Gypsy fortune telling cards. Secrets of gypsy fortune tellers

Gypsy fairies from ancient times perform one of the most typical professions of the Roma - divination. Fortune telling by cards is a popular method of fortune telling. The second, less popular one is fortune telling. The application of knowledge and personal observations of human behavior in the profession is gypsy magic.

Gypsy fortune telling is one of the most ancient and mysterious ways to reveal the secrets of your destiny.

Magic and fortune telling - a way to earn money

Gypsies earned money (and in some camps continue to earn money) by telling fortunes “on request” and by telling fortunes on cards (photos or using a mirror), predicting the future by hand. Such gypsy magic, as well as gypsy spells, were the main way to support the family. In camps, this was the traditional task of women.

Gypsy cards

No one fully knows the history of the origin of the cards; no one has been able to solve the mystery. The origin is shrouded in the darkness of mystery. Tarot or gypsy cards migrated to Europe along with the caravans of gypsies and spread around the world, predicting the future for people. The rules of fortune telling and divination by cards are an ancient pastime of gypsies and require knowledge of many rules. According to tradition, the mother passed on the secrets of the profession to her daughter. Gypsy women pass on the art of divination from generation to generation; fortune telling and predictions play an important role in their lives. They contain great magic of words. In order to predict the future, gypsies use Tarot cards, which appeared in Europe at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Initially they served to play, but gradually became fortune-telling. The first mention of the decision to use cards as fortune-telling comes from 1886 in Florence. There is an opinion that fortune telling was part of the gypsy traditions. The deck of gypsy cards consists of 36 cards and one white, their secret is unknown, like the secret of the Lenormand cards.

The interesting thing is that the cards are not numbered or marked with other relative symbols. You can store it in any order. Each gypsy card has a name.

With the help of gypsy fortune-telling, you can look into your future, as well as clarify for yourself many points in relationships, including love ones.

The interpretation of tarot reading depends on the context of all the cards, their orientation and their location, they have specific features interpretations. Everything is important here:

  • card image details;
  • symbolic meaning;
  • elements visible on the map;
  • colors;
  • setting the form;
  • The use of space is an important element in understanding these maps.

Traditional playing cards are used to create a solitaire game that answers specific questions. Gypsy magic and the effectiveness of fortune telling depend on the success and professionalism of the gypsy woman, and on the suggestibility of the person to whom the prophecy relates.

Gypsy women should not have many decks of cards, early ones are classic cards, in later times - hand-painted cards, which Gypsy fortune tellers still use today. The images on the gypsy cards are not difficult to read; it is worth looking closely at the scenes depicted on them. Gypsy cards speak for themselves.

Highly skilled fortune tellers use their observations, psychological knowledge, as well as the abilities of borderline telepathy and hypnosis in their work.


Gypsy fortune tellers know the art of preparing aphrodisiacs, the so-called love potion. Herbal decoctions act on the placebo principle; those who believe in them will be helped. Sometimes herbs have an effective effect on the entire body. The work is based on the well-known medicinal properties of plants used in folk medicine.

The most famous love potion is the root of grandma's grass. Gypsies prepare it as follows:

  1. Clears the earth.
  2. The roots are washed and cut into pieces.
  3. Only a small bud is left from the above-ground green part.

Various gypsy spells helped to lift the spell and expel the disease from the body. For this purpose they used magical methods of treatment. Lizard droppings were used to heal wounds, and milk from nine mares was used as a cure for snake venom.

Gypsy superstitions - what brings misfortune?

Roma superstitions represent a code of rules for undesirable behavior.

  1. When leaving the house early in the morning, it was necessary to carefully look at the shoes so as not to put the shoe on the wrong foot. Otherwise, you will not be lucky, the day will not be successful and you may end up in an unpleasant situation.
  2. If a gypsy meets a red-haired man traveling on a horse on his way, he can be sure that great happiness will soon meet him.
  3. After sunset you cannot whistle or look in the mirror.
  4. Do not bring an empty bucket through the front door of your tent or house in the morning. If such a need urgently arises, then add back side tents.
  5. Gypsy children are given three names, one of which is known only by one mother. This is protection from demons. Since, having learned the name of a person, demons can bring him madness or misfortune.
  6. All family members of the deceased come to say goodbye to the dead. They tell him goodbye and apologize for any conflicts. If this is not done, the spirit of the dead will return and take revenge.
  7. It is important to place wax in the nose of the deceased. If this is not done, the demon may enter the body of the deceased and cause harm to the living.

Gypsy camps full of color and music roam the length and breadth of the country many times. The oriental beauty of the gypsies and their way of life have always aroused curiosity and fear among the Slavs. No one knew the magic of fortune telling as well as the gypsy fairies dressed in colorful skirts. Where there was mystery, the accuracy of their predictions was unusual. We still don't know all the secrets of this beautiful nation, but it's worth paying attention to their manners and listening to what they tell us. Many researchers of Roma cultural heritage say that numerous superstitions operated and continue to operate there.


Animals are perceived by gypsies as precursors of happiness or unhappiness. Gypsy love magic interprets the appearance of a bat as a help and means of revenge (revenge). Adding some mouse particles to soup can cause blindness.

Romals attach great value animals are believed to have a soul. Many of them bring happiness. One of them is a lizard, which is supposed to wake up the sleeping gypsy if a poisonous snake approaches him. Killing lizards will bring bad luck and bad luck in business. Likewise, killing birds leads to the death of the children of the person who committed this act. A major natural disaster can be caused by killing frogs - heavy rains and thunderstorms.

Horses were traditionally significant in the life and culture of most Gypsies.

It is a bad sign for gypsies to hear the hoot of an owl - a symbol of the dead. They believe it is a harbinger of death. The howling of a dog, a crow sitting on the roof of a house, or a horse neighing has a similar meaning. For a change, finding the dry body of a dead bat means bringing happiness into the house and it is a symbol that there will soon be success and wealth. The dry body was kept in a bag near the house so that the wealth would not leave them.

Seeing a horse wallowing in the grass means big money coming in, profit.

Gypsy amulets

They are very popular. Their creation is associated with old traditions and the belief of the gypsies in the power of objects, as well as in magical power numbers. They help in magical rituals; gypsy spells have great power if there is an amulet. These are small simple figures or other objects. Amulets protect against:

  • natural disasters;
  • false accusations;
  • diseases;
  • love failures.

In some regions of Europe they are called little devils (little devils, imps). They are made from wax, but there are wooden and rag amulets. Often the hair of the person for whom the amulet is intended is added. Sometimes amulets have tails made from chicken feathers. The gypsies themselves rarely use such amulets, do not associate them with any faith and do not consider them as some kind of magical props: they are created for profit.

If a gypsy feels that a house or family has been jinxed, she asks the hostess to bring eggs and breaks them. This gypsy magic should ward off the evil eye from the house and ensure health and success for the home and family in it.

To ensure the safety and health of children, small linen bags were sewn into which herbs and a piece of iron were sewn. The amulet was hung around the children's necks. Another valuable amulet among the gypsies was a scarf used to tie the beards of the dead. This scarf was supposed to guarantee safety and protect its owner from false accusations and persecution.

How to fight the evil eye?

Gypsy magic determines that the first symptom of the evil eye is a headache. To help such a person, you need to lick her forehead three times, and then throw a charred piece of wood into a bucket of water. If it swims out, then this is the first sign that the pain was provoked by the evil eye.

  1. In this case, you need to take three needles and fold them into a triangle so that the beginning of one enters the ear of the other.
  2. Then pour the water from the bucket into another vessel over the triangle of needles.
  3. Pour water at a road intersection.

Gypsy magic recommends another way to cleanse and get rid of magic and the evil eye - to carry a piece of red cloth with you. To this day, very often, not only gypsies, but also other nationalities, tie a red ribbon to a baby stroller to protect the child from the “evil eye.”

Gypsy fortune telling with stones

Gypsies have always believed in the supernatural significance of crystals, precious and semi-precious stones. They carried them with them and used them to predict the future. Anyone can tell fortunes for themselves just like the gypsies. Simply draw a circle on the table or ground and follow the instructions.

IN lately It is becoming more and more popular to use precious and semi-precious stones to enhance mood, to reduce pain, to “conjure up reality.” There is a lot of literature on the market that describes in detail, step by step, how and which minerals to use according to your desires and needs.

Gypsy fortune telling with stones is the oldest on earth.

For many years, our image of gypsies has been associated with gold and silver, with bracelets and necklaces, gold coins (especially as decorative jewelry) and a large number of silver and gold rings on the fingers. This is a correct picture, especially if we are talking about gypsies in a past life, they wanted to show other people their wealth and tried to impress. Even today, when gypsies are less conspicuous and look like a jewelry store window, they keep all their gold and money to themselves. The reason is simple - they don't trust banks. After all, anyone who is not a gypsy will never earn the trust of a gypsy... That is why for many years they carry all their property with them. But we must not forget that this is a nation of wanderers. Their constant nomadic life even today makes it impossible to predict where and nearby which ATM they will stop at. Therefore, they feel more confident and secure if all their assets are with them. And it doesn’t matter in what form: banknotes, coins, jewelry.

Stones and crystals

In practice, the gypsies used 12 types of stones. Because the prices for some were too high, they used substitutes, such as quartz instead of diamond, amber instead of topaz.

  • A circle with a diameter of about forty-five centimeters is drawn on the ground or table.
  • In addition, you need to find a simple stone and place it between twelve others, which will serve you for fortune telling. It will function as a significator (Latin pointer).
  • The client or you yourself must pick up all thirteen stones, shake them and throw them onto the surface of the drawn circle.
  • If the significator stone flies out of the circle, you must throw the stones again.
  • If the significator stone falls outside the circle for the second time, you must refrain from divination for the next twenty-four hours.

Stones are interpreted according to their relative positions and their position relative to the significator. How the stones are interpreted depends on the person reading the message. If the significator falls side by side with a ruby ​​and close to topaz, then the person reading the stones can say that precautions should be taken (topaz), under the influence of a stranger (ruby). You should also be careful when dealing with a person born under the sign of Cancer.

The stones should be read according to their position relative to each other and according to the influence they have on each other. The place that the stones occupy on the surface of the circle gives us a count, but also determines the time of the onset of the action. The closer to the middle of the circle, the closer the expiration date. Near the very edge of the circle - the more distant future the prediction has.

The pace of life of the gypsies is different from ours. Therefore, events occurring in the near future (stones in the center of the circle) can occur within a year. We, who live fast, demand that events happen immediately. It must be remembered that gypsy fortune-telling is their climate, their way of life, and their hour of accomplishment.

Brief characteristics of stones necessary for gypsy fortune telling

It is a pure form of carbon, crystal clear with a beautiful shine. Brings happiness if worn on the left side of the body. The stone is associated with the zodiac sign - Aries. Diamond symbolizes strength, courage, bravery, as well as intuition and foresight. If a pregnant woman wears it around her neck, she will provide happy birth child. Gypsies believe that a diamond loses its shine and purity if it is touched by the hands of a traitor. In fortune telling, it predicts success in business and well-being.

The diamond is considered a symbol of will and strength; legends say that it can make a person invincible; this version was also adhered to by the great commander Napoleon, who carried a large diamond with him during his campaigns.

A noble stone, a variety of beryllium, but different from it beautiful green. Closely associated with Taurus. Emerald is good for vision and memory. According to the wisdom of the gypsies, a stone given to a loved one turns pale and cloudy when love passes. In fortune telling, it is a symbol of mystery and secrets.

The main task of the emerald is to fight the bad inclinations of the owner: infidelity, deceit.

It is sometimes called Scottish crystal. This is semi gem, covered with brown or dark red stripes, and sometimes green and blue. Closely associated with people born under the astrological sign of Gemini. Agate brings good luck to farmers, foresters, gardeners and all people connected with the earth. Gives strength to the heart and cures snake bites.

In gypsy fortune telling, agate means a pleasant surprise, a surprise.

Agate is credited with the ability to harmonize the environment.

Considered by some to be the most valuable of all gemstones. The corundum variety, like sapphire, is different in color but just as gorgeous. Rubies are commonly believed to be blood red in color, but the color can range from pink to deep purple. This stone is for Cancer. Rubies are useful in case of poisoning (used after the event). They help get rid of bad thoughts and depression. They bring happiness and friendship. In gypsy fortune telling, ruby ​​means the influence of strangers on a person.

For many centuries, ruby ​​has helped people cope with various diseases.

A variety of chalcedony with dark red and white or white and dark brown strokes arranged in stripes. Closely associated with people born under the sign of Leo. Protects against snake bites and also brings good luck to married couples. IN gypsy fortune telling means a wedding in the near future, although not necessarily of the person to whom the fortune is told.

Sardonyx is a stone of strong and passionate people. It helps to win any battle, gives courage, protects against blues and defeatist thoughts, and attracts dizzying love.

A noble stone of pure cornflower blue color. A stone for those born under the sign of Virgo. Brings peace, optimism and happiness to lovers. Helps well with inflammation of the eyes, attracts success and good luck. In gypsy fortune telling, it means that the evil done by a person in the past comes back to him.

One of the purest and calmest stones, it is considered a symbol of the boundless sky, stimulating a person to philosophical reflection and contemplation of beauty.

The stone is milky in color, but under the light it turns into all the colors of the rainbow. Stone for Libra. For other zodiac signs, the stone is unlucky, especially if it is in a wedding ring. Gypsies say that in this case the marriage will never be made in heaven. For people born under the sign of Libra, the stone bestows the power of clairvoyance. The surface of the stone will become cloudy if the stone falls into the hands of an unfaithful lover. In fortune telling, a gypsy means death - not necessarily of a person who has come to find out his fate, but of one of his closest relatives.

Opal ensures success in business, but only if the owner is a noble and decent person.

A more or less transparent gemstone of yellow or yellowish-white, blue and even pink color. Stone for Scorpio. Gypsies believe that the stone protects against lung diseases, rheumatism and asthma, and ensures fidelity in love and friendship. In gypsy magic it means that unnecessary precautions will not interfere.

Topaz was considered a stone capable of revealing secrets and revealing intrigues.

Transparent or matte stone of blue or blue-green color. Its color and brightness changes depending on the emotions and feelings of the person who wears it. Associated with the sign of Sagittarius. This stone protects against danger and misfortune. When the owner of the stone approaches the end of his earthly existence, the stone fades and takes on a very light shade. In gypsy magic, fortune telling means an upcoming trip.

Turquoise has always been considered a talisman stone. Those who went on campaigns had to stock up on a piece of this sacred material in order not to be defeated in battle.

A semi-precious stone of red or red-brown color, sometimes yellow, black or green. It brings health and provides a pleasant disposition. Associated with Capricorn. Provides protection against inflammatory diseases. In gypsy fortune telling - the arrival of news (letters, calls, conversations).

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that if you take this stone with you to the battlefield, it can protect against death and injury. Garnet can enhance the aura, creating a protective edge for its owner.

A variety of quartz that is violet, purple or lilac in color. Closely associated with Aquarius. The stone is especially popular among people who abuse alcohol. If amethyst is placed in a glass of water and left for some time (6 hours), it can cure a hangover. Lovers of fidelity in love wear the stone with pleasure. It protects against anger and envy. In addition, magic spells do not work on a person who has an amethyst. In fortune telling, amethyst means the loss of something valuable and important.

Amethyst has strong magical properties. In particular, it eliminates the addiction to alcohol; it is not for nothing that it is called “not drunk.”

Semiprecious stone dark green interspersed with red dots reminiscent of drops of blood - hence the name. It has hemostatic properties (pulse and blood pressure indicators). Associated with people born under the sign of Pisces. For centuries it has served as a protective amulet. When soldiers went to war, they took it with them. It adds courage to the owner. In fortune telling, gypsies mean the arrival of unpleasant news.

Many stones have protective properties, but they act by absorbing and neutralizing negativity. Bloodstone with a shiny, mirror-like surface returns the negative to the person from whom it came.

Regardless of whether you believe in superstitions or not, it is worth getting to know the Roma culture. And draw conclusions from folk wisdom this ancient people. Maybe this will help you avoid trouble.

I really don’t have the meaning of the cards, but I found it, maybe it will be useful for someone. The girls all say that gypsy cards always tell the truth.

From the book “Gypsy Maps. Fortune Telling" K. Bucher 2008
The meaning of the cards

All the photos are mine, I took my cards, they are the same as everyone else’s. If you wish, you can take a large photo of the card. Very interesting description, you read it like a fairy tale.


The map shows little boy with wings - “putto”, or Cupid, also known as Cupid. He is usually drawn with his eyes closed or blindfolded. Hearts flutter around him. There are drawings in which hearts also have wings. Most often depicted odd number hearts; this means that it depends only on blind chance whose heart will find a mate. In the hands of the winged putto we see a drawn bow with an arrow.

Typically there are two pink or red roses leaning towards each other on a card; this means that the reciprocity achieved in love is something intimate and secret, like the union of two roses. Since love reciprocity is usually relegated to the realm of instincts, roses are located at the bottom of the card. In many images, these roses cover Cupid's nakedness. In others, he remains completely naked or his nakedness is draped with a scarf.

In some pictures we see a cloudy sky in the background, but in the best pictures the divine boy uniting the lovers floats against the sun creating life. On the baby’s face is the smile of a wise, knowledgeable person.

In our illustration, Cupid's wings consist of peacock feathers. The peacock is a symbol of vanity and hope, and the many “peacock eyes” on the tips of the feathers are nothing more than many all-seeing and attentive eyes: although love is blind, it is impossible to hide from it.

Two roses leaning towards each other form a heart shape. Their thorny stems have become unbreakable bonds. The leaves twine around the stems like snakes, driven by the instinctive energy of love.

Z meaning of the card

This card shows the possibility of love or, conversely, the absence of such a possibility - depending on which cards it appears next to. Blind Cupid strikes at random the hearts of his victims, and we can do nothing against his divine will. We wait with reverence and fear for when this state of extraordinary aggravation of all feelings - love - will visit us.

The Love card signifies loss of judgment. We ourselves turn into a little god who decides our future fate. This card means the awakening of feelings that we ourselves did not even suspect. A sudden fatal passion flares up - and now we are already soaring in the sky, among pink cotton candy clouds.

But this card also shows that we must open up to growing feelings, without fear, surrender to unearthly euphoria, because otherwise the arrow from the bow will not hit the target, the roses will not bend towards each other and love will not come true.

According to myths, Cupid is the son of the goddess of love Venus, who patronizes the constellation Libra. We will find a similar image in Indian mythology: Kama, the god of love - the son of the goddess of beauty, love and happiness Lakshmi. Cupid's nudity is a symbol of eroticism, bodily love; it creates the appearance that - at least for a while - we have found the fullness of being in another person. Erotic, bodily attraction also finds its expression in this card.

2.King of Heart


On the card we see a man standing in a gazebo covered with roses, or next to a vase full of red roses. Roses symbolize love. A gazebo covered with roses means serene love blooming in a free, natural state, and a bouquet of roses on the table (an image of flowers forcibly placed in a vase on demand social norms) - love living under the control of morality. Therefore, it would probably be more successful to depict a man standing in a gazebo covered with roses.

The man looks to the right, towards the future. In his right hand he holds a cane or sword - a phallic symbol signifying fertility, and at the same time a symbol of masculine strength. Left hand the man presses it to his chest or holds it behind the lapel of his coat (“Napoleon’s pose”). This demonstrates his hidden due to shyness, but sincere and deep feelings that do not find expression in words.

This is the King of the Heart, or, according to the signature on other cards, the Lover. He is often depicted as a gypsy with a long mustache, dressed in red trousers and a white shirt. I love this image because it combines red, the color of the root chakra, and white, which symbolizes pure feelings. A mustache is another sign of sexuality.

On this card, next to the figure of the King of the Heart, you can often see a violin, which symbolizes a bohemian and life-loving suitor, the “first violinist,” a bard acting with the all-conquering power of music, a man expressing his love in music.

In our illustration, wild roses form wildly climbing stems that form a constantly repeating infinity sign. At the top of the picture they are intertwined in the shape of a heart, from which radiant light flows onto a man dreaming of his beloved.

The man's feet are not visible - the lover does not step on the ground.

Card meaning

When laying out cards in combination with any other cards, it means the questioner himself (if he is a man). If we lay out cards for a woman, then this card indicates her lover, husband, lover or the man who is closest to her emotionally.

At the same time, it symbolizes the masculine principle hidden within us. male strength, manifestations of masculinity (and in negative combinations - the absence of all this).

This card carries the power of the Sun. The king of the heart has neither loyalty nor infidelity; he is one of a kind, unique in his male vanity. He expects worship and gives worship in return. He gives love in exchange for love, he gives roses to receive roses. He is ready to accept his mate, the queen of hearts, or the Lover.

The appearance of the King of the Heart means some ancient, all-conquering, powerful feeling. These are emotional extremes, completeness and enormous intensity of experiences.

3.Queen of Heart


This card is traditionally called the Queen of Heart. It depicts a tall young woman wearing a skirt that is purple (the color of mysticism) or red (the color of love). She stands with her hands joined on her chest, near her heart. She often holds a letter or a rose in her hand, sometimes a rose flower is pinned on her chest.

If the picture shows a gypsy girl, then she has a wreath of roses on her head. The most famous are “two images: in one of them, a gypsy woman stands on the lawn, and a pair of kissing doves is visible in the background; in the other, a girl stands in the garden of a castle, and in the background is a statue of winged Cupid.

Both versions of the card depict a female figure whose eyes are directed to the sky, as if from there she is waiting for love to appear. Sometimes a gypsy girl holds a tambourine in her hand. Tambourine - musical instrument, used in natural magic, that is, in witchcraft. It is a symbol of rhythm and life itself. The sound of the tambourine and the tambourine itself are a means of transition from the earthly world to the other world and back.

Sometimes on this card there is also an image of a goat (sometimes in the form of an inverted pentagram hiding among the plants of the garden). This is a symbol of the devil-tempter. He has a pair of opposite images - white doves or a winged deity of love. The woman we see in the picture is influenced by these energies.

In our illustration, stems of wild roses are entwined around the pedestal of the Cupid statue - a clear reminder of the masculine principle.

The Moon, the queen of the heavenly bodies, shines above the head of the Queen of Hearts. The girl's feet are not visible, like those of her male companion; the female figure appears to be floating in the air.

Behind her is an ornament of winged branches curled into rings, like question marks: hint of doubt.

Card meaning

If we lay out cards for a woman, then in combination with any other cards, the Queen of Hearts means this woman herself. If the questioner is a man, then this card indicates his lover, wife, mistress, or the woman who is emotionally closest to him. At the same time, she symbolizes the feminine principle hidden within us. feminine power, manifestations of femininity (and in negative combinations - the absence of all this).

This card carries the power of the Moon. The queen of the heart is feminine, elegant, submissive, gentle and affectionate. She loves to be appreciated and taken care of. She gives love in exchange for love, gives roses to receive roses. She is ready to accept her mate, the king of hearts, or the Lover.

The tambourine, sometimes depicted on this card, is a musical instrument for driving out evil spirits, used in various cults, but at the same time, an indispensable accessory to the fiery love dance, so popular in countries of Latin culture. Its sound is a heartbeat, it is love itself. It shows that feminine, natural magic, or witchcraft, helps a woman and strengthens her intuition.


In all known versions of this card we see a dog lying on the grave of its owner. It is characteristic that fidelity is presented here not in the image of a couple in love, but in the image of a tamed wild animal - a dog. This is an earthly symbol of animal, instinctive, devoted fidelity, living deep in the human subconscious.

The cemetery garden turns green, with only one red rose blooming in the background. On the gravestone there is a lit lamp in the center grave cross- a rose carved from stone. Perhaps this card most clearly hints at the magical practice of the Rosicrucians (remember the tomb of Rosenkreutz!).

In some drawings, a church with open gates is visible in the distance. The dog is sometimes depicted as black, sometimes white or tan, but always with floppy ears. She rests her muzzle on her front paws, and her eyes reflect complete self-denial.

In our illustration, there is a fallen leaf next to the dog: it also symbolizes death. On the gravestone is a withered bouquet of roses: they are torn from the roots that give life, and lie in the form of a sacrificial offering on the cross carved on the tombstone.

The name of the deceased cannot be made out: any of us can rest under the grave mound; death makes no exception for anyone. On both sides the branches bow sadly weeping willow, familiar to us from the cards Death, Widower and Widow.

Card meaning

A dog lying at the grave, guarding something timeless, i.e. death, but still faithful own life, - This eternal symbol. Her loyalty to her body, to her earthly appearance, to what is just an appearance, captivates to the depths of her soul. Is it possible to find best image to express loyalty to the grave? This form of fidelity is pure sacrifice, but at the same time it is infinitely absurd. Indeed, what is the point of living, lying on the grave of a dead man, even if obeying the most sublime ideal of fidelity? And yet this loyalty evokes in us respect mixed with pity, After all, the principle itself requires self-respect - selfless loyalty. It testifies to the elevation above other desires of the soul, to enormous self-control. Who is capable of being so faithful that in his fidelity he became the master own desires and motives, he acquired great knowledge and vast experience. He learned to be true to himself.

Giving up desires, turning inward - as in the Hermit Tarot card - is putting order in our inner being and at the same time a symbol of our fidelity to our own word. The lamp, like the lamp on the Tarot card, means the truth, which the dog guards as faithfully as its owner. But waiting for resurrection at the grave is not in vain. Waiting for resurrection at the grave of the Magician is a labor that will be crowned with success. This is a rather unusual, but definitely successful way of initiation.

Perhaps the feeling expressed by the Loyalty card is best conveyed by this passage from Lörinc Szabó's poem "All for Nothing":

As long as you belong to yourself,

While everyone’s thoughts are not with me,

As long as you love in return -

You can also be a burden.

The deal will remain a deal, albeit a sacred one;

I need something else: Everything for Nothing!

The rest is two egoisms

Secret clash;

This is not enough for me: I want you to become

A part of my life.(...)

Whomever the law protects is loved

It could easily be;

Be like a beast, defenseless, persecuted,

So that I can love you.

Like a lamp that I screw on,

Don't live if I don't want to;

Be silent, don't cry, having noticed secretly

Prisons are impermanent;

And I'll make sure

So that you forgive me my tyranny.

To an outside observer, loyalty sometimes seems ridiculous, but in reality its meaning is much deeper. It is often unclear to others why a woman remains faithful to her drunkard husband, or why a husband remains faithful to his flighty wife. But their loyalty sometimes proves to be an astonishing rite of passage on the path leading to a holy goal. Sooner or later they will understand what can free them from this “hard loyalty” (to use the expression of the poet Attila József).

Dog - best friend person. This is a tamed wild animal that guards and protects our home, helps us in the hunt and dies after us when we leave for another world. Her life path- a symbol of achieving bliss through self-denial, through service to others. Being a dog is being a servant. And being a servant can also be serving Being.

5. Jealousy

The card depicts a couple in love sitting on a bench or hiding in a gazebo. In the background, in the shadow of a tree, a man in black clothes is visible, closely watching the lovers. In some images, only half of his figure is visible, and his face is hidden in the shadow of his hat. However, the lovers do not notice him among the lush green foliage, completely dissolving into each other. The woman is dressed in a long purple dress, the man in a brown frock coat. They sit or stand hand in hand, holding a bouquet of three red roses. This is a symbol love triangle, secret date. A couple in love is most often depicted in the lower right part of the card, and a shadow spying on them is in its upper left corner.

In our illustration, the branches of the tree (the tree of life), spread out at the top of the map, are devoid of leaves, naked: you cannot see through these bare branches blue sky And sunlight. The tree is not dry, not dead, but neither leaves, nor fruits, nor flowers grow on it; Jealousy is like this tree, it is also fruitless.

The loving couple and the jealous man are connected by a web of geometric patterns, similar to the edges of a crystal or lines of force. It is very difficult to escape from the network of jealousy.

Card meaning

Jealousy is nothing more than a lack of trust and mutual love. When both members of a couple are unable to love each other enough, sooner or later love degenerates into drama. However, we can be jealous not only in love; we are also jealous of success, dignity, wealth or, for example, health and beauty. These are all reflected feelings that, although they are outside of us, personally affect us because they blur the boundaries between other people and our own affairs. We feel deceived or, conversely, do not notice that with our behavior we are offending the deepest feelings of another person. In extreme cases, this can also happen intentionally (for example, when we want to make someone jealous). Although the image hints at jealousy in love, in more in a broad sense we can also be jealous of what we think is rightfully due to us - but this is achieved or possessed by a person who deserves it less than we do. This could be a better position, some quality of our loved one, a neighbor’s car, but - as can be seen in the picture - it could also be a mistress (or lover).

The Jealousy card symbolizes our fear of losing what is owed to us. But what really belongs to us never - never! - cannot be lost. There is one thing wise saying: “If you love someone, let them go! If he stays, it means he has always been yours, but if he leaves, it means he never belonged to you.”

The Jealousy card means just that: an inability to let go. Losing a partner always hurts. No less painful is the loss of a job (if we are forced to do so) or the loss of those moral values ​​that, in our opinion, are due or would be due to us according to our deserts. (The opposite situation is also possible: we receive a certain position that, in the opinion of others, we do not deserve—and this causes us to experience a moral crisis.)

However, in such situations we are never innocent. The conflict that plays out within us must be resolved by ourselves. And exactly where it plays out: in our own soul.

The love of a woman dressed in a mystical purple dress and a man whose brown robe symbolizes earthly reality happens in reality, here and now, before our eyes. However, the fears of the man in black spying on them do not exist in this period of time: they project imaginary feelings of the past into the future. These are just mind games. The man in black has nothing to look for anymore where a new love was born, but he is drawn there by his own fear, humiliation and jealousy. He did not notice the conflict in time and is now faced with the painful fact: he was cheated on. The jealous man is a pitiful figure, but the lovers whom he hunts down are also worthy of pity, because they were unable to let go of the jealous man, to free him from his bonds.

Of course, the figures in this picture are not arranged randomly. The Jealousy card teaches us to be aware of our fears and distinguish appearances from substance. Depending on the layout of the cards, the questioner can identify himself not only with the deceived man, but also with all three figures depicted in the picture!


The card shows a kneeling bride and groom; we see them in profile, they stretch out their hands to each other, and the priest blesses them, raising his hands to the sky. On the altar you can often see the image of God's Eye, which is also present on the Constancy card. Above the priest’s head is a cross, behind his back is an altar on which candles are burning: one on the right and on the left (in some drawings, two). In the bride’s hand is the same indispensable bouquet of roses, which appears on almost every gypsy card. Often the color of the bouquet is white; it serves as a symbol of pure, divine love. In some drawings, the altar is decorated with a figurine of a winged cupid (another symbol of love). Other drawings depict a pair of doves at the feet of lovers, the same as on the Vest card. However, in their beaks they do not hold letters, but wedding rings bride and groom.

On this card, figures from familiar cards have come together quite often: the Priest, the Queen of the Heart (Lover), the King of the Heart (The Lover), Love, News, Constancy.

In our illustration, the groom - like the Lover - presses his hand to his heart. But his gaze is no longer looking for his beloved in the world of fantasy and desires: love has reached reciprocity, and the lovers’ gazes are directed at each other. On their faces there is hope for a happy future.

There are four candles burning in the picture: they are reminiscent of the four pillars on which the world stands (just like the four poles supporting the canopy of the cart on the Journey map). We do not see the Priest’s face: his personality is insignificant, he plays the role of a spiritual unifier. He addresses not the audience, but the bride and groom and the eye of God.

Card meaning

This card, which combines many other cards, can only mean one thing: a superior union. It does not necessarily indicate marriage, because nowadays not every strong, long-term union is sealed with a loud “yes!” during a church ceremony. First of all, this card speaks of a love affair, the possibility of long-term love relationship. But not only about that.

True meaning cards - connection. She confidently reports that all the necessary conditions are present for the desired result. It symbolizes the achievement of a great goal.

I don’t like to draw parallels between the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the gypsy cards, because we are dealing with two completely different systems. But the goal of both systems is ultimately the same. Therefore, many cards may resemble each other, although not completely. In the Tarot deck, this card corresponds to the World card. On the Wedding card we see not just the union of the Lover and the Lover in the face of the Priest. This is a cosmic union in which all the elements, that is, a group of symbols, come together to merge and become something more. The Wedding card depicts a cosmic wedding. In other schools, such as the Rosicrucian tradition, this process is also called the alchemical wedding, during which the philosopher's stone is born.

This card is an encounter with our divine essence. On it, a man and a woman, two principles of being, unite, and in this unity they suddenly realize their infinity. Their mentor - the Priest - acts only as an intermediary between them, but does not interfere in the process; he only gives his blessing. The four candles on the altar symbolize the stability of the world on all three levels. Four candles are four elements, four cardinal directions and three levels: body, spirit and soul (that is, wax, wick and flame). There is divine unity on the altar: this is the eye, which is also depicted on the Permanence card. The winged angel in the form of Cupid is divine grace that guides our destiny. The cross that leads to God if you follow his path - of course, not only christian symbol. The connecting rings symbolize the infinite existence of the material world, but the newlywed couple - although they put on the rings, as they put on a bodily shell at birth - is now able to escape from this trap of infinity. The whole picture is closed in a triangle. The triangle is an analogy of the Holy Trinity, divine unity.

This card is of great importance not only in matters related to love or the wedding itself, but also in resolving any issues on which our fate depends.

It means the inevitable, voluntary, in favorable cases - desirable, necessary acceptance of any mission. In the spiritual Sense, it means an accomplishment that provides the opportunity for enlightenment, but by no means a guarantee of success. Just like getting married does not guarantee a person’s happiness. This card is a message about the possibility of achieving a higher level of being. It may mean merging into one, the path leading to bliss, but going on this path does not mean reaching the goal. After all, the traveler himself is the path he follows.

The Wedding card also conceals the legitimate possibility of a physical - and at the same time, of course, a mental, spiritual - marriage union. On the physical level, marriage means having sex, which occurs with the blessing of the church. Perhaps they will degenerate into primitive “marital duties”, or perhaps they will release powerful forces within you and show you the wonders of the Universe. The opportunity is given, but it is up to the newlyweds how they use it. Marriage is not only responsibility, but also joy.


The card shows a rocking cradle, and in it is a calmly lying baby. Behind the cradle they often draw an open window, from which beautiful green distances are visible. The child's eyes are wide open, he is not sleeping, he is awake and open to the world. His cradle stands in the very center of the picture, at the point of harmony. A carved or painted rose is visible on the cradle. It is impossible to determine the sex of the child: the baby is lying under a blanket or in diapers. In some images, a cross hangs on the wall, as if to protect against evil and damage. Baby's diaper or blanket - white, which symbolizes innocence, the “lamb of God.” In modern images, there are toys around the child, but they are not a necessary part of the picture. At this age, the baby needs only the mother and mother's milk, and does not need anything else.

In our illustration, a star is shining through an open window. The star motif is also repeated by the shape of the carpet under the cradle: the heavenly star and the earthly star - the baby, the divine child - are connected by rays of light. The curtains are fully open: nothing stands in the way of possibilities.

Card meaning

The cradle is a symbol of the beginning of life, of everything new that has not yet begun to develop. She also personifies plans and plans. Thus, the card signifies not only birth, but also the mystery of birth. An open window also says a lot. Its quadrangular shape symbolizes the newborn, who is trapped in the prison of the body, but at the same time in the realm of possibilities that this body provides. The baby can still freely look into the world left outside the window. A window is also an openness to the world, a gateway to opportunity.

The blanket symbolizes security. In the picture, of course, there are also roses, which mean that someday this child will become a lover, traveler, warrior, widower. Now it contains all the possibilities.

The Child card means our children - both those already born and those who are yet to be born. If we don’t have children or if this card comes to us in a different combination, then it symbolizes moral, non-material accumulation, elevation, preparation for the emergence of something new. It means a thing, person, being or matter that we will have to take care of, which will be in our care so that thanks to them we develop and learn

The miraculous birth of a baby is a new opportunity that is given to us for reflection. Taking care of a newborn person is a responsibility, and if it falls to us, it is a great honor for us.

A child is also a card of a person who has not yet left the state of harmony. It symbolizes the beginning of the path, the starting point, opportunities. It means growth, but not at the level of the material world. It indicates impressionability, the perception of all information without distinction, and a certain lack of independence. This card can also speak of dependence on the mother, and let’s not forget that this dependence is mutual, necessary and - in a normal case - not burdensome. The card can also mean waiting for a miracle.

If the questioner is a man, then for him the Child card means, first of all, a problem, infantility, regression. For women and girls, this card means a state of lack of feelings, a thirst for the fullness of life and the predominance of the maternal instinct. The toys on the map have no meaning because they are not part of the world of a newborn baby. He will begin to get acquainted with objects after he gets acquainted with his own body. On the map we see the inscription “Child”, but we are still talking about a baby. A baby better symbolizes a situation where both the dependent and the one on whom they depend are equally important and vital to each other.

And at the same time, this example shows that this dependence will not last until the end of time, because someday the child will get on his feet and learn to walk, and then run. And then our task will not be to keep him dependent on us, but to let him go.

When interpreting and predicting fate, this card can not only foreshadow the birth of a child or talk about our already born children, but also point to things, animals, affairs, situations that depend on us as much as a baby depends on its mother. According to some interpretations, this card can also mean gossip. But she speaks more about a naive, sincere, childish style of communication and, perhaps, about the misunderstandings that follow from it, and not about the fact that someone is deliberately spreading gossip about us.


On this card, the figure of the priest, already known to us from the Wedding card, appears again. But here the priest is the main thing character. He raises his hands for blessing, on the altar next to him are the traditional accessories of worship: a cross, candles, a bowl. Most often he is dressed like a Catholic priest. He is wearing a purple stole, symbolizing spirituality and hope. Maybe he looks like a Catholic priest because he strictly follows the order of worship. In the interior of the temple, only the altar is visible. There is a bouquet of roses on it. Often the vault under which the priest stands is supported by four columns. In some drawings above the priest’s head you can see an icon or the Eye of God (known to us from the Constancy card).

In our illustration, the bowl is a feminine symbol, and the candle flame is a masculine symbol. The marble carving of the altar repeats the image of God's eye located above the priest's head. In two vases we also see flowers symbolizing the masculine and feminine principles: roses with hard, prickly stems and delicate, virgin white lilies (flowers of the Virgin Mary). The priest is a servant of God: his feet are hidden in flowers, he seems to float in the air, his connection with the Earth is spiritual rather than physical.

Card meaning

The Priest is a symbol of the divine Self. Although I rarely have to mention the connection of the Gypsy cards with the Tarot cards, the Priest in this sense cannot be ignored. In meaning it is generally similar to the Major Arcana “High Priest”, but still has a slightly different meaning. A priest is a mentor, but also a confessor. He guards the inner sanctuary of our soul. According to the interpretation in spiritual sense he deals with the soul, or spiritual signs, internal emotional, spiritual changes. Therefore, this card indicates some fateful, karmic event that is happening or has happened in our lives.

The appearance of this card also means that the questioner has spiritual needs that arise and gain the right to exist. It can also show a moral dilemma. This card means everything that is holy, not in a religious sense, but in a spiritual sense. It expresses mercy, forgiveness, universal love, which connects a person with God - his divine self. It shows that in this situation we must fulfill our task: to find and know our divine self, the mediator hidden in our soul between this world, the prison of the spirit, and divine truth, our higher self, the divine sphere, in order to move from one world to another whenever we wish.

According to a more mundane interpretation, this card also means a reluctance to know oneself, blind faith, a tendency to succumb to deception; after all, one who does not see his destiny will not be able to learn a lesson from the test that befell him. This card helps prepare for events that we do not foresee, but only anticipate. It opens the way to salvation, to self-knowledge.

The altar is the highest ideal. The temple on the map is nothing more than the inner sanctuary of the soul, four columns - a reliable material world that supports our worldview. The icon on the altar is the highest consciousness, the presence of God. A bouquet of roses is a symbol of heavenly love, the path of Christ, the inner path, and candles are symbols of light indicating this path.

The priest on the card blesses the parishioners or performs the sacrament of communion with a cup in his hand. He serves as a mediator between this world and the other world. Its role is significant only to the extent that the blessing or sacrament achieves its purpose.

On some maps, the temple vault is supported not by four, but by two columns. The columns symbolize law and freedom. The dome, under which the sanctuary is located, where the priest stands, is depicted in the form of an arch, which guards and protects our spiritual processes from the outside world and concentrates the energy of the Universe in its center. At the same time, the Priest is just a servant. His personality doesn't matter. He is an initiate, equal to God, merged with Him, transmitting spiritual ideas.

This card indicates some transcendental, esoteric, internal event. However, we do not know whether the questioner will be able to hear, understand and fulfill the message from spiritual world, which is transmitted to us through the Priest. The querent is given an opportunity and can either become an initiate or miss his chance.

9. Consistency

On a blue or sunny yellow background, an eye is depicted looking directly at us. In the middle of the card there is a yellow circle framed in yellow or blue. The eye is most often located inside a triangle, which is enclosed in this circle. In other drawings, the eye depicted in the center is enclosed in another circle. Often this inner circle consists of clouds; it creates the impression of concentricity and movement directed from the outside in. The Eye, like the Sun, floods the entire map with its rays. In our illustration, the all-seeing eye is held by an angel, as if presenting it to the world. The angel himself, of course, has no gender. His huge wings, like rays, cover the center of the picture. The angel's eyes are covered with hair: he cannot directly see the light of pure consciousness, that is, God. He does not touch the symbol itself: pure consciousness is inviolable, even the hand of an angel cannot touch it. The angel's hair is tied with a red ribbon, which signifies dedication. The clouds that surround the eye took the form of wings, symbolizing spiritual freedom.

Card meaning

The Giant Eye is the mirror of the soul, the projection of God on the blue sky: this single card depicts the Holy Trinity and unity. This is a symbol of transcendental abilities, the third eye, clairvoyance. This map is everything and nothing; all the knowledge of the Universe is concentrated in it.

The eye, of course, is neither male nor female. Clouds surround him - a manifestation of freedom, lack of awareness and lack of will, as Osho would say. The seven-color rainbow circle means the multicolored world, simplicity and clarity, but at the same time a bridge between this world and the other world. The rainbow circle is an eternal rotation on seven levels of consciousness, and the eye is liberation from this rotation. The blue background symbolizes the sky, and the yellow background symbolizes the solar disk.

The eye - the only all-seeing eye of the Cyclops, located on the forehead - is traditionally called the third eye in Indian mythology. It cannot be seen by our other two seeing - and yet blind - eyes. But it is this eye that is truly seeing: it is the center of our spiritual perception, opening in the middle of the forehead.

This card symbolizes the gods of all religions and nations. In the field of view of the eye depicted on it, there is everything and everyone. It is important to know that this eye is in our possession. This is the questioner’s own connection with the Universe. The card indicates unity with the Universe.

In a more mundane interpretation, this card means a blessing or curse in a situation that exists in at the moment, a warning that our action will affect our entire life - our inner constancy, and we need to act consciously and at the same time using intuition. This card signifies something stable, enduring, yet intangible.

10. Big money

The card most often depicts a casket filled with money; sometimes - a bag with a large pile of coins. In modern images we also see packs paper money lying on an expensive, luxurious desk. All this is located in a richly furnished room, where money is scattered in random piles. In some other drawings, the big money is a treasure chest left in a cave. In all the images, money lies in disorderly heaps. In many drawings we see not only money, but also other treasures, mainly pearls and gold; this indicates the acquisition of wealth.

Most often, the design also depicts two candles: they are either in a double candelabra on the wall of a richly furnished room, or on the sides of a treasure chest, illuminating the glitter of gold and jewelry. The main thing in the image is that valuable and low-value things, small coins and paper money, a small gold ring and a precious ruby ​​are scattered around, and there is no system in their arrangement.

In our illustration, the treasure chest is half draped in a blanket: it is seductive, provocative, unfamiliar wealth. Behind the chest is an empty square frame without decoration: it could contain any picture, but, being empty, it means the square itself - a symbol of matter. A mouse peeked out from behind the frame, sniffing out something to eat. But here she will not find food: gold for her is useless garbage.

Card meaning

This card speaks not only about wealth. It symbolizes everything that is aimed at acquiring wealth. Therefore, if someone asks us about their career in the service (that is, not about their life path!), we also concentrate on this map. Wealth in this case means exclusively earthly goods, material, material values. This is money watered with blood and tears, earned by the sweat of the brow; they are a symbol of what is really just a fiction. Money can buy everything except true wisdom. The spiritual wealth of enlightened people cannot be obtained for money.

At the same time, the card indicates that the desire only to accumulate wealth is combined with a kind of disorder; it is a temporary, unbalanced state that is precarious and subject to fluctuations in abundance and greed.

The small is not separated from the big, the significant from the insignificant, the important from the insignificant.

In the realm of material wealth there is not enough light. It is lit only by two candles. There is no real order - there is only illusory wealth, useless, dumped in meaningless piles.

This card usually means great wealth, money, attractive vibrations of material values; however, all these are unstable things. Craving them is not very wise, but sometimes it is timely. At the same time, one cannot neglect their presence or downplay their importance, because it is very important to learn how to put your values ​​in order. To find a way out of a room symbolizing wealth, we must pick up a candle - so we cannot collect handfuls of treasures. On the other hand, candles remind us of the lack of real light.

During fortune telling, this card indicates money or large accumulation of property, career advancement, opportunities career growth. Her reciprocal value- greedy desire for money, an unrealistic dream of material wealth.

If the card is placed next to the Travel card, it also means a change in professional activity, career advancement. If it is paired with the Small Money card, then it clearly indicates money, wealth and enrichment.

Typically, this money - unless the card is surrounded by cards Unexpected joy and Luck - you have to earn it, deserve it. The Big Money card also calls for caution: after all, the light of gold easily blinds and prevents you from seeing true values.

During fortune telling, two cards appear more often than others: these are the Love and Big Money cards. The two energies that most attract the ever-rushing children of our age.

Let's not forget that this card depicts not only the energy of gold, akin to primary matter, but also diamonds and pearls refined with blood, tears and long labor. And separating one from the other is a long and difficult job.

11. Small money

The card shows a slightly open woman's handbag or wallet with small coins. Sometimes the drawing hints at the money earned by a fortune-teller or fortune-teller: on it, next to the coins, you can see a small image of the same card. If on the map Big money If there is a candle - that is, the energy of fire, the Sun and gold - then a woman’s handbag or a woman’s portrait appears on the Small Money card.

In good images we see money lying on dressing table with mirror; next to them is a cameo in the form of a shell or a powder compact, sometimes a string of pearls. The coins here are not made of gold, but of silver, a lunar metal. The Small Money is lying in disarray on the table, just like the Big Money in most of the images.

On a table with a mirror - in the illusory kingdom of Maya, in the world of appearance - there are silver coins surrounded by “feminine” objects. They do not mean true wealth. This is just a pale reflection of it, a faint reflection, like the reflection of the Moon in a lake.

In our illustration, a porcelain figurine standing on a table stretches its hands to the sky in a prayerful gesture of the ancient priestesses of the Moon.

The oval mirror and string of pearls also contain lunar energy.

Card meaning

This card symbolizes the silver of the Moon. If Big money means the gold of the Sun, then Small money means silver, saturated with lunar, feminine vibrations. In India, silver is considered the adornment of the poor; in the Arab world it is worn by men in order to balance and harmonize the masculine principle with the help of the feminine principle. The Small Money Card means the acquisition of wealth that requires or required a lot of work, but with which pure, uncomplicated energy is associated.

This card carries the power of water. Like everything connected with water, it indicates a certain flow, a process. This Small Money may not be much, but its influx seems to be constant. For men, a card can mean a woman’s help in financial matters, especially if it lies next to women’s cards; to a woman, it can indicate money or benefits acquired through one’s own skill and good character.

This wealth, material in nature, can be colder, unreliable, elusive and (perhaps because it is reflected in water or a mirror) more deceptive than Big Money.

At the same time, this card also means the spiritual nobility characteristic of women. Maya, the mirror of illusions and obsessions in the picture, points to the reality of deception. It means that any wealth we desire or achieve is just a ghost. Everything in this world is nothing more than a reflection of the One.

From the book “Gypsy Maps. Fortune Telling" K. Bucher 2008

Write your stories related to cards, everything is very interesting!))

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“Gold your pen and I’ll tell you what’s in your heart.”

Gypsies are a mysterious and ancient nomadic people. They are emotional, talented, sensual, spontaneous and active. And we are more inert, rational, constrained, indecisive and surrounded by conventions. Our morality is social and biased, their morality is straightforward and simple. We consider them insidious, deceitful, selfish, and they consider us weak, cruel, self-confident and slow-thinking. Their clothes and behavior seem theatrical to us, but to them our whole life with its conventions and way of life seems like a meaningless circus.

We want to ignore them, but we say with snobbery that their culture is original, and their art delights ours. aesthetic feelings, and we admit that they can be “with us” among the comedians and buffoons.

And they use us just as we use them. This is hidden opposition civilized man should reproach himself, not them. Where is their place? In general, who said that we should choose him for them? In general, the gypsies do not interfere with our way of life and do not give us advice. They live next to us and don't want to be disturbed. Someone works, someone makes a living as best they can - and not the gypsies - they don’t steal, don’t sell drugs, don’t create problems?

In general, gypsies and gypsy hypnosis have been studied closely by specialists for a long time. Erickson, and others who will be mentioned in this book, learned a lot from these children of nature in order to create an entire scientific field. Imagine - the luminaries draw knowledge from the gypsies! But even in these studies there are blind spots and ambiguities. There are still many more questions than answers. But the following is certain:

The way this ability to manipulate consciousness, honed over centuries and generations of gypsies, works is a vivid illustration of human abilities and capabilities.

These opportunities are real and valid, and also dangerous today for those who ignore them.

It's not just the gypsies who manipulate us.

The influence people have on each other goes far beyond the scope of NLP techniques.

The time has come to pay attention to all information influences, and learn not to depend on them, before we all turn into a herd and lose our free will.

Nothing stands still, and research in such an area as power over human consciousness is especially important. But knowing is not enough. You need to feel, feel that there is this sphere in life, and everyone has the right to navigate in it. Then there will be no need to try to understand with reason what is understood not only logically, and there will be no need to take cliché superstitions on faith. Then it will be clear what fortune-telling, dreams, the power of words, glances, and thoughts are.

It must be said that we all feel other people. And people feel us. The gypsies, an eternally nomadic people, had tools that protected them and gave them advantages - they turned out to be sharpened and developed.

What most researchers ignore actually deserves attention no less, and even more, than gypsy observation and knowledge of human nature. This is the sound and word of gypsy speech. The Gypsy language only seems primitive. Rather, it is versatile and flexible. And if neurolinguistic programming recognizes the ripple effect of sound and words even in such, in general, not the richest languages ​​as American English and German, then how does the melodic, albeit incomprehensible, gypsy language, which is a direct descendant of Sanskrit - a language based on Who created Kabbalah?

And the most important question that everyone who has tried this “ordinary” gypsy hypnosis asks themselves is whether it is possible to resist it, and how to learn it. And is it possible to learn such hypnosis? Or does it require talent?

Not all questions can be answered directly and unambiguously, but today it is already possible to draw some conclusions and assumptions. Everything we know will be presented in the book. Perhaps the reader will not like some things, and not all questions can be given a complete and unambiguous answer, but, as the hypnosis textbooks say, there is a rule:

If a person understands the mechanism of influence on his psyche, he is already largely protected from such unauthorized influence. For people with a clear mind and stable psyche, sometimes just the understanding that influence is possible is enough.

“A woman’s inclination towards fornication is recognized by the lifting of her eyelids”

The stable authority of gypsy fortune-tellers rests on the belief that they are endowed with the gift of foresight, a gift the presence of which is indirectly confirmed by correct remarks concerning our current life. When the gypsy succeeds in getting into our problems in such a way and we are imbued with respect or surprise at the fortune teller’s insight, she, asking us to once again gild our hands, talks about the future. This is the general scheme of a fortune telling session. It is quite obvious that the most responsible and important is the first part, in which the gypsy insinuatingly tells us what is “in our hearts.” If a fortune teller makes a mistake in foreplay, she will not see good earnings. And we must admit that most often they do not make mistakes. What is the secret of insight, and is it even a matter of insight?

It has already been noted that fortune tellers are distinguished by extreme observation. Not a single detail of our dress, not a single movement escapes their field of vision. Undoubtedly, our face, age, mood, place and time where the fortune teller “slowed down” the client tells a lot to an outsider. As for our problems, it’s only us who think that they are somehow special, exceptional, but the fortune teller knows for sure that the fingers of one hand are enough to list everyone’s possible concerns. Our tendency to exaggerate everything that concerns us personally is worthy of a smile. Let's look, for example, at the one that we call the only one in the world. Alas, the “one” will soon turn out to be our neighbor, classmate or colleague. But let's return to the gypsies.

“She predicted the future. This English gypsy was called Madame Thorney. She holds mine tightly right hand. I expected her to study my palm, but instead she observed my face. “You are writing something,” Madame Torney said immediately. - Perhaps a book. And you are also preparing for the journey.” I studied the fortune teller with bewilderment and respect, her captivating heavy-lidded eyes and her soft features that suggested jewels in nomu and sari. I had never met Madame Torney before, just like she had never met me. I was sitting in her carriage, one of hundreds of Americans attending the Epsom three-year-old races (an annual race day in England). Only, unlike most, I came not because of the horses, but to see a gypsy like Madame Torney. “Yes, a very long journey,” she said. “Where are you going?” I avoided answering. How could I tell her about my plan? I will soon have to cross the English Channel, and on the way to India I will have with me some English gypsies, husband and wife, whom Madame Thorney may know. We have developed a plan. We will leave as soon as necessary. We will visit other gypsies on our way - settled, nomadic, fire dancers, fortune tellers, violinists, meniks. That very day in London I prepared a money belt because I came to life to meet the gypsy thieves. “I can say more for five pounds. Do you have any questions? – she asked. I had absolutely no five quid questions. “How much can you give? – she asked. “It has to be given voluntarily, you know, otherwise the money won’t do me any good.” I could voluntarily give one pound. Then Madame Thorny pulled out a crystal ball from her apron pocket. The ball was small - slightly larger than a walnut. She stroked it gently, then completely forgot about it, continuing to look at me with her beautiful black eyes. “Now you’ll work it out,” she began. – Be careful to avoid what others may write or say. Write only what you feel yourself.” With these words Madame Thorney easily earned her pound.”

The American writer Bart McDowell, whose story about meeting the gypsy Madame Torney was quoted, did not hide his admiration for the skill of the fortune teller. The gypsy hit the nail on the head: the American had a long journey ahead of him, and besides, he turned out to be a writer, which Madame Torney cautiously suggested: “You are writing something. Perhaps a book." Brilliant result! How many equally insightful statements have flown from the lips of dark-skinned fortune tellers in different corners peace in different times and how much longer will it sound? And how many times has amazement at the accuracy of the fortune teller’s words prevented us from reflecting on the nature of this insight? It would be worth it.

The Epsom Estimate, based on life, is an excellent illustration of the deductive method. famous hero Arthur Conan Doyle detective Sherlock Holmes. And if Sherlock Holmes is a figment of the writer’s imagination, then the “guessing” method he used literary hero, as old as time.

It is very easy to recognize a foreigner in a person, even if he speaks our language perfectly. We recognize them immediately, without even making contact, by signs known to us, but we do not rush to a stranger with a daring offer to reward our observation with a pound sterling, dollar, mark or ruble. But that’s exactly what Madame Torney did!

Horse racing in Epsom attracts fans not only in England; people from all over the world come to the competition to enjoy the rare spectacle. Then, of course, they go back to their homes and businesses. This is the notorious “long road”. In predicting the American's journey, Madame Torney practically did not risk her reputation as a fortune teller. After all, even returning home to the USA is not such a close trip, and she didn’t even mention India.

It was difficult, but only at first glance, to determine McDowell’s occupation. There is nothing supernatural in this guess either. Let us note, first of all, that the fortune teller did not name the client’s profession, and the words “You are writing something” can be interpreted very broadly - they write not only books, but also letters and diaries. In this sense, the fortune teller again did not risk anything, because almost everyone writes “something”. Let's note and feel for a slander style that allows us to adjust guesses in accordance with the client's reaction.

But why did Madame Torney start talking specifically about writing? It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that McDowall, according to the fortune teller’s observations, did not fit into the image of a businessman who was unlikely to be the gypsy’s frequent clients. The writer did not fit into the category of those unfortunate lonely people who need communication, participation and a word of support - these are immediately visible. Madame Torney, with an experienced eye, caught the stranger's curiosity about her person, about the process of fortune-telling. As a rule, the writing fraternity - journalists, writers and, of course, tourists - suffer from this disease. Bart McDowell probably looked too respectable for a reporter, but he could have been a reporter, a writer, and a traveler. After the words “You are writing something,” the fortune teller pauses and, not noticing a negative reaction, moves a little further: “Perhaps a book.” Madame Torney did not risk clarifying what was said, and this was not required. The client is fascinated, he believes in the secret abilities of the gypsy, which means we can begin to “promote” him. The attraction continues, Madame Thorney asks for five pounds sterling, but agrees to less. If a less balanced person had been in McDowell's place, the matter would not have ended with one pound sterling.

Madame Torney had completely exhausted the stock of observations that allowed her to conclude that this was a foreigner in front of her, that he was a man writing, and said nothing more. The client’s question might have suggested something to the fortune teller, but since the American had no questions, she ended the session with general words that did not reveal her knowledge of any secrets. McDowell saw his future, like his past, better than a fortune teller.

The sharpness of the gypsy's tenacious gaze can be truly amazing. There are often cases when a fortune teller tells a person a lot about the state of his health, and does it right away, without lengthy and tedious studies that have to be done in clinics. It is easy to understand that in such a situation, the fortune teller enjoys the almost unlimited trust of the unfortunate person and is able to influence his psyche at her own discretion. What is the secret of gypsy diagnosis?

You should not look for the answer to this question in the realm of the supernatural, secret, otherworldly. In such situations, we are faced with the manifestation of centuries-old experience in diagnosing and healing, passed on to our healer by our parents. The gypsy records the constitution of the human body, psychophysical reactions, carefully analyzes the color of the skin, studies the eyes, especially their irises, and makes a verdict, often putting certified specialists to shame. Let us remember how doctors were trained two or three centuries ago. The trainees were given experience in treatment and diagnosis by identifying the disease by appearance patient. The listener's attention was concentrated on the external signs characteristic of a particular disease. Thus, the future doctor developed the intuition and abilities inherent in man by nature. There simply were no other means. Medical science did not yet have either the theory or the technical basis for examining the patient’s body.

The Roma, who are cut off from professional medical care, also have full experience in healing and diagnosing diseases. Here it is necessary to mention the conspiracies that healers very often resort to in the treatment of certain diseases and which, without a doubt, are of a hypnotic nature.

Yes, a person’s appearance will tell a lot to a trained eye; our appearance is determined by our occupation, state of health, social environment in which a person acquires character, and other factors. Even in ancient times, people connected the external parameters of a person and his destiny. This is how disciplines arose that are reluctant to be called scientific, but are nevertheless recognized - these are palmistry, physiognomy, phrenology. Gypsies are familiar with these objects, which represent the basis of activity for fortune tellers.

For example, palmistry establishes connections between the structure of the hands, proportions, the shape of the convexities and depressions of the palmar surface, the shape of the fingers, and the lines on the palm. It is believed that the lines on the palm reflect personality parameters, past, present and future. As you can see, palmistry is based on personality traits that are beyond a person’s control: it is impossible by force of will change the shape of your fingers or lines on your palm.

Even a person unfamiliar with palmistry will not dispute that hands really carry certain information about a person. They bear traces of their profession, congenital characteristics, and signs of disease. For example, students of higher medical institutions know that with cardiovascular diseases, the patient’s fingertips become somewhat wider and acquire a bluish tint.

Palmistry has been revered in the world for a long time. It was cultivated in China and India, where the Yoshi sect practiced fortune telling by hand. By the way, according to one hypothesis, Gypsies come from India. In this country there was a caste called "dom", which included professional dancers and musicians. And today, members of this sect lead a nomadic lifestyle. In addition to aristocratic activities, they are engaged in the manufacture of wood crafts and, of course, steal. The kinship of the gypsies with the Indian sect is justified not only by the named characteristics, but this is not the topic of our book.

Physiognomy also has its roots in ancient times. Pythagoras himself studied it, and Aristotle even wrote a special treatise on physiognomy. He divided external bodily signs into essential ones, which carry important information about personality, and non-essential ones, representing “empty flowers”. In the Middle Ages, the experience of his predecessors was developed and generalized by the Swiss writer Johann Caspar Lavater, who wrote the true bible of the new science, “Physiognomic Fragments.” It was Lavater who took the lead in putting forward the idea of ​​​​the possibility of reconstructing a person’s external appearance based on knowledge of his thoughts, beliefs and actions.

As a pastor, Lavater not only observed people and formed his own opinion about them, but during confessions he had the opportunity to compare his conclusions with the revelations of the parishioners he observed. So he honed his insight and eventually believed in his ability to determine a person’s mind, character, and abilities by a person’s appearance. Without a doubt, Lavater was marked by the finger of God. He possessed the quality we call intuition almost to perfection. Almost, because he had to be embarrassed more than once, for example, recognizing a criminal as a statesman. But in most cases he demonstrated very high competence and high society audiences from all over Europe came to his sessions.

Lavater's fame consisted of such episodes. Once the count brought his young wife to him to hear from the famous specialist confirmation of the correctness of his choice. According to signs known only to him, Lavater doubted the moral strength of the young countess and tried to evade fulfilling the count’s request, but he insisted and the pastor, who defended his dissertation for the degree of Master of Science, expressed his opinion to the dignitary guest. The count was offended, and two years later his young wife left him and ended her life in an obscene establishment.

Europe was literally captivated by another incident. The Parisian woman brought her little daughter to Lavater. The master looked at the girl and became very excited. Then he wrote a few words on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope and took an oath from the lady to print the message in six months. Soon the girl died. When the lady opened the envelope, she found a note: “I mourn with you.”

It is an indication that Count Cagliostro, the greatest adventurer, avoided meeting at Lavater. Perhaps he was afraid of exposure, for his physiognomy clearly reflected the inner content of the subject.

Interesting notes on the “science of recognizing people” were left by the medieval alchemist Albert von Bolstedt. Here are some of his observations:

“Those who have curly hair and, moreover, somewhat raised from the forehead, are stupid, more inclined to evil than to good, but have great abilities for music.”

“A person who has a fleshy forehead and puffy cheeks near his temples is brave, arrogant, angry and has very stupid ideas.”

“A woman’s inclination towards fornication is recognized by the lifting of her eyelids.”

“A long and thin nose means a brave, always close to anger, arrogant person who does not have a constant way of thinking.”

“A thick and long nose means a person who loves everything beautiful, but is not as smart as he thinks about himself.”

“Whoever turns his head in all directions is a complete fool, a fool, a vain, deceitful rogue, preoccupied with himself, changeable, slow in understanding, depraved mind, mediocre abilities, quite generous and finds great pleasure in inventing and confirming political and secular news.”

Lavater's style was different, more refined. He wrote that the fossa bifurcating the narrow chin, which protrudes forward with a “heel,” testifies to a special liveliness and satirical maturity of the mind with a nobility of soul; the same dimple on the chin is wide and slanted - a sure sign of duplicity and vicious inclinations. A strongly swollen V-shaped vein on the forehead, the line of which is completely straight in profile, speaks of terrible ferocity combined with cunning and limitations. However, if such a vein crosses a rounded forehead with well-defined eyebrows, then this is a sign of extraordinary talents and a passionate love of goodness.

A significant contribution was made by the Austrian doctor Franz Josef Gal. He founded phrenology - a science that establishes a connection between the shape and proportions of the human skull and the mental structure of the individual, fate. P. Camper, C. Bell and C. Darwin wrote treatises about the connection between external personality traits and internal properties.

I suspect that, after reading these names, the reader will grin ironically: did the gypsies even hold these books in their hands? Let us quote gypsy experts Efim Druts and Alexey Gessler: “Gypsies have told us more than once that they use classical literature in palmistry." So they are reading! And no wonder: only thorough human knowledge brings fortune tellers bread and something to go with it. After all, few people have read Darwin, but everyone has heard about his theory of human origins. The purely practical meaning of this or that theory can be transmitted from one to another without any reference to books and authors, the rest is completed personal experience capabilities. Gait, behavior, gestures - all this reflects personality characteristics, speaks about his mood, experiences, age, health.

Let's remember how a fortune teller approaches a potential client, and ask the question: why does she offer a service to this particular person and not another? The suggestion that her choice was random is not worth considering, although it may happen. The gypsy observes the crowd, highlighting certain types of people, rapprochement with whom may be promising for her trade. Next, she is interested in the emotional state of the future victim. The gypsy’s eyes feel every fold on a person’s face, eyes, lips, record the figure as a whole, walking speed, habitual movements, etc., etc. Be sure that, without yet addressing you with the traditional “beauty” or “handsome”, she has already formed a certain opinion about you and sometimes can tell you something that you don’t know about yourself or don’t notice. This is what is noticed from the outside at first and is the basis for the gypsy to establish a trusting relationship, so necessary for “innocent” fortune-telling or hypnotic influence, ending for the client with the loss of significant values.

People who trust fortune-tellers will indignantly reject the above: for a correct prediction of the future one can pay dearly. You can't argue against such an argument. Indeed, in certain situations, knowledge of the future is tantamount to life itself, so it seems ridiculous to grieve over a lost gold ring and a wallet with bucks.

Belief in fortune telling is fueled by well-known examples of predictions that have come true, which means there remains a danger of becoming a victim of fraud. Let's try to figure out what lies behind the fulfilled predictions?

Fortune teller controls the future

A classic example of an accurate prediction of the future, mentioned in almost every work on this topic, is the fate of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. He was told that he should beware of a tall, blue-eyed, blond man, at whose hands he could die at 37 years old. If the poet survives this year of his life, he will live for many, many more years. Note that when predicting premature death, fortune tellers do not rule out other developments.

Pushkin deeply believed in all sorts of omens and fortune-telling and perceived this prediction as fatal. According to the recollections of his contemporaries, from then on he felt an undisguised feeling of enmity towards every blonde, so it is not surprising that at his fateful 37 years he stepped towards fate in full accordance with the words of the fortune teller.

Why did the fortune teller name this particular year of the poet’s life and the outcome? A very probable version in this regard was expressed by V.F. Venda. Here’s what he writes: “Seeing in front of her a short, temperamental, very impressionable, distinctly dark-haired man, she could assume that, having married and lived with his wife for about 10 years, by the age of 37 she would get pretty tired of him and she, in contrast to her husband, would become give preference to some tall, calm blue-eyed blond. An ardent husband will not tolerate the threat of betrayal, he will become jealous and suffer. A fatal outcome was quite likely at all times when duels were in use. If Pushkin had demanded an explanation for the forecast and heard something like our reasoning, he would not have sought to justify it as his fate, but, on the contrary, would have easily avoided possible complications in life. Moreover, his wife’s behavior did not coincide with the frivolous “standard” of searching for variety and contrasts that the fortune teller was guided by.”

One cannot, of course, accuse a fortune teller who makes such “sentences” of evil intentions, but it has long been noticed that gloomy predictions “lead” a person along the destined path like a rabbit - the eyes of a boa constrictor. A person puts into practice what the fortune teller says as a suggestion.

Baron Eric de Bishop back in teenage years it was predicted that various adventures awaited him in different parts of the world and that he would complete his life’s journey there “where the tenth parallel intersects the 140th meridian.” Bishop fully carried out the plan laid out for him. As a cabin boy, he rounded Cape Horn, then he was a sea lieutenant, a minesweeper commander, a naval aviation pilot, a French consul, a consultant to a Chinese general, a coastal sailing captain, a prominent scientist, etc. Numerous accidents and adventures at sea ended for Eric, who could not sailed safely until 1958, when the leader of the expedition on the Tahiti Nui raft, Baron Eric de Bishop, being ill and suffering from a skull injury, died during an emergency landing on the island of Rakahanka. This happened in the 69th year of life in close proximity to the indicated point. If you consider that a man at the age of 69 went on a deliberately risky journey on a raft to a fatal (indicated!) area for himself, you will involuntarily come to the conclusion that Bishop sought to justify the forecast. Just a few more years and he may simply not have been able to go to sea due to health reasons.

K. Shannon wrote: “We know the past, but we cannot control it. But you can control the future without knowing it.” In a sense, this statement is directly addressed to the cases described above. The future is not so much predicted as it is destined as a plan for its implementation. It is no coincidence that in former times prophets and soothsayers were severely persecuted, sent to the stake or imprisoned.

In a different direction, but also amenable to logical explanation, is the prediction of the execution of N.I. Bukharin. A Berlin fortune teller handed down the death “sentence” to a prominent Bolshevik in the summer of 1918. "You will be executed in your own country." Bukharin was taken aback, it seemed to him that he had misheard, and asked again: “Do you think that the Soviet government will perish?” “I can’t say under what government you will die, but definitely in Russia.”

The fortune teller's train of thought is suggested by her words that she does not know under what government her client will die, and it was very easy for a politician to die in Russia in those years. The execution could have been carried out by an angry hungry mob on the street, by forces trying to return the monarchy, by rebellious peasants and Cossacks and, of course, by party comrades - when portfolios are distributed, someone always turns out to be superfluous and dangerous. Revolutions are accompanied and culminated in executions - this is the lesson of history, and the fortune teller in Berlin knew it.

Although there are more mysterious cases with the same revolutionaries. Trotsky was predicted to die from an object similar to an ice pick. Is this a coincidence or not?

What did Lavater demonstrate in the best salons in Europe? Or Gal, feeling the skulls blindfolded and immediately determining abilities, virtues and vices, predicting the fate of clients? Of course, the typology they developed brought a certain effect, but it was unlikely that it would make it possible to predict, say, the death of a French girl in the next six months. Here, most likely, intuition and the phenomenon of communication manifested themselves - gifts that nature does not endow people with very often. Such gifted individuals include the Moscow schoolboy Leva Fedotov, about whom the magazine “ New world" In his diary, the teenager, half a month before the start of the war with Nazi Germany, accurately predicted its tragic development for the USSR - retreat, losses, and subsequent counter-offensive. In addition to intuition, and perhaps first of all, Leva had a brilliant analytical mind.

It is difficult to define the boundaries between observation, analyticalness and intuition, which together help a person demonstrate insight in other situations. V. Levi tells the following story:

“We were sitting in a cafe in the center of Moscow.

- Look, there are two people at the table. I can see from their backs that they are foreigners.

I looked: a man and a woman; no faces are visible; the clothes were nothing special, but the backs (or the backs of the heads?) were really foreign, I also noticed that right away. We were convinced that we were not mistaken, although we were not able to understand what exactly the foreign allegiance of the backs consisted of.”

Test pilot of the first Soviet jet aircraft G.Ya.Bakhchivandzhi for festive table predicted his own death. If desired, the pilot’s words can be taken as a revelation received from above. In fact, the tester soberly saw that he was unable to protect against the vagaries of the new, difficult-to-control equipment. In jet aviation of those years, a rare flight was accomplished without a threat to the life of the pilot. At that time, 400 accidents involving the death of pilots occurred in US fighter aviation. We don’t know how many military test pilots died in the USSR, but Bakhchivandzhi, of course, had an idea about this.

Consequently, about fortune telling and predictions we can say that we know our future ourselves. As soon as we lose the sense of control over our lives, we stop wanting to change anything. And, on the contrary, how many cases and examples can be given of how faith in something and passionate desire became reality? If we believe in something, then we literally “pull out” every confirmation that we are right and carefully store it separately from other little things, dashes and signs, signs and instructions. We protect this collection of our choice and it ultimately helps us achieve our goal.

An example is the fate of the great ballerina Anna Pavlova, for whom Matilda Kshesinskaya “predicted” a great future as a child. The power of this prediction, combined with the girl’s desire, made her this way. A dream makes us look for opportunities. And we find them, considering them signs of fate. If we believe in it enough, it helps us. But the moment we lose confidence in ourselves, the charm goes away, and we, expecting defeat, get it. What is more here - intuition, reading in a book of the future or self-programming?