What is imagination in psychology? Active and passive imagination. Passive and active imagination

IMAGINATION. The images that a person uses and creates are not limited to the reproduction of what is directly perceived. A person can see in images something that he did not directly perceive, and something that did not exist at all, and even something that cannot exist. If the past is recorded in memory images, then the future is represented in dreams and fantasies. With the help of imagination, a mental departure beyond the limits of what is directly perceived is carried out.

Imagination is a person’s ability to construct new images by processing mental components acquired in past experience. Thus, an essential feature of imagination is the subject’s ability to create new images. The image of the imagination has no analogues in reality.

Thus, it is obvious that imagination is both the creation of new images and the transformation of past experience, and that such a transformation takes place with the organic unity of the sensory and rational.

In human life, imagination performs a number of specific functions.

1) representation of reality in images and the ability to use them when solving problematic problems;

2) regulation of emotional states, with the help of his imagination a person is able to at least partially satisfy needs and relieve the tension generated by them;

3) participation in the voluntary regulation of cognitive processes and human states: paying attention to necessary events, managing perceptions, memories, statements.

4) the formation of an internal plan of action - the ability to carry them out in the mind, manipulating images;

5) planning and programming activities, drawing up programs, assessing their correctness, and the implementation process.

With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body and tune it to upcoming activities. There are also known facts indicating that with the help of imagination, purely by will, a person can influence organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, pulse rate, blood

pressure, body temperature.

Imagine for a moment that a person had no imagination. We would lose almost everyone scientific discoveries and works of art, images created by the greatest writers and inventions of designers. Thanks to imagination, a person creates, intelligently plans and manages his activities. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is a product of people's imagination and creativity.

The imagination can finally make such a departure from reality that it creates a fantastic picture that clearly deviates from reality. But even in this case, it to some extent reflects this reality.

In terms of a person’s attitude to the process of imagination, passive and active imagination can be distinguished. Passive imagination manifests itself in the involuntary transformation of images, which occurs under the influence of little-conscious needs, drives and tendencies, regardless of any conscious intervention of the subject. Images of the imagination seem to emerge on their own, in addition to the will and desire of a person, and are not formed by him. For example, in dreams. Active form imagination manifests itself, for example, in creativity; images are consciously formed and transformed in accordance with goals. Using them, a person at will, by an effort of will, evokes the corresponding images creative activity person.

There is also a distinction between reproductive (reproductive) and transformative (productive) imagination. IN reproductive imagination the task is to reproduce reality as it is, but which the subject did not really perceive. Such imagination is more like perception or memory. Thus, the direction in art called naturalism, as well as partly realism, can be correlated with the reproductive imagination. For example, from the paintings of I.I. Shishkin, biologists can study the flora of the Russian forest, since all the plants on his canvases are depicted with documentary accuracy.

Productive imagination differs in that in it reality is consciously constructed by man, and not simply mechanically copied or recreated. For example, the basis of the creativity of a number of art masters, whose flight of creative imagination is no longer satisfied by realistic means, also becomes reality. But this reality is passed through the productive imagination of creators; they construct it in a new way, using light, color, air vibration (impressionism), resorting to point-by-point images of objects (pointillism), decomposing the world into geometric shapes(cubism) and so on. We encounter productive imagination in art in cases where the artist’s world is a phantasmagoria, irrationalism. The result of such imagination is M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita".

Imagination, as we know, is closely related to creativity. Specialization of various types of imagination is the result of development various types creative activity. That's why there are so many specific types of imagination how many species of human are there? activities- constructive, technical, scientific, artistic, musical and so on. In all these cases the imagination plays positive role, but there are other types of imagination. These include dreams, hallucinations, reveries and daydreams.

Dreams can be classified as passive and involuntary forms of imagination. Their true role in human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in human dreams many vital needs are expressed and satisfied, which, for a number of reasons, cannot be realized in life.

Hallucinations are called fantastic visions that apparently have almost no connection with the reality surrounding a person. Usually they, being the result of certain mental or bodily disorders, accompany many painful conditions.

Dreams, Unlike hallucinations, this is quite normal mental state, which is a fantasy associated with desire.

Dream call the form special internal activities which consists in creating an image of what a person would like to accomplish. A dream differs from a daydream in that it is somewhat more realistic and to a greater extent connected with reality, i.e. is in principle feasible. Dreams occupy a fairly large part of a person’s time, especially in youth, and for most people they are pleasant thoughts about the future, although some also have disturbing visions that give rise to feelings of anxiety and aggressiveness. The process of imagination is rarely immediately realized in a person’s practical actions, so a dream is important condition implementation of human creative powers.

Imagination takes a person beyond his immediate existence, reminds him of the past, and opens up the future. Along with a decrease in the ability to fantasize, a person’s personality becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, and interest in art and science fades.

Passive imagination

Passive imagination is a more or less clear reproduction in memory or dreams of images of the past.

Passive imagination includes: unintentional and unpredictable imagination. Passive imagination is subject to internal, subjective factors; it is tendentious. Passive imagination is subject to desires that are thought to be realized in the process of fantasizing. In the images of passive imagination, unsatisfied, mostly unconscious needs of the individual are satisfied. Images and ideas of passive imagination are aimed at strengthening and preserving positively colored emotions and at repressing, reducing negative emotions and affects. During the processes of passive imagination, unreal, imaginary satisfaction of any need or desire occurs. In this way, passive imagination differs from realistic thinking, which is aimed at real, and not imaginary, satisfaction of needs. The materials of passive imagination, just like active imagination, are images, ideas, elements of concepts and other information gleaned through experience.

Passive imagination is divided into voluntary (daydreaming, daydreaming) and involuntary (hypnotic state, dream fantasy).

Techniques of imagination

Imagination is a person’s ability to construct new images by processing mental components acquired in past experience. Imagination is the mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, idea or idea.

The process of imagination is peculiar only to man and is a necessary condition for his work activity.

One of the first psychologists to study these processes, T. Ribot, identified two main operations: dissociation and association.

Dissociation is a negative and preparatory operation, during which the sensory experience is fragmented. As a result of such preliminary processing of experience, its elements are able to enter into a new combination.

Without prior dissociation, creative imagination is unthinkable. Dissociation is the first stage of creative imagination, the stage of preparing material. The impossibility of dissociation is a significant obstacle to creative imagination.

Association creation complete image from isolated elements. units of images. The association gives rise to new combinations, new images. In addition, there are other intellectual operations, for example, the ability to think by analogy with partial and purely accidental similarities.

Forms of imagination:

agglutination is a combination of qualities, properties, parts of objects that are not connected in reality;

hyperbolization increasing or decreasing an object and its parts; schematization, smoothing out differences between objects and identifying similarities between them;

sharpening, emphasizing any features of an object;

typification is the selection of the essential, repeated in homogeneous phenomena, and its embodiment in a specific image.

Imagination is always a certain departure from reality. But in any case, the source of imagination is objective reality. Imagination is the figurative construction of the content of a concept about an object (or the design of a scheme of actions with it) even before the concept itself is formed (and the scheme receives a clear, verifiable and implemented expression in specific material). A dream is a special form of imagination. It is addressed to the sphere of a more or less distant future and does not imply the immediate achievement of a real result, as well as its complete coincidence with the desired image. At the same time, a dream can become a strong motivating factor in creative search. Empathy is the ability to understand another person, to be imbued with his thoughts and feelings, to sympathize, to rejoice, to empathize...

The concept of “imagination”, its types and forms of manifestation

Imagination - This is the mental process of creating new images based on previously perceived ones. Imagination is a reflection of reality in new unusual combinations and connections. It takes intermediate position between perception and thinking, thinking and memory. This is one of the most mysterious psychic phenomena. We know almost nothing about the mechanism of imagination, its anatomical and physiological basis. Imagination is unique to humans. It allows him to go beyond real world in time and space, makes it possible to imagine the finished result of work even before starting work. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is a product of people's imagination and creativity.

Imagination can function on different levels. Their difference is determined primarily by human activity.

According to the severity of activity distinguish between active and passive imagination.

Active imagination characterized by the fact that, using it, a person, at his own request, by an effort of will, evokes in himself the corresponding images. An active imagination can be creative and reconstructive.

Creative active imagination arising in work, involves the independent creation of images realized in original and valuable products of activity, and is an integral part of technical, artistic and other creativity.

Recreating active imagination is based on the creation of certain images that correspond to the description. We use this type of imagination when reading literature, studying geographical maps and drawings.

Images passive imagination arise spontaneously, regardless of the will and desire of a person. Passive imagination is characterized by the creation of images that are not realized. Passive imagination can be intentional or unintentional.

Intentional Passive Imagination creates images that are not associated with the will that would contribute to their implementation. Thus, having created the image of Manilov, N.V. Gogol generally depicted people who, in fruitless daydreaming, see a convenient opportunity to escape from reality. The hero's fantasy creates projects that are not realized and often cannot be realized.

Unintentional passive imagination observed when the activity of consciousness weakens, with its disorders, in a half-asleep state, in a dream.

Imagination can manifest itself in different ways forms.

Dreams are a form of manifestation of active imagination and a necessary condition for the implementation of human creative powers aimed at transforming reality. Dreams - desires pushed back in time. Dreams differ from dreams in that they are connected with reality, i.e. in principle feasible. In fact, any object made by human hands, in its historical essence, is a dream come true.

However, imagination can also act as a substitute for activity, its surrogate. Then a person withdraws from reality into the realm of fantasy in order to hide from seemingly insoluble problems, from the need to act, from the hardships of life. Such fantasies are called dreams. Dreams reflect the connection between fantasy and our needs. Dreams are fundamentally unrealizable.

Hallucinations are a fantastic vision that has almost no connection with reality. If dreams can be considered a completely normal mental state, then hallucinations are usually the result of certain disorders of the psyche or the functioning of the body and accompany many painful conditions. Hallucinations are the most indicative manifestations of passive unintentional imagination, in which a person perceives a non-existent object. These images are so vivid that a person is absolutely convinced of their reality.

The category of passive unintentional forms of imagination includes dreams. Their true role in human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in dreams many vital human needs find expression and satisfaction, which, for a number of reasons, cannot be realized in life.

Analytical-synthetic nature of imagination processes. Functions of imagination

The creative transformation of reality in the imagination is subject to its own laws and is carried out in accordance with certain methods and techniques. New ideas, thanks to the operations of analysis and synthesis, arise on the basis of what is already imprinted in consciousness. Thus, the processes of imagination consist in the mental decomposition of initial ideas into their component parts (analysis) and their subsequent combination in new combinations (synthesis), i.e. are analytical and synthetic in nature.

Let's list techniques and methods of the imagination process.

1. Agglutination - “gluing”, combination, merging of individual elements or parts of several objects into one image. For example, the image of a water mermaid in folk ideas was created from the images of a woman (head and torso), a fish (tail) and green algae (hair).

2. Accentuation or sharpening - highlighting and emphasizing any part or detail in the created image. Cartoonists highlight the most essential aspects of an image by changing proportions: a chatterbox is depicted with a long tongue, a food lover is given a voluminous belly.

3. Hyperbolization - increase or decrease of an object, change in the number of parts of an object or their displacement. For example, the many-armed Buddha in Indian religion, dragons with seven heads, and the one-eyed Cyclops.

4. Schematization - smoothing out the differences between objects and highlighting the similarities between them. This is how national ornaments and patterns are created, the elements of which are borrowed from the surrounding world.

5. Typing - highlighting the essential, repeating in homogeneous phenomena, and embodying it in a specific image.

Imagination varies among people in several ways signs:

Brightness of images;

The degree of their realism and truthfulness, novelty, originality;

Breadth of imagination;

Arbitrariness, i.e. the ability to subordinate the imagination to the task at hand (highly organized and disorganized imagination);

The type of representations with which a person primarily operates (visual, motor, etc.);


Imagination is multifunctional. Among its most important functions R. S. Nemov names the following.

Representation of reality in images and the ability to use them. Imagination orients a person in the process of activity - it creates a mental model of the final or intermediate products of labor, which contributes to their objective embodiment. This function of imagination is connected with thinking and is organically included in it.

Regulation of emotional states. With the help of his imagination, a person is able to at least partially satisfy many needs and relieve the tension generated by them.

Voluntary regulation of cognitive processes and human states, in particular perception, attention, memory, speech, emotions. With the help of skillfully evoked images, a person can pay attention to the necessary events. Through images, he gains the opportunity to control perceptions, memories, and statements.

Formation of an internal action plan- the ability to perform them in the mind, manipulating images.

Planning and programming activities- drawing up such behavior programs when the problem situation is not defined.

Control of the psychophysiological state of the body. With the help of imagination, by purely volitional means, a person can influence organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature. These facts underlie auto-training, which is widely used for self-regulation.

Imagination and thinking. Imagination and creativity

Imagination is closely related to thinking. Like thinking, it allows you to foresee the future. What are the similarities and differences between imagination and thinking?

General is as follows:

Imagination and thinking arise in a problem situation, i.e. in cases where it is necessary to find a new solution;

Imagination and thinking are motivated by the needs of the individual. The real process of satisfying needs may be preceded by illusory, imaginary satisfaction of needs, i.e. a living, vivid representation of the situation in which these needs can be satisfied.

Differences are as follows:

The advanced reflection of reality, carried out in the processes of imagination, occurs in a concrete figurative form, in the form of vivid ideas, while the advanced reflection in the processes of thinking occurs by operating with concepts that allow us to comprehend the world in a generalized and indirect way;

In the process of activity, imagination appears in unity with thinking. The inclusion of imagination or thinking in the process of activity is determined by the uncertainty of the problem situation, the completeness or deficiency of information contained in the initial data of the task. In a problem situation with which activity begins, there are two systems of consciousness anticipating the results of this activity: an organized system of images and ideas and an organized system of concepts. At the core imagination opportunity lies choosing an image. At the core thinking- opportunity new combination of concepts. Often such work occurs on “two floors” at once, since systems of images and concepts are closely connected - for example, the choice of a method of action is carried out through logical reasoning, with which vivid ideas about how the action will be carried out are organically fused.

Considering the similarities and differences between imagination and thinking, it is necessary to note that a problem situation can be characterized by more or less uncertainty:

a) if the initial data are known, then the course of solving the problem obeys primarily the laws of thinking;

b) if these data are difficult to analyze, then the mechanism of imagination operates.

The value of imagination is that it allows you to make a decision in the absence of the required completeness of knowledge necessary to complete the assigned tasks. Fantasy allows you to “jump” over certain stages of thinking and still imagine the end result. However, this is also the weakness of this solution to the problem.

Imagination plays a particularly important role in scientific and artistic creativity. Creativity without the active participation of imagination is generally impossible. Imagination allows a scientist to build hypotheses, mentally imagine and perform scientific experiments, search for and find non-trivial solutions to problems.

Imagination plays an important role in the early stages of solving a scientific problem and often leads to remarkable insights. However, after some patterns have already been noticed, guessed and studied under experimental conditions, after the law has been established and tested in practice, and is also connected with previously discovered provisions, knowledge completely moves to the level of theory, strict scientific thinking. Trying to fantasize at this stage of research can lead to mistakes. English scientist G. Wallace allocated four stages of creative processes:

Preparation (idea generation);

Maturation (concentration, “contraction” of knowledge directly or indirectly related to a given problem, obtaining missing information);

Insight (intuitive grasp of the desired result);


The study of the role of imagination in the processes of scientific and technical creativity is carried out by specialists in the psychology of scientific creativity.

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Novopolotsk 2009

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1. Alekseenkova, E. G. Personality in conditions of mental deprivation: Textbook. allowance / E. G. Alekseenkova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. – 96 p. 2. Asmolov, A. G. Personality psychology: Principles of general psychology

In social psychology
1. Ageev, V.S. Psychology of intergroup relations: Monograph. / V. S. Ageev. – M.: MSU, 1983. – 144 p. 2. Andreeva, G.M. Psychology of social cognition: Tutorial for universities / G. M. Andree

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1. Adler, A. Practice and theory of individual psychology / A. Adler. – M., 1995. 2. Antonov, A.I., Borisov, V.A. Family crisis and ways to overcome it / A.I. Antonov, V.A. Borisov. – M.: Ped

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The list of images that a person operates with during his life includes not only objects or phenomena that exist in objective reality. It may also be something that was not previously perceived directly by the individual: the distant past or future, places where he has never been or visited, living beings that do not exist in the Universe. Answering the question what is imagination, the main characteristic of which is amazing for everyday life images, we can say that this is a way out of the real world both in time and space.

However, everyday and scientific definitions of human fantasies differ greatly. In the first case, this is only everything unreal, not corresponding to the reality around us, and therefore not endowed with any practical significance. Scientists do not quite share the opinion of ordinary people about what imagination is. Defining it from a scientific point of view covers all aspects of an individual’s cultural life and provides an incentive for the development of artistic, scientific and technical creativity.

About the phenomenon of imagination

Man is the only living creature on our planet who tends to fantasize, that is, to reflect the future and act in accordance with the expected (imaginary) situation, using his sensations, perception and thinking.

Speaking about what imagination is in biology, we can say that these are representations of any future events, which are based on the creation of new images, processed as a result of perception, thinking and knowledge about the world of a particular individual, which were obtained in previous life situations . The essence of any fantasy is a transformation in which there are objects and phenomena that have no points of contact with reality. It is this phenomenon that is most important in the process of becoming a person as an active subject.

About thinking and imagination


These products of human imagination are aimed at the future desired by man. They generally contain fairly realistic and, as a rule, feasible plans regarding study, work, career and family. This form of imagination is typical of young people who have most of their lives ahead of them.


This peculiar type of fantasy is characterized by isolation from objective reality, and in most cases it will never be possible to bring the images from them to life. They are a cross between hallucinations and dreams, but it should be remembered that, unlike the former, dreams are products of the activity of normal human consciousness.


Dreams have always been of particular interest to specialists who study brain activity. Today, scientists tend to believe that they reflect the process of processing various information by the consciousness, and dreams are not only functionally related to this activity, but can also contain human dreams and daydreams, as well as new valuable ideas and discoveries. Here it is appropriate to recall the Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who, according to legend, saw the periodic system of elements in a dream, which was later named after him.

Involuntary fantasies

Speaking about what imagination is, experts one way or another connect it with the human will. In its involuntary type, images are created as a result of the activity of a weakened consciousness. This may be half-asleep or a state of sleep, as well as some mental disorders. The process in this case is not controlled in any way and is completely unconscious.

Free imagination

This type is referred to as conscious, directed activity, in which the individual fully understands its motives and goals. It is characterized by the deliberate creation of images, and the arbitrariness and activity of the imagination are combined in various ways. Vivid examples of passive voluntary imagination are dreams, and active ones are a long, purposeful search, characteristic of the work of writers, artists and the work of inventors.

Recreating Imagination

This type is based on the creation of images of objects that were not previously perceived by the individual in a complete form, despite the fact that he has an idea of ​​similar objects and their individual elements. Probably everyone knows well what spatial imagination is. But not everyone understands that it is recreative. All images are formed in reality through drawings, drawings and other similar diagrams using the knowledge available regarding them. The elements are more flexible, diverse, dynamic and are reproductive in nature.

Creative imagination

It is a process self-creation a creator of new, unlike anything else, embodied in original results of various activities. At the same time, the creator’s indirect reliance on his past life experience is minimal, and main role only the flight of his imagination plays.

Realistic imagination

Occurs when one believes in the possibility of bringing the created images to life. Characterized by anticipation of the future, perfect performance result before it is achieved. There are many examples in literature of how an image or situation, born only from the writer’s imagination and considered unrealistic, is exactly repeated in objective reality.

Sociological imagination

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the life of an individual cannot be separated from the life of society. Speaking about what sociological imagination is, we can say that it is the ability to recognize the interconnection of everything that happens in reality, taking into account structural, cultural and historical conditions. This type also considers actions performed by both individual and collective social actors, forming a complex and heterogeneous human society.

Having talked in detail about what imagination is, highlighting its various types and describing their features, we can safely say that none of the many types of creativity can be imagined without an element of fantasy, be it science, literature, painting. IN in a general sense- this is an anticipation of what does not exist yet, but what, perhaps, will become part of our lives. Imagination is directly related to intuition, conjecture, insight. Every person, to one degree or another, is inclined to fantasize, but we should not forget about real life so that dreams do not become painful hallucinations, and the built castles in the air do not collapse on the gray everyday life.

Imagination. Types of imagination (passive, active, concrete, abstract). Functions of the imagination. Imagination and fantasy.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Imagination. Types of imagination (passive, active, concrete, abstract). Functions of the imagination. Imagination and fantasy.
Rubric (thematic category) Psychology

IMAGINATION. The images that a person uses and creates are not limited to the reproduction of what is directly perceived. A person can see in images something that he did not directly perceive, and something that did not exist at all, and even something that cannot exist. If the past is recorded in memory images, then the future is represented in dreams and fantasies. With the help of imagination, a mental departure beyond the limits of what is directly perceived is carried out.

Imagination is a person’s ability to construct new images by processing mental components acquired in past experience. However, an essential feature of imagination is the subject’s ability to create new images. The image of the imagination has no analogues in reality.

However, it is obvious that imagination is both the creation of new images and the transformation of past experience, and that such a transformation takes place with the organic unity of the sensual and the rational.

In human life, imagination performs a number of specific functions.

1) representation of reality in images and the ability to use them when solving problematic problems;

2) regulation of emotional states, with the help of his imagination a person is able to at least partially satisfy needs and relieve the tension generated by them;

3) participation in the voluntary regulation of cognitive processes and human states: paying attention to necessary events, managing perceptions, memories, statements.

4) the formation of an internal plan of action - the ability to carry them out in the mind, manipulating images;

5) planning and programming activities, drawing up programs, assessing their correctness, and the implementation process.

With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body and tune it to upcoming activities. There are also known facts indicating that with the help of imagination, purely by will, a person can influence organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, pulse rate, blood

pressure, body temperature.

Imagine for a moment that a person had no imagination. We would lose almost all scientific discoveries and works of art, images created by the greatest writers and inventions of designers. Thanks to imagination, a person creates, intelligently plans and manages his activities. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is a product of people's imagination and creativity.

The imagination can finally make such a departure from reality that it creates a fantastic picture that clearly deviates from reality. But even in this case, it to some extent reflects this reality.

In terms of a person’s attitude to the process of imagination, passive and active imagination can be distinguished. Passive imagination manifests itself in the involuntary transformation of images, which occurs under the influence of little-conscious needs, drives and tendencies, regardless of any conscious intervention of the subject. Images of the imagination seem to emerge on their own, in addition to the will and desire of a person, and are not formed by him. For example, in dreams. Active form imagination manifests itself, for example, in creativity; images are consciously formed and transformed in accordance with goals. Using them, a person, of his own free will, by an effort of will, evokes in himself the appropriate images of human creative activity.

There is also a distinction between reproductive (reproductive) and transformative (productive) imagination. IN reproductive imagination the task is to reproduce reality as it is, but which the subject did not really perceive. Such imagination is more like perception or memory. Thus, the direction in art called naturalism, as well as partly realism, should be correlated with the reproductive imagination. For example, from the paintings of I.I. Shishkin, biologists can study the flora of the Russian forest, since all the plants on his canvases are depicted with documentary accuracy.

Productive imagination differs in that in it reality is consciously constructed by man, and not simply mechanically copied or recreated. For example, the basis of the creativity of a number of art masters, whose flight of creative imagination is no longer satisfied by realistic means, also becomes reality. But this reality is passed through the productive imagination of creators; they construct it in a new way, using light, color, air vibration (impressionism), resorting to dot images of objects (pointillism), decomposing the world into geometric shapes (cubism) and so on. We encounter productive imagination in art in cases where the artist’s world is a phantasmagoria, irrationalism. The result of such imagination is M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Imagination, as we know, is closely related to creativity. The specialization of various types of imagination is the result of the development of various types of creative activity. For this reason, there are so many specific types of imagination how many species of human are there? activities- constructive, technical, scientific, artistic, musical and so on. In all these cases, imagination plays a positive role, but there are other types of imagination. These include dreams, hallucinations, reveries and daydreams.

Dreams can be classified as passive and involuntary forms of imagination. Their true role in human life has not yet been established, although it is known that in human dreams many vital needs are expressed and satisfied, which, for a number of reasons, cannot be realized in life.

Hallucinations are called fantastic visions that apparently have almost no connection with the reality surrounding a person. Usually they, being the result of certain mental or bodily disorders, accompany many painful conditions.

Dreams, Unlike hallucinations, this is a completely normal mental state, which is a fantasy associated with desire.

Dream call a form of special internal activity, which consists in creating an image of what a person would like to accomplish. A dream differs from a daydream in that it is somewhat more realistic and more connected with reality, ᴛ.ᴇ. is in principle feasible. Dreams occupy a fairly large part of a person’s time, especially in youth, and for most people they are pleasant thoughts about the future, although some also have disturbing visions that give rise to feelings of anxiety and aggressiveness. The process of imagination is rarely immediately realized in a person’s practical actions; therefore, a dream is an important condition for the implementation of a person’s creative powers.

Imagination takes a person beyond his immediate existence, reminds him of the past, and opens up the future. Along with a decrease in the ability to fantasize, a person’s personality becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, and interest in art and science fades.

Imagination. Types of imagination (passive, active, concrete, abstract). Functions of the imagination. Imagination and fantasy. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Imagination. Types of imagination (passive, active, concrete, abstract). Functions of imagination. Imagination and fantasy." 2017, 2018.