How to write a business plan for a children's development center. Business plan for opening a development center for preschool children

Student of grade 8 “b” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12” in Magnitogorsk Alchinova Daria Sergeevna

We present to your attention the business plan of the Umnitsa Developmental Children's Center.

Creation of the developmental children's center "Umnitsa" for preschool and younger children school age. Every day, more and more parents understand that investing money in a child’s education is a win-win investment. Now most of them read that if education is expensive, it means it is good. But this does not always turn out to be the case. Education for preschool children should not cost big money, because Everyone wants their child to be an excellent student at school, but not every parent is able to spend a lot of money on this.



Municipal Educational Institution

"Secondary school No. 12 of Magnitogorsk"

Business plan

Child Development Center

"Clever girl"

Compiled by: student 8 "b" Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 12"

Alchinova Daria Sergeevna

Head: history and social studies teacher

Guseva Anna Vladimirovna

Magnitogorsk 2013

  1. Summary……………………………………………………………………………….....4
  2. Business history……………………………………………………………..5
  3. Description of services……………………………………………………….........6
  4. Price and pricing policy (marketing).…………………………….…….......10
  5. Market research: review of competitors….……………………………………………………...14
  6. Choice of teachers………………………………………………………….…...15
  7. Organizational and legal form…………………………………………….17
  8. Advertising………………………………………………………………………………20


This business plan is socially oriented.

  1. Goals and objectives of the child development center.

Creation of the developmental children's center "Umnitsa" for children of preschool and primary school age.

Our developmental children's center is a place for children from one to nine years old, where parents can bring their child to classes that will develop abilities in one area or another. This will help the future student or student enter first grade already able to read, count and much more.

Business goal: “to become the best child development center in the area.”

Business tasks:

  1. determination of market capacity and prospects for the development of a child development center
  2. assessment of possible costs for the sale of services.
  3. the need to ensure adequate pricing policy for the general population.
  4. comparing costs with possible prices to forecast profits.
  5. determining the feasibility of developing a given child development center in the current economic conditions.
  6. identification of promising opportunities for the child development center “Umnitsa” and the formation of a real program for putting the idea into practice.
  7. develop a range of activities that is most attractive to clients.
  8. develop effective advertising to attract customers.
  9. invite the best teachers to work in the club.
  10. buy (develop) the best training methods.
  11. provide customer service at the highest level.

Pedagogical tasks:

  1. filling the gap in educational and developmental influence that arises due to the high workload of teachers at school and the busyness of parents who are forced to work all the time free time, or who do not have the skills to raise their children by personal example.
  2. creating a psychologically comfortable environment for children in order to reveal their positive qualities, creative abilities, and the possibility of their self-realization in society.
  3. teaching children how to properly, creatively, and interestingly organize their leisure time.
  4. provide the opportunity for informal communication with adults who understand the motivation of behavior and minimally limit the natural desire for self-affirmation.
  1. History of business and names of the child development center.

Every day, more and more parents understand that investing money in a child’s education is a win-win investment. Now most of them read that if education is expensive, it means it is good. But this does not always turn out to be the case. Education for preschool children should not cost a lot of money, because... Everyone wants their child to be an excellent student at school, but not every parent is able to spend a lot of money on this. Having created the educational children's club “Clever!” That's what we called it because that's what they often call it loving mothers their own kids in exactly this way, when they show their intelligence, diligence and ingenuity. We immediately realized that not only parents, but also we ourselves confirm and affirm the smartness in every child. We decided to focus on this name in the singular, because any mother is interested in the success of her own clever girl, first of all, and then everyone else. Children's Center for Child Development “Clever” under the slogan “I can do it myself, I can do it myself!” we can prove that “good” is not always “expensive”.

Classes will be conducted in small groups (5-8 people), in a playful form that is understandable for children of a certain age. Whatever children are overtired, depending on age, will be given different times for lessons - from 30 minutes. up to one hour. Each age category will have its own teacher and its own program of lessons and activities. Once a month, one or another event will be held outside the club (an open-air party, a trip to a children's cafe, etc.).

Training and development today is becoming earlier. Parents do not need to explain that they need to start developing the child’s attention, memory, logic, thinking, concentration, and work on his socialization and creative abilities as early as possible. They understand that in a kindergarten where there are 15-30 people in a group, the child will not receive the same attention and the same quality of teaching work as in a good children's club.

  1. Description of services.

Any inclinations must go through a long development path before turning into abilities. The first years of a child’s life are the most valuable for his future, and we must use them as fully as possible.

Abilities are formed and developed in activities, starting with early age child. Involvement in activity is the main way to develop abilities. From here it is clear how important education and training, which organize the activities of children and their life practice, are for the development of abilities.

True, some children very early, long before systematic training in drawing or music, attract attention with their abilities for these types of activities. However, even the most musical children must learn to sing correctly and recognize melodies; even the most capable children should learn to draw, etc.

Abilities are developed and developed in the activities in which they find application. The more varied and meaningful the activity, the more fully and brightly abilities can develop.

A correct understanding of the nature of abilities shows how much responsibility for the development of a child’s abilities falls on educators. Abilities do not exist initially. They are not something independent of the teacher. The task of the educator, the teacher, is to actively develop the abilities of children. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to act in the direction of his interests, providing him with the necessary support and at the same time carefully checking the validity of his aspirations.

Child development center services:

  1. Individual and group sessions with a speech therapist.
  2. Learning foreign languages.
  3. Children's fitness.
  4. Computer literacy.
  5. Dancing.
  6. Fine arts.

Along with these services, in my child development center, I would like to offer the “school preparation” service.

The age of 5–7 years is a sensitive period when children are especially sensitive to any influence and are capable of development that is unattainable at other ages. If you do not use this period for development, then in the future the child is unlikely to study well and achieve success in adulthood. How the child is prepared for school by the entire previous period preschool development, the success of his adaptation and entry into new mode, his psychological well-being. However, the task of preschool preparation is not to force the study of the 1st grade program, but to pay special attention to the development of those personality qualities, those mental processes and those activities that determine the formation of sustainable cognitive interests children and their successful education at school.

Preparation for school should be carried out gradually and begin as early as possible. The main goal of the classes is to develop in children the ability to learn with joy and pleasure, to develop independence and a sense of responsibility. Between classes (3-5 minutes) breaks - warm-ups (physical training minutes).

Fine arts and creativity:

Drawing for children is not only an interesting activity and a way to have fun, but also the development of fantasy and imagination; holding pencils, crayons and brushes in your hand also develops motor skills. It is very important to develop children’s interest and desire to engage in artistic activity. In class fine arts children learn to work with different types art materials - gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, pencils, plasticine, colored paper and cardboard.

English language:

Children are always interested in learning something new. The English language will be a small discovery for children. Many parents believe that English for preschool children can be a heavy burden. But this is far from true. If you provide everything in the right form, for example in the form of a game, then the child will become interested in it.

Basics of mathematics for preschoolers:

It has been proven that introducing children to different types of mathematical activities in the process of targeted learning orients them towards understanding connections and relationships. The formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills in preschool children should be carried out in such a way that training gives not only immediate practical results (counting skills, performing basic mathematical operations), but also a broad developmental effect. In the process of systematic teaching of mathematics, children master special terminology - the names of numbers, geometric figures (circle, square, triangle, rhombus, etc.), elements of figures (side, vertex, base), etc. Lessons in mathematics acquire special meaning in connection with the development of children’s cognitive interests, skills to demonstrate volitional efforts in the process of solving mathematical problems. As a rule, educational tasks in the classroom are solved in combination with educational ones. Thus, the teacher teaches children to be organized, independent, listen carefully, and do work efficiently and on time. This disciplines children and helps them develop focus, organization, and responsibility. Thus, teaching children mathematics from an early age ensures their comprehensive development.

Literacy development.

In the process of studying in a preschool class, it is necessary to develop in the child a number of individual qualities that are most important to begin with. schooling, are educationally significant qualities that determine the content of the work. Therefore, our classes on speech development and literacy training will be aimed at developing phonemic awareness, enriching the child’s active vocabulary, coherent speech, and developing skills in composing a narrative story, story-reasoning. Particular attention will be paid to preparation for studying the Russian language at school, learning to read and preparing the hand for writing, as well as the development verbal creativity. When teaching literacy the following will be used: methodological techniques, such as “intuitive reading”, “writing poems”, “writing with peas”, “global writing”, etc. The use of these techniques is based on the laws of the child’s psychophysical development.

  1. Price and pricing policy.

An example of calculating the profitability of a development center

Premises: Depending on how high the starting capital is, we will be able to purchase or rent premises. The purchase, according to current prices in the city of Magnitogorsk, of premises with an area of ​​80 m² will cost from 5 to 6 million. If finances do not allow this, then it is possible to rent the premises - 30-40 thousand per month for 80 m². In this case, you need an amount that can cover rental costs for 3-4 months(90 -160 thousand rubles)

Non-residential premises - first floor of a residential building, 5 rooms (2 - for classes, 1 - games room, 1 - music room, 1 - gym, hallway where the administrator is located); total area 80 – 100 sq.m. Such a center can provide a comfortable stay for 8-10 children.

Expenses: Repair work (60-100 thousand rubles)

Purchase of equipment and materials (30-60 thousand rubles)

Funds reserve for legal services and unforeseen expenses (from 50 thousand rubles)

Payment for a website on the Internet (7-10 thousand rubles)

Payment for teachers and administrators (60-80 thousand rubles)

Payment of taxes 13% of income

Total excluding rent: 200-300 thousand rubles


Classes in each direction are held 2 times a week.

The timing of classes for each direction is different.

Reduced price for classes when purchasing a subscription.

If a child does not attend a class for any reason, the class is not paid for.

Name of the lesson

Number of people

One-time visit




Duration of classes

Classes with a speech therapist



40 min.


(5-6 people)


Developmental activities: preparation for school.


(8-10 people)


2 lessons a day for 40 minutes.

Learning foreign languages.



60 min.


(5-6 people)


Theater training and choreography.


(5-6 people)


60 min.

Children's fitness.


(6-10 people)


60 min.

Classes with a child psychologist.



40 min.


(5-6 people)


Computer literacy.



60 min.


(6-8 people)




(8-10 people)


60 min.

Fine arts.


(5-6 people)


60 min.

Development of vocal and poetic abilities in children.



50 min


(5-6 people)


Applied arts, folk crafts and handicrafts.


(5-6 people)


40 min.

Therapeutic and recreational physical education.



40 min


(6-10 people)


To attract additional income, events will be held on weekends, for example:

“Birthday” 6000 rub. in 4 hours

“Name Day” 5000 rub. in 3 hours

“Competitions for children”, “Concerts” and other events from 1000-3000 for 1-4 hours.

Our center hosts free parties for children once a month with the invitation of circus performers.

Profit: 250-400 thousand per month. If things go well, the child development center will begin to make a profit in the first year of operation.


Payment of rent

Payment for electricity, utilities

Payment for security services

Payment for cleaning services

Acquisition necessary materials for classes


  1. Review of competitors - children's centers.

When opening a child development center, we decided to be sure to study the concentration of similar centers by district, the shortage of kindergartens by district, and the income level of the population of a particular district of the city of Magnitogorsk.

For several years there were no development centers for children of preschool and primary school age in the city. But now competitors have begun to appear. So in the Ordzhonikidze district from Trud to Zeleny Log there are such child development centers as: “Baby and Carlson”, “Sema”, “Letter”, “Like Home. Family Club”, “Happy Little One”. But all these clubs have the main goal of caring for preschool children for 1-4 hours. During this time, children are occupied with educational games, children get the opportunity to communicate with each other. Mostly these organizations are located along Truda Street. 142-145 microdistricts, along 50 Let Magnitka Street, may be an interesting place to start a business in a similar direction. It is here that new multi-storey buildings are being built, a large percentage of families with 1 – 3 children. The area is young and developing. Schools No. 10, No. 1, No. 47 work in two shifts, the kindergarten groups are overcrowded, which means the percentage of possible clients is quite high.

In addition, I think that my child development center will be able to “come to the forefront”, beating all other competitors, if: Firstly, treat work not as a job, but as a favorite thing. If employees do not treat children as strangers, then children may become attached to him, and then they will strive to learn. They will also be stimulated by rewards. Even ordinary praise can be better than a toy or sweets. Secondly, parents began to pay more attention to their children's education. Therefore, the demand for places in such centers is growing. Development classes – hot topic. Of course, it will be difficult to compete with large centers that occupy large buildings, are in demand and have a good reputation. But, the winning point for my business is that the closest PCDOD MOUDOD “Right Bank Center for Additional Education of Children” is located on Galiullina 17, which means getting to it with small children will be quite problematic for some parents, in terms of time, with transfers to transport.

  1. Teacher's choice

I consider the selection of teachers for the Child Development Center to be one of important points for successful business development in the future. A lot in our club depends on the teacher - he is the main person who is in contact most of the time with the children and parents who come to the center. The atmosphere during and after the lesson, the developmental results of children coming to the center, the reputation of the center, our income and our peace of mind depend on the teacher.

I believe that a teacher at a children's center should be sociable and smiling, friendly and professional, artistic and organized, attentive to detail and tactful, decent and honest, and so on, and so on, and so on... And the most important thing is to love and understand children! The stages of searching for a teacher is a work that includes several stages:

  1. Preliminary work
  2. Preparation and submission of advertisements to the media
  3. Interview
  4. Demonstration of professional skills
  5. Candidacy approval

Form Resume (questionnaire).

  1. Candidate's full name ________________________________
  2. Date of birth: _______________________________
  3. Contacts: _______________________________
  4. Job title: _______________________________
  5. Wishes for future work: _______________________________

Area of ​​work at the child development center: __________________________

Salary (minimum): ________________________________

Working hours: _______________________________

Work experience: _______________________________

  1. Education: _______________________________
  2. Qualification: _______________________________
  3. Advanced training: _______________________________
  4. Professional achievements: _______________________________
  5. Professional skills_______________________________
  6. Knowledge of developmental pedagogical methods ______________________________
  7. PC knowledge: _______________________________
  8. About me: _______________________________

Family: _______________________________

Religion: _______________________________

Most important achievements: _______________________________

Free time activities: _______________________________

Additional information______________________________

  1. Organizational and legal form.

To register the children's center we chose IP . The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” allows individual entrepreneurs to engage in teaching activities on a par with legal entities. A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity from the moment he undergoes state registration. The procedure for such registration is regulated by: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; Law of the RSFSR of December 7, 1991 N 2000-1 “On registration fee with individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities, and the procedure for their registration"; Regulations on the procedure state registration subjects entrepreneurial activity, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1994 N 1482.

We chose individual entrepreneurship as the organizational and legal form of doing business, as this will not only simplify financial reporting and accounting. In addition, with this approach the tax rate will be much lower.

The readiness of the premises of the children's center before opening also implies compliance of the premises with the requirements of the State Fire Inspectorate and the SES.

According to the Fire Safety Rules in Russian Federation(PPB 01-03) fire safety requirements are mandatory “for application and execution by organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, by their officials, in order to protect the life or health of citizens...”.

The main document for study will be the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), as well as Federal law Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008

N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" and systematize your knowledge into tables. In these documents you will also find the requirements that apply to preschool institutions, which the “firemen” are guided by.

Firefighting work in the center:

1. Equipment and maintenance of the premises in terms of compliance with fire safety standards, which includes:

  1. Fire-fighting devices, namely: automatic fire alarms, fire extinguishers,
  2. fire hydrants, etc.
  3. Requirements for the arrangement of the premises (fire retardant treatment of flammable materials, location of doors, emergency exit, etc.)

Requirements for the external design of the children's club: the presence of signs, instructions, evacuation plans, etc.

2. Necessary documentation that must be maintained in the children's center to comply with fire safety standards.

  1. Orders
  2. instructions
  3. Magazines
  4. Certificates, certificates, passports for fire extinguishers, etc. which are stored in the center.

Occupational safety and health in a children's development center.

Labor protection is a whole system aimed at preserving the life of an employee and his health in the process of work. Ensuring safe life and labor protection is expressed in the children's development center, mainly in preserving the lives of young clients and their health, as well as workers in the process of performing their duties.

Availability of a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements. The labor protection requirements contained in legislative normative legal acts are implemented in the organization on the basis of administrative, accounting and reporting documentation.

Administrative documentation is prepared at the stage of creating an organization and includes orders, instructions, regulations on the organization of work on labor protection, job descriptions managers and specialists (indicating labor safety responsibilities and responsibility for failure to comply with them), labor safety instructions for workers.

Accounting and reporting documentation includes various journals: log of introductory briefing on labor protection, log of briefing on labor protection in the workplace, log of instructions on labor protection, log of issuance of instructions on labor protection, traffic log work records etc.

Occupational safety journals are necessary to determine and monitor work in the field of occupational safety, compliance with established deadlines for briefings, the availability of occupational safety instructions in the organization, etc.

In the field of labor protection, we pay special attention to:

  1. Completion of occupational safety training
  2. Correct design employment contracts with employees
  3. Drawing up job descriptions
  4. Carrying out certification of workplaces
  5. Availability of all necessary occupational safety magazines
  6. Availability of labor safety instructions
  7. The presence of mandatory local regulations: internal labor regulations, regulations on remuneration, etc.
  8. Proper execution of work books
  9. Registration and payment of vacations

Promotion of the center’s services is carried out through an advertising campaign on the territory of schools and kindergartens, in shopping centers in the form of printed materials, presentation at parent meetings, providing an “open day”, free entertainment events, sending advertisements by mail, advertising on the Internet, creating a website, advertising videos on city channels, posters. Mass advertising support is necessary only before the opening and at the beginning of each academic year. Good recommendations parents, word of mouth will work for you better than any advertising. Therefore, the center’s task is to work efficiently, and for schools and kindergartens in the area to help us in our work.

Before the opening of the children's center, the following promotional events will be held:

1. Announcements on stands in kindergartens and schools – 50 rubles.

2. Flyer - 550 rub.

4. Television – 100 rubles. per word (9 outputs per day)

5. Advertisement in the newspaper – 1000 rubles. (2 advertisements)

6. Conversations between teachers in kindergartens

7. Conversations with parents at parent-teacher meetings in kindergartens and schools.

8. Invitation cards (given at school and kindergarten, placed in mailboxes of neighborhood houses)

9. Stretching sign (3 thousand rubles)

Recently, along with state preschool educational institutions, various private kindergartens, clubs and centers have begun to appear, the activities of which are very similar, but there are a number of significant differences.

The most important thing is a different approach to raising and teaching children, which in such preschool institutions is several levels higher than in a regular kindergarten. Their salaries and working conditions are better, which facilitates the recruitment of highly qualified teachers.

What does the children's development center do?

The task of the children's development center is to provide high-quality training for its students, providing them better conditions stay, increased security.

The end result that parents observe is that their children are more prepared for the learning process at school.

As a rule, children already know how to read, count confidently, can add and subtract, and have basic knowledge of a foreign language. They have objectively higher intellectual abilities than their peers in regular kindergartens.

This is achieved not only by a more intense and interesting curriculum, and an individual approach, which is difficult to see in government institutions. Competitions and games based on modern educational methods are often held with children.

In some cases, fathers and mothers are invited to classes with the baby, who are directly involved in the development of their child through joint learning. This approach ensures that parents also undergo training together with their children and are involved in a competent upbringing process.

Parents are willing to pay money for such institutions, and there are a lot of such parents. Therefore, there is no competition in this type of business. One can even note an acute shortage of such institutions, because the demand for them is several times higher than the supply, despite the high cost.

How to open a children's development center

Opening a center does not require very large investments, but you will have to coordinate your actions and bring your activities to the requirements of regulatory organizations.

Permits and documents

Obtaining a license costs no more than 2.5 thousand rubles. But in addition to the license itself, you need to obtain opinions from the sanitary and epidemiological station of the fire service. D In order to obtain these conclusions, you need:

  • completely renovate the premises;
  • conduct a series of studies prescribed by the SES, the cost of which will cost 14–16 thousand rubles;
  • create the material and technical base of the institution;
  • install a fire alarm;
  • equip the premises with fire extinguishers, which will cost 6–7 thousand rubles.

It will cost around 25 thousand rubles to obtain these documents. You can use the services of legal firms that will take care of this issue. This will cost more, but you won’t have to deal with obtaining various permits yourself.


It is impossible to make the premises for a development center small. The center should include:

  • reception room;
  • staff office;
  • playroom and space for activities;
  • bedroom;
  • spacious bathroom with toilet and 4-6 washbasins.

Some people make a center of two or three apartments, the total area of ​​which reaches 180–220 square meters. But this has a certain disadvantage, since there is no separate closed place for walking.

An apartment building does not have much space for playgrounds and they are designed for all residents of the house. It is difficult to isolate a separate place, and you need a lot of it for walking.

The best solution is when the center is created on the basis of a private house in the private sector of the city, which has its own large territory. Here you can carry out additional construction and rebuild the premises to suit the needs and tasks of the center. However, this will require large investments at the start - around 5–7 million rubles or more. Whatever room you choose, it must have several exits.


An announcement that preschool teachers are needed for a good salary will bring a lot of specialists to you, including very professional ones. Choose mature women, aged 30 to 45, who have children of their own. Relevant education and 5–7 years of work experience is required.

It would be nice if you have your own education specialist who could professionally evaluate each candidate. Please note that teachers make the main “weather” for the center. If they captivate children in the learning process, and they tell their parents about it in detail, then adults will begin to share pleasant impressions with their friends. And this will attract new clients.

What is needed to open a children's development center?

You can watch a video in which people who have already started business answer this question:

To open a center you will need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or limited liability company;
  • find a room and bring it to the established order;
  • purchase furniture, equipment, teaching aids etc.;
  • obtain a license and permits from the SES and fire service;
  • find and hire staff;
  • run advertising;
  • recruit children.

Calculation of approximate costs

Before starting this type of business, consider the possible costs of opening a center and monthly costs. Let's consider an option that involves renting premises that require moderate redevelopment and repairs, which will cost 100–150 thousand rubles.

  1. Another 45-50 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for furniture, tables and chairs for a group of 15–20 children.
  2. Beds and bedding will require the same amount.
  3. Equipment and furniture for the kitchen, toilets and washbasins for the bathroom will require another 120-150 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase educational materials, including a piano (or synthesizer) will require 25-30 thousand rubles.
  5. Toys for children (this is a kindergarten, not a school) - 15–20 thousand rubles.

In total, together with the costs of documents, the amount is 350 thousand rubles. Allow another 15% of this amount for unforeseen expenses.

Every month you will have to spend:

  • for rent - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 8–12 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for baby food– from 25 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries – from 100 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses will amount to 183 thousand rubles.

Where to start?

The above describes in detail what and where you will have to apply for and receive. But start your business by deciding on the form of activity of the center itself. This could be a center with full-time education, three meals a day and an afternoon nap. The number of children in it will be limited - no more than 20 children, or even 15 children.

Each of them will receive increased attention, but the cost of the service will be appropriate. Parents of one child will have to shell out 20 thousand rubles a month, if not more.

Not everyone can afford such services. And here it makes sense to think about it. For a certain category of parents, the quality of their children’s education and their development are important, and they are willing to pay a higher price.

It makes sense to form a center for this category of parents, recruit a group of 15 children and set a high cost for services. In this case, the center will earn from 250 thousand rubles per month.

But there is another option when the center provides hourly services. Up to 10 children are recruited into the group, who are trained for 1.5–2.5 hours, after which they are picked up by their parents. The cost of one lesson ranges from 250 rubles. There are from three to five such groups per day.

This makes it possible to collect cash from 200 thousand rubles. But here the expenditure part can be reduced by two or even three times. A simpler room would be suitable; there is no need to feed the children or put them to bed. A nanny, a security guard and a nurse are no longer needed; wage costs will be halved. You can reach a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles.

For many beginning centers, the second option is more suitable. Some of them specialize in one topic - language learning, development of mathematical or intellectual abilities, sports opportunities. This allows you to start with smaller investments, gradually gain momentum, accumulating income received from the business and getting comfortable in this area.

A business plan for a children's development center with calculations is a project for organizing, developing and conducting activities. The document addresses the procedure for the provision of educational services that develop and temporarily occupy children. This business option involves standard requirements for registering an organization, establishing a taxation system, calculating future income and expenses, as well as assessing the profitability and productivity of the type of service in question. These aspects should be reflected in detail in the project.

A business plan for a children's center should be drawn up after an approximate assessment of the success of such activities, since it determines large number conditions and features of the economic market that may hinder the development of your own business, including when opening a children's club.

The source of income when opening a children's development center is payment for the provision of services that involve additional educational programs.

The development prospects of the business in question are determined by the goals of its organization, as well as an assessment of the target audience in a specifically selected area.

The creation of child development organizations involves achieving the following goals:

  1. Making a profit through developing educational events.
  2. Satisfying the needs of the middle class in the market area under consideration.
  3. Achieve a level of competitiveness in the market in the provision of educational services.
  4. Increasing the level of education of preschool children brought by parents.

The productive work of a businessman is characterized by the achievement of a set of presented goals.

The second point is the audience of potential clients, which generates profit. The more children are involved in the children's development center, the higher the income indicator. The target audience should consist of people under forty-five years of age with children of preschool age (up to seven years old).

In addition, parents must be fully employed in order to determine the lack of time for personal activities with the child. The income of the clientele should be focused on average indicators, this will increase the level of accessibility of the services offered.

If these aspects are observed and identified at the initial stage of the project, then the prospects for the development of the business can be determined with an accuracy of 70%.

The emergence of a children's development center, where groups for children are aimed at providing services for additional education, makes parents think about what to choose: a kindergarten or a special early childhood development center. It must be taken into account that these structures imply a number of fundamental differences, which must be relied upon when making a decision.

The services of private centers providing education to children are provided for a fee. Kindergartens can be either private or public, which implies differences in costs for parents.

Distinctive Features kindergarten and private development center are manifested in the following aspects:

  • educational programs in kindergartens comply with standards and do not require additional courses, which is typical for a children's center, where increased standards apply, which affects the quality of children's preparation for school;
  • a child’s stay in kindergarten involves a whole day period, while centers offer a flexible schedule, the opportunity to attend individual lectures and classes, which is convenient for parents, taking into account their working hours;
  • development centers offer a wide range of opportunities for children, organizing additional lectures, cultural events, and sports facilities, which is found only in some private kindergartens.

If parents have enough cash to send children to special centers, then this option is preferentially chosen, since it guarantees that the child receives a high level of knowledge for entering school.

The attitude towards children is also taken into account. Teachers in kindergartens perform their usual actions, watching children, without paying due attention to each child. There is no such attitude in the centers, since services are provided for a fee, on the basis of agreements and require an accurate understanding of how to communicate with the child, what needs to be conveyed to the child and what result should be achieved. Accordingly, development organizations are more attentive to children and strive to help their development.

Another significant point is the availability of resources necessary for the education of children.

The centers offer children physical and psychological development, carried out comprehensively, for which playgrounds, swimming pools, sports complexes, improvised theaters are formed, creative studios, computer class and so on.

A business plan for a children's leisure center involves determining the phased development and organization of the business, the procedure for implementing the service, and so on. A significant aspect in the formation of such centers is the availability of programs in various areas of children’s education, as well as resources to ensure the child’s participation in these activities.

Determining the form of existence of a children's center is necessary for guidance in organizing work. Mostly businessmen choose mini-centers, studios, and premium centers.

Since working with children is a high responsibility, the entrepreneur evaluates not only the possibility of maintaining a business at the initial stage, but also the ability to provide children with those programs and activities that will contribute to the development of children.


You can get your child interested so that you can teach your baby new skills in preschool age through play. “Mini” centers involve creating conditions that imitate a full-fledged educational center, but focusing on a specific type of child’s employment. Businessmen focus on gaming events, in which kids not only have fun and get positive emotions, but learn something new.

The formation of mini-centers involves not only preparing a room with an area of ​​up to fifteen square meters so that a group of children interacts with each other, but also the teacher who occupies the children is able to pay equal attention to each participant in the game.

  1. Development of creative thinking. The teacher tries to overcome psychological inertia by selecting non-standard views. Imagination, creativity, art technology, and so on help with this.
  2. Formation of self-regulation and arbitrariness. The child must independently navigate when performing any actions, showing his own imagination to solve problems.
  3. Development of coordination and motor skills. Such a program should be in every center for children, as it promotes the formation of independent handling of objects and the use of them without the help of adults.

Mini-centers involve a narrow list of areas, hence a similar form is determined, focusing on the child’s individual skills.

The purpose of such an organization is to activate the cognitive processes of children who have not yet left preschool age.

The following tasks arise from this goal:

  • formation of non-standard thinking;
  • development of speech skills;
  • ensuring abilities for self-regulation and voluntariness;
  • development of motor skills, movement coordination, spatial orientation;
  • formation of the child’s personality through the development of communicative and moral qualities.

In the mini-organizations under consideration for working with children, services are provided by psychologists with teaching experience and education.

The program is organized once a week for a group of up to twelve people. The duration of classes should be determined taking into account the age of the children. Educational events include greetings to group members, themed trips (games, special educational activities), finger gymnastics, and farewells.

In addition to the psychologist conducting work in the office, a teacher should be present for a more friendly environment.


The second option for forming a children's center is to organize a “Studio”. The differences when compared with the first option are that such studios require a larger square footage and can even be located in places such as shopping centers. Studios help keep children occupied for a while (up to one hour, so that their attention does not wander) and help kids gain new skills and knowledge.

The work of such studios should take into account aspects specifically established for this type of business that distinguish the form in question when compared with others available:

  1. The work takes place in a limited period of time. The child needs to be interested, so classes last up to one hour, otherwise the children will lose interest and become inattentive.
  2. Number of people. The studio assumes an increased volume of work; accordingly, the number of kids can reach up to twenty. In this case, the formation of several groups at once is allowed.
  3. Availability of a psychologist and teacher. For efficient work Psychologists and educators should work with children, however, one person who combines these professional skills can be involved.

The same principle is used to create intellectual kindergartens, however, the advantage of private centers remains unchanged.

Regarding the organization of the work of such a studio, the area of ​​the room, its location and demand are taken into account. Mini-centers require one office with the necessary resources for specifically established child development activities. The studio requires significant volumes; accordingly, the location of the center should be determined according to traffic indicators and the demand for such services in a particular area. The area can reach up to fifty meters.

It is also necessary to prepare equipment and facilities in order to keep children occupied. It is not enough to attract a teacher and a psychologist so that the staff simply entertain the child. You need to find special games, simulators, kits for creative expression, and so on. Children in studios should have a variety of forms of employment, otherwise little clients will quickly become bored.

To ensure these aspects, an investment of funds will be required, the amount of which reaches six hundred thousand rubles.


Another option for a children's center is premium. This format involves such volumes of business that require the organization of several premises, providing teachers for two or more groups of children at the same time, which leads to large investments, a specifically established payback period and difficulties in making a profit.

Practice shows that businessmen who choose the “Premium” format specialize in private kindergartens, where several premises are organized (up to twenty square meters) and a strictly established number of professionals are involved. This option is convenient because even if one group of children fails, others will remain, which will not allow the work to decline.

The existence of premium centers allows for the organization of work in two options, which is rarely seen when implementing the formats presented above:

  • The business is managed by the founder. There is no need to involve outsiders in a leadership position. This option is more economical, but involves increased responsibility for how work with children will be carried out;
  • attracting an outside manager. This option is typical for a business when at least five premises are open, including in certain parts of the city. At the same time, the founder also exercises control over the activities of the centers.

A ready-made business plan for a children's educational and development center should include costs for renting premises, registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, going through the licensing stage, implementing an advertising strategy, purchasing equipment, attracting professionals, and so on. In addition, the project for your own business reflects in detail each step of business formation with an assessment of profitability.

The initiator of a business can be either a person without a pedagogical education, but in this case the involvement of educators and psychologists will be required, or a person who has experience working with children under ten years of age.

A business development project should focus primarily on calculating costs, as well as determining the payback period and establishing potential profits.

Basic calculations

Since the goal of the business in question is to organize services for the education and development of children, which should entail making a profit, the entrepreneur estimates the initial costs for the formation starting capital. The exact amount of expenses is determined taking into account the format of the center, the number of employees, the cost of rent, the number of potential clients - all this makes it possible to determine only the average budget figure.

To calculate the costs required for business development, the following categories of expenses are taken into account:

  1. Opening an organization (LLC) – 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent of premises – up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair work in the premises - 200 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase of equipment and furniture – up to 70 thousand rubles.
  5. Purchase of training materials – 30 thousand rubles.
  6. Attracting teachers (if necessary) – up to 60 thousand rubles.

The total amount of initial expenses, namely for the period of the first three months of work, will be 470 thousand rubles.

However, when purchasing a premises, renting one with an area of ​​more than fifty square meters, as well as under other circumstances that require additional costs, the amount of initial capital can reach up to one million rubles.

Business profitability

A businessman, when choosing the direction of his own business, wanting to make a profit, evaluates the profitability and productivity of a specifically established area of ​​​​work. In the case of educational services for preschool children, the payback indicators obtained on the market for the services in question are examined, taking into account the practical experience of other entrepreneurs.

Payback indicators that allow you to assess the prospects for choosing such a business include the following aspects:

  • The period for building a full-fledged model of the center is 10 years. This means that the first five years will be spent covering expenses, since the initial capital is formed from loans, then direct income is received;
  • a simple payback period is five years, also taking into account the period of the loan agreement;
  • payback period without taking into account price changes and inflation - seven years;
  • potential profit – 300 thousand rubles.

This option is provided in case of opening a studio or premium format center.

For smaller business volumes, these indicators will decrease by one and a half times. However, a sharp outflow or influx of customers, an increase in rental prices, and so on can change the situation.

Factors to consider when opening

The legislator approaches the organization of citizens' own business by establishing a number of requirements. Conditions are set for the preparation of documentation, licenses, tax and accounting records, and so on. Hence, when forming children's centers, entrepreneurs take into account the facts derived from the development of the business in question in the service market.

Working with children requires not only the involvement of professionals with appropriate education, but also obtaining a license, without which teachers cannot be successful.

The factors that are taken into account when opening a center for the development of children include the following aspects:

  1. Registration required permitting documentation issued by the Ministry of Education for LLCs in the manner prescribed by the licensing law.
  2. It is preferable to invest in a business on your own using credit funds rather than to involve supporters to invest money, since this will save time and use the profits at your own discretion.
  3. Ensuring fire safety, creating emergency exits, fire extinguishing equipment, obtaining permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, without which activity is unacceptable.
  4. In the case of the opening of such centers, which provide for the work of several groups of children at once, it will be necessary to attract at least four teachers, verification of whose experience and skills also requires attentiveness and thoroughness.
  5. The chosen location should allow for customer flow and be based on demand indicators for a particular area.
  6. A competent advertising strategy will attract parents with children, with which special agencies will help.

Regular checks of the entrepreneur’s work are also carried out by the guardianship authorities, the police, the education department, and so on.

Thus, a business aimed at educating preschool children requires a standard organizational procedure, but also requires a competent approach to the formation of development programs, attracting teachers and providing resources for the full education of children.

IN modern world There is a tendency to increase the popularity of goods and services related to children in one way or another. First of all, this concerns the development of children - various kinds of toys, educational programs, children's equipment, etc. are in high demand. Another popular area is children's development centers, which give young children the opportunity to gain new knowledge and acquire some skills.

An important feature is that the owner of such a business most often develops educational methods himself, teaches or constantly participates in maintaining the operation, interacting with staff, clients, etc. Love for children is the basis for this format of doing business. For example, such a business may be suitable for a family with small children who are willing to spend a lot of time on organization.

General information about the project

From the point of view of business organization, children's centers are promising direction, since they are characterized by demand from parents of children aged from one to 8 years. Moreover, they are designed for both people with high and middle incomes, since depending on the region and some other factors the cost of a subscription ranges from 2000-2500 rubles (designed for 8 lessons).

The development center has a large number of differences from the usual one. Firstly, it is characterized by a wide selection of different programs, each of which is characterized by the fact that the material is presented at a very high level. Secondly, children are developed by more highly qualified workers, whose activities are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of clients.

According to the law, such centers do not belong to institutions providing educational services and therefore do not require a license. The only exception is if the name of the center contains the words “educational” or “training”. At the same time, everything similar establishments are divided into 2 main types:

  • Narrowly targeted- they involve the use various techniques for training aimed at mastering one of the areas of activity (this could be drawing, physical training, language learning, etc.).
  • General plan– in this case, the center offers a whole series various programs for the comprehensive development of children.

It is important to note that children's centers are often divided into different formats, including a mini-center, studio and extended format.

  • In the first case, small investments are required, since often the rental takes place in already existing teenage leisure centers, which are most often municipal (their feature is that they work in the afternoon). The downside is the operating time limitation.
  • The studio is characterized by the use of a small room (about 50-60 sq m), where the founders work independently (in this case, a staff of 3-4 people, including the owner, is sufficient).
  • Finally, the expanded format involves the presence of several training rooms and allows you to attract more clients, but at the same time it is expensive both at the organization stage and during operation.

You can watch a detailed story about the organization of this institution in the video:

Market analysis and location selection

To open a development center, it is necessary to identify potential competitors. A special advantage of such an institution is the almost complete absence of similar companies. So, among the possible competing companies we can highlight:

  • Regular kindergartens– the advantage is the lower cost and full-time employment of children. However, in groups there are a larger number of children, which negatively affects the effectiveness of development, there are age restrictions, and the qualifications of teachers are often lower.
  • – provide qualified services for a high fee. The direction is just beginning to develop, so the groups are recruiting very limitedly. Accordingly, despite good quality services, private gardens take on a minimum number of clients.
  • Sports sections are a relatively inexpensive alternative for organizing children's development, but do not meet the requirement of comprehensive education.
  • Mugs in various training centers - often conducted by non-professional teachers, but simply by people who have well mastered one or another skill (for example, some kind of creative technique). In addition, they are often not carried out regularly. The advantage is the possibility of frequent changes of occupations and low pay.
  • Fitness clubs, providing children with the opportunity to visit the pool and some activities (wrestling, dancing, health programs), have the same advantages and disadvantages as sports sections.
  • Children's camps(mainly during the summer holidays) - involve complete immersion of the child in the life of the camp, which is not always acceptable for parents. In addition, the fees for them are high and not always acceptable for families with low incomes.

As for the location, it is necessary that it meets the conditions of trafficability and convenience. In addition, it is selected based on the target audience and the planned number of children who will attend the center.

Finally, the main factor is the need to comply with a number of requirements, among which the most important is that the center must be located in a separate independent block (this can be an apartment designed for non-residential premises or a separate building). From a fire safety point of view, it is necessary that there are 2 exits. In addition, there are restrictions on room height, temperature conditions, etc.

Preparatory work

Regarding the requirements for interior decoration premises, first of all you need to pay attention to the decoration of the walls and floor. Thus, the smoothness of the walls and their ability to withstand wet cleaning, along with the absence of cracks and defects in the floors, are mandatory conditions. At the same time, absolutely all sockets must be located at a height inaccessible to children - classically this is 1.8 m.

The room should be divided into several zones. Among them stands out reception area, staff area, games room, intended for classes (there may be several of them if the center develops in different directions), as well as toilet(it is desirable that there are 2 of them - separately for children and for adults). Also, in case of long-term stay of children in the center, it is necessary to have a separate sleeping area.

The equipment must be bright and meet safety criteria. Possible equipment includes:

  • Setting up an office for staff work - tables, chairs, computer, telephone, printer, etc.
  • Household appliances for the kitchen.
  • Equipment for a playroom (different variations are possible here - labyrinths, toys, dry pools, slides, swings, etc.).
  • Furniture necessary for sleeping.
  • Devices necessary directly for the learning process.

Organization of work with personnel

The staff is the basis for the success of the development center, since it is their qualifications that are the basis for the effectiveness of training. Minimum set, necessary for any center, regardless of its format, includes:

  • teacher (necessarily with specialized education);
  • psychologist (in addition to qualifications, he needs sufficient work experience);
  • methodologist (drafts programs for working with children);
  • housekeeper (person responsible for maintaining the work of the center);
  • administrator (responsible for interaction with clients).

The salary of teachers and methodologists ranges from 20,000-25,000 rubles per month. The salary of a cleaner is from 8,000 rubles, and the salary of an administrator will be from 13,000-14,000 rubles. In addition, an accountant is needed who can initially work part-time; his salary will be about 10,000 rubles.

The most optimal operating hours for the center are from 6 or 7 a.m. to 7 or 8 p.m. The only problem is that during the day there will be almost no demand for the center’s services due to the fact that the youngest children are at bedtime during this period, and those who are older may be in educational institutions.

Financial plan

First of all, the company needs to prepare all the necessary documents using the services of a professional company, which will cost 20,000-30,000 rubles. The purchase of equipment will cost at least 300,000 rubles.

It is worth considering fixed costs during operation:

  • Rental costs are about 65 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of feeding children is about 2.5 thousand rubles per day (depending on the number of children).
  • The salary of the main personnel is at least 75 thousand rubles per month.
  • Expenses for security of the premises are at least 10,000 rubles per month.

Variable expenses can be considered the money needed to purchase other goods - stationery, coffee, tea, dishes and other life support resources. Finally, variable costs is advertising and promotion of a children's center, which can be organized with the help of social networks, organizing events, distributing leaflets and banners. As your business develops, you need to create your own website that will help potential clients get acquainted with the services and choose the most suitable ones.

Approximate opening dates

In order to open such a center, it is necessary to initially formulate a concept and develop training programs. To do this, you need to determine the age of the children who will study there, select the main directions for development and then identify the principles of division into groups (according to age criteria, based on testing, etc.).

To achieve success, it is advisable to analyze the most popular destinations from competitors and try to create comprehensive programs, interesting and useful for children of all ages.

This process may take about 2-3 months. At the same time, it is important to organize additional services– such as selling books, toys and art supplies. They will allow you to quickly recoup your investment.

Then the business is registered and a license is obtained (if necessary), which can take from 1 month. Searching, preparing and decorating the premises will take from 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the criteria and format of the center’s development. Recruitment of personnel and search for clients is carried out at the final stage of preparation for the opening.

Approximate payback period and profitability of the project

Depending on the opening format, the period to reach profitability can be from 1 year to 2.5 years. At the same time, an open children's center can earn money by selling subscriptions for a certain number of classes and selling goods for children. Special master classes for the whole family can be organized once or twice a week (mainly on weekends, since it is during this period that the demand for the center’s services decreases). Also, some time after the launch, children will be able to be seen by a psychologist and speech therapist.

You can increase profitability by subletting one of the premises for a private psychologist (in the evening) and organizing children's birthdays and other holidays.

The profitability of such a project is about 12-15% at the initial stage of doing business. As development progresses, it is possible to open branches in parallel - this will increase the number of clients. Another option is to change the premises to a larger one and expand the range of services provided.

Modern mothers pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. Therefore, children's development centers began to appear in our country. Moreover, if previously only wealthy parents could afford to visit commercial children’s centers, now this preschool education and development is available to people of any income.

When opening a center, it is necessary to determine the direction of its work and the list of services provided. This business plan covers children's preschool, which aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 2 to 7 years.

Courses offered by the children's center:

  • Early development (2-4 years);
  • Preparation for school (4-7 years);
  • Pre-school university (5-7 years);
  • English language (4-7 years).

The success of a children's center primarily depends on its teachers. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the qualifications of teachers, but also to how he can win over children. Often, young graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be good teachers who are liked by both children and their parents. In addition, such specialists do not inflate prices for their services.

For a children's center to be in demand, it is necessary to choose a room with a convenient location: in high-traffic areas or in the city center. For this center, a room with an area of ​​about 40-50 square meters is suitable. meters. This room should include two classrooms, a separate bathroom and a room where parents will wait for the end of classes. You can limit yourself to one training room, but then the choice of courses offered will be greatly reduced.

When choosing a room, you must be guided by the standards of the SES and Fire Inspection Authorities. The children's center cannot be located in a basement, semi-basement or basement. The room must have a separate entrance. You should pay attention to convenient access to the center and the availability of parking spaces for cars.

This business is significantly influenced by seasonality. This is due in winter to New Year holidays, and in the summer - with a period of vacations. Therefore, the maximum demand for attending classes at the children's center occurs in the periods from September to December and from February to May.

When opening a children's development center, it is necessary to pay special attention to planning the class schedule. In the first half of the day, kids come to study - until lunch and nap time (from 9.00 to 13.00). Older children study after 17:00, when they are picked up from kindergartens. To ensure that the period from 13 to 17 hours does not fall out of the schedule, the center can conduct individual classes.

Amount of initial investment - from 600,000 rubles.

The cost of one subscription for 8 classes is from 3,000 rubles.

The payback period is 1 year

2. Description of the business, product or service

The children's development center in question offers classes in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of classes per week for one group

Total number of classes per week

Early development

Short stay group

Preparing for school

English language

ART (drawing, modeling)

Let's take a closer look at each area of ​​study.

Early development. At two years old, a child is ready to communicate with peers, so in classes special attention is paid to the interaction of children with each other. This direction helps develop basic cognitive processes in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. An important place is given to the development of speech, fine and gross motor skills. At the age of three, children begin to learn about counting and artistic creativity.

Short stay group. Sometimes it becomes necessary to leave children without their own supervision. The ideal option in such a situation would be to entrust the child to professional teachers. This group accepts children from 2 to 6 years old. The group is formed of no more than 10 people. During classes, children get acquainted with the world around them, play outdoor games, do modeling and drawing. Classes are held in the morning from 9:00 to 11:45.

Preparing for school. Children from the age of four can easily learn to read. When a child begins to read in short words, learning mathematics begins. First, children learn to count within ten, then the child can freely navigate within a hundred. Mastering writing also does not go unnoticed, so teachers take into account all the features of preparing the hand for writing. In the second half of the lesson, game-based intellectual training takes place, which is aimed at effective development perception, attention, thinking, memory and imagination of the child.

English language. Classes are predominantly spoken in English. This happens spontaneously, children do not think about how it should be done, they communicate easily, naturally and with pleasure!

ART (drawing, modeling). In classes, each child develops color perception and imagination, a sense of beauty and artistic taste. Children master the laws of composition and various techniques drawing, learn to express their self, their thoughts and feelings, mood and desires.

The number of groups for each direction depends on the demand for this type activities and age of children in the group.

The children's development center offers the opportunity to study both in a group and in individual lessons. The difference is the class schedule and cost. Individual lessons are held from 13:00 to 17:00, because in the morning and evening hours, all rooms are occupied by group classes. The cost of an individual lesson is 1.5 times more expensive than a group lesson.

For each type of class you can purchase either a one-time visit or a subscription. The subscription is valid for one month and includes 8 classes.

A complete list of services with cost information is presented in the table:

If a child regularly studies for three months, then a subscription for the following months can be purchased with a 10% discount.

This payment system allows you to attract regular customers.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the children's development center

When planning to open a children's development center, it is necessary to assume the number of children who can come.

When opening a children's center, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of kindergartens and schools located nearby. Very often, children come to developmental classes after kindergarten. And also these children may have younger brothers and sisters, whom it is convenient to bring to classes in the morning after the older one has been taken to kindergarten or school.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantages of a children's development center

Among the competitive advantages of the children's development center are:

  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • Large selection of activities;
  • Convenient location, availability of parking spaces;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Free master classes;
  • Organization of various children's parties, birthdays;
  • Flexible pricing system;
  • Availability of discounts.

Of course, the main thing competitive advantage center is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents themselves will recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

It is necessary to start entrepreneurial activity with state registration of the organization. When opening a children's development center, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. During registration you must select the correct OKVED codes: 85.32 - provision of social services to children, 92.51 - opening of a club-type institution, 93.05 - provision of personal services. For the activities of a children's development center, the best choice would be the simplified taxation system (STS), which involves paying a tax in the amount of 6% of the revenue received. Upon completion of registration of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to open a bank account and register with all funds: the pension fund, the compulsory health insurance fund and the social insurance fund.

It is important to note that a license to open a children's development center is not required. It will be necessary if the center will provide services for preschool education programs.

After registration, you need to select a room for a children's development center. The room should be divided into several separate rooms:

  • Reception;
  • Two rooms for games and activities;
  • Staff room;
  • Two toilets - one for children and one for adults.

The selection of premises should be made taking into account the convenient location of the children's center. The criteria for choosing such a location are:

  • City center or area with multi-storey buildings;
  • Close to public transport stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  • Furniture;
  • Floor covering: soft and warm carpet, special soft coverings in play areas;
  • Educational toys: cubes, pyramids, mosaics, puzzles, etc.;
  • Educational materials: books, notebooks, albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, etc.;
  • Office equipment: computer, printer;
  • Water cooler.

In the rooms for games and activities there are tables and chairs for children, a table and chair for the teacher, lockers and shelves for educational material, toys and crafts, a chalkboard hangs on the wall, and vertical blinds on the windows. Every classroom should have good quality lighting and ventilation.

6. Organizational structure

For a children's development center, it is better to choose the legal form of an individual entrepreneur. To start operating a children's development center, you need to select qualified personnel. The staff should consist of the following specialists:

  • Administrator;
  • Specialist teachers:

Teachers of early childhood development (2 specialists);

Teachers preparing children for school (2 specialists);

English teacher

  • Accountant;
  • Household worker.

For the children's center to operate effectively, it is necessary to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee.

Job responsibilities employees

  • Administrator

1. Preparing the premises for the start of classes;

2. Pre-registration of clients for classes;

3. Maintaining a client base;

4. Meeting clients;

5. Consulting clients on all services of the children's development center;

6. Selling center services, accepting payment;

7. Conducting telephone conversations;

8. Search for new clients;

9. Recording class attendance.

  • Teacher

1. Timely start of each lesson;

2. Individual approach to each child;

3. Conducting classes using modern methods;

4. Development of our own client base;

5. Attracting new clients;

6. Regular independent training.

  • Accountant

1. Lead accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2. Timely preparation and submission of reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, and the Federal Tax Service;

3. Calculation and transfer of wages;

4. Payment of taxes and contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance.

An accountant can work part-time or part-time.


*The average salary of teachers is indicated, because... Teacher's pay depends on hours of work. The rate is 500 rubles/hour.

7. Financial plan

The most expensive part in opening a children's development center is investing in working equipment. Equipment costs amount to 295,900 rubles. The total investment amount is 600,000 rubles.

*Other expenses are possible expenses for stationery, as well as expenses for children's parties

Income from a children's development center

The income of the children's development center depends on the number of subscriptions sold. On average, groups are formed of 4-6 children. The only difference is in the short-term stay group - 8-12 children attend it.


Month of work

Number of tickets sold

Average price of a subscription, rub.

Total income, rub.

Total expenses, rub.

Utility payments

Payroll (salary + percentage of revenue)

Taxes simplified tax system (6% of income)

Contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (monthly)

Contributions to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (monthly)