Why did you dream about your lover’s cheerful wife? Your actions in a dream. Maly Velesov dream book Why do you dream of Treason in a dream

Usually a lover’s wife dreams of danger, threats and unnecessary worries. Also, because of such a vision, reasonable suspicions may arise towards the husband. If you dreamed about your ex’s wife, then you need to wait for changes in everyday life, old and long-forgotten acquaintances may return to you.

If you want to understand why you dream about the wife of your beloved man, remember all the details of the dream that you saw, and also compare explanations from different dream books.

Your actions in a dream

It is very important to remember what exactly you did in your dream, as this greatly influences the final interpretation:

Behavior of a lover's wife

The dream book characterizes dreams about a lover’s pregnant wife as a threat that your relationship will soon become known. Such dreams project your feelings about a secret relationship. It may also happen that your fears become completely logical.

You may dream about your lover’s wife and her child. Such a vision warns that you need to beware of revealing your secret romance. It would be a good idea to think carefully about additional security so that you are not unexpectedly discovered.

The meaning of dreams depends on what the wife does in the dream:

Why does a woman dream about her lover?

Very often in night visions you can find the dreamer’s real dreams and desires. If you dream of a lover, this dream contains many meanings and facets. Most often it is seen unfaithful wife and talks about cheating on her real husband. You need to think about this and carefully understand your relationships. Other factors must also be taken into account in interpretation.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller, known in the field of psychology, learned to interpret dreams taking into account all the details and features. His method is still used today. If a married woman saw her lover in a dream, this indicates that in reality he does not give her the necessary sexual pleasure. In the case of unmarried people, such a vision indicates a meeting with a man who will cause a lot of emotions. Soon, serious feelings can grow from this, and strong relationships can be built.

In some cases, night visions also come ex-lovers. This is a sign of resentment towards the person who did not respond. mutual love on a woman’s feelings, or an indicator that feelings are still strong.

If a married woman sees her lover kissing her in a dream, then such a dream definitely does not bring anything positive. Most likely, close people understand about her betrayal and will soon be able to bring her to clean water. Otherwise, the dreamer will have to endure humiliation and the subsequent severance of communication with her husband.

Dream of an unmarried woman

If a woman who is not married sees such a dream, and her lover turns out to be a completely unknown man, then she needs to remember his face exactly. It may be that in real life a person with a similar appearance will appear and become her new soul mate. Such a dream speaks of an imminent change in personal life in positive side. If you dream of such a vision on Thursday night, then a woman will very soon experience romantic story with a positive ending.

Such dreams can also be dreamed by a married woman who does not have any lovers on the side. If she had to see him in a dream, then this indicates the coldness of family relationships. Such a woman feels unloved and does not receive the necessary care and affection from her husband. Such a dream may well become real. To prevent this from happening, the girl should discuss all issues with her husband in advance before the conflict escalates.

Negative value

If you see in a dream young man who is cheating on you with another woman, then you need to think about the fact that a lie or non-reciprocal love has appeared in your life. This may indicate an imminent break in your relationship or that the man is using you for personal gain.

If in a dream you saw sexual contact with your lover, then this speaks of painful sexual suffering and a feeling of lust for a man. If there was no intimacy with the dreamed man in real life, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your husband. It is best to pay more attention to each other to strengthen the relationship. If you had such a dream on Thursday night, then very soon the relationship between the spouses will change for the better.

You may have a dream in which a woman saw her dead lover. If such a person is alive in real life, this means that the relationship between them is over. A woman can independently understand why she dreams about her lover. Everything directly depends on the circumstances that occur in real life.

Talking to your sexual partner in a dream is a positive sign. Such a dream predicts good family life, mutual understanding between two partners, satisfaction in sexual relations. This is also a sign that in the present a woman cannot find pleasure on the side.

Positive Vision

Dreams can be very precise and also unpredictable. For example, if you dream naked lover, this communicates his sincerity and positive intentions towards his beloved. Besides this, such a partner in real life is going to receive the status of your official husband and does not hide his feelings and relationship with you.

If a pregnant woman dreams of her lover and husband in one vision, then it is easy to guess what such a dream means. Most likely, the woman consciously compares these two men all the time. In real life, it is very difficult for her to make a decision and choose a specific person. But if you continue to play with the feelings of such people, then you can soon lose both the first and the second.

Women in marriages who have a lover on the side often think about their possible disclosure, about their husband’s reaction, about the choice between two lovers. In this case, there is nothing terrible that the subconscious pictures such situations during sleep. Sooner or later, a feeling of guilt will arise and manifest itself in the dream itself. To avoid negative dreams, you need to admit everything yourself. It is in this case that there will be a greater chance of a successful outcome.

If a lover has a wife

If a lover There is also a family, then the situation becomes more complicated. In this case, the woman often thinks what will happen if his wife finds out about their relationship. Often a lady worries about how to behave correctly and what to do in such a situation. Such people are constantly psychologically and physically tense. They always have to hide their relationships, thereby greatly risking losing their family and relationships.

If a woman dreams of a lover who already has a wife, then she may find herself in a bad position. Not of her own free will, she can become the main object of gossip. A woman can also experience deception or contact a person who has no plans to create a strong and serious relationship with her.

The wife in the dream talks about that she knows something about the adventures of her husband. This could end very badly for the lover. In addition to talking with your wife, you should expect a quick end to your relationship with your loved one.

If your lover has children

If a lover and his wife already have children, and they come to his woman in a dream, this means that she feels moral remorse. Understanding the whole situation, the woman becomes very uncomfortable in morally. Soon she may rethink her positions and the whole situation as a whole and make a final decision that will resolve everything.

If a lonely woman in a dream sees a house in which her lover and his entire family live, then in the present she can become someone’s wife or mother. Quarrels with a lover may occur, and a sad outcome of the relationship is possible. Maybe this is for the best, since, as they say, you cannot build happiness on someone else’s grief.

Additional definitions of sleep

Seeing a lover in a dream for a girl, who doesn't even have a husband, but simply men, means a quick wedding after a chance acquaintance with a young man. Such a man will soon make you a child.

If in a dream you have a quarrel with your loved one, then in reality you will find a new admirer to whom you prefer the current one.

If in a dream your lover is an example of inexhaustible male potency, it means that in real life your sexual insatiability and general dissatisfaction will result in the most extreme degree of dissatisfaction and general irritability, which is why everyone around you will simply suffer, both at home and at work, not to mention your real husband.

If in a dream you saw fleas on your lover- this is a symbol of the fact that he has unstable feelings for you. For a young girl to see that she and a young man were executed by hanging means that she will marry a soft-bodied man without any special principles in life.

Seeing a pale and tired lover in a dream foreshadows an accident that will happen to him before your joint wedding. Vision, in which you see your lover wearing striped prison clothes means that you will soon have a reason to become convinced that his intentions towards you are selfish in nature and are aimed at taking possession of your fortune, and not your feelings.

Other interpretations:

Some dream books believe that images of a young man’s wife come to the dreamer at a time when she is experiencing very stressful. This may be due to some secret that weighs heavily on her soul and does not allow her to live in peace.

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In some cases, life circumstances develop in such a way that a woman has to start a relationship with a married man. And if she had to seeing your lover's wife in a dream, she may think that this indicates an imminent breakup or trouble. Also, when you dream lover's wife, there may be anxiety that everyone around you will find out about such a connection. In fact, it is initially necessary to note that similar visions have a psychological meaning.

In some cases, this may indicate that a woman who has a relationship with a married man is consciously or unconsciously trying to think about his rightful chosen one. When we talk about increased anxiety during this dream, it means that the woman is afraid in reality of a situation in which she might encounter her rival. There may also be concerns about the widespread dissemination of information about such a complex relationship. If some peace is felt during sleep, on a subconscious level the woman strives to see her lover’s wife in order to subsequently give her the right to decide whether to stay with the unfaithful man or not. IN such a case we are talking about the desire to shift responsibility for the final decision to someone, so that in the future, if such a need arises, you will not reproach yourself for mistakes made. This is usually typical for young girls or for individuals who are not too confident in themselves.

As in any other case, a dream in which dreamed about my lover's wife, may have not only a psychological, but also a mystical character.

What if you dream about your lover's wife

When searching in dream books for information about what your lover’s wife dreams about, you can find out that such a vision symbolizes the possible disclosure of such a connection in the near future. Moreover, everything can happen completely unexpectedly, even despite the previously used precautions. It is likely that several people from the lover’s inner circle are already well aware of this affair. In any case, it is worth carefully analyzing the relationship and thinking about whether there is a need to continue it.

What the outcome of the situation will be can be judged based on the mood in which the legitimate chosen one was. If it was normal, no anger was manifested, then in reality everything will turn out in the most favorable way for both parties. At the same time, do not be alarmed if initially events begin to develop in a less predictable manner. In the case when her mood left much to be desired, she looked tired, we can talk about troubles, which would be almost impossible to avoid.

When a wife and mistress have a calm conversation in a dream, do not shout at each other and do not get personal, in the future such relationships will be neutral. Most likely, the legal spouse will not take any radical actions even when she knows about her husband’s regular infidelities. In a case where you not only had to see your lover’s wife in a dream, but also had a strong quarrel with her, you need to be as careful as possible. After all, quite serious troubles may soon arise because of it, the solution of which will take a long time. It will most likely not be possible to avoid such an aggravation in any way. So, you need to warn your loved one about the danger.

What does a lover's wife portend?

A vision in which you have to observe the affairs performed by your lover’s wife from the outside is quite favorable. At this stage, the situation is such that it will be very easy to take a man away from the family. Moreover, this process will not be too long and will be as painless as possible for each of the parties. So, having seen a dream of similar content, in no case should you hesitate for a minute. Otherwise, such a favorable time will never come again.

When you dream about your lover’s wife, it is also important to pay attention to her face. If for some reason it is disfigured, a very serious quarrel with your loved one will soon occur, the logical end of which may be separation. At the same time, you must immediately prepare for the fact that the process will be quite long and painful.

When a lover’s wife cries a lot in a dream, we can say that soon it will be she who will create problems for her rival, which will be very difficult to resolve. Moreover, there is a possibility of causing severe damage to your reputation, which you will have to work on for years to restore in the future.

A dream in which the legal spouse stands between lovers indicates that the man will never decide to break off his marriage. In this case, you should be extremely careful and not feed yourself with vain illusions.

If the lover's legal chosen one was pregnant, circumstances may arise that could bring trouble to all parties. A vision in which a lover hugs, and even more so kisses, his wife indicates that he is tired of a double life, as well as deception, and will soon announce a break in the relationship.

The meaning of dreams of such content directly depends on what phase of the moon they took place. Dreams on the full moon or on the waxing moon are considered to be the most prophetic.

Lover's wife according to the dream book

You can find many answers to the question of why your lover’s wife dreams, but only interpreters know this for sure. If you want to understand this issue thoroughly, remember in detail what you saw in your dream and compare the explanations various dream books.

Miller's Prophecies

If in real life you are angry with your married lover because he pays little attention to you, then the lover’s wife in a dream does not predict anything, but simply reflects internal tension and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, says Miller’s dream book.

But if you are satisfied with your relationship with an adulterer, then such a dream may mean remorse that you experience without realizing it. Did you see a lover kissing his wife in a dream? Such a dream means uncertainty and disappointment.

How the wife behaved

When figuring out why your lover’s wife is dreaming, clarify what this person did in your dream. This is what the vision in which she predicts:

  • cries in a dream - you will have troubles;
  • quarrels with you - someone will slander you, accusing you in vain;
  • quarrels with her husband - you will hear unpleasant news about a friend;
  • laughs at you - soon you will experience humiliation;
  • asks for something - you will avoid trouble if you listen to the advice.

Happy couple as a symbol of troubles

Why do you dream about your lover’s wife wearing a veil and smiling in your dream? Lunar dream book: You should not waste time on something of which you are not completely sure of the success. You see that she is smiling specifically at you - expect gossip about yourself.

Did you see in a dream that your beloved’s wife is pregnant, and you want to know why you are dreaming? This suggests that you will not find happiness with this person. Do you see in a dream that she is not pregnant from her husband? Happiness is quite possible, the main thing is to behave correctly. Did you dream that your lover’s wife told you that she was pregnant? You will make a mistake that can get you into trouble.

A scandalous woman is a sign of separation

A vision in which your lover’s wife and child came to you to make a fuss predicts a break in relations with your lover, according to Pastor Loff’s dream book. But Medea’s dream book connects the dream of a sweetheart’s wife with a child with the dreamer’s desire to have children from her lover.

The interpretation of a dream in which you see your loved one’s wife crying, sick or covered in blood, warns you that very soon the relationship will be revealed, and this will have a very negative impact on your reputation and authority, warns the White Magician’s dream book.

Ex-lover: Be careful

Here's how he explains Gypsy dream book a dream in which you often see the wife of your former partner: you are not worrying about something in vain. Negative events await you, so take care of your own well-being and safety.

And if you often have a vision that you are fighting with your ex’s wife, then this means that your feelings for him have not yet faded away.

Unpleasant embarrassment, or Everything can change

Did you dream that your lover’s wife caught you and started an unpleasant conversation with you? You shouldn’t “go with the flow,” advises Longo’s dream book; if you want positive changes, they will happen.

Nostradamus will tell you why you dream of a plot in which your lover’s wife caught you in a fight, and after you calmed down and started a general conversation: this is a sign of unexpected changes. It’s especially good if the conversation you dreamed about was friendly and cheerful - this is good.

Why do I dream about my lover’s wife pestering me with kisses, after which I turned her over and sat on top of her, after which she resisted a little and relaxed in trust.

Hello, my lover and I have not been together for about 9-12 months, but today I had a dream, as if I came to a skating rink and was skating, and his wife and child were sitting there. We communicated very friendly with her, she was not in at its best in life she is more interesting, and after we finished the conversation, I said that I would take them home by car and asked that she not tell Sergei about our meeting. I even woke up with some good thoughts about her. Thanks in advance for your answer!

I dreamed that I was standing with my lover, we were smiling, kissing, and then his wife came out of the room and we started arguing with her, throwing something at each other, it started with her calling me names. And I felt offended, it seemed to me that the lover was more protecting his wife. P.S. : My wife knows about our relationship. She throws hysterics and scandals at him every day. We know his wife very well.

Please tell me why my lover’s partner is dreaming about her and asking me not to take him away from her, inclining me to believe that they have two children.

I dreamed about my lover's wife. I see her in a Ukrainian costume. Embroidered shirt and scarf. And her hair is really long and flowing short hair. She sits smiling and humming to herself.

I dreamed about my lover’s wife: what could this mean?

The lover's wife may visit the dreamer for many reasons. Such a dream cannot be ignored and must be interpreted correctly; for this you will have to strain and remember all the details of the dream.

A woman’s behavior, outfit and words – everything has weight. From these details we will be able to put together a complete picture for drawing up interpretations from various dream books. So why does a lover’s wife dream about her in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of a Lover's Wife - Interpretation of Individual Stories

We invite the reader (and, concurrently, the dreamer) to extract the maximum benefit from his dream and find the most correct interpretation based on clues that the depths of your subconscious so kindly provided. Find the interpretation of your dream below:

  • The beloved's wife did not take any action. In this case, it simply personifies your anger at the man due to the fact that he pays little attention to you. There is no need to do anything;
  • Her lover kisses her in her sleep. In the near future, severe disappointments await and a sudden break with a married man is possible;
  • Your lover's passion was crying in his sleep. In real life, you are predicted to have troubles and bad luck;
  • In your dreams you saw your scandal with the young man’s wife. Soon you will have to sort things out with people you don’t like; it is possible that the situation with this scandal will repeat in real life; you should be careful;
  • Pregnant woman lover. Such a dream means that you are tormented by pangs of conscience. It is recommended to talk to the man and find out everything;
  • The lover's wife stands between you both. The subconscious mind hints to you through a dream that it is difficult for your beloved man to make a choice between you and his other half. It is necessary to encourage him and help him;
  • Hugs. If a lover in a dream lightly hugs his legal wife, then such a dream portends his fatigue. Yes, he's tired of it double life and he will very soon make a choice between you;
  • She quarrels with her husband. You are about to hear unpleasant news about a person you know, they will disappoint you;
  • Laughter. If your lover’s wife manages to laugh at you in your own dream, disappointment and humiliation await you. Gossip from neighbors, illness or even theft cannot be ruled out;
  • You have received a request from your lover's wife. Listen to the prediction - if you listen to some advice in the future, then huge amount problems that would not have happened if you had not trusted stupid advice;
  • Wifey's smile. The subconscious mind gives you life advice - you shouldn’t do those things and start those projects about which you are not 99% sure, because in most cases they fail;
  • Your lover's wife came to your house to start a scandal. Your relationship may soon be revealed, your double life may end;
  • The scandal turned into open personal attacks, and the wife also had a child. She came to your house with her offspring - indicates your imminent breakup with your young man. You will have to recover from this event for a long time; illness, delays in projects, or even dismissal are possible;
  • The wife was covered in blood. The bloody passion of your lover gives a sign that soon your connection with your lover will be finally revealed, he will be exposed without trust, and you will remain alone for a long time in the midst of a cruel world;
  • Direct conversation. It so happened that the secret man’s wife found you in an unusual place (in the kitchen, in the closet, on the beach) and started a simple, everyday conversation, without scandals. The dream, quite optimistic, even ironic to some extent, turns out to carry a warning from the subconscious - you should not go with the flow, as the relationship may be revealed;
  • Fight this woman. In such a dream, your mood plays a role. You fought out of hatred - it has many advantages over you, and you are afraid that your beloved will not resist and will go over to once again. If you played your blows with a grin on your face, a pleasant surprise awaits you, besides, in such a situation, it is you, according to the subconscious, who has all the trump cards up your sleeves;
  • A message from Casanova's wife. If she told you that she is pregnant, in real life you should be 100 times more careful, do not participate in adventures, lotteries, do not drink alcohol, and in general think about it seven times, take it once important decisions. Dangerous dream;
  • Seeing your sick woman married man. In the near future, you will experience tarnished reputation, gossip from neighbors, or even betrayal by someone from your circle of seemingly close friends;
  • Find out about the death of your lover's wife. again, the dream foreshadows an incidental situation in which your face, a tarnished reputation, or even a divorce from your current spouse will appear;

Interpretation of sleep by psychologists and dream books - the wife of a lover in a dream according to Tsvetkov, Miller and Freud

  1. Dream book of psychologist Miller. You are overcome by doubts about the correctness of your decision. The same doubts plague a married boyfriend. It is quite possible that you just need to take a break from each other for a while;
  2. According to Tsvetkov. Your love affair will be revealed, says a famous psychologist. However, this is how any dream plot with the wife of a lover/mistress is interpreted in this way by a given somnologist;
  3. According to Freud's dream book. A completely new acquaintance awaits you, which will outshine your married boyfriend and allow you to leave him alone, alone with cockroaches and an evil wife;
  4. French dream book. But according to this dream book, a wife with a lover means joy and good luck in all endeavors;
  5. Loff's Dream Book. White Mage clearly warns that the deception will soon be revealed, there is no point in dragging on this disastrous relationship any longer, it’s time to end it;
  6. Muslim (Islamic dream book) Eastern dream book warns that in the near future one should expect tough tests from dreams with such a plot, which will test the dreamer’s endurance and ability to be in such a relationship for a long time;
  7. Family dream book. Lover's wife in this case predicts the receipt of a letter that will talk about something important to you. Perhaps receiving an inheritance, having a child with distant relatives, or something completely different;
  8. A dream with a lover's wife according to the interpretation of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Dreams created by your subconscious in which your lover’s passion appears literally scream - stop! The relationship has reached a dead end, dreams only symbolize the dreamer’s doubts, it’s time to end it;
  9. Modern dream book. Such a plot modern dream book this is a sign that your significant other has begun to suspect something.

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Dream Interpretation - why does your lover’s wife dream about you?

For a woman, a dream where she dreams of a lover carries a hidden meaning, and a meeting with her lover’s wife threatens troubles that haunt her. To understand what it means to see your lover’s wife in a dream and why someone who sees such a dream should beware, you need to look online at the dream book of esotericists who know the interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book - dream of a lover's wife

A woman may dream of a lover, angry that in reality she lacks love and support from a man (friend, spouse or boyfriend). A lover with his wife (or seeing your lover’s wife in a dream) - to conflicts, doubts living in you, uncertainty that has appeared in life. Such a dream promises disappointment.

Vanga's dream book - I dreamed about my lover's wife, why?

Seeing a former lover is uncertainty at this stage of life. The one who regrets the breakup can see new lover her men in snow white wedding dress, hear her voice in conversation. The man who pushes her away, hits her, or argues with her is still yours and wants to come back. Dreaming of a lover's pregnant wife or the appearance of their child is a conscience saying that it is time to break off the relationship.

Freud's Dream Book - married lover

Seeing in a dream the person who introduced you to your lover or who takes photographs of you is a sign that you would like to go back in time. A dream where you receive a phone call from your lover's wife at night will bring a new acquaintance, followed by a rather long affair, and if you receive a message saying that you have been exposed, stop the adultery as quickly as possible. If you dream of a man calling you by the name of his wife or daughter, he will never leave his family. The lover introducing you to his wife is too sexually active.

Dream Interpretation - Lover's Wife

A relationship with a lover causes stress and obsessive fears in a woman, which are encountered in dreams. Seeing your lover’s legal wife in a dream means a secret relationship has been revealed, humiliation. Even if you think that there are no people who know about your novel, there are already many people communicating and hearing about it. Such a dream, as the dream book says, is news of damage. This is a dream that means that the relationship with your lover must be ended.

A lover experiencing an orgasm with his wife in a dream is an image that brings the news to the girl who sees him that the lover will not leave his family. A man hugging or returning to his permanent wife in a dream carries the same meaning. But a man leaving or even running away from home is a sign that you will be glad to see.

I dreamed of my lover’s wife chasing him away - this woman will be in big trouble.

If the lover’s wife in a dream looked smiling, talking calmly and sweetly, for her he is an ex, and she does not mind cheating. Seeing a sick woman lying on the sofa in a battered robe with a stain or a nightie promises trouble for both of you and the man who cheated on her.

Good sign to see the wife of your loved one setting the table, preparing food, feeding the baby, washing dishes or styling her hair, cleaning, as if she knows nothing. This is a sign that this family has long broken up and they are facing a divorce.

Seeing a quarrel with your man’s wife means secrets will soon be revealed.

If you dream of a lover, and with him his wife, daughter and son, to a woman who does not have a lover, you will be drawn into a scam.

The opponent who hits you has an advantage over you, and the one who kills you with one hand will bring back her departed husband. The lover’s wife becomes a friend from the first meeting; this is a dream that means that you have a chance to take the man away from the family.

Being a seated guest at your ex's wedding means you will be bitterly disappointed. A lover who kisses the bride in your dream will soon leave; a lover who gives a white pendant loves only her.

A former lover who is divorcing or separated from his wife regrets that he is not with you.

If you dreamed about a photo or portrait of your ex’s wife, it means an unexpected meeting.

A naked lover in an apartment means the sincerity of his feelings, and a clothed lover means a man hiding from obligations and hiding his true feelings.

A drunk (blue) lover on vodka - expect an unexpected gift.

Frozen interior with deceased wife lover or disabled person - your romance will be a grief for everyone.

I dreamed of a husband who took you by surprise and caught you several times at home with your lover - your husband is not sure of love on your part.

If you dream that you are going to see a gynecologist with your lover’s mother, this is a dream about very big troubles.

Dreaming unmarried girl ex, old and angry lovers or common-law husbands who are starting a showdown here - the fighters have started a fight for your heart, a rich suitor will appear on your horizon, giving up everything for you and calling every minute.

Dream interpretation lover. Why does a lover dream

For those who have a lover, the dream is a projection of thoughts and memories of the lover. If we interpret a lover as a symbol, then this is the personification of lies and understatement. For families and those in close relationships, such a dream means a lack of understanding and trust in the couple. Perhaps the owner of the dream is dissatisfied with the relationship or in his personal life he lacks bright emotions and thrills - what does a lover dream about?

Miller's dream book associates a lover in a married woman's dream with the dreamer's sexual dissatisfaction and tormenting desire. If an unmarried young lady dreams of this picture, it means that the girl will soon meet an interesting young man who will bring variety and new, previously unknown feelings into her life. Perhaps in the future, this guy can claim the hand and heart of a young lady.

Seeing a former lover in a dream, according to Vanga’s dream book, symbolizes the incompleteness of a relationship, the presence of attraction or resentment towards a person who was once a lover.

For a married young lady having an affair, kissing her lover in a dream foreshadows the dreamer's imminent exposure. To avoid such humiliation, you need to either end the vicious relationship or tell your spouse about everything.

She was with her child

Dream book "sonnik-mira"

If she cried. Crying means trouble. Moreover, one should expect any evil actions from this woman, wives your lover. Having learned about his secret affair, she will be angry and want to take serious revenge. It will not be possible to stop her, and attempts to hurt you will be repeated again and again until they reach their goal. Other facial features. See she has a different face indream- to troubles, adventures, which, however, will be negative.

Dream Interpretation “prorok-snov”

Your ex lover or mistress, remembers you and the times when you had a good time together. You, in turn, would not mind meeting again, or at least looking at this person and asking how he lives without you. Why dream wifelover? Your relationship is not approved by heaven. Such dream, nothing more than a warning about completion love triangles, otherwise your fate will be worse than ever.

Dream Interpretation "children's garden"

Dreams by order. Influence your dream you can use the threads with which the pillow is sewn. Yes, yes, it is the color of the thread that will help you order the one dream the one you want see…read in full >>.It’s worth deciding who or what is more of a priority for you, wife or hobby ( mistress, computer, car, gambling and so on). If a woman dreams that she indream is mistressmarried men then like this dream speaks of a big but unrealized dream, the fulfillment of which you no longer even think about.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why does a Lover dream according to the dream book:

If a woman dreams of a lover, then she will soon receive an important letter.

  • The wedding of an ex and his chosen one is a disappointment.
  • If you dream that he is looking at you in front of her, it means meeting him.
  • Argument ex-man with his wife - he regrets your separation.

/ Dream Interpretation of Lover's Wife

I dreamed about my lover’s wife: the meaning of the dream

All dream books agree that your lover’s wife, seen in a dream, is a symbol of serious experiences. It's no secret that a girl who has married lover, faces great stress day after day: few people would like to constantly make a secret of their relationship, even if it true love. Therefore, she may often have traumatic dreams. So, your lover’s wife in a dream foretells that your relationship will soon be discovered. Man seeing similar dream should be wary. You may not realize that your forbidden relationship is no longer a secret, so you should be careful and consider whether it is worth continuing this type of relationship. In fact, they bring too much worry and stress, both to you and to the other side. Believe me, your wife suffers more from this intrigue than you. If you dreamed of your lover’s legal wife, he should quickly make a choice. Such a dream suggests that you are the main suspect, and even if the wife herself is not yet in the know, then your loved one’s friends definitely know about his connection with you and can tell her everything.

I dreamed about my lover’s wife: what does this mean?

If you have had a dream like this, be sure to look at the dream book, because depending on certain details, the meaning of the dream can change significantly. Such dreams signal that the image of your lover’s wife has penetrated very deeply into your subconscious, you often think about this woman, and therefore you see such dreams. If the lover’s wife was in a good mood in a dream, if she was cheerful and healthy, this means that in reality everything will work out in the best possible way for both of you. But if the woman in the dream was tired, looked ugly and even sickly, then expect troubles that will be very difficult to avoid. But if you talked calmly, then she will not take any active actions against your union and you personally, even if she suspects an intrigue. This means that you are very lucky and you can’t expect aggression from her.

Does a dream about a lover's wife always portend trouble?

A serious quarrel with your lover’s wife in a dream symbolizes that you need to be patient and wait for troubles caused by this woman. You most likely won’t be able to simply evade responsibility, so you should warn your lover about the danger. A dream in which you see your lover’s wife, who is at a distance and minding her own business, and at the same time you do not enter into any contact with her, suggests that now the situation is developing in such a way that only you can get your loved one and you can take her away him from the family. Of course, this is not the most noble cause, but if you have decided long ago and are not ready to retreat, then you should not miss this opportunity that has turned up so well. If you miss the moment, your lover will never be yours. Think very carefully before taking this plunge, is this really what you want? Is the game worth the candle? Won't you later regret what you did? And finally, are you confident in your man and his love for you? If so, then you can take the risk, but keep in mind that because of this immoral act, your conscience may torment you for a long time.

Often, night visions reflect real desires and dreams. Why does a lover dream? This dream has many facets and specific meanings. But he appears to unfaithful spouses and reminds them of betrayal to their lawful husband. This is worth thinking about and understanding family relationships. Many factors must be taken into account in interpretation.

Miller's opinion

The famous psychologist Miller learned to interpret dreams taking into account all the details. His technique is used to this day. If a married woman saw her lover in a dream, this means that in reality he does not bring her the desired sexual pleasure. In the case of unmarried people, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a man who will cause a lot of emotions. This could lead to a serious love relationship in the future.

Sometimes exes come into visions at night. Women puzzle themselves with the question: why does a lover dream? But they know the answer very well. This is a sign of resentment towards a person who did not reciprocate the woman’s love, or an indicator that the feelings are still alive.

Dream for a married woman

If a married lover kisses her, then this dream will not bring anything good. Most likely, close people guess about the betrayal and will soon be able to expose it. This situation can be avoided; otherwise, you will have to endure humiliation and a break in family relationships.

Vision for an unmarried woman

If not married woman she had such a dream, and her lover turned out to be an unknown man, she should remember his face. Perhaps in reality a person with a similar appearance will appear and become her lover. portends changes in personal life for the better. If it is on Thursday, then a romantic story with a good ending will soon happen in a woman’s life.

Such dreams can be dreamed by a married woman who does not have a lover on the side. If she had to see him in a dream, then this means cold family relationships. Such a woman feels unloved and does not receive care and affection from her husband. This dream may well become reality. To prevent this from happening, the girl should discuss all issues with her husband.

Bad dream

Seeing a lover in a dream who is cheating with another woman is a sign of deceit and non-reciprocal love in real life. It may also portend a break in such a relationship or the use of a woman by a man for material purposes.

If in a dream you dreamed of sex with your lover, this indicates the girl’s painful sexual suffering and a feeling of lust for a man. But if there was no intimacy with the dreamed person in real life, then it is necessary to reconsider the relationship with your husband. It is recommended to pay more attention to each other in order to strengthen If you had a dream on Thursday, then soon your married life will change for the better.


We are talking about a vision in which a woman saw her dead lover. If this person is alive, then the relationship with him is over. A woman herself can determine what her lover is dreaming about. Everything directly depends on the circumstances in real life.


Conversing with a lover in a dream is good sign. Such a dream foretells happiness in family relationships, mutual understanding between spouses, sexual intimacy and satisfaction. This is also a sign that in reality the woman does not intend to look for pleasure on the side.

Good sleep

Dreams can be very unpredictable and precise. For example, if you dreamed of being naked, it speaks of his sincerity and serious intentions about his beloved. In addition, such a partner in real life wants to move from his position to the status of a legal husband and not hide his relationships and feelings.

Hard choice

When a married woman dreams of her lover and her husband in the same dream, it is not difficult to understand what this means. Most likely, the woman in her mind constantly compares these two men. In real life, she finds it difficult to make a decision and choose one person. But if you continue to play with the feelings of other people, you can lose both of them and end up alone.

Married women who have a lover on their side often think about possible exposure, the reaction of their husband, and the choice between two men. There is nothing strange that the subconscious pictures these situations in a dream. Sooner or later he wakes up and manifests himself in dreams. To get rid of bad dreams, you have to admit everything yourself. Then there will be more chances for a successful completion.

If a lover has a wife...

The situation becomes more complicated if the lover also has a family. A woman often thinks what will happen if his wife finds out about their relationship. Often a lady torments herself with thoughts about how to act correctly and what to do. Such people are in constant physical and psychological stress. They constantly have to hide their relationships, thereby greatly risking losing their families.

If a girl dreams of a lover who has a wife, she may find herself in a bad situation. Not of her own free will, she may be chosen as the main character for gossip. A woman may become a victim of deception and contact a person who has no serious plans for a future relationship.

What else could such a dream mean? The lover’s wife in night vision indicates that the wife suspects her husband’s infidelity. This could end badly for the lover. In addition to talking with your rival, you should expect a break in your relationship with your loved one.

If your lover has children...

If a lover has children and they come to his wife on the side in a dream, this means that she is experiencing moral torment. Understanding the current situation, the woman suffers from torment of conscience. In the future, she can rethink the current situation and make a decision that will resolve it.

Why does a lover dream? In most cases, a woman is able to determine it herself.

When a lonely girl dreams of a house in which her lover lives with his family, in reality she can become someone’s wife and mother. Quarrels with a lover may begin and all kinds of relationships may break. Maybe this is for the best, because you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s grief.


Now you know why a lover dreams. To clearly understand the vision, you need to consider all aspects.