What kind of character is a Capricorn man? How does a Capricorn man in love behave? Characteristics of the sign, compatibility in sex and love. Sex with a Capricorn man is selfishness to the fullest

The zodiac sign Capricorn makes a man very reserved, mysterious, taciturn, and at the same time possessing natural magnetism. In life, such a man needs to constantly move; he cannot stay in one place. If he sets new goals, he achieves them. It is important for a Capricorn man to set new goals for himself in order to understand what level he can rise to. The mysterious essence of a man under the sign of Capricorn constantly attracts the attention of women. They are constantly trying to figure it out. Simply understanding what a Capricorn man likes is enough to win his heart.

General characteristics

The Capricorn man is distinguished by such a characteristic from other zodiac signs as perseverance, sometimes turning into stubbornness. The sign is characterized by purposefulness and ambition, does not treat girls consumptively, does not change them like gloves, searching for the ideal companion. If he chooses the lady of his heart, he works on himself for a very long time in order to become for her. ideal man. In his life, the Capricorn man is guided by the principle “There are no limits to perfection.”

For a Capricorn man, similar feelings in people are important; in any area, everything should be perfect. People often reciprocate this sign. Therefore, if women show crazy love and attention towards him, they will receive the same in return. If they manage to build a strong relationship, then the Capricorn man will become a wonderful father, for whom the main thing in life will be his family.

The Capricorn man is not used to showing off his feelings. Capricorn man characterizes his nature as conservatism, he always stands firmly on his feet and makes an excellent career. This guy always has plenty of ambition. He is an interesting and pleasant conversationalist, but sometimes he can say thoughtless things or criticize others. Such a man gets used to loneliness throughout his life, but there is always a romantic hidden inside him. If people can find the right approach to this person, then his sensitive and vulnerable nature will be revealed to them.

Character traits

The Capricorn man is a balanced person who is difficult to anger. He is not one who likes to show his emotions. But if you go through with it, it will end badly for everyone. An important place in the life of a man with a Capricorn horoscope is given to his career. It is thanks to his beloved, successful and profitable work that he feels fulfilled. Encouragement and praise, especially from superiors, raise the self-esteem of men under the sign of Capricorn. He always tries to gain financial stability in life, but prefers to do it with honest work. He is looking for easy ways to achieve goals; he will not indulge in all the hard things, go on adventures for the sake of money, betrayal or deception.

If with a Capricorn man there will be good compatibility, then this sign will be able to open up to people from a completely new side.


Capricorn man compatibility with other zodiac signs:

In love

An extremely reserved Capricorn man is only able to fully liberate himself intimately in love. Otherwise, he is a rather shy lover. In relationships and love, the Capricorn man values ​​freedom and independence, and transfers these values ​​into marriage. Until the guy himself wants something, women will not expect any initiative from him. The Capricorn man sincerely believes that it is his family that will help him achieve a wonderful career, but is just as likely to sink him.

For life, he is looking for an economic woman who will not create scandals, but will not be indifferent either. He will also not choose a wasteful girl as his future wife. Since he himself plans to improve for the sake of his chosen one, he believes that she should also be ideal in all areas. Prestige for a Capricorn man also does not matter minor role. It is important for him that a woman has not only the best human qualities, but also visual appeal, she should be admired by those around her, be a respected person in society, so that he could be proud of her.


The Capricorn man does not at all strive for marriage, especially at a young age and even despite the excellent compatibility of the signs. Even though family values are very important for Capricorn, he can start an affair on the side in order to escape from reality for a while. Such romances are, as a rule, short-lived and mean absolutely nothing to Capricorn. He will not consider this a reason for divorce, since family is the main thing for him.

The Capricorn man remains reasonable and down-to-earth in his love. He understands that marriage is a very important step. Therefore, love alone will not make you decide on it. A Capricorn man in marriage sees himself only with the woman who instills in him faith in himself, confidence, will help him become successful and achieve his goals. Capricorn can marry solely for convenience. But respect for the chosen one will always remain, and after a while, even falling in love may appear.

For a woman, marriage with a Capricorn man means stability and lack of need in life. Despite his restraint, a man can give his wife everything a woman needs to be happy. But at the same time, he will not allow unnecessary spending. It is much more comfortable for a man under the sign of Capricorn to spend time at home in silence; noisy parties do not attract him. If a Capricorn man finds love perfect compatibility, then his wife will become a real lucky woman. Every year the husband will open up to her more and more from new sides, become more interesting conversationalist. But a woman needs to come to terms with his isolation and emotional restraint.

Distinctive character traits

Capricorn man differs from other signs by an increased factor of reliability and purposefulness in character. This is a person with great dignity, who knows how to stand up for himself, while being polite and correct. He is a realist and rationalist, disciplined, calm and always serious in his intentions. However, sometimes the severity and dryness of Capricorn men turn out to be ostentatious, and deep in the soul the Capricorn man is an incorrigible romantic, a dreamer, thirsty for new adventures. But getting to such spiritual depths of Capricorn can be very difficult.


Capricorns are characterized by hoarding and conservatism. The Capricorn man is in no way inferior in perseverance, endurance and perseverance to other signs, for example, Taurus. Over time, the Capricorn man begins to experience an ever-increasing sense of ambition - this is what helps him achieve success in life and material well-being.


The Capricorn man is not inclined to fall into the power of feelings and emotions; his love is similar to making plans and schemes. Neither losing his head from love, nor a volcano of passions and a fire of feelings threatens him. But the partner can always count on an even, calm love flame, warming at the right moment.

However, a Capricorn man can rush to extremes at the very beginning of a relationship that has not yet been fully built - from calm and reasonable to suspiciously jealous.

In their youth, Capricorn men have many affairs, but they do not fall in love. Capricorn truly falls in love rarely and extremely hard. Being naturally very sensitive, Capricorn men have a thick protective layer, or wall, which was discussed above. And it’s difficult to get to their soul, but if you get there, you’ll get a faithful, reliable partner for life.

Marriage and family for a Capricorn man

Capricorn- the most serious sign of all the signs of the Zodiac. This extends to issues of family and marriage. The Capricorn man approaches marriage extremely seriously - he weighs, thinks through, analyzes, chooses, and calculates. He is very afraid of making a mistake in a woman. However, if he nevertheless chose a wife for himself, then nothing and no one can stop him from getting married. On the contrary, if he is not ready for marriage, any feminine tricks and tricks will be in vain.

The wife of a Capricorn man needs to be prepared for the fact that he will try to tie her to him with strong ties - he needs a reliable partner for the rest of his life. Marriage and family for Capricorn men are sacred, which is why they rarely get divorced.

With children, the Capricorn man is strict but fair. He is afraid to once again show his love and affection for children, as he believes that this could spoil the child. Tries to instill in children self-discipline, respect for elders and obedience.

Communication and friends

People communicating with Capricorn get the impression that he surrounds himself with a wall of protection, behind which he does not let anyone in or is constantly trying to build it. Having observed Capricorn, most often people think that such a person does not need communication, he only needs loneliness. And Capricorn has no desire to even acquire a partner or friend in life. However, this is not entirely true: Capricorn is too modest to show off his feelings, and many people are mistaken about him, thinking that he does not need friends.

How to win a Capricorn man?

The Capricorn man, once he has created the image of an ideal wife in his head, will look for it everywhere and try it on every woman. Therefore, if a woman wants to become the wife of a Capricorn man, she needs to understand what is drawn in the portrait already prepared in his head. This is not difficult to do: talk to Capricorn about cinema, history, literature - he will tell you what female images he considers it an ideal. You can even find out from him exactly what feminine qualities attract him most. Most often, this is the usual average ideal - elegant, without extravagance, pleasant to talk to, calm in behavior. When putting on the costume of the ideal lady of her heart, a woman should know that she will be subjected to more than one check from the Capricorn man. But if Capricorn has already accepted your image, then you will have to wear it for the rest of your life.

The Capricorn man is outwardly charming, attractive, sweet, brutal, and creates the impression of a thorough conservative. As for serious relationships, many ladies would be glad to see next to them such a responsible, punctual, hardworking, resistant to adversity and purposeful man, an attentive gentleman and a faithful life partner. Male Capricorn is fully endowed with these traits.

A man born under the sign of Capricorn does not fit into the “gray mass” category at all. This guy is impossible not to notice. He belongs to a type that is considered callous and rather strange, having a completely different attitude to life and love than everyone else.


Hard work, stubbornness and exactingness are the few qualities that are fully present in the character of Capricorn. This man is careful, thoughtful, serious. Reacting emotionally is not for him. Capricorn will weigh everything and think it over before making a responsible decision. And if he finally chooses his chosen one, it will be the result of long and painstaking work analyzing a specific candidate. This process can be lengthy. Capricorn is a zodiac sign whose character can, with a high degree of probability, assure his passion that short-term relationships are not for him.

This characteristic of the horoscope gives a hint to women seeking the attention of Capricorn.

The main thing is to convince your chosen one that this party will be the best for him for the rest of his life.

Attentiveness, education, good manners are the qualities that captivate any woman, and especially those seeking a serious relationship.

Capricorn will be the ideal soul mate for a woman who is ready to put up with a minimum of emotions and passions in a joint relationship, stingy compliments and taciturnity of her chosen one. After all, this man, like no one else, is capable of creating just such an impression - a restrained, strict, pedantic, calculating, inert man, possessing a fair amount of dryness and coldness. However, the chosen one of this zodiac sign will most likely never need material wealth, and everyday issues will be resolved by her spouse “once or twice.” After all, all the feelings of this man are expressed mainly in the efforts to create for his family ideal conditions life.

With all this, Capricorn is an excellent listener and a wonderful conversationalist, who can also be quite a cheerful, well-rounded person. Being an excellent psychologist, he prefers to listen rather than tell. He will thoroughly analyze all the information he hears, so when building a dialogue with Capricorn, you need to carefully dose and select your words.

Stability, practicality in all areas of life, be it work or household, – distinctive features of this sign. With Capricorn, you don’t have to be afraid that he will turn out to be a weak-willed homebody, lying on the couch with a newspaper, because the main purpose in his life is to provide for his loved ones financially.

He does not have faith in luck and luck - Capricorn is a realist, capable of relying only on his own strength. And this guy also expects a realistic and adequate assessment from his wife. surrounding reality. People who have achieved more than him will enjoy unquestioned authority. Therefore, men of this sign will be able to climb career ladder to considerable heights if it is led by a person respected by Capricorn. Then aspirations are aimed at improving material well-being and strengthening status in society.

Having given my word, this serious man will not give up on him, so among those around him he is considered a reliable comrade. This guy will never choose to have noisy fun; it’s difficult to get him to talk. Capricorn prefers to relax alone or away from the hustle and bustle. Capricorn has few friends, but they are most often close, since parting with people is difficult for him. This zodiac sign is always ready to help even strangers. Often, friends with whom Capricorn started relationships in adulthood remain next to him, since he was simply unbearable as a teenager, and the older a Capricorn man becomes, the more pleasant it is to communicate with him. He will truly blossom around the age of forty-five, having behind him a fair amount of experience in personal relationships, trusted friends and work.

Another of the main goals of the Capricorn man is self-realization and achieving recognition. That is why a woman who has decided to throw in her lot with a representative of this sign should not be surprised by the constant absence of her husband from home - he will always be busy at work or helping those in need. After all, universal recognition the best remedy for him in the fight against depression. At home, a man will want to see maximum care, support and respect, so it is often quite difficult for women to build a harmonious relationship with a representative of this zodiac sign. You will have to invest “mentally” in a relationship and receive “material” in return.

At their core, Capricorns are like lone wolves. They may not at all want to have a wife and children, but if everything works out, they take it for granted.

This serious man, accustomed to planning everything, will not be tempted by the possibility of wasting time, so Capricorn will prefer confident steps to carefree flirting.

Capricorn's character will not allow him to obey if he does not experience deep feelings, be it a feeling of love for the woman he loves or deep respect for his superiors.

What kind of women does he like?

For such a man, the ability to listen to the feelings of a loved one, show care, and express feelings is quite difficult. That is why girls who are sensitive and worldly wise, who are able to subtly read nature, who have a rich inner world and developed intuition.

It can be quite difficult to seduce a representative of this zodiac sign; it is almost impossible to captivate or even fall in love with you. A woman with an assertive disposition is unlikely to become a lifelong friend for Capricorn. Most likely, he will prefer a girl who shows care and attention, who is able to give right time good advice.

To attract the attention of this sign, you need to earn the respect of a man by showing punctuality, responsibility, concentration and organization. You can take a risk and bypass Capricorn on the career ladder, then certainly all attention will be focused on such a brave woman. It would be nice if a man could rely on his wife not only as a housewife, but also as an adviser in business life.

By the way, a man born under this zodiac sign is able to appreciate an intelligent woman like no one else. Capricorn will not be embarrassed and will accept advice without a twinge of conscience or take advantage of an outstretched helping hand.

There is a whole list of qualities that a Capricorn man absolutely does not accept in a future chosen one: excessive emotionality and talkativeness, frivolity and frivolity, intrusiveness and inconstancy, irresponsibility and unpunctuality, mismanagement.

The Capricorn man is a real incentive to activity. You can’t truly relax with him; with him you need to constantly maintain an image that is gushing with deeds, be it household chores, self-care or career steps.

Moreover, this is the person who will have to match in everything, be it outfits, grooming and compliance with manners, to which representatives of this sign give not the least place.

When accepting courtship from Capricorn, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the ideal wife formed by him. This guy is a bit of a dreamer, and in his head he has long drawn for himself the image of “the one,” having thought through everything to the smallest detail: character traits, appearance, features.

Most often, in his plans, Capricorn envisions a serious chosen one for whom material wealth will be in one of the first places, who has a minimum of emotionality, and is capable of supporting the desire for clear organization family life. This is a fairly strict framework for modern woman, therefore, before starting a serious relationship with Capricorn, it would be nice to find out about his thoughts about ideal family and marriage, the nature of the relationship and the qualities of the future wife - this is an elementary minimum that allows you to keep this man.

Often, in order to attract the attention of a given zodiac sign, it is enough perfect image– tasteful clothes, hairstyle, good makeup.

He easily pays attention to lovely women with a friendly, calm character, who know how to communicate and behave at ease in any company. The girl is flexible, but at the same time independent, has every chance of becoming the lady of his heart.

To please this man, you can meet people whose opinions are important to him, but without enthusiasm. Making Capricorn jealous is a sure step to take the relationship back a step or stop it altogether.

For the opinion-dependent environment of Capricorn, it is very important how the closest friends, relatives, and possibly colleagues will react to the chosen one, so it is worth preparing for the “going out” thoroughly, you need to look stunning, behave charmingly and defeat everyone on the spot.

Capricorn is one of the most capricious and stubborn signs of the zodiac, so when a conflict arises, you need to be prepared for icy alienation and silence. A woman who wants to make peace and return the relationship to the right direction must keep in mind that only boundless warmth and a wait-and-see attitude can warm his icy heart. Capricorn's behavior is such due to the fact that in the depths of a cold heart lies self-doubt and vulnerability. Meanwhile, this goal will be absolutely achievable, subject to a thorough study of all the subtleties of the character of your loved one.

To win the heart of this “ice king”, you need to promote the naturalness of relationships without assertive flirting and ambiguous hints. One of the surest chances to conquer Capricorn is to wait for the initiative to meet and continue the relationship from him.

Such a man does not fall in love spontaneously and hides his love for a long time, but he is still able to crack this tough nut.

How to understand that he is in love?

It can definitely be difficult to understand who exactly the choice of this “snow king” fell on - Capricorn is often laconic, stingy in expressing emotions, rarely gives compliments and is not particularly generous with gifts.

In the world of dreams there is no place for practical Capricorn, because everything that is not material is absolutely not interesting to him. The only thing he comes up with for himself is the goals and image of his beloved. However, his behavior will change dramatically as soon as the loving representative of this sign finally decides for himself that he has chosen his soul mate.

There are signs that can give away his intentions regarding the seriousness of the relationship. These can be quite mundane (it’s not without reason that his element is Earth) concerns about arranging his life, solving everyday worries and problems. It may not spray on beautiful words, but all his gestures are full of care, and his thoughts are already full of options on how to provide for his chosen one financially.

In fact, this man is not as flint as he seems at first glance. The story is as old as time - if a man constantly looks for the gaze of his beloved, listens carefully to her, and is constantly nearby, then this is a sure sign that this relationship has a serious chance of existing.

For Capricorn, one of the main selection criteria is the opportunity to see a friend in the chosen one, so love often stems from friendly relations.

There are also many tricks to figure out the love of a secretive Capricorn.

  1. Observe his gestures. A representative of this sign in love often becomes very witty and eloquent, which in his usual inert state would raise a number of questions. He will begin to gesticulate quite a bit, while becoming quite awkward.
  2. Analyze his monologues. If information about family, childhood, relatives and friends begins to slip into the stories, then everything indicates that Capricorn opens up and begins to truly trust.
  3. Note the nature of the conversation with him. If a guy listens carefully to a girl’s story, then this is by no means an indicator of falling in love - this is what his natural tact tells him to do. But if at the same time there is noticeable interest on his part, if clarifying questions begin to appear, then this is also one of the signs of emerging love.
  4. Touching is a person’s natural desire to be closer to the subject of his interest. These could be random touches during a conversation, or he could hug the interlocutor during the dialogue.
  5. Pay attention to his gaze. A Capricorn in love will constantly try to look at the object of his adoration. He is interested in everything down to the smallest detail: how a girl straightens her hair, how she laughs, how she frowns. A man often looks directly into the eyes, hoping to receive confirmation of his feelings there.
  6. If a man makes any sacrifices for the sake of a girl, be it refusing to allow his friends to go to the bathhouse or to help his parents with renovations, then this is a sure sign of his falling in love.
  7. A Capricorn who is in love and serious will never demand intimacy from his beloved, since one-night stand is not his type of relationship.

If, after the bouquet and candy period, Capricorn makes serious plans for the girl, this will be easy to find out.

Capricorn will introduce her to her parents, begin to make far-reaching plans, increasingly use “we” instead of “I” and offer to finally live together (and this proposal is not for every person she meets).

What is it like in family relationships?

In marriage, the Capricorn man is quite unpretentious. He is an adherent of traditions and foundations, he will strive to fit everything into the model of already proven relationships (be it childhood memories from the family or previous experience in love).

Capricorn is ready to be content with little. This is expressed by the almost complete absence of excessive demands on furnishings, clothing, and food. The only thing that can take it out of equilibrium is chaos and disorder. If a Capricorn man sees the desire of his chosen one to restore order in the house, then he may well be willing to join and help his wife with the housework.

These men also love delicious food prepared especially for them. This heart can be won over with just homemade pies and a plate of delicious borscht.

This man will often prefer a small number of expensive things, but of excellent quality, to an impressive wardrobe, so that they last as long as possible.

This is an absolute leader with a fairly rational amount of egoism. For him, family and family values ​​are much more important than momentary pleasures.

Sexual relations in marriage do not occupy a dominant position. This is, rather, physiology, satisfying the basic needs of the body, because there is no place for passion and tenderness in its life.

Therefore, the only chance for emancipation for Capricorn is to meet that the only woman who can reveal it completely, then there will be a place for affection and sensuality.

Capricorn is characterized by a willingness to endure a lot in order to maintain the relationship that he worked so hard on. Parting for him is a “little death.” But if a breakup does occur, then in most cases Capricorn will help ex-lover, especially if they have children together.

It is almost impossible to change the character of this man, but for the sake of the woman he loves, Capricorn can work a miracle. This zodiac sign is very complex and contradictory. Men can be cold and straightforward, even to the point of showing cruelty towards their loved ones. A woman who once decided to serious relationship with a representative of this sign, she condemns herself to constant work on herself, but it will pay off in full if she can melt her icy heart with her love, evoking serious and absolutely unfeigned feelings. A representative of this sign will replace rare words of compliments with luxurious gifts, because the more valuable a woman is to him, the more expensive and more frequent the gifts will be. Of course, Capricorn’s emotions lack expression, but they are absolutely sincere, and this is the real value!

Stubborn, persistent, ambitious and always keeping promises - do you recognize your life partner or relative in this description?

This is all about the zodiac sign of the Capricorn man: you have no idea how interesting, unusual, but at the same time difficult this character is in life!

Let's talk in more detail about his horoscope, character traits, habits, behavior, as well as his compatibility with other people.

Zodiac sign man Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01). It is during this period that the Sun is in the sign of Capricorn. The first week of the period is borderline, since those who were born between December 22 and 29 still experience the influence of Sagittarius, for whom positive Saturn is somewhat inconvenient with its pedantry.

Saturn is a strict planet, therefore Capricorn is the same in relation to work, to his actions and the actions of others. He is prudent, but sometimes fits of anger cloud his mind, and then it is better to step aside than to stand in his way.

Capricorn's horns are strong, so don't expect to stop him by tightly grasping the horns. If a representative of this sign plans a renovation on the 13th, Friday, it can only be stopped by an event of a more grandiose scale than the order in the house - for example, the arrival of a mother-in-law.

Capricorn men are earthly creatures, they do not fly in the clouds and do not build castles in the air. Their persistence and stubbornness conquer many women, if they good performers and do not pretend to be a leader. Such men idolize women so much that they are ready to give their last money if only his chosen one would not look in the direction of the frivolous Gemini or leave to raise the kicking Taurus.

Everything small is alien to Capricorns: if you earn money, then millions; if you give jewelry, then with diamonds; If you pickle cucumbers, then use them in barrels. You can’t go wrong with such a guy: he planned everything in advance, including family life until old age. Don’t be surprised: you will receive a plan not for the next month, but for 10 years at once.

If Capricorn said that he will buy a house in 2 years, he will definitely keep his promise and fulfill it ahead of schedule. He promised to give him a car - he will choose the most practical one, but in a year he decided to babysit a child - he will have to give up birth control.

Capricorn, who seems practical, behaves completely differently when he is in love. From a stubborn creature, he turns into an affectionate kid who can be led along on a string until he feels that it is time to take the initiative into his own hands. Get ready for the fact that you won’t have to report to him for your day: it should be spent in such a way that it’s comfortable for both of you.

Even when apart, Capricorn will let you know what he has planned for the morning, afternoon or evening. You will always feel his support, even a thousand kilometers away from each other, he will find a way to give advice, help financially, or send his best friends to help.

For him, love is a sacred quality. The beauty of the soul dominates over appearance, so you should be careful in your clothes and cosmetics, and not use cheap perfume and accessories of local consumer goods, so as not to alienate this earthly creature.

Luck at work depends on the sum of the numbers of Capricorn's birthday: if it corresponds to the number two (January 2, 11, 20 and 29), diplomacy should win.

These men have a well-developed sense of beauty, but flights of fancy sometimes exceed the boundaries of what is permitted by morality. But the intuition is such that any woman would envy. True, the latter quality sometimes prevents him from building a dizzying career, since even doubt about the correctness of the law can lead him astray from his intended course.

Why does a lawyer's brilliant performance end in failure? Precisely because of the doubts that it still will not make the defendant’s fate easier. Those born these days should choose creative professions– journalist, producer or creative director of a modeling agency.

The number three (January 3, 12) promises good luck in business, because the aggressiveness of this number allows you to conduct your business alone. Such Capricorns do not need partners; they cope well with a large team and select employees only according to business qualities. Even Capricorn would prefer to have a secretary not in the form of an empty-headed blonde, but in a guy whose appearance not much different from a confident prosecutor.

Four (January 4 and 13) are quite original people. They are full of ambitions, which they know how to restrain at the right moment. They do not explain their actions, but demand unquestioning obedience, since they consider themselves a strong core and support for everyone. They make excellent bank employees, mid-level managers, marketers, HR managers, investigators and actors.

True, they don’t know how to save money, so with such a Capricorn you can only count on a family with average income.

Number five (January 5 and 14). These men have so many talents and desires that they sometimes stand at a crossroads, not knowing which occupation to prefer. The versatility of such people is that life provides them with hundreds of chances and opportunities. And they take advantage of this by choosing several things to do at once. They cope with everyone because they know how to calculate their strength and still leave a reserve of energy for an unexpected option.

Being the manager of a large construction project, they manage to write a book and get a second higher education. Going to the scene of the incident, they manage to draw up a draft agreement for housing and communal services, buy a subscription to the pool, boots for the wife, a toy for the daughter, using a laptop and a modem from the cellular communication company.

Number six (January 6, 15 and 24) teaches you to take the reins of power into your own hands. From a company on the verge of bankruptcy, such a Capricorn will make a thriving office selling horns and hooves.

He is adventurous, but not enough to understand that breaking the law is fraught with serious consequences, so he will try to squeeze everything out of the office and then sell it to an amateur. However, not all Capricorns who rely on the number 6 are ready to walk on the razor's edge. 90 percent of them are decent leaders of small teams. Wedding salon or funeral home in the hands of such Capricorns it has been successfully functioning in the market for many years.

The numbers seven and eight (7 and 16; January 8, 17 and 26) help you move up the career ladder. The first ones are able to achieve high position thanks to diligence, and the second - through connections in society.

Since Capricorn-Eights have been friends since childhood only with the right people, by the age of forty they already occupy high positions and even carry portfolios of government officials in their hands. The activities of sevens are often related to the law: some of them work as judges or prosecutors, the rest manage the security service in a bank, security agency, etc.

Nine (January 9, 18 and 27) makes Capricorns passionate fighters. “To be a leader is to be everything!” - this is the motto of Capricorns born these days. Career public figure, Creation political parties, social movements, organizing rallies is the path on which Capricorn-Nines feel great.

But the first breakdown can bring them to the hospital, since for failure to achieve the set goal, conscience literally knocks down those who outwardly seemed like a rock. The only way out is a successful marriage, where the ideological inspirer will not be like-minded people, but your beloved spouse and children.

It is precisely this kind of Capricorn that is easiest to turn into a pet, sometimes allowing him to command pots in the kitchen or criticize Mr. Zhirinovsky’s performance in the next talk show.

Compatibility horoscope for Capricorn man

Capricorn's down-to-earth nature makes him happy with women like him. The most successful marriage is with a representative of your sign, Virgo and Taurus.

  • The Cancer woman satisfies 70% of the needs of the Capricorn man if she is not constantly afraid of her own shadow.
  • Aquarius will also be able to make him happy, provided that the positive energy goes to the benefit and not to the detriment of the relationship.
  • Leo and Capricorn can make a wonderful couple if they work under the same boss or have crossed the forty-year mark, having gone through a harsh school of life.

Many women, for unknown reasons, are quite skeptical about the zodiac sign of the man they are considering for further relations. In fact, this is another one important factor, which you definitely need to pay attention to. Let's take a closer look, How does a Capricorn man behave in love?, sexual relations, and what he needs most.

I would immediately like to note that Capricorn men:

  • They set goals for themselves and always achieve them. In this case, the methods are not always loyal; the slogan “Achieve the goal by any means necessary” applies here.
  • Persistent. They can convince a person of anything (get him to be on their side, even if it is not beneficial to the other side). Such people are not lacking in perseverance.
  • Pragmatic. They will always find “tools” to achieve their goals, no matter how complex and controversial they may be.

All these behavioral factors are inherent in Capricorns in all areas of their activities, including love and relationships.

Since Capricorns give preference to “building” their careers, their personal life often fades into the background, but at the same time they do not lose the need for it.

With their calmness and confidence, such men can very easily attract the attention of any woman, and their wealth acts on the opposite sex like an aphrodisiac. Their reliability and firmness (in decisions, behavior and in life) gives a woman confidence in tomorrow that she would be behind him, like behind an impenetrable fortress.

Another feature of Capricorn men is that they “do not spray themselves” on everyone, although there is no shortage of female attention they never have. They are too confident and powerful to pay attention to every woman who shows herself in their direction.

Selectivity in relationships is their main strong point; entering into a relationship with him is not so easy, but if Capricorn has chosen a companion, then she can be sure that she simply cannot find more reliable support and protection. Such men are wealthy and do not allow their significant other to work “by the sweat of their brow”; they do everything possible so that their woman does not need anything.

For a Capricorn to pay attention to a girl, she must be:

  • inaccessible
  • attractive
  • mysterious
  • elegant

Characteristics of a Capricorn man in love

Despite their independence (as it turns out, in most cases, it turns out to be imaginary), Capricorn men very quickly fall in love and become attached to a woman. The girl they choose can be sure that he will always be devoted to her, throughout the entire period of their relationship. To fall in love, Capricorn needs to make sure that the woman for him will be:

  • friend
  • life partner
  • object of sexual desire
  • a person he can trust completely

Outwardly confident Capricorn constantly doubts everyone and everything, and only the woman who can show and prove that he can trust her and rely on her in the most difficult moment of his life can win him over.

In love, Capricorn men prefer to endure any difficulties on their own and cope with them without outside help, no matter how difficult the situation may be.

Capricorn will prefer loneliness than to be with a “not quite ideal” woman. He can spend a lot of time searching for his happiness. In these matters, he is scrupulous and carefully considers, so to speak, all the facets and sides of the option that suits him.

Capricorn does not like to make mistakes, he is too pedantic, and therefore, if he proposed marriage to his soul mate, he thought about his decision a million times, weighing all the pros and cons. They are monogamous and most often marry only once.

Capricorn man in marriage

The Capricorn man, as mentioned earlier, is pragmatic, and when choosing a woman as his wife, he already knows that he can “blind” her and make her ideal for himself. Despite the fact that the Capricorn man gives himself entirely to his beloved, she is also subject to a number of requirements that she must meet:

  • understanding
  • calmness
  • patience
  • stress resistance
  • sincere love

If a woman did not have any of these qualities initially, he will do everything, “bend” the woman, but will ensure that all these qualities are inherent in her.

When married to a woman, the Capricorn man becomes very jealous, although in the early stages of the relationship his possessiveness does not manifest itself so clearly. He gives warmth and love to his wife, but at the same time he will limit her personal freedom, so his life partner must be prepared for such a turn of events.

The behavior of a Capricorn man in love and marriage can be ambiguous:

  • gives all of himself, but at the same time demands the same in return
  • demands personal freedom, but does not give the same to his companion
  • does not tolerate selfishness in his direction, although he himself very often manifests himself in this way

An addiction to achieving set goals very often prevents a Capricorn man from finding his other half at a young age. While studying long time their career, they get married after 35.

Love and sex in the life of a Capricorn man

Despite tender manifestations of love, such men are very rude and tough in sex. They are turned on by inaccessible and bitchy natures, which is why the Capricorn woman must be multifaceted.

Sex and love are two different things for them. They are very calm and endure difficulties with their heads held high, they keep a lot to themselves, so in sex they need to throw out all the accumulated emotions passionately and harshly.

It must be said that in sexual relationships, Capricorn men are ideal partners. They always care about the pleasure of their partner. It is this quality that attracts women to such men.

When choosing the ideal woman for their wife, they do not have the need to “go to the left,” so the woman can be confident in him and his feelings.

With age, such men become even more attractive and sexy, so a woman must match her chosen one. To please a Capricorn man in sex, a woman must be:

  • impudent
  • passionate
  • diverse
  • not modest
  • don't be afraid to experiment

Reviews from women about Capricorn men in love unambiguous - they are the best lovers and sexually attractive objects.

Compatibility in love for a Capricorn man

Let's figure out which zodiac signs are suitable for Capricorn in relationships:

  1. Pisces Woman

Capricorn men are passionate, but they need some time to understand how suitable a woman is for them sexually; The Pisces woman, in turn, wants the caress of warmth in sex, so this tandem cannot be called ideal.

The defenselessness of such women attracts Capricorns, but their weak character only repels them, which is why such couples usually do not stay with each other for long.

  1. Aquarius women

Capricorns are attracted to the following women:

  • sophistication
  • with a bewitching look
  • sexuality

In sex, Aquarius women are in perfect harmony with Capricorn men, but family life can only work out if the Capricorn man fits into perfect life Aquarius, and the woman, in turn, will not limit Capricorn in her personal space.

  1. Capricorn Woman

Usually similar zodiac signs in couples do not bring anything positive, but not in a Capricorn couple. They are pedantic, reasonable and passionate, they will always be interested in each other, in:

  • sex
  • love
  • relationships
  • friendship
  • communication, etc.

They include sex as another item in their schedule, not because it should be so, but because they believe that time should also be devoted to relaxation and entertainment.

  1. Sagittarius Woman

A pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn is enough difficult relationships and not long-term. Although the Capricorn man is passionate, his pedantry often takes over, which depresses the Sagittarius woman, who, in addition to passion in sex, needs conversations and discussions after it, to which Capricorn responds with loud snoring. In love they too different concepts and plans, so most often they are simply not on the way.

  1. Scorpio women

Typically, calm, idyll and passion reign in such couples. They have the same goals, the same ways to achieve them, so they will find how not to get bored with each other.

  1. Libra Woman

The problems of such a couple begin with the first sex between them. They are completely unsuitable for each other in this regard, their concepts of getting pleasure are too different. It is these problems that prevent them from being together as a married couple.

  1. Virgo woman

Great for Capricorn, both for family life, and sexually. Both seem cold and unapproachable, but if they can discern in each other the passion that boils inside them, they can become an ideal couple for many years.

  1. Leo Woman

Wedge knocks out wedge with wedge - both are selfish and picky, but together the Capricorn man and Leo woman feel very good in all senses and plans.

  1. Cancer woman

They perfectly complement each other, “spur” and stimulate. Ideal tandem for the family. In sex, such a couple is also good; they understand each other without words.

  1. Gemini Woman

Despite the fact that it is difficult to build a family with Gemini, Capricorns find an approach to them, and the changeability of Libra quite suits the strict, but diversity-loving Capricorns.

  1. Taurus Woman

Capricorn falls in love with a Taurus woman very quickly, but if the chosen one does not immediately reciprocate his feelings, nothing good will come of this couple. When it comes to sex, they suit each other well, but their relationship cannot be called ideal.

  1. Aries Woman

The stubbornness of Aries and the pragmatism of Capricorn are incompatible; a man does not know what to expect from an Aries woman, which means he will not be able to predict the future. Although they are sexually attracted to each other, such a couple can last only on sex, and even then, not for long.

How to win the love of a Capricorn man?

We have already found out who Capricorn is, now let’s talk about what kind of woman such a man needs, and what she needs to do to win his love:

  1. To be seemingly inaccessible, but to be open upon close acquaintance
  2. Never lie to Capricorn, such behavior is unacceptable for them
  3. Learn to listen and admire him (all men love when they are exalted to the pedestal of the ideal)
  4. Always be different in your sex life (outfits, whips, suits - what Capricorn needs)
  5. Supporting Capricorns in everything, but not always agreeing with them, this interests men of this zodiac sign

The Capricorn man is in fact a very complex person, he has many different contradictions and doubts, although in appearance he is a very confident and accomplished person, not every woman will be able to withstand all the tests that she will have to go through with Capricorn.

It is worth noting that Capricorn men love to test their women’s strength, so be prepared for tests and “competitions,” although, despite the result, Capricorn men remain devoted to their other halves.

Video: Capricorn man - love horoscope 2017