Roman - the meaning of the name, its fate and character. Meaning of the name Roman

Since ancient times, people have noted that the name a person receives at birth has a huge impact on his fate and character throughout his life. Very often, if the name is known, it can indicate the nationality of the owner, his religion.

Huge information lies the same is true in its very sound, since some are pronounced melodiously and affectionately, while others evoke caution.

Every Roman will probably want to know as much as possible about what his name means and how it came about, because it’s not for nothing that his popularity is increasing year by year.

Origin of the name

Some believe that their origin given name owes to the Latin word "romanus", the literal translation of which means "Roman", or "Roman". But it can be interpreted completely differently, because from the ancient Greek language this word can be translated as "having strength", "strong", which fully characterizes its owner.

Name meaning

Many people are very interested in what the name Roman means. Slavic peoples. There is an opinion that its derivative is the name Romulus. Rome was named after him and another hero, whose name was Remus. Since the days of the Roman Empire, such names have been assigned to many boys.

For a boy

Little Roman has been inquisitive since childhood and takes everything seriously. Parents should prepare themselves in advance for the fact that their son will ask many questions about the world around him. He needs a complete and intelligible answer to each of them.

Character traits little Roman begin to appear from the very early age. He is very proud and stubborn, so in no case should you convince him by force; it is much easier to do this with the help of the right arguments and irrefutable evidence.

The baby's charm leads to his mother spoils her very much. This has a significant impact as he grows up, as Roman becomes impudent and rude, trying to destroy the opinions of strangers who call him a “mama’s boy.”


IN school years Roman has problems. He really likes to create a negative image for himself, to be a “bad guy” for others, so he tries to match it in everything. He can come to class without learning it, he can skip school, fight with peers, and sometimes even breaks windows.

Roman likes sports, especially its violent types. He shows interest in martial arts, so parents should switch their son’s attention to something else, since he already has a very strong will.


IN childhood The novel is no different good health. He will have time to get over all known diseases - colds, chickenpox, measles and many others. As he grows older, his health improves, but since he is too impulsive, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder may occur. Often the bearers of this name vegetative-vascular dystonia is diagnosed. In addition, attention should be paid to the musculoskeletal system.


Roman easily gets along with people, so everyone accepts him as one of their own. He is very cheerful, easy-going and easy to communicate with, but this only lasts until the moment he takes on any obligations. He cannot stand it if someone tries to encroach on his freedom.

Roman is more likely to break off relations with this person than to make concessions. He also does not tolerate those who try to use him to achieve their goals. With such people he is categorical and harsh.

Roman is prone to various scams, distinguished by sociability, which allows him to emerge victorious from any situation.

He loves luxury and is naturally generous, which can sometimes end in major troubles financially.


The bearer of this name is very amorous. He is ready to give his chosen one expensive gifts, but if he has to part, he feels almost no emotions. The novel is passionate lover, it is very important for him that sex be varied. Having serious relationship with his girlfriend, a man can have connections on the side.

Roman creates a family union late, due to a long search for his chosen one. Married not loyal, so the wife quickly gets tired of waiting for him to ever settle down and after three or four years the married couple separates.

Who can you marry?

Roman can create an ideal family with a woman named, Lyubov, Maya,. Relationships in which there will be no stability are destined for the owners of the name, Zinaida, Zoya.

All zodiac signs

Aries novels are characterized as sympathetic and good-natured men who are not inclined to worry about any troubles in life. They can fall in love at the first meeting and show deep and sincere feelings for their chosen one.

Roman Taurus very active and purposeful person . He always has many plans for the future that he strives to fulfill. Roman's actions and actions are under his control and responsibility. He is disgusted by pressure from above both in his personal life and at work.

Born under the sign Gemini Roman, is distinguished by eccentricity, impressiveness and nobility. He is characterized by a desire to help the weak, to commit good deeds. Relationships with the opposite sex are most often platonic.

U Romana-Cancer character is very contradictory. Any he perceives failures as a personal insult. He is characterized by modesty, touchiness and suspiciousness, which is why he often finds himself under the influence of others.

Roman-Lev He is sociable, never sad, it is important for him to constantly be in the center of attention. By nature, the bearer of this name is an egoist, therefore he does not have close friends. In relation to the chosen one shows care and love.

Roman born under the sign of Virgo, persistent, scrupulous and categorical. Plus, he always strives to achieve his goal. His actions are consistent and thorough. Opposite sex It’s very difficult with Roman-Virgo, since his chosen one must be smart, beautiful, feminine and independent.

Character Romana-Libra possesses restraint and intelligence. The man finds it easily common language with others. Always ready to help those who need it, and will never demand anything in return. The novel is very successful among the fair sex, but most often lives with the chosen one in a civil marriage.

For Roman-Scorpio characterized by emotionality and excessive impulsiveness. Because of such qualities, he becomes fickle. Believes that he is an innovator and a rebel, so he very often does ugly things. This sometimes turns off boyfriends and women.

For the soulful and charming Roman-Sagittarius It is natural to be a leader of a company. He has a cheerful disposition and perceives any troubles in life with a sense of humor. He's always surrounded beautiful women, but Roman cannot be called a Don Juan. He will only reveal his feelings truly beloved girl.

For Romana-Capricorn characterized by reprehensibility, isolation and prudence. He never deviates from his chosen principles in business. It is better for him to be alone, which is why very often a man never starts a family.

Almost everything Aquarius Novels They love freedom, they are characterized by honesty and integrity. The owners of this name are very smart, their mood often changes. Thanks to insight and thoughtfulness relies solely on oneself in business, pressure from outside is unacceptable to him.

Born under the sign Pisces Roman, likes to dream. At heart he is a great romantic, who believes that he came to this Earth for a special mission and is waiting for it to happen. historical event with his participation. He is always outside real world, That's why incapable of understanding people. Because of this, he is often rejected and deceived. Roman-Pisces himself is never distinguished by constancy and sincerity in relationships.

Name day

The patron saints of the name Roman are in the plural. Yes, first church calendar are celebrated on February 11, which is the day of remembrance of Saint Romanos, a martyr suspected of paganism and executed in Syria.

On October 14, the name day of all representatives of the stronger sex with this name is celebrated. The date is considered Day of remembrance of Roman Sladkopevets, who gained fame thanks to the creation of church canons.

On December 10, Roman of Antioch is commemorated. At one time, he was a hermit engaged in healing seriously ill people, which brought him great fame. In addition, Roman celebrates his name days in March (9), May (15), August (6.11).

The male name Roman has Latin roots and comes from the word “romanus”. The meaning of the name Roman is literally translated as “Roman”, “man from Rome”. The original form of the name is Romulus. Greek interpretation - unsurpassed, courageous, steadfast, strong in body and spirit.

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The name is one of the most popular; for 10 years it has been included in the list of the most common in Russian Federation. Has variations: Chamomile, Romochka, Romchik, Romusya, Romeo, Romulya, Romio, Romushka, Roman, Ramon, Romasha.

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      Little boy Roma

      Baby Roma is not particularly obedient. Very mobile and active, does not like to sit in one place. He is curious and tries everything, so parents need to closely monitor the little explorer. If you don’t educate Roma from childhood, he will grow up lazy and spoiled, since discipline is alien to him. It is necessary to correctly create a child’s daily routine, including time for useful activities and training.

      • Roma loves to hang out with his peers, he has many friends in kindergarten and school. He easily finds a common language with any person, has a great sense of humor and positive thinking help him with this. The boy does not like to study, he does not strive to become an excellent student, he is not interested in exact sciences.

        The natural charm of the baby captivates the parents, so they fulfill all his whims and indulge him. Excessive attention from relatives negatively affects the development of Roman’s personality: he gets used to doing everything in defiance, becomes stubborn and impudent, and does not like control. You can only influence a boy verbally; the use of physical force is unacceptable.

        One can only envy the imagination and rich imagination of a child: he composes fairy tales on the go and skillfully knows how to deceive, inventing incredible stories. He has the ability to manipulate people, so he easily manages to evade his responsibilities by shifting them onto the shoulders of others. The boy cannot live a day without adventure; he hates boredom and monotony.

        The character of the child depends on the time of year in which the child was born:

        • Summer. The main features are persistence and pride, prudence, independence.
        • Autumn. Typical qualities are pride, selfishness, stubbornness.
        • Winter. Characterized by short temper, impulsiveness, rancor and independence.
        • Spring. Carelessness, lightness, wit and cheerfulness prevail.

        The unchangeable character traits of a boy (for those born at any time of the year) are considered to be optimism and narcissism.

        Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility


        As a teenager, Roman remains as inquisitive and cheerful as in childhood. The craving for adventure becomes even stronger, so the young man constantly finds himself in unpleasant situations. Playing sports and martial arts helps to express oneself to a young guy and stand up for yourself. Roman doesn’t let anyone get close, doesn’t tell his innermost secrets even to his friends. His trust is not easy to earn.

        The guy easily becomes the life of the party and is constantly in the spotlight. He is not afraid of difficulties, he always laughs it off, and never loses optimism. The novel can convince almost any person that he is right and defend his own point of view, even if it is wrong.

        Roma is characterized by frivolous and thoughtless actions: he can easily quit studying at the university, move to another country, without warning anyone about it.

        Man Roman

        The fate of an adult man is quite successful, because he is ambitious and self-confident, and is not inclined to succumb to the influence of others. Humor helps him overcome failures. He never despairs. Money is the best incentive for him, so he eagerly takes on a job that pays well.

        Doing charity work and just helping people is not in his rules. He is vain and selfish, accustomed to a luxurious life, loves to dress expensively and stylishly, and give generous gifts.

        Love relationships

        The novel is an addicting nature. He often changes girls, breaking women's hearts. He doesn't care about the feelings of others. He worries only about his own interests and desires, and does not burden himself with unnecessary obligations.

        Roman's charm and natural cheerfulness attract women; he has many fans. The man is generous, loves to give flowers, but is not faithful. While in a relationship, he can easily enter into an intimate relationship with another woman without experiencing remorse.


        The man is in no hurry to tie himself to family ties. As a rule, he marries late (closer to 40 years old). He appreciates attractiveness in his chosen one (especially beautiful figure), without paying attention to spiritual qualities.

        Roman will never become a model husband. He is unable to maintain marital fidelity. A woman will have to come to terms with her husband’s loving nature, otherwise the marriage will break up very soon.

        Family and children

        Even the appearance of children will not stop the freedom-loving Roman. He is not able to become an exemplary family man and devote himself to raising children. Household responsibilities will fall on the wife's shoulders. For a man, this is too boring a pastime.

        In the family, he chooses a leading position and the role of breadwinner. The wife must obey unquestioningly. Roman loves to receive guests in his home. He often organizes noisy parties and various celebrations.


        Roman loves to communicate with people, so the profession of a sales manager or journalist is ideal for him. He seeks benefit in everything, values ​​his work highly, and does not accept criticism from his superiors.

        The work team loves him: he is cheerful and non-confrontational, he will always find something to surprise. A man is constantly in search, so he cannot stay in one place for long.

        Irrepressible vital energy and charisma will help you reach heights in creative professions. It will work out of Roman good actor or director. It's full creative ideas and strives for general recognition.

        Personalized horoscope

        Men born under different constellations have different traits:

        Zodiac sign Characteristic
        ScorpionRebellious character and inconstancy, impulsiveness and stubbornness, unwillingness to follow generally accepted norms of behavior
        SagittariusA female heartthrob and a charming seducer, a born leader and the darling of fate
        CapricornCalculating, a little cruel and selfish. Only one's own opinion is taken into account. Closed and arrogant person
        AquariusHe values ​​freedom above all else and is used to relying only on his own strength. A person of mood, often inclined to change his decisions. Performs contradictory actions
        FishHe has a good imagination, likes to dream all day long, is lazy and carefree, and self-confident. Lives in his own illusory world, does not understand people at all, so he prefers loneliness
        AriesGood-natured and cheerful, always positive. Lives for today, strives to get maximum pleasure from life
        TaurusAmorous and active, prefers to be the center of attention. Independent and purposeful. Does not accept working in a team, likes to achieve everything alone
        TwinsRomantic and charming. Talks a lot, but does little, so he never achieves his goals
        CancerSensitive and vulnerable, does not take initiative in relationships with the opposite sex, always goes with the flow. Does not forgive his offenders, is ready to take revenge at any opportunity
        LionSociable and authoritative, capable of committing heroic act for the sake of my beloved
        VirgoStubborn and persistent, approaches everything responsibly, completes the assigned task thoroughly. The tendency to be consistent in actions helps to achieve significant success in all areas of life.
        ScalesPolite, intelligent, smart and insightful. Knows how to find an approach to any woman. Does not skimp on compliments and gifts

        The Secret of the Name

        Roman celebrates his name day three times a year:

        • December 1 (Roman of Antioch);
        • December 10 (Roman Syrian_;
        • October 14 (clergyman Roman of Constantinople).

        Characteristic features of men named Roman:

        Category Description
        MoralFreedom-loving and willful, does not like obligations, violates generally accepted norms of behavior. The level of morality is low, it does not forgive other people’s mistakes, but does not pay attention to its own
        Personality typeSanguine
        Positive traitsOptimism, sense of humor, wit, politeness, responsiveness, good nature, sociability
        Negative traitsSelfishness, laziness, frivolity, vindictiveness, inconstancy, irresponsibility, touchiness, vindictiveness
        HealthDiseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory infections. Often suffers from bronchitis in childhood
        SexA passionate and ardent lover, but he thinks only about satisfying his physical needs, and does not take into account the desires of a woman. Sex for Roman is an integral part of life. Enters into intimate relationships only with beautiful girls
        ProfessionPolitician, advertising manager, social worker. Creative professions- actor, singer, artist. Roman does not like monotony, so he will like the work of a rescuer or a policeman
        BusinessAttached to money. He can easily open his own business and earn a multi-million dollar fortune.
        IntuitionA man listens to his intuition and it never lets him down
        IntelligenceAnalytical mind and good memory, low concentration level
        PsycheInability to achieve set goals, inaction and lack of discipline. Roman often quits what he started, acts impulsively and thoughtlessly. A man almost always good mood, he is cheerful, easily perceives failures in work and personal relationships
        HobbyTravel, sports, cars, girls
        Compatible with female names Anna, Ksenia, Elena, Love, Maria, Ada, Valentina, Sofia, Maya, Marta, Margarita
        IncompatibilityEkaterina, Tamara, Daria, Diana, Evgenia, Lilia, Irina

        Patrons and talismans named after Roman:

        Outstanding personalities with the name Roman: Abramovich - oligarch, Kostomarov - figure skater, Trakhtenberg - showman, Karmazin - athlete, boxing champion, Kartsev - artist, Jacobson - specialist in the field of literature and linguistics, Polanski - film director.

Artistic Ambitious Hardworking

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

  • Name meaning
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Roman mean?

What a beautiful, romantic and independent name - Roman! The meaning of the name Roman implies such character traits of its owner as activity, sociability and curiosity.

The energy of such a person is very unique, and it manifests itself in recklessness and frivolity. Let's give an example: If Roma ends up in difficult situation, then he will be upset and worried, but will not do anything, allowing events to develop as usual.

With age, he will develop a whole philosophy that will be associated with humor and optimism.

The patronymics - Romanovich and Romanovna, suggest a certain image: The character is contradictory, impulsive, in communication such a person is complex and without developed sense humor.

Would you name your child this name?

Trying to find out where this name came from, you can find out that it is of Latin origin, and in translation the word “Romanus” is interpreted as “Roman”. But if you remember how independent the inhabitants of Rome were, and how many centuries they ruled other nations, then we can assume that its meaning presupposes the independence, strength and pride of its owner.

The origin of the name Roman also has a Greek interpretation, which reads: a strong and strong man.

The patron saint of the name, whose feast day is celebrated on February 11, is the Holy Martyr Roman. He suffered mortally for the faith of Christ in 297 AD, condemning paganism and pointing out the errors of the infidels. For his Christian preaching, he was tortured and then executed by hanging from a tree and nailing his head.

The history of the name Roman may be displayed in images famous people modernity: oligarch Roman Abramovich, famous figure skater Roman Kostomarov or scandalous director Roman Viktyuk.

Name forms

Full: Novel Short: Roma Affectionate: RomashaVintage: Roman

Roma is most often a sickly boy in childhood. During the boy’s formative years, parents need to carefully monitor his health so that the child does not develop complications. But in general, the boy Romka is characterized by a developed and lively mind, but unfortunately, he cannot concentrate on one thing.

It is simply impossible to force him to perseverance and monotony. At the same time, regular punishments force Roma to skillfully deceive adults.

The characteristics of the name Roman reveal its owner as a supporter of everything new and original. He does not tolerate monotony and routine, he is capable of leaving the university shortly before graduation and going to work, or, deliberately skipping receiving a diploma for the sake of a dubious job as a non-professional actor, going on the run..

In Roman’s characterization, it is striking that he is interested only in work that brings a decent income.

Romka dreams of exploring the unknown, and he has the opportunity to become a scout, missionary, military man, police officer, or politician. He prefers professions that require constant communication with people.

Roman is vain, ambitious and an unbalanced egoist. Being an artistic man, he is often in an internal fantasy world, playing a certain role in a fictional one-man theater.

The character of the name Roman represents its owner as friendly and open person, but if you show dissatisfaction with him, or put pressure on the entity, he will become furious.

Like a man, you need to stroke him “on the fur,” admiring his virtues, and then you will not feel his anger and cruelty on your own skin.

A person with that name - interesting conversationalist with the gift of persuading others. He is a sensible plebeian with the tendencies of a mannered old man: a boring, organized, independent and patient man.

He is vindictive and does not forget the insults inflicted on him, but at the same time he is not influenced by others - he is objective and self-confident.

Such a person wants to be free from other people's opinions and does not want to limit himself to moral principles. He has a negative attitude towards anything that could interfere with the progress of his affairs.

According to Roman’s description, he is an enthusiastic person, and when he becomes interested in something, he quickly lights up, dragging those around him with him.

The secret of the name reveals in Roman a reckless person who is not afraid of difficulties. In a difficult and unpleasant situation, he always takes a wait-and-see attitude, and if he decides to do something, then calmly and without strain.

In society, Roma is considered a respected person due to his sense of humor, poise and balanced pride.

He will not strive for leadership, but he will conquer his associates with his commitment and charm.

The mystery of the name characterizes its owner as a person with whom it is easy to communicate without burdening him with obligations. Roman does not tolerate restrictions on his freedom, and will break all ties with an interlocutor who is trying to use him for selfish purposes.

Character Traits









The name Roman embodies the characteristics of an amorous and fickle nature.

But, if this young man truly falls in love, then, imbued with all his feelings and soul for his chosen one, he will generously give her gifts, without feeling remorse due to the change in the object of desire and adoration.

What prevents him from becoming an exemplary spouse is the eternal desire for variety in relationships.

His restless passion and love for newness in relationships will be a test in anticipation new darling- an ideal and perfect woman who will be ready to completely devote herself to her spouse, pushing all her personal interests into the background.

According to what the name Roman means, with the birth of children he can calm down, and peace and love will reign in the family, but he will still remain a leader.

The meaning of the name Roman for a boy

The name Roman has Latin roots and means “Roman”, “from Rome”. It became a derivative form on behalf of the legendary founders of Rome - the brothers Romulus and Remus. In Russia it has gained popularity and fame among modern young parents.

The meaning of the name gives this child: mobility, leadership qualities, stubbornness, self-confidence.

As a child, Roma grows up as a closed and suspicious child. He is characterized by sociability. He is able to ignite people with his enthusiasm. This is a wayward boy who acts according to his views. The child is enterprising and remains calm in a critical situation. Roma is restless and impatient. It's difficult to keep him in one place. He quickly loses interest in anything if a feeling of routine arises.

This child has an addicting nature. His head is full of new ideas and plans. When Roma takes on the implementation of such ideas, then at this time better than a boy don't touch. He goes in for sports, most often prefers martial arts.

Roman - popular male name, which has a double meaning. According to the main version, it comes from the Latin romanus and is translated as “Roman”, “from Rome”, “Roman”. Some researchers believe that the name has ancient Greek roots and means “strong”, “strong”. There is also a version that Roman is a derived form from Romulus and Remus, thanks to the combination of which the name of the city of Rome was formed.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: amethyst
  • Color: lilac
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: violet
  • Animal: swallowtail butterfly
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character Traits

As a child, Roman is an active, reckless boy. He has an excellent memory, he quickly grasps and remembers everything in class, so teachers consider him a diligent student. He is very charming, his parents adore him, especially his grandmother and mother. Personality formation is completed by the age of 30. He becomes proud, witty, vain and secretive.

Roman's character type is sanguine, he manifests himself as a true optimist and sees only beauty in everything. He does not strive to take a leading position and often lets everything that happens take its course, without trying to find a way out of this or that situation.

Roman is an independent, hardworking man. He never succumbs to the influence of others. The secret of the name lies in its sociability, independence and love of freedom. He loves to talk, and there are often times when he accidentally reveals someone's secret during a conversation.

He is often described as cheerful, easy-going, polite, courteous, kind person. Roman is creatively gifted, loves everything new, has unlimited interests, and is a good and devoted friend. Always ready to help. Negative traits are inconstancy, frivolity, unreliability, impulsiveness, talkativeness. Often resorts to lies in self-defense and can behave defiantly, even towards adults. He is a man of mood, vindictive and never forgets insults.

Interests and hobbies

Loves to travel. He is a big fan of big and cheerful companies. He likes hard sports such as wrestling, karate, boxing. As a creative person, he shows interest in art and theater.

Profession and business

Usually Roman chooses a field of activity that involves communicating with people. He gets along well in a team and quickly communicates with all colleagues. Therefore, you can often find owners of this name among actors, directors, and sales managers. The exact sciences, the work of a clerk or a simple employee are a burden to him, but he agrees to work if the profession is well paid.

Music, fine arts, theater. Roman can realize himself as a military officer, politician, intelligence officer and law enforcement representative. In business, he is also lucky, since money is an excellent incentive for him. However, often in entrepreneurial activity gets involved in various scams, suffers financial losses, but gets back on his feet on his own or is supported and helped to get out of a difficult situation. A great love for luxury and everything beautiful leads to great debts.


As a child, Roman is often susceptible to respiratory diseases. His weak points- stomach, gall bladder, possible diathesis. It is necessary to carry out preventive measures to strengthen the condition of the heart, digestive organs, and lungs. Constant walking and diet are recommended, and it is also beneficial to consume fish oil, food enzymes and amino acids.

Sex and love

Roman is a conqueror of ladies' hearts. Women fall in love with him at first sight and go crazy about him. He does not want to subject his sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and changes his partners without remorse. His desires are based on instinct, not feelings. Sex for him is the highest value in life. Therefore, a tender passion for one girl does not prevent you from entering into an intimate relationship with another. He is an egoist and pays little attention to a woman's feelings.

Despite this behavior, the bearer of the name Roman is always in search true love. He likes unusual and extraordinary girls, and external beauty- not the main thing for him. In his sexual life he manifests himself as an inventive lover and a great romantic.

Family and marriage

Roman is treasured family values, but often experiences difficulties in marriage due to his cheerful disposition. He can marry an older woman or a girl with an inconspicuous appearance. The main thing is that the chosen one gives him an ocean of feelings and a sea of ​​passions.

He is a leader in the family, but without unnecessary dictate and stubbornness. He always helps his wife with housework. She loves and devotes a lot of time to her children. At first, after marriage, he is not a faithful husband, so the wife has to wait until he settles down. Several marriages are possible, but if the union does not break up in the first years, it becomes stronger in the future. Roman is ready to do anything for the person who loves him.

Meaning of the name Roman: The boy's name means "Roman". This affects the character and fate of Roman.

Origin of the name Roman: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Roma, Romanka, Romasha, Romakha, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya.

What does the name Roman mean? The name Roman comes from the Latin "Romanus" and translates as "Roman". Another meaning of the name Roman is “Roman”. In this popular and beautiful name a wide variety of character qualities are intertwined: curiosity, politeness, sincerity, hard work and creative talent. It seems as if Roma is interested in absolutely everything - his views are very broad.

Patronymic name Roman: Romanovich, Romanovna; decomposition Romanych.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Roman: The name Roman celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 11 (January 29) - The Holy Martyr Roman and his comrades suffered in 297 in Syria: for exposing their pagan errors, after severe torture, they were hanged on a tree and their heads were nailed.
  • December 1 (November 18) - Holy Martyr Roman the Deacon suffered for the faith of Christ in 303.

Signs: They pray to St. Roman for the resolution of infertility and childlessness. Roman, December 1, seems like winter to us. If the day is warm for the martyr Roman, then the winter will be warm. By this day, fish are buried in wintering pits and pools, preparing for winter sleep.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - lilac
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - violet
  • Patron - swallowtail butterfly
  • Talisman stone - amethyst

Characteristics of the name Roman

Positive features: Cheerful and easy-going disposition, politeness, courtesy, creative talent, breadth of interests, wit, kindness, gentleness. A guy with this name is easy-going. He loves to travel to fun company. He can sincerely sympathize and help, if it does not take a lot of time and effort from him.

Negative features: The name Roman brings inconstancy, frivolity, talkativeness, laziness, unreliability, impulsiveness, and reluctance to put effort into anything. As a rule, Roma does not go well with his studies due to his restlessness, although he has a sharp and inquisitive mind. This behavior of Roma causes a lot of trouble for parents and teachers. He is capable of resorting to lies in self-defense. A man with this name can behave defiantly, even insult elders, but not malicious intent, but for the purpose of self-affirmation. Having become carried away by something, he lights up and gives up his previous job, but a new hobby can also be short-lived.

Character of the name Roman: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Roman? Roma are usually susceptible to many diseases until adulthood. Because of this, having become accustomed to loneliness and constant parental care, he experiences difficulties in communicating with friends and in teenage years. A guy with this name is cautious, secretive, mentally vulnerable, he is capable of getting carried away interesting thing, but not for long. However, having reached mature years, he becomes a completely different person - active, cheerful, far-sighted, even risk-taking.

Having looked at his bride, a man with this name takes care of her for a long time, quietly checking her pedigree (so that the offspring are healthy), and in reality - her qualities as a housewife. However, his children are born, as a rule, sickly - the circle of life, so to speak, closes.

The meaning of the name Roman in childhood. Since childhood, Romik has been serious and thorough, very inquisitive; a one-word answer to his “why” will not satisfy the child; parents will have to answer in detail. He is proud and stubborn, but one should not break his resistance by force; it is better to act with conviction.

The child, who has the wonderful name Roman, is very charming, simply pretty. Mom and grandma adore him. Therefore, having barely matured, he behaves harshly and even rudely, especially in front of strangers, and is afraid of appearing like a mama’s boy. Problems with Roma also arise at school: unlearned lessons, fights, broken glass, absenteeism occurs almost every day. The name Roma pretends to be cool guy. He likes hard sports: wrestling, karate, boxing. These hobbies should not be encouraged; he already has a strong will and a penchant for risk and cruelty. Thus, he never forgets the insults inflicted on him, and is internally satisfied when he learns about the misfortunes or troubles of these people.

As a personality, Roma is most clearly revealed by the age of 30. This is a strong-willed and hardworking person, independent, not susceptible to the influence of others. Roman is self-confident. Will agree to work if it pays well. Roma believes that his knowledge and business qualities should be rewarded. He really is completely dedicated to his work, collected, and patient. A man with this name can be a politician, a skilled intelligence officer, or work in law enforcement. The name also has a penchant for art, especially theater. He has wonderful intuition and highly developed intellect. You can’t see all this right away, Roma is very secretive. Outwardly, he is calm and seems indifferent to everything that happens, but deep in his soul is hidden passionate nature. The reaction of the name Roma to an event that directly affected him and interfered with his plans is similar to a suddenly erupting evil volcano, horrifying those around him. Roma will be able to finish any job he starts. A guy with this name will be able to convince you in an amazing way. the right person in what he needs.

Roman and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Successful marriage with Anna, Valentina, Goluba, Elena, Claudia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria. The name Roman is also combined with Sophia. Difficult relationship can work out with Varvara, Zinaida, Zoya, Margarita, Nina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Roman promise happiness in love? Roma easily falls in love, generously gifts his chosen ones, but does not experience remorse when changing them. He does not immediately become an exemplary husband; his craving for a variety of relationships interferes. With the advent of children he is able to settle down. For him it has special meaning leadership in the family. Can help with housework.

He is a passionate, inventive lover. Sex for him is a magnificent theater, a huge value in life. An emotional connection with one of the partners does not exclude the possibility of engaging with others. Roma strives to be free and is not going to bind himself to moral standards. Girls go crazy for him because he is fun, kind and generous. Roma cannot find his one and only for a long time, but even if he gets married, he will not be a faithful husband. The wife will have to wait patiently for him to settle down. In the family he is the leader. A guy named Roman helps with household chores, is not stingy, a father who loves his children. If the marriage does not break up in the early years, it will grow stronger over time.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Roma does not tolerate monotony: she can change places of study and work. The exact and boring sciences, the work of a clerk, a simple employee are alien to him. The greatest success awaits Roman in professions related to working with people. He attaches great importance to theater, music, and literature. Also, fine arts can be a successful field of activity for the name Roma. In addition, he can realize himself as a military officer.

Business and career: He cares little about money and often does stupid things financial affairs and gets involved in many scams, suffers financial losses, but still miraculously “gets back on his feet.” Natural generosity, as well as a love of luxury and extravagance, can lead to large debts, but there will always be people who will help him “get out” of the debt hole.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Roman from a medical point of view. He is choleric by temperament, but knows how to hide his feelings behind a mask of equanimity. He is endowed with an analytical mind, instant reactions, a strong will, but underdeveloped intuition. He is vindictive, and will definitely take revenge for the insult inflicted on him. Does not tolerate monotony in life. Pragmatism underlies all his actions. A man with this name loves to lead: if there is no such opportunity at work, then at home he is king and god, his word is law. Achievement comes first material well-being, on the second - sex and women.

In love, family for Roman is often only a source of convenience, a comfortable life and a place where, in case of failure, he can crawl and lick his wounds. He is in love, but is afraid of becoming dependent on a woman. He will not marry until he is convinced that his chosen one is ready to completely devote her life to him, to dissolve in him. With her he will be an exemplary husband. At first family life His name is overshadowed by his craving for a variety of relationships, his inability to focus on one thing and bring it to the end. With the advent of children it becomes good husband, a caring father. Leader in the family, but helps his wife in household chores.

The guy often changes professions. Has innate abilities for entrepreneurship, business, politics, a good administrator, production manager. In general, he is a gifted, witty, and sociable person. He easily subjugates a woman to himself, demanding that she completely dissolve in his sexual desires. In sex he finds relaxation after failures, but often his attitude towards sex is very prosaic, and in the whirlpool of everyday business life, Roma is able to completely forget about women.

Roman's fate in history

What does the name Roman mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Roman Bekman, a Livonian by birth, served as an interpreter and ambassador for us at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. for negotiations with foreign countries. The first time he was sent as a translator to England, in the retinue of Ambassador Fyodor Pisemsky, who in August 1582 went to the bride of Mary Hasting, whom Ivan the Terrible at one time intended to be his bride. The interpreter Rom-pa Beckman was sent to England for the second time “in light runners” with a complaint against the English envoy Bowes, as well as to settle trade relations. And in last time Beckmann was sent by Boris Godunov in 1601 to Lubeck to invite doctors, ore miners and other craftsmen to the royal service, and not without success!
  2. Prince Roman I. Gagarin - leader of the first half XVII V. In 1604 - 1605 he was a military head in Smolensk; in 1606, in Shuisky’s army, he made a campaign against Bolotnikov and was a participant in the unfortunate battle of Kromy for Tsar Vasily. In the winter of 1609, sitting under siege with the tsar, Gagarin and other nobles, under the influence of the Tushino people, staged a rebellion against Shuisky, demanded his deposition and, having achieved nothing due to the decisive defense of the tsar by Patriarch Hermogenes, left for Tushino. In 1629-1630 Gagarin ruled in Rostov. After 1632, the palace ranks no longer mention him.
  3. Roman I. Klein (1858-1924) - one of the most original Russian architects turn of XIX-XX centuries. The main work of Klein's life was the Museum fine arts in Moscow, which brought him the title of academician of architecture and wide fame. TO to a young architect Private customers contacted us. With their funds, he built the so-called Middle Rows on Red Square - a store for wholesale trade. Linked by high roofs, window shapes and platbands with the architecture of St. Basil's Cathedral standing opposite, they fit well into the ensemble of ancient buildings. In 1896, an unusual building appeared on Myasnitskaya Street - the famous “Chinese house”. The Tea-Coffee shop, popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital, is still located here. At the insistence of the customer, the major tea merchant Perlov, its facades and interiors were stylized by Klein to resemble an ancient Chinese pagoda. Trying to give a historical appearance to the exhibition halls, he designed Greek and Italian courtyards, Egyptian and white main halls.
  4. Roman Viktyuk is a theater director.
  5. Roman Vreden - (1867 – 1934) founder of Russian surgical orthopedics.
  6. Roman Kartsev is a pop, theater and film artist.
  7. Roman Balayan (born 1941) film director.
  8. Roman Girshman - (1895 – 1979) French archaeologist.
  9. Roman Ivanychuk - (born 1929) Ukrainian writer.
  10. Roman Yakobson - (1896 – 1982) Russian and American linguist and literary critic.
  11. Roman Polanski is one of the greatest filmmakers of the post-war era.
  12. Roman Kostomarov is a Russian figure skater.

Novel in different languages ​​of the world

The meaning of the name Roman is different languages sounds a little different. On English translated as Roman, in Spanish: Romanos (Romanos), in German: Roman, in Polish: Roman.