. Women should not wear this stone if they do not want to become cold, hard, and contemptuous in their relationships with other people. This stone develops egocentrism and narcissism in Aquarius.
  2. Citrine. Citrine has a dual effect on Aquarius. On the one hand, it strengthens him positive traits, makes him more open and purposeful, expands the boundaries of his knowledge. On the other hand, it has exactly the same effect on the negative sides of Aquarius, bringing them to the extreme, so the stone should be handled carefully, and it is better to give preference to a more suitable decoration.

Brief summary

Aquarius is recommended to wear stones as jewelry, choosing silver or platinum as a frame, metals suitable for their water element. The following are preferred: quartz, sapphire, agate, amazonite, lapis lazuli, garnet and others.

It is undesirable to use stones of the fire element: diamond and citrine. Unfavorable, but in some cases acceptable for Aquarius, will be stones such as onyx, emerald, carnelian and sardonyx. Stone colors, more suitable for Aquarius- blue, blue, pale pink and other light shades.

Aquarius should choose one stone just in case, that is, they should not wear several talisman stones at once, otherwise they will negatively influence each other, and their beneficial effect on a person will be reduced to almost zero.

Before you begin selecting a talisman, you should carefully evaluate the individual qualities of the person who will wear it. Thus, the Aquarius talisman is chosen for a long period of time, during which it exchanges an energy charge with the owner, and is intended for protection in the most difficult situations.

The talisman will protect Aquarius in difficult situations

Talisman Angel

For every person born under the sign of Aquarius, an angel possessing the highest energy of the Universe is considered an excellent talisman. This could be a small keychain, medallion or figurine. Such a talisman for Aquarius is a protector who takes away unfortunate situations and adversity from a person.

With it, the owner makes fewer mistakes and rash actions in life. All actions are under control, nothing unpredictable happens. Such a person begins to be considered the personification of conscientiousness. It is necessary to regularly have conversations with the amulet, ask for advice, in a word - maintain a connecting thread.

Angel for Aquarius - strong amulet, but for it to work correctly, it is recommended to perform a simple ritual. If the owner of the talisman is expecting a positive result, he should put his protector under his pillow at night. Before that, tell him what you want, ask for help or protection.

The ritual is performed late in the evening in front of a lit candle. It takes 3-5 minutes to look through the flames. At this time, count how many wax droplets dripped onto the saucer or candlestick during this period of time. This will be a direct clue in how many days or months your wish will come true.

It is best if the talisman for an Aquarius woman is an angel made of glass or crystal. It should be wrapped carefully in colored material and carried with you in your bag. Everything planned will then go smoothly.

Mascot icon

If a person born under the sign of Aquarius finds himself in a difficult situation, he needs acceptance the right decision, then he needs to stock up on amulet. The most faithful talisman for Aquarius is a church icon, which will show him the way in taking the right steps in confusing situations.

Thanks to the miraculous power of the icon, a person will not lose heart and will not give up in a difficult situation, and will not succumb to unfavorable temptations. She will help him gain faith and find in himself vitality. An icon is a kind of human conscience.

Some astrologers are confident that if you carry a small icon with you, a person will be able to independently control his actions and behavior.

Mascot castle

The right decision in choosing a talisman is to purchase a money amulet in the form of a key with a lock. In addition, for Aquarius they symbolize mystical and secret knowledge in the life of this sign. The key will help the owner of the amulet to concentrate on important things and protect him from mental disorders and disappointments.

Castle - money amulet for Aquarius

The key amulet will tell a person where to look and apply encyclopedic knowledge. In addition, the castle has always been considered a protector of family peace. Such a talisman for a man promises fidelity and responsibility in a couple.

Metal talisman

Astrologers say that the best amulet for Aquarius is tin objects or gizmos that should be carried with you in your clothing pocket. You can simply attach a small tin ingot to a chain in the form of a keychain. To enhance the effect, you can make an alloy by combining tin with another metal.

The tin amulet helps its owner to better concentrate attention on the immediate environment and peacefully resolve conflict situations. Such a money amulet attracts additional funds to the family budget.

Other metals - silver, platinum, copper products - can also become a talisman for Aquarius. Also items made of brass and titanium. With the help of a silver amulet a person can get rid of negative influence, bad thoughts, cleanse the soul of filth.

Flying insect mascot

Among the winged insects that can evoke a joyful feeling and complete harmony in the soul, one can highlight the bright fluttering butterfly. This is the most attractive talisman for an Aquarius woman of any age.

  1. You can wear a butterfly brooch, hang a picture of this aerial insect on the wall, or place a metal figurine of an openwork butterfly on your bureau.
  2. The talisman helps its owner become more sociable, sociable, find associates, and improve business connections. At bad mood All Aquarius needs to do is touch a winged insect and his mood will immediately improve.
  3. It is not recommended to use a butterfly in dried form; such a talisman does not promise good luck for a man, since such an instance obviously accumulates negative energy.
  4. It is best to use an insect made of glass or drawn on thick cardboard. Such figures will fill a person with positive emotions.

With the help of the butterfly talisman, Aquarius will gain harmony

Plant mascots for Aquarius

For this sign, indoor plants can become home helpers. Thanks to their close location, Aquarians can tune in to generate new ideas, bring any ideas to life, come up with creative problems and their subsequent solutions.

Home flowers are a harmonious talisman for Aquarius, helping creative and talented people to realize themselves in life. Trees can also become wonderful amulets for them. It is enough just to touch them to recharge with new strength.

Elm mascot

Those people who were born under the sign of Aquarius are distinguished by gullibility, simplicity and naivety in everyday life. Wearing a special amulet helps them become firmer in resolving vital issues.

Cypress talisman

The tree radiates sparkle and love of life, therefore it helps a person become more emotional and responsive. Such a talisman for Aquarius is simply a life-saving find. Elm can have a positive effect on the reconciliation process in a couple and improve relationships with relatives and friends.

Thanks to the influence of wood, people are more trusting of each other.

But a wooden talisman for an Aquarius woman can provide an invaluable service. If she is a soft person in life, then elm will make her assertive so that she can achieve her goals and not back down under any difficulty.

Poplar talisman

With this tree, the owner of the sign will acquire clear thinking, insight and intelligence. Given the goals set, the owner of the amulet will not shy away from difficulties and will achieve them by any means. In addition, poplar gives a person both a strong character and gentleness.

Maple mascot

The owner of a thing made of maple becomes more attractive to the opposite sex; his potential, which has been dormant all this time, is revealed. For a man who is shy in life, a maple amulet is like a lifesaver.

Maple will make Aquarius more attractive to the opposite sex

From the moment he wears the amulet, he becomes wiser; even those who long time I neglected to communicate with him. He will give useful and practical advice.

Talisman pine

Aquarians close themselves in their “shell”, not allowing them to get close to their soul. Here a person becomes open and friendly, so many useful acquaintances and friends will appear in the environment, where a person can show off his hidden talents and intelligence. Thanks to determination, people begin to achieve clearly defined goals.

Violet talisman

Beautiful houseplant Not only can it amaze with the beauty of its flowering, but it can also help its owner. For example, it balances sensuality and impetuosity, which will help you accept in a calm state important decisions. A person's life will become more harmonious.

Talisman geranium

This is a flower of harmony. If the window sill in the room is decorated with geraniums, it will reign here. positive mood, the home atmosphere will be filled with comfort and peace. A person will get rid of the influence of negative thinking; even in unfavorable times, he is able to remain calm and clear in his thinking.

Geranium will help you stay calm

Poinsettia mascot

The Aquarius flower amulet is an exotic indoor poinsettia plant with beautiful inflorescences. The plant combines the powers of two planets - the Sun and Mercury. Without fail, a flower must decorate the room of a person who loves to hold home get-togethers and parties.

If he enjoys talking for hours on his favorite topics with friends, poinsettia will set him in the right mood. A flower can fill an apartment with a festive mood and instill joy. The reserved owner of such a plant will be able to reveal his talents to his friends and navigate in any society.

Indoor maple talisman

A houseplant has pleasant energy; it can protect its owner from the effects of negativity. A flower amulet for Aquarius helps to maintain a pleasant and friendly atmosphere in the house, because it takes away sadness and despondency.

Thanks to the close presence of the flower, old grievances are forgotten, humanity unites together, loved ones are not criticized, but truly loved. Maple will encourage lazy Aquarius to an active lifestyle, creation and creativity.

Talisman reo motley

A room rescuer will help reconcile two people who have not communicated for a long time, relieve an aggressive state and let go of thoughts that torment human soul. Reo motley is a talisman of strong relationships. With its help, a person analyzes his actions before doing anything.

If this flower is in an apartment, then the tense state gradually goes away, and ease of communication between kindred souls becomes easier. A person suddenly wants to create and create.

Arrowroot talisman tricolor

The indoor flower arrowroot tricolor is a symbol that radiates peacefulness, positive thinking. If such a plant stands on the window sill in a room, this good sign for a girl who doesn't have a soulmate. This means that he will soon appear in her destiny.

Maranta helps you find your soulmate

Exotic is able to pacify relationships in a house; residents here become less fussy and grouchy. It is appropriate to have a plant in the house for people related to the writing profession: journalists, poets and even ordinary students. Arrowroot helps to acquire new knowledge.

Also, such a talisman will be useful for sales workers, people running their own business, bankers, because the flower attracts people into the home cash. He is a money talisman.

Dracaena talisman

With the help of this flower, harmony comes into the house, a person has a balanced emotional state, which makes mood swings go away. Dracaena is a kind of symbol of balance; it helps humanity navigate decision-making in difficult situations.

With the help of a plant, you can learn to more objectively assess a situation and look at things or the environment correctly. Feelings are under control, which helps in a stressful situation to maintain mental clarity and equanimity.

Animal mascots for Aquarius

As a talisman for Aquarius, it is necessary to choose a living creature that the owner will like. The animal must belong to those categories that naturally live either in water or in the air.

At all times, humanity has revered animals as their smaller brothers. They can be not only helpers and lifelong friends, but also used as lucky talismans. Even tribes still have totem animals that protect the local population.

Let's consider a small list of animals that can become a talisman for Aquarius.

This talisman for Aquarius brings the birth of something new into his life; a person’s talented inclinations can be activated. The bird gives its owner some gift (sharp vision, clear mind).

The crane activates talent in Aquarius


Pets can also become mascots. Goats give a person the ability to be stubborn and show integrity at the right moments. At the same time, a cheerful disposition, optimism, and the ability to fool around will not be amiss. These qualities will fill the life of Aquarius with positivity and good luck.


Many Asian peoples associate this animal with vitality and endurance. The camel is able to survive in very difficult conditions where other living beings cannot exist. In addition, the animal is the very personification of calm, serenity and wisdom. These very qualities are so lacking in those born under the sign of Aquarius.


The bird symbolizes peace, a happy existence and freedom. If wild pigeons have settled in the estate, it means that soon life path a person will be cleansed of troubles and adversities. Now it's time to travel around the world.

Of course, in order for a talisman to radiate favor and patronize its owner, it is not necessary to place a goat or camel in the barn. It is enough to purchase a totem figurine of the desired animal or bird, put it in your bag, pocket and carry it with you.

Slavic amulets for Aquarius

According to the teachings Slavic horoscope, the patron saint for Aquarius is God Rod himself, who is considered to be the creator of all life on earth. It is best to select a talisman based on your date of birth. For those born in February, the talisman is a cross, the ends of which are slightly rounded and point down: for the stronger sex - clockwise, for ladies - counterclockwise.

In addition, there is a money amulet in the form of a star with nine rays and two arrows in the middle. It is a powerful amulet that saves from any disaster.

Knowing the decade in which a person was born, you can choose a stone that suits him in the best possible way. The Aquarius woman's birthstone is primarily sapphire. For them he is strong amulet. Minerals with strong and light energy are suitable for an Aquarius man. For example, aquamarine, which increases his self-esteem. If a person born under this sign is honest by nature, turquoise will become his reliable ally.

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    Choosing a stone for Aquarius

    Each zodiac sign includes several decades. That's why important criterion The choice of talisman is to match the stone to a certain period of the year.

    Aquarians born from January 21 to February 1 belong to the first decade. The patroness Venus provides them with incredible sexuality, a quiet and calm disposition. Such people should give preference to stones that give energy. They are matched by date of birth:

      • pearl;
      • amethyst;
      • obsidian;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis.

      Aquarians of the second decade are those born between February 2 and February 11. Being under the protection of Mercury, they are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor and natural prudence, and are able to achieve success in any business. The following stones can have the most beneficial effect on them:

      • chrysoprase;
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • sardonyx;
      • turquoise.

      People born in the third decade, namely from February 12 to 20, complete the Aquarius period. Under the auspices of the mysterious Moon, they value sincerity and hate deceivers. The following stones are suitable for such people:

      • zircon;
      • tourmaline;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • sapphire;
      • alexandrite;
      • pomegranate.

      Universal talismans

      There are several talismans that can have a beneficial effect on Aquarius of any decade. The strongest stone of Aquarius is quartz. He is able to protect his subtle nature from depression, increase self-confidence, and develop a creative streak.

      Sapphire gives confidence and masculinity to its owner. It helps to find peace of mind. The stone is powerful amulet from deceivers.

      Obsidian, or volcanic glass, has a direct connection with Uranus, Saturn and the Sun. It is the most beneficial mineral for health, as it helps get rid of bad habits. The gem helps the owner to concentrate on his goals, which will certainly lead him to success. This stone has negative impact– with constant wear, its owner becomes too timid.

      Amethyst can be called the most positive gem. He has amazing ability increase tone and charge with optimism. It smoothes out the traits of stubbornness and develops the so-called “sixth sense” in its owner.

      Agate has healing properties; it can have a positive effect on the stomach and respiratory system. In addition, it will protect the owner from the evil eyes of enemies.

      If Aquarius is a lover of change and extreme decisions, then the best stone for him will be hyacinth. It will help you keep yourself in good shape and not get discouraged in case of failures.

      Aquarius travelers best friend and aquamarine will be an assistant in matters of knowledge and broadening your horizons.

      Charms for women

      A true connoisseur of freedom - a girl born under the sign of Aquarius - simply needs to establish relationships with those around her. Amethyst will be her faithful assistant in this matter. For the Aquarius woman, it is a family stone. It will help maintain harmony in relationships and maintain vitality.

      Another assistant in maintaining peace and harmony in the family is pearls. This elegant talisman is more suitable for married ladies; it will help tame the pride of its owner and show her best qualities how tender and loving wife and mother.

      Dreamy and romantic Aquarius girls tend to idealize the world, so they are no strangers to disappointment and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the present. Help remove " rose-colored glasses“and aquamarine will help them look at the world more realistically. He is able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, which will undoubtedly delight her man. The mineral is able to strengthen the spirit of those born in the year of the Ox.

      Amber will help you preserve beauty and youth, believe in yourself and not give in to despondency. For Aquarius born in the year of the Rabbit, lucky talisman stone- malachite. Helps lead successful business, protects against poverty. For tigers, a stone called “tiger eye” is suitable.

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a patron tree. The tree of Aquarius according to the horoscope is Indian oak, ebony, aspen. Representatives of this sign value independence and personal freedom most of all. When making decisions, they rely only on sober calculation, they try to anticipate the development of the situation in advance, and they have a highly developed intuition.

Which trees are suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope?

We all know that a person’s character traits are associated with many factors, such as the date of birth, the name, and the influence of planets. But the Druids were confident in the connection between man and trees, because it was from them that these magicians drew strength and brewed potions.

They conventionally divided the year into periods, and people born in one part or another were influenced by a certain tree. And it so happened that the period corresponding to the zodiac sign of Aquarius is under the influence of five trees.

Tree patron of Aquarius, born from 12.01 to 24.01 - Elm

This tree, the patron of Aquarius, begins its influence in the period from 12.01 to 24.01. These people are idealists; even as they grow up, they remain a little naive, believing in the kindness around them. Elm is very good-natured and simple, both externally and internally.

Egocentrism in such people is present in negligible quantities, and they will always help someone in need. And although initially one might think that these people are overly soft, when it comes to decision-making, their opinion is firm and unshakable.

Tree of Aquarius, born from 25.01 to 03.02 - Cypress

Cypress people are quite cheerful, they are emotional, although this does not exclude the presence of a brilliant mind. Their inner energy attracts people, so they usually family relationships they develop quite well, although they do not particularly limit their other half, because they themselves are freedom-loving. He doesn’t like to argue; Cypress simply doesn’t see the point in such events.

The patron tree of Aquarius born from 01/04 to 02/08 is Poplar

Poplar, like all airy Aquarians, loves freedom. In this Aquarius tree, according to the horoscope, an alluring appearance and an unsurpassed mind are harmonized. He needs to avoid negativity, as it plunges him into despondency and depression. This person has both softness and, if necessary, toughness and even composure. Poplar is confidently moving towards its goals.

Tree of Aquarius, born from 02/09 to 02/18 - Kartas

There is some ambiguity in this person. He is not the owner of bright beauty, but of inner attractiveness, invisible to the eye. People often listen to Kartas. The main thing is that he does not begin to abuse this quality. But sometimes it also happens that power is just an appearance, and he himself is used.

The patron tree of Aquarius born from 19.02 to 29.02 is Pine

Sensual Pine knows exactly what he is looking for in this life. It is this tree that influences Aquarius in such a way that he is quite picky, and this applies not only to work, but also to the choice of friends. An independent person, he also demands from others. He values ​​quality and doesn’t waste himself on meaningless festivities; if Pine rests, it’s really something joyful.