How to lose weight after celebrating the New Year. How to lose weight after the New Year: step-by-step instructions

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In days New Year's holidays And during the holidays, we all allow ourselves to relax a little, drink too much and eat forbidden foods. There are a lot of forbidden things, things that we don’t allow ourselves in our normal diet. And when the time comes to change from comfortable shorts to work jeans, it becomes especially clear how much of this forbidden food was eaten during the New Year holidays.

We urgently need to pull ourselves together, change our diet and lose weight quickly! But it’s easy to say, but much more difficult to do. Don't despair, everything can be fixed!

How to lose weight after the New Year holidays - read on.

What are the dangers of long feasts?

As always, on holidays we give ourselves some slack and forget about the strict diet that we diligently followed before the holiday. I needed to lose a few extra pounds and look seductive in my chosen New Year's outfit. During the diet, our body learned to live in a strict economy mode, redistributed the energy obtained from food and changed the metabolism.

Delicacies, meat and fish dishes, baked goods, sweets, alcohol - this is a real test for an organism accustomed to saving. Even a healthy person can get a little sick after a New Year's feast. There is a high probability of a number of problems in the digestive system, exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis and allergies.

For a woman who follows a diet regularly and only allows herself to relax in terms of nutrition on holidays, there is a serious danger from rich table food.

Why are feasts so dangerous? The whole danger is that after metabolic stress or diet, eating unusual and plentiful food for the body leads to its complete insensitivity to strict diets. In other words, no diet will help cope with New Year's overeating.

Dear women, girls and, of course, men, if you have been on a diet for more than two months, then on New Year’s holidays you need to stick to dietary holiday dishes, limit yourself in the consumption of bread, pastries, sweets and alcohol.

But, as usually happens with us, we begin to think about health when we are already completely ill or in in this case We don’t fit into any of our jeans or dresses. What to do? How to quickly get back into shape and lose weight? First things first.

How to lose weight after the New Year holidays?

There are no hopeless situations. And the problem of losing weight after the New Year holiday can be solved, but not all at once. Here you need to act carefully and carefully. There are some rules for this:

1. No hunger strikes!

Most immediately after the holidays begin to go hungry or sit on strict diets, like lemon and hot water. Stop! This is something you should never do!

Not only will such stress cause you headaches, indigestion, nausea and insomnia, but you will not lose weight, but rather gain another 2-3 kilograms. You cannot avoid visiting a medical facility, therefore, a few more harmful folds will settle on your waist or hips.

Correct solution: gradual reduction in calories ready-made dish, about 500 calories. Try to replace fats and carbohydrates in meals with protein. Reduce portions of lunch and dinner by 2-3 spoons per day. Bring the holiday diet to your usual daily diet within a week.

2. Lots of water!

Surely during New Year's feasts you drank more than just coffee or tea. Most likely, you have drunk a lot of glasses of alcohol, sweet carbonated waters and juices.

To restore your hydration and boost your metabolism, you need to drink plenty of water. Regular, without gas and dyes.

Try to start with two glasses clean water per day and bring it up to the norm of 8 glasses in a week. If you find it difficult to drink so much plain water, you can replace one glass a day with mineral water, homemade compote, fruit drink, green tea or chicken broth. Juices are not suitable in this case., even diluted with water.

3. No alcohol!

There is an opinion that alcohol burns calories and helps you lose weight quickly. This is a huge misconception!

Alcohol is a fairly high-calorie product, and the calories in it are entirely harmful.

And the effect of ethyl alcohol on your already damaged by fatty foods will be very destructive. Not to mention enzymes and the nervous system.

Say no to alcohol! And start vigorously losing weight without it!

4. Physical activity

Admit it, did you do any exercises during the New Year holidays? Or maybe they went skiing on the snow winter forest, sledding down the mountain? Or maybe they played snowballs or made a snow woman?

No? You did none of the above, like most of us. Time was spent either in front of the computer or at festive table. It's time to start getting yours back physical fitness, and before you know it, spring will come, and you’re not at your best.

Where to begin? With a light warm-up every morning. Several squats, swings of arms and legs, running in place. The best thing, of course, is to go for a walk in the frosty air. Twenty to thirty minutes at a normal pace in winter clothes is equal to a three-kilometer run in the summer.

If you have children, then put them in a sled or snow scooter and run a couple of circles around the house. The children will have fun, and you will get the necessary exercise and breathe some air at the same time.

5. Psychological moments and the right attitude!

During the holiday holidays we all gained weight, our clothes became too small and in some places just too tight. Don’t rush to throw it away or put it in a distant drawer, and don’t go shopping for new clothes.

Why? It's all about psychology. You need to wear exactly those old clothes that have become too small. This way you will have a clear example of how your body has changed and an incentive to work on yourself.

It is very difficult to force yourself to give up chocolate or cake when you are wearing comfortable clothes that fit you. The need to lose weight disappears, the incentive to change yourself disappears, and self-doubt due to clothes bigger size grows with the extra pounds.

So, we wear the same clothes and every day we look at ourselves in the mirror before putting them on.

As a conclusion, it is worth adding that with this approach, losing weight will take quite a lot of time. But the result will be more stable and long-lasting than from stress measures and diets.

Eat in moderation, drink plenty of water, exercise and lose weight wisely!

And finally, watch the show Elena Malysheva About, how to lose weight quickly after celebrating New Year's holidays.

Lose weight with pleasure and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

Lose weight after the New Year: nutrition

If you do not have problems with your stomach, liver or kidneys, try to avoid fasting days on any one product. It is more important for you now to establish proper nutrition, to return food to the meaning that nature intended for it - to be a source of energy, and not a reason for meeting with friends.

Try to arrange 4-5 meals a day. Traditionally, the “main” meals are breakfast, lunch and dinner. To lose weight faster, divide your dinner into 2 parts - eat one at about 17.00, and the second as soon as you return home from work or finish your day's activities. Typically, this strategy prevents overeating in the evening better than any volitional decision to stop eating after six.

Try to eat according to this plan:

Breakfast - 200 g of any porridge with water, 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, a teaspoon of honey or cane sugar if you need something sweet.
Morning snack: apple, orange or any other fruit rich in pectin, 7-8 almonds.
Lunch: portion vegetable soup in vegetable broth or a large vegetable salad with a minimum of oil, a portion of meat, fish or poultry without breading or toppings. You can eat steamed cutlets.
First dinner: a portion of dried fruit if you have a sweet tooth, or a muesli bar. If you are craving something salty, opt for Chechil cheese; it contains some salt, but is a good source of protein.
Second dinner: a portion of meat, fish, poultry, shrimp, egg whites, cottage cheese or kefir. You can add salad or chopped vegetables. 20 minutes before dinner you should eat 1 handful of crispy bran with a glass of water.

strive drink 2 liters of clean water per day, if there are no medical contraindications or swelling, add less salt to your dishes and drink no more than 2 cups of black coffee a day.

How to lose weight after the New Year: workouts

If you haven't played sports before, and going to the gym is your New Year's resolution, it's worth finally keeping it. According to statistics, among those who were able to maintain weight after a diet, more people go in for sports than "sofa regulars". So you have to study, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

Beginners should not “swing” at all the lessons at once - select 2 strength lessons for all muscle groups and 2 aerobic lessons of low or medium intensity in the fitness club schedule. Start training every other day according to the scheme "strength-rest-cardio-rest", and you will definitely lose weight. If you have health problems, pay attention to static, but no less effective gymnastics - Pilates, callanetics, fitness yoga or bodyflex. In addition, take up swimming as a cardio workout. It has almost no contraindications.

For those who have been practicing regularly and for a long time, we can recommend the slogan of Jillian Michaels: "Variety is the key". Try to have 2 in your “fitness menu” power training per week, but try to do aerobics as often and as varied as possible. The “upper limit” for the amount of cardio training for an experienced fitness specialist is 6 hours per week. Anything above this figure is either unhealthy fanaticism or professional sports.

What workouts will help you lose weight faster after the New Year? Those that you will visit regularly and with pleasure; there is no specific “recipe” here.

Lose weight after the New Year: procedures

We all know that there is baths for weight loss, And sauna, And massage. So, these procedures really help, the main thing is to do them regularly. It is best to use this scheme - a bath with 1 kg of sea salt and essential oils (juniper, lemon, orange) - once a day for 20 minutes in the evening. Bath or sauna - every 4 days, and self-massage of problem areas every morning and evening.

Choose for yourself anti-cellulite cream with firming effect. The product does not have to be expensive. The main thing is that the ingredients include fucus extract, kelp, and coffee. Try to apply the morning portion of the cream with massage movements from the ankles to the waist, vigorously rubbing the product with your palms. But you can add a few drops to the evening portion of the cream anti-cellulite essential oil and do a longer self-massage, devoting at least 10 minutes to each problem area.

So every day you must Healthy food, do the exercises And Massage problem areas 2 times a day. It usually takes no more than 2 hours a day, but it's really worth it - you'll be in better shape if you follow these simple recommendations.

After the New Year holidays, people who have managed to gain weight during these days and want to lose weight urgently line up to see nutritionists. Indeed, dieting New Year is a real blasphemy, and most gyms and fitness centers are closed. So it turns out that scales and reflections in the mirror before showing up at work only spoil your mood. However, everything can be resolved. The main thing is to draw up an action plan and strictly follow it.

Step 1. Prepare yourself mentally

If you are determined to lose weight, you should not start with a strict diet or three-hour daily workouts in the gym. First of all... forgive yourself for this involuntary breakdown and the gained kilograms (no matter how many there are).

Why is this necessary? To get your things in order peace of mind and normalize hormonal levels, in which too much cortisol is produced due to unnecessary worries. If you scold yourself day after day for eating too much on New Year's Day, and then spending all the holidays on the couch, no amount of diets or workouts will help you lose weight. Firstly, the stress hormone will promote the accumulation of fat reserves. Secondly, it will increase your appetite and make you feel guilty about eating something tasty in the evenings.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do after the New Year is to forgive yourself for small weaknesses, leave only pleasant moments in your memory, and only after that take some action to lose weight.

Immediately tune in to the fact that rapid weight loss is always bad. It will negatively affect your health. And then everything lost will return just as quickly. Therefore, be patient, there is no need to try to lose everything at once using express diets. Unless you're flying to the Maldives the day after tomorrow and need to look perfect in a new swimsuit. Decide how many kilograms you have gained and how much you need to lose. If it’s 2-3 kg, then it’s quite possible to do it in a week. If 5-6 kg (and this is possible after the New Year), then plan to stretch it out for 10-14 days.

Step 2. Cleanse the body

After you have properly tuned in and are mentally prepared for the upcoming tests, it is still too early to start dieting and go to the gym. To lose weight after the New Year effectively and at the same time without harm to health, you first need to properly cleanse the body.

Judge for yourself: what was eaten during the holidays great amount fatty, high-calorie, fried, spicy and other harmful foods; a lot of alcoholic, sweet and carbonated drinks were drunk. All this did not have time to be digested properly, it went towards the formation of fat deposits, probably complicated the digestion process, forced the liver to work at maximum speed, and clogged the blood vessels. And if you impose a diet on the body in such a state, and even physical exercise, you can, without exaggeration, end up in the hospital.

Cleansing the body after the New Year can be done 1-2 days before going to work. Approximate diagram can be adjusted depending on health status and contraindications. If you have any diseases, it is advisable to consult with your doctor whether you can even arrange such procedures.

  1. In the morning, immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water (with honey or lemon).
  2. Put . Wait until you have a bowel movement. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. An hour later, have breakfast with a small amount of liquid oatmeal, cooked in water, without salt or other additives.
  4. Drink up to 3 liters of water during the day. It can be mineral, but not carbonated.
  5. Instead of snacks (lunch, afternoon snack and before bed), drink warm rosehip decoction (a glass).
  6. For lunch and dinner, eat 200 g of “Brush” salad.
  7. After dinner you can do this to cleanse your liver.

There are quite a lot of systems for cleansing the body - original, folk, medical. The main thing is that it does not harm you due to various contraindications. The measures described above are quite effective, but at the same time have a powerful effect on the body's systems. Therefore, you must first obtain permission from a specialized specialist.

If you are not sure whether you can hold such events, arrange a regular fasting day after the New Year on, or any other dietary product. This will also be a good start for post-holiday weight loss.

Step 3. Adjust your diet

It is impossible to lose weight without changing anything in your diet. But first we need to end the series of festive feasts. Make sure there are no party invitations ahead that will lead to disruption. And then there are two ways - diet or proper nutrition.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. The diet will continue the process of cleansing the body, since it is unrealistic to remove all toxins in one day. And most importantly, it will allow you to lose weight quickly. But:

  • you will have to strictly limit yourself in nutrition;
  • For health, no diet goes unnoticed;
  • there is a risk that everything that was dropped with such difficulty will come back again.

Proper nutrition will have only one drawback - it will take a long time to lose weight (on average, minus 1 kg per week), but without harm to health and with a guaranteed stable result. So it's up to you to choose between these two systems.

Regardless of your choice, consider a few general tips for eating after the New Year to help you lose weight.

  1. Take advantage of the fact that there are a lot of citrus fruits on the shelves. These are the leaders in fat burning, so eat them every day for lunch and afternoon snack.
  2. It's time to get frozen berries and make decoctions based on them or prepare various cocktails and fruit drinks.
  3. Despite the fact that prices for fresh vegetables and herbs soar in winter, this is the time not to skimp on them.
  4. Nothing fatty, fried, spicy or anything else harmful is allowed.
  5. As for drinks, leave green tea, homemade freshly squeezed citrus juices, and kefir in your diet.
  6. In winter, nutritionists and dieticians recommend eating hot liquid food. For breakfast it should be porridge (), for lunch - light soup (not pureed, but with vegetable broth).
  7. Eat strictly on schedule 5 times a day.
  8. Calculate your daily caloric intake for weight loss based on your height and weight, and strictly adhere to it. Portions should be small.
  9. Don't overeat, especially at night.

If you want to lose weight, try to adhere to these rules, regardless of whether you are using one of the newfangled diets or switched to PP.

Step 4. Play sports

The next item in the weight loss program after the New Year should be physical activity. There are several winter nuances with which you can speed up the weight loss process and at the same time get a lot of pleasure from it.


To lose weight after the New Year, you don’t have to immediately run to Gym. If you went there before, then, of course, resume training - they will quickly return you to your former shape. But usually you don’t gain so many extra pounds during these holidays to exhaust yourself with exercise equipment. Therefore, you can reset them at home by choosing the right exercises.

Excess weight gained on New Year's Day is mostly excess fluid accumulated in tissues and waste and toxins. In such a short period of time, fats are unlikely to have time to be deposited on the arms and legs. Most likely, the problem area will be the stomach and sides - this is where you will need to work (you can familiarize yourself with a set of exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides).

Will help you lose weight in these places:

  • twisting;
  • exercise “birch” / “candle”;
  • incomplete bridge;

Kinds of sports

Winter is the only time of year when skates and skis become available. Firstly, it's fun, you can invite your friends or family with you. Secondly, this is a great way to lose weight. After spending 1 hour at the skating rink, you can lose up to 490 kcal; skiing will take up 450 kcal (on average). Don't miss this opportunity.

As an option, you can go with your children or friends to a specially equipped slide, ride a sled, ice skate, cheesecake, or snowmobile. Not only will you recharge in a good mood, but you will also burn a lot of calories. Men can be advised to go to the skating rink a couple of times to play hockey - and there will be no trace of the beer belly left.

The only caveat is that when going outside, dress warmly and lightly at the same time. Avoid hypothermia, but excessive thermogenesis in winter is also a no-no. Thermal underwear can be an excellent solution.


To increase physical activity, also use:

  • walking;
  • fitness;
  • breathing exercises.

Even if you work in an office, do not forget to stretch every hour and walk for at least 5 minutes. This will also contribute to weight loss after a series of New Year holidays.

Step 5. Organize your daily routine

Having adjusted your diet and increased physical activity, do not forget about general rules weight loss that works even after the New Year.

  1. Get enough sleep. During sleep, the synthesis of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) decreases, and leptin (the satiety hormone) increases.
  2. Do not be nervous. Even minor stress increases cortisol levels, which contributes to the formation of visceral fat.
  3. Breathe fresh air as much as possible. But at the same time, beware of colds, strengthen your immune system and dress warmly.
  4. It's time to start drinking a complex of vitamins and minerals. Especially if you chose the path of diet rather than proper nutrition to lose weight.
  5. Remember how you made a promise to yourself to quit smoking before the New Year? It's time to implement your plans. This will also speed up weight loss.
  6. In winter, to normalize metabolism and lose weight, it is enough to drink 1.5 liters of water per day. And it must be warm, but not cold.
  7. Live according to a schedule. Getting up, eating, exercising, resting, going to bed - try to do everything at the same time.

Losing weight after the New Year is easier than at any other time. And the reason for this is a person’s psychological attitude that this holiday is associated with the beginning of a new period of life, when there is a chance to change everything. It is not without reason that many make promises to themselves from January 1 to quit smoking, play sports, join a healthy lifestyle, and give up some complexes and bad habits.

Step 6. Use life hacks

As a bonus, here are a few winter life hacks on how to quickly lose weight after the New Year, which will diversify your weight loss program.

Color therapy

It turns out that green and white colors awaken the appetite, forcing you to eat more often and in large quantities. New Year means snow and a beautiful Christmas tree that can stand in the apartment for a long time after the holidays. Is that why everyone dials so easily in winter? overweight? You can try to knock out a wedge with a wedge: according to color therapy, blue shades act the opposite - they reduce appetite. So, hang the Christmas tree with blue garlands, buy some for the kitchen blue tablecloth and the same plates, and a blue jacket is suitable for walking.

Bath and sauna

When it’s hot (in summer), you don’t really want to go take a steam bath, but in winter that’s just the thing. Moreover, on New Year’s Day this has already become a tradition for some. So you shouldn’t stop it after the holidays, just without alcoholic drinks and high-calorie snacks. It’s better to take green tea and anti-cellulite cream with you. Increased sweating, the process of thermogenesis, is an excellent way to once again cleanse the body, remove it from excess liquid, speed up your metabolism and, at least a little, lose weight (we described how to properly steam for weight loss in). There is no opportunity to warm up in a bathhouse or sauna - every other day, take hot baths with soda or sea ​​salt. The effect will not be as pronounced, but you will feel it.

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday, which is celebrated with a hearty feast among friends and family. It can be incredibly difficult to abstain from food during these magical days, not only because of temptations, but also because you don’t want to offend those around you. Therefore, once a year, allow yourself and your body to relax in terms of nutrition. It’s quite possible to lose everything you collect.

No matter how much we are called upon to be reasonable at the holiday table, at some point the “last pieces” become too many and a “bonus” of the New Year holidays appears - extra centimeters at the waist. Meanwhile, excessive sacrifices are not required in order to prevent loss of shape - it is enough to do New Year's menu useful.

“For example, replace a salad with mayonnaise with this: mix pieces of boiled meat with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, season with olive oil and lemon juice. The salad will be low-calorie, but satisfying, healthy and colorful, advises Margarita Koroleva, a famous Russian nutritionist, whose recommendations help Nikolai Baskov, Anita Tsoi, Nadezhda Babkina and many others stay in shape. - Instead of pork chops, offer your guests grilled veal with lettuce and a vegetable side dish. And replace mayonnaise with healthy and delicious sauce: mix olive oil with freshly squeezed juice (apple, cranberry, lingonberry) and add nuts. As an appetizer, serve not sausage, but baked meat with spices.”

It is important to observe one more condition - the amount of food eaten.

“A woman’s body can digest about 250 ml of food, and a man’s – 330,” says the nutritionist. “At the same time, it is worth putting such portions into the stomach every 2.5–3 hours - then the metabolic rate increases by 15%.” There is no need to make exceptions to this rule on December 31st.

According to a survey regarding the details of the New Year celebration, the majority of Ukrainians surveyed are going to celebrate the New Year at home, with Olivier and champagne.

Experts advise eating more often, but less


For those who are not looking for easy ways, turning the holidays into a “festival of the stomach”, and then stoically fighting to return to their former forms, Margarita Koroleva spoke about seven rules that will help achieve results with the least loss to the psyche and health.

No hunger strikes

Of course, without nutrition there will be weight loss, but then the body will certainly gain the excess weight again. After all, when it does not receive energy evenly, a signal is sent to the brain to grab it in reserve, the nutritionist warns. Maximum - diets. You can start with chocolate: a 150-gram chocolate bar plus 2-3 teaspoons of honey is dissolved in six doses per day. Water - at least 2.5 liters. You can only stay on this diet for two days. 1-3 kg will go away, you will be in the mood and motivation to continue to fight to get back into shape.

Eat six times a day

On other days, eat healthy and varied foods, dividing your diet into 5-6 meals. At fractional meals the sugar level does not fluctuate, which means there are no fluctuations in insulin and cartisol (this stress hormone leads to the deposition of fat, primarily in the abdominal area). But leptin is produced - a substance that reduces appetite. This is the second rule.

Breakfast is required

Third, be sure to start having breakfast, and it is important that in the first hour after waking up. There is such a substance as glycogen. The body stores it in reserve in case of a lack of glucose, which (in turn) is obtained from food. But glycogen reserves are small, and, as a rule, they are almost gone by morning. And if a person has not had breakfast, the brain receives a signal to gain 28–32% more energy today, even from healthy foods. And this is just today! Isn’t it hard to guess the consequences of a chronic lack of breakfast?

Two weeks without salt

The fourth rule is - do not use salt for two weeks after the “stomach holiday”. And then - reduce its amount to 5 g per day and minimize the consumption of processed foods, the main preservative in them is salt, also containing monosodium glutamates, sodium iodides, etc. derivatives of the “white death”. “One sodium molecule holds up to 16 water molecules. Hence, fluid retention and, as a result, an increase in body weight, explains Margarita Vasilievna. “And congestion blocks adequate oxidation of harmful substances in fat cells.”

Much water

Rule five - drink at least 2–2.5 liters of fluid per day. This will speed up detoxification of the body and, as a result, normalization of weight due to the establishment of metabolic processes. But only with the correct amount of salt in the diet!

Not a day without charging

Increase your physical activity, and most importantly, every day. But provided that you like the charging. Don't torture yourself on the gym or doing laps at the stadium if that's not your thing. Think about what you like and create a load schedule. Let's say: “On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will learn tango in dance club, on Tuesday and Thursday I walk to my 12th floor, and on the weekend I’ll play football (tennis) for an hour with my neighbors.”

Despondency - fight

Rule seven - the right psychological attitude: no “How disgusting your healthy diet is” and other moaning, because in this way you “satisfy” the food negative energy. It is no coincidence that in Rus' people crossed themselves before dinner, charging the food with positivity, says Margarita Koroleva. - Do not forget that new mode nutrition will not only improve your well-being and appearance, and as a result - quality of life, but will also prevent a number of diseases caused by extra pounds. First of all, hypertension and diabetes. Isn't it worth it?"

The New Year has not yet begun, and you can already feel the anxiety that your figure will probably suffer. We will tell you how to lose weight quickly after the New Year - we will tell you the rules for losing weight after the holidays.

We are far from trying to persuade you to eat less on holidays, although moderation in everything has never harmed anyone. Our goal is to tell you how to enjoy holiday dishes With least risk for your figure, and then also lose weight quickly after the New Year 2018!

What to suffer from bad mood, or worse, depression, it is better to recharge yourself with positivity and understand that in any case, you won’t have to expect manna from heaven, you will just need to take everything into your own hands.

After all, even if you plan to relax for the New Year holidays until you completely lose your willpower, then you will still have to work, but with a lot of “strain” and a bad mood.

It’s easy to “burn off” extra calories with a pleasant pastime

In order to program yourself for proper eating behavior in all three phases of the upcoming holiday (before, during and after), you need to sort everything out in your head and answer some questions:

  • what I expect from the New Year holidays;

Surely you are not waiting for them in order to eat enough for the whole coming year. Waiting for a holiday, according to psychologists, is better than the holiday itself. That’s why you shouldn’t voluntarily reduce the production of endorphins (hormones of happiness) that we need so much in the body, just because you can’t vouch for yourself.

  • how much control I have over my body and how much I can control my instincts;

Here the whole question comes down to the struggle between laziness and willpower among themselves, who wins, this path will be chosen for you.

The body will clearly follow the winner, going either along the path healthy image life, giving ease, improved brain activity, success and happiness, or will choose the path of illness, weakness and premature old age.

  • what food is to me;

Yes, the lion's share positive emotions we certainly get it from food. This is how a person works, which is why you have to think about how to lose weight quickly after the New Year. Nothing can be changed here without exposing the body to unacceptable violence. But it is quite possible to learn to receive this share of pleasure from proper food and its proper use.

  • how important it is for me to look good;

A real woman won’t even think about such a question; she knows that food is important, period. However, the way we look is our strength and our weapon! It is important to choose your priority here: week of culinary pleasure- and in the future excess weight, cellulite and unhealthy complexion, or abstinence from flour and sweets- and ultimately look slim, fresh and stunning...

Walking is a good alternative to “sitting” on a strict diet

Correct and deep motivated person It is very difficult to lead him astray; he does not need to explain the truisms and persuade him not to eat fried, fatty, sweet and starchy foods in unlimited quantities.

Now that we are psychologically savvy, it is easier for us to follow some recommendations on how to quickly lose weight by 5 or more kg after the New Year!

What to do before the New Year

In order not to create an intractable problem for yourself after festive events, including those associated with rich feasts, of which we have many, we think through our behavior before the holiday, during it and after it.

So, before the New Year holidays, it would be wise to slightly increase physical activity and pay attention to proper balanced nutrition.

Going on a diet is not at all necessary and even unnecessary; you should have enough strength for the pre-holiday bustle. But cleansing the intestines after the New Year, to improve overall well-being, is a very real task that will not ruin your mood, unlike dieting!

A little dessert in New Year's Eve This is completely acceptable and will not affect your figure in any way if you return to reasonable food restrictions in time

Physical activity can also be increased without straining the body too much; it will be enough:

  • travel to and from work on foot, temporarily abandoning the car;
  • use every opportunity to move, sit less, walk up the stairs more often;
  • start a general cleaning of the house and preferably more than one, the benefits will be double, perfect cleanliness in the house for the New Year and an unobtrusive increase in physical activity;
  • go shopping with two goals in mind: the movement itself and the search for good gifts for family members and friends. Don’t rush to take all the gifts at once; you can do several such shopping trips, choosing the most best options gifts;
  • walks and physical exercise, which you usually do, if it is not too burdensome for you during the holiday season. With this approach, the question of how to lose weight after the New Year will not be too pressing.

As for nutrition, you can not strain yourself too much, just by slightly reducing the calorie content of your usual diet. So, if you eat less fried, fatty, sweet and floury foods, then this will already be a big contribution to the matter fast weight loss after the New Year.

Winter walks - what could be better, both for health and figure

You also need to eat food correctly - every time before eating, “attach its legs” to ensure rapid passage through the intestines. Pursuing this goal, we recommend including more of the following products in the menu:

  • vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage;
  • dried fruits;
  • bran;
  • dairy products.

It is also important to consume more fiber-rich foods both before and during meals:

  • bran from various cereals;
  • lentils and other legumes;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms.

Even such a small list of desirable products, if you enrich your diet with them during the pre-holiday period, will be quite enough not to wonder how to lose weight after the New Year.

Agree that these simple recommendations are completely unburdensome, and the effect is simply amazing. In addition, you must deeply understand that with such correct behavior, you will much more easily get rid of excess ballast, even if you gain it.

How to eat delicacies correctly

Advice from professionals will also always help, the main thing is to follow it

Psychologists say that you should not expose your psyche to unreasonable fears and phobias, this is really very dangerous, the fear of gaining weight is an equally dangerous phobia. It would be correct to give yourself a setup consisting of two points:

“Yes, I can get better during the holidays, and” even most likely, this will happen. We need to come to terms with this inevitability.”

And now, when you have come to terms, and the nervous system is not tense, you are relaxed and practically feel the happy approach of the new year for you, we give the following instructions:

“But I will try to prevent this from happening!”

It is absolutely impossible to sit at New Year's table and count calories, looking at the abundance on offer and marking those dishes and delicacies that you would never allow yourself.

It’s another matter if you don’t consume such dishes and cut-up foods in unlimited quantities, but just try a little of everything. This correct behavior will help avoid both depression and overeating.

The order of meals is also very important, as well as what you eat immediately before eating a high-calorie dish.

So, in order to make the meat easier to digest and not be deposited as fat on your figure, you need to eat a few pieces of pineapple or 1-2 kiwi before you start enjoying it.

Agree that this is not at all difficult and even pleasant. By remembering to follow this reminder, you won’t even imagine how you will help yourself in terms of rapid weight loss after the New Year. And maybe you won’t even have to lose weight...

What is important to observe

  • If you have to endure several feasts over the course of two weeks of holidays, then in the morning, or closer to lunch, two hours before the feast, eat fresh cabbage salad with a small amount of olive oil, or without oil at all. You can simply grate the cabbage on a fine grater and eat it as is. Such a simple action will contribute to the breakdown of fats, as well as the rapid evacuation of holiday delicacies;
  • take more fluids during the feast and before it, it is advisable to drink plain water or natural juice, giving up sweet lemonade. This will reduce your appetite and improve digestion;
  • before the feast, take one tablet of the drug “Mezim”, which will also contribute to better absorption of food, with minimal deposition of it in the form of fat on the sides and stomach;
  • During the feast, do not sit motionless all the time, be sure to take part in the cultural program, especially active ones. Dancing is also very desirable for you on this day, combine business with pleasure and dance to your health in the literal sense of the expression.

After the feast

Continuing to carry out an unobtrusive program to reduce the risk of gaining critical body weight, during the New Year celebrations, we are thinking about the last, third phase of any celebration.

It’s not necessary to get up right in the morning thinking about what to do now, because yesterday I “had too much”, charging myself with a panicky mood. Not at all, you need to get up with a positive attitude that you spent an amazing evening, ate deliciously, because once a year you can relax!

Calming nervous system, have breakfast with cabbage salad again and go for a walk, Fresh air and the movements will consolidate all your above efforts.

While walking, just think!

You will certainly be in in great shape, good mood in anticipation of the miracle promised by the New Year holiday.

If you read this article carefully and with interest, then you know what to do next, even if you find a couple of extra pounds. You will be able to lose weight quickly after the New Year 2018, we know!