Literature Olympics. Analysis of the Olympiad Analysis of the school stage

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 16

Ekaterinburg, st. P. Shamanova, 24


Analysis school stage subject olympiads

festival "Young Intellectuals of Yekaterinburg" at MAOU Secondary School No. 16

in the 2013-2014 academic year

1.Grounds for analyzing the results of the school stage of subject Olympiads

Analysis of the work of school education with gifted children:

    possibility of implementation innovation activity teachers aimed at creative search effective ways implementation of the standard in the OS;

    identification of gifted students in the subject in order to further development and personal growth;

    identification of criteria for assessing student achievements in the unity of the subject, active and value components of education.

The dates for the school stage of subject Olympiads are from October 11 to October 26, 2013.

Students from grades 5-11 took part in the school stage of the subject Olympiads.

For students in grades 5-6, the school stage was carried out according to Olympiad tasks developed by teachers of the School of Education, with the exception of the Olympiad in Mathematics. The Olympiad tasks were developed by the regional methodological association of mathematicians.

For students in grades 7-11, the school stage of subject Olympiads was carried out according to tasks developed by regional methodological associations of subject teachers, in accordance with the proposed schedule, within the same time frame for the Leninsky district educational institution.

2. The purpose and objectives of the school stage:

The goals of the school stage of subject Olympiads are:

- creating favorable conditions for the support and development of gifted children, the manifestation of children's initiative, the realization by students of their intellectual abilities and interests;

- identification and development ofstudents' creativity and interest inresearch activities;

Formation of a school team to participate in the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

Objectives of the school stage of subject Olympiads:

    creating a set of conditions for organizing the intellectual activity of students, taking into account their age characteristics, based on a student-oriented approach to education, freedom of choice of areas of interest;

    identification and development of students’ creative abilities and interest in scientific activity, creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;

    promotion of scientific knowledge;

    development of the need for intellectual and creative activity in students;

    disclosure of the humanitarian orientation of education (formation of oneself) in total cognitive process carried out as part of educational and extracurricular activities;

    identifying the most capable, creatively thinking students.

3. Analysis of the organization and conduct of the school stage of subject Olympiads:

Information support for the event: at an operational meeting of the teaching staff, the heads of the school and subject teachers familiarized themselves with the order “On holding the school stage of subject Olympiads”; a plan for holding subject Olympiads was presented to the NMS. Heads of school educational institutions and subject teachers were asked to develop Olympiad assignments and prepare assessment criteria for students in grades 5-6, and determine the time for consultations to prepare students for participation in subject Olympiads. Students are familiar with the Regulations on holding subject Olympiads and their schedule, the appeal procedure through the information stand, announcements through the school radio center, through the school website, on classroom hours. To inform students, teachers, and parents of students, an information stand has been set up: regulations, schedule of Olympiads, schedule of Olympiads for each subject, protocols, results.

According to the Regulations, all interested students in grades 5-11 could take part in the school stage of the Olympiads. According to the approved schedule, all subject Olympiads were held according to the schedule from October 11 to October 26 from 10.00 to 13.00 for students of the first shift, from 13.00 to 15.30 for students of the second shift in the reading room of the library and information center. Tasks, answer forms, and sheets of paper were prepared for each participant. The results were checked on the same day by the ShMO teachers who were part of the jury. The next day the results were announced through announcements at the stand and through the school website. The results were summed up at a school-wide meeting on October 30. Prize-winners and winners of the Festival were awarded certificates of honor. The winners of the subject Olympiads (1-3 place) are announced for the municipal stage of the Olympiads of the “Young Intellectuals of Yekaterinburg” festival.

4. Analysis of the content of Olympiad tasks

Olympiad tasks for students in grades 7-11 were developed by teachers of the Russian Educational Institution and complied with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, tasks for students in grades 5-6 - by subject teachers of the School of Education. The tasks were formed in accordance with the requirements of the State Standards, had a multi-level direction, the purpose of which was to identify knowledge, skills and understanding of personal responsibility for the quality of acquired knowledge. Olympiad tasks provide for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. Integrated tasks in the subjects: biology-chemistry-mathematics, physics-mathematics, physics-chemistry, literature-historia, biology-geography.

All participants in the Olympiad were given ready-made tasks. The Olympiad work indicated the number of points for completing each task; there were theoretical, practical and creative blocks. Test tasks on technology included all sections of the educational program technology: cooking, materials science, mechanical engineering, handicrafts, design and modeling. The Olympiad in Physical Culture lasted two days: the tasks had theoretical and practical material. Only students in grades 10-11 participated in the MHC Olympiad. Like last year, no Olympiads in ecology were held, rightfully due to the fact that in school curriculum These subjects are not available, and law is studied only in the school social studies course. There were no people willing to participate in the Olympiads in these subjects.

5. The role of teachers in developing tasks for the school stage of the Olympiad and preparing students

All subject teachers of the school of II and III levels took part in the development of tasks for the school stage of the subject Olympiads and their implementation.

During the interaction of teachers of different educational areas Students were prepared for the Olympiads, as well as assignments were checked.

6. The role of the Moscow Region, school self-government bodies, and the parent community of educational institutions in the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Festival.

The school stage of the subject Olympiads was held under the direct supervision of the ShMO.

7. Evaluation of the results of students’ assignments.

The majority of participants in the school stage of the subject Olympiads are satisfied with the results of the completed tasks (there were no appeals). As in the last academic year, difficulties arose when solving Olympiad problems in physics, chemistry and mathematics - mathematical calculations, unsatisfactory knowledge of formulas. In the Russian language Olympiad tasks, some tasks required a creative approach, while a complete answer to most questions did not require knowledge beyond school curriculum. All tasks required the application of theoretical information related to the main branches of linguistics. In general, students were able to demonstrate knowledge in their chosen subjects, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and realize their creative abilities. The winners of the school stage of subject Olympiads demonstrated a fairly high level of mastery educational material, applying it on a creative level, a non-standard approach to solving tasks, take part in the municipal round of the Olympiad. As in the last academic year, students from our school do not participate in the municipal round of the Informatics Olympiad.

Highest percentage of completion olympiad works participants demonstrated in the following subjects: history 10th grade - 55%, 11th grade - 38%; Russian language – 5th grade - 55%, 8th grade - 53%, 9th grade - 36%, 10th grade - 40%, 11th grade - 52%; social studies - 10th grade - 53%, 11th grade - 54%; literature - 5th grade - 49%, 10th grade - 47%, 11th grade - 53%, biology - 10th grade - 38%, 11th grade - 45%. As last year, the percentage of completion of Olympiad tasks in mathematics, physics, and computer science is low.

8. Results of subject olympiads.

At the school stage of the Olympiads, the distribution of participants is as follows: grades 5-6 – 235 students (68% of total number), 7th – 8th grades – 197 students (68.4%), 9th-11th grades – 163 students (48% of the total). Many participated in several Olympiads and became winners and medalists.



Olympiad participants

2012-2013 academic year.

5 grades

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

9th grade

10 grades

11th grade

Number of participants in the municipal stage

English language

16 (15%)






12 (16%)




Art (MHC)

10 (30%)


16 (17,7%)



17 (10,7%)



15 (8,8%)


life safety

10 (14,9%)

Social science

15 (16,6%)


Russian language

18 (7,8%)




12 (6%)



13 (17,3%)


Physical culture

16 (42,1%)



12 (24%)









199 (20,4%)

Oh enough is enough high level educational process at our school they say the results of the school round of the olympiad. Compared to the last academic year, the number of participants in the municipal round of subject Olympiads has increased: 7th – 8th grade: 41 – 56 , 9-11 grade – 60-69 students.

A number of participants took part in the municipal tour in several subjects:

Razgildyaeva Elizaveta, Ivonina Natalya - went to the municipal round in five subjects;

Grigorieva Tatyana, Pogrebnyak Tatyana, Kulikova Anna took part in the municipal round - in four subjects.

Yakovina Ekaterina, Pasechniu Daria, Smoliy Yana, Cherniychuk Daria, Eshcheryakova Karina, Konstantinova Natalya, Pyankova Anna, Cheremisov Dmitry, Volkov Daniil took part in the municipal round in three subjects.

Vorobyov Alexander, Korobko Sergey, Savicheva Daria, Mironov Egor, Nematova Nargiza, Gubanova Daria, Karitun Daniil - took part in the municipal round in two subjects.

9. Level of implementation of tasks of the school stage of subject Olympiads .

Conducting the school stage of subject Olympiads contributes to the formation and development of students’ need for intellectual, scientific and research activities, while taking into account their age characteristics, area of ​​interest. Students were able to demonstrate expanded and optimal levels of mastery of educational material when completing tasks at subject olympiads. Based on the results of the school stage, a team of students was formed to participate in the municipal stage of subject Olympiads.

10. Problems that arose during the organization and conduct of the school stage of subject Olympiads.

Many students took part in olympiads in several subjects, which leads to overload of students, because Additional time is required for quality preparation.

Difficulties arose with accommodating students when holding 2 Olympiads on one day, because many people want to participate. There is low motivation among some students to participate in subject Olympiads.

For teachers subject specialists

take into account the interests of children wishing to take part in Olympiads in several subjects,

take into account the level of complexity of the Olympiad tasks for the 2013-2014 academic year. years and work the most typical mistakes students through classroom and extracurricular activities in order to create a situation of success during subsequent Olympiads;

heads of school educational institutions to create a data bank based on materials from subject Olympiads at school and municipal levels;

take control of students’ preparation for participation in subject Olympiads. Pay special attention to such subjects as: mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry;

organize pedagogical support students who show interest in studying various subjects;

use cooperation with young scientists of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences when preparing for competitions at various levels.

Deputy Director for Water Resources T.L. Ermakova

Analysis of the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

branch of MKOU secondary school No. 26 in the town of Kropachevo

From October 6 to October 31, 2011, the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren was held.

Purpose of the event: identification and development of schoolchildren’s creative abilities and interest in research activities, support for gifted children.

Regulations on the organization and conduct of the school stage of higher education in the branch of MKOU secondary school No. 26 in the village of Kropachevo

Olympiad schedule

List of jury members

Requirements for conducting the school stage of higher education in the relevant subject

School tour Olympiads were held in 17 general education subjects: law, social studies, history, geography, physical education, computer science, chemistry, MHC, literature, ecology, Russian language, English language, physics, technology, mathematics, life safety, biology. The school stage of the Olympiads was carried out according to tasks compiled on the basis of approximate basic general education programs basic general and secondary (complete) general education, developed by municipal subject-methodological commissions published on the website of the MMC of Asha.

Students took part in the school tour in the following subjects:

2 people


8 people

Social science

24 people


6 people

29 people


6 people


12 people

13 people

Physical culture

4 people

3 people

Russian language

25 people


26 people

English language

14 people

14 people


5 people


1 person

9 people

The winners and runners-up were determined on the basis of the results, which were entered into the final table of results of the Olympiad participants, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of the points they scored. Participants with equal scores were listed in alphabetical order. The winners and runners-up are:


Rayanova Diana

Social science

Novikova P., Bryndina M, Sorokina K, Zhukov I, Ivanov D

Rogozhina A, Khairislamova E, Pchelintsev E, BevzA, Svetlichnaya A, Kolroleva A, Serov A, Kosmynina T.

Krivonosova I, Sorokina K, Yudin I, Ivanov D, Rayanova D

Myzgina T, Rudakova E, Bryndina M, Svetlichnaya A, Gubina S, Koroleva A, Yudin I, Kholopova N, Kurbatov N


Kurbatov N, Ivanov D

Kiseleva T, Serov A, Rayanova D

Physical culture

Russian language

Krivonosova I, Bryndina M, Svetlichnaya A, Skarlygina E

Novikova P, Sorokina K, Gainanov R, Shvedova M, Koroleva A, Zhukov I, Zhukova O, Rayanova D

English language




Safiullina E.

Kiseleva T, Pokhlebaeva M, Zhukova O


Svetlichnaya A,

Zhukov I, Koroleva A

Technology (girls, boys)

Skarlygina E


Shondin E, Koroleva A

Rayanova D

Kiseleva T, Lumpova K


Kurbatov N

The Olympiad is complicated by the fact that there are no parallels in the school, the number of students is small and the same students participate in the Olympiads. The following students took an active part and became either winners or runners-up: Rayanova D., Kurbatov N, Zhukov I, . As a result, there were 21 winners and 34 runners-up in the school.

Made by subject teachers detailed analysis in their subject at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

Analysis of the school tour of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics

26 students took part in the Olympiad

Col. completed tasks with 12 points and above corresponds to the title of prize-winner or winner.

Over 12 points. The winner's place is determined.

5th grade.

First task - 3 points

Second task - 3 points

Third task - 4 points

Fourth task - 4 points

Fifth task - 5 points

Sixth task - 6 points

Number of tasks completed correctly

Gadelshina Olesya Baryevna

Izyumov Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Izyumov Roman Vyacheslavovich

Izyumova Daria Anatolevna

Krivonosova Irina Andreevna

Total -25 points

The first task is a logical task. One student completed it correctly, 4 people completed it with an error.

The second task is a number puzzle. Nobody completed the task

The third task is a logical task. Nobody completed the task correctly

The fourth task is a text problem. Three people began to solve the problem, but did not complete the solution. Two people did not start solving the problem

The fifth task is the transfusion task. Four people completed the task without proper explanation. One person did not start the task

stage All-Russianolympiadsschoolchildren in the 2009-2010 academic year 1. General provisions This Regulation on carrying outschoolstageAll-Russianolympiadsschoolchildren in 2009...

  • ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN LITERATURE METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for developing tasks for the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature in the 2009/2010 academic year Moscow 2009 Contents

    Methodical recommendations

    ...) stage, For carrying outschoolstageAll-Russianolympiadsschoolchildren According to the literature, two options for assignments are offered: The first option is complex analysis ...

  • Literature Olympiads (answers, grade 10)
    Assignments for 11th grade

    Literature Olympiads (answers 11th grade)

    Olympiad tasks from the OLYMPIC PORTAL website
    Assignments for grade 5 (47.0 KB)
    Assignments for 6th grade (44.0 KB)
    Assignments for 7th grade (47.5 KB)
    Assignments for 8th grade (63.5 KB)
    Assignments for grade 9 (56.0 KB)
    Assignments for grade 10 (60.5 KB)
    Assignments for grade 11 (54.5 KB)
    Answers to the Olympiad
    Answers for 5th grade (30.5 KB)
    Answers for 6th grade (28.0 KB)
    Answers for 7th grade (30.5 KB)
    Answers for 8th grade (28.5 KB)
    Answers for 9th grade (37.5 KB)
    Answers for grade 10 (43.0 KB)
    Answers for grade 11 (38.0 KB)

    All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature

    DISTRICT STAGE 2010 - 2011 academic year Moscow

    7th grade

    To complete the tasks of the district round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, select one of the options.

    Option 1-1. Comprehensive analysis prose text.
    Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz
    Absent-Minded Wizard

    Once upon a time there was a scientist in the world, a real good wizard, named Ivan Ivanovich Sidorov. And he was such an excellent engineer that he easily and quickly built machines, huge as palaces and small as watches. In between, jokingly, he built wonderful machines for his house, light as feathers. And these same machines swept the floor, and drove out flies, and wrote from dictation, and ground coffee, and played dominoes. And his favorite car was the size of a cat, it ran after its owner like a dog, and talked like a person. When Ivan Ivanovich leaves home, this machine answers phone calls, prepares dinner, and opens doors. She will let a good person into the house, talk to him, and even sing him a song, like a real bird. And he will drive away the bad guy, and even bark after him, like a real chained dog. At night the machine disassembled itself, and in the morning it assembled itself and shouted:

    - Master, master! It's time to get up!

    Ivan Ivanovich was good man, but very absent-minded. Either he will go out into the street wearing two hats at once, or he will forget that he has a meeting in the evening. And the machine helped him a lot: when necessary, it will remind him, when necessary, it will correct him.

    One day Ivan Ivanovich went for a walk in the forest. The smart machine runs after him, ringing a bell like a bicycle. Having fun. And Ivan Ivanovich asks her:

    - Hush, hush, don’t bother me with my thoughts.

    And suddenly they heard: hooves knocking, wheels creaking.

    And they saw a boy coming out to meet them, carrying grain to the mill.

    They said hello.

    The boy stopped the cart and let’s ask Ivan Ivanovich what kind of machine it was and how it was made.

    Ivan Ivanovich began to explain.

    And the car ran off into the forest to chase squirrels, ringing like a bell.

    The boy listened to Ivan Ivanovich, laughed and said:

    - No, you are a real wizard.

    “Yes, something like that,” answers Ivan Ivanovich.

    - You can probably do everything?

    “Yes,” answers Ivan Ivanovich.

    - Well, can you, for example, turn my horse into a cat?

    - Why not! - Ivan Ivanovich answers.

    He took out a small device from his vest pocket.

    “This,” he says, “is zoological magic glass.” One, two, three!

    And he pointed the diminutive magic glass at the horse.

    And suddenly - these are miracles! - the arc became tiny, the shafts were thin, the harness was light, the reins hung like ribbons. And the boy saw: instead of a horse, a cat was harnessed to his cart. The cat stands as important as a horse, and digs the ground with its front paw, like a hoof. The boy touched it - the fur is soft. I stroked her and she purred. A real cat, only in harness.

    They laughed.

    Then a wonderful little car ran out of the forest. And suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. And she began to give alarm bells, and red lights lit up on her back.

    - What's happened? - Ivan Ivanovich was scared.

    - Like what? - the machine screamed. — You absent-mindedly forgot that our magnifying zoological magic glass is being repaired at the glass factory! Now how do you turn the cat back into a horse?

    What to do here?

    The boy is crying, the cat is meowing, the machine is ringing, and Ivan Ivanovich asks:

    “Please, I beg you, be quiet, don’t disturb me from thinking.”

    He thought, thought and said:

    “There’s nothing, friends, to cry, there’s nothing to meow, there’s nothing to call.” The horse, of course, turned into a cat, but the strength in it remained the same, that of a horse. Ride, boy, calmly on this cat in one horsepower. And in exactly a month, without leaving my house, I will point a magic magnifying glass at the cat, and it will become a horse again.

    The boy calmed down.

    He gave his address to Ivan Ivanovich, pulled the reins, and said: “But!” And the cat drove the cart.

    When they returned from the mill to the village of Murino, everyone, young and old, came running to marvel at the wonderful cat.

    The boy unharnessed the cat.

    The dogs rushed at her, and she hit them with her paw with all her horsepower. And then the dogs immediately realized that it was better not to mess with such a cat.

    They brought the cat into the house. She began to live and live. A cat is like a cat. He catches mice, laps up milk, and dozes on the stove. And in the morning they will harness it to a cart, and the cat works like a horse.

    Everyone loved her very much and even forgot that she had once been a horse.

    So twenty-five days passed.

    At night the cat sleeps on the stove.

    Suddenly - bang! boom! bang-bang-bang!

    Everyone jumped up.

    They turned on the light.

    And they see: the stove has fallen apart brick by brick. And the horse lies on the bricks and looks, ears raised, unable to understand anything from sleep.

    What happened, it turns out?

    That very night, a magnifying zoological magic glass was brought to Ivan Ivanovich from repair. The machine was already taken apart for the night. And Ivan Ivanovich himself did not think of telling the village of Murino on the phone to take the cat out of the room into the yard, because he would now turn it into a horse. Without warning anyone, he directed the magic device towards specified address: one, two, three - and I found myself on the stove, instead of a cat, a whole horse. Of course, the stove fell apart into small bricks under such weight.

    But everything ended well.

    The very next day Ivan Ivanovich built them a stove even better than the previous one.

    But the horse remained a horse.

    But, it’s true, she developed cat-like habits.

    She plows the ground, pulls the plow, tries - and suddenly she sees a field mouse. And now he forgets everything and rushes at his prey like an arrow.

    And I forgot how to laugh.

    Meowed in a deep voice.

    And her disposition remained feline, freedom-loving. The stables were no longer locked at night. If you forbid it, the horse shouts to the whole village:

    - Meow! Meow!

    At night she opened the stable gates with her hoof and silently went out into the yard. She watched for mice, she lay in wait for rats. Or, easily, like a cat, the horse would fly up onto the roof and wander there until dawn. The other cats loved her. We were friends with her. We played. They went to visit her in the stable, told her about all their cat affairs, and she told them about horse affairs. And they understood each other like the best friends.

    Option 1-2. Interpretation of poetic text

    Nikolai Alexandrovich Zabolotsky
    Morning song

    The mighty day has come. The trees stood up straight

    The leaves sighed. In wooden veins

    The water started dripping. Square window

    It opened over the bright earth,

    And everyone who was in the turret came together

    Look at the sky full of radiance.

    And we also stood at the window.

    There was a wife in her spring dress.

    And the boy sat in her arms,

    All pink and naked and laughing

    And, full of serene purity,

    I looked at the sky where the sun was shining.

    And there, below, trees, animals, birds,

    Big, strong, furry, alive,

    They gathered in a circle and played big guitars,

    On pipes, on violins, on bagpipes

    Suddenly they started playing a morning song,

    Meeting us. And everything around began to sing.

    And everything around began to sing so that the goat

    And he went to jump around the barn.

    And I realized on that golden morning,

    That the happiness of humanity is immortal.


    Analytical report on the results of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for students in the Russian language.

    According to the plan of the Ministry of Education for the humanitarian cycle, from November 26 to November 27, 2012, the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Russian language and literature was held on the basis of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Don Terezin.

    Goals of the Olympiad:

    Identification and development of students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities;

    Creating the necessary conditions to support gifted children;

    Propagation of scientific knowledge.

    In total, 11 students from grades 9–11 of the educational institution participated in the Olympiad, which is 50% of the total number of high school graduates.

    Materials for the Olympiad were compiled by teachers of Russian language and literature Oorzhak S.S. (grades 9, 11), Mongush I.V. (grade 10) in accordance with the Basic School Program for grades 5-11 for national schools of the Russian Federation and included tasks from the following sections:

    1.Phonetics ( sound-letter analysis words);

    2. Word formation (find words with the same root and different shapes the same word)

    3.Vocabulary (phraseology – add phraseological units, indicate meaning outdated words etc.);

    4.Spelling (working with text with missing spellings);

    5.Orthoepy (place accents in words);

    6.Syntax (sentence parsing);

    7. Punctuation (fill in missing punctuation marks).

    8. Stylistics (determine the type and style of the text).

    Results of the Russian language Olympiad.

    Full name


    Sum of points


    Oorzhak Airana Borisovna

    Oorzhak Anai-Khaak


    Khomushku Saida Arturovna


    Oorzhak Ai-Mergen Orlanovich


    Oorzhak Aislana Shoraanovna

    Oorzhak Aziyana Amirovna

    Oorzhak Monge Borisovich

    Oorzhak Torepchi Eresovich

    Sambuulai Maryana Alekseevna

    Oorzhak Kherel Adygzhyevich


    Oorzhak Aislana Khirligbeevna

    An analysis of the results of the Russian language Olympiad showed that the majority of students coped with the proposed tasks. Students are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, have the skills to work with text with missing spellings and missing punctuation marks. Correctly determine the style and type of text, but cannot correctly determine the means of expression. Difficulties were directly caused by vocabulary tasks (determining the meaning of outdated words). Also, the students could not give a detailed answer on the topic of the proposed text. This is due to poverty vocabulary, which in turn is a consequence of the lack of systematic reading outside of school.

    Results of the Olympiad in Russian literature.

    Full name


    Number of maximum points

    Sum of points scored


    Oorzhak Airana Borisovna

    Oorzhak Anai-Khaak


    Khomushku Saida Arturovna

    Oorzhak Aziyana Amirovna


    Oorzhak Aislana Shoraanovna

    Sambuulai Maryana Alekseevna

    Oorzhak Kherel

    Oorzhak Aislana Khirligbeevna


    The materials of the Olympiad in Russian literature included tasks on knowledge of the facts of the biography of writers, on knowledge of the content of the studied works, tasks on the theory of literature, and students also had to analyze one work of art to choose from. But, unfortunately, the students failed the last task. Assignments on literary theory are also difficult to complete; students do not know the definitions of terms (epigram, epitaph, sonnet, fiction, etc.).

    The final results of the Olympiad by subject are reflected in the following table.



    Number of participants

    Number of winners


    Teacher's name


    Russian language

    Oorzhak S.S.

    Mongush I.V.

    Oorzhak S.S.

    Russian literature

    Oorzhak S.S.

    Mongush I.V.

    Oorzhak S.S.

    Based on the results of the Olympiads, the following conclusion can be drawn:

    1. The same students took part in the Olympiads, which is explained by the small number of classes at the school.
    2. The students mostly coped with the tasks of the Olympiads.

    1. Subject teachers should intensify their work to prepare students for the municipal stage of the Olympiad.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

    The Olympiad tasks included test tasks on completed courses from grades 7 to 9, knowledge of terminology, chronology, compliance tasks, knowledge of architecture, ancient life were tested, and essay writing was also required. It should be noted that the students did not do the tasks very well. There were winners in all parallels, but only one 9th grade student was able to complete the work above 3rd place. There were works that scored 6-10 points, which is inappropriate for the results of the regional Olympiad; attention should be paid to the preparation of students during the autumn holidays, and competition participants should be more carefully selected.

    For students in grades 10-11, work was sent from the regional center. They presented a variety of questions that covered the entire history from ancient Rus' to the 21st century, and tested critical thinking skills. Test tasks, establishing correspondence, missing terms, personalities in history - all this required serious preparation for the Olympiad. Unfortunately, it should be noted that this year students were able to cope with only a small number of assignments. The greatest difficulties for all students were caused by tasks on knowledge of the history of Russia of the 20th century; they coped poorly with knowledge of terminology, especially 9th grade students. Students in grades 10-11 have poor knowledge of elevated level complexity. Based on the results of the Olympiad, the following recommendations were identified:

    1. Work with gifted children starting in 5th grade.
    2. IN throughout the year, determine the time to prepare for the Olympiad (at least 20 hours).
    3. Compile an analysis of the most common errors, thereby identifying gaps in knowledge.
    4. Improve work with terminology in history lessons.
    5. Explore methodological literature on preparation for subject Olympiads.
    6. Pay attention to studying the history of your native land.

    Chairman of the commission: Pyryalova L.T.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren

    During the analysis of the Olympiad works, it became clear:

    students 7 class find it difficult:

    Perform compliance tasks;

    Complete tasks with extended answers

    Errors were made on the following topics:

    Systematic taxa;

    Double fertilization;

    Ecological groups of birds.

    In 8th grade caused difficulties with tasks in the form:

    Judgments that must be agreed with or rejected;

    Test tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

    Errors were made on the following topics:

    Definition of agricultural practices;

    Drawing up a flower formula;

    Determining the level of organization of living things;

    Morphology of birds.

    9th grade students experienced difficulties completing tasks:

    With one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice;

    Practical part on the morphological description of the plant.

    There are many mistakes made on the following topics:

    Plant morphology;

    Plant taxonomy;

    Human anatomy.

    Students in grades 10-11 find it difficult to:

    - Complete multiple choice tasks;

    Find matches.

    Errors were made on the following topics:

    Systematics of plants and animals;

    Characteristics of units of the Insect class.

    1. More often, in the form of knowledge control, use tasks close to the State Examination and Unified State Examination.
    2. Pay attention to students’ development of skills to perform test tasks in the form of judgments, correspondences, and multiple-choice tasks.
    3. Pay attention to the morphology and environmental groups birds.
    4. Pay more attention to issues related to plant physiology and systematics.
    5. Pay attention to issues related to human anatomy and physiology.
    6. Teach students to work with drawings.

    Chairman of the commission: Belousova I.I.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in law

    The Olympiad tasks were very specific and designed for students socio-economic profile, as well as for children studying the subject right for 2 - 3 years. In order to prepare worthy participants in the Olympiad in law, it is necessary to study at a club corresponding to the profile or conduct training in elective courses in grades 8-11. A negative aspect of the Olympiad is the small number of participants.

    Based on the results of the Olympiad, the following recommendations were identified:

    1. Work with gifted children starting in 8th grade.
    2. During the year, determine the time to prepare for the Olympiad (at least 20 hours).
    3. Compile an analysis of the most common errors, thereby identifying gaps in knowledge.

    Chairman of the commission: Pyryalova L.T.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language

    The results of the Olympiad indicate the average level of students’ preparation in the Russian language. Students in grades 7-11 were unable to score the maximum possible number of points when answering Olympiad tasks.

    When preparing students for the Russian Language Olympiad, attention should be paid to special attention:

    • working with explanatory dictionary V. Dalya, S. Ozhegova;
    • working with linguistic terms;
    • derivational analysis of words;
    • homonymy of words and parts of speech;
    • etymology of words;
    • the ability to find spelling and punctuation errors in the text.

    Chairman of the commission: Lyamina T.N.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature

    The results of the Olympiad indicate the average level of students' preparation in literature. Students of grades 7, 8, 9, 11 were unable to score the maximum possible number of points when answering the Olympiad tasks.

    When preparing students for the Literature Olympiad, special attention should be paid to:

    · comprehensive analysis of a literary text, the quality of written monologue speech, ideological and thematic analysis of the text;

    questions of literary theory ( artistic techniques and syntactic features of the text, poetic size);

    · study of extracurricular reading of foreign literature in lessons.

    Chairman of the commission: Lyamina T.N.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics

    When performing Olympiad work, students 7th grade made mistakes:

    1) when solving graphic problems to determine the time of movement - 3 people, did not start executing - 1 person.

    2) in the task of determining the mass of honey, when determining the volume of a cube - 4 people.

    3) in the movement task: when determining the speed of approach - 4 people, when determining the remaining part of the path in 3 hours. – 1 person

    4) when determining the thickness of the plate 4 people.

    As a result of the work performed, we determined: winner Korotkova E.(Krasnokommunarsk secondary school) and winner (3rd place) Mantaeva T. (Sakmar Secondary School).

    Students 8th grade made mistakes:

    1) when solving problem No. 1, 2 people gave an incomplete answer to calculate the buoyant force, 2 people gave incorrect reasoning, 1 person did not start to complete it.

    2) in the task on the relativity of motion, 4 people did not formulate the equation of speed and path, 1 person did not start to complete it.

    3) in the task of drawing up the heat balance equation - 5 people, when determining temperature - 2 people.

    4) when determining the density of a substance -4 people.

    As a result of the work performed, it was determined winner (3rd place) Ponomareva N.(Svetlinskaya secondary school).

    Students 9th grade made mistakes:

    1) when solving problem No. 1 on the law of conservation of energy – 2 people.

    2) in the task of calculating the path and time, there are no calculations of speed - 2 people.

    3) in the problem of calculating the buoyant force, they used incorrect reasoning and incorrect calculations - 2 people.

    4) the task of calculating the amount of heat was not started - 2 people.

    5) when solving the problem of constructing a graph of the dependence of current on voltage, an equation was not drawn up, there was no construction of a graph - 1 person. did not start implementation -1 person.

    The highest number of points scored by the student Kasaeva Zh. Belousovskaya Secondary School. There are no prize places.

    Students 10th grade made mistakes:

    1) when solving problem No. 1 of immersing bodies in liquid - 3 people, did not start to complete - 4 people.

    2) in task No. 2 there is no derivation of formulas for calculating the density of -4 people, we have not started to implement -3 people.

    3) in a calculation problem average speed The equation -6 people is written incorrectly.

    4) in the problem of calculating an electrical circuit – 4 people.

    5) when solving a problem on the movement of connected bodies - 5 people. did not start implementation -1 person.

    The highest number of points scored by students Kireeva S. (Krasnokommunarsk secondary school) and Trusov A. (Sakmar secondary school). There are no prize places.

    Students 11th grade made mistakes:

    1) when solving problem No. 1 on rotational motion when deriving the formula for calculation angular velocity– 3 people

    2) in task No. 2 the equation for determining the time interval was incorrectly compiled - 1 person, did not start to complete - 2 people.

    3) in the task of calculating specific heat - 1 person, did not start to complete - 2 people.

    4) in the task of ballistic movement - 2 people, did not start performing - 1 person.

    5) when solving the problem of calculating an electrical circuit - 2 people.

    The highest number of points was scored by student Andrei Kirnos (Nikolskaya Secondary School). Prize places No.

    Preparing a student to participate in physics Olympiads should include several components. First of all, the student must fully and comprehensively master the material of the school curriculum of the corresponding class in physics and mathematics. In addition to the school curriculum material, it is necessary to master additional sections school course physics to the extent provided for by the program of the All-Russian Physics Olympiads. Use a differentiated approach in working with students, conduct additional classes for solving non-standard problems. When preparing students for the Olympiad, take into account typical mistakes when completing Olympiad tasks from the previous year. Fill gaps on the topics: “Heat balance equation”, “Calculation of electrical circuits”

    Chairman of the commission: Vlasova L.V.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren

    Analysis of students’ Olympiad works showed that 8th grade students did well on the following tasks:

    v determination of the valence of atoms of chemical elements using formulas;

    v the ability to set odds;

    v the ability to determine the purpose of laboratory equipment;

    v the ability to determine the relative molecular weights of complex substances.

    Errors were made while completing tasks:

    v to determine the mass fraction of an element in a substance (many students, when solving the problem, did not take into account the number of atoms of the element whose mass fraction was determined in the problem)

    v when solving a problem using Avogadro's constant.

    v to determine physical and chemical phenomena;

    v the ability to decipher records;

    Olympiad tasks for 9th grade students are acceptable. The low number of points scored is due to inattentive analysis of tasks. Thus, in tasks 9-1 and 9-5, many participants did not take into account the mass fraction of the solution, hence the entire solution turned out to be incorrect. In task 9-4, additional reagents were used, although the task clearly states that the use of other substances is inadmissible.

    In the thought experiment, students demonstrated the ability to write the appropriate equations in molecular and ionic form.

    When performing task 9-2 on a mixture, the reaction equations were written correctly, but errors were made when solving the system of equations.

    The tasks for grades 10-11 were identical.

    Students partially completed the tasks of identifying reagents based on reaction products (10-2,11-3). Although there were errors in the equations when arranging the coefficients.

    During a thought experiment, a number of students build a logical chain of reasoning, but do not complete the task to the end, since they do not have enough knowledge to prove it.

    Participants in the 11th grade Olympiad failed to complete the task of determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of a solution.

    10th grade students did not begin to complete the task related to knowledge of the properties of silicon, the interaction of silicon with a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids.

    Chairman of the commission: Belousova I.I.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography

    Nikolskaya students did not take part in the Olympiad high school, Yegoryevsk secondary school. The teams from Svetlinsk, Krasnokommunarsk, Dmitrievsk, Central, Arkhipovsk, Belovsk, Tat. Kargalinsk, Sakmar, Verkhnechebenkovsk secondary schools were most fully represented. Only one student took part in the Olympiad from Kamenskaya Basic School.

    Analyzing the results of the Olympiads of previous years, the number of tasks and their content were increased, aimed at the gifted, and not at the average student, so this year the students did not quickly leave the classroom, but worked on average for 2.5 - 3 hours.

    The assignments for grades 9, 10-11 were designed for very capable students who not only know the program material in geography well, but also do a lot of extra work in the subject and have a wide erudition.

    In the opinion of the subject jury, the assignments for grades 7–8 were compiled without taking into account the program material. By this time, climatograms in the 7th grade have not yet been studied; students do not even know the principle of their construction, but such a question was present in the assignments. In the same class, according to the program, the study of the continents (Africa) had just begun, however, there were questions on other continents, and they were far from educational, designed for erudition.

    No winners were identified among students in grades 9-10, which indicates insufficient quality preparation of the participants.

    In the 10th grade, the winner was not identified, 2nd place was awarded to K. Voronina (Tsentralnaya school, teacher Semykina I.M.), 3rd place to I. Bashirov (Tat. Kargalinskaya school. teacher Akhmetova L.I.) and N. Melnikov (Sakmarskaya school, teacher rusnak L.A.)

    The 11th grade students showed good results. 1st place went to Shabaldin D. (Krasnokommunarskaya school, teacher Lebedeva O.N.) 2nd place – Gololobova A. (Sakmarskaya school, teacher Rusnak L.A.) and Panarina E. (Belovskaya school, teacher Ruzheinikova N.A.); 3rd place – Biktimirova Z. (Tat. Kargalinskaya school, teacher Akhmetova L.I.) and Ishmukhametova R. (Verkhnechebenkovskaya school, teacher Abdrashitova A.G.).

    Were performed poorly by high school students practical tasks on problem solving. At previous Olympiads, tasks of this nature were not encountered, so the teachers who prepared the students did not pay due attention to these topics.

    Based on the analysis of the municipal Olympiad in geography by the jury recommends district geography teachers:

    Monitor and use promptly methodological recommendations on the content of the tasks of the Olympiad at the school and municipal level;

    Strengthen work with gifted children;

    Plan work with gifted people according to individual routes;

    Increase interest in geography during classes and outside of class hours;

    Pay attention to practicing cartographic skills;

    Strengthen the regional studies focus in training.

    Chairman of the commission: Semykina I.M.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics

    Students from grades 7-11 out of 13 took part in the Olympiad educational institutions district (3 basic schools and 10 secondary schools).


    Name of the OS

    10 grades

    11th grade


    Sakmara Secondary School

    Tat. Kargalinskaya secondary school

    Svetlinskaya secondary school

    Yegoryevskaya secondary school

    Belousovskaya secondary school

    Maryevskaya secondary school

    Orlovskaya SCHOSH

    Krasnokommunarskaya secondary school

    Dmitrievskaya secondary school

    Verkhnechebenkovskaya secondary school

    Central secondary school

    Nikolskaya secondary school

    Timashevskaya secondary school

    Kamenskaya secondary school

    Arkhipovskaya secondary school

    Belovskaya secondary school

    Chapaevskaya secondary school

    Students from the Yegoryevskaya secondary school, Maryevskaya secondary school, Oryol secondary school, and Chapaevskaya secondary school were absent.

    The students' work was evaluated by a jury consisting of:

    Chairman of the jury Mashenkova G.V., teacher of mathematics of the highest category, Belousovskaya Secondary School; members of the jury - Komissarova T.G., teacher of the highest category MBOU "Dmitrievskaya Secondary School", Khasanova G.A. teacher of the highest category MBOU "Belovskaya Secondary School", Bezdenezhnykh L.V. first category mathematics teacher at Krasnokommunarsk Secondary School, Dautova G.A. first category mathematics teacher "Tat. Kargalinskaya secondary school.

    Works were assessed based on criteria for methodological recommendations prepared by the Central Subject-Methodological Commission for Mathematics to help conduct the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the 2013/2014 academic year.

    In accordance with the regulations for holding mathematical Olympiads for schoolchildren, each problem was scored out of 5 points. The tasks of the Mathematical Olympiads were creative, allowing several various options decisions. In addition, partial progress in tasks was assessed (for example, analysis of one of the cases, transition from particular to general and vice versa, graphic illustrations of problems, solution logical problems in different ways, including using a table).

    The winners and runners-up of the Olympiad were determined by the jury in accordance with the final table of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren.

    11-15 points - III place,

    16-19 points – 2nd place,

    20-25 points – 1st place.

    The tasks are interesting, correspond to the level of secondary and primary school students, and the mathematical preparation requirements of students of this age. In each class, the work contained problems on number theory (divisibility, remainders, parity, finding a number set with the specified properties), proof of the rationality and irrationality of numbers, arithmetic progression, equations in integers or natural numbers, geometric problems on the properties of a triangle, equidistant figures. The work is expected to take 3-4 hours.

    The main mistakes and difficulties of students when performing work

    7th grade. The most solvable geometry problem is cutting a figure and a word problem, but students find it difficult to formulate the problems. They do not carry out logical thinking to the end. Most students solved numerical puzzle No. 1 using the selection method and did not quite correctly understand the conditions of the problem.

    8th grade. We mostly solved weighing problems and word problems. The geometric problem of finding the angle of a triangle was solved by guessing without explanation. have difficulty reasoning with a geometric problem. The factorial problem is not clear to students.

    9th grade. The most solvable task for cutting a figure. This is a problem of complexity 1. Then a task on finding a set of numbers with a certain multiplicity (5 students) and a geometric task on the properties of a triangle (5 students), a task on proving rationality by 2 students and task No. 5 was completed by 1 student. One student, Sergey Mozhartsev (21 points), began solving all 5 problems.

    10th grade. The main problems that students solved: problems on the equivalence of figures No. 5, on proving an arithmetic progression, divisibility of numbers. Two right decisions geometric problem. The tasks for grades 9 and 10 on divisibility of numbers and solving equations in natural numbers were the same, but these problems were solved mainly by students in grade 9. The main errors and difficulties are similar. Not everyone correctly understood the condition of task No. 1. There is no solution method; the solution to problem No. 5 (equation in natural numbers) was carried out using the selection method.

    11th grade. There is variability in solving problems; students began solving all problems. We mainly solved the task of arithmetic progression, equations in integers. There are no good, well-founded decisions. There is no logical justification for the problems; students use guessing methods and give partial solutions, which does not correspond to the level of 11th grade students.

    Pay more attention to solving problems using number theory (divisibility of numbers, remainders, parity, patterns), methods of solving logical problems, geometric problems, logic and completeness of justification for solving problems, methods of designing solutions.

    Chairman of the commission: Mashenkova G.V.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology

    The Olympic work includes 3 blocks of CMMs of varying complexity and execution techniques.

    First part – 50 test tasks, requiring the choice of only one answer out of four possible. Each correctly completed task is worth one point. The number of points scored in this block by the Olympiad participants ranges from 24 to 36 points. The most difficult questions to answer are questions on the following topics:

    • Ecology of environmental management (85% of students made mistakes)
    • Environmental rules and laws (70% of students made mistakes)
    • Ecological characteristics of biogeocenoses (45% of students made mistakes)
    • Ecological succession (60% of students made mistakes)
    • Ecology of populations (85% of students made mistakes)

    The first part of the tasks also included 7 tasks to choose from correct statements. Practical questions caused virtually no difficulties for students.

    Part two - environmental cases on choosing the right judgment with justification for this choice. Difficulties were caused by tasks to comment on the rules and laws of ecology. 60% of the Olympiad participants completed the task on the structure of ecology as a science.

    The third part is environmental cases for choosing the correct narrowing with justification for correct and incorrect answers. These tasks caused the greatest difficulty, since most students were unable to reveal the cause-and-effect relationships between environmental concepts and events, indicating monosyllabic answers when motivating their choice. Therefore, the maximum score out of 10 possible is only 6 points.

    Having analyzed the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology, it should be noted that positive dynamics in preparing students. But it should also be pointed out that there is insufficient preparation on the above topics, which teachers need to take into account when planning and preparing schoolchildren for the Olympiad in the next academic year.

    Acrobatics – 7, 8-9, 10-11 grades (boys and girls).

    Athletics – not held due to lack of space

    carrying out.

    Compared to last year, the program Olympiad tasks simplified. Equipment gymnastics, obstacle course and athletics. There were no injuries or violations of discipline. Before the start of the competition, a safety briefing was held, each student signed the introductory briefing log. During the entire duration of the Olympiad, a doctor on duty was present.

    In general, the guys showed an average level of preparedness for the Olympiad, with the exception of some events.

    In volleyball, the low and high passes of 7th grade girls were performed at a low level. It is necessary to refine the program of assignments and grading for this type.

    In acrobatics, many students were not prepared at all and showed weak technical training, the appearance did not correspond to the performance of the acrobatic combination.

    Based on the results of the regional Olympiad in physical culture, the effectiveness of the educational activities of teachers should be noted physical culture Sartova G.G. (Svetlinskaya secondary school), Bolotov R.Ya. (Arkhipovskaya secondary school), Yuryeva S.P. (Belovskaya secondary school), Rakhmatullina R.B. (Verkhnechebenkovskaya secondary school), Klimushkina S.V. (Belousovskaya secondary school), Mazhartsev L.G. (Sakmar Secondary School), Abdullin G.Z., Mavlyutov G.T. (Dmitrievskaya secondary school), Sultanova S.S. (Egoryevskaya secondary school).

    Students of 8th grade coped well with the tasks of the Olympiad. Difficulties were caused by answers on issues of first aid, water safety, types of floods, they did not delve into the essence of the tasks. The tasks corresponded to the studied program material.

    9th grade students completed the assignments satisfactorily. Some tasks did not correspond to the course of the life safety training program. Many students failed to cope with practical assignments; there is no clear and succinct answer. Tasks on how to navigate caused great difficulties; they do not know how to decipher distress signals; they do not know examples. natural phenomena, not enough knowledge of the rules traffic, AHOV, do not delve into the essence of the problems, students need to be taught to solve situational problems of a practical nature on various topics of the life safety course. On theoretical issues, the greatest difficulty was caused by questions on the following sections of the life safety course in the 9th grade - safety and protection of people in emergencies, ensuring personal safety in everyday life, basics healthy image life.

    Students in grades 10-11 coped with the tasks of the regional Olympiad satisfactorily. Difficulties were caused by some topics of the organization of the RSChS, its structures, methods of orientation, and description of gas masks. Names of disinfection measures, military ranks Life safety teachers are recommended to pay special attention to these topics. The students completed the practical assignments well.

    Many tasks of the Olympiad for 10th grade students did not correspond to the studied program material, for example, topics on the basics military service. The tasks contain a large volume of answers.

    Unfortunately, the practical tasks of the Olympiad that need to be performed on simulators were not carried out due to the lack of financial resources.

    The results of the regional Olympiad in life safety showed the high effectiveness of educational activities: life safety teachers of the Svetlinsky secondary school (Episheva F.F., Sartov G.G.), life safety teacher of the Kargalinsk school (Valeeva F.A.), life safety teacher of the Verkhnechebenkovsk secondary school (Abdrashitova G.M. .).life safety teachers of the Sakmara secondary school (Lebedev S.P., Bashkatov A.N.), life safety teacher of the Krasnokommunarsk secondary school (Popova N.A.), life safety teacher of the Belousovsky secondary school (Pavelyev A.N.), life safety teacher of the Krasnokommunarsk secondary school (Popova N. .A.)

    Many schools did not take part in the Olympiad in Life Safety (Dmitrievskaya Secondary School, Egoryevskaya Secondary School, Kamenskaya Secondary School, Nikolskaya Secondary School, Oryol Secondary School and Chapaevskaya Secondary School). All this reduces the educational trajectory of students and teachers.

    The results of completing tasks among the participants were mostly justified. Most of the participants completed the tasks successfully. The advantage of the Olympiad in Life Safety is that the material is accessible to students. The preparation of students is complicated by the fact that in many schools the subject of life safety is not taught in all classes. The material base for training students, especially in the practical part, wants to be better.

    1. Strengthen the practical orientation of teaching the life safety course
    2. Prepare students throughout the year for the Olympiad
    3. Use more than just program material
    4. Improve the material base

    Chairman of the commission: Valeeva F.A.

    Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology

    The following schools took part in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology: Sakmarskaya, Tat. Kargalinskaya, Svetlinskaya, Maryevskaya, Verkhnechebenkovskaya, Belovskaya, Krasnoimmunarskaya, Nikolskaya, Dmitrievskaya.

    7th grade students in the nomination "Home culture and arts and crafts" found it difficult to choose artificial fibers; the material has not yet been studied.

    They did not name the elements of the Ukrainian national costume, and did not establish the correspondence of the sleeve cut in the drawing. 8th grade students did not recognize the trademark of the product’s environmental friendliness and did not identify the Russian barcode. They did not establish correspondence between the properties of the product and their definitions. There were errors in the definition rational nutrition, nutritional standards, and difficulties in finding a source of income for the student. 9th grade students do not know the definition of the word “project”, the main building material for tissue cells and organs, the concept of a reusable pattern. They did not establish the correspondence of the measurements, do not know the definition of the consumer basket, or a computer program for constructing diagrams. Students in grades 10-11 do not know the definition of the word “project”, calorie content food products, machine needle design, ergonomics, computer program for drawing diagrams, the concept of “contract”.

    In the category " Technology and technical creativity" 7th grade students could not find a match between the types of tree species and the name of the tree species.

    They do not know the types of artistic design of products, Physical properties metals and alloys, technological operations when drilling a hole in a metal workpiece.

    8th grade students were unable to determine the type of artistic metal processing, the rolled profile, the line of the symmetry axis of the part, Maslow’s pyramid of needs, and the sequence of technological operations. 9th grade students were unable to list the properties of wood, match parts in a drawing, define marketing, or choose tools for plastering work. Students in grades 10-11 do not know the sequence of operations for making an eyelet from tin; they found it difficult to determine the cross-sectional shape of the parts located behind the secant plane.