Belan Dmitry singer bald. Latest news about the death of Dima Bilan - true or false

Details Created: 08/18/2016 17:48 Updated: 09/29/2017 22:51

Dima Bilan - popular and very charming Russian singer, actor, and simply a talented person. Below you will find out all the details of the star’s personal life, his biography and see interesting photos.


According to sources, the date of birth of the star is December 24, 1981 in the small village of Moskovsky (Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug of the RSFSR). Nationality - Russian (although some claim he has eastern roots due to his unusual appearance). Received the name at birth - Victor Nikolaevich Belan. Then, over time (in 2008), Victor will change his stage name - Dima, because in his interviews he has repeatedly stated that he always wanted to be called Dimka, like his beloved grandfather.

Father in his youth and now

The boy was born into a family of ordinary workers. Father (Nikolai) worked all his life as an engineer and mechanic, and mother (Nina) cared for plants in greenhouses, and then became a social worker. Dima is not the only child, he has sisters: the eldest Elena (born in 1980) and the youngest Anya (born around 1994). Today, Elena is married (husband Gennady Zimin) and successfully works as a fashion designer, and the youngest Anya now lives in America, plays music and even records songs and films videos.

Little sister Anya

Dima's childhood was like that of ordinary children. The only fact is that when Vitya was little, parents and children often changed their place of residence. First they moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and a few years later to the city of Maisky and the boy had to change friends all the time.

Dima as a child with his sister Elena

When Dimka was in the 5th grade, his parents decided to send him to music school (he studied the accordion), especially since the boy really liked it. While at school, the little artist already begins to take part in various competitions, where he receives his first awards. After graduation, he submits documents to music school named after. Gnessins, and three years later he enters GITIS to study.



According to the media, a breakthrough in the aspiring singer’s career was the fact that MTV Russia launched his first video clip for the song “Autumn.” The filming was sponsored by Dima's producer, Elena Kan.

Video clip for the song "Autumn"

Then he acts as a contestant in the “New Wave” project (2002) and takes an honorable 4th place. First, the young singer works with Yuri Aizenshpis (his producer), shoots many videos, and records singles. A pAfter the death of his beloved producer, he had some conflicts with the new director and the recording studio, but the scandal was soon hushed up.

At the "New Wave" competition

Big role in career young singer took part in international competition"Eurovision".At first he tried to get into the competition in 2005, but in the qualifying round he took 2nd place (Natalia Podolskaya was ahead of him). Then, in 2006, he tried his luck for the second time and received the coveted ticket to the Eurovision final. But here, he was unsuccessful again, because he took second place (he was ahead of the Finnish group Lordi). Then, in 2008, Bilan tried his luck for the third time and still took 1st place with the song “Believe”.

"Believe" Video

Thus, according to the media, he becomes the first contestant to bring victory to Russia at Eurovision (before and after that, no one has yet managed to repeat his feat).He tried to conquer the Eurovision stage for the fourth time in 2012 (this time paired with Yulia Volkova), but again did not pass the qualifying round (took 2nd place).


Bilan has earned many awards (he has so many that it’s hard to count), because he is a truly talented guy. Albums:

2003 - "I'm a night hooligan";

2004 - “On the shore of the sky”;

2006 - “Time is a River”;

2008 - “Against the rules”;

"I'm a night hooligan"

2009 - "Believe";

2011 - “The Dreamer”;


2013 - “Reach”;

2014 - "Alien";

2015 - "Don't be silent."

"Don't be silent"

Singles that won the hearts of millions of TV viewers:

  • "Never Let You Go" (2006);
  • "Believe" (2008);
  • "Dancing Lady" (2009);
  • "Catch my colorful dreams" (2012).

"Catch my colorful dreams"

He voiced one of the characters (Hans) in the cartoon "Frozen" (2013). He also proved himself as an actor. Starred in the following films: " Star Vacation" And " Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (2007); "Golden Key" (2009); "Theater of the Absurd" (2011); "Hero" (2016).In 2017, a film with his participation, “Midshipmen IV,” will be released.

Trailer for the film "Hero"

Interesting facts

His height is approximately 182 centimeters, and weight is about 75 kilograms. Glamor magazine has named him Men of the Year several times. According to the media, the singer is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and soon plans to become a space tourist. The star has two names, because for his fans he always remains Dima, and for his parents - Victor.

The star loves active recreation, as well as communicating with friends in nature. Also, according to sources, Dima loves to eat delicious food and therefore independently practices in the kitchen (cooks with soul).

Personal life

Dima has always been an enviable groom and a favorite of women. Many spread dirty gossip that he was gay, and all because of the scandal with the rapper Timati (he accused Dima of using drugs and hinted that he was gay). But this is just gossip, and the singer himself has a weakness for beauties.

According to the media, he had a long affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. They dated for many years, but it never came to marriage.

Dima with Lena Kuletskaya photo

And then, new rumors appeared about his love affairs with another model Yulianna Krylova. But Dima reassured the fans, saying that they were just friends.

with Yulianna Krylova

Then she was replaced by a model Adelina Sharipova. In 2012, he was credited with an affair with singer Yulia Volkova, which did not last long.

with Adelina Sharipova

There were also rumors that Bilan dated for a long time with a simple girl Inna Andreeva (trainer for therapeutic exercises). Allegedly, Bilan’s older sister personally shared this information with journalists. The artist did not tell the press anything about her, because she is not from show business. For the popular creative person, according to his producer, an ordinary girl from the people is not suitable as a wife (it must be a star), otherwise the public will not understand such a relationship.

with Yulia Volkova

According to sources, today Bilan’s heart is free, but his wife and children are absent. The celebrity claims that his girlfriend should be faithful, bright, dynamic, understand his profession, give him freedom and be a mystery to him all her life. He really dreams of having his own children, but hasn’t found one yet the ideal woman with whom I would like to start a family. In one of the interviews, he stated that his busy work schedule does not allow him to create a real family and he would not want his chosen one to feel lonely because of his profession. Therefore, starting a family is postponed until the future.

Name: Dima Bilan

Age: 36 years old

Place of birth: Ust-Dzhegut, Karachay-Cherkessia

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: Russian singer

Marital status: not married

Dima Bilan - biography

You can go on and on towards your goal for years, resulting in momentary fame, and then into history. And our hero is like the chosen one. Whether it’s a matter of talent or a lucky coincidence of circumstances, the fact remains: Dima Bilan pleases us more and more.

Dima Bilan - Little Kabardian

The future singer was born exactly at midnight on December 24 in the town of Ust-Dzheguta, in Karachay-Cherkessia. My father worked as a mechanic and design engineer, my mother worked in greenhouses and in the social service. Their daughter Lena grew up, and then the long-awaited son appeared - he was named Victor. Soon the family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria. Vitya went to school there, and at the age of 11 he began studying music. Parents did not give special significance the nascent talent and did not immediately send their son to a music school. But literally from the very beginning of his studies, success fell upon him!

Dima Bilan's first success

He participated in all local competitions and festivals, and if he did not win, he was different and memorable. After graduating from music school in accordion class, Victor went to Moscow. There, in 1999, at the Chunga-Changa children's creativity festival, at the beginning of it creative biography the first success happened: Vitya Belan received a diploma from the hands of Joseph Kobzon himself! The boy was not going to stop there, so he stayed in the capital and entered the Gnessin School. Three years of study - and here it is, the long-awaited qualification in vocal performer!

In his third year at Gnesinka, Vitya met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. Yuri saw a star in the guy and decided to see what would happen if he took him seriously. He told Vita to take a pseudonym - they decided to call the project “Dima Bilan”. Dmitry is the name of Vita’s grandfather; the boy liked it all his life. He began to perform under it. To begin with, I took 4th place at the New Wave competition in 2002, and then, as if from under a factory machine, songs, videos, projects began to appear...

Popularity in the biography of Dima Bilan grew exponentially. In the fall of 2005, he was nominated for an MTV award as the best Russian performer. And then, at the very peak of his ward’s fame, Yuri Aizenshpis died. Dima received an award, and later another one, but the producer was no longer with him.

The contract with the company owned by Aizenshpis was terminated and they demanded that he not perform under that name. The country could have been left without Dima Bilan, whom everyone loved so much. But then it appeared. Taking Bilan under her wing, she helped solve the problem with the name. In order not to change the promoted brand “Dima Bilan”, she advised me to register this name at the registry office as my real name, according to my passport. Now the singer could easily perform under it further - both in Russia and, as planned by the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya, abroad.

Dima Bilan first at Eurovision

In 2006, Dima Bilan went to conquer Eurovision. His famous number for the song “Never let you go” is not remembered except by babies. Then, at Eurovision 2006 in Athens, Bilan performed his signature jump from the piano, which later became his business card. But victory was still not given: the Europeans liked the Finnish group Lordi more. In the end - second place. But Dima is not one of those who gives up easily! After waiting another year, he again goes to the most prestigious song competition in Europe.

At that time, the popularity of figure skating was growing with all its might. After the success of Russian athletes at the Olympics in Turin, a real boom began in our country! The creative Rudkovskaya played on this. To perform at Eurovision 2008, she decided to involve the brightest among the skaters -. It’s a win-win option, because the Olympic champion was well known and loved in Europe. And as a musical addition, Yana invited the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton. With such a company they decided to conquer capricious Europe. This time no one could stand in the way of the glorious team! Bilan was declared the winner, placing the Ukrainian Ani Lorak a step lower.

Biography of Dima Bilan's personal life: I'm getting married, oh, I'm getting married!

Europe was taken. The treasured microphone was in Dima’s hands, he literally became a national hero, because before him, none of the domestic performers had won this competition! The ladies staged a real hunt for the eligible groom. But Dima promised reporters that he would marry his girlfriend. According to rumors, his chosen one, model Lena Kuletskaya, had been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time, and it was promised to her if she won Eurovision. But time passed, and no offer was received.

Their common path diverged into different paths; more and more often at social events, Lena was noticed in the company of other men. Soon Dima and Lena announced their breakup. And then it turned out that the romance was not real: the couple only portrayed the relationship and everything that happened was nothing more than a PR stunt. After this, Dima began to carefully hide his personal life. This did not stop journalists: they wrote with all their might about his wedding and even put up photographs of the couple in the attire of the bride and groom. It turned out that it was a duck again: in this form, pseudo-wife Yulia Sarkisova starred in Bilan’s video “The Hours”. In fact, she has both a billionaire husband and children.

There are many beauties hanging around who work with him, star in his videos, and Dima is credited with having an affair with almost every one of them. And he even supposedly has a wife - Anna Moshkovich. But he shrugs it off and insists that his heart is free. He seems to enjoy the role of being the favorite of women.

When Dima turned 30, he realized that it would be nice to pass on his experience and light up a couple of stars. He became a mentor for the television project “The Voice” with adult performers. After just a couple of seasons, I realized that it was more interesting to work with children, and became firmly established among the mentors of the children’s “Voice.” He turned out to be a sensitive teacher and psychologist no matter what! Who would have thought that 10 years later the boy jumping out of the piano would turn out to be a real example for future stars, becoming not only a mentor for them, but also a friend!

Dima Bilan is one of the brightest pop performers on the Russian stage. Some people openly envy him and are ready to remove him from the star Olympus at any cost, while others adore him without exaggeration. Stars like him are always in the public eye, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a lot of gossip and speculation around. The information that the singer is seriously ill haunts Dima’s fans, and they want to know if everything is fine with their pet’s health. What happened to your favorite singer in reality, and what is the latest news about Dima Bilan in 2017, we invite you to find out.


A favorite of millions of fans not only in Russia, but also abroad, Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the small village of Moskovsky. WITH early childhood little boy Vita (that’s what his mom and dad called him) liked the name Dima. He was able to realize his dream only in 2008. It was then that he changed his real name to a stage name.

The Belans moved to Naberezhnye Chelny when the future artist was one year old. After just five years, they lived in the Russian town of Maisky, Kabardino-Balkaria. His talent began to manifest itself early, even when he participated in music competitions. When the smart and talented boy was a fifth-grader, he also wanted to become a student at the local music school in order to learn how to play the accordion virtuoso. One of the brightest performances was at International festival"Chunga-Changa." As the artist now recalls, then he received his diploma from the hands of the legendary Joseph Kobzon himself.

In 2000 future star became a happy student at the Gnessin School. Three years later, he successfully graduated and was already holding the long-awaited diploma in his hands. Later, the graduate decided to continue his studies and entered GITIS. So Dima became a student at the acting department.

Creative life

The year 2000 was special for the artist, since it was then that his first video clip was broadcast on MTV Russia. It was a work for the song “Autumn”. The beautiful video was filmed on the picturesque shore of the Gulf of Finland.

While still a young student, Dima was lucky enough to meet his future producer talented Yuri Aizenshpis. He immediately recognized real talent in the boy and therefore began working with him without hesitation. Bilan’s debut took place on “New Wave” in 2002. Then he performed with the song “Boom” and was named fourth among the best. After the competition itself, filming of a video clip for the same song began. Afterwards, the clips “I am a night hooligan”, “I was wrong, I got in” and others were filmed and later became favorites for millions of fans.

It’s interesting that one of the best video clips, “I Love You So Much,” stars Igor Krutoy’s daughter Vika. Another interesting point that fans immediately noticed was his imitation of his stage colleague Danko. This was precisely during the collaboration with Aizenshpis.

The young man’s first album is called “I am a night hooligan.” The year of release was 2003. A year later there was a re-release, which included four new songs. Another year later, the artist pleased his fans with the release of his new brainchild - the album “On the Shore of the Sky”.

In the same year, which can be called truly successful for the singer, the single “ New Year from a new line." It only had three tracks.

After the death of the first producer, the star of the Russian pop scene was nominated for the popular World Music Awards as the best Russian artist. After Dima Bilan was left without a producer, he often received interesting offers to sign a contract.

In 2006, the artist could be left without his creative pseudonym for the reason that the head of the company, Aizenshpis’ wife, demanded that he change his pseudonym. This conflict, thanks in part to the efforts of the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya, was successfully resolved two years later. Thus, the name of the singer Dima Bilan became his official pseudonym.

Millions of people fell in love with the star's work of different ages. We can say that Dima really basked in the glory. It is noteworthy that a year later it was he who was named “Singer of the Year”.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the participation of the public’s favorite at Eurovision. He made his first attempt to participate in this song competition back in 2005, but then, according to the final results of audience voting, he lost to one of popular singers Russian stage. The singer did not stop there and just one year later he won the vote. Among thirty-seven countries, the representative of Russia was named second with the song “Never Let You Go”.

In 2008, the purposeful singer again became a Eurovision participant. With a very strong composition “Believe” the artist was named the winner of the song competition. It is important to note that he is the only representative of his country who managed to receive the palm at Eurovision.

Secrets of personal life

This part of the life of popular people is always of interest to fans. Sometimes fans manage to find out the truth, and sometimes they only guess how their favorite lives. In the latter case, it often happens that a lot of speculation and false information arises.

They also talked a lot about Dima’s romance with the Russian model Lena Kuletskaya. They promised to get married for a couple of years, but the wedding never took place.

And one day the young people even announced that their union existed only for PR. Although, after a while, the artist still said that he and his ex-lover disseminated such information because of the intrusiveness of the paparazzi, which did not allow him to live normally.

Later, Dima was often seen with the famous model Yulianna Krylova. This girl starred in his “Safety” video. Moreover, she participated in quite explicit scenes. Previously, Lena Kuletskaya starred in similar fragments. This also gave reason to think about a possible personal connection between young people. Although, according to Dima himself, he and Julianna are only friends. By the way, it will also be interesting to know about the connection

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Biography, life story of Dima Bilan

Bilan Dima Nikolaevich is a Russian singer.

About the name

The real name of the performer is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. The sonorous and memorable pseudonym was taken at the very beginning of the singer’s career, and in the summer of 2008 Dima changed all his documents and officially became Dima Viktorovich Bilan.


Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981. His childhood was spent in Karachay-Cherkessia, and when Dima was one year old, the whole family, consisting of four people, moved to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in the Republic of Tatarstan to live with his grandmother.

“There I went to kindergarten with my sister, but unlike her, I didn’t appear there often, since there was a wonderful opportunity to stay at home. My madly loving grandmother looked with tenderness at my tricks, for which I had to stand in the corner in the garden!”.

It was at this time that everyone noticed the extraordinary musical abilities boy. At the age of six, Dima and his family moved again, but this time to Kabardino-Balkaria, where he and his sister went to school. There he took part in celebrations, where he read poetry and sang songs.

“And in the second grade I received my first applause... in the school cafeteria during lunch: in the midst of a big break, I suddenly stood up and sang “The Beautiful Is Far Away.” Gradually the noise died down and even those whom I had just bullied stared at me with their mouths open. The song ended and after a second pause the silence was broken by applause.”.

Music school

A few months later, a teacher from a local music school came to the class with a request to audition the students. Delighted with Dima’s performance of “A Birch Tree Stood in the Field,” she declared that the boy should definitely go study music. But his parents wanted an “earthly” and in-demand profession for him, so music education It didn’t start right away. When Dima was in fifth grade, he was immediately accepted into a music school, but his parents' permission was necessary. Here my sister helped, deciding to keep up with him, and the parents had to come to terms. So Bilan began studying accordion and also became a soloist in a children's choir.


Dima's debut

Then there were children's competitions, festivals, regional concerts and other paraphernalia of a budding singer. While studying in the tenth grade, the artist first visited Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival, dedicated to children's creativity and thirty years joint activities Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov.

Dima recalled his first visit to the capital with horror: “Everything is new, unknown, no one met, cold, snow and rain, a whole day of wandering looking for the address of the festival”. The ten-day program was filled with excitement, meetings and joyful experiences. Dima received his diploma from the hands, after which he had to return home. But a month later, on the eve of 1999, an unexpected invitation came from the girl Alla, whom she met at the festival, to celebrate the New Year in the capital. The next trip to Moscow took place after graduating from high school and music school, when Bilan went to enter the school. Gnessins in vocal class. The aspiring singer lived with Alla for two years, but in his second year he left home to live in a dormitory. At night, the artist had to work part-time at the United Colors Of Benetton store, in the morning he had to study, and at the same time, realize his creative desires. It was a difficult period.

Meeting with Yu. Aizenshpis

While studying in my third year, at the YES! Dima and his friend and classmate (who later won the “Star Factory”) meet Yuri Aizenshpis. “I realized that this was an opportunity that could not be missed and I just started singing - they paid attention to me. Knowing that there are thousands of people like me, one way or another, Yuri Shmilevich left me his phone number.”. Later they met at the studio, where the composition “Baby” by Ilya Zudin from the group “” was used. Having sung this composition, everyone unanimously admitted that Bilan has extraordinary talent. The next stage was Jurmala.

Preparation competitive program, the qualifying rounds held at Metelitsa, and the continuous work on our own material took several months. At the same time, the first of the videos for the song from new program- "Boom." Having successfully completed the qualifying rounds, Dima goes to the festival. "Jurmala", associated primarily with relaxation, became a real test of strength: there was no time for entertainment - rehearsals on stage all day long, which continued in the hotel room. The result of a stubborn struggle was fourth place.

In the fall, recording of the material continued - a full-fledged concert program was needed. The first video and songs had already appeared on television, but the success needed to be developed. The song recorded at that time and the video “Night Hooligan” filmed take Bilan to a new level creative career. This song most accurately reflects state of mind artist at that time and it was after her that Dima began to be recognized. The work became more and more intense: by the final exams in Gnesinka there were already three videos behind me: “Boom”, “Night Hooligan” and “You, Only You”. The singer came to the last exam straight from the set of his fourth video, “I was wrong, I got it.” In 2003, Dima graduated from the Gnessin School. In the summer of 2004, at a ceremony, he received a diploma from People's Artist USSR and, deciding not to stop there, enters GITIS immediately as a second-year student at the acting department.


The summer of 2003 was spent traveling around for concerts. resort towns together with the group " ". While in Jurmala as a special guest, the artist began filming his new romantic video for the song “I Love You So Much” with the participation of his daughter Vika.

Presentation of "Night Hooligan"

At the end of October 2003, the presentation of the singer’s debut album “I am a night hooligan” took place at the “Harlekino” entertainment complex. The entire program was performed live with the participation of the "Chamber Lux" group. The disc featured compositions within the framework of popular music with elements of R&B and 2Step, as well as songs already known and loved by listeners. " ", " ", " ", " " appeared on stage that evening, and there was also powerful dance support from the "Capture Group". There was also a duet between Dima and the young R&B singer Darina. They sang a joint song, “I Can’t Live Without You,” for which they later filmed a video. Immediately after participating in the “Fear Factor” program in Argentina, where Bilan had to ride a bicycle at a 40-meter height on a thin cable, and then eat strawberries “in the company of flies,” the filming of a video for the song “Mulatto” followed, which took place in at the end of March 2004 at an abandoned elevator near the Savelovsky station.

Already in the summer of 2004, Dima Bilan went to Venice, where they filmed a video for the lyrical composition “On the Shore of the Sky.” The filming took place with the participation of foreign professionals, including the Italian cameraman Giannenrico Bianchi and main character- girls named Jari (Yari). Yuri Shmilevich also took part in the filming of the video. After “working days,” the singer flew to Turkey for a well-deserved rest.

And in September 2004, Dima made his debut in advertising. He starred in a Tele2 video: he played a student chatting on his cell phone right during a lecture. The video turned out cool. By the way, the advert features the incendiary “Mulatto”.

Second presentation

On October 14, 2004, the presentation of the second album “On the Shore of the Sky” took place at Night Club Infiniti. Participated in the recording of this album foreign composers Shaun Escoffery, as well as Diane Warren, who at that time had been working with world stars of the first magnitude for more than 20 years, including: Whitney Houston, and many others. She is the author of the legendary ballad Un-break My Heart, performed by, and the super hit I Don`t Want To Miss A Thing. Bilan himself acted as the author of two songs, “Water, Sand” and “Like Romeo.” Gathered at the party huge amount VIP guests: , Marat Safin, Pavel Bure, " ", (as they say, she arrived “from the ship to the ball” - immediately after filming " The last hero"), " ", and Otar Kushanashvili, naturally, "dynamites" and many, many others.


Under the leadership of Yu.Sh. Aizenshpis, who foresaw the release of the English-language album, Dima begins collaboration with Mr. English, the largest school English language in Russia. “We are not standing still and are already preparing the launching pad for the future world release, which, I hope, is just around the corner. I would like to say a huge thank you to the Mr.English company, namely to the Alchinov family (especially Yanochka)”. It was Yana who played main role in Dima's video "Congratulations!"

A few months later, filming began for the artist’s next video for the hit song “You Should Be Nearby.” Gosha Toidze, director of the video, together with Vlad Opelyants created new style in Russian music video making. All efforts were not in vain, because the video and track “You Should Be Nearby” soared to the first positions of the national charts. After successful rotation of the song, many offers began to come from television and radio channels. In the spring alone, the artist starred for a photo shoot in such glossy magazines as Cosmopolitan, Elle, FHM, and Atmosphere. The filming lasted two days; special sets were built for the video in a pavilion at the Mosfilm film studio. At this time, Dima begins to collaborate and becomes the face of La Scala Fashion Group and Franck Provost. In the world of Russian show business, a fuss has begun in preparation for Eurovision 2005. Having won the qualifying rounds, Bilan successfully makes it to the finals. According to the professional jury, it was Dima who took first place, but according to the results of SMS voting it turned out that he was surpassed by several points, which subsequently represented Russia at the finals in Kyiv. Dima took part in several festivals, despite the busy tour schedule across Russia. One of the significant events was the Five Stars festival. Among its organizers are the most rated channels: “First”, “Russia”, MTV Russia and, in addition, popular radio stations in Russia provided support: “Russian Radio” and “Europe Plus”. Bilan had the honor of being the festival's guest of honor. But time goes by, you can’t live on festivals alone – it was necessary to engage in creativity. Therefore, after talking with Yuri Shmilevich, we decided that it was time to shoot a new video.

The song was chosen right away, betting on the track “As I Wanted.” Filming took place in Panama, the budget was huge, at least by Russian standards. The director was Gosha Toidze, and the cameraman was Vlad Opelyants. The video turned out “crazy”; thanks to joint efforts, this song quickly entered the hot tracklists of Russian radio stations.

After a business trip to Panama, literally a few days later, Dima was invited to film a new reality show on Channel One. The show, called Empire, was filmed in Poland, near Warsaw. The participants included: famous people, like Shandybin, Apeksimova, etc. Everyone was divided into rich and poor. At the very first competition, Bilan managed to beat everyone and receive the status of a king, but a few days later, thanks to his “political skill,” Dima again ended up among the poor. “In general, this could have gone on for a long time, but I decided that intrigue was not my thing, and together I decided to leave and return home. Moreover, there are still a lot of things to do at home for which there is not enough time...”.

On September 20, 2005, at the age of 61, Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis died of a heart attack. “I am grateful to Yuri Shmilevich for everything he did for me. It was great man and producer. He played a huge role in my life and work.”.

Triumph on MTV

On September 21, the MTV Russian Music Awards ceremony took place on Vasilyevsky Spusk. Bilan received two awards - as best performer and artist of the year. After the show, the singer performed on Zamoskvoretsky Bridge, where he sang all his hits. In conclusion, Dima performed the Russian anthem along with other artists. A few days later, the DVD “You, Only You” was released, containing two presentations of the artist’s albums, clips, photographs and interviews.

In October, Dima took part in the Heart of Africa program. There he acted as an expert. Forgetting to take preventive vaccinations against tropical diseases and the consequences of insect bites, Dima left for the show. But everything worked out and the singer returned happy with the trip. On November 3, Bilan left for Lisbon to represent Russia at the Europe Music Awards. In December 2005, Dima received two golden gramophones in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song “You Should Be Nearby.” On the set of “New Songs about the Main Thing,” he received the Channel One Grand Prix from the professional jury.

The fact that Dima became the person of the year (according to Rambler) in the field of show business indicates that they voted for him greatest number Human. At the end of the year, he received an invitation from an American company to voice tracks for the musical "Peter Pan". Also in December, a video for the lyrical composition “I Remember You” was shot in the Botanical Garden. The video turned out fabulous and magical, which corresponds to the New Year's atmosphere.

The year 2005 for Dima Bilan became both triumphant and sad in his career. Therefore, the third album, the presentation of which took place in April 2006, was dedicated to the first Russian producer Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis.

On March 14, 2006 in Kyiv, Dima Bilan took part in the International music award"Golden Organ", where he received the award as performer of the year. It was there that the fiery song Never Let You Go was first performed.”

After the sudden death of Yuri Aizenshpis, many production centers offered Bilan very attractive terms of cooperation. After thinking for some time, Dima decided to work with.

Between 2003 and 2014, Dima Bilan released eight solo albums. Each of the singer's records was highly appreciated by both critics and his loyal fans. In parallel with recording songs and filming videos, Dima never forgot to actively participate in public life - he often appeared at various social events, magnificent receptions, competitions, festivals and other events. It’s amazing how, despite being so busy, Bilan still managed to delight his fans with concerts.


In March 2006, the Eurovision organizing committee in Russia chose Dima Bilan to represent the country and defend its honor at the world song contest in Athens. Bilan performed with dignity in front of millions of eyes, performing the song Never Let You Go, and took an honorable second place.

In 2008, Dima Bilan again decided to try his hand at Eurovision. The competition took place in Belgrade (Serbia). The pop singer amazed the jury and audience with the song Believe. According to the voting results, Dima won. He became the first Russian artist in history to take first place at Eurovision.

Personal life

In the early 2000s, Dima maintained a very close relationship with model Elena Kuletskaya. The artist even talked about a wedding, but the wedding never took place. A little later, by the way, she told the press that Lena and Dima’s romance was just a PR stunt, nothing more. True, Kuletskaya herself, even after these words from the producer, continued to insist that Bilan had romantic feelings for her, however, she herself was seriously attracted to him.

In 2012, information leaked to the media that Dima Bilan began dating. The couple repeatedly appeared together at public events, they publicly kissed and hugged. However, almost no one believed in the sincerity of their feelings - at the same time, Bilan actively collaborated, recorded joint singles, so, most likely, this novel was fictitious.

Today’s article will tell our readers about the life of a popular Russian performer. Dima Bilan and his work are interesting to many listeners of different ages. We will describe a success story - how a simple boy managed to conquer Russian show business.

The singer gained greatest fame after winning the international song competition in 2008. This can really be called a breakthrough point in a musical career - before that, performers from Russian Federation did not win such honorary titles. In order not to mark time, let’s begin to consider the biography and other aspects of Dima’s life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

Before the story life path of this or that star, many admirers will be interested in learning some data about appearance. Of course, sometimes it’s enough to look at photos on the Internet, but the most sophisticated fans want to know what the singer’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Dima Bilan, music lovers may ask. We asked - we answer. The performer's approximate height is 181 centimeters, and his weight is just over 73 kilograms. Relatively recently, the news read something like this: “Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, reasons.” A little later, the singer himself said that this was due to a stomach disease, which was overcome thanks to treatment.

Last December, Dima Bilan celebrated his 36th birthday. There is no particular point in comparing photos in his youth and now - he is still young. The only thing that can be studied is how Dima Bilan’s style changed in different periods of his life.

Biography of Dima Bilan

The biography of Dima Bilan begins in 1981, in a small town in Karachay-Cherkessia. It is noteworthy that at birth, the future singer received the name Victor Belan. Father Nikolai worked as an engineer, and mother Nina worked in social spheres.

Dima's first musical inclinations began to appear back in early age. Already, being in the fifth grade, he begins studying at music school. He successfully completes it, learning to play the accordion. Of course various competitions, where you can show your talent, Dima is not ignored. In 1999, he goes to Moscow, where he participates in a children's festival. The certificate of honor was presented to the future singer by Joseph Kobzon himself, which was a serious achievement for the young talent.

After receiving secondary education, Dima continues his studies at the State Music College. Everything went well, and after receiving his diploma, he also studies acting at GITIS.

Real music career begins after Bilan meets Yuri Aizenshpis. At that time, he was quite a popular producer. By the way, it was after his recommendation that the singer took the pseudonym by which he is still known. Collaboration with a music manager brought fourth place in the competition “ New Wave" 2003 was marked by the release of the singer’s debut album, which was called “I am a Night Hooligan.” After some time, the compositions gained some popularity in the Russian Federation. Of course, with the advent of new works, interest in Dima is only fueled.

The next album, released in 2004, was warmly received by critics and the public, and radio stations began broadcasting them. The fall of 2005 was marked by tragedy - Yuri died. Dima began to receive a large number of invitations from other producers. It is noteworthy that until 2008, the conflict with Aizenshpis’ company over the brand continued. But everything was resolved peacefully, and the singer changed his name in his passport - since then, Dima Bilan is no longer a creative pseudonym.

The next manager was Yana Rudkovskaya. This tandem also brought positive results - two Golden Gramophone awards in 2006. Musical compositions are gaining more and more popularity, and clips are appearing on TV channels.

Surprisingly, every new song- a new hit. Separately, it is worth noting “Dreamers” - this single was loved by the majority of Russians. 2009 – new album. This is now an English-language work recorded in Miami. A large number of awards only cemented the success.

Several times in a row, Dima Bilan tried to get into Eurovision. In 2006, he received second place, and two years later he won the victory. This was an event for the entire Russian show business - no other performer had achieved such success. In addition to the presented song Believe, the audience saw an unforgettable ice performance.

Since 2012, the singer has taken on the role of jury in the popular TV show “The Voice”. This is a fairly successful project in Russia. In 2016, the performer performed at “New Wave” - the musical number turned out to be one of the best.

In the same year, Victoria Daineko and our hero voiced the main characters in the film “Trolls”. The premiere of the work attracted a large number of spectators and admirers. It is noteworthy that Dima Bilan has proven himself well in cinema.

In 2017, various rumors began to appear, allegedly Dima Bilan had cancer or even died. The fans were made nervous by photographs where the changed figure was clearly visible. A little later, the singer himself spoke about health problems.

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? Is he dying?

We dare to repeat that in 2017, the singer made his fans worry. It all got to the point where the headlines were saying the following: “ Latest news 2017. Dima Bilan has cancer.” Is he dying? – questions poured in from fans. The yellow publications even started talking about death, saying that we would no longer see our beloved singer. As soon as official information appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It is known that doctors found several hernias in Dima’s spine, which pinched the nerves and caused discomfort. It all came down to the fact that the performer could not do basic things. Fortunately, thanks to medicine and a long course of treatment, the disease was overcome and Dima Bilan returned to duty. After his illness, by the way, he changed his image - a shaved head and formal clothes. The media assessed this as a challenge for those who spread rumors about a fatal disease and irreparable loss.

The singer notes that after such trials, he began to take care of his own health. In addition, he supports healthy eating and continues to delight fans with new music.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

Of course, Dima Bilan’s personal life cannot go unnoticed, especially for the female part of his fans. For a long time, the singer had an affair with Elena Kuletskaya, to whom he promised to propose if he won an international competition. However, there was no wedding, and the young people, after a short time, separated.

Now it is impossible to say for sure whether he is a member of any romantic relationships Dima Bilan. He often appears in front of cameras with various representatives of show business, and fans are already rushing to “create” a romance. The most famous rumors are about Julia Lima, who performed songs with Dima for some time. The performer himself does not comment on his personal life.

As is already becoming clear, the press could not leave it like that, and published several publications about the “unconventionality” of the singer. Again, he simply ignores such statements. Fans are waiting for Dima to choose the lady of his heart and get married.

Dima Bilan's family

As for famous relatives, the singer had no creative roots. Therefore, Dima Bilan's family had almost no connection with art. Of course, family trips to the movies or listening to music cannot be ruled out. But already in school years, he became seriously interested in this type of creativity and began to develop in in this direction. As we can judge now, the singer made the right choice.

The father of the future performer was a mechanic, and by education he was a design engineer. Mom was engaged in greenhouse farming, and later went to social sphere. Also, Dima Bilan has two sisters. The eldest Elena is a fashion designer by training. After the wedding, I decided to keep a double surname. The younger sister, born in 1994, was named Anna.

Children of Dima Bilan

As you already understand, it is pointless to talk about this topic - at at the moment, the singer was not even married. This situation haunts most fans, and from various angles. Some create unjustified rumors, others doubt Dima Bilan's orientation.

He himself does not comment on his personal life, but from his words one can understand that the singer strives to develop and try himself in various creative manifestations. Therefore, fans are looking forward to Dima Bilan’s children being born. We recommend following official news and not believing various rumors that have no basis.

Dima Bilan's wife

When the conversation comes about who Dima Bilan’s future wife is, various disputes arise. Some time ago, all the newspapers were talking about the upcoming wedding of the singer and model Elena Kuletskaya. However, the young people never legalized their relationship. Many even began to doubt whether there was an affair at all. Fans suspected that all this was to attract attention to their own personalities and PR.

After breaking up with Elena, fans attributed a huge number of affairs to the singer - as soon as new photographs appeared on the Internet. Some even claim that Dima has returned to his former lover. It is not possible to say this for sure - the Eurovision winner avoids questions about his public life in every possible way.

Photo of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery

It is difficult to find a famous person who openly admits to using the services of a plastic surgeon. The first reason to think about whether today's hero had plastic surgery– comparison of youth photographs. Fans immediately noticed the “surgical” marks. In particular, many note the changed shape of the nose, which has only improved.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the singer used the services of surgeons and changed his appearance. Therefore, a comparison of photos of Dima Bilan “before and after plastic surgery” - favorite activity a certain circle of fans who follow the life of the star in every possible way.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia are extremely popular. In the first case, more than two million people subscribed to the singer’s page. The free encyclopedia contains a huge amount of information about life and his work. In particular, you can study the extensive list of awards that Dim Bilan received for his musical talents.