Cucumbers for weight loss. Easy and effective weight loss on a cucumber diet

Hello friends!

Surely many of you have heard about the cucumber diet...

Let's take a closer look at what it is and how you can lose weight with cucumbers.

The main points, rules and recipes for losing weight on cucumbers, read further in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Cucumber diet - basic rules and important points

You can use cucumbers for weight loss in different ways - starting with one fasting day a week and ending with a complete dietary meal for 14 days.

But before we talk about the diet, we’ll spend just a few words ourselves.

What are cucumbers?

Almost everyone loves these delicious green vegetables with a fresh flavor. Cucumbers can be freely purchased at any grocery store.

The calorie content of the vegetable crop is low - only 15 kilocalories per 100 grams, since cucumbers consist of more than 95 percent water.

Rest constituent components vegetable crop:

  1. Fiber.
  2. Minerals.
  3. Macro- and microelements. Green fruits contain Cu, K, Zn, Mn, Mg, Ca, P.

There is not much vitamin content in the fruits: they contain only ascorbic acid and vitamins from the B category.

But the composition includes tartronic acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats. Therefore, the vegetable should be eaten not only as a dietary food, but every day.

Benefits of cucumbers for weight loss:

  • Cucumber fiber normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and improves peristalsis (passage) of food through the gastrointestinal tract, at the same time, eliminates toxic particles and waste - and cleanses human cells from them.
  • Thanks to the large amount of water, unnecessary salt is removed from the body, and this has a beneficial effect on the joints. Along with salt, the body also leaves the body with accumulated moisture/liquid from the tissues, due to which the swelling goes away.
  • Cucumber juice is a natural mild diuretic. The fact that a person gets rid of unnecessary water with salts will already cause a loss of 2-3 kilograms.

However, the main quality of the vegetable, due to which the cucumber diet for weight loss arose, is their very low calorie content.

What are the benefits of the cucumber diet?

Talking about cucumber diet– the following useful qualities can be named:

  1. There is no allergic reaction to a green product.
  2. The fiber in cucumbers is not coarse, does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and does not provoke exacerbation of gastric pathologies.
  3. The fresh cucumber aroma makes eating enjoyable.

The green fruit consists of 95% water, which means that by eating a kilo of these vegetables throughout the day, a person will receive almost a whole liter clean water, also structured, which also matters.

A 7-day use of this diet shows excellent results:

  • internal swelling is eliminated, and with it 2-3 extra pounds;
  • peristalsis improves (minus 2 more kilos);
  • the skin becomes clean and the curls become healthy.

To maintain successful weight loss results, you need to give yourself a “cucumber fasting day” once every 30 days.

A cucumber diet for a week or 7 days will help keep your body in great shape.

It is important to realize that this is by no means a mono-diet, that is, during the period of its use, you do not need to gnaw only green fruits with a sad face.

On the contrary, you should try to enrich your menu with proteins and “slow” carbohydrates.

One rule must be remembered: at least 2/3 of the daily diet (by weight) should be fresh cucumbers.

They can be eaten both in their natural form and as salads.

In salads, in addition to green fruits, it is possible to use parsley, onions, dill, sometimes other vegetable crops (cabbage or cabbage) can be used in small quantities, but cucumbers should still form the basis of the menu.

Options for diets or fasting days on cucumbers

The following diet options based on cucumbers received good reviews:

  • The easiest way is a fasting day on cucumbers.

It is necessary to make a salad that will include green fruits, as well as herbs, cilantro, celery, onions, etc.

Season the salad with low-fat kefir or lemon juice.

You need to eat 2 kilograms of fruit per day, from which you need to make 6 servings of salad.

That is, you need to eat 6 times. Salt is prohibited, as salt retains fluid in human cells.

Cucumber diet food for rapid weight loss will remove one and a half kilos of weight.

  • 3-day cucumber diet by Ksenia Borodina

Cucumber diet – 3 days, ideal for fast weight loss.

She has 3 options:

  1. In the first case, you need to take one and a half kilograms of fruit and 2 hard-boiled eggs. Divide vegetables into 6 servings. At lunch and dinner, add a boiled egg to the cucumber salad. The egg-cucumber diet has received good reviews.
  2. The second option involves eating a kilogram and half a kilogram of tomatoes. Everything must be divided between 6 meals. For dinner you can eat 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or chicken breast. The cucumber-tomato diet helps you lose up to 2 kilos in 3 days.
  3. And finally, the third option of the 3-day diet makes it possible to somewhat diversify the composition of the salad: in addition to cucumbers and herbs, it is possible to use other vegetables (not potatoes) - bell peppers, carrots, Chinese cabbage. The salad recipe is simple, you just need to cut all the vegetables and season with oil. Do not add salt. Eat the salad 4 times.
  • 7 day cucumber diet

Compared to previous cucumber diets, this option is the most strict. However, it will give you the opportunity to say goodbye to at least 7 kilograms.

The calorie content of a food complex per day is 900 kilocalories.

In this case, an individual menu is written for each day:

  1. The first meal will be the same for all 7 days - a slice of black grain bread and green fruits. On the 1st day it will be two cucumbers, on the 2nd day – one, on the 3rd day again two and so on.
  2. Eat 1 kilo of cucumbers per day. You can add basil, onions, celery - any greens you wish - to vegetables. Salt is prohibited.
  3. You can flavor it all with sour cream sauce or olive oil. A kilo of cucumbers should be divided between 3 meals: 12-30-14 hours, from 16-17 hours, 19-20 hours.
  4. Before noon you are allowed to eat a boiled egg, a piece of boiled chicken breast and a piece of grain bread., the main thing is that the calorie content of the meal should not exceed 200 kilocalories
  5. In the evening, you can eat two citrus fruits, an apple or a pear. The cucumber-apple diet is very effective. But a fruit snack should not exceed 100 kilocalories.

As an option, for variety, a buckwheat-cucumber diet can be used, which provides for the inclusion in the daily diet of not large quantity boiled buckwheat.

How Ksenia Borodina lost weight on such a diet is well explained in this video.

The issue of effective and comfortable weight loss is of interest to everyone who cares about their appearance. If there is a person in the world who lives a full life and has no problems excess weight, then this is a real unique one. The majority, and this especially applies to residents European countries, regularly observe growing indicators on the scales.

Not everyone decides to solve the problem by torturing themselves in the gym, or cautiously taking pills and various dietary supplements for weight loss, but finding perfect way return, and most importantly maintaining ideal forms, many strive. The cucumber diet for weight loss, the menu, reviews and results of which we will consider in today’s article, is worthy of becoming a real lifesaver for each of us.

The aroma of fresh cucumber immediately causes profuse salivation. Why? Perhaps it is the body itself that tells us what the body lacks for normal functioning?

Indeed, fresh cucumber is one of the most amazing vegetables. Many people wonder how it can be beneficial if it is almost 90% water, but this is partly why it is so beneficial. positive influence on the human body. Although we should not forget about the remaining 10%. They contain, of course, not enough vitamins, but there are so many microelements that they are quite capable of meeting the daily requirement.

Cucumber is indispensable for snacking, as well as for quenching thirst. For those suffering from edema, you can replace part of the liquid consumed per day with cucumbers, and the effect will not be long in coming. Firstly, it has a diuretic property, and secondly, it helps remove salts from the body, which, when retained in it, very often cause the formation of “barrels” on the legs, and also reduces the need for water.

It is very convenient to prepare it for food, because you don’t have to waste time on cleaning, you just need to wash and chop the vegetable.

By the way, it is the peel of the cucumber, unless of course it is overripe, that contains a large amount of coarse fibers, which have a positive effect on the intestines, cleansing it of toxins and waste.

There are only 15 calories per 100 grams in a cucumber, which means you can eat it all day long without stopping and not gain any weight at all, but in order to lose excess weight you need to supplement the abilities of this vegetable with other components.

Pay attention!

It is not only possible, but also necessary to eat cucumbers, but to get the maximum benefit, you should not salt them. Salt will not only retain water in the body, but will also reduce the vitamin and mineral benefits of the vegetable. With the help of pickles, you can achieve only a slight laxative effect.

Cucumber diet - advantages and disadvantages

The expected results from the cucumber diet reach -10 kg in one week. This effect is explained not only by the laxative effect, as a result of which fecal stones, toxins and waste are removed from the body, but also by the combination of useful minerals and substances that are quickly absorbed due to the high liquid content in the vegetable, as well as the presence of unique components that help neutralize acids. The cucumber diet is a real salvation for those who are forced to give up dietary restrictions due to increased stomach acidity.

It is worth noting the overall positive effect on the body. Thus, fiber helps normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys, removes plaque from blood vessels and cleanses the blood. The use of cucumbers in combination with other vegetables, such as tomatoes and carrots, even affects “old” fat deposits that have accumulated for several years, and we are talking not only about problem areas, but also about internal organs who may also suffer from obesity.

Pay attention!

The cucumber diet promotes the absorption of iodine, so it is recommended for people with thyroid dysfunction.

Despite huge amount advantages, not everyone can use such a diet. First of all, those suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system should approach this method of losing weight with caution; pregnant and lactating women should not take risks.

It is also worth limiting strength and cardio exercises during this period so as not to cause a calorie deficit.

There are two versions of the cucumber diet: soft and hard. Of course, in the second case, the results are more obvious and lasting, but only a few are able to comply with it. Strict diet involves eating at the same time, counting calories, etc.

The cucumber diet, like any other mono-diet in principle, requires preparation for its implementation and the correct gradual exit from it, as well as adherence to proper nutrition and healthy image life. Preparation for a strict cucumber diet lasts 5-7 days. During this time, products that will be used for weight loss are gradually introduced into the diet, and the amount of liquid consumed (water, fresh juices and green tea) is also increased.

Exit from the mono-diet occurs within 4-7 days. You should very slowly and rationally return to your usual diet, of course, making the necessary adjustments to it.

The principle of losing weight on cucumbers is explained by the breakdown of fat, converting it into energy and removing it from the body along with liquid.

Rules for the cucumber diet

In addition to preparing for the cucumber diet and gradually leaving it, to obtain maximum result Some other rules and recommendations should be followed.

  1. You should be confident in your health and the absence of contraindications for such weight loss.
  2. If you are doing the diet for the first time, it is better to limit yourself to the mild version.
  3. Purchased cucumbers and other related products must be environmentally friendly and of high quality.
  4. There is no need to peel the cucumbers before eating.
  5. Meals should be at least five times a day.
  6. A complete abstinence from salt is envisaged. If the habit is too strong, you can replace this supplement soy sauce, or dried kelp.
  7. Sugar is also strictly prohibited. A small amount of honey or fructose is allowed.
  8. During the diet, you must take fortifying vitamins.
  9. There is a diet for fresh and salted or pickled cucumbers. That's two different options for weight loss. You shouldn't combine them.

Products for the cucumber diet, their preparation

The cucumber diet, although it refers to mono weight loss, however, provides for the introduction of additional products into the diet, however, in order for them to enhance the effect and not slow down the result, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • coffee and tea even in limited quantities, but you can drink it, but it is better to use high-quality products and give up sugar, replacing it with a spoonful of honey;
  • When purchasing dairy products, opt for the minimum fat content (it is better not to buy low-fat ones);
  • Only lean meat and fish are suitable;
  • It is better to eat cereals and pasta for lunch or breakfast, but in no case for dinner and no more than 250 grams in a ready-made form (by the way, buy pasta only from durum wheat);
  • soups are allowed only vegetable and without meat broth;
  • It is advisable to season salads with a minimum amount of unrefined olive oil vegetable oil or a spoonful of natural yogurt; the use of lemon juice is strictly prohibited;
  • It is not advisable to use cabbage, because... it causes fermentation in the stomach;
  • You can use any greens and in any quantities.

Effective ways to lose weight using cucumbers

Cucumber fasting diet

Let's start from the very beginning simple option. Unloading on cucumbers is suitable for anyone. This day has no contraindications, and for those losing weight it will pass easily, without feelings of hunger, but with a fairly noticeable result (1.5-2 kg per day).

To do this, a salad is prepared from 2 kg of fresh cucumbers with the addition of a large amount of any greens. Season the resulting mixture with kefir or a small amount of olive oil, divide into 5-6 servings and enjoy it throughout the day.

If you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of water (although with this option for losing weight, maintaining a water regime is not at all necessary) or simply eat a cucumber.

This type of unloading can be done once a week.

Cucumber diet for weight loss for 3 days with menu

The three-day cucumber diet is also quick and soft, and also provides several menu options.

1 option

For the day you will need 1.5 kg of cucumbers and two boiled eggs. Cucumbers are divided into 5-6 servings; they should be eaten as a snack with an egg for lunch and dinner. In three days on a diet with cucumbers and eggs (or as it is also called a cucumber-protein diet), you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

Option 2

You will need 1.5 kg of cucumbers and 0.5 kg of tomatoes. They are also divided into 5-6 meals, but you can eat the vegetables either fresh or prepare a salad from them with vegetable oil and herbs. The tomato-cucumber diet burns fat deposits in the waist area especially well, which is why it is often called the “belly diet.” For dinner, you can eat 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, or drink a glass of 1% kefir. In three days you can lose up to 8 kg, but in order to consolidate the result, for the next 3-4 days after the diet, be sure to eat fresh vegetables at least once a day, or prepare a salad from them, and also do not forget about cottage cheese or kefir before bed.

Option 3

One of the easiest three-day options. Can be used except for tomatoes and cucumbers bell pepper and carrots. Vegetables are taken in the proportion of 1.5 kg of cucumbers, 1 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of peppers and 0.3 kg of carrots, divided into 5-6 portions or cut into a salad, which will also have to be divided into equal portions. You can eat a small piece once a day rye bread or bran bread, and at night drink a glass of 1% yogurt or kefir. The result is no more than 5 kg, but it is easy and simple; even a small piece of boiled chicken is allowed per day.

Cucumber diet for weight loss for 7 days with menu

After all the easy ways to achieve the ideal mark on the scale have been tried, you can move on to the “heavy artillery”.

Each of the seven days of the cucumber diet follows a clearly defined menu. You can’t change it or make adjustments, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve the result, which they promise is up to 10-12 kg. And one more thing mandatory requirement– You should always eat at the same time, with a deviation of no more than 15 minutes.

The menu will be absolutely the same for all seven days.

For breakfast on the first day you need to eat 2 fresh cucumbers and a piece of rye bread, on the second day a piece of bread and one cucumber, on the third again bread and two cucumbers, etc.

During the second breakfast, you can eat one boiled egg or a small piece of boiled beef and drink a cup of natural green tea.

This is followed by three main meals. You can determine the time for them yourself in accordance with your life schedule, but it is worth remembering that you still need to leave time for an evening snack, and it should not occur less than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

For these three times you need to prepare a salad from 1 kg of cucumbers. It is permissible to season it with olive or sesame oil, as well as a spoonful of low-fat sour cream. A piece of grain or bran bread will help make your meal more satisfying.

The last snack may consist of two oranges, one apple or a pear.

Diet on cucumbers and kefir

This type of cucumber diet can last from 3 to 5 days and involves getting rid of 4 to 7 kg. For one day you need 1.5 kg of cucumbers and 1.5 liters of 1% kefir. You should not combine these products, so it is better to divide the amount of each into three parts and consume them in turn. The use of greens and water is allowed. During the period of weight loss, you should pay attention to simple physical exercise to prevent skin loss excess liquid and weight loss did not sag.

Pay attention!

This diet requires preparation. 2-3 days before it starts, you should start drinking up to 500 ml of kefir per day.

When friends or acquaintances lose weight, it arouses a certain interest, but if you lose quite heavy weight someone could famous person, then this attracts huge attention and gives a powerful incentive.

Cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina

One of those who lost a lot of weight over lately TV star became the famous presenter Ksenia Borodina. She was never thin, and after the birth of her second child she became plump. How surprised the fans were when, after a short period of time, Ksenia lost all the excess weight. The secret, it turns out, lies in the cucumber diet, which, with the help of specialist nutritionists, was slightly edited specifically for it.

So, in order to lose up to 8 kg in a week and still remain fit and vigorous, Borodina followed this menu:


Fresh cucumber salad and one boiled egg. You can eat it as a snack with a salad, or you can crumble it directly into it and season with a teaspoon of olive oil.


Green tea, a piece of bran bread.


Fresh cucumber salad, 100 grams of boiled meat and a piece of bran or grain bread.

Afternoon snack

Salad again.


Salad of fresh cucumbers with the addition of any vegetables, but only green.

Throughout the day, you can drink purified water, and during attacks of hunger, snack on cucumbers. Their number is not limited. On the contrary, we must act according to the principle - the more, the better.

Pugacheva's cucumber diet

Alla Pugacheva surprises her fans with regular weight jumps. Of course, most often her shape is attributed to the interventions of plastic surgeons, and perhaps there is some truth in this, but in one of the interviews she told reporters about the diets that are the most proven and effective for her. One of them is herbal, and the second is cucumber, but the best option, according to the star, is the mixed version.

A similar method of losing weight is used when you need to lose weight urgently, therefore it is classified as an express weight loss method.
The essence of the fat burning effect on the body is simple. You just need to consume a freshly prepared cocktail of cucumbers, herbs and kefir every time you want to eat.

For 1 kg of cucumbers, take a large bunch of any greens to taste and 100 ml of kefir.

To make your meal more satisfying, you can eat a piece of bran bread with your cocktail.

You can lose up to 12 kg in a week, but using this method for more than 7 days is not recommended, and even then this applies to those who regularly resort to such drastic measures; for beginners, you should start with one day a week.

Anita Tsoi's cucumber express diet

Looking at the refined figure famous singer It’s hard to believe that she once weighed more than 100 kg, but it’s true and, as the star herself admits, in order not only to lose weight, but also to keep her weight normal, she had to try a lot of options.

Today, she recommends that her fans lose weight exclusively with the help of natural products and under no circumstances take harmful pills or other “magic” remedies, and also generously shares her recipe for slimness.

Diet for 10 days

You need to prepare a cocktail from half a kilo of cucumbers and 0.5 liters of kefir and drink it, dividing it into 6 equal portions throughout the day.

On these days, meals are divided into 5 meals.

1) egg white + 1/2 grapefruit;
2) whites of 3 eggs;
3) grapefruit;
4) duplicates No. 1;
5) repeats No. 4.

Provides 6 meals

1) 300 grams of fresh cucumbers;
2) 400 grams of fresh cucumbers;
3) salad of 300 grams of cucumbers and one protein;
4) the same as in No. 1;
5) boiled egg;
6) 200 grams of cucumbers.

1) 50 grams of oatmeal pre-steamed in water with a couple of slices of fresh apple;
2) 1 egg (hard-boiled);
3) 300 grams of cucumbers;
4) like No. 2;
5) like No. 1.

1) omelette;
2) cucumber salad with herbs;
3) omelet and salad;
4) same as No. 2;
5) like No. 1.

Anita Tsoi's diet is quite strict, so not everyone, especially an unprepared person, can withstand it. However, the singer warns that if you give up everything in the middle, the weight will return in double quantity, and getting rid of it next time will be much more difficult.

Anastasia Stotskaya's diet on cucumbers and cheese

The very bright and charming Anastasia Stotskaya captivated an audience of millions when she appeared on stage for the first time. Her appetizing forms only attracted men, and few people could guess how much effort she had to make to maintain herself even in this state. Strict restrictions on food, gyms, etc. became her constant companions in life, but after giving birth she was unable to keep her already magnificent figure within limits. Imagine the surprise of the fans when they saw the new Stotskaya, especially since no one could think about surgical intervention, knowing her categorical attitude towards such procedures.

The singer found a way to keep herself in shape in Greece and the diet that she now recommends to all her fans is called “Greek”. The essence of such weight loss is to eat exclusively cucumbers and goat cheese. You can drink water in any quantity and no more than 2 cups of green tea per day.

Yes, the diet is very strict, but after accumulating kilograms over the years, you need to get rid of them either by limiting yourself in many ways, or you shouldn’t expect a positive result.

This diet requires mandatory preparation, which consists of gradually introducing cheese into the diet, as well as a rational return to normal life.

It is known that the Greek diet also has more gentle options when, for example, it is allowed to add greens, bran, wholemeal bread to the menu, make salads with the addition of other vegetables, etc., but none of them will be so effective.

Although, health, of course, is more important, so if you feel constant hunger, nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain, you should not continue the diet recommended by the singer and preferably return to normal life.

Cucumber and chicken diet

One of the most popular cucumber diets is its combination with chicken. This tandem has the following features:

  • food absorption occurs very slowly, so those who are losing weight do not feel hungry;
  • the combination of products improves metabolism and at the same time strengthens the muscles of the body, which allows you to get rid of sagging after reducing volume;
  • long lasting effect.

Having decided to lose weight on this type of cucumber diet, you should pay attention not only to the quality of the vegetables, but also to the type of meat. The chicken should be tender, without fat and skin. You need to cook it in a double boiler or just boil it until tender.

The number of meals and the volume of food is regulated by the person losing weight, but one condition must be observed - the calorie content of the dish should not exceed 1200 kcal. You can increase efficiency by maintaining a water regime, and for this you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

This diet allows you to lose up to 4 kg in 3 days.

Buckwheat and cucumber diet

Buckwheat is famous not only for its rich composition and benefits for the human body, but also for its ability to help in the fight against overweight.

Losing weight using this method is as follows:

1) for the first day, a kefir-buckwheat drink is prepared. A glass of buckwheat steamed in boiling water is diluted with 1.5 liters of kefir and left for 5 hours or better yet overnight. Then divide into 5 equal parts and drink throughout the day;
2) the next day the diet consists of 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and 1.5 liters of kefir. You need to divide the amount of each product into three equal parts (i.e., you get 6 parts) and consume them throughout the day.

A prerequisite is that buckwheat should not be fried, and it is better not to buy kefir in the store, but to prepare it yourself from natural milk.

In 6 days of such a diet you can get rid of 5-9 kg.

Pickled cucumber diet

We paid a lot of attention to fresh cucumbers, their composition and benefits for the body, but these vegetables can only be used in the summer, when they are grown in natural conditions. In the cold season, of course, you can also buy cucumbers, but will they be beneficial? Hardly. However, even in winter, those who have chosen this type of weight loss for themselves do not have to give up useful habit, just replace the fresh vegetable with salted or pickled one.

For weight loss, you can use salads made from salted and pickled cucumbers, or you can simply eat them without adding herbs and oil.

Such weight loss requires five-day restrictions, during which you can eat only these vegetables and some canned tomatoes.

At least 2.5 kg of vegetables should be consumed per day, you can drink water and green tea. Expected results – minus 5-7 kg in five days.

Losing weight on a cucumber diet is a simple and affordable option that helps to achieve quick results, and therefore it is very popular among those losing weight. This is a great way to relieve your gastrointestinal tract and replenish your diet with a treasure trove useful vitamins and minerals contained in cucumbers.

Cucumbers are high in healthy fiber and low in calories. A great content water is the best salvation on a hot summer day. Therefore, losing weight with cucumbers is a truly summer, easy and very tasty option!

Benefits of cucumber

  • Cucumber contains many vitamins (A, C, E, B vitamins), minerals (K, F, Cl, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe). Cucumber contains 90% water, which is unique in itself. Contains only 10% fiber and 15 kcal. This vegetable is simply irreplaceable for weight loss!
  • Cucumbers can be a great snack without harming your figure. And in the summer, this vegetable can not only satisfy hunger, but also thirst.
  • When eating cucumber, do not peel the skin - this is an additional source of fiber, which is very beneficial for the intestines.
  • Cucumber juice normalizes the salt balance in the body, having a diuretic effect. Cucumbers remove excess salt and water from the body, thereby removing swelling.
  • The tartronic acid contained in the fruit prevents carbohydrates from being transformed into fats. They can be safely consumed in combination with carbohydrate dishes.
  • It is a good source of fiber and water, so the cucumber diet goes well with many foods: vegetables and fruits (tomato, cabbage, watermelon), cereals (buckwheat), protein (dietary meat, milk, kefir and eggs).

When cut, a cucumber loses its valuable properties. During the oxidation process, beneficial enzymes disappear and harmful ones are produced, which destroy vitamin C.

Basic diet rules

For maximum effect cucumber diet, you must follow some basic rules:

  • During unloading, you should avoid eating salt.
  • Use natural vegetables in your diet, purchased from trusted farmers or grown with your own hands.
  • When following a diet, you need to replenish your diet with pharmaceutical vitamin preparations.
  • The menu may include different types greens and onions.
  • You are allowed to drink water, green tea and herbal infusions.
  • Cucumbers are consumed in any volume, due to their low calorie content, this will not affect the waist.

The best season for cucumber diets is summer and autumn. Cucumbers at this time contain many useful substances and do not contain greenhouse nitrates. This is an invaluable weight loss product as it can be combined with any food, making the cucumber weight loss program very versatile!

Three-day unloading

The 3-day cucumber diet has three popular combinations.

Cucumbers - tomatoes

For one day the following diet is eaten in 5-6 doses.

  • 1.5 kg. cucumbers;
  • 500 g tomato.

We eat these vegetables in a salad or separately. For dinner - one glass of kefir or low-fat cottage cheese.

Cucumbers - eggs

  • 1.5 kg. cucumbers should be divided into five parts;
  • plus 1 boiled egg for dinner.

With other vegetables

Various vegetables are used, with the exception of potatoes. We divide all the vegetables with cucumbers into 4 parts and eat them throughout the day. By following this diet, you will be able to lose 2 - 3 kg.

7-day “-10 kg.”

The cucumber diet for a period of 7 days has a more extensive list of allowed foods, and there is a greater variety of vegetables in it. They say that you can lose up to 10 kg on it.

The total volume of cucumbers eaten per day should be 2-2.5 kilograms. You can’t eat a lot of fruits at night, as you should take into account the diuretic property of the vegetable.

Menu for the week

Lunch Bullseye.
Dinner Cold soup with cucumber, finely chopped egg and yogurt.
Afternoon snack Any fruit.
Breakfast Egg omelet, cucumber and herb salad.
Lunch Apple.
Dinner Baked dietary meat, cucumber and radish salad dressed with yogurt.
Afternoon snack Grapefruit.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Breakfast 1 slice of bread, cucumber and boiled egg.
Lunch Orange or slice of cheese.
Dinner Boiled or baked fish, 100 g of boiled rice and cucumber.
Afternoon snack Apple.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Breakfast A piece of bread, cucumber and low-fat cheese, green tea.
Lunch Grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetables stewed with meat and one cucumber.
Afternoon snack Bullseye.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Breakfast Whole grain bread, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with cucumber and herbs.
Lunch 1 apple.
Dinner Boiled chicken (breast) with cucumber salad and radishes.
Afternoon snack 1 orange.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Breakfast A piece of bread, an egg omelette and a cucumber.
Lunch Any fruit.
Dinner A piece of boiled fish with rice, cucumber salad and tomatoes with sour cream.
Afternoon snack Any fruit.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Breakfast Whole grain bread, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with cucumber and herbs.
Lunch Any fruit.
Dinner Baked chicken breast with salad of cucumber, tomato, mozzarella cheese and herbs.
Afternoon snack Any fruit.
Dinner Cucumber salad with herbs and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

The daily calorie content of this menu does not exceed 600 kcal, which contributes to real weight loss, and by adhering to this nutrition system for a week, you can lose up to ten kilograms. But you shouldn’t follow it for more than a week - it will harm your health.

Pros and cons

Pros of the diet

This is one of the most affordable diets dietary product It grows in large quantities during the season.

Fasting days on cucumbers are easily tolerated. The vegetable itself is low in calories, filling and able to quench your thirst on a summer day.

Cons of the diet

A long-term mono-diet on cucumbers is quite strict; you cannot stick to it for a long time, as it will harm your body.

There are contraindications to the use of this diet.


  • kidney disease, exacerbation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis, especially with increased acidity;
  • other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart diseases of various types.


Depending on the combination with cucumbers, there are several basic and very effective programs losing weight.

On cucumbers and kefir

The most popular diet is based on cucumbers and kefir. The kefir-cucumber diet allows you to quickly achieve good results. Losing weight with these components is quite fast and does not have a negative effect on the body.

Low-calorie composition plus healthy foods is the key successful work Gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this diet has a double benefit - losing weight and cleansing the intestines of harmful substances, and kefir will also have a beneficial effect on its microflora.

The duration of the kefir diet is from two to seven days. You are allowed to consume up to 2 kg daily. vegetables, combining with a liter of kefir. Don't forget about water! You need to drink about one and a half liters a day. Kefir-cucumber diets have good reviews.

Diet - the menu consists of two components that can be used together or separately. However, there are the most popular options:

  • We wash down the chopped cucumbers with kefir - break this dish into several parts, consuming it per day.
  • Cucumber salad with herbs, dressed with lemon juice.
  • A smoothie made from cucumber and kefir with herbs, adding a pinch of cinnamon - it speeds up the metabolism in the body.
  • Cold soup made from kefir, cucumber and herbs. Mix everything in a blender and - bon appetit!

You should adhere to a diet - this will make it easier to overcome the feeling of hunger and not eat something forbidden. Like any diet, this one also involves stress for the body. During a food restriction, it is worth excluding strong physical activity. Every day, following this diet, up to 1.5 kg is lost. This diet cannot be used often.

The effect of such fasting diets visible when they are used periodically, gradually moving to your usual diet.


A diet based on cucumbers and tomatoes is low in calories, which makes it a suitable way to lose weight. In addition, like cucumbers, tomatoes contain a huge amount of useful substances, one of which is lycopene - a very necessary component for our heart. Lycopene can also break down fat and speed up metabolism.

This diet involves eating these vegetables in salads and separately. The main thing is to adhere to a certain diet (in 5-6 meals) and drinking regime- We drink about one and a half liters of water a day.

Like any other, this one has a special strict options, such as the one suggested above. But for a healthy and proper diet, it is enough to eat these vegetables at least once a day or lighten the day on cucumber and tomato salads, and your body will thank you!


Cabbage is as low in calories as cucumber. Dietary fasting days in addition to losing weight, these vegetables will also bring great benefit for the intestines, cleansing it of harmful substances. On this diet, it is possible to lose up to 5–7 kilograms of weight, and besides, excellent intestinal cleansing is reflected in the cleanliness of the skin (especially the face).

In your diet, in addition to white cabbage, you can resort to other types of cabbage: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber, as does cucumber. And the body will spend more energy digesting these two vegetables than it receives. In this regard, the rapid effect of weight loss is explained - up to 1.5 kg. per day.

The cabbage-cucumber diet per day consists of 1 kg. cucumbers and 1 kg. cabbage, divided into several doses. To salads you need to add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and a little lemon juice. Vegetables are eaten in salads or separately, alternating the order.

Cucumbers and eggs

The combination of protein in eggs and fiber in cucumbers promotes both rapid weight loss and consolidation of the results. Protein can also be present in meat, but the egg is easier to digest and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract during the diet. By following a cucumber-egg diet, all organs and systems in our body will not be severely depleted, but will function normally, which is especially important during periods of restrictions.

The advantage of this nutritional system is cleansing the intestines and stabilizing blood pressure in hypertensive patients. The balance of salt and water in the body is normalized, and the complexion improves. In addition, it is very affordable, which attracts many people who are losing weight.

The cucumber and egg diet menu is quite simple. You are allowed to eat about 2 kg per day. vegetables, divided into 5-6 parts, plus two boiled eggs. You are allowed to drink at least one and a half liters of water and green tea (unsweetened). Like other mono-diet, cucumber-egg diet should not exceed 4-6 days, and people with allergies are generally better off choosing another option, without eggs.

On pickled cucumbers

The pickled cucumber diet is also considered one of the mono-diets. Oddly enough, fasting days on this product are very useful. Precisely pickled and lightly salted cucumbers They allow you to remove excess salts from the body, normalizing water-salt metabolism, speed up metabolism, and also cleanse the intestines, filling the body with useful minerals.

When eating pickles on a diet, you can add greens and other vegetables to them. It is worth considering all the advantages of this method of losing weight, since as a result of 3-5 days of eating cucumbers you can lose up to 5 kilograms. You should eat up to 2 kilograms of vegetables per day, divided into 5-6 parts.

The low calorie content of salted and pickled cucumbers allows them to be included in the diet of anyone losing weight. Also, when eating pickled cucumbers, metabolism in the body improves. But the preparation of this dish must be correct, without overdoing it with either vinegar or salt.

The duration of the diet on pickled cucumbers is up to three to five days. During the day you can eat up to 1.5 kg. vegetables Be sure to drink water and green tea. Everyone around you will admire the result!

It should be noted that this type of nutrition will not be useful for everyone. Contraindications include: stones in the bladder and kidneys, gastritis with high acidity, erosive gastritis of the stomach, ulcers.

Search low calorie diet, with which you can get rid of 3-5 in a week extra pounds ov? Then the cucumber diet is exactly what you need. With this diet, you will not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body and tidy up your skin. The cucumber diet is one of the healthiest diets for the body.

The diet is based on the consumption of cucumbers. For seven days you will eat only cucumbers and nothing else. You can add a little salt to cucumbers, but try to use salt in minimum quantities, 2-3 grams per day, no more.

Diet plan

The diet is very simple - there are cucumbers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The number of cucumbers is not limited, eat as much as you want. Well, of course, you shouldn’t overeat; you can eat 30-400 grams of cucumbers in one meal. You can eat 4-5 times a day.

And the second component of the diet is clean water, 10-12 glasses of clean water every day. You can add 2-3 ice cubes to the water before drinking. cold water stimulates increased calorie expenditure.

Nutritional Features

The cucumber diet is quite simple; you only need to follow a few tips to make it comfortable for you to lose excess weight:

To prevent cucumbers from becoming bitter, cut off the tops on both sides;

Cucumbers are very often treated with wax, so it is recommended to cut off their skin before eating (this applies to any cucumbers that are sold in stores; you should not eat them with skin);

People allergic to aspirin may be allergic to cucumbers (if you suffer from allergies, consult an allergist before starting the diet);

In winter, stores often sell dried cucumbers that are not entirely fresh. therefore, before eating, you can soak the cucumbers in a pan of water with ice (literally after 30 minutes the cucumbers will become tasty and juicy again).

Pros and cons of the cucumber diet

The cucumber diet has an extremely positive effect on the body. In addition to the fact that in a week you will get rid of 3 to 5 kg of excess weight, you will also improve your health and completely cleanse your body. By the way, this diet has no downsides (the only contraindication is if you are allergic to cucumbers).

I can recommend as an alternative to the cucumber diet

Summer is a long-awaited time, which is replete with bright sunshine, caresses with a warm breeze and, of course, it is in summer that active recreation on the seas begins.

And to look your best and be in great shape, you need to use all kinds of summer gifts of nature, because the best “friends” in the fight against excess weight are vegetables and fruits.

Naturally this fact It won’t surprise anyone, but you need to consume vitamins wisely, composing your diet correctly and effectively.

It is considered the most popular in the summer - it has gained enormous popularity among many girls who have experienced many different diets throughout their lives, but it was their puffy fellow cucumbers that were their salvation.

Why is the cucumber diet for weight loss so popular and most effective?

First of all, because cucumbers are wonderful fruits that contain more than 95% water, and the rest of the quantity – natural fiber. It turns out that if you follow this diet, you don’t have to exhaust yourself by drinking plenty of water, which all the newfangled diets talk about, because 2 kilograms of cucumbers contain approximately 1,900 ml of water. And now plus number 2: fiber, even in that small amount, helps to establish normal intestinal function and cleanse it of waste and toxins, restore the water-salt balance, and also tidy up the condition of your skin.

Cucumbers have excellent diuretic property, thanks to which excess stagnant water will be released from the body, volumes will be lost perfectly and the figure will take on chic shapes. If you decide to be friends with cucumbers, then it would be nice to use them as face mask, because it will eliminate minor skin imperfections, tighten it, make it elastic and clean.

Cucumber diet for quick weight loss– this is an excellent option for those who are for short term wants to turn his figurine into “candy.” It is worth paying attention to the calorie content of cucumbers, which is only 15 kcal/100 g, but the vegetable contains vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, as well as a number of microelements that have health-improving properties.

Cucumber diet for weight loss does not burden with its duration, because its average duration is 5-7 days, for which quite really lose from 3 to 5 kilograms of weight and on top of that, improve your metabolism. If you are optimistic about defeating excess weight, then you should carefully familiarize yourself with the basic principles of cucumber nutrition.

A simple diet option

So, Every day you need to eat at least one and a half kilograms of cucumbers, from which you can make a variety of salads, but most importantly - no salt. Choose one salad from the options offered and eat it throughout your diet. You need to eat at the following hours: 12-13, 16-17, and 19-20. Have breakfast as usual, tea/coffee and water - in any quantity.

Salad No. 1

Take a couple of kilograms of cucumbers and chop them into large pieces, season with mayonnaise (no more than 30 grams), pepper, add a wide variety of greens or dry herbs without any salt. This huge portion of salad should be divided into 3-5 meals.

Salad No. 2

Cut the same amount of cucumbers and season with sour cream with a small percentage of fat or kefir, and add a couple of boiled eggs and spices to enhance the taste.

Salad No. 3

In this option, you can chop both cucumbers and tomatoes into the salad, but there should be half as much of the latter. Dressing – 1 tsp. vegetable oil or sour cream. Complete absence of salt. If you want to diversify your diet, you can put some lean meat in your salad.

Cucumber diet by day

There is also cucumber diet by day which lasts 7 days and has a more varied menu.

So, the menu of the first day:

On breakfast you need to eat a couple of cucumbers with a small slice of rye bread.

IN dinner

Optionally, you can eat 1 orange.

On dinner

Day two:

On breakfast one cucumber with rye bread.

IN dinner you can eat 50 gr. boiled beef and cucumber and radish salad.

Have an afternoon snack if desired, you can use an apple.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Day three:

On breakfast one cucumber with rye bread.

IN dinner cook 100 gr. lean fish and rice (200 gr.) + 1 pickled cucumber.

Afternoon snack(optional) – cucumber.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Day four:

On breakfast one cucumber with rye bread.

Have lunch rice (100 gr.), one cucumber and 20 gr. any hard cheese.

Afternoon snack(optional) – pear.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Day five:

On breakfast eat a couple of cucumbers with a small slice of rye bread.

IN dinner prepare a salad of cucumbers, radishes, cabbage and carrots + 1 orange.

Have an afternoon snack if desired, you can use an apple.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil + 20 gr. cheese.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Sixth day:

On breakfast one cucumber with rye bread.

IN dinner prepare a soup of cucumbers, radishes, carrots (not fried) and a boiled egg + 1 pear.

Have an afternoon snack, if you want, tangerine.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Last seventh day:

On breakfast a couple of cucumbers with a small slice of rye bread.

IN dinner prepare a soup of cucumbers, radishes and carrots (not fried) + 1 apple.

Afternoon snack(optional) – cucumber.

On dinner salad of cucumbers and any greens seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If hunger does not leave you before bed, then a couple of hours before bedtime you can gnaw on one cucumber.

Cucumber diet by day quite varied, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that it includes the consumption of pickled cucumbers, and they are contraindicated for people who suffer from kidney stones.

Benefits of the Cucumber Diet

First of all she short-term(express diet) and allows you to very quickly get rid of extra pounds and centimeters in volume.

Many people like the cucumber diet for quick weight loss due to the fact that it does not require huge expenses, because cucumbers are a seasonal vegetable that costs a penny, but brings stunning results.

Cucumber Diet normalizes intestinal function and allows food to move easily through it, cleansing the skin.

The disadvantages include the inferiority of the menu, because required quantity The body will not receive enough vitamins. In that case You MUST take vitamin supplements so that you don’t feel tired and feel unwell throughout your diet.

At one time, a cucumber diet for weight loss helped Ksenia Borodina get rid of 12 kilograms and gain chic forms, which are now admired by hundreds of thousands of men around the world.

What else is needed for weight loss

Well, of course enormous strength will, the desire to be slender with appetizing shapes, many, many cucumbers and that’s all.

All you will get is a beautiful figure, improved health, excellent health and a mood that simply cannot help but rise from the admiring glances of the opposite sex.

Intrigued? Then go for it, create the figure of your dreams and be irresistible!

Depending on the variety fruit diet, in a week you can effortlessly lose 5-7 kg and still maintain a good mood...