Why do you dream of Plowed Land? What kind of surface did you dream about? Why do you dream about plowed land?

Most often, the earth is dreamed of as a background for action. But if in your dream all actions were related to the soil, then you need to decide from the interpreters what the night vision prophesies.

General principles for interpreting dreams about earth

The surface of the earth is dreamed of, first of all, by a person who firmly maintains his position in society. If the position of strength has not yet been fully achieved, then soon people will appear in life who will be your support.

earth on something

  • Shoes in earthen mud - portends a road that will not bring the desired results; work tasks will be completed, good luck awaits you.
  • Dirty clothes - many work tasks await you; There will be a trip from home ahead.
  • Face in the ground - do not rush into action, otherwise expect condemnation in your actions.
  • Hands - the work will be hard and dirty; mistakes made will come to light; profit in money.

I dreamed about a plot

  • A plot of land for a garden means well-being and material prosperity, financial independence.
  • Under the garden - an unreliable business awaits you. Don't start it, otherwise it will bring risks.
  • The area is overgrown with weeds - a lonely life awaits ahead; failure in business.
  • Moss or greenery sprouts on the surface - financial wealth; wealthy husband; your health will not let you down.
  • Earthworms in fertile soil - financial stability, luxurious life.

"Earth" actions

  • Sail on a ship and see land in the distance - your plans can begin, good prospects lie ahead; Soon you will meet your other half.

There is land in a dream - a new position, new obligations are expected at work; rich life.

  • - hard work awaits you to earn money. The dream advises you to change your place of work.
  • sit on large quantities earth - deliberate actions on your part will lead to all your dreams coming true.
  • Lying on the ground - in reality everything is fine with you, all your dreams have come true.
  • Falling on soft ground means a journey ahead of which you have long dreamed.
  • The soil is completely bare - health problems that entail life difficulties.

What kind of surface did you dream about?

Why do you dream about black earth?

Interpreters almost unanimously answer: the dream predicts a happy life.

You can safely begin all the things you have planned. The result of the work will be making a profit. A dream about black earth tells you what the expenses incurred will lead to: everything will return with double profit.

Loose terrain

Seeing loose soil in a dream means all tasks will be completed, luck is on your side.


At this stage of life you will encounter many obstacles that will be accompanied by failures.

Clay soil - dream book

The dream predicts a change in living conditions in better side.

Tilled soil

  • To achieve the goal you will have to work hard, but the goal will be achieved.
  • If you dream of a layer being plowed before your eyes, expect good luck.
  • Walking on plowed land means you are surrounded by decent and loyal friends.

Not plowed

Expect big obstacles on your way that may become insurmountable.

Land that cannot be cultivated predicts losses.

The things you will be doing in the near future will not bring satisfaction.

I dreamed that the earth was burning

To see burning soil means to be warned about upcoming military operations, natural disasters that will bring a lot of misfortune and human casualties.

Dreaming of the earth burning around you is a strong emotional experience that is hard to get rid of. Dreams about unrealized thoughts that will lead to strange actions on your part.


The dream predicts a meeting with your other half. Moreover, this is a man of great wealth. And the relationship will be strong.

A plot with flowers and trees for married people portends a joint business that will bring good income.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

All work (digging, plowing, sowing, watching seeds germinate) is dreamed of professional activities which brings satisfaction.

Cultivate the land with your own hands

The dream predicts the opening of an agricultural company that will bring great income and make you financially independent.


Soon after the end of the case there will be financial income and a carefree life.

Fall underground

  • Seeing yourself underground is the state of a person who is interested in philosophy. The dream foreshadows a rich life, both spiritually and materially.
  • Seeing how the soil has covered you is a warning about the possibility of making a mistake that will be fatal for you, a prediction of disaster.
  • Falling asleep on another person - the situation has developed in such a way that to resolve it you will need to sacrifice principles.

You were buried against your will - wealth will fall on you along with great envy.

The depth of the hole where you will be buried indicates the amount of wealth: the deeper the hole, the more money.

Why does the earth disappear from under your feet in a dream?

The dream foreshadows difficulties with official authorities. There is a serious struggle ahead to defend your opinion, and your ability to survive will depend on it.

The earth is moving

Warning: Your recent actions need to be reconsidered. Your position has become unstable and precarious both in business and in marital status. Relationships with friends also deteriorated.

Soil in your own home

  • In your hands - a dream about the death of a loved one or thoughts of death haunting you. We need to fight them.
  • In your mouth - a warning that the words you speak can cause great harm in real life.
  • If you recently plowed the soil at home, then expect big profits soon.
  • Soil in the house on the floor from the cemetery - a dream predicts illness.

Why do you dream about soil in the garden?

  • This dream marks the beginning of an interesting job that will give you mental satisfaction and a good income.
  • Bad dream about someone else's garden. He predicts monetary losses due to improper financial investments.

A garden dug up by moles - in life, handle money with care. Beware of dubious offers with the prospect of quick profits. It may happen that the losses will be significantly greater.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's opinion

  • A loosened surface indicates career growth with an increase in salary.
  • If in a dream you work on the land on your own, and this activity brings you satisfaction, then achieving your goal is not far off, all rivals will be far behind.
  • Soil on clothes - circumstances related to the law will force you to leave the house. You need to pay attention to your own health.

Earth according to Vanga's dream book

  • Fertile - security of money; fruitful times.
  • Barren and rocky - dry weather and times of famine are expected.
  • Everything covered with cracks predicts an earthquake with casualties.
  • Make a discovery: a new land - a dream indicates that you have chosen the right road and your plans are correct.

The image of earth in a dream is considered one of the reliable and prosperous signs. If the plowed land in a dream seems rich and fertile, such a dream foreshadows quick success in economic affairs; on the contrary, poor and rocky plowed land foreshadows minor troubles and failures.

For a person who is making his own career in reality, if he dreams of plowed land, this means that he will soon have a meeting with a serious and influential person and the outcome of this meeting depends only on hard work, which should lead to desired result. Plowed land in this case is a chance that fate gives a person, and whether to use it or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. And if the dreamer plants something in such soil, this dream directly speaks of actions that are performed in reality and lead to good luck and prosperity.

It is important to focus on your own emotions during such a dream. If the plowed land does not bring joy, but only gives a feeling of fatigue and concern in a dream, most likely in reality, as they say, “the game is not worth the candle.” It’s worth a lot of thought before getting involved in any new business.

If during sleep, freshly plowed soil ends up on your shoes, this means that having gotten involved in some specific business, it is too late to retreat. It is believed that if a lonely person dreams of plowed land, then a meeting with his soulmate lies ahead. Moreover, the more fertile the land is seen in a dream, the more economical the spouse will be. Also, such a dream may be a reason to start your own business - for example, open your own farm. Seeing plowed land in a dream is a noble sign and it will certainly bring profit and good luck in such a business.

If the plowed soil in a dream is too loose, into which you can sink your feet deep, almost knee-deep, such a dream foreshadows temporary problems, difficulties and hesitations on the way to achieving the goal. And vice versa - if the plowed soil, although loose, manages to stand firmly on its feet, this is a sign of good luck in life and the reliability of the future business. When a farmer dreams of plowed land, it literally means: fertile and fresh plowed land means a rich harvest and offspring, poor and rocky land portends a crop failure.

In general, when you dream of plowed land, it is believed that the sleeping person is at the crossroads of his destiny. Whatever decision he makes will determine how his life will flow in the future. Plowed land symbolizes difficulties in achieving your goal.

Whether to overcome these difficulties or not, use the chance, given by fate- each person decides for himself. If you fail to make a decision and leave difficulties aside, this does not mean that life will change for the worse. The chance to change something in your life will simply pass by. And such decisions are difficult to make.


Miller's Dream Book

A good sign.

If the land is barren and rocky- then failures and failures await you.

If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance

Seeing freshly dug soil in the garden- promises you prosperity and well-being.

Then you will have to leave home, fleeing illness and persecution of the law.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Image of the earth- personifies natural life, including family, social foundations, habits established in childhood.

See dry, rocky ground- to failure.

Dug up earth- anticipation of change, preparation for marriage (for women).

Digging the ground yourself - success will come to you through labor.

Freud's Dream Book

Earth- is a symbol of the female genital organs. Digging the ground means having sexual intercourse.

barren land- conflictual relationships with children.

Fertile land- usually dreams of a crop growing on it, and therefore requires appropriate interpretation depending on the type of plant. Most often this indicates good health of both children and parents.

See the land from a ship- meet the desired partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream- a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life.

If you dreamed of a desert land- then in the future humanity will face terrible famine as a result of prolonged drought.

Seeing the whole Earth in cracks in a dream- a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream- evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth- then in the not so distant future our planet will experience icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you- a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Open a new land in a dream- a sign of good luck in all matters.

Dream book of lovers

Fertile land- portends good luck in matters of the heart and a strong, reliable marriage.

Barren land where nothing grows- portends loneliness and separation.

Aesop's Dream Book

The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream- most likely, is a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”).

Perhaps an image of the earth- appeared in your dream also because in reality you in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “The earth stands on three pillars”, “The earth is mother - gives treasure”, “The earth , water will remain, but we will not exist,” “Jerusalem is the navel of the earth.”

Sitting on the ground in a dream- evidence that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help.

If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground- then such a dream is not a very good omen and means that soon you will have swipe, which will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time.

Digging soil in a dream- a sign that in real life you are a very economical and economical person who can handle any task.

If in a dream you plant something in the ground- then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation.

Making an earthen rampart in a dream- a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life.

Hold a handful of earth in your hand in a dream- evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you.

Throwing in some kind of earth in a dream- means that you needlessly think badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing.

To be smeared with earth in a dream- a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery.

There is land in a dream- to a successful deal or receiving a large inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Earth in a dream- reflects the state of your affairs and shows your prospects.

Fertile plot of land- indicates that your current plans will certainly lead to success, you just need to not be lazy and get down to business more boldly.

If the area is overgrown with weeds- this is also a good omen. The dream shows that you will have to work hard, but the reward for your efforts will be an inevitable increase in prosperity.

See people clearing a plot of fertile land- is a harbinger of great, although not very immediate, success. Good luck in business will accompany you.

A dug up piece of land, in ruts and holes- speaks of organizational shortcomings: your business may progress with great hitches and difficulties.

Jewish dream book

Earth- humiliation

D. Loff's Dream Book

The image of the earth has a variety of interpretative meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life.

In a dream the earth- personifies the source of our being. In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the END OF THE WORLD. Dreams in which you are overcome by fear of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines.

Dream book for the whole family

Earth on shoes- good luck in business.

Dig the ground- completion of current affairs with benefit for you.

Plow the land- start a new interesting business that will bring you success and recognition in the future.

Get your clothes dirty with soil- affairs will make you forget about your loved ones for a while.

Dream book for a bitch

Earth- well-being, prosperity.

Dry, rocky ground- failures, difficulties.

Digging up soil in your garden- long-term prosperity, satisfaction with your life.

Getting dirt on your clothes- urgent departure from home for an indefinite period of time.

See the earth after a long time sea ​​travel - new prospects, a successful undertaking, success in business.

New family dream book

Fertile land- a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures.

If you dream that during a sea voyage you suddenly saw land in the distance- this is a wonderful dream, foreshadowing sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Freshly dug soil in the garden- promises prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are soiled- you will soon have to leave your home.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing fertile land in a dream- a sign of good luck; but if it is barren and rocky, then the dream foreshadows troubles and failures.

See the land from the sea, returning from a voyage- means that prosperity and happiness await you.

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing damp earth (especially sitting on it or picking it up with your hands)- to someone’s serious illness, or even death.

New lands- dream of changes: fertile, in flowers and trees- to change for the better; desert, rocky- for the worse.

Seeing Earth from space- to spiritual rebirth; if you saw our planet from above- we can congratulate you, your soul has risen one more step of Enlightenment.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Digging, moving earth- to forgetfulness.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Earth like soil- stability in general. A reflection of the desire for strength and stability. The need for strength, stability. A reminder that it’s time to “come down to earth.”

Earth like a planet- a reflection of the opportunity to discover something amazing, mysterious. A reminder that we, as divine beings, are responsible for the condition of the Earth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Digging soil in a dream- to the funeral.

Fertilize the earth in a dream- to a life-threatening illness.

Plot of land- to a long life on earth.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Towards the harvest.

Fertilize the soil- to worries.

Plot of land- theft is possible at your dacha or garden.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Carrying the earth- to serious news, after which you will lose your health.

Seeing burning earth in a dream- to war, sabotage.

Fall to the ground- you need to go to visit your parents if they are alive, or to the cemetery if they are dead.

Fertilize- you will make a good decision, thanks to which you will have money.

Plot of land- circumstances will arise that pose a danger to life or experience.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Covered with greenery or moss- money, rich marriage.

Digging the ground- a quick funeral.

Lying on the ground

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Digging soil in a dream- portends material benefits. Seeing someone digging or digging in the ground- to mourning. Lying on the ground in a dream- minor troubles await you, but overall life will seem wonderful to you. Seeing in a dream the ground covered with greenery or moss- foreshadows in the near future getting rich as a result of a profitable marriage.

Seeing in a dream how they plow the land- foreshadows the beginning of a noble, but, alas, thankless work. Plow the land yourself- to a good harvest at your summer cottage. Digging a dugout in a dream or living in it- means that in real life you will have to tighten your belt and get into debt.

Freshly dug soil in a garden or vegetable garden- portends prosperity and well-being, in the field- the beginning of an unreliable and too risky enterprise. Fat and fertile land in your dream- a good sign, foreshadowing abundance in the home and stable income growth. Overgrown with weeds and other weeds or completely barren rocky or sandy soil- portends annoying failures and setbacks at literally every step.

Digging turf out of the ground- to new friendship, shake the soil out of the turf- cry all your eyes out, carry turf- beware of bad connections. Seeing excavation work at a construction site near your home in a dream- means that a discovery awaits you: your rival lives almost next door to you.

Walking along a furrow in a dream- to the emergence of new burdensome worries and obstacles in love, if at the same time damp clay soil sticks to your shoes- this portends the appearance of unpleasant moments in the business that you have just started, and if the ground is hard, caught by frost- this means that luck will not be slow to appear to you in the form of a lover.

Digging soil in a cemetery in a dream- in reality, someone’s dishonest act will cause you suffering. Get dirt on your clothes- indicates that you will have to leave home to escape illness or the law. To be covered with earth- means that you are about to make an unforgivable mistake, which your enemies will immediately use against you. Covering someone with earth in a dream- means that only by stepping over your principles can you feel firmly standing on the ground.

To dream that you are falling from some height to the ground- portends shame, humiliation and need. Seeing the entire globe in a dream, as if being in outer space- in reality this foreshadows a round-the-world cruise. If in a dream you also see the rotation of stars around the Earth- such a dream indicates the onset of severe fatigue.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Falling from a height to the ground- shame, humiliation.

Covered with greenery or moss- money, rich marriage.

Digging the ground- a quick funeral.

Lying on the ground- minor troubles in life.

Women's dream book

Fertile land- a very good sign for the dreamer.

The land is barren and rocky- portends failures and setbacks on the path of life.

See land in the distance while sailing- to suddenly opening brilliant prospects in life.

Freshly dug soil in the garden- promises prosperity and well-being for your home.

If you dream that your clothes are stained with soil- you may have to leave your home due to unpleasant events.

General dream book

You plowed the land in your sleep- your endeavors will be profitable.

If you dreamed that you were digging the ground- your endeavors are doomed to failure.

Sell ​​land- to a very profitable offer.

If you dreamed that you were buying land- soon your life will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Earth- this image symbolizes your grounding, your solid foundation. Do you feel like you're on solid ground in life? If not, start building support structures and invite people into your life who can help you.

Earth- can symbolize the earthly and sensual part of your nature. Do you wish to become more earthly? Or should you be more grounded? Spend more time in the garden. Walk barefoot on the ground.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing plowed land in a dream- to wealth; overgrown with weeds - to poverty; thawed after frost - good luck; abandoned - to losses and troubles.

Walk on the ground and check its looseness- means that the upcoming new business may be very risky.

See how the land is plowed, or plow yourself- a sign that you will soon be offered a profitable job, promoted or increased in salary.

Cultivate the land yourself- to success in business, profit and material well-being.

Seeing in a dream how the soil has been eaten away by erosion- means that you can expect conflicts in the family, quarrels over trifles.

If in a dream you saw your plot of land- this means that in reality an interesting job awaits you, which will bring you both moral satisfaction and material profit; someone else's plot - an unsuccessful or ill-considered waste of money awaits you. Such a dream may also mean your inaction, unwillingness to make additional efforts to achieve your goal.

English dream book

Owning land in a dream- a good sign. It portends you wealth and an independent position.

To dream that you are giving notice of the sale of land- to a change of place of residence, possibly to moving to another country, and if you receive a tax notice, etc. in a dream, then this means a change in your affairs for the worse.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

There is land- to departure.

Italian dream book

Earth- an image of balance, balancing, it speaks of a situation of safety for the ego.

Islamic dream book

See the earth- to wealth and power.

If someone sees in a dream that he is drawing a plan of some building on the ground- he will receive from God the ability to organize his worldly affairs, or he will master some science that will help organize his affairs in relation to religion.

If someone sees in a dream- that he digs the earth and eats the dug earth, he will acquire property through cunning and deception.

If anyone sees- that he is trampling the ground, which means his death is approaching.

If someone sees that they are digging the ground and drawing water from the hole- then he will obtain the means to live through what is permitted.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Earth- symbol of ownership; symbol of the basis of life; as well as thoughts about death. Take the expression: “standing firmly on the ground” and its opposite image, when in a dream you are lying on the ground, which means being in a helpless situation.

Chinese dream book

Earth movements- portends a change of duty station, happiness.

Appearance of cracks in the ground- portends illness, malaise, great misfortune.

Peaceful landscape, village fields- great happiness and prosperity.

High relief gradually turns into plain- portends illness.

Sweeping the ground, sweeping manure out of the yard.- the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and earth- accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Digging in the ground- fertility.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The whole Earth or part of it; its cities and countries; The earth with its forests and seas. Actually matter; the female sphere is “Mother Earth” and “Great Mother”. The earth reflects the passive principle, warmth and peace in the family and is a closer and more familiar image than the sea. It is threatening only in extreme situations, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.

Dungeon. The lower regions of the soul, the hidden and inhuman realms. Also the area of ​​death and the past. Earthquakes. Destruction. Consciousness in anticipation of change or growth. Perhaps the individual shifts the focus (egoistic) of his attention to himself, life and reality.

Image of the Shadow. The desire to receive sexual pleasure and fear of manifestations of sexuality. Dirt. The primeval swamp from which we emerged, and therefore the womb.

If the dream does not indicate avoidance of difficulties in the bosom of the earth- it, in this case, may have the opposite meaning, indicating an escape from an overprotective situation that suppresses the individual.

Healing with mud- mud baths, corresponds to beneficial cleansing, understanding and acceptance through suffering. Sinking into a swamp or quagmire.

Death. Can also be a sexual image, especially if limbs are submerged or brought to the surface, thus demonstrating that the unconscious views dirt as sex, since the limbs are associated with the genitals.

Volcanoes. Subterranean forces that are repressed passions and impulses erupting to the surface.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

If you see black earth- means grief, despondency and thoughtfulness.

See the ground covered with grass- means unexpected joy and profit.

Digging, plowing or harrowing land- portends great profit, fertility and, in a word, success in all matters.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Earth as a whole- life foundation, financial situation; symbolism of the real (as opposed to the heavenly); past experience, ancestral roots, subconscious; mother, something who gives, nourishes a person; death.

Dry, cracked earth- losses, material lack, loss of vitality, scarcity of emotional life, stagnation in relationships.

Blooming land, flower bed- successful marriage, well-being and material prosperity.

Plowed land- successful, long-term work.

Damp, dug up earth- danger; to someone's death.

Bury something in the ground- put off.

Dig the ground- special activity, zeal in business (idiom: “digs the earth”).

Dig- hard work; death.

To be underground- to wealth; deep self-knowledge.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Earth- melancholic element.

Dreams about land devoid of vegetation (plowed, cracked), about recently dug beds with damp soil- danger to life.

But to sow in such a field- success at work.

Dig a fresh hole- death in the house.

dig the earth- increase in wealth.

Plow the land yourself- the fruitfulness of labor, the fertility of a woman.

The ground around you starts to burn- obsessive fear of any delay / getting lost from the abundance of news, new ideas and knowledge.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Earth- profit; not good; black- grief; light, yellow- life will get better; plowed land, plow- harvest, to wealth, to the deceased; overgrown- to guests, joy, profit, rich marriage; measure the ground under new home - for worse; for a garden or vegetable garden- happiness; arshin- funeral; fathoms- purchase or sale; smell the ground- approaching death; who digs up the earth- will die; dig, dig- self-interest, funeral; plow- someone will die; lie on the ground- minor troubles; bow to the ground- honor; fall to the ground- humiliation, poverty; earthquake- news, moving to a foreign land, danger, changes for the worse, something is wrong in business, war.

Danilova's erotic dream book

The dreamed land indicates that- that you will soon try to replace the lack of spiritual communication, spiritual intimacy and understanding carnal pleasures with a new partner. You should understand that your expectations are in vain, in your soul you strive for stability, but in reality you only change sexual partners.

Esoteric dream book

solid ground- confirmation of the correct move.

Loose, unstable to vibrations that interfere with the path, falling underfoot- problems with official organizations (for example pension fund, tax office, passport office, housing office).

Fall underground- check your health: allergies, asthma, diathesis.

Digging the ground- waste your time on trifles.

Pick it up and sprinkle the ground- your close friend or family member will turn out to be a petty person, take a closer look.

You will be covered with earth- you are petty and picky beyond the point.

Earth (planet)- you are drawn into everyday life.

Ukrainian dream book

Ground covered with greenery or moss- rich marriage; digging the ground - there will be a funeral soon; lying on the ground means some kind of trouble.

See the black earth- sadness, yellow or light color - your life will turn out well.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Rich marriage.

Digging the ground- for a quick funeral.

Lying on the ground- minor troubles.

Dig (if the ground is soft)- speedy completion of work.

Collection of dream books

Earth- your solid foundation; the soil under your feet.

If in a dream a person sits on the ground- honor and respect await him.

If he eats loose soil- Trouble and hunger await him.

If he eats earth like bread- he will lose his position, troubles await him, he himself will succumb to fate and weaken.

Ground covered with greenery or moss- rich marriage; digging - to a quick funeral; lying on the ground - some troubles; digging the ground is a benefit; plow - to the harvest; bowing to the ground is an honor.

Plow the land- to prosperity; chop it down- create impossible dreams, castles in the air.

Ground covered with greenery or moss- to health; naked earth- to illness; walk on it barefoot- to health; lie on the ground- to a mild illness; dig- a bad omen for a seriously ill person.

Earth- an image of balance, calm. The situation is safe for your physical existence, even if you are experiencing some problems and failures.

Earth- to be buried underground, and the deeper- the more enriching.

The ground “slips” from under your feet- you need to listen more carefully to your inner voice, pay attention to personal needs and requirements, and also defend your point of view more persistently.

Earthquake- a very bad sign, foreshadowing an unfavorable outcome of affairs, as well as mental illness.

Found underground or in a dark cave- it is possible that you should delve into the past, rethink your experience and give a new assessment to the events that have already happened, and then look for new solutions.

Dreamed of fertile land- promises a beautiful and virtuous bride.

If the land you dreamed of was dry and barren- then your wife will be grumpy.

If you saw vast lands in a dream- wealth awaits you.

Land sown with grain- dreams of fruitful work.

Land where vegetables grow- dreams of shallow sadness.

Kiss the ground in a dream- to a meeting with a hypocritical person.

Why do you dream about the Earth? What does it mean to see the Earth in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Earth in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Earth is an element associated with the first spiritual center, the gonads. Manifestation of lower instincts; symbol of the lower "I"; the need for spiritual improvement.

Earth - constructive symbols depicting the Earth are: mountains, tunnels, fertile soil, soil; used appropriately, they lead to the highest aspiration of life, depicted as climbing mountains; the tunnels represent the inner self; ground means close to the ground; When cultivated, fertile soil brings a rich harvest. Edgar Cayce noted that dreams in which gorges, narrow roads, mud, and large boulders appear symbolize the denial of the moral path. The earth represents materialism, as well as the conscious mind (see the "Gorge" symbol), according to the dream book - fortune teller.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Earth in a dream?

Seeing Earth in a dream means Earth. Fertile soil is a good sign, barren and rocky is a sign of failure, freshly plowed is a sign of prosperity and profit. Seeing yourself floating and noticing land in the distance is a fulfillment of hopes, a brilliant prospect. If clothes are soiled with soil, prosecution and change of residence are possible. Falling from a height to the ground is a shame, humiliation, illness.

Summer dream book

Why see the Earth in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Earth - Digging the earth in a dream means a funeral.

Fertilizing the earth - Fertilizing the earth in a dream means a life-threatening illness.

Plot of Earth - To a long life on earth.

Chernozem - Some expensive thing will be lost in your house.

Autumn dream book

Why see the Earth in a dream?

Why do you dream about the Earth - Seeing plowed land in a dream means a harvest, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Fertilize the earth - To worries.

Plot of Land - Theft is possible at your dacha or garden.

Chernozem - Chernozem dreams of unrealistic and useless dreams.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Earth in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Earth - Seeing damp earth (and especially sitting on it or picking it up with your hands) means someone’s serious illness, or even death. New lands dream of changes: fertile, with flowers and trees - of changes for the better; deserted, rocky - for the worse. Seeing the Earth from space means spiritual rebirth; if you saw our planet from above, you can be congratulated - your soul has risen one more step of Enlightenment

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Earth, what does a dream mean:

Seeing Earth in a dream - Fertile land - is a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures. If you dream that while sailing at sea you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream that foreshadows sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you. Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis. Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters. And here’s how I interpreted it similar dreams D. Loff: “The image of the earth is distinguished by a variety of interpretive meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life. In a dream, the earth represents the source of our existence. In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the End of the World. Dreams in which you are afraid of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines."

Why do you dream of Burning Earth - to see a burning land in a dream - to war, sabotage.

Spring dream book

Why see the Earth in a dream?

According to the dream book, what does Earth mean in a dream - dragging the Earth - means serious news, after which you will lose your health.

Fertilize - you will make a good decision, thanks to which you will have money.

A plot of land (land, vegetable garden). - circumstances will arise that pose a danger to life or experience.

Chernozem - for burial, your presence at someone’s funeral.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does the earth mean in a dream:

According to the dream book, the Earth to see what it means - Plowman - To cultivate the land - labor and reaping the fruits. Plowing or seeing a plowman - hard work will be rewarded with profit and success

Virgin soil - Symbolizes life, energy, strength. Going to raise virgin soil for romantic reasons means wasting your time and effort on an activity that will not bring you income. Plowing virgin soil means annoying misunderstandings in relations with neighbors. Trying to turn virgin soil into fertile land, fertilizing, loosening, caring for, investing - a lot of effort and labor - you should be patient if you want your business to move in the right direction

Dream Interpretation Plowing, why you dream about Plowing in a dream

Idiomatic dream book Why dream about Plowing according to the dream book:

Seeing Plowing in a dream means difficult, hard work.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of Plowing, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: Plowing - Sexual intercourse. Fertility, fecundity. Furrow. Female genitalia, not only because of the visual imagery, but also because the action relates to procreation and raising children. In archaic thinking, the fertility of women and the earth is connected. Mental activity. The difficult, thankless, hard work is over: all that remains is to sow and wait. Plowed land. Mother. Unplowed field. Virgin. Too old to plow. Too old to have sex. Plow up. Do the job again, hoping to be paid accordingly.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Plowing:

Plow - “Till the field” of your life. You will have to work hard to create what you want, but your efforts will not be in vain.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Plowing in a dream:

To plow, to drive a furrow (see Plow) - To good, but not for long // to death, trouble, work, bad; to plow where no one has ever plowed - to death; ritual plowing, plowing - protection // hard work; a plowman at work - to the good, you will be rich; resting - disappointment.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Plowing:

Interpretation of the dream book: Plowing the land - See the article earth.

The land is plowed

Dream Interpretation Plowed land dreamed of why in a dream the land is plowed? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see plowed land in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Plowed land


Matter as opposed to spirit.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth, land, soil

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will soon have to leave your home.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about the earth as follows.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will experience icing.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

See the plowed land

Dream Interpretation Seeing plowed land dreamed of why you dream about seeing plowed land? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see plowed land in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Plowed land


Matter as opposed to spirit.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Seeing or receiving a beautiful piece of land in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life. Well-groomed land with beautiful gardens in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. Land covered with greenery or moss in a dream means money or a profitable marriage. A barren land is dreamed of by those who face failure and bitter losses. If you dream that the land is sown with wheat, then your hard hard work will help you become rich. Kissing or eating the ground in a dream means humiliation and loss. Vegetables growing on the ground are a sign of grief and trouble. To see fertile, black soil terrain means your opportunities that you are missing due to laziness or weakness of character. Sometimes such a dream warns of excessive gullibility. The larger the plot of land that you see in your dream, the more wealth, joy and happiness awaits you in life. If you dream that you are desperately digging the ground, then you should moderate your selfish appetites so as not to repent of it later. Plowing, sowing, fertilizing, planting seeds in the ground in a dream means profit and growth in prosperity. For those getting married, such a dream predicts a strong family and healthy children. Wet soil that has turned to slurry predicts illness. If you get dirty with it, then expect shame and strife. See interpretation: slurry, dirt.

Measuring out a plot of land in a dream is a sign of discord with relatives. Measuring a plot of land in a dream foretells that your situation will be desperate and your loved ones will begin to feel sorry for you. Place markings on the ground - for divorce or division. To see the dug up earth is sometimes a sign of a funeral. Especially if you see it under the window of your house or near the house of your loved ones. A ruined land is dreamed of by those whose lives are unsettled. Such a dream does not bode well for them soon. If rods, sticks, or pieces of wire stick out from the ground, then expect delays in resolving your case. In addition, you have enemies who are trying in every possible way to harm you. And this dream also means that you have made a lot of mistakes in your life. Try to correct errors if possible.

Seeing the earth from a ship in a dream is a sign of imminent success that will follow long experiences and searches. If you see a foreign country, they will soon make you an interesting offer related to the trip. See interpretation: ship.

The earth opened up under your feet in a dream - a sign that a collapse awaits you in business and in love. Such a dream predicts long suffering, disappointment and humiliation. See interpretation: earthquake. Getting stuck in muddy ground in a dream means that your business will stall. If in a dream you are lucky and you get out of the swamp, then fate will generously reward you for your hard work. See interpretation: swamp. Seeing diggers in a dream means that your enemies are waiting for your death. Lying on the ground in a dream is a sign of the unsettled nature of your life and the collapse of your plans for the future. After such a dream, it may well be that you will lose your livelihood. If you dream that the earth has collapsed before your eyes, or see an earthly failure in a dream, then your plans will fail completely, troubles or misfortunes await you. They say that such a dream predicts good luck for those who owe money or are going on a journey, since it promises to the first that they will not have to pay debts, and to others that their journey will be successful.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and that’s why , that in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “The earth stands on three pillars”, “The earth is mother - gives treasure”, “The earth and water will remain, but us will not happen,” “Jerusalem is the navel of the earth.”

Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help.

If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good omen and means that soon you will face a strong blow that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time.

Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task.

If in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation.

Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life.

Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you.

Throwing earth at someone in a dream means that you are unnecessarily thinking badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing.

Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream means that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery.

Eating land in a dream means a successful deal or receiving a large inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Digging the ground in a dream foretells material benefits. Seeing someone digging or digging in the ground is a sign of mourning. Lying on the ground in a dream means minor troubles await you, but overall life will seem wonderful to you. Seeing land covered with greenery or moss in a dream foretells getting rich in the near future as a result of a profitable marriage.

Seeing in a dream how the land is plowed, foreshadows the beginning of noble, but, alas, thankless work. Plowing the land yourself means a good harvest at your summer cottage. Digging a dugout in a dream or living in it means that in real life you will have to tighten your belt and get into debt.

Freshly dug up soil in a garden or vegetable garden portends prosperity and well-being; in a field - the beginning of an unreliable and too risky enterprise. Fat and fertile soil in your dream is a good sign, foreshadowing abundance in the house and stable income growth. Overgrown with weeds and other weeds or completely barren rocky or sandy soil portends annoying failures and failures literally at every step.

Digging turf out of the ground - to a new friendship, shaking out the earth from the turf - you will cry your eyes out, transporting turf - beware of bad connections. Seeing excavation work at a construction site near your home in a dream means that a discovery awaits you: your rival lives almost next door to you.

Walking along a furrow in a dream means the emergence of new burdensome worries and obstacles in love, if at the same time damp clay soil sticks to your shoes - this foreshadows the appearance of unpleasant moments in the business that you have just started, and if the ground is hard, caught by frost, it means luck will not be slow to appear to you in the form of a lover.

Digging in a cemetery in a dream means that in reality someone’s dishonest act will cause you suffering. Staining your clothes with earth indicates that you will have to leave home to escape illness or the law. Being covered with earth means that you are about to make an unforgivable mistake, which your enemies will immediately use against you. Covering someone with earth in a dream means that only by stepping over your principles can you feel yourself standing firmly on the ground.

To dream that you are falling from some height to the ground foretells shame, humiliation and need. Seeing the entire globe in a dream, as if being in outer space, in reality this foreshadows a round-the-world cruise. If in a dream you also see the rotation of stars around the Earth, such a dream indicates the onset of severe fatigue.

Dream Interpretation - Earth, land, soil

in a dream it has many interpretations.

Each land is interpreted according to its form and essence: for example, seeing a land in a dream on which Allah, after the resurrection, will gather together all His creatures for an account (mahshar) means keeping secrets, the truthfulness of a promise and security. And sometimes it is a sign of guidance in the right path and repentance. As for the plowed land, it indicates fertility and productivity. If someone dreams that he has become the owner of a piece of land, then he, if single, will get married and will be given a child. If he sees the ground shaking underneath him, it may indicate that the pregnant woman will have a miscarriage. And if he sees that the earth has collapsed along with those who were on it, then this is a sign of their pride, vanity and carelessness in following the commands of Allah Almighty. Whoever sees that he is on a spacious, flat land, unfamiliar to him and similar to a desert, will go on a journey. And whoever sees that he is hitting the ground with his foot or something, he will go on a journey on trade business. And whoever sees that he has moved from a dry and barren land to a fertile and green land, then he will move from bid "a (innovation) to the Sunnah, also vice versa. And if someone who wants to set out on a journey sees in a dream that moves from one area to another, he will set out on a journey, and his condition on this journey will correspond to these places, their width, narrowness, barrenness and fertility. They say that if you see the earth in a dream, this may foreshadow a meeting with your mother.

Trample in a dream land to be received inheritance.

Seeing in a dream that the earth takes different forms means the deterioration of your affairs.

Seeing the earth opening up with fiery lava or something similar portends evil and danger. But if an old man came out of the ground, then this is good. Anyone who sees in a dream a land on which beautiful plants grow, beautiful flowers bloom, and he rejoices in all this and thinks that it all belongs to him, will receive everything he wants from life and then may die suddenly. In the Koran, the Almighty says: “And when they rejoiced in what was given to them, We suddenly seized them.” (Sura, An "am, 44).

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Fertile soil is a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures.

If you dream that while sailing at sea you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream that foreshadows sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will soon have to leave your home.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about the earth as follows.

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will experience icing.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

And here is how D. Loff interpreted such dreams: “The image of the earth is distinguished by a variety of interpretative meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life. In a dream, the earth represents the source of our existence.

In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the End of the World. Dreams in which you are afraid of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines."

Dream Interpretation - Earth

A hole in the ground appears in the covered part of the palace - foreshadows grief, the loss of a mother.

Seeing a mountain of earth means the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

Thunder rises from the ground - your aspirations will come true.

Movements of the earth - portends a change in duty station, happiness.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

If black clouds descend to the ground - illnesses associated with breathing.

If you walk along a slope covered with earth, thoughts of illness will go away.

Black vapors rise from the ground - trouble.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Being on the wall, digging the ground means change.

Heaven and earth unite - you will achieve what you are seeking.

Fire grows from the ground - there will be illness.

The excrement of wealth and nobility is visible everywhere on earth.

Sweeping the ground means the breakdown of a family.

The appearance of cracks in the ground means illness, illness, disease, misfortune.

A meteorite flies by, but does not fall to the ground - portends a change of residence.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

You collect land for yourself - monetary losses, humiliation.

Excrement on the ground is visible everywhere - portends wealth, nobility.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Dream Interpretation - Earth

"go underground" hide, hide.

“to be closer to the ground” stability, solidity, balance. "May you rest in peace" peaceful death. “Falling through the ground” is a curse, guilt, shame.

"favorable soil" luck. "Wipe from the face of the earth" destroy.

“to cut the ground from under someone’s feet” to deprive someone of their position or confidence. “Burying talent in the ground” is ruining, not using abilities, putting things off. “Test the waters” to get your bearings, to find out the situation. “To dig the ground (with your nose)” to actively act, to try your best. “The earth is disappearing from under your feet” is a strong emotional experience.

“the earth cannot bear him” about a very bad person. “Lose (or feel) the ground under your feet” gain confidence or lose life goals, landmarks. “To fall or fall on fertile ground” is success, the flowering of one’s abilities.

"down to earth person" realistic man, layman.

"mother-earth-nurse". "Mother Earth gave, Mother Earth took" life cycle human life. See add. dig.

Why do you dream of Plowed Land?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about plowed land?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Plowed Land, but something else, use the search form online interpretations dreams

Why do you dream about plowed land?


Matter as opposed to spirit.

Arable field plowed land

Dream Interpretation - Earth, land, soil

in a dream it has many interpretations.

Each land is interpreted according to its form and essence: for example, seeing a land in a dream on which Allah, after the resurrection, will gather together all His creatures for an account (mahshar) means keeping secrets, the truthfulness of a promise and security. And sometimes it is a sign of guidance in the right path and repentance. As for the plowed land, it indicates fertility and productivity. If someone dreams that he has become the owner of a piece of land, then he, if single, will get married and will be given a child. If he sees the ground shaking underneath him, it may indicate that the pregnant woman will have a miscarriage. And if he sees that the earth has collapsed along with those who were on it, then this is a sign of their pride, vanity and carelessness in following the commands of Allah Almighty. Whoever sees that he is on a spacious, flat land, unfamiliar to him and similar to a desert, will go on a journey. And whoever sees that he is hitting the ground with his foot or something, he will go on a journey on trade business. And whoever sees that he has moved from a dry and barren land to a fertile and green land, then he will move from bid "a (innovation) to the Sunnah, also vice versa. And if someone who wants to set out on a journey sees in a dream that moves from one area to another, he will set out on a journey, and his condition on this journey will correspond to these places, their width, narrowness, barrenness and fertility. They say that if you see the earth in a dream, this may foreshadow a meeting with your mother.

Trampling the ground in a dream means receiving an inheritance.

Seeing in a dream that the earth takes different forms means the deterioration of your affairs.

Seeing the earth opening up with fiery lava or something similar portends evil and danger. But if an old man came out of the ground, then this is good. Anyone who sees in a dream a land on which beautiful plants grow, beautiful flowers bloom, and he rejoices in all this and thinks that it all belongs to him, will receive everything he wants from life and then may die suddenly. In the Koran, the Almighty says: “And when they rejoiced in what was given to them, We suddenly seized them.” (Sura, An "am, 44).

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Fertile soil is a good sign. Barren and rocky soil symbolizes failures and failures.

If you dream that while sailing at sea you suddenly saw land in the distance, this is a wonderful dream that foreshadows sudden brilliant prospects opening up before you.

Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being.

If your clothes are stained with earth, then you will soon have to leave your home.

The Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interpreted dreams about the earth as follows.

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will experience icing.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

And here is how D. Loff interpreted such dreams: “The image of the earth is distinguished by a variety of interpretative meanings. Mother earth and mother nature are two idiomatic expressions used to describe the earth as the source of life. In a dream, the earth represents the source of our existence.

In some cases, the earth conveys our feelings about shelter, home comfort or rejection, or it may be a dream from the category of so-called “chaos” dreams - about the End of the World. Dreams in which you are afraid of nature may be the result of exposure to newspaper headlines."

Dream Interpretation - Earth

A hole in the ground appears in the covered part of the palace - foreshadows grief, the loss of a mother.

Seeing a mountain of earth means the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

Thunder rises from the ground - your aspirations will come true.

Movements of the earth - portends a change in duty station, happiness.

If you bow to the ground to some person - happiness in all matters.

If black clouds descend to the ground - illnesses associated with breathing.

If you walk along a slope covered with earth, thoughts of illness will go away.

Black vapors rise from the ground - trouble.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Being on the wall, digging the ground means change.

Heaven and earth unite - you will achieve what you are seeking.

Fire grows from the ground - there will be illness.

The excrement of wealth and nobility is visible everywhere on earth.

Sweeping the ground means the breakdown of a family.

The appearance of cracks in the ground means illness, illness, disease, misfortune.

A meteorite flies by, but does not fall to the ground - portends a change of residence.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

You collect land for yourself - monetary losses, humiliation.

Excrement on the ground is visible everywhere - portends wealth, nobility.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Seeing good, fertile land in a dream is a prophecy of a good harvest and a comfortable life. If you dreamed of a desert land, then in the future humanity will face terrible famine as a result of a long drought.

Seeing the entire Earth in cracks in a dream is a harbinger of a powerful earthquake that will claim hundreds of lives. People will anger God - and he will shake the Earth.

Seeing a ball flying towards the Earth in a dream is evidence that an amazing secret will soon be revealed to you. Apparently, you will come into contact with the inhabitants of another planet, as a result of which you will tell the world a lot of new and interesting things.

If you dreamed of an ice-covered Earth, then in the not too distant future our planet will face icing. A long winter will come, and the earth will be covered with an ice crust for several years.

To be in a dream on a small island on which there are many people with you is a harbinger of a demographic crisis.

Discovering a new land in a dream is a sign of good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation - Field

(See interpretation: earth)

A field in a dream symbolizes your life. The larger and smoother the field in a dream, the longer and happier you will live your life. Walking across a field in a dream is a sign of freedom and independence, happiness and satisfaction. See the interpretation: cliff, road, stones and further by the names of grains.

Gullies and potholes in the field mean obstacles and misfortunes. A cultivated field in a dream foreshadows wealth and prosperity, while an abandoned one portends unexpected disappointment. Cultivating a field in a dream is a sign of good luck in a difficult task. Such a dream predicts that you will achieve wealth through honest and hard work. A cultivated field (plowed) in a dream is a harbinger of great luck and wealth. Level harrows in the field mean that your life will return to normal, change for the better, and you will be able to put your home or business in order. Sometimes such a dream foretells that advantageous offer cooperation or matchmaking will not work out. Especially if you see someone harrowing your field. Walking behind the plow yourself in a dream means that you will have to work hard to make ends meet. Another meaning of this dream is housework. Seeing the harvest or reapers in a dream is a sign of prosperity for the family. See interpretation: grain, bread.

Damaged harrows are a sign of impending confusion, confusion in business or personal matters. A devastated, burned field in a dream foreshadows losses, damages and deprivations. Measuring a field in a dream foretells disputes with relatives over ownership of property.

Sowing grain crops in a dream means good prospects for the future.

It is believed that sowing wheat in a dream is a sign of the birth of a son, and sowing rye in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a daughter. If you dream that birds in the field are pecking at seeds, then losses await you. If in a dream you can drive away the birds, then your losses will not be so noticeable. If in a dream you see seeds sprouting, then great success awaits you thanks to your extraordinary abilities. Seeing or collecting a rich harvest in the field is a sign of prosperity and wealth. After such a dream, you should expect that all your troubles will soon end. To see a field sown with millet in a dream is a sign of easily acquired wealth and great joy. If in a dream you see a huge field sown with rye, then the dream predicts that you will get rich from trade deals or will be able to sue someone for a large inheritance. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the conclusion of a profitable marriage, a cheerful feast and gifts. Seeing a plowman at work in a dream means that your business will go uphill. If he is idle, then expect failures and disappointments. Seeing a mown, harvested field, especially in the rays of sunset, means that your business will soon become unprofitable or end in failure. Seeing or loading sheaves of straw in a dream means that your work will be difficult and unproductive. A dream about her foreshadows the decline of your affairs and failures. If you dream that the floors of your house are covered with straw, then you should be wary of a trick or a trap set by your enemies.

Knitting sheaves of wheat or seeing them in a dream is a sign of profit, prosperity and happiness. Often such a dream predicts the assumption of responsibility or obligations that will tie you hand and foot. Feeding cattle with straw in a dream means that you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation. See interpretation: roof.

Burning straw in a dream means a wasted task. Sleeping on straw in a dream is a harbinger of poverty and need. Rearranging sheaves in a dream is a harbinger of bad changes. Seeing hay in a dream is a sign of great happiness, wealth and great profit. Often such a dream indicates that you will become the owner of a large fortune. Raking hay in a dream foretells an increase in wealth. Resting or lying on the hay in a dream foretells peace and family happiness. Chewing hay in a dream means that you will get into debt and if you cannot pay it off, creditors will ruin you. After such a dream, expect hunger, deprivation, and a streak of failures. See interpretation: agricultural implements.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Profit // is not good; black - grief; light, yellow - life will go better; plowed land, plowing means harvest, to wealth // to the dead; overgrown - to guests, joy, profit, rich marriage // to poverty; measuring the land for a new house is bad news; for a garden or vegetable garden - happiness; arshin - funeral; fathoms - purchase or sale; sniffing the ground - the approach of death; whoever digs up the earth will die; dig, dig - self-interest // funeral; plow - someone will die; lying on the ground - minor troubles; bowing to the ground is an honor; fall to the ground - humiliation, poverty; earthquake - news // moving to a foreign land, danger, change for the worse, something is wrong in business, war.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

"go underground" hide, hide.

“to be closer to the ground” stability, solidity, balance. "May you rest in peace" peaceful death. “Falling through the ground” is a curse, guilt, shame.

"favorable soil" luck. "Wipe from the face of the earth" destroy.

“to cut the ground from under someone’s feet” to deprive someone of their position or confidence. “Burying talent in the ground” is ruining, not using abilities, putting things off. “Test the waters” to get your bearings, to find out the situation. “To dig the ground (with your nose)” to actively act, to try your best. “The earth is disappearing from under your feet” is a strong emotional experience.

“the earth cannot bear him” about a very bad person. “To lose (or feel) the ground under your feet” to gain confidence or lose life goals and guidelines. “To fall or fall on fertile ground” is success, the flowering of one’s abilities.

"down to earth person" realistic person, everyman.

"mother-earth-nurse". “Mother Earth gave, Mother Earth took” life cycle of human life. See add. dig.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Land as soil - financial situation: plowed - to good prospects, loose - to prosperity, dried - to losses; rocky - unsuccessful deal; overgrown - to a profitable investment; frozen - temporary complications in business; subject to erosion - a break with business partners will put you in a difficult situation. Cultivating the land means changes at work. Digging yourself - success will come to you through titanic work. Digging a hole - with your unyielding character you are creating trouble for yourself. Trample the ground - someone is trying to take your position through cunning and deception. Seeing the land being plowed means you will soon be offered a profitable job. Planting beds in the garden means your salary will be increased. To wear it is honor and respect among colleagues. Water - you will become an object of intrigue and gossip from envious people. Weed - the authorities are considering you as a candidate for dismissal.

Imagine fertilized, moist, rich, fertile soil. Throw grain at it.

Land as property - changes in family life. Buying a plot of land is a new addition to the family. Owning a plot of land will be a very profitable family business. Advertise the sale of land - constant quarrels can lead to divorce. Selling a plot of land means changing your living conditions at a loss. Donating a plot of land means improving living conditions. Receive an inheritance - receive news of the death of a relative.

Imagine that you own a huge plot of land that has no end or edge. Mentally walk through your property, admire the beauty of the landscape, inhale the aroma of flowers. Experience a feeling of peace and tranquility for your destiny and the destiny of your loved ones.

Earth as a planet - peace of mind, security. Seeing the Earth from space means you will be able to understand the current situation by looking at it from the outside. Discover new lands - be careful when choosing new friends. To see the long-awaited land from a ship - you will receive wise advice and support. Desert island - you are burdened by loneliness.

Remember that part of the planet that struck you with special beauty, no matter whether you saw it in a picture, on TV, or with your own eyes. Try to examine the details in great detail and enjoy the charm of the world around you.

Dream Interpretation - Field

The field is one of the most positive symbols. However, its meaning depends on the condition and time of year you saw the field. Seeing an unplowed, unsown field in early spring - a dream means that this period of your life is favorable for planning. You can safely dream and start the most ambitious projects: everything planned at this time will definitely come true. To see a plowed and sown field - all your endeavors will be successful. good time to start any business, try not to miss it. If you saw that rain fell on a sown field, the positive meaning of the symbol intensifies. Fortune clearly favors you, and your task is to take advantage of its location. If you plow or sow in the field, your work will pay off handsomely in the future.

If you dreamed of an unplowed field, imagine that you are plowing it and fertilizing it with manure, and then sowing it with selected grains.

A field with sprouting green shoots - you will be lucky in the most important matters. To see a field with wheat or rye ripening on it - you will find a job with a good salary or additional income with decent pay. If it is not bread that is ripening in the field, but something else (potatoes, beets, sunflowers, etc.) - such a dream foreshadows your quick wealth, most likely through receiving an inheritance. If you dreamed that you were driving across a field on anything related to agriculture (horse, cart, tractor, combine), the dream promises you high position in society and a good income.

Imagine that you are doing some work on the field: weeding, applying fertilizer, etc.

The field on which the harvest has ripened is a harbinger of the end of long labors, which will be duly rewarded. Harvesting grain from the field means great wealth and health.

Imagine that you are reaping ripe ears of corn and tying them into sheaves.

Seeing a bare field with remnants of straw or tops - it’s time to take stock and calculate income. If in your dream birds wandered around the field, looking for fallen grains in the furrows, you will share your success with friends. A winter field covered with a thick layer of snow means you will have a good holiday in the company of your family or closest friends. Buy or sell a field - all your transactions concluded during this period will be extremely successful.

Imagine that you sold or bought a field on the most favorable terms.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

Plowed land means wealth.

Land overgrown with weeds means poverty.

The ground thawed after frost is good luck.

Abandoned land means losses and troubles.

Walking on the ground and checking its looseness - the upcoming new business can be very risky.

Plowing the land in a dream, or plowing yourself is a sign that you will soon be offered a profitable job, promoted or increased in salary.

Cultivate the land - to success in business, profit and material well-being.

The soil has been eaten away by erosion - you can expect conflicts in the family, quarrels over trifles.

Your own plot of land - an interesting job awaits you, which will bring you both moral satisfaction and material profit.

Someone else's plot of land - an unsuccessful or ill-considered waste of money awaits you. Such a dream may also mean your inaction, unwillingness to make additional efforts to achieve your goal.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing plowed land in a dream” with a full description.

Seeing fertile soil in a dream is almost always good. This is a sign of well-being and a satisfactory course of affairs. The dream book will tell you in detail why plowed land is dreamed of, taking into account the most relevant details.

According to Miller

If you dreamed of plowed land in your own garden, then Miller’s dream book is sure that prosperity and unprecedented success await you. Seeing your clothes stained with fresh soil is somewhat worse. This is a harbinger of a long departure or illness.

Don't relax!

Cultivating the land yourself in a dream always means profit and good luck in financial matters. In essence, you are improving your personal financial situation with your own hands.

Did you happen to plow in the field? You will soon receive a promotion in position or salary, or perhaps even change your job to a more profitable one. However, the dream book does not recommend relaxing - you have to work hard and hard.

Sometimes this vision indicates that you will go to great lengths, trying to fill a spiritual emptiness in such a strange way.

Stability or threat to life?

Why do you dream about black plowed land? In a dream, it symbolizes sadness, melancholy and the search for meaning.

If you dreamed that the black land was very cold to the touch, then get ready for a serious illness. The dream book considers this image a serious sign of mortal danger.

If the black soil was warm, then it promises fertility for farmers, and stability and even abundance for everyone else.

Get your act together!

Why else do you dream about freshly plowed land? According to the dream book, in a dream this is a sign big changes(marriage, some business, moving, etc.).

At the same time, perfectly level and smooth freshly plowed land promises extremely positive changes, but calls for activity and hard work.

Did you dream that the freshly plowed virgin soil was full of holes and ruts? You lack organization and composure, and the lack of these qualities will lead to complete failure in business.

Positive symbol

What does plowed soil in a garden mean? You will start a very noble, but completely unprofitable enterprise.

Did you happen to plow your garden on your own in a dream? The dream book guarantees that you will get a rich harvest in the fall.

Seeing freshly dug earth in the garden means prosperity and abundance; in the field - the start of a risky and unreliable business.

Explanations of actions

Why else do you dream of plowed land? If you dug up the entire plot yourself in a dream, then the dream book characterizes you as an economical and economical person who can easily cope with any problem.

To have more full interpretation sleep, you need to consider the meaning of each of your actions.

  • Plowing with machinery is a successful undertaking.
  • Digging with a shovel - increased efficiency will bring success.
  • Making holes, holes - you will find something to your liking.
  • Holding a handful in your hands - think about the meaning.
  • Get dirty - you will make a valuable acquisition.
  • Yes - make a successful deal or receive an inheritance.
  • Lying down - minor troubles will not interfere with success.

Who brings good luck?

Why do you dream that you had to walk on damp earth? The dream book believes that you will have troubles related to romantic relationships.

If you dreamed that the plowed soil sticks to your shoes, then various kinds of obstacles will arise. Walking on rather elastic ground in a dream means that good luck will come with a new lover.

What does the earth mean in dreams, according to various dream interpreters? Most sources personify this image with the real life of a sleeping person, his habits, aspirations and moral principles. To understand the true meaning of the plot dreamed at night, the dreamer should pay attention to the appearance of the soil and analyze the actions that he happened to perform with it.

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1 The meaning of sleep in Miller, Medea, Freud

According to Miller's dream book, seeing fertile land in a dream is incredible lucky sign, promising a person success and happy events in life. Dry and rocky soil on which nothing grows foreshadows the sleeper's failures and disappointments in the coming days. The planned event will end in complete failure for him and will not bring any moral satisfaction. Did you dream of seeing freshly dug soil in your own beds or garden? The dream book identifies such a picture with material wealth and good luck in all areas of life. If in a dream a person was on the open sea on the deck of a ship and saw a piece of land in the distance, then in reality brilliant prospects will open up before him, thanks to which he will be able to fulfill his old dream and improve his financial situation. But seeing clothes stained with earth is an alarming sign. It foretells difficult times for a person when he will have to hide from justice far from his home.

The sorceress Medea considers hard and dry soil a harbinger of failure. A person who sees him in his night dreams will begin a dark streak in his life. Any business started in the next week will not only not bring him the expected success, but will also entail unplanned material losses. Failures can only be avoided if you do nothing and wait for a more favorable period. Plowed land in a dream symbolizes the expectation of happy life changes. For a young girl, this image promises pleasant troubles associated with preparing for the wedding. Why dream of plowing the land yourself? The dream interpreter foretells great success for the dreamer. But there is no need to hope that it will fall on his head unexpectedly. To achieve it, the sleeper will need to make a lot of effort.

The earth in a person’s dreams, according to the controversial psychologist Sigmund Freud, symbolizes the female reproductive organs. Did you dream of fertile black soil with crops growing on it? In the near future, the dreamer and his family members will not have health problems. Rocky or drought-cracked soil promises the sleeper conflicts with children. Before criticizing his grown-up offspring, it would not hurt the dreamer to remember what he was like at their age. A dream in which a person had to wield a shovel while digging up the ground foreshadows him having an intimate relationship with the person he likes. Sailing on a ship and seeing land is a good sign, promising the sleeping person an acquaintance with a person who will become an ideal sexual partner for him.

Chinese horoscope: sequence of animals by year of birth and element

2 Interpretation according to Vanga and Aesop

An interesting interpretation of the image in question is given by the soothsayer Vanga’s dream book: fertile land is a good sign in it, predicting a prosperous life and a rich harvest for a person. Did you dream of soil on the surface of which nothing grows? The dream promises the sleeper poverty and hunger. If the dreamed soil was covered with cracks, then in reality a person will find himself in the epicenter of a powerful earthquake and witness the death of dozens of people.

Do you see earth in a dream? Aesop's dream book personifies this image with a man standing firmly on his feet. If the dreamer dreams of soil, it means that in the near future such a person will meet him in real life and will make a strong impression on him. A dream where the sleeper was sitting on the ground is a bad sign. Soon a misfortune will occur in the dreamer's life, which will be difficult for him to come to terms with. Faith in God will help him survive what happened. Did you dream of lying on the ground in a dream? In reality, a person will face a serious shock that will knock the ground out from under his feet and plunge him into a state of deep depression. It will take him a lot of time to return to the usual rhythm of life.

In Aesop's dream book, plowing the land is a good sign. The interpreter is confident that a person who plays the role of a farmer in his night dreams will easily be able to cope with any problems in real life. Planting potatoes or other agricultural crops in a plowed field means success in farming. Agricultural business will help the dreamer pay off debts and get rich.

In a dream, did you dream of building a high earthen rampart? Fate has prepared for the dreamer a meeting with a courageous, strong-willed and a purposeful person. A new acquaintance will become a real role model for him and will help him change his life for the better. Picking up a handful of earth means the death of a close relative and participation in his funeral. The dream may also indicate that the sleeper thinks about death too often.

Did you dream of throwing earth at other people? Soon the dreamer will be in vain to suspect his relative of sins that he did not commit. Higher powers advise the sleeping person to refrain from making unfounded accusations, as this can greatly ruin his relationships with loved ones. A good omen is a dream where a person gets dirty with earth. In reality, night vision foretells him big win to the lottery. If in a dream a person ate soil, then he will soon receive a rich inheritance and will forever get rid of material problems.

Compatibility horoscope by zodiac sign and eastern calendar

3 Interpretation of a dream by the spouses Zim and Miss Hasse

In the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter, the earth reflects the state of affairs of a sleeping person. Dreamed of fertile soil? The dreamer expects success in achieving his goals. But to achieve what he wants, he needs to be brave, diligent and purposeful. Black soil overgrown with weeds is also good sign. Although he predicts hard work for the dreamer, he promises a worthy monetary reward and moral satisfaction for it. Do you dream of people plowing fertile land? The dream promises a person dizzying success in all areas of life. The bright streak is just around the corner, we just have to wait for it. Seeing plowed ground covered with holes and potholes in a dream means the emergence of unexpected obstacles in achieving your goal. To avoid them, a sleeping person needs to show responsibility and organization.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, soil covered with greenery or moss is a favorable sign, promising the dreamer a prosperous life. For a girl, the dream foreshadows a wealthy groom and a luxurious wedding. Did you dream of digging up the ground? The dream book considers such a plot to be a harbinger of a funeral. Both the dreamer himself and one of his loved ones can die. If, after waking up, a person remembers that he was lying on bare ground in a dream, then in reality he will have to face minor troubles.

Compatibility in relationships according to the lunar horoscope

4 Options for interpretation in the Autumn, Spring and Summer dream interpreters

Why do you dream of plowed land according to the Autumn Dream Book? This source personifies this image with a rich harvest. If in a dream a person was fertilizing the soil, then in reality he will have troubles. A plot of land in night dreams warns the sleeper about the risk of being robbed. In order not to become a victim of intruders, he should not leave the dacha unattended for a long time.

IN Spring dream book black earth is personified with experiences and illnesses. If in a dream a person had to drag it from one place to another, then in reality he will receive bad news and will become seriously ill after that. Did you dream of falling to the ground? The Universe advises the sleeping person to visit his parents. If they are not alive, then you need to go to their cemetery. Fertilizing the soil in night dreams, according to the dream book, is a good sign that foretells the dreamer an improvement in his financial situation.

The compilers of the Summer Dream Interpreter are confident that a dream in which a person happened to dig the earth foreshadows his participation in a funeral. Dreamed of fertilizing the soil? In reality, the dreamer faces a serious illness that could lead to his death. The dream book represents a well-kept plot of land with good health. A person who sees him in a dream will live a long and rich life.

5 Explanations on other popular sources

The Jewish dream book will help you understand the meaning of a dream in which soil appeared: plowed soil in it is a bad sign, foreshadowing undeserved humiliation or insult to the sleeper. The dreamer’s offender can be either his close relative or friend, or a stranger.

The compilers of the Dream Book for Lovers are convinced that a person who sees fertile and well-moistened soil in his night dreams will experience mutual love and happy family life. Did you dream about dry and barren land? In the near future, the dreamer will face setbacks in his personal life. Any attempts to establish relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will end in failure for him. For a dreamer in love, the dream promises separation from his other half.

What does the night plot portend in which a man happened to be digging in a cemetery? The alphabetical dream book promises the dreamer suffering due to the dishonorable act of a close relative. The dream interpreter also warns that:

  • being covered with earth in a dream means committing an unforgivable mistake;
  • covering a stranger with soil means the need to reconsider your life principles;
  • digging a dugout is a sign that promises a person lack of money and life in debt;
  • fall to the ground - to shame, humiliation.

The dream book for the whole family is sure: if you see the earth on your shoes, then good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. Did you dream of digging the ground? Soon the sleeper will be able to complete important matters with maximum benefit for him. If in his night dreams a person was engaged in cultivating black soil, then he will soon take up a new business and achieve unprecedented success in this field. When plowing the ground, getting your clothes dirty means urgent problems will arise. To solve them, the sleeper will need to forget about the interests of loved ones for a while.

The East will help a representative of the fairer sex decipher a dream with soil women's dream book: why do you dream about the earth in it? A dream about damp soil in a dream promises a sleeping woman a serious illness or the death of a close relative. Dry, rocky and devoid of vegetation earth's surface is a harbinger of disturbing events, as a result of which the dreamer’s life will change for the worse. In the dream book, fertile black soil with vegetables, flowers or trees growing on it foretells goodness, joy and happiness for a woman. Soon after awakening, her life will be filled with new meaning.

The earth is a symbol of a solid foundation, and the soil is a symbol of fertility. When interpreting the dream book earth, it is important to take into account how contact with the earth (soil) occurs and what its structure is.

Why do you dream about black earth?

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of dreams, you must remember the nuances of the dream. For example, according to the interpretation of the dream book, dreams of black soil are a disappointment, but light soil, on the contrary, promises quick joy.

Rocky and dry soil is always worse than flat and wet soil.
Walking barefoot on dry, rocky ground means experiencing difficult moments in reality, when you feel a lack of prospects, when some hopes and plans are crumbling. But walking on soft ground covered with moss, greenery or flowers means good luck, success and prosperity.
Lying on the bare ground means minor troubles.

Interpretation of sleep Earth In general - life foundation, financial situation; symbolism of the real (as opposed to the heavenly); past experience, ancestral roots, subconscious; mother, something who gives, nourishes a person; death. Dry, cracked - losses, material lack, loss of vitality, scarcity of emotional life, stagnation in relationships. Blooming land, flowerbed - a successful marriage, well-being and material prosperity. Plowed - successful, long-term work. Raw, dug up - danger; to someone's death. To bury something is to put it off. Digging the ground is a special activity, zeal in business (idiom: “digging the ground”). Digging is hard work; death. Being underground means wealth; deep self-knowledge. Dream Book of the Wanderer

Meaning of sleep Earth Land covered with greenery or moss is a rich marriage; digging the ground - there will be a funeral soon; lying on the ground means some kind of trouble. To see the earth black - sad, yellow or light in color - your life will turn out well. If you dream of an earthquake - a change for the better; danger in business. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Earth The symbol of the earth means work, the difficulties and eases of life itself. The earth is what is under our feet, our support, faith (it’s not for nothing that they say: to lose the ground under your feet). Fertile land is a very good sign for the dreamer. Barren and rocky land foreshadows failures and setbacks on the path of life. Seeing land in the distance while sailing at sea is a sign of suddenly opening up brilliant prospects in life. Freshly dug soil in the garden promises prosperity and well-being for your home. If you dream that your clothes are stained with earth, you may have to leave your home due to unpleasant events. Modern dream book

Dreaming Earth Seeing fertile land in a dream is a sign of good luck, but if it is barren and rocky, then the dream foreshadows troubles and failures. Seeing land from the sea when returning from a voyage means that prosperity and happiness await you. Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream Earth The image of the earth evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a consequence of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his own two feet” (such a person is popularly called a “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and that’s why that in reality you have in one way or another encountered the following popular expressions: “The sky is the throne of God, the earth is the footstool”, “The earth stands on three pillars”, “The earth is mother - gives treasure”, “The earth and water will remain, but us will not happen,” “Jerasulim is the navel of the earth.” Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help. If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good omen and means that soon you will have a strong blow that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time. Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economical and thrifty person who can handle any task. If in a dream you plant something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should start farming, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation. Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life. Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be a participant in the funeral of someone close to you. Throwing some kind of earth in a dream means that you are unnecessarily thinking badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he is doing. Getting smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream means that you will win a large sum of money in the lottery. Eating land in a dream means a successful deal or receiving a large inheritance. Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Earth? There is land: to leave. Medieval dream book

Why do you dream of a dug up garden? A plot that has been cleaned and prepared for the winter is interpreted by the dream book as the end hard days. Hasse's dream book deciphers such a dream as an impending disease.

A green garden, wildly blooming and well-groomed, characterizes the dreamer’s internal state, self-confidence and the need to work on oneself. Small Velesov's dream book prophesies goodness and mutual understanding between household members. With a strong fence - the dreamer’s request or need will be satisfied.


If someone sees that they are digging the ground and scooping water from a hole:
then he will obtain the means to live through what is permitted.

Dream Interpreter Earth»›

If you see black earth: means sorrow, despondency and thoughtfulness.

Seeing the ground covered with grass: means unexpected joy and profit.

To dig, plow or harrow the ground:
portends great profit, fertility and, in a word, success in all matters.

Ukrainian dream book Earth»›

Ground covered with greenery or moss: rich wedding

dig the ground: funeral coming soon

lie on the ground: some troubles.

To see the black earth: sad, yellow or light colored

Modern dream book Earth»›

To see fertile land in a dream: good luck sign

but if it is barren and rocky, then the dream foreshadows troubles and failures.

See the land from the sea, returning from a voyage:
means that prosperity and happiness await you.

Russian dream book Earth»›

Plow the land: to prosperity

chop it: create pipe dreams, castles in the air.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Earth»›

Falling from a height to the ground: shame, humiliation.

Covered with greenery or moss: money, rich marriage.

Digging the ground: a quick funeral.

Denise Lynn(Earth)
Your solid foundation, the soil under your feet.
Mother Earth.
Feminine, perceiving, renewing principle of the Universe. Bosom. Sensuality.


EARTH is a melancholic element.
BUT TO SOW IN SUCH A FIELD is success in labor.
DIGGING A FRESH HOLE - death in the house.
DIGGING THE GROUND - an increase in wealth.
TO PLOW THE EARTH ITSELF is the fruitfulness of labor, the fertility of a woman.


For the whole family (Earth)
If in a dream you cultivate the land and touch it with your hands, it means that soon you will experience a sudden and quite serious deterioration in your health.
Watering the ground means meeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time.


Enjoying the taste of sweet pepper in a dream also does not bode well. Most likely, they want to deceive you in an insidious way. It is more correct to expect this deception from imaginary friends.

Dream book "sny-sonnik"

Dream Interpretation GardenSee myself indream in his vegetable garden- you will experience happy hours dates with your loved one. Climb into someone else's garden- in reality, fulfill your intention despite the unanimous opinion about its futility. Work in vegetable garden- you will achieve the respect of others thanks to your positive qualities.

Dream book "dream book"

Seegardenindream with dry soil or stunted vegetation is a sign that fate will give you another chance to achieve success. According to the medium Hasse, walking or strolling along vegetable gardenindream- fortunately, working there will achieve respect. See abandoned garden- a sign that you are surrounded by fake or incompetent advisers, beautiful or with an abundance of flowers - make some achievement.

Dream Interpretation "galya"

Seeindreamgarden and walking on it is an omen of great work and troubles with household chores. Seegarden where vegetables are planted - to the fulfillment of selfish plans. If indream you sit down garden- it means that prosperity awaits you, all your plans will come true. Seegarden with a harvest - to significant profit, abandoned - to losses.

EARTH - in general - life foundation, financial situation; symbolism of the real (as opposed to the heavenly); past experience, ancestral roots, subconscious; mother, something who gives, nourishes a person; death. Dry, cracked - losses, material lack, loss of vitality, scarcity of emotional life, stagnation in relationships. Blooming land, flowerbed - a successful marriage, well-being and material prosperity. Plowed - successful, long-term work. Raw, dug up - danger; to someone's death. To bury something is to put it aside. Digging the ground is a special activity, zeal in business (idiom: “digging the ground”). Digging is hard work; death. Being underground means wealth; deep self-knowledge.

Psychoanalytic dream dictionary

“Go underground” - hide, hide; “to be closer to the earth” - stability, solidity, balance. “May you rest in peace” - a peaceful death. “Fall through the ground” - curse, guilt, shame; “favorable soil” - good luck. “Wipe from the face of the earth” - destroy; “to cut the ground from under someone’s feet” - to deprive someone of their position or confidence. “Burying talent in the ground” means ruining, not using abilities, putting things off. “Test the waters” - get your bearings, find out the situation. “Dig the ground (with your nose)” - actively act, try your best. “The earth is disappearing from under your feet” is a strong emotional experience; “The earth cannot bear him” - about a very bad person. “To lose (or feel) the ground under your feet” - to gain confidence or lose life goals and guidelines. “Fall or fall on fertile soil” - success, the flourishing of one’s abilities; “down to earth person” - a realistic person, an everyman; "mother earth-nurse." “Mother Earth gave - Mother Earth took” - the life cycle of human life. See add. dig.

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Some dreams are like beacons: they do not allow us to get lost in such a complex and confusing scheme of everyday life, they do not allow us to take the wrong step.

Many felt that through visions and images in dreams they seemed to communicate with us sleeping higher powers and they prompt us, give us valuable advice and guidance, carefully protecting us from dangers and offering us a path to success. You just have to consider, notice, decipher the dream - there is an answer!

Natural phenomena and elements are undoubtedly the most significant and important symbols in dreams. Particularly significant are dreams in which the earth appears.

There are many parables, legends and sayings about the earth. She is called the mother, and for good reason - everything is born from the earth, people, animals and the entire plant kingdom feed from it.

The earth is a large-scale and comprehensive symbol that has a lot of interpretations. It can mean home - in the most global sense, indicating stability and calm, balance and confidence.

A dream book will help you understand why you dream about the earth, provided that all the nuances of the dream are taken into account as carefully as possible. After all, there can be a huge number of options - and appearance, and the state of the earth, and the actions of the dreamer.

The earth may be oily, fertile and moist in a dream, or dry and barren. The dreamer may see a hole or an abyss, a vegetable garden or plowed soil, or maybe he had to dig it himself with a shovel, plowing a vegetable garden or garden, or dig a hole... The options for “earth” dreams are as follows:

  • Just seeing the earth in dreams.
  • Fertile, black land in a dream.
  • A big hole in dreams.
  • Vegetable garden, greenhouse or beds.
  • I dreamed of plowed land.
  • Seeing dry or rocky soil in dreams.
  • Fertile land with vegetables or berries.
  • Soil covered with greenery, different flowers or just moss.
  • Plowing the ground with your own hands in a dream.
  • Get dirty with the earth.
  • Fall into a hole or end up underground.
  • Digging a garden with a shovel in a dream or just digging the ground.
  • Digging a big hole with a shovel in your dreams.
  • The earth disappears from under your feet in your dreams.
  • Sowing in a dream or planting something in the soil.
  • There is land.
  • Digging into it with your hands.
  • Lying straight on the ground in a dream.

These options are individually valuable and have unique meanings. So remember the dream - and find out what the land you saw in your night dreams means.

Seeing earth in a dream

Dreams about the earth can be passive - those in which the dreamer himself does not take any action, but simply sees it as a symbol. It is not difficult to explain why the earth is dreamed of in this case - the main thing is to remember its appearance.

1. As the dream book will tell us, the land that we saw in our dreams is a symbol of balance and stability. Soon your life will find a stable flow, order, you will feel calm confidence in your actions and stand firmly on your feet.

2. A good dream, the earth in which was black, loose, and wet. This definitely portends you wealth, which will become stable and bring you a different, more desirable standard of living.

Of course, achieving this is worth making an effort. But such a dream can be an almost complete guarantee that all your hard work is not in vain, and will bear great fruit in the near future.

3. The hole is a symbol of work, and the deeper and wider the hole in the dream, the more effort you will have to put into work in reality.

This work can absorb you entirely - try not to get bogged down in endless work, do not forget about rest and take care of yourself so that the work does not turn out to be harmful, bringing no joy or benefit.

4. A vegetable garden in dreams is a great symbol. If you see in your dream large vegetable garden, or at least a modest plot allocated for a vegetable garden - your home will soon learn what “full cup” means.

Prosperity, stability and joy await you after such a dream, and farming will only bring satisfaction, and everything will go smoothly and carefree.

5. Plowed land, or dug up with a shovel, is a sign for the dreamer of quick luck, which will lead to complete well-being in the future. Your work and ideas are the right path, and if you continue without giving up, you will be very pleased with the fruits.

6. Seeing rocky, dry or cracked soil in your dreams is an omen of difficulties or fruitless efforts, but this is temporary. Let your new ideas, fresh views and strength become life-giving moisture for the soil.

And if you can now seriously get together and make efforts, then shoots will sprout - and your work will bear fruits, generous and desirable, those that you dreamed of.

7. As the dream book says, fertile land with vegetables or other fruits growing on it is a symbol of quick success and complete prosperity for you. You have all the conditions for developing a business, a business, for a profitable idea - you just have to work and believe in success, and great prosperity awaits you.

8. Seeing soil densely covered with green grass, moss or flowers in a dream is a good sign. It promises love and a happy marriage, harmony in a couple and in the family, a strong and harmonious union. Hold on to this relationship, take care of it - it is valuable and very rare, you are lucky!

Cultivate the land with your own hands

If you even touched the ground in a dream, with a finger or a shovel, and not just had to see it, it already takes on a different meaning - and in such dreams you should take into account not so much the type and quality of the soil, but your actions.

To find out why the earth is dreaming, you will have to remember all your actions. And also take into account the emotions with which you performed these actions in the dream. The emotional state in a dream will give the interpretation a special color, and may even change it, so take this into account.

1. As the dream book indicates, the land that you happened to plow in your dreams is a symbol of great and guaranteed wealth through your honest efforts.

Your hard work and integrity will soon bring rich fruits to your entire family. And you will be completely satisfied, so keep working, it will pay off.

2. If you get soiled in your dreams, expect unexpected profits from the outside, a monetary gift or help from someone. In the near future, someone from your circle will want to support you financially - and this will come in handy.

3. If the ground suddenly collapsed under you in a dream, or in some other way you found yourself under it, you have to thoroughly understand your life, find important answers, and understand why certain events happen to you.

Give this the attention it needs now, it will certainly help you live more consciously, and understand what is happening and why - and therefore, control your destiny.

4. Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream is a good sign. Your ideas are very valuable, start implementing them immediately - even if it takes your time and requires effort, but know for sure that these ideas will bear fruit.

In addition, such a dream indicates your rare and enviable sense of purpose, and says that you will not deviate from your intended path - this is wonderful! Start taking action, you will achieve tremendous success.

5. The hole that you happened to dig in a dream may indicate danger. Perhaps, through some of your incorrect or insufficiently considered actions, you can seriously harm yourself.

Think before you do anything - otherwise you will have to figure it out later and get out of the deep hole of problems and mistakes.

6. As the dream book says, the land that literally goes away or slips away from under your feet in dreams is advice - be more attentive to your own inner voice, listen to your heart. You probably forgot that you have not only a cold mind, but also intuition - and it’s time to remember.

7. If you are lucky enough to sow in a dream, know that soon your affairs will be crowned with unprecedented success. You will be recognized, you will not only receive a very solid and very worthy position in the new society, but all your efforts will pay off significantly.

Continue to move calmly and confidently in the right direction you have chosen, it is the right one and will lead to fulfillment and happiness!

8. If you did a strange thing in a dream, namely, ate earth, do not be afraid, but rejoice - such a dream portends you wealth. And believe me, it will be so!

9. Digging with your hands in the ground is a dream that foreshadows successful and rewarding work. You will have to work a lot, but you will be satisfied with the process, which will not be stupid or meaningless at all, and even more so with the result, which will delight and enrich you.

10. If in your dreams you were lying on the ground, it means that in reality you will soon feel confidence, stability and calm. Try to maintain and consolidate this state - in it you will be able to perform any work more productively and easily, and achieve much greater heights.

It is easy to notice that the earth very often symbolizes wealth, prosperity and happiness - and it may seem that the interpreter is exaggerating, promising generous fruits. But it’s true - the earth is a symbol that rarely comes into dreams and is a happy sign.

But do not believe that after this dream wealth will simply fall on your head tomorrow - you have to work hard, show strength, optimism and perseverance, and then only reap the generous fruits of your own honest and hard work. Let such a dream cheer you up and add faith in your strength - act! Author: Vasilina Serova

It has long been known that dreams are not only the product of human imagination, but also harbingers of new events. Some promise wealth and good luck, while others promise illness and loss. Why do you dream about the earth, for example? How to understand the meaning of dreams and understand what they portend? Dream books will be a great help with this. By remembering the details of the dream, it will be possible, upon waking up, to decipher it and understand what higher powers wanted to convey.

By remembering the details of a dream, it will be possible, upon waking up, to decipher it and understand what higher powers wanted to convey

Sleeping and seeing the soil, according to many, is a bad sign that promises death. However, this opinion is wrong. Since ancient times, it was believed that the earth is mother, fertile and generous. This is a large-scale symbol, and it is very difficult to say clearly, without understanding in what interpretation and what attributes it was in the dream. Dreaming about earth can speak of both peace in the home and stability at work. For correct interpretation It is important to remember even the smallest details of what happens in a dream. The following options are possible:

  • dig the ground;
  • sow;
  • dig a hole in the ground;
  • see a hole;
  • see fertile soil;
  • see dry soil;
  • fall underground and much more.

Each action with the earth has its own certain meaning. Let's look at them separately.

Black and loose earth in a dream

To see Morpheus in the kingdom, or even better, to touch the black, fertile, wet soil means stable wealth in the family

The earth in a dream can be completely different, beautiful or not, wet or dry, with fruits or not, depending on how it is seen, such an interpretation will be inherent in it.

Let's figure out what loose and black soil means:

  1. Seeing loose black soil from a plot of land in a dream. So, to see Morpheus in the kingdom, or even better, to touch the black, fertile, wet earth means stable wealth in the family. The sleeper, if he puts effort into any business, will win, and this will bring him a constant income, as well as, possibly, expensive, desirable purchases and access to a new social level.
  2. Seeing dry, cracked soil in a dream. If you see dry, cracked, barren soil in a dream, this may portend that luck is not on the dreamer’s side. All efforts will be in vain, difficulties await ahead. However, this entire phenomenon is not permanent or even long-lasting. After all, one has only to water the earth with water, and it again acquires all its properties of fertility, wealth and beauty. Also in life, if you put in a little more effort and overcome all adversity, you can easily get the tasty fruits of your perseverance and labor.

Fresh soil in a dream

I often dream of fresh land in the kingdom of Morpheus. This can be interpreted in a variety of ways.

It all depends on the context:

  1. In your dream, you see fertile land with fruits or vegetables on it. This dream is a harbinger of the dreamer’s impending success and prosperity. The sleeper already has all the cards in his hands, and you just need to wait a little, and the business will prosper, the capital will increase, and success will not leave you at any stage.
  2. To dream of seeing soil covered with thick grass, flowers or moss. These dreams foreshadow a quick marriage if the dreamer has not yet found his other half. Or harmony in the family and a strong, unbreakable union, if the sleeper is already in a relationship or in the family. Remember that such a relationship and such love with harmony are given to a person once in a lifetime, it is important not to lose it and really appreciate it.

Seeing dug up earth in a dream

All people, one way or another, deal with the land from time to time

All people, one way or another, work with the land from time to time. This could be replanting a flower from pot to pot, or hilling potatoes in the garden in the summer, there are many options. What do these or other active actions in relation to the soil mean if you dream about them?

After all, the dug up earth should also have its own sacred meaning:

  1. Fall underground in a dream. Such a dream does not carry bad news, as many people think. There is no need to bury anyone, much less in advance. Such a dream symbolizes the need to stop for a minute and understand what the dreamer wants from life, what he strives for. Having given myself answers to these important issues, having caught his breath and set the right guidelines for the future, the sleeper can easily control his future destiny.
  2. Sow in dreams. If the dreamer sees him sowing grain in the kingdom of Morpheus, this means that great luck will soon fall on him. Social status will increase and respect among people will become much greater.
  3. Digging the ground. If the dreamer is armed with a shovel, this foreshadows a successful start to all his affairs. That is, the moment has come when all planned things need to be implemented, and they will all be successful. Dug up and fresh soil is a symbol of good luck.
  4. There is land in a dream. There is nothing surprising in this action. This just means that the dreamer will soon become rich and will bathe in luxury.

Digging a hole in dreams. It's not very good sleep, which does not foretell a positive resolution of the situation. However, this is dream advice; it can be interpreted as the emergence of a dangerous situation in real life. Sometimes the dreamer himself can harm himself with rash actions. To avoid difficult situations after such a dream, you should think about all your actions for some time. Beware of the dug up earth in the sleepy kingdom.

Digging the earth with your hands in a dream

Many people dream of various active actions in relation to the earth. The most common dream is working with the earth with your hands in the dream world. This may mean searching for the inner core and meaning of life.

The dreamer is trying to find support and a point of no return from which to build upon for further development.

Seeing in a dream how you are lying on the ground

Such a pleasant action in the kingdom of Morpheus promises no less pleasant action in life

Such a pleasant action in the kingdom of Morpheus promises no less pleasant action in life. Namely, the sleeper will gain stability, calmness and confidence. It is better to remain in this state for as long as possible, because with confidence and ease, you can do the work twice as fast and achieve a better result.

In addition, people often take other passive actions with the earth. For example:

  1. See the hole. The pit in a dream symbolizes the work of the sleeper. The larger and deeper it is, the more effort you will have to put into life to achieve results. It is important to remember that burying yourself in work is not a good idea. You must always find time for your family and loved ones, for relaxation and entertainment, and do not forget to take care of yourself and take care of yourself. Work should be fun, not just constant stress.
  2. Seeing a vegetable garden in a dream. This dream promises good luck to the home, prosperity and well-being. It doesn’t matter at all what size this area was in the dream, because there is no such thing as too much or too little joy and happiness. All business will be successful, and all work will bring satisfaction. There will be twice as much luck if in a dream the dreamer watered the roses in the garden.
  3. Get your clothes dirty with soil. This dream means the appearance of a financial benefactor from the outside who will bring some kind of monetary gift that is so necessary at this moment.

If the ground disappears from under your feet. This dream- this is rather a reminder to the dreamer that in addition to a cold, calculating mind, he also has intuition, which should be listened to periodically. After such dreams, a person often wakes up with a dry mouth.

Damp earth in a dream

Many people mistakenly believe that damp earth is a symbol of death. However, this is absolutely not true. The fact is that it often means the arrival of good luck to the dreamer. So if you feel damp ground under your feet, don’t be alarmed—success will soon overtake you. Perhaps it will be winning the lottery or a promotion at work.

Seeing earth in a house in a dream

Various interpretations are possible for the land that was brought into the house.

If in a dream you brought dirt into your house on your boots, or saw it in it, then only two interpretations are possible:

  1. if it is damp black soil, then this is a harbinger of harmony among all family members;
  2. if it is clay soil with stones, or dust, it promises loneliness.

Seeing earth in a dream according to Miller's dream book

Not a single dozen dream books with names have been compiled famous personalities– these are psychologists, seers, and esotericists. Some interpretations of earth in a dream are presented below. Particular attention should be paid to Miller's dream book, which is considered one of the most popular today.

  1. Interpretation of land in a dream according to the dream book of A. Meneghetti. Meneghetti was a psychologist; in his understanding, a dream associated with the earth meant stability and comfort, as well as the balance of a person’s own ego. He explained this by saying that many people associate a private plot of land with a quiet life.
  2. Miller's Dream Book. Miller was also a psychologist, but his interpretation is somewhat different from the previous one. Miller believed that if you see fertile land in a dream, it means good luck and wealth, poor land means failure and collapse. Seeing earth scattered on a boat means quick prospects that will open up before the dreamer. However, to stain clothes with earth, in his opinion, was a bad sign, which promised farewell to the house, under the persecution of either some disease or the law.
  3. Dream book of the medium Hasse. In his view, dreams in which people lie on the ground mean minor troubles in life; if you dreamed of soil covered with moss or grass, then this foreshadows a rich wedding, while digging the earth warns of an imminent funeral.

Why do you dream about earth (video)

Why do you dream that you are digging (video)

One might think that dreams of land only signify wealth and success, but this is not always the case. Poor soil, dry, cracked and not fertile, usually does not promise anything good to the one who sees such a dream. However, in most cases, it is still true to believe that seeing the earth in dreams promises only joy, hope, profit and good luck, especially if it is moist, rich in fruits and well-groomed.

The earth and actions with it are extremely rare in dreams and are considered a good sign. However, you should not think that after such a dream heaps of wealth will definitely fall out of nowhere; this is wrong. Without making an effort, you won't get anything. After all, until you plow the land and cultivate it, it will not yield its fruits.

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