Flash biography. Biography and flash girl. Current state of affairs

Russian rapper Flesh became one of the pioneers in the new modern direction cyber rap in Russia. The musician's tracks combine a unique flow, original sound and the use of auto-tune. This sound makes it possible to distinguish this singer from the mass of other rappers in the country.

Childhood and youth

Pavel is the rapper's real name. He was born in the winter of 1997 in Yekaterinburg. He became interested in music already in school age, he liked different musical styles, and in order to better understand how this or that melody is created, the guy installed a program on his computer that allowed him to experiment with sound.

Then for the first time he tries to put lyrics on beats and create something new in the world of the hip-hop movement. Pasha's idol was the group Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, which he tried to imitate. This is how his first songs appear in the rapper’s biography.

After graduating from school, the guy entered university, but since studying took a lot of time and did not allow him to completely immerse himself in music, he decided to quit his studies. This step helped the young man focus on creating tracks and music videos.


Flesh began developing his career as a musician in 2012, when he was 15 years old. At this age, he becomes a member of the Krestall Gang group along with rap artists Junk, Nlo, Kidd and Courier. Music critics claim that it was this creative association that gave birth to a new direction of hip-hop culture in the Urals and Siberia. The guys' tracks combined different musical styles, from drill to deathcore.


For short term musicians gain popularity and become known to fans of alternative music. And in 2016, the team breaks up, as the rappers decide to continue working in a solo direction. Flesh believed that he would achieve more in the group, and, in addition to recording songs on his own, he joined the musical group “Sunset 99.1”.

The founder of this group is called a rapper (Arsen Manukyan); the group also included Dolla Kush, Why Hussein and. Arsen and Pavel met on a social network, and gradually virtual communication developed into a creative friendship.

Despite the collective creativity, Flash does not forget about solo career and by the end of 2016 he released his first album called Audiopusk, and later shot a video for the song of the same name. The album consists of 8 tracks, and not only Pavel worked on them, other musicians also helped him, including Kindy King, Lizer, Aqualiquid, etc.

At the end of July of the same year, together with other musicians, Flesh created a video for the song High Technologies. The video quickly gained views, and listeners appreciated it working together guys, and despite criticism from followers, they also received rave reviews about the work done. It is no coincidence that the topic of high technology and the Internet is raised in the song, since the artist admits in an interview that he himself spends a lot of time on the Internet. This allows the musician to develop diversified and inspires him to implement new ideas.

Song "High Technologies" by Krestall

In mid-2016, fans of creativity young musician learned the news about the release of an album by two rappers. Flesh and Lizer present to the public a new record called Sci-Fi. In this collection, the guys consider the topic of influence modern technologies on the lives of ordinary people.

Having attracted more and more attention to his person from Internet users, as well as receiving approval from critics, “Sunset 99.1” is preparing for a musical tour of Russian cities. In total, the guys visited 7 major settlements in Russia, which became their debut concert activities. The band's expectations were justified; they were warmly greeted in every city; fans knew the songs by heart and sang along with pleasure.

At the beginning of 2017, Lizer and Flash delight fans with the news of the release of a new album consisting of 14 music tracks. The album was called “Audiopunk 2: Welcome to the Exhibition.” Not only Pavel and Arsen worked on creating music, they were helped by old friends, as well as new acquaintances, including Guerlain and Yuth.

This album also included the song Creator, for which a video was shot and posted on a popular video hosting site. Every day the number of views increased at an incredible speed, making the guys even more recognizable.

Soon after this, another video clip was released, recorded by the rapper together with his bandmate for the aggressive and dynamic song Power Bank. And by the end of the summer of 2017, the guys released the album False Mirror. Moreover, this time the guys moved away from the topic of modern technology and cyber-rap style. They decided to take stories about life, creativity and love as a basis, but did not change individual style execution. The video for the track of the same name on the new album was partially filmed in Paris, on the beautiful streets of the city.

Personal life

It is known about Pavel’s personal life that he is not married. Although the rapper does not talk about relationships with the opposite sex, he does not strive to carefully hide this part of his life. Often on the rapper’s personal page in "Instagram" Photos appear with a spectacular brunette. As the musician’s fans found out, his girlfriend’s name is Adelina Klimova.

This fact was partly established because Adelina herself often posts pictures with Pavel on social networks. How serious the couple’s relationship is and how long it lasts remains a mystery to everyone.

Flash now

In the summer of 2018, the rapper created a video for the song “Real”.

Song "Real" rapper Flash

In October of the same year, Flesh pleased its listeners with the release of its next album, which it recorded as a continuation of the other two. His new record is called “Audiopunk 3: Arhitector”, it includes 12 tracks.

Most of all, fans appreciated the song “Wings,” which combines love romance and flow in the style of spells of a Ural shaman.

Song "Wings" by rapper Flesh

The musician continues to actively develop his career. He's a representative new school and also differs unusual appearance, users often discuss a guy's hairstyle. According to followers, long hair They add femininity to Pavel’s image, but it seems that the rapper himself is not at all embarrassed by this, and he continues to support his chosen style.


  • 2016 - Audiopusk
  • 2016 - Sci-Fi
  • 2017 - Audiopunk 2: Welcome to the Exhibition
  • 2017 - False Mirror
  • 2018 - Audiopunk 3: Architect

The young performer is a pioneer in a qualitatively new musical direction - cyber-rap. Auto-tune combined with sparkling speech, as well as bright minuses, significantly distinguish the guy from the general rap crowd. How did Flash and his beloved girl begin their ascent to the Olympus of popularity? More on this later.

Biography and career

Few people know the rapper’s real name, probably because the name Pavel Dyldin is not at all suitable for a pseudonym. Since school, I have been interested in Western hip-hop culture, becoming more and more immersed in the world of text and beats.

As soon as a personal computer appeared in the Dyldin family, the guy immediately downloaded the software and began mixing and creating backing tracks on his own, over time improving his talent and putting words into texts. He considers the group “Bone Thugs-N-Harmony” to be a reference point in his work.

Many fans still don’t know the rapper’s real name, but back in 2012, everyone in the small “Krestall Gang” crowd knew Pavel. Little has changed since those times. His height remained the same (181 centimeters), his weight increased slightly and a long-term relationship appeared. How old is Pavel now? He is only 23 years old, but he is already actively conquering the heights of modern rap.

Love relationships

Flesh answers questions from journalists regarding his personal life very evasively. If you look at the Instagram of his girlfriend, Adeline Klimova, it becomes clear that the couple has a strong relationship.

The young lady is not at all shy and often does not cover up her gorgeous curves. There are several candid photos featuring the rapper himself. Milena, one of Adeline’s friends and part-time girl Face, supports her and sets an example. Flesh and Klimova have been dating for several years, it is quite possible that their union will soon be legalized.

Along with relationships, the rapper does not forget to note the importance of friendship, as well as the ability to save face in any situation.

Collaborative creativity of the performer

One of Flash's first creative friends was Lizer, whom the young guy met through correspondence on VKontakte. Arsen Manukyan - this is the name of the new comrade, helped him develop the culture of cyber-rap in Russia. So, in 2016, Flesh enters new company called "Sunset 99.1", founded by Leeser.

The tracks and releases have become so popular over time that they can be heard on the streets of London. That is why, after releasing six tracks, the team went on a world tour.

One of the most striking musical compositions is the song “I Woke Up Yesterday,” which is often compared to the work of rapper Face. Still, the rumors did not prevent it from becoming one of the main hits of 2017.

Another bright, but at the same time tender and lyrical composition is the track “Wings,” which is dedicated to Adelina Klimova. Against the backdrop of daring and unusual lyrics, “Wings” adds a “zest” to Flash’s work. Thus, the guy proved that cyber rap can be gentle and melodic.

Current state of affairs

After leaving the Sunset 99.1 association at the end of 2017, Flesh released an independent single, and a couple of days later it was released new album.

Now Flash and his girlfriend are on vacation. At the same time, the young guy implements new ideas in creating tracks. One of the singer’s achievements is the foreign public, which actively supports him, because cyber-rap is a qualitatively new direction in Russia.

Flesh is a rap artist. As a child, I was interested in writing music. Creative path He started with the group "Krestall Gang", after which he joined "Sunset 99.1". In 2016, he released the albums “Audiopunk” and “Sci-Fi”, with the help of which he opened a new direction in Russia as “cyber rap”.

Full name: Pavel (surname unknown)

Nickname: Flash

Place of birth: Ekaterinburg, Russia

Place of residence: Moscow, Russia

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Height: 181 cm | Weight: 64kg

Marital status: single

As a schoolboy, our hero became interested in writing music, downloading the corresponding software onto his personal computer. The young man began to come up with various lyrics to his beats and create the first hip-hop tracks from them. Then Pasha was a fan of the rap group "Bone Thugs-N-Harmony" and tried in every possible way to imitate their sound.

At the end of 2012, the Krestall Gang association was formed in Yekaterinburg, which included Flesh. It is worth noting that it was Pavel who came up with the name of the party. "Crestal Gang" also included such characters as: Courier, Kidd, Nlo and Junk.

The group became, to some extent, the founder of a new school of Ural rap. The association's creativity was characterized by a mixture of various genres from drill (dark, gloomy presentation with the lyrical content of trap music) to deathcore (extreme metal direction).

Flesh - biography, photos of the rapper, songs, personal life, girl, albums, height, weight Home » Photo-Biography » Musical artists BIOGRAPHY FLESH: WHO IS THIS? Flesh (Pavel Flash) – rap artist. As a child, I was interested in writing music. He began his creative journey with the group “Krestall Gang”, after which he joined “Sunset 99.1”. In 2016, he released the albums “Audiopunk” and “Sci-Fi”, with the help of which he opened a new direction in Russia as “cyber rap”. Full name: Pavel Nickname: Flesh Date of birth: February 19, 1995 Age: 23 years Place of birth: Ekaterinburg, Russia Place of residence: Moscow, Russia Zodiac sign: Aquarius Height: 181 cm | Weight: 64 kg Marital status: single Rating: 4.8 | 235 votes 12345 (add / change information) CONTENTS BIOGRAPHIES OF PAVL FLESH Children's and early years Music career Personal life of Pavel Flash Flesh now CHILDHOOD AND YOUNG YEARS Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site artchange.ru. So, the rap artist Flesh, whose real name is Pavel, first saw the light of day on February 19, 1995 in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, in the Sverdlovsk region. Little Flesh with his parents As a schoolboy, our hero became interested in writing music, downloading the corresponding software onto his personal computer. The young man began to come up with various lyrics to his beats and create the first hip-hop tracks from them. Then Pasha was a fan of the rap group "Bone Thugs-N-Harmony" and tried in every possible way to imitate their sound. Pavel in his youth MUSICAL CAREER At the end of 2012, the Krestall Gang association was formed in Yekaterinburg, which included Flesh. It is worth noting that it was Pavel who came up with the name of the party. "Crestal Gang" also included such characters as: Courier, Kidd, Nlo and Junk. The group became, to some extent, the founder of a new school of Ural rap. The association's creativity was characterized by a mixture of various genres from drill (dark, gloomy presentation with the lyrical content of trap music) to deathcore (extreme metal direction).

The group gained its greatest popularity in 2015, but the following year “Krestall Gang” disbanded and all participants began solo work. Flesh, in turn, dropped out of university in order to devote more time to music.

In 2016, Pavel became a member of the Sunset 99.1 association. This party was created by Lizer, Why Hussein and Dolla Kush in December 2015. The guys put into the name the presence of something new in musically. Our hero met Lizer in social networks in the creative field.

On April 28, 2016, the premiere of Pavel’s debut solo album entitled “Audiopunk” took place. A film adaptation of the composition of the same name was released in the same month. The release included 8 tracks, and Krestall / Courier, i61, Aqualiquid, Lizer, Thrill Pill, Greedy Son and Kindy King took part in its recording.

At the end of June, a video for Flash's song "High Technologies", recorded together with Thrill Pill, Leezer and Courier, appeared in the public domain.

A joint 6-track release was released on July 28 Arsena Lizer and Pavel Flesh called "Sci-Fi". In this work, the guys again raise the topic of high technology and the Internet. With their creativity, the guys created their own direction of hip-hop, calling it “cyber rap.” The artist explains that he himself spends a lot of time working on the computer. And after hours spent in the virtual space, Pasha begins to feel like a part of it. It is under the influence of this feeling that Flash writes his songs.

After a successful tape, “Sunset 99.1” went on a tour, during which he visited about seven cities in Russia.

On February 22, 2017, Flesh expanded its discography with the album “Audiopunk 2: Welcome to the Exhibition,” consisting of 14 tracks. The release featured both old acquaintances of Pavel and new faces: Yuth and Guerlain. The track "Creator" was released music video, which received more than 500 thousand views in less than a year.

In the spring, a film adaptation of the dynamic and aggressive song “Power Bank” with Lizer was released, which gained almost 1 million plays on YouTube in six months.

On August 17, Flesh and Lizer pleased listeners with the collective album "False Mirror". In this album, the duo decided to move away from cyber-rap and take as a basis more pressing themes about life, love and creativity, but in their own style of performance. A video was released for the title track of the collection, partly filmed on the streets of Paris.

The artist does not particularly advertise his personal life. However, he doesn’t try very hard to hide her, so fans managed to find out that Pavel still has a girlfriend, whose name is Adelina Klimova. The couple has several photos together on the Internet.

On November 1, 2017, an important event occurred in Pavel’s biography - it was decided to dissolve the Sunset 99.1 team, since all the participants had grown to become full-fledged solo artists. The association left behind 3 tours, 7 video works and 9 releases, which made a significant contribution to the development of the genre.

On December 19, Pasha presented the first single “Wheels of Love” from the upcoming album “Bogema”, which was presented 2 days later. The album includes 10 tracks, two of which are collaborations with MellowBite and ILLA. The work is characterized by the presence of diverse compositions - from cheerful and party compositions to purely personal ones. In general, the word “Bohemia” quite accurately describes the essence of this tape.

Flash continues to work hard to improve his performance style. Pavel has already achieved impressive achievements musically, but this is far from the limit for the promising rapper of the new school.

On March 20, 2018, a video work for the track Internal was released, which gained 655 thousand views in a week.

At the beginning of 1991, musicians... Read all

Septic Flash - musical group from the city of Athens. In their sound they mix death metal, dark metal, symphonic metal, industrial metal and dark ambient, using a mystical, mythological, horror and even opera-theatrical atmosphere, as well as the most various types vocals

They existed from 1990 to 2003, after a reunion in 2007 they changed their name to Septicflesh.

At the beginning of 1991, the musicians recorded the demo Forgotten Path. The film sold well (about 800 copies were sold), and the team decided to release a mini-album. Temple of the Lost Race contained the band's classic track, and it was the track that earned Septic Flesh a contract with Holy Records.

The first full-length was recorded with Magus Vampire Daoloth as producer. Mystic Places of Dawn, based on ancient Greek myths, was a combination of speed, brutality, melody and atmosphere, which the musicians themselves called “dreamy death metal”.

The next album, created under the same conditions as its predecessor, marked a decrease in tempo and the introduction of doom elements into the music. At the same time, Esoptron was clearly influenced by the culture of the ancient Hellenes. The third work, Septic Flesh, exceeded all expectations and significantly increased the band's popularity.

This time the sessions took place under the supervision of Lambros Spheeris. Also, vocalist Natalie Rasoulis was introduced into the lineup, and guitarist Chris Antoniou used neoclassical elements in the music (it was not for nothing that he studied at an English music university). As for the texts, they formed the concept of inventing a secret engine that changes reality. The following year, the team decided to please fans with rarities and recorded the album A Fallen Temple, based on a reworking of Temple of the Lost Race. Of the new material, only five compositions were included on the disc, two of which (Marble Smiling Face and The Eldest Cosmonaut) soon became very popular. By the way, the band's first video clip was shot for The Eldest Cosmonaut.

In support of the album, Septic Flesh held a global European tour, "Temple of Humiliations", where they performed as headliners with support from Misanthrope and Natron. The team came to their next studio work without Natalie Rasoulis and drummer Kostas (Akis Kapranos took the place on drums).

The Revolution DNA album was recorded in Sweden with producer Fredrik Nordstrom. As a result, listeners received a new metal album in the spirit of dark new age, and the songs on it became more theatrical and soulful. After the release of the record, Chris Antoniou organized the side project Chaostar, to which he attracted his colleagues from Septic Flesh, including Natalie Rasoulis. When he returned to his main team, it turned out that the framework of Holy Records became too tight for the group, and the musicians began looking for a new label. Their efforts were crowned with success in 2001, and Septic Flesh came under the wing of the famous European death label Hammerheart Records.

In the summer of 2002, the band returned and in six weeks recorded an album filled with aggression, speed, melodies, classical orchestrations and a gloomy, all-consuming atmosphere. Unfortunately, after Sumerian Daemons Septic Flesh announced they would cease operations.

Unexpectedly, the group, without warning anyone, reunited and recorded an album, which was released on March 17, 2008. The album was recorded on the Season of Mist label. The album was called Communion. In 2010, the group announces a new album, which will be produced by Peter Tägtgren (Amon Amarth, Marduk, Therion, Children of Bodom, Celtic Frost, Immortal), and the release is tentatively scheduled for early 2011. A little later group releases the single The Vampire From Nazareth.

On the album Communion, the band's name was written together for the first time: Septicflesh. The musicians did not give any explanation for this. At the same time, on official page the name of the group on the Internet is written together on the panels and at the entrance, but separately in the text of the biography (including information about the latest album).

Prazhsky was involved in the recording of Communion Septic Flesh philharmonic orchestra: 80 musicians and a choir of 32 people.

Christ has a classic music education. In his spare time, Septic Flesh performs with various symphony orchestras(including with the Prague Philharmonic).

After Septic Flesh disbanded in 2003, Seth, Christos and Fotis founded THEdEViLWOrX. The music is a cross between black death metal and hardcore. The band even opened for Slipknot.

1991 - Temple of the Lost Race
1991 - Forgotten Path
1992 - Temple of the Lost Race
1994 - Mystic Places of Dawn
1995 - Esoptron
1997 - Ophidian Wheel
1998 - The Eldest Cosmonaut
1998 - A Fallen Temple
1999 - Forgotten Paths (The Early Days)
1999 - Revolution DNA
2003 - Sumerian Daemons
2008 - Communion
2011 - The Great Mass

Age (birthday): 19.02.1995

City: Ekaterinburg

Job: rapper

Family: not married

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Rapper Flesh, aka Pavel ( real name young man unknown), originally from the Urals, namely from Yekaterinburg. He was born on February 19, 1995. While studying at school, I became interested in music. He liked it completely different directions. Listening to tracks always brought him special pleasure.

Subsequently, the guy decided to create his own songs. He installed special programs on his PC and began to create. On a number of created beats, he began to record interesting texts. He did all this to create something new and diversify the hip-hop movement.

In those years, Pasha listened to quite a lot of music. He liked bands like Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, and he tried to imitate these guys.

Creative development

In 2012 he began collaborating with the creative association “Krestall Gang”; he personally came up with the name for the group. It also included Junk, Courier, Kidd, Nlo. Critics warmly received the guys' work, believing that they became the founders of a new direction in hip-hop in the Urals. Their songs began to be heard in a number of different genres, ranging from deathcat to drill.

Since 2015, the guys were noticed by fans of alternative domestic music. It is possible that the group could have had great prospects for the future, but the team disbanded too quickly. A year later, Pasha began working in the creative association “Sunset 99.1”. The team was led by Lizer. At the same time, such rappers as Why Hussein and Dolla Kush worked with them.

Pasha also set out to release a solo album. As a result of his efforts, a year later he published his first album. He shot a video for the main song. The album was called “Audiopunk”. It included 8 songs. Other musicians also helped him in this.

Flash didn't stop there. 2 months later the song “High Technologies” was released. His immediate circle helped him in this. Also, six months later, Pavel and Arsen Lizer released a new album. It was called "Sci-Fi". The theme of the collection was the influence of modern technology on the lives of ordinary people.

Meanwhile Pavel went with his colleagues in the group “Sunset 99.1” on a tour of Russia. In total, they visited 7 megacities of the country. In 2017, Flesh recorded the album “Audiopunk 2: Welcome to the Exhibition”, again with the help of his comrades. After some time, he made a video that received 500,000 views.

In the summer, he began working with Leeser on the next album. It was called "False Mirror". A video was released for the next title track, part of the material was filmed in Paris.

In November 2017, Pavel and his like-minded people closed the Sunset 99.1 group. They all started working solo. Flash released the single “Wheels of Love” in December, and 2 days after that the album “Bohemia”.

Today Flash also specializes in filming and editing video clips. He helps film Roma Acorn and YUNGRUSSIA. At the time of "Sunset 99.1" he was one of the oldest members.

Having gone on a solo voyage, Pavel began to spend a lot of time on the PC. Subsequently, it even began to seem to him that he was going crazy. At night he began to dream about plugins. It seemed to him that he lived inside the sequencer. He came up with the idea to put all his thoughts and experiences into a new direction, which joined the hip-hop genre.

Pasha himself admits that the most best clip In his work, he considers his work on the song “AUDIOPUNK”, although Flash’s loyal listeners agree that the track “Adventure Time” is also worthy of attention and flattering reviews.

Flash believes that he is able to experience the entire mechanism of frequencies and techniques of sound when he listens to tracks. This ability manifested itself when Pasha worked a lot with different compositions and really spent a lot of time on it.

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His work is in demand even outside of Russia. Pasha himself notes that he never wanted to have a lot of fans and did not strive for hype. The vibe is much more important to him and I’m very glad that people understand this fact.

Flash himself admits that he loves to experiment in music, which is extremely interesting in Europe. For this reason, he believes that access to international level For him, this is a clear confirmation that he has taken the right path in his work. Flash even shoots his videos abroad.

He is always happy to participate in collaborations, write tracks with colleagues, The main thing is that the vibe subsequently pleases music lovers and gives them joy. He shares the same opinion when working on videos, believing that you should listen to yourself, and not adapt to someone else. He calls cyberpunk rap his main direction.

About personal life

The artist does not talk about his successes in his personal life, but he also does not make any efforts special effort so that no one finds out anything. It is known that Paul is a member of serious relationship with Adelina Klimova. The couple posted photos together on the Internet.

He believes that the most important thing in life is friendship, as well as the ability to maintain humanity in all situations.

Photo by Pasha Flash