How old is Yulia Savicheva? Biography of Yulia Savicheva. Singer Yulia Nachalova: biography and personal life

For some time, Yulia stopped giving concerts, practically did not communicate with journalists, many fans and creative colleagues were at a loss. But everything became clear when Yulia Savicheva and her husband (see photo below) talked about the birth of their child.

Yulia Savicheva and her husband, composer Alexander Arshinov, became parents. This event happened in August, Maxim Fadeev was the first to announce it with sincere joy. A little later, young parents Yulia and Alexander published on one of the social networks touching letter newborn daughter.

From the message to many of the couple's fans, it became clear that the path to motherhood was long and difficult. Anna (that’s what Julia and Sasha named their daughter) was born in Portugal, where the couple lived and worked for several years. The first photo of the daughter Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov was posted on his page by Maxim Fadeev. It is known that Julia previously worked a lot with a popular producer, and now they are on strong friendly terms.

So far, the couple have not commented on the birth of their daughter, but prefer to enjoy quiet family happiness.

But the newly-made grandfather Stanislav Savichev willingly told some details. According to him, he and his wife were always in touch, and often spoke on Skype with their daughter and son-in-law. He also emphasized that their family had been waiting for this event for a long time. They have only seen Anechka through the monitor screen so far, but they hope to meet in the near future. Recently, thanks to one of the new photos, information appeared on the network about the arrival of Yulia Savicheva and her husband in Russia.

As a participant in the “Star Factory 2” project, Yulia listened to one of the albums of the group “Bay of Joy”, she immediately liked Alexander’s voice, but at that time they did not know each other. For a long time, Yulia couldn’t make it to the concert of Sasha and his band, and one evening she simply asked a friend for his number and called him herself. For Sasha, this call came as a big surprise; after a twenty-minute conversation, it seemed to the guys that they had known each other for an eternity. That same evening, their first meeting took place; Yulia Savicheva was only 16 at that time, and Sasha Arshinov was 18 years old.

After the first meeting, there was a long separation; Sasha was leaving for a tour. But every time they came to Moscow, Sasha and Yulia met and walked for a long time, chatting about everything in the world. At first, Arshinov did not plan a long-term relationship with Yulia Savicheva; it seemed to him that the girl was about to have a more mature man who could offer her an apartment, a car and other benefits, which Alexander did not yet have.

Yulia Savicheva took these meetings seriously and with great persistence. According to her story, she could be the first to call Sasha’s cell phone, and if he didn’t answer, she would call his home phone. Very often during their meetings there would be a heavy downpour; they say this is a good omen.

Soon the girl introduced Alexander to her parents; the young man was very worried before meeting Stanislav Borisovich, who had once been a drummer in the rock band “Convoy”.

But everything went well, although when the guest left, the father asked Yulia to be careful with this young man, since he was “too difficult and mature for you.” In turn, Alexander Arshinov invited Yulia to visit him on one of his walks, adding that he had never invited a single girl to his house. Yulia was pleased with his words, this once again proved the seriousness of their relationship. The guys were met by a cheerful, energetic woman in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt - it was Sasha’s mother. The time spent chatting and looking at photos flew by.

Life together

As soon as Yulia turned 18, she and Alexander decided to live together in his house. All that remained was to inform Yulia’s parents about this. To the children’s surprise, mom and dad reacted calmly, saying that they had to wait for this, since the meetings had been going on for two years.

After Yulia moved to Sasha, they began to work together. As a result, the following songs appeared: “Seventh Heaven”, “Above the Stars”, “Goodbye, Love”, “The Day After Tomorrow”. In addition to working with the producer, Arshinov successfully graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy, and Savicheva became a participant in many television projects.

During the couple’s cohabitation, the tabloid press more than once attributed Yulia Savicheva’s affair with Dmitry Borisov, since at that time joint photographs often appeared on the Internet. But the singer herself denied the rumors, emphasizing only friendly relations that have lasted for several years.


Her husband Alexander Arshinov and she have been working towards this event for ten long years; there is a photo of the wedding banquet online. The official part of this event took place without wide publicity.

The ceremony at the registry office was attended by a circle of closest people. The rest of the guests were invited to the elite hall Crocus City Hall, which seats 400 people.

Among the guests who came to congratulate the couple were the most famous stars Russian show business: Zara, Natasha Koroleva, Joseph Kobzon, Nargiz Zakirova, participants of the children's “Voice” and other celebrities. The hosts of the wedding were Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexander Anatolyevich.

Julia's dress, like many brides', was white elegant cut, with a small collar and a figure-flattering pink ribbon at the waist. Yulia did not have a veil, but thanks to her hairstyle, the image turned out to be gentle and feminine. The newlyweds’ dance based on the composition “Mellow Like Snow” was very gentle and bright. Yulia could not hold back her tears, and Sasha gently whispered something to her and kissed her.

Many guests were moved at this moment, and after the end of the dance they applauded Yulia and Alexander for a long time. Then the newlyweds accepted congratulations, gifts and had fun with the guests. Fans of Yulia Savicheva left under their photo with her husband sincere wishes love and happiness. Let us remember that this event occurred at the end of October 2014.


After the wedding, Yulia and Alexander did not go traveling, but got busy with work. " Honeymoon“happened unexpectedly after the cancellation of the role in the musical “Peter Pan”, the newlyweds went to Venice, one of the most romantic cities. During the week, the children walked along narrow streets, visited local attractions, attended a service in one of the cathedrals, and, of course, rode gondolas.

How loving wife Yulia Savicheva sometimes, during breaks from work, pleases her husband with all sorts of goodies, which she learns to cook herself.

So to one of New Year's holidays she made gingerbread cookies. But my passion for cooking began with Italian cuisine. The first dish that Julia prepared for her husband was pasta, then she managed to make risotto and some salads.

But, like many couples, quarrels occur between Yulia and Sasha; in such situations, according to the singer, do not withdraw into yourself, but enter into dialogue, and most importantly, be able to forgive.

For some time, Yulia’s page on the social network remained without entries, fans only guessed about the events in her life. But this year, little Anya was born into the family of Yulia Savicheva and her husband Alexander Arshinov, and many followers are eagerly awaiting her photo.

Yulia Savicheva's childhood, early years

After her triumph at the Star Factory, Yulia Savicheva, like a hurricane, burst into Russian scene. Her songs were played on all radio stations, her smile adorned billboards and concert posters in all corners of the country. At that moment it seemed that young singer came out of nowhere. However, this was not at all the case. Yulia Savicheva's path to big stage it was long and thorny. Like any road to the stars.

The future singer was born on Valentine's Day. Her homeland was the small Russian town of Kurgan. It was there that Julia took her first steps towards big stage.

Savicheva’s parents were both musicians, and therefore always encouraged their daughter’s desire to continue the family dynasty. The future singer’s mother, Svetlana Anatolyevna, worked as a piano teacher at one of the city’s music schools. Father - Stanislav Borisovich - was a drummer in the rock band “Convoy”, which actively collaborated with Maxim Fadeev. It was with her father’s team that little Julia first appeared on stage. This happened significant event in 1991. At that moment, Savicheva was only 4 years old.

Throughout her childhood, the little singer harmoniously combined her studies at school with numerous concerts and rehearsals. From the age of five, Yulia performed as a soloist in the children's choreographic group "Firefly". For her mischievous character and ringing voice, the girl was loved by everyone who was involved in her work in one way or another. At school she became a real star. However, all this was just the beginning of her path to fame.

In 1994, Yulia's father was invited to work in Moscow. Without thinking twice, the Savichev family moved to the Russian capital. Having settled in the city, the singer’s father, together with his group, begins performing at the Moscow Aviation Institute House of Culture. Yulia’s mother also starts working there as the head of the children’s department, and soon she herself begins to work there.

The creative group of the MAI House of Culture noticed the girl almost immediately after its founding. At the age of seven, she begins to play in children's New Year's performances, receiving her first fees for her performances. A year later, Yulia is invited to perform main role in New Year's performances taking place in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. She is invited next year as well. Thus, in the first two years in Moscow, Yulia took part in more than forty performances.

Yulia Savicheva - Sorry for the love

During the same period, Savicheva first met Maxim Fadeev. A famous producer invites her to participate in the recording of a number of tracks for singer Linda, and she quickly agrees. Julia says opening words, which precedes the song “Do It So”, and subsequently works with it on backing vocals. Young Savicheva can be seen briefly in several of Linda’s videos.

Yulia Savicheva at the Star Factory. First popularity

IN high school Julia still dreams of the big stage. Having learned about the casting of “Star Factory-2”, the producer of which was to be her old acquaintance Max Fadeev, Savicheva goes to the casting without hesitation. Once on the project, Yulia goes through all the stages of a long selection process and ends up in the final five. Just short of reaching the super-final, Savicheva drops out of the competition and ends her participation in the project. Despite this, Julia leaves the Factory as a real star. Her composition “Vysoko” makes it to the final of “Song of the Year”, as well as in almost all the charts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia.

Yulia Savicheva - High

For the “manufacturers” of that time, such success was not uncommon, but the first hit was followed by new compositions. “Ships”, “Sorry for Love”, as well as some other songs bring Yulia Savicheva fame and popularity.

In 2004, Savicheva represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. The performance (as well as the final result) could hardly be called particularly successful, but the final eleventh place did not upset the performer at all. Savicheva continues to work on her debut album and will soon go on her first solo tour.

In 2005, the singer’s first albums, “Vysoko” and “Sorry for Love,” appeared on the shelves of Russian music stores.

Subsequent career of Yulia Savicheva

In 2006-2009, three more albums by the performer were released (“Magnit”, “Origami”, “First Love”). During this period, Savicheva was at the zenith of fame. She becomes the laureate of a number of prestigious music awards, her songs are on the first lines of the music charts. The Russian TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” is also becoming popular, for which Yulia recorded one of the main songs back in 2005.

In 2009, Savicheva made her film debut. The singer's first role is the youth series "First Love", in which she plays main character. According to many critics, it was at this moment that there was a certain decline in the singer’s work. She was still visible, loved and respected. However, it was already difficult to dream of past glory.

Only three years later, her new studio album (“Heartbeat”) was released, which “recaptured” Savicheva’s former positions. One of the most notable songs on the new record was joint track with rapper Dzhigan, who was nominated in several music categories.

Yulia Savicheva and Dzhigan - Let go

Personal life of Yulia Savicheva

This topic remained an absolute secret for the press for a long time. Only in 2009 did it become known that Yulia Savicheva had been living in a civil marriage with producer Alexander Arshinov since she was sixteen years old. It is very noteworthy that this became known in the context of another novel by the singer. This time the chosen one of the young celebrity was the famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Borisov. Photos of lovers began to appear more and more often in the yellow press. Julia did not hide this relationship and quite willingly posed with her handsome chosen one for numerous cameras.

In 2013, in an interview with journalists Russian first channel Yulia admitted that “I would like children, but I’m afraid for my career.” In the same interview, she also talked about the wedding. However, there is no official information on this matter yet.

The girl invariably appears at social events, where she amazes everyone with her ability to behave in public and her original style of clothing. And she is often included in the top the most beautiful people countries for recent years. Yulia is not shy about arranging candid photo shoots, which captivate the hearts of all men in the world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Nachalova

Currently, many fans of the bright singer want to know everything about her, they are especially concerned about parameters such as height, weight, age. How old Yulia Nachalova is is also no secret for her admirers.

Yulia’s age can be determined from her date of birth – 1981. This year the woman turned 36 years old, which does not correspond to her eighteen-year-old soul. The girl was born under the zodiac sign - Aquarius, which determined her character traits. Yulia strives to make a dizzying career, but is not ready to go over the heads of her rivals.

By Eastern horoscope woman is a bright, extraordinary, honest and sincere Rooster. Julia has a remarkable talent as an organizer, which she combines with a heightened maternal instinct.

The weight of the young and self-sufficient singer is constant, it is fifty-two kilograms. She is of average height, so she compensates for her height of one meter sixty-five with high heels.

Biography of Yulia Nachalova

The biography of Yulia Nachalova is very interesting because it shows what a child whose talents develop with early years. The girl was born in 1981 in distant Voronezh.

The baby began to study vocals at a tender age, when she was two years old. Moreover, the girl was required to train at a professional level, without making allowances for age.

Already at the age of five, the girl began touring with her talented parents. In 1986 she began performing solo at the Voronezh Philharmonic. The girl was not afraid of difficulties and knew how to improvise like professional artists. In the most difficult situations the little girl smiled radiantly.

At the age of 9, Yulechka wrote her first song, which she dedicated to her teacher. At 11 she performed on stage in the show “Morning Star”, in which the little star won a landslide victory.

After dizzying success and popularity, the talented child was invited to host a television show for children, “There-There News.” To help Yulia self-realize, the Nachalovs moved to the capital. At 14, the young star released her first album, “Oh, school, school!”

In 1995, the girl dared to take part in the US international song competition and won it. The talented Yulechka graduated from school as an external student, because in the 9th grade she passed the exams for 10th and 11th grades at once.

Immediately after graduating from school, the girl was able to enter Gnesinka, and she also records songs that instantly become hits. Julia takes part in television programs. And, also, she herself becomes a co-host of the show “Saturday Night”.

Since 2000, she began to reveal her talent as an actress, starring in the musicals and films “Formula of Joy”, “The Hero of Her Novel”, “Bomb for the Bride”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “The Town Musicians of Bremen”.

In 2005, the romantic album “Music of Love” was released, and in 2006, two more collections were released. And in 2010, in tandem with U. Afanasyev, the English-language album “Wild Butterfly” was released.

In 2012, a benefit performance for Yulia Nachalova was staged, which amazed all the spectators with its touchingness and kindness. In 2014, she delighted viewers with cheerful and beautiful images in the show “One to One”, and after that she became a mentor in the program “Our Way Out”.

Illness of Yulia Nachalova. Does she have problems with her hands?

Recently, numerous photos appeared on the Internet that worried her fans. In them, Yulia Nachalova hands (illness photo) forces the singer to put on gloves. The reasons are actively discussed online: it is gout, or arthritis, or maybe a banal allergy or psoriasis.

So it’s still worth figuring out what kind of illness Yulia Nachalova has. Her hands are covered with hygroma bumps and have slightly changed their color. Doctors say that this is the initial stage of gout, which arose due to genetic predisposition and nervous tension.

However, the fact that Yulia Nachalova has problems with her hands is strongly denied by the press service. It is alleged that the woman’s joints became slightly inflamed, by the way, not for the first time. The singer went on a special diet that helps remove uric acid from the body, so there is no danger to her life.

Personal life of Yulia Nachalova

The personal life of Yulia Nachalova is not information hidden from the eyes of fans. The girl was adored by boys from a very early age, especially after her performance in the Morning Star program. The little beauty was the subject of love suffering and dreams of boys of any age.

The girl has grown up, but the love of her fans has not faded. At concerts, Yulia is literally bombarded with flowers and soft toys, but the girl’s heart has never been free.

She was married three times, but these unions fell apart like houses of cards. The reasons for this phenomenon are called jealousy and betrayal of both parties.

Recently there was information that Yulia Nachalova and Alexander Frolov broke up. The singer officially notified her fans about this, thereby stopping rumors about the reasons for the separation.

Family of Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova's family is very creative and persistent, which contributes to the development of creative potential.

Yulia's father - Viktor Vasilievich - famous composer, producer, singer. He created the Carousel ensemble at the Voronezh Philharmonic, in which his five-year-old daughter toured. Viktor Nachalov noticed the girl ear for music, helped develop it and gave many wonderful songs that became hits.

Mother - Taisiya Nikolaevna - worked in the same Voronezh Philharmonic and had a musical education.

Children of Yulia Nachalova

The children of Yulia Nachalova have not yet been born in large quantities. The singer and actress has a beloved daughter, but the Internet never tires of talking about her pregnancy, as soon as she puts on a roomier dress.

It is worth clarifying that Julia is not planning children yet, claiming that she has not found a worthy match for this. However, she is not going to stop with one baby, planning to give birth to at least one more baby.

Moreover, Nachalova is worried that during her second pregnancy the same problems may arise as with the first. She also clarifies that she should live with her chosen one together, and not in two cities, since this destroys family life.

Daughter of Yulia Nachalova - Vera Aldonina

The daughter of Yulia Nachalova, Vera Aldonina, was born in 2006 a little earlier than expected. The singer had to stay in the maternity hospital until the baby gained the required weight. In 2007, little Verochka was christened, and her health improved significantly.

The girl is very creative personality, so she often appears in the videos of the talented mother. It is worth saying that Vera is not going to follow in the footsteps of her mother, but wants to become a famous designer. She draws beautifully and constantly goes on stage with Yulia Nachalova in fashionable outfits that she selects herself.

Verochka sings beautifully; at the age of 8 she was already performing on the Kremlin stage with her mother. She takes part in photo shoots and confidently gives interviews to famous publications.

Former husband of Yulia Nachalova - Dmitry Lanskoy

The ex-husband of Yulia Nachalova, Dmitry Lanskoy, is a talented lead singer of the Prime Minister group. The guys met back in Gnesinka, but were just friends. Love began only after graduating from music school.

The girl turned nineteen when Dmitry proposed marriage to her. Julia hesitated for several months, and then agreed to marry the man she loved.

The family lived well: they worked and rested together, walked and attended social events. The relationship was spoiled by Julia's rapidly growing popularity. Quarrels arose because the girl worked extremely hard and earned more than Dmitry.

The guy left for his young girlfriend, leaving Nachalova with a broken heart.

Former husband of Yulia Nachalova - Evgeny Aldonin

Yulia Nachalova's ex-husband, Evgeny Aldonin, appeared in her life in 2006. He long and persistently sought the attention of his chosen one.

The newlyweds' family life gave them happy moments, as well as a small and incredibly talented daughter, Vera. The marriage lasted five years, but its last years were by no means cloudless.

The fact is that Evgeny Aldonin was jealous of his wife, who often toured. The family held on only for the sake of their daughter, but then fell apart; by the way, Nikolai Baskov tried to reconcile the couple.

Yulia and Evgeniy maintain friendly relations, and Vera often visits her dad.

Former husband of Yulia Nachalova - Alexander Frolov

The ex-husband of Yulia Nachalova, Alexander Frolov, is a famous hockey player, CSKA player.

When the young people met, they both had families and children. Their relationship influenced the fact that the guys left their families and began to live together. Alexander in as soon as possible established a relationship with Yulia’s little daughter, whom he began to call his own.

Since 2011, the woman lived in a civil marriage with Frolov and even appeared at his matches wearing a T-shirt with the inscription “Frolova”. However, fans did not wait for the official wedding; the couple broke up in 2016. The reasons for this event were not disclosed.

Photos of Yulia Nachalova before and after plastic surgery appear very rarely. The fact is that the singer made a delicate plastic surgery, the results of which cannot be shown on the screen.

In 2012, a girl fainted on a plane flying from Mexico to the States. It later became known that the cause was an increase in breast size by several sizes.

Woman couldn't get used to silicone breasts large sizes, so she was forced to go under the knife of plastic surgeons again, who removed the implants.

Due to complications after plastic surgery, Yulia developed kidney problems.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Nachalova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yulia Nachalova appeared quite a long time ago, but the singer loves to post on them interesting information. In these social networks a woman shares her experiences, gives comments about what is happening in her life.

Her Instagram profile has no less than 196,000 followers and this number is growing rapidly. Yulia Nachalova constantly updates her page with photographs of Verochka, who is turning from a cute baby into a Hollywood beauty.

On Instagram you can watch and comment on videos related to the singer’s creative and personal life.

To the question, how old is Yulia Savicheva? given by the author View the best answer is Yulia Savicheva was born in Kurgan on February 14, 1987 in a family of musicians.
Yulia was born on February 14, Valentine's Day, into a family of musicians in the small provincial town of Kurgan in the Trans-Urals. Julia developed an attraction to music very early, at the age of three, and under very interesting circumstances! And this happened when I came home little puppy, who got little Yulia in every possible way and bit her on the heels.
In her family frequent guests There were musicians, and one day, during “creative gatherings,” my father sat down at the piano and began to perform his song. At this time, Julia was sitting on the table, hiding from the malicious puppy, and suddenly... looking into the reflection of the instrument, dad saw how his daughter, to his music, began to perform unimaginable movements. All this resembled a completely meaningful dance. From that moment it became clear that the child had great creative potential.
Her first performance on the big stage took place with the Agatha Christie group at the age of 4. It was a little experiment by her parents. After her dance improvisations, there was 30 seconds of silence in the hall, which turned into a flurry of applause. After that, at the age of 5, she began training in the choreographic group “Firefly”. Despite the fact that she was the smallest in this group, she became a soloist. A year later, the team in which Yulia’s father worked was invited to Moscow.
In Moscow, the rehearsal base for the musicians was at the MAI Palace of Culture. Yulia’s mother got a job at the same recreation center (head of the children’s department). All free time Julia “hanged out” with the musicians. To this day, there is a student theater “Faust” in the MAI Palace of Culture, directed by R. A Poleiko. At that time, Yulia’s father wrote music and made arrangements for musical parodies of the theater. The director of “Faust” noticed a talented child.
As a result, Yulia played the main role in the New Year's performances of the House of Culture and received her first salary, along with adult actors. Being 7 a summer child She managed a lot: she combined rehearsals at the theater, hanging out with musicians, studying at school, and classes in the choreographic group “Zhuravushka”.
Her creativity demanded greater realization and at the suggestion of L. Azadanova (ballroom dance teacher), she joins her team. Paired with a worthy partner, they become twice champions of Moscow in their class in the ratings. Communicating with musicians and listening to music, she began to sing. Her best performances were the hits of Toni Braxton and Whitney Houston. The entire musical crowd, hearing her performance, was shocked.
Then director Poleiko R.A made another offer to Yulia - to play the main role in the New Year's performances of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Ultimately, this performance became the most interesting performance in Moscow (2001). In 2002, she was again invited to take part in the New Year's performance at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, she played the main role - the role of "Snowdrifts", and took part in 40 of its shows.
Well, on March 7, 2003 it began new era in her work - “Star Factory 2”. The producer of the project was Maxim Fadeev, also a native of the city of Kurgan. In 1996, their paths already crossed - Julia took part in the recording of the album as a session backing vocalist

One of the most popular representatives of Russian show business, singer Yulia Savicheva, was born in the winter of 1987. The performer's hometown is Kurgan. Yulia is the only child in the family; she has no brothers or sisters.

The singer has released seven solo albums, the singles from which have always taken leading positions in the Russian charts. Yulia’s dad was a drummer in the ensemble “Convoy” (the famous producer Max Fadeev was also a member of this group). The girl's mother worked at music school piano teacher.


Max Fadeev has always been one of the closest friends of the Savichev family. Julia considers him her second father. Fadeev noticed that Yulia had talent even when she was a very little girl. It was he who contributed to her first appearance on stage. Yulia's family never loses touch with Max.

Yulia Savicheva, whose biography is very interesting and filled with bright events, always loved to dance and sing. She was a very sociable and cheerful child. Therefore, Yulia Savicheva as a child participated in many creative competitions. At the age of five, her parents took their daughter to a choreographic school. Soon she became a soloist in the children's group "Firefly".

Yulia’s family did not have their own apartment for a long time. Parents were forced to rent rooms and often moved from place to place. Because of this, the girl was forced to change schools. Despite this, she studied very well. History, literature and foreign language did not cause any difficulties, but exact sciences were more difficult for Savicheva. Her father always helped her daughter in her studies.

The future star devoted most of her time to studying and dancing. Due to the fact that she often had to do her homework on the road in dim lighting, she developed vision problems. For a long time the girl wore glasses. She developed complexes about her appearance, she closed herself off and became shy. For everything school years Savicheva had only one best friend, with whom she lost contact after she and her family moved to the capital in 1993.

For some time, the girl lived with her parents in Fadeev’s house. Yulia had her own corner where she could study and sleep. After some time, the parents began working at the Palace of Culture, where Yulia later performed and took part in New Year’s concerts.

During this period, Yulia Savicheva began to receive her first fees. She was very happy that she could finally help her parents and gave all the money to them. For several years the girl studied seriously ballroom dancing. She has won various competitions more than once.

school future star had to graduate in the form of an external study, since in graduating class she passed the selection for the Star Factory project. Despite the fact that she had almost no time to prepare for the exams, Yulia’s certificate shows only good grades.


Yulia Savicheva first appeared on stage at the age of three, dancing to the song “Time of Wild Animals.” The composition was performed by the Convoy ensemble, in which her dad was the drummer. When Yulia was eight years old, she starred in a video popular singer Linda. Later, the girl performed with Linda as a backing vocalist.

In 2003, Savicheva became a participant in the “Star Factory”, whose producer was Max Fadeev. Yulia did not win the project, but managed to enter the top five finalists. The magnificent composition “High”, written by Fadeev, brought her popularity. In the same year, Savicheva became the laureate of “Song of the Year”. Her composition “Ships” also won the love of the audience. In 2004, Yulia represented the country at the Eurovision Song Contest in Turkey. There the singer took eleventh place.

The very first solo album The performer was called “Vysoko”. It came out in 2005. Soon after the release of the album, Julia recorded the song “If love lives in the heart.” This composition became the soundtrack to the film “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

In 2006, Yulia Savicheva’s next album, “Magnit,” was released. The main hit of this album was the song “Hello”. Then Savicheva released several more discs:

  • "Origami" (2008).
  • “First Love” (2009).
  • "Heartbeat" (2012).
  • “Personal” (2014).

In 2011, Yulia began collaborating with I. Kobzon. She sang the song “Arrow”, which became the soundtrack to the film “Indigo”. The performer also recorded the soundtrack for the film “Unequal Marriage.”

Savicheva worked with singer Dzhigan, with whom she created two songs:

  • "Let go."
  • “There is nothing more to love.”

Their collaboration was awarded the prize for best duet. The third disc, “My Way,” was nominated for the prestigious music award in the category " Best Album year."

Energetic Yulia has repeatedly become a participant in various projects: “Star Ice”, “Dancing with the Stars”. She also acts in films and dubs cartoons. For example, she voiced one of the characters in the cartoon “Savva. Heart of a warrior."

Personal life

The personal life of Yulia Savicheva was successful. The star is married to Alexander Arshinov. Yulia Savicheva met her future husband when she was only sixteen years old. Sasha is two years older than Yulia. Julia herself took the first step. The singer fell in love with Sasha immediately and began to fight for him. The girl actively won the heart of her betrothed.

At first, their relationship did not go well, the young people often quarreled. The girl was not interested in romances with other men; Yulia only needed Alexander. Two years later, everything worked out for the young people, and they decided to be together.

The singer immediately found her chosen one with her mother common language. Ten years from now living together Sasha decided to legitimize their relationship and proposed to Yulia in a very romantic way - on the seashore. In 2014, Yulia Savicheva married Alexander Arshinov. The wedding of Yulia Savicheva and Arshinov took place in the fall.

Immediately after the wedding, Julia and her husband took a vacation and went on vacation to the ocean. And after some time, the young people pleased their fans with the great news that Yulia Savicheva gave birth to a child. Yulia Savicheva’s pregnancy was not advertised; only those closest to her knew about it.

Singer now

What is Yulia Savicheva doing now? News reports that she and her husband are happily married and have a beautiful daughter. The singer’s relatives are immensely happy that Yulia Savicheva has become a mother. Now the singer is on a long vacation, but is definitely going to return to creative activity. Author: Irina Angelova