Singer Andrey Gubin: Father is my pain. Andrey Gubin - personal life, biography, photo, wife and news Andrey Gubin’s father Valery

“Girls like these are like stars”... In the early 2000s, this song was played on every radio station, and not only teenage girls, but also older fans dreamed about its performer. In the near future, Andrei Gubin disappeared from the scene. The fact is that due to health problems, the artist was no longer able to be so active. concert activities. Does Andrey Gubin have (see photo) legal wife? What is he doing now? Has his personal life undergone any changes in 2017? Read our article.

Andrey Gubin is one of the most famous womanizers in Russian show business. He was credited with having affairs with both work colleagues and fans. Repeatedly, the singer himself admitted that he had intimate relationships with girls who liked his work.

His first true love- the girl Lisa, whom the man met in the Moscow metro. Andrei Gubin even thought about proposing to his beloved. When the young people began to live together, Andrei was 19 years old, and Lisa was 17 years old. By the way, Andrei Gubin dedicated the song “Liza” to this girl. The artist's first studio album was also written thanks to this girl.

Having started life together, the young people realized that they could not withstand Andrei’s busy schedule. The performer was constantly traveling on business trips. Lisa often had to be home alone. This situation did not suit the girl. After some time, the lovers separated. It is known that Lisa subsequently moved to another country, where she got married.

Subsequent novels

As it turned out, Andrei Gubin’s personal life (see photo) did not stop with Lisa. There were other girls behind her. Unfortunately, none of them became his wife. Who would have thought that in 2017 this handsome man would be left alone. But this is now. What happened before?

Another great love in Andrey’s life is the lead singer of the “Caramel” group, Lyusya Kobevko. The singer called the girl his muse. It was to her that he dedicated his second studio album. Andrei repeatedly mentioned that this relationship was very unusual. The lovers did not understand whether they really wanted to spend their whole lives with each other, or whether their feelings were just a game of hormones.

By the way, Andrei’s second love was a ballet dancer. For some time, the singer even performed with Lyusya.

It is known that the young people lived together for about 1.5 years. Their marriage was not officially registered. Andrei Gubin prefers not to talk about the reason for the breakup with his former lover.

It is worth recalling that Andrei Gubin was for some time the sound producer of the Caramel duet. The performer wrote several songs for “Caramel”. Among them: “Shuba-Duba”, “Pum-Pum”.

In 2006, information appeared that Andrei Gubin was having an affair with Yulia Beretta. At that time, the singer was actively producing Julia. Subsequently ex-lovers denied their romance, claiming that they were connected exclusively by a working relationship.

What is known about Andrei Gubin’s marital status today?

It is known that the personal life of the once popular Russian performer Andrey Gubin (see photo) is absent as such. Now the man has neither a wife nor a girlfriend. At least the singer did not officially introduce any of his possible girlfriends to the public. In an interview with the press, the man repeatedly mentioned that he never met “that one” girl whom he would like to take to the registry office. Fans of the performer hope that the love of his life is still waiting for Andrey somewhere.

On the set of the program “Let Them Talk”

In 2017, interesting details of Andrei Gubin’s tumultuous youth came to light. According to preliminary data, it is known that the singer has an illegitimate son.

Latest news about Andrei Gubin's illegitimate son

At the end of September this year, a very interesting information. It turns out that Andrei Gubin is not alone at all. He has an illegitimate son. True, the father was not very welcoming towards the guy. He refused to acknowledge the fact of paternity and suggested that the named relative go to court.

The singer met " illegitimate son"on the air of the show "The Stars Aligned". The guy's name is Maxim Kvasnyuk. He is 21 years old. The young man loves his “father’s” songs and does not deny himself the pleasure of performing them. Maxim is also interested in new products in the field of music and loves to ride a bicycle.

Initially, Andrei was ready to challenge paternity in court. He subsequently abandoned this idea. The singer recalled that in his youth his personal life was more eventful compared to 2017. Although he did not have time to acquire a wife, it is quite possible for him to have a child.

Andrey Gubin clarified that he has always cared about contraception. However, he does not exclude the possibility of having a son. And the guy who is now standing in front of him may turn out to be his close relative.

Despite the emergence of even a theoretical possibility of having an adult son, Andrei was clearly not happy with the “offspring”. It seemed to the singer that Maxim wanted to “promote himself” at the expense of his name. In fact, there is no kinship between men and there cannot be.

How did the “relationship” between the newly-made father and son develop further?

In the “Secret to a Million” program, Andrei was offered to take a paternity test in order to close the story with his named son once and for all. The singer asked that you not invite Maxim to the studio. Based on the results of a DNA test, it became known that Maxim Kvasnyuk is not the son of Andrei Gubin.

On the set of the program “Live”

It seemed to those present in the studio that the man breathed a sigh of relief. Despite the fact that the man is completely alone (not counting family members), apparently Andrei was not ready to have offspring so quickly.

What is Andrey Gubin doing now?

After leaving big stage Andrey began to appear on television very rarely. Until 2017 last time he was filming somewhere in 2012. In the “Let Them Talk” program, the performer told the success story of his ascension to the musical Olympus and answered questions from those present about why he no longer sings on stage.

In 2017, Andrei Gubin was invited to take part in the filming of three programs at once: “Live”, “The Stars Aligned” and “Secret for a Million”. The shows are aired on the country's leading channels.

It is unknown in what other programs in the future fans of Andrei Gubin will be able to see their idol on television. It is possible that the singer was repeatedly invited to filming, but simply because of poor health he refused such offers.

From unverified sources it became known that Andrei Gubin now lives alone. The man travels a lot and rides a bicycle. The singer also really likes to walk in parks. Andrey says that he can afford not to work.

He spends his earnings from previous fees. To feel comfortable, Andrei needs little, so he can live comfortably for another 10 years for sure.

Follow the personal life of Andrey Gubin (see photo from 2017) with us. We will be the first to know that he has a wife. Now the performer is looking for a lifelong friend.

Gubin Andrey Viktorovich is a famous and brilliant singer and composer, poet and producer in the music field. He quickly burst into Russian show business back in the crazy nineties, becoming the favorite of millions of girls.

The talented boy not only did not break down in hard times, but also managed to give us huge amount new songs that literally the whole country sang.

IN lately Andrei Gubin's star suddenly fell from the show business horizon. Fans became interested in where their idol had disappeared, however, their investigation led to shocking results.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrey Gubin

Many fans of Andryusha Gubin since the nineties wanted to know what the singer’s height, weight, and age were. How old Andrei Gubin is is no secret, you just need to know when the “eternal boy” was born.

Andrey Gubin now 2017 does not at all look like that bright and charming handsome man; he is a man suffering from numerous diseases, who is practically unrecognizable on the streets of cities.

Andrey was born in 1974, so he recently turned forty-three years old. According to his zodiac sign, he is hardworking, persistent, solid, calm, sensitive Taurus.

According to Eastern horoscope, famous singer bears all the character traits inherent in Tigers, including luck, courage, and passion.

Andrei Gubin's height of one meter and sixty-six centimeters always allowed him to feel like a slight teenager. The man weighed extremely little - only fifty kilograms.

Where is Andrey Gubin now? He did not go abroad and did not die, as many believe. The man lives in the capital of our Motherland and, as sad as it is to hear, is a disabled person of the first group.

Biography of Andrey Gubin

The biography of Andrey Gubin is the story of a talented guy who achieved a lot and lost everything overnight. Little Andryushka was born in Ufa, where he lived until he was almost eight years old.

Then the family moved to Moscow, where they lived illegally. Andrei and his parents constantly had to roam around the capital and earn a living accessible ways. The boy was a good drawer, so he often sold cartoons to Krokodil magazine.

The boy was very talented, school subjects were easy for him, so he jumped straight from the second grade to the fourth. This was his father’s mistake, because he believed that the boy was a genius, but Andrei skipped the third grade and quickly slipped into two grades.

Gubin played sports, including chess and football, in which he achieved high results. Andrei played for the Moscow national team, but broke his leg and was unable to continue his sports career.

The boy wanted to become a journalist, however, at the age of fifteen he had an unsuccessful interview with Makarevich and realized that this was not his calling. Andrey took up music seriously and already in the seventh grade began writing lyrics.

Gubin corrected his speech because he was lisping terribly. Already at the age of fifteen he became the host of the program “Under 16 and older” and performed many songs there own composition. At the same time, his first album “I’m a Homeless Man” was released, which marked the beginning of the popularity of the young singer.

The guy entered Gnesinka in the vocal department, but was expelled for often missing classes already in his first year.

Since the early nineties he has performed in various music competitions, collaborated with Agutin, who became its producer. He toured countries former USSR, and all albums young singer invariably sold out like hot cakes. In 1999, the singer was even invited to live and perform in Canada, but he quickly returned home.

The last album was released in 2002, and last song Andrey sang in 2009. Gubin wrote hits for such celebrities as “Paints”, Olga Orlova, Beretta, Zhanna Friske, “Pay Attention”.

In 2017, in the “Live Broadcast” program, viewers saw a very frank interview with Andrei Gubin, in which he talks about his ups and downs.

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

The personal life of Andrei Gubin has always been eventful and stormy, since the young handsome man was simply adored by women of all ages. He was constantly in the spotlight, having short-term affairs with models who took part in the filming of music videos. In show business, Andrei had a reputation as a rare womanizer and womanizer.

The worst thing is that, constantly being in the company of long-legged beauties, Gubin did not fall in love with them. He constantly tried to find an ideal wife and mother for his future children, but he remained lonely and a useless person.

Family of Andrey Gubin

Andrei Gubin’s family is very unusual, since until the age of 16 the boy bore his father’s last name – Klimentyev and patronymic – Valerievich. He was raised by his stepfather, Viktor Gubin, so when he received his passport, the guy changed his information to Andrei Viktorovich Gubin.

The stepfather treated the guy well, considered him his own son and protected him from problems. He was an employee of a research institute and in the hungry nineties he drew cartoons for magazines. The boy treated his stepfather with hostility, because he was constantly trying to make his son someone famous.

It was Viktor Gubin who became Andrei’s first producer and adviser, and he also recorded his son’s first songs. Victor's business went bankrupt, he took it very hard. Stepfather died in 2007.

Mom - Svetlana Gubina- took care of household chores and raised children. Andrei adored his mother and considered her the ideal woman; he experienced death very hard loved one in 2012.

Gubin has a sister, Anastasia, who has nothing to do with music. She didn't even graduate music school, and connected her life with the world of numbers, having studied at the Faculty of Economics of VGIK. She got married and has a baby. Nastya sees her brother quite rarely, although in childhood she was very attached to him. She claims that it’s not his illness, they’re just pretty busy people who see each other whenever possible.

Children of Andrey Gubin

The children of Andrei Gubin never came into this world, although he himself famous musician I dreamed very much about the appearance of heirs. Andrey often tinkered with his younger sister and knew almost everything about how to get along with kids.

At first, the singer claimed that he could not find a mother for future children who would be like his own mother.

Later, Andrei Gubin said that he had no time for children, because his body was being eaten away by illness. The singer said that due to terrible pain in his face, he was not in the mood to have children.

Andrey constantly says that a baby in a family requires care, love and constant attention. The singer complains that he cannot take care of himself and his health, and the child needs a healthy father.

Andrey Gubin's wife

Andrei Gubin’s wife is still absent, but the singer constantly talks about the fact that someday he will overcome his terrible and rare disease. Gubin dreams of finding a girl who will not make a career or cling to his stellar past.

Andrei Gubin's wife should not only be a beautiful and well-groomed model, but also be as similar as possible to his mother. The singer claims that at home he should feel protected, so that it is cozy, calm and smells homemade cakes.

If possible, his future chosen one should devote herself entirely to raising children, because only a mother can give children the basics of behavior in society and make them self-sufficient people.

He is looking not only for the right and loving wife, but also a Muse about whom you will want to write millions of new songs, which will certainly become real hits. Andrei says that his future wife can even become his long-term creative project, however, his main priorities are still on raising children.

Girls of Andrey Gubin

Andrei Gubin's girls were constantly changing, the guy stopped having complexes about his short stature, so his chosen ones were always tall models.

From a whole series of meaningless connections, I would like to highlight three beautiful and talented girls. His first love was a certain Elizabeth, who met the guy on the subway at a very young age. They dated for a long time, but the girl was not satisfied with Andrei’s constant absence from home.

Another beauty with whom the guy had a long-term relationship with Yulia Beretta - former member"Strelki" group. He helped the girl create her own solo project, supported and looked after in every possible way.

When Gubin lost his health and was left without work, he began to drink. Julia did not want to bear the burden of an unemployed adult man and left him. Friends said that Beretta was not in the mood to overcome difficulties, however, after the collapse of the relationship, the young people did not quarrel, but remained friends.

Your only love the man always named Nastya Starygina, who played the role of the girl Lisa in the video of the same name. She was the daughter of the famous Igor Starygin, who played Aramis in The Three Musketeers. The girl did not pay any attention to him, she got married and gave birth to a child.

Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - latest news

Andrey Gubin illness nervous systemlatest news rather disappointing.

Ten years ago, Andrei disappeared from the scene, no one knew the reason for this. Some people believed that the reason for everything was that the man became unemployed in 2010. The thing was that his last one was closed creative project- Katya Gordon's program. Gubin began to drink and finally lost his health.

Andrey Gubin: “I have a death warrant signed” - a phrase that was heard on the air of the “Live Broadcast” program in 2017. He claimed that there was an attempt on his life, so the singer began to have problems with his nerves.

Opponents constantly insisted that the singer and producer looked terrible not because of problems with alcohol. The newspapers were full of headlines - Andrei Gubin had Parkinson's disease, but this news turned out to be an ordinary newspaper duck.

Andrei Gubin disappeared from screens and stages because he was struck by a serious illness that distorted his facial muscles - left-sided prosopalgia. The man is in terrible pain and therefore can hardly talk or smile, let alone sing. His neck turns blue, and his face resembles an iron mask that fetters all facial movements.

The root cause was overwork and chronic lack of sleep, which led to severe migraine attacks.

What illness Andrei Gubin has, of course, only his attending physician knows, but from it the man loses his hearing and gradually loses the ability to lead a normal life. The once handsome and successful, self-confident and loving guy received the first group of disability and was deprived of the opportunity to do even light work.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrey Gubin

He has had Andrey Gubin’s Instagram and Wikipedia for quite some time, they are official and in demand. On the Wikipedia page, which is entirely dedicated to the favorite of millions, there is reliable information about his personal life and parents, musical career and awards, as well as the terrible illness that crippled Andrei Gubin. There is also full list songs and videos that Andrey has created over the years.

Gubin previously had an official website, which he constantly updated with timely information about life and creative plans. Gradually, Andrey lost interest in filling the site and communicating with fans.

In 2016, he finally had an Instagram profile, to which two and a half thousand loyal fans subscribed in three months. Photos and videos constantly appear on the page, but mainly they relate to the singer’s past life related to show business.

What happened and what disease did Gubin Andrey have?

Since 2009, the favorite of millions, Andrei Gubin, has disappeared from the screens, so his absence raised a lot of questions. Many versions immediately began to arise that the singer became a recluse and stopped communicating with friends.

The situation was clarified by Andrei himself in 2012, when on the air of “Let Them Talk” he clarified that he was suffering from a rare disease - prosopalgia of the left side. It was not caused by alcoholism, as ill-wishers gossip behind their backs, but by:

  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • unbearable tension in the nervous system;
  • overwork.

Symptoms of Gubin's disease

The disease affected the face of the star of the nineties, so it lost the ability to move, the lips constantly turn blue. Gubin claims that sometimes he simply goes crazy from unbearable pain, sometimes even losing consciousness.

Detractors immediately began to hint that the problem arose due to the artist’s terrible mental illness, but doctors remind that creative activity Andrei's nervous system simply broke down.

Nothing helps the singer; he was examined outside of Russia, but could not stop the painful process. The favorite of many women has become poor because he spent his fees on treatment, but does not lose hope of being cured.

Andrey Gubin is a famous singer in the recent past, talented composer, born in Ufa on April 30, 1974.


Andrei did not live long in Ufa. His mother divorced his father early, and Andrei practically does not remember him. He was raised by his stepfather, whom his mother soon married. My stepfather drew beautifully and was a cartoonist. The mother took care of the family and home, and devoted a lot of time to her son.

In 1982, the parents decided to move to Moscow, as there were more opportunities for the father’s career and the boy’s development. My father got a job at Krokodil magazine and quickly became famous and successful. Andrey also took up drawing, and several of his works were even published in the most popular humor magazine countries.

Andrey in childhood

Living in rented apartments was not easy, especially without Moscow registration. Housing was expensive, the family had to huddle in small rooms on the outskirts of Moscow. They moved often, so already in junior classes Andrey changed several schools.

It was very difficult for him then, but later he began to understand that such changes taught him to quickly adapt to any life situation.

The boy studied well, especially since his mother developed and encouraged the boy in every possible way. But when his parents decided to move him up a grade, Andrei began to have serious problems with mathematics. Gradually, he leveled out the situation, but soon his new hobby, sports, began to have a negative effect on his studies.

He started playing football with early childhood. But at school, many boys dreamed of becoming professional football players, and Andrei succumbed to the common hobby. Together with one of his friends, he began to train seriously, and very soon he was included in the Moscow youth team.

It is quite possible that he could have become a famous football player, but during one of the training sessions Andrei received a serious leg injury, after which he was categorically banned from the sport.

Now the music

Andrei’s father also pushed him to study music. On one of his birthdays the boy received an unusual and expensive gift - good guitar. It was a great blessing to have such an instrument, but what's the use of such a gift if you can't show it off? And Andrey began to gradually master the instrument. Having learned a few initial chords, he began to try to compose songs.

Having been banned from sports, he completely switched to music. At the age of 12, he accidentally ended up on television. He was invited to speak by the editor of the super popular program for youth “Under 16 and older”. Andrey chose to perform the original song “Tramp Boy”, which became on for many years business card artist.

The school was completely abandoned. I got bad marks in many subjects, including behavior. One of the reasons was the boy’s habit of directly expressing his opinion, including on political issues. Moreover, glasnost was announced in the country, which many perceived as freedom to criticize the government and authorities.

But the deuces did not upset Andrei and even his father, who began to seriously engage in business. The boy had already decided that he would connect his destiny with music. His father was ready to help him and even purchased his own recording studio, where Andrei’s first songs were recorded.

These discs were produced in small quantities, which were bought mainly by acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances.


After graduation high school Gubin entered the Gnesinka vocal department. Initially inspired by the fact that he would study at the best music educational institution country, Gubin quickly became disillusioned with the academic form of education. He left Gnesinka and began to study independently with private teachers.

At the age of 20, he already had quite a decent author’s repertoire and decided that it was time to enter the big stage. The debut turned out to be successful. At the Slavutich-94 festival, Gubin gained many fans, but his main prize was an acquaintance with, who liked the singer’s work so much that he offered the guy cooperation.

A year later, Gubin’s debut album “Tramp Boy” was released, which literally blew up musical Olympus and instantly made a star out of Andrei. A few months later he goes on his first tour of Russia. But at the same time he continues to write new songs and in 1998 releases his second album, which only strengthens his popularity.

From now on music career The lip folds very well. He performs a lot, has crowds of fans, his videos are played by all leading TV channels. But my colleagues in the shop don’t receive me too warmly young artist. A lot of ridicule is caused by his short stature and the image of a romantic boy, which he mercilessly exploits.

Therefore, he is making an attempt to reach an English-speaking audience. In 1999, he went to Canada and tried to record an English-language album there. But work on it progresses slowly and never reaches completion. In 2000, Gubin returned back and decided to work in his homeland.

Since 2004, he begins to write songs for other artists. He collaborates with many young performers as a songwriter. He even tries his hand at producing, but in this capacity his attempts ended in complete failure, about which the artist was very worried.

Constant stress, a number of creative failures, disrespectful attitude Most of my colleagues and personal life, which did not work out in any way, became the cause of frequent nervous breakdowns, and later - protracted depression. The death of his father in 2007 finally undermined the artist’s health, and he went into an alcohol and drug addiction for several years.

Only serious treatment helped him give up his bad habits. private clinic. But to return to active again musical life the singer could no longer do it.

Personal life

The young artist’s first love was the girl Lisa, whom he accidentally met in the Moscow metro. He dedicated one of his most popular songs, “Liza,” to her, but the relationship did not work out. One of the reasons was that Lisa’s father was categorically against his young daughter getting involved with the same “green” guy, who also did not have the best reputation.

Then followed a whole series of sudden romances with models and backing singers, which brought Gubin the reputation of a womanizer. But in fact, he dreamed of the only one with whom he could start a family. Unfortunately, the singer has not yet met his soulmate. Let's hope he's lucky after all.

Andrey Gubin is a poet, composer and performer of his own compositions from the 90s. Author of bright pop songs, imbued with the spirit of romanticism.

The life story of Andrei Gubin begins on April 30, 1974 in the city of Ufa. He grew up in an intelligent family, where his mother Svetlana Viktorovna was a housewife, and his stepfather Viktor Viktorovich was research fellow. Until the age of eight, the family lived in hometown. The boy already began to show a creative nature, helping his father draw cartoons for magazines. During the holidays, Andrei visited his grandmother in the village of Nikolo-Berezovka.

In 1983, the Gubins moved to Moscow. In the early years, due to the fact that the family did not have a residence permit, they were forced to constantly change their rental housing. For this reason, Andrei often moved from one school to another. With such a traveling life, he did not have time to get comfortable and make real friends. In that situation it was difficult for the whole family, but it was especially difficult for the child. The song “Tramp Boy” was precisely the embodiment of emotions about the hardships experienced in childhood and early youth.

Over time, the head of the family established own business and rose to the rank of vice president of the commodity trading exchange. The long-awaited lack of financial and everyday problems allowed Gubin to fully engage in creativity.

The young singer released his first non-professional album, “I’m a Homeless Man,” in 1989. Then Gubin created two more albums with songs with guitar. Only after meeting Leonid Agutin and his help in professionally arranging the singer’s creations, the name Andrei Gubin thundered throughout the country.

In 1999, Andrei Gubin went to live in Canada. The purpose of the move was to conquer Western audiences and record an English-language album. However, the singer’s foreign career did not work out; there was no inspiration or desire to compose in a foreign land. Returning to his homeland, the talent of the poet and composer again made itself felt. The singer has released several new albums and videos.

In 2004, the artist tried his hand at producing. The popular creation “La-la-la” paved the way for Zhanna Friske’s solo career. Gubin’s wards were the group “Pay Attention” and the aspiring singer Yulia Beretta.

Creative decline and crisis

In 2004, Gubin was diagnosed with a nervous system disease that causes terrible pain in the facial area. The disease is psychogenic in nature and was provoked by chronic lack of sleep, stress, frequent flights and, as a result, physical and moral exhaustion.

In 2007, the artist’s stepfather, whom he always considered as his own father, died. The bereavement had a detrimental effect not only on the singer’s creative plans, but on his life in general. My mother also died in 2012. The loss of his parents, plus lack of work, progression of the disease, all this led Andrei to alcohol abuse. To improve his health, he was treated in clinics and then restored peace of mind V sacred places Egypt and Tibet.

Personal life and place of residence

During the years of wild popularity, the artist spent millions on entertainment and luxury cars. Feeding a passion for racing models, the singer even purchased a Porsche car. He subsequently sold expensive car and purchased a more budget option - a Honda Civic.

Now Andrei Gubin lives in a small Moscow apartment, which he bought for his parents. He moved in after their deaths. He lives on royalties, modestly, resigned to illness, without family or children.

In this program, he showed his apartment and talked about how he lives now:

And in this program, Andrei said that he lives on 15,000 rubles a month and also lifted the curtain on his personal life:

Where is that mischievous guy with a sparkling look and a youthful smile? He remained in the memory and hearts of millions of his fans. And wherever the once-loved songs are played, the grown-up girls sing along with him again.

Andrey Viktorovich Gubin. Born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. Russian crooner and musician, TV presenter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).

Stepfather - Viktor Viktorovich Gubin, worked as a researcher and cartoonist in many Soviet magazines, in the 1980s he was a freelance leader of a group of cartoonists for the Trud newspaper, later vice-president of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, had several recording companies, produced Andrey, died March 3, 2007.

Younger sister - Nastya Klementyeva.

The family moved to Moscow when Andrei was 8 years old.

As a child, he was fond of chess, played football professionally, played for the Moscow national team, but a broken leg put an end to sports.

IN school years Following his stepfather, he tried to draw caricatures, offering them to Krokodil magazine. According to him, he even received some money for it.

For a long time I had problems with diction; I began to pronounce the letter “r” only at the age of 15.

He worked part-time as a journalist, interviewed famous people, in particular. However, then he realized that journalism was not for him (although he later expressed regret that he had given up this occupation). I decided to focus on music.

Entered the Gnesin State University music school, but after the first year he was expelled for absenteeism.

In the late 1980s, he was the host of the television program “Under 16 and Over,” where he received his first recognition.

He wrote his first song, “Tramp Boy,” at the age of 16. The composition subsequently became a hit and was widely played on radio and TV.

Andrey Gubin - Tramp Boy

In 1989 he released his debut disc “I’m a Homeless Man” with songs accompanied by a guitar. The disc was not professional, it was released in a circulation of 200 pieces and consisted of songs with socio-political content. Then two more non-professional albums were released: “Ave Maria” and “The Prince and the Pauper.”

In 1994, Andrei Gubin performed at the Slavutich-1994 competition, where he met. With his support, Gubin’s first studio album, “Tramp Boy,” was released in 1995. By the end of 1995, the debut album had sold over 500,000 original copies.

In 1998, Andrei Gubin’s second studio album, “Only You,” was released. With this program, Andrei Gubin began performing solo in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus in 1998-1999. In 2000, the third studio album “It Was, But It’s Gone” was released. PR for the album began with massive tours in the USA, Israel, Germany, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

In 2001, Gubin released the disc “The Best” and stopped touring and concerts for a while. In 2002, the fourth studio album “Always with You” was released.

In 1995-2005, he repeatedly participated in the Song of the Year festival and was nominated for awards. But he became a laureate of this competition only in 2006, not as a performer, but as a song writer. In 1998 and 2003 he received the Golden Gramophone award.

In 2004, Gubin recorded the propaganda song “DJ Putin,” released by the Shawarma Records label on the disc “Songs about Putin.” At the end of the same year, he wrote the song “La-la-la” for Zhanna Friske, who had recently started solo career. Later she sang his song “Mama Maria”.

Also in 2004, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Produced singer Julia Beretta. Wrote several songs for Mike Mironenko - “Hello, Baby”, “But Whom”, etc.

Challenged to a duel for a song “Only Gubin is shorter”, written for “Star Factory-4” participant Anton Zatsepin.

Andrei took the comic composition as a personal insult: “Honestly, at first I didn’t even understand that this Anton Zatsepin was muttering, this piece was sung very vaguely, as if on purpose. I kept asking my friends: “Is this a song about me?” ? The guy sings about love for a girl, and then the line about Gubin is somehow strange. When I finally clearly heard that my name appeared in the chorus, I fell into a terrible state. I couldn’t understand what was happening, how this came about. the song and why Nikolaev wrote it. There was a slight shock, and then different thoughts began to come to my mind,” he said.

Andrey Gubin's disease

He has serious health problems, which are why he left the stage.

In the early 2000s, he was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia, a disease of the nervous system that causes a person to experience constant facial pain. Doctors say the cause of the disease is lack of sleep, overwork, and chronic stress.

In 2013, he moved to Egypt permanently. He lives very modestly, according to him, on only $250 a month, which he receives as royalties for his songs.

He still struggles with a severe back problem, goes to the gym and rides his bike a lot.

“Nearby there is a mosque where prayers are sung five times a day. I wanted to write music and couldn’t listen when the notes came by. I dreamed of building a camp site, playing the piano, but to hell with it! They didn’t let me! In the end, my ears curled up into a tube , and I moved out,” Gubin told reporters.

He complained of severe back pain, but does not want to see a doctor due to past negative experiences. “I finished this wandering around the offices eight years ago. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I gave 40 thousand dollars - the result: “zero.” I lay at home for a year, read books, and then it dawned on me, and I started riding a bicycle. Everything became get better," he said.

Andrey Gubin: life after the stage. Let them talk

Andrey Gubin's height: 166 centimeters.

Personal life of Andrey Gubin:

Not married. No children.

Information about certain novels of the artist has repeatedly appeared in the press, but they were short-lived. There were rumors about his upcoming wedding with a girl named Lisa, with whom the singer at one time lived in a de facto marriage, but it never became official.

In the show “Secret to a Million” he said that he starred in his video. The couple dated for four months. Gubin made it clear that they had problems with intimacy and sexual incompatibility. For her part, Tereshina stated that in everyday life Andrei turned out to be an unbearable person.

In one of his interviews, he admitted that many years ago he was in love with a certain girl (whose name he did not name), but she refused to become his wife. And then she got married and went to live abroad.

In April 2017, in the show “Oh, Mommies!” the artist said he couldn’t look at his own reflection in the mirror: “I constantly feel more attention paid to myself than before. Unfortunately. It's horrible. I can roughly understand why. Of course, walking around with such a face... I can’t feel half of my body, but the doctors say everything is fine. And the face of a complete idiot. Inside I feel normal person, but the face is like an iron mask.”

Andrey Gubin in the program “Oh, Mommies!”

In addition, he stated that he does not regret at all that he is still single.

“This may sound cruel, but I don’t regret not getting married until now. That is, I didn’t have a girl I would like to marry. My face hurts, I have no time for children... Taking care of children is a manifestation of some kind of strength, but I can’t take care of myself. My lips are turning blue, my whole body is falling apart. But I’m used to it,” said the artist.

Filmography of Andrey Gubin:

1998 - I know you know

Discography of Andrey Gubin:

1995 - Tramp Boy
1998 - Only you
2000 - It was, but it passed
2002 - Always with you

Video clips of Andrey Gubin:

1994 - “Liza”
1995 - “Tramp Boy”
1996 - “Night”
1996 - “Give me your word”
1997 - “Winter-cold”
1998 - “I know, you know”
1998 - “Bird”
1999 - “Cry, Love”
2000 - “Without You”
2000 - “Clouds”
2002 - “Dancing”
2002 - “She’s Alone”
2002 - “Be with me”
2003 - “Girls like stars”
2003 - “I’m always with you” (feat. Olga Orlova)
2004 - “Sun”
2004 - “Those who love” (feat. Paints)