The comedian who died. Mikhail Zadornov died. Biography, causes of death. Putin expressed condolences over the death of Zadornov

The news that he died (the cause of death was cancer) was shocking for the public in the CIS countries.

The most famous satirist and writer, who regularly appeared on stage, made the audience laugh heartily and enjoy life. And his sudden death caused a wave of surprise among fans.

The satirist and director of films glorifying the Slavic nation and calling to honor and know their history had a lot of plans for his life. Unfortunately, like all great people, he was unable to realize them to the end...

Creative heritage

The media and fans believe that when Mikhail Zadornov died, the cause of death being cancer, the whole humorous world became a thing of the past. Russian state. After all, only this person knew how to translate people’s stupid behavior on stage into an exciting show that gives a lot of positive emotions.

Concert programs with his participation brought the channels on which they were broadcast the most high ratings by views.

The satirist regularly ridiculed foreign lifestyles, their culture and way of life, for which he gained popularity among fans in the countries of the former USSR.

But at the same time, sarcastic criticism led to Zadornov being banned from entering the United States, which he also skillfully turned into another joke.

His speeches always contained a dose of irony and subtle humor. The artist ridiculed the daily life of Russians, ineptly made advertising and foreign words, applied in the case and without. His concerts attracted a wide audience, and tickets were sold out a month before the performance. Many Russians and others dreamed of going to Zadornov’s concert, and for this they were even ready to come to another city.

Since 2010, the satirist began not only to communicate with the audience during his performances, but also mastered Internet sites and social media, where he regularly corresponded with his fans.

He began running his own channel on YouTube called Zadornov TV, where he regularly posted his appeals to viewers. And also started official page“VKontakte” and “LJ”, where he posted his stories, reasoning and responded to messages and comments from his fans.

Receiving letters from observant fans, Mikhail Zadornov used them in his speeches, devoting a separate humorous five-minute section for them.

Since 2016, the satirist began to broadcast new project together with Alexey Kortnev, called “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”, where there was a lot of satire and humor. The project participants performed in real time, improvising.

Despite the fact that just a year later Mikhail Zadornov died, his endeavors can be continued by young talents and there is no reason for death from cancer to destroy all the many years of work of a researcher and comedian who wanted to change people for the better.

Mikhail Zadornov's concerts were always sold out

Medical history

Since 2016, when it became known about the comedian’s terrible illness, his fans have flooded Zadornov with letters, wishing him a speedy recovery. No one believed that a person who could make even the gloomiest person laugh was unable to defeat cancer.

But, tired of exhausting procedures that did not bring the desired result, but only weakened the body, the comedian decided to stop treatment, which had turned into real torture for him.

Mikhail Zadornov, 2017

Mikhail Zadornov died surrounded by his family; the cause of death was a cancerous brain tumor.

Fans learned that he began having health problems in October 2016. During the performance, Zadornov had a seizure, which forced him to interrupt the concert. Called doctors, arriving at the scene, convinced Mikhail that he needed urgent hospitalization.

After examinations and diagnostics, he was given a terrible diagnosis and given hope that the treatment could bring results, and doctors could win several years of life for the patient.

By canceling your summer concerts and having decided that he would defeat cancer, Zadornov, together with his relatives, tried to find the best clinic where big chance recovery of patients.

After information leaked to the media that Mikhail Zadornov was undergoing treatment in Germany, the famous comedian asked journalists not to create a fuss around his person.

Chemotherapy was successful and gave positive results. After some time, Mikhail Zadornov began to feel much better. Fans waited with bated breath for news about how the treatment was progressing, and had no doubt that everything would end well. After all, the 7th decade, for the presenter healthy image The life of a person who constantly laughs and smiles is not such a big date.

But at the end of September it became known that his health began to deteriorate, and his body could no longer cope with the disease, and the chemicals greatly depleted his body. After the treatment in Germany was completed, Zadornov went for rehabilitation after chemotherapy to a clinic near Moscow, where he was provided with one of the best wards, in which a nurse was regularly on duty.

After the cause of death became known, Orthodox Church announced that the satirist had gathered in the city of Moscow. Many fans of the famous humorist were amazed to the core that a man who accepted paganism and openly announced it 10 years ago suddenly became a Christian.

According to the church, they provided this information by agreement with the relatives. Whether this is true or fiction is anyone's guess.

The satirist's family

It is known that Mikhail Zadornov was married only once, in 1971. His chosen one was Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, an ambitious beauty and the daughter of a famous Latvian politician. Mikhail had to achieve his future wife, still unknown to the world, by all possible means, showing ingenuity and originality.

But even though we achieve beautiful woman it was not easy, the ice was broken from her heart and they started dating, and then got married and lived in happy marriage almost ten years.

Mikhail Zadornov really wanted children, but, unfortunately, examinations showed that his wife was infertile and could not please her husband with the news of pregnancy. This greatly upset the spouses and brought some coldness into their relationship. Family life satirist and his beautiful wife went awry.

The reason for the break in relations was Zadornov’s career, which rapidly went uphill. Regular absences from home and traveling around the world did not please his woman, who wanted her husband to pay more attention to her.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Zadornov began an affair with Elena Bombina, whom he met at one of his performances. The girl was 16 years younger than the popular satirist, which caused many condemning comments from the comedian’s relatives and friends.

Despite a long relationship and living in a civil marriage, Elena never became his official wife. And in 1990, Bombina gave birth to Zadornov’s beautiful daughter, whom her parents named Elena. Taking his father's surname and inheriting his talent for acting, the girl entered the academy theatrical arts.

Zadornov loved his daughter very much and constantly took part in her upbringing. He collected for her a huge and varied library and taught her to love books.

The satirist tried to diversify his daughter’s leisure time and raise her to be smart and erudite. We can safely say that he succeeded to the fullest.

Zadornov with his wife and daughter

When his legal wife found out that Zadornov had a second family and a child, she was very upset, but did not start a scandal. Velta Yanovna was amazed that her husband was cheating on her, but at the same time she was glad that his dream of becoming a dad had finally come true.

When you no longer had to hide your daughter from legal wife, Zadornov began taking his daughter Elena with him on trips around the world, showing her the sights of Russia and other countries. Together they traveled to African countries, vacationed in United Arab Emirates, walked around romantic Vienna and plunged into the no less charming romance of Paris, and also visited Israel and beautiful Greece.

Mikhail Zadornov wanted to give his daughter a colorful world full of interesting impressions and events, bringing her most cherished desires to life, but he could not fully achieve what he wanted before his death, since he died due to a banal reason - cancer.

In a Moscow hospital.

Mikhail Nikolaeviya Zadornov was known as a popular satirist and humorist. He was an actor and a member of the Russian Writers' Union. He wrote many books, collections of lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques and plays.

Mikhail Zadornov died at the age of 70. I was treated for cancer for a long time, but the disease turned out to be stronger.

Mikhail Zadornov causes of death

In the fall of 2016, it became known that Zadornov had brain cancer. But today medicine has proven powerless. In June 2017, he decided to abandon therapy in order to devote all the remaining time to his family and friends. He reported this on his VK page. He underwent a course of chemotherapy, but a biopsy at the Berlin Charité clinic showed disappointing results. ABOUT . In June 2017, Zadornov stopped treatment.

Biography Mikhail Zadornov

His mother Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova (1909–2003) came from an old Polish noble family, father - Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov (1909–1992) - famous Soviet writer, Honored Cultural Worker of the Latvian SSR.

Maternal grandfather full name whom Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich was a nobleman. He's finished military school in Dinaburg, from 1903 he was a tsarist officer, spent three years in the Gulag, and in the 1960s became an accountant after courses.

Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova (nee Pokorno-Matusevich; 1909-2003) - was born in Maykop, Polish by nationality, came from the old Polish gentry family of the Pokorno-Matusevichs and the Olizarovsky family, famous in Rus', which dates back to King Stefan Batory, She was married twice, her first husband was a ministerial worker; in 1930, Mikhail Zadornov’s elder half-brother, Lolliy, was born. My mother worked as a proofreader for a Ufa newspaper, and met her second husband at work.

Graduated from Riga high school No. 10. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at department 204 “Aerospace Thermal Engineering” as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

He began his literary activity in 1974.

In the 1970-1980s, Zadornov - artistic director, stage director and actor of the MAI student theater "Russia".

In 1984-1985 - head of the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth".

At the age of 70, the famous satirist writer and humorist Mikhail Zadornov passed away. A year ago he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. At the end of November 2016, he was operated on in Germany, but the treatment did not bring desired result. When further chemotherapy did not bring relief, the satirist turned to the “biotherapist” Leo Shah, and a few days before his death he renounced paganism and accepted the Orthodox faith.

Brain tumors annually amaze about 250 thousand people, accounting for about 2% of all cancer cases.

The most common of these is glioblastoma (malignant glioma), accounting for 52% of all primary brain tumors. The five-year survival rate of patients with brain cancer over the past 40 years has increased from 22.4% to 35%.

Causes of most tumors unknown. Risk factors include infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, exposure to vinyl chloride gas and ionizing radiation, and neurofibromatosis, a hereditary disease characterized by the appearance of tumors of the skin and internal organs.

In March 2017, 63 researchers from 20 institutes based on data from 30 thousand patients allocated 13 new DNA loci associated with an increased risk of developing glioma, including five for glioblastoma. Previously, 13 more loci were discovered. Such data makes it possible, using genetic analysis, to determine how susceptible a patient is to the appearance of a particular type of tumor and, thanks to early diagnosis, to significantly increase his chances of successful treatment.

“Thanks to a large sample, we were able to establish for the first time whether the development of certain tumors depends on genetic factors,”

- the researchers note.

In 2015, a 60-year-old Spanish woman suddenly became religious and stated that she had communicated with the Virgin Mary herself.

Previously, the woman, who was not particularly religious, spent hours studying the Bible and other sacred books. Close friends and relatives suggested that the woman could be experiencing depression in this way - at that time she was taking care of a relative suffering from cancer. However, MRI results revealed several affected areas in the brain. A biopsy showed that the patient had glioblastoma.

“There was no other reason for the sudden change of views other than illness. So this is definitely a pathological phenomenon,” the doctors note.

Since the tumor was already too large for surgery, the patient was offered chemotherapy and antipsychotic drugs. After five weeks, the religious visions gradually disappeared. It was not possible to save the woman - two months later she suffered a stroke, and another six months later she died.

Most in an efficient way treatment is considered to be a combination of several methods: radiation therapy or chemotherapy with surgical removal of the tumor (however, due to the location and size of the brain tumor, it is often impossible to remove it), as well as with immunotherapy, the purpose of which may be to strengthen the body’s own immune response to malignant tumors and increase sensitivity cancer cells to medications. "Gazeta.Ru" has previously talked about the latest ways treatment and diagnosis of brain cancer and other types of cancer.

Timely diagnosis plays an important role in successful cancer treatment. In June 2017, scientists found a way to predict tumor development five years before the first symptoms appear.

They identified 277 cytokines (molecules associated with the regulation of immunity), a decrease in the amount of which in a blood sample indicates an increased risk of tumor development.

They also identified a number of cytokines directly associated with the development of glioma.

Mikhail Zadornov is a popular satirist who was known and loved not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Zadornov's monologues have always been topical, full of subtle irony, and their heroes are perfectly recognizable in everyday life, therefore, all the satirist’s speeches invariably scattered into quotes, attracted many spectators and were a great success.

When did the career of this bright satirist begin and what was his path to big stage? Our article, which is entirely dedicated to one of the best comedians on the modern Russian stage, will help you find out all this.

Family, childhood and youth

Mikhail Zadornov was born in the Latvian resort city of Jurmala. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, was a writer specializing primarily in historical topics. Mom - Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich - came from an old noble family and was a housewife.

While still at school, the future satirist began to get seriously interested in theater. As some of his acquaintances claimed, in one of the children's performances young Mikhail He performed the role of the turnip so masterfully that he was pulled out again for an encore. The next role was a costumed bear in the production of Ostrovsky’s “A Profitable Place” - his character had no words, but Mikhail growled so convincingly that he was invited to the drama club on a permanent basis.

Despite his success in the acting field, after school Mikhail Zadornov decided to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, since there was a good handball team there, and the future satirist was fascinated by this game. early years. However, his further sports career did not work out - one day during training he fell and broke his meniscus.

Creative path

Your debut literary work(unpublished story “Intersection Point”) Zadornov wrote at the age of 18, having been on an expedition to the Kuril Islands (the plot was based on impressions from the trip). Alas, the story did not impress the editors of the magazine and was not published.

In 1969, Zadornov transferred to the second year of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which he graduated in 1974 with a diploma in mechanical engineering, simultaneously receiving an offer from management to remain at MAI as an employee. Mikhail agreed, but rather not because of the prospects of becoming a researcher, but for the sake of the youth theater “Russia” at the Moscow Aviation Institute, to which he devoted a significant part of his student years: he was an actor, he himself acted as a playwright and director. Under his leadership, the theater gained fame in Soviet republics and was awarded with a prize Lenin Komsomol. Mikhail Zadornov’s life was connected with “Russia” until 1980.

Zadornov's first publications were published in 1974. The satirist was published within the Yunost magazine, and in 1984 he headed its satire and humor department. However, already in 1985 he left his post, devoting himself to his own literary career.

Zadornov's first performance. "Student's Letter Home" (1982)

In 1982, Zadornov made his debut on television with the monologue “A Student’s Letter Home” about the misadventures of an unlucky student. Two years later, he appeared on the program “Around Laughter” with the monologue “The Ninth Car”. It was this life sketch about how two carriages with the same number were mistakenly attached to the next train to Hungary, which later became business card Zadornova.

Mikhail Zadornov – “The Ninth Car” (1984)

The audience also fell in love with the bold (at that time) monologue “Open Letter to the Secretary General” - about the preparation of the leadership of a small town for the visit Secretary General USSR. The very fact that this work, full of pointed satire, was voiced from a television screen signaled changes in the socio-political life of the country. However, the feuilleton firmly settled in Zadornov’s repertoire and still sounded just as relevant even after many years.

In the late eighties, Mikhail Zadornov began working as the author of humorous texts for other artists. Many people performed his monologues famous comedians, including Evgeny Petrosyan, and Zadornov himself regularly shared new observations with his characteristic irony in new issues of “Funny Panorama”, “Full House” and “Satirical Forecast”.

Mikhail Zadornov on the differences between Americans and Russians

In 1988, Zadornov’s first collection of stories, “A Line 15 Thousand Meters Long,” was released as part of the anthology “The Crocodile Library.” The following collection, “The Mystery of the Blue Planet,” was published with a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

A unique indicator of the artist’s popularity was the fact that on December 31, 1991, it was Mikhail Zadornov, and not Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet assumed presidential powers in place of Mikhail Gorbachev, who congratulated the residents of the collapsed state on the New Year.

Despite the fact that in his speeches the comedian often “attached” the country’s leadership and the president himself, this did not prevent him from getting an apartment in the “nomenklatura” building on Osennaya Street, where Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, the head of the presidential security Alexander Korzhakov and other high-ranking officials lived officials. The fact is that the satirist often played tennis with Yeltsin and managed to make a good impression on the president.

In the nineties, he also tried himself as a screenwriter and film actor. One of the most famous works Zadornov became the film “I Want Your Husband”, filmed in 1992 according to his own script. There were only three actors in the film; In addition to Mikhail Nikolaevich, Ekaterina Voronina and Anna Dubrovskaya were involved in the filming. According to the plot, a young beauty Oksana appears to a woman named Elena, who is preparing to celebrate a porcelain wedding, and offers to buy out Elena’s husband, who, as it turns out, has already cheated on his wife. for many years. Recognizable “Zadorn” dialogues and a subtly conveyed imprint of a bygone era ensured the film recognition and love from the audience.

A year earlier, he also appeared in the Latvian production “Depression” with cameo role official, as well as in Viktor Sergeev’s film “Genius” (cameo).

1997 was marked by the release of a four-volume book, which included the best works of the satirist at that time. Since 2000, every year Zadornov presented to the public at least two or three new concert programs. He invariably went on stage in a suit and with papers in his hands, and after the concert he showed the audience his stretching, doing the splits, or walking on his hands. His performance schedule was, without exaggeration, crazy: he once had to give as many as 8 concerts in one day.

"American Stupidity" (2016)

In the early 2000s, the leitmotif of Zadornov’s speeches became “American” themes. Zadornov’s signature phrase “Well, stupid!” and is still heard today. After a scandal involving discrimination against the Russian Olympic team at winter games In 2002, in Salt Lake City, the satirist demonstratively canceled his American visa. Subsequently, “amateur etymology” appeared in his repertoire, as well as frequent criticism Russian education, the Unified State Examination and the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko in particular.

Mikhail Zadornov about the Unified State Exam and education reform

In 2012, Mikhail Zadornov shot the pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost story", which was later shown by the REN-TV channel. The film told about the confrontation between supporters of the “Norman theory” and those who argued that the Vikings could not rule Russia. His work was criticized, claiming that recent years It was precisely this pseudo-historical and openly politicized approach that began to prevail in the work of the pop satirist.

Film by Mikhail Zadornov “Rurik. Lost story"

Since the beginning of the 2010s, Zadornov has maintained contact with fans of his work via the Internet. In addition to the official website, the satirist maintained a blog on LiveJournal, a channel on Youtube (Zador TV) and his own VKontakte page. Quite a large part of the satirist’s repertoire consisted of so-called “observations” - notes from life sent by readers.

In 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and Dmitry Kolchin became co-hosts of the original satirical program “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show”. On air, the hosts and guests joked about real-life incidents.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

In his life, Mikhail Zadornov was officially married only once. His wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician, studied at the same school with him, then was his classmate at the Moscow Aviation Institute. A beautiful and intelligent girl knew her worth, and therefore Mikhail had to win her heart for a long time. The young people dated for a long time, and in the spring of 1971 they got married.

Relationships in the young family went wrong during the period when the artist’s career began to rapidly gain momentum. At this moment, Mikhail Zadornov began dating Elena Bombina - he met a girl who was 16 years younger than the satirist at one of his performances (she was an administrator at that festival) in the late 80s.

Subsequently, she became his common-law wife. In 1990, Mikhail and Elena gave birth to a daughter, Elena Zadornova, Zadornov’s only child. Having inherited her father's artistic genes, she graduated Russian Academy theater arts (RATI).

In 1998, Mikhail Zadornov, once a drinker, became a vegetarian and began to actively promote a healthy lifestyle, in particular yoga. The satirist more than once spoke about his choice in the style of “amateur etymology”: “Meat in English sounds like meat: me (me) + eat (eat”), that is, “eat yourself.” In addition, it has been proven that human DNA and pig DNA are largely similar, which means pork kebabs obviously won’t do you any good.”

Zadornov also spoke about supporting the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement, which promotes the ideology of so-called “family estates” - plots of land measuring at least a hectare on which members of one family can arrange their home in accordance with the rules of the eco-community.

Death of Mikhail Zadornov

In the fall of 2016, Mikhail Zadornov admitted to having serious health problems, due to which he had to leave the “Saltykov-Shchedrin Show” program and cancel concerts in far corners of the country. He did not advertise the name of the disease, but very soon Andrei Malakhov in his program accidentally declassified the satirist’s illness - it turned out that Zadornov had brain cancer. Mikhail Nikolaevich did not deny the information, but asked fans not to make a fuss, adding that he was undergoing chemotherapy and was trying to follow the precepts of Daria Dontsova: “The main thing is not to give up and keep yourself in good shape!”

On October 23, Mikhail Zadornov became ill during a performance at the Meridian Palace of Culture. He was taken by ambulance straight from the concert. Doctors recorded the man having an epileptic seizure due to nervousness.

At the beginning of 2017, Regina Dubovitskaya spoke about the satirist’s condition, saying that Zadornov had undergone a serious operation and had a long course of treatment ahead of him. “He really wants to return to the audience and delight his fans with books,” she added.

Unfortunately, the treatment did not help, nor did the conversion to the Orthodox faith (in early November, Mikhail received unction in the capital’s church Life-Giving Trinity). On November 10, 2017, Mikhail Zadornov passed away. He was 69 years old.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov ordered to be buried in his homeland, in the same grave with his father, and to support the Riga library named after Nikolai Zadornov.

Comments have been closed on Zadornov’s VKontakte page, where in the last months of his life fans of the satirist left him thousands of wishes for recovery and warm words of support. His secret concert is also located there - in the Capercaillie's Nest. The group of fans of his work continues to function. On November 15, Mikhail Nikolaevich was buried at the Jaundubulti cemetery in Jurmala.


Mikhail Zadornov (date of birth and death - 07/21/1948 - 11/10/2017) - a man who lived with humor and could cheer up everyone. But Zadornov was rich in more than just jokes. He has many talents in his arsenal: writer, actor, playwright, author of hypotheses, husband, father and grandfather, a favorite of the public. For everyone around the artist, the death of Mikhail Zadornov was not a surprise, but it became a painful loss. Why did Mikhail Zadornov die? was not a secret.

Mikhail Zadornov biography and death

The future great humorist was born in the city of Jurmala (Latvia) on July 21, 1948 in the family of the writer Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov. He first appeared on stage at the age of 4, performing minor role. As Zadornov himself recalled: “While playing “Turnip,” I realized that the stage was my calling. The audience understood this and shouted for me to go on stage again.” IN high school Misha created a miniature theater, which he managed himself. After school I entered college and received an engineering degree.

In 1974, while a student, together with his classmates he created the Rossiya Theater. The artist writes scripts for performances and comes up with stage characters. In the same year he tried himself as a writer, and from his pen the work “Open Letter to the Secretary General” was published. For creative activity was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

In 1982, Zadornov made his debut on television with the humorous monologue “Letter Home from a Student.” But the performance did not bring him fame; luck smiled two years later, after his performance in the “Around the World” program. Afterwards he becomes editor-in-chief of the humorous newspaper “Yunost”, after a year of work the artist goes to television and hosts the television programs “Full House” and “Funny Panorama”. In the late 90s, Mikhail collaborated with Evgeny Petrosyan, for whom he composed numbers.

Mikhail Zadornov was not afraid to joke about politicians and ridiculed the illiterate speech of the country’s leaders, creating the whole project “Mr. Daduda.” Despite the political humor, on the New Year 1992 Mikhail found the honor of saying congratulatory words, instead of the head of state.

Personal life

Zadornov's first wife was a former classmate Velta Yanovna Kalnberzin . The couple married in 1971. However, school love passed life paths began to diverge and they decide to leave, having been married for only a few years. In the 80s, Mikhail begins to show signs of attention to his administrator, Elena Vladimirovna Bombina. Soon the courtship develops into serious relationship, despite the age difference of as much as 16 years, and the couple gets married.In 1990, the couple had a daughter, Elena, who at the moment lives in Malta and is building a career as an actress.

Rumor has it that the satirist began an affair with actress Marina Orlova. Since 2013, the couple has been connected not only by business, but also by personal relationships.

Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich: cause of death

Mikhail Zadornov, at 69 years old, could freely do the splits, walk on his hands or do 50 push-ups! He said that his health was nothing short of heroic, and his illness didn’t bother him either. He was actively involved in sports, had a wonderful appearance, at 69 years old, looked 50.

At one of the many concerts that the artist regularly gave, he becomes ill. Usually Mikhail steadfastly endured poor health, but now there was something serious. It was decided to pause the performance and provide first aid to the satirist. The decision was extremely difficult, however, to Zadornov’s surprise, the audience treated him with understanding and gave him a standing ovation. The ambulance rushed quickly and gave an injection, but Mikhail did not go to the hospital, citing improved health: “I’d rather go home.” These were the first bells indicating a serious illness.

October 2016 became fatal for the Zadornov family. Mikhail was diagnosed with a fatal disease - a brain tumor. On October 12, the artist officially announced his illness, so it was no secret what disease Mikhail Zadornov might die from. “The date of death is not far off,” the doctors said. The artist said that some concerts will be cancelled, but he is not giving up his creative activity.

On the 22nd of the same month, an accident occurred during the satirist’s performance. Zadornov had an epileptic seizure on stage, it could have been the day of Mikhail Zadornov’s death, but the doctors saved the comedian’s life.

After which the satirist, full of strength and hope, goes to undergo chemotherapy in Germany. However, after a while, he suspends it, citing the exhausting effect and the uselessness of the procedure as such. The artist prefers to be with family and friends and enjoy life.

The last years have been extremely busy for Mikhail. For example, he converted to Orthodoxy, even though he had been a neo-pagan all his life. He also published the book “Russians are a brain explosion!”, which contains 3 plays of different nature based on personal experience and Zadornov’s observations, seasoned with his signature sparkling humor.

Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich: funeral, date of death

Mikhail Zadornov died on November 10, 2017, the disease turned out to be stronger. This is how the best die. Doctors wrote down the date of death of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov and the cause - a cancerous tumor in both hemispheres. Yuri Lukinsky, a close friend of Zadornov, speaks of him this way: “I have known Mikhail for more than 20 years. I have always admired his talent, humor, behavior on stage, and determination. When Mikhail Zadornov died, I didn’t believe it. How could such a person die so early?! At what age did Mikhail Zadornov die? How did his death occur? He was in the prime of his life. This swipe for all of us. Kingdom of heaven, eternal memory to him!”

Where is Mikhail Zadornov buried?

The satirist was buried in the Riga Alexander Nevsky Church, not far from Jurmala. Carry out in last path All the people closest to him and hundreds of fans from all over the country came together. The parents of Mikhail Zadornovo rest in the Jurmala cemetery, where he was also buried.