How to lose weight with proper nutrition - principles and diet, permitted foods. Diet for weight loss, eating tasty and healthy

On average, around the age of 30, many people begin to gain weight. This is especially true for women. Excess weight pushes people to try all kinds of diets and weight loss complexes. Then comes the realization that you need to eat a certain way not for a short period, but constantly, throughout your life. Regardless of the chosen system, proper nutrition for weight loss is based on general principles. Here they are.

Products for proper nutrition

The result of losing weight directly depends on proper nutrition. The main rule for successful weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you burn during the day. A proper diet should contain low-calorie, but nutritious foods for the body.

First of all, these are fruits and vegetables. Healthy food for weight loss - sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. It is advisable to eat bread made from wholemeal flour, and if this is not possible, then crackers are the only correct solution. Choose low-fat, non-sweet dairy products. Be sure to include lean meat, fish, and cereals in your diet for weight loss - the body needs them. It is recommended to drink green tea.

Separate nutrition menu for weight loss

When digesting some foods, the gastrointestinal tract secretes acidic enzymes, while digesting others – alkaline ones. If products from both groups (proteins and carbohydrates) enter the stomach, the body is not able to fully digest them. Food is poorly digested, does not bring us any benefit and is stored as fat. In the intestines, processes of rotting and fermentation occur with the release of gases. To avoid this, at least 2 hours must pass between consuming incompatible products.

There is a special food compatibility table, using which you can create for yourself correct menu for weight loss (see photo).

Hang this picture in your kitchen and use it while cooking.

To lose weight, it is very important not only to choose the right foods, but also to combine them correctly. Eating according to the health system separate power supply, you will reset excess weight, improve metabolism in the body, gain a feeling of lightness in the body, and a surge of energy.

  • For breakfast - fruit of your choice. Let them be sour one day, sweet the next.
  • For second breakfast - a vegetable salad without tomatoes and a product containing starch, such as potatoes.
  • For lunch and dinner - a salad of a variety of raw vegetables, several potatoes and a product containing protein of your choice (meat, cottage cheese, nuts).
  • For breakfast, eat fruits according to your taste and season: watermelon, melon, prunes, oranges, apples, grapes.
  • For second breakfast: vegetable salad with cottage cheese, sour fruits with nuts, carrots with green peas, carrots with beets.
  • For lunch and dinner according to your taste - vegetable salad with nuts and spinach, sour fruits with cottage cheese, apples with nuts, fruit salad.

Balanced diet

What do people come up with to reset overweight! Some people fast for weeks to lose weight, others eat only buckwheat, others eat kefir for weeks, giving up other food. They get some results, but for how long? After a short period of time, it is impossible to avoid weight gain to the previous level. Losing weight quickly is not always good for the body.

What should you eat to keep your weight normal? Research proves that it must be correct and balanced. The most important thing when losing weight is to understand that you will have to adjust your diet. By adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, you will not only lose excess weight, but also improve your health. Do not forget that we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat. Food should be tasty and healthy at the same time.

There are special nutrition rules for effective weight loss. When eating food, be sure to think about what it consists of. According to nutritionists, food products should contain the most carbohydrates (60%), the least amount of proteins (10%), and fats - 30%.

The calorie content of the product and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it are written on the packaging; you just need to calculate it correctly. If the products are homemade or purchased at the market, we advise you to use a special table of caloric content of food products provided in the photo.

For ordinary person calorie norm is 2400 per day. For a person who has started losing weight – 1500 calories.

Correct balanced diet is built so that greatest number The body receives calories for lunch (50%), for breakfast and dinner - 25% each. It is very important to maintain a proper diet.

To lose weight, a person should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Sometimes it is replaced with natural juice. Water breaks down harmful substances and removes them from the body.

How to properly balance your diet when losing weight, watch the video.

Avoiding sweets

Sweets are not always harmful to health, but quite the opposite. They are a natural antidepressant and promote the production of endorphins (“pleasure hormones”). Refusal of them leads to the body compensating for their deficiency by overeating other foods, experiencing psycho-emotional stress. This only makes the result worse. If you have set yourself the goal of losing weight, then it is important to know what sweets and at what time of day you are allowed to eat.

To lose weight, you will have to give up all kinds of cakes, pastries, sweets, yeast dough

Instead, we will use non-sugar fruits in any quantity: grapes, apples, grapefruits, kiwi. Eat no more than 200 g of sugary fruits per day.

If you really really want sweets, you can occasionally allow yourself treats with the least amount of calories - marshmallows, marmalade, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), honey, halva, dark chocolate.

Breakfast with proper nutrition

Many people get up in the morning without much appetite and ignore breakfast, not even suspecting that this prevents the body from losing weight. A proper breakfast is the foundation of your day ahead. It gives you a good mood, a boost of energy, and protects not only your figure, but also the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

When losing weight, you need to eat the right food for breakfast. You should not eat cookies, cheesecakes, bagels in the morning. Oatmeal is considered the best breakfast for weight loss. Toast made from white bread with banana or wheat porridge with milk.

It’s a good idea to eat dried fruits, yogurt, an omelette with vegetables, a sandwich in pita bread for breakfast - chicken with cheese or boiled eggs with cheese are wrapped in it.

Eating breakfast on time suppresses the production of the hormone leptin in the blood, which causes excessive appetite. So if you want less food consume throughout the day, do not forget to have breakfast.


Skipping lunch is harmful. If the body remains without food for more than 4 hours, it more than makes up for lost time at the next meal. This is especially true for people who are prone to obesity. Therefore, when losing weight, proper nutrition is small portions, but at short intervals.

Right time for lunch - between 12 and 15 hours, when our digestive system is actively working. Nutritionists advise eating a vegetable salad for lunch, about 100 g of steamed fish or low-fat grilled meat.

If you prefer soup for lunch, it should contain less potatoes, pasta, carrots, and beets. When losing weight, make soup the only dish for lunch.


Though folk proverb and says: “...and give dinner to the enemy,” never refuse dinner. Neither eating before 6 p.m. nor giving it up completely will help you achieve success in losing weight. You will only harm your body - by tormenting your stomach with hunger, it won’t take long for you to develop an ulcer. It is necessary to have dinner, the main thing is that after eating there are 3-4 hours left before bed. Food should not be too high in calories; exclude mushrooms, meat and legumes. For dinner, choose vegetable stew, fish, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese.

From the video below you will learn about the features of breakfast, lunch and dinner when losing weight, and the correct selection of food products.

Fasting days

During fasting days, the human digestive system “rests”, less energy is spent on digestion processes, it is directed in a different direction - to activate metabolic processes and remove toxins from the body. Fasting days are very useful for losing weight. Nutritionists advise doing one fasting day a week.

On a fasting day, it would be correct to eat one dish (fruit, kefir, milk, oatmeal). Products must be selected taking into account individual characteristics body. For example, some people get an appetite from apples; they should not do a fasting day on apples. Choose the food you love, because a fasting day is stressful for the body.


It contains bacteria beneficial to the intestines and is easily digestible. This is a nutritious and immunostimulating product. Choose 1.5 liters of fresh kefir (no more than 3 days), divide it into 5 servings and drink them throughout the day.

Kefir plus cottage cheese

We drink kefir five times a day. During breakfast, lunch and dinner, add 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese to it. At lunch, add a spoonful of honey or berries to the cottage cheese.


A fasting day on rice is especially useful for people with high acidity and those suffering from joint diseases. This product neutralizes salts in the body, cures joint pain, and coats the walls of the stomach. We choose unpolished, wild rice. It is permissible to eat up to 200 g of rice per day.

  • First, you need to wash the cereal well so that the water becomes clear.
  • Then soak overnight.
  • In the morning, cook without salt.
  • Use throughout the day.
  • There is nothing else to eat except rice.
  • Drink water all day.


Buckwheat contains a lot of microelements and minerals necessary for humans - iodine, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium. It contains a lot of vitamin B. Thanks to its chemical composition, this product strengthens our hair, nails, and blood vessel walls.

During a fasting day for weight loss, it is useful to eat buckwheat with kefir or green apples (3 pieces per day). Drink at least 2 liters of water or green tea without sugar.


Considering that apples have a lot of fiber, satiety comes quickly. Therefore, fasting days on apples are relatively easy. The functioning of the stomach and intestines improves, and weight loss is noticeable. The daily norm is 1.5 kg of apples, 2 liters of pure still water or unsweetened green tea.


Spending a fasting day on water alone is not easy. If you decide to thoroughly “cleanse” your body, this fasting day is for you. But before you start, it would be wise to consult with your doctor to see if you have any contraindications to fasting. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.


The positive effect of oatmeal on the gastrointestinal tract is widely known. During the day you need to eat oatmeal (1 glass of cereal per day) with unsweetened green tea.

How to reduce appetite while losing weight

When you set yourself a goal to lose weight, you need to consume eat less. But what to do if the food instinct is heightened, the feeling of hunger haunts you constantly? There are little tricks for easy weight loss.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day, even if you don't feel very hungry. This way you won't eat much. If you spend the whole day at work, take fruits or dried fruits with you. You can curb your appetite with them.
  • Don't skip breakfast.
  • Properly balance your menu for weight loss. Consume more vegetables and limit carbohydrates.
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and taste it. The brain signals the body about the arrival of food only 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
  • After you have poured food onto your plate, put about a spoonful back. You may be surprised, but you will eat a reduced portion.
  • Try to take a small plate. Then your portion will seem huge to you, you will be satisfied with it.
  • Get more sleep. There is a pattern - when a person sleeps little, he eats a lot.
  • When losing weight, consume more fluids or vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (watermelon, cucumbers). Sometimes our body perceives a lack of water as hunger. When you come home, slowly drink a glass of warm water, the feeling of hunger will dull.

A person lives long if he listens to his “biological clock”. Then he is healthy and full of energy. Thanks to proper metabolism, food is completely absorbed, and breakdown products are eliminated from the body. According to nutritionists, you need to eat at least 3 times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between them are snacks from light foods.

When losing weight, before breakfast it is correct to drink a glass of water at room temperature and only eat food 30 minutes later. Between breakfast and lunch, a snack of berries or fruits is allowed. Meals should occur at intervals of 2-3 hours. The optimal time for dinner is between 17 and 20 hours. In this situation, extra pounds are easily lost and the body becomes healthier.

To quickly lose extra pounds, in addition to proper nutrition, the body also needs to be given physical exercise. It's good to have a weight loss partner and support each other on your journey to your goal.

If you have your own proven recipes for weight loss, share them in the comments.

It is quite difficult to force the human body to burn its own fat deposits. Let's assume that we managed to start the process of burning fat, and the desired result was achieved. But for some reason, the extra pounds returned again after a fairly short period of time. Suddenly? No, nutritionists will answer that everything is natural. The process of losing weight is not a one-time process; it is important not only to lose weight, but also to prevent its possible return. This is why there is a diet for weight loss, which is not just an approximate menu for a specific period of time (week, month), but also includes a number of rules that must be followed. It is suggested to start with them.

Six important rules

A diet for weight loss suggests that you not only need to observe certain dietary restrictions, but also follow a number of other rules. About which the rules go speech?

1) After waking up, you should not immediately eat food. It is much more beneficial to do low-intensity physical exercise for 15-20 minutes after waking up. This rule, of course, exists for those people who are not used to doing light exercises every morning. Low-intensity physical activity means slow walking, slow running, doing exercises on machines, and more. You can walk your way to work, but you can use such a walk as low-intensity exercise only if you have your first breakfast at work.

Attention: following this point, you need to be extremely careful, since not everyone can run, jump or engage in other types of physical activity.

2) Breakfast should be nutritious, but this does not mean that you need to eat a lot. The fact is that after physical activity in the morning, as well as in the absence of it, when a person gets “hungry” during the night, the body will try to save fats. And if they are actively supplied with food, then the body will not only be able to preserve them, but also increase them.

Tip: It is likely that the feeling of hunger will be too strong and lead to some discomfort. In this case, you can compromise with the body by eating an apple or other fruit.

3) You need to eat small portions 4-5 times a day. Nutritionists quite often talk about this rule, since there should be enough food to maintain blood glucose at normal levels, restore glycogen reserves and provide the body with necessary vitamins and elements. Achieving this goal does not require a lot of food. Another thing is that the diet for weight loss should be varied. That is why, if you eat a lot, the body not only copes with the task at hand, but also performs another one: converts excess calories into fat.

4) It is advisable to keep a food diary, since it is easier to control yourself, it is convenient to analyze a healthy diet for weight loss, and make the necessary changes and additions to it.

The diary can reflect the menu for the week, which will help, for example, make the necessary purchases on Sunday. A food diary is no less important for monitoring the amount of food eaten. Quite often, people who want to lose weight do not consider snacks as a full meal. But they don’t know that nutritionists call snacking and eating on the go as uncontrolled intake of calories. Experts include here situations when a person eats, but does not sit down at the table, does not put food on a plate, and when he acts according to the principle: he ate a spoonful of soup, a piece of sausage, a spoonful of salad. If keeping a diary becomes a habit, such snacks will also be entered into it, as if automatically. This, in turn, will allow you to realistically estimate how much food was eaten during the day.

5) A proper diet for weight loss should be developed taking into account individual food consumption rates. It is calculated quite simply using a special formula. Nutritionists believe that to lose weight, the body should receive no more than 40% of calories than calculated according to the individual norm.

6) The diet for losing weight for a month (another period) should be balanced. Point No. 4, which suggests that those losing weight keep a food diary, will help you follow this rule. But you don’t have to limit yourself to a diary. So, there are nutrition calculators that will help you automatically calculate the deficiency and (or) excess of vitamins and elements. They are also great for determining your daily calorie expenditure.

Menu for the week

Creating the right menu for the week is not an easy task. There are quite a few reasons. Firstly, differences in age and weight. Secondly, calorie consumption per day, which is also influenced by a number of factors. Thirdly, individual food preferences, since the process of losing weight largely depends on psychological state person. And if you constantly have to eat the hated oatmeal, then the kilograms are unlikely to go away as quickly as you would like.

An approximate diet for weight loss for a week is as follows.


First breakfast: vegetable salad, buckwheat on water, tea (it’s better to choose green).

Second breakfast: fruit (pear, banana), kefir (one or two days).

Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, stewed vegetables (any), fish soup, dried fruits compote.

Dinner: Vegetable salad (can be replaced with stew), bran bread, tea.


First breakfast: cereals with yogurt without fillers, sweet and sour apple (can be replaced with pear), natural coffe.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, a decoction of berries, for example, rose hips.

Lunch: soup in vegetable broth with the addition of any cereal, brown (!) rice, baked fish, vinaigrette, juice or compote.

Afternoon snack: figs or dried apricots with yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: steak, vegetable salad, tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal with milk or water, baked apple, natural coffee or tea (and again, it is better to choose green tea).

Second breakfast: yogurt without fillers, nuts (very little, because they are healthy foods, but also high in calories).

Lunch: meat broth soup with fresh cabbage, mashed potatoes, fish cutlet, juice.

Afternoon snack: salad of any fruit, unflavored crackers.

Dinner: vegetable stew, ham, tea.


First breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with candied fruits, toast, drinks - tea, juice or natural coffee.

Second breakfast: apple, yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: buckwheat with water, chicken cutlet, borscht, compote.

Afternoon snack: some nuts and dried fruits, yogurt without fillers.

Dinner: vinaigrette, chicken fillet, tea.


First breakfast: rice porridge with milk (it should be sweet), it is advisable to add dried fruits to the porridge, tea or natural coffee as a drink.

Second breakfast: fruit - banana, kefir (one or two days) or yogurt without fillers.

Lunch: vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, goulash, vegetable salad, juice or compote.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, toast, crackers, cocoa.

Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled fish, yogurt without fillers.


First breakfast: vegetable salad, omelet, toast (can be replaced with grain bread), natural coffee or tea with milk.

Second breakfast: plain yogurt, some marmalade or a few pineapple rings.

Lunch: chicken soup with vegetables, chicken breast, vinaigrette, compote or juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast, vinaigrette, juice or tea.


First breakfast: oatmeal, any sweet fruit, natural coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: biscuits, plain crackers or toast, juice.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, baked meat with vegetables, compote or juice.

Afternoon snack: any fruit, yogurt without fillers, tea.

Dinner: vegetable salad, brown rice, some boiled fish or meat, tea.

In custody

This is what it might look like approximate diet food for weight loss for a week. It cannot be used for a longer period (month), because one of the principles of the diet for weight loss will be violated, namely: it must be balanced. Eating the same foods can lead to a deficiency of one or another element in the body.

Do you already know how many kilocalories you need to consume to lose weight? Just calculate their quantity using the formula from the article and lose weight in a tasty, satisfying and healthy way!

Extra centimeters at the waist, problem skin, split ends, brittle nails - all this sometimes indicates eating disorders. You just have to reconsider your eating habits and within a few weeks the situation will begin to improve. You are what you eat, so you need to eat right. This is the topic that today’s article is devoted to.

Diet Proper nutrition is not just a diet, it is a way of life. You will be able to eat tasty and varied, maintaining a slim figure and good health.


Proper nutrition is first and foremost beneficial. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, blood pressure is stabilized, exacerbations of chronic diseases are minimized, and the condition of hair, skin and nails improves. On top of everything else, the extra pounds come off. Yes, this process is not as fast as when losing weight on an express diet, but the weight will not return in a couple of weeks, as happens after strict fat burning measures.

The PP diet has many more advantages compared to traditional programs. So, the system not only allows, but recommends having a snack between main meals, you just need to choose the right menu. Therefore, you will not have to suffer from stomach pain, headaches, or fatigue. In addition, it allows you to adapt the permitted menu to your own taste preferences and situations. Now you don’t have to feel awkward when you’re visiting, because on any table there will be something that doesn’t go against the rules of the diet.

Are there any disadvantages? Some include the long-term nature of the program, because the first solid plumb line is recorded only after a few weeks. However, in the future the result will only improve. For greater effectiveness, review your diet in combination with physical exercise, massage and wraps.

How to choose

There are more than a dozen diets for weight loss. Some allow you to lose up to 10 kilograms in a week, others bring nothing but health problems. A system that turns out to be effective for one person will not always lead to excellent results for another. And only the proper nutrition diet suits absolutely everyone. It not only helps you maintain your figure in great shape, but also improves health, gives activity and great mood. That is why PP should not become a temporary event, but turn into a lifestyle.

How to create a menu

The nutrition plan must be developed based on lifestyle, age, weight and height. The drawn up plan will help not only rationally distribute the supply of required elements, but also save time when developing a menu for the day and drawing up a list for purchasing products.

  • 655 + 9.6*weight (in kg) + 1.8*height (in cm) – 4.7*age (in years).

Multiply the total by the activity coefficient:

  • *1.2 (with a sedentary lifestyle);
  • *1.38 (with light training in the gym up to 3 times a week);
  • *1.55 (with moderate exercise up to 5 times a week);
  • *1.73 (with intensive 5-7 times a week).

Now pay attention. If you want to lose excess weight, then you need to subtract 20% from the result obtained. Centimeters will go away at +100/-250 kcal. For example: after the calculations were performed, we received the number 1500 kcal; you will be able to lose weight by consuming from 1250 to 1600 kcal per day. If, on the contrary, you need to gain muscle mass, then the figure obtained in the calculation should be increased by 10%.

It has been proven that by reducing the calorie content of a daily portion of food by only 300 kcal, you will lose up to one kilogram per month, and in a year you will be able to become 12 or more kilograms lighter without pain and without stress.

To be guided only by the nutritional value of foods is, to put it mildly, stupid. It is also necessary to calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates required for the normal functioning of the body, that is, BZHU.

The normal parameters are:

  • proteins: 10-35%;
  • fats: 20-35%;
  • carbohydrates: 45-65%.

When there is a need to lose weight, then half of the daily diet should be carbohydrates, proteins should account for 30%, and the remaining 20% ​​should be fats.

Calculation of protein portions is carried out using the following formulas:

  • lower limit*0.3/4;
  • upper limit*0.35/4.

The resulting range will be the daily norm.

With a lack of proteins, it is destroyed muscle mass To avoid this, remember that women need at least 60 grams of protein per day, men – at least 75 grams of protein.

  • lower limit*0.15/9;
  • upper limit*0.2/9.

The numbers indicate the minimum and maximum amount fat per day.

The daily range of carbohydrates is determined as follows:

  • lower limit*0.45/4;
  • upper limit*0.5/4.

When creating a menu, keep in mind that 2/3 daily norm carbohydrates, a third of proteins and 1/5 of fats should be consumed for breakfast. Dine only on compatible foods. For dinner, eat light, but at the same time satisfying dishes. Don’t forget about snacks, they are mandatory for PP.

How to start

Switching to PP does not require as much effort as, say, switching to a buckwheat or rice diet. At the very beginning, you should restructure your thoughts and realize that such metamorphoses will only be beneficial, and only then you should move on to decisive measures:

  1. Replace animal fats with vegetable fats. Olive and coconut oils are considered the most beneficial, but sunflower and castor oils will have to be abandoned because they are too high in calories. Squeezing olives is not only beneficial for the cardiovascular system, but also helps maintain stable body weight.
  2. Instead of wheat bread buy whole grain or rye.
  3. For breakfast, eat porridge cooked in water. To improve the taste, add pieces of fresh/frozen fruit or natural honey.
  4. Introduce more meat and fish dishes into your diet. Eat boiled, stewed, steamed and oven-cooked meat, but not processed meat. It has been proven that sausages, pates, etc. provoke the development of colon cancer.
  5. Don't limit yourself to seafood. They are rich in iodine, a deficiency of which disrupts metabolism and causes subcutaneous fat to be deposited many times more.
  6. Eat more plant foods. It contains fiber necessary for normal intestinal function. Add pumpkin, carrots, spinach, and cabbage to the menu.
  7. Pay attention to the glycemic index of the foods you eat. The lower this figure, the slower they are digested, which delays the onset of hunger.
  8. Avoid trans fats. They are contained in margarine, and therefore in purchased baked goods - cakes, pastries and buns. Say "that's it!" fast food, chips and frozen semi-finished products, as well as mayonnaise and sauces based on it.
  9. Drink at least two liters of clean water a day, in addition to tea, juice and herbal infusions. Drink water 10 minutes before meals or half an hour after meals, as liquid dilutes gastric juice, thereby impairing the digestion process.
  10. Avoid alcoholic drinks. They provoke appetite and impair the sense of proportion.

Now you know how to go on a healthy diet, it’s time to talk about how to follow its basic rules.

How to comply

  1. Have 5-6 meals. Under no circumstances should the body suffer from hunger, since in this case even the carrots eaten will turn into fat. Eat after 2.5-3 hours, this is how long it takes to digest food.
  2. Do not combine protein foods with high-carbohydrate foods, since the digestion of the former involves completely different enzymes than the latter, sometimes even antagonistic ones. To avoid overloading the gastrointestinal tract, practice separate meals.
  3. Reduce the calorie content of your dishes by choosing the right ingredients. That is, you do not need to reduce the usual portions, but choose low calorie foods. Consume more plant products, bran, lean meat, eggs, but keep the consumption of sugary, starchy foods and fats to a minimum.
  4. Do not give up sweets - eat them in the first half of the day and give preference to natural ones (honey, jam, jams, marshmallows, marmalade). Fruits and dried fruits are allowed to be eaten until 5 pm.
  5. If you feel hungry after dinner, don’t try to eat oranges and/or apples; instead, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.
  6. While eating, think only about her. Don't be distracted by watching TV, talking on the phone, or playing on your smartphone.

The daily diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

And one more piece of advice. Eating habits are formed over years and it is simply impossible to give them up in a couple of days. This is why breakdowns sometimes occur. To avoid this, try to gradually switch to the PP diet. At the very beginning, write down everything you eat during the day, then analyze the records and then you will understand how much unnecessary and junk food you use. All you have to do is give it up and your dream of a beautiful body and good health will come true. Such a diary will help you calculate the amount of calories and dietary fat consumed and create a healthy and useful menu with the energy value that suits you. And the strongest motivation, of course, is visualizing what your body will be like in six months or a year. You must clearly know why you are limiting yourself now!


We have already talked above about the principles of this diet. You already know that you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, not give up protein foods (meat, dairy products), choose bread made from whole grain flour and drink at least one and a half liters of water without gas and sugar. You also know that pickles, smoked foods, drinks that contain caffeine, store-bought cakes and pastries, and sweets are prohibited. But there is one more rule - the diet should be varied!

Try not to skip meals. However, if you come home late from work, then skip dinner. You are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or even go straight to bed.

Daily schedule:

  • 8:00 – a glass of warm water. Drinking liquid will start the gastrointestinal tract!
  • 8:30 – breakfast;
  • 10:30 – lunch;
  • 13:00 – lunch;
  • 16:00 – afternoon snack;
  • 18:30 – dinner.

For a week


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apples; tea with lemon and honey.
  • Lunch: a couple of slices of cheese; bread; green tea.
  • Lunch: chicken soup; cabbage and carrot salad with lemon juice; fresh
  • Afternoon snack: a portion of cottage cheese with dill.
  • Dinner: beef baked with vegetables.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal cookies; unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: banana.
  • Lunch: steamed meatballs; summer salad.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit slice.
  • Dinner: broccoli omelette.
  • Breakfast: eggs in a bag; tea.
  • Lunch: fruit puree.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borsch; steak; cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: stewed rabbit with root vegetables.
  • Breakfast: cereal porridge on water with berries; tea.
  • Lunch: a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: chicken broth; "Caesar".
  • Afternoon snack: orange.
  • Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets; vegetable mix.
  • Breakfast: omelet; tea.
  • Lunch: a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: green soup; a couple of slices rye bread; cucumbers
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable casserole.
  • Dinner: steamed cutlets with cauliflower.
  • Breakfast: favorite porridge (not semolina); black coffee.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with raisins.
  • Lunch: stewed mushrooms; cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: natural apple juice.
  • Dinner: a portion of grilled fish; rice.


  • Breakfast: cheese sandwich; grilled zucchini; green tea.
  • Lunch: yogurt.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup with meatballs; salad.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole.
  • Dinner: beef baked with peppers and carrots.

Sample diet for quick weight loss

The menu suggested above will help you lose weight, but the results will only be noticeable after a few weeks. If you need to quickly lose weight, then an express diet based on the principle of alternating protein-carbohydrate days is suitable. Its essence is that all the necessary elements enter the body, but not immediately. The event lasts only 4 days, during which time up to 2 kg are lost.

The first day is protein

  • Breakfast: a couple of boiled eggs; tea.
  • Snack: salad.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken – 150 grams; vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: boiled squid meat; steamed broccoli.

The second day is protein

  • Breakfast: a few slices of cheese; tea.
  • Snack: cucumbers.
  • Lunch: steamed fish; green salad.
  • Dinner: grilled beef; green pea.

The third day is carbohydrate

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with dried fruits.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Lunch: pasta with gravy without meat or fat.
  • Dinner: boiled rice with vegetables.

Fourth day

  • On this day you are allowed to drink unsweetened tea and black coffee, and eat raw vegetables. It is not forbidden to supplement the diet with a small amount of cottage cheese.

How to get out of a diet

The correct way out of any diet is based on the principles of PP, so such an event should last a lifetime. You shouldn’t leave it, because adding harmful foods to your diet will not keep you gaining extra pounds for long.

If you have practiced the diet plan for fast weight loss, then after four days:

  1. Increase your portion of plant foods.
  2. Add egg whites.
  3. Drink more water.
  4. Play sports.
  5. Take multivitamin complexes.

After just a week, you have the right to completely switch to the selected program or, if you wish, return to your usual menu.

Diet options

Many people who want to lose weight are sure that there are safe diets based on proper nutrition. These, in addition to the one we have already discussed above, include Japanese, Chinese, protein, carbohydrate-free, Maggi, buckwheat and rice. Well, let's get to know them and try to figure out whether they are actually as useful.


One of the most fashionable weight loss programs today. Many are convinced that after 13 days (this is exactly its duration), they will not only lose up to 8 kilos, as practitioners convince, but will also improve their health. This conviction is due to the fact that among the Japanese there are many long-livers and, they say, following their diet will allow everyone to become healthier. You will have to give up sugar, salt, alcoholic beverages, flour, including confectionery. The basis of the diet is rice, fish, fruits and vegetables, green tea. But the cooking method dietary dishes has nothing in common with the traditional cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Minimize the heat treatment of products (we are not talking about fish), then they will retain the maximum useful properties.

The diet is considered to be quite balanced, so the body does not experience serious stress, and even after the event, the weight loss effect remains, since nutrition normalizes metabolism and rearranges the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to practice the technique no more than once every 2 years.


For Asian people, food is not a source of extra pounds, but nutrition, without which life is impossible. The Chinese eat rice, vegetables, seafood, always have soups once a day, and drink green tea. This diet allows the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom to maintain shape, performance and excellent health.

The main rule that the Chinese follow and which everyone who wants to lose weight will have to follow is to eat low-calorie foods, including eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables. In addition, you need to drink plenty of fluids - water and green tea. The latter neutralizes toxins and improves digestion, and also prevents the effects of free radicals. The consumption of salt, sugar, fat, flour, milk, alcohol and potatoes is prohibited. The method is designed for 2 weeks, it requires proper preparation and appropriate exit.


Squirrels are the main one construction material for cells. First of all, the consumed portion is used for construction and only the remains are transformed into fat. That is why protein programs for burning extra pounds are considered one of the most effective. There are several varieties of such programs; they are united by a list of approved products. Traditionally, the diet lasts for half a month. Those who are losing weight are allowed to eat lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit are excellent), fish, low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, cheese), eggs, non-starchy vegetables, green apples and citrus fruits. It is allowed to consume some complex carbohydrates (for example, 5 tablespoons of buckwheat or oatmeal for breakfast). A portion of BJU is calculated using the formulas proposed above, and then 20% is subtracted.

Basic Rules

  1. Every meal should include protein.
  2. Carbohydrates and fruits should be eaten only before 14:00.
  3. Limit your intake of sugar and salt; the latter can be replaced with soy sauce if necessary.
  4. The maximum daily portion of vegetable fat is 2 tablespoons; you will have to give up animals altogether.
  5. Play sports.

If all recommendations are followed, the first plumb line will be noted within a couple of weeks. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, it is better to refuse the protein menu. Such foods cause constipation, so eat more plant foods. The technique is contraindicated if there is a tendency to develop blood clots and increased blood clotting.

No carbohydrates

There is an opinion that carbohydrates are nothing but extra centimeters they are not worn at the waist, which is why they are so popular in Lately low-carbohydrate diets. In fact, a deficiency of carbohydrates threatens ketosis - the release of breakdown products of protein foods.

Under no circumstances should you exclude carbohydrates from your diet! We draw energy from them, they are the guarantee Have a good mood and high activity. You just need to develop the menu correctly.

First of all, give up fast carbohydrates - your favorite pastries, sweets and chocolates. The portion of carbohydrates must be calculated using the formulas given at the beginning of the conversation and a menu drawn up that is close to the results obtained in accordance with the parameters of the PP.

Don’t think that a low-carbohydrate diet will give you a solid boost in the first week. Be patient, because only after a month, when you step on the scale, you will see that you have become lighter. Don’t forget, in addition to reviewing your diet, include physical activity in your daily routine, drink more fluids, and take multivitamin complexes.


The Maggi protein diet is based on chemical reactions, occurring in the body. That is why it is often classified as PP. The diet is based on eggs and citrus fruits, the former supply all the necessary macroelements, and the latter – vitamins. The technique should not be practiced in case of individual intolerance, as well as in pregnant and lactating women. During this period you can lose up to 25 kg. However, if you are inspired by the results, do not prolong the diet; you can repeat it no more than once every 2 years.

Golden rules

  1. Drink plenty of water; unsweetened tea and black coffee are allowed.
  2. Muffle your hunger pangs with fresh vegetables.
  3. Eliminate salt, seasonings and flavor enhancers.
  4. Avoid fats, including vegetable fats.
  5. Play sports, give preference to swimming, walking, yoga.

If there is a breakdown, then you will have to start all over again!


Rice is an ideal product. Not only residents of Japan and China, but also nutritionists think so. It contains a lot of essential vitamins and elements, as well as amino acids and antioxidants.

One of the reasons for excess weight is slagging. Rice acts as a natural brush that perfectly removes waste and toxins, giving you excellent health and mood.

Regular consumption of rice stabilizes work nervous system, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, maintains energy balance. Brown rice is considered the most healthy, so dishes made from it are included in the proper nutrition diet. Eat rice as a side dish; it goes well with vegetables, meat and fish. But for better results, get into the habit of eating two tablespoons of slightly undercooked cereal on an empty stomach. After such a meal, do not drink anything for a couple of hours.

Warning: Rice can cause constipation, so be sure to drink water and eat fiber-rich foods.

There is also weekly program for burning excess fat, which does not contradict the postulates of PP, but requires a complete rejection of salt.

Sample menu

  • boiled rice – 100 g;
  • yogurt – 150 ml (can be replaced with the same amount of kefir).
  • morning portion of rice porridge;
  • chicken – 150 g.
  • rice – 50 g;
  • cabbage salad with olive oil.

Snacking is not prohibited; for this, eat fresh vegetables.


A conversation about proper nutrition would be incomplete without mentioning buckwheat. It is called the queen of cereals and not without reason, because when properly prepared, it saturates the body with minerals, phospholipids, organic acids, carotenoids and B vitamins. To preserve the maximum beneficial properties of cereals, it is necessary not to boil it, but to steam it with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2.

Those who want to lose excess weight, as a rule, choose strict mono-diets, which allow them to eat only porridge for several days. We think it is unnecessary to talk about the dangers of protein and fat deficiency. Therefore, nutritionists advise choosing a healthy diet menu for weight loss, and using cereals as a side dish for vegetables. By the way, buckwheat does not go well with protein foods and sugar.

If you need to lose weight in as soon as possible, then the buckwheat-kefir option is suitable, the essence of which is the daily consumption of buckwheat and low-fat kefir. The drink can be added to cereal or used as a snack. In addition to basic foods, you are allowed to eat dried fruits, natural honey and apples, as well as drink unlimited amounts of water. The buckwheat event has nothing to do with the proper nutrition diet, so holding it more than once a year is contraindicated!

I'm losing weight urgently for summer! Then - for your birthday. Then to the New Year, to spring and again to summer. And the kilograms, meanwhile, remain there where they were, and especially holidays even accumulate. Common situation?

But the solution to the problem of excess weight is not a secret or news at all. We all know that the secret of beauty, slimness and health is not in emergency exhausting diets, but in constant proper nutrition. Or rather, in the right lifestyle, part of which is healthy eating. And if you definitely decided to move aside perfect figure, then you should start by drawing up a proper nutrition menu for weight loss. And it doesn’t matter how many extra pounds are on the way to your dream, the main thing is determination and willpower. Because a healthy eating system is also a diet, and it has its own rules that must be strictly followed.

  1. Do not starve. If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't be hungry. Otherwise, there is a very high risk that, suffering all day from a sucking sensation in your stomach, in the evening you will break down and eat cakes or smoked sausage. The result is a feeling of heaviness in the soul and stomach, and excess weight that has not gone away. To avoid starvation, your menu should include fresh, varied foods that you love. If you don’t like apples, don’t forcefully eat them just because they’re healthy. Replace them with your favorite non-starchy fruits.
  2. Chew longer. Food should be enjoyed. No matter how little time you have for lunch, chew your food very thoroughly. He who chews long lives long, remember this saying? If you swallow everything quickly, you will leave the table hungry. Although you need to remain a little hungry when leaving the table, but only slightly.
  3. Eat more often. Eating often, but little by little, is better than rarely and a lot. This rule is a classic, and it works. Five meals a day are better than three. Because this means that the stomach will not shrink from hunger, bile will not stagnate, blood glucose levels will not drop sharply, and metabolism will not slow down. This means that the extra pounds won’t stick around. The main dish per meal should not weigh more than 250-300 grams.
  4. Cook it right. Baked or steamed vegetables, fish, and meat can be no less tasty and appetizing than fried ones. And their benefits are incomparably greater. There should be nothing fried in the proper nutrition menu for weight loss. As a last resort, use a dry non-stick frying pan.
  5. No snacking. This refers to snacking on pies, rolls, hamburgers, and cookies. Such dry food will only burden your stomach, slowing down the digestion process. Better drink unsweetened yogurt or an apple. Think about what is more important to you: a greasy sandwich or toned stomach and admiring glances.
  6. Sleep at night, don't eat. The last meal is no later than two hours before bedtime. Very hungry? Brush your teeth or drink a glass of water, it dulls the feeling of hunger.
  7. Have breakfast. But it’s better not to skip breakfast. Eating in the morning will signal your body that it’s time to wake up and kickstart your metabolism. Otherwise, you will only speed up in the evening and eat an unaffordable amount.
  8. Drink water. Thanks to water, metabolism occurs. But only drink between meals, and not during, so as not to interfere with the digestion of food. And this should be pure water, not tea, coffee or soda.
  9. Move more. You don't have to exhaust yourself in the gym. But at least to walk every day, it is imperative to prefer the stairs to the elevator. Without movement, good metabolism is impossible.
  10. Replace the harmful with the healthy. If you can't give up bread, eat whole grain. Replace sugar with honey, and sausage with boiled meat with spices. To lose weight, your menu should include only proper nutrition, no fast food.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: sample menu for every day

To make it easier to start eating right and losing weight, you can create a menu for the week ahead.

  • Monday

Breakfast: oatmeal with apple and honey. Green tea sugarless.

Snack: kefir or yogurt.

Lunch: baked or steamed fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil(olive, flaxseed) and lemon or lime juice.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with yogurt and berries.

Dinner: brown rice with vegetables, pomegranate juice.

  • Tuesday

Breakfast: baked apple with honey (can be cooked in the microwave to save time), unsweetened tea.

Snack: several almonds or other nuts (no more than 10).

Lunch: boiled chicken breast with low-fat sauce, bell pepper and green beans.

Afternoon snack: several dried fruits (no more than 7).

Dinner: shrimp with broccoli baked with cheese. Tea without sugar.

  • Wednesday

Breakfast: toast (cooked in a toaster), of course, whole grain bread with honey, fruit (not starchy, such as an apple), tea without sugar.

Snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Lunch: puree soup with broccoli or herbs (no potatoes, no cream), buckwheat or brown rice without oil.

Afternoon snack: one banana.

Dinner: stewed red beans with bell pepper, unsweetened dried fruit compote.

  • Thursday

Breakfast: two soft-boiled eggs, sliced ​​fresh cucumber and tomato. Unsweetened tea.

Snack: pear or apple.

Lunch: peppers stuffed with minced chicken with vegetables, “Vitamin” salad (white cabbage, carrots, apple; dressing – olive oil).

Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: carrot and potato puree (without oil, with vegetable broth), seafood (for example, shrimp). Green tea without sugar.

  • Friday

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt, berries or fruits. Unsweetened compote.

Snack: a few dates (no more than 6).

Lunch: red fish soup, seasoned with egg, with herbs. Vegetable salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Afternoon snack: yogurt or kefir.

Dinner: Vegetable casserole (without potatoes), several slices of Adyghe cheese (no more than 50 grams). Green tea.

  • Saturday

Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin and honey, unsweetened green tea.

Snack: banana.

Lunch: steamed broccoli or green beans with chicken breast seasoned with soy sauce.

Dinner: vegetable cabbage rolls with low-fat sour cream, unsweetened compote.

  • Sunday

Breakfast: pancakes cooked in a dry frying pan with apples and honey. Low-fat milk.

Snack: kefir.

Lunch: chicken broth with croutons, vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage.

Afternoon snack: several dried fruits.

Dinner: baked veal with vegetables (tomatoes, Bell pepper, onion), pomegranate juice.

This is just a sample menu. You can come up with a lot based on it. different options that are right for you. The main thing is that such a healthy diet will help you not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Latest news

Meals for weight loss at home- the basis for removing extra centimeters from the waist. Excess body weight negatively affects a person's health. But not everyone wants to use exhausting diets. Let's talk about how to eat right to get rid of extra pounds.

Methods and principles of effective weight loss

Reducing excess weight using strict diets shows stunning results, and in a short period of time. Keeping off the lost pounds is sometimes difficult.

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Nutrition for fast weight loss

It is impossible to achieve quick results in weight loss with proper nutrition. But the results obtained last for a long time.

How to create a home weight loss program?

A healthy nutrition program can be developed and compiled independently at home.

To do this, you will need to apply the Harris-Benedict formula:

  • men - 12.7*height+6.3*weight-6.8*age+66 = basal metabolism;
  • women - 4.7*height+4.3*weight-4.7*age+655.

The result obtained indicates the amount of energy required by a person at rest. For this reason, it is important to take into account the degree of activity.

When calculating using the formula, the following coefficients are used:

  • if the lifestyle is sedentary from 0.8 to 1.0;
  • with constant walking and 1-2 workouts per 7 days gym from 0.9 to 1.1;
  • active lifestyle from 1.0 to 1.2.

A weight loss nutrition program at home creates a shortage of calories between intake and expenditure. The main thing is not to overdo it. In any case, the difference should not exceed more than 300 Kcal.

Stories from our readers!
“Propolis elixir is a means with which you can calmly and without problems lose weight. For me, it turned out to be the best, which gives an effective result. Of course, I try not to eat as much in the evenings as before, I’m afraid of gaining weight.

I had so much more energy, I slept well, I didn’t feel heavy after eating, I went to the toilet like clockwork. Good remedy without side effects, so yes - of course I recommend this particular product."

Rules for saving results

You can maintain and consolidate the results obtained if proper nutrition becomes the meaning of life:

  • When calculating the calorie content of food, do not underestimate the indicators.
  • Continue to exercise.
  • Maintain a daily routine.
  • Drink the required amount of water and eat on time.

Practical advice from nutritionists will help you not to harm your health, but on the contrary, to improve your well-being:

  • Women over 30 years old need to consume additional calcium during proper nutrition. At this age, the mineral in the body decreases significantly;
  • Completely eliminate caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol from your diet;
  • Cholesterol is an enemy for humans. By eliminating foods and foods high in cholesterol, you can cleanse your blood vessels.

Proper nutrition and drinking regime

Sports activities

Any physical activity reduces weight quickly due to accelerated metabolism. To maintain the results after eating or to enhance the effect of the diet, it is enough to visit the gym 2-3 times a week, performing the necessary set of exercises.

Physical exercises can be performed at home or in the fitness room (Pilates, swimming). In the summer, it will be effective to pedal a bicycle. The benefit of such a load is double - Fresh air and strengthening the heart muscle, active lifestyle.

Every person needs to eat right, regardless of weight. A low-calorie diet will allow you to reduce excess weight and remove fat deposits without harm to the body.