Job description of the head teacher - Job description of the head teacher - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region. Pros and cons of working as a VR head teacher

Dovner Natalya
Report “Responsibilities of the head teacher of the school (deputy director) for educational educational work»

Head teacher - head of academic department, deputy director of a secondary educational institution.

Positions head teachers:

Head teacher for educational work(Draws up a schedule, deals with methodological work, internal school control).

Head teacher according to scientific and methodological work(Plans and controls scientific student work) .

Head teacher work(Controls business activities schools, provision educational process).

If necessary, positions can be divided (separately scientific and methodological, educational and educational work) or combined (for example, a single deputy headteacher at a small school).

Work of the head teacher regulated by job description, charter schools, the law of the Russian Federation "About Education".

Job description head teacher of the school

1. General Provisions

1.1. Deputy School Director for educational work appointed and dismissed by order school principal. For the period of vacation or temporary disability deputy director of the school for educational work his duties may be assigned to Deputy Director for Educational Work or teachers from among the most experienced teachers.

1.2. reports directly to the school principal.

1.3. In his activities Deputy Director for Educational Work is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the government and the Ministry of Education of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, educational authorities on issues of education and upbringing of students, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the charter and local legal acts schools. Deputy school director for educational work complies with the UN Convention and the Russian Law on the Rights of the Child.

2. Functions head teacher.

Main areas of activity Deputy Director for educational work are:

2.1. Organization educationally- educational process in school, management and control over the development of this process;

2.2. Methodical manual teaching staff;

2.3. Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations in educational process;

3. Officials duties of the head teacher:

3.1. Leads the organization educational process, ensures complete and high-quality implementation curricula and programs, exercises control over the results work teaching staff, the level of knowledge of students;

3.2. Organizes current and forward planning team activities educational institution, organizes methodological work, provides assistance to teachers, other pedagogical employees in training-program documentation, conducting classes and extracurricular activities;

3.3. Takes part in work on the selection and placement of personnel, establishing their volume study load, makes a schedule training sessions;

3.4. Ensures the creation of the necessary conditions for highly productive work of teaching staff workers, improving their qualifications, organizing psychological, pedagogical and methodological study, conducting certification of pedagogical workers;

3.5. Leads teachers' work, other pedagogical workers, carries out educational process, organizes a system of methodological work aimed at improving the content, forms and methods of teaching, organizes work on methodological support educational process, equipment educational offices and laboratories educational and educational-methodological literature, modern teaching aids;

3.6. Analyzes the results academic work teaching staff, organizes work on the study of advanced pedagogical experience, promotes its implementation in educational process, constantly informs teaching staff workers about new forms and methods academic work, about new pedagogical technologies;

3.7. Organizes work on admission and graduation of students, preparation and conduct exams, control works, preparation for participation in competitions and olympiads;

3.8. Conducts work on professional guidance of students;

3.9. Takes part in work on preparing meetings of the pedagogical (methodological) council educational institution, organizes and controls the implementation of its decisions;

3.10. Organizes work of subject clubs, electives, elective courses;

3.11. Exercises control over educational student load and compliance with the requirements for the organization educationally- educational process, rules and regulations of labor protection;

3.12. Ensures the establishment of connections with parents of students, the public on issues of organizing the education and upbringing of students;

3.13. Provides control over the management educational documentation, ensures timely preparation of established accounting and reporting documentation;

4. Deputy Director for Educational Work has the right within the limits of his competencies:

4.1. Be present at any classes held with students schools(without the right to enter the classroom after the start of classes unless absolutely necessary and to do comments teacher during classes);

4.2. Giving mandatory to carry out orders from a directly subordinate employees;

4.3. Bring disciplinary action to students for absences and disorganization educationally- educational process, in the manner established by the Charter schools and Rules of Conduct;

4.4. If necessary, make temporary changes to the class schedule, cancel classes, temporarily combine groups and classes for joint classes.

5. Responsibility head teacher.

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons Charter and internal labor regulations schools, legal orders school principal and other local regulations, official responsibilities established by these Instructions, including for failure to fulfill the granted rights, deputy headmaster according to the Department of Internal Affairs bears disciplinary liability in the manner determined labor legislation. For gross violation of labor responsibilities Dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary sanction.

5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods related to physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, as well as the commission of another immoral offense deputy headmaster according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he may be released from his position in accordance with labor legislation.

5.3. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules of the organization educationally- educational process deputy headmaster according to the Department of Internal Affairs, he is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.4. For culpable causing school or to participants in the educational process of damage in connection with the execution (non-fulfillment) their officials duties of deputy director according to UVR carries financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position head teacher.

Deputy school director for educational work:

6.1. Works in irregular mode working day according to schedule, compiled on the basis of a 35-hour working weeks and approved school director;

6.2. Plans his own work for each academic year and each academic quarter. Plan work is approved by the school director no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period;

6.3. Is to the director a written report on its activities of no more than five typewritten pages within ten days after the end of each academic quarter;

6.4. Receives from school principal information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt;

6.5. Endorses orders school principal on organizational issues educationally- educational process;

6.6. Systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with pedagogical school employees, deputy school director on administrative and economic work;

6.7. Performs responsibilities of the school principal during his temporary absence (vacation, illness, etc.). Execution responsibilities carried out in accordance with labor legislation and the charter schools based on order directors or an order from the head of the education authority.

I think the title of my next article turned out to be intriguing. You won't lose much time if you read the post to the end. Those people who have at least once worked as a head teacher of educational work understand perfectly what we are talking about. Today I will tell you about the pros and cons of this activity.

Since September, I have been thinking about the topic for a long time new article, relating specifically to my current status. The fact is that in May 2017 I was offered to take on the position of deputy director for educational work. Without hesitation, I agreed.

There were certain advantages to this for me:

1) The part-time job at a nearby school was for one academic year, which meant that I needed to find another additional source of income.

2) My daughter is going to first grade. It was decided to send her to my own school, where my main place of work is. The head teacher's office is next door to the first grade office. The child is always under supervision and will be able to ask for help at any time.

3) Well, and of course, it’s convenient for me to work in one place, and not travel from one school to another, afraid of being late for classes.

Changes around you...

While the summer vacation lasted, I was still afraid inside of what to expect ahead and what would happen, how everything would change from my new position. And the changes have taken place dramatically.

The colleagues around me asked with interest: “And you agreed to this position?” There was a kind of bewilderment or apprehension in their eyes. It was not clear to me. What is everyone so avoiding in this vacant position? Having got involved in work, I realized what - RESPONSIBILITY.

Not everyone dares to shoulder such a load. But because I wanted to achieve something more, try myself in different areas of activity, so I did not refuse the offer to become a head teacher.

About difficulties in the team

The long-awaited day has arrived - September 1st. My daughter and I are on the verge of first grade.

So I sign the order for my appointment during the maternity leave of the main head teacher. This thought calmed me down a little, that if I suddenly didn’t like it, then at least it would be for a while, but on the other hand, it would be clearer later whether it was worth it. I think that in the summer I will write a review about the academic year I spent as a head teacher.

Generally at first psychologically very difficult: everyone is used to perceiving you as a simple teacher, and suddenly you become the boss. Here it is very important not to lose yourself, not to get sick with this stellar disease.

Of course, it was difficult because there were friends in the team. And when it came to work, we had to forget about friendship. Since as soon as you yourself understand that you are responsible and that work not completed on time, your friendship with colleagues will definitely have a negative impact on the friendship.

Of course, you begin to get to know your team from a completely different perspective. Those people who seemed nice and friendly to you begin to show their teeth and generally try not to notice you, because you are young and inexperienced. And in general, because you became the administration.

There are people who, after your promotion, remain human and continue to communicate with you as before.

In this position I discovered a definite plusThis is communication with new people, your circle of acquaintances is expanding and you are already being recognized. And the most important thing is communication with superior people.

Self-organization or time management

You need to be competent in this matter and build your work system correctly. At first, I simply didn’t know what to take on or what to grab onto. In this job you need to be not just mobile, but super mobile. You need to be able to quickly adapt, quickly find a solution and answer to the question. And as usually happens in this situation, you need to have time to submit information before lunch or within an hour. Eh...

This is where a properly compiled schedule, daily routine, or, in other words, a grid plan comes to the rescue. I made this plan for myself.
On an A3 sheet of Whatman paper, I drew up a plan of events and meetings, and I covered each square with a sticker. Believe me, this is better than pieces of paper lying around everywhere with phone numbers and reminders.

My working day always starts at 8 am, and sometimes earlier. It ends at almost the same time in the evening, but it happens earlier :)

You get used to everything, and so did I and my body. I get up at 6 am . I spend 20-30 minutes in the bathroom. Because for me, getting myself in order, doing make-up is a ritual. Then I’ll get my daughters in order. I quickly dress the youngest one in kindergarten, the eldest with me to school.

About the eldest daughter. With the purchase of an apartment, which is located within a five-minute walk from work, the issue of the child’s independence was very quickly resolved. She was given a set of keys and I did not need to accompany her home afterwards.

Maybe the biggest disadvantage in all my employment This is my BIG time at work. Sometimes I don’t have time to simply carefully check my child’s readiness for school. But she herself is quite self-organized in this regard and will put all her textbooks in her briefcase on schedule. And for me, no matter how hard it is, even at 10 pm I need to check if everything is correct.

Work or paperwork

Those who have worked in this position or at least tried themselves in it understand that in to a greater extent there is more paperwork involved than working with children. Alas, this is the policy of our state. An anecdote immediately pops into my head :)

It’s the same in our work as a head teacher.

Often there is simply not enough time to prepare for lessons. It simply won’t be possible to combine a larger number of hours and a head teacher’s salary due to lack of time and various events, due to which you have to leave your lessons on the back burner. Here you need to choose either lessons or the event for which you are responsible.

Not work, but continuous holidays...)

Holidays! You will be surprised how many holidays there are in the country! And not only the Victory Day, which is pleasant to the soul and heart, New Year. Here, April 7 is United Health Day. Almost everything - photograph, describe, send... And this, too, is still the top)))) You won’t believe it, but I just have time to write articles for the school website. I write there more often now than on my blog. And besides, you need to meet deadlines. School websites are checked every week and monitored for information.

Constantly reports and reports...

And besides this, there is anti-corruption, anti-terrorism, anti-drugs, cooperation with the traffic police inspector, registration, hidden registration, traffic rules, work with parents, analysis of all scandals and behavioral violations... This is just the tip of the iceberg... Of course, a psychologist and social worker. teacher - to help you... In our school, these two holy workers exist! and part of this work is on their shoulders, thank God. It's hard for those who work alone. But if the school is understaffed, then this is not so scary.


In the short 4 months of my work in this position, I already have some achievements:

Well, now, let's draw a line about the pros and cons.


  • Lack of time for family. It’s good to have help from an understanding spouse and grandmothers.
  • Relationships in the team They begin to show themselves on the other side. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that they will start looking for all sorts of shortcomings in you.
  • It is not always possible to prepare well for lessons. A heavy workload over hours is not possible. Here, quality may suffer on one of the scales: either lessons or administrative work. However, my busy schedule does not prevent me from combining my work and still introducing interesting elements into lessons, as well as interactive notebooks.
  • Various activities distract the head teacher from his main work, which pile up from above, which are invented by anyone who is not too lazy.
  • Salary leaves much to be desired, if you work only as a head teacher, do not teach additional hours as a subject teacher


  • The circle of contacts is expanding. You become not just an ordinary teacher, but they know you by sight and recognize you.
  • Self-organization and independence. You learn to properly organize your time and yourself. For life and work, this is a definite plus.
  • Respect in the eyes of others. In the eyes of students and simply close people, and perhaps some colleagues, you gain a share of respect.
  • Career growth. I think it's possible :)
  • Financial component. But the salary is higher than that of a teacher :)
  • Rhythm of life. It's truly mobile!

What do you, colleagues and friends, find to be the pros and cons of this job?! Share your comments. I'll be glad to answer.

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Head teacher - head of the educational department, deputy director of a secondary educational institution.

Positions of head teachers:

Head teacher for scientific and methodological work (Plans and controls scientific work students)

Head teacher for educational work (Draws up a schedule, deals with methodological work, intra-school control)

Head teacher for administrative and economic work (Controls the economic activities of the school, ensuring the educational process)

If necessary, positions can be divided (separate scientific and methodological, educational and educational work) or combined (for example, the only deputy director in a small school).

The work of the head teacher is regulated by the job description, the charter of the school, and the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Management technology is characterized by a strictly defined sequence of methods and operations that make it possible to obtain a sustainable planned result with the least expenditure of effort, money, and time. In this case, emphasis should be placed on the interactive nature of management. Fundamentally important factor in management technology, the style of management of the educational process and attitude towards people become.

It is believed that ideally the head teacher should also be a good subject teacher.

For a head teacher, one of the main qualities is the ability to organize the work of a team and organize a holistic pedagogical process. Teachers should be led by a person who is able to rally around himself a team of like-minded people, based on cooperation and mutual understanding. The head teacher of academic work plays the role of an “engine”, all of whose efforts are aimed at maintaining the working rhythm in the team, creating a positive microclimate, pleasant and productive interaction between employees in the school.

The head teacher is a “teacher of teachers” - this determines the allocation of a large amount of time for communication with teachers and students, improving their own pedagogical qualifications, and monitoring the educational process. The head teacher needs to have time for his professional growth. In this regard, it is advisable to set aside a free day a week for self-education, courses, and meetings with specialists.

The educational and methodological activities of the head teacher are implemented with the help of the school's methodological service. The forms of methodological work of the head teacher are varied. These are traditional (courses, lectures, seminars, etc.) and non-standard problem-based activities (trainings, role-playing games etc.) Methodological planning meetings and consultations are of great help. An important block of the head teacher’s work is working with young specialists.

The main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding and cooperation, so that not only the student, but also the teacher wants to go to school, create a situation of success for both children and teachers, and prevent possible mistakes.

2017 - 18 academic year

We are accustomed to many terms that are used every day and sometimes do not think about their essence. After all, for a long time now schools have not had a so-called educational unit or a head teacher. The head teacher is both an organizer, a controller, and a coordinator, who is called upon to quickly respond to various processes, occurring in the teaching staff. If the head teacher of a school treats his work informally, then this matter is dear to him.

Technological chain of management activities:

  • - diagnostics - analysis of school activities;
  • - goal setting - distant and near goals;
  • - forecasting - anticipation of future needs, development trends, probable problems, possible consequences;
  • - design - creation of a concept, development program;
  • - design - development of directions and specific content of activities;
  • - pedagogical communication - communication, relationships, elimination of contradictions, conflict resolution, performance assessment;
  • - organization - concentration of efforts, distribution of roles, motivation, stimulation of activities;
  • - the result is comparable to both the predicted and the costs;
  • - diagnostics + correction, regulation - control, evaluation.

The meaning, purpose and main goal of the head teacher’s activity is the technologization of the educational process and its management. It can be argued that the head teacher is a technologist of the educational process. On the one hand, he is an ideologist, a specialist in educational technologies, and on the other, a designer and implementer of management technology. The attention of head teachers to management technologies is largely determined by the complexity and scale of problems in the educational process that require immediate and qualified solutions. And where head teachers strive to effectively solve problems, management technologies become in demand.

On modern stage social requirements for school have changed qualitatively. Consequently, the head teacher must restructure his work taking into account these changes. In the system of intra-school management, it is necessary to move away from existing stereotypes and change the technology of management work.

It is well known that the better an administrator knows the theory and practice of management, the easier it will be for him to work, the more effective his work will be. It is believed that ideally the head teacher should also be a good subject teacher. Unfortunately, little is being done to increase the professional level of the head teacher: improving qualifications and knowledge in the field of educational management, economics, law, information technology, subjects devoted to the problem of management in the education system. In many countries, the training of managers for general education institutions is carried out purposefully.

A school is a diverse living organism that is unthinkable without management. Clear definition functional responsibilities allows you to be fully responsible for the assigned work. The head teacher is responsible for the organization of the educational process at the school, for the implementation of curriculum, the quality of teaching, monitors the organization of teaching and educational work, the progress and attendance of students, regulates the workload of teachers, organizes methodological work at the school, draws up a schedule of training sessions and reports on the state of teaching and learning activities. . Responsible for the state and results of work in his area, the head teacher also receives the corresponding powers, within which he makes decisions and gives instructions.

In a teaching team, strict coordination of the actions of all members of the teaching team is necessary. The teaching staff must speak to the children's team as a whole; disparity in the actions of leaders is unacceptable, different interpretation certain issues, different requirements for teachers. For a head teacher, one of the main qualities is the ability to organize the work of a team and organize a holistic pedagogical process. Teachers should be led by a person who is able to rally around himself a team of like-minded people, based on cooperation and mutual understanding. The head teacher of academic work plays the role of an “engine”, all of whose efforts are aimed at maintaining the working rhythm in the team, creating a positive microclimate, pleasant and productive interaction between employees in the school.

The head teacher is a “teacher of teachers” - this determines the allocation of a large amount of time for communication with teachers and students, improving their own pedagogical qualifications, and monitoring the educational process. The head teacher needs to have time for his professional growth. In this regard, it is advisable to set aside a free day a week for self-education, courses, and meetings with specialists.

Approximate distribution of working time during the week for the head teacher:

  • - own lessons – 9 hours.
  • - extracurricular activities per subject – 1 hour.
  • - control over the UVP (attendance and analysis of lessons) – 5 hours.
  • - visiting and analysis of extracurricular activities – 1 hour.
  • - meetings, conferences, meetings – 4 hours.
  • - work with regulatory documentation – 2 hours.
  • - checking and analysis of school documentation – 4 hours.
  • - conversation with teachers and educators – 4 hours.
  • - conversation with students and their parents – 5 hours.
  • - business meetings and travel – 3 hours.
  • - economic activity– 1 hour
  • - unpredictable time consumption (or loss of time) – 1 hour.
  • Total – 40 hours.

    The daily work of the head teacher begins with checking the sanitary condition, obtaining information about absent teachers for the current day and recording in the journal about the replacement of lessons. The head teacher monitors that the replacement is carried out according to the profile, and the information is promptly communicated to the teacher who will replace the lesson. With the bell ringing for the first lesson, the head teacher makes a round to see how the working day and the first lesson have begun. Attending lessons (2 - 3 per day according to schedule), own lessons, talking with students and teachers, meeting with parents, working with documentation, meetings as scheduled. Holding meetings, meetings, planning meetings with the same frequency at the same time, in the same place. At the same time, various unscheduled meetings should be reduced to a minimum.

Rules to follow at work

Lack of analysis of various conflict situations, lengthy conversations and heart-to-heart conversations with subordinates in the first half of the working day. All attempts to distract from solving current pre-planned tasks are stopped politely but decisively. In this way, all teachers gradually get used to the fact that all conversations and conversations are held at the end of the working day. All issues relating to the competence of certain employees are not resolved in their absence, because subsequently you will have to spend additional time on delegating matters to other people, transferring the necessary information to them, convincing them, etc. In addition, making decisions on issues within the competence of absent employees can negatively affect their independence, initiative, and hurt their pride.

Mandatory recording of information about the progress of the educational process in a special notebook (recording of teachers’ comments and suggestions, even if not expressed in the correct form). Success collaboration– complete coordination of actions.

For the head teacher, a significant area of ​​his work is the educational process and its organization, which he models and manages, as well as interaction with the heads of the functional substructures of the school, with advanced training institutions, educational authorities, parents, teachers and students.

The main activities of the head teacher in managing the educational process:

  • - work to implement the Law “On Education”, the Concept of Lifelong Education and implementation regulatory documents;
  • - work with teaching staff;
  • - methodological work;
  • - work of escort services;
  • - organization additional education;
  • - work with parents;
  • - extracurricular and educational work;
  • - system of intra-school control.

All areas of work are reflected in the plans of the head teacher of the school. The implementation of the management function largely depends on the implementation of a strictly thought-out system of information and reporting, and uniform forms of educational and pedagogical documentation. From the first days of his work, every head teacher is faced with the need to prepare business papers in various areas.

The system of internal school control over the educational program and the implementation of regulatory documents:

  • - control over implementation government programs;
  • - monitoring the level of teaching;
  • - control over the operation of the GPA;
  • - control over methodological work;
  • - control over extracurricular activities.

The activities of the head teacher for educational work are accompanied by monitoring of the educational process on a diagnostic basis. Only on the basis of rhythmically operating direct and feedback, reliable information can the head teacher set specific tasks, accept right decisions, ensure their practical implementation.

Reporting documentation system

The educational and methodological activities of the head teacher are implemented with the help of the school's methodological service. The forms of methodological work of the head teacher are varied. These are traditional (courses, lectures, seminars, etc.) and non-standard problem-based activities (trainings, role-playing games, etc.). Methodological planning meetings and consultations are of great help. An important block of the head teacher’s work is working with young specialists. In the work of a head teacher, continuity work is mandatory. Much attention is focused on creating a bank of innovative ideas and variable technologies.

The main concern of the head teacher should be the creation of a modern methodological service, a specific system that provides advanced training for teachers and educators. It is she who forms new type teachers, works for the development of the school, its tomorrow. It is important in this system to actively involve knowledgeable, professional, creative teachers, to instill a taste for reading specialized literature, scientific approaches and the motives of their teaching activities. Teachers need to have fruitful interactions with colleagues and students, playing different roles in different activities.

During school year the head teacher visits a large number of lessons. This work is extremely important for the head teacher, who is entrusted not so much with control, but with streamlining the organization of the most complex processes of learning at school, nurturing the development of students. During the lesson, the head teacher observes the work of the teacher and students, records the chain of their actions in a special notebook, especially noting the ways and methods of solving the educational, educational, developmental, health-preserving and control-evaluative functions of education, creating a situation of success, using innovative ways to organize the educational process, using variety of activities in the lesson, students’ manifestation of activity, independence and interest in learning, relationships between teacher and children. After the lesson, the head teacher conducts an analysis according to a special program; at the same time, the lesson analysis provides for objective self-analysis and self-assessment of the author of the lesson.

The head teacher should make it a rule:

  • - do not interfere with the course of the lesson;
  • - conduct a one-sided analysis or postpone it to another day;
  • - the analysis should be based on the positive in the teacher’s work.

Management work in educational institution- a complex and multifaceted problem. The modern head teacher should abandon administration methods. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding and cooperation, so that not only the student, but also the teacher wants to go to school, create a situation of success for both children and teachers, and prevent possible mistakes.

Commandments of the head teacher:

  1. 1. Be the kind of leader you would like to obey.
  2. 2. When managing people, do as much as possible without orders, show delicacy, and do not exert obvious pressure that causes a desire to resist.
  3. 3. Lead in such a way that people strive to cooperate and communicate with you and do not feel that they are being controlled.
  4. 4. Master pedagogical techniques (ability to manage yourself, ability to manage others).
  5. 5. Be a humanitarian. Put the interests of children above all else.
  6. 6. Rejoice at every achievement, any, even minor, success.
  7. 7. Stay realistic and optimistic.

Documentation of the head teacher of the school

1.Graphic planning:

  • a) lesson schedule;
  • b) schedule of club classes;
  • c) schedule of control work;
  • d) work schedule of GPA teachers;
  • e) schedule of school and district seminars and meetings;
  • f) schedule of teachers’ classes at city courses.

2.Folders (printed and electronic versions):

  • a) school work plan;
  • b) the head teacher’s work plan for the year, for the month (for the week);
  • c) plan of work of the I/O, succession;
  • d) copies of salary slips;
  • e) registration of replacements;
  • f) instructions, orders (card index on them);
  • g) summaries of academic performance by year;
  • h) methodological work: plans, protocols.

3. Magazines:

  • a) a log of absences and replacement of lessons (numbered, signed by the school director and sealed by the school).


  • a) monthly planning of the head teacher’s work;
  • b) recording of lessons attended (preferably on sheets);
  • c) taking into account advanced training and self-education;
  • d) individual interviews with teachers;
  • e) meetings at school;
  • f) lists of students: by grade, section, study group, GPA.

5. Checking class magazines:

  • a) execution of the program;
  • b) control and practical work, excursions, TSO;
  • V) homework– quantity and quality (individual approach);
  • G) extracurricular reading;
  • e) survey of students, survey of low achievers;
  • f) checking diaries, notebooks, study plans.

(click on any of the listed categories and you will learn the rights and responsibilities of each of them). But who have we forgotten about and still haven’t talked about? Do you want to know what the head teacher and school principal should do? Now let's do this.

If anyone didn't know, the school has head teacher (Deputy Director) on academic work (there may be more than one) and head teacher of educational work (although in in this case head teacher is the wrong word, since it contains “Head of the Academic Unit”, but in the old fashioned way we also call the deputy director for educational work that way). Let's start our story about the school administration with them.

What does the head teacher do at school?

The deputy director for academic affairs is a person no less important than the director. Sometimes even he becomes more important if the latter in his own way personal qualities inferior to his deputy.

“Buying toilets is not my calling”

As the head teacher at my school said: “I was always destined for the position of director, but I remain in the position of head teacher, because purchasing toilets is not my calling” .
What are the responsibilities of the head teacher? And a lot. And much of this also depends on his personal qualities. Let's start with responsibility, then - duties and rights.

1. Responsibility of the head teacher

As a rule, the head teacher is the first person to receive all the blows from the parents. If you don’t like something at school, there’s an emergency, etc. - everyone goes to him (yes, it’s his job to answer all complaints).
Let's answer the most common question: “Does the head teacher have the right to collect money from parents?” (I already wrote about this in when they demand money from you for parent meetings). Doesn't have it. Therefore, he places this concern on the shoulders of teachers.
The teacher is not a financially responsible person, so he should not be punished for collecting money. But a representative of the school administration will be punished, so he demands that teachers humiliate themselves in front of their parents, begging for money for the next window.

Overheard at another school

I heard from a teacher working at a gymnasium that their administration is very strict about making sure that no money is taken from parents. I don’t know for sure, the budget of the gymnasium is much higher than the budget of a regular school secondary school or not, but the director or head teacher there is great. The teachers of this gymnasium and the parents were lucky too.

The head of the educational unit is responsible for all incidents that occur within the walls and near the school. I won’t go into detail about responsibility for safety, violations of labor regulations, etc. This is no longer so important for parents.

You need to know that any conflicts, claims, school problems you need to decide through this person. This is his responsibility and in most cases he is interested in their favorable outcome for you and the school.

2. What responsibilities and powers does the head teacher have?

1. Selects programs, textbooks, educational models according to which the school teaches (he also chooses what subjects your children will additionally study).
2. Leads pedagogical activity teachers, class teachers, psychologists, librarians and others teaching staff, helps them, etc.
3. Creates a class schedule.
4. Controls the educational process: checks journals, reports tests, conducts cuts, attends classes.
5. Receives parents on any school issues and conducts conversations.
6. Monitors when it is necessary to send teachers for advanced training.
7. His concern is to equip the school classrooms modern equipment, teaching aids.
8. Ensures that teachers complete the curriculum on time.
9. Ensures that students fulfill their student responsibilities.

3. Rights of the head teacher

There are few of them, but he:
1. Has the right to attend any classes of teachers in his school.
2. Give mandatory instructions to your subordinates.

As I already said, a school may have more than one head teacher for academic work. At our school one was studying “ social activities(received parents, communicated with lagging children or children with bad behavior, was involved in personnel selection, etc.), and the second one monitored correct design documents, filling out logs, preparing teachers' council meetings, etc.

The school also has a position of head teacher for educational work, which I call this:

Head of Entertainment

He can also attend teachers’ lessons, but his activities are more aimed at children’s extracurricular activities: holidays, competitions, entertainment activities(but they are all educational in nature).
It is not the teachers who report to this head teacher, but the class teachers. It is to him that they can turn for help in development cool hours, tea parties and other events.
At the end of every quarter classroom teacher submits a report to the head teacher for educational work, in which he writes: how many class hours were held and on what topics, how many parents were present at the meeting and what was its topic, what events did the class participate in, whether top places And so on.

To summarize the above, I will say that I very rarely found the head teacher of educational work at my school in my office. She was constantly visiting the teacher-organizers, or at some event, or at a meeting with some organizations, or somewhere else. In fact, this is the main school toastmaster, who does not have a minute of free time.

What does a school director do?

We will devote the last part of our article to the main person in every school - the director.

What does he do:
1. Appoints and dismisses his deputies (for academic work, educational work, labor protection, etc.)
2. Hires teaching staff (although this can also be done by the head teacher), monitors their activities.
3. Can attend any lessons taught by school teachers.
4. Appoints bonuses and increases to the salaries of school employees.
5. Affirms educational plans, schedules, timetables, teaching load of teachers and vacation schedules.
6. Organizes meals and medical care at school.
7. Engaged in proper distribution budget funds(for example, for the purchase of the same toilets).
8. Manages school property (may, for example, rent out a gym).
9. Must report accidents to higher authorities and parents of students.
10. Prohibits the conduct of classes if there is a threat to the health of students (for example, introduces influenza at school).
11. Issues orders and mandatory instructions to school employees.
12. Holds school employees or students accountable.

All complaints that parents make to the school will go through the principal and he will be held accountable.

The director will also be responsible for all shortcomings and omissions that the audit may reveal. Any controversial and problematic issues that arise among parents, children, and teachers also go through the director. And this despite the fact that we have not yet mentioned life, the health of children, the implementation of programs, etc. The director is the face of the school and he is responsible for everything.

Of course, the responsibilities of the school administration described above cannot give you an idea of ​​what a huge responsibility lies on the shoulders of these people. After all, a lot depends on them - who will teach your children, in what conditions they will study, in what programs and much more. In most cases, these people are very interested in making their school the best it can be. educational institution and they need your help. Somewhere it’s material (yes, your least favorite thing again), and somewhere it’s just understanding and assistance.
The school is obliged to educate your children, but without you it cannot educate them. Do not accept in teaching children last participation, then there will be nothing to complain about.

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