How to draw a picture on a face. Children's educational games, lessons, crafts

Drawings on the face are not just funny pictures and fancy patterns, they are a real holiday for every child. Often such events are part of animation program at children's parties. At the same time, the procedure for painting the face of little beauties is regarded in the same way as makeup for women. There is probably not a single child who would not want to experience all the delights of creating compositions using face painting on their own body. Parents, especially those who love to draw with their little ones, need to understand how and by what means such art is realized.

Ideas for beautiful facial body art for girls

Usually, when a drawing is applied by a professional, the client is presented with an album containing a number of ready-made layouts, presented in the form of an artist’s portfolio. This measure can greatly facilitate the choice of motive. In this case, you should also take into account the theme of the holiday itself, for example, to make the image more harmonious and bright. Below are a number of ideas that will help you decide on the theme of the picture and make it easier to choose a composition.


Looks very cute small child, which is adorable in its own right, with a face painted to match a kitten or puppy. You can choose a specific animal taking into account the child’s individual preferences and temperament. Such art is quite easy to implement on your own.

In order to turn a baby into an animal, it is necessary to emphasize three main areas of the face: eyes, nose and mouth. Stages can be adjusted depending on the chosen character. The most popular animal looks for girls are:

  • cat;
  • fox;
  • tigress or lioness;
  • monkey;
  • mouse, etc.

Floral motifs

Floral motifs are perfect for older and more serious girls. Based on the drawn flowers, a a whole series characters:

  • princess;
  • little mermaid;
  • fairy, etc.

The main color combinations for a floral ensemble consist of yellow, white, green and red. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to draw some complex bouquets with clear lines and specific colors. Here it is important to show imagination, and the more intricate the drawing seems, the more happiness the little beauty will have.


A butterfly is the simplest drawing of all face art compositions. The peculiarity of its application is the symmetrical drawing of wings on each side of the face. To transform a girl into a butterfly, you can choose any colors; red, black, white, blue and others are suitable here. As a final touch, you can add two neat antennae, which will make it more realistic and similar to a butterfly.

How to draw face art on the face

There are many tools for drawing patterns on the face, and each tool will have its own characteristics. The means by which a colorful composition can be designed include:

  1. decorative cosmetics. This product is very effective and convenient to use, since the components are created for the purpose of application to the face. Such compositions are most often hypoallergenic, but some parents do not believe that the product can be used on children's skin. Bright mascara, lipstick, powder, shadows of unnatural or unusual colors can be used as a drawing element;
  2. face painting. This is the main tool in the hands of a face art artist. This product is completely harmless and does not cause any allergic reactions, which allows it to be used even on the most delicate baby skin;
  3. water based markers. Markers are used only in cases where it is necessary to draw clear lines or make a complex pattern. The same method is used to perform hand-drawn tattoos. Water markers are harmless to the skin, but they can sometimes be difficult to wash off;
  4. food coloring. This is the only drawing tool that should be prepared in advance. To prepare the product, you should mix ordinary baby cream with food coloring of the desired color to obtain the desired shade. This drawing technique is also used quite often, since it does not cause any negative reactions at the body.

How to draw a pattern on your face with your own hands

Drawings on the skin have nothing in common with ordinary art. If makeup is applied simply for fun or for some festive non-public event, then it is not particularly important what and how will be depicted, the main thing is the process.

The main specificity of this type of painting is the bright and unique contrast of colors and feelings, reflecting the mood of the event and the child himself. For this reason, the more global the artist’s imagination and the more colors he has at his disposal, the more spectacular the image will be.

Why you shouldn’t paint patterns with watercolors or gouache

The fact is that paints consist of non-natural components that clog pores and penetrate into internal departments skin. As a result of such exposure, skin reactions in the form of an allergic rash often occur. However, if there are still no other options, and you really need to apply “makeup,” then you should start by creating a base that can protect the delicate children’s skin from the harmful components of the paint. You can use ordinary baby cream as a base.

Video lessons for beginners on children's face art

After reviewing the presented video materials, you can clearly see that creating a drawing on the body is a simple process that does not require special skills. When creating a festive look for your baby, you can use the most different techniques and methods, combining them with your own fantasy approaches.

Face painting a cat for a girl at home

Master class on drawing a princess

Pencil drawing "Tiger"

Photo examples of children's face painting

The photo illustrates examples of work that you can repeat yourself. Each of the drawings is an option on how you can make a spectacular drawing on your face, taking as a basis the idea finished sketch. Such template examples will allow beginners to touch the world of face art.

Modern children have access to a lot of entertainment, for example, children's face painting is very popular. This type of body art is safe due to the special composition of the paints and is very popular at children's parties. Parents can do most of the drawings on the face themselves, but you need to know the rules for applying paints and the features of this technique.

Drawings on the face

Some parents confuse aquagraphy with face painting. However, these are two different technologies. They make face painting drawings for children for New Year's holidays, birthdays and other events. The paint is used with a special safe water-based composition, so it does not cause allergies and does not clog into the pores of the skin. In addition, the composition is very elastic and does not crack when drying. High-quality paint should dry quickly and not stain while the face painter is working. Face art is popular for children: drawings long time do not lose their appearance and are easily washed off with soap and water.

Before you begin this procedure at home, you need to buy all the materials and tools for face painting. The prices for paints and kits are reasonable. You can buy everything in an online store or supermarket, where there is a special department of goods for creativity. To make facial drawings for children and adults, you will need the following:

The face painting technique is simple even for beginners. However, before you paint the face of your beloved baby, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • scratches, damage to the face;
  • skin diseases.

What can be drawn on the face depends on the age and gender of the child. Girls, as a rule, like images of flowers, faces of kittens or foxes, images of fairies, snowflakes or princesses. For boys, the makeup of Superman, a pirate, a wolf or Spider-Man is more suitable. In any case, you need to take into account the child’s wishes and apply the image that he likes. It is important to take into account the age of the baby and not make the image too scary so as not to scare your child. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to rub a dry brush over the child’s face so that he gets used to the new sensations.

How to paint on children's faces? Below are the main steps and rules for beginners:

  1. The foundation should be applied from the hairline using a sponge or sponge. Special attention Focus on nasolabial folds, area around the eyes, eyebrows.
  2. Using a wide brush, treat the eyelids.
  3. Eyebrows are drawn with a special pencil.
  4. The drawing is applied in stages: on the child’s cheeks, lips, and chin.
  5. Contours and small details are worked out.

Face painting for Halloween

One of the specific holidays that recent years Adults and children actively celebrate Halloween. The look on this day must be special, so makeup for children that turns them into zombies, vampires, witches and ghouls will be very appropriate. However, a baby's makeup should be different from an adult's. The paint should be checked for allergens, and the picture itself should not be too scary.

Face painting for girls

It is important for little fashionistas at any age to be the most beautiful. Face designs for girls should be chosen taking into account the event. These could be:

  • bee;
  • fish;
  • snow queen;
  • cat;
  • butterfly;
  • fox;
  • bird;
  • princess;
  • angel.

Face painting for boys

When choosing an image for a boy, you should take into account his age. If the child is small, then it is better to make him up to look like a harmless cartoon character, kitten, hedgehog or other cute animal. It is recommended to ask the child himself what he wants to be. Face paintings for boys school age can be in the form of images of superheroes, pirates, Koschei, ninja turtles, dragons.

Face painting for the New Year

One of the most long-awaited holidays for all children is New Year. Face art masters are often invited to matinees on this occasion, who will inexpensively and quickly paint everyone present in the fairy-tale heroes or cute animals. Professionals always have a catalog with photos, where you can choose an image for yourself. If parents decide to do New Year’s face painting for children on their own, then you can depict:

Face painting Cat

To turn your child into a funny cat, you need special paints, brushes, sponge, water and cotton swabs. Below are instructions with photos on how to draw a cat on the face:

  1. A white base is applied with a sponge (between the eyebrows, chin, bridge of the nose).
  2. Pink paint draw ears above the eyebrows.
  3. Use a thin brush to make a black outline of the ears.
  4. Draw a nose and mustache.
  5. Add pink hairs to the cheeks and chin.

Face painting Butterfly

One of the popular images for girls of all ages is beautiful butterflies. However, before you draw such a picture for your baby, you should show her photographs of samples, because not all girls will want such face painting. If the model is ready, then follow the following instructions on how to draw a butterfly on your face:

  1. Apply the base with white makeup (forehead, cheekbones).
  2. Draw the outline of the wings in black using a thin brush.
  3. Make another outline of a brighter shade with a larger diameter brush.
  4. Add fancy patterns in bright colors.
  5. On the child’s nose, draw the body of a butterfly with antennae.
  6. Add colorful stripes along the body of the butterfly.
  7. If desired, you can add glitter.

Face painting Tiger

This option is suitable for children of different ages. A tiger on the face will look impressive on almost any occasion. To paint it, you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of different diameters, and a sponge. Below are the steps to create a pattern on a child's face:

  1. Use white face painting paint to paint the nose and cheeks of the future tiger cub.
  2. They depict the upper eyelid, the contours of the muzzle, and the chin.
  3. Apply in an even layer orange paint onto the rest of the child's face.
  4. Details are drawn with black paint: mustache, stripes, nose, mouth.

Face painting Spider-Man

Many boys prefer this look for the holidays. Spiderman's face painting must be supported by an appropriate costume. Even inexperienced make-up artists can draw a picture on a child’s face. You need to prepare red and black paint for face painting, brushes of different thicknesses, wet wipes, cotton pads. Steps to paint your face:

  1. Apply red foundation to the child's face with a sponge.
  2. Draw the outline of the glasses and longitudinal stripes in black.
  3. Draw transverse lines, highlight details.

Face painting Dog

You can decorate your baby’s face with a cute dog’s face before visiting New Year's holiday, Halloween or other themed events. There are many options for depicting this animal. To draw a dog according to the instructions below, you will need makeup paints in brown, white, pink, and black. If desired, you can add a yellow tint. How to draw a dog with face painting:

  1. From the eyebrows to the child’s cheeks, paint the puppy’s ears with white paint.
  2. Apply white spots in the chin area above the lips.
  3. Draw the dog's tongue in the corner of the mouth with pink and white paint.
  4. Draw contours and small details in black.
  5. If a dog is drawn for a girl, then glitter is added if desired.
  6. Shade the face painting.

Face painting Fox

Every girl wants to be a cunning fox at least once. For such an occasion, you can try face painting with an appropriate costume. Below is step by step instructions, how to paint a face to get the image of a fox:

  1. Apply a light yellow or white base.
  2. They draw eyebrows, arrows on the eyes, and highlight the nose.
  3. If desired, draw a mustache, but you can do without it.
  4. Orange face paint is applied from the nose to the cheekbones.
  5. To make the fox's fur appear fluffy, apply several strokes of yellow and white along the edges.

Face painting Pirate

This option will be a winner at any children's party. How to give your child pirate makeup:

  1. Draw a red bandana with a knot and dangling ends.
  2. One eye is circled and a pirate's eye patch is depicted.
  3. Draw a mustache and beard.
  4. The bandana is decorated with white polka dots.

Face painting Bear

This version of face art is suitable for kids of any age. If you need to decorate a girl’s face, then the teddy bear can be depicted with a bow. For the procedure you will need a standard set of materials, white, brown, black paint. How to draw a bear cub's face on a child's face is described below:

  1. The outline of the bear’s head is drawn along the forehead, chin, and near the child’s ears.
  2. Ears are depicted on the forehead.
  3. The area of ​​the mouth and nose is painted with lighter brown paint, the rest with dark paint.
  4. Draw the bear's face with black paint.
  5. The cheeks are highlighted with light paint.

Face painting Princess

Almost any girl will be delighted with this look for a New Year tree or other event. Princess face painting will be especially relevant for true fashionistas who adore fluffy dresses and sparkles. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. The contours of the future crown are drawn on the child’s forehead using pink face painting paint.
  2. Use a sponge or sponge to paint the crown pink.
  3. Mark the outline with black glossy paint using a thin brush.
  4. Sequins depict a diamond in the center of the crown.
  5. A pendant is drawn between the eyebrows with white paint.
  6. Draw long eyelashes on upper eyelid black paint for face painting.
  7. The tops of the lips are highlighted with scarlet color.

Face painting Leo

Another successful option for children’s makeup is the image of a lion. This option is especially suitable for boys. To create Lion face painting yourself, you need to prepare a container with water, brushes, a sponge and paint in black, brown, orange, yellow. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. The base is applied with yellow paint.
  2. Draw the outline of the lion's fur in orange.
  3. The child's mouth and area around the eyes are highlighted with white paint.
  4. Dark color draw eyebrows and cat eyes.
  5. A white mustache is depicted above the lip.
  6. Use brown paint to shade the transitions near the eyes and mouth.

Price for face painting

You can order face painting from a professional face painter. Various companies offer this service at an hourly rate. The cost depends on the number of children and the specific region. How much does face painting from professionals cost? The price can vary from 800 to 2500 rubles per hour. Another option for parents is to buy brushes with paints and paint the children themselves. The price of the set depends on the configuration. On average you will have to pay from 600 to 3000 rubles. For pencils and crayons, the price was set at 150-400 rubles per set.

Video: face painting lessons for children

Drawings on the face will create a cheerful atmosphere at any children's party. In this article we will tell you how and with what you can draw pictures on a child’s face and show you the most interesting photographs of face painting so that you can repeat them at home

Do-it-yourself face painting is very simple. To work with face painting, you need to purchase special water-based paints. Face painting comes in two types - in the form of a dry, compressed powder, which looks like watercolor paints, and in a liquid, already diluted form. In addition, you will need a set of sponges - sponges for applying tone to the model's face and brushes for painting. You can use natural hair brushes for watercolor or gouache different sizes. You will also need a thin, pointed brush for drawing small elements, and a thick brush with a flat end, you need at least two of them.

What to pay attention to before applying face painting?

  • Only use face paints that are clearly labeled for use on the skin only. Acrylic, oil or nitrate paints are not safe for use on leather.
  • Refuse to draw for children who have open wounds or ulcers on their faces.
  • Very young children tend to not like the feel of paint on their face, so you can simply smack a smear of red paint onto their little nose and you've got an instant clown face.

The most popular face paintings for girls- Butterfly, Fairy, Princess, Fantasy, Rabbit, Ladybug, Cat, Flowers, Rainbow, Dog (Puppy).

The most popular face paintings for boys- Red Spider Web, Pirate, Skull, Tiger, Robot, Bat, Clown, Dog (Puppy), Foreigner, Indian.

PHOTO of drawings on the face. Face painting options for children

Entertainment for children becomes more diverse every year. One of the fresh ideas for creating a festive mood is face painting. But before you allow your child to paint their face, you should make sure that it will not harm your health.

What is face painting

Face painting for children is one of the components of body art. Using this technique, you can depict some animal or pattern on the baby’s face. Such drawings on the child’s body can be used for themed parties. For example, transform all the kids into characters famous cartoon. A specialist is usually called in to create face painting.

However, if you purchase the necessary tools and paints, you can save a lot. Just before the holiday you should practice a little.

Advantages and disadvantages of face painting

Face painting has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • availability of a huge range of safe paints and pencils;
  • makeup is easily washed off with soapy water;
  • a great way to create a festive mood.

The main disadvantages of facial drawings include:

  • the possibility of getting clothes dirty;
  • risk of allergic reaction to dyes;
  • Not suitable for shy kids.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Parents often persuade their child to apply face painting when the child does not want it. In this way, adults hope to cheer up the quiet person. But a shy kid is more likely to sit on the sidelines if he notices that everyone is looking at him from behind. unusual design.

Should I be concerned about my child's health?

Face painting done with high-quality paints is not harmful to children. However, it must be taken into account that the use of black henna can greatly affect the health of the child. Therefore, before allowing their child to undergo the procedure, parents should ask whether such a component is present in the paints.

Water is used during painting. It must be changed after each baby. After all, there is large number diseases that can be contracted this way. In addition, you should pay attention to the brushes. Before performing the next make-up, the specialist must rinse them well.

To exclude an allergic reaction, it is necessary to first conduct a sensitivity test. The area behind the ear is suitable for this. If the skin does not react to the paint within 10 minutes, then the risks are minimal. In addition, do not forget about food allergies.

It is important to carefully monitor the kids so that they do not touch the wet makeup, and then do not put their hands in their mouths.

Contraindications for face painting

  • Under three years of age. A small child's skin is particularly sensitive. Therefore, such a procedure can lead to the appearance of atopic dermatitis.
  • Any damage to the skin. This includes minor scratches and pimples. Otherwise, an inflammatory process may begin.
  • The child's tendency to allergies.

Required materials

In order to accomplish beautiful drawing on the baby's face, you need to have the following tools:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponge or sponge;
  • container with water.

In addition to all of the above, many specialists use rhinestones.

When applying face painting, it is important to use high-quality paints. They should be safe, but also fit well on the skin. In Russia they do not produce specialized paints for face painting. But the Chinese market offers many inexpensive options. However, in in this case the savings are not justified.

Reviews on the Internet report that such dyes are pale and often cause allergies in children. Therefore, it is better to prefer manufacturers from the USA and Europe.

For face painting, you should carefully select brushes. They must have a special shape and softness. Traditionally, large, medium and small size brushes are used. In this case, the first shape should be flat. This will create a gradient effect. The middle brush is universal, so it is better if it is round.

When creating an image, you often have to draw clear lines. To do this, you should purchase a thin small brush. It is very important to consider the material of the products. It is better to give preference to natural bristles or high-quality artificial analogues. Sponges are necessary for painting large areas of skin.

They can be replaced with a regular sponge, which must be cut into pieces suitable for the job. It is important to understand that the sponge must be soft. Otherwise, the child will experience discomfort during the procedure. You can buy a water container at an art store, or replace it with a regular plastic glass. It is important to remember to change the water in a timely manner.

Lack of hygiene can lead to children contracting an infection or virus!

It is not difficult to master this technique on your own. Regular practice will help you create almost professional makeup.

There are rules that experts use to get good results:

  • To learn face painting, it is better to use palettes rather than individual jars of paint. Thus, you can purchase a wide variety of colors for a small amount.
  • The child must like the chosen image. Otherwise, the work will not bring pleasure to anyone.
  • If 10 minutes is not enough to create an image, you should take short breaks.
  • To entertain your baby, you can install a mirror in front of him or tell interesting story about the character that will be depicted on his face.
  • Avoid applying paint to the skin around the eyes.
  • For shading, it is better to use a clean and dry brush. The tone should be applied using a sponge.
  • Do not leave brushes in a container of water while working.

After the procedure, they must be washed in warm soapy water, dried well and stored in a pencil case. Otherwise, the tools will quickly become unusable.

Face painting for boys

When choosing an image for a boy, you should take into account the age of the child. Characters from their favorite fairy tale or cartoon will suit kids. An older child will like superhero makeup more. Often boys prefer to transform into animals whose qualities they would like to have.

Face painting for children, when professionally applied, can replace any mask

For example, children often ask to draw the face of a tiger on their face.

Face painting for girls

The choice of images for girls is much more varied. In addition to their favorite characters and animals, little representatives of the fair sex love all kinds of patterns. In addition, girls can ask to draw flowers or bows on their faces. Unlike boys, you can use rhinestones here.

Video selection of face painting for children:

Paints with glitter or pearlescent shades are perfect. Girls from 5 to 10 years old often prefer the image of princesses from fairy tales. Before completing such an order, you need to determine the characteristics of this character. This approach will help you cope with the task more easily.


Before drawing, you should pay attention to the age and gender of the child. For girls and little boys, it is better to make the image more cute than scary. Therefore, in this case, you should skip the image of the fangs.

In order to perform tiger face painting, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Using a sponge, white paint and water, apply three large white spots. Two of them should be located above the child's eyebrows. It is better to make them more beveled and point them up and to the sides. The third spot should be in the area between the nose and upper lip.
  2. Using the same sponge, you need to paint all the remaining areas of the face orange. More advanced artists can create an amber effect by making the shade more saturated at the edges of the face.
  3. Take a medium brush with black paint and paint a little wavy lines on the cheeks, chin and forehead. They should be clear and bright. It is very important that the lines towards the center of the muzzle are thinner.

The final stage is performed with a thin brush. It is used to depict the contour of the nose and draw fangs and mustaches.


Face painting for children “butterfly” suitable for girls. The butterfly can be depicted on the entire face or on one cheek.

The first option can be done by following this algorithm:

  1. Prepare the base for makeup using white paint and sponge. Work on the cheeks and forehead.
  2. Choose any bright color, such as purple. Using a medium and large brush, draw the wings.
  3. Mark an oval on the nose and a circle between the eyebrows. This will be the head and body of the butterfly.
  4. Using black paint and a small brush, draw antennae, wing outlines and other small details.

Finally, add some sparkles or rhinestones to the wings of the butterfly.


When creating an image, you should take into account the gender of the baby. If it is a boy, then it is more advisable to replace pink more suitable. For example, gray or orange.

To portray a cat, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Using a sponge, apply white paint to your face. The entire surface of the skin should be treated, excluding the middle of the forehead.
  2. Leave small circles in pink on the cheeks and above the eyebrows.
  3. Use black paint to paint the baby's lips and the tip of the nose.
  4. Using the same color with a thin brush, draw the ears and continue the line of the mouth to the pink circles.
  5. Add small details in the form of antennae, dots and strokes between the ears.


To complete this look, you only need black paint.

To draw a spider you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Using a thin brush, draw guidelines from the eye area to the forehead and cheeks. Connect the shown lines with small arcs so that you get two webs.
  2. Using a sponge or thick brush, leave a round mark between the eyebrows. This is the future body of the spider. Now you need to draw the head so that it seems that the insect is crawling down and not up.
  3. Draw the legs of a spider.


This image is easy to create, so even a beginner can create it.

To do this you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. Using white paint and a sponge, mark two spots on the face. The largest ones need to be marked on the tip of the nose, lips, and chin. The second spot should be painted over the area around the right eye.
  2. Draw a red tongue, which should be directed slightly to the side. It should be placed on the lower lip and chin.
  3. Use black paint to mark the tip of the nose. Use a thin brush to outline the contour of the tongue and the right eye.
  4. Use the same color to draw the upper lip and connect it to the nose with a thin line.
  5. Add small details in the form of small dots on the muzzle.


For this look you need orange, white, pink and black paints.

To complete it, you should follow these instructions:

  1. Use a sponge to draw a white heart, which should start under the nose, slightly grab the cheeks and the entire chin. This will be the bottom of the muzzle. Paint the entire nose with the same color, extending slightly onto the forehead.
  2. The cheeks, area around the eyes and future ears must be painted with orange paint.
  3. Use pink to indicate the tip of the nose and inner part ears.

Using a thin brush and black paint, draw lips, mustache and contours.


This makeup is very popular among boys.

Stages of drawing:

  1. Using a sponge and red color you need to outline the forehead, left temple and part of the cheek. This will be a scarf.
  2. Using black paint, draw a mustache and some hairs on the chin. If desired, you can highlight small dots beard area.
  3. Using the same shade, draw a bandage on the right eye.
  4. Use white paint to mark the peas on the scarves.
  5. Using a thin brush, emphasize the small details and contours of the scarf.

If there is enough space left on the child's face, small abrasions can be added.


Face painting for children in the image of Batman looks very impressive.

At the same time, it is easy to perform according to the following instructions:

  1. Use a sponge and black paint to paint the area around the eyes and the bridge of the nose.
  2. Using the same color and a medium brush, paint the wings. During operation, slight asymmetry is acceptable.
  3. Draw Batman's head and ears.
  4. Using a thin brush and white paint, outline the contours of the design.
  5. If desired, you can add some dark blue highlights to the wings.


Face painting for children shouldn't be too scary. Otherwise, the kids who are nearby may get scared.

To execute this image you need:

  1. Using a sponge, cover the entire face with white paint.
  2. Paint the area around the eyes black. In this case, you should capture the eyebrows.
  3. The same paint should be used to mark the lips. They should be continued to the middle of the cheekbones with a thin line, which should be crossed out along the entire length with short perpendicular strokes.
  4. Draw two depressions on the nose in the form of two small semi-ovals.
  5. With a thin brush you can add a few cracks in the form of small black strokes.

iron man

To make the look perfect, you should use paints with a metallic effect. You can also replace yellow paint with gold paint. Draw iron man quite difficult, so this character is not suitable for a novice master.

To create makeup you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Paint the area around the eyes black.
  2. Using white paint and a thin brush, draw the outline of the character, moving from the right eyebrow down, indicating the cheekbones, chin and hollow of the forehead.
  3. Use a sponge to paint the area inside the outline. yellow, and outside - red.
  4. Using a thin brush, draw lines on the forehead, mark the lower jaw and draw an outline.
  5. Highlight your cheekbones with a light brown shade.
  6. Make the image more graphic by partially emphasizing the outline with white paint.


More often the dragon is depicted on the temple or cheek. However, face painting in the form of a mask is better suited for a matinee.

For beginners, a suitable option is similar in execution to the Batman makeup described above:

  1. Create a base using a sponge and light paint. It should be translucent and located on the upper half of the face.
  2. Paint the area around the eyes yellow, slightly touching the nose area.
  3. Use green paint to outline the outline of the wings, like Batman’s. Fill the entire area with the same shade inner surface drawing.
  4. Draw the body of a dragon on the nose by drawing curved line With right side and with small strokes on the left connect its two ends.
  5. Draw a head on the forehead. To do this, use green paint to leave an oval imprint with a sponge, depict white teeth, and use black paint to make clearer contours.
  6. Draw a tail with an arrow below under the right wing.
  7. Using a thin brush and black paint, add outlines and fine details.


Unlike the previous look, creating snowman makeup is quite simple.

To do this, you need to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Using a thin brush and white paint, draw an outline that will become the basis of the drawing. To do this, you need to draw a small circle on your forehead, and under it draw a large arc from one ear to the other.
  2. Paint the area inside the outline white.
  3. Use black paint to paint a hat or bucket for the snowman.
  4. Draw a carrot in orange.
  5. Draw snowman buttons in the form of large dots on the child’s nose.
  6. Using a thin brush add eyes and highlight the outline.

To make the design more impressive, you can add a little sparkle or mother-of-pearl to the top part cheeks.

Hello Kitty

To create this image you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Draw a cat's face on the top of the face with white paint. Paint the area inside the outline.
  2. Mark the tip of the nose with yellow paint.
  3. Draw a red bow near the right ear.
  4. Using a thin brush and black paint, draw the antennae and outline.

Angry Birds

In this case, all the makeup will be located on the child’s forehead.

To perform it, you must use the following algorithm:

  1. Using a large brush and red paint, outline the semicircle and crest of the character.
  2. Using white paint, draw eyes in the form of two touching balls.
  3. Under them, using yellow, depict a beak.
  4. Using a thin brush, add black eyebrows and pupils.
  5. Make the drawing clearer with an outline.


Even a beginner can do this makeup.

To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Mark the area around the eyes with yellow, filling in the eyebrows and the top of the cheeks.
  2. Outline the mask with a black outline, making the line at the top thicker.
  3. Draw “horns” in black, marking the tips with yellow dots.


This makeup is universal and will suit both boys and girls.

To complete it, you must:

  1. Draw a contour in the form of glasses around the eyes. It should extend above the eyebrows and slightly touch the cheeks. The area inside the resulting picture should be painted white.
  2. Use black paint to draw an arc that should connect the side parts of the “glasses”. Fill in the detail of the drawing with the same color.
  3. Draw a beak with yellow paint between the baby's eyes.

If the child is not very small, then you can draw arrows on the eyes.


In order to complete such a drawing, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Using a thin brush, outline the area around the eyes.
  2. Paint the entire face red, excluding the area indicated above. You should wait a bit for the paint to dry.
  3. Using a thin brush, paint a black web on the face.


This image can be supplemented with carrots shown in index finger child.

To draw a bunny you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Draw the outline of the design using a thin brush and white paint. The ears will be located above the eyebrows, followed by the nose and the lower part of the muzzle around the mouth.
  2. Paint the inside of the outline white.
  3. Draw a pink tip of the nose.
  4. Use black paint to depict teeth, antennae and emphasize the outline of the drawing.


To create this makeup you need:

  1. Using a large brush and white paint, mark a circle on the forehead that will be the eye.
  2. Paint all free areas on the face yellow. For this purpose it is better to use a sponge.
  3. Draw a smaller circle inside the ball using a gray tint.
  4. Using black and brown paints draw an eye.
  5. Draw a black stripe.

Teddy Bear

Face painting for children “bear cub” will not require large expenses. To make it you only need two colors - black and brown.

To depict this pattern on the face, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Using a thin brush and brown paint, complete the contour of the “mask”.
  2. Paint the inside area of ​​the drawing.
  3. Draw ears, nose, and mouth in black.


To portray a lion you need to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Use white paint to paint the lower part of the muzzle. To do this, you need to paint over the area between the nose and mouth, as well as the chin. The same color should be used to mark the upper eyelid, eyebrows and inner corner of the eye.
  2. Use an orange tint to paint your nose, cheeks, and forehead. Then draw the ears.
  3. Using brown paint, paint the mane in the form of strokes on the cheeks and forehead.
  4. Mark the tip of the nose and mouth in black.
  5. Use a thin brush to make the drawing more expressive.

Halloween Ideas

You can bring some joy to your kids on Halloween interesting images:

  • Pumpkin. Apply orange paint to your face. Draw some vertical stripes brown. Mark the large mouth and eyes with black paint. On the forehead green draw the top of the pumpkin.
  • Vampire. Apply white paint to your face using a sponge. Use black to outline the lips, fangs and area around the eyes. Draw a few drops of blood near the lips.
  • Clown. Use red paint to outline the cheeks, the center of the lips and the tip of the nose. Draw thick black eyebrows. Paint the area between the lips and cheeks with white. Highlight this area with black paint.

Face painting for the New Year

When preparing for the New Year, you can use the following ideas:

  • Father Frost. Draw a cap on the forehead and thick white eyebrows. Draw a big mustache. Mark the nose and cheeks in red. Use black paint to paint lowered glasses on your face.
  • Snowflake. Apply white paint to the cheek with a sponge. When the base dries, use blue paint to draw a snowflake. Add rhinestones and sparkles.
  • Funny snowman. Use white paint to paint the area around the right eye, including the eyebrow, the wing of the nose and the upper part of the cheek. This is the head of the future snowman. Draw a red scarf underneath and a hat on top. Make a large stroke on the side of the drawing with silver or gray paint. Draw white snowflakes on it. Use the same color to paint stripes on the scarf. Add carrots and accents using orange and black paint.

Winter patterns. Using pearlescent paints and rhinestones in free form decorate your face. This makeup is only suitable for girls.

Price for face painting

The cost of one drawing can vary from 200 to 600 rubles. The difference can be explained by the level of skill of the specialist and the complexity of the makeup itself. Additionally, location should be taken into account. Prices in Moscow for face painting services differ significantly from the periphery.

If a specialist is invited to children's party, then the payment will depend not on the number of drawings, but on the time spent.

Bright face painting on children's faces will help lift their spirits and relieve stress. With the help of face painting you can complement your carnival costume. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend money on a specialist. After all, armed necessary materials and using the ideas described above, you can create the desired image yourself.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about face painting for children

Video recipe for making your own body paints:

What is face painting? These are special water-based paints for the face and body. They are easy to wash off and easy to apply, and their hypoallergenicity allows them to be used even on children's faces.

But in addition to a purely aesthetic function, face painting also has a practical function: it will be much easier for a child to get used to the image of his hero, which will reduce both physical and psychological stress.

Before you start applying makeup, remember a few simple rules for beginner makeup artists:

  1. Don't force your child to put on makeup if he doesn't want to: not all children like the touch of a brush to their body.
  2. Before drawing, move a dry brush over your baby’s face, so the drawing process will not come as a surprise to the child.
  3. Don't offer your child a drawing that you like. After all, it’s not you who will have to wear makeup, but him.
  4. Don't draw for more than ten minutes. Of course, you want to create a real masterpiece, but children cannot sit still for a long time (how can we, with many years of experience in school, university and home computer gatherings), and they will quickly get tired of it. If you see that the child is tired, let him run freely or breathe, because some children are even afraid to breathe while they are being drawn.
  5. Hold a small mirror in front of you so that the child can see what interesting things are happening on his face.
  6. Be sure to talk to your child about something interesting while drawing.

Now let's move on to the actual technique and materials:


1. Paints.

2. Brushes. You need 2 brushes - No. 1 and No. 5-6.

3. Sponge or sponge.

4. Cotton pads, sticks, napkins.

Master class on face painting

We start, of course, with the basics. This is a common element for drawing various animals.


Using a wide brush, apply white paint to the areas between the nose and upper lip. Paint the tip of the nose with a black brush, then draw a stripe up to the upper lip, outline it and curve it upward. We got cheeks! We can apply dots and antennae on them. We paint the bridge of the nose in white and shade it a little so that there are no sharp boundaries.

The basic foundation is ready, now we can draw several animals with their own distinctive features.


Any color is suitable for it (in our case, blue). Apply paint to the face along the contour, without including the eyes, draw ears above the eyebrows. Now let's draw a red tongue on the lower lip, and highlight the fur and ears with black. The eyes were not captured on purpose, because In some children, this area of ​​the body is very sensitive and should not be applied to it.


Which is the most important distinguishing feature hare? That's right, teeth. So let's draw them on the lower lip. Let's draw white rectangle. We use black to denote the teeth, draw an outline in the shape of a butterfly (where its “wings” will be the bunny’s ears) and paint over it (everything except the cheeks). Let's paint the fur using black paint and a thin brush. Now we’ll cover the cheeks with white paint and blend it a little with a sponge.

You can figure it out yourself characteristic features animals: for example, a mouse - gray, small teeth and a small tongue, the lynx will look like a cat, only orange, and there will be tassels on the ears, etc.

Video on this topic

And in these videos you will see several more master classes and schemes with which you can make any holiday unforgettable for your child.

Image of a stern pirate:

The thunderstorm of all villains is Spider-Man (aka Spiderman):

Here is such a wonderful rabbit:

Style a la Indian princess:

Beautiful butterfly:

An easy way to draw a tiger face on your face: