Evaluation of Olympiad works in literature. Analysis of the Olympiad Evaluation of Olympiad works in literature

Evaluation of Olympiad works in literature

10 -11 grades

Max. point

Maximum score -10 0.

Task No. 1 (to 70 points)

ASSESSMENT IN 9,10,11 grades

*** In order to reduce subjectivity when evaluating works, it is proposed focus on the rating scale that is attached to each criterion.

It corresponds to the four-point system familiar to Russian teachers:

the first grade is a conditional “two”,

the second is a conditional “three”,

the third is the conditional “four”,

fifth – conditional “five”.

The points between the grades correspond to the conditional “pluses” and “minuses” in the traditional school system.

An example of using the scale.

When assessing work according to the first criterion, the student generally understands the text, interprets it adequately, makes correct observations, but misses some of the meanings, not all highlights emphasizes.

The work according to this criterion as a whole looks like a “B minus”.

In the grading system, according to the criterion, “four” corresponds to 20 points, and “three” – 15 points. Accordingly, the assessment is selected by the inspector on a scale of 16-19 points. Such a “narrowing” of the choice zone and the introduction of boundary assessments - “notches”, focused on the usual assessment model, will help to avoid unnecessary discrepancies in such a subjective process as the assessment of written texts.

The grade for the work is given first as a sequence of numbers - grades for each criterion (the student must see how many points he scored for each criterion), and then as a total score. This will allow you to focus on discussing the real pros and cons of the work at the stage of showing the work and appealing.

Must be assessed:

1. Understanding a work as a “complexly constructed meaning” (), consistent and adequate disclosure of this meaning in dynamics, in a “labyrinth of connections”, through specific observations made from the text.

Max. - 25 points.

Rating scale: 10 – 15 – 20 – 25

2. The compositional harmony of the work and its stylistic uniformity.

Accuracy of wording, appropriateness of quotations and references to the text.

Max. - 20 points.

Rating scale: 5 – 10 – 15 – 20

3. Mastery of the theoretical and literary conceptual apparatus and the ability to use terms correctly, accurately and only in cases where it is necessary, without artificially complicating the text of the work.

Max. 10 points.

Rating scale: 2 – 5 – 8 – 10

4. General language and speech literacy (no language, speech, or grammatical errors).

making it difficult to read and understand the text, attracting attention and distracting from reading (on average more than three errors per page of text),

work on this criterion receives zero points.

Max. - 5 points.

Rating scale: 1 – 2 – 3 – 5

Additionally assessed:

5. The presence of original and at the same time justified observations, formulations, parallels, which may not be obvious to the inspector.

Note 1: if there are no original observations in the work according to this criterion, no score is given. The criterion is called “additional” because it evaluates such an aspect of the work, the presence of which cannot be made an obligation, but which is nevertheless often present in the work and requires grounds for encouragement. Note 2: when assigning points according to this criterion, a mini-review of the assessor or such a system is desirable

notations/underlining in the text, which would allow the student, when viewing the work, to immediately see those original observations that

earned him points. It will be convenient to select these observations from the works and publish them.

Max. - 10 points.

Rating scale: 2 – 5 – 8 – 10

Total: 70 points

Task No. 2 (to 30 points)

A coherent text of a literary/historical-literary/educational/journalistic nature, including 10 words (phrases).

Each parallel has its own 10 words (phrases).

Students first explain briefly in writing where and how this text could be used (newspaper article, report for a magazine, fragment of a radio broadcast, encyclopedia article, textbook paragraph, blog entry, etc.). Choose a text style in accordance with the intended genre. Having finished the work, underline the words and phrases from the list given in the text.

Criteria for evaluating a creative assignment

1. Relevance and correctness of the use of words (phrase combinations) given in the task - 1 point per word (phrase). Max.-10 points.

2. Correspondence of the genre chosen by the student to the compositional and stylistic embodiment of the text.

Max. - 5 points.

3. Familiarity with the historical-cultural and theoretical-literary context and the ability to navigate them. Max. - 5 points.

4. Coherence and harmony of work, accuracy and expressiveness of speech, variety of syntactic structures.

Max. - 5 points.

5. Originality of the work (unusual concept and implementation, unexpected associations, interesting finds, originality of the “plot”, stylistic freshness, etc.)

Max.-5 points.

Total: – 30 points

Total for all work - 100 points

The writer in his declining years expressed the accumulated observations and thoughts, the joys and sufferings he experienced in a cycle of prose poems. With his characteristic laconicism, Turgenev was able to say a lot in his poetic miniatures. They are considered poems, although they are written in prose, because they are lyrical, their language is musical and rhythmic.

Turgenev called this cycle Senilia (Senile). It is created in a difficult time public life country and the personal life of the writer himself - in the era of the ensuing reaction, in the period of approaching old age and illness. And yet, an inner light illuminates many of his prose poems.

It is difficult to imagine that a sick old man created such a fighting, youthful work, the very name of which evokes a joyful, cheerful feeling: We will fight again! The reader sees the kind smile of a man to whom all living things are dear, feels playful affection in his words about the sparrow: Especially one of them was sitting sideways, sideways, bulging his crop and cheekily chirping, as if the devil were not his brother! Conqueror - and that's it!

“I felt courage, daring, a desire for life,” says the author. Death is inevitable. But life is stronger than death.

Leading type of speech This miniature contains a narrative: the narrator tells about one incident from his life. The basis of this mini-story is a hidden comparison of two situations: the “conqueror” sparrow is not afraid of the hawk circling above him, which can “devour” him at any moment; the narrator, having rebuilt himself under the influence of this picture, is not afraid of his “hawk,” that is, “dire forebodings,” “despondency.”

Changes in the narrator’s mood from “sad thoughts” - to “courage, daring” - topic miniatures; The optimistic conclusion with which it ends is “We will fight again!”, i.e. we will try to cope with difficulties, overcome them, is its idea, the main idea. The theme and idea are revealed in unity and gradually. Therefore the text has divisibility. He built according to the following plan:

We will fight again!

I. What an insignificant little thing can sometimes transform the whole person!

I. 1. “Grievous forebodings,” “despondency.”

2. Observations of the “family of sparrows”.

3. Sparrow - “conqueror”.

4. Hawk in the sky.

5. “The Conqueror” is a possible victim of the hawk.

6. “...Sad thoughts flew away.”

III. “We’ll fight again, damn it!”

As you can see, the beginning of the text is the first sentence; the end is the last, and it echoes the title of the story, thanks to which the text receives compositional completeness.

Offers in main part connected in a chain manner. Since the narration is told in the first person, i.e. on behalf of the narrator, among the connecting words there are many pronouns of the 1st person singular and correlative possessives in different forms: I, my (breast), by me, I, in front of me,(V ten steps) from me, I, above me. In addition to pronouns, we note other (morphological and lexical) means of interphrase communication: road- through this very road, coordinating conjunction And, connecting a paragraph-sentence to the previous one; family of sparrows- one of them, adversarial union A, connecting a paragraph-sentence to the previous one; conqueror- this same conqueror, coordinating conjunction And, linking the penultimate sentence with the previous one.

Style the story is artistic. It implements the influence function. The author seems to encourage readers: never despair, get yourself into a fighting spirit, try to overcome all difficulties, forget all troubles.

The story uses a variety of means of expression speech. For example: in the description of the road - instrumental comparisons with an arrow the road went into the distance; in the description of a family of sparrows - an epithet gilded bright summer the sun; in the description of the sparrow, which behaved especially arrogantly, - irony- conqueror; in describing the narrator's new mood - gradation: courage, daring, hunting I felt life. It is impossible not to note the phraseological units that both clarify the narrative and enliven it: big road- a well-maintained dirt road between large settlements (as opposed to a country road); chirping boldly, as if Damn he's not his brother- about the conquering sparrow who holds himself extremely independent; damn it- exclamation expressing in this case the narrator's admiration for his fighting mood. Conversational words are appropriately used: a little(trifle, trifle); and complete (Conqueror- and that's it!); gobble it up, let it go.

Miniature “We will fight again!” included in the cycle (“Poems in Prose.” Turgenev himself defined the features of this genre as “poems without rhyme or meter.” Their euphony and “coherence” are achieved through a thoughtful selection of not only words, but also syntactic constructions. IN in the miniature, simple sentences predominate: out of 12 sentences in the text, 9 are simple and only 3 complex (2 non-conjunctive, 1 complex); in 6 cases, isolated parts of the sentence are used, which give the speech a special melodiousness.

The poem ends with a cheerful, life-affirming appeal:

And let my hawk circle above me...

We'll fight again, damn it!

Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin modern writer, author of many wonderful works about nature and art. A number of his stories well represent the world of childhood and show the formation of personality modern man. The title of the story “The Avenger” attracts with its mystery. The first thought that arises in the reader’s mind is most likely that some kind of intrigue, deception and revenge for this deception are hidden in the plot. It can be assumed that it will begin next detective story. The reader fantasizes, imagining the outcome of the plot, sees himself in the place of an avenger, doing good and at the same time punishing evil.

But what we see: the story is not about elusive avengers, the plot is simpler, but the story is read with no less interest. The main characters are schoolchildren, students of the same school, the same class. One of them is Vitka Agafonov, the other, judging by the first-person narration, is the author. This story is a childhood memory with subsequent rethinking. The novella is based on conflict-intrigue. While working in the school plot, the students “had fun” by putting clods of earth on flexible rods and throwing the molded balls into the air. One lump thrown by Vitka, perhaps accidentally, or perhaps on purpose, hits the narrator in the back. From this moment it begins internal conflict. The hero is overcome by resentment, anger, and then the thought of revenge creeps into his consciousness.

Fortunately, children can stop themselves in time. They are afraid to answer for their actions in front of adults. This is partly why the narrator’s intention is not realized. Perhaps it was hard for the hero to hit the back of someone who trusted him. Moreover, hitting him on the back would be unmanly. The victim refuses retribution, he managed to forgive the offender and thereby made his life easier. “I feel relieved by the pleasant decision not to hit Vitka. And we enter the village like best friends.”

Currently, many conflicts that arise between adults have tragic ending. There is hardly anything that can stop an adult who dreams of revenge. He will do anything.

Novella - artistically told life story. The language is simple, there are no ambiguous phrases or expressions. The author develops the plot in an ascending line. The description of the situation and the location of the plot is replaced by the development of the conflict: thinking about revenge and the understanding that revenge is not necessary. After all, everyone can take revenge, but only a spiritually strong and noble person can forgive.

This short story has something in common with Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov is offended and angry, but, unlike the child, he sentences the old woman to death and carries out his sentence. Such an ending contradicts moral principles, because God gave us life, and only he has the right to take it away from us.

In my opinion, “The Avenger” imitates inveterate bandits who lure their victims into the forest, where no one will see them. What is this? Cowardice? Or, on the contrary, courage?

Everyone judges differently. But I am convinced of one thing: it is harder for a person to forgive an offender than to punish him.

Soloukhin's book is a kind of journey into “the most wondrous of all magical lands- the country of childhood. The keys to it are thrown so far away, lost so irretrievably, that you will never, never, even with one eye, even one trifling path, be seen for the rest of your life. However, in that country there cannot be a trifling path. Everything there is full of significance and meaning. A person who has forgotten what was there and how it was there, who has even forgotten that it once was, is the poorest person on earth.”

The book fully conveys the poetry of the native land, the poetry of rural life, the poetry of peasant labor. Perhaps the beauty of this work is most acutely felt by the village children. And maybe one of the reasons for the success of V. Soloukhin’s prose books is that he talked about poetry peasant life through the perception of one’s childhood. Much has become outdated in this perception, because the writer’s childhood was still in the pre-war years, and after that many new (sometimes strange) signs appeared in the village. But that’s the value of this book, that the author talks here only about what he experienced, felt, what he managed to see and love on native land. And judging by the book, few things were imprinted in his memory and consciousness with the same strength and vividness of sensation as his first encounters with the “great collective farm work” - harvesting and threshing bread, sowing, mowing.

Naturally, the book contained echoes of the difficulties that the village experienced at that time. And yet, the social principles in Soloukhin’s poetic vision were muted. A working man, the peasant - the breadwinner of the entire country - was shown powerfully and on a large scale.

(To help inspectors in 11 classes)

Story Analysis Alexandra Kostyunina. "Waltz with Guitar" Story

Plot construction: the introduction (landscape) and the beginning are based on an oxymoron (“guitar without strings”)
“Family Thought” plays an important role»: main character a child from a single-parent family. The mother is an irritated, tortured woman. The boy struggles alone with life's difficulties. But the child elevates the image of the deceased father to the rank of ideal.
Working with the language of the work:
Neologism "Divyo"; "chopped speech"; colloquial speech (guys, what the heck, nagging, clinging, music, cramming, yelling, teacher, damn, it didn’t stick.) . Phraseologism: “black stripe”. Epithets “Hated day”, “desired night”, “beautiful four”, “so stunned”, “cherished guitar”, “in a baggy down jacket”. Metaphors: “The look beamed with kindness”, “Quiet music comes first”, “He has noticeably thawed”, “he clings only to me”, “and the music began to flow completely differently.” Comparisons: “This is definitely a reward”; “my fingers are like his paws”; “The letter will be like a master key from her”; “Now I want to learn the guitar, like daddy”; “It’s as if he is no longer a senior sergeant, as in the photograph in the army album. He's a general." Language features: colloquial words: “Rolled up to the parking lot,” “constantly nagged,” “rumbles,” “trudged in tears,” “stomped and roared,” “drag,” “our boys.”

Colloquially lowered words: “So stunned”, “they’re shooting at you”, “yelling and clinging”, “they rolled in a deuce”, “yelling”. Slang words: “Fuck your accordion”, “Damn! I get a bad grade,” “teacher,” “I didn’t do my homework.” Double antithesis: “desired night” and “hated day.” The prose text has a poetic insertion: Blank verse using anaphora (To...). An oxymoron is used again: “Darkness is definitely a reward...”
One of the main ideas of the story is faith in a person and strengthening his spirit simply with a kind word.
The problem of talent: the hero of the story is clearly a gifted person, but he studied very poorly (he got bad grades!)
The boy found himself between two fires: his mother and his teacher. The result is catastrophic: thoughts of suicide. A very serious problem of our time in pedagogy and psychiatry. A teenager prefers night to day, darkness to light. He wants to sleep, not stay awake. Driven to despair, the child writes the cherished text on a piece of paper. He makes a wish for something very important for himself. His patience has run out; he has no strength to fight alone. And suddenly a MIRACLE happens! (How often in our lives important decisions depend on chance). A happy change in fate is coming. Or maybe this is just a reward for hard work? (Transition of quantity to quality).
The hero's talent is revealed. He has his own original vision of the world: music is heard everywhere...
The teacher’s recommendations before the concert are interesting: don’t look into the audience so as not to get lost, and if you get lost, still finish playing! (This is a good one life lesson all of us, not just for the stage)
The central image is the father. What an important role it plays in a child’s life! (This is especially problematic in our time of divorce and single mothers).
The author, through the mouth of the hero, draws a philosophical conclusion: months of hard labor ultimately comes down to a brilliant... two-minute performance?!
The climax of the story is an anonymous gift (a coveted guitar!) Who said miracles don’t happen? The greatest miracle is a kind human heart (cf. A. Green “Scarlet Sails”, K. Paustovsky “Snow”)
Conclusions: The miracle of music; Hard work; Suicide is a manifestation of weakness; The first feat is to overcome oneself; The role of mother and father in the life of a child; Relationship between teacher and student; Lessons of kindness!

A situation is described when a boy was returning from the city with his father’s broken guitar. On the minibus he got into conversation with a random fellow traveler. Answering a question about the guitar, the boy outlined his entire life, which was somehow connected with this guitar. His father played this guitar. Because of his guitar playing, his mother fell in love with his father. Now the boy wants to play the guitar. It seems to me that this guitar is dear to the boy primarily because his dad played it. We see this deep connection between father and son from the story of his first concert. Then it seemed to the boy that his dad was watching him play the button accordion, and he was playing for him. Now the boy has a great desire to learn to play the guitar, and I think that in his heart he hopes to return the same situation and once again “play” for his father, but this time on the guitar.
From the boy's story we see that he is very diligent and purposeful. In addition, the boy is very talented and musical. As he himself says, at first he had big problems with studying at a music school. Fear held him down, he was afraid that he would make a mistake and they would yell at him again. I liked that he himself found a way out of this situation. He was “armed” with a letter of resignation from the music school and was already calmly walking to school. It was his calmness and poise that influenced him to pay attention to his surroundings. Previously, everything seemed gloomy and dark to him, but then he saw birch trees and made a wish on them. And when his desire to get a B came true, the boy believed in himself, in his strengths and capabilities.
This story teaches you not to give up in the face of difficulties, to believe in yourself and your strengths. At the end of the story a miracle happens. After the concert, the boy is given a beautiful modern guitar from a stranger. And we all know who gave this guitar. It was given to her by a fellow traveler who admired the boy’s talent and thoroughness. I think if there was a continuation of this story, we would learn about how the boy learned to play the guitar, became a famous musician, became famous throughout the world, and most importantly, created a wonderful family and raised three wonderful sons. And in their big house in the most prominent place hung a guitar, old, with a broken neck, but such a dear and dear father’s guitar.

Soul, dark alleys, trials. Freedom of choice, empathy, compassion, complicity, faith, love, light. These are the associations that A. Kostyunin’s story “Waltz with a Guitar” evoked in me. The hero of the story experiences a feeling of loneliness, loss, and despair. And he decides to leave the music school... “I will be free” The decision has been made. The mood changes. The feeling of inner freedom changes a teenager. He gains self-confidence, an interest in life appears: “And then I made a wish:. I’ll raise my head, see how many birch trees I see in front of me, and I’ll get such a mark in class.....Yeah, I think it’s good...” And he really did succeed. How familiar is this situation! And here the main thing is to wish and believe, as the main character did. And from that moment on, the dark streak ended, everything began to work out.
The boy took a step towards life, and the world turned into love for her. The hero grows professionally. He has something to strive for: “...As a dad...he played better than anyone else. The soul of the company."
Concert. “He was looking straight at me. I started playing for him... Just him and me... IN leading role music - he…..they dance happy…I cried with happiness…” It is impossible to read these lines without tears. I re-read it again and again, and again there are tears, tears of quiet joy, bright hope. So much love. Gratitude, tenderness, optimism in these lines!
Miracle? No. The teenager, having gone through suffering, made the choice that was prompted by his heart, his desire, his faith, his love. And the light triumphed. A random fellow traveler turned out to be a grateful listener. Maybe he recognized himself in the teenager, and therefore gave the boy a miracle on Easter Day Christ's Resurrection. The ending of the story is symbolic. The hero deserved a miracle, resurrection to a new life full of love, hope and faith.
Kostyunin about life, about our life today. Any of us can become their hero. But he once again reminds us, following L. Tolstoy, that nothing happens for nothing, any accident is the result of laws. The main thing in a person is “good feelings”, which the writer forces to work day and night. And all the tests sent to us by fate are aimed at testing our souls for strength, and therefore our right to be called Humans.

Independence in actions, responsibility, human personality– I thought about these concepts

after reading Alexander Kostyunin’s work “Waltz with a Guitar”.
The hero of the story is my peer, a fourteen-year-old boy. He goes to school, plays music,

lives with his mother.
At a certain point in his life, he faces problems: everything he did does not work out for him,

knowledge “does not stick”, others do not understand.
Reading how he touches his native gap, you feel how unbearable fatigue has fallen on him, how hard it is for him.
The boy is sad and worried. He even writes a letter of resignation from music school...
If I had a heart-to-heart talk with someone, it might become easier. But with whom? Classmates

they prefer to play cards, and yes, they will laugh too. Mom alone pulls the strap family life. There is no father.

A boy, especially at this age, needs communication with his dad. He would definitely listen

advised, and it would be “fun, pleasant, even happy.”
How to find a way out? You can quit music lessons, do nothing, not go anywhere.
And yet the hero is a strong person by nature. He begins to struggle with failures. Slowly

in small steps, thanks to his high spiritual content, his “second wind” opens.
The boy played a waltz at the concert so that everyone just listened to it. Music came from the very depths of the soul. And he played, remembering his father and mother - his success speaks of selfless love for loved ones. The hero’s soul and enormous potential are revealed, and the need arises to play a better, more unusual “Waltz with a Guitar.”
We observe independence and initiative - the hero is looking for a master to repair an old guitar in order to learn how to play. And this is already a manifestation of personality. A random fellow traveler also saw these qualities in the boy. This meeting is not accidental, as serious changes are taking place in the boy’s life. The fellow traveler saw himself in the boy. And this conversation may have eased both of their souls.
There is deep confidence that the hero will succeed because there is a goal. A boy is characterized by such qualities as responsibility, control over behavior, independence, and love for his parents.
When a person has such qualities and ideals, any dreams come true and miracles happen.
As a result of my reflections, I came to the conclusion that thanks to hard work, willpower, love

You can become an individual and discover your talents. Each of us can take this path. In this

The mind, family, people around you, and for some, faith in God will help.

The work “Waltz with a Guitar” is wonderful. In this story, I see the image of an ordinary 14-year-old boy in a black, slightly baggy down jacket for his growth and in a woolen knitted hat right up to his eyes.
In the story he has neither a first nor a last name, just a boy. The hero is exhausted from the lack of understanding of adults, problems at school, and the demanding music teacher. At one point, the boy could not stand these problems that fell on his shoulders. He almost gave up, made a decision and wrote a statement to music school so that he would be expelled from third grade. Not on behalf of my mother, but on my own behalf. And as soon as I made the decision, I calmed down. And I thought: “Well, that’s it!”, but it turned out that there was more to come. It is no coincidence that the author singled out the episode with the birch trees. On the way to the music school, the accordion boy wished: “If I raise my head now, how many birch trees I see in front of me, I will get such a mark in the lesson.” There were four birch trees. He wasn't sure about this grade, the boy just wanted to get it. The growing birch trees along the path, which the teenager did not pay attention to, gave him strength, self-confidence and did not allow him to commit an unwanted act. The boy lost his fear of the teacher. When he took up the instrument and began to play, his music became beautiful, the boy began to play many times better than before.
The hero of the story cannot give up, give up his dream and his favorite thing. He regained confidence in his strength, in his abilities. The boy began to hear music in everything.
The hero of the story has a mother. We only know about our father that he was a military man and died in one of the hot spots. Maybe that's why boy to a stranger began to openly talk about his great achievement - victory over himself, over all the difficulties that seemed enormous to him. But now it's heavy and meaningless life left behind, and ahead is a specific goal, daily work and a sense of pride in oneself.
The hero performs the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria” at a concert,
playing the accordion. He performed with anxiety, but his father, whose image he presented during the performance, helped him cope with it.

Alexander Viktorovich Kostyunin was born on August 25, 1964 in Karelia. Graduated art school. Hobbies: literary creativity, photography and drawing. His photograph entitled “Parental House” decorated Vladimir Putin’s office in the Kremlin. Personal photo exhibitions are held in different countries peace. His mother was a teacher of Russian language and literature, but he did not like to write essays. His mother helped him, and he carefully copied what was offered to him.
Graduated from two faculties: agricultural and economics. Member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation.
Married, has two children. In 2007, at the International Congress of Writers of Russian Abroad " Russian word- the connecting thread of time" for the book "In the Font of the White Night" the writer was awarded a 1st degree diploma with the title of laureate of the Prize named after. A. Kuprin and the presentation of a memorial sign “For his contribution to Russian literature.”
Kostyunin about himself: “My literary sketches do not belong to a commercial project. This is rather a kind of “cross” that everyone carries through life due to their convictions. Now I have completely devoted myself to creativity.”

Analytical information

based on the results of the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in general education subjects

in the 2013-2014 academic year.

The School Olympiad is the first stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. Participation in the subject Olympiad is the result of the teaching staff’s work with gifted students not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities (electives, clubs, etc.). Students demonstrate knowledge acquired outside the school curriculum.

The main goals and objectives of the Olympics are:

Creating the necessary conditions for identifying and developing students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities;

Creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;

intensifying the work of electives, clubs and other forms of extracurricular and extracurricular work with students;

Providing assistance to high school students in professional


The conduct of the school stage of subject Olympiads was regulated by the Regulations on the conduct of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in general education subjects,” by order of the Krasnogorsk Administration Committee No. 131 dated October 1, 2013. “On holding the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in general education subjects in the 2013-2014 academic year in educational institutions of the Krasnogorsk region", by order of the school director No. 107 dated 10/04/2013 "On holding the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in general education subjects in 2013-2014 2014 academic year." Sh Stake Olympiads were held in the following subjects: physics, chemistry, Russian language, mathematics, life safety, history, geography, biology, chemistry, literature, German, social studies, MHC. The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren was held from October 10 to October 29, 2013.

Olympiad work was assessed based on performance, according to a quota (3 people per class).

The school stage was carried out according to unified Olympiad tasks developed by teachers within the school district.

During the Olympiad, violations were identified. The chemistry teacher asked students to complete tasks that were not appropriate for the age of the participants. Due to the identified violations, 9th grade students repeated the Chemistry Olympiad.

Based on the reports and submitted works of students, a list of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren was compiled. Participants in the school stage of the Olympiad who scored greatest number points are recognized as winners of the school stage of the Olympiad, provided that the number of points they score exceeds half of the maximum possible points.

Table of performance of schoolchildren’s participation in subject Olympiads


Number of participants

Number of winners

Number of winners

% of winners and runners-up










life safety

Social science


Russian language




Analyzing the table data, one should conclude:

1. a high percentage of winners and prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympiad are shown in the subjects: biology, history, MHC, German, social studies, physics;

2. at the Olympiad in mathematics, life safety, Russian language, physics, and chemistry, the quota of participants was not met;

3. At the Olympiad in mathematics, literature, chemistry, students showed a low level of performance practical tasks. This is due to the characteristics of the subjects, and also indicates the insufficient work of subject teachers to identify talented children at the school level.

  1. Teachers of mathematics, literature, and chemistry need to use all types of educational and extracurricular activities for targeted preparation for Olympiads;
  2. The chemistry teacher should adhere to the Regulations on the conduct of the school stage of the Olympiad of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
  3. When conducting the Olympiad, teachers of mathematics, life safety, Russian language, physics, and chemistry must adhere to the quota established by the organizing committee of the Olympiad.


Follow the rule stubbornly:

so that words are cramped and thoughts are spacious.
N. A. Nekrasov

The Olympiad in Russian language and literature was held in order to identify philological abilities among students of educational institutions, develop interest in the Russian language and literature, and support gifted children.The tasks are aimed at a person with humanitarian abilities, a person who reads, is erudite, thinks, and is able to reflect and analyze.

A set of tasks of three levels was designed for capable students. Some tasks required a creative approach, while a complete and adequate answer to most questions did not require knowledge beyond the school curriculum. All tasks required the application of theoretical information related to the main branches of linguistics and literary criticism.

Participated in intellectual competitions 115 students out of 135 who applied.

The jury members carefully checked the participants' work and summed up the results of the Olympiad. The winners have been determined: the best young philologists! Among eighth-graders, the winners were schoolchildren whose work was rated from 93 to 81 points out of 100 possible. Among the ninth grades, the winners of the Olympiad were students who scored from 96 to 80 points. Participants who scored from 84.5 to 61.5 points won among tenth graders. The strongest were the works of 11th grade students, who received scores from 89.5 to 71.5 points. Unfortunately, due to technical problems, not all works sent to the organizing committee were presented in full. This explains the few low scores for completed tasks.

With results protocols Republican stage of the student Olympiad in Russian language and literature can be found on the blog Donetsk IOPS http://donippo.blogspot.com/ in section"R Republican stage of student Olympiads ».

Love for our native word makes us akin,

The power of the verb unites everyone!

The key of knowledge beckons again,

And the youths are constantly inspired!

V.V. Bobrova

Some tasks required participants to make certain comments, their own examples, or mini-reasonings. The third level of the Olympiad tasks, creative, did not cause difficulties for the students, but raised questions among the jury members, since in the mini-essay it was necessary to demonstrate the range of reading and the qualities of a qualified reader, quote works of art, give examples from literary texts, name names literary heroes etc., and not just express emotions and compose beautiful text. In addition, some errors, in our opinion, were explained by the participants’ inattentive reading of the wording of the tasks.

Students coped better with tasks from the section “Russian norms” literary language", "language of works of art", "modern Russian language". Difficulties for schoolchildren were caused by a question from the history of the Russian language and a creative task. The greatest difficulties were caused by creative and analytical tasks, and the formulation of one’s own opinion.

The quality of the Olympiad assignments completed by eighth-graders testifies to the effective advisory work, including remote work of language teachers with students in the subject, and the quality selection carried out by methodological services in cities and regions. The participants’ works demonstrate deep knowledge of the Russian language and literature, the ability to apply them in practice, the ability to argue and think logically. Usage works of art as proof of their arguments, it testifies to the well-readness and erudition of the Olympiad participants.

Checking the work also showed some shortcomings in the students’ work. You should pay attention to the following points: the syntax of a simple sentence with homogeneous members and the syntax complex sentence; characteristics of the vocabulary of the work; figurative means of language; the ability to distinguish a theme, idea, describe the composition and images of a lyrical work. Particular attention should be paid to skill development logical thinking(to teach the culture of presenting thoughts, drawing up an outline for an essay), the ability to determine the main idea of ​​an essay, prove it throughout the entire essay and draw conclusions in accordance with this idea.

We consider it necessary to stimulate work to improve the literacy of schoolchildren.

As it turned out, the analysis of a poetic text is difficult for students, since successful completion of the task required not only a special understanding of the author’s creative style, but also a “linguistic flair”, a clear representation of the structural elements of the composition of a work of art.

Eighth- and ninth-graders demonstrated good knowledge of literary theory in their works; there are no errors in determining the theme, size of the verse, rhythm and rhyme. Along with the theme, the definition of the idea of ​​the work, the compositional elements of the poems by K. Balmont and F. Tyutchev caused difficulty.
Accepted in the works lexical (unreasonable repetitions, n precise choice of word, its incorrect use due to misunderstanding of the meaning), With stylistic-speech errors ( the use of cliches and clericalism,words and expressions purely conversational style ). In many worksThere is no logical connection between parts of the text; there are alogisms and thoughts that contradict each other.
The listed shortcomings are non-systemic in nature and cannot affect the good impression of students’ preparation for the Olympiad.10th grade students were asked 9 questions to determine the level of ability to interpret a text (A.S. Pushkin’s poem “I will not regret roses...” (“Grapes”). Detailed answers to a question or task (for example, the answer to 7 question:The poem is written in iambic tetrameter with cross rhyme. The rhymes are precise. Anacrusis is monocotyledonous (except for the seventh line, there are three unstressed ones), the clause is alternating (male - female)).The maximum score for task No. 1 of the second level is 20 points.

In general, the tenth graders coped with the task; some interpretations turned out to be interesting, emotional, revealing the authors’ thoughts and personal impressions.

For questions 2 (t theme, idea, motives, mood of the poem), 3 (lyrical hero, shaped system), 5 (p poetic vocabulary, artistic and visual means of language), 7 (rhythm, rhythm-forming elements, meter, rhyme)all students answered correctly. Some answers are incomplete: examples of epithets and comparisons are not provided.

The most difficult questions were questions 4 (about the composition of the poem), 8(about sound recording), 9 (about the holistic perception of the poem), some students left them without answers.

The works are designed correctly. Lexical error repeated most often young girl.

In general, the participants of the Olympiad coped with the assigned tasks, performing linguistic analysis of the text. Students encountered certain difficulties in tasks related to the ability to find contextual synonyms. Not all tenth graders are able to see isolated secondary members in sentences, in particular, isolated complements. None of the Olympiad participants completed task 5 (indicate the sentence in which parcellation is used) correctly.

III The level of 10th grade work did not please me with my knowledge of the language. Despite the fact that the essay was in electronic form and many errors were corrected automatically, quite a lot of spelling and punctuation errors were made. Students experienced the main problems with constructing phrases; the most typical errors were related to lexical redundancy. 20% of the essays were taken from the Internet. Students were required to rely on literary sources, but only 30% of participants mentioned or quoted fiction. The set of texts presented in the works is very sparse: I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", "Dead Souls", A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". Many Olympiad participants could not even edit their texts. In general, the impressions of the essays leave much to be desired; only 4 works can be noted in which all the conditions set for the participants were met.

All eleventh-graders completed the level 1 tasks, which required an unambiguous answer, successfully (perhaps thanks to the capabilities of the Internet; however, some participants did not even delete the links in their answers, which is certainly unacceptable). Many participants ignored tasks that required independent commentary, limiting themselves to a stating answer (for example, in 1 task, where it was necessary to remember works that were preceded by epigraphs and explain for what purpose they were used, a full answer required reasoning himself author). When performing task 9, the participants were not attentive enough. It was necessary not only to list insufficient verbs, but also to give your comment or at least indicate the forms in which the given verb(s) is (are) insufficient. The situation is similar with task 10. This indicates the need to read carefully questions and tasks, offer your own commentary, which makes the work creative and individual. However, you should not answer more than is required by the task, since grammatical errors that are made in the text of the answer reduce the score and affect the overall impression of the answer.

Checking task 1 of the second level showed that 11th grade students have a good skill in determining rhyme, recognizing compositional and stylistic devices of a poem, determining the main meaning of a philosophical poem by Arseny Tarkovsky, describing the figurative system of the poem, which helps to reveal the main meaning of the work. However, such concepts as poetic meter, the peculiarity of the rhythmic organization of the poem, tropes and figurative expressions of the poem still cause difficulties in analyzing the poem. artistic techniques in the development of the lyrical conflict of the work.

In the second task of the second level, eleventh graders were asked to carry out linguistic analysis text by answering questions and completing relevant tasks. All students completed the task. However, typical errors made in the works should be noted. Thus, not all eleventh graders were able to convincingly prove that the proposed text belongs to the popular science style. For most of the Olympiad participants, it turned out to be difficult to determine the level of their own word usage and suggest ways to improve their vocabulary. I was somewhat surprised that when completing the 5th task (drawing up a text plan ) 11th grade students limited themselves to simple plan, consisting of three points. Also errors were admitted during the 9th task, in which it was required to give a morphological characteristic of the word What in these sentences. Students determined that in one of the sentences this word is a conjunctive word, and in the other - a conjunction, thus offering their syntactic characteristics, and only a few spoke of the description of these words as parts. In the 12th task it was necessary to explain the punctuation in a certain sentence. The schoolchildren explained the placement of punctuation marks in a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase, but did not pay attention to the absence of a comma at the junction of conjunctions But And if then in a complex sentence.

11th grade students in the task Level III essay topics were proposed from the block “Questions posed to humanity by the war” and were focused on thinking about the causes of the war, the impact of the war on the fate of an individual and the state, and the moral choice of a person in war (based on works of domestic and world literature). Of the 11 proposed topics, the following aroused the greatest interest: “Why does the theme of war not leave literature?” (No. 3), “Wait for me, and I will return... love and war” (No. 5), “Do you agree with L.N. Tolstoy, who claims that war“An event contrary to human reason and all human nature? (No. 9), “How does war affect the essence of a person?” (No. 11). The following topics were not in demand: “A work about war that excited you” (No. 6), “War is not fireworks at all, but just hard work... (M.V. Kulchitsky)” (No. 7).The works were evaluated according to three criteria: content creative work, speech production, literacy.

When checking the content of creative work, compliance with the theme, style, and genre was taken into account; compositional design; completeness of the topic. The verbal design of creative work included the following parameters: semantic integrity, verbal coherence, sequence of presentation; accuracy and expressiveness of speech. The assessment of work literacy included compliance with spelling, punctuation, language and speech standards.

An analysis of the Olympiad works showed that, based on the criterion “Compliance with the topic,” the Olympiad participants had to respond to the proposed task, avoid its substitution, choose their own path of reasoning, formulating theses that were to be explained in a reasoned manner. All participants met this criterion, but with varying degrees of success in completing the task.

The works showed that many participants in the Olympiad have their own reading preferences and are able to deeply, sincerely, informally reason within the framework of a given topic, choosing a personal perspective for its disclosure. They managed to do interesting choice supporting text, problematize the material, think through the original thesis and evidence part of the essay.

Based on the criterion “Argumentation. Involvement of literary material”, it should be noted that to a large extent the works were well-reasoned answers. Participants reasoned about the proposed problem, most often choosing a multidimensional projection on “themselves” and “us”. As literary source most often the works of K. Simonov, B. Vasilyev, L.N. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, V. Grossman, V. Nekrasov, Y. Bondarev, Y. Drunina were used.

From the point of view of composition and logic of reasoning, the following should be noted: the participants of the Olympiad tried to closely connect the introduction, the thesis and evidence, and the conclusion; it should be noted the impeccable logic of reasoning, connected by a common idea and based on several (most often) works of art. Students tried to consistently develop their thoughts from text to text, building up additional personal meanings. Students demonstrated the ability to not only logically construct a reasoning on the proposed topic, but also showed the ability to concretize it in accordance with their own plan and at the same time not deviate from the topic.

It is natural that good level The level of training of the Olympiad participants was manifested not only in the merits of work on the “Composition and Logic of Reasoning” criterion. The authors of the essays also demonstrated excellent speech culture, erudition, and the development of such reading skills as the ability to reflect with interest on independently read works and compare them from a given perspective. In terms of ownership in writing 11th grade students demonstrated a wealth of vocabulary and a variety of syntactic structures. They easily put their thoughts into precise, expressive verbal form. But at the same time, in the essays we also observe the presence of speech errors different types: unsuccessful use of words, excessive complication of a phrase that does not correspond to the style of the rest of the work; the presence of speech cliches, many of which are repeated several times, pleonasm. Typical logical mistakes of eleventh graders include the following:

1) violation of the sequence of utterances;

2) lack of connection between parts of the utterance;

3) unjustified repetition of previously expressed thoughts;

4) fragmentation of a micro-theme by another micro-theme;

5) disproportion of the statement;

6) absence of necessary parts of a statement, etc.;

7) violation of cause-and-effect relationships;

8) violation of the logical-compositional structure of the text.

Among the speech errors, the following should be highlighted:

1) the use of foreign words and expressions;

2) inappropriate use of expressive, emotionally charged means;

3) violation of lexical compatibility;

4) consumption extra words(pleonasm);

5) repetition or double use of synonyms that are close in meaning in a verbal text without justified necessity (tautology);

6) unjustified omission of a word;

7) word order, leading to an ambiguous understanding of the work.

General conclusions and methodological recommendations:

Ø the knowledge, skills and abilities of students within the school curriculum in the Russian language and literature as a whole are formed;

Ø preparation for tests and participation in the Olympiad stimulates students’ interest in learning the Russian language, activates their intellectual and creative abilities, allows them to create a certain intellectual environment that promotes a conscious and creative attitude towards the process of education and self-education;

Ø when preparing schoolchildren for the Olympiad, it is necessary to pay attention to issues of etymology, historical commentary on modern spelling norms, diachronic morphemic parsing, to develop skills in analyzing syntactic phenomena of increased complexity, to conduct targeted work on clarifying and explaining the lexical meaning of a word, special attention must be paid to outdated words and words of foreign origin (due to the fact that the package of Olympiad tasks often includes tasks that require explaining the linguistic phenomena of the modern Russian language from a historical point of view);

We thank the members of the methodological commission for drawing up assignments and the jury members for their professionalism and competence for checking olympiad works: Danilov I.N. (town of Torez), Dyachenko L.V. . (Donetsk, Voroshilovsky district), Simonov I.V. (Donetsk, Kyiv district), Solovyov L.E. (Donetsk), Ikonnikov S.V. (Donetsk, Kalininsky district), Dyachenko L.V. . (Donetsk, Voroshilovsky district), Rzhesik S.A. (Donetsk, Petrovsky district), Yarkovich E.B. (Makeevka), Nafanets E.A. . (boarding lyceum at DonNU), Generalov A.V. (Donetsk, Budennovsky district), Zyatiev I.A. (Donetsk, Kalininsky district).

Department of Russian Language and Literature

Literature Olympiads (answers, grade 10)
Assignments for 11th grade

Literature Olympiads (answers 11th grade)

Olympiad tasks from the OLYMPIC PORTAL website
Assignments for grade 5 (47.0 KB)
Assignments for 6th grade (44.0 KB)
Assignments for 7th grade (47.5 KB)
Assignments for 8th grade (63.5 KB)
Assignments for grade 9 (56.0 KB)
Assignments for grade 10 (60.5 KB)
Assignments for grade 11 (54.5 KB)
Answers to the Olympiad
Answers for 5th grade (30.5 KB)
Answers for 6th grade (28.0 KB)
Answers for 7th grade (30.5 KB)
Answers for 8th grade (28.5 KB)
Answers for 9th grade (37.5 KB)
Answers for grade 10 (43.0 KB)
Answers for grade 11 (38.0 KB)

All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature

DISTRICT STAGE 2010 - 2011 academic year Moscow

7th grade

To complete the tasks of the district round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, select one of the options.

Option 1-1. Comprehensive analysis of prose text.
Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz
Absent-Minded Wizard

Once upon a time there was a scientist in the world, a real good wizard, named Ivan Ivanovich Sidorov. And he was such an excellent engineer that he easily and quickly built machines, huge as palaces and small as watches. In between, jokingly, he built wonderful machines for his house, light as feathers. And these same machines swept the floor, and drove out flies, and wrote from dictation, and ground coffee, and played dominoes. And his favorite car was the size of a cat, it ran after its owner like a dog, and talked like a person. When Ivan Ivanovich leaves home, this machine answers phone calls, cooks dinner, and opens doors. She will let a good person into the house, talk to him, and even sing him a song, like a real bird. And he will drive away the bad guy, and even bark after him, like a real chained dog. At night the machine disassembled itself, and in the morning it assembled itself and shouted:

- Master, master! It's time to get up!

Ivan Ivanovich was a good man, but very absent-minded. Either he will go out into the street wearing two hats at once, or he will forget that he has a meeting in the evening. And the machine helped him a lot: when necessary, it will remind him, when necessary, it will correct him.

One day Ivan Ivanovich went for a walk in the forest. The smart machine runs after him, ringing a bell like a bicycle. Having fun. And Ivan Ivanovich asks her:

- Hush, hush, don’t bother me with my thoughts.

And suddenly they heard: hooves knocking, wheels creaking.

And they saw a boy coming out to meet them, carrying grain to the mill.

They said hello.

The boy stopped the cart and let’s ask Ivan Ivanovich what kind of machine it was and how it was made.

Ivan Ivanovich began to explain.

And the car ran off into the forest to chase squirrels, ringing like a bell.

The boy listened to Ivan Ivanovich, laughed and said:

- No, you are a real wizard.

“Yes, something like that,” answers Ivan Ivanovich.

- You can probably do everything?

“Yes,” answers Ivan Ivanovich.

- Well, can you, for example, turn my horse into a cat?

- Why not! - Ivan Ivanovich answers.

He took out a small device from his vest pocket.

“This,” he says, “is zoological magic glass.” One, two, three!

And he pointed the diminutive magic glass at the horse.

And suddenly - these are miracles! - the arc became tiny, the shafts were thin, the harness was light, the reins hung like ribbons. And the boy saw: instead of a horse, a cat was harnessed to his cart. The cat stands as important as a horse, and digs the ground with its front paw, like a hoof. The boy touched it - the fur is soft. I stroked her and she purred. A real cat, only in harness.

They laughed.

Then a wonderful little car ran out of the forest. And suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. And she began to give alarm bells, and red lights lit up on her back.

- What's happened? - Ivan Ivanovich was scared.

- Like what? - the machine screamed. — You absent-mindedly forgot that our magnifying zoological magic glass is being repaired at the glass factory! Now how do you turn the cat back into a horse?

What to do here?

The boy is crying, the cat is meowing, the machine is ringing, and Ivan Ivanovich asks:

“Please, I beg you, be quiet, don’t disturb me from thinking.”

He thought, thought and said:

“There’s nothing, friends, to cry, there’s nothing to meow, there’s nothing to call.” The horse, of course, turned into a cat, but the strength in it remained the same, that of a horse. Ride calmly, boy, on this one-horsepower cat. And in exactly a month, without leaving my house, I will point a magic magnifying glass at the cat, and it will become a horse again.

The boy calmed down.

He gave his address to Ivan Ivanovich, pulled the reins, and said: “But!” And the cat drove the cart.

When they returned from the mill to the village of Murino, everyone, young and old, came running to marvel at the wonderful cat.

The boy unharnessed the cat.

The dogs rushed at her, and she hit them with her paw with all her horsepower. And then the dogs immediately realized that it was better not to mess with such a cat.

They brought the cat into the house. She began to live and live. A cat is like a cat. He catches mice, laps up milk, and dozes on the stove. And in the morning they will harness it to a cart, and the cat works like a horse.

Everyone loved her very much and even forgot that she had once been a horse.

So twenty-five days passed.

At night the cat sleeps on the stove.

Suddenly - bang! boom! bang-bang-bang!

Everyone jumped up.

They turned on the light.

And they see: the stove has fallen apart brick by brick. And the horse lies on the bricks and looks, ears raised, unable to understand anything from sleep.

What, it turns out, happened?

That very night, a magnifying zoological magic glass was brought to Ivan Ivanovich from repair. The machine was already taken apart for the night. And Ivan Ivanovich himself did not think of telling the village of Murino on the phone to take the cat out of the room into the yard, because he would now turn it into a horse. Without warning anyone, he directed the magic device towards specified address: one, two, three - and I found myself on the stove, instead of a cat, a whole horse. Of course, the stove fell apart into small bricks under such weight.

But everything ended well.

The very next day Ivan Ivanovich built them a stove even better than the previous one.

But the horse remained a horse.

But, it’s true, she developed cat-like habits.

She plows the ground, pulls the plow, tries - and suddenly she sees a field mouse. And now he forgets everything and rushes at his prey like an arrow.

And I forgot how to laugh.

Meowed in a deep voice.

And her disposition remained feline, freedom-loving. The stables were no longer locked at night. If you forbid it, the horse shouts to the whole village:

- Meow! Meow!

At night she opened the stable gates with her hoof and silently went out into the yard. She watched for mice, she lay in wait for rats. Or, easily, like a cat, the horse would fly up onto the roof and wander there until dawn. The other cats loved her. We were friends with her. We played. They went to visit her in the stable, told her about all their cat affairs, and she told them about horse affairs. And they understood each other like the best friends.

Option 1-2. Interpretation of poetic text

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zabolotsky
Morning song

The mighty day has come. The trees stood up straight

The leaves sighed. In wooden veins

The water started dripping. Square window

It opened over the bright earth,

And everyone who was in the turret came together

Look at the sky full of radiance.

And we also stood at the window.

There was a wife in her spring dress.

And the boy sat in her arms,

All pink and naked and laughing

And, full of serene purity,

I looked at the sky where the sun was shining.

And there, below, trees, animals, birds,

Big, strong, furry, alive,

They gathered in a circle and played big guitars,

On pipes, on violins, on bagpipes

Suddenly they started playing a morning song,

Meeting us. And everything around began to sing.

And everything around began to sing so that the goat

And he went to jump around the barn.

And I realized on that golden morning,

That the happiness of humanity is immortal.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 16

Ekaterinburg, st. P. Shamanova, 24


Analysis of the school stage of subject Olympiads

festival "Young Intellectuals of Yekaterinburg" at MAOU Secondary School No. 16

in the 2013-2014 academic year

1.Grounds for analyzing the results of the school stage of subject Olympiads

Analysis of the work of school education with gifted children:

    possibility of implementation innovation activity teachers aimed at creative search effective ways implementation of the standard in the OS;

    identification of gifted students in the subject for the purpose of their further development and personal growth;

    identification of criteria for assessing student achievements in the unity of the subject, active and value components of education.

The dates for the school stage of subject Olympiads are from October 11 to October 26, 2013.

Students from grades 5-11 took part in the school stage of the subject Olympiads.

For students in grades 5-6, the school stage was carried out according to Olympiad tasks developed by teachers of the School of Education, with the exception of the Olympiad in Mathematics. The Olympiad tasks were developed by the regional methodological association of mathematicians.

For students in grades 7-11, the school stage of subject Olympiads was carried out according to tasks developed by regional methodological associations of subject teachers, in accordance with the proposed schedule, within the same time frame for the Leninsky district educational institution.

2. The purpose and objectives of the school stage:

The goals of the school stage of subject Olympiads are:

- creating favorable conditions for the support and development of gifted children, the manifestation of children's initiative, the realization by students of their intellectual abilities and interests;

- identification and development ofstudents' creative abilities and interest inresearch activities;

Formation of a school team to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

Objectives of the school stage of subject Olympiads:

    creating a set of conditions for organizing the intellectual activity of students, taking into account their age characteristics, based on a student-oriented approach to education, freedom of choice of areas of interest;

    identifying and developing students’ creative abilities and interest in scientific activities, creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;

    promotion of scientific knowledge;

    development of the need for intellectual and creative activity in students;

    disclosure of the humanitarian orientation of education (formation of oneself) in total cognitive process carried out as part of educational and extracurricular activities;

    identifying the most capable, creatively thinking students.

3. Analysis of the organization and conduct of the school stage of subject Olympiads:

Information support for the event: at an operational meeting of the teaching staff, the heads of the school and subject teachers familiarized themselves with the order “On holding the school stage of subject Olympiads”; a plan for holding subject Olympiads was presented to the NMS. Heads of school educational institutions and subject teachers were asked to develop Olympiad assignments and prepare assessment criteria for students in grades 5-6, and determine the time for consultations to prepare students for participation in subject Olympiads. Students are familiar with the Regulations on holding subject Olympiads and their schedule, the appeal procedure through the information stand, announcements through the school radio center, through the school website, on classroom hours. To inform students, teachers, and parents of students, an information stand has been set up: regulations, schedule of the Olympiads, schedule of the Olympiads for each subject, protocols, results.

According to the Regulations, all interested students in grades 5-11 could take part in the school stage of the Olympiads. According to the approved schedule, all subject Olympiads were held according to the schedule from October 11 to October 26 from 10.00 to 13.00 for students of the first shift, from 13.00 to 15.30 for students of the second shift in the reading room of the library and information center. Tasks, answer forms, and sheets of paper were prepared for each participant. The results were checked on the same day by the ShMO teachers who were part of the jury. The next day the results were announced through announcements at the stand and through the school website. The results were summed up at a school-wide meeting on October 30. Prize-winners and winners of the Festival were awarded certificates of honor. The winners of the subject Olympiads (1-3 place) are announced for the municipal stage of the Olympiads of the “Young Intellectuals of Yekaterinburg” festival.

4. Analysis of the content of Olympiad tasks

Olympiad tasks for students in grades 7-11 were developed by teachers of the Russian Educational Institution and complied with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, tasks for students in grades 5-6 - by subject teachers of the School of Education. The tasks were formed in accordance with the requirements of the State Standards, had a multi-level direction, the purpose of which was to identify knowledge, skills and understanding of personal responsibility for the quality of acquired knowledge. Olympiad tasks provide for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. Integrated tasks in the subjects: biology-chemistry-mathematics, physics-mathematics, physics-chemistry, literature-historia, biology-geography.

All participants in the Olympiad were given ready-made tasks. The Olympiad work indicated the number of points for completing each task; there were theoretical, practical and creative blocks. Test tasks on technology included all sections of the educational program technology: cooking, materials science, mechanical engineering, handicrafts, design and modeling. The Physical Education Olympiad lasted two days: the tasks had theoretical and practical material. Only students in grades 10-11 participated in the MHC Olympiad. Like last year, no Olympiads in ecology were held, rightfully due to the fact that in school curriculum there are no these subjects, and law is studied only in school course social studies. There were no people willing to participate in the Olympiads in these subjects.

5. The role of teachers in developing tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad and preparing students

All subject teachers of the school of II and III levels took part in the development of tasks for the school stage of the subject Olympiads and their implementation.

During the interaction of teachers of different educational areas Students were prepared for the Olympiads, as well as assignments were checked.

6. The role of the Moscow Region, school self-government bodies, and the parent community of educational institutions in the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Festival.

The school stage of the subject Olympiads was held under the direct supervision of the ShMO.

7. Evaluation of the results of students’ assignments.

The majority of participants in the school stage of the subject Olympiads are satisfied with the results of the tasks completed (there were no appeals). As in the last academic year, difficulties arose when solving Olympiad problems in physics, chemistry and mathematics - mathematical calculations, unsatisfactory knowledge of formulas. In the Russian language Olympiad tasks, some tasks required a creative approach, while a complete answer to most questions did not require knowledge beyond the school curriculum. All tasks required the application of theoretical information related to the main branches of linguistics. In general, students were able to demonstrate knowledge in their chosen subjects, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and realize their creative abilities. The winners of the school stage of subject Olympiads demonstrated a fairly high level of mastery of educational material, their application at a creative level, a non-standard approach to solving tasks, and took part in the municipal round of the Olympiad. As in the last academic year, students from our school do not participate in the municipal round of the Informatics Olympiad.

Participants demonstrated the highest percentage of Olympiad work completion in the following subjects: history 10th grade - 55%, 11th grade - 38%; Russian language - 5th grade - 55%, 8th grade - 53%, 9th grade - 36%, 10th grade - 40%, 11th grade - 52%; social studies – 10th grade - 53%, 11th grade - 54%; literature - 5th grade - 49%, 10th grade - 47%, 11th grade - 53%, biology - 10th grade - 38%, 11th grade - 45%. As last year, the percentage of completion of Olympiad tasks in mathematics, physics, and computer science is low.

8. Results of subject olympiads.

At the school stage of the Olympiads, the distribution of participants is as follows: grades 5-6 – 235 students (68% of total number), 7th – 8th grades – 197 students (68.4%), 9th-11th grades – 163 students (48% of the total). Many participated in several Olympiads and became winners and medalists.



Olympiad participants

2012-2013 academic year.

5 grades

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

9th grade

10 grades

11th grade

Number of participants in the municipal stage

English language

16 (15%)






12 (16%)




Art (MHC)

10 (30%)


16 (17,7%)



17 (10,7%)



15 (8,8%)


life safety

10 (14,9%)

Social science

15 (16,6%)


Russian language

18 (7,8%)




12 (6%)



13 (17,3%)


Physical culture

16 (42,1%)



12 (24%)









199 (20,4%)

Oh enough is enough high level The educational process in our school is evidenced by the results of the school round of the Olympiad. Compared to the last academic year, the number of participants in the municipal round of subject Olympiads has increased: 7th – 8th grade: 41 – 56 , 9-11 grade – 60-69 students.

A number of participants took part in the municipal tour in several subjects:

Razgildyaeva Elizaveta, Ivonina Natalya – went to the municipal round in five subjects;

Grigorieva Tatyana, Pogrebnyak Tatyana, Kulikova Anna took part in the municipal round - in four subjects.

Yakovina Ekaterina, Pasechniu Daria, Smoliy Yana, Cherniychuk Daria, Eshcheryakova Karina, Konstantinova Natalia, Pyankova Anna, Cheremisov Dmitry, Volkov Daniil took part in the municipal round in three subjects.

Vorobyov Alexander, Korobko Sergey, Savicheva Daria, Mironov Egor, Nematova Nargiza, Gubanova Daria, Karitun Daniil - took part in the municipal round in two subjects.

9. Level of implementation of tasks of the school stage of subject Olympiads .

Conducting the school stage of subject Olympiads contributes to the formation and development of students’ need for intellectual, research activities, while taking into account their age characteristics and area of ​​interest. Students were able to demonstrate expanded and optimal levels of mastery of educational material when completing tasks at subject olympiads. Based on the results of the school stage, a team of students was formed to participate in the municipal stage of subject Olympiads.

10. Problems that arose during the organization and conduct of the school stage of subject Olympiads.

Many students took part in olympiads in several subjects, which leads to overload of students, because Additional time is required for quality preparation.

Difficulties arose with accommodating students when holding 2 Olympiads on one day, because many people want to participate. There is low motivation among some students to participate in subject Olympiads.

For teachers subject specialists

take into account the interests of children wishing to take part in Olympiads in several subjects,

take into account the level of complexity of the Olympiad tasks for the 2013-2014 academic year. years and work the most typical mistakes students through classroom and extracurricular activities in order to create a situation of success during subsequent Olympiads;

heads of school educational institutions to create a data bank based on materials from subject Olympiads at school and municipal levels;

take control of students’ preparation for participation in subject Olympiads. Pay special attention to such subjects as: mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry;

organize pedagogical support students who show interest in studying various subjects;

use cooperation with young scientists of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences when preparing for competitions at various levels.

Deputy Director for Water Resources T.L. Ermakova