Detailed biography of the Time Machine group. Biography, discography, information. Rock encyclopedia. Legendary keyboard player of “Time Machine” Pyotr Podgorodetsky Soloists of the machine

Peter Podgorodetsky- Soviet and Russian musician, showman. Keyboardist of the rock band “Time Machine” in 1979-1982 and 1990-1999. He also worked in the “Resurrection” group and hosted programs on television and radio. Currently the leader of the group X.O. Honored Artist Russian Federation (1999).

His grandmother Vera Fedorovna was a pianist, his mother Victoria Ivanovna Podgorodetskaya was a professional singer - she worked all her life at Mosconcert. From his youth he studied music, first in the boys' choir at the Gnesin Institute (director - Vadim Sudakov), then in the Children's music school No. 22 named after Shaporin.

After the ninth grade I entered the conducting and choral department at Music school at the Moscow Conservatory (“Merzlyakovka”) in 1975 became a laureate of the International Choir Competition in Italian city Arezzo, with musical group visited Italy, graduated from college in 1976.

Then he served for two years in Soviet Army, where he accidentally almost lost his sight (according to him, a loaf of bread hit him in the eye), he played in the Song and Dance Orchestra of the Military Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, according to him, then he wrote the music, which later became the song “Turn”, but the melody it was slow and lyrical, similar to the Italian hits of those years.

From 1978 to 1979 he was concertmaster of the experimental Yudenich Theater. At the same time, he earned money playing the piano in restaurants and earned 500 rubles a month.

From 1979 to 1982 - keyboardist and vocalist of the rock band "Time Machine", where the only one music education and served in the army. They made him an offer to collaborate: Alexander Sitkovetsky invited him to work in “Leap Summer”, and Andrei Makarevich invited him to work in “Time Machine”. He agreed to “Leap Summer”. He was hired as the second keyboardist in a pair with Chris Kelmi. But they didn’t rehearse together for long, he had surgery for his eyesight, and he was in the hospital for about a month and a half until the end of March - beginning of April.

At the meeting, Alexander Kutikov said that “Machine” had broken up (according to Podgorodetsky, due to the greed of Andrei Makarevich) and invited him and Valery Efremov to join the new “Machine”. According to Podgorodetsky, Kutikov persuaded him and Efremov for a whole month. Oleg Nikolaev advised him to go there:

“A primitive is not a primitive, but in this team you will become famous.” Well, that’s exactly what happened. In general, the “Time Machine” collapsed in order to be reborn from the ashes together with me, Petya Podgorodetsky! (Peter Podgorodetsky)

In 1980, the song “Turn” became very popular. At that time, “The Time Machine” was on a par with Vysotsky in popularity and was “cooler” than Pugacheva, Leontyev, Kobzon, Leshchenko and others. In the spring of 1980, MK published a poster for “Machine” (on which Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich and Andrei Makarevich drew the group members) as an illustration for the article “Turn”, which was written by either Artem Troitsky or Evgeny Fedorov.

They gained all-Union popularity and starred in the film “Soul.” After the release of this film, due to financial disagreements, Pyotr Podgorodetsky left the group in May 1982. The last tours were North Caucasus: Nalchik - Grozny - Vladikavkaz - Makhachkala.

In 1982-1990 he played in the group "SV", the synthesis group of Igor Granov, in the ensembles of Vladimir Miguli, Joseph Kobzon, as well as in the country group "Kukuruza" and the instrumental project "Health". From 1987 to 1990 he was involved in his own project - the Free Flight show club. In 1988 he recorded a solo magnetic album.

In 1990 he returned to the Time Machine. After the collapse of the USSR, the group's fees increased sharply, and Podgorodetsky began to play in casinos and became a drug addict; before that, when he played in SV, he smoked marijuana, and then began to snort cocaine. After leaving the group, he himself got rid of drug addiction. In December 1999, he was fired from the group, immediately after anniversary concert(the thirtieth anniversary of the group), as he himself writes, “for political reasons,” and in an interview after that he called his former bandmates “amateur and unprofessional musicians.” He is extremely disapproving of the group’s current keyboard player Andrei Derzhavin, calls him a “pop musician” and claims that Derzhavin is “trying in vain to fill his place” in the band.

The team “Time Machine” is rightfully considered the founder of classic Russian rock and has made an invaluable contribution to the Russian musical culture. “Machinists” were not only the first to compose and perform rock music in Russian (the official date of birth of the group is 1969), but also filled it with deep meaning, thereby forcing the audience to think about important universal problems. For half a century, the work of “The Time Machine” has not lost its relevance and is a kind of standard musical style and professionalism both for millions of fans and for numerous colleagues.

History of the group's creation

Moscow schoolboy Andrei Makarevich became interested in music as a teenager and already at the age of fifteen he organized his first band, “The Kids,” which, in addition to him, included Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova. At first the guys sang English, performing hits of popular Western performers at amateur performances and school discos.

In 1968, Andrei first heard the Beatles, whose work completely changed his mind. The example of the Fab Four, as well as a joint performance at a school concert with VIA Atlanta, inspired young Makarevich to create the rock band Time Machines. In it, by analogy with the Beatles, there was no longer a place for girls: Andrei sang and played the guitar, Pasha Rubin and Igor Mazaev became bass players, Yura Borzov sat on the drums, Sasha Ivanov played rhythm guitar, the keys were entrusted Seryozha Kawagoe. The latter’s parents worked at the embassy, ​​lived and worked in Japan for a long time and acquired high-quality musical equipment, which qualitatively improved the sound of the newly formed group.

At first, there were often disagreements among the team members about musical material: Makarevich insisted on an original repertoire, the rest of the guys tried to imitate the Beatles. Because of this, there was even a split in the group, and Mazaev, Borzov and Kawagoe made an attempt to create their own team, which was unsuccessful. Time Machines reunited again, and soon the first album, consisting of eleven English-language songs, was recorded on a home tape recorder. Unfortunately, this material has not survived, which Makarevich does not regret at all, calling it “monstrous.”

By this time, the guys had graduated from school and were thinking about continuing their education. Not everyone managed to combine university studies with music, and Rubin and Ivanov left the group. Makarevich and Borzov entered the capital's architectural institute, where they met Alexei Romanov and Alexander Kutikov. The guys began performing together in the institute rock band and gave concerts at the Energetik Palace of Culture.

Soon Kutikov replaced Mazaev, who had gone into the army, and Maxim Kapitanovsky took the place of the drummer. A year later, he also went to serve in the Armed Forces, and Kawagoe himself sat down at the drums.

The main stages of creativity

This trio remained the main part of the group until the mid-70s, which by that time had already changed its name to “Time Machine” and, thanks to the participation of the Zodiac trio in the recording of the album, even appeared at the Melodiya studio.

But Rosconcert and the Union of Composers ignored the appearance of a strange group that stood out from the general concept of the Soviet stage, and created all sorts of obstacles for the young musicians. Not everything was going smoothly in the group itself either, and in 1974, due to disagreements with Kawagoe, Kutikov left it. He was replaced by Evgeniy Margulis, a versatile musician with a “blues” voice.

In the same year, the “drivers” were invited to star in Georgy Danelia’s film “Afonya”, and although final version the episode with their participation was cut out, the song “You or I” remained in the film, and the name of the group remained in the credits.

In 1975, “Time Machine” was invited to television to record the “Music Kiosk” program. The program never aired, but seven new compositions, recorded in a professional studio, quickly spread throughout the country. When in 1976 the group was invited to perform at music festival in Tallinn, their songs were already well known to the public, who warmly greeted “Time Machine”. The team won the main prize and met many talented musicians, among whom was Boris Grebenshchikov. He helped organize the “machinists” tour in St. Petersburg, which was a huge success.

Time Machine - Puppets (1977 performance)

But, nevertheless, “cultural” officials continued to persistently ignore their increased popularity, so the group’s touring activities took place in “underground mode.” Makarevich was nervous about this situation, and he tried in every possible way to give the team official status. Andrey even came up with a literary and musical program “ The Little Prince", with which he tried unsuccessfully to get into Rosconcert for several years.

The rest of the group members were quite happy with their “illegal” situation, which did not in any way affect the income from touring activities, so disagreements began again among the musicians. In 1979, Kawagoe and Margulis moved to “Sunday”, Kutikov returned to the group, and after some time Peter Podgoretsky joined the team.

In the same year, “Time Machine” received the opportunity to perform from Rosconcert, joining the troupe of the Moscow Comedy Theater. The musicians immediately began creating a new concert program, and a few months later loudly announced themselves at the prestigious music festival in Tbilisi. From this moment the group's rapid rise to the top of the musical Olympus begins.

Time Machine - Only I Know (1985)

Their hits were played on radio stations, cassettes filled record kiosks, and after participating in the film “Soul,” the band members began to be stopped on the streets. But, despite this, in 1982, the work of “Time Machine” was sharply criticized by officials (“... the rock group declares indifference and hopelessness from the stage and multiplies the records of these dubious declarations,” wrote party critics), and only a wave of people's anger and thousands of fan letters forced the functionaries to retreat.

"In Nikitsky botanical garden" The first clip of “Time Machine”

This dual situation persisted until the mid-1980s. The group actively toured the country and performed songs freely own composition. At the same time, she was banned from official performances in Moscow, most of the television programs with the participation of musicians ended up “on the shelf,” and until 1986 not a single professional studio album was published.

With the beginning of Perestroika, the situation changed radically. The team became a participant in the Festival of Youth and Students and went on tour abroad for the first time. The excitement at their concerts was comparable to the height of Beatlemania, when fans were ready to burst into tears from the excess of feelings of their idols. At the end of 1986, the group’s first official album, “In Good Hour,” was released (compilation best songs), and a year later - the first studio album “Rivers and Bridges”. The musicians have become frequent guests on television, not a single popular music and entertainment program at that time could do without their presence.

“Time Machine” celebrated its twentieth anniversary with a large-scale concert in Luzhniki, at which close musician friends and former members of the group performed. The next quarter-century anniversary of the “machinists” was celebrated in the very heart of the capital, on Red Square. The best Russian rock bands were present at the concert, and about 350 thousand people gathered to listen to the musicians.

After 1991, Makarevich began to actively participate in public life countries, openly demonstrating their civic position. The group came out in support of Boris Yeltsin on the barricades of the White House, and in 1996 they supported Boris Nikolayevich in the next presidential election.

Time Machine - My friend plays the blues better than anyone else

At the anniversary concert at the Olimpiyskiy, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the group, many politicians were present. Among them were Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Putin, then still in the position of prime minister. Immediately after this large-scale show, Pyotr Podgorodetsky was fired due to excessive addiction to cocaine. Later he wrote a scandalous book, “A Machine with Jews,” in which he in the best possible way spoke about his former bandmates.

The last concert in which Podgoretsky took part was a performance in 1999, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group. In 2000, a concert DVD recorded at this performance was released. The musicians performed 36 of their hits.

Time Machine - The Place Where the Light Is (2001)

In the 2000s, the group consistently delighted fans with new creativity. In 2001, the experimental album “The Place Where the Light” went on sale, in which keyboardist and arranger Andrei Derzhavin, who replaced Podgoretsky, made his debut. He also wrote the lyrics for the song “Wings and Sky,” although he later admitted that it turned out rather weak. In general, the album turned out to be unusual for the group’s work: listeners were treated to a completely new sound quality and large number soloists.

The tenth anniversary studio album of “Time Machine”, entitled “Mechanically” (it was invented by 26-year-old Elina Sokolova, who won a naming competition announced by the group), was released in 2004.

The musicians recorded their next album, Time Machine, at Abbey Road Studios in London. The studio employees wanted to send the resulting material to the organizers of the Grammy Awards (in the Foreign Music category), but this required enormous investments from the group itself, and it was impossible to earn several hundred thousand dollars by selling discs in Russia.

The next album, “Do Not Park Cars” (2009), in addition to the group’s new songs, unexpectedly included covers of other artists’ old hits from “Time Machines.” Sergei Chigrakov from “Chizh” sang “Crossroads”, Alexey Kortnev sang “What did you have”, Boris Grebenshchikov - “I am a snake” and “Apocrypha”, Pyotr Mamonov - “Leisure Boogie”, etc.


  • Rivers and Bridges (1987)
  • IN circle of light (1988)
  • Slow good music (1991)
  • It was so long ago...1978 (1992)
  • Freelance commander of the Earth. El Mocambo Blues (1993)
  • Cardboard Wings of Love (1996)
  • Breaking Away (1997)
  • Clocks and Signs (1999)
  • The Place Where the Light Is (2001)
  • Mechanically (2004)
  • Time Machine (2007)
  • Don't park cars (2009)
  • YOU (2016)

The Time Machine group now

IN lately“Time Machine” has sharply reduced the number of performances and does not often spoil its fans with concerts. Perhaps this is due to the departure of Margulis from the group and the political statements of the group leader, which disappointed many fans of the group. Thus, in 2014, the anti-militarist Makarevich condemned the annexation of Crimea to Russia, repeatedly participated in anti-government rallies of “white ribbon” democrats, and spoke to Ukrainian military personnel in Slavyansk. Discrepancy in political views explain and sudden departure from the group of Andrey Derzhavin, who was banned by the Ukrainian authorities from entering the country before his tour in the fall of 2017.

Time Machine – Rats (2012)

As for creativity, the group’s last album, “You,” was released in 2016. Participated in the recording of the album new member group, guitarist Igor Khomich.

Andrei Derzhavin left “Time Machine” to revive “Stalker”: interview with the musician

Musician Andrei Derzhavin lives today in reboot mode. In an interview with HELLO! he said that he decided to bring back to life the legendary 90s group “Stalker”, of which he was the leader. To do this, he left Mashina Vremeni - its keyboard player since 2000.

An old primitive synthesizer, washed-out oversized jackets, hairstyles with shaved temples, white sneakers - the aesthetics of the 80s are almost more relevant today than in the 80s themselves. Talented provincials, they burst onto the stage and quickly became leaders of the charts. Success was ensured by the lyrical lyrics and catchy melodies of the Stalker songs.

The music was written by the creator of the group (who is also a keyboard player, arranger and vocalist) Andrei Derzhavin. The guys worked in the pop music genre. They were not professional musicians, but “Stalker” had its own sound, unlike anyone else, thanks to computers, synthesizers, samplers and other equipment. The group’s hits “Don’t Cry, Alisa”, “Natasha”, “Merry Swing”, “First Flowers” ​​are still recognizable from the first notes. And it doesn’t matter whether they are taken seriously, with a bit of irony or nostalgia - no one remains indifferent.

In 2000, Andrei accepted an offer to join the Time Machine group as a keyboard player. Now this stage of life is over. Fans of the former "Stalker" can expect to meet the renewed group and its frontman, who, according to him, remains the same, except for the hairstyle...

"18 years in the Time Machine - wonderful years, bright and full of events. But it’s time to move on,” says Derzhavin (pictured - archival photo)

Andrey, have you been wanting to revive the project for a long time?

I wanted to bring “Stalker” out of the shadows for a long time: friends, fans and relatives told me about it all the time. I made the decision last year and immediately started doing it. Today we have already given several test concerts, we are convinced that this is interesting not only to us. And now we are finishing rehearsing the program of a big tour, which should take place in the cities of Russia, the CIS, the Baltic states and other countries over the next two years. Thank God everything is working out so far.

Has the composition of "Stalker" been preserved?

From the previous lineup, Seryozha Kostrov, my friend and colleague, author of most of the lyrics, is with me today.

What about the songs? Will they sound new or old?

The concert program also includes the very first stalker songs - “Stars”, “ Night city", "I Believe", and later ones - "Brother", "Alice", "Cranes", "She Who Goes in the Rain", as well as many others. We deliberately did not make remakes, but decided to leave the original stalker sound , but they did it using the best modern technologies. The wonderful musicians and producers Alexander Lev and Alexander Human helped me in this. In general, one of my favorite places is the studio, which has existed since the birth of the group "Stalker". It’s an experiment - to “make friends” with our first floppy disk computer from the 80s with today’s super-powerful one! Believe me, it was an indescribable feeling when something made a crunchy noise, and then suddenly we actually heard our original sound from it! of that time and easily transferred it to today. It turned out that it sounds driving.

The first composition of the group "Stalker" - Vitaly Lichtenstein, Sergey Kostrov, Andrey Derzhavin, Alexander Chuvashev

Can we say that you are entering the fourth series of your life? The first is stalker's provincial youth; then - all-Union fame, the hit "Don't Cry, Alice", crowds of fans; third series - the musician of the "Time Machine". And now - the revival of the Stalker group...

The series may be different, but life is the same. I was born in small town Ukhta in the Far North, went to school, was interested in sports and music. I dreamed. But I could not even imagine that music would become my profession, that I would visit almost every corner of the globe, and most importantly, that I would meet so many wonderful people. You know, I'm very lucky!

You started performing as students at the Ukhta Industrial Institute. How do you remember those years?

We worked seven days a week and managed to give several concerts a day. They carried with them a mountain of equipment made with their own hands. We wandered around the outback in poorly heated buses. The conditions, to put it mildly, are not sugar. But this is how most artists lived in those years. However, despite the difficulties, we were happy, because every evening the people we were most looking forward to meeting came to the hall.

Students of the Ukhta Industrial Institute. Non-professional musicians searched for their own style by touch. Of course, they needed to focus on someone. Such reference points for them were Secret Service, a-ha, Alphaville, Nik Kershaw, Savage, ABBA

Were you married then?

I feel like I was born married right away. ( Laughs.) We met Lena when she was finishing tenth grade. Many guys liked her, but I was at a loss as to how to get her attention. And this is what happened next. My mother’s sister worked as a head teacher at the school where Lena studied, and I persuaded her to allow me and my amateur ensemble to perform at their graduation party. We learned the most piercing songs about love, all evening I tried to sing like a nightingale, it seemed to me that success was guaranteed. And then at the institute, when we met for real, it became clear how mistaken I was about the effectiveness of that show.

How did Elena fall in love with you - handsome in bell-bottoms and a colorful shirt?

I had a mustache then, which I thought was very beautiful, and, perhaps, that’s all in terms of beauty. ( Laughs.) You know, seriously, I am incredibly lucky in my personal life. Because, firstly, my wife is a beauty, secondly, she is smart, and thirdly, she has put up with me for so many years. And most importantly, she is an extraordinary mother of our two children. Through your magazine, which I know she will read, I want to once again confess my love to Lena!

When you came to conquer Moscow, how did the capital’s show business greet you?

Of course, no one laid out carpet runners. However, we did not use our elbows. They just did what they had to do every day, and did not sit idly by waiting for miracles. And although it seemed almost impossible for us to get on All-Union Television and Radio or perform on the stages of the Olympic and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, it soon happened. It happened thanks to the support of many people, without whom we would hardly have achieved success.

And fame came. Have you suffered from fans?

I suffered, I suffer and... I am ready to suffer further! ( Laughs.) Anyone who answers this question by saying, yes, I suffered, is lying. It’s great that girls sympathize with artists and athletes, come to concerts, give flowers, cheer at competitions - this is a huge source of inspiration. By the way, today not only young girls come to our concerts. The audience has expanded - now it includes girls with husbands and grown-up children. ( Laughs.)

Have you said goodbye to the Time Machine?

Is it possible to say goodbye to what you have loved since your youth? It’s just that this year ours started to intersect. tour schedules, and we decided that it would be better to find a replacement for me. Letting friends down is not in my rules.

In 1996, Andrei Derzhavin started solo career. In 2000, I received an offer from “Time Machine” to join the group.

You are 55 years old this year. You look young and generally give the impression of being a complete person. How do you do this?

I don’t even know what to answer, but should I be smarter? Probably it’s all about drinking alcohol every day, but in small doses and in good company! ( Laughs.)

Text: Marina Boykova

Having, in fact, become the first star of Russian rock music and largely predetermined its transition to Russian-language creativity, “TIME MACHINE” was organized in one of the Moscow schools, although its creator and since then permanent leader Andrei Makarevich began his journey into music a year earlier. In 1968, he heard “” for the first time and, influenced by the general fashion, assembled the vocal and guitar quartet “THE KIDS” from his classmates and female classmates, which played English-language numbers at school amateur performances with varying degrees of success. Her acquaintance with A. Sikorsky and K. Nikolsky’s “ATLANTS”, who were already singing in Russian at that time, prompted her to form a “real” group and start composing songs on her own.
The first, very short-lived, composition of “TIME MACHINE” included: Andrey Makarevich - guitar, vocals; Alexander Ivanov - guitar; Pavel Rubin - bass; Igor Mazaev - piano; Yuri Borzov - drums. The need to achieve a minimally professional sound soon caused changes: one after another, Ivanov, Rubin and Mazaev left. They were replaced by Alexander Kutikov - bass, vocals and Sergei Kawagoe - keyboards. Little by little, the group began to perform, gaining popularity in the surrounding schools.
In 1970, the last of the “veterans” - Yu. Borzov - was replaced by drummer Maxim Kapitanovsky, quite famous in Moscow. “TIME MACHINE” now has its own apparatus and a fairly extensive repertoire. Two years later, however, Kapitanovsky leaves to subsequently disappear into the restaurant-philharmonic carousel, and the group, not finding a worthy replacement for him, breaks up. For the next 12 months or a little more, the fate of the participants in “TIME MACHINE” turned out to be connected with the fairly well-known pop group in Moscow “BEST YEARS” by R. Zobnin. Shortly before this, “THE BEST YEARS” radically changed its composition and one of the new recruits was Makarevich’s fellow student at the Architectural Institute, Sergei Grachev, who brought Makarevich, Kutikov and Kawagoe after him.
In 1973, "THE BEST YEARS" almost in full force went on the professional stage and “TIME MACHINE” was brought back to life. From the fall of 1973 to the beginning of 1975, the group experienced time of troubles, performing on dance floors and sessions, played “for table and shelter” at southern resorts, constantly changing the lineup. During these one and a half years, at least 15 musicians passed through the group, among whom were drummers Yuri Fokin and Mikhail Sokolov, guitarists Alexey “White” Belov, Alexander Mikoyan and Igor Degtyaryuk, violinist Sergei Ostashev, keyboardist Igor Saulsky and many others. Unable to withstand this whirlwind, Kutikov eventually went to "", Saulsky later played with Alexei Kozlov's "ARSENAL".
By the spring of 1975, the composition of “TIME MACHINE” had stabilized: Makarevich, Kawagoe (as a result of all these movements, he ended up behind the drums) and bassist, vocalist Evgeniy Margulis; acquired recognizable features and style of the group, which was determined by the numerous interests and passions of its members: from bard songs to blues and from country to rock and roll. Plus Makarevich’s characteristic texts: a little ironic, sometimes a little pathetic, in the form of a parable or fable, they touched wide circle problems characteristic of the youth of that time.
In March 1976, “TIME MACHINE” triumphantly performed at the Tallinn “Days of Popular Music”, after which, at the invitation of “MYTHS” and “AQUARIUM”, it gave several concerts in Leningrad, which became the beginning of a massive “machine mania” that lasted 5 years. For six months, Leningrad bluesman Yuri Ilchenko (ex-“MYTHS”) joined the group. “TIME MACHINE” makes shuttle flights to Leningrad every 2-3 months, giving several concerts, causing confusion in the ranks of local rock fans, and then disappears again.
The growth of the group’s popularity was also facilitated by its participation in G. Danelia’s film “Afonya”, in which its then hit “You or I” (“Sunny Island”) was heard. Experiments with the composition continued. After Ilchenko’s departure, violinist Nikolai Larin, trumpeter Sergei Kuzminok, clarinetist Evgeniy Legusov, keyboardists Igor Saulsky (secondary) and Alexander Voronov (ex-“”) appeared in “TIME MACHINE”. In 1978, Leningrad sound engineer Andrei Tropillo released the first magnetic album “TIME MACHINE “Birthday”. The following year, the group prepared the monumental program “The Little Prince” with extensive instrumental solos, poetry readings and the beginnings of directing (it was also recorded on film).
In the summer of 1979, internal contradictions that had been accumulating in the group for a long time found their resolution. TIME MACHINE disintegrated again: Kawagoe and Margulis, having gathered old friends, formed RESURRECTION, Voronov reorganized "", and Makarevich brought it to stage new line-up“TIME MACHINES”: Alexander Kutikov - bass, vocals; Valery Efremov - drums; Petr Podgorodetsky - keyboards, vocals. They prepared new repertoire, went to work at the Moscow Regional comedy theater, and in March 1980 they became the main sensation and laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival “Spring Rhythms. Tbilisi-80". The group finally came out of hiding and received recognition from millions of listeners. However, the thaw did not last long. In the spring of 1982, a campaign was launched against rock music, inspired by the article “Blue Bird Stew” in “ Komsomolskaya Pravda" The first album was never released on Melodiya, the TIME MACHINE program was corrected and revised many times by countless artistic councils. Podgorodetsky left the group and was replaced by violinist Sergei Ryzhenko and keyboard player Alexander Zaitsev. Ryzhenko, unfortunately, leaves a year later.
The forced decline in the activity of “TIME MACHINE” prompted Makarevich to look for himself in other genres. He performed solo (with an acoustic repertoire), acted in films (together with the group): in two not very interesting feature films by A. Stefanovich - “Soul” (1982) and “Start Over” (1986), wrote music for the films “Speed” and “Breakthrough.”
Only in 1986, with a change in the entire cultural policy of the country, “TIME MACHINE” was able to operate normally. New, rather strong programs “Rivers and Bridges” and “In the Circle of Light” were prepared, which served as the basis for records of the same name. A retrospective record “10 years later” was also released, on which Makarevich tried to restore the sound and repertoire of “THE TIME MACHINE” of the mid-70s x years. The group visited several foreign rock festivals and worked on an album in the USA, where, by the way, their “pirated” record was released back in 1981.
The fate of “TIME MACHINES in one form or another is dedicated documentaries“Rock Cult”, “Rock and Fortune”, “Six Letters about Beat”. For a long time, “TIME MACHINE” did not attach importance to determining the names of its albums and did not date them for years. In the discography, we present the most important and interesting samples of the group’s recordings, which, by the way, also had a great many “pirated concert” albums.
In the summer of 1990, before a tour in Kuibyshev, Alexander Zaitsev left THE TIME MACHINE. Evgeny Margulis, who now plays guitar, and Peter Podgorodetsky return to the group. The repertoire of “TIME MACHINE” again contains many songs from the “classical” repertoire of past years.
A year later the group participates in International festival“Musicians of the world - to the children of Chernobyl” in Minsk, “Solidarity action with the program “Vzglyad””. The group tours a lot, records discs, Alexander Kutikov publishes old recordings of the group, Andrei Makarevich writes a book, and an exhibition of graphic works is being held in Italy. Solo projects of group members are recorded and published.
1999 is an anniversary year! Preparations for the tour are underway. The rock group was awarded "For services to development musical art"President Boris Yeltsin with the Order of Honor. The presentation of the awards took place on June 24 with a live broadcast on TV. In November, a press conference and autograph session “TIME MACHINES” was held at GUM, dedicated to the release of the album “Clocks and Signs.” On December 19 at the Sports and Concert Complex “ Olympic" in Moscow took place a grandiose final concert anniversary tour of the 30th anniversary of “THE TIME MACHINE”. After the concert, the next day there were changes in the composition of the group: the keyboard player, Pyotr Podgorodetsky, was fired, and Andrei Derzhavin was taken in his place. Six months later, a double CD and a video cassette with a recording of the anniversary concert are released.
Coming new century and millennium. In 2001, the album “The Place Where the Light” was released. The group is actively touring and actively celebrating their next date. On May 30, 2004, “TIME MACHINE” celebrates its 35th anniversary on Red Square. The concert took place as part of the “Future without AIDS” campaign. The group joined the movement to fight AIDS along with Elton John, musicians of the group “,” Mstislav Rastropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. This project was continued in St. Petersburg and others largest cities countries. In 2005, a new album, “Mechanically,” was released. In 2006, the musicians set off to record a new disc at the legendary ABBEY ROAD studio in London. The presentation of the album “Time Machine” took place in March 2007 at the Olimpiysky.

Evgeny Margulis leaves the group on June 25, 2012, a month after the 43rd anniversary of “TIME MACHINE,” says a message posted on the group’s official website. The reasons for the guitarist's departure are not stated. At the same time, some media outlets suggested that Margulis was leaving the group to record a solo album.
This is not the first time Margulis says goodbye to THE TIME MACHINE. In 1979 he left for another popular group- “”, however, after 11 years he still returned to Andrei Makarevich’s team. In addition, the guitarist performed in such groups as "", "AEROBUS" and "
Guitarist Igor KHOMICH is brought into the group as a session musician in the studio and a special guest at concerts.

On December 20, 2017, keyboardist Andrei Derzhavin left the group after 17 years of collaboration.
In November 2017, the team went on tour without Derzhavin, and his place at the keys was taken by former musician group "NUANCE" Alexander Levochkin. Many associated this with political reasons: because of Derzhavin’s opinion about Crimea, he was not allowed into Ukraine.
Andrei Makarevich denied the rumors: “This is an absolutely temporary coincidence. This could have happened and would have happened at any other time, one way or another.
We work all the time, now there was a Ukrainian tour, and before that there was a tour in Germany, which ended with a concert in London. It so happened that the time to part fell during a pause between these tours.”
Andrey Derzhavin appeared in the group in 2000, leaving his own group “STALKER”. As part of MACHINE, he played the keys and was also a vocalist and co-author of many songs. The unexpected change of role and the musician’s future plans were revealed by his now former colleague Andrei Makarevich:
“We liked this strangeness then. It seemed to me that this looked extremely unexpected, because no one expected from him the kind of music that we play, but he - please, you. But everything has passed. He revives STALKER. I don’t blame him, he’s his brainchild.”
New calendar year“TIME MACHINE” will begin with a concert in Tallinn, and in February 2018 it will perform at the Chart’s Dozen Award Ceremony.

Materials used:
A. Alekseev, A. Burlaka, A. Sidorov "Who is who in Soviet rock", publishing house MP "Ostankino", 1991.

After it became known that keyboardist of “Time Machine” Andrey Derzhavin will not take part in the tour of Ukraine, many speculations and versions have appeared about what actually happened in the team. The media and social networks were the first to find a “Crimean trace” in this story. Allegedly, back in 2015, the group’s manager Anton Chernin reported about the split: that, supposedly, Derzhavin and group director Vladimir Sapunov advocated the annexation of the peninsula to Russia, and bass guitarist Alexander Kutikov and Makarevich supported Ukraine.

The musicians themselves call the version of Derzhavin’s departure because of Crimea a fake. Whatever it is, his possible dismissal can no longer be called an ordinary event. By the way, the previous keyboard player of “Time Machine” Pyotr Podgorodetsky, who worked in the group for almost 10 years, also left it with a scandal. The departure of his predecessors, Sergei Kavagoe and Alexander Zaitsev, was also accompanied by unpleasant incidents. Reviewer NSN I decided to look into the so-called “keyboard curse” in “The Time Machine.”


The story of the suspension of Andrei Derzhavin began to be actively discussed after a post on the social network Ukrainian journalist Aider Muzhdabaev, who put forward the version of the musician’s departure because of his support for the annexation of Crimea to Russia. “If the information is correct, then thanks to Andrei Vadimovich (and, possibly, Alexander Kutikov) for a clear understanding of the situation. And, of course, it’s good that the Ukrainians, with their integrity, helped the legendary rockers, friends of Ukraine, get rid of the “Russian world” fool in their group,” he wrote in his Facebook.

The permanent leader of the group, Andrei Makarevich, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, called this nonsense. At the same time, he hinted that there are some “personal internal things", which is too early to discuss.

Derzhavin’s non-participation in the Ukrainian tour was a personal initiative and bass guitarist, vocalist and composer of “Time Machine” Alexander Kutikov. “Derzhavin is not going on tour in Ukraine own initiative. Why he doesn’t go is a question for him, not for us. And the rumors are all reprints of some journalists, just as there were reprints before the official statement of our director Volodya Sapunov that he, too, was dismissed from the team. This is all untrue,” he said. NSN musician.

At the same time Vladimir Sapunov in conversation with NSN, that he left the post of director of “Time Machine” on November 2 on his own initiative. About Derzhavin’s possible departure, he said that the keyboard player would not accompany the band only on a tour of Ukraine. Sapunov did not talk about his future prospects in the group.

Andrey Derzhavin upon request NSN comment on rumors about a split within the Time Machine due to the “Crimean issue”, he refused and hung up.

Later on Monday, November 13, on Andrei Makarevich’s page in Facebook a meaningful post appeared, where the team leader noted that good group it turns out “only from people of different minds,” and Derzhavin’s position on Crimea does not interest him. “The group is a special association, the relationships of the musicians in it are very close, almost (gentlemen, hussars, be silent!) intimate. Imagine that a family has lived for many years and suddenly scatters. Yes, they cannot always explain to themselves what went wrong. And then they are called to the public court and shouted - admit it, are you because of Crimea? Well, it’s really funny,” the musician wrote in his post.


Over the almost half-century existence of Mashina Vremeni, the band has had four keyboard players. The departure of each of them was associated with scandalous stories - alcohol abuse, problems with discipline, etc.

Sergei Kavagoe was a co-founder of the group, playing keyboards and bass guitar for ten years. He talks about the reason for his departure from the group after one of the performances in 1979. music journalist Mikhail Margolis in his book “A protracted turn: the history of the Time Machine group.” “Kawagoe and Margulis had a ritual: in the middle of the concert, when Makarevich alone performed a couple of songs to acoustic guitar, drop behind the scenes and, like a hussar, grab a glass of alcohol with a screw. At a concert for avant-garde artists, they grabbed a couple.” Together with Kawagoe he left the team and Evgeny Margulis.

According to the recollections of people close to the team, another keyboard player also had problems not only with alcohol, but also with drugs. Alexandra Zaitseva. The same book by Mikhail Margolis contains an interview former member"Time Machines" Maxim Kapitanovsky: “The hare acted like a real fool then. He drank, drank, disappeared, and then returned, almost half an hour before the first concert at the Sports Palace, pink, clean-shaven, and even rude to Makarevich, believing that he had done nothing wrong. And this after the group, looking for him, spent a whole week calling hospitals, morgues, etc. Of course, he was immediately fired.”

The most scandalous thing was the separation from Peter Podgorodetsky— he was fired from the band in 1999 after an anniversary concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the rock band. He himself said that the reason was political differences. After his departure, he spoke extremely unflatteringly about his former colleagues.

In conversation with NSN on the topic of the possible dismissal of Andrei Derzhavin, Podgorodetsky also did not skimp on statements addressed to the band’s musicians. “I believe that it was not the team that was unlucky with keyboard players, but, on the contrary, that the keyboard players were unlucky with the team. This is the curse of the Time Machine,” he said.

Podgorodetsky is convinced that keyboard players have always been the best part rock bands that they are “the most professional musicians.” “Plus Zhenya Margulis is the only one from the cast whom I can mention. The rest is all amateur performances,” he shared his opinion with NSN Peter Podgorodetsky.


Colleagues and Russian journalists the version of the “keyboard players’ curse” was not supported. In conversation with NSN author of a series of books about music Alexander Kushnir called the topic of Derzhavin’s possible departure “grossly overblown.” The times when bands were a team of like-minded people, in his opinion, are long gone, and it is completely normal for members to change in a rock band. “For the last 40 years, the formula for the rock band model has been a leader, a maximum of two leaders, plus an accompanying band. With the exception, perhaps, of “Bi-2”, where there are two leaders, rock groups - “Mumiy Troll”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, DDT - have a leader plus a certain orchestra, which can range from two to ten people. “Time Machine” is Andrei Makarevich plus the accompanying cast, no matter how offensive it may be to someone,” said NSN Kushnir.

He called this news “fake” and singer Yuri Loza. He was surprised that musicians who had worked together for so many years could kick a member out of the band because of their position on Crimea. “Who got kicked out? Andryukha? It's kind of cool, I think. Because they worked together for so many years, and to kick them out on such grounds... It seems to me that this news is fake. I don’t think that they will break up because of such nonsense,” said Yuri Loza in the commentary “ Federal agency news."

Will Andrei Derzhavin really leave the group and the “curse of keyboard players” will be activated in once again, it’s hard to say now. In any case, over the next few weeks, until the tour of Ukraine ends. Well, or until Derzhavin speaks...

Anna Grishko