Find money on the 13th lunar day. Lunar day forecast

The symbols of this day are a wheel, a snake biting its tail.
First half of the 13th lunar day things can get tense. A day with the Wheel symbol often becomes the starting point of important changes. In the first half of the day, the Moon moves into the sign of Cancer, which can affect mood changes. Caring and emotional response in communication promote mutual understanding. In the afternoon there will be an opportunity for creative realization; the Moon will complete a major trine with Mars and Neptune in water signs. If you don’t become limp and don’t spill your emotions, then this is a favorable influence for almost all matters.
A favorable day for starting important things; Today you can and should make changes in your life. The 13th lunar day favors travelers and people engaged in spiritual quests. The magical 13th lunar day brings favorable events to those who are honest with themselves and the world around them, who understand the role of their presence in this world. The 13th lunar day will not bring anything good to superficial and selfish people.

Today you may feel a surge of strength, a desire to act; Interest in esoteric sciences may appear. On the 13th lunar day they make magic talismans, amulets; I am especially good at making round-shaped talismans.

A favorable day for creative pursuits - today inspiration may suddenly strike you, and you, without expecting it, will create some kind of masterpiece. Intuition can also suddenly awaken. Unexpected intuitive insights are not uncommon on the 13th lunar day.

New cases
One of better days to start a new business
You can make changes to an established business
It is better to postpone resolving financial issues
Real estate
Not a good day for real estate transactions
Court cases
Highly undesirable
A great opportunity to successfully pass an exam or start a new course of study. Information today is very easy to digest
Great for creative activities
Good day for communication
You can't sort things out
A good day to start a long journey
Rest should be active
Phys. loads
Nice day for sports
Diseases of this day are not dangerous. Today, cleansing procedures and various methods of rejuvenating the body have a very good effect on the body.
You can eat whatever you want, but your stomach must work well
Lucky day for marriage
Have a good day

Choose another day to conceive. The child of this day will have hard fate and will not live long
A person on the 13th lunar day shows interest in learning new things; this is an eternal student, a student. Often such people have several educations and are distinguished by unusual mental abilities, show interest in occult sciences. They often get sick in childhood, but live to a ripe old age.
Dreaming prophetic dreams. They can tell you about your purpose in this life and point out mistakes that you need to correct.
Haircut will bring happiness and longevity
A good day for any work with plants

More details about the 13th lunar day

The day is quite calm and pleasant. The Wheel symbol represents life cycle, rebirth and renewal, nobility, variability and changes in the material world. The ambiguity of the day is that, on the one hand, the day contributes to the accumulation of new knowledge and transformation, and on the other, today the accumulated experience and possibly unresolved problems return to you.

It is advisable to approach returning problems calmly, without irritation and nervousness, whatever one may say - this is your past experience, and you are given the opportunity to return to it and turn it in your direction, and this is a very big plus.

It is for this purpose that it is recommended to turn your attention to karma, it is advisable to deeply analyze your life from an early age, think about your actions, especially if they were wrong or caused harm to someone. Perhaps, remembering your mistakes, you will understand how to correct them, and thereby get not only good lesson, but also improve your karma.

Information on the thirteenth day lunar month there will be a lot coming. It is advisable to take acquiring such knowledge seriously. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of wasting your attention on absolutely useless information, which affects your awareness so much that at some moments you may not find the right solutions to very simple situations.

The symbol of the day - the Wheel, among other things, also means the cosmic center - the source of light and strength. Therefore, today the line between worlds is becoming thinner, and it is possible to feel or look into other worlds. This is especially pronounced in creative people. During this period, insight comes to them and they create masterpieces in art.

Passive behavior on this day is contraindicated. Think about it in the morning - what you can do to make your money affairs go uphill. Perhaps meet someone, go somewhere, agree on something, call someone. If you are looking for a job, it would be a good idea to get an interview or at least arrange one. Do anything that you think will bring you closer to your money dream!


This best time in order to make adjustments to your work and business, expand the scope of your activities, the boundaries of your activities, enter into contracts with new partners, and sign agreements.
If you want to start a new important business (especially alone), it is better to postpone it until a later time. At the same time, you can’t quit things you started earlier.


On this day, the body's rejuvenation processes are activated, so it will be nice if you pay attention to your physical tone. This period is favorable for treatment, prevention and dental prosthetics, as well as for cosmetic and plastic surgeries and cellulite treatment. Very useful in the thirteenth lunar day massage and water treatments.


Most of the diet for this lunar period should consist of light food - fruits, vegetables, juices, whole grain cereals, and the like. Seafood is healthy.

Thirteenth lunar day- the most perfect time to try previously unknown foods and dishes. It's a time of culinary exploration and discovery! You can try everything, but little by little. Cleansing the body is strictly prohibited. Eat more live food.

Hair cutting

The haircut will be successful, it will give appearance attractiveness and freshness, can even bring benefit and happiness.


This day is considered unfavorable for marriage.

As a rule, dreams seen on this day almost all come true.
Dream images, when interpreted correctly, show a person the path by following which he can finally escape from problems. The dream symbols of this period carry the key to deep subconscious processes associated with the ability to be open to new things.
In the old days, on this day they baked bread, spun threads, and made round talismans.

Effect on birth

On the thirteenth lunar day, very interesting people With extraordinary abilities. These are ideal students with extraordinary mental abilities. From an early age they will be drawn to various knowledge and will show a desire to learn something new. Moreover, they assimilate the incoming information quite easily.

Those born on the thirteenth day of the lunar month have well-developed creative talents. Often, such children become poets, musicians, artists, inventors or innovators. Inspiration forces them to constantly search for everything new.

People on the thirteenth lunar day have special karma. They are faced with the test that they must pass. In other words, life itself teaches lessons. And if such a person does not learn them, he will be doomed to walk in circles and make the same mistakes. Therefore, the children of this lunar day need to be early years teach them to work with their past, developing in them an understanding of their mistakes, by correcting which they can continue their development and improvement.
In terms of health, those born on the thirteenth lunar day are recommended to pay attention to their diet. It is advisable to eat healthy foods and avoid alcohol and smoking. It is not recommended to fast. A child born on this day will live to a ripe old age.

breathing exercises: rebirthing, pranayama, vipassana;
— rejuvenation practices;
— work with karmic knots;
— cleansing the internal space;
— creation of round amulets and amulets.

1) Practice unraveling karmic knots
Light three wax candles.
Sit in front of them and turn on music with the sounds of bells and prayers. If you are in the Eastern tradition, you can include mantras and sounds of Tibetan bowls. Then take the tangled threads in your hands and, unraveling them, say:
“As I, the daughter of God (Name), unravel these knots and threads, so let the karmic knot between me and (insert the name of whomever you want the situation to unravel) unravel for the good of us and people and all living beings.”
Repeat until you have unraveled all the threads.
When you unravel the threads, burn them. Give the ashes to water.

2) Practice “Spinning Wheel of Karma”
Pick up a wooden wheel. It would be very good if this wheel had a solar pattern and was carved.
Take a deep breath. And start looking at the wheel. Place all your attention on this wheel. Look at it from all sides. Twist it one way, then the other. Just spin it and look at it.
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Feel your wheel in your hands. What does it feel like? What feelings do you get from holding it in your hands? What thoughts and images arise?
Then place the wheel on your navel and cover it with your hands, the left one on top. Concentrate all your attention on this wheel and begin to fill it with the warmth of your hands. Do this for a few minutes.
When the wheel becomes warm, take it in your hands and begin to slowly rotate it counterclockwise at the level of your navel. As you do this, perhaps patterns and symbols, signs and images begin to appear in your imagination? Perhaps you remember certain situations and people. Allow yourself to spin the wheel of time and karma back. Just observe where and when various situations and problems began. Where did you repeat the same mistakes? Where did movie-like situations happen over and over again? Where are the points where this or that recurring situation in your life began. Where in space and time were the events that influenced your entire life. Spin the wheel and observe and become aware of the origins and causes.
Gradually the wheel can take your imagination to the very early period your life. By the time you are born. For your birthday.
Take a deep breath and go beyond your biographical experience. Go to the prenatal experience. What was it like for you? What did you experience while in your mother's womb? What was it like to be part of the universe and experience it as your own? To be in unity and at the same time separate? What qualities of your character and personality were laid down then? What was written into you at the body level?
Go deeper and deeper to where the beginning of all began. Your conception. In this flash of light. What were you feeling at that moment? What were your desires and aspirations? What did you want and what was most important to you? This is the point where you can get answers to all your questions about your life and your mission. There in this infinity of light there are answers to all your questions. What is your karmic task and mission? Why are you this way and not another? It is there that our internal restrictions and freedoms are established. Why are they given to us? Feel and look at it consciously? What opportunities do you have? What is your uniqueness and talent?
And now, when you are at the very beginning of your journey, begin to rotate the wheel of time and the wheel in your hands back. And when you come back, you have the opportunity to change your view of many events and experiences. Just allow yourself to now look at them consciously and begin to respond to events and experiences differently. Calm and conscious. Change whatever you want.
Here you are again in your mother’s cozy and warm tummy. And now you can feel like a part of this amazing universe. A magical world where you can once again regain a sense of security and the limitlessness of your capabilities. Turn on your intuition and ability to receive from the world everything you need at any moment. Get the opportunity to choose and harmoniously exist in unity with the world. Enjoy this complete peace and tranquility. Infinity and boundlessness. Allow yourself to grow in a sense of peace, joy and harmony with the world.
And now the mother’s pregnancy period is coming to an end. It's time to be born. Go through your birth consciously. After all, you know what awaits you ahead. This whole boundless world is waiting for your arrival. Waiting for the birth of an amazing beautiful girl. And when this magical moment of birth comes, and she finds herself in our earthly human world, tell this girl how beautiful this world is. As an adult, tell her about the world she came into and that awaits her. About sorrows and sorrows that will teach her a lot and about the great joy, tenderness and love that she can acquire in this world. About the amazing discoveries and secrets that she has to learn. About the endless possibilities that she will get whenever she wants.
And now the girl is growing up. People come and go into her life. Events happen to her. Time flows and like sand comes and goes. And now you can change your attitude towards what is happening there in the past. At those points that were the sources of events and situations, change your reaction and change what is happening.
Just spin the wheel of time, the wheel of karma and change, change.
And now you are already in the here and now. Stop the wheel.
Now look at your life from its very beginning to today. Look consciously, understanding and feeling significant events and their impact on you. What did they give you? What did they teach you? What were those lessons and what did you learn from them, what experiences and conclusions? What can you do today to change something in your destiny and life.
And after taking a deep breath and exhaling, return to the sensations of your body. See and feel the places where the body comes into contact with the floor and the floor presses on it. Gently stretch your entire body and rotate your hips. Take a deep breath again and open your eyes.
Give thanks to your guide wheel and place it on your altar.

3) Practice “Wheel”
Imagine a spinning wheel to which you attach your desires, new goals, new ideas about the world, and only when the wheel makes a full turn will everything come true. Remember that this takes time. For some, everything is realized immediately, for others within a month, and for others it takes a year or three. The speed at which your wheel rotates depends on the strength of your energy.
We stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.
Inhale. We tilt our body to the left and begin a synchronized circular movement of our hands in the direction of the Sun (clockwise) to the left and up.
Exhalation. We continue to turn the wheel: we tilt the body to the right and move our hands in the direction of the Sun down to the right.
We make nine circular movements along the path of the Sun, following our breathing and imagining that we are starting a huge wheel that sets the galaxies in motion, solar systems and planets.
Having stopped in the “hands down” position, we begin to make nine circular movements against the direction of the Sun. The upward-right movement with the body tilting to the right corresponds to inhalation, and the left-downward movement with the body tilting to the left corresponds to exhalation.
In total, we make nine circles in one direction and nine in the opposite direction.
Practice allows you to accelerate the wheel of karmic energies and free yourself from everything unnecessary.

4) Practice of cleansing the internal space
We sit down and relax.
Imagine your dream home or palace. See yourself in one of the rooms of this house. Calmly look at the room you are in, enjoy the order and pleasant atmosphere in this room.
Go to the large mirror that is in the room and see yourself in it. Smile to yourself. And if you see your sad mood - sympathize with yourself, tell kind words that you want to say and try to smile at yourself.
And now look at yourself through the eyes of a person madly in love with you. How does he look at you? How does he see your beautiful face and body? Smile at this look.
Concentrate your attention on the energy that is associated with this smile. Smile at yourself and see your transformation in the mirror. Smile and feel joy.
And you begin to feel more and more the joy that rises in you, like healing, happiness-bringing energy. Joy takes over you more and more. It begins to permeate your entire body, all organs and cells. The body relaxes and begins to glow internally with this joy. All the worries of recent times, all the doubts, uncertainty, fears, sadness and frustration also slowly recede, disappear, giving way to a ringing, rising joy.
Joy fills the whole body, and the Soul and Spirit are filled with this joy. Everything bad that dominated you dissolves and turns into positive energy and happiness. And you feel how all your cells are filled and charged with this energy.
Smile at yourself again and look at yourself in the mirror again. Realize that you see in this mirror a happy, young, beautiful woman. The joy and radiance of a smile illuminates everything around this woman. And smile at yourself in the mirror again, wave your hand and return to the here and now.
The feeling of joy will stay with you for a long time. And it will always come to you when you smile.

How to get energy from the past?

Past negative situations, your pain, grievances, experiences, suffering, etc. are a powerful source of energy that is stored in them until the moment you take it away from there, clearing your consciousness and subconscious of thoughts and memories of them.
Therefore, if you feel that you are sorely lacking something new, then you need to get rid of the old. And when you free up space and your energy in this way, something new will come, and everything you want will be easily and freely attracted into your life.
To start working through it, you need to remember situations when you were hurt, offended, scared.
And check yourself for your attitude towards them at the moment. If no emotions, thoughts, or feelings arise, it means that you have worked through the situation and can let it go from your memory.
If, when remembering, you again have similar negative emotions, pain, tears, then something else is holding you in it, and accordingly, part of your energy is definitely located in it.
How to get this energy from the past?
There are several ways to release energy stuck in the past and move it into the present:
1. Do the Recapitulation Practice.
The practice of Recapitulation can be done in relation to people and situations. It lies in the fact that when you recapitulate relationships with people and situations from the past, you take energy from there into the present, the freed energy adds resources for life.
Remember any situation and scroll through it in your head, feel all the emotions.
Select any state from your past that is highly emotionally charged (your red button is there).
Sit with a straight back in a comfortable position. Close your eyes.
Turn your head to the left, and remembering the situation and the emotions associated with it, begin the practice.
Scroll through the situation and simultaneously turn your head from left to right while inhaling, and from right to left while exhaling.
From left to right - inhale
From right to left - exhale
Scroll through the situation and the emotion that was present in it. Important point this practice in the states and experiences themselves.
Do it until there are no emotions left. It is necessary to review the situation several times during practice until there are no emotions left. If you live the situation to the end, then it will remain in the past, and the energy that was associated with it will return to the present and add resources to you.
When finished, realize the change in attitude towards the person, emotions towards the situation, gradually open your eyes.
During the practice, you may experience various emotions and tears. At the same time, highly emotionally charged situations can take a long time to be processed.
The practice is considered completed if, when remembering the situation, there are no more emotions. It can be performed regularly or as negative situations and emotions accumulate.
The practice will not work if you do not feel anything towards the painful situation, i.e. It turns out that you don’t have a “red button”, which means you have already experienced it, felt it and let it go from you.
2. Write down all your thoughts, feelings, sensations about the negative situation on paper.
Feel them well, you can cry too. And write like this until negative feelings, thoughts, emotions will remain and nothing will cling to you.
You can burn the letter you receive with your outpourings so that no trace of them remains.
3. Turn to your friends and take turns telling your painful situation (if this is possible, of course). Tell also until all the negative emotions associated with it are completely re-experienced and released.

Approaching full phase. This leaves an imprint on well-being, mood and performance.

General characteristics

Wheel, closed circle, ring - concepts that most accurately define the 13th lunar day. The characteristics of the day show that it is very good for creativity. On this day you can make new discoveries in something you have been doing for a long time. The thirteenth ensures the harmonious continuation and development of affairs begun the day before, on the 12th lunar day. Objects in the shape of a ring are most suitable as a talisman for this day. It is very important that the talisman is closed, then the flow of creative energy will not be wasted, but, on the contrary, will move along the same trajectory, purifying, improving and becoming more perfect. If you slow down the movement through an effort of will, then a useful experience that could raise you to a new level of development will go to waste. And the entire previous period will not be a movement forward, but, on the contrary, a rollback. This 13 prohibits passivity.

Today group classes will be effective, getting new information, which is easy to understand and will definitely come in handy in the future. On this day it is good to start a new learning cycle and start reading useful, information-filled books.

On the thirteenth lunar day you can improve your karma. This is facilitated by working with threads and yarn. By unraveling the knots of the skein, you unravel those formed in your destiny in the previous period.


The talisman of the thirteenth lunar day is the ring. On this day it is useful to start wearing new rings and closed bracelets. If you are going to buy a chain around your neck or other jewelry consisting of closed rings, then do it on the 12th lunar day. In this way you will create for yourself powerful amulet from despondency, inertia and stagnation. The ring links, closed in a ring around the neck, will protect you from negative external influences.

On this day, you can purchase accessories such as scarves and belts. You will be able to choose a thing that will harmoniously fit into your wardrobe.

Try to come into contact with objects that resemble a ring more often on this day.

If on this day you and your loved one make a symbolic exchange of rings, then over time you will become a wonderful pair of like-minded people who think in unison, harmoniously complement each other and feel very well what is needed for development and perfection.


It is believed that the 13th lunar day is most suitable for carrying out personnel changes within one enterprise. The characteristics of the day are not conducive to concluding contracts with new partners. It’s best on this day to bring up old connections, arrange friendly, non-pompous meetings and discuss the prospects for future collaboration. On this day it is very good to adjust a long-standing partnership. If something in the relationship did not suit you, then today is the most convenient time to enter a new stage.

This day is good for long-distance drivers, taxi drivers and chauffeurs. Today you can go on a flight - luck will accompany those on wheels.


On the thirteenth lunar day, it is best to marry middle-aged people united by one common creative profession. In this case, marriage will connect two bright personalities who will not be threatened by destructive rivalry. Very often, such couples become successful creative duos, famous in a certain environment.


Prosthetics and dental treatment, plastic surgery, massage and anti-cellulite procedures are very good to do on the 13th lunar day. The characteristics of the day suggest that you need to pay special attention to the stomach and pancreas. You should not fast on this day, but the food should be fairly light and not too fatty. It is better to exclude smoked foods completely. Today you can visit the hairdresser. A haircut on the 13th lunar day turns out especially well.

By the full moon, energy accumulates in the body, both positive and negative. If the hair at the ends is brittle and split, it means that unhealthy energy has accumulated. She must be given the opportunity to leave the body. After a haircut done on this day, the hair becomes thicker and more manageable, and the general condition and mood improves. If you dye your hair today, the color will lie evenly and naturally, but if you do new hairstyle, then it can become the beginning of a new life or serve as an impetus for the renewal of old relationships.

As for sports, cycling, roller skating and skateboarding are very useful on this day. If you can’t get out into nature, then go to the fitness center or gym and work out on an exercise bike.


A dream seen on the 13th lunar day is prophetic. Today it is better not to have any dreams, since what you see will be in symbolic form show that there are problems in your past that require solutions. Think about the dream, try to understand what past event it may be associated with. If you succeed, then you will be able to get rid of some event blocking your development.

People born on the 13th lunar day have been indifferent to wheels since childhood. vehicles. In order for a child born on this day to become a harmonious personality, he must spend as much time as possible playing with pyramids of rings that are placed on a pin base. It is advisable to buy him a bicycle as soon as possible. The sooner he gets used to the wheel, the sooner his creative abilities will appear. These people will strive throughout their lives to acquire new knowledge and improve what they have already acquired. You can rest assured that your child, born on the 13th lunar day, will be happy to go to school and do homework without reminders.

Lucky names for those born on this day are Nikolai and Olga.

Those that end or have a 0 in the middle.

Gardening work

The waxing Moon contributes to the intensive increase in the above-ground parts of plants. The 13th lunar day is the time when you can start feeding those plants whose aerial parts have the greatest consumer value: flowers, salad greens, melons, berries, and shrubs. Today you can feed the roots of plants with organic fertilizers. They will intensively spend on the development of the above-ground part.

These lunar days are very suitable for grafting fruit and ornamental plants and for rooting cuttings. Today you can start planting seedlings and seeds. The plants will grow quickly.

It’s good on this day to start harvesting and preparing medicinal plants, since in this phase of the Moon the upper part of the plants is concentrated maximum quantity useful substances.

Since plants grow most intensively during this period, they should be watered abundantly on the 13th day. Hilling, loosening and weeding can be carried out without too much fear for the roots of useful plants, since this phase is a dormant period for them.

On the thirteenth lunar day, you can arrange round flower beds and install well frames.


On this day it is very useful to eat whole grains. Today it is recommended to bake bread and make pancakes. It is better not to cut round bread or kalach with a knife, but to break it with your hands. Bagels, bagels and dryers, rings - everything will be used for future use. On this day, it is better not to eat foods containing bones - poultry and fish. And squid, octopus, sea cucumbers and other seafood and invertebrates will be very useful.


The magic of the 13th lunar day does not recommend colliding with sharp or angular objects. They can stop the flow of renewal energy carried by streamlined objects with a round hole. By using them intensively on this day, you risk falling out of the general cosmic harmony of the universe.

On the thirteenth lunar day, fortune-telling practices are not effective due to the slow flow of energy. It will not be possible to obtain objective information.

General forecast

The symbol is a wheel, a spinning wheel, a circle, a snake biting its tail. A wheel with a swastika inside is the wheel of Samsara (symbol of the Sun). The swastika symbolizes the movement, first of all, of blood, intestinal peristalsis, and the circulation of qi (prana) energy through the channels of our body. The swastika, going clockwise, symbolizes eternal movement, for example, the movement of the Sun, blood circulation, intestinal peristalsis, and the movement of energy through the channels of our body.

The energy of magic prevails on this day, the day is good for working with karma, the past is corrected, information and contacts are accumulated. Contacts with other worlds can be made. This day is good for making round talismans, spinning threads, and baking bread. It is also recommended to engage in cosmetic procedures and stress the stomach.

The first part of the day will be very unfavorable. It will continue the negative trends of the previous day. But if a person can overcome the tests of pride, then he will have new opportunities that are associated with strengthening his aura. For this reason, in the second half of the lunar day, new prospects for creativity will open. The opportunity to achieve new goals increases.

Love and relationships. It is advisable to refrain from new acquaintances and contacts. It is very likely that you will meet people with whom you once parted, and did not part in the most joyful way. This is a day of reconsidering relationships, returning old problems and connections. Don’t be surprised if today, out of the blue, your ex-husband or beloved. And, having reviewed your old mistakes, you can understand that he was not so bad, and the reasons why you broke up may seem trivial and a mere trifle to both of you. If you still have feelings for this person, then do not miss the opportunity that the Moon gives to try to start all over again, “with clean slate" On the thirteenth lunar day, proposals are rarely made and marriages are even less common, since this is a day of reviewing old relationships, a time when it is time to look back, and not make plans for the future. This is the time when you can talk about painful things. The best day to finally figure out what's what. Very often it turns out that some things open up by themselves. Everything secret becomes clear. Sometimes a person did not intend to tell something, but it revealed itself. And today old problems may appear. Not only what you suspected, but also what you had already forgotten or did not take into account. It’s unpleasant that such news often turns out to be anything but happy.

Housework. On this magical and mystical day it is very favorable to bake round bread. Treat yourself and your loved ones with a delicious, crispy homemade loaf. The thirteenth lunar day is a wonderful time for repairs and major household chores, fruitful and extensive work on improving the house and garden plot.

Business and money. All beginnings are unfavorable. The function of this day is audit, revision and completion of old affairs. The most successful day for a thorough review and analysis of contracts and projects and their correction. Go back to the very beginning and trace the entire chain until today. This practice will help you see all the shortcomings and shortcomings, find the “weak link” and strengthen it. It is good on this day to close enterprises that have ceased to fulfill their functions and are no longer needed by their founders. On the 13th lunar day, try to act together. In addition, today you can deal with money matters and material issues. The day is especially successful for scientific and creative work, social events, group contacts. An excellent day to receive new information, improve your education, and replenish your knowledge about any subject that interests you.

Dreams. The energy of the day shows us whether we are moving in a circle and stepping on the same rake, or whether we were able to change something and are climbing up the spiral steps. Sleep is the main clue on the path to this understanding. It carries clues and can reveal to us where we don't want to change, or what is difficult for us to overcome, and even we can see a hint of what we need to do to change. On this day, in your dreams, life itself knocks on your door and shows you the path along which you need to go towards change. It is important not to ignore these instructions, and begin to follow them in life, then you will free up some of your energy for further actions. So that you can analyze your dream well, do not forget to write it down when you wake up. A dream can be a dream - a warning that may soon come true. Sometimes they say that dreams of this day will come true in eight days.

Health. Diseases that start today can be dangerous. Medicines and various cosmetics today are very susceptible to the body. Therefore, today it is good to take medications, decoctions and infusions. It is good to carry out procedures to rejuvenate the body. Today you can eat, your stomach should work.

  • The beginning of the 13th lunar day in 2019 in Moscow:
  • January 17 at 13:18
  • February 16 at 13:22
  • March 18 at 14:46
  • April 17 at 16:42
  • May 16 at 17:10
  • June 15 at 18:57
  • July 14 at 19:08
  • August 13 at 19:35
  • September 11 at 18:36
  • October 10 at 17:21
  • November 8 at 15:58
  • December 8 at 14:46
13th lunar day in other years

Hair cutting

Despite the number 13, this is a very good lunar day, on which a haircut will be successful, it will refresh your appearance, give beauty and happiness.


On the 13th lunar day, restless, very sensitive people are born. They are easy-going, sociable, and receptive to information. They have an excellent memory, so they learn everything “playfully.” They can do several things at once and have versatile abilities. But we tend to “walk in circles” throughout our lives, making the same mistakes. In terms of energy, such people are good at working with time. If you want to program your future, you can do it.
People of this day clearly see the relationship between cause and effect, between events that happened long ago and what is happening now. The main thing is to draw conclusions.
Those born on the 13th lunar day can easily make a career in any chosen field. Long-lived.
Advice: use your potential abilities, because you have been given a lot.

Bathing in the sauna

The best day for cosmetic and anti-aging procedures in the bathhouse. A good day for a good bath company.


On the 13th lunar day, dreams can carry new information about old problems, but not directly, but in the form of symbols, and one must try to understand and decipher them in order to quickly begin solving the pressing problem. Decipher the message of your subconscious, it can serve as a guide and give you a hint.

Guardian stones

Ruby, opal.

Conceiving a child

Chance will play the main role in the life of a person conceived on the 13th lunar day. Whether this case will be happy or unlucky depends on both fortune and karma. Happiness or unhappiness? Complete freedom or complete dependence on circumstances? Whatever the karmic load that the nascent soul brings with it into this world, such is the answer.

Weather forecast

Three days before the full moon - a change in weather.

Aromatherapy and home fragrances

Eliminates neurotic, asthenic-depressive and hysterical reactions. Objectifies the psycho-emotional state. Helps with insomnia. The aroma of Neroli harmonizes a person’s emotional and energetic plans. Promotes the manifestation of noble human traits. Prevents the appearance of envy and protects against bad deeds and thoughts. Encourages high and bright aspirations.


The thirteenth lunar day is good for marriage for people associated with science - scientists, researchers, academicians, students, etc., as well as for those whose profession is to discover new things - travelers, sailors, geologists, etc.

Due to the fact that these lunar days are a time of transition, they are also favorable for marriage for those who, due to their age, are entering a new period of their life, a new social status. The coincidence of these two events will bring a positive result - the family created during this period will coincide with the natural rhythms of nature, which will give it the opportunity to develop in the right direction, avoiding many disasters. Such a marriage, as a rule, is characterized by stability and harmony between the spouses.

Some astrological schools believe that the thirteenth lunar day is also suitable for people after thirty to create a family - at this time they become mature, and the Moon, in a sense, also becomes “mature”, that is, it approaches the peak of the full moon as much as possible.


Now the main thing is not what you buy, but how you buy it, or rather, what quality of product you choose. It is very important on the thirteenth lunar day not to rush, but to approach the thing you are going to purchase with all responsibility. Study it carefully, examine the entire range and choose the best. During this period, you need to acquire only the very best, and only in this case will it bring you benefit and pleasure. If you yourself cannot assess the quality of what you are purchasing, then invite an expert to help you. Of course, it is better to give preference to expensive purchases in such a careful approach, so that the time spent on the choice itself is worth it. Priorities in purchases on the thirteenth lunar day are distributed as follows - quality, style, originality (originality).


symbol: labyrinth
stones: hematite, selenite, opal
body part: spinal column

Magical day. Any love spells, soft and hard, love spells on woman's blood, love entanglements. Rituals for money and good luck.

These lunar days suggest the direction of fortune-telling practices towards clarifying issues related to the future. It is not recommended to seek clarification of the present state of affairs or the past.

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Symbols of the day: wheel, ring

Stones of the day: ruby, opal

Description of the day

The thirteenth lunar day is considered one of the most social. This is a time for social events, group contacts. An excellent day to receive new information, improve your education, and replenish your knowledge about any subject that interests you. The main thing is to refrain from accumulating meaningless and useless information. It's much better to find one, but useful fact than a mountain of information junk. Otherwise, it will only become more difficult for you to navigate the situation.

Today, before you get carried away with a program that is completely unnecessary for you, remember Sherlock Holmes: he never bothered his head with anything that could not be useful to him, because he knew that useless information was just garbage that prevented him from thinking. And this approach justified itself: the great detective thought, to put it mildly, not bad.

Haircut on this day

Today's haircut will have a beneficial effect on your health, improve your intuition and help solve financial problems. It is not recommended to dye your hair on the 13th lunar day. On this day we are under the influence of new energies, so we need to treat our hairstyle responsibly, and should not trust it to a stranger.

Gardening on this day

The moon is beginning to approach the peak of its growth, so this is a great day to bring all your ideas and plans to life on the site. Plants continue to be saturated vital energy, and the day itself is considered favorable in terms of energy.

The thirteenth lunar day is completely unsuitable for any serious undertakings and undertakings, especially those undertaken alone.

If you are planning an event, postpone its implementation until a more favorable time: it is just around the corner. But no matter what happens, don’t give up what you started.

Today, under no circumstances should you allow yourself a break; you can rest later.

The first half of the day may be especially unsuccessful. It carries the sediment of the previous day, and its most negative features. But if you spent yesterday correctly, today you will notice an increase in your influence on others. This will happen closer to the second half of the day and will be implemented already in it. Take advantage of this opportunity. You will be able to convince and change who is needed and what is required.

Features of the day

One of the symbols of the day is the wheel, an image of movement. He reminds us of the impermanence of all things, eternal change. In ancient times, the 13th lunar day was understood as a period of spiritual aspirations and searches. It was believed that this is a mysterious, mystical, frank time when you can find out something that is beyond reality, beyond the threshold visible world; to see something still unknown, unknown, inexplicable.

One of the biggest advantages of this day is that today we seem to be refreshing our energy reserves, renewing vitality. On the 13th lunar day we gain a fresh energy charge.

You need to pay close attention to this time, and if you are planning something serious, then to all the previous eleven days. And then today you will gain additional strength that will help you implement the most daring plans that are of great importance to you.

And yet, on the 13th lunar day it is good to hit the road.