List of modern dance styles. Modern dance styles

  • Regular dancing will make your body slimmer. During training, from 200 to 800 kcal are burned per hour - no worse than during fitness classes.
  • You can strengthen the respiratory organs and heart, increase the body's endurance, and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
  • and your gait is something you can be proud of after regular exercise. Dancing will help you learn to hold your back correctly.
  • You will develop excellent coordination, reaction speed and body flexibility.
  • You will become sociable and confident.
  • Learn not to be ashamed of your own body and move beautifully to the music.
  • You will have the opportunity to express yourself. In dance, a person is completely liberated, which contributes to psycho-emotional relief.
  • You are guaranteed great mood. After the gym or fitness training, many people feel tired, but after dancing, on the contrary, they feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Which direction to choose

Hip-hop is a cheerful, playful and very energy-intensive youth dance genre. You will be able to express your emotions, experiences or protest, and relax thanks to the movements that the body itself prompts. This is drive and adrenaline, the spirit of competition and leadership. Here the rules and restrictions are blurred, but at the same time a bright, clear style is felt.

This direction is characterized by downward movements, relaxed bent knees and a low-slung body. High jumps are replaced by sliding along the floor, there is a quick unexpected transition from wavy and slow movements to sharp and clear ones. The dancer should appear completely relaxed and the dance should appear free-flowing.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone who is young or feels young, confident and daring. Hip-hop can be a healthy hobby for your child. For children and adolescents, it will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, correct slight stoop and form a proportional figure. Moreover, this dance direction fosters strong-willed qualities and determination, and helps to show individuality.

According to the study Kids inactive most of the time during dance classes, hip-hop is the most useful dance style for a child: 57% of the duration of the workout a person is in motion. Scientists recognized flamenco as the least active: in this case, children were active only 14% of the time.


  • Home distinguishing feature: hip-hop is danced not to the rhythm of the melody, but to the beat, which must be recognized and clearly captured in the musical composition.
  • This is not just a dance, but a way of self-expression and a lifestyle. Hip-hop fans often wear clothes that emphasize their freedom: wide pants, sneakers, baseball caps, hoodies.
  • Hip-hop is always open to experimentation and improvisation. Character plays an important role in this direction, namely confidence, self-affirmation, a certain stubbornness and perseverance. This type of dance will help you become more courageous, psychologically liberated and open in communication.
  • This dance perfectly works the muscles of the legs, arms and shoulder girdle, improves fine motor skills.


Hip-hop can be considered a set, so the contraindications are standard, as for regular training. People who have problems with their knee joints should be especially careful about such activities, as they place a lot of stress on them.

The workouts combine aerobic exercise with elements of seductive dance. Each lesson includes a warm-up, including stretching, and learning dance moves. The muscles of the legs and arms, hips and buttocks, abdomen, back and chest receive an excellent workout.

Beginners will have to master the basic elements: waves with the body and arms, circular movements with the hips and chest, arches in the back while standing, sitting and lying on the floor. As you progress, the training includes complicated dance sequences with elements of acrobatics (splits, flips, stands).

Who is it suitable for?

This type of dance is created for all girls and women, regardless of their physical shape, appearance and age. If you not only strive for a beautiful figure and graceful gait, but also want to learn to love yourself, attract and seduce the opposite sex, then strip plastic surgery is ideal for you.


  • Strip plastic will help you overcome complexes more easily, will give you the opportunity to see your body and its advantages in a new way, as well as correct or hide shortcomings. After regular exercise, you will not only look better, but also feel more confident and attractive.
  • When teaching this style, much attention is paid to posture and movement, without which high-quality performance of dance elements is impossible.
  • The program also includes a fashion show. A few weeks will pass, and you will begin to move smoothly and relaxed, and your gait will become easy.
  • Another advantage is that many movements are done with a bend in the lower back. Usually these muscles are poorly developed due to a sedentary lifestyle. This type of dance will be an excellent prevention of diseases such as scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
  • During such training, transformation occurs, you will be able to reveal your sensuality and tell about secret desires, try on different roles - from a modest housewife to a vamp. You will master the art of attracting men and learn how to arouse their interest.


Diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels and joints can become an obstacle to exercise. With osteochondrosis, there is a limitation: you cannot twist the spine too much. At the same time, strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, stretching the muscles of the hips, shoulder girdle and pelvis will help significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

This is one of the sexiest trends that helps prolong a woman’s youth and attractiveness. Mandatory components of oriental dances are blows (sharp movements of the hips) and vibration combined with smooth waves, circles, and figure eights. Coordination of movements is very important. The dance drawing should look holistic, capturing all the attention of the viewer.

Who is it suitable for?

Ideal for mature women. Unlike jogging or aerobics, belly dancing is a gentle form of physical activity. This means you can perform movements without putting undue stress on your knees, legs, and feet.


  • You can start exploring the eastern direction even in bad weather. physical fitness: Belly dancing will independently prepare your body for the necessary loads.
  • This type of activity helps to shape a feminine figure. Since the movements of the hips in this dance are quite complex in terms of coordination, those muscles are worked out that are difficult to use during regular exercises. Such a fPhysical exercise promotes healthy labor and makes labor easier.
  • After 2-3 months of belly dancing, women feel better with gynecological diseases. Blood circulation improves, especially in the pelvic organs, inflammation of the appendages goes away, and menstrual pain is forgotten.
  • By practicing only oriental dances, you cannot create a perfect figure, since this is a fairly similar load. Not all muscle groups are involved here, for example, the back of the thigh, gluteal muscle, and triceps practically do not work.


Latin American dances (salsa, bachata, cha-cha-cha, mamba, rumba)

Latin American dances are known for their excitement, impulsiveness and positivity. The classes consist of three parts:

  • Warm-up - semicircular rotations of the head, hips, circular movements of the shoulders, etc.
  • The main part is learning the movements and repeating them many times.
  • Cool down - usually static stretching exercises and dance movements at a slow pace.

Who are they suitable for?

This type of training is ideal for energetic and emotional people. It embodies the fiery rhythm and clarity of movements. Latin American dancing is also a great way to warm up a couple's relationship or make new acquaintances.


  • The main feature of such dances is the constant work of the hip muscles with a fixed position of the back and a springy step. Therefore, the main load falls on the muscles of the shoulders, lower back and legs. This type of dance also helps improve heart rate.
  • One of the important features is that you won’t even notice the load on the body as a whole. The maximum you will feel is slight pleasant fatigue. This is due to the proportionality of the load on the entire body.
  • By actively practicing Latin American dancing, you can not only lose weight, but also pump up your thighs, if you are inclined to do so.


If you have cardiovascular diseases or problems with the musculoskeletal system, such dances are contraindicated.


One of the most popular workouts for weight loss. It has spread to more than 180 countries. This fitness program combines elements of hip-hop, salsa, samba, merengue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. Its goal is to work out maximum quantity muscles, without exhausting you with repeated repetitions of trivial exercises.

The direction was invented by Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 90s. He was a professional choreographer and dedicated his entire life to teaching others Latin dance. Later, Zumba became the basis for the training of many stars (Shakira, Beyoncé, Britney Spears).

Who is it suitable for?

Zumba does not tolerate restrictions; it can be practiced by people of any age, men and women with any abilities and skills. All choreographic movements are simple and clear.


  • The workout is like a party where everyone dances using simple combinations of movements.
  • To start practicing, you don't need any special physical training, so Zumba is great for beginners.
  • The dance program is very varied, which means you won’t get bored.
  • The emphasis in training is on the lower body, which allows you to tighten your muscles and get rid of cellulite.


Categorical contraindications are hernia of the lumbar spine, displacement of the vertebrae, diseases of the bones, ligaments, joints, thrombosis, problems with the heart muscle, high blood pressure, post-traumatic period, pregnancy at any stage.

Contempo is a combination of dance techniques from Western ( classical dance, jazz-modern) and oriental (qigong, taijiquan, yoga) arts of movement.

The basic exercises are constructed by analogy with classical and modern ones: from simple to more complex. The class includes exercises on the ground (floor work), relaxation techniques, and stretching.

Who is it suitable for?

For amateur and professional dancers. The height, weight, and build of a person are not important here. Contemp is suitable for you if you want to do more than just maintain good shape, move beautifully, but also get to know yourself.


  • Globally, contemporary dance differs from other dance styles in its inward orientation, interest in the quality of the moving body, its relationship with space, time, and partner. The dancer accumulates energy, thoughts, emotions within himself, and then gives them to the viewer.
  • The peculiarity of the dance also lies in the alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, falling and rising, sudden stops (often on straight legs), and balancing.
  • Breathing during contempo should be measured, as if it continues to move. Martial arts brought this requirement into dance.
  • Contempo tends more towards the floor, while emphasizing the lightness and expressiveness of movements. Usually danced barefoot.


Standard limits for physical activity. Moreover, this type of dance is quite difficult and exhausting, and you need to be in excellent psychological shape for training. Prolonged stretching and practicing jumping can exhaust a person with a fine mental organization and put him in a state.

This is a rather complex set of movements, during which you need to keep your whole body tense. Training is often exhausting, with a fairly heavy load. Before starting, a 15-minute warm-up is required to warm up the main muscle groups, after which the basic elements of dance begin to be practiced. To perform this style, not only the dancer’s movements are important, but also his appearance, especially shoes. The most known species The Celtic dance that everyone knows about is step.

Who are they suitable for?

Patient people who are attracted by the theme of social dancing. This style is characterized by complex combinations, the elements of which will have to be learned not only in class, but also at home (perhaps even mentally).


  • You'll have to get used to a rather unusual position. The dance is performed on half toes (the dancer raises his heels and stands on his toes), upper part the body is motionless, the arms are always lowered. The basic rule is fast footwork.
  • This is a group dance, so you have to, on the one hand, give up all liberties, and on the other, develop a sense of partnership when you feel like one with other people. Psychologists assure that such training is especially useful for those who have difficulty joining a team or are afraid of communication.
  • The music has a clear rhythm and requires the same precise steps. It is important to hit both the note and the foot.
  • Another interesting feature is that it is better not to practice any other dances before starting training. Classical choreographic preparation often gets in the way. For example, in ballet the feet and hips are strongly turned to the sides. Here, on the contrary, the legs are always crossed. And you should completely forget about your hands.
  • The Celtic dance system is extremely interesting because it heals the spine without missing a single section, no worse than a real doctor. The habit of keeping your back straight will form after several weeks of regular exercise.
  • Constant training will form ideal calf muscles. Although any type of dance has a positive effect on the leg muscles, Celtic dance gets a well-deserved gold medal.
  • This type of activity does not put any stress on the arms, so if necessary (or if desired), you need to work out this area separately.


Large impact loads (jumps) do not allow those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, spine, etc. to practice Celtic dancing. Progressive varicose veins are also a contraindication.

We looked at several main dance directions from which you can begin to get acquainted with the world of dance. Take a few classes and you'll see what's right for you. When choosing, consider your age, the difficulty of training, your physical condition and goals.

Modern social dancing is not just a beautiful action, but also a hobby, useful physical activity and a great way to meet people. In this collection we want to tell you about the nine most popular social dances that anyone can learn.

1. Swing

Swing originated in the southern United States in the 1920s during the popularity of jazz - it was often danced to the compositions of Louis Armstrong. At that time, there were no original musical and dance styles in America, and jazz and swing, which grew out of it, became the first manifestations of native American culture. It was first danced in Harlem, the first swing dance was called the Charleston and was performed without a partner - the dancers simply sharply kicked their legs out with their heels, which was reminiscent of traditional dances of African peoples. Little by little, the Charleston transformed directly into swing: the figures became smoother, they danced in pairs - the partner held the partner’s hands.

Dynamic and beautiful swing danced in clubs all over the country, and own style was in almost every city. The figures and techniques of dancing changed over time, new trends gradually appeared: Lindy Hop, Bilboa, and much later - boogie-woogie and rock and roll.

Modern swing is characterized by very fast and smooth kicking, high plasticity and emotionality. The partner plays a “leading” role; he directs the movements of the partner, who is required to be sensitive and able to adapt to the partner. The dance is based mainly on improvisation - freedom of movement is not limited by practically anything except jazz musical rhythm. The swing is usually rehearsed only before competitions.

There is a swing school in almost everyone big city peace. There are international competitions where the so-called “ballroom swing” is most often performed. It is characterized by clear, smooth, interconnected movements and bright dance composition as in the video below.

2. Argentine tango

Argentine tango first appeared in Argentina and Uruguay in the late 19th century. Oddly enough, it was danced in brothels and gambling establishments, where men spent their time searching for affordable entertainment, women and dubious romance.

The morals of that time were quite strict, so decent women could not even allow their partner to put his hand on their back - this was already considered reprehensible. Therefore, prostitutes were the first to dance tango. Tango was characterized by close hugs, intertwining legs, grabbing, stroking and flirtatious glances, all of which contained an overt hint of obscenity. Of course, women did not dance for free, and soon men began to get together and practice on their own.

Tango gained widespread popularity almost half a century after its inception. The young men taught dance, although less explicit, to their girlfriends and relatives. From Latin America, tango came to Europe, where it acquired its modern form.

Nowadays, dance is characterized by passion, close contact between partners, and fast movements. The main role is assigned to the woman - all complex figures such as throwing out legs, turns and steps fall to her share, the partner for the most part only supports. Argentine tango is popular all over the world. There are a huge number of styles, the most common of which are milonga, salon and liso. Improvisation plays a very important role in this dance. However, at international competitions held in all parts of the world, it is believed that a truly beautiful and professional dance must be rehearsed.

3. Viennese Waltz

Contrary to its name, the Viennese waltz did not appear in Vienna, but in Germany, and a very long time ago - the first mention of it dates back to the 12th century. It is believed that it was then that Bavarian peasants began to dance a similar dance. Later, the fashion moved to France - the appearance of the waltz was described in the Parisian newspaper La Patrie in 1559. The beautiful dance very soon gained popularity among the aristocracy - there are engravings and paintings depicting couples dancing the Viennese waltz, the most famous of which shows the young Queen of England Elizabeth I flying above the floor in the arms of the Earl of Lancaster.

The main difference between the Viennese waltz and the classical one is that it is somewhat more dynamic and is performed to faster, albeit smoother, music. Like all waltzes, this dance is performed in three quarters, that is, there are three steps per measure. The man plays the leading role - he serves as support and support for his partner, whose back is slightly tilted back in the shape during the dance. The Viennese waltz is a smooth dance, without sharp turns and tilts - it creates the feeling that the dancing couple seems to be soaring above the ground.

The dance is not so easy to perform, at least to learn how to dance it beautifully, you will need long training and good plasticity. The Viennese Waltz is one of the five dances in the European program, which says a lot.

4. Zouk

Zouk originated in the Caribbean in the 1980s. The word “zouk” is translated from the French Creole language as “party” - initially zouk was danced at parties and discos. As dance developed, numerous schools opened and new directions emerged. The music to which the zouk is danced can include African, Brazilian motifs, elements of flamenco and other musical styles. Zouk gained the greatest popularity in French-speaking countries.

Unlike most Latin American dances, in zouk there is no overt eroticism and sharp dynamic movements; it is performed to slow “dramatic” music, the dancers move smoothly and very plastically. Zouk is characterized by tenderness, humility, slight sadness and sensuality. In principle, dancing it is quite simple, no special preparation is required, and anyone can take part in the competition by simply submitting an application. Of course, a couple of “masters” who practice zouk professionally will benefit, but this area is also accessible to beginners.

5. Merengue

Merengue, both music and dance, originates from the Dominican Republic. The ancestor of the merengue is considered to be the tumba dance, which is not encountered so often - it is very complex and is not suitable for the main purpose of social dancing - entertainment and communication. Relatively simple merengue that does not require memorization and reproduction complex figures, quickly fell in love with young people and soon penetrated most Dominican parties. Now merengue is most popular in Latin America and the USA. Most of the performers live there.

Merengue is performed to fiery dynamic music, where the main accompanying instrument is the accordion. The contact of partners in the dance is minimal - both men and women dance it “solo”, rarely touching and mainly with their hands. Close physical contact is not typical for merengue - both partners commit large number movements: rotation of the body, movement of the shoulders at a stunningly fast pace, circular movements of the hips.

Merengue is quite easy to learn on your own - the dance is characterized by improvisation, and you only need to be able to withstand the frantic rhythm. As with all other dances on our list, merengue competitions are held for everyone. Of course, it will be difficult to get into international competitions as a participant, but at amateur competitions it is quite possible to have fun and learn something from other dancing couples.

6. Reggaeton

Reggaeton first appeared in Puerto Rico. As the name suggests, the basics of the music and dance originate from reggae music. Over time, very little remains of classic reggae in reggaeton, but you can hear echoes of techno music, rap, bomba, plena and hip-hop.

This dance is relatively young - it was first danced in the 1990s at discos and parties. The main thing in reggaeton is a strong rhythmic beat; moving to this dynamic, fiery music is extremely easy. This dance also has no obligatory figures, but is characterized by very fast rotation of the hips and stomach and movements of the shoulders at an incredibly fast pace, and these movements are performed by both partners. Another feature of reggaeton is its provocativeness - obvious sexual overtones, challenge, and passion are noticeable in the movements of the partners.

Reggaeton is especially popular in Argentina, where it even hosts and broadcasts friendly competitions.

7. Hustle

Hustle is another disco dance style. It first appeared in Europe and America in the 1960s and immediately gained popularity among young people because it did not require special preparation, was easy to perform, and at the same time beautiful and romantic. Almost any music is suitable for hustle - you just need to feel the rhythm a little, and you can whirl with your partner. The dance appeared in the USSR in the late 1980s. By the way, it is he who is shown in the film “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov.”

In hustle, unlike many of the above dances, there is nothing provocative. His movements are simply six-count steps, inside and outside single turns and not too much contact between his partners. Despite the fact that the hustle was originally a social dance and was invented as a way to have fun and get to know each other, it is currently used in sports competitions. There are many different directions in hustle, but the most interesting is jack-n-jill hustle: a couple in competition goes out onto the floor and dances an impromptu dance to music unknown to them. A dancer's level is determined by one of five classes - to get the next one, you must participate in competitions and place prizes.

8. Irish set dances

Irish set dancing originated in the 18th century. The cheerful Irish liked the classic French quadrille, which perfectly suited their folk melodies. Quadrille mixed with Irish dances like the reel, hornpipe and jig, and the result was something unimaginable. Over the next two centuries it was danced everywhere: at village festivals, weddings, and in pubs. Gradually, set dances replaced even traditional Irish ceilidhs.

The most amazing thing is that the movements are mainly done only with the legs: all kinds of turns and jumps, sliding steps, sweeps and rapid throws of the legs. At the same time, the body remains calm and hardly moves, and the hands, as a rule, lie on the belt. Irish dancing is a mixture of pride, hot temperament and mischief.

Nowadays set Irish dancing is no longer so popular - you are unlikely to see them at discos - the music is not the same. But there are many championships held around the world, the largest of which are the All-Ireland Championship, the British Championship, the National American Championship and the World Championship. Everything you need to learn Irish dance- the ability to keep the rhythm and breathe correctly.

9. Rumba

Rumba was invented, oddly enough, by African slaves who lived in Latin America. During the years of slavery, their own culture was closely intertwined with the culture of the Spanish invaders. The word "rumbo" means "fun" in Spanish. Initially, the dance was really dynamic, the music was similar to the famous melody “Cucaracha”. But over time, rumba was divided into two directions - rumba itself and cha-cha-cha.

The dance is characterized by smooth, erotic movements and wide steps of both partners. Rumba is considered a ballroom dance. The main thing here is emotional content, light eroticism and drama. The music is slow and smooth. Sometimes the rumba is even danced at weddings as the first dance of spouses in Latin America - the dance symbolizes family responsibilities and reverent love.

Of course, you can’t dance rumba at discos either, but this dance is popular throughout the modern world. It belongs to ballroom dancing and is one of the five standard Latin American ballroom dancing programs.

There is no great chance that you will be invited to a social ball; you are much more likely to end up at a club or at a party of friends in another democratic setting.

The ability to dance will come in handy everywhere. Having mastered the technique, you will feel confident, increase self-esteem, improve your posture and figure, change internally, and feel incomparable pleasure. Find out which modern dances for girls are most popular and where to learn fashionable ones dance moves.

Dance as a useful hobby

Control of one's body in dance is given to almost all people, but many are prevented from realizing themselves by excessive modesty. If you are shy in company and refuse men who invite you to dance, restructure yourself internally. Especially modest girls can try to learn how to dance modern dances at home by turning on their favorite music and improvising in front of a mirror.

This hobby is suitable for women of all ages, weights and body types. Don't be shy if you have a non-standard figure, curvy hips, big breasts or protruding tummy.

Dancing is good not only for your mood and beauty, but also for health. Thanks to dance movements, blood flow increases, lung function improves, and the heart strengthens. After regular exercise, posture improves, coordination of movements and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus are normalized.

For every girl and woman there is suitable look modern dance, in which it is easy to turn disadvantages into advantages. By dancing regularly, girls become more feminine, their gait and facial movements change. Choreography teaches the art of seduction and coquetry, playfulness and a confident look. At the same time, dancers know how to keep their distance and are never toys in the hands of a man.

Where to learn to dance quickly and beautifully

Eat two ways to learn to dance– independently and under the guidance of a teacher. The first option is ideal for those who once studied choreography, and now just want to master a new style. The second guarantees success for everyone.

Homeschooling and its features

For independent training, girls can use video lessons on modern dance, read books on choreography, watch films, study theory in magazines.

It is important not to neglect the recommendations of the virtual choreographer, but to strictly follow them. Even more important is to find good courses and materials for self-study. It’s better to choose a few, and only then weed out the extra ones, understanding the nuances.

To begin with, of course, you can do without a suit, but a suit helps you get in the right mood and immediately accustoms you to movements taking into account clothing. You definitely need suitable music; training lessons and a description of the dance will help you choose it.

For beginners, it is better to choose directions in which improvisation is allowed. As a rule, these are “natives” from street styles, they do not require special preparation, costumes or a partner. Having mastered the technique of free dance styles, you will feel confident on the dance floor.

More difficult to master classic styles, in which you need to learn the position of the body, head, arms, basic positions and steps. Such areas require classes with a teacher at home or at school.

Training in schools and studios

If you are used to taking everything seriously and want to be not only a participant, but also the central link of the dance floor, then it is better to enroll in a modern dance school.

Advantages of studying in the studio:

  1. Experienced teachers in good schools– professional choreographers.
  2. No need to think about where to find a partner or team for pairs and group dances.
  3. Professional dance hall with mirrors, necessary music.
  4. A special atmosphere and new friends with similar interests.
  5. For girls, this is an opportunity to find a partner not only for a waltz, but for life.

To find out what services such schools provide, we called the studio Fashion Dance, working in Moscow, and asked a few questions.

What dance styles can you teach a beginner?

We have a lot of styles, ranging from waltz and tango, including ballroom and modern, fashionable Latin American and oriental dances, to go-go and erotic styles for special occasions.

So what, you can teach any girl to dance?

For each client we find the most suitable style for him, taking into account personal data and wishes. There are no people who do not know how to dance, this is given to man by nature, the main thing is to open up correctly.

What wishes do people come to you with most often?

The most popular trend among boys and young girls is modern dancing, older women want to learn belly dancing, and ladies who have free time retired, drawn to the waltz.

The global problem of modern youth is wedding. We have opened a course especially for newlyweds pre-wedding preparation, in which we stage a dance of the bride and groom, father and daughter, friends and girlfriends.

What do you need to start training and how much does it cost?

First you need to come to us and express your wishes. We help you navigate names and styles, and together we select a group and teacher. Everything else is individual, including prices. We have a lot of discount programs. Better go to the dance school website Fashion Dance, and if it’s not clear, call us, we’ll be happy to tell you everything!

Types of modern dances for beginners

It is easiest for beginners to master modern dance styles, which do not have clear rules of choreography. Small flaws here are practically unnoticeable; they are taken for improvisation and the girl’s personal highlights.

Free dance - the choice of dreamers

Free, also known as rhythmic or plastic dance, appeared at the beginning of the last century. The basis of this dance style is ballet, diluted with free movements from everyday life. The main essence of this direction is emancipation, energy, interaction with the environment.

In free dancing to modern music, improvisation, spontaneity, and creativity are encouraged. Perhaps this is the best choice for beginners, since there are no strict rules of choreography and technique, but there is an opportunity for self-expression.

Girls can perform free dances either alone or in pairs with a man. The absence of strict boundaries is a guarantee that you will not look like a bad dancer, because everyone can come up with their own moves.

Modernity as the choice of the free

Modernism arose against the background of the denial of traditional ballet techniques. His credo is the rejection of canons and conventions, the embodiment new choreography. Modernity came to modern girls from the twentieth century. One of the founders of the movement was Isadora Duncan. Another dancer who contributed to the development and popularity of the style is Mary Wigman, who abandoned traditional beautiful movements in favor of unusual and even shocking ones.

Modern dance is done barefoot, its main choreographer is nature. The technique cannot be called complex; the main component of success is the dancer’s emotionality. Sensuality in every movement is a guarantee of your own pleasure and the delight of others.

Electro - youth direction

Electro is one of the most popular destinations in the list of modern dances for girls, accessible to beginners. In essence, this is a street dance, born in the middle of the last century to club music. Electro dance more with your hands than the body, so it is ideal for beginner dancers and people with poor physical fitness.

There are two directions:

  1. Milky Way – calm movements, somewhat similar to the performance of an actor on stage. Each dancer’s performance is a small performance with a beginning and an ending. It is better to start learning to dance electro with this type, then moving on to a more complex direction.
  2. Electro – active movements that smoothly transform into each other at high speed. The main thing here is to feel the music and understand what they are singing about in the song, so that the movements do not contradict the meaning.

Tectonics – dynamics and energy

Tectonic is another modern dance direction for girls and boys. Tectonic combines dance elements of techno, hip-hop, popping, and locking. True fans adhere to a certain style of clothing - skinny jeans, tight T-shirts, basketball-style sneakers. They are distinguished by futuristic hairstyles with gothic elements.

However, there are no strict requirements; you can dance tectonics in any clothes and with any hairstyle. Not only tight-fitting, but also loose clothing is allowed - hoodies, shorts, tops. Best suited for movement flat shoes.

It is customary to distinguish two groups of tectonics – hard and soft. Each group includes several types of dance. Learn on your own dance elements difficult, it is better to do it in a group or with a teacher.

Breakdancing is a favorite of the flexible ones

Breakdancing is a dance for modern girls who master acrobatics, which originated in the seventies of the last century. Breakdancing literally hit the masses with a wave in 1984 after the release of the film Beat Street. They began to dance it at discos, clubs and even at school parties.

Break is divided into two large groups - lower and upper:

  • The top break is similar to a popular disco dance. It is characterized by sharp clutching movements of the arms, legs and the whole body. The top break group includes many stylistic trends.
  • Low break dancing is more complex and filling acrobatic stunts. It is danced on the floor and requires physical fitness and strength to hold the body up. This type of modern dance is more suitable for boys than girls.

Break clothes need to be as comfortable and convenient as possible. B-girls breakdance in beautiful sportswear from famous brands to look stylish and attractive. There are no problems with short hair, but those with long hair care must be taken that hair does not interfere with movements.

Hip-Hop – mischievous and rhythmic

Hip-Hop originated among the working class of New York in the mid-seventies. Within a few years it became part of youth culture in many countries. In the late nineties, Hip-Hop turned out to be a full-fledged component music industry. Nowadays this direction is highlighted in fashionable subculture, it is a popular style that has become a lifestyle for some.

Hip-hop dances to rhythmic music, including rap. The rhythm, as a rule, is set by DJs, and dancers need to have time to hear the music and think through movements to it.

Contempo - flight of the soul

Contempo successfully combines several dance styles. It attracts girls with its simplicity of movements and the ability to improvise. The founders of contemporary dance, including Isadora Duncan, did everything so that everyone could master this dance.

Contempo training should begin with the preparation of muscles, joints and ligaments. The essence is alternating tense muscles with sharp relaxation. Contempo is built on the contrast of falls and rises, characterizing contradiction and balance. It is better to dance barefoot, so that nothing interferes with freedom.

Hakka - the choice of modern girls

Hakka appeared in the eighties of the twentieth century, thanks to the hardcore musical direction. Energetic movements This modern dance with a distinctive name is dictated by the bass beats of heavy rock. This is one of the most emotional dance styles, requiring endurance and athletic training from girls.

During training, you can even lose weight, as a lot of energy is spent and calories are burned. Hakka strengthens the leg muscles, pumps up the thighs and makes the lower body more toned and slender.

At the same time, Hakku is easy for beginners to learn; it contains few basic elements, and everything else is improvisation that fits within the framework of the style.

Go-Go - for disco stars

Go-Go originated in the mid-sixties of the last century; initially it was one of the ways to entertain visitors in entertainment venues, festivals, clubs, and discos. Go-Go came to Russia only in the nineties; it was actively used not only in clubs and discos, but also to attract attention to any public events.

Go-Go shouldn't be considered obscene dancing woman Always remains inaccessible. At the dawn of the Go-Go, dancers were even hung in cages so that men would not even think about the possibility of approaching.

The ability to dance Go-Go is necessary for self-confident girls who love to attract attention and be in the center of events. Go-Go will be useful in a club or disco, it will teach you to catch the rhythm, control your warmth, play and improvise.

The best dance styles for women

For women who look at dance as a hobby and an opportunity for self-realization, there are many modern trends. You need to proceed from your existing skills and initial physical training. Gradually, the bar can be raised, moving on to more complex styles.

Oriental and Indian dances for beginners

Oriental charm will never go out of fashion, because the spirit of the East leaves no one indifferent. All are exclusively female, they are playful and light. Modern views ideal for girls and women who cannot be classified as thin - curvy figures and even a protruding tummy are welcome. After just a few lessons, the plump girls forget about their complexes and present them as their advantages.

Most Popular three directions:

  • Egyptian - it is characterized by modesty, more closed clothes;
  • Arabic - hair plays one of the main roles, the play of loose hair is an element of dance;
  • Turkish – revealing outfits, contact with the audience, dancing on the table.

Belly dancing is the most beloved oriental dance, bright, spectacular, fabulous. You can learn it on your own, but it is better to attend at least a few classes at school. For belly dancing, costume, jewelry, and makeup are important. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, belly dancing has come out of the underground and even entered the structure of the All-Russian Dance Organization.

Alluring Indian melodies make even those who have never learned to dance start dancing. Indian choreography is based on Natya- a dance and musical style born from Bharata Muni’s theory of “Natya Shastra”. Not only movements are important, facial expressions, eye play, and internal energy play a huge role here. These skills will not interfere in life.

List of popular couple dances

Pair dances, both ballroom and modern, help girls quickly find common language with men, they are taught to be paired, dominate and submit, depending on the situation. For shy girls and women this best way get rid of excessive modesty and awkwardness from a man’s touch.

The most popular modern couple dances:

  • Waltz is a slow one that does not lose popularity and is constantly evolving. The ability to dance a waltz is a sign of good form.
  • Tango is an ancient Argentine dance, which is still called modern. Today tango is divided into many types: Argentinean, Uruguayan, ballroom, Finnish and others.
  • Balboa - very close contact with the partner, the bodies should be pressed closely together so that there is no gap. There are not many movements, so this modern dance is great for beginners.
  • Rock and roll is a rhythmic couple dance with relaxed movements. Rock and roll requires acrobatic skills and long training, it is better to train with one partner as it requires a lot of support at a fast pace.
  • Flamenco is a vibrant cocktail of Moroccan, Spanish and gypsy motifs, full of improvisation and mystery.
  • Paso Doble is a dance style that resembles Spanish bullfighting. The man plays a bullfighter, and the girl plays a cloak or mulet in the hands of a matador.
  • Rumba is a dramatic dance of love to the rhythms of African drums overlaid with clave rhythms. Modern rubma is divided into ballroom, Cuban, African and gypsy.

When choosing a dance, focus on initial training, posture, endurance, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. This doesn’t mean that you have to limit yourself to limits, you just need to start small. You may need to do or first, and only then move on to dance exercises.

The list and descriptions of modern dances were prepared with the participation of Fashion Dance Schools. Especially for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”.

Dance is a special state of the human soul. In ancient times, not a single holiday or ritual took place without it. Sometimes, even without knowing classical movements, you can dance.

Nowadays there are various styles of dances, the list of them is long. Each of them has gone through its own development path, has its own history and fans.

Historical information about dances

The dance existed in different centuries and eras. However, it was distinguished by its types and popularity among the population. If we talk about ancient times, then the dance was more sacred and profound. They cared little about beauty and aesthetics, the main thing was to achieve their goal, so it was necessary to observe traditions. Dance in those days could cause rain or demonstrate the relationship between a man and a woman.

Later, when it took shape as a movement to music, each nation developed its own special and indescribable flavor of dances. Almost every area had its own special rhythm and movements.

The booty dance style basically contains the following movements:

  • vibration of the buttocks;
  • rotations and figure eights with the hips;
  • hip strikes, etc.

Based on these movements, there are the following techniques, each of which has its own characteristics:

For this dance you need to have strong muscles of the legs and buttocks, since the load mainly falls on them. By doing this, you can tighten up these parts of the body. In addition, there is a good study of the back.

Clothes for dancing can, in principle, be anything as long as they are comfortable. However, it is still recommended to wear one that emphasizes the hips and buttocks. These could be leggings or short shorts. You can dance without shoes or in sneakers. Accessories are also welcome.

Go-go dance

Go-go is also a very interesting dance. It also combines many styles. It all started with the “Whisky-A-Go-Go” disco, which was very popular in America, where girls danced in cages, thus attracting wealthy men. After this innovation, many clubs adopted it. Now dancing half-naked girls could be found in many establishments.

Today this style is very popular. It is performed mainly by girls; very often professional dancers are invited to clubs to entertain and excite visitors. It can also be performed by gay men in their clubs.

This dance is considered erotic, but it does not require undressing. This is not a striptease in the usual sense. Performers usually do not invent complex movements. They just dance and enjoy it. They emphasize their body in slow compositions and show passion in fast ones.

Of course, there are traditional movements used, but beginners in this style are encouraged to simply relax and feel the music. Then everything will go on its own. But professional dancers hone their art for a long time. The end result is both a dance and a game with the audience, which turns into emotional communication. Such performers are very highly regarded.

In conclusion

It is impossible to list all the dance styles, the list of which is quite impressive and continues to grow. Each direction and style has its own individual features and characteristics.

Perhaps dance is something that will always be with a person as an expression of his emotional state. People often jump or dance for joy, don’t they?

Today, everyone can choose their own dance, which is more suitable for their perception of the world. You can even train at home if your soul asks, but you don’t know what you would like. Over time, preferences will become clear. In any case, you just have to start moving. And it will be simply impossible to stop!

Modern dances have hundreds of styles, elements of which were created both in the present and in the past. The current trends have retained the aesthetic appeal of the movements, but at the same time they have become faster. They, like the rest of art, reflect the realities of our time and fashion trends.

What is modern dance?

This section includes different types, as well as variations of this art. Among the new directions, the following names of modern dances stand out:



    other more youthful hip-hop dances and so on.

Modern dance choreography is usually much more complex. It includes all existing elements and pas. In order to create new dance, you have to connect the old ones piece by piece.

Jazz dance

It is rightfully considered one of the very first among other modern variations. The history of this dance began at the very end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century in the USA. Since then, he has successfully conquered all continents of the world.

In turn, completely new types of modern dances emerged from it. They differ not only in music and movements, but also in the concept itself.

Jazz movements:

    jazz classics;

  • freestyle;

All directions are similar to each other in only one way - they retain the chic of the roaring twenties. They are full of enthusiasm and cheerful music. In all these dances there is something from the Great Gatsby, from the luxury with which the aristocrats of that time surrounded themselves, and the passion that beggars lived in the American ghettos.

Soul is considered one of the youngest on the list. A varied number of fast movements are performed per beat.

But flash jazz is more reminiscent of such types of modern dance as ballet.

Thanks to him, many different fashion trends have appeared in the world. As a rule, they quickly became obsolete and were characterized by mass interest.

Ballroom dancing

Modern ballroom dance- this is no longer the one that was previously performed during ceremonial receptions. Like a view contemporary art it combines some elements of old-time, traditional folk, ephemera and jazz.

During competitions, ballroom dancers usually show their skills in both European and Latin American styles of dance, which also belong to the ballroom type.

Names of modern dances in Latin American style:

  • paso doble;

In European:


    Viennese waltz;

    slow waltz;


All these directions are performed in pairs. Dancers wear special costumes. All their movements are coordinated and identical to the movements of their partner.

These turns are performed in a room specially designated for them. Traditional European ballroom dances are performed to classical music.

Modern and contemporary

The dance appeared on the basis of the classical one. Nevertheless, modernity seemed to rebel against any rules that exist in the classics. Each movement in this direction carries a certain philosophical meaning.

Dancers don't just have to hit the main beat. They search for several rhythms in one melody at once and try to adapt to them.

The names of modern dances - modern and contemporary - are often classified in the same area. Both of these types can be used in modern theatrical productions, where they tell a whole story.

This type of dance combines many various directions. In it, the performer seeks to express his own emotions and convey his state. Contemporary art is most often associated with classical ballet, from which the dance takes its origins.

Folk dancing

Despite the fact that folk dances are difficult to classify as modern, they continue to remain just as popular and in demand. This direction supports old traditions, introducing elements of native culture into art.

Russian modern dances contain both devotion to the history and past of their people, and completely new dance movements. They are popular not only among the older generation, but also among young people. Folk dances are performed to the accompaniment of appropriate music produced using ethnic instruments. The performers wear traditional outfits.

At the same time, modern pop dances can include elements of folk, jazz, sports, and ballroom.


It first appeared in America in the twentieth century. It is divided into such types of modern dances as lower and upper. During the low break, the performer can rotate on his head, jump on his hands, and spin his legs in a one-arm stand.

The top break is usually characterized by plastic movements. This dance is performed to a certain type of music. There is a subculture in which this type of art develops.

Belly dance

It can be attributed to folk dances to some extent. Raks Sharqi, or belly dance, was born in Muslim countries. It was performed in eastern harems to please the gaze of the ruler. Modern Muslim women dance it in front of their husbands.

Of course, dancing is best for lovers. But, nevertheless, it helps to develop grace, eliminates excess weight, helps eliminate some female diseases. Modern dances for children can also include it. Little girls are more flexible, and certain movements will go well with youth and enthusiasm. Belly dancing has several national trends. They are all good for health.

Modern dances for children

Children need to be taught the art of choreography from the very beginning. early age. From two or three years to private dance schools recruiting first students. There they are first introduced to basic movements and work on plasticity. Children learn easily. In addition, they can remember the main differences various styles, movements that are typical for ballroom or jazz dancing.

In game versions, children are taught classic stances, hand position, and head rotation.

Teachers allow you to create your own movements, thus developing the child’s imagination.

Modern dances for children form basic knowledge about this art, introduce them to history, and teach the perception of music.

Of all the existing options, they try to choose ballroom ones. They combine more classic movements and a variety of styles.

The music to which all types of modern dances are performed can be selected to suit the tastes of children and modern fashion.

Another effect of these classes is the feeling of one’s own Self, one’s beauty. The child sees that he is beginning to cope with the assigned tasks, that he looks beautiful while performing.

Dancing breaks down psychological barriers. They liberate a person, make him more self-confident, and therefore open to others.

Modern dances perform the following functions:

    children become more cheerful and confident in their abilities;

    posture is corrected;

    gait becomes better;

    is improving fine motor skills and dexterity;

    coordination of movements is improved;

    endurance increases;

    perseverance appears in achieving the goal set for oneself;

    Problems with his own inferiority disappear, the child understands that he is better than he thought about himself.