How to dance an easy dance. How to learn to dance at home. How to dance at a disco for a girl

Many people would like to learn to dance so that they can always be the center of attention on any dance floor. However, not everyone can afford to attend schools or dance master classes. Don't be discouraged because of this, because learn to dance modern dance At home for free is quite possible, the main thing is to put in maximum effort and diligence.

Dancing is not easy fun activity. They benefit human health. With their help you can:

  • Improve heart function;
  • Improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • Correct your posture;
  • Adjust weight;
  • Normalize the condition of some gynecological diseases;
  • Improve psychological state;
  • Increase self-esteem;
  • Improve the skeletal system;
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Benefits of learning dance at home

In order to learn to dance at home, you need to analyze the pros and cons homeschooling dance art. Home dance training is absolutely free. You just need to have the desire, time and internet to watch video lessons.

You will be able to study different directions and styles at any time. In group classes, this opportunity is usually not available. If, for example, you signed up for “hip-hop” and at some point realized that this is absolutely not your thing, you will either have to say goodbye to the money spent on the subscription and stop going to dances, or continue to study simply because everything is paid for, not because it brings pleasure.

Home dance training will help you decide whether this is really what you need, and then you can safely purchase a subscription to a dance school without worrying that money is being wasted.

If you are shy, then group classes are definitely not for you. At large quantities strangers you will most likely become tense, and due to stiffness you will not be able to properly perform the dance movements. At home, you are left to your own devices, you can move as you wish, practicing the movements as many times as necessary.

The main disadvantage of home dance training is that you will have to deal with all the difficulties personally. No one will help you dance if you can’t perform a certain movement. There will be no one to explain the nuances and tell the tricks. However, this is not a good reason to give up on your dreams. Remember - everything comes with experience, and everything that you can’t dance right away will definitely work out over time.

Where to start learning?

I want to learn to dance, but I don’t have the slightest idea where to start - this is exactly the thought that spins in the head of every person who has not danced before.
Don't be nervous about this. First you need to equip the room in which you will study.

Decide on the room and clear it of unnecessary furniture. The more there will be free space, the more comfortable it will be to dance. It is advisable that the coating in the room be slippery, as it is more convenient to perform some elements on it. It’s great if you have laminate or linoleum on the floor, but it’s better to roll up the carpet and put it aside.

A very important element in the dance room is a mirror, since you need to see yourself during training in order to understand which movements you are not quite succeeding in. If you don’t have a mirror, you can record your workouts on video. This way you can analyze your actions. Well, the last element of the dance room is a computer or laptop. With this technique, you will watch video lessons and your recorded workouts.

After these preparations are completed, you should think about clothes. A professional feels comfortable in any outfit, but a beginner will not be able to dance well in an inappropriate costume. It is best to choose a T-shirt with leggings or shorts, in which you can see the movements of your legs.
Don't forget to do a light warm-up before each session.

How to choose the right direction?

Choice of direction – no less important step preparation. There are many different styles and dance styles. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • Strip plastic. You should start with it, since today it is the most popular type of dance among girls. This direction includes acrobatic elements, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to dance right away. However, after some preparation you will certainly be able to master the basics. Speaking about special training, we are talking about the fact that at first you will have to focus not on movements, but on stretching. Someone will most likely now think about how to learn to dance this erotic dance at home, because it’s unlikely that anyone has a pylon installed at home. Well, firstly, a pylon in an apartment can be found more often than you think. And secondly, try to first prepare your body for classes - stretch your body properly, study the main ligaments that are performed on the floor, develop sexuality in your movements. After this you can already visit the school-studio Pole Dance and dance on the pole there.
  • Eastern. Many women dream of dancing an oriental dance to their man, but how to learn to dance at home? You can easily learn the basic elements on your own, and master more complex ones over time. If, after a while, you can’t dance as you would like, you can turn to a professional for help so that he can advise you and correct possible mistakes.
  • Go-go. Almost the same popular destination, like Pole Dance. If you learn to dance this style, you will surely be the center of attention on any dance floor. The main condition of this style is to be in constant movement and improvise. There are no prepared ligaments and complex movements. Therefore, there will be no difficulties for beginners in learning how to dance at home.


Initially, it is better to exercise at least 3 times a week for 1.5 hours. Start classes with the simplest connections, gradually complicating the task. Additionally, feel free to practice new moves at night discos. Remember, if you want, you can dance anywhere, anywhere. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to dance to your friends or relatives so that they can evaluate your successes and, if necessary, make comments, because from the outside you always know better. Start each workout with a warm-up, try to regularly learn new movements.

By following all these rules, you will soon see progress in this, at first glance, difficult matter.

Like all the funniest and most interesting things in the world, the shuffle appeared by chance on one of the stages in Melbourne, Australia.

This happened during music festival at the end of the 80s of the last century.

The dance is both a product of club and underground culture; it has no division of movements into female and male, and their simple set allows one to express oneself on the dance floor.

And get a great cardio workout, by the way.

Collected best videos lessons on how to learn to dance the shuffle at home.

What is a shuffle and how to learn to dance it at home?

The basis of the movements of this dance is moving from heel to toe at a fast pace.

"Shuffling" translated from English means “to slide your feet along the floor” or “shuffle.”

It was this word that gave the dance its name. Initially it was danced to acid house. Today - to any electronic music.

The modern shuffle takes its cues from LMFAO's popular 2009 video for the song "Party Rock Anthem."

The dance itself is divided into two types: Australian and Malaysian (more modern).

At first glance, it seems that performing all these movements is quite simple.

But this is only at first glance - to become a real party star, you will need more than one week of hard training.

Advice: when starting classes, do not immediately choose hard, dynamic music. Your task is to learn how to fall under the beat. To dance quickly, it is important to master five plus basic movements.

How to learn to dance the shuffle at home - basic movements

"Running Man"

The main movement of the shuffle is sliding steps back and forth and from side to side.

This foundation, vaguely reminiscent of the moonwalk of Michael Jackson and the videos of the group “Car-Man” from the harsh 90s, was called “Running Man”.

The video below will certainly motivate you to start dancing now:

When the shuffler - the dancer - moves, it seems that he is in weightlessness.

You dance in place, one foot lifts up and forward into a waiting position, the other slides back.

Then the back foot returns to its original position, the front foot returns back.

Your task is to fall under the beat of the music. This combination of movements is considered standard.

Tip: before each workout, do not forget to avoid injuries and sprains.

In addition to those described above, the shuffle contains the following movements:


The dancer moves to the right with his left foot, then to the left. The foot moves only left and right according to the “back and forth” principle.

At the same time, the right foot moves up and down. This combination of movements is performed in the shape of the letter “T”.

After the Running Man, this movement is the most popular among shufflers.


It is an imitation of kicks on the floor performed in the air.

One leg is located slightly in front, the second one hits the place of the second foot.

The knee is raised to any desired height. The point of impact must be balanced and controlled.


The usual sliding movements characteristic of different styles are also present in the shuffle.


They also scroll the body around its axis or against it. The movement during the dance is performed chaotically in the order in which you feel comfortable.

Tip: leaked into the shuffle today huge amount movements from other styles - popping, locking, liquid dance, breaking, etc. Dancers take the brightest elements and combine them in free form.

Development of the dance direction

We already wrote above that the shuffle initially appeared on the dance floors of Australia, after which it was slightly transformed and migrated to Malaysia.

Today, thanks to the efforts of the world's leading DJs, it is danced in all clubs around the world for self-expression.

You can learn the basics of shuffle on your own, because the main thing in it is your individual and unique style.

But it's a good idea to take a few professional lessons to get the basics down.

Advice: interesting fact: many dancers sprinkle talc on its surface to enhance gliding on the floor.

Finally, one more useful video on how to learn how to dance the shuffle at home with a tutorial in Russian:

Dancing arose with the advent of humanity. IN ancient world dance movements were part of rituals, later becoming fine art. The ability to move well decorates and has a hypnotic effect on those around you. Dancing classes promote physical and emotional health, charge you with energy and optimism.

Modern choreography requires the ability to dance to any rhythm: from fiery Latin and club disco to sensual chill-out. The article contains the best, according to reviews from YouTube users, dance video lessons of different genres for women.

Basic dance movements: step, swing

Hearing the rhythm and keeping the tempo is very important for a dancer. The training session offers effective training on simple steps and hip movements. The elements are great for warming up before classes, relieving tightness and muscle tension, liberating movements, and preparing the body for the dance load.

Dance workout for every day

Video for home dance training for every day - active and fun. Gives a boost of energy for a long time.

Jazz-funk. Video tutorial for beginners

Jazz-funk - young dance direction for club and parties, suitable for girls and boys. The choreography represents a hooligan mix of jazz, hip-hop, strip dance, and vogue. Jazz-funk classes provide an opportunity to go beyond a certain direction and fully unleash your dance potential, creating a style and manner to your own taste. An online lesson with a choreographer from the Marte dance school will teach you the basic steps and movements of the arms, head, and hips. At the end of the lesson, beginners will learn a mini-dance in the jazz-funk style.

Club dance: basic movements

A simple and effective combination for beginners, built on basic steps and hand movements. A combination of three eights is ideal for training a sense of rhythm and dance style. Repeating the sequence multiple times at a dynamic pace will help you get a boost of energy and mood, and will accustom your body to movement and balance.

How to dance at a disco for a girl

The lesson is suitable for those who want to learn how to feel comfortable at a disco or party without choreographic skills.

Video dance lessons for beginners. Lady Style

Online lesson on learning feminine modern dance to relaxing music. The choreographic pattern alternates between smooth and sharp movements: waves and hair swings, slides and shoulder impacts. The lesson is designed for dancers with minimal experience who know the basics. Beginners can learn and master the movements by pausing the video. The proposed dance sequence is universal and can be performed at medium, slow and fast tempos to any club music.

Simple dance lesson for women

The class is suitable for beginners and professionals who want to replenish their dance knowledge with new movements.

GoGo online video tutorial

Go-go is the most suitable choreography option for a club dance floor. Will help you learn a go-go dance routine detailed video lesson from school Dance Paradise. Learn to confidently dance the proposed combination and use the mastered movements in your own order, adding others. Professionals recommend learning such ligaments in high-heeled shoes in order to immediately accustom the body to the necessary balance and balance while dancing.

Go-Go. 7 hand chips

For free Go-go improvisation, you need to master many movements. Fewer repetitions means more varied and interesting dance. The video lesson shows 7 variations of arm movements that can be combined with any hips (swing, circles, figure eights) and steps. Each chip is shown several times at a slow and fast pace.

Improvisation lessons for dummies

In choreography classes, they usually learn dance sequences. It is much more useful to learn the ability to improvise. Improvisation is considered highest degree mastery of art. However, the author of the video lesson has developed a methodology for teaching improvisation from scratch. With just a few training sessions, beginners will be able to create their own choreographic pattern and style of dance.

How to develop dance skills

Flexibility and plasticity are like the voice: they can be given from birth or developed through exercise. Good plasticity gives the movements lightness and grace, allowing you to perform dance steps without strain or effort. The video shows a special complex for plastic training. It is recommended to include exercises in the warm-up before classes or perform them independently.

Strip plastic: dance connection

Strip plastic is a charming dance of femininity, demonstrating the beauty and capabilities of the body. A training video with an instructor presents step-by-step learning of sensual dance. The composition includes a beautiful gait with arm movements, deep plies and bends, and dance on the floor (in the stalls). This exercise is recommended for those with good or moderate stretching.

Learn to dance like Beyoncé

A short video with a step-by-step explanation will help you quickly learn a few MTV-style moves. Based on dance fragments in the style of Beyoncé, you can create your own dance or improvisation. The lesson is designed for absolute beginners and is based on the principle of a dance class in a club: step-by-step learning of movements at a slow pace, combining several steps into one sequence and repeating at a fast pace.

Learn to dance with your hands

If a novice dancer has naturally flexible fingers, hands, elbows and shoulder joints, it is worth paying attention to the Vogue genre. Hands performance is a fashionable dance technique based on hand movements: smooth and sharp, chaotic and rhythmic, a mix of oriental and go-go. Rotations, waves, punches look interesting and self-sufficient. A video with a professional will introduce beginners to the basic movements and their names, combination options.

Learn to dance with your feet

Simple training videos with active and exciting leg movements.

Women's plastic surgery. Dancing with Ekaterina Firsova

Gennady Novichkov

Do you think dancing is not your thing? Don't pay attention to the smirks of your friends who think that they, unlike you, know how to dance. Don’t create complexes within yourself, but pull yourself together and simply learn to move to the music and even without it so that it is impossible to take your eyes off you.

Maybe you will become the winner of one of the dance projects - you will earn money, find your calling and do what you have long dreamed of.

Everyone dances! Down with complexes and stereotypes

Can a man look masculine in dancing and how to achieve this? And how can a girl learn to dance a passionate and spectacular twerk when she doesn’t leave the house to go to clubs? If you put in the effort, believe that you can do it and add assertiveness, then anything is possible.

There is a lot of evidence of this, be it a dance in a couple, for example, a passionate bachata or a romantic waltz, or a single club dance. Both a guy and a girl can look good in any of these styles. Let's figure out what's best for you, taking into account your age, build, physical fitness and dance experience in general.

You have two options. Find a studio or, if you think you need to “get into shape” first, find out how to learn to dance at home.

What will you need for this?

Quite literally the following:

  • Computer, and better laptop, which can be conveniently positioned at your viewing height. You should not use a tablet or smartphone for this purpose. Often in dancing there are a lot of small movements that may go unnoticed by you on a small screen;
  • Naturally, access to the Internet. Where else can you find so much wise advice and video tutorials? Subscribe to Youtube channels, look for groups on social networks. And if you don’t like the “school” of your compatriots, finding sensible videos on English-language resources for the request dance will not be difficult for you. And don’t let the language barrier become a hindrance for you. Dance is a universal body language that will tell you without words how to learn to dance bachata at home or master a couple of popular club dances.
  • Comfortable clothes. But not stretched out old “sweatpants”. " Why, no one sees...“- don’t justify yourself with this before learning how to dance hip-hop at home or any other dances. The art of dance, even something as aggressive as krump, requires respect. And it’s better for you to immediately learn to dance the shuffle, as if you were on stage in a club, and not at home. To do this, take care of a decent outfit.
  • Mirror in full height. These conditions are mandatory! You must see whether you are performing the movements correctly. Remember that when you go to a club, other people will be looking at you. Don't give them a reason to doubt your abilities.
  • Good mood and confidence that everything will work out. This is important for the success of the event. And don’t believe that someone born to crawl cannot dance. People who tell in the video how each of them learned to dance and mastered fashionable tectonics, popping, kizomba or bachata at home also did not come to this right away.

To the machine! Which direction should you choose?

You can understand what you like and what your body will like from the first lessons. Try yourself in several styles and directions. If your goal is to tear up the dance floor in style, choose club dances (jazz-funk, go-go, shuffle, vogue, tectonic).

What are they good for? They do not require special training - stretching, strength training to perform powermoof elements from breakdancing or complex steps from classical choreography and ballet. In addition, these trends are universal and correspond to the “spirit of the times” and club culture as a whole.

Once you have mastered the basic movements of modern dances, which largely repeat each other in several styles, you can move on to other areas. Romantically inclined people especially like salsa and bachata.

Learning the basic steps and learning how to “sway” your hips beautifully is the first thing you need to master. This can be done at home, since not everyone feels comfortable in the conditions dance studio when it seems like you're the only one who can't do what you need.

Having gained confidence at home, go to hone your skills on partners, because both of these dances are performed in pairs, with beautiful elements - transitions and supports.

A great option for you would be to participate in open master class, which are often conducted by famous trainers for free or almost nothing. For these purposes, they use spacious premises that can accommodate hundreds of people, and even open areas where such flash mobs are held. Search thematic groups on social networks and leave a request to participate.

An open lesson is a great way to overcome shyness and meet new students like you or find experienced mentors. If such collective events are not held in your city, you still have a chance to find a club of similar interests. Study the posters and programs of local night clubs.

You may be able to find a salsa or bachata party on the schedule. Feel free to go there. These events involve instructors and choreographers who will be happy to help you learn the moves as a couple.

Features of styles

Tectonic incorporates elements of hip-hop, popping and locking. As a hybrid style, it attracts the attention of young people because of its pace. It is performed to electro house music.

The shuffle, at first glance, is a little similar to its predecessor. However, it is based on other movements from jazz. This is step. This dance is characterized by mannered performance and rigid movements.

Popping is based on a dance technique where, during the dance, relaxed movements of the arms and legs quickly alternate with muscle contractions. Good performer can create the illusion that it is not a person who is moving, but a well-pumped robot.


For various reasons, people who want to take up dancing do not want to do it in special schools. In the age of progress, you can learn to dance on your own, at home. Many women do not intend to become professionals, but strive to lose weight and maintain their figure. Dancing classes at home will help you achieve your goal.

How to learn modern dance at home

Many people are interested in the question of how to learn to dance on their own at home. Particularly popular are street dancing, break dance, Latin and oriental dances. Each direction has certain features that distinguish them from other styles. Decide what you want to dance and the method of teaching dance (video lessons or instructor).

Choose a dance direction

Among the variety of styles and trends, the following can be distinguished:

  • Latin American. The direction is very popular. Rumba, cha-cha-cha, salsa and bachata are highly active and look very impressive. The principles of dance are based on simplicity, openness and emotionality of movements.
  • Oriental (belly dancing) is suitable for girls and women of any age. The structure of the figure and complexion for this style do not matter. The dance movements are smooth and mysterious.
  • Club modern dances are created to be performed on the dance floors of discotheques. When dancing, you need to carefully monitor the rhythm so that your movements exactly match the music. TO club dancing include:
  • hip-hop;
  • street jazz;
  • break dancing;
  • go-go;
  • funk.
  • National dances have gained great popularity. It is very interesting to join the culture of a certain people through movements. The most common are Irish, Indian dances, tango and flamenco.
  • Strip plastic is suitable not only for seducing men, but also for maintaining the shape of your body.
  • Ballroom dancing is useful for graduation, wedding or other special event. Beautiful, smooth execution adds sophistication and elegance to a person.
  • The famous ballet adds flexibility to a person not only while dancing. The grace inherent in ballerinas is also noticeable in everyday life. This style is very difficult for adults to learn, but you can borrow some connections.

You need to choose a direction for yourself in accordance with your musical preferences. If you don't like music, you won't be able to practice for long and won't get high-quality results. Character plays an important role when choosing a dance. If you are a modest person, choose a style with smooth movements; if you are an active person, choose a style with rhythmic ones.

Create a training schedule

When learning to dance, it is important to make your workload systematic. Creating a training schedule will help with this. At home it is more difficult to fight laziness, because the dance school requires payment, so the motivation to dance is more developed. It’s much easier to skip training on your own or with a guest teacher. Remember that you will learn to dance really beautifully only with discipline. The dance schedule can be whatever is convenient for you. The most common frequency is 2-3 times a week.

Types of homeschooling

You need to choose a method of teaching dance in accordance with your budget and the required quality of training. You can easily learn how to dance modern dances at home for free using the Internet. By spending very little money, you can purchase full-fledged video lessons. If you want to study more seriously and are willing to pay a lot, invite a private instructor.

Dance tutorials

Video lessons are suitable for teaching how to learn to dance at home. It is also useful to read books to get a feel for the atmosphere and history of your chosen destination. In mastering dance on your own using training materials, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. To start classes, you need to find videos with detailed lessons. You can find them on the Internet on the websites dance schools, V social networks or on video. The problem is that it is almost impossible to get a full course online, since they are posted for informational purposes to attract clients. If you want to fully master desired style, purchase discs in the store.
  2. When the manual has been purchased, create a study area in the apartment. You will need a large space and a mirror so you can monitor your movements.
  3. Training should be done several times a week, mastering 2 classes at a time. First, repeat the movements after the instructor on the video, then try it yourself.

Private lessons at home

If you want to avoid going to school, but want to study with a teacher, you can hire a specialist privately. Please note that his services will cost you a lot, but the teacher will help you work on every movement and not miss training. If you decide to go this route, follow the instructions:

  1. Check out the list of dance schools in your city. This can be done using the Internet.
  2. Carefully read the reviews of those who study at this school regarding the teachers. If you cannot find the information, contact one of the students with this question.
  3. When the teacher you need is found, take his phone number and call. During the conversation, find out about the price of classes and when you can meet.
  4. When you meet, discuss the frequency of training and its duration. Find out what equipment you'll need for your workout.

What dance can you learn at home?

Today, stores and online portals offer many lessons. They will help you learn to dance Lezginka at home, oriental, Latin dances, master modern trends. For those who want to travel back in time, classical and folk elements are suitable. A training video can be found for any style or direction you like.

Twerking for Beginners

How to learn to twerk at home:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart so that your toes are directly under your knees. Then do a deep squat and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Start practicing your movements. To do this, place your thumbs on your tailbone and push it forward.
  3. To straighten your hips back, do the same with your hip bones.
  4. When the main ligament begins to form, place your hands on your knees. The wrist area should be facing outward. Gradually increase the pace of movements.

How to dance hip hop at home

To learn hip-hop at home, you need to master several basic elements:

  1. Fundamental movements in dance: steps (steps) and swing. First pull out right hand up, and set the lower limb to the side so that the toe points to the right. Bend your leg and shift your body weight onto it. Lower your raised arm so that it is level with your shoulder. Turn your body in left side, place your right foot on your toes and bend your left. Make a sharp movement, lowering yourself to your right knee, while rounding your back. Try to reach the floor with your hands, then straighten up.
  2. Turn your toes to the left, knees bent, support should be on your full foot. Place your hands with your fingers apart on your chest so that your elbows are parallel to the floor. Make a pressing movement with your hands, push your pelvis forward, round your back. Straighten your back, turning to the side, your arms should slide along your body to your waist. With the next movement, tighten your gluteal muscles, lift your pelvic region up, and round your back.

Oriental dance lessons at home

How to learn to dance oriental dances at home:

  1. It's best to learn with an instructor or through video tutorials, but you can learn the basics on your own. Start your workout by slowly moving your hips in different directions, keeping the top part housings.
  2. Continue moving your pelvis back and forth, gradually increasing the pace. Then try connecting the elements.
  3. To make the dance look more impressive, put one leg forward and let your body make movements in the form of a figure eight, circle or arc. Leaning on your leg, try to make a wave, using your chest and stomach.

How to learn to dance the waltz on your own

Waltz – couples dance. You can master it well only with a partner. You need to move in space counterclockwise, circling in the opposite direction. Each element must be performed to a clear rhythm that is easy to follow by counting to three. Left hand The man should be placed on the partner's waist, with the other he takes her hand. When your movements in the square become confident, start trying to dance in a circle.

Lezginka video lessons for men

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