How to drink correctly so as not to get too drunk. How to drink so you don't feel bad after drinking alcohol

Anti-intoxication pills allow you to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body and maintain clarity of mind even with a substantial dose of alcohol at feasts. Such drinks affect brain cells, which can manifest as impaired coordination, incoherent speech, and memory loss. Let's look at some drugs and methods of preventing intoxication in more detail.

How to drink and not get drunk: tricks

To do this, before drinking alcohol, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. A couple of hours before drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages, you should drink 100 g of vodka or equivalent. This will speed up the liver (special enzymes that process alcohol will be produced). As a result, intoxication does not occur for a long time.
  2. 2-3 days before the feast, you need to intensively consume foods containing iodine. This will enable the production of a hormone that activates increased oxidation of alcohol.
  3. 24 hours before drinking alcohol, you should drink 0.5 g of aspirin or its analogues, which activates the production of microsomal enzymes.
  4. Take 2-3 spoons sunflower oil half an hour before the banquet. It coats the walls of the stomach, slowing down the absorption of fusel oils.
  5. Succinic acid is an excellent anti-intoxication pill, which is taken an hour and a half before the feast and increases metabolism in the body.
  6. Take 2.5 tablets of “Glutargin” (“Alkoklin”) 2 hours before the intended use. The medicine speeds up the process of removing alcohol breakdown products.


This product is available in tablet form and has a complex effect, acting as a regulator of tissue metabolism. The drug enhances redox reactions, has an antihypoxic and antioxidant effect.

Anti-intoxication tablets "Limontar" increase metabolism in the body, activate the functions of organs and tissues, the production of gastric juice, and increase appetite. The medicine neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol, increasing a person’s mental and physical performance. The drug is also effective as a prophylactic for binge drinking and the treatment of alcohol addiction.

The capsules in question have a convex shape, marble-white color, and are placed in blisters, which are packed in cardboard boxes of 30 pieces.

Anti-intoxication tablets "Glutargin"

This drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. Its effect is aimed at stabilizing the body's metabolic processes, especially liver cells, promoting the removal of toxins and normalizing the condition of cell membranes. When using the product you need to consider individual characteristics body. The main substance of the drug is arginine glutamate.

These anti-intoxication pills allow you to bind and remove ammonia in a short period of time, converting it into a non-toxic form. The active substance of the drug normalizes the condition of liver cells, protecting them from attack by free radicals. The pharmacological effect of the drug has a positive effect on the energy conservation of liver cells, which makes it possible to use it during alcohol intoxication. In addition, the medication has a stimulating effect on neurotransmitter endings.

Succinic acid

This substance allows you to normalize the oxidation and processing of useful elements, and display the results of metabolism. The drug helps saturate cells with oxygen, improves performance, and is a good remedy for the prevention of viral diseases, diabetes and cancer.

Succinic acid for intoxication, how many tablets to take? The instructions or your attending physician will help answer this question. Usually the medication is taken before or after drinking alcohol, 1-2 capsules. This will prevent or relieve hangover. The medicine is also taken for the treatment of alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction.

To improve well-being, take the medicine 2-3 times a day, one piece at a time. Since the main substance has a stimulating effect, it is recommended to take it in the first half of the day. Average duration treatment - 7-10 days. In order to neutralize the symptoms of a severe hangover or intoxication, it is permissible to take three pills at once, then one capsule every 2-3 hours, but no more than six tablets per day.

What to do during the feast?

How not to get drunk if the process of drinking alcohol has already begun? Below are some recommendations in this regard:

  1. It is necessary to buy high-quality alcohol, which contains less impurities and fusel oils, which cause severe hangovers and alcohol poisoning.
  2. You cannot mix drinks or lower the temperature.
  3. Don't drink alcohol with soda.
  4. Brain and physical activity contribute to the rapid breakdown of alcohol.
  5. If you drink a raw egg before or after a banquet, intoxication occurs more slowly.
  6. Use anti-drug tablets according to instructions.
  7. Use of sorbents ( activated carbon, "Liferan", "Polyphepan") also help reduce the effects of alcohol on the body.
  8. It is advisable to drink the drink in one gulp, since alcohol is absorbed faster through the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  9. Colored strong drinks (whisky, cognac, etc.) are harder to tolerate by the body than pure vodka.
  10. It is necessary to snack correctly, preferring citrus fruits, meat dishes and seafood.
  11. A radical way is to induce vomiting.

What to do after drinking alcohol?

How not to get drunk and what to do after a feast, we will consider further:

  1. The best way to sober up is sleep. If the effect of dizziness occurs, you can try to fall asleep while sitting, and then move to the bed.
  2. After the feast, it is necessary to repeat the intake of sorbents and enzymes that promote the removal of alcohol breakdown products, as well as to ensure a flow of fresh air into the room.
  3. It is advisable to visit the toilet before going to bed so that the remaining alcohol is not absorbed from the intestines.
  4. Drugs such as Phenazepam, Relanium, Elenium, vitamin complexes, and motherwort will help you sober up.

Following these recommendations will help you avoid rapid intoxication, reduce the severity of hangover, and significantly reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Preparing for a feast involves creating conditions that facilitate the processing of alcohol by the liver. After the banquet, it is worth speeding up the metabolism and oxidative processes in the body.

Other drugs for intoxication

If you need to sober up after drinking alcohol, you can use the following means:

  1. Anti-intoxication tablets aspirin (“Festal”, “Almagel”) allow you to normalize and stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up the process of eliminating alcohol breakdown products.
  2. Vitamin “C” (ascorbic acid) - enhances the period of alcohol oxidation, helps prompt recovery in the event of a hangover.
  3. Activated carbon binds the components of alcohol, reducing their penetration into the blood, which makes intoxication less severe.

For quick sobering up, drugs such as “Antipohmelina” or “Alco-Seltzer” are offered. They are effective if a person does not abuse alcohol for a long period. Medicines are aimed at maintaining the function of the heart and liver, as well as masking fumes.

In conclusion

Everyone knows that alcohol abuse is harmful to health. However, there are times when this process cannot be avoided. Some special medications and people's councils. How to drink and not get drunk? Tricks and methods to help achieve this are listed above. The main thing is not to abuse medications, since an overdose can lead to side effects. You should not use all methods at once; it is better to choose 2-3 options that suit you best and do not contradict the recommendations of your doctor and common sense.


Holidays are unthinkable without alcohol, but there are drugs and pills against intoxication that allow you to stay sober and experience a minimum of discomfort the next morning. Let's look at how not to get drunk from alcohol and prevent discomfort the morning after a feast.

Before drinking alcohol

There are medications, as well as others traditional methods and means that allow you to prepare your body for the upcoming holidays. Let's look at how to drink a lot of alcohol and not get drunk.

How to drink and not get drunk: tips

Medicines to prepare the body

Anti-alcohol pills will also help maintain clarity of consciousness and reduce the effects of alcohol when drinking heavily.

This is the simplest and most affordable product that has known absorbent properties. The drug has almost no contraindications. The tablets have large pore areas, which allows them to effectively absorb ethyl alcohol molecules, as well as other types of toxic substances. It is necessary to take activated carbon before the start of the feast at the rate of 1 tablet per 20 kg of person’s weight.

If the holidays last until late at night, it is worth taking the drug additionally between alcohol intakes and after finishing the feast, so as not to experience a deterioration in the condition in the future.

Take activated charcoal before the start of the feast.


The product normalizes metabolic processes, stabilizes the condition of cell membranes, and removes toxins. The main substance is arginine glutamate. The tablets bind ammonia and remove it, transforming it from a toxic form to a non-toxic one. Their use normalizes the condition of liver cells and prevents the effects of free radicals, and has an effect on neurotransmitter endings.

People who used glutargin noted that a large dose of the drug is needed to level out heavy doses of alcohol. But experts do not recommend using more than 8 g of product per day.


The anti-intoxication tablets in question regulate tissue metabolism, have antioxidant and antihypoxic effects, increase redox reactions and the secretion of gastric juice, improve appetite and performance. They are useful in case of a hangover, in the form of prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction.

Succinic acid

The drug promotes the oxidation and processing of elements beneficial to the body, releases metabolic products, fills cells with oxygen, increases productivity, and also prevents viral and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus. The product is consumed before or after alcohol, 1-2 capsules, which relieves hangover or helps prevent it.


This remedy is used for advanced alcoholism, as well as for hangovers. If a person takes two tablets before a meal, he will remain sober much longer, provided that the doses of alcohol consumed are moderate. It is important to follow the indicated dose, otherwise sleep problems, anxiety, nervousness and irritability may occur.


This paste for intoxication before drinking alcohol, which must be taken orally, has the effect of drawing out toxins and then removing these substances from the body. An adult needs to consume 1 tbsp. spoon before the holiday and the same amount after it.


This product actively absorbs poisons, toxins, harmful microorganisms, as well as ethyl alcohol. It is sold in powder form. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the product should be stirred in warm boiled water(a third of a glass) and drink the infusion internally.


The peculiarity of the drug is that it is not absorbed in the intestines and does not cause any harm to its walls. The product is withdrawn in its original form within 24 hours. It effectively absorbs large number molecules of toxic substances.

Let's look at how to avoid getting drunk from alcohol during feasts without using medications.

  1. For 2-3 days you should rely on iodine-containing foods - iodized salt, seafood, champignons, eggs, processed cheeses. The body will produce a hormone in large quantities that promotes more intense oxidation of alcohol.
  2. The day before the holidays, you need to take aspirin or a similar medicine (0.5 g) so that microsomal enzymes begin to be produced.
  3. A couple of hours before drinking alcohol, you need to take 2 and a half tablets of Glutargin, which speed up the removal of breakdown products of alcoholic beverages.
  4. 1-2 hours before the holiday you should drink 100 g of vodka. As a result, active production of enzymes that process alcohol will begin, and intoxication will occur much later. You also need to take succinic acid an hour and a half in advance - the tablets will speed up metabolic processes.
  5. 30 minutes before drinking alcohol, you need to consume a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, which covers the walls of the stomach with a film, which makes the process of absorption of fusel oils slower. As a result, you can drink alcohol and not get drunk.

There are folk methods and recipes against hangovers. Before the feast, you must perform one or more actions:

  • drink a cup of strong brewed coffee, adding a slice of lemon to it;
  • drink strong tea (black or mint green) before alcohol;
  • eat butter (a small piece of 50 g);
  • drink a glass of milk;
  • eat a bowl of any porridge (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat);
  • take vitamins;
  • eat a piece of lard;
  • eat cheese cream (10 g butter, 20 g sour cream, 4 g grated cheese, 1 g salt, 1 g white pepper, a little lemon juice and parsley - add sour cream, mix the ingredients thoroughly and eat, maybe with bread);
  • drink orange juice with honey and lemon.

How to get drunk more slowly during a feast

Let's look at how to drink alcohol while staying sober for a long time.

  1. It is recommended to have something to eat before you start drinking. You should not drink on an empty stomach - this will help you not get drunk quickly. It is useful to eat cheese, milk and flour products - all this protects the small intestines and stomach from the aggressive effects of alcohol. You need to eat plenty of snacks and indulge in dishes such as meat, potatoes, lard, pickled cucumbers, and lemon.
  2. It is worth giving up cigarettes during feasts. It is useful to go outside as often as possible, breathe clean fresh air or ventilate the room, even in cold winter weather.
  3. You should not drink alcohol with sweet carbonated water - only simple mineral water and citrus juice are acceptable. Vitamin C, salts and minerals contained in them prepare the body to fight ethanol.
  4. You should not experiment with mixing drinks - this only speeds up the onset of intoxication.
  5. You need to start with those drinks that have the lowest degree, gradually increasing it.
  6. It is necessary to purchase only high-quality alcohol, which contains little fusel oils and impurities, as they contribute to alcohol poisoning and a severe hangover later.
  7. If you feel that you have exceeded your permitted dose of alcohol, prepare lemon juice, add a couple of spoons of sugar and drink. The ascorbic acid contained in lemon neutralizes the toxic effects.

Actions after the feast

  • To sober up faster, you need to go to bed, first going to the toilet.
  • Ventilating the room helps, as fresh air helps a person sober up.
  • Bath procedures are excellent for helping with hangovers. The bath promotes abundant sweating, which removes many toxins. However, you should not use a steam bath, otherwise the cardiovascular system will experience high stress. A warm shower will also be effective.
  • During the first couple of hours of a hangover, you need to drink as much as possible. clean water. You should rely on diuretics - strong coffee, tea. At the same time, sweet and strong coffee can restore concentration and relieve unpleasant odor fumes, cheer up. Useful to dissolve in a glass baking soda(about 4 g) and drink.
  • You need a hearty breakfast consisting of potatoes, vegetables, lean meat, and dairy products. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.

Eating breakfast in the morning will help with a hangover

  • You can prepare and drink an anti-hangover “cocktail” before bed: activated carbon (about 7 tablets), noshpa (2 tablets), aspirin (1 tablet).
  • What to do if a person drinks himself into a state of insanity? You need to take a glass cold water, add ammonia to it (about 5 drops) and use internally. The product brings a short but effective sobering effect.
  • You can place the intoxicated person’s hands on the ears and quickly rub them. After about a couple of minutes, the blood will rush to the head and the person will regain consciousness. However this method doesn't last long either.
  • Juice from oranges, tomatoes or apples have an excellent sobering effect. Yogurt can boast of this too.
  • Pouring ice water will instantly bring you to your senses. It is necessary to water the back of the head so that the liquid flows down the spine.

There is still a myth that a new portion of alcohol helps you recover from a hangover, but this method of bringing yourself to consciousness causes harm to the body, although it forces it to deceive and switch.

The best remedy for a hangover is to prepare for the holidays, monitor the doses consumed during the feast, and then help your body eliminate harmful substances faster.

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what helps you drink and not get drunk How does this work
dimexide diluted with water, moisten a piece of cotton wool and place in a resealable bottle. Periodically leave the table and inhale the smell of dimexide: it sobers up
Take two tablets an hour before the meal. Do not exceed the dose and use Metaprot only in the most extreme cases
12 hours before the feast, devote an hour to an hour and a half to running, skiing, treadmill or exercise bike. This will speed up the processing of alcohol
Only under the supervision of a doctor! 2-4 ampoules of pyridoxine per 200 ml of saline solution 3-4 hours before the feast. Or saline solution and Mexidol at a dose of 250 mg of the active substance
think in advance and firmly remember how much and what kind of drink you can drink so that there are no undesirable consequences

The links in the table lead to ways to avoid getting drunk longer on the same page. Now let’s describe their use in more detail, and also consider common misconceptions about what is actually just a myth.

There are a lot of methods described on the Internet, but only here at Pokhmelye.rf we have unique advice from an experienced toxicologist. Drinking without getting drunk at all will not work. However, there are scientific ways to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. They work especially well if you start preparing for the feast in advance.

How to stay sober using dimexide

During the feast, you can use simple and safe remedy, which should be prepared in advance. Dimexide, purchased at a pharmacy, is diluted with water and moistened with this solution a piece of gauze or cotton wool, which is then placed in a tightly closed bottle. Microdoses of dimexide have an alcohol-protective and sobering effect, so it will be enough to sniff the smell of the solution from the bottle. For example, when you leave the table to go to the restroom or to make a phone call.

Please note that dimexide has a strong smell, its smell is similar to the smell of garlic.

How to drink and not get drunk with the help of metaprot

In case of emergency, an hour before the feast, you can take two tablets, which in total give a dose of 500 mg of Metaprot. Then the maximum of its effect (3 hours after administration) will occur approximately in the middle of the feast. Do not exceed the dose and do not abuse Metaprot: this is not a harmless pill.

How morning exercises will help you stay drunk longer in the evening

Preliminary physical preparation helps well: alcohol will be better processed if, 12 hours before the start of the feast, you exercise for an hour and a half in one of the sports such as running, skiing, treadmill or exercise bike.

How to apply a dropper

If not getting drunk at the table is not just desirable for you, but necessary, then you can resort to a rather radical method. 3-4 hours before the feast, you can start intravenous drip administration of 2-4 ampoules (50 mg of active substance each) of pyridoxine per 200 ml of saline solution.

A dropper of saline solution and Mexidol at a dose of 250 mg of the active substance is even more effective. Please note that IVs can only be placed by a professional physician (specially trained nurse); doing IVs yourself is deadly.

How psychological preparation will help

It makes sense to use psychological preparation. The method does not seem serious, but in fact, practice shows that it can be much more effective than the most severe medicinal approaches. Please note that intoxication as such is the effect of alcohol on the psyche, and the psyche is quite capable of resisting external and internal influences.

In addition to the above and really current methods to weaken the impending intoxication, you can often hear from friends or come across in magazine articles the so-called “ traditional methods”, which should help a person drink and not get drunk. Unfortunately, they do not find confirmation of their effectiveness from experienced toxicologists. We will discuss these methods, which not only will not alleviate intoxication, but may even worsen it, below.

How to avoid getting too drunk

Of course, not everyone is ready to take medications and put on IVs in order not to get drunk. Fortunately, most of us don't need this - unless, of course, you work as an intelligence officer. In all other cases, we do not drink at all in order to stay sober.

Another thing is that light intoxication, which allows you to relax and have fun, can imperceptibly turn into heavy intoxication, after which there will definitely be no time for fun the next day (and sometimes it happens right away). There are some clever tricks to help prevent this from happening:

What to do in advance:

  1. Get a good night's sleep the night before the feast. Lack of sleep and fatigue negatively affect nervous system. And alcohol then makes you more intoxicated.
  2. Drink a “boosting dose” 2.5-5 hours before the feast. Liver enzymes that break down alcohol will begin to work, and your body will meet the main dose of alcohol “fully armed.” A cocktail works best: 150 ml of classic Schweppes tonic plus 50-70 g of vodka. Quinine contained in tonic enhances the effect of the “booster dose”.
  3. Take activated charcoal an hour before drinking. In this dosage: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body. Then the charcoal partially absorbs toxic substances from your stomach before they have time to enter the blood. Coal can be replaced with any modern sorbent.

What to do during the feast:

  1. Don't drink alcohol with soda. Carbonated drinks speed up the absorption of alcohol into the blood, so intoxication occurs faster. And if you get drunk already at the beginning of the holiday, then it will be difficult to restrain yourself and observe the measure.
  2. Choose the right snack. Fatty and heavy foods delay the onset of intoxication for some time - and the person feels that it is quite possible to drink more. This way it's easy to sort through. And when alcohol begins to enter the bloodstream, the intoxication will be significant. With a large snack, there is a risk of drinking even a lethal dose of alcohol unnoticed. Prefer a light snack at the table, especially lean on vegetables and fruits, sauerkraut, honey, apple and grape juices: they speed up metabolism and help the body neutralize alcohol faster.
  3. Follow the “half glass rule”: simply put, when pouring drinks, do not fill to the brim. This is not only a matter of etiquette, there is also a practical benefit: the less you pour, the less you drink. For more information about how this rule is useful and other tricks, read the article on how not to get drunk.

We debunk myths about how you can drink and not get drunk:

Why raw egg doesn't work

There is an opinion that if you drink a raw egg before a feast, this will help you not get drunk and prevent a severe hangover.

Indeed, a raw egg, drunk before or during a feast, forms a stable colloidal mass with alcohol and thus slows down (but does not cancel!) the process of intoxication. But alcohol also binds B vitamins, the lack of which impairs the process of alcohol processing. It turns out that the game is not worth the candle, especially considering the excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract that is given raw eggs, and even the risk of getting salmonellosis (if the egg is not washed well).

Why oil or lard will not delay intoxication

Sometimes in folk recipes You may find advice to eat a piece of lard, butter, or drink a spoonful in advance vegetable oil. It is assumed that fat will coat the walls of the stomach and intestines and thereby slow down the absorption of alcohol. This is not feasible in reality, because the absorption surface of the gastrointestinal tract is hundreds square meters, it’s simply impossible to eat so much fat.

Conclusion: neither lard nor oil will help you stay sober.

Why milk and kefir won't help?

Medical experience shows that lactic acid products work when a hangover has already occurred, but not in advance.

Drinking milk before or simultaneously with alcohol is not recommended, because milk is difficult to digest and puts additional stress on the pancreas, thereby worsening alcohol poisoning and causing a more severe hangover.

Why doesn't the snack steal the heat?

Indeed, the abundance of food in the gastrointestinal tract will slow down the absorption of alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract into the circulatory system and postpone intoxication for some time. At the beginning of the feast, you will actually drink and not get drunk, but when the alcohol does enter the bloodstream, the intoxication will be even stronger, because with a heavy snack a person drinks much more unnoticed than he would drink with a light one, because at first there is no intoxication is felt.

Why spicy foods won't help you stay sober

If you've heard somewhere that spicy soup reduces intoxication, don't believe it. There is nothing wrong with the soup itself, but it is better not to put hot seasonings in it. Garlic, onion, horseradish, mustard, hot pepper, vinegar - all these seasonings slow down the oxidation of alcohol in the body. Alcohol cannot quickly break down into more harmless substances - therefore, both intoxication and the subsequent hangover are even more severe.

Why shouldn't you try to raise the temperature at the table?

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you drink beer first and then cognac, or vice versa, first cognac and then beer. The result will be the same: severe intoxication and then a severe hangover. The reason is that you mixed alcoholic drinks from different raw materials.

In different alcoholic drinks, in addition to alcohol, there are also other impurities that give the drinks taste, color, and smell. They additionally load our liver, which is already working to neutralize alcohol. Drinks made from different raw materials have different compositions. Therefore, when they are mixed, the load on the liver is even stronger and more versatile.

“You can’t lower the temperature” is nothing more than a common prejudice. Any scientific research There is no evidence to prove this theory. A more precise recommendation would be: drink one drink during the evening, and do not mix them with each other.

Why amphetamines are also not helpful in this matter

People who use amphetamines sometimes claim that these drugs prevent alcohol intoxication. This is not true. Medical tests show that intoxication still occurs, its character simply changes. Therefore, a person feels differently.

If you are already drunk, but want to return to at least relatively sober thinking, read a special article on how to quickly sober up at home: simple and effective advice from a toxicologist for temporarily relieving intoxication.

The article was updated in last time: 2018-12-09

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Subscribe to our newsletter. We will tell you how to drink and snack so as not to harm your health. Top tips from the experts of the site, which is read by more than 200,000 people every month. Stop ruining your health and join us!

1. Warm up

It has been proven that regular physical exercise help fight negative consequences drinking alcohol The effect of exercise, alcohol or both combined on health and physical performance. But if something doesn’t work out with your daily physical activity, you should devote an hour to exercise at least in the morning before the planned feast.

2. “Warm up” the liver

It is worth starting to prepare for heavy libations about an hour before them. Drink a glass of vodka or a glass of beer. This will force the liver to produce enzymes that break down alcohol Alcohol Dehydrogenase. When the time for real fun comes, she will already be armed and ready for battle. Alcohol in the blood will be quickly processed, and intoxication will not last long.

3. Eat well

The emphasis should be on lard, bread and butter, nuts - or oatmeal. These products coat the walls of the stomach and interfere with the absorption of alcohol.

True, this film is short-lived. Therefore, this trick also has a downside: as soon as the protective layer in the stomach disappears, what you drank earlier will hit your head instantly and unexpectedly.

4. Eat a spoonful of dry yeast

For convenience, they can be added to yogurt or cottage cheese. Thanks to a special enzyme Alcohol Dehydrogenase yeast will work in tandem with the liver and help break down alcohol as quickly as possible, even before it enters the blood vessels.

But you shouldn't rely too much on this trick. If you add sugar to yeast, it will start producing alcohol rather than breaking it down. So don't indulge in sweets.

5. Drink a few tablets of activated carbon

It will absorb some of the alcohol and harmful substances contained in alcohol.

What to do during a feast

1. Don’t forget about activated carbon and fatty foods

If you fail to prepare in advance, activated charcoal and fatty foods will still work. Alcohol should be consumed generously, without overeating, so as not to increase the load on the stomach and liver.

2. Do not mix drinks or lower the temperature

It is best to choose one familiar drink that you will drink throughout the evening. Exotic combinations of intoxicating liquids may excite the imagination, but at the same time they have unpredictable effects.

Choose a type of alcohol that you have already tried and tolerate well. If you still want to taste something else, it should be stronger than the previous drink.

3. Don't drink carbonated liquids

Bubbles speed up the delivery of alcohol to the brain Alcohol concentration and carbonation of drinks: the effect on blood alcohol levels. Therefore, you should avoid beer, champagne and sweet soda, and especially not mix them with their stronger counterparts.

4. Dilute alcohol

This method has been known since the times of the ancient Greeks, who loved wine, but did not respect those who quickly got drunk. You can sip a long drink diluted with water or juice almost the entire evening and still remain sober.

5. Wash down alcohol with water

At parties, alcohol is often drunk simply to quench a sudden thirst. To prevent this from happening, drink water before and after drinking another glass. After all, water quenches thirst better than juices and sweet drinks.

6. Stretching out the pleasure

Drink one drink per hour. It doesn’t matter what it is: a shot glass or a glass of wine. To prevent intoxication from occurring suddenly, drinking strong drinks should be spread out over time.

7. Move more

Physical activity will help you cope with intoxication faster. In addition, it will allow you to soberly assess your condition: if your legs get tangled, then it’s time to take a break between toasts.

You can dance or go for a walk fresh air- all this will only help clear things up in your head. However, it is important not to overdo it, because alcohol increases the load on the heart.

8. Learn to say “no”

The simplest and at the same time the most the hard way- refuse an extra portion of alcohol, even if you are begged to drink one more. You can come up with an answer to the sacred question “Do you not respect me?” in advance, or you can simply not part with a glass all evening. And it doesn’t matter what it contains: juice or harmless soda. They will be happy to clink glasses every time opportunity and use it to avoid offers to drink something stronger.

Almost every festive event Various alcoholic drinks are present. They relax the body and temporarily distract a person from the worries of life. Sometimes, when drinking alcohol, it is necessary to remain sober to avoid bad consequences.

How to stay sober while drinking alcohol

It is impossible to remain completely sober while drinking alcohol, but it is possible to prevent severe alcohol intoxication. Some people drink a liter of vodka without snacking and feel fine. Others lose their minds over one mug of weak beer. This directly depends on genetics. Therefore, the time during which a person can become very drunk depends not only on the number of drinks consumed, but also on the gender and age of the drinker.

Tips to help you avoid getting drunk quickly

1. Physical activity ten hours before the start of the special event helps to process alcoholic beverages faster.

2. You can drink a glass of vodka or one mug of beer before the holiday. The body begins to produce an enzyme responsible for neutralizing alcohol. This will allow you to stay sober for a long time.

3. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat. Hunger contributes to rapid and severe intoxication.

4. Eat hot and light snacks. Heavy foods put additional strain on the liver. Food that can cause a feeling of satiety in small quantities is also undesirable for consumption; in this case, within sixty minutes from the moment of drinking alcoholic drinks, severe intoxication will occur. As a snack you can use fruits, vegetables, sausages and various cheeses.

5. It is contraindicated to increase the temperature and mix drinks.

6. You should not drink strong alcohol with soda, as carbon dioxide in combination with alcohol can quickly cause severe intoxication. It is better to give preference to freshly squeezed juice.

7. Alcohol dehydrates the body, resulting in severe headaches in the morning. To avoid this, you need to drink a glass of clean water without gases after each glass. It will be difficult to do this, but this method allows you to wake up in the morning without a hangover.

What's the best way to drink without getting drunk?

Sometimes it is worth stopping drinking drinks in order to avoid disastrous consequences, since alcohol affects each body differently.

2. Drinking alcohol is undesirable when you are depressed or emotionally excited.

4. Walking in the fresh air is good for the body and helps to avoid rapid intoxication. However, it is not advisable to experience sudden changes in temperature.

Anti-intoxication drugs

There are many medicines, helping to drink alcohol and not get drunk. For example:

The drug " Dimexide"helps you sober up. It has a pungent and not very pleasant odor. The medicine must be diluted in ordinary filtered water, then moisten a cotton swab or small piece of cloth with this solution. The tampon should be stored in a container that does not allow air to pass through and should be inhaled while drinking alcohol. This helps prevent intoxication.

Eleutherococcus counteracts alcoholic beverages. Before drinking, thirty to forty drops of the drug are taken orally.

Two tablets of medicine Metaprot" will help the body not to get drunk.

Also, to avoid a hangover, you can resort to folk medicine. A good remedy is kvass that you can prepare yourself.

Twenty-four hours before the start of the event, a three-liter glass vessel is filled with four tablespoons of dry sourdough, which can be bought at any grocery store. Eight tablespoons of granulated sugar are also required. Next, the ingredients are poured with cold drinking water without gas and stirred until completely dissolved. Then five to six granules of dry nutritional yeast are added to the drink, after which the neck of the vessel is covered with a gauze rag consisting of several layers. Infuse in a warm room (preferably in the sun). After twenty-four hours, the kvass is filtered.

Methods of drinking alcohol according to the secret services method

Sometimes you have to drink at work and still stay sober. Workers secret intelligence service They resort to the following methods to help them not get drunk too quickly.

All alcoholic drinks are drunk slowly and in small sips. This method is not used when drinking strong alcohol. The person with whom you drink alcohol drinks much more during this time.

Half an hour before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to eat until you are completely full.

Eating a good snack, drinking alcohol in moderation, taking specialized drugs for rapid drunkenness and hangovers, and regular exercise will not prevent negative influence alcoholic drinks per person.

Alcohol, even in small doses, will poison the body, which will lead to health problems in the future. Therefore, the best solution in this issue will be a complete abstinence from alcohol. In the future, this will help maintain health and prevent the development of various diseases.