Basic research. The relationship between culture and climate

Life in the taiga zone requires a person to exert extra-hard work, endurance and hardening. Even the poorest person in this climate should have a warm sheepskin coat and live in a heated house. Nutrition in the cold climate of the taiga cannot be completely vegetarian; it requires high-calorie foods. But there are few good pasture lands in the taiga, and they are confined almost exclusively to the floodplains of rivers and lakes. And they were primarily intended for agricultural development. The soils of the forests - podzolic and sod-podzolic - are not very fertile. The harvest did not make it possible to live off agriculture, therefore. Along with agriculture, the taiga peasant also had to engage in fishing and hunting. In the summer, they hunted upland game (large taiga birds), collected mushrooms, berries, wild garlic and onions, and engaged in beekeeping (collecting honey from wild forest bees). In the fall, they harvested meat and prepared for the new hunting season.

Hunting taiga animals is very dangerous. Everyone knows what a threat the bear, considered the owner of the taiga, poses to humans. Less known, but no less dangerous, is hunting elk. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying in the taiga: “Go to a bear and make a bed, go to a elk and lay planks (on a coffin”). But the spoils were worth the risk.

The type of estate, the appearance of the residential part of the house and outbuildings in the yard, the layout of the interior space, the furnishing of the house - all this was determined by natural and climatic conditions.

The main support in taiga life was the forest. He gave everything: fuel, building material, provided hunting, brought mushrooms, edible wild herbs, fruits and berries. A house was built from the forest, a well was built using a wooden frame. For northern wooded areas with cold winter Wooden log houses with a hanging underground or hut were typical, protecting the living space from the frozen ground. Gable roofs (to prevent snow from accumulating) were covered with planks or shingles, and wooden window frames were customarily decorated with carved ornaments. A three-chamber layout prevailed - a canopy, a cage or a renka (in which the family’s household property was stored, and in the summer they lived married couples) and a living space with a Russian stove. In general, the stove was an important element in the Russian hut. First, a heater stove, later an adobe stove, without a chimney (“black”), was replaced by a Russian stove with a chimney (“white”).

Coast White Sea: winter here is cold, windy, winter nights are long. In winter there is a lot of snow. Summer is cool, but summer days are long and nights are short. Here they say: “The dawn catches up with the dawn.” There is taiga all around, so the houses are made of logs. The windows of the house face south, west and east. In winter, sunlight must enter the house, because the days are so short. So the windows “catch” the sun’s rays. The windows of the house are high above the ground, firstly, there is a lot of snow, and secondly, the house has a high underground floor where livestock live in the cold winter. The yard is covered, otherwise it will snow over the winter.

For the northern part of Russia, the valley type of settlement: villages, usually small, are located along the valleys of rivers and lakes. On watersheds with rugged terrain and in areas remote from major roads and rivers, villages with freely built courtyards, without a definite plan, predominated, i.e., a disorderly layout of villages.

And in the steppe, rural settlements are villages, stretched, as a rule, along rivers and swamps, because summer is dry and it is important to live near water. Fertile soils - chernozems - allow you to get a rich harvest and make it possible to feed many people.

The roads in the forest are very winding; they go around thickets, rubble, and swamps. It will be even longer to walk in a straight line through the forest - you will suffer through thickets and hillocks, and you may even end up in a swamp. Dense thickets of spruce forest with windbreaks are easier to get around, easier to climb and a hill. We also have sayings like this: “Only crows fly straight,” “You can’t break through a wall with your forehead,” and “A smart person won’t go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain.”

The image of the Russian North is created mainly by the forest - local residents have long had a saying: “7 gates to heaven, but everything is forest” and water. This force has inspired people to create with its beauty:

Not for nothing in such latitudes

Match the space and the people

Doesn't honor any distance as distant

He is all your native expanse,

Broad-shouldered hero.

With a soul like yourself, wide!

Climatic conditions had a huge influence on the formation of ancient Russian clothing. The harsh and cold climate - long winters, relatively cool summers - led to the appearance of closed warm clothes. The main types of fabrics produced were linen fabrics (from coarse canvas to the finest linens) and homespun coarse wool - homespun wool. It’s not for nothing that there is such a proverb: “Promoted to all ranks, they were placed on the throne” - linen was worn by all classes, from peasants to royalty, for there is no fabric, as they say now, more hygienic than linen.

Apparently, in the eyes of our ancestors, no shirt could compare with a linen one, and there is nothing to be surprised about. In winter, linen fabric warms well, and in summer it keeps the body cool. Connoisseurs traditional medicine claim. that linen clothing protects human health.

Traditional food: hot liquid dishes that warm a person from the inside in winter, cereal dishes, bread. Rye bread once predominated. Rye is a crop that produces high yields on acidic and podzolic soils. And in the forest-steppe and steppe zones Wheat was grown because it is more demanding of heat and fertility.

This is how natural conditions influence the life of the Russian people in many ways.

The mentality of the people is an integral part national culture. Studying national mentality necessary to understand the relationship between nature, history, culture and society in a certain territory.

Studying the mentality of the Russian people helps to find the right approaches to understanding many problems in the context of socio-economic and internal political construction, to anticipate general outline the future of our Motherland.

Man is part of the geographical environment and depends on it. As a prologue to the study of this dependence, I cite the words of M. A. Sholokhov: “Severe, untouched, wild - the sea and the stone chaos of the mountains. Nothing superfluous, nothing artificial and people match nature. This nature has imposed on the working person - the fisherman, the peasant the seal of chaste restraint.

Having studied the laws of nature in detail, we will be able to understand the patterns of human behavior and his character.

I. A. Ilyin: “Russia brought us face to face with nature, harsh and exciting, with cold winters and hot summers, with a hopeless autumn and a stormy, passionate spring. She plunged us into these fluctuations, forced us to live with all her power and depth. This is how contradictory the Russian character is.”

S. N. Bulgakov wrote that the continental climate (temperature amplitude in Oymyakon reaches 104 * C) is probably to blame for the fact that the Russian character is so contradictory, the thirst for absolute freedom and slave obedience, religiosity and atheism - these properties are incomprehensible to Europeans , create an aura of mystery in Russia. For us ourselves, Russia remains an unsolved mystery. F. I. Tyutchev said about Russia:

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

A common arshin cannot be measured,

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.

The severity of our climate also greatly affected the mentality of the Russian people. Living in a territory where winter lasts about six months, Russians have developed enormous power will, perseverance in the struggle for survival in a cold climate. Low temperatures for most of the year also affected the temperament of the nation. Russians are more melancholy and slower than Western Europeans. They have to conserve and accumulate their energy necessary to fight the cold.

The harsh Russian winters have had a strong impact on the traditions of Russian hospitality. To deny a traveler shelter in winter in our conditions means dooming him to a cold death. Therefore, hospitality was perceived by Russians as a self-evident duty. The severity and stinginess of nature taught Russian people to be patient and obedient. But even more important was the persistent, continuous struggle with harsh nature. Russians had to engage in all kinds of crafts. This explains the practical orientation of their mind, dexterity and rationality. Rationalism, a prudent and pragmatic approach to life does not always help Great Russians, since the wayward climate sometimes deceives even the most modest expectations. And, having become accustomed to these deceptions, our man sometimes headlong prefers the most hopeless solution, contrasting the caprice of nature with the caprice of his own courage. V. O. Klyuchevsky called this inclination to tease happiness, to play with luck “the Great Russian avos.” It is not for nothing that the proverbs arose: “Perhaps, yes, I suppose - brothers, both are lying” and “Avoska is a good guy; he will either help you out or teach you.”

Living in such unpredictable conditions, when the result of labor depends on the vagaries of nature, is possible only with inexhaustible optimism. In the ranking national traits character, this quality comes first for Russians. 51% of Russian respondents declared themselves optimists, and only 3% declared themselves pessimists. In the rest of Europe, constancy, a preference for stability, won among the qualities.

A Russian person needs to cherish a clear working day. This makes our peasant rush to work hard to do a lot in short time. No people in Europe are capable of such hard work for a short time. We even have a proverb: “A summer day feeds the year.” Such hard work is perhaps only characteristic of Russians. This is how climate influences the Russian mentality in many ways. The landscape has no less influence. Great Russia, with its forests and swampy swamps, presented the settler at every step with a thousand small dangers, difficulties and troubles, among which he had to find himself, with which he had to constantly fight. The proverb: “Don’t poke your nose into water without knowing the ford” also speaks of the caution of Russian people, to which nature has taught them.

The originality of Russian nature, its whims and unpredictability was reflected in the Russian mind, in the manner of its thinking. Everyday bumps and accidents taught him to discuss the path traveled more than to think about the future, to look back more than to look forward. He learned to notice consequences more than to set goals. This skill is what we call hindsight. Such a well-known proverb as: “A Russian man is strong in hindsight” confirms this.

The beautiful Russian nature and the flatness of Russian landscapes have accustomed the people to contemplation. According to V. O. Klyuchevsky, “Our life, our art, our faith are in contemplation. But from excessive contemplation, souls become dreamy, lazy, weak-willed, and unhardworking.” Prudence, observation, thoughtfulness, concentration, contemplation - these are the qualities that were nurtured in the Russian soul by Russian landscapes.

But it will be interesting to analyze not only positive traits Russian people, but also negative. The power of the width over the Russian soul gives rise to a whole series Russian "disadvantages". Associated with this is Russian laziness, carelessness, lack of initiative, weak developed sense responsibility.

Russian laziness, it is called Oblomovism, is widespread in all strata of the people. We are lazy to do work that is not strictly necessary. Oblomovism is partially expressed in inaccuracy and being late (to work, to the theater, to business meetings).

Seeing the infinity of their expanses, Russian people consider these riches to be endless and do not take care of them. this creates mismanagement in our mentality. It seems to us that we have a lot of everything. And, further, in his work “About Russia” Ilyin writes: “From the feeling that our wealth is abundant and generous, a certain spiritual kindness is poured into us, a certain unlimited, affectionate good nature, calmness, openness of soul, sociability. There is enough for everyone and the Lord will send more ". This is where the roots of Russian generosity lie.

The “natural” calmness, good nature and generosity of the Russians amazingly coincided with the dogmas of Christian morality. Humility in the Russian people and from the church. Christian morality, which for centuries has held the whole Russian statehood, greatly influenced folk character. Orthodoxy has fostered in Great Russians spirituality, all-encouraging love, responsiveness, sacrifice, and kindness. The unity of Church and state, the feeling of being not only a subject of the country, but also a part of a huge cultural community, has fostered extraordinary patriotism among Russians, reaching the point of sacrificial heroism.

Comprehensive geographical analysis of ethnocultural and natural environment allows today to reveal the most important features of the mentality of any people and trace the stages and factors of its formation.


In my work, I analyzed the diversity of character traits of Russian people and found out that this is directly related to geographical conditions. Naturally, as in the character of any people, it has both positive and negative qualities.

Also, the peculiarities of life and everyday life of the Russian people are associated with natural conditions. I found out the influence of climatic conditions on the type of settlement, the structure of housing, the formation of clothing and food of Russian people, as well as the meaning of many Russian proverbs and sayings. And most importantly, showed the reflection real world through the cultural environment of people, that is, it fulfilled its task.

1. Culture and nature as two forms of being.
Culture is second nature, the result of human activity, and therefore culture is very often contrasted with nature. But culture and nature are closely interconnected. Nature is a necessary condition for the emergence and existence of culture. Culture is a mediator between man and nature, the result of their interaction. The nature of this interaction has changed historically. There is an exchange of matter and energy between nature and human society. There are two forms of this exchange:
- direct appropriation of natural objects by humans
- appropriation of natural objects mediated by human activity.
Marx and Engels identified two stages in the history of mankind according to the nature of the interaction between man and nature:
- appropriating type of economy based on natural tools
- producing, based on the tools of labor created by civilization.
If the first stage is characterized by gathering, fishing, and hunting, then the second stage is characterized by agriculture and cattle breeding. The transition from the first stage to the second was called the “Neolithic Revolution”.
The current stage is characterized by a huge expansion in the scale of human interaction with nature, which is associated with scientific and technological revolution.

2. The influence of nature on culture.
The impact of nature on cultures has always been and will be, since man is a part of nature, whose activities are aimed at satisfying physiological and biological needs.
Nature influences material culture:
- the state of flora and fauna affects the type of farm assignment
- the state of natural resources determines the nature of the tools
- minerals and energy resources determine the development of society
- climate determines the type of clothing, transport, housing.
Nature influences spiritual culture, as it determines the customs and rituals of the people, traditions, and mentality.
Nature influences artistic culture, so it provides material for creativity, determines images, plots, themes of works.
The set of natural and climatic conditions in which culture exists is called “place development” in Russian literature.
Mechnikov writes that the development of culture is largely determined by nature. For example, 4 great civilizations arose in river basins (Nile, Yellow River, etc.). Civilization arises because the river creates favorable conditions for humans, and the conditions that exist there require the collective efforts of people, their solidarity. Therefore, social connections and society itself arise.

3. The influence of culture on nature.
The influence of culture on nature is enormous. The result of this influence is a cultural landscape, that is, nature transformed by man. There are two types of cultural landscape:
- Agrosphere is a set of natural objects created by man himself (gardens, vegetable gardens, pastures).
- Technosphere – a set of material objects introduced by man into nature ( railways, highways, bridges).
At the beginning of the 20th century, the term “noosphere” appeared in philosophical literature. From Vernadsky’s point of view, under the influence of the efforts of all mankind, the biosphere will gradually move into a qualitatively new state - the noosphere. The noosphere is the transformation of the mind into the greatest biological and cosmic force.
Reasons for the formation of the noosphere:
- expansion of the mind to all corners of the universe
- unification of humanity
- development of science

4. Ecological crisis.
Today, the relationship between culture and nature is becoming conflicting. From the point of view of philosophers, the reason ecological crisis there were cultural reasons. This reason is considered to be an attitude towards the anthropological exclusivity of man, the main postulates of which are:
- The highest value of this world is man. Everything else is valuable only because it is useful for humans. Nature is the property of man, over which he has unlimited power.
- Hierarchical picture of the world. The human world is opposed to the natural world.
- The purpose of human interaction with nature is to satisfy his needs.
- The nature of interaction with nature is determined by the pragmatic imperative: everything that is useful for humanity is correct and permitted.
- Ethical norms and rules apply only to relationships with people, but not to relationships with nature.
- Nature conservation activities are also subject to the imperative: nature must be preserved for the next generation.
Such attitudes lead to the destruction of nature and an ecological crisis.

The existence of culture without nature is impossible, because man creates in nature, uses its resources, revealing what was inherent in him by nature. Clarifying the question of the correlation between cultural and natural seems very important for characterizing .

Here we come face to face with antimony, i.e. a contradiction between two judgments that are considered true.

  • On the one hand, culture is supra-natural, extra-biological, and cannot be reduced only to the natural.
  • On the other hand, the cultural has nothing else to build from except from the natural. This is why one gets the impression of the unity and difference of the cultural and the natural.

Culture as a supernatural way of human activity

As a rule, everything man-made is considered culture. Cultural space or “second nature” was created by man through his tireless labor.

Culture as an OVER-natural way of activity

« Kultura contra natura » - this is one of the initial formulations, reflecting its specificity, which was perceived as something different from naturalness, supernatural, which did not arise independently, but as a result of human activity. This approach leads to belittling the importance of nature, its belittlement. On the contrary, the culture through which a person expresses himself is exalted. Are the origins of a destructive, predatory attitude towards nature hidden in such views? It is more correct to assert that the cultural is the natural, which is continued and transformed by human activity.

The influence of nature on culture

Natural factors have a strong impact on its formation. Comparing the culture and life of the mountain people inhabiting the Caucasus and the Andes, the Himalayas and the Cordillera, one cannot help but notice the amazing similarity of the features of its functioning among these peoples.

It is obvious that the characteristics of specific territorial complexes determine the similarity of cultures of the inhabitants of the tropics, polar regions, steppes or oceanic islands. J. Bodin, S. L. Montesquieu, I. Mechnikov and other adherents of geographical determinism (the theoretical concept of the influence of nature on human lifestyle), consider the natural environment to be a determining factor in cultural development. The influence of nature, in their opinion, affects not only the material conditions of life, but also the formation of people’s mentality.

K. Marx viewed the natural geographic environment somewhat differently. For him, the natural environment is a natural condition, a prerequisite for the development of culture and society, but a prerequisite that is changed by the activities of people. Marx was close to the idea of ​​dividing nature into external, which determines the life of people, and internal, that is, the biological essence of man, which is part of living nature. Culture lives in nature and by nature. It is here that the unity of the natural, natural and created can be traced - the unity ensured by labor.

Man as a link between culture and nature

Man transforms and completes nature. It is unlawful to oppose culture and nature, since its creator himself is in a certain sense is part of nature. Natural man never existed and does not exist now. Only was, is and will be from the beginning until the very end of its history.

  • On the one hand, man, beginning to build his cultural world on a natural basis, committed the first action, which was aimed at breaking with the natural environment.
  • On the other hand, man actively influences the interaction between culture and nature, uniting both of these systems because he internally belongs to each of them.

Aspects of interaction

  • Economic and practical

Throughout history, for quite a long time, natural conditions played an important role in destinies. different countries, peoples. The modern era has significantly reduced the role of the natural factor for the growth of the economic power of states, increasing the importance of the human factor.

  • Ecological

The most important aspects of the current state of the problem of interaction between culture and nature are nature protection, ecological balance, and environmentally friendly technologies. The threat of a global environmental catastrophe requires reasonable understanding and construction of an optimal balance between natural and non-natural. The third millennium, in which the transformative, active impact of humanity on its own planet is becoming increasingly stronger, has confronted people with the need to speak the same language with the natural world, to ensure the most acceptable relationship between what was created by man and nature.

  • Medical and hygienic

Weather and climate have a powerful impact on human life, therefore, one cannot ignore problems of a medical and hygienic nature: a healthy lifestyle, the geography of diseases, and others.

  • Ethical

Love for nature - the native habitat of man - cannot but be associated with love for the homeland, which is one of the most important values ​​in life.

Our presentation of the topic:

The carriers of the natural principle in their biological prehistory are people and culture, created by man. It is possible to declare it as an extra-biological, supernatural phenomenon only if we consider it as a necessary addition and continuation of nature. Man is an integral component of the ecosystem, therefore, culture must have its conditioned place in a common system with nature.

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The relationship between nature (nature) and culture is one of the key themes of cultural studies.

From the very beginning of his appearance, man experiences the influence of the natural environment and at the same time influences it himself. Activities to adapt to nature and master it in relation to one’s needs lead to the formation of a transformed, cultivated nature. Man separated from the natural environment, but continued and continues to remain, to a certain extent, a part of it.

Very often culture is defined as second nature (nature). We find this approach in Democritus, and then in the thinkers of modern times. But in this case, the question arises: is nature opposed to culture or are they in harmony?

On the one side, man, as a result of his purposeful activity to transform the surrounding world, creates an artificial world of objects and phenomena, which we call culture. In this case, we contrast culture with nature, emphasizing that only those natural elements that are processed by man become culture.

On the other side, supporters of sociobiology are not so categorical in their answer to the question of the relationship between culture and nature. They argue that there are no clear boundaries between the social behavior of animals and people; they see the difference only in the level of complexity of their life technologies. In this case, culture is considered as a special stage in the general evolution of nature:

Plants adapt to their environment through changes in their species morphology;

Animals adapt through a combination of processes of species variability with a change in behavioral stereotypes;

Man adapts only by changing and complicating the forms of his life activity, which resulted in the formation of an artificial habitat.

In any case, the line between nature and culture is very thin and unsteady and includes many aspects.

Definite geographical location, a specific area, its specific natural features have always been and are currently factors determining the national character, traditions, customs, language, and consciousness of any community of people. Since ancient times, man has adapted to his environment in order to survive. From ready-made natural materials, he created tools and household items, built dwellings, tamed wild animals, cultivated the soil and cultivated crops on it. In this activity, he simultaneously adapted nature to his needs and, as a result of transforming the natural environment, man created an artificial environment (“second nature”) of his habitat.

The “second” nature created by man is the natural form of existence of culture. This means that the products of transformed nature, while remaining material, substantial, are simultaneously included in the process of human life and perform a social function in it. At first glance, it may seem that nature and culture are opposite to each other, since culture is an extra-natural phenomenon created by man. In fact, they are closely related to each other, since culture arises from nature, it is born from the interaction of man with nature. All cultural objects are made from natural substances.

Thus, in this regard, culture, on the one hand, opposes nature as cultivated nature, and on the other hand, it forms unity with it, since it is based on a natural component, and nature acts as a prerequisite and condition for the existence of culture.

So, culture is an act of overcoming nature, going beyond the boundaries of instinct. It arises because man managed to overcome the organic predetermination of his species.

As a result of human activity, nature changes and is completed, and human life becomes more convenient and comfortable. But mastering nature also includes mastering the inner nature of man himself, which is associated with the emergence of certain norms and prohibitions regulating human life, the creation of morality, religion, art - in a word, with the birth of spiritual culture.

Careful analysis of the issue relationships between nature and culture shows that they are in a difficult relationship. Man came from nature, and therefore nature controls and determines many aspects of human life. The obviousness of this fact requires a more detailed explanation and description of the impact of natural geographical factors on the life of people and their culture.

Firstly, nature determines the needs of people, and their awareness serves as a stimulus for activity and the development of thinking. In order to live, a person must eat, drink, have a home, and clothing. All necessary materials To satisfy the needs of physical existence, man finds in nature. The use of “nature” to satisfy material and biological needs, in turn, requires a person to have appropriate abilities, activity, and creativity. Using the resources of nature, a person reveals his own natural potential. Information received from nature is used to organize optimal material and spiritual activities.

Secondly, the natural environment directly affects the type of economy and the content of people’s activities, their life and spiritual world. From natural conditions and wealth largely depends on a person’s lifestyle, the fate of countries, peoples and cultures. Different natural environments make individual peoples and their cultures different from each other, forming in each people a specific national character, moral norms and rules of behavior. In addition, primitive peoples created a pantheon of their gods taking into account the geographical features of their place of residence. The inhabitants of the steppe and desert regions do not have such religious characters as the merman, the goblin, the owner of the forest and its other inhabitants.

Thirdly, nature influences occupation and division of labor. For example, the harsh climatic conditions of the North gave rise to a specific division of labor between men and women. The first began making weapons, hunting, and fishing, leaving women with such activities as tanning leather, making clothes, and cooking.

Fourthly, nature has been and remains an important factor in satisfying human moral and aesthetic needs. Various natural phenomena can have an impact beneficial influence on a person’s intellect, promote a good mood, a surge of vigor, and creative inspiration. This kind of emotional state forms an intimate and trusting relationship with nature in the form of a rich range of experiences.

Fifth, the natural environment influences the process artistic creativity. Nature not only suggests images of artistic creativity, but also provides raw materials for the creation of certain objects of art. Numerous masterpieces of architecture, painting, music, and literature are created on the basis of the impressions their creators received from communicating with nature. Artistic perception nature is largely conditioned by culture, which determines how people see the world and how they act in it. Already from the plots and natural material one can guess which representative ethnic culture a specific work of art has been created.

Sixthly, nature has a very strong impact on traditional folk culture. This is reflected in specific habits, customs, and rituals, in which the peculiarities of the life of peoples are manifested. Rituals make natural objects elements of spiritual culture. In the forms of everyday spiritual life of people, the cyclical nature characteristic of the natural environment is clearly manifested. Thus, in accordance with the change of day and night and seasons, many cycles of production activity occur, which are uniquely reflected in holidays and rituals. Their connection with the seasons, enshrined in traditional culture, leads to the emergence of a ritual natural calendar, which not only normalizes the daily routine, but also determines the periods of functioning of spiritual culture, allocating the most favorable time stages for it from a natural point of view.

The influence of nature on culture is obvious and therefore practically uncontroversial. But this is only one side of the relationship between nature and culture. The flip side of this relationship is impact of culture on nature, the result was a cultural landscape that included the agro-sphere and the technosphere.

Agrosphere is the result of human impact on soil, vegetation, animals, etc. The consequences of this impact turned out to be extremely great, since man, in the process of his life, selected from the flora and fauna those specimens or properties of plants and animals that most fully reflected his needs. It is this selective approach that has led to the targeted creation of new plant varieties. Also, in the process of cultural influence on nature, new breeds of animals were created, characterized by special endurance, fertility, speed of movement, etc. It can be confidently stated that the vast majority of “natural nature” that surrounds us today is cultivated nature, and all domestic animals and our food products are the results of it.

Currently, we are witnesses and contemporaries of the active development of the agricultural sector. For example, cloning and genetic engineering make it possible to develop plants and animals with completely new properties that have no analogues in nature. In addition, new varieties and types of trees, flowers, and domestic animals fit organically into the human environment, giving it more advanced features of beauty and harmony.

The second part of the cultural landscape is technosphere, which is a collection of objects material culture included by man in inanimate nature. Its content consists of bridges, roads, mechanisms, buildings, structures and other man-made products. Many of them fit harmoniously into natural landscape, while remaining convenient and useful for people's lives. Many objects of material culture have been created in the world that emphasize the beauty of nature and contrast with it in the most advantageous aspects. For example, in Russian culture, the most picturesque places were traditionally chosen for the construction of churches. Most often, they emphasized the specifics of the landscape, the beauty of nature, distracted people from thoughts about earthly suffering, warmed and cleansed the soul.

However, human impact on nature also has negative sides. The technosphere has already covered about 30% of the land and has led to irreversible changes in many natural regions of the planet. Thus, under human influence, the direction of river flow changes, new bodies of water appear, and mountains are destroyed. More than 100 billion tons of raw materials are extracted from the bowels of the earth annually, that is, more than 25 million tons for every inhabitant of the planet. The amount of energy per capita in industrial developed countries, 100 times higher than the biological needs to maintain human life. The ever-increasing needs of humanity give rise to a barbaric attitude towards nature. We are increasingly reminded of this by natural disasters (fires, floods, earthquakes, climate change, etc.) and the impending environmental catastrophe, the first signs of which we are already facing today.

Realizing the threat of its destruction, humanity is trying to form ecological culture population, restore energy resources, clean atmosphere, etc. Large world organizations are involved in solving these problems, which are developing programs for restoring ecological balance, preserving endangered species of plants and animals, as well as the survival of man himself.

The past century has convincingly shown that over time, the mutual dependence of nature and culture is constantly increasing. We are not talking about a quantitative diversity of connections, but about a fundamentally new qualitative level of interaction between culture and nature, based on the more harmonious and sophisticated nature of their relations.

It cannot be denied that climate influences humans. Climate and human health, habits, and lifestyle are interconnected. The climatic conditions of a given area and weather changes directly or indirectly affect all aspects of people's lives. The influence of climate on people's activities, their well-being, culture, habits, and lifestyle is undeniable.

No matter how far scientific and technological progress advances, humanity remains biological species depending on the natural environment. Let us briefly consider the impact climate has on human health and economic activity.

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Climate and people

Climatic conditions mean a complex of factors that are characteristic of a specific area or season. Here are the climate elements included:

  • air temperature;
  • humidity;
  • atmospheric pressure;
  • quantity sunny days per year;
  • strength and direction of winds;
  • amount and types of precipitation;
  • length of daylight hours;
  • frequency and severity of changes in weather conditions;
  • air ionization.

The Chukotka region is one of those places in the world that seem to be created to test a person’s “strength.” The life philosophy of indigenous peoples was formed in this extreme climate. The way of life of people here is initially subordinated to the goal of survival.

A person depends on these and other indicators, acting individually or in combination. Although we are able to make our living environment more comfortable, it is impossible to eliminate the influence of climate on people’s activities and health.

Impact of climate on human health

Climate and human health are interconnected. Weather and climate conditions not only accompany us through life, but also intensely influence people’s well-being and can improve or worsen their health. Everyone affects us climatic factors and their combinations. Below is an assessment of the influence of natural factors on the human body and shows how climate affects humans.

Low temperature is dangerous to health. It can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and lead to colds. Although light frost in sunny and windless weather gives us positive emotions. Such a climate brings only benefits to humans.

Heat can have a negative effect on the body. A person suffers heatstroke, increased sweating, and dehydration.

High and low temperatures are especially difficult to tolerate at high humidity. Prolonged exposure to high humidity conditions can cause rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Climate change has a significant impact on human health. Even if the temperature and humidity are far from extreme, their sudden change is a serious stress for the body. A sudden change in humidity can cause shortness of breath, apathy and other symptoms. The influence of climate on human health is stronger with sudden changes in weather conditions.

The sun is the source of life, it contributes to the existence of living organisms on planet Earth. Sunlight brings great benefits to humans, helping to increase immunity and improve health. But don't get too carried away with sunbathing. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can cause heatstroke and skin burns.

The so-called magnetic storms cannot be felt by the senses, but they affect the general well-being of a person, especially if he is weather dependent.

During magnetic storms, a person begins to feel severe, causeless fatigue and headaches:

Excessive wind speed, turning it into a hurricane, can cause catastrophic destruction, accompanied by loss of life. But not such a strong wind has an effect on the human body. The negative effect of low temperature is significantly enhanced for a person in cold weather when strong wind. On the other hand, a light seaside breeze has a beneficial effect on us and allows us to better tolerate the heat on the summer beach.

Foehn winds blowing from mountain slopes into valleys negatively affect a person’s well-being, causing depressed mood and irritability. They are dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

If you are caught in a dust or sandstorm, it is advisable to cover your face to prevent small particles from entering your respiratory tract. This wind makes breathing difficult and irritates exposed skin.

Even a light, gentle breeze causes the expansion or contraction of blood vessels in open areas of the body surface.

With increased ionization of air with positive ions, a person feels a loss of strength and quickly gets tired. An excess of negative ions in the atmosphere has a beneficial effect on the body.

A decrease in atmospheric pressure causes a feeling of discomfort. High blood pressure up to a certain limit has a positive effect on the body.

An important factor is a person’s dependence on the climate to which he is accustomed. Climate change has a tremendous impact on health. If a person has lived in one climate zone, then when moving to another, a deterioration in well-being may occur. It was not for nothing that they said: “What makes a Russian happy, means death for a German.” And the point here is not in nationality, but in the familiar environment. The most favorable climate for a person is the one to which he is accustomed.

There are many regions in Russia, the influence of climate on the life activity of which is very different from each other. Residents of the Far North, when they first arrive in Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory, especially in the summer, will experience discomfort from high temperatures. Residents North Caucasus or Kuban, who came to St. Petersburg, climate change has a significant impact on health. They will suffer from lack sunlight and high humidity.

Climate affects human health and economic activity not only directly, but also indirectly. For example, in different regions different conditions nutrition. In the Far North there cannot be the abundance of vegetables and fruits that is observed in the south of Russia, which leads to a lack of vitamins in the diet, and this affects health.

Impact of climate on agriculture

Agricultural activities are highly dependent on the weather. In the Far North they do not grow vegetables and fruits not because they do not want to, but because of unfavorable climatic conditions.

The influence of climate on the activities of farmers is of paramount importance. Availability agroclimatic resources is a critical factor for sustainable development agriculture. These include:

  1. the duration of the period when the temperature exceeds 10 degrees Celsius;
  2. average annual temperature;
  3. humidity;
  4. thickness and stability of snow cover.

You should also pay attention to geography.

The Astrakhan climate is favorable for growing melons, as it has a large number of hot, sunny days. Here summer lasts 4.5 months (from early May to mid-September). There are also excellent conditions for grazing livestock.

The Astrakhan region is the historical birthplace of Russian watermelon:

The weather conditions of the South of Russia contribute not only to resort and recreational holidays, but also to the cultivation of various crops, including those with a long ripening period. Farming in rural areas here is accompanied by abundant watering. The food supply is sufficient for livestock raising.

The climatic conditions of the Center of the European part of Russia are favorable for the cultivation of frost-resistant plant varieties and the development of livestock farming.

The northern regions of Russia are characterized by harsh weather. Here the conditions for agricultural activity are limited. Here in to a greater extent Livestock farming is developed, sometimes of a nomadic type. For example, due to poor vegetation cover, herds of deer are often driven from place to place.

The influence of climate on human life and economic activity in rural areas is decisive, so meteorological information is important.

The influence of climate on people's lives and activities

The influence of climate on human activity in the economic sphere is difficult to overestimate. Weather changes are monitored not only by agricultural workers. It is impossible to list which professions people study climate, because the dependence of human activity on climate is present in various fields.

Certain climatic conditions are necessary for construction workers, maritime, air and land transport workers, and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out their activities. Knowledge of the weather forecast is important for logging, in the mining industry, for fishermen and hunters, the military and many others, since the influence of climate on the activities of representatives of these and other professions is great.

The economic activities of the Russian population are characterized by significant diversity. The influence of climate on the nature of occupations is a decisive factor in human life. The existence of many professions in Russia depends on the climate typical for a given area. They exist in one climate zone and are absent in others. For example, the profession of a reindeer herder is associated with the conditions of the Far North, and a lifeguard on the beach can most likely be seen in Sochi. You are unlikely to see him in Murmansk.

Climatic features affect all aspects of our lives. The influence of climate on everyday life, housing, and clothing is undeniable. Let's look at how climate affects human life using examples. Living in the tropics, we don't wear warm clothes, but in the harsh Arctic conditions we need them. In a cold climate, a bamboo hut is unlikely to be appropriate, but in the tropics it is just right. For reindeer herders of the Far North, a light, warm tent made of reindeer skins, which can be quickly rolled up and transported, is an ideal home, while in the Siberian taiga a chopped wooden hut would be more appropriate. All this shows how climate affects people's lifestyles.

The original owners of the Far North - the Chukchi, Eskimos, Evens - have carefully preserved their culture, original art, and traditions for centuries:

All this is reflected in the traditions, customs, and lifestyle of every person in the world. There is even an influence of climate on the character of people living in certain conditions. This is clearly visible in the example European peoples. It has been noticed that Mediterranean residents are more emotional than the reserved Scandinavians. Thus, the role of climate in the life of peoples and their formation was decisive. Climate shapes the character of a person living in a given area.

We looked at how climate affects people's lives. But there is also a reverse process: human influence on the climate. Human economic activity causes warming and causes a softening of weather conditions. It has been noticed that in cities the temperature is slightly higher than outside the city. Warming occurs due to the following reasons:

  • increase in the number of cars;
  • deforestation;
  • combustion of fuel at thermal stations;
  • work of heavy industry enterprises.

The conclusion is simple: how does a person relate to environment, so she will do the same with him.

Where is the most favorable climate?

The climate of Crimea is considered one of the most favorable. The warm sea, a large number of sunny days a year, and healing air attract thousands of vacationers here every year from all over Russia and other countries.

Crimea is an amazing place, as if specially created for relaxation:

It’s a sin to complain about the climate in Crimea. The mild maritime climate, the absence of cold winds, and the abundance of fruits create a comfortable environment. But this is not suitable for everyone. Local weather conditions favor, for example, the growth large quantity plants, some of which are strong allergens. For the northern regions, people depend on a climate that is colder and less sunny, so the abundance of sun and hot weather of Crimea is an unusual phenomenon for them, and not every organism is able to easily adapt to this.

For example, for children under 2 years old it is better to spend their holidays in their own climate zone. It has been noticed that even older children get sick after a sea trip. This is not surprising, because at first their body adapts to the coastal environment. And as soon as the child gets used to the maritime climatic conditions, it’s time to go home, where he again has to acclimatize. Thus, the body receives a double blow, to which it immediately reacts with illness.

But in general, it was not in vain that famous and influential people. They understood how climate affects people's lives. During times Russian Empire here was the summer residence of the royal Romanov dynasty, Chekhov and Aivazovsky lived here. In Soviet times, dachas of state leaders and cultural figures were built on the Crimean coast. After sunset Soviet Union Crimea was chosen by bohemians and oligarchs.

Each person is individual, so the most favorable climatic conditions are different for everyone. The main thing is that the influence of climate on human life is beneficial.