Music lesson notes. Summary of a music lesson in the senior group “Into the world of emotions. Types of musical activities

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: Development of the emotional sphere of preschool children using various types of musical activities.



  • consolidate children's knowledge of basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise).
  • learn to convey an emotional state using various expressive means(facial expressions, gestures)


  • develop emotional communication skills with each other.
  • develop imagination and creative thinking
  • develop singing skills, rhythmic ear, timbre ear, intonation.


  • cultivate interest and love for music, be able to express your feelings and speak out about the music you listen to
  • foster collectivism and love for collective performance

Type of lesson: thematic

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistic practical method, method of problem-based education and training.

Stage decoration: The scene is designed in the form of a city (houses, trees, streets). Black clouds are attached to the wall.

Attributes: Pictograms with the expression of various emotions and moods: rag butterflies, masks for beetles (hats), flowers.

Program content:


“Joke” by V. Selivanov
“Sad Song” by V. Kalinnikov

Teach children to distinguish between the moods of contrasting works, respond emotionally, express their impressions of the music they listen to, distinguish between means of musical expression, develop fantasy and imagination.

Speech game

"Cat's House", "Keys to the Buffet"

Cultivate a love of literature, teach to convey an emotional state using various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures), cultivate collectivism and a love of collective performance


Song: “Rhyme” Develop the singing apparatus, singing breathing.

Song: “Who invented the song” lyrics by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Kompaneets.

Teach children to perceive and convey the cheerful, joyful nature of the song. Perform with a light sound at a brisk tempo. Enter in time after the musical introduction. Cleanly intonate the melody, accurately execute the rhythmic pattern. Sing moderately loudly without forcing the sound. Correctly pronounce the vowels in the words “sings”, “hundred-voiced”, “conductor”.

Musical rhythm game:

"Beetles and Butterflies"

Listen to music, pay attention to the contrasting character, respond emotionally. Be able to expressively perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music, show creativity and imagination in playing the game.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall. The music director offers to perform the musical greeting “Music, hello.”

Musical director.

Guys, today we have an unusual activity, we received a letter from residents of the city of Mood. Something happened to them. Sit down more comfortably, I'll tell you everything. Residents similar to us live in this city. They, just like us, know how to have fun and be sad, laugh and cry, get angry and be surprised. But suddenly an evil wizard settled in their city, he caught up with black clouds, it rained so hard that it washed away the joy and sadness, fear and surprise from the faces of the inhabitants, and the faces of the inhabitants of the city of Mood became faceless, colorless, white. That's how it is now (turns attention to the stage). The city residents are asking us for help, to drive away this evil wizard and restore their moods, feelings, and experiences. Shall we help them guys? (Yes).

Music will be our assistant, because it is the best at conveying feelings, moods, and experiences.

Listen to the music and say: What does it express?

“The Joke” by V. Selivanov sounds

Children's answers: music expresses fun, joy, enthusiasm.

Musical director.

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is “Joke”, composer V. Selivanov

Try to choose from the icons the expression that best suits the mood of the music

Let's come up with a name for our resident.

Children's answers: “Veselyushka”, “Joker”

Listen to another piece of music and say: What does it express?

“Sad Song” by V. Kalinnikov sounds

Children's answers: music expresses sadness, sadness, melancholy.

Musical director.

Try to come up with a name for this play

Children's answers.

The real name of the play is “Sad Song”, composer V. Kalinnikov (portrait)

Choose from the icons to express the mood of this piece of music

Let's come up with a name for this resident too.

Children's answers: “Sadness”, “Teardrop”

We will try to restore the mood of the other two residents with the help of a speech game: “Ding - dong”, for this we will stand in a circle

Ding-dong, dili-dong,
Koshkin's house caught fire.
The cat jumped out
Eyes bulging
A chicken runs with a bucket
Cat's house is flooded.
Thump-thump-thump and the fire went out

Musical director.

Guys, what emotions did you experience in this game?

Children's answers: the game expresses fear, anxiety, fright.

Now let’s remember the game “Keys to the Buffet”

Musical director.

Who took the keys to the cupboard where my sweets are?

He took them, he took them, he took them (child's name)


Who am I!? I didn't take it!
I know, I know who took them.
He took them, he took them, he took them ………(name of another child) etc.

In conclusion, the children speak together

Don't talk to us in vain
Look for your keys.

Musical director.

What does this game express?

Children's answers: the game expresses surprise and indignation.

Musical director.

We restored the mood to two more residents, choose the appropriate pictograms and come up with a name for them.

Children's answers: “Coward”, “Surprising”

Children sit on chairs

We must help restore the mood of another resident, and a song called


What does this song express, what mood

Children's answers: singing expresses fun, laughter, enthusiasm

Choose the appropriate icon and come up with a name.

Children's answers: “Smeshinka”, “Ruffnut”

Musical director.

Guys, look, we still have two pictograms left, what mood do they express?

Children's answers: express evil and anger, kindness and tenderness

Remember what kind of musical game could express exactly the mood

Musical rhythm game “Beetles and Butterflies”

Tell me beetles, what are they?

Children's answers: evil, insidious, gloomy, the music is played hard, the sounds are low.

Oh, butterflies, what are they?

Children's answers: kind, gentle, light melodious music, affectionate high-pitched sounds.

Let us turn into beetles and butterflies, and use movement and facial expression to depict them. (attributes for the game)

So we helped the last residents regain their spirits, but what will we call them?

Children's answers: “Evil”, “Cute”

Musical director.

Guys, look at all the residents of the city, we have returned the mood, returned their faces. Tell me, do you like everything about this city? Maybe there is something you would like to remove or, on the contrary, add.

Children's answers: remove black clouds, plant trees, plant flowers.

Look what a beautiful city we have turned out to be. Guys, which of the city residents do you like best? Maybe you are similar to one of them. Children's answers:

Musical director.

Guys, tell me, who was our assistant throughout the entire lesson and helped return the city residents to their mood? What could we not do without?

Children's answers: music and games helped us.

What kind of music did you and I listen to? And what does it express?

Children's answers: “A joke”, “Sad song” express fun and sadness

We played the game “Ding Dong”, “Keys to the Buffet” express fear and surprise, “Beetles and Butterflies” express good and evil.

Musical director.

Guys, before you go to the group, what would you like to wish to the residents of the city of Mood?

Children's answers:

And so that they are always in a good mood, let’s sing a spring song

"Who came up with the song" words by L. Dymova, music by D. Lvov - Kompaneets.

You did very well today, well done. For the next lesson, I would like to ask you to draw pictures that express different moods, maybe it will be a picture that expresses a happy or sad mood, or maybe it will be funny or scary. You and I will organize an exhibition of paintings, you try and you will succeed.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 1 “Spikelet” of a general developmental type

Topic: “White snowdrifts”

(using the clip "Waltz of Snowflakes")


Volosatova Natalya Vladimirovna,

musical director.

S. Selendum, 2014

Abstract of GCD on music in younger group "White Snowdrifts"


 Enrich children’s musical experiences and create a joyful mood.

 Identify children’s reactions to music, consolidate the idea of ​​its character, and activate the “emotional-figurative vocabulary.”

 To develop a sense of rhythm, orientation in space, the ability to move expressively and naturally in accordance with the nature of the music, to correlate movement with text in games and self-massages.

Equipment: a snowdrift made of white fabric, snowflakes, plumes for dancing snowflakes, a tambourine, rattles, bells.

Progress of the lesson

Children go to the gym to “March” by T. Lomova

Musical director:

Guys, look - snow is everywhere:

On trees and paths,

On the steps, on the windows

Everything around is white and white,

Covered with white snow.

We will put on fur coats and hats

And let's ride a horse!

Musical and rhythmic movements “Winter path”.

Clack, clack, the horse fliesThey move straight around the hall
Along the snowy path. gallop".
"Ding-ding!" - bell
Sings along tenderly.

There are snowdrifts on the way.Stop, rock
The horse can't get through here. head.
To make a path for us,Simulates the work of shovels
We'll dig a little.kami: “clearing the path.”
Oh, we're tired of digging!Moving one after another
The path must be trodden. with a stomping step.

Children with a teacher approach the “snowdrift”.

Educator. What's happened? There is a lot, a lot of snow on our way: a huge snowdrift has grown! What's in it? We need to take a look!(Takes out snowflakes on a stick from the “snowdrift.”)These are fluffy snowflakes! We know how to play with them - blow on the snowflakes slowly and strongly.

Breathing exercise “Snowflake”

White fluffy snow swirls in the air

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

I. Surikov

Active listening to “Waltz of Snowflakes” (uses the clip “Waltz of Snowflakes”)

Children improvise the movements of snowflakes or perform familiar movements that correspond to the character of the play (whirling, light running on toes, swinging their arms, “spring”), as shown by the teacher. At the end of each part of the work, the children squat down.

Educator. Guys, something sparkles in the snowdrift.(Takes out white tinsel on sticks from the snowdrift.)What unusual snowflakes! Do you want to dance with them?

Dance with snowflakes"

Musical director. In winter there are bitter frosts and an icy wind blows. There is a blizzard around the houses and trees. It was she who swept all the paths and made a huge snowdrift. All day long you can hear its loud howl - this is the blizzard singing its sad song: “Oooh! I’ll notice!”

A blizzard is raging outside the window: Oooh! Woohoo!

Sneaks slowly:

Woohoo! Woohoo!

Phonopedic exercise “Blizzard”

Children shake their arms and say “Oooh!” loud.

They slap their palms on their knees and say “Oooh!” quiet.

The blizzard is circling, the blizzard is howling:The children shake their hands,
Woohoo! Woohoo! wear "Oooh!" loud.

Don't go for a walk in the forest -“They threaten” with a finger,

I'll take it with me!say "Uh-oh!" quiet.

Musical director. Winter is not always fierce and evil. When the sun is shining and the snow is sparkling, winter is kind and cheerful, like a grandmother. I’ll sing a song about her now, and you can sing along with me.

Song "Grandmother Winter"(author's).

The music director sings a song, the children listen. When singing again, the children sing along: “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Cat, little Fluff, Children perform a movement
He touches a snowball with his paw. "soft paws"
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Touching a snowball with a paw.

This is Grandmother WinterThey clap their hands.
Brought a lot of snow.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Brought a lot of snow.

Musical and didactic game “What lies in the snowdrift?”

Children guess musical instruments by sound (tambourine, bell, rattle), the teacher takes the guessed instruments out of the “snowdrift” and distributes them to the children.

Musical director. You and I will arrange an amazing concert: we will all play amazingly together!

Musical noise orchestra“Oh, you canopy!”

Children play musical instruments rhythmically.

Musical director.

Our rattles are ringing friends.

They keep ringing and ringing all day long, wanting to dance with the children!

"Dance with Rattles"

Musical director. This is an amazing snowdrift that came our way.

Top-top, let's walk along the path with our feet, Top-top, along the path we'll come to the group! Goodbye guys!


Summary of GCD in the junior group“Where are you, Christmas tree?”

Direction: Artistic and aesthetic

"Music" area.

Group: 1 junior

Subject: “Where are you, Christmas tree?”

Types of children's activities: gaming, musical and artistic, communicative.


By means of different types of arts (music, literary words, illustrations) to introduce children to the perception of the signs of winter,

evoke an appropriate emotional response.


  1. Develop auditory attention, move in accordance with the nature of the music (music - rhythmic movement “Into the forest for the Christmas tree”)
  2. Perform the simplest dance movements: springing, spinning around, smoothly swinging your arms, stamping your feet, jumping on two legs, clapping. (New Year’s dance “Tick-tock”, song with movements “Yolka”, dance “Lanterns”)
  3. To encourage active participation in singing a song with a simple rhythmic pattern, to develop singing skills, to sing in a calm voice, melodiously, without shouting out words, especially the endings, to adapt to the voice of an adult (“Granny Winter”)
  4. Teach children to perform phonopedic and breathing exercises to strengthen the vocal apparatus, develop long and short exhalation. Correctly perform breathing exercises according to the text (breathing exercise “Warming your hands”)

Musical repertoire: “March” by T. Lomova, musical and movement exercises with self-massage “Into the forest behind the Christmas tree”,New Year's dance "Tick-tock"song “Grandmother Winter”, dance “Lanterns”,song "Santa Claus" (with video clip)song with movements “Christmas tree”.

Methodical techniques:conversation, artistic word, expressive performance, verbal instructions.

Equipment : screen, projector, laptop, music. speaker, flash drive with recorded music material.

Material. Toys - bunny, fox, Santa Claus; house, ball of magic, lanterns

Planned results –shows positive emotions when listening to a song about Santa Claus, expressively conveys the character of the game characters, actively and kindly interacts with peers and the teacher in playful and educational activities, clearly pronounces the words of the song.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to “March” by T. Lomova.

Musical director.

Guys, soon there will be the most fun winter holiday - New Year. Grandfather Frost will come to us and put gifts under the Christmas tree. Only we don’t have a Christmas tree! Where will Grandfather Frost put the gifts? What to do? I came up with an idea! We'll go to winter forest and find a Christmas tree. Let's hit the road!

  • Musical and motor exercises with self-massage “Into the forest behind the Christmas tree”

Children walk briskly behind the teacher.

Top-top, top-top.

We are walking along the path.

Top-top, top-top.

We'll find a Christmas tree in the forest.

They stop and stroke their noses with their fingers.

And Grandfather Frost freezes the children's noses.

They walk at a brisk pace.

Top-top, top-top.

We are walking along the path.

Top-top, top-top.

We'll find a Christmas tree in the forest.

They stop and pinch cheeks.

And Frost in the forest

Pinches children's cheeks.

They walk at a brisk pace.

Top-top, top-top.

We are walking along the path.

Top-top, top-top.

We'll find a Christmas tree in the forest.

Rub your ears with your palms.

And Frost is a disobedient

Blows in children's ears.

We are not afraid of Frost:

We are going to the forest to get a Christmas tree!

Musical director.

Here's a bunny running

Little white coward.

Bunny, bunny, wait! Where is the Christmas tree? Tell me!

Bunny (the teacher shows the bunny toy and speaks for him). Zainka is bored in winter. My tail is very cold. You will dance with me, and I will show you the path!

"New Year's dance "Tick-tock"

Musical director.Stop, little bunny, don't rush! Where is the Christmas tree? Tell me!

Bunny : There's the Fox's hut, she'll show you where the Christmas tree is, but I can't go there!

Musical director: Let's come and knock, guys!

Fox (the teacher shows the toy and speaks for it). My paws are freezing. How can I warm them, friends?

Musical director. To keep your little fox’s paws and little necks warm, you need to do a very useful exercise.

Phonopedic exercise “Warming our hands.”

Children breathe silently through their mouths onto their palms, and then say as they exhale: “Ah-ah!”

Fox. I'll show you the way, kids. Just sing a song for the soul!

Song "Grandmother Winter"

1. Little cat Fluffy children perform the “Soft Paws” movement

Touching a snowball with a paw

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Touching a snowball with a paw and clapping their hands

2. This is Grandma Winter

Brought a lot of snow

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Brought a lot of snow

Fox. Good Grandfather Frost will give you a Christmas tree. He lives in an ice house on the edge of the forest. Listen to a song about him.

Listening to the song “Santa Claus” (with video clip)

Children, as shown by the teacher, perform hand movements - “flashlights”, clapping.

Musical director. How do we get there?

Fox. Here's a magical snowball for you. Wherever the snowball rolls, go there.

The teacher rolls a snowball on the floor, the children follow. Snowball stops near the ice house.

Educator . We came to the ice house. But where is Grandfather Frost? You have to call him loudly: “Grandfather Frost!”

“Santa Claus” looks out of the window of the house.

Father Frost. Hello, my dear children! What brought you to me?

Musical director. Grandfather, we are looking for a Christmas tree. We want her in ours kindergarten pick her up, warm her up and dress her up.

Father Frost. The Christmas tree grows here, not far away.

Follow the path and take the flashlights. They will shine for you - it will be easier to find the Christmas tree.

Musical director (takes lanterns and distributes them to children). Thank you, Grandfather Frost! Come join us for a holiday.

Father Frost. I will definitely come and bring gifts for everyone!

Dance "Lanterns"

1. Here is a golden lantern,

Come dance with me.

Children perform a “spring”.

Dance, dance

And the guys had fun.

2. We are running with a flashlight.

And we entertain our guests.

Children run around the Christmas tree.

That's how bright it is for the guys

All the lights are on.

3. We lower the flashlight

And we raise it higher.

Children lower and raise the flashlight in front of them.

And once again we lower it,

And we raise it again.

4. You, flashlight, rest,

Children place a flashlight on the floor in front of them.

Look at the guys.

You bunnies and snowflakes,

Spin around: one, two, three!

The children are spinning.

5. We raise the flashlight,

This is how fun we are downloading.

Children swing the flashlight in front of them from right to left.

You, flashlight, dance

And the guys had fun.

Musical director. Guys, look: under a white blanket of snow, a small Christmas tree stands and looks at the children. Poor thing, she was completely frozen! We need to take her to kindergarten - she will be cozy and warm. (Takes the Christmas tree and places it in the middle of the hall.)

Musical director. We stand in a circle near our Christmas tree. Let's start a song about the Christmas tree together.

Song with movements “Christmas tree”

They walk happily along the path

Our legs walked

And to the elegant Christmas tree

We came to visit.

Chorus: Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (holding your head)

Big Christmas tree (raise your hands up)

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh (holding their head)

Such beauty! (clap hands)

Losing (circling)

Under the green Christmas tree, everyone wants to dance (stomp their feet)

Christmas tree waves its branches

Don't be left behind! (wave hands)

We'll pet you all

Just don’t inject yourself (they shake a finger)

With bright lights, light up the Christmas tree! (flashlights)

Musical director. Guys, our Christmas tree has warmed up and fallen asleep. Let's leave her here in the hall and return to the group.

The children quietly leave the hall on their tiptoes.


« Mom - this is wonderful! »

Summary of a musical integrated lesson (IML) for Mother's Day for children 5-6 years old.

Target : bring up moral qualities(love, careful, caring attitude towards mother) through the integration of various types of arts - poetry, music, painting.

Software tasks:

1 .Listen and learn instrumental music; name the composer; select musical instruments that correspond to the emotional and figurative content of the play; determine the character of the music.

Correlate the nature of music with the color spectrum (musical palette).

2 . Develop singing skills, timbre hearing, intonation. Develop expressive speech using adjectives and synonyms. Develop color perception - distinguish and name the variety of shades of color.

3 . To cultivate moral qualities - love for mother, the desire to take care of her, to bring joy. Cultivate interest in the perception of works of fine art.

Vocabulary work:

Enrichment of vocabulary – instrumental music, play, piano, musical palette, art gallery, artistic image.

Activation of the dictionary - poet, composer, artist, portrait, palette of colors, light tones of color, shades.

Materials, equipment:

Multimedia equipment: projector, screen, computer, presentation;

Musical instruments

Musical works: the play “Mother” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Waltz” by I. Brahms,

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky (listening, analyzing the nature of the music, learning poems about mother with children, looking at illustrations by artists dedicated to the image of the mother, exercises on color associations, drawing up color palettes according to mood.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the recording of the song “Mom - you are the best in the world” (music by V. Pleshak), and stand in a semicircle towards the guests

Musical director: Guys, today we have an unusual activity. Your mothers came to visit us and we will talk about the holiday dedicated to mother, which is celebrated on the last day of autumn - “Mother's Day”, but first, let's get ready for the lesson and greet each other.

Musical greeting song “Good morning”

Children sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle.

M.R: In the world kind words a lot,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all of them.

A simple word made of two syllables - “Mom”,

There are no words more precious than it!

Musical director: What is your mood, guys, when you communicate with your mother?

Children : Joyful, cheerful, beautiful, sincere, calm, etc.

Musical director: And when your mother is not at home, what do you feel?

Children: sadness, melancholy, boredom, melancholy, uncomfortable.

Musical director: Little Petya was also sad when his mother left home for several days. Petya loved his mother very much and missed her. In sadness, Petya sat down at the piano, muttered something to himself for a long time, hummed and played the keys. Finally composed some music. The play turned out to be a little sad, but it’s really sad when mom leaves. Years passed, little Petya grew up and became a composer, whom all people on earth recognized and loved for his beautiful music.

A portrait of Tchaikovsky appears on the screen (slide No.)

Musical director: Did you guys find out who we are talking about?

Children : This is the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Musical director: The music that we will hear today was written by P. I. Tchaikovsky specifically for the “Children's Album” and is also dedicated to the person closest and dearest to each of us. “Mama” is the name of this play.

The play “Mama” from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s children’s album is playing

Musical director: What is the character of the music?

Children: The music is gentle, calm, thoughtful.

Musical director:Yes, it sounds smooth, calm, gentle, affectionate, thoughtful. Guys, what feelings did the composer express in his work towards his mother? How did he treat his mother?

Children : Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky loved his mother, did not upset her, treated her with tenderness, love.

Musical director: Tchaikovsky's music without words, what is this kind of music called?

Children: Instrumental.

Musical director: What instrument plays the piece?

Children: Piano.

Musical director:Guys, there are various musical instruments on the table here, name them and tell me which ones are suitable for the play “Mama”?

Children: Bells, bells.

Musical director:Why don't you fit the drum, tambourine, spoon?

Children: Because these musical instruments are not suitable due to their loud, dull sound.

Musical directorYou have selected the musical instruments, and now we will try to choose the colors for this piece? Music will help us with this. color palette.

The didactic game “Colorful Petals” is being held

Purpose of the game: consolidate knowledge about primary colors and their shades, develop color relationship skills.

Progress of the game : to “Waltz” by J. Brahms (disc), children select petals with matching colors from the color palette and justify their choice. They find an extra color and explain why the chosen color is considered extra.

Musical directorWhat colors did you choose? Why?

Children: Pink, green, blue, light purple, because they are light, gentle, pleasant.

Musical director: This is the color palette we ended up with. These are very gentle, affectionate, pleasant shades, the same as mother’s hands, mother’s care, mother's tales, bedtime songs. All mothers have a second profession - housewife. They take care of children, husbands, cook, clean, do laundry and do many other household chores. Now we bring to your attention the sketch “Three Mothers”.

Our girls prepared a “Three Mothers” skit for their mothers

Musical director:Everything beautiful on earth is associated with the name of a woman, a mother. She gives birth to new life. Who will warm you with a warm word, gently stroke you, look at you tenderly, tell you a good story, sing a lullaby?

Children: Mom, mommy.

Musical and didactic game: “Who Sings”

Music hands : We are still small and cannot buy a gift. But we can give mom a song. But first let's tune our voices

Chant: Friendly family"

Performing the song “Oh, what a mother!”

Educator: Guys, today we gave our mothers good mood! When you come home today, hug your mother, kiss her, and tell her kind, gentle words. Don't forget that you need to please your mother more often.

We wish our mothers to always be healthy and happy, and we promise not to upset them.

Thank you to everyone who came to our class and shared a great mood with us!


Summary of educational activities for musical education in the younger group.

Subject: How the Little Goat was looking for its mother

Types of children's activities:gaming, musical and artistic, communicative.

Program tasks: to consolidate the skill of intonating songs with two sounds; to develop the ability to perceive the light nature of music in games and convey it in motion.

Planned results:has the skill of conveying the character of a game image in movements, orients himself in space; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems; reacts emotionally to “Song about Mom.”

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the “March” by E. Tilicheeva.

Musical director. Slide number 1 Guys, the postman brought us a letter. What does it say? Now let's read and find out(reads) . “Hello, my grandchildren, hello, my children! I'm looking forward to your visit. Grandma Marusya."

Shall we go visit grandma? Grandma Marusya lives far away, so she’ll have to go by train. Let's go! Slide 2

Musical and motor exercises “Chu-chu-chu! Locomotive!" (author's development).

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!Children are "riding the train"

The locomotive moves forward:bending your elbows.

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

People are going to grandma.

Tu-tu-tu-tu! Tu-tu-tu!Children walk faster

Our locomotive is rushing. with a stomping step.

Even Bunny, tu-tu-tu!

Wants to go for a ride.

Chug-chug! Chug-chug! They walk slower.

This is our village.

Grandma Marusya Waving with one hand

He waves a handkerchief at us.stop.

At the end of the exercise, the teacher quickly puts on a scarf and waves a small scarf to the children.

Grandmother Marusya. Slide number 3 My granddaughters have arrived! I'm so glad to see you! And I was completely bored. Although my friends – pets – and I live amicably.

Musical director. Grandma Marusya, tell our children who lives in your yard.

I will not only tell you

I'll show you all the animals

But don't lag behind

Stand in a big circle,

Repeat all movements.

Musical game “Who Lives with Grandma Marusya”

Children perform movements as shown by the teacher.

Kitty-murysonkaSquatting down

He sleeps in the corner. palms under the cheek.


Guards the mice.

Meow-meow-meow! Quietly say: “Meow!”


Red cow They stomp from foot to foot, showing

Lives with grandma. point with index fingers

Red cow "horns" of a cow.

Gives milk.

Mooooooo! They say in a drawn-out manner: “Moo-oo!”

Mooooooo! strongly stretching your lips with a tube.

Cheerful cockerel They walk in a circle with high steps,

Sits high. waving your hands.

Cheerful cockerel

He looks at the guys.

Ku-ka-re-ku! “Flapping their wings” and loudly

Ku-ka-re-ku! they scream.

Yellow chicks They run on their toes around the hall.

They are running around the yard.

Yellow chicks

The grains are pecked.

Kluk-klu-klu! Squatting down

Kluk-klu-klu! tapping their fingers on their knees -

"Peck the grains."

Then the dog came running,

Scared the kids!

The teacher picks up a toy dog ​​and loudly makes the sounds “Woof-woof!” and catches up with the children. The children run away and sit on the chairs.

Musical director. Grandma, tell me, who else lives with you?

Grandmother Marusya. I'll tell you, just guess the riddle first!

Legs stomp stomp!

Eyes clap-clap!

Loves to nibble grass

Loud, loud “Me-e-e!” scream.

Grandmother Marusya Slide No. 4U a kid lives for me,

I herd him myself.

I'm a kid in a green garden

I'll take it early in the morning.

He gets lost in the garden -

I'll find it in the grass.

A. Barto

Finger game "Goat".

The horned goat is coming,Show "horns" using

There's a butted goat coming.index finger

and the little finger of the right hand.

The little goat runs after her,Children imitate movement

The bell rings."Ring the bell."

The goat is nibbling the grassChildren pinch with their right

hand the left handle.

He looks at the little goat,Peeking out from under your hand,

So that the wolf doesn't steal,threaten with index

So as not to fall into the hole. finger.

Musical director. Little Goat has had a bad time - he lost his mother.

Musical director. Little goat, what is your mother like?

Kid. I don’t know, but I remember that she is like in the song!

Performance of the song “The most, the most” (music and lyrics by I. Arseev)

Slide number 5

Kozlik ran to the river, and there he saw the Frog.

“Aren't you my mother? Me-e-e!” - asked Kozlik.

“Kwa-ah! - answered the Frog. –

You don’t look like me: you sing wrong!”

Musical director. Children, how does the Little Goat sing?

Children. Me-e-e!

Musical director. How does the Frog sing?

Children. Kwa-ah!

Musical director. How do the kids sing?

Song "Frets, frets, frets"

The children sing along to the song.

Musical director. No, the Frog is not the Little Goat's mother. The Little Goat ran into the forest, Slide No. 6

I saw a squirrel there.

-Aren't you my mother? Me-e-e!

-Can you run fast? – asked Squirrel.

- I can!

– How about cracking nuts?

- No! All I can do is chew grass and stomp my feet!

Musical director. Guys, can you stomp your feet?(Yes!) How about clapping your hands?(Yes!) Then go out and dance with the Little Goat!

Slide number 7

Dance "Ladybug"

Musical director. No, the Little Goat did not find his mother! He ran to the meadow. Suddenly the Little Goat heard... Slide number 8

Grandma Marusya (shows a toy goat, speaks for it). Me-e-e! Me-e-e! Son, come to me!

Musical director. And the Little Goat shouted: “I found Mommy!” So mother and son met. They jumped for joy. Come out, kids, rejoice with them!

Dance with flowers

Grandmother Marusya. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done!


Abstract music lesson

"Mishutka and his favorite toys"

Music sounds, children calmly enter the hall.

1. Musical greeting.

Musical director: - Hello, guys! Today the Sun came to visit us!

Slide 1.

Musical director: - Guys, let's say together “Hello, Sunny!”

Children say hello to Sunny.

Musical director: - The sun really likes how cheerfully you can walk and run along the path. Let's show the sun how our legs can walk along the path.

2.Musical-rhythmic movement “Walk - run”

Musical director: - Sunny, did you like how the kids walked merrily for you? Well done guys, you all worked really hard - Sunny really enjoyed it!

Slide 2.

Educator: - Out of joy, the sun’s rays became multi-colored, like our ribbons. They invite us to dance.

Children take ribbons and stand in a circle.

3. “Dance with Ribbons”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - How fun we danced! Let's put the rays in baskets so they don't run away.

Children put ribbons in baskets - containers.

Slide 3.

Musical director (draws attention to the screen): - Look, guys, who is sleeping so sweetly?

Children: - Bear!

Musical director: - Where does he sleep?

Children: - In the den.

Musical director: - Let's take our funny spoons, play on them a little and wake up Mishka.

4. Game at the DMI. “Dance”

Slide 4.

Educator: - So Mishutka woke up! Let's say hello to Mishka.

Children greet Mishutka.

Educator: - Mishutka slept well, rested and is very glad that we came to visit him. Mishutka loves to play. Show me, Mishutka, what your favorite toys are.

Slide 5

Educator: - Bear asks us to guess which toys he likes to play with the most.

Musical director:- What beautiful flags! Where can you guys go with flags?

Children's answers.

Educator : Look, Mishutka, how joyfully we walk with them!

5. “Dance with flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - Come on, Mishutka, we’ll still try to guess your favorite toy. Look, guys, Mishutka loves to play with his doll! Let's sing Mishutka a song about the doll Masha.

6. Song “Mashenka-Masha”.

Educator: - Mishutka invites us to guess another favorite toy. Who is this, guys? That's right, Horse!

Educator: - And you and I will harness the horses and show Mishutka how we can ride a horse.

7.Communicative game “Horse”, music by E. Makshantseva.

Musical director: - Guys, did you enjoy visiting Mishutka? What are his favorite toys? Educator: - Probably, our toys in the group got bored without us. Let's get back to them soon!

The children say goodbye and leave the hall to calm music.


Musical living room for older preschoolers

“In the Land of Merry Songs” (based on the works of V.Ya. Shainsky)

Goals and objectives of the event:

  • Introduce children to the author of their favorite songs;
  • Remember, and maybe even learn, children's songs;
  • Development of musical activity and creative ability of children;

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation.

Musical material: children's songs by V.Ya. Shainsky.

Progress of entertainment


– Guys, today I want to tell you about the famous Russian composer V.Ya. Shainsky. But first I want to ask you, do you know who the composer is? A composer is a person who composes music. Composers write different music: serious, funny, sad, playful. Music for films, for ballet, opera, for cartoons, just songs.


Vladimir Shainsky was born on December 12, 1925 in Kyiv. Volodya grew up as a mischievous, restless, very inquisitive child. He loved everything that had to do with music. He kept this love forever. Music is the whole life of Vladimir Shainsky.

As a child, Vladimir Shainsky studied violin at music school, however, the outbreak of war interrupted their studies, and the family moved to live in Tashkent.

At the Tashkent Conservatory, Vladimir Shainsky continued music education, where he studied until 1943, when he was drafted into the army.

After the war, Vladimir Shainsky did not part with music, played in an orchestra, and taught children music.

Vladimir Shainsky is a legend in modern music. For more than 40 years of composing activity, Vladimir Shainsky composed many works. Among them are an opera for children, several musicals, and more than 300 songs.

When Shainsky is asked: “Are you happy man", he answers without hesitation: “What do you think, if I still enjoy work, diving into an ice hole, friendly feasts, if I’m not a burden to anyone and have fun with preschool children as an equal?”

“My family is my wealth -” This is how Vladimir Yakovlevich talks about his family. After all, he has three children - two sons Joseph and Vyacheslav and a daughter Anya. They love their dad very much.

Now let's try to remember Shainsky's songs.

But first I'll tell you a riddle.

Who is this?

He is green, bouncy,

Completely non-prickly

It chirps in the meadow all day long,

He wants to surprise us with a song.

Well, of course it's a grasshopper! Shainsky has a song about a grasshopper. This song was written for the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno.” (Words by N. Nosov).

Song “Grasshopper”.

And now the next riddle.

What is this?

Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the wool,

The closer the rain comes.

Clouds! These white-maned horses float across the sky. This song sounds in the cartoon “Shake!” Hello!" (Words by S. Kozlov).

Song “Clouds”.

Here's another mystery.

Lives in the yard

In a personal kennel house,

And for everyone he doesn't know

She either growls or barks.

This is a dog. And the song is very sad. About the loss of a true friend. (Words by A. Lamm).

Song “The Dog Is Missing.”

The next song is about a baby who lost his mother. And it sounded in the cartoon “Mother for a Baby Mammoth.” (Words by D. Nepomnyashchaya).

“Song of the Baby Mammoth”

Song “Antoshka”.

Before we listen to the next song, tell me the name of this lazy boy who didn’t want to do anything, but when he heard the call for dinner, he came running first. The song "Antoshka" is playing

A sloppy, disheveled “boy” bursts in - Antoshka.

An: Enough!.. Tired of it!.. Antoshka, Antoshka!...I have to dig potatoes for them! Play the harmonica for them, you see!..

Presenter: Guys! Who is this? (pointing to Antoshka).

Children: Antoshka!

Presenter:: I see. Why are you complaining, Antoshka? It seems that he is no longer small. Everything is clear, you don’t like to work. Do you like studying?

An: Why are you so attached to all this nonsense! At school they teach and teach, at home they teach and teach. All sorts of passers-by still pester you.

Presenter:: Children. Are you not like that? (Pointing hand in his direction).

Children: No...

Presenter: Antoshka, stop being angry, but rather play a game with the guys

Game "Three colors" "(Red scarf - they shout hurray, blue - they stomp, green - they clap)

"Two Floods"

And this song is about an extraordinary creature that does not exist in nature, but has a faithful friend.

I'm not a doll, not an animal

I'm a funny little animal

Very nice face

My name is (Cheburashka) Who is this? Yes, his name is Cheburashka. This song is from the cartoon of the same name (Words by E. Uspensky).

“Song of Cheburashka.”

Cheburashka's song is playing. Enter Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena with an accordion.

Presenter: Who else is this? Guys, do you recognize them?....

Children's answers

Presenter: Once upon a time Gena lived in the world, Gena was a crocodile.

The crocodile was close friends with Cheburashka...

And always, wherever Gena goes,

He took his friend Cheburashka along with him.

Well, to make it fun to go,

together they began to sing a song on the way.

The introduction to the song “Blue Car” sounds.

The beginning of the song “Blue Car” is performed.

Cheburashka: Oh, there are so many guys here!

Gena: We ended up in kindergarten!

Together: Hello guys!

Gena: Let's get acquainted with you (approaches each of the children in turn and offers his hand). I'm the crocodile Gena, what's your name? What about you? (Children say their names.) And this is mine best friend Cheburashka.

Cheburashka: Now let’s each of you shout your name loudly and let’s get to know each other!

The children say their names in chorus.

Together: Well, here we are!

Gena: Together with you, children, we will have fun and dance! Cheburashka, call all the children in a circle!

The dance “Cheburashka” is performed (everyone dances).After the dance, the guys take their places on the chairs, and Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena remain in the center of the hall.

Presenter: Composer V. Shainsky and Cheburashka and Gena have a lot of friends. And it seems someone else is in a hurry to join us for the holiday.

The song Shapoklyak is playing. An uninvited guest appears.

Shapoklyak: Nasty and nasty guys,

Especially that one in the sixth row.

Now I’m like shooting with a slingshot,

That way I’ll get right through the window.

I have one note here:

Everyone is asking for noise and commotion.

Wait, Lariska was here somewhere...

The next song is about an extraordinary island. What is this island? Yes, this island is called “Chunga Changa”. This song sounds in the cartoon “Caterok”. (Words by Yu. Entin).

Song “Chunga-Changa”.

Here's another mystery.

The house is standing

Who will enter it -

That mind will gain.

Of course, this is a school. Shainsky has several wonderful songs about school. This song, for example, is about why we go to school. Study! And we learn what they teach at school by singing a song. (Words by M. Plyatskovsky)

Song “They teach at school.”

Shapoklyak: Do you even know anything to go to school?( QUESTIONS)

1. May beetles lived in a clearing near the river,

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

2. He gave the ducklings a hedgehog and ten leather boots.

Which of the guys will answer how many ducklings were there?

3. Once a neighbor friend came to the bunny for lunch.

The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate three carrots each.

Continue the proverb: “A tree is strong with its roots, but a man is...” (with friends)

Vladimir Shainsky has many songs about friends and friendship.

This song is about how to walk joyfully together... (Words by M. Matusovsky).

Song “It's fun to walk together.”

And this, it seems to me, is the most famous and favorite song of children, because friendship begins with it... Of course, with a smile. And this favorite song sounds in the favorite cartoon “Little Raccoon”. (Words by M. Plyatskovsky).U.- This song reveals the meaning of the entire film. Song "About a Smile". It sounds at the very end. The plot develops like this: it’s a little raccoon’s birthday and his mother sends him to the pond to get some sedge, late in the evening, scared by the monkey’s stories that someone scary is sitting in the pond. The raccoon takes the stick and sees its own menacing reflection in it. He gets even more scared. Returning home, he tells his mother about his adventures. “Don’t take a stick, but smile at the person sitting in the pond,” my mother advised. And a miracle happens. The little raccoon smiles and the “scary” one smiles too. Having picked sedges, the happy raccoon returns home and sings a song about a smile.

Song “Smile”.(performance)

Let's draw our smile at the cheerful sun.

Competition game

Two teams, one child draws a circle, another rays, the third eyes, etc. Conclusion.

Guys, today we remembered some songs by V.Ya. Shainsky. These are not all of his songs. Most of Shainsky's work is dedicated to children. He himself, despite his age, remains a child at heart. “I feel much younger than my age,” said the great man Vladimir Shainsky.


Lesson in the younger group “The sun smiled”

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to marching music.

Musical director

1 slide In the morning the sun woke up,

Beamed, smiled, said

“It’s time to get up and start a fun day.”

And the sun is having fun

She sang her song.

1. Greeting song “Hello

We are cheerful guys, we love to run and walk.

We also love helping our mothers!

Slide 2 Musical and motor exercises “Washing”

Music hand: Following the sun

He says: “It’s time to get up!

To greet the clear sun."

3 slide - How does the cockerel crow? (Ku-ka-re-ku!)

Who did the cockerel wake up? (ladybug)

4 slide

  • Dance "Ladybug"

Music hands : Grandmother came out into the yard,

I looked over the fence.

“Who sleeps there? It's time to get up!

Greet the morning with a song!

5 slide Music the leader suggests singing a song about grandma.

The song “Grandma” by Z. Kachaeva is performed.”

Music hands : So Mashenka woke up,

She stretched and smiled.

Brought flour

6 slide To bake pies.

The children are asked to show how Masha bakes pies. The song “Pies” is performed

  1. I bake, bake, bake.

The kids all have a pie.

And for dear mother

I'll bake two gingerbread cookies.

2. Eat, eat, mommy,

Delicious two gingerbread cookies.

I'll call the guys

I'll treat you to some pies.

Musical director. What hot pies and gingerbread! We need to cool them down!

Breathing exercise “Hot cakes”

Slide 7 Shows flowers: Who woke up and reached for the sun?

We will now decorate our room:

We'll collect the flowers and put them in a vase.

Round dance "Blue Flowers"

At the end of the round dance, the teacher collects flowers and places them on the table in a large, beautiful vase.

Musical director.

That's why the sun laughs,

What is the song about our mother?

The song “The most?”(music and lyrics by I. Arseev).

The children sing along to the song.


Abstract open class in music education in high school, preparatory group kindergarten in the form of a role-playing game"Let's play in the orchestra"

Target : Developing communication skills and respectful partnership with peers.


enrich children's musical experiences through musical play situations.

Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to transform into game images.

contribute to the development of skill in playing a musical instrument.

promote interest in playing, singing, and listening to music;

enrich musical and auditory experience;

extension musical dictionary, fixing the names of instruments;

education of strong-willed and moral character traits;

develop the emotional sphere in children;

development of coordination of movements, development of dance creativity, consolidation of dance movements;

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room, where they are greeted by the music director.

Musical director:

In the morning the kids got up,

IN kindergarten they came.

We've had guests here since morning,

Let's say hello, friends!

1.Musical greeting:

M.R.: Hello, guys!

D: Hello.

M.R: How are you feeling?

D: Very good.

M.R: Is it time for us to study?

D: Yes, yes, yes!

M.R: Will we try our best?

D: Yes, yes, yes!

Mood to work, team building. Song “Well, everyone stood in a circle”

Musical director:

Guys, we have now greeted the guests, you me, I you. Now I'll ask

say hello to your friends and at the same time consolidate such a movement as easy running. Task: it’s easy to run in all directions around the hall, without bumping into each other, keep your hands free, but without putting them forward, and change a new friend each time. Greeting language is your choice.

2.Communicative game “Hello, friend”..

Children sit on chairs

Musical director:

Draws children to a slide showing an orchestra.

What do you see here? (orchestra)

Musical director:

What is an orchestra? (children's answers)

Who is the head of the orchestra? (conductor)

The most important person in the orchestra is the conductor, he controls the instruments and makes their playing harmonious:

He waves his hands smoothly,

Every instrument can be heard.

He is the most important in the orchestra,

He is the president of the orchestra!

- Tell me, please, do the musicians sit in the orchestra as they wish or in a certain order?

Let's remember the names of some musical instruments? (slide show with images of musical instruments, children guess).

There are many musical instruments in an orchestra, but do you want to know how musicians learn musical pieces during rehearsal?

Then I suggest you play the game “We are musicians.” What do we need for the game? (chairs, musical instruments, remote control, sheet music, conductor’s baton, tailcoat). Who should we choose? (Conductor)

Guys, today the conductor will be..., because he (she) knows the sound of musical instruments well, listens to the music carefully. The rest will be musicians, But most importantly, we need music that we will perform, so now we will all be listeners, we will listen carefully to the music and try to determine its mood?

3. Listening to the Russian dance “Polyanka”

Musical director:

Which beautiful words Can I give this music as a gift? (cheerful, perky, lively, joyful)

And now I ask the participants of the game to take their places.

(Conductor b takes the conductor's baton, puts on a tailcoat, stands at the console, the musicians disassemble the instruments and take their seats in the orchestra).

Musical director:

Before we start rehearsing, let's stretch our fingers.

4. Musical finger game “Fingers”

The conductor calls everyone to silence (knocks on the music stand with his baton).


Let's start rehearsing, but first let's listen to how your instruments sound(shows instruments with hand and stick: spoons, rubles, tambourines, bells)


Is everyone ready?

Is everything ready?

Let's start together, friends! (A recording of the melody is playing, the children are playing. Gives instructions during the game. (Play slower, quieter, more rhythmically, more sing-song, together, etc.)).

The conductor praises individual instruments: the spoons played harmoniously, the rubles entered on time, the tambourine sounded rhythmically, etc.)

Musical director:

In every rehearsal there should be a pause, a stop, a rest. So we deserve a pause, a musical pause. Let's dance the dance of friendship. Leave your instruments on the chairs and come out and dance.

5.Communicative dance “Waltz of Friendship”


The musicians take their places, it’s time for the concert performance

Musical director:

After long and hard rehearsals, the orchestra is waiting for a concert where they will show all their skills. We still have spectators, the orchestra members are ready, I will take on the role of entertainer. So, an orchestra of noise instruments performs mixed age group kindergarten Teremok in the village of Selendumy. Russian folk dance "Polyanka". Conductor.....

6.Playing children's musical instruments.

Musical director:

- Did you like the lesson?

- What were you doing?

Our lesson is coming to an end, let’s say goodbye to our guests by performing the song “The Cheerful Musician”

7. Singing “The Cheerful Musician.”

It's time to say goodbye until the next class.

Musical farewell


Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group for Mother's Day: “My beloved mommy.”


- Expand ideas about the Mother's Day holiday.

- Cultivate a kind, respectful, attentive attitude towards mother, as the keeper of the hearth;

- Foster a culture of communication and a desire to work in a team;

- Contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children’s knowledge about wild animals and their young;
- Develop visual attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills fingers;

- Learn to glue finished parts based on a sample;

- Develop the ability to use glue and a brush, attention, orientation on paper.

Methods and techniques used:

1. Verbal (Teacher's conversation, questions, explanations).
2. Practical (Didactic games, outdoor games).

3. Visual (Showing the performance of motor activities).


Sheet with photo - postcard, stem, 2 leaves, flower - heart, glue, brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation about the holiday "Mother's Day".

2.Reading poems about mom.

3.Didactic game"Wild animals and their young."

4.Learning songs and dances.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, to the music of V. Shainsky “Song of the Baby Mammoth,” enter the group and stand in a semicircle

Musical director:

In the morning the kids got up,

We came to our kindergarten.

We've had guests here since morning,

Let's say hello, friends!

Musical greeting

Sit on chairs

Educator:Guys, I’ll read a poem, and you guess who it’s about.

Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds,
Even play a little?
Who will always console you,
And he washes and combs his hair,
Kisses on the cheek - smack?
Children:dear mother!

Educator:That's right, it's mom. In the fall, at the end of November, we celebrate a holiday - Mother's Day.! So today guests came to our lesson - these are your mothers who are the most beloved, the most beautiful, the best, and you should love them. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Game "Mom-moch-ka".

Let's play a game.I will ask questions, and you will answer loudly and unanimously, “Mom-mo-ka.”

-Who came to me in the morning?

-Who said: “it’s time to get up”?

-Who managed to cook the porridge?

-Who poured tea into the cup?

-Who braided my hair?

-And he swept the whole house alone?

-Who kissed me?

-Who is a child who loves laughter?

-Who is the best in the world?

Musical director:

We see that you love your mothers deeply and, probably, you guessed that today we will talk about the kindest, the most gentle, the most beautiful - our mothers.

Guys, you know, today such a story happened to me.

-I was walking to kindergarten and heard someone crying. Look who it is? (shows a small bunny, children answer). That's right, it's a bunny. He told me in confidence that it turns out that he was not a very obedient child and disobeyed his mother. She told him not to leave the house alone, but he didn’t listen to her - he left and got lost. Guys, did the bunny do well to leave without permission? (Children's answers)

Do you listen to your mothers? Well done! The bunny promises us to never do this again, to obey his mother and asks us to help him find his way home to his mother. Shall we help him? (Children's answers) Now, together with the little bunny, we will go on a journey to find his mother. And we need to go along the path.

Children, together with the music director, perform the exercise “The legs started walking"

Educator: Oh, guys, look, we’ve approached the river. You see, on one bank of the river there are little animals - animals, and on the other - their mothers. Probably the little animals are lost, lost, like our little bunny. Let us help them find their mothers. (the kids approach the kids one by one, drag them to the other side and find mothers for them, while the teacher says: which baby are you helping? Who is his mother)

Musical director:Guys, have we helped all the kids? Is no one left alone? Well done! Let's move on."Legs started walking"

Musical director:

Look, guys, here we are greeted by a magic bell. He will show us the way further, but after we show him what wonderful helpers we are to mothers.

Dance-song “Helpers”

One, two, three, four, five,

Moms need help

So that our house is clean,

We sweep the floor with a broom.

Now no fuss

Mopping the floors.

We'll wash all the dishes,

We will set the table for dinner.

Let's help mom together

We rinse the laundry ourselves.

One, two, three, four - stretched,

Bent over

We did a good job.

Musical director:Well done! Tell me, do you help your mother when she bakes pies? (Yes)

-Let's sing mom a song about how we help her bake pies.

Song "Pie"

Musical director:Guys, the bell really liked how you help mom, and he rings cheerfully and shows us the way

Educator:-Guys, look, we have come to some house. Let's knock and find out who lives in it (children knock on the house). The teacher takes out the bunny's mother from behind the house)

Guys, who is this? (children's answers)

- Of course, this is the bunny’s mother. We found the bunny's mother and can give the bunny to her. She is very happy to see her son, she says that she was very worried, searched, and missed him. Mom says thank you for your help.Children sit at tables

Educator:Guys, look at this magic chest I have.

Let's fill the chest with kind words for mom.

I will open the chest: your words will fill it.

So let's get started!

Educator: When your mother hugs you, kisses you, feels sorry for you, what is she like?

(Affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle.)

Educator: When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like?


Educator: When mom smiles and laughs, what is she like?


Educator: And if you love your mother, what is she like?


Educator: When your mother takes care of you, what is she like?


Educator: If mom does housework, we do a lot of housework,

what is she like?

(Hardworking, economical.)

Educator: Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a magic chest.

In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not lost and forgotten.

Q: Now, children, come to the table. Guys, on your tables there are album sheets with photographs of your mothers. Find your mom. Look at the photos you have beautiful mothers and everyone is so kind and affectionate.

Educator: Now let's open our magic chest.

Guys, look, a miracle happened: every kind word turned into a heart. (Opens the chest and shows hearts made of colored paper.)

Now I will give you all hearts, you will stick them on paper and you will get a beautiful postcard.

Children do their work to the music. Then they line up in a semicircle, hold their cards in their hands and read poetry:

1 child:

Mom is heaven

Mom is the light

Mom is happiness

There is no better mom!

2 child:

Mom is a fairy tale

Mom - laughter

Mom is a caress

Moms love everyone!

3 child:

Congratulations to moms today,

We wish mothers happiness!

Song "Dear Mommy"

Educator:- Who did we talk about today? (about mom)

-Who is the most dear, gentle, beautiful and caring person in the world? (Mother)

What else did we do today? (helped the little bunny find his mother, made a postcard for his mother)

Did you enjoy the trip? (yes) In the evening your mothers will come, you will quietly approach them and say: “How much I love you! ” and give them these cards.

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Health", "Socialization".

Goal: Development of children's musicality, formation of an emotional and joyful feeling in the process of communicating with music.


  1. Educational:Evoke joyful feelings in children, a desire to actively participate in the lesson, and react emotionally to what is happening. Strengthen ideas about the world around you. Make children want to sing along to familiar songs, accompanying them with movements; establish a close connection between speech function and motor function.
  2. Developmental: Continue to develop children’s motor activity and emotional responsiveness to music. Develop children's needs for musical and creative self-expression, the ability to perform expressive movements in accordance with the music and the game image in the song-dance “Birch”, enrich the motor experience in the musical game “Bird and the Fox”; develop the ability to rhythmically play a noise instrument to rhythmic music.
  3. Educating:Cultivate a love of nature and birds, a desire to communicate with the outside world.

Material. Dispensing

Musical repertoire: greeting song “Hello” (author O.N. Arsenevskaya), “MACHINE” music by E. Tilicheeva, Song-dance“Birch” by G.V. Vikharev, “Bird” by T. Popatenko, phonogram with birdsong, “Small Birds” by music. game by E. Zheleznova.

Methodical techniques:conversation, artistic expression, expressive performance, verbal instructions, musical play.

Equipment: house; toy - bird, steering wheel, chairs - car, birch tree muses. speaker, flash drive with recorded music material.

Material. Dispensing: noise instruments, handkerchiefs, bird hats.

Planned results -be able to convey character expressively dance moves, sing the words of a song clearly and expressively, be able to interact kindly with peers in joint activities.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music

Music ruk: Today we have guests. What do we say when we meet someone? (Hello). Right. But we say hello in a special way (musical). Let's sing together, along with the music...

Musical greeting valeological song - greeting “Hello” (author O.N. Arsenevskaya)

Hello bright sunshine! Raise your hands up

The sky is beautiful, hello, shake your hands

All my girlfriends, all my friends, give up one by one

Hello guys! How I love you! Hug yourself

Music directorGuys, where are your legs? Show how your legs have learned to walk along the path!

MRD “They stomped their feet”

I. Introductory and motivational stage (organizational)

Music directorThey walked and walked and came to the car. Oh, what’s in it? Some kind of postcard, let’s read what’s written in it?

The red spring has come,

And she invites everyone to go for a walk.

The sun is rising clear

Calls you for a walk.

This is the red Spring, together with the sun, calling us to visit us, let's go for a walk in the spring forest. And we'll go there in this car. (the chairs are in the shape of a car) Quickly take your seats, everyone sit in the car and hold on tight, David will be the driver, we will give him the steering wheel, and so that we don’t get bored on the road, we will sing a song.

MRD "MACHINE"Children get into the “car” and “drive” with a song:

The car, the car goes, hums:

“Beep beep” (2 times).

In the car, in the car

There are plenty of children

Let's go children.

Looking out the window

“Beep-beep-beep” (2 times).

Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest,

“Beep beep” (2 times).

II. Operational and content stage. (basic)

Music director Here we are. Come out quickly and see what kind of birch tree greets us. In spring, birds fly in, snowdrop flowers bloom and leaves bloom on the trees. Look - green leaves have also bloomed on our birch tree. How beautiful she has become! Let's blow on the leaves to make them make more noise.

  • Breathing exercises (noise of leaves)

Music hands. Look how beautiful the house is, who lives in it. Let's come and knock.

The teacher comes out of the house - spring

Vesna: Hello, my friends! I’m very glad to meet you. I greet you not with empty hands, but with colorful handkerchiefs

Take all your handkerchiefs and dance around the birch tree with me!

  • Song-dance “Birch”

1. Look, birch tree, children with a handkerchief in their outstretched hand are walking around the birch tree

We are coming to you

Bright handkerchiefs

We'll bring it to you.


On the birch tree the leaves are spinning around, a scarf is over your head

They rustle quietly

Spinning with handkerchiefs

Round dance of the guys.

2. The kids reach out to the birch tree, hand with a handkerchief forward, and approach the birch tree

They come closer, wave the handkerchief up, down, move away

The white trunk will be stroked

They will sing tenderly.

Chorus the same repeat the movements of the chorus

3. The kids disperse and walk around the birch tree, the hand with the handkerchief is lowered

And let's go for a walk

A song about a birch tree

Gently hum.

Chorus: same repeat of chorus movements and bow

Music hands In the spring forest everything rings and sings! Let's sit down, guys, on the chairs and listen to the sounds of the spring forest.

  • Active listening to “Bird Voices”

Children sit, relax, listen to bird voices, the teacher reads a poem

Wonderful bird

Sat on a branch

And she sang a song.

And the forest was having fun,

And the leaves sparkled,

There are rays of sunshine in them

We swam and frolicked.

Bird song for everyone

She brought warmth.

And a rainbow in the sky

It rose above the forest.

M. Gadzhieva

The teacher shows the children a toy bird.

Spring: So a small bird has flown to us(speaks for the bird).


Spring has come!

The birds have no time to sleep at all.

They sing all day long

They build nests in trees.

  • Sing along "Bird"

Little bird
Arrived to us
Movement of the hands

Little bird
I'll give you some grains
The palms are bent in the form of a plate

Little bird tapping index finger palm
Pecks the grains

Little bird
Sings songs
Children pronounce the words “chiv-chiv-chiv”

SPRINGGuys, do you want to feed the bird? Then get your palms ready

  • Finger game "Bird"

Birdie, birdie children move with their index finger

Here's some water on your palm, drawing a circle

Here are the crumbs tapping a decree for you. finger on palm

On my palm

As I blow on you they slowly blow

Fly away immediately, little bird.

She flew away waving her arms saying “Ay”


While playing the game, the teacher brings the bird to the palms of the children who want to “feed” it. (At the end of the game, place the bird on a birch tree.)

Spring pretends that a bird is whispering something in her ear.

The bird is asking you, kids,

Both girls and boys

Take the tools in your hands

And for all of us to play.

(Spring distributes tools from her basket)

  • Orchestra of homemade noise instruments.(Children rhythmically play even quarter notes on instruments)

Birdie. Well done, guys! Do you want to turn into little birds and play?

I'll circle the children

I'll turn them all into birds!

The birds have flown

Small birds.

(children wear bird hats)

  • Musical game “Birds and the Fox” (the teacher plays the fox)

III. Reflective-evaluative stage.(Final stage of the lesson)

Musical director: - Did you guys like visiting Vesna?

It’s good to be your guest, Spring, but the time has come to say goodbye and return to kindergarten.

Spring -You greeted me kindly

They greeted us with song and dance.

“Goodbye,” I say.

I look forward to visiting you all again.

Says goodbye to the children. Children get into the “car” and “drive” to kindergarten. Spring waves her handkerchief after them.

In the car, the driver is sitting in the car.

The car, the car goes, hums:

“Beep beep” (2 times).

In the car, in the car

There are plenty of children

Let's go children.

Looking out the window

“Beep-beep-beep” (2 times).

And here is our dear kindergarten,

The children have arrived, the car, stop!

“Beep beep” (2 times).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 6 of Leninogorsk" municipality"Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

Summary of a music lesson using ICT

“There are different sounds”


musical director of MBDOU No. 6

Yashkuzina Evgenia Vladimirovna

Topic: “There are different sounds”

Methods and techniques for implementing the lesson content:

Visual (Slide fragmentsmusical and noise sounds)

Verbal (Tale about musical and noise sounds)

Practical (exercise, game, musical - rhythmic movements, perception of music)

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development:formation of children’s readiness for joint activities, development of the ability to negotiate.

Cognitive development: consolidating children's knowledge about musical and noise sounds.

Speech development: Active vocabulary expansion (major, minor)

Physical development: Development of motor activity in dancing and games

Age group : Senior

Target : formation of preschoolers’ ideas about the sounds around us.


Educational objectives:

Enrich children's musical experiences and create a joyful mood;

Lead children to the ability to convey elementary game images and their characters through movements and intonation.

Enrichment vocabulary through words: sounds, noise, , glass, iron, wood, rustling.

Teach children to distinguish between noise and musical sounds, promote the assimilation of these concepts using play techniques.

Developmental tasks:

Develop auditory attention, logical thinking, and creative abilities of children.

To develop rhythmic, tempo and pitch perception in children.

Develop coordination, switchability of movements.

Educational task:

Foster independence, activity, and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Planned results

Ideas about the difference between musical and noise sounds have been formed.

Children are able to distinguish the sound of noise sounds from musical ones, independently change movements in accordance with the nature of the music, and take an active part in the game.

They know the names of musical instruments, express their emotions in singing, playing and dancing, distinguish between noise, sounds of nature and musical sounds.

Organization of the environment for conducting classes (educational activities)


Recordings of noise sounds;

Recordings of fragments of the sound of musical instruments;

Cards for the game “Distinguish the Sounds”

- Children's musical instruments (drum, spoons, xylophone)

Paper or plastic bag, wooden stick, textile;

- Butterflies, paper flowers according to the number of children;

- The two-color notes are yellow and blue.

Preparation for educational activities (in class, during routine moments). View in a group a presentation with illustrations of musical instruments familiar to children. Learning a little counting rhyme for the game “We are going to look for sounds.” Learning the text of the game massage “Friend”.

Used methodological material

    Devyatova T.N. Sound is a magician: materials educational program on musical education of older children preschool age– M. LINK – PRESS, 2006

    Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2001

    CapLunovaI.M.,NovoskoltsevaI.A.“Holiday every day” Notes of music lessons with audio application. Senior group - Composer, 2009

    Kochemasova E.E., Tyutyunnikova T.E., “Where does sound come from?” - “Musical Palette” magazine, No. 5, 2006

    “Musical Director”, No. 5, 2006

6. Internet resources:

- http:// nportal. ru/ detskiy- sad/

- http:// www. solnet. ee/ parents/ p11_07. html

- http:// www. moluch. ru/ archive/91/19171/

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

Children enter the hall to the music of D. Lvov - Kompaneets “Giants and Dwarfs”, perform movements according to the teacher’s verbal explanation. They stand in a circle.

Musical director: (singing) Hello guys!

Children: (singing) Hello!

Musical director:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with fun exercises.

We guys are friendly, together

We run in place.

If there is no peace in the heart,

They stomped their feet loudly!

And another!

And now my good ones

Clap your hands loudly!

And sit down!

II. Main stage

Musical director:

Guys, what were we doing now?

(They stomped, clapped, made noise).

Musical director:

How can you call such sounds? ( Noises).

Musical director:

Absolutely right. Let's be silent for a moment and listen to the sounds around us. Do you think this world is silent or not? (Answer). The world around us is sounding. There are many sounds around us.

Tell me what sounds did you hear? (Answer)

That's right, it's all noise. Let's play. I will make riddles for noises, and you will guess.

Game "Guess the Noises" ( There are noises behind the screen - the noise of crumpled paper, the clink of a pencil, the noise of a package.)

Noise sounds are non-musical sounds, including the voices of nature. What are you hearing now? (recording of a blizzard sounds)

What are you hearing now? (plays the metallophone ). These are also sounds, but what kind? Noise?(Answer). The sounds performed on musical instruments are called musical. Human singing also belongs to musical sounds.

Musical director:

What is the difference between noise and music?

(Noise cannot be sung or played on a musical instrument).

Musical director:

Do you know that noise sounds are very different. I suggest you play interesting game. Do you guys want some?

Game “We are going to look for sounds” (Pedagogical technology “Sound is a magician”, author T. N. Devyatova)

One, two, three, four, five!

We're going to look for sounds!

Plastic, wooden,

Metal glass!

Children, saying a counting rhyme, follow the leader around the hall, who takes them to various objects and knocks on them with a hammer, listening to the sound. Children determine by sound what type this sound belongs to. The game is repeated several times.

Musical director:

Let's repeat: what sounds are there?

Noise (noises, voices of nature ), musical(person singing, playing musical instruments )

Musical director:

And in order to find musical sounds in our hall, I want to invite you to sing a familiar song. But where did she go?? How do you think? (pretends to be looking) ( Children's answers).

Slide 2 shows a ladder consisting of 7 steps.

Musical director:

And I think I know where the song is...

Look, there is a ladder on the screen, but it’s not a simple ladder - it’s musical, and our song is hidden on it. But in order to guess it, you need to go through all the steps and at each there will be a task for you. If we cope with them, we will be able to guess and sing our song.

Musical director:

Well, guys, let's go look for our song?

Musical director plays the first note on which the task is written.

Need accompaniment

To make the song sound

Tools need to be taken

Play out a fairy tale with them.

Musical director: Interesting task!

I want to tell you a fairy tale, listen to it.

He tells a fairy tale; images of tools and objects appear on the 3rd slide in accordance with the text.

Hare in the forest (E. Zheleznova, S. Zheleznov “Music with Mom”)
Once upon a time there lived a cowardly hare. And this hare was afraid of everything.

One day he left the house. I didn’t even have time to take three steps, and the hedgehog suddenly rustled in the bushes!

(Rustling paper)

The hare got scared and ran away.

He ran and ran, sat down on a stump to rest, and the woodpecker started knocking on the pine tree!

(Knock on a piece of wood with a stick)

The hare started to run.

(Knock on the drum with wooden spoons (quickly)

He ran, ran, ran into the very thicket, and there the owl flapped its wings.

(We stretch the fabric with our hands)

A hare ran from the forest to the river

(Knock on the drum with wooden spoons (quickly)

And the frogs were sitting on the shore.

They saw a hare and jumped into the water.

(We move the stick along the xylophone)

Then the hare stopped and said:

But there are animals that are afraid of me, the hare!

He said so and boldly galloped back into the forest.

(Knock on the drum with wooden spoons (slowly)

Guys, why did tools and objects appear on the slides when I was telling a fairy tale? (Children's answers).

You see tools on the table, go up to them and take them. Now I’ll tell the story again, and you will voice it.

Be careful, you need to start performing your part as soon as your instrument appears on the slide. To make a fairy tale beautiful, you need to listen carefully and play instruments rhythmically.

The fairy tale is repeated, but accompanied by a musical orchestra.

Musical director: MWell done! What sounds were found in our fairy tale? (Musical and noise)

At this time, a ladder appears on slide 4, with a picture depicting the first phrase of the song.

Musical director: Ahere is the first clue to our song. This means that we have completed this task.

Plays 2nd note.

Musical director:

Do you know that musical sounds can be sad and cheerful; they are also called major and minor. Major sounds are always joyful, cheerful, bright. And minor sounds are sad, sorrowful, plaintive. Guys, in order for us to find out the next clue to our song, we need to complete the following task - listen carefully to the music and convey its mood with movements, facial expressions, and gestures.

Active listening to music “Major or minor?”

Children jump, dance, and laugh to cheerful music, but to sad music they walk with their heads bowed.

Musical director: Do you think we coped with the task? (Answer). If a hint appears, it means we completed the task correctly.

At this time, a ladder appears on slide 5, and on the second step a picture opens showing the second phrase to the song.

Musical director: Well done, well done!

Musical director: Ahere is the second phrase of our song. This means that we have completed this task. Well, guys, do you want to know what task the next step has in store for us? (Children's answers).

Let's calmly go to the chairs and listen to the task.

Plays note 3, reads the task

There are words, there are tools,

Well, where is the melody?

Look at the diagrams

And find a melody.

(Slide 6 shows a staff on which animals are sitting).

Musical director: Look how interesting the scheme is.

Please note that all animals are at different heights. What do you think this could mean?(Children's answers)

There are high and low sounds.(Slide 7 shows kittens) . If the cats were upstairs, how would they sing these sounds? (Meow)(Slide 8 shows dogs) . How will the dogs sing? (Woof, woof)(Slide 9 shows cows) How will a cow sing? (Mu). Who wants to sing according to these patterns?

Musical and didactic game “Sing the Sounds”

The figures of kittens, dogs and cows are arranged in pitch order. Children, first one at a time, then sing the patterns together.

On slide 10 a ladder appears, the picture of which shows the third fragment of the song.

Musical director: The following prompt has appeared, what does it mean?(Children's answers)

Plays the 4th note, reads the task

Musical director: Flowers have bloomed in the hall, and butterflies are sitting on them. Go to the flowers and sit down next to them, and put the butterfly on your finger.

The children take their seats.

You all know that every song has musical phrases. Every musical phrase has a beginning and an end. Listen! (waltz sounds) Very similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the beginning of a musical phrase, a butterfly flies up, and at the end of a musical phrase it lands on a flower.

To hear the beginning and end of a musical phrase, what should I do?(Children's answers)

Yes, you need to listen to the melody very carefully so that your butterfly takes off and lands on time.

Game exercise"Musical flight"

( T.V. Rogatkina. Synthesis of the arts: the road to childhood, or a new change in pedagogy. Music and mood. Musical director – 2006 No. 5)

Each child has back side palms - a butterfly, which is attached to one or more fingers with the help of an elastic band. There are paper flowers on the carpet for butterflies to land on. Children raise their hand at the beginning of a musical phrase and lower it to the flower at the end of a musical phrase.

Waltz joke (music by D. Shostakovich)

At this time, a ladder appears on slide 11, and a picture of 4 fragments of the song appears.

Musical director: Ahere is the fourth phrase of our song. This means that we have completed this task.

Plays the 5th note, reads the task

Musical director: Well, now it’s time to have some fun, kids!

Let's do a game massage “Friend”.

Children perform the play massage complex “Druzhok” (Matyukhina M.V. “Health-saving technologies in a music lesson”).

Children stand in pairs throughout the hall.

I have such hands!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their hands.


They clap their hands loudly.They clap.

One, two, three!

Your hands tooThey turn to each other, stroke each other’s hands.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such cheeks!They stand with their backs to each other, stroking their cheeks.


I'll pinch them a little.Cheeks sting easily.

One, two, three!

Your cheeks tooThey turn and rub each other's cheeks.

They look like mine.

Good on you, buddy.They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

I have such ears!They stand with their backs to each other, massaging their earlobes.


I'll grind them out little by little.They rub their ears with force.

One, two, three!

Your ears tooThey turn to each other, tugging at each other's ears.

They look like mine.

I'm good with you, my friend,They spin like a boat.

Spin around with me once!

At this time, a ladder appears on slide 12, and the image of the 5th fragment of the song appears.

Musical director: Ahere is the fifth phrase of our song. This means we are almost there.

Musical director: Well, let's look at the next task.

Plays 6th note

There are different sounds

Everyone in the world knows this

There are not two or three

Try it and tell the difference.

Now let's conduct a little quiz. Each of you will have two cards. One shows notes, and the other shows cubes. You will need to listen carefully to the sounds and determine whether they are classified as musical or noise. Well, we're ready. Then, go ahead!

Didactic game “Distinguish the sounds”

Various sounds are heard in the recording, pictures are shown in parallel on slides 13 and 14, children select the desired card and show it. If the picture and sound relate to musical sounds, then they show a card with the image of notes, if they refer to noise, then with the image of cubes.

Musical director: Ahere is the sixth phrase of our song. This means that we have completed this task. We have reached the 7th stage.

Plays the 7th note and reads the task

You've reached your song,

Well done, you did it!

Guess what song it is

Hid on the steps?

The teacher plays a melody, the children recognize it and name it.

The introduction sounds, the children come out in a circle and sing a familiar song.

Song "Kindergarten" Music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

The music director sums it up.

III . The final stage.

You completed all the tasks, well done, you were able to get to the song. And the song gives you notes. But look at the multi-colored notes. If you are in a good mood from our meeting today, take a yellow note, and if you were bored or not interested, take a blue note. I see that you chose yellow notes, but what did you find most interesting? Tell me, did you learn anything new today? Was it difficult for you? What was the most difficult task for you?

You didn't work in vain

All agree? Yes, we agree!

And now it's time

We have to say goodbye kids.

Musical director : (singing) Goodbye guys!

Children: (singing) goodbye!

Children walk around the hall to cheerful rhythmic music and leave the hall to join the group.

Natalya Erypalova
Summary of the music lesson “In the world of music”

Girls, I tried to carry out an ordinary ordinary lesson using the T method. E. Tyutyunnikova at the RMO and with other people’s children whom I saw for the first time. This kindergarten is completely silent musical The worker had to maintain all the equipment and tools herself. You know, I didn’t expect it myself, I received a sea of ​​emotions both myself and the children. I recommend it.

Project "B" world of music"

Target:Development musical children's abilities through play activities.



Teaching children to hear musical breaks musical instruments.

"Dance of Autumn Leaves".


Develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.



Methods and techniques:


Visual:pictures depicting signs of autumn, slide show "Autumn Rondo"

Practical: music games , creative tasks, learning a song "Dance of Autumn Leaves".

Preliminary work:

Creating a presentation "Autumn Rondo";

Making homemade noisemakers musical instruments;

Making attributes for the dance of autumn leaves.

Equipment: multimedia board, laptop, synthesizer, drum, tambourine, tapes according to the number of children, small and large autumn leaves, didactic material– illustrations of signs of autumn, noise musical tools for each child.

Focus: Class is integrated.

Scientific basis: Using the techniques of K. Orff,

T. A. Tyutyunnikova "Elementary music playing".

GCD move

Hello guys, my name is Natalya Alexandrovna. I invite you to plunge into mysterious world music. Do you agree?

Then we all need to stand in a big circle.

(Children stand in a circle)

I invite you to greet each other and your guests.

Greeting game “Hello, palms!”

Perform movements in accordance with text:

Hello, palms,


(clap hands)

Hello legs!


(stomping feet)

Hello cheeks!


Rosy cheeks


(tap cheeks carefully)

Hello sponges!

Smack, smack, smack!

(pull their lips forward and smack)

Hello, teeth!

Clack, clack, clack!

(teeth chattering)

Hello, my nose!

Beep, beep, beep!

(touch nose)

Hello guys!

Hello! (waves hand)

Hello, guests! Hello!

(show a greeting gesture)

Guys, what kind of instrument is this?

Children - Drum.

And my drum can speak with its tongue music.

What did the drum say now?

Children - Walk, jump, run, freeze.

(First the teacher plays, then the child, the children perform the movements.)

And now he will help us move music. Only you and I will dance.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off from branches

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.

When the music stops, what are we going to do?

Children - We will freeze.

The game is being played

And I have a song about leaves, listen...

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

The children's feet rustle quietly

And swaying smoothly, they dance in a circle

And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

Do you think this song can be danced?

(The children sing and dance without musical accompaniment.)

Everyone come to me, I want all the ears to be adjusted.

(1-2 people sing again under the piano)

Look, there are yellow and red ribbons on the table, take a ribbon for yourself. (take)

What do you think these ribbons can do?

(Children's improvisation)

And now I will sing a song, and whoever wants will sing along with me and dance with these ribbons.

(Singing and dancing - a cappello)

Everyone will choose a partner, we will dance and sing together.

(Singing and dancing - a cappello)

Shall we put down ribbons? Right here.

How many of you know what time of year it is now?

Children - Autumn.

What is she like?

Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

(Gradually it becomes cold, there is less light, the sky is covered with clouds, it is drizzling rain, the soil has become damp and cold, the leaves on the trees have changed, leaves are falling, birdsong is not heard.)

Have you seen the leaves fall in autumn?

Where can you see the most autumn leaves in the fall?

Children - In the forest.

How would you like to visit autumn forest? Will you come with me?

Stand in a circle. What will we go on?

Children's answers.

Or maybe we can ride a horse?

(imitation of movements : jumping, clicking their tongue)

Let's sit in "cart", and listen to what we hear in the forest. You will take the tools one by one, so you need to be patient to wait for your turn. Well, let's go?

(Game at DMI)

"Autumn Rondo"

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The wheels squeak

The bells are ringing.

The wheels squeak

The bells are ringing.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker is knocking.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker is knocking.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The squirrel on the Christmas tree gnaws all the nuts, click, click

A red fox is guarding a hare.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The wind is naughty

The brook is babbling.

The wind is naughty

The brook is babbling.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

Oh, there’s a ravine in the distance, and from the cart we’re all a mess.

We've arrived.

Guys, look how beautiful it is here.

Playing with leaves "Leaf Fall"

Take yourself an autumn leaf, and once again we will sing our autumn song with you.

Children sing the song of autumn leaves

Well, what did you guys like in the autumn forest?

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

We drove, we drove, we arrived at kindergarten!

Surprise moment.

Guys, as a farewell gift I want to give you some autumn leaves. Look what I have. Each of you can choose a piece of paper according to your mood.

Dear teachers, you can also choose a piece of paper for yourself, if you like it - yellow, red, and if not - blue.


"IN world of music»

This event was planned according to the theme of my experience work: "Development musical children's abilities through play activities" as an experiment.

OD participants are children of senior preschool age. I don't know the children.

To conduct this event, a preliminary Job:

Creating a presentation;

Selection and production of noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for musical activities with children.

Prepared musical material:

Cutting for listening and performing musically-rhythmic movements,

Song "Dance of Autumn Leaves".

When planning the OD, the following goals were set: tasks:


Strengthen children's knowledge about the signs of autumn.

Teaching children to hear musical breaks, promote the development of play and improvisation of melodies on noise musical instruments.

Learn the first verse of the song "Dance of Autumn Leaves".


To develop children's sense of rhythm and hearing.

Develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.

Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking.


Cultivate love and interest in music.

Foster independence, activity, and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Instill a love for native nature.

What I like about T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s program is that it provides the widest range of possibilities for use musical tools and, as a consequence, the manifestation musical And creative possibilities children.

I am also impressed by the principle of T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s approach to music training children.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the leading role in all educational areas is given to gaming activities. Therefore, throughout my educational activities I used the game.

First, I invited the children to perform a welcome song "Hello!", which set the children in a positive mood and contributed to the establishment of a friendly psychological climate.

To interest the children, I used the technique of a game situation - with a drum, ribbons, leaves. This encouraged children to be active creative activity, attentiveness, desire to do well.

In order to do being more productive, used the following equipment: multimedia, noise musical instruments.

During the games, she used verbal and practical methods, explained and reminded how to perform the exercises correctly.

To develop a general culture in children, she reminded children about behavior when playing noise instruments (take the instruments one at a time, you need to be patient to wait for your turn).

She used a differentiated approach - she asked children to complete tasks individually, and she activated shy children who performed them incorrectly.

The event was dynamic (which was facilitated by preliminary preparation, the change of activity did not allow the children to get tired.

There was a surprise at the end.

The children were attentive and interested in music lesson, emotional due to their capabilities. They make contact easily.

In different types musical They manifested themselves in different ways in their activities.

(type of activity)– was most interesting to children, and therefore found a greater emotional response from children.

I would like children to express themselves more in musical improvisation, felt more confident, and were not afraid to speak in public. For this purpose, improvisation was included. Not all (All) these tasks were completed, but for most children this condition was met.

I tried to communicate with the students calmly and kindly. To interest the children, I tried to be emotional and artistic at the right moment.

I think that music lesson passed at an optimal pace, in a friendly psychological atmosphere, the assigned tasks were completed by me at the required level.

11 minutes to read. Views 2.8k.

"Land of Good Deeds"
(for children of senior preschool age)
Target: teach children to determine their emotional state by external signs (facial expressions); establish a connection between different feelings and the reasons that cause them.


  • To consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about the nature of music (cheerful, sad, angry); reflect the mood with movements, facial expressions, and gestures; lead children to understand the connection between the nature of music and the means of musical expression.
  • Encourage children to actively express creativity in tasks and musical games.
  • To cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around us through music.
  • Teach children to establish a connection between voice-creative movements and volumetric-spatial concepts.
  • Development of children's auditory attention, speech breathing, purity of intonation; practicing clear articulation, “opening” the sound apparatus.
  • Improve your singing skills.
  • Enrich children with musical experiences.


  • tape recorder, cassettes with children's plays and birdsong;
  • didactic doll Bim-Bom,
  • musical and didactic manual “Magic Glade” with three seasons (summer, autumn, winter), chips - cards with images of animals (bird, hare, bear, wolf, hedgehog);
  • a magic bag, a heart, a basket with “treats” for animals;
  • noise instruments, hammers - sticks.


Linguistic - rhythmic exercise “Walk” (“Free March”, music by V. Verkhovynets; “Dancing and high step”, music by V. Kosenko; “Smooth dance step”, music by B. Lyatoshinsky; “Butterflies”, music by S. Maikapara; music by P. Tchaikovsky; music by L. Beethoven; music by T. Lomovoi; music by P. Tchaikovsky; winter”, music by D. Kompaniets; “Our Garden”, music by V. Gerchik.

Progress of the lesson.

(Children enter the hall, stand in a circle, greet in musical language, that is, the music director sings: “Good afternoon, kids! Boys and girls!”

Children They answer: “Good afternoon!”

Musical director: “Good afternoon to all guests!” (Good afternoon!))

Musical director: Children, do you like to do good to people? Why? (Children answer) Today we were visited by the famous merry fellow, kind-hearted, wizard - the clown Bim-Bom. Look how beautiful he is... (Children look at the toy)
Did you like Bim-Bom? Let's show each other how a clown smiles (widely, even wider).

Articulation gymnastics for the mouth “Smile”.

Well done.
Guys, what do you think, how will Bim-Bom greet us? (cheerfully, smiling, loudly) Who will show? (Children are greeted one by one - they sing or say): “Good afternoon, kids!”, “Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!” etc. Everyone else with that facial expression answers: “Good afternoon, Bim-Bom!” The music director pretends that Bim-Bom is telling him something/)

Musical director: Bib - Bom really liked your congratulations. For your open hearts and kind smiles, he invites everyone to the Land of Good Deeds to introduce you to its inhabitants. Are you ready for unusual adventures? So, let's go.

Language-rhythmic game “Walk” (varieties of walking).

Musical director: Children go on a journey
They walk on the grass
And a funny song
Everyone sings together (normal walking).

So that we don’t crush the flowers
You need to raise your legs (walking with high knees).

Be careful between the bushes
We walk like a snake (walking like a snake).
We walk lightly and quietly,
We don't make any noise (easy running at a medium pace with transitions on the go).

(Children do various types walking; they stop when the music ends. The music director suggests taking a little rest.)

Musical director: I see we can’t do it without the help of a wizard. The road is long, but we will still need our strength for good deeds. How will we get to Fairytale Land? (Children offer different types transport. Bim-Bom seems to be whispering something to the music director.)

Musical director: Children, Bim-Bom invites us to continue our journey on a real cart. But where can we get it? (Bim - Bom gives magic bag)
Yes, of course, Bim-Bom has a lot of magic hammers in his bag that will help you quickly make a cart.

Language-rhythmic exercise “Merry Hammers”.

(Children sit on chairs and use hammers to convey the rhythm, which is applied by the music director, while simultaneously pronouncing rhymed lines.)

Children and music director:

Knock, knock, hammer,

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,

Knock more cheerfully. Hit it more accurately with a hammer.
This and this and this carnation

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,
Hit it harder.

We made a cart.

Musical director: We made a nice cart together, take your seats:
Therefore, go on the road and look at everything carefully.

Onomatopoeia exercise “We are riding in a wheelchair.”

(The exercise is performed at a moderate pace. Children select sounds independently environment(the creaking of a cart, the whisper of the wind, the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the gurgling of a brook).)

1. We are traveling in a wheelchair
Visit the fishing line. (Creak - creak, creak - creak)

2. The breeze greets us, (Fu – fu – fu...)
He plays hide and seek with the leaves. (Sh – sh – sh...)

3.And the fun of the bird
They started their own songs. (Fit - fit, chiv - chiv, tech - tech...)

4. A squirrel sits on a branch,
She can’t wait to eat the nuts (clack-clack-clack...)

5. Here the stream flows, gurgling,
He wants to run away to the river. (Brr-brr...)

6. We drove for a very long time,
Finally we arrived. Wow! (All together.)

(Musical director opens 1 page didactic manual"Magic Glade". A soundtrack of birdsong sounds.)

Musical director: Guys, where did this cart take us? So, to the magic clearing. Look how beautiful it is. Although it’s a bitter winter outside, there are flowers and butterflies everywhere, everything is blooming.

Listening to the play “The Moth” by S. Maykapar.

Didactic game “Butterflies and Flowers”.

(Didactic game: music sounds - butterflies fly, the music stops - butterflies land on flowers. Children use hand movements to reflect the beginning and end of instrumental music.)

Musical director: Children, is this play in the mood? (light, active, cheerful.) If the music is cheerful, then the day should be “sunny” (the children suggest). Let's help the sun free itself from the cloud.

Breathing exercise “Let’s free the sun from the cloud.”

(The exercise is carried out with the aim of improving speech breathing in children and developing a targeted air stream. Children blow on a cloud, the “Butterfly” play is played again - the selected child independently moves the cloud from the sun on the stand, opens it.)

Exercise “Scientific Grasshopper”.

(An exercise to develop pitch hearing, determining the movement of a melody.)

Musical director: Oh, who's that jumping on the flowers here? Show yourself to the kids!.. Yes, it’s a grasshopper on the loose. Children, this little scientist, jumps over the flowers as they tell him. Come on, little horse, jump to 3 flowers, and then down from here.

And now to the 5th flower and down again.

(Children in the Skok warehouse accompany the singing with hand movements. The music director plays a melody on a metallophone, the selected child accompanies the singing with a skate movement across the colors.)

(Bim-Bom's face changes from cheerful to sad.)

Musical director: Children, look at our Bim-Bom, for some reason he is very sad, he’s about to cry. Buddy, what happened, why are you so upset? (pretends that he is telling something).

Bim-Bom found a small chick in the grass. It fell out of the nest and is calling for mommy. (The sounds of a minor key are heard.) Show me with your voice how the sparrow sings! (Children do the exercise and point with their hands.)

Musical director: Can we help the sparrow get back to the nest? Then take the bird in your palms and throw it like this B X (high and fast with the “x” threshold).

Exercise “Help the sparrow.”

(The main element of the exercise is rising intonation with a sharp transition from the chest “v” to the falsetto “v” register with a characteristic “break” of the “x” voice.)

(At first, excited music sounds. The music director says that he doesn’t understand what’s happening, where he came from strong wind and dispersed all the butterflies, the clouds covered the sun. Sad music from the cycle “Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky “October” sounds.)

Linguistic and rhythmic exercise “Song of the Rain”.

(The exercise is aimed at developing rhythmic and melodic hearing (purity of intonation), automating sounds, freeing the lower jaw for free articulation.)

Musical director: It started to rain a little. Don't be afraid, children! Let's sing his song together with the rain, like this (sings high in one sound):
Those - those - those - those - those - those - yes,
I sing the song like this!

Musical director: But the rain still doesn’t let up, but on the contrary, it gets even stronger, and now his song is like this (sings low in one sound):
Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock,
We can hear the sound of rain.

(The rain song is repeated several times so that children can remember high and low
sound position.

The music director invites the children to show with their tongue the song of a small and heavy rain - perform high and low clicks.)

Exercise “High and low clicking sounds.”

(Children click their tongues, changing the shape of their mouth

Musical director: That's it, the rain stopped falling and couldn't scare us. Pay attention, children, how the seasons have changed. Strange, instead of summer it came... (Children answer).

(The page changes. The play “October” is played again. The music director invites the children to use noise instruments from the magic bag Bim-Boma to depict the rustling of leaves, wind, rain...)

Playing noise instruments, “Eliza”, music. L. V. Beethoven, in instrumental arrangement.

Musical director: Oh, look kids, someone is hiding behind a tree, apparently some kind of animal. Help me find her.

(Explain to the children that here are several animal cards. After listening to the music, you need to choose the card that the music tells you about.)

Listening to the play “Bunny” by T. Lomova, from the cycle “In the Forest”.

(The music director draws the children’s attention to Bim-Bom’s face, it is frightened. The figure of a wolf can be seen behind the tree.)

Exercise “Terrible beast”.

(An exercise to establish connections between voice-creative movements and volumetric-spatial representations, to develop speech hearing, purity of intonation. Children give a figurative description of the wolf: all gray, very angry - B, big scary eyes - UO, terrible fangs - UOA.

(When the wolf disappears, Bim-Bom’s face becomes cheerful again.

The phonogram of music sounds. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”. The page changes to “Winter”.)

Musical director: What a miracle, the time of year has changed again. It’s white all around, and you can hear the snow rustling under your feet.

Exercise "Articulation".

(An exercise to develop singing breathing, “opening” the articulatory apparatus. The exercise consists of a strong active pronunciation of consonants. The mouth is maximally open by moving the jaw up and down.

In this position, silently inhale through the mouth and use the movements of the limbs of the hands. The hands are raised to the level of the mouth, the limbs are opened so that the fingers are spread and tense, the palms are turned forward. The limbs work together with the pronunciation of consonants (ш, с).

(The music director invites the children to warm up with a cheerful dance.)

Song and dance by D. Kompaniyets “Zimushka - Winter”.

Musical director: Look how strange this tent is. Oh, be quiet, kids, this is a den. The bear sleeps in winter and sees honey and sweet berries in his dreams, he sucks his paw and “moans” - he begs to be given honey - “yum - yum - yum.”

Exercise "Moaning".

(An exercise to develop singing breathing, freeing the lower jaw for free articulation.
Initial position: the face is relaxed, the mouth is slightly open, the eyes are half asleep. This is necessary to enable a relaxed voice register that does not have a fixed pitch.)

Musical director: What do you think, children, do all forest animals sleep in winter? (No.) Can you name those animals that need help in winter? (Children answer.)

(The teacher leaves a basket with gifts for the animals: honey for bears, carrots for hares, cabbage, hay for deer, moose, grain for birds, nuts for squirrels.)

Musical director: Guys, Bim-Bom says that you are great, true friends, you help in difficult times, and you haven’t forgotten about the animals.
This is because, Bim - Bom, that in our kindergarten they teach kids never to leave friends in trouble, to help each other. We are all together - one friendly family and we know what goodness is. I invite everyone to sing a song of friendship together.

Song by V. Gerchik “Our Garden”.

Musical director: For good deeds, like a real wizard, Bim-Bom rewards you with the honorary title “ Good Wizard" Stand together under his silver rain. And Bim-Bom gives you this heart as a memory of today’s meeting, may it always warm everyone with its warmth.

(The children thank Bim-Boma for the gifts, say goodbye and leave.)