Is it true that the satirist Mikhail Zadornov died? Mikhail Zadornov passed away, what did he die from, what was he sick with, what happened to him. Farewell to Mikhail Zadornov: Both wives of the satirist saw him off on his last journey

All his life, with his brilliant articles, he fought to strengthen the Russian state, bravely exposing corrupt officials, liberal democrats and revolutionaries, warning about the threat looming over the country. The Bolsheviks, who seized power in Russia, did not forgive him for this. Menshikov was shot in 1918 with extreme cruelty in front of his wife and six children.

Mikhail Osipovich was born on October 7, 1859 in Novorzhevo, Pskov province near Lake Valdai, in the family of a collegiate registrar. He graduated from the district school, after which he entered the Technical School of the Naval Department in Kronstadt. Then he participated in several long-distance sea voyages, the literary fruit of which was the first book of essays, “Around the Ports of Europe,” published in 1884. As a naval officer, Menshikov expressed the idea of ​​connecting ships and airplanes, thereby predicting the appearance of aircraft carriers.

Feeling called to literary work and journalism, in 1892 Menshikov retired with the rank of staff captain. He got a job as a correspondent for the Nedelya newspaper, where he soon attracted attention with his talented articles. Then he became the leading publicist for the conservative newspaper Novoye Vremya, where he worked until the revolution.

In this newspaper he wrote his famous column “Letters to Neighbors,” which attracted the attention of the entire educated society of Russia. Some called Menshikov a “reactionary and Black Hundred” (and some still do). However, all this is malicious slander.

In 1911, in the article “Kneeling Russia,” Menshikov, exposing the machinations of the Western behind-the-scenes against Russia, warned:

“If a huge fund is being raised in America with the goal of flooding Russia with murderers and terrorists, then our government should think about it. Is it possible that even today our state guard will not notice anything in time (as in 1905) and will not prevent trouble?”

The authorities did not take any measures in this regard at that time. What if they accepted? It is unlikely that Trotsky-Bronstein, the main organizer of the October Revolution, would have been able to come to Russia in 1917 with the money of the American banker Jacob Schiff!

Ideologist of national Russia

Menshikov was one of the leading publicists conservative direction, speaking as an ideologist of Russian nationalism. He initiated the creation of the All-Russian National Union (VNS), for which he developed a program and charter. This organization, which had its own faction in the State Duma, included moderate-right elements of educated Russian society: professors, retired military officers, officials, publicists, clergy, and famous scientists. Most of them were sincere patriots, which many of them later proved not only by their struggle against the Bolsheviks, but also by their martyrdom...

Menshikov himself clearly foresaw the national catastrophe of 1917 and, like a true publicist, sounded the alarm, warned, and sought to prevent it. “Orthodoxy,” he wrote, “freed us from ancient savagery, autocracy freed us from anarchy, but the return before our eyes to savagery and anarchy proves that a new principle is needed to save the old ones. This is a nationality... Only nationalism is able to return to us our lost piety and power.”

In the article “The End of the Century,” written in December 1900, Menshikov called on the Russian people to maintain their role as a nation-forming people:

“We Russians slept for a long time, lulled by our power and glory, but then one heavenly thunder struck after another, and we woke up and saw ourselves under siege - both from the outside and from the inside... We do not want someone else’s, but ours - Russian - land must be ours."

Menshikov saw the opportunity to avoid revolution in strengthening state power, in a consistent and firm national policy. Mikhail Osipovich was convinced that the people, in council with the monarch, should be governed by officials, and not by them. With the passion of a publicist, he showed the mortal danger of bureaucracy for Russia: “Our bureaucracy... has brought historical strength the nation is gone."

The need for fundamental change

Menshikov maintained close relationships with the great Russian writers of that time. Gorky admitted in one of his letters that he loved Menshikov because he was his “enemy by heart,” and enemies “better to tell the truth.” For his part, Menshikov called Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon” “evil morality,” because, according to him, what saves the world is not the “madness of the brave” who bring about the uprising, but the “wisdom of the meek,” like Chekhov’s Linden Tree (“In the Ravine”).

There are 48 letters to him from Chekhov, who treated him with constant respect. Menshikov visited Tolstoy in Yasnaya, but at the same time criticized him in the article “Tolstoy and Power,” where he wrote that he was more dangerous for Russia than all the revolutionaries combined. Tolstoy answered him that while reading this article he experienced “one of the most desirable and dear feelings to me - not just goodwill, but straight love for you...”.

Menshikov was convinced that Russia needed radical changes in all areas of life without exception, this was the only way to save the country, but he had no illusions. “There are no people - that’s why Russia is dying!” – Mikhail Osipovich exclaimed in despair.

Until the end of his days, he gave merciless assessments of the complacent bureaucracy and the liberal intelligentsia: “In essence, you have long drunk away everything that is beautiful and great (below) and devoured (above). They unraveled the church, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia.”

Menshikov believed that every nation must persistently fight for its national identity. “When it comes,” he wrote, “to the violation of the rights of a Jew, a Finn, a Pole, an Armenian, an indignant cry rises: everyone shouts about respect for such a sacred thing as nationality. But as soon as the Russians mention their nationality, their national values: indignant cries rise - misanthropy! Intolerance! Black Hundred violence! Gross tyranny!

The outstanding Russian philosopher Igor Shafarevich wrote: “Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov is one of a small number of insightful people who lived in that period of Russian history, which to others seemed (and still seems) cloudless. But sensitive people even then, on turn of the 19th century and the 20th centuries saw the main root of the impending troubles that later befell Russia and which we are still experiencing (and it is not clear when they will end). Menshikov saw this fundamental vice of society, which carries with it the danger of future deep upheavals, in the weakening of the national consciousness of the Russian people...”

Portrait of a modern liberal

Many years ago, Menshikov energetically exposed those in Russia who, as today, reviled it, relying on the “democratic and civilized” West. “We,” wrote Menshikov, “do not take our eyes off the West, we are fascinated by it, we want to live just like this and no worse than how “decent” people live in Europe. Under the fear of the most sincere, acute suffering, under the weight of a felt urgency, we need to furnish ourselves with the same luxury that is available to Western society. We must wear the same clothes, sit on the same furniture, eat the same dishes, drink the same wines, see the same sights that Europeans see. In order to satisfy their increased needs, the educated stratum is making ever greater demands on the Russian people.

The intelligentsia and the nobility do not want to understand that high level consumption in the West is linked to its exploitation of much of the rest of the world. No matter how hard Russian people work, they will not be able to achieve the level of income that the West receives by siphoning off unpaid resources and labor from other countries for their benefit...

The educated stratum demands extreme effort from the people in order to ensure a European level of consumption, and when this does not work out, it is indignant at the inertia and backwardness of the Russian people.”

Didn’t Menshikov, with his incredible insight, paint a portrait of the current Russophobic liberal “elite” more than a hundred years ago?

Courage for honest work

Well, aren’t these words of an outstanding publicist addressed to us today? “The feeling of victory and victory,” Menshikov wrote, “the feeling of domination on one’s land was not at all suitable for bloody battles. Courage is needed for all honest work. All that is most precious in the fight against nature, all that is brilliant in science, the arts, wisdom and faith of the people - everything is driven precisely by the heroism of the heart.

Every progress, every discovery is akin to revelation, and every perfection is a victory. Only a people accustomed to battle, imbued with the instinct of triumph over obstacles, is capable of anything great. If there is no sense of dominance among the people, there is no genius. Noble pride falls - and a person becomes a slave from a master.

We are captives of slavish, unworthy, morally insignificant influences, and it is precisely from here that our poverty and weakness, incomprehensible among a heroic people, arises.”

Wasn't it because of this weakness that Russia collapsed in 1917? Isn’t that why the mighty Soviet Union? Isn’t that the same danger that threatens us today if we give in to the global onslaught on Russia from the West?

Revenge of the revolutionaries

Those who undermined the foundations Russian Empire, and then in February 1917 they seized power in it, did not forget and did not forgive Menshikov for his position as a staunch statesman and fighter for the unity of the Russian people. The publicist was suspended from work at Novoye Vremya. Having lost their home and savings, which were soon confiscated by the Bolsheviks, the winter of 1917–1918. Menshikov spent time in Valdai, where he had a dacha.

In those bitter days, he wrote in his diary: “February 27, 12.III. 1918. Year of the Russian great revolution. We are still alive, thanks to the Creator. But we are robbed, ruined, deprived of work, expelled from our city and home, doomed to starvation. And tens of thousands of people were tortured and killed. And all of Russia was thrown into the abyss of shame and disaster unprecedented in history. It’s scary to think about what will happen next - that is, it would be scary if the brain weren’t already filled to the point of insensibility with impressions of violence and horror.”

In September 1918, Menshikov was arrested, and five days later he was shot. A note published in Izvestia said: “The emergency field headquarters in Valdai shot the famous Black Hundred publicist Menshikov. A monarchical conspiracy was uncovered, headed by Menshikov. An underground Black Hundred newspaper was published calling for the overthrow of Soviet power.”

There was not a word of truth in this message. There was no conspiracy and Menshikov no longer published any newspaper.

He was retaliated against for his previous position as a staunch Russian patriot. In a letter to his wife from prison, where he spent six days, Menshikov wrote that the security officers did not hide from him that this trial was an “act of revenge” for his articles published before the revolution.

The execution of the outstanding son of Russia took place on September 20, 1918 on the shore of Lake Valdai opposite the Iversky Monastery. His widow, Maria Vasilievna, who witnessed the execution with her children, later wrote in her memoirs: “Arriving in custody at the place of execution, the husband stood facing the Iversky Monastery, clearly visible from this place, knelt down and began to pray. The first salvo was fired to intimidate, but this shot wounded left hand husband near the hand. The bullet tore out a piece of meat. After this shot, the husband looked back. A new salvo followed. They shot me in the back. The husband fell to the ground. Now Davidson jumped up to him with a revolver and shot him point-blank twice in the left temple.<…>The children saw the shooting of their father and cried in horror.<…>Security officer Davidson, having shot him in the temple, said that he was doing it with great pleasure.”

Today, Menshikov’s grave, miraculously preserved, is located in the old city cemetery of the city of Valdai (Novgorod region), next to the Church of Peter and Paul. Only many years later did the relatives achieve rehabilitation famous writer. In 1995, Novgorod writers, with the support of the Valdai public administration, opened a marble memorial plaque with the words: “Executed for his beliefs.”

In connection with the anniversary of the publicist, the All-Russian Menshikov Readings were held at the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University. “In Russia there was and is no publicist equal to Menshikov,” emphasized Captain 1st Rank Reserve Mikhail Nenashev, Chairman of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement, in his speech.

Vladimir Malyshev

The death of Zadornov is described here. With the events of the last day of life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. Post-mortem, funeral and grave photos are included. Therefore, all people with unstable mental health, as well as persons under 21 years of age this information Absolutely not recommended for viewing.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov
21/06/1948 — 10/11/2017

Cause of death

The cause of Zadornov's death was cancer - an inoperable cancerous brain tumor.

Date and place of death


On November 12, 2017, in Moscow on Pyatnitskoye Highway, in a special hall of the morgue of the Medsi clinic, a farewell ceremony took place, held behind closed doors. After which, on November 15, a Christian funeral service and funeral took place in Jurmala.

Zadornov's funeral. Video.

Burial place

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was buried at the Yaundubulti cemetery. About 400 people came to honor the artist’s memory, including the mayor of Riga. V. Putin expressed his condolences to the family.

Death of Zadornov. Circumstances.

In October 2016, Mikhail Nikolaevich was diagnosed with cancer - a brain tumor. Zadornov never advertised his health problems; all that is known is what the artist himself published when canceling his concerts. In particular, at the end of October 2016, the artist became ill right on stage during a performance.

Zadornov was operated on in Germany, treated in the Baltic states and Moscow, but according to I. Kobzon, the case was absolutely incurable.

Mikhail Nikolaevich was very disapproving of all the speculation and hype in the media regarding his health, refused to raise funds, and subsequently refused treatment. Shortly before his death, Zadornov confessed according to the Christian rite.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov (07/21/1948 - 11/10/2017) - Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, humorist, actor, also known as the author of hypotheses in the field of the etymology of Russian words and the history of the Slavs, which are sharply criticized by the scientific community.


Paternal grandfather - Pavel Ivanovich Zadornov (born in Ternovka, Penza region) - worked as a veterinarian, was arrested in Chita on charges of destroying livestock, sentenced to 10 years, died in prison, rehabilitated in 1956. Grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova. Father - Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov (1909-1992), Soviet writer, Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR (1969), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the novel “Father Cupid” (1952).

Maternal grandfather - Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich - nobleman, graduated military school in Dinaburg, from 1903 he was a tsarist officer, spent three years in the Gulag, and in the 1960s became an accountant after courses. Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich; 1909-2003) - was born in Maykop, Polish by nationality, came from the old Polish gentry family of the Pokorno-Matusevichs and the Olizarovsky family, famous in Rus', which dates back to King Stefan Batory, She was married twice, her first husband was a ministerial worker; in 1930, Mikhail Zadornov’s elder half-brother, Lolliy, was born. My mother worked as a proofreader for a Ufa newspaper, and met her second husband at work.

Older sister - Lyudmila Nikolaevna Zadornova (born 1942) - teacher English language at the Baltic International Academy.

Mikhail Zadornov graduated from Riga high school No. 10. In one of his speeches he said that he first appeared on stage in the second grade, playing a turnip. Moreover, “he pulled himself out so elegantly that they shouted: “Encore, Bravo, pull him out again!” In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in mechanical engineer. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at department 204 “Aerospace Thermal Engineering” as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

Began publishing in 1974.

In the 1970-1980s, Zadornov - artistic director, stage director and actor of the MAI student theater "Russia". With the propaganda theater team, he traveled to many corners of the USSR and all-Union construction sites, and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1984-1985 - head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth".

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home.” Real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story “The Ninth Car”. Many people read Zadornov’s stories and miniatures from the stage famous artists, and starting from the late 1980s, he began performing his works himself. Since the early 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and presenter of famous television programs such as “Full House,” “Funny Panorama,” “Satirical Forecast,” and “Mothers and Daughters.”

Mikhail Zadornov is famous for the fact that on December 31, 1991, at 23:45, it was he, and not, as usual, the head of state or the announcer, who gave a New Year’s address to the residents of the country (by that time to the residents of Russia, since the USSR ceased to exist on December 26). In his speech, which was broadcast on live, Zadornov got so carried away that he spoke a minute longer, so he had to delay the broadcast of the chimes. However, Boris Yeltsin’s address was also recorded and even broadcast on television, but after Zadornov’s address. In 2010, at the end of December, Mikhail Zadornov again delivered a New Year’s address. This time via the Internet.

Since 1990, books by M. N. Zadornov have been published: “The End of the World”, “I Don’t Understand!”, “Return”, one-act comedy “ Modern people“, a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”, a four-volume set - “A Great Country with an Unpredictable Past”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Zadorinki”.

Mikhail Nikolaevich starred in the films: “Genius” (1991), “Depression” (1991), “I Want Your Husband” (1992).

In 1992, he was on the jury of the KVN Major League at two quarterfinals. In 1998, he was a member of the jury at the KVN festival “Voting KiViN 1998” in Jurmala.

Mikhail Zadornov is a laureate of the Golden Calf and Ovation awards. In 1996 he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at international festival"MORE SMEHA", Riga.

In 1993, Mikhail Zadornov received an apartment in the “nomenklatura house” for high-ranking officials at the address: Moscow, Osennyaya street, 4/2, where there were also apartments for B. N. Yeltsin, V. S. Chernomyrdin, A. V. Korzhakov and other.

Alexander Korzhakov wrote in his book “Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn to Dusk”: “Our housemate was the satirical writer Mikhail Zadornov. His friendship with Yeltsin began in Jurmala, during a vacation. Misha knew how to amuse Boris Nikolayevich: he fell funny on the court, deliberately missed, and made jokes. And just like that, half-jokingly, I gained confidence... After the vacation, we continued doubles tennis matches. And suddenly Zadornov quietly turned to me: “Sasha, I found out about new home. And I have a very bad area; they set up a toilet in the entrance of a drunkard. An alcoholic actually lives on the floor above. Take it with you." We took..."

In December 2009, Mikhail Zadornov opened a library named after his father, Nikolai Zadornov, in Riga. The opening of the library was timed to coincide with the centenary of the birth of Nikolai Pavlovich. The library is declared public and free.

On May 27, 2010, in the village of Voskresenskoye, Zadornov presented to the public a monument to A. S. Pushkin’s nanny Arina Rodionovna, made by sculptor Valery Shevchenko from bronze to Arina Rodionovna’s height - 160 centimeters. Mikhail Nikolaevich initiated the project, the monument was erected at the expense of his fund. The opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the 25th regional Pushkin holiday, dedicated to the 211th anniversary of the poet’s birth.

Zadornov was active on the Internet through his blog on LiveJournal and a blog on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

- Good night, Earth. I wish everyone Good night, who has darkness outside the window!, - reads Zadornov’s last entry in LiveJournal, published on the eve of his death.

Also, in the summer of 2010, Mikhail Zadornov registered in social network“VKontakte” and uploaded to his page unique video recordings of the concert “It’s hard to live easily,” which was shown on the REN-TV channel only at the end of December 2010. In addition, Mikhail Zadornov has his own channel on, where he also posted these recordings.

Traditionally, Zadornov performs his performances standing, holding in his hand papers with the texts of his performances. However, in lately(since 2007) he includes in his programs performances by gymnasts Irina Kazakova and Dmitry Bulkin, as well as the breakdance team “Yudi”, whom he met at the “Minute of Glory” talent competition, where he was on the jury. With these young people, he does the splits, does stretches, walks on his hands and stands on his head, flapping his legs. Also taking part in Zadornov’s concerts since 2004 is his friend and co-author: satirist writer from Riga Harry Polsky, who since 2010 has been running a regular “Zadornovosti” column at concerts.

Mikhail Zadornov - also author musical works. The song “Dadu Vnedrozh” by Mr. Dadud, supposedly performed by Mikhail Gorbachev, is cut from a speech by Mikhail Zadornov, in which he parodied the President of the USSR with his voice, ridiculing his illiteracy. The idea to write a feuilleton was given by Evgeny Petrosyan. As part of the “Fun Day” concerts, Mikhail periodically hums a special musical theme and even sings some monologues to it. The satirist’s official website contains mixes of his speeches made by Valery Tsarkov (Dj Valer): “The West is a trap,” “ New Year in Russian", "Girya", "Pop".


Mikhail Zadornov is widely known for his critical statements about modern Western (primarily American) culture and way of life. As a sign of protest against discrimination against the Russian team at the 2002 Winter Olympics, he canceled his American visa (according to other sources, he was deprived of his visa with a ban on entry into the United States).

Since 2006, Zadornov has been actively performing numerous amateur exercises in the etymology of Russian words, which are not consistent with the achievements of science in this area. He received support from the decipherer of the so-called “runic syllabic writing” V. A. Chudinov.

“...How could it happen that such an intelligent people suddenly disappeared from history? Again, a long time ago, a glacier began to creep onto the lands of the Aryans. Our ancestors had to leave their northern homes and follow the sun. So the Aryans scattered - from the word “Scattering” - into many tribes and peoples throughout our present continent from India to Europe. But solar Ra entered other languages. Even in Greek and Latin:


Despite the lack of support from professional historians and philologists, Zadornov continues to engage in non-academic research on the history of the Slavs. In 2012, the satirist showed himself in a new role, filming the non-commercial film “Rurik. Lost story." To raise funds for its creation and to discuss the filming process, a special website and forum were opened on May 14, 2012. The film premiered on December 12 on the REN TV channel. Historians criticized the film for its pseudo-science, one-sidedness and populism in its approach to the topic. The filmmaker's anti-Normanist ideas were characterized by archaeologist, cultural anthropologist, philologist and science historian L. S. Klein as “militant amateurism.”

Reform occupies a prominent place in Zadornov’s work Russian education, including the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam. Since 2010, he has published a number of critical articles on this topic (“Unified State Examination is a test shot at the education system”, “Narrow-minded, forward - 2”, “Betrayal”), and spoke negatively about the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko.

In his monologues he has repeatedly said that for several years now he has not voted for anyone on principle. However, he still took part in the 2011 State Duma elections, supporting the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the 2012 Russian presidential elections, he supported Gennady Zyuganov. Materials written by Zadornov sometimes appear on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; they are also published in Pravda and Soviet Russia.

He is a supporter of the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement and spoke very warmly of Vladimir Megre, with whom he is close friends. Some considered Zadornov's support to be actually a hidden irony, but in other interviews Zadornov firmly expressed his support for the movement.

On March 11, 2014, he signed an appeal from cultural figures Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine and Crimea. Included in the list of persons prohibited from entering Ukraine.

Personal life

First wife - Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina (born 1948), daughter former first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia Jan Kalnberzin, studied in a parallel class with Zadornov at the elite Riga school No. 10, and then at the Moscow Aviation Institute, married in March 1971, teacher at the university.

The second wife is Elena Vladimirovna Bombina (born 1964), administrator of the satirist.

Daughter - Elena Mikhailovna Zadornova (born 1990), entered the Russian University in 2009 theatrical arts- GITIS.


In 2009, Zadornov was accused of plagiarism for retelling the story about Khatul-Madan (cat-scientist) from the blog of LiveJournal user of the Israeli writer Victoria Reicher (pseudonym Neivid). The writer apologized and settled the issue with compensation of 100,000 rubles. Wide famous story Zadornov's "Notes of a Brick Hunter" is an adaptation of an American urban legend, known on the Internet in the Darwin Award version (1998).

During one of his concerts, broadcast in 2010 on Channel One, Mikhail Zadornov gave a number of negative characteristics to the residents of Vladivostok, in particular women: “All the women are dressed like, well, as advertised in glossy fashion magazines, that is, all the girls in Vladivostok look like prostitutes,” this and some other statements caused outrage in the Internet community of the “seaside capital.” Zadornov responded to criticism in his LiveJournal blog:

“And then it began. There is a wonderful Russian proverb: “The truth hurts the eyes.” Of course, those who recognized themselves were offended first of all. One girl wrote to me: “This is not true, not all of us are prostitutes!” The second wrote: “I am a decent woman. How dare you insult me ​​like that?” I didn’t insult her. I talked about the picture I saw when leaving the hotel. Another one writes: “Actually, we are not prostitutes...” I was pleased with the word “actually.” Moreover, it was written like this - “voopcheto”. More pearls from the letters: “Sorry,” “this hour,” “of course,” “there’s no such thing here,” “in Zadorny’s concert” - then it’s not about me at all, I’m Zadornov, not Zadorny)) The word “mother” one girl wrote it like this - “m”, and she moved “ama” to another line. Sparrow is written - “Vayraybey”"
In response to Zadornov’s words, in April 2010, “Bully Bear” and “Paper with a Hitch” toilet paper with the image of the satirist went on sale in Vladivostok.

“You say from time to time “scientists prove.” Where you say “scientists prove”, no scientist has ever said anything like this. This is a complete lie. What you are saying is absolute, complete, blatant nonsense. Are you crazy? It happens.<…>You are an absolute layman. If you don’t know something, you need to look it up in the dictionary and only then fool the population. And you give him this uncooked porridge filled with ignorance. Why do you allow yourself to spread ignorance to the masses? That's what you do, you know? You bring ignorance to the masses - to our unfortunate masses, for whom it is already difficult enough to navigate in this world. And you give them this stinking stew, which you cook from who knows what.”

Based on the results of a popular vote on Facebook and VKontakte, conducted by the newspaper “Trinity Option - Science”, he was announced at the forum “Scientists against Myths - 2” as a corresponding member of the new “Liar Academy of Pseudosciences” in the section of pseudolinguistics.


Zadornov was banned from entering the United States and Ukraine.


1975 - Lenin Komsomol Prize
1979 - Golden Calf Award
1999 - Ovation Award
2008 - Order of Honor
2011 - “Word to the People” Award, established by the newspaper “ Soviet Russia" for the pamphlet "NATO is a coward, Gaddafi is a man"
2012 - Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation “90th anniversary of the formation of the USSR”
RAMBLER award on behalf of Internet users - “according to Hamburg!”

  • An asteroid was named in honor of Mikhail Zadornov.
  • He brought Maxim Galkin to the big stage.
  • Vegetarian since about 50 years old.

Illness and death

At the beginning of October 2016, it became known that Zadornov was suffering from brain cancer. On October 12, 2016, he announced on his personal page on the VKontakte social network that he would have to undergo chemotherapy, and that because of this, many concerts were canceled (primarily those that require long flights). On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow after he became ill during a concert held at the Meridian cultural and art center. Zadornov refused to talk in more detail about his health problems, not wanting to attract unnecessary media attention.

In November 2016, Zadornov underwent a brain biopsy at the Charité clinic in Berlin, after which he underwent treatment in one of the private clinics in the Baltics. November 10, 2017 at the age of 69.

Famous man dies of brain cancer at age 69 Russian satirist and writer Mikhail Zadornov.

This sad news was officially confirmed by his colleague, TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya.

Yes, Mikhail Nikodaevich really died. I can’t say anything more, the information is unexpected,” she told the media.

In October 2016, the satirist had an epileptic seizure right during a performance on the stage of the Meridian Palace of Culture; emergency doctors took Zadornov away from the stage.

It was after the incident that the artist’s family revealed some details about the celebrity’s health: it became known that Zadornov had been suffering from cancer for several months and was undergoing treatment in Germany.

The satirist underwent surgery at the end of 2016. Chemotherapy was then given. However, all the efforts of the doctors were in vain, as the disease turned out to be stronger.

At some point, Mikhail Zadornov abandoned traditional methods of treatment, preferring alternative options. Before his death, he also converted to Orthodoxy.

Those close to Zadornov, including his stage colleagues, have recently noted that the satirist’s health is constantly deteriorating and he has little chance of salvation.

Zadornov himself refused to comment on his illness, explaining that he did not want to attract excessive media attention.

Recently, Zadornov underwent rehabilitation in a clinic near Moscow. In the neurology department he had his own comfortable room and a qualified nurse.

Details of the death of Mikhail Zadornov

Detailed details have emerged about last days Zadornov’s life, namely about the course of his illness. The satirist died yesterday evening, but this information was not initially made public. The artist’s relatives decided not to rush into publishing information about his death. It was too hard for them to comprehend the severity of the loss.

For more than a year, Mikhail Zadornov tried to cure his cancer. He first underwent surgery abroad and then underwent chemotherapy. At some stage he felt better, but overall the disease did not subside. Gradually, the cancer cells progressed and doctors refused to make predictions.

In the last weeks of his life, Zadornov realized the gravity of his situation. He refused standard treatments. At the same time, he converted to Orthodoxy.

The satirist's funeral will take place on his native land- in Latvia. In his will, he described several points that he asked to be observed during the farewell ceremony.

How Mikhail Zadornov was buried

Early in the morning, in the Alexander Nevsky Church on Brivibas Street in Riga, farewell to Mikhail Zadornov began. At first, anyone could go into the church and say the last “forgive and farewell” to the person loved by many people. From 11 to 12 am the temple was closed so that relatives and friends could be with him without witnesses. Then the doors opened again. Of course, both wives of Mikhail Nikolaevich were in the hall.

His first wife, 69-year-old Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, whom he married in 1971. And 53-year-old Elena Bombina, who became the writer’s muse and in 1990 gave birth to his daughter, Elena. The relationship between the two women was smooth - they did not intersect, and they did not throw scenes of jealousy at each other. The press reported that their common grief united them and they took care of the ill Mikhail Nikolaevich hand in hand. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that when they said goodbye to the man they loved, they were together.

About a thousand people came to say goodbye to Mikhail Zadornov. While people were waiting for the temple doors to open, tea and coffee were poured for them so that they could warm up. Among those who came we saw the mayor of Riga Nil Ushakov, businessman Alexander Shekman, local deputies and entrepreneurs.

Mikhail Zadornov's sister, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, held out last bit of strength. The woman's neighbors told us that she was very depressed. Almost all her life she lived with her mother. She died about fifteen years ago, and so did her brother. When the ambulance arrived at the church, they whispered that Lyudmila Nikolaevna had become ill.

After saying goodbye, loved ones went to the Jurmala cemetery on a special bus to say last words Mikhail Zadornov. The writer will be buried next to his parents.

The satirical writer Mikhail Zadornov was buried in Latvia at the Jaundubulti cemetery. The famous poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko to the sounds of his own performance “ Moonlight Sonata» Mikhail Zadornov reads Beethoven. The video for the lines “White Snows Are Coming” was shot by the Riga satirist writer Harry Polsky, a friend and colleague of Mikhail Nikolaevich, who recent years He hosted a regular “Health News” column at concerts. They spent a lot of time together, wrote stories together, some of which have not yet been published

Biography of Mikhail Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in the Latvian city of Jurmala. His father Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov was a writer, he specialized in historical topics. The mother of the future satirist, Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich, came from an ancient noble family, was a housewife.

While still at school, the future satirist began to get seriously interested in theater. As some of his friends claimed, in one of the children's performances young Mikhail He performed the role of the turnip so masterfully that he was pulled out again for an encore. The next role was a costumed bear in the production of Ostrovsky’s “A Profitable Place” - his character had no words, but Mikhail growled so convincingly that he was invited to the drama club on a permanent basis.

Despite his success in the acting field, after school Mikhail Zadornov decided to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, since there was a good handball team there, and the future satirist was fascinated by this game. early years. However, his further sports career did not work out - one day during training he fell and broke his meniscus.

Mikhail Zadornov: creativity, career

In 1974, Mikhail Zadornov created the student agitation theater "Russia", whose creative activities won fans throughout the post-Soviet space, and also passed the test of strength in government authorities, which resulted in the prestigious Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Along with theatrical creativity, Mikhail also developed his writing activity. After publication bold work“Open Letter to the Secretary General” began to be recognized not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Zadornov’s debut on television took place in 1982, but his great popularity came two years later, in 1984, after reading his satirical story “The Ninth Car.”

Since the early 90s, the writer and artist became the author-scriptwriter and host of the famous television programs “Funny Panorama”, “Full House”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Satirical Forecast”.

The humorist-satirist considers his most famous performance to be the New Year's greetings of the Russians in 1991, because of which the broadcast of the chiming clock had to be shifted by a minute. During that difficult period in the fate of the country, it was he who was entrusted with the main television performance of the year.

Since 1990 creative career Zadornova gained momentum, and many of his books were published. The legendary works of the satirical writer were “I don’t understand!”, “Zadorinki”, “The End of the World”, “The Return”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”.

For my creative activity Mikhail Zadornov received many prestigious awards. He is a laureate of the Ovation, Golden Calf and Arkady Raikin Cup awards.

Thanks to his unique talent, the artist received an apartment next door to high-ranking officials such as Boris Yeltsin, Alexander Korzhakov and Viktor Chernomyrdin.

The achievements of the humorist writer include the library he opened, named after his father, as well as the introduction of Maxim Galkin, who is still friends with Zadornov, to the big stage.

The episodes of the program “Neformat with Mikhail Zadornov”, which air on Humor FM, are extremely popular. The satirist’s sharpest, “unformatted” jokes are heard here.

Mikhail Nikolaevich is also known for his sharp attacks and dislike for America and its inhabitants. He devoted many jokes to this topic, accompanied by the meme “Well, stupid!” Eat whole program, called “American Stupidity,” dedicated to America. In it, Zadornov discusses the influence of the United States on the culture and psychology of Russians, ridiculing the ridiculous imitation and thoughtless copying of the American way of life.

A few years ago, Mikhail Zadornov at the competition “ New wave“I met a young musician and performer from Germany, Brandon Stone. He not only sings himself, but also writes songs for many famous European artists. In collaboration with Brandon, Mikhail Nikolaevich performs at many of his concerts. For example, in 2011, at Zadornov’s “Laughter Through Laughter” concert, Brandon Stone performed response lines from new songs, complementing the comedian’s performances.

The friendship of Mikhail Zadornov and Nikita Mikhalkov has long been known, which has grown into cooperation. Often the two stars met to joke together. Many of their meetings appeared on YouTube and became popular among Internet users. The satirist and the director met on Mikhalkov’s author’s channel “Besogon TV”, where they talked about politics and some of the ugly events of modern life.

Russians sincerely loved Mikhail Zadornov for the trepidation with which he worked at his concerts. For this reason, it is not surprising that the satirist’s performances were always sold out. One of the main topics for Zadornov’s monologues was criticism of Western countries.

Your debut literary work Zadornov wrote at the age of 18. He did this based on his impressions from the expedition to the Kuril Islands. The story did not impress the editors of a number of magazines, so it was not published.

“Saltykov-Shchedrin Show,” which he hosted for several months. Later, Zadornov said that he was forced to cancel a number of planned concerts - he explained that he would have a difficult and long treatment.

At the end of October 2016, Zadornov became ill right at a concert that took place in Moscow; he was hospitalized by the ambulance crew. The satirist did not talk more about his health. “I don’t comment on my well-being, because it seems that journalists are only interested in this,” he said. The place and time of farewell to the artist are still unknown. The causes of death are also not disclosed.

Probably among non-political public figures of a person more famous than Mikhail Zadornov simply does not exist.

Since the mid-80s, he entered every home that had a television with his monologues: an elegant, fit man with several sheets of paper in his hands, periodically glancing over the top of the paper. And in the leaflets and his monologues the absurdity of Russian Soviet life was described, to which chronicles of cultural shocks were later added Soviet man from traveling abroad and getting to know the world in general.

Zadornov was born in Jurmala, Latvia, in 1948. His father was a writer (author of a trilogy about immigrants, tetralogies about Far East and the expedition of Admiral Putyatin), and his mother is a hereditary noblewoman from an old Polish royal family, proofreader of the factory newspaper Elena Pokorno-Matusevich.

First time

Zadornov appeared on stage in the second grade, playing the role of a turnip in school play- according to his own recollections, it was so successful that he was asked to pull himself out of the ground for an encore.

Later, during his studies (the father saw his son as an engineer), he was a director, actor, and then artistic director of the student theater “Russia”, with whom he traveled throughout the USSR, performing, among other things, at Komsomol construction sites. He was one of the stars of the KVN MAI team. Interestingly, after graduating from university, he remained to work as an engineer at the Department of Aerospace Thermal Engineering.

In 1982, Zadornov appeared on television for the first time: during one of the concerts, he performed the monologue “Letter from a First-Year Student to Parents.”

The first great success for the future satirist was brought by the feuilleton “Two Ninth Cars,” which he presented in 1984 in the “Around Laughter” program, a personnel reserve school created for Russian industry humor. From the first speech, it became clear that this author has his own charisma and his own theme - a description of the comic absurdity of the completely ordinary life of a Soviet person.

There is an important line in Zadornov’s biography - in 1984 he became the editor of the satire and humor department in the magazine “Yunost”. This magazine was one of the scarcest media of that time - the editorial office, led by the poet, was a kind of permanent creative space, and the magazine itself published young and often very brave authors. Much of the credit for this goes to Zadornov, with whom the magazine entered Perestroika, becoming one of its brightest phenomena.

“The Party considers sugar and butter to be harmful products, so it does not provide them to the people. She eats it herself."

— in order to publish something like this under one’s own name at a time when there was already a total deficit and Article 6 of the Soviet Constitution (which approved the leading role) had not yet been repealed, a certain amount of courage was needed.

As the leadership role of the CPSU weakened, Zadornov shifted more and more into the focus of public attention.

For example, already in 1991 it was he who recorded the New Year’s address to the Russians.

This crazy and funny step of the television people was absolutely politically justified - by that time, the USSR had ceased to exist four days later, abolished by the Belovezhskaya Accords. They say that the writer got so carried away that he had to delay the striking of the chimes relative to the exact time. True, he went on air after him - but the most popular comedian at that time congratulated the Russians on the New Year anyway. Actually, in the early 90s he just started performing his works himself. By that time, he was already an accomplished author: many artists began to perform Zadornov’s works on stage (but most often the satirist collaborated with - many remember his monologues “Autogenic training”, “Chromosome set”, “In the smoking room”). In the late 80s, Zadornov began publishing books and collections of authorship (there are about fifty of them in his bibliography) - in them, as a rule, he collected his monologues, which ensured the success of his concert programs.

On for many years he remained perhaps the most popular non-political figure - switching channels in search of refuge from the latest news, Russians often stopped at any of them, where he, combining the simplicity of jokes with the elegance of speech and appearance, allowed laughter to disperse the darkness of the informational 90s or timelessness zero.

He was in demand and used it well - he was the author and presenter of programs that needed no introduction - “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Satirical Forecast”, “Mothers and Daughters”.

That is, he was one of the main characters that era of Russian humor - and with it it faded a little into the background. In fact, he never left the spotlight - perhaps until the players and eras simply changed in the Russian stand-up comedy industry, and the conventional “Full House” was replaced by the conventional “Comedy Club”. In recent years, Mikhail Zadornov has been a mandatory participant New Year's program channel, hosted humorous and satirical shows on other channels, and was in the news either due to his illness or because of events in Ukraine - in 2014, the satirist was included in one of the first “black lists” Russian figures cultures that have been banned from entering this country (together, for example, with and); already in the spring of this year she confirmed that Zadornov is among the persona non grata.