Psychological drawings for children. We determine the psychological state of a child by colors

It is not always possible to easily assess psychological state child, since at this age perception often occurs at the subconscious level. For example, a baby may be afraid of his father or even hate him deep down, but his age does not allow him to understand his feelings, therefore, even asking the baby a direct question, it will be difficult to expect an intelligible answer from him. Also, a whole storm of emotions can be hidden under external carelessness. How can we understand what is really happening to the child? It turns out you can use psychology to do this. children's drawing, which (if you know how to read it) will tell you about everything that happens in a child’s soul.

Decoding the meaning hidden in a child's drawing

Analyzing children's drawings is very similar to solving puzzles. Only an experienced child psychologist can cope with it, although parents should also know the simplest principles of decoding.


This is the most important criterion . Since children prefer not to mix paints, primary colors are sufficient for analysis. If any color predominates in the composition, this indicates that the child is preoccupied with some phenomenon or event. If he uses a variety of colors, then we can talk about the versatility of his interests and the absence of a problem weighing on him.

  • If, with a fairly complete palette, a child uses mainly gray, black or dark red shades, then he is probably tormented by fears and depression.
  • On the contrary, the abundance of orange and yellow colors indicates a good mood of the painter.
  • The red color signals aggression and rapid excitability, but such serious conclusions can only be drawn after analyzing other aspects of behavior.
  • Self-absorbed individuals prefer different shades of blue.
  • Green speaks of boredom. If your child has all green lawns and groves, then you should think about taking him to a play area or engaging him in something else.
  • Visionaries and dreamers love the color purple.
  • Anxious children who have self-esteem problems often use the color brown.

But the psychology of children's painting is not so simple. Some mothers, having read relevant books and noticing an abundance of black in children’s scribbles, drag their baby to a psychologist with horror. But black color not only speaks of anxiety, it can most easily highlight an important object in a drawing. Graphics cannot be considered a sign of a problem; rather, it is a craving for discipline, especially if there are no other reasons for concern.


The relationship of objects in a child's drawing reflects the author's thoughts.

  • Family members clinging to each other speak of mutual understanding; the clasped hands of the figures also speak of closeness and trust.
  • If the child placed one of the parents in the very corner of the sheet, then that parent should think about how to communicate more with the child.
  • himself significant person The child will definitely place it in the center and make it the largest.
  • If there is no close relative in the drawing, then there may be a conflict with him, so the child subconsciously tries to throw this person out of his head and from the drawing.
  • With internal emptiness and low self-esteem, the child will leave the center of the drawing empty. If inanimate objects are in the center, then there is concern about the financial situation.
  • The dreamer's figures usually float without touching hard surfaces. A boldly drawn earth line speaks of self-doubt.

The subtext of a child's drawing often becomes intuitively clear. If objects are drawn very large, then this indicates inner comfort. A selfish nature strives to occupy as much space as possible with a self-portrait. If the child feels lonely, then he will depict himself as small and place him somewhere in the corner of the drawing. Thin, matchstick-like arms and legs of the figure indicate the baby’s concern about his own weakness. A disproportionately large head means self-absorption. By dressing up his figure in the drawing too much, the baby is saying that it is important for him to be appreciated. appearance those around you.

Many parents do not pay a lot of attention sore throat in a child. But sometimes it is a symptom of a serious illness that requires urgent treatment...

Deciphering a child's drawing of a house

Another visual psychological test is drawing a house.

  • If the baby depicted big house, then he can be called sociable, hospitable, open.
  • If there is a staircase leading to a blank wall, then it speaks of a hidden family conflict.
  • The house, as if far away, shows the loneliness and rejection of the baby.
  • If the house is surrounded by numerous buildings, then the baby is in an anxious state.
  • If a child tries to draw the back wall of the house, then he is trying to control his emotions.
  • If the house hangs above the ground, then the baby has a weak connection with reality, he hovers in the clouds.
  • If the lower contours of the walls, on the contrary, are clearly drawn, then the baby has difficulties and anxiety.
  • Transparent walls indicate a desire for leadership, while thin side lines scream nervous exhaustion. A sign of sociability is large open doors, but if they are too large, then dependence on other people is quite possible. On the contrary, small doors hide self-doubt.
  • A lot of doors drawn on different sides indicate a desire for loneliness, and their absence indicates difficulties with communication.
  • The abundance of windows indicates a thirst for communication, and the curtains on them indicate closedness. If there are windows only on the top floor, then the baby is far from reality.
  • The roof in the form of a thick line also hints at the child’s imagination, and if it is torn off from the front wall, then the child does not find a place for himself in life. A cornice extending beyond the roof speaks of the child’s desire to protect himself from his fears. If the pipe comes out of the back of the roof, then the baby does not want to get close to his family emotionally.
  • Thick smoke reminds of internal tension, and a thin stream - of a lack of communication with loved ones.

Decoding a child's drawing of a family

You can decipher a child’s drawing of a family and understand from this how he relates to any member of the family. The child needs to be given a piece of paper, pencils or paints and asked to draw his relatives. Since children usually love to draw, the baby will complete this task with pleasure. Next you will need to apply your knowledge of child psychology when deciphering the finished drawing.
It is useful to quietly observe the drawing process. A child usually starts drawing a family drawing with the most significant and authoritative person for him. If all the drawn family members have tiny figures, then this indicates the author’s very low self-esteem. If the figures are grouped at the top of the sheet, then this indicates the child’s dissatisfaction with his own status in the family, and he would subconsciously want to correct the situation. If they are placed at the bottom of the sheet, then the child’s level of aspirations is too low. The most beloved family member is not only drawn first, but also drawn better than the rest.
The distance between the figures indicates the closeness of family relationships. The figures placed closely hint at a trusting relationship, and the absence of other objects between them speaks to the same. If the figures are isolated or separated by objects, busy with different things, then this indicates disunity in the family and not very warm relations in it.
It is also interesting to evaluate the baby’s self-portrait. If he draws himself as tall as or even taller than adults, then he considers himself important and special. On the contrary, a too compressed figure speaks of a feeling of humiliation. A drawn hat signals the need for protection. Poorly drawn facial features hint at closedness, internal aggression breaks out in the grin of the mouth, and fear looks out from large eyes. Widely spaced legs signify the child's self-confidence, and insecurity can be judged by the hands hidden in pockets or clasped behind the back. Usually children do not draw ears, but if this detail is present, it means that the parents’ words are important for the baby and he listens to them.
The sun is often present in children's drawings, symbolizing well-being and warmth. If there is a figure blocking the sun for the baby, then such a person in reality can deprive the child of warmth and comfort. If there are a lot of household items in the picture, then most likely the parents are more focused on material well-being than to the spiritual. It’s bad when any of the family members are missing from the picture, which indicates the child’s hostility or indifference to him, and even worse if the baby himself is not there, that is, he does not feel needed in the family. If the family drawing contains strangers, this means that the baby is striving to change something in the family. The child will draw the most unloved member of the family with intermittent sharp lines, and all his beloved relatives will be drawn more carefully, using smooth lines.

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received a psychologist’s report in kindergarten, are perplexed: anxiety, aggression, rejection... and is this all from cute children’s scribbles? “All psychologists are charlatans!” - parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what exactly psychologists see in children's drawings?

    At what age can children analyze drawings?

    Up to three years young painters are at the “cephalopod” stage - they draw “bubbly” people with protruding lines symbolizing arms and legs. Drawing details is not yet available to them; moreover, often first a “masterpiece” is born, and only then its proud author begins to think about what exactly he depicted.

    Starting from 3.5-4 years Children first plan the drawing (its concept appears) and only then begin to execute it. By the age of four, the child is already quite good at using a pencil, and the “cephalopods” evolve into “cucumber people” - two ovals with stick-like limbs.

    At five years old the artist was already skilled enough to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and by the age of six smaller details appeared in the drawings: nose, fingers. Children often draw in the manner of Picasso - the character's head in profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, by the age of seven the drawn people turn out to be dressed, and in accordance with their gender and age, they have hats and hairstyles and even necks!

    Drawings of children from 4 to 7 years old in the best possible way suitable for analyzing their psychological state.

    Analyzing the family drawing

    The most popular topic is drawing your own family. It can tell an experienced psychologist a lot, but ordinary mothers and fathers can also glean a lot of useful information from the drawing. First, look out for warning signs.

    Location of figures in the figure

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Often children “remove” an unwanted character from their work, explaining that “dad is at work” and sister is “in the next room.” This does not mean that the relationship is completely destroyed; often the brother or sister is sent “to another room” in the picture after a heated quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives may appear in the picture even if they live far away, as is often the case with grandparents.

    The child depicts his closest and most beloved relative next to him. If one of the characters turns out to be separated from the others, then, most likely, the child mentally excludes him from the family circle. This could be a working dad, a brother or sister who is much older in age.

    A bad sign - if this “outcast” turns out to be the child himself, this is a really alarming situation!

    Self image

    The child, as a rule, depicts himself either in the center of the picture (this is a common situation for a family with an only child) or next to the central figure. By depicting himself on the edge of the composition, separately from his parents, the child shows that he feels isolated from his family. Sometimes he gives a plot explanation for this that confirms the observer's fears: “Everyone is celebrating, but I am punished (having to sleep, read, play alone).”

    The pose of a happy and self-confident child is as open as possible: arms and legs spread apart. If a child takes the trouble to draw himself with his arms pressed to his body, this symbolizes his lack of self-confidence. Arms that are too short or lack thereof are fears of one’s own ineptitude. Maybe you criticize your baby too often?

    Usually the child depicts the sizes of the figures proportionally real characters: more parents, less myself, younger brother and sister - very small. Minimizing the picture of oneself speaks of insecurity, a need for care, and perhaps fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the “lifting” of a child from the ground, when all the characters are drawn in the correct proportions, but the child seems to be hanging between the parents: his head is at the same level as the adult, and his legs do not reach the floor. Often parents of such little artist They don’t even realize that he is experiencing discomfort: after all, they communicate with him as equals!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists know about signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often remain invisible to parents.

    Large, simply huge rake hands appear in that family member who is different aggressive behavior. If a child portrays himself this way, then he probably constantly has to suppress his anger.

    Clearly drawn bright pupils are a sign of a child’s anxiety, as is hard shading with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, sharp nails are the clearest evidence of aggression. If a child portrays himself this way, then most likely he feels a constant need for protection that the family cannot provide him with.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to popular fears, the depiction of genitals in the drawings of 3-4 year old children does not at all indicate that someone is corrupting the child, but rather about his interest in his own body and the difference between the sexes, which he has just learned about.

    But if a 6-7 year old child portrays himself with the physiological attributes of an adult: a girl with a clearly defined bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - this can be alarming. However, most often such drawings indicate the child’s need for attention, the desire to embellish himself by any means. That is why children, when depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: they carefully draw clothes, accessories, and jewelry (babies often add crowns to themselves). This picture screams: “Hey, everyone, finally look at me! I’m a prince (princess)!”

    However, you should still pay attention to your child's environment again. Is it clear that no one is showing suspicious attention to him, has the child been exposed to information that is inappropriate for his age (for example, a porn film, a porn magazine), which could frighten him?

    Children's drawing and color

    A child's drawing is usually multi-colored and variegated - usually children use 5-6 colors, this is considered the norm. The more confident the child feels, the brighter the colors he uses. Of course, not everything is so simple: a child can shade dad black, because dad really has a favorite sweater of that color, but if some pencil is among the favorites and one or two colors clearly predominate in the drawing, then it’s worth paying attention to this factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of colors by Max Lüscher, a psychologist and color researcher. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects a person’s psychological state and even indicates his physical health.

    Here's how to determine the meaning of color in a child's drawing.

      dark blue- focus on internal problems, need for rest;

      green- balance, independence, perseverance, desire for security;

      red- willpower, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow - positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;

      violet- fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      brown- sensory support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often - negative emotions;

      black- depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for change;

      if the child prefers a simple pencil and does not color the drawing- indifference, detachment, desire to close down.

    When experimenting with independent analysis of a child’s drawing, try to ensure that the child completes it willingly, in a calm environment, without distractions.

    Please note the following factors.

      Composition drawing. Are the characters placed in the center of the picture or in the corner, is there enough space for everyone in the picture, in what order are the family members drawn.

      Which colors used by a child.

      What details he pays extra attention. How the arms, legs, faces of the characters are drawn, is the pressure of the pencil always the same?

      Which unusual elements is in the picture. Is there something extra (for example, sun in the room, a non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, is something missing (someone in the family).

      Like a child portrays himself what details he pays special attention to, where he sees himself in the family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you achieve mutual understanding with your child!

    Children's drawings for illustration are taken from free sources

    01.12.2008 Rating: 0 Votes: 0 Comments: 99

    With the help of children's drawings, you can better understand the child, plunge into his inner world and learn about his perception of the world around him. From the child’s drawings, you can determine his attitude towards the family, towards each of his loved ones, towards the kindergarten, learn about worries and fears, the presence of aggressiveness, what the baby dreams of.

    Today, there are a number of serious diagnostic techniques and tests based on the study of drawings. Conduct an in-depth analysis of a child’s drawing, determine full picture The psychological state and development of the child, of course, can only be determined by a specialist. But the basics of drawing techniques are quite simple, and parents, educators and teachers themselves can independently analyze children’s drawings. I think being able to decipher children's drawings is important for every parent. If, as a result of such a “preliminary diagnosis”, there are suspicions of some hidden problems or anxieties, you should definitely contact a child psychologist. It is very good if you have the opportunity to consult a psychologist who diagnoses drawings. Unfortunately, there are not many qualified specialists in this area, since, according to child psychologists themselves, learning to read children's creativity comes only after analyzing several hundred, or even a thousand or more drawings.
    I completely share the opinion of experts who consider drawings to be the most reliable source of information about a child’s inner world.

    The most popular test, “Family Drawing” (for a small child, the world around us is primarily the family), like most other methods, can be carried out with a child over 3-4 years old, who already draws “consciously”. When a child draws a person no longer in the form of a “cephalopod” (a ball with arms and legs), but separately depicts the torso and head.

    Important for the test:
    1. For drawing, it is best to offer your child pencils, which allow you to take into account lines, pressure and shading when analyzing the drawing. For plot analysis and color analysis, you can draw with paints.

    2. Invite your child to draw on a normal day, when the child is in a “even” mood. That is, you should not test a child if he is emotionally overexcited, for example, after holiday or after visiting the clinic, or if a conflict situation has occurred in the family. Such a drawing may reflect a situational emotional state.

    3. You should not draw conclusions based on one picture and a separate element that is not related to other elements in the picture. No matter how informative the drawing may seem, It is advisable to repeat testing two or three times with a difference of 1-2 weeks. Certain conclusions can be drawn if the elements of the drawing that alarm you are the child’s drawing style.
    For example, dad went on a business trip and the child did not draw him in the family picture. In this case, it is natural that the child misses his dad. And you shouldn’t draw a conclusion about any problems in the relationship if dad is usually always present in the drawings.

    4. While drawing, an adult must be present, but not interfere with the drawing process: do not offer to draw something or someone, do not ask questions or comment on a child’s drawing. An adult is needed to observe the process of creating a picture, to see who and what the child drew first, in what order, to pay attention if some elements did not fit, why. For example, the youngest children, if asked to draw a free drawing, begin to draw their mother, but then they can begin to draw the whole family and themselves. In this case, the mother turns out to be large, and all other family members are much smaller. Of course, for 3 year old child Mom is often the most important person, but in this situation great value has an inability to maintain proportions, and other age-related characteristics.

    5. After the child has finished drawing, ask them to tell what is drawn in the picture and who is who. A child can give a logical explanation for many incomprehensible or alarming details of a drawing.

    What not to do:
    1. You should not analyze “template” drawings: those made in children’s classes and drawing lessons, pictures copied from books and other samples.
    2. You should not try to interpret elements that are incomprehensible to adults in order to avoid false conclusions.
    3. You should not “decipher” and discuss the drawings in front of the child, make comments to him when analyzing the conclusions and ask the child questions “why did you draw like that?”

    The first age stages in the development of drawing.
    Researchers of children's drawings have identified age stages that successively replace each other. Compliance with a certain stage at a certain age makes it possible to assess the child's development.
    I agree with the opinion of those experts who believe that a discrepancy in age stage does not always indicate a delay in the child’s development. The child must “show up” to move from one stage to another. So, if a child draws doodles, you should not hold the child’s hand and teach him to draw “correct” drawings; the more the child draws himself, the faster he will move on to the next stage of drawing.

    (the names of the stages are conditional; different names are used in the literature)
    1. Doodle stage, up to about 2 years of age. The child learns to hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, and chalk in his hand. The baby draws the first strokes, lines, dots, spirals, sometimes random shapes are obtained. A child sometimes doesn’t even look at the sheet of paper he’s drawing on; the color he’s drawing with is not important to him. The most important thing for a child is the process of creation itself, that the movement of his hand leaves a mark on a sheet of paper.

    2. Associative stage ( imaginative thinking), up to about 3 years of age. The child begins to connect what he depicts with the world around him. First, the baby draws the same doodles, but explaining: this is me, this is dad, this is the car. Gradually, figures and objects begin to acquire distinct images. Human figures are depicted as cephalopods - a ball with arms and legs, eyes, mouth, nose, sometimes hair and ears.

    3. The stage of drawings with primitive expressiveness, up to about 5 years. The child draws consciously, trying to depict figures and objects as they are. Drawing silhouettes, the child depicts the torso and head. Distinctive feature this stage from subsequent ones, the child depicts everything he sees, incl. draws movement, for example, how the wind blows and how a person runs - in the form of spirals in the drawing. At this age, children most often draw “from memory.”

    Children over 5 years old can already schematically represent their drawings and draw from life.

    Before talking about the possibilities of drawing tests, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are different recommendations for conducting such testing and interpreting drawings, sometimes they even slightly contradict each other. This article describes the main points that will help parents understand children's drawings.

    Color scheme of the drawing.
    First home testing color scheme Drawings can be started closer to 3 years, when the child begins to carefully choose colors for his drawings. Using color you can characterize the emotional state of a child. Invite your child to draw any beautiful picture and give as many pencils or paints as possible so that the child has plenty to choose from.
    Warm colors: yellow, orange, pink, and calm cool colors: green, blue and light blue, are considered flowers of positive emotional mood and often dominate in children's drawings. If a child often draws in red and paints large areas of the picture with it, this may indicate emotional stress and even be considered a symbol of aggression. But you shouldn’t be guided by this one sign. Each child has their own favorite colors. Active and emotional children love bright colors, for example bright raspberry.
    Often present in drawings deep purple color V large quantities indicates some kind of tension that the author is experiencing and should alert parents.
    Dark and pale colors, as well as gray and black, are often chosen by modest, quiet “serious” children, so you should not be immediately intimidated by such a child’s color choice. However if black color significantly predominates in the drawings, the child draws with thick lines combined with strong pressure, the drawings contain elements that are often shaded in black, then you need to contact a child psychologist. These signs indicate depression and anxiety that the child is experiencing.
    At the age of 3-4 years, children use bright colors for everything “beautiful” - they decorate their loved ones with them. Dark ones, on the contrary, are used to draw what least deserves the child’s attention.

    We analyze the details: the location of objects and silhouettes on the sheet, their size and other elements.
    A sheet of paper is compared to the world of a child. Most children try to take up as much space on the sheet as possible with their drawings.- this is good and normal, since the child feels like the “center” of his world. If the child draws small drawings, leaving a significant part of the sheet blank- this indicates low self-esteem. Such a child may feel very weak, for example, because one of the adults is very strict with him.
    Sun, flowers, birds- light positive elements of the picture, indicating peace of mind and a positive emotional mood.

    A large number of small parts in the picture may indicate that the child hides his emotions and keeps a lot to himself, and the importance for the child to follow established rules and order.
    Locked cabinets, locked locks and other locked items drawings are considered by psychologists as secrets and prohibitions to which the child is not allowed.

    Figures and objects that are drawn larger than others- these are the most significant people and objects in the child’s understanding, but not necessarily favorite ones. So, in drawings of a family, mom, dad or grandmother may be significantly larger than other family members, and there may also be a large car or TV in the drawing.
    There is also a pattern in the perception of the importance of a person and an object and their location in the picture in the vertical plane. So, if a child draws himself lower than all family members, it means he believes that his opinion is not important to anyone. For example, a mother and a TV drawn above other elements of the picture speaks of their authority.
    The closest ones and people dear to you the child draws next to him, it’s good if people’s hands are extended to each other and touching- this means unity and friendship.
    The child draws people as he perceives them; if he considers people close to each other, he places them side by side in the drawing. For example, a boy could draw his sisters next to each other and himself on the other side of the sheet. The distance of the figures indicates disunity and lack of psychological contact.
    Favorite people a child often draws in the same color as himself; their clothes can be distinguished by the presence of small details - decorations, that is, they can be more beautiful than others.
    If the picture shows fictional characters , you need to ask the child about them in more detail - the child feels deprived in some way. With their help, you can find out what the child lacks in real life.

    When analyzing a child’s drawing, you need to carefully consider the body parts of the drawn characters.
    - a very important element of figures. Eyes express sadness; people cry with their eyes. Therefore, if a child constantly draws people with big eyes, this most likely indicates internal anxieties and fears. Adults should notice these big eyes and protect the child. When a child draws only a certain person with big eyes, this means that, in the child’s opinion, he needs help.

    Lips express the mood of the characters: smile, sadness. If the characters in the drawings: the child himself, parents, friends, smile, this is an indicator of the child’s harmony and positive attitude. If the drawn character has a very prominent mouth or multiple lines are drawn around the mouth - a sign that the child perceives this person as a verbal aggressor; such a person does not necessarily talk a lot, he can, for example, make caustic remarks.
    And if an adult often scolds a child, he may appear in the picture without a mouth at all. The absence of any body part, if other characters have it, should be alarming.

    Head for children it is a symbol of intelligence; the smartest characters in drawings are depicted with a large head.

    Ears is not always drawn by preschoolers, so the lack of ears on all characters should not be considered in any way. People use their ears to listen to other people's opinions about themselves. Therefore, if all the figures have ears, but one character does not, he may not listen to criticism about himself. Characters with very large ears should listen more to the opinions of others.

    Hands- this is a symbol of communication, people stick to them and interact with others. A good sign is when the drawn figures reach out to each other and touch. This means that the child perceives the relationship as friendly. Other images indicate a lack of cohesion and interaction.
    Small, short, hidden hands are a symbol of weakness - “I can’t do anything, I can’t change anything in this world.” Closed, uncommunicative children can draw such hands for themselves.
    Large hands and many fingers symbolize the strength of the depicted character.
    Many psychologists consider raised hands to be a bad sign. This is how a quarrel can be portrayed. A child portraying himself in such a pose wants to be feared.

    Legs people need for walking; how well a person moves depends on the support. If the drawn figures rest completely on a hard surface (floor, road, ground, carpet) - this is a good sign; a child who depicts himself standing firmly is confident in his abilities.

    Well drawn sharp elements can be symbols of aggression. These are teeth and nails, thorns and sharp corners on the fence. Aggression is indicated by the frightening poses of the figures, hostile expressions on their faces, fists and weapons in their hands. However, in order to draw a conclusion, the child must be asked in detail why he drew this, maybe he is protecting himself from something, for example, from his fears.

    Ugly, scary figures symbolize that the child feels uncomfortable in the world and needs adult support.

    The nature of pressure, strokes, contours.
    Clear contours, relatively correct proportions (at 4-6 years old, a child’s perception of proportions is minimal), when coloring, the strokes go a little beyond the contour - such drawings do not raise questions among psychologists.
    Weak fuzzy broken lines, strokes when painting do not reach the outline - a sign of indecisiveness, low self-esteem and increased anxiety in a child.
    People whom a child draws with strong pressure on a pencil or by tracing along the contour several times, or by heavily shading, cause him anxiety in real world. Frequent corrections while drawing, sloppy outlines and shading indicate some kind of anxiety in the baby.
    You should pay attention to objects and figures that the child draws with very weak, thin lines, as if afraid to depict them.

    From 3.5-4 years, in addition to free drawing , which helps to see the preferred color scheme, compliance with a certain age stage and the overall development of motor skills for the child You can suggest drawing:
    - a person or himself (if the child himself wants it);
    - your family;
    - yourself in kindergarten (or other institution where the child spends a lot of time)
    Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can be asked to draw a family of animals (from different animals) and a non-existent animal.
    By drawing an animal, the child displays his image.
    The direction of a drawing of a family of animals is not obvious to the child, so the drawing can be more informative. If for some reason a child does not want to draw his family, you can invite him to draw animals. Such a test can be carried out at the age of 4, but with human figures it is often easier for parents. Animals may have additional elements that will be difficult to understand (feathers, shell...), and at 4 years old, a child’s drawings are still not very clear.

    When a child draws himself (or just a person) You should especially pay attention to how well the facial features are drawn: eyes, nose, mouth. The face is viewed as a symbol social sphere, an indicator of self-esteem and adaptation in society. I have noticed more than once that when you give very young children (1-2 years old) a pencil in their hand and draw a little man in front of them, they immediately try to paint over his face. Maybe main reason such actions - a lack of awareness of one’s own “I”, of oneself as a separate person.

    Test drawing “My family”
    In such drawings, the sequence is important - in what order the child draws family members. As a rule, children draw themselves first - this is a good sign, because... The child draws, first of all, himself in his own world. Sometimes a child draws the most authoritative person in the family first, then himself, and the least important family member last. It’s bad if the child draws himself last, because... this is a sign of low self-esteem.
    It is believed that an egoist, when drawing his family, will draw only himself, but I don’t know if such children’s drawings exist, it’s hard to imagine.
    If the child does not draw himself among family members- this is a consequence of difficulties in relationships with loved ones; the child feels rejected by everyone.
    In family drawings, special attention should also be paid to the arrangement of figures in the vertical plane. All children consider themselves almost big, so it’s quite normal for all family members to be drawn almost on the same line. If a child draws himself significantly lower than others, most likely he is unable to express his individuality and feels overly dependent on adults.
    Conduct a general analysis.

    Test drawing “In kindergarten”
    In such drawings, first of all, you need to make out what the child has drawn.
    If in such a drawing the author himself, other children, a teacher, a playground and toys are present - this is good signs. Most likely, the child has a good time in kindergarten, he is friends with the children, the relationship with the teacher is important to him, and what happens there is interesting and meaningful to him.
    But of course, it is necessary to conduct a general analysis, consider: the color scheme, analyze the facial expressions and hands of the figures, their location, etc.
    If a child only draws a kindergarten building without people- this means that he experiences discomfort from being there. In this case kindergarten The child perceives it as uncomfortable and faceless, he is not interested in what is happening there and he does not identify himself with this place.

    Imagination, intuition and the desire to understand your child will definitely help you!


    05.02.2016 - 00:00
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    Hello! My daughter is 2 years 8 months old. For the last couple of weeks he has been drawing only with a red marker on the board. She can paint half a board red while pressing so hard on the marker that her arm hurts afterwards. She can do this silently for an hour. I offer her other colors, but she refuses. This worries me a lot. Thanks for the answer. ANSWER: Many little girls like red and pink. Red, black, blue - bright, clearly visible on a white sheet, with a clear outline. There is nothing surprising and nothing terrible about the fact that the baby paints with just one color - her favorite color.

    18.11.2015 - 00:00
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    Hello, when taking a test at school early development, my 3 summer child I drew a family in the form of grass, what does that mean? ANSWER: Guy, let me answer you with humor: this means that your child is only 3 years old. What m.b. test for the general development club? I would immediately take my child from such a club!!! They have already shown their incompetence. And the fact that a child drew grass or flowers means that he drew what he could or wanted at the moment when he drew. This suggests that an illiterate psychologist (if a psychologist at all) worked with the child and he did not talk to him. The kid would draw a person if he was asked to do so correctly. “Well done, beautiful grass. Now let’s draw a person, just a person, but the way you want...”

    07.12.2014 - 00:00
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    Hello, my daughter (3.9 years old) drew a picture of “my family”. From left to right: daughter, mother, sister (in mother's tummy), fictional boy, father. She drew from right to left, that is, she drew dad first (smiles) - he has the largest head, but the shortest arms of all the characters. Above his head (and the boy’s head) there are vertical lines - spines (as she described). I highlighted my mother with a sand color (yellow, orange - there weren’t any, so I don’t know which of the common colors to assign sand to), and all the other characters with red. To the question “what kind of boy is this? Where did he come from? Who invited him?” The answers are ambiguous - I came myself, somehow, I don’t know, etc... Mom’s (sad, or even a little menacing face) and dad’s faces are turned towards the boy (or towards each other). All characters have their hands extended slightly downwards to each other. do not touch. The fictional boy's arms are stretched upward. There are also birds and flowers in the picture. The ENTIRE A4 format is filled with figures. the distance between the figures is optimal, but the drawing can be schematically divided into 2 zones. 1 - mother, daughter, sister. 2-dad and boy. Family situation: my husband and I live separately in a “civil marriage”. IN lately There are quarrels (but they don’t concern the child in any way - she doesn’t see these quarrels, only sometimes the consequences - well, tears, for example) Question: how can you interpret the child’s condition, his attitude?

    09.09.2014 - 00:00
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    Hello. My son Vitalik, a first grader, brought this drawing from school today: green grass, on it from left to right - sister Vera, 1 year old, dad, me (mom), and he himself is drawn above his mother as if he is hanging on a rope that is tied to a branch tree (there is only a branch in the picture), that is, there was not enough horizontal space for him and he drew himself on free space. The picture contains a blue sky and a yellow sun with rays. Dad is drawn in blue clothes, Vera is in a red dress, he himself is in green, and mom is not painted at all. everyone is smiling, while Vera and dad have a nose on their faces, while Vitalik and mom have only a mouth and eyes on their faces. Vitalik’s relationship with his father is strained; in my opinion, his father believes that he is the breadwinner and Vitalik is already big enough to do without his attention.

    05.07.2014 - 00:00
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    Child 7 years old (girl). She asked me to draw a family, and I drew myself, me, and my husband. Everyone is on the same line, myself from my side, my husband through me, EVERYONE HAS CROWNS ON THEIR HEADS! What is this??? And I sketched my husband’s face (we are divorced). ANSWER: Tatyana, if a daughter crosses out her dad’s face with special effort, anger, aggression... then in this case you should contact a child psychologist. Correspondence consultation is bad advice. If you haven’t noticed this, then generally consider that you have already answered your own question - you and your husband are divorced, he has moved away from the family. And a sketch of a face can mean a lot of things. Have you asked your daughter? M.b. it’s just a mask, he has become different, he has become a stranger.

    13.04.2013 - 00:00
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    At the end of March 2013, my daughter turned 6 years old. In her drawings, she always draws me with a crown on my head, herself, also with a crown on her head, and dad (who tragically died 3.5 years ago, but not in front of her eyes. She was told that dads no longer) sometimes also with a crown, and a cat (he lives with us). The drawings are sometimes bright, and sometimes black and white, but the crowns are decorated. In terms of height, she draws mom and dad almost the same, and herself shorter, explaining this by the fact that she is still small. Help me figure it out - my daughter doesn’t have delusions of grandeur or is she sad that she doesn’t have complete family like other children? Thank you.

    12.03.2013 - 00:00
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    Good afternoon Help me decipher the picture. My daughter just turned 5 years old and drew a double-sided card for her dad on February 23rd. On the first side: a square house with a triangular roof, a small window and the same door. The house is drawn with a black pencil (outline), painted red, and the roof is blue. A path stretches from the house (feeling like a house on legs). Near the house, grass (green with a black outline) and red flowers grow on both sides. Above there are red clouds on both sides and red birds, as well as bright sun(yellow) on the left side of the house. Below the house are drawn from left to right: me (i.e. mom), daughter and dad. My daughter and I are blue, almost the same size. I have a head, big ears, hair, and eyes. The mouth and nose are missing! There are arms and legs, as well as a navel)) The daughter has a mouth, nose, eyes, hair, but no ears. There are arms and legs and a navel too. Our hands are stretched out to each other. Dad - Huge, bigger than a house, drawn with right side. He has: a head (eyes, nose, mouth - smiling, ears, hair) - all in red-pink tones, hair - blue. There is a torso (light green), a navel, legs and arms. The arms are very long, stretched horizontally across the entire width of the sheet. On the other side of the sheet: A square house with a triangular roof (the roof is painted brown in 2 shades, in the yin-yang style). There is a window and a door, very small. Long path from the house (orange). Below there is large green grass, to the left of the roof of the house there is the sun (yellow), clouds and birds (black - not painted, just an outline). We stand on both sides of the house - dad and daughter on the left, me on the right. Everyone is drawn in brown, my daughter and I are the same size, dad is huge on the entire page, with huge hands that cover everything: the house, me and my daughter. It's like he's hugging??? My dad and I have no mouth, my daughter has all the parts of her body and head, even her neck. In all the drawings she is smiling... Help me figure it out, I’m perplexed.... Thanks in advance... ANSWER: Katerina, your daughter draws wonderfully, and I think everything is fine in your family. You described everything in great detail, but I do not provide individual consultations on this issue and even more so in absentia.

    19.02.2013 - 00:00
    Rating: 0 Votes: 0
    Hello. Please help me decipher the drawing of a 6-year-old girl. Description of the picture: this is a cat with a huge brown head (the head is the largest element of the picture), a body orange color, “humanly” standing on his feet. The eyes are almond-shaped, large, with crimson whites, there are only upper eyelashes, no nose, the lower lip is also missing, there is only a large purple upper lip, the corners of the mouth are raised. Black glasses ears are drawn on the sides of the eyes (there are no glasses lenses). Sharp triangular ears on the head, green. On the top of the head there is a blue fountain, like a whale's, from this fountain a yellow lattice-ladder is drawn upward, with curved arms, and the space between the ears is sketched yellow. The hands are yellow, with a crimson outline, five crimson fingers, two widely spaced small green legs - this is the most small element whole body. ANSWER: the drawing turned out beautiful, send it to admin@site the girl used a lot different colors and she has a wonderful imagination!!!

    12.11.2012 - 00:00
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    my child is 3 years old, we also have a second child, the difference between them is 2.4. both are girls! The eldest daughter has always been whiny, and with the advent of her sister she became completely uncontrollable: she constantly cries, plays dirty tricks, swears - there are signs of aggression. She loves her sister very much, but at first she rejected me, she always stayed with me after kindergarten, crying. I used to draw everything with bright colors (“smeared”), but not so long ago I drew a “black daub” in the center of the sheet - this alarmed me, I asked her what she drew, she answered that it was mom, dad, Elka (the youngest) and Karina (the eldest). Is it worth paying attention to this??? The ANSWER is of course worth paying attention to)) set aside time to communicate with the older child alone, without the little one, the girl asks for her parents’ attention in every way

    03.09.2012 - 00:00
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    My daughter is 6 years and 9 months old, 2 months ago her little brother, my son, was born. She began to draw pictures about our family. My husband and I were drawn from the beginning, then erased and re-drawn, my husband always holds his son in his arms, my husband and I hold on holding hands and my daughter standing next to me is small, smaller than her brother, but she and her brother are not corrected like me and dad. ANSWER: Most likely, the baby feels very insecure; it seems to her that her brother is closer to mom and dad. She may feel neglected. Have you tried asking your daughter to comment on her drawings? Spend more time, not preparing for school, but playing together. Sometimes it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to be alone with mom and dad (without a brother), for example, dad can go to the cinema with her, and mom can go to the park. All the best to you

    05.04.2012 - 00:00
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    I forgot to say that she is 5 years old. No, she draws very well and always does it with pleasure (she always brings several drawings from the garden), she is praised. But for some reason the landscapes became empty. ANSWER: Tatyana, I think your daughter is doing well. Ask her to draw a family or a kindergarten; if she likes to draw, your daughter will definitely fulfill your request and you will feel calmer (if she draws birds and explains that you big bird, and she’s a little chick – that’s good too). And why did the landscapes become empty, firstly, the tasks could have been like that, and secondly, a child at this age can already begin to look for a form of expression for himself. Mb. next week she will start drawing the sea, then flowers, and then people again)))

    14.03.2012 - 00:00
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    my daughter is 6 years old, when she drew a family - I liked everything, they are all the same height, stand firmly on the ground, the colors are very diverse and bright, the sun, flowers, the drawing is completely filled out, she drew herself first, then me (mom), then dad and the little one brother (5 months). My brother was with a typewriter, I was collecting flowers, only one thing confused me and I don’t know how to interpret it at all - she drew a pyramid, which she built up to the sky and with this pyramid she was, as it were, “fenced off” from us (mom, dad, little brother, but then she “fenced off” her little brother too by drawing a tree between him and dad... Dad picked fruits from the tree into a basket... I would have thought that it happened with my little brother due to lack of space, but she “cut herself off” from the very beginning and intentionally..what does that mean?

    01.03.2012 - 00:00
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    my 6-year-old pupil drew a family in lilac: mom - 2 parallel lines, three dots nose and eyes, mouth - horizontal line, hands two sticks slightly raised up, not touching the body, dad - big head, three dots line - face, hands , like mom, parents hold hands. He drew himself “in mom’s tummy” - a tiny copy of dad, only with a blue felt-tip pen. the sky is vertical strokes, the earth is a yellow stripe underfoot, no one is standing on it, below the river is a curved line. And a yellow flower with rectangular petals in the air, above it there is a large, yellow sun. ANSWER: his artistic talents have not yet awakened in him :)) practice drawing with him

    09.02.2012 - 00:00
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    Hello! My son is 3.5 years old, in the kindergarten the teacher showed two drawings (i.e. a coloring book, with Christmas trees, a Cheburashka and a house like this), one sheet is painted all with black strokes, and somewhere there are small areas of red. I was horrified by such a drawing, and the teacher said that this was my son’s drawing. Moreover, behind the painted black sheet, it is clear that the objects were originally carefully painted over.... is it possible that someone’s drawing was praised, and he decided to hide his own behind the black color? P.S. his drawings are not always black ANSWER: Nana, maybe so, you never know what happened in the kindergarten. I don't think it's worth doing a deep analysis just because of one drawing.

    A drawing created by a child without the help or intervention of adult family members is a rare opportunity to see the real state of the emerging psyche.

    Deciphering children's drawings makes it possible to conduct a mini-analysis and take action by detecting alarming symptoms. The child will not even pay attention to the work being done, which means he will be spared another stress.

    Picture diagnostics shows:

    1. level compliance personal development actual age;
    2. likes and dislikes in the family and children's group;
    3. priorities and foundation of emerging character;
    4. fears and hidden experiences;
    5. secret desires.

    The psychology of children's drawings is a science, having mastered which you can learn to understand your child without words.

    How to determine the level of development of a child through drawing

    Each age, unless we are talking about genius children, has characteristic pictorial techniques and features. Assessing the quality of the first masterpieces makes it possible to correlate the child’s level of development with his age. Drawing, as one of the favorite activities for all children, is an excellent opportunity to develop the child’s skills and vocabulary, immediately assessing the effectiveness of the lessons.

    A prerequisite is non-interference in the drawing process. The psychology of children's drawings is not distorted only if the young artist has a complete absence of external clues. Having received the task of drawing a tree, the child should not rely either on similar illustrations in the book, or on the advice of adults, or on diagrams and step by step instructions. Even a direct answer to the question of how to draw this or that object is better to tactfully avoid. It is enough to invite the child to “invent” this element on his own. The drawing should become a reflection of his personality, then the results of the analysis will be correct.

    • The drawing of a child under 3 years of age most often consists of color spots and lines. It is color that becomes the main object of decoding for the psychologist. By the age of three, the elements acquire characteristic contours, and when depicting close people, even details of the figure. The image of a family may look like a set of “cucumbers” and sticks, but the legs and arms of the characters are already clearly reflected.
    • The plot is typical for ages 4-5 years. The child is able to tell what exactly he depicted, as well as the background of what he drew. Difficulties in conveying the plot should lead parents to think about the need to devote more time to the development of speech skills. By the age of 5, faces appear in the drawings, family members receive characteristic features, their clothes and related items are overgrown with details. It is the details and their proportions that become the object of study and analysis.
    • The drawing of a 6-7 year old child reflects not only his imagination, but also his skills. All sorts of drawing schemes are used. It is already much more difficult to isolate one’s own “I” from the image of the family in the form of favorite cartoon ponies. Deciphering a child's drawing stumbles over copying the handwriting of a friend or teacher. To obtain correct results, it is necessary to evaluate the picture as a whole, take into account the arrangement of objects, their sizes, and their relationships within the illustration. The relative proportionality of objects and their elements is characteristic only of 7-8 years of age.

    Decoding the hidden meaning in children's drawings

    Analyzing a child's drawings is like solving a puzzle. Only a qualified psychologist can conduct it in detail, but every parent must master the basic principles of decoding.


    The first pictorial device and the most important. Kids rarely mix paints, so the analysis is based on primary colors. The predominance of one tone in the whole picture indicates the baby’s preoccupation with some event or phenomenon. The abundance of colors is about versatile interests and the absence of a problem that occupies all thoughts.

    • A dark drawing with an abundance of black, gray and burgundy, which turned out this way not due to the lack of other colors, speaks of depression and tormenting fears.
    • A good mood is indicated by saturation with yellow and orange.
    • Red is a symbol of rapid excitability and even aggression, but one should draw a conclusion about such tendencies only after analyzing other details.
    • Blue and its shades reveal a self-absorbed personality, while green is a sign of boredom. A preschooler who regularly uses herbal shades is clearly worth sending to a section, even if he already attends one.
    • Purple is the color of dreamers.
    • Brown is a sign of anxiety and self-esteem issues.

    At the same time, the psychology of children's drawings is not so simple. Many mothers, having read books, drag their child to a psychologist in horror, noticing the predominance of black in his work. Yes, this color is considered a sign of anxiety, but it also speaks of the desire to highlight a significant object with contrast.

    Graphics are not a sign of problems, but a manifestation of a desire for discipline, especially if there are no other reasons for concern.


    The relationships of objects within a child’s drawing are a mirror of his thoughts. Family members huddled tightly together symbolize mutual understanding. Parents who find themselves in the corner of a child’s drawing should think about setting aside more time for communication.

    The most significant person will always be depicted in the center and largest.

    An empty center speaks of low self-esteem and inner emptiness. The image of inanimate objects in this position indicates concern about the financial situation. The dreamer is betrayed by the habit of drawing figures that are not fixed to a hard surface. An excessively drawn line of the earth indicates a lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

    Family members depicted large and in detail have a greater influence on the child. The absence of one of the relatives in the image indicates a conflict. Subconsciously, the child tries to throw this family member out of his head and life. The clasped hands of the drawn ones speak of intimacy and trust.

    Often the subtext of a child's drawing is intuitive. The state of comfort is indicated by the size of the parts relative to the proposed fabric. A selfish nature will be revealed by filling the space with a self-portrait. In the drawing of an internally lonely child, his “avatar” will be lonely and small, perhaps squeezed into a corner.

    Thin arms and legs demonstrate an understanding of concern about one's own physical weakness. A large head in a child’s drawing is a sign of self-absorption. Excessive elegance of one's own figure warns parents about the importance of evaluating others for a particular young artist.

    Manner of depiction and characteristic features

    Children are practically unfamiliar with drawing techniques, so the manner of writing reflects the inner world no less than color and composition. A balanced baby covers the paper with equal pressure strokes, his lines are calm. Intermittency, uneven pressure, pencil breakage and jumping from one object to another indicate anxiety and hyperactivity. A capricious child may not finish the drawing at all, ignoring all persuasion.

    The image of family members reveals the child's perception of each of them. Dad's severity will be manifested in rigid parallel shading, sister's frivolity - in drawing her curls, even if in reality she has straight hair.

    Alarm signals in a child's drawing

    The psychology of children's drawings is a litmus test for parents, an opportunity to quickly notice a problem and respond.

    • Predominance brown flowers may indicate problems with the child’s health that have not yet made themselves felt; it is possible that he feels weak and is often tired.
    • Carefully depicted large eyes speak of hidden fears. Their absence, like the absence of a mouth, warns of problems in communication.
    • Family members whom the child places on the opposite side of the sheet from his figure should think about restoring trust.
    • Fantastic worlds with elves and extraterrestrial creatures, which so touch parents, often speak of discomfort in the real world.
    • The appearance of animals with clearly defined fangs and claws is a sign of suppressed aggression.
    • The most alarming sign is the absence of the child himself in the picture depicting the family. He doesn't find a place for himself home, which is reflected subconsciously in the picture.

    In conclusion

    The correctness of the information obtained from decoding children's drawings is ensured by the fulfillment of several conditions.

    1. The child is given a maximum of flowers and a piece of paper large size;
    2. The drawing is done with pencils, making it possible to evaluate the pressure;
    3. The child is not given any hints during work; he is left to his own devices.

    Discussing the drawing with your child will also help family members learn more about his state of mind.

    By analyzing a child's drawing, you can easily learn about the inner world of the young artist, his psychology.

    Each child will depict the same plot in a drawing in his own way. The child will choose lines, colors and shapes that are in tune with his mood, feeling, and vision of the world. Initially, any drawing originates in the head and only then reflects the feelings and thoughts of its author on paper.

    This can be seen very clearly in the example of children's drawings. However, there is no need to make hasty conclusions based on just one drawing: “If you depicted everything with a black pencil, it means the child is deeply depressed.” To get an objective picture of the baby’s psychological state, you need to compare drawings that were made within one month.

    We invite you to start understanding with us what children’s drawings mean. Our simple tips will help with this:

    Psychology of children's drawings: what does the plot of the drawings say?

    Parents should pay attention to the plot of their child's drawings. Most often, children depict trees, the sun, the sky, people, animals, houses, flowers and grass.

    A huge number of angry, horned, toothy and dangerous animals may indicate strong internal tension of the little author.

    The absence of people and animals in children's drawings signals problems in communication.

    If a 5-10 year old girl often draws brides, princesses, flowers and bows, this is the norm and indicates that the little girl is preparing to become an attractive young lady.
    If a boy aged 5-8 years old draws dinosaurs, scorpions, battles, weapons - this is also normal. Don’t worry - in this way the boy prepares himself for the role of an adult man, a defender, a warrior, so that in case of serious danger he will not get confused and react correctly.

    Psychology of children's drawings: emotions convey color

    When analyzing children's drawings, it is important to pay attention not only to the dominant colors, but also to colors whose presence is unjustified or exaggerated. For example, when the drawing is made only with black outlines, and the baby does not want to color it further. Or all objects are drawn in red, although in reality they are certainly not red.

    Red color speaks of internal conflict, emotional tension, and irritability of the child. For example, a baby can highlight in red the one who is the source of his problems.

    Blue- the color of inner peace and confidence. A school or kindergarten painted in blue is a sign of excellent adaptation to society and the educational process.

    Yellowgood mood, activity, positive attitude.

    Green– conveys a feeling of acceptance and reliability.

    Pink– subtlety of perception, sensitivity, tenderness.

    Grey– anticipation of danger, anxiety, depression.

    Black– indicates hidden depression, difficult experiences.

    In addition to color, it is worth paying attention to exactly how the child colors the drawing. Completely covering up, painting over or shading a figure signals his negative emotions. What a child has painted over causes him either fear or severe anxiety. This could be the figure of a dentist, a harmful peer, a sick relative, or an angry dog.

    Psychology of children's drawings: details matter

    Psychologists say that not only the size of the drawing itself is important, but also the size of individual parts. Small drawing with small figures and objects signals timidity, uncertainty, and anxiety of the young author.

    Location of the picture below midline the sheet signals low self-esteem; above the midline of the sheet, on the contrary, indicates high self-esteem.

    As a rule, he portrays everything that is significant for the baby as big. And what is not very important is small. When depicting his friends, the child will draw the tallest not the tallest, but the one who enjoys authority with him. In addition, you need to pay attention to missing details; if legs are missing, this indicates a lack of stability; arms indicate difficulties in interacting with outside world. A greatly increased size of the ears signals that the opinion of others is extremely important to the child, and he demonstrates that he is ready to “listen” to them. If the size of the head is greatly enlarged in the picture, this means that the child’s mind prevails over his feelings.


    Remember that when analyzing a drawing, the most important thing is the overall impression. What emotions does the young author express? Satisfaction, joy, happiness or loneliness, melancholy, fear? What's going on in your baby's mind? What is he trying to say with his drawing?

    Sergey Vasilenkov for Women's magazine "Prelest"