God multiplies the family of the righteous: Hieromartyr Vladimir Ambartsumov. Dictionary of Russian craftsmen who made niello products Maria Alekseevna Sycheva drawing drawings

Do you know what “charki” is? What nationality famous poet Rasul Gamzatov? Or what is it called folk dance Lezgin? So I don’t know, but I went to the “Great Ethnographic Dictation”, which today, November 3, was held at several Tyumen venues. I chose the Information and Library Center of Tyumen State University - I hoped that my native walls would somehow help. I don’t know how I did it yet; the results will become known only on December 12, 2017. But, as for me, the result is disappointing.

The participants in the dictation, as befits a student library, were university teachers and students. Well, me too. And a couple more who wanted to assess their level of ethnographic literacy. Each of those present received three sheets: the first - a test of thirty questions (on federal and regional topics), the second - an answer form, the third - a self-control form for “handwriting” and other notes. Everything about everything – exactly 45 minutes.

The first question – and, as I see it, the first failure: “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia according to the Constitution...”: 1). President; 2). State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; 3). Multinational people of the Russian Federation; 4). Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Well, out of my stupidity, forgetfulness and ignorance, I wrote the first version. It turned out to be the third. Disgrace.

But to the third question - “Where is the Kizhi Museum-Reserve?” - He answered correctly - in Karelia. Either he knew, or he remembered the endless expanses of the region, or he just hit the sky with his finger. In any case, the answer will be counted.

Question No. 6 is another “failure.” The son of which nation was the enlightener Kayum Nasyri? Eh, Tatars, not Mansi... In the Tatar culture, and in the Mansi culture, I, alas, am not strong.

Tenth question: in what folk craft did Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) work - the first woman initiated into the secret of applying patterns from a special alloy on metal? Answer options: A). Dymkovo toy; B). artistic carving by bone; IN). Velikoustuzhnoe drawing on silver; G). brazed filigree. And... right on target! Dymkovo toys and artistic carvings have nothing to do with metal. There are two answers left, from which one had to choose the correct one. And this is the answer B.

Eighteenth question – fermented milk drink of Russian cuisine: tan, Varenets, yogurt, suorat? Well, it’s easy here – Varenets, of course. Tan is not ours, “yogurt” is generally a dependent word, suorat – what is it? The answer is definitely B. And the answer is correct.

Question No. 28. “Samoyed”, “Dzhigit”, “Kalmyk”, “Yakut” are... historical names of ships of the Russian navy, and not names of settlements, as I answered. Moreover, it was possible not to know the answer to this question, but only to pay attention to the quotation marks. Eh, I thought these were words enclosed in signs...

In general, there is no point in checking further - there are two correct answers - and thank you for that. You may say: how can you not know such basic things? It's shameful, no doubt about it. And maybe it’s not shameful, but now I know. The total amount of points that could be scored for completing all tasks is 100, and, God forbid, if I score at least ten. However, I can say with confidence: our Tyumen residents need such dictations.


The results of the dictation, correct answers and analysis of errors will be published on the website on Constitution Day, December 12, 2017. Based on the results of the check, recommendations will be formulated in the regions for making changes to ethnography curricula.

Under this motto, this year the international cultural and educational event “Great Ethnographic Dictation” was held in our country, timed to coincide with the national holiday - National Unity Day. Just like last year, when it was held for the first time on the initiative of Federal agency for National Affairs and the Ministry of National Policy of Udmurtia, the action covered all 85 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries.

Anyone who speaks Russian could become a participant in the project, regardless of citizenship, level of education, social class and religion. More than two thousand sites throughout Russia and the CIS republics were organized for those wishing to test their erudition in the field of history and culture of Russia and its inhabitants numerous nationalities. In addition, online testing was provided on the Great Ethnographic Dictation website www.miretno.ru.

In Kalmykia, the organizers of the event were the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kalmyk State University. B. B. Gorodovikov. The dictation was held in Elista simultaneously at seven venues - the National Library. A. M. Amur-Sanana, National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. N. N. Palmova, Elista College of Arts. P. O. Chonkushova, Kalmyk Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, Elista Polytechnic College, Institute of Kalmyk Philology and Oriental Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Pedagogical Education and Biology of Kalm State University.

On one of them, in the large reading room National Library RK, at about 10 o’clock in the morning the Head of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov appeared, who for the first time decided to take part in writing an ethnographic dictation in full-time together with his fellow countrymen. Among them was the correspondent of “Steppe News”, who also made her debut at the All-Russian ethnography exam.

According to the head of the region, this kind of dictations organized over the past few years is not just educational event, and one of the forms of people’s participation in the process of cultivating civic consciousness, awareness of the belonging of all of us, residents of a multinational and multi-religious state, to one community is to the Russian people. For Kalmykia, a national republic consisting of Russian Federation, ethnographic dictation, the topic of its questions is special meaning, noted Alexey Orlov. He expressed confidence that the majority of citizens will write it “excellent”, and the goal of the action will be achieved: Russians will feel that they are part of a large common Motherland.

After such an encouraging parting word, the participants of the action began the exciting procedure of writing a dictation. I, too, must admit, it was quite unusual to find myself, as I once did in school and student years, in the written exam. And even though the fate of the certificate or diploma did not depend on him, the feeling of some special solemnity of the moment and the importance of what was happening still did not leave.

The dictation tasks consisted of 30 points, the topics of which included both federal and regional issues. They had to be answered within 45 minutes. Along with the answer sheet, each examinee received a “draft” - a self-control form, where he could enter the preliminary results of his thoughts. The total number of points that can be scored for completing all tasks is 30, one point for each correct answer.

Having received all the necessary explanations, the dictation participants began to complete the tasks. And they, it should be noted, were not easy. For example, for me, who always had straight A’s in history and social studies, it was not difficult to answer questions mentioning historical dates and events in the life of Russia. At the same time, questions related to biographies outstanding personalities in the history of our state, as well as in local history and cultural studies, I was truly puzzled.

In particular, how do you like this task: “Name a famous folk craft, where Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of applying patterns from a special alloy on metal? You had to choose one of four answer options: a) Dymkovo toy; b) artistic bone carving; c) Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver; d) brazed filigree. I chose answer "d". Then, when I checked myself at home on Wikipedia, I found out that my answer was incorrect.

And I got 5 such incorrect answers. This is according to my estimates. Immediately I thought: I wonder, how did the Head of Kalmykia write the dictation? It is noteworthy that Alexey Maratovich answered in less than 30 minutes. A couple of minutes after him, my “desk neighbor,” Father Anthony, a young clergyman of the Elista and Kalmyk diocese, handed in his answer form. By the way, I received a hint from him to the question of which of the ancient cities of modern Crimea began the Christianization of Rus'. His answer - Korsun (formerly Chersonesus) turned out to be correct.

I will be able to find out the final assessment of my ethnographic knowledge before December 12 using the identification number assigned to me on the project website, where the correct answers to assignments and analysis will be published typical mistakes. But in general, as planned by the organizers, based on the results of the all-Russian knowledge test in the regions, recommendations will be formulated for making changes to the ethnography curriculum.

Photo from the press service of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On the third of November, on the eve of National Unity Day, the educational event “Great Ethnographic Dictation” was held in our country. In our region, it took place at 13 sites, including in the Kalachinsky district. Kalachin residents were the first to municipalities joined the ethnographic dictation.

At the site in the Regional Center for Public Relations, members of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Region and regional ministers, as well as their deputies, answered dictation questions.

The Minister of Education of the Omsk Region, Tatyana Dernova, believes that adults should be a positive example for children.

“Any event like this motivates you to search for information. Our region is multinational. There are different educational institutions. Including the ethnic component. For example, this year, Kazakh centers were opened. And I, as a minister, must know the culture and customs of peoples in order to lead education system», - Tatyana Dernova emphasized.

Also, the head of regional education authorities noted that new educational standards make it possible to include an ethnographic component in the main subjects: history, social studies.

“Our Institute for Educational Development has prepared a unique manual - “Little Residents of the Omsk Irtysh Region.” Many teachers are already actively working on it: they tell the children about native land, specifics and customs local population. In addition, classes are often held in local history museums. And almost every school has its own museum about the history of the settlement,”- said Tatyana Dernova.

Also, the Minister of Education decided after the dictation to look into reference books and encyclopedias to check whether she answered correctly.

According to the Minister of Sports of the region, Dmitry Krikoryants, his family is multinational, so the topic of ethnography has always been interesting to the minister.

“We have Germans, Poles, Russians, and Armenians in our ancestry. And if you dig deeper, into the third, fourth or fifth generation, there will be even more nationalities. Therefore, the national question, in in a good way These words have always interested me. I am interested in the cultural layer in the history of a particular people. IN Soviet era we all knew that we had 15 union republics, and we were all together Soviet people. And today we know that more than 200 nationalities live in our country. And penetration into history, the life of every nation is interesting, that’s why I’m here today,”- noted Dmitry Krikoryants.

Deputy Minister of Culture of the Omsk Region Anna Statva also came to the dictation. She admitted that she once taught ethnogeography as a geographer by training, and decided to test herself.

“On November 26, at the geographical dictation, I will act as a reader at my native pedagogical university, and today I came to test my knowledge, how well it has been preserved. The topic interests everyone,”- Anna Statva emphasized.

At a quarter to one, the director of the Siberian branch of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and natural heritage them. D. S. Likhacheva Irina Selezneva, who reported that this year the ethnographic dictation has increased its status compared to last year, reached international level. The number of sites has also increased. If last year Russians wrote dictation at 800 sites, then this year there are three times more - 2500.

“What did last year’s results show? The younger the participant in the action, the fewer correct answers he has,- Selezneva noted. - Therefore, it is necessary for all branches of government, educational, cultural institutions, public organizations should pay even more attention to the national issue.”

The specificity of the current dictation, according to the ethnographer, is the presence of a regional component. 20 questions of the ethnographic dictation concern knowledge on an all-Russian scale, 10 - Siberian knowledge. Selezneva expressed hope that the dictation will become an impetus for studying national cultures and generally broaden the horizons of the action participants.

Let us add that the ethnographer spoke about everything against the background of a video presentation of the project. And everyone who watched it carefully saw hints for answering the questions. And the questions, like last year, were not easy. For example: who is the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation? It turns out that she multinational people. Or: for what purpose did Tatar women wear raisin cloth bibs? How do you like the question of what folk craft did Maria Sycheva (Uglovskaya), the first woman initiated into the secret of applying patterns from a special alloy on metal, work in? What is the name of the Lezgin dance, similar to the Russian round dance? Or here’s another question: how many Russian fairy tales were included in Afanasyev’s collection? Answer options - from 6 to 60 thousand. It turns out it's 60.

For Minister Krikoryants, the question of what kind of dwelling the representatives of which dug their home on the hillside, making an entrance-corridor from the side of the river, was not an easy one. Such a building was called a karamo, and often it was possible to swim into it only by boat. The Selkups lived in such dugouts, but I, for example, learned about this already at the editorial office by looking on the Internet.

So Education Minister Tatyana Dernova was right: at home, all participants in the action will definitely check whether they answered the dictation questions correctly. And this is one of the goals of the action - to awaken interest among Russians in the national issue.

But the Minister of Sports had another idea after the action: to come up with a sports dictation.

Let us add that Omsk journalists did not remain aloof from international action. Many, including the editors of Omskaya Pravda and Omsk Vestnik, came to the site at the House of Journalists.

On the eve of National Unity Day, November 3, residents of 84 regions of Russia and 11 CIS countries wrote a Great Ethnographic Dictation. Gatchina residents also became participants.

The international cultural and educational event was held for the first time last year.The initiator of the Great Ethnographic Dictation was Udmurt Republic, her idea was supported in 85 regions of the country, and, as a result, about 40 thousand people took part in the action.Their positive feedback helped propel the initiative forward.In 2017, the Federal Agency for the Affairs of the CIS, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation joined the Great Ethnographic Dictation, which contributed to the event receiving international status.

The main goal of the cultural and educational event is to assess the ethnographic literacy of citizens and draw attention to ethnography as a science that occupies an important place in the harmonization of interethnic relations.

More than 2,500 sites for dictation were opened throughout Russia and on the territory of the participating countries on November 3. If in 2016 in Leningrad region waseight sites have been organized, then this year check your ethnographic knowledge was already possible at 23 sites, includingHouse of Friendship of the Leningrad Region, Leningrad Regional Universal Scientific Library, secondary schools of municipal districts.

In the Gatchina region, as last year, the action took place at the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. Ushinsky.The dictation was written by 50 people. In addition to the students of the Gatchina Pedagogical College who took part in the testing, the Great Ethnographic Dictation was written by ordinary townspeople. Thus, pensioner Valentina Smirnova admitted that she liked the action, despite the difficult questions.

If historical events Ancient Rus'“I also remembered that the questions devoted to the peoples of the Caucasus turned out to be overwhelming,” she said.

However, Valentina Viktorovna is confident that she answered at least half of the questions correctly.

Pedagogical college graduate Svetlana Kadochnikova, being eight months pregnant, also decided to joincultural and educational event.

During pregnancy I felt so relaxed that I decided to brainstorm. I realized that I don’t know much about my country. This means there is somewhere to strive, in which area to gain the missing knowledge,” said Svetlana.

2nd year student of the Faculty of Applied Informatics of Pedagogical College Daniil Pechugin took the test to test himself.

I hope that half of the answers are correct. Where I didn’t know the correct option, I tried to think logically,” he admitted.

His idea was supported by the curator of the Great Ethnographic Dictation site at the Gatchina Pedagogical College. K.D. Ushinsky, teacher Natalya Shvidkaya.

The questions are really difficult. But, even with general knowledge of history and geography, one could try to guess the correct answer by the method of elimination, she believes.

The large ethnographic dictation lasted 45 minutes, during which participants had to complete 30 test tasks.The questions consisted of two groups - general questions and ten questions for residents of the specific region where the testing took place. Thus, residents of the North-West had to answer in which region the Kizhi Museum-Reserve is located, name the artistic craftfor applying patterns from a special alloy to metal, into whose secrets a woman was first initiated -Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya).

Director of the Gatchina Pedagogical College named after. K.D. Ushinsky Marina Vorontsova noted that such dictations help teachers, if possible, adjust the curriculum in order to deepen certain knowledge of students. By the way, at the same time as the start of the campaign, online testing started on the Great Ethnographic Dictation website, during which you could test your knowledge without leaving your home.

Each participant in the action received a memorable certificate of completion of the Great Ethnographic Dictation.The results of the action will be summed up on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation on December 12.The results and correct answers to the tasks will be published on the websitewww.miretno.ru.

Little information has been preserved about the wonderful Russian craftsmen who made gold and silver items decorated with niello for many centuries.

This dictionary contains all the data that could be found in the literature and documentary sources.

about life, everyday life, working conditions of craftsmen from the 17th century to the present day. They are very uneven - much more information is available about the masters of the Golden and Silver Chambers of the Moscow Kremlin, less about silversmiths of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Wherever this turned out to be possible, the names of the masters are associated with their works, the surviving niello items and the place of their storage are indicated.

The dictionary of masters was compiled on the basis of materials available in the literature and archival funds of Moscow and Leningrad.

17th century

Ageev Matvey, Moscow Silver Chamber of Blacksmithing, awarded master. Known in 1681-1700.

In the documents of the Patriarchal State Order, in the census book of the Sadovnicheskaya Sloboda for 1687, the place where M. Ageev lived is indicated: “The Church Square of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is on Vagankovo ​​to the courtyard of the Novgorotsk Metropolitan and to the field... from the Novgorotsk courtyard to the field Slobodka Retired hounds... and from that settlement and from the church square go to Presnya to the right... the courtyard of the Silver Chamber of the master Matvey Ageev, the length is 21 fathoms in diameter in the front and 16 fathoms in the back."

M. Ageev performed numerous works with the mob for palace life, about which information has been preserved:

On December 3, 1684, he was given 15 altyns for the mob for three spoons, which he made for the mansion of Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna. On October 27, 1685, he received 5 altyns “for the composition of the mob” for the frame of a “faceted” sword for the Armory. On July 25, 1687, M. Ageev received 16 altyn 4 money for mobile for silver vessels for the palace church of St. Catherine. He “brought in” the mob together with Ivan Yakovlev.

On April 24, 1690, he “led the mob” to three silver spoons in the mansion of Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna and received 45 altyns per spoon.

In August of the same year, he made two silver niello spoons for the mansion of Tsarina Praskovya Fedorovna, a niello spoon and three buckles for the royal clothes.

On March 11, it was ordered to give M. Ageev 23 altyns 2 money for gold and niello for a silver spoon in the mansion of Princess Natalia Alekseevna.

In 1691, M. Ageev received a salary of 10 rubles a year, feed money of 6 money a day, and bread - rye and oats - 7 cheti - one and a half chetyr. (A quarter or a quarter is a measure of bulk solids. In the 17th century different years was equal to about 6-8 poods, that is, 96-128 kilograms. Chetverik is equal to 1/8 of a quarter.) On April 17, 1691, 2 rubles 16 altyns 4 money were allocated for the niello “of the Silver Chamber to the masters of niello matters, Matvey Ageev and his comrades” for the manufacture of various small silver objects with niello and a mirror machine for the mansion of Queen Evdokia Fedorovna.

22 altyns for two silver niello spoons for Tsarina Praskovya Feodorovna and for “pants” buckles for the Workshop Chamber.

On October 4, 1696, by royal decree, M. Ageev was given 3 altyns and 2 money for the mob in addition to a silver spoon in the mansion of Princess Sophia Alekseevna.

In February 1700, after the abolition of the Silver Chamber, he was dismissed from the salaried masters.

His works are in the GOP collection: Gospel frames (two) for palace churches, made together with D. Kuzmin and others in 1681, and a large silver holy water bowl with a lid, with niello patterns, 1695. On the bowl there is an inscription: “And the master Matvey Ageev made the sovereign’s Silver Chambers from bare efimkas.”

Besekirsky Philip, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing.

In January 1681 he was summoned from Smolensk. He received a salary of 10 rubles a year and 12 quarters of feed - rye bread and oats.

Bulgakov Ivan Known in 1622-1624. In April 1622, together with V. Malosolets, he made silver carved buttons with niello. In May of the same year, he made a gold “rim” carved with niello for the royal damask helmet (“musatik*”).

On September 14, 1624, he was ordered, together with V. Malosolets and I. Gorodchenin, to make “a golden wedge-shaped body cap for the cross, the finials carved with niello.”

Varfolomeev Semyon, Moscow Silver Chamber master. Known in 1680-1687. In 1680 he was a student of the Silver Chamber, a goldsmith. In 1682 - master. He made silver niello frames for twelve niello frames from walrus ivory, for which he received 94 spools of “Efimka” silver (i.e., 82-carat silver). In 1687, among 19 masters, he was sent to Sevsk “for sovereign affairs.” This year he received a salary of 10 rubles and daily food of 6 money a day.

Vlasov Pavel, Moscow Silver Chamber master.

On February 28, 1622, he was given 20 spools of gold and ordered to make “two gold bells carved with niello” for sending to Constantinople.

Ganka, Moscow carving and blacksmith master.

On May 15, 1622, he was ordered to make fifteen silver buttons, carved with niello, for the royal clothes.

Grigoriev Semyon (Senka), Moscow Silver Chamber stern master. On July 17, 1623, he was given the opportunity to make silver buttons, carved with niello, for the royal clothes.

Ivanov Zakhar, Moscow Silver Chamber master.

Ivanov Petr, Moscow Silver Chamber of Blacksmithing, awarded master. Known in 1686-1709. In the documents of the Patriarchal State Order, in the census book of Sadovnicheskaya Sloboda for 1687, the place where Pyotr Ivanov lived is indicated: “from the Presnya River on the Clay Pit Sloboda... the courtyard of the Silver Chamber of the master Pyotr Ivanov, the length is 9 ½ fathoms, across at the front end 6 sazhen, in the back also" In 1687, he was sent among 19 craftsmen to Sevsk - for the sovereign's silver work. He received a salary of 10 rubles a year, without food. He performed a lot of work for palace life.

In 1686, he made silver niello frames for four amber crosses, a silver “with Tour niello” stand and glass for the mansion of Princess Feodosia Alekseevna and garters for Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. In 1687, he made a silver and niello frame for a cleaver at the Armory, and received 6 altyn 4 money for the niello. In 1690 he made a silver spoon with niello for the mansion of Princess Natalya Alekseevna.

In 1696, together with Vasily Kononov, he drew up an estimate for the work of silver and niello scabbards for two camp cleavers. On February 2, 1697, P. Ivanov was ordered to make silver niello frames for 24 handles for table knives and forks. From March 27, 1691, P. Ivanov received a salary of 10 rubles a year, feed - 6 money per day, bread - rye and oats - "7 quarters, half two quarters each." After a reduction in the staff of masters of the Silver Chamber in February 1700, Pyotr Ivanov was fired and worked in the Silver Row.

His works: in the GOP collection - a ladle from 1689 (with the signature of the master), cups from 1704 and 1708; in the collection of the State Historical Museum - cups from 1702, 1703 and without a date; hanging inkwell with peppercorn; in the collection of the Gorky Art Museum - a glass from 1709.

Kononov Vasily, Moscow Silver Chamber blacksmith, student of Osip Astrakhan.

Known from 1678-1700. From 1678-1686 he worked as a student. In 1686, he received 5 rubles for instruments and began working separately from his teacher. During my apprenticeship I received 6 money a day as daily food. He had a yard in Bronnaya Sloboda, on taxable land: “twins on blind basements, a canopy, a fence with a gate, everything was dilapidated.”

In 1686 he made a silver niello border for a large silver lamp in the Cathedral of the Novo-Devichy Convent. He was given 10 altyns for the mob.

In 1687 he made monk evangelists for the Gospel salary in the palace church of St. Catherine. He received 10 altyns for the rabble.

In 1689-1691 he received a salary of 35 rubles per year

31 altyn 4 money. In 1690, he made a silver chernevy stud for the mansion of Queen Marfa Matveevna.

In December 1691, V. Kononov, T. Kostrikin and other craftsmen were given 2 rubles 16 altyns 4 money for the composition of the mob for various silver and niello works in the mansion of Queen Natalya Kirillovna.

In 1692, together with P. Ivanov, he drew up an estimate for the work of silver and niello frames for the scabbards of two camp cutlasses.

In 1700, due to the abolition of the Silver Chamber, he was fired. His works are large silver lamps in the Museum of the Novo-Devichy Convent, made in 1686-1687 together with I. Yakovlev.

Kostrikin Timofey, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1683-1700.

In 1683, he was given 5 rubles to buy 134 tools for silversmithing. On May 20, T. Kostrikin “and his comrades” made an estimate for the mob, which needed to be “supplied” for three bags (“gamaleikas”) in the mansion of Tsarevich Pyotr Alekseevich and demanded 30 altyn. Kostrikin had to “name the herbs different and cut out and arrange with the mob” three bags (“gamaleikas.”)

In 1687-1690 he received a salary of 10 rubles a year and feed of 6 money per day. From March 27, 1691, he received only feed 10 rubles 31 altyn 4 money per year, but did not receive a cash salary.

In 1700 he was dismissed from the Silver Chamber.

Kutnev Maxim Semenov, Moscow Silver Chamber of ship and blacksmith craftsman. Known in 1676-1700.

In 1676-1677 he was accepted into the Silver Chamber as a feed master. According to the testimony of the masters Fyodor Mikulaev "and his comrades" Kutnev "skilled against the master Mikhail Mikhailov", so he was assigned a salary of 10 rubles a year and "bread - rye and oats for 12 rubles each."

In 1687, among 10 masters, he was sent to Sevsk “for the sovereign’s silver work.” He worked in the Silver Chamber until 1700.

Malosolets Vasily, Moscow Silver Chamber master, known in 1622-1624.

On April 2, 1622, he was ordered to make silver buttons with niello and carvings together with Ivan Bulgakov.

On June 20 of the same year, he made “a carved gold flask with niello and stone for the sovereign’s battle watch,” for which he received 2 hryvnia in gold.

On April 16, 1624, Vasily Malosolets was given gold to gild thirty-four silver nails “carved with niello” that he had made. He began making these nails on October 30, 1623. On September 14, 1624, “it was ordered to make a gold cap, wedge-shaped, solid to the cross, carved finials with niello,” made by V. Malosolets, I. Bulgakov and I. Gorodikin. The weight of the chain is ½ hryvnia.

Mikulaev Fedor, Moscow Silver Chamber of minted and blacksmith master. Known in 1663-1680. Student of the Greek masters I. Yuryev and L. Konstantinov. He lived in the courtyard on Pankratievskaya Street behind the Sretensky Gate. Admitted to the Silver Chamber in 1663 as a feed master.

In 1664, he received a salary of 10 rubles a year, bread - rye and oats - 24 rubles.

On March 24, 1665, he was awarded 5 rubles for the fact that he “was an apprentice of the Tsaregorod residents of Ivan Yuryev and Leonty Konstantinov and learned the blacksmith trade and made a black octagonal plate for the great sovereign.” His students in 1676 were Semyon Panteleev Masalitin, in 1677 - Mikula Andreev, in 1679 - Ivan Yakovlev.

Mikhailov Mikhail, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1664-1685.

In October 1664, he was sent together with A. Pavlov to study gold and silversmithing from the Greek masters I. Yuryev and L. Konstantinov. His salary was 10 money per day.

On October 13, he was given a fur coat, hat and boots. On July 3, 1665, he was awarded 4 arshins of cloth from the state order for the fact that he “learned silver niello work from the Tsaregorod residents and made... for Tsarevich Simeon Alekseevich a beaver with a niello cover and gilded it,”

From December 31, 1655, he was assigned a salary of 10 rubles a year and 24 rubles of bread - "rye and oats."

On March 14, 1670, M. Mikhailov was instructed to “make... for the Armory, for the new mirrors, a silver gilded with niello carved armament - 6 buckles, the same number of tips, 12 pins, 700 nails (500 large articles and 200 smaller ones).” He had to do it “armed” to the dog’s example. On July 17, 1676, M. Mikhailov and A. Pavlov made silver and niello frames for four stone handles of forks in the mansion of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. In April 1677, M. Mikhailov made silver gilded with niello eight parts of the frame for “German wood machines for pistol barrels” by Philip Timofeev and for them “four tubes, two muzzles and two heels” weighing 9 spools. The frames were made “as a tray” for the sovereign for the Easter holiday. On May 30 of the same year, he received 4 1/3 arshins of Karmazin cloth “for the many works that he and his comrades did - silver frames with niello for the saddles of the great sovereign.”

In January 1680, together with masters S. Chekalin and

A. Pavlov made from 1 pound of silver church vessels “with the Turk niello”, a water-blessing cup and a setting for the Gospel - for the monastery of Nile of Stolbensky.

In 1682, he received a salary of 15 rubles a year and bread - "rye and oats - 15 rubles each."

On February 4, 1682, he was ordered to “quickly” make a “silver bridle frame and set it with rabble” to the stables. On April 8 of the same year, together with A. Pavlov and Iv. Yakovlev received 4 rubles 20 altyns for the mobile for three silver saddle frames, one bridle and two for sabers, which were made “as a tray” for the sovereign for the Easter holiday.

On April 13, 1682, M. Mikhailov made four circles with “finials”, “tied with Turkish niello” weighing 22 ½ spools, into the royal mansions.

His works in the GOP collection include a silver table with niello, which he made together with A. Pavlov in 1685 for Princess Sofia Alekseevna.4

Nekrasov Boris, Moscow Silver Chamber master of carving and blacksmithing. Known in 1622-1624.

On June 2, 1622, he was ordered to make a silver “spoon” spoon, a chased spoon, and another carved with niello.

Pavlov Andrey, Moscow Silver Chamber master. Known in 1663-1685. Student of master P. Fedorov and Greek masters I. Yuryev and L. Konstantinov. In 1680 he lived in the Pankratyevskaya Sloboda behind the Sretensky Gate, in the courtyard of the master Fyodor Mikulaev, who was paid off for debts. Later, this courtyard was given to Prince D. Kuchumov, and Andrei Pavlov and two comrades were forced to “stagger between the courtyards.”

On December 1, 1663, A. Pavlov was admitted to the Silver Chamber, as a student of Polykarp Fedorov. Salary received 4 money per day. In October 1664, he was sent, together with M. Mikhailov, to study with the Tsaregrad masters who were working at that time in the Silver Chamber. He received a salary of 10 money a day. On August 9, 1666, he was given 4 arshins of cloth to Karmazin from the state order for having learned blacksmithing from the Greek masters. As a foreman, A. Pavlov received a salary of 8 rubles a year, feed 6 rubles per day, bread - “rye and oats” - 12 rubles per day. On July 7, 1676, together with M. Mikhailov, he made silver and niello frames for the stone handles of forks in the mansions of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich.

In 1677, also with M. Mikhailov, he made silver niello frames for the royal saddles. On February 5, 1677, he received two hryvnias “to the sovereign’s saddle frame for the composition of the mob, for the purchase of lead, hot sulfur, and a pound of red copper.”

In 1682, A. Pavlov received a salary of 15 rubles a year and bread - "rye and oats - 15 rubles each."

On April 8, 1682, together with M. Mikhailov and I. Yakovlev, he received 4 rubles 20 altyns for mobile for three silver saddle frames, one bridle and two for sabers, which were made “as a tray” for the sovereign for the Easter holiday.

His works in the GOP collection include a silver and niello tableau, which he made in 1685 together with M. Mikhailov for Princess Sofia Alekseevna.

Pestrikov Tretyak, Moscow Silver Chamber master. Known in 1617-1624. Sometimes I worked with my son.

In 1622, according to the royal decree, Pestrikov made a figure of a “falling ox” with gold forged legs, head and holders. "Signatures and frames and descents carved with niello." In 1624, for the christening of Prince Yakov Cherkassy, ​​he made a golden cross vest “with niello and stone” weighing 5 spools. In July of the same year, Tretyak Pestrikov and his son were commissioned to make a golden ladle with precious stones, pearls and carved with niello and with “cutting” overhead “cloaks”.

On August 17, together with Ivan Popov, I made gold beads with carvings and niello for the diadem. He made eight of them “kiot” and four round (the rest were made by Popov).

His works in the GOP collection include a gold ladle from 1624 with niello, pearls and precious stones, which he made together with his son.

Popov Dmitry, Moscow Silver Chamber master, known in 1624-1645.

In 1624 he made two gold frames carved with niello for two damask helmets (“musatkas”).

In 1645 he was mentioned among the craftsmen brought to the “kissing of the cross.”

Popov Ivan, Moscow Silver Chamber master. Known in 1619-1637.

On September 11, 1622, he was ordered to make a gold cross-vest with niello and a “worm-shaped yacht” (i.e., a ruby) at the top, weighing “eight spools minus four money.” On December 4 of the same year, he was ordered to remove the old frame from the “carnelian wine glass” and make a new gold frame with carvings and niello. On July 5, 1624, Ivan Popov was ordered to make a golden ladle with stones, pearls and applied “cloaks” with niello and carvings with Afanasy Stepanov.

On August 17 of the same year, Ivan Popov received an order to make five gold beads with carvings and niello for the diadem (the remaining 12 beads were made by T. Pestrikov).

On March 24, 1635, Popov was given 4 efimkas weighing 25 1/3 spools for buttons for the royal plant, which he had to make “from a sample, with rabble.”

His works in the GOP collection include a gold ladle from 1624 with niello, pearls and precious stones, which he made together with Afanasy Stepanov.

Semenov (Simeonov) Afanasy (Ofonka) Ivanov, Moscow Silver Chamber master, Astrakhan mounted archer. Known in 1662-1664.

In June 1662, a decree was sent to the Astrakhan voivode ordering him to “find and send to Moscow” “for eternal life” with his wife and children the silver and goldsmith Ofonka Ivanov, about whom information was received in Moscow that he was “doing all kinds of silver and gold blacksmithing." It was ordered to announce A. Semenov’s “salary for the great sovereign”, to give him “no skimp on carts for his journey, for him with his wife and children” and “for his workshop gear” and urgently send it to Moscow.

In the Silver Chamber, A. Semenov made a silver frame with niello for the saber, declaring that “I don’t know how to do other carved and chased things.”

On May 20, 1664, B. M. Khitrovo listened to the petition of A. Semenov, who asked to be released back, since he was “weak due to epilepsy.” A. Semenov was released to Astrakhan, to his former service as a mounted archer. He was given 10 rubles for the journey.

Semenov Stepan, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. He studied blacksmithing from Greek masters. On November 5, 1666, he received a caftan, a fur coat and boots “for poverty.”

Timofeev Ivan, Moscow Silver Chamber master. Known in 1623-1624.

On September 18, 1623, he was given the opportunity to make a “bulk” buckle and three rings and gold fasteners carved with niello for a damask helmet (“musatik”).”

Timofeev Trofim, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing and carving, son of the Silver Chamber of the awarded master of carving and embossing from Nizhny Novgorod Timofey Petrov. Known in 1680-1700.

In 1680, he was admitted to the Silver Chamber “for the work of his father” and was entitled to a salary of 11 rubles a year and bread - rye and oats - 13 rubles each.

On February 5, 1682, he was instructed to “bring the Russian mob” the evangelists to the silver setting of the Gospel, made in the Silver Chamber “into the desert of the Reverend Father Neil of Stolbensky.” T. Timofeev demanded 6 altyn 4 money for the composition of the “Russian” mob.

In 1685, T. Timofeev received 10 altyns for mobile “for the church silver vessels” that he made for the palace church of Peter and Paul.

In 1687, on January 29, he was given 10 altyns to decorate with niello a silver case for a golden cross in the mansion of Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Since 1691, he received a salary and feed money per year of 20 rubles 31 altyn 4 money and bread - rye and oats - "7 times half and two quarters."

He worked in the Silver Chamber until its abolition in February 1700.

Fedorov Anton, Moscow silversmith, Turkish. Mentioned in 1659.

Fedoseev Ivan, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1684-1691.

In 1684-1686 - student of the Silver Chamber. In 1684, on November 18, he received 6 altyn 4 money for mobile for the silver frames of two scabbards, which he made for the mansion of Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. On October 2, 1686, I. Fedoseev received 10 altyns for mobile to the silver bettor in the mansion of Princess Sofia Alekseevna.

In 1687, he was sent to Sevsk among 19 masters “for the sovereign’s silversmiths.”

He received a salary of 10 rubles a year and 6 rubles a day in food.

In 1691, due to staff reductions, I. Fedoseev was dismissed from the Silver Chamber.

Chekalo Bartholomew Kuzmin, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1669-1687.

He received a salary of 10 rubles a year, bread - rye and oats - "15 rubles".

In 1677, for “a lot of work” together with M. Mikhailov on frames with niello for saddles, he was awarded crimson cloth (4 ½ arshins).

In 1680, V. Chekalo and A. Pavlov made niello frames for scabbards for 20 damask sabers, of which 10 frames were with “armor herbs” and 10 frames were smooth. Buckles, harnesses and tips for scabbards were made for these sabers.

In 1681, together with D. Kuzmin, he received 23 altyns

2 money “for the composition of the mob for guidance” on the frame boards of the three Gospels in the palace churches of the “Image Not Made by Hands” and “Resurrection”.

In 1684, V. Chekalo received 6 altyn 4 money for the mob “to the silver bettor... who makes the mansion... of Princess Natalya Alekseevna.”

In 1686, he received 16 altyn 4 money for the mob “for the business of the mansion keeper... of Princess Feodosia Alekseevna and for two knives with silver frames.”

On March 21, 1687, he received 5 altyns for the mob to work on a silver paten for the palace church of St. Catherine.

On March 25 of the same year, V. Chekalo received 2 rubles for the purchase of tools (“saw German rilts*) and for the composition of the niello - “for a pound of red copper 4 altyns, two pounds of hot sulfur - 2 altyns; for two pounds of lead there are 2 altyns." He was instructed to make "saddle frames with niello" for the sovereign.

Yakovlev Vasily, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1663-1687. Since 1677, he received a salary of 10 rubles a year and bread - rye and oats - "12 rubles each." In 1687 - 15 rubles per year and daily feed at 6 money per day.

Yakovlev Ivan, Moscow Silver Chamber master of blacksmithing. Known in 1679-1687. Student of Fyodor Mikulaev.

December 14, 1679 >oda was admitted to the Silver Chamber as a master. In 1680, he was given a salary of 10 rubles a year, rye and oats “12 rubles each” and was given 5 rubles for tools.

In December 1681, together with D. Kuzmin and “his comrades”, he “directed the mob to the silver plaques for the evangelists”, to the setting of the Gospel in the palace church of St. Evdokia and the Cathedral of the Holy Image of the Savior.

On March 30, 1682, I. Yakovlev received a pound of “Efimka” silver “for the purpose of two silver cups with Tursky niello.” On April 8 of the same year, he was given 5 altyns “for the composition of the mob... to bring two silver cups” to the royal mansions. At the same time, he, together with M. Mikhailov and A. Pavlov, received 4 rubles 20 altyns for the mobile “for aiming” for three saddle frames, one bridle frame and two saber frames “for the tray” for the sovereign for the Easter holiday.

On October 4, 1684, master I. Yakovlev was given 1 ruble of money for the mob “for the cause of a silver mug for Princess Sofia Alekseevna.”

On March 21, 1685, he received 16 altyn 4 money for the composition of the mob “to guide the mob to the mansion of Emperor Peter Alekseevich.”

On July 25 of the same year, I. Yakovlev, together with M. Ageev, received 1 ruble 16 altyn 4 money for the mob, for church vessels in the palace church of St. Catherine".

His works in the Museum of the former Novo-Devichy Convent are two large silver and niello lamps from 1686-1687, made by him together with V. Kononov.

XVIII century

Andreev Petr Grigoriev

Arefiev Andrey, Vologda silversmith and blacksmith. In 1798, he made a silver frame with niello beads and carved ornaments for the house Gospel of the landowner Semyon Brianchaninov. The Gospel is kept in the Vologda Regional local history museum. On the first sheet there is an inscription in ink with the name of the master.

Belkov Alexey Prokopyev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Born in 1783.

Belkov Vasily Prokopyev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Born in 1755. Died in 1810.

Belkov Prokopiy Timofeev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Died in 1805.

Buravkin Nikita Ivanov, Veliky Ustyug merchant, master of silver and ferrous work of the first half of the XVIII century. In 1774 he lived in the city of Soli Vychegda.

Bushkovsky Fedor Klimov, Veliky Ustyug master of silver, carving and blacksmithing. Born in 1778. Died between 1834 and 1836. Known as a master from 1795-1834. In 1823-1825 he was a craftsman. He had many students and also employed hired labor. One of the best masters of its time.

His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - needle cases, spoons, a mug, a snuff box; in the SM collection - snuff boxes.

Grigoriev Ivan, Moscow silversmith, born in 1721. His works of 1748-1785 are known, in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a silver chalice with niello from 1759.

Grigoriev Yakov, Moscow silversmith, drafter of Basmannaya Sloboda. Known in 1703-1706. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a glass; in GOKM - glass.

Gushchin Semyon Andreev, Veliky Ustyug merchant and master of silver and blacksmith. Mentioned in 1760.

Zhilin Ivan Petrov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1750. Died around 1810. In 1804-1805 he was elected head of the crafts. The founder of a number of blacksmiths. His son Alexander was one of the best masters of the first half of the 19th century century. In addition to his son, Ivan Zhilin had another student - Ivanov Ivan from 1795 to 1800. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - needle cases, boxes, snuff boxes, a cup and saucer; GOP - snuff boxes; KM and MGARH - altar crosses.

Zhilin Mikhail Petrov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1749. Mentioned before 1805. His student was Peter Rusanov from 1790 to 1796. His works in the State Historical Museum collection are snuff boxes.

Zhilin Petr Petrov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1755. Known from 1787 to 1821. One of his students was Pyotr Rusanov, who received the title of master in 1798 and worked until 1840. He also taught his son Peter (died 1821) to work in silver and blacksmithing.

Zhilin Petr Yakovlev, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1713, he was the founder of many generations of blacksmiths. In 1763 he had three sons: Mikhail - 14 years old, Ivan - 13 years old and Peter - 8 years old.

Ilyin Timofey, Moscow silversmith from Luzhnetskaya Sloboda. Known in 1704-1721. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a glass from 1704.

Kayavkin Vasily Maximov, Solvychegodsk silversmith, works with niello and under gold." Mentioned in 1722-1723.

Klimshin Andrey Matveev, Veliky Ustyug merchant and master of silver and blacksmith, brother of the master Mikhail Klimshin. Mentioned in 1744.

Klimshin Ivan Mikhailov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Known in 1792-1805.

Klimshin Mikhail Matveev, Veliky Ustyug merchant and the best master of silver and blacksmithing. Born in 1711. Died in 1764. In 1745 he was summoned to Moscow to resume the art of blacksmithing in Moscow, which the yoke taught to the Moscow merchant V. Kunkin.

Kozomanov Semyon Ivanov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Since 1796, he studied drafting skills from Belkov Alexei Prokopyev.

Konstantin, Solvychegodsk silversmith and blacksmith, sexton of the Resurrection Church. Mentioned in 1722 and 1723: "... the sexton and his father-in-law have a silversmith's craft, they do every little thing with niello and with gilding against samples... And he, the sexton, studied silversmithing from that father-in-law..."

Body Semyon Petrov, Moscow silversmith. Mainly a coiner. Known in 1780-1789. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a silver plate with niello stripes and rosettes; in KOKM - Gospel salary.

Kunkin Vasily Matveev, Moscow silversmith, blacksmith and enameller, merchant of the 1st guild, since 1751 - “gold and silver manufacturer” (1726-1762).

V. M. Kunkin was born in Kashin in 1726. Arriving in Moscow, he first organized a workshop, and later, in 1751, a “factory” where hired craftsmen worked.

In 1745, V. M. Kunkin learned blacksmithing skills from the Veliky Ustyug master Mikhail Matveev Klimshin, who was summoned to Moscow to raise the blacksmithing production. In 1751, V. M. Kunkin filed a petition to grant him a monopoly on the production of religious items made of gold and silver in Moscow. At the meeting of the Governing Senate, he presented things he had made - the image of St. Elizabeth, executed in niello on gold, and silver "Evangelists", which were recognized by members of the Senate as "very skillful work." For comparison, he brought silver items from other masters, “simple and unskillful work.” ?

From January 24, 1751, V. M. Kunkin was given a monopoly on the manufacture of church items, which, under threat of penalty, were strictly forbidden to be made by other Moscow craftsmen. From that time on, V. M. Kunkin’s workshop was called a “factory” and consisted of numerous craftsmen. In 1752, he wrote: “...And according to that... permission given to me, I, the named, entered into the production of those holy things before the church and began to distribute, and to this I used a significant amount of my own capital and hired artisans and workers people up to seventy people... And I, named above those masters, as the manufacturer of that factory, have only one eye in craftsmanship, so that according to my testimony and according to the drawings given by those masters, the noun image occurs without any omission... "

In 1752, V. M. Kunkin farmed out the assay fees and had to support the assay master, smelter, watchman and clerk at his own expense.

Until 1751, V.M. Kunkin branded his products with the name “V.K.” On May 27, 1752, a decree was issued according to which all products produced by Kunkin’s “factory” had to bear the marks of the master who made the item and the “manufacturer” "V. Kunkina ("P.V.K.*) "And without such brands, things made at Evo Kunkin's factory should not be brought to the testing chamber. And although they will be brought, they will not be accepted or branded..."

V. M. Kunkin died in 1762. His heirs were denied a monopoly.

Maslennikov Yakov Semenov, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1756-1796. His works in the collection of the State Historical Museum are a piece of cake.

Mikhailov Ivan, Moscow silversmith, born in 1705. Known until 1774. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a glass.

Moiseev (Moseev) Yakov Gerasimov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1773. Mentioned before 1811. From 1789 to 1794 he studied the art of blacksmithing with Ivan Popov. His students: Ivan Koshkov (1798-1801), Prokopiy Kladovnikov (1807-1811), Alexey Fedorov Kozulin (1809-1811). His works in the State Historical Museum collection include a needle case, spoons, and snuff boxes.

Molokov Osip Vasiliev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. In 1744 he lived in Arkhangelsk.

Molokov Prokopiy Osipov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Mentioned in 1787. From 1792 to 1795 he taught blacksmithing skills to Fyodor Klimov Bushkovsky. Died in 1805.

Molokov Stepan Stepanov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. In 1786 - senior comrade. Died in 1821.

Moshnin Alexey Ignatiev, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1721, the son of silversmith Ignatius Ivanov Moshnin, who “lived in his yard.” In 1751, Alexei Moshnin and Grigory Shurvin made 4 lamps from government silver weighing 1 pound 30.5 pounds for the Assumption Cathedral in Veliky Ustyug, which was damaged by fire. Alexey Moshnin was one of the best masters of Veliky Ustyug of the 18th century. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a casket, a tray.

Ostrovskikh Ivan Alexandrov, Veliky Ustyug master 138 of silver and blacksmith and seal carver. Born in 1759. From 1807 to 1809 he taught blacksmithing to Alexei Fedorov Kozulin. Died in 1828. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include paten, snuff boxes, and clasps.

Pestovsky Ivan Fedorov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Mentioned since 1787. Died in 1821. His works in the State Historical Museum collection are a snuff box.

Pestorzhevsky Ivan Fedorov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1746. In 1806 he was still a member of the workshop.

Petrov Efim, Yakut blacksmith, tradesman of Yakutsk. In 1798, he made a silver image with a blackened image of the Archangel Michael on horseback as a gift to Emperor Paul (in the collection of the State Russian Museum).

Petrov Fedor, Moscow silversmith, later “alderman of silver art.” Known in 1760-1789. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a glass.

Plotov Grigory Andreev, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1753-1775. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include a silver and niello frame of a coconut cup.

Popov Ivan Fedorov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Known in 1792 and 1799. From 1789 to 1795 he taught blacksmithing to Yakov Gerasimovich Moiseev. Died in 1805.

Ratkov Alexey Ivanov, Moscow workshop silversmith. Known since 1777. Died in 1821. One of the best masters of his time. His embossed and blackened works are in the collections of the State Historical Museum, State Historical Museum and other museums.

Ratkov Grigory Stepanov, Kostroma silversmith, peasant of the estate of Count V.G. Orlov, the village of Sidorovskoye. Known in 1783-1788.

In 1788 he lived in Kostroma on Nikolskaya Street in own home. Until November 1788 he worked without being registered in the workshop. He stamped his works “GR” in a heart-shaped shield.

Of his silver and niello works, large oval pellets with niello images of “miracles” from the legend of the icon “Our Lady of Feodorovsk”, made by him in 1783, have been preserved in the collection of the State Historical Museum and the Kostroma Museum.

Rusanov Petr Prokopyev, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Born in 1776 or 1777, he was a student of Peter Zhilin Jr. from 1790 to 1796. In 1798 he received the title of master, in 1826 - comrade foreman, in 1831 - sergeant major. Mentioned before 1840.

Serebrenikov Petr Fedorov, Kostroma silversmith, merchant. Known since 1781, died in 1817. Was accepted into the workshop in 1789. In 1807, the craftsman's head. From 1798 to 1817 he was listed as a tradesman. Of his silver and niello works, those preserved in the collection of the State Historical Museum are a foot made by him in the early years of the 19th century, with three oval medallions, in which, on a canfared background, are images in niello of two doves and cupid on a dolphin.

Studentsov Fedor Petrov, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1776-1780. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a chalice from 1778.

Shevyakov Vasily Ekimov (Akimov), Kostroma silversmith, tradesman. Known since 1794, died in 1817. In 1794-1795 he worked with the brothers Ivan and Fedor. It was admitted to the workshop in 1801. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a fragment of 1806.

Shevyakov Ivan Kuzmin, Kostroma silversmith, merchant. Known in 1785-1806. In 1794 he worked together with his son Andrei.

His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a silver cup-cap with blackened images and ornaments.

19th century and early 20th century

Agafonov Vasily Semenovich, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1893-1916. He had a workshop in which he made dishes and various small items.

His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a lemon fork with a blackened image of the Sukharev Tower.

Bach, St. Petersburg silversmith of the second half of the 19th century. At the World's Fair in Philadelphia in 1876, he exhibited silver items with niello (bracelets and a vase).

Buravkin Grigory Petrov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Born in 1775, died in 1837. In 1817-1831 he was an apprentice to Fyodor Bushkovsky.

Bushkovsky Mikhail Fedorov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith since 1835. Mentioned in 1828-1868.

Vasiliev A. Moscow silversmith, known in 1860. He had a workshop with 6 workers and 4 students. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a glass.

Vekeva Stefan, St. Petersburg silversmith. Born in 1833 in Finland. At the age of ten he arrived in St. Petersburg. From 1847 he was an apprentice, and from 1856 he became a silversmith. He worked in St. Petersburg for the Faberge company until 1889. The niello products of his work are known. After his death, the business was continued by his son Alexander.

Gorokhovsky, Veliky Ustyug master of silver and ferrous work of the first quarter of the XIX century. He was Zhilin's best apprentice. After independent work in Ustyug in 1828 he moved to St. Petersburg.

Grechushnikov Matvey, Moscow silversmith. In 1823 he was listed as an “ever-shop worker”, later the owner of a silverware workshop, which later passed to Ivan Grechushnikov. Known in 1818-1840. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include a cup and a cigarette case.

Grikurov, St. Petersburg silversmith of the second half of the 19th century. He made silver items with Caucasian type niello. Participated in the International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876.

Gubkin Ivan Semenovich, silversmith, merchant, founder of a silverware factory in 1841. The business was continued by his sons - Sergei and Dmitry. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a black mug from 1842 and a glass.

Gubkin Sergey Ivanovich, owner of a silverware factory in Moscow, founded in 1841 by his father Ivan Semenovich Gubkin. Known from 1852 to 1865. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a ladle from 1856.

Dalman Alexander Karlovich, owner of a silverware factory in St. Petersburg, founded in 1880. At the World Exhibition in Stockholm in 1897 he received a silver medal for products with Caucasian niello.

Dmitriev M., Moscow silver embossing and blacksmith master of the third quarter of the 19th century. Had six workers and ten students. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a spoon from 1861.

Egorov Fedor, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith of the first quarter of the 19th century, studied with P.P. Zhilin from 1798 to 1803. He was a serf of the nobleman Kozhin.

Zhilin Alexander Ivanov, Veliky Ustyug master of gold, silver and ferrous work since 1817. Born in 1800. In 1821 he was a senior comrade. One of the most prominent masters of his time. Died around 1842. His works in the collection of the State Historical Museum include a comb, spoons, a spectacle case, a plate, glasses, snuff boxes, a glass; in MVU-lamp.

Zhilin Andrey Alexandrov, Veliky Ustyug master of gold, silver and blacksmith, son of master Alexander Zhilin. Born in 1824. After the death of his father, he remained a thirteen-year-old orphan and studied with an unknown master. In the documents of the Assay Office for 1842 it is said about Andrei Zhilin: “gold and silversmith Andrei Zhilin, living in the city of Veliky Ustyug, in the first part of the 1st quarter, in a house inherited from his parents along with others under No. 193, having his own workshop in the same house..." In the salary statements for 1846-1868, A. Zhilin is recorded alone, and in the statement of 1857 - with his brother Ivan and his son.

Zhilin Ivan Alexandrov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing, born in 1832, worked with his brother Andrei Zhilin.

Zalesov Vasily Fedorovich, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith of the first half of the 19th century.

In the 20s he temporarily traveled to St. Petersburg, from where he returned to his homeland, where he was known in 1832-1840. At the exhibition of 1839 he exhibited niello products. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a snuff box made in St. Petersburg in 1829.

Zuev Alexander Ivanov, Vologda silversmith and blacksmith, tradesman (son of master Ivan Zuev). Mentioned in 1854. Died in 1865.

Zuev Ivan Matveev, a famous Vologda silversmith and blacksmith, born in 1786, died in 1860.

In 1806-1824 he was mentioned as a tradesman, from 1825 - as a merchant. In 1837, his silver works with niello were presented at the Vologda provincial exhibition. Had a son, Alexander Zuev. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - fork, spoons, snuffbox, tray; in GOP - snuff box; in VOKM - frames of icons and Gospels. 139?

Igumnov Ivan Matveev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Recorded in payroll records of 1846-1880.

Kaltykov Ivan, Moscow silversmith and jeweler. Known in 1820-1834. His works in the collection of the State Historical Museum include black snuff boxes from 1828 and a glass.

Kladovikov (Kladovnikov) Andrey Vasiliev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Mentioned in 1840 - 1862.

Kladovikov (Kladovnikov) Vasily Lvov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Born in 1786. In 1800 he was a student of master Vasily Romanov.

Kladovikov Prokopiy, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing in the first half of the 19th century, studied with master Ya. G. Moiseev from 1807.

Koshkov Ivan Alekseev, son of a Veliky Ustyug merchant, born in 1782. In 1798 he became an apprentice to Yakov Moiseev. In 1812-1815 he worked as an apprentice to Fyodor Bushkovsky. Died in 1821.

Koshkov Mikhail Ivanov (1816-1896), Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. Received the title of master in 1838. In 1847 he had his own workshop with seven apprentices and several apprentices. In 1850-1858 - head of the craft. In 1882 at the All-Russian art exhibition received an award in Moscow. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum: a needle case, teaspoons, thimbles, a ring, a salt shaker, a glass.

Lavrov Martyn Nikitin (Mikitin), Moscow silversmith. Known in 1821-1845. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a chalice from 1838.

Mineev Ilya Stepanov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith, successor of Alexander Zhilin. From 1820 he studied blacksmithing with F.K. Bushkovsky for six years. Then he worked as an apprentice with Alexander Zhilin, and in 1835 he became a master. In 1838 had two employees. In 1846, Ilya Mineev was elected foreman of the silver workshop. In 1857 he worked with his son. The name of Ilya Mineev appears in salary statements in last time in 1868. He made blackened silver snuffboxes, panagias, spoons, etc. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a comb, a clasp, spoons, knife handles, a glass, snuffboxes.

Mineev Nikolay Ilyin, Veliky Ustyug master of gold, silver and blacksmithing. Mentioned in 1877.

Mineev Stepan Sergeev, Veliky Ustyug guild master of silver and blacksmithing. Born in 1774. Died in 1836.

Motokhov Nikolay Grigoriev, Veliky Ustyug master of “silver carved black and white works” of the second quarter of the 19th century. The son of a Veliky Ustyug tradesman. He studied drafting skills with Alexander Zhilin from 1822 to 1829. In 1935 he received the title of master. He made mainly snuff boxes, spoons and other household items. In 1853, Nikolai Motokhov was still listed as a blacksmith. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - teaspoons, a glass.

Ovchinnikov Pavel Akimov- founder of a factory of gold and silver products in Moscow in 1853. Known until 1916. Since 1873 it had a branch in St. Petersburg, since 1882 - a court supplier, the factory produced various silver products, including black ones. At the International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, products with niello from the Ovchinnikov company were exhibited. In the collection of the State Historical Museum there is a black tray, a sugar bowl and salt shakers made by the company.

Podyakov Alexey Ivanov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith. From 1823 to 1827 he was a student of master Fyodor K. Bushkovsky.

Potapov Vasily Petrov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing, born in 1783. In 1795 he became an apprentice to master Vasily Romanov. In 1821 he was a master and worked with his brother.

Popov Vasily Ivanov, Moscow silversmith, tradesman. Known in 1816-1840. He made filigree and niello products. In 1821 he made a silver ladle with niello.

Postnikov Andrey Mikhailovich, founder of a factory of gold, silver and bronze products in 1868 in Moscow. Known until 1908. For high-quality silver products received gold medal at the All-Russian Exhibition of 1882. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a tablespoon with blackened images of the Kremlin cathedrals.

Romanov Vasily Ivanov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith, born in 1772. Known until 1831. Worked with brother Ilya. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - the "Holidays" icon.

Rudakov Andrey Grigoriev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing, born in 1788. In 1825 - senior comrade. Mentioned before 1868.

Sazikov Pavel Fedorovich, Moscow silversmith, merchant of the 3rd guild, founder of a workshop known from 1793 to 1810, and in 1810 - a silverware factory in Moscow. In 1842, a branch was opened in St. Petersburg. The factory was known until 1882. After the death of P.F. Sazikov, the business was continued by his son Ignatius and later by his grandchildren Sergei, Valentin and Pavel. Black products from the Sazikov company were exhibited at the World Exhibition in 1862 and the All-Russian Exhibition in 1870. With his mark in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a tablespoon from the 1830s; V State Hermitage- tea set from 1834.

Sazonov Alexey, Yakut silversmith. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a snuffbox made in Yakutsk from a shell in a silver frame with blackened images and inscriptions of 1829.

Semenov Vasily Semenovich, owner of a silverware factory in Moscow, founded in 1852. He produced mainly small objects with niello. According to information from 1873, annual production was 75 thousand rubles, workers were 40 people. He exhibited silver niello products at world and all-Russian exhibitions from 1867 to 1882. His works in the State Historical Museum collection are cups and saucers.

Skripitsyn (Skripitsin) Sakerdon Ivanov, an outstanding Vologda silversmith and blacksmith, tradesman. Known in 1837-1844. He had a workshop in Vologda. In 1837, Skripitsyn's works with niello were at the Vologda provincial exhibition, and in 1839 - at the exhibition of Russian manufactured goods in St. Petersburg. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a spoon, a glass, a children's horn, a glass and a portrait of Alexander II; in the GOP - two pans and two glasses; in ERO - plates.

Sokolov Alexey Isaev, Moscow silver and goldsmith. Known in 1821-1831. In 1823 he was listed as an eternal workshop foreman. In 1821, the Assay Office detained items of his work that were not of the proper standard. Black snuff boxes by A. Sokolov were presented at the Moscow exhibition in 1831. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a snuff box from 1825.

Sokolov M. F., Moscow silversmith and blacksmith. He had a workshop in 1860-1890, one worker and one student. His works are a niello tea set in the State Hermitage and a niello spoon in the Kaluga Museum.

Sorokin Vasily Petrov, Veliky Ustyug silversmith and blacksmith since 1835. He studied drafting skills with Fyodor Bushkovsky since 1825. Mentioned before 1846.

Studentsov Prokopiy Petrov, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing since 1831. In 1832, only “miscellaneous small things” were working: crosses, rings, etc. Mentioned until 1862.

Totmakov Matvey Grigoriev, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Recorded in payroll records from 1805 to 1834.

Ustinov Gabriel, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1806-1851. He made small items with niello: crosses, icons, powder flasks, horns for feeding babies. In 1820, things made of silver below the specified standard were detained in his Assay Office. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include an icon, a reliquary cross, a powder flask, and a children's horn.

Fuld Alexander Iosifovich., owner of a Moscow silverware factory (1862-1918). In the collection of the State Historical Museum there are works from his factory: a tray from 1862 with a blackened image of a raeshnik.

Khlebnikov Ivan Petrovich, founder of a gold and silver products factory in Moscow in 1871. Known until 1918. At the All-Russian Exhibition of 1882, silver items with niello made by this factory were presented. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include spoons, a cigarette case, and a glass.

Khojoyan (or Khodjaev) Karapet Stepanovich, St. Petersburg silversmith. Known from 1876 to 1897. He made products with Caucasian type niello. Exhibited products at an exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. At an exhibition in Stockholm in 1897 he received a silver medal.

Chirkov Mikhail Pavlovich, Veliky Ustyug master late XIX- XX century, student of Koshkov. Born in 1866. The oldest master of niello, the last representative of the old generation, who passed on to the Soviet state the secret of the composition of the northern Ustyug niello. He was repeatedly awarded diplomas and cash prizes for his work. Died in 1938. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a ring, a brooch; in the Veliky Ustyug Museum - cufflinks, ruler, plate: in VOKM - bracelets and a plaque; in SM - spoon and snuffbox.

Chichelev Ivan Dmitrievich, Moscow 2nd guild merchant, silversmith, workshop owner since 1815. According to information from 1876, he supported 30 workers and 20 students. Participated in all-Russian and international exhibitions. At the exhibition in 1870 he received a gold medal. His works are in the collection of the State Historical Museum - a cigarette box from 1860-1870.

Chulkov Mikhail Ivanov, Vologda silversmith and blacksmith, tradesman. Born in 1801. Died in 1864. His works in the State Historical Museum collection include teaspoons and an Easter egg.

Yakovlev Mikhail, Moscow silversmith. Known in 1821-1823. In 1821, things of the wrong standard were taken from him at the Assay Office. His works: in the collection of the State Historical Museum - an altar cross from 1823; V Novgorod Museum- altar cross of 1822.

With the division of labor that exists in modern jewelry factories, the main creative work belongs to the artist who gives the drawing, and the engraver who carries it out (sometimes the engraver is also the author of the drawing). Therefore, in the dictionary of masters of the Soviet period, we list only the main artists and engravers and do not give the names of numerous master assemblers, niello applicators and others, although their participation in the process of making niello products is undoubtedly of no small importance. This explains why even the following are not included in the dictionary outstanding masters, as a student of M.P. Chirkova Maria Dmitrievna Kuznetsova, a master in the composition and laying of niello at the "Northern niello" factory since 1936, assembler of the same factory Alexander Evgrafovich Titov, working since 1938 and participant in the 1960 exhibition and review, Alexander Sergeevich Samoilov , assembler at the Moscow Jewelry Factory since 1950.

Artamonova (Ivanova) Nina Vasilievna, engraver of the Northern Chern factory since 1940. Born in 1923. Takes part in engraving complex works. Author of a number of ornamental niello patterns on mass-produced products. Has a number of awards.

Babaevskaya Tamara Yakovlevna, engraver at the Northern Mob factory since 1943. Born in 1929. Author decoration a number of new products.

Dvoryatkina Olga Alexandrovna, artistic director of the Moscow Jewelry Factory. Born in 1913. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Applied and decorative arts with the title of artist. Author of most of the works produced by the plant.

Ibragimov Zhafar Khafisovich, engraver at the Moscow jewelry factory since 1951. Born in 1923. In 1962 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology. He is the author of the following works: casket "Moscow", casket "40 years October Revolution", box "Maple Leaves", etc. Participant of the exhibition-review in 1960.

Lukin Vladimir Zakharovich, engraver at the Moscow Jewelry Factory since 1954. Born in 1927.

Mokievskaya (Moskalenko) Alexandra Semenovna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1939. Born in 1922. Takes part in the most complex work. Author of artistic design for a number of products. Has awards.

Novikova Tamara Ivanovna, artist-engraver at the Moscow Jewelry Factory since 1950. Born in 1928, graduated from the Moscow Printing College. He is the author of a series creative works: cigarette case "The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger", a glass holder "Tchaikovsky", a glass holder "Footballer", a box "Tchaikovsky".

Podsekina Maria Alekseevna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1932. Born in 1917. Takes part in the most complex work. She engraved exhibits of the 1937 Paris World Exhibition. Author of the artistic design of several niello items. Has awards.

Popova (Nasonovskaya) Pavel Alekseevna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1932. Born in 1917. Performer of the most complex jobs. Author of the artistic design of a number of niello items. She engraved exhibits for the 1937 Paris World Exhibition. Has awards.

Sverkunova Alexandra Ivanovna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1942. Born in 1927. Takes part in complex engraving work. Has a number of awards.

Sycheva (Uglovskaya) Maria Alekseevna, engraver. Born in 1913. StudentM. P. Chirkov, who gave her the secret of the composition of the mob. In 1931 she joined the Northern Mob artel and from 1942 was the chairman of this artel. She presented niello products to the 1937 Paris World Exhibition and to the 1939 exhibition in New York. Has a number of awards and prizes. Since 1949 he has worked in Moscow at the Moscow Jewelry Factory.

Tone Maria Alexandrovna, Moscow artist. Born in 1922. Since 1946 he has been working at NIIHP. She graduated from the Faculty of Ceramics of the Moscow Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts in 1946. Based on her sketches, many niello items were made at the Moscow Jewelry Factory and at the Severnaya Chern factory.

Tropina Elizaveta Fedorovna, artist from the Northern Chern factory. Born in 1930.

Tropina Nina Ivanovna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1937. Born in 1921. Takes part in the execution of the most complex products. Has a number of awards.

Uglovskaya (Yakusheva) Valentina Aleksandrovna, engraver at the Severnaya Chern factory since 1943. Born in 1928. Takes part in engraving the most complex products. Author of artistic design for a number of works.

Chernov Alexander, artist of the Northern Mob factory.

Chirkov Mikhail Pavlovich, Veliky Ustyug master of blacksmithing. Born in 1866. Died in 1938. Student of Koshkov. He was the organizer of a workshop in Veliky Ustyug in 1929, on the basis of which the Northern Mob artel (now a factory) was formed in 1933. He was an excellent engraver, a teacher of many of the first masters of the artel.

Shilnikovsky Evstafiy Pavlovich, artistic director of the artel and then the Northern Mob factory from 1935 to 1962. Born in 1890. In 1917 he graduated from the Academy of Arts with a degree in graphics. In 1956, Shilnikovsky was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Based on Shilnikovsky's sketches, a significant number of niello products are produced by the Severnaya niello factory.