“Logorhythmics in the musical activity of preschool children” Methodological development. What is logorhythmics

Municipal budget preschool institution

Kindergarten No. 3

Direct educational activities Music

“Journey to a Musical Land” with elements of logorhythmics.

Prepared by music director

Morozova S.V.


Development of children's communication abilities through musical activities.


  1. Develop speech in children through musical activities: preparing the articulatory apparatus for correct pronunciation, developing coordination of speech with movement, activating children’s speech through different types of musical activities.
  2. Develop free communication with children: sociability, initiative, independence, friendliness, creativity.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Method of mental search: think about it, listen, express it.
  2. Speech therapy exercises: phonopedic, language exercises, motor.
  3. Method of questions, game and imaginary situations.
  4. Use of information and communication technologies.

Progress of the lesson.

Communication game “Hello!”

Children walk around the hall in a loose manner, when the music ends, they find a mate and say hello.

Hello friend! (handshake)

How are you doing? (They pat each other on the shoulder)

Where have you been? (Tugging on the ear)

I missed you. (Cross arms over chest)

You have come. (Spread their arms to the sides)

Fine. (They hug).

Guys, today I invite you to take a trip to a country that is not on the map or the globe. This is a very interesting country - musical. Do you want to go there? (Children's answer). In this country we will sing, play musical instruments, and dance. And to get there, you need to spin around beautifully and say the following words: “Spin around, turn around, find yourself in a magical land!”

So we found ourselves in a magical land. Look what a wonderful clearing this is. Let's sit down on it. This clearing is called “Guess.” Listen, what kind of music is playing? What is it called? Who wrote it? (“October” by P.I. Tchaikovsky). What did you imagine when the music played? (Children's answers).

And an autumn leaf flew to us. He will help us play and come up with different words about the nature of this music. (Children characterize music).

Movement exercise “Walk in the forest.”

Let's go for a walk in the forest, The children are marching.

Let's walk happily.

Let's go along the path. They walk like a snake.

One after another in single file.

They stood on their toes and ran on their toes.

And they ran to the forest.

We raise our legs higher and walk with high steps.

We don't step on bumps.

And again they march along the path.

We walk merrily.

Here we are. And this clearing is called “Let’s Play.” Mushrooms grew in the clearing. (ICT). (Children clap a rhythmic pattern on children's musical instruments).

Guys, what does it take for mushrooms to grow in the forest? (Rains). What kind of rains are there? (Heavy, mushroom, downpours, etc.) Remember, when the rain starts to fall, we don’t even notice it at first. But then the drops begin to fall more often, and his simple song can already be heard. Take wooden sticks- We will depict how the rain is dripping. Poem “Rain” by M. Novikova.

A drop once, a drop two, drops slowly at first.

Slowly, slowly, this song began.

But then the rain came harder and dripped more merrily:

Drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip, drip!

The rain is pouring down like buckets!

Downpour, downpour, downpour, downpour,

It's time for you to stop!

The drops are falling less and less often, the song of the rain sounds quieter and quieter. The last drop fell from the roof and the rain stopped.

Guys, what other musical instruments are suitable for playing rain? Choose your own musical instruments. (Children accompany “In the Rain We Sing” by S. Slonimsky)

Here is the clearing. And it’s called “Song”. What will we do here? (Sing songs). But first we need to prepare our tongue.

Exercise for the tongue.

There was a tongue in the mouth. In the morning I woke up and turned over from side to side. The tongue wanted to go for a walk. At first, the tongue wanted to see what the weather was like outside. He knocked on one cheek - there was no window there, he knocked on the other - there was no window either. And then the lips parted, smiled, and the tongue looked out the window. He looked first in one direction, then in the other. The weather is good, you can go for a walk. The tongue jumped up the stairs, counted all the planks by the fence (the tongue strokes the upper teeth first, then the lower ones), got on the train and went into the forest (say “chu-chi...”). I wonder what the tongue saw in the forest?

Phonopedic exercise “Before the rain”

The mournful wind drives the children making crescendo and diminuendo

The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven. sound (y).

The broken spruce groans, They make a stro-bass sound on the chords (a).

Whispers dully dark forest. Quietly and for a long time they say “nama - nama”.

On the pockmarked and motley stream, They pronounce short sounds “a”.

A leaf flies after a leaf,

A chill creeps over the stream, dry and sharp. The "u" sound.

Twilight falls over everything; diminuendo to the sound "u"

Having swooped in from all sides, they pronounce “kar” in different

The registers are spinning in the air with a scream.

A flock of jackdaws and crows. N. Nekrasov.

We have prepared our tongue well. And what song we will sing - riddles will tell us.

  1. He rushes without looking back, only his heels sparkle.

He runs as fast as he can, his tail is shorter than his ear.

Quickly guess who it is? (bunny).

  1. Who lives in the deep forest

Clumsy, clubfooted.

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear).

  1. Near the forest on the edge,
    Decorating the dark forest,
    He grew up as colorful as Parsley,
    Poisonous...fly agaric
  2. Summer, autumn, winter
    Walking along a forest path.
    Covers the trail with his tail.
    Who knows what her name is? (Fox)

Dramatization "Fly Agaric"

Together with the fast breeze we will find the next clearing.

And this clearing is for dancing. Boys invite girls to dance.

Dance "Good Beetle"

Game "A goat walked through the forest."

We had fun playing, but it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Spin around, spin around. IN kindergarten find yourself!

Did you enjoy the trip? What did you like? (Children's answers).

Children's speech develops better if the child is highly physically active. On the other hand, the formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech. Speech is one of the main elements in motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poems, sayings, and proverbs, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm are developed, speech hearing and speech memory are developed.

Currently, there is a shortage of sensory education for children, when it is considered much more important to teach a 3-4 year old child to read and write than to teach aesthetic canons. From a neuropsychological point of view, the tendency for early stimulation of the functions of reading, writing, and counting impoverishes the right hemisphere neuropsychic potential of the child, which is so necessary for his harmonious development and, most importantly, leads to losses that are irreparable in the future.

The peculiarity of the method is that speech material is included in motor tasks, the quality of which is designed to be worked on by speech therapy rhythm; music does not just accompany the movement, but is its guiding principle.

The relevance of logorhythmics lies in the fact that most parents are focused on the early development of the child’s intelligence, in particular, on learning to read. The practice of recent years, marked by an explosion in the popularity of early development methods, shows that the development of the brain centers responsible for reading, writing, and counting “distracts” it from other necessary nuances of psychomotor development of the right hemisphere of the brain, and these losses are almost impossible to make up for in the future. And it is logorhythmics that helps the baby develop harmoniously, gradually and in accordance with age.

What is logorhythmics?

This is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the utterance of special speech material. This is a form of active therapy, overcoming speech and related disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions and ultimately adapting a person to the conditions of the external and internal environment. The musculoskeletal system is strengthened, breathing, motor and sensory functions, a sense of balance, posture, gait, and grace of movement develop.

At the beginning of the school year, children of the 2nd junior group were monitored for their mastery of the basic general education program.

Based on the results, you can see that “Development of free communication with adults and children” is at an average level (57.5%).

In order to study the readiness of parents to cooperate, the ability to take responsibility, and competence in matters of speech development, a survey of parents “Speech development of the child” was conducted. Based on the results, we can conclude: parents strive for interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution; they often take responsibility upon themselves, but there are also parents who believe that kindergarten should be more involved in the development and upbringing of children.

Almost all parents noted their work on improving speech, citing as an example large number various methods and techniques. But despite this, there is a desire to learn new ways.

The entire system of work is aimed at solving the goal - preventing and overcoming speech disorders, through the development and correction of the motor sphere, under the influence of words, rhythm and music.

Logorhythmics is a form of active therapy, includes health-saving technologies, and serves as the most emotional link in the work on the formation of correct speech. Based on the connection between music, movement and speech, logarithmic games and exercises allow you to solve a variety of problems:

Development of auditory and visual attention;

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of spatial organization of movements;

Development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions;

Development of physiological and phonation breathing;

Formation of the articulatory base of sounds;

Development of a sense of rhythm;

Development of switchability from one field of activity to another

Development of communication skills.

To implement the goals and objectives of logorhythmics, software and methodological support was selected (photo).

When forming correct speech younger preschoolers The following methods and techniques are used using logorhythmics:

Visual methods provide vividness of sensory perception and motor sensations. Each method has a whole complex of various techniques that are united by the commonality of the problem and a unified approach to solving it. In the process of teaching motor actions, methodological techniques are selected taking into account the degree of assimilation of motor material, the general development of children, their physical condition, and age characteristics.

Thus, when teaching movement, various techniques are used:

a) visual - the teacher shows a sample of movement or individual motor elements; imitation of patterns of surrounding life; the use of visual cues when negotiating space, visual aids(photos, TV shows, etc.) ;

b) tactile-muscular - inclusion of various aids in motor activity. For example, when walking, arched gates are placed on the path: in order to step over them, you need to raise your leg high.

c) visual-auditory - sound regulation of movements. The best auditory visual aid is instrumental music or song. To regulate movements, folk jokes, poems in the form of two to four lines, sounds of a tambourine, etc. can be used.

Verbal methods appeal to the consciousness of children, help them comprehend the task at hand and perform motor exercises.

The verbal method uses the following techniques:

1) a brief explanation of new movements based on existing ones life experience children;

2) an explanation accompanying a specific display of movement or clarifying its elements;

3) instructions necessary when reproducing the movement shown by the teacher or when children independently perform exercises;

4) conversation when introducing new exercises and outdoor games, when it is necessary to clarify motor actions, clarify the plot of an outdoor game, etc.;

5) questions to children before they perform movements to understand the sequence of actions, check their ideas about the images of a plot-based outdoor game, play actions, etc.;

6) commands, orders and signals that require different intonation and dynamics from the teacher. Counting rhymes and game openings can be used as commands and signals;

7) a figurative plot story, which serves to develop the expressiveness of movements and better transformation into a game image. A plot story of 1.5 - 2 minutes evokes a recreating imagination, promotes visual perception of the entire situation, stimulates emotional reproduction;

8) verbal instruction, with the help of which the traces of previous impressions are revived in new combinations and combinations, the opportunity arises, with the help of verbal instructions and explanations, to form new temporary connections, to form new knowledge and skills.

The formation of motor skills in a child depends on the degree of awareness of the content and structure of the exercise.

Practical methods provide an effective test of the correct perception of movement using muscle-motor sensations. Varieties are gaming and competitive methods.

In logorhythmics there are two main directions in working with children:

improvement of general motor skills, coordination of movements, orientation in space; regulation of muscle tone;

development of a sense of musical tempo and rhythm, singing abilities; activation of all types of attention and memory.

Direction 2 – development of children’s speech and correction of their speech disorders. This work includes:

development of a moderate rate of speech and its intonation expressiveness;

development of articulatory and facial motor skills;

coordination of speech with movement;

education of correct sound pronunciation and the formation of phonemic hearing.

All types of logorhythmic games and exercises are offered to children in combination with a rhythmic basis:

to the music,

on account,

verbal and poetic accompaniment.

Forms of working with children:




When conducting logorhythmic games and exercises, various types of activities are included:

finger games or finger massage;

poems accompanied by movements

exercises that regulate muscle tone;

speech exercises without musical accompaniment;

pure talk;

speech and musical games;

exercises for the development of musical ear;

various types of walking and running to music

rhythmic exercises, singing;

exercises in playing musical instruments;

outdoor games, dramatizations;

facial exercises;

relaxation exercises to music.

Subject development environment

Important conditions for organizing logorhythmic games and exercises are PRS.

Illustrations and reproductions.

Small sculptural forms.

Didactic material.

Game attributes.

Musical instruments.

Audio - video materials.

Living toys (teachers or children dressed in appropriate costumes).

Card files of games and exercises.

Calendar - thematic plan logorhythmics in the second younger group

thematic plan for using logorhythmics on academic year for 2nd junior group. (see presentation)

Logorhythmic games and exercises in special moments

1. Morning exercises with speech onomatopoeia.

2. Saying nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for GCD.

3. Dynamic pauses between GCDs.

4. Physical education plot forms of GCD using speech material.

5. Logorhythmic physical education sessions during the educational process.

6. Invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia.

7. Outdoor games with recitation and movements.

8. Logorhythmic leisure.

In November, repeated monitoring of the children’s mastery of the main general education program of the OO “Communication” was carried out with the children. Based on the results, it can be seen that the level of Development of free communication with adults and children and Development of components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms increased by 10%, which shows positive dynamics level of speech development of children


Under the influence of the regular inclusion of logorhythmic games and exercises in children, a positive restructuring of the speech-motor, cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory and other systems occurs, as well as the development of emotional and volitional qualities of the individual.

Therefore, it is important to include them in various types of activities, which contributes to the development of all components of oral speech in younger preschoolers

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Logorhythmics as a means of correcting speech disorders in preschool children using musical and rhythmic movements

Nowadays, touching on any issue related to childhood problems, we all, without exception, want to see our children healthy, happy, smiling, and able to communicate with people around them. In modern society, one of the pressing problems is the health of the younger generation, which is associated with an increase in the number of children with various severe speech disorders, as well as delayed intellectual development.

Children with speech pathology are characterized by impaired gross and fine motor skills, and their breathing is often shallow. Some children are hyperactive, others are passive, due to weakness nervous system. Along with this, the majority of children with speech disorders have attention deficit; memory and performance are reduced. After all, most often children with deviations in speech development end up in a speech therapy group mainly before school, in best case scenario after 5 years. As a result, the most significant age for speech development is missed (the sensitive period, which lasts up to 3-4 years. If existing disorders are not corrected in a timely manner, the tangle of problems grows significantly. It follows from this that the prevention of speech disorders is necessary. This is the reason for the choice of my work on the topic “Logorhythmics as a means of preventing and correcting speech disorders in preschoolers.”

The goal of my work was: Overcoming speech disorders in children up to school age means of synthesis of music, movement and words.

Since everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm: the change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more is subject to a certain rhythm. Therefore, from the very early childhood It is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

LOGORITHMICS is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music and movement, words and movement, music, words and movement, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health-improving problems.

The inclusion of speech therapy rhythm classes in a set of measures to overcome general speech underdevelopment of various origins in preschool children opens up additional opportunities for their successful development and learning.

I set myself tasks such as:

formation of correct breathing;

development of the ability to navigate in space;

development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;

development and correction of musical-rhythmic movements.

In specialized preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, a number of techniques are used aimed at solving correctional problems. These are psycho-gymnastics, play therapy, music therapy, ethnotherapy, art therapy, etc. Sometimes they offer the same exercises and games, but with an emphasis on different tasks.

The main form of work is an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities.

Working with children in speech therapy groups, I have a unique opportunity to see the characteristics of preschool children who have speech disorders or symptoms that need to be considered. I believe that the use of logarithmics in the system correctional work and prevention of speech disorders, will increase the level of speech development of preschool children. Having become familiar with methodological literature in logorhythmics, I started working.

To solve the problems, I carried out the following tasks.

Task 1: the goal was to identify the presence of developed timbre hearing and auditory attention in children. It was suggested to listen to “lullaby” music on the instrument in different registers: high, medium and low.

Task 2: the purpose of which was to identify in children the presence of a developed melodic ear, vocal range, developed diction, and auditory attention. The children were asked to perform melodic line several songs, “The Pea” (music by V. Karaseva, “A Fox Walked Through the Forest” (r. n. P.).

Task 3: was aimed at determining the presence and development of a sense of rhythm in children. The children were asked to repeat the given rhythmic pattern by clapping, and to clap the rhythmic pattern of the “Ladushka” song.

2/4! !! /! !! /! !! ! /! !! /

La - shower - ki la - shower - ki, wherever - ba - bush - ki.

Task 4: the goal was to identify the child’s musical memory based on previously covered musical material. The children were asked what songs they knew that they had learned in class. It was suggested to listen to the recordings of the excerpts “And I’m in the meadow”, “There was a birch tree in the field”, “On the green meadow”, find out and sing the melody of any song.

Task 5: the goal was to determine the children’s motor skills and freedom to perform movements. The children were asked to complete several dance moves to music of a cheerful and smooth nature.

Task 6: the goal was to identify children’s creative skills, the ability to compose a melody and rhythmic pattern for a given text. It was proposed to complete the ending of the song “Rain” with your voice.

! !! ! /! !! /! !! /! !! /

Dozh - dik, dozh - dik, let - more, yes - let's dim te - be gu - cabbage soup, yes -

Requirements for conducting logorhythmic classes were determined, methodological recommendations educators:

Start each speech development lesson with articulatory gymnastics.

Include logorhythmic games and exercises in physical education minutes as a means of preventing speech disorders in preschoolers.

Introduce a set of exercises to develop breathing and voice in preschoolers.

Comparing the results over a number of years, I came to the conclusion that the level of pronunciation in children’s speech is falling every year. Therefore, logorhythmic exercises should be introduced into the system of preventive measures to overcome speech disorders as early as possible.

In the field of musical perception, I developed a system of classes by type of activity, which consisted of tasks for the development of auditory attention, melodic, pitch, timbre hearing, sense of rhythm, musical memory, musical movement, creative skills in singing, movement, composition. The classes were conducted in the form of games and exercises, that is, activities that were accessible and understandable to children.

When teaching improvisation in different types musical activity the most effective techniques were:

direct demonstration by the teacher;



analysis of the product of children's activities;

discussion and evaluation by children.

All types of musical activities (song, rhythmic, dance-plastic, gaming) were used in interconnection and integration

Chant "Mishutka"

"Musical Echo" (a game for developing rhythm)

Games for distinguishing dynamics according to Carl Orff

“METAL SOUNDS” Lesson based on the principles of Carl Orff.

In my work I use the RHYTHMIC MOSAIC program. It is accessible and interesting for children of different ages and with different abilities. Rhythmic mosaic helps strengthen physical and mental health, harmonious development of the body. The basis for rhythmic compositions are simple, varied movements that allow one to express different emotional states, images, and plots.

Musical and rhythmic composition “Teddy Bear”

Musical and rhythmic composition “Grandma Yozhka”

Having analyzed the results obtained, I came to the conclusion that the correctional work carried out throughout the year, including logarithmics in music lessons, in individual work with children, led to an improvement in the quality of children’s communication and the formation of skills joint activities, development of emotional and personal activity. The exercises used made it possible to train various groups muscles and thereby improved coordination of movements. The music accompanying the exercises improved the plasticity of the movements, making them soft and expressive. The child learned to distinguish its dynamic shades, determine the tempo and rhythm. Thus, the child undergoes correction and improves his motor skills, which is extremely important for the successful correction of speech disorders.

The exercises I proposed were tested in classes with children with general underdevelopment speech. Their motor “tricks” and tics were eliminated, motor disinhibition decreased, uncertainty and stiffness in movements, and fear of speech disappeared. Positive tactile and emotional contact was established between children, and communication skills developed. No less important was the fact that preschoolers’ emotional stability increased, as well as positive self-esteem, a positive attitude towards their body, and acceptance of themselves as they are.

Based on my many years of observations, I can say with confidence that if children are not rushed, do not strive for or expect a quick result, then this very result suddenly appears by itself, surprising not only the parents, but also the teacher himself. Often, for example, children who do not sing, who, one might say, do not open their mouths, one fine day begin to sing immediately and completely clearly. And the children, whose attention it was impossible to attract to yourself, who, it seems, did not even look in your direction, turn out to remember everything a year later and suggest words that others have forgotten. And those who moved in such a way that you couldn’t look at them without tears, and you no longer expected anything from them, again suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, become the most graceful and expressive!

So, patience is the most valuable quality of a teacher.

Have you heard of such a concept as “ logorhythmics"? About how useful it is for preschoolers? No?

Then I'll tell you.

Logorhythmics are special exercise games for children with speech disorders.

The basis of such exercises is RHYTHM. Those. Logorhythmic games are performed by the child synchronously with the poetic text, and it is desirable that they be performed to music.

My son has been seeing a speech therapist for two years now. And in some classes the speech therapist uses this technique. The kids really like it.

What are the benefits of logarithmic games?

They help improve the child’s orientation in space, improve the sense of rhythm, gross and fine motor skills, and develop auditory attention and phonemic hearing. Children also learn to communicate in a group, thereby improving communication skills.

I suggest you watch (and then play with your children) the master class “Logorhythmics and dance etudes” for preschoolers (for children 3-6 years old) by L. N. Bogomazova (Omsk).

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Home > Students > 1st year > Logorhythmics for preschoolers Consultation for teachers?

Logorhythmics for preschoolers

Consultation for educators

IN recent years becomes very actual problem speech development in preschool children. There is a constant increase in the number of children with speech disorders. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, not every child can receive help from a speech therapist on time.

The goal of the work is to help children with minor speech impairments, which can be provided in a regular kindergarten.

In our work we relied on the data scientific research and practical developments of medical and pedagogical workers.

Modern science has proven a phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and the formation of pronunciation. The ease acquired by children when performing rhythmic movements also has a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs (V. A. Griner). Research by Professor M. M. Koltsova has shown that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

During logorhythmic classes great value has music. The influence of music on the mental and physical state of a person was known back in antiquity. Scientists of Ancient Greece, such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato and others, drew the attention of their contemporaries to the healing capabilities of music, which, in their opinion, established proportional order and harmony in the human body.

Research into the mechanism of the influence of music on humans, conducted by scientists V. M. Bekhterev. I. M. Dogel, I. R. Tarkhanova and others showed that positive emotions evoked by music increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, stimulate breathing, blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The sound of pleasant melodies contributes to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn enhances attention and tones the central nervous system.

The Swiss teacher, composer and public figure Emile Jacques-Dalcroze proved the possibility of translating musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, since the rhythm of music is closely related to motor skills and human muscular reactivity.

In the 30s XX century therapeutic rhythms have also found application in correctional institutions. In the system of rhythmic influence on people with speech pathology leading place takes up the word, so a special direction of correctional work has appeared in practice - speech therapy rhythm (G.

A. Volkova, O. A. Krupenchuk, I. Lopukhina). This is one of the forms of kinesitherapy aimed at overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music. To correct speech disorders, especially when working with hearing-impaired children, phonetic rhythms are used (T.

M. Vlasova. A. I. Pfafenrodt), which is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of certain speech material (phrases, words, syllables, sounds), aimed at the formation of phonetically correct speech.

For children with speech impairments, the most important things are to train observation skills with the help of musical rhythms, develop a sense of rhythm and tempo, thinking abilities, imagination, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, develop volitional qualities, endurance, and develop general fine and articulatory motor skills.

One of the main methodological means of our work has become logorhythmics, the objectives of which are to develop a sense of rhythm through movement through the formation of auditory attention and to improve the speech of children through the development of speech rhythm.

Logorhythmics is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music, movement, words, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health problems.

The purpose of technology. Overcoming speech disorders in preschool children by means of synthesis of music, movement and words.

Classification characteristics of pedagogical technology:

The philosophical basis is dialectical materialism, scientism:

The leading factor in mental development is bio- and psychogenic technology;

Concepts of acquisition - neurolinguistic and developmental;

The nature of the content and structure - educational technology;

Organizational forms - group training and differentiated approach;

The approach to the child is a person-oriented technology of cooperation;

Direction of modernization of the existing traditional system- based on the activation and intensification of children’s activities:

MethodologicallySky usage base logorhythmiki

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

1. PK Anokhin’s position on the connection of higher mental processes with their sensory basis in the early stages of human development.

2. The position of psychophysiology on speech processes as a complex system of sensorimotor coordination.

There are five levels of organitions of movements:

level A - rubro-spinal level of the central nervous system. providing unconscious regulation of body muscle tone with the help of proprioception, static endurance and coordination;

level B - thalamo-pallidal, providing correction of integral movement, coordination of its components, expressive movements, pantomime, plasticity;

level C - pyramidal-striatal, ensuring coordination of the motor act with external space with the leading role of visual afferentation, movements of a target nature that have begun, horses:

level D - cortical, providing afferentation based on the semantic side of action with an object, topological qualitative characteristics of the spatial field (top, bottom, between, above, then, before), awareness of the right and left sides of the body:

level E is the highest cortical level of symbolic coordination and psychological organization of movement, which carries out the understanding of someone else’s and one’s own speech, musical and choreographic performance based on figurative thinking.

Pedagogical principles logorhythmic work in a preschool educational institution

1. The principle of the proactive approach, which consists in the early identification of children with functional and organic deviations in development and development

2. The principle of developmental education, which means that education should lead to the development of the child (according to L. S. Vygotsky).

3. The principle of systematicity, which provides for the systematic, continuity and regularity of the correction process.

4. The principle of a multifunctional approach, which involves the simultaneous solution of several correctional tasks in one logarithmic lesson.

5. Etiopathogenetic principle, meaning the differentiated construction of a logorhythmic lesson depending on the speech defect.

6. The principle of gradual complication of the material, providing for a gradual transition from simpler tasks to more complex ones as the formative skills are mastered and consolidated.

7. The principle of clarity, meaning the close relationship of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

8. The principle of accessibility, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of children and the nature of speech disorders.

9. The principle of consciousness and activity of children, which consists in the fact that the teacher must use techniques for activating children’s cognitive abilities in their work.

10. The principle of success, which implies that the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

Contents of the work

The basis of the program is weekly logorhythmic classes, joint activities of the teacher and children during the day.

Features of the classes logorhythmics using proprietary technology

Logorhythmic classes are conducted with the first junior group, which makes it possible for early detection and correction of speech disorders.

Classes are varied. The teacher can replace any part of the lesson, include pure speech or articulatory gymnastics exercises that correspond to the children’s speech defect. Thus, familiar songs can be included in the song repertoire, game material can be changed, familiar poems can be used, etc.

Logorhythmic exercises are not strictly time regulated. When conducting classes, you need to take into account the well-being of children and their emotional state. If necessary, the lesson can be shortened.

Various types of musical and speech activities are closely woven into the structure of logorhythmic classes, subordinate to one goal - the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Music plays a vital role in the lesson as the integral basis of the entire course. With the help of music, developing dosed emotional training is carried out, which leads to an improvement in the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

Particular attention is paid in classes to developing a sense of rhythm with the help of plasticity, sounding gestures, speech games, the use of rhythm patterns, and playing children's musical instruments to melodic and rhythmic declamation.

One of the features of the program is the use of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes) for recreational breaks, which contributes to the upbringing of children in national traditions. The plots of Russian folk tales are used in the construction of many classes.

All classes have a plot basis. Cycles of 36 lessons have been developed for each age group in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children. For each age group, the publishing house "TC Sfera" published "Summaries of logorhythmic classes for children 2-3 (3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7) years old."

Features of organizing classes

The author’s methodology for such classes is based on a complex thematic method combined with visualization and gaming techniques. The planning uses the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvests, New Year's holiday, wintering birds, etc.). The basis of classes is very diverse.

In classes, a fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey, the inclusion of characters, elements of folklore, plot-didactic games, etc. can be used. Thematic and thematic organization of classes and variety in presentation educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, maintaining a positive emotional state of children, interest and attention, which helps to achieve high results in learning.

Children's development is carried out through speech and music activities in the main areas.

1. Development of sensory and motor functions.

2. Formation of the basis of articulatory movements.

3. Development of facial muscles.

4. Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, spatial orientation).

5. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activity.

6. Formation of harmonious personality traits (friendship, respect, kindness, self-criticism, etc.).

The sequence of familiarization with sounds may follow the recommendations of G. A. Kashe (1985) or vary depending on the specific case.

Logorhythmic work during the day

The effectiveness of work to improve children's pronunciation is possible only with the joint efforts of all preschool teachers in this direction.

Let's consider the possibilities of incorporating logorhythmics into life activities in kindergarten.

2. Saying nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for classes.

3. Speech games before meals.

6. Physical education theatrical classes using speech material.

10. Logorhythmic leisure.

Many years of work on this technology have shown that logarithmics promotes the development of speech and cognitive processes in preschool children, which is reflected in the correction of speech defects, increasing the vocabulary of preschoolers, as well as improving attention and memory. The greatest effect is possible with an integrated approach.


Dalcroze J. E. Rhythm. His educational value for life and art. Six lectures. Per. N. Gnessina. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1914.

Nishcheva I.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg, 2001."

Franio G. S., Lifits I. V. Methodological manual on rhythmics. M., 1995.

See also:

Material aplik.ru

Consultation for educators

In recent years, the problem of speech development in preschool children has become very relevant. There is a constant increase in the number of children with speech disorders. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, not every child can receive help from a speech therapist on time.

The goal of the work is to help children with minor speech impairments, which can be provided in a regular kindergarten.

In our work, we relied on scientific research data and practical developments of medical and pedagogical workers.

Modern science has proven a phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and the formation of pronunciation. The ease that children acquire when performing rhythmic movements also has a positive effect on the motor properties of the speech organs (V. A. Griner). Research by Professor M. M. Koltsova has shown that the level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of development of fine movements of the fingers.

Music is of great importance in logarithmic classes. The influence of music on the mental and physical state of a person was known back in antiquity. Scientists of Ancient Greece, such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato and others, drew the attention of their contemporaries to the healing capabilities of music, which, in their opinion, established proportional order and harmony in the human body.

Research into the mechanism of the effect of music on humans, conducted by scientists V. M. Bekhterev. I. M. Dogel, I. R. Tarkhanova and others showed that positive emotions evoked by music increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, stimulate breathing, blood circulation, and improve metabolism. The sound of pleasant melodies contributes to the emergence of positive emotional arousal, which in turn enhances attention and tones the central nervous system.

The Swiss teacher, composer and public figure Emile Jacques-Dalcroze proved the possibility of translating musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, since the rhythm of music is closely related to motor skills and muscular reactivity of a person.

In the 30s XX century therapeutic rhythm has also found application in correctional institutions. In the system of rhythmic influence on people with speech pathology, the leading place is occupied by the word, therefore, a special direction of correctional work has appeared in practice - speech therapy rhythmics (G.

A. Volkova, O. A. Krupenchuk, I. Lopukhina). This is one of the forms of kinesitherapy aimed at overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music. To correct speech disorders, especially when working with hearing-impaired children, phonetic rhythms are used (T.

M. Vlasova. A.I. Pfafenrodt), which is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of certain speech material (phrases, words, syllables, sounds), aimed at the formation of phonetically correctly formed speech.

In modern preschool institutions, teachers successfully use the method of the German teacher and musician Carl Orff, which consists in the synthesis of words, music and movement.

For children with speech impairments, the most important training with the help of musical rhythm is observation, development of a sense of rhythm and tempo, thinking abilities, imagination, verbal and nonverbal communication skills, education of volitional qualities, endurance, development of general fine and articulatory skills. mo toriki.

One of the main methodological means of our work was logorhythmics, the tasks of which are to develop a sense of rhythm through movement through the formation of auditory attention and to improve the speech of children through the development of speech rhythm.

Logorhythmics is a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music, movement, words, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health problems.

The purpose of technology. Overcoming speech disorders in children under school age by means of synthesis of music, movement and words.

Classification characteristics of pedagogical technology:

According to the level of application - private subject;

The philosophical basis is dialectical materialism, scientism:

The leading factor in mental development is bio- and psychogenic technology;

Concepts of acquisition - neurolinguistic and developmental;

Orientations towards personal structures - the formation of the activity-practical sphere;

The nature of the content and structure - educational technology;

Organizational forms - group training and differentiated approach;

The approach to the child is a person-oriented technology of cooperation;

The dominant method is gaming;

The direction of modernization of the existing traditional system - based on the activation and intensification of children’s activities:

Methodological basis for using logorhythmics

in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

1. PK Anokhin’s position on the connection between higher mental processes and their sensory basis in the early stages of human development.

2. The position of psychophysiology on speech processes as a complex system of sensorimotor coordination.

3. L. S. Vygotsky’s position on the leading role of teaching and upbringing in the mental development of a child.

4. The theory of level organization of movements by N. A. Bernstein.

There are five levels of movement organization:

level A - rubro-spinal level of the central nervous system. providing unconscious regulation of body muscle tone with the help of proprioception, static endurance and coordination;

level B - thalamo-pallidal, providing correction of integral movement, coordination of its component parts, expressive movements, pantomime, plasticity;

level C - pyramidal-striatal, ensuring coordination of the motor act with the external space with the leading role of visual afferentation, movements of a target nature that have begun, horses:

level D - cortical, providing afferentation based on the semantic side of action with an object, topological qualitative characteristics of the spatial field (top, bottom, between, above, then, before), awareness of the right and left sides of the body:

level E is the highest cortical level of symbolic coordination and psychological organization of movement, which carries out the understanding of someone else’s and one’s own speech, musical and choreographic performance based on imaginative thinking.

Pedagogical principles of logorhythmic work in preschool educational institutions

1. The principle of the proactive approach, which consists in the early identification of children with functional and organic deviations in development and development

necessary remedial training.

2. The principle of developmental education, which means that education should lead to the development of the child (according to L. S. Vygotsky).

3. The principle of systematicity, which provides for the systematicity, continuity and regularity of the correction process.

4. The principle of a multifunctional approach, which involves the simultaneous solution of several correctional tasks in one logorhythmic lesson.

5. Etiopathogenetic principle, meaning the differentiated construction of logorhythmic training depending on the speech defect.

6. The principle of gradual complication of the material, providing for a gradual transition from simpler tasks to more complex ones as the formative skills are mastered and consolidated.

7. The principle of clarity, meaning the close interrelation of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

8. The principle of accessibility, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of children and the nature of speech disorders.

9. The principle of consciousness and activity of children, which consists in the fact that the teacher must use in his work methods of activating the cognitive abilities of children.

10. The principle of success, which means that the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

Logorhythmics classes are recommended for working with children of all age groups in kindergarten. They can be conducted by a music director, teacher and/or speech therapist.

The basis of the program is weekly logorhythmic classes, joint activities of the teacher and children during the day.

Logorhythmic classes are conducted with the first junior group, which makes it possible for early detection and correction of speech disorders.

Classes are varied. The teacher can replace any part of the lesson, include pure speech or articulatory gymnastics exercises that correspond to the children’s speech defect. Thus, familiar songs can be included in the song repertoire, game material can be changed, familiar poems can be used, etc.

Logorhythmic exercises are not strictly regulated by time. When conducting classes, you need to take into account the well-being of children and their emotional state. If necessary, the lesson can be shortened.

Various types of musical and speech activities are closely woven into the structure of logorhythmic classes, subordinate to one goal - the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Music plays a vital role in the lesson as the integral basis of the entire course. With the help of music, developmental dosed emotional training is carried out, which leads to an improvement in the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

Particular attention is paid in classes to the development of a sense of rhythm with the help of plasticity, sounding gestures, speech games, the use of rhythm patterns, and playing children's musical instruments to the tune of melodic and rhythmic declamation.

One of the features of the program is the use of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes) for recreational breaks, which contributes to the upbringing of children in national traditions. The plots of Russian folk tales are used in the construction of many classes.

All classes have a plot basis. Cycles of 36 lessons have been developed for each age group in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children. For each age group, the publishing house "TC Sfera" published "Summaries of logorhythmic classes for children 2-3 (3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7) years old."

Features of organizing classes

The author’s methodology for such classes is based on a complex thematic method combined with visualization and game techniques. The planning uses the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvests, New Year's holiday, wintering birds, etc.). The basis of classes is very varied.

In classes, a fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey, the inclusion of characters, elements of folklore, plot-didactic games, etc. can be used. Thematic and thematic organization of classes and variety in the presentation of educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, maintaining a positive emotional state of children, interest and attention, which helps to achieve high results in learning.

Children's development is carried out through speech and musical activities in the main directions.

1. Development of sensory and motor functions.

2. Formation of the basis of articulation movements.

3. Development of facial muscles.

4. Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, perception, orientation in space).

5. Development of the emotional-left sphere and gaming activity.

6. Formation of harmonious personality traits (friendship, respect, kindness, self-criticism, etc.).

The sequence of familiarization with sounds may correspond to the recommendations of G. A. Kashe (1985) or vary depending on the specific case.

Logorhythmic work during the day

The effectiveness of work to improve children's pronunciation is possible only with the joint efforts of all preschool teachers in this direction.

Let's consider the possibilities of including logarithmics in life activities in kindergarten.

1. Morning exercises with chants and onomatopoeia.

2. Reciting nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for classes.

3. Speech games before meals.

4. Logorhythmic pauses in classes.

5. Dynamic pauses between classes.

6. Physical education theatrical activities using speech material.

7. Invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia.

8. Outdoor games with singing (on a walk).

9. Games of low mobility (in a group).

10. Logorhythmic leisure.

Many years of work on this technology have shown that logorhythmics promotes the development of speech and cognitive processes in preschool children, which is reflected in the correction of speech defects, increasing the vocabulary of preschoolers, as well as improving attention and memory. The greatest effect is possible with an integrated approach.


  1. Vlasova T. M., Pfafenrodt A. N. Phonetic rhythm. M., 1997.
  2. Dalcroze J. E. Rhythm. Its educational significance for life and art. Six lectures. Per. N. Gnessina. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1914.
  3. Miklyaeva N.V., Polozova O.A., Rodionova Yu.N. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions. M., 2004.
  4. Nishcheva I.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg, 2001."
  5. Pozhilenko E. A. Magic world sounds and words. M., 1999.
  6. Sirotyuk A. L. Teaching children taking into account psychophysiology. M.. 2000.
  7. Franio G. S., Lifits I. V. Methodological manual on rhythm. M., 1995.
  8. Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. M., 1999.

Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy. It links together the word (sound), music and movement.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. Daily performance of logorhythmic exercises of various nature at a certain time (morning respiratory-vocal exercises with movement, relaxation exercises, singing vowel sounds with movement, etc.) accustoms children to a health-improving regimen. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises, a restructuring of various systems occurs in the body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, speech-motor, cognitive, etc.

Speech therapy rhythmics includes:

  • walking in different directions;
  • exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation;
  • exercises that regulate muscle tone and activate attention;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment;
  • exercises that develop a sense of musical tempo;
  • rhythmic exercises;
  • singing;
  • exercises to develop fine motor skills.

The basic principle of building all listed types work - a close connection with music. Music, with its enormous emotional influence, allows you to endlessly diversify movement techniques and the nature of exercises.

  • Breathing exercises help develop proper breathing, increase the duration of inhalation and its strength. They can be combined with arm movements, torso rotation, and squatting. They include speech material pronounced while exhaling.

There are many games for developing breathing. We offer you those that your child will definitely like.

  1. Blow on cotton wool, fluff, small pieces of paper. The child's lips should be rounded and slightly extended forward.
  2. Fill a basin with water and teach your child to blow on light objects in the basin, for example, boats. You can have a competition to see whose boat has sailed farthest.
  3. Kids love blowing soap bubbles.
  4. Don't neglect playing musical instruments! The pipes are good, harmonica. You can create a musical orchestra where each family member will have their own instrument.
  5. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. You can gradually make the tasks more difficult. As you exhale, sing vowel sounds (a, o, u, and), then sing them in combination with consonant sounds. Then, as you exhale, you can sing the words: cat, house, whale, etc. You can also sing interjections: “Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh! Wow!” etc.
  6. Take a long rope in your hands and hide it in your fist. Invite your child to take the end of the rope and begin to pull the rope, continuously singing the vowel sound (a, o, u, and...), while pulling the rope. The rope can be long or short.

  • Voice strength is developed by pronouncing vowel sounds in a louder or quieter voice: “We sing loudly, like an elephant. We sing quietly, like a mouse.”
  • Exercises that activate attention cultivate quick and accurate responses to visual and auditory stimuli, and develop all types of memory: auditory, visual, motor.
  • To the sound of a tambourine, rattle and other various musical instruments, you can give instructions to the child: “For a loud sound, we stomp our feet, for a quiet sound, we stand still.” Based on this example, you can give all kinds of tasks with movement and changes in tempo, the strength of the sound of musical instruments.
  • Speech material is necessarily introduced into logorhythmic classes. Entering a word allows you to create a whole series exercises that are not based on musical rhythm, but in poetry, which contributes to the rhythm of movements. Pronunciation of poetic lines must be combined with movement. For example, walk around the room with a stomping step and pronounce the words:

Here our train is coming,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting.

Stretch your arms to the sides, clench your hands into fists, unclench them and place them on your belt, while saying:

Hands to the sides, in a fist.
Unclench - and on the side.

  • Exercises without musical accompaniment can be used during morning exercises.
  • Mastering the tempo of music is easier simple movements: claps, hitting the tambourine, waving your arms, etc. You can take a drum and invite your child to make short, slow, clear beats that you can slowly walk to. Take your child by the hand and, continuing to slowly hit the drum, walk around the room with him. Once the slow step has been mastered, teach your child that the drum can make short, quick beats. You can run under them like a bunny.

At home, while listening to various songs and melodies, you and your child can clap to the music, stamp your feet, tap the rhythm on the table, etc.

A kind of “training” is speech games - imitation of animal voices. Repeated repetition of simple sounds is very useful for the development of a child’s speech. Adults teach the child by the example of their speech, actively encouraging him to imitate.

Don't despair if you don't succeed the first time. Repeating and being patient will help you.


Almost all speech therapists practice logorhythmics.
And in many psychological or pedagogical classes they are present as a certain stage of the lesson.
Children really like logarithmic tasks; consider it a game.)))

06/27/2008 00:13:54, Irina-psy-neyro

great, we would love it - problems with speech, coordination, we love music! Are there classes somewhere? are you conducting?

Comment on the article "What is logorhythmics?"

Logorhythmics based on the sound-articulation table.. Teaching reading. Early development. Logorhythmics according to the sound-articulation table. Sound-articulation table of the Russian language. In our table, all sounds are grouped according to articulatory characteristics.


How does your methodology or theory differ from the approach and methodology developed by N.A. Zaitsev in the 80s? I would like to draw attention to the features of these differences - the way you feel or see it.
It seems that there were theorists who carefully analyzed Zaitsev’s methodology at RAO. Are you familiar with their work?
It is clear that you are trying to insist that it is necessary to teach only from the age of three. But I wouldn’t get hung up on this: even Jews have been teaching reading for 3 thousand years, almost from birth, and Muslims - from 4 months after conception... But this does not mean that their methodology is completely useless.
The main thing is that the methodology is understandable either to parents, like Zaitsev, or to kindergarten teachers. Teachers will still not accept it, your methodology, as well as Zaitsev’s methodology, because it “takes bread away from primary school teachers.”
But I believe that the more methods there are, the greater the pressure of progress will be on “traditional anti-scientific pedagogy” and the faster it will be abolished and the children will be better, as you suggest, and read faster, as Shura Sorokin recommends...

Rhythm and boy) Advisory!. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses and What is logorhythmics? Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy.


We went from three to five years old just for rhythmics, the group was 50/50 boys-girls :) for us it was gymnastics - games to music ... then, at the age of five, people began to scatter into sections-circles based on interests :)

What is it about rhythm that is not compatible with a boy?
I would give it for a year, and then you can go to the sports section, or maybe he’ll like it and you’ll continue to take him to rhythm classes.

Rhythm and other additional activities in the garden. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and We have been going to kindergarten since September 1, yesterday they asked if we wanted to go to rhythm classes.

Logorhythmics. Toshi’s mother made wonderful, in my opinion, clips for teaching using the Doman method. They're short, look. At one time I did the same type, only in home albums. And this is for everyone to see, especially autistic children...

Speech therapy garden. Speech therapy. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and together only for physical training, music, logarithmics, exercise therapy. Yes, I forgot. There should also be individual or front-line sessions with a psychologist (depending on...

Speech therapy rhythm

One of the tasks of correctional and developmental influence on children with speech disorders is the formation, development and correction of their non-speech processes and the speech system as a whole. Solving these problems is facilitated by the use of logorhythmic exercises in a complex of developmental techniques.

Logorhythmics is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the utterance of special speech material. Timely mastery of correct, clear speech contributes to the formation of self-confidence in a child, the development of his thinking, and communication skills. It is known that a child develops in movement. Scientists of correctional pedagogy have proven the phylogenetic connection between the development of movements and speech. The combination of movements of the body and speech organs helps relieve tension. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises in children, a positive restructuring of the cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory, speech motor, and other systems occurs.

Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm; the change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the activity of the human brain. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop the 4th sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

As noted by G.A. Volkov, speech therapy rhythm is a unique form of active therapy. The basic principle of the classes is the relationship between speech, music and movement. Logorhythmic lessons are based on lexical topics; repeated repetition of the material being studied contributes to the development of motor, auditory, and speech skills. Constructing classes in the form of fairy tales and games creates a friendly, emotionally rich atmosphere, encourages each child to take an active part in the educational process, supports the positive emotional state of children, cognitive interest and attention, and activates speech. Logorhythmic exercises are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively.

In my classes I use elements of logorhythmics a lot and often. The exercises below can be used by me both in individual and in frontal classes with a speech therapy group. I recommend many exercises to teachers for doing in a group. free time, on a walk or during classes as physical education minutes.

Logorhythmic exercises according to N.V. Beggar

Different types of walking
They can be combined with music, singing, and rhyming text. These are the following types of walking:

    Along the path marked with two ropes.

We are walking along the road. Top-top-top. Feet are walking.

We walk along the road, without stepping on the rope.

    Group under the drum to the opposite wall of the hall;

We walk in a crowd through the hall,

There is not enough room for us to walk.

Making a turn

And again we move forward.

    A flock along a rope laid out in a circle (children walk to the clear, rare beats of a drum (or the sounds of a march), and after stopping they turn to face the circle).

We march like soldiers

We walk along the rope.

We make a stop,

Now let's step back.

    Along the rope in a circle one after another (this prepares children for walking in a column one at a time).

One after another, one after another

Together we walk in a circle.

We are walking very correctly,

We don't step on the rope.

    One after another, holding the rope with the left hand (to the sound of a drum, the teacher (then the child) leads the children in a circle; the movement can be accompanied by singing vowel sounds or rhyming text).

Grabbed the rope

And they turned into carriages.

And they set off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke.

    One after another, holding the rope with one hand, with a change in direction (the teacher makes sure that when changing direction, the children’s turns are smooth, calm, and the pace of walking is slow).

They grabbed the rope

Together they set off on a long journey.

We need to hold on tight

So as not to get lost on the way.

We reached the wall and now we are making a turn.

    One after another, holding hands (children join together in such a way that when walking from left to right they are slightly turned inside the circle, right hand every child should be in front, left hand he gives to the one walking behind (preparation for round dances)).

Winter came to us yesterday,

Spun and swept.

Swan fluff on the lawns,

Christmas trees in snow hoods.

There is a white cat on the path.

The cat who won't understand

How suddenly it was winter yesterday

Did she come to us at night?

    On a board placed on the floor (dismounting from the board is done gently, on your toes).

Across the river on a bridge

I walk, not run.

That's where the bridge ends.

I do the dismount.

    With stepping over sticks placed parallel on the floor (five to ten sticks are laid out at a distance of 35-40 cm from one another. The teacher, demonstrating the movement, steps over the sticks, raising his knees high, then the children do this.

On the green grass

He lay down on the fallen leaves.

The first snow smelled like watermelon.

Like roses on the bushes, it blossomed.

On the green grass

He lay down on the fallen leaves.

The first snow melted suddenly.

Everything around our grove became wet.

And green grass

And the rain rinses the fallen leaves.

    One after another with flags in their hands

We're marching to the parade

Kindergarten squad


We decided to go to the parade

    Stepping over cubes

I see a path in the pebbles

I raise my legs higher,

I walk through the stones

And I don’t step on them.

    Along the rope one after another with side steps

Sideways, on a tightrope

We walk like acrobats.

We walk on a tightrope

We don't step on the floor

    One after another between the chairs

We walk in circles together

You need to go around all the chairs


We decided to become clever

    One after another, like a snake, stepping over a rope placed on the floor.

We walk together like a snake

We don’t step on the rope

We're not in a hurry

We walk, not run

    On the toes, on the heels, on the outer and inside feet

On hot sand

Escape quickly to the sea

I'll run on my heels

This way I won't burn my feet

    Back to back high knee raises

My horse, my black horse,

Jumps on the far side

The mane flutters

People are surprised:

“That’s how a rider is on a horse!”

And they give me way.

They help develop correct diaphragmatic breathing, duration of exhalation, and its strength.


Bunnies and foxes are sleeping A-a-a

The chicks and ducklings are sleeping A-a-a

I just don't sleep alone moon Ah-ah-ah

I can see her through the window A-a-a

The bunny dodges the fox

Runs away from the fox

Gray bunny, run away


In a clearing at the edge of the forest

Let's jump like frogs

Where is the tall grass

Kwa qua qua! Kwa kwa kwa

Children run in a circle with their arms out to the sides and say the text.

We are not children, we are pilots

We quickly boarded the planes

You are a pilot and I am a pilot

Hands on the steering wheel, foot on the gas

We start everything now

Sleep (Children swing their arms rhythmically and pronounce only the sound Ш)

They go to bed kids Shhh

Found it from souls Shhh

Made a lot of noise Shhhh

And now the pillow whispers dreams on ear Sh-sh-sh

Grasshopper (Children jump in a crouch and make only an automated sound)

We are grasshoppers, we are jumping,

We laugh, not cry

We laugh loudly and loudly

We laugh and chirp

We saw a cat (the adult sings the even lines, the child sings the odd lines, accompanying them with claps)

We saw a cat

Let's give milk to the cat

Sang a song about a cat

We played with the cat


Muscle tone exercises

Children learn to control their movements.

Sea pebbles

The sea breathes in silence

The sun is shining above

Sea, sun, height,

Silence and beauty

The waves just started running

Where the pebbles lay

The stones ran away into the sea

They rattled and rustled

Exercises that activate attention

On a swing on a swing (they rhythmically take turns squatting and standing up)

The bunnies sat on the swing

The bunnies sat on the swing

The clouds flew higher (Raise their arms above their heads, continue to squat and stand up)

Higher than the house, higher than the roof

Higher, higher, higher

One two, one two

Feeling dizzy (Spinning in place, arms to the sides)

They swayed like that, they flew like that

So tired and fell (They squat, fall on the carpet)

Animals (Children depict different animals according to the text)

A bunny jumps through the bushes

Through the swamp and over the hummocks

Squirrel jumping on branches

The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels

A bear with clumsy feet walks

He has crooked paws

No paths, no paths

A spiny hedgehog is rolling

The donkey nods its head (Walk in a circle, nodding its head)

He nods and yawns

The donkey really wants to sleep (Stops and stretches)

But he doesn’t know where the bed is (They squat, put their palms under their cheeks)

Children stand facing in a circle and sing. For the last couplet, perform a dance movement in a circle

Rain rain


The rain pours from the spruce paws


From the rooftops, from the umbrellas of passers-by,

From a wet cat too


Listen, rain, stop dripping

The kids are tired of slush


Stop shedding tears!

It's time for us to go for a walk!


Exercises to coordinate singing with movement.(Children sing and perform movements according to the text)

Higher than the house

Mo let's go higher

Higher than the house, higher than the roof

And then we'll sit down low

Below the dog and below the pussy

We breathed, we smiled,

We reached straight for the sun

We stood and looked

We exhaled and sat down


How beautiful dolphins

We expose our backs to the sun

Dive once, dive twice,

We lay down and rested

Look, look, look

The bullfinches have arrived

They sat down together on the rowan tree

They stuck around, started making noise,

They made noise, they made noise,

Bunches of berries dropped

Rowan lies on the snow

And turns red like rubies



The dream came to everyone light A-a-a

Children sleep in their cribs A-a-a

Bunnies and foxes are sleeping A-a-a

Chickens and ducklings are sleeping A-a-a

Fishes sleep at the bottom of the pond

Water sleeps in a sleepy river A-a-a

Only the moon alone does not sleep A-a-a

I can see her through the window A-a-a

My baby is screaming in the stroller Wa-wa-wa

Doesn't want to close his eyes, wa-wa-wa

My baby doesn't want to sleep Wow-wa-wa

Wants to go for a walk in the forest Wow-wa-wa

I won't let him go into the forest. Wa-wa-wa

Suddenly gets lost on the way Wow-wa-wa

Stubborn donkey

Donkey walks along the path Eeyore

Donkey yuk grass carries Eeyore

The very long trail of Eeyore

And heavy grass Eeyore

The little donkey is tired Eeyore

Eeyore stood in the middle of the road

Was stubborn as a donkey Eeyore

So Eeyore never made it home


Tumblers Tumblers

Instead of hats - curls

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

One tilt, two tilt

Tumblers Tumblers

Colorful shirts

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

One tilt, two tilt

Thick-sided tumblers

Button nose, flushed cheeks

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

One tilt, two tilt

Tumblers - three girlfriends

They have freckles on their nose

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

One tilt, two tilt


We are boys, We are Parsley,

Funny toys.

In bright red caps, With rattles in their hands.

We are boys, we are Parsley,

Funny toys

Bells on caps

And freckles on my cheeks

We are boys, we are Parsley,

Funny toys.

We love jokes, we love laughter,

And we dance the best.

Exercises to develop imitation

Flock of birds (Children run in a circle, on tiptoes, depicting the flight of birds)

Turned into a flock of birds

We're flying away, flying away.

Waving their wings goodbye:

Goodbye, goodbye!

Bunnies (perform rhythmically, hands in front of the chest)

On the forest lawn

Bunnies are having fun

They jump, they chatter,

They stomp their paws

Jump, jump, jump! (they walk rhythmically in place)

Jumped under a bush (Make rhythmic jumps)

Chanterelles (Walk in a circle, imitating the gait of a fox)

Oh you little fox, Oh you red beauty

Walks quietly with its paws, won't scare anyone

He covers his trail with his tail, are you familiar with the fox?

Wolf (they walk stealthily, and at the end they scatter around the site)

Gray wolf sneaks into the thicket

Very scary, real

Loudly clatters his teeth,

Oh, let's run to mom quickly

Turkey poults (Stand facing in a circle, rhythmically nod their heads. At the end they squat, cover their faces with their palms)

Turkey poults, turkey poults,

Drank water from the tub

Oh, I can’t see the ind.shat,

Knocked over the tub Blah-Blah-Blah-Blah

Shorty bear cubs

They wander somewhere for a walk

Waddle one after another

They run in circles all day

Oh, I couldn't be more tired.

You can sit on the grass.

Wrestle, lie around,

Temper yourself in the stream.

A frisky foal gallops

Red horse baby

Where is mom, far away?

A mother horse gallops at a trot

Look for the red-haired son.

Igo-go, Son, don't cry,

Together we will gallop!


These frisky little squirrels (Jumping in a circle)

They've been rushing somewhere all day

Jump from a branch, jump onto a branch (Stopped. Jumping in a circle and back)

From the Christmas tree straight to the oak tree,

And then back to the Christmas tree,

The wolf can’t catch the squirrels (They scatter around the area)

The donkey nods its head (Walk in a circle, nod its head)

He nods and yawns

The donkey really wants to sleep (Stopped and stretched)

But he doesn’t know where the bed is (Sit down, put your palms under your cheeks)

Tiger cub

Tiger, striped pussy (Stand on all fours, nod their head)

Bent low towards the bowl

Licking meat with tongue

Apparently I'm not familiar with meat.

He’s just still a child, (They get up, move in a circle, hopping)

Very small tiger cub

We have to give it to him for now (They stand facing in a circle. They pretend to drink milk)

Two glasses of milk

The Christmas tree has lowered its paws (Children stand facing in a circle, arms along the body)

And under the snow I became sad (they lowered their heads down)

She dozed off until spring (place folded palms under the left cheek)

The Christmas tree sleeps and dreams

That the snowdrop has blossomed (Raise head, hands, stand on toes)

That the crane has returned (They run, flapping their wings)

That a babbling stream runs (They run on their toes, hands on their belts)

That the bear woke up in the thicket (they waddle)

That the vein has come is red (they walk with their heads raised proudly)

And that the Christmas trees have no time to sleep

Games to develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm


We'll stomp loudly To-top-tomp

We'll clap loudly Clap-clap-clap

Quietly we will stomp Top-top-top

Quietly we clap Clap-clap-clap

Top-top-top- loud

Top-Top-Top - quiet

We know how to stomp famously

Clap-clap-clap - loud

Clap-clap-clap - quiet

We know how to clap famously

Let's clap our hands

Top! Top! Right leg

Top Top left leg

Clap Clap! Let's clap our hands

Clap Clap! Let's clap our hands

They sat down, stood up, stretched,

We stretched, smiled,

Sit down and stand up, Sit down and stand up

They ran on their toes

On a birch tree, at the edge,

The cuckoo keeps count of the years

Everything counts as a bitch

Cuckoo cuckoo

Cuckoo, cuckoo


A ringing sound is heard on the pole

Ding-dong, ding-dong

The bells are ringing

Ding-dong, ding-dong

The ringing makes them happy, Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong

Puddles of sun on the parquet floor,

Sun drops on the wall

And drops all over the planet

A sonorous hymn sings to spring


A sonorous hymn sings to spring


A sonorous hymn sings to spring

Rain - clean

The rain sewed a cloud from the forests

He was in no hurry today

He clapped loudly on the leaves

The rag was darned with puddles

Blowing bubbles on the river

Wet my porch

Washing cars on the highway

He was so clean


He was so clean

Exercises to clarify the pronunciation of sounds


We jump like grasshoppers

We laugh, not cry

We laugh loudly

We laugh and chirp

Geese are grazing in the meadow,

They fight among themselves

They bow their necks low,

And they hiss like evil pussies -

The kids go to bed

We got crazy from the heart

Laughed from the heart

They now have a pillow

Whispers dreams in your ear

Bumblebee is heavy and hairy

Black and yellow, striped,

Circling above the rose hips,

The whole body is shaking from the buzzing

Busy bees are circling over the flowers.

Bees collect sweet yellow honey,

To drink tea with honey all year round.

Sea wolf

The wolf starts the sea engine,

The blue goes into the sea.

Start your tongue motor

To cause a storm at sea

We are not Ani, we are not Aliki,

We turn into skiffs

We float on the waves of the river,

I sing a loud song,

Exercises with onomatopoeia

We're not guys today

We are fluffy chickens

Let's run with each other

Let's squeal loudly,

Yellow chickens

Yellow chickens are walking

Pee-wee-wee, pee-wee-wee

Even though they are a bit small

Pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee,

They can look for grains

Pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee,

Rake the earth with your paw.

Pee-pee-pee! Pee-pee-pee

In a clearing at the edge of the forest

Let's jump, jump like frogs,

Where is the tall grass?


2 frogs competed

Once upon a time in vocals

Two frogs on the edge of their cheeks puffed out

Sang once and sang twice

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva

Little frogs

Jumping liars

Jumping in the grass at the edge of the forest

Jump, qua-qua-qua

Very wet grass.

Give us a sheet quickly,

Wipe belly and back

Who says what

Geese in a row along the path

Geese talk loudly

We're going for a walk in the meadows!

And there are ducks in a row on the river. The ducks are talking loudly.


We're going for a walk in the seas!

There are chickens in a row near the house,

The chickens say loudly:

“We are nowhere from home!

Where, where, where, where!”

Who's barking in the kennel?

Under the birch tree in the yard

Crochet tail and wet nose,

This is my favorite dog

Woof Woof Woof

Moo-moo-moo The cow moos

Zabodab Katya with Vova

Don't you drink milk?

Run far!

Who's grandma's ball?

Dragged under the bench?

Who meowed under the window?

This is grandma's cat


Steam locomotive

White steam from under the wheels

The bright light of huge headlights

Par on the right and par on the left

Chug-chug-chug! Too-too!

The turkey chatted all day

And not a bit tired

It just became very important

That's what I was chatting about

Who's walking behind the fence?

Who has a goatee, spurs?

Bright red scallop?

This is Petya the Cockerel!



Baby ducks

Rocked on the waves

They splashed, splashed,

Tease games to automate sounds

Grazing a bull in the meadow

Grazing a bull in the meadow

We gave the hay to the bull

Ride a bull

Let's run after the bull


The geese came out into the meadows

Nibbling grass in the meadow

We run from the geese


We saw a cat

We saw a cat

Let's give milk to the cat

Sang a song about a cat

Let's play with the cat


We are bringing the horse home

We are bringing the horse home

Nya-nya-nya, nya-nya-nya

We will give oats to the horse,

We rode a horse

We admire the horse

No, no, no

This is what a turkey's nose looks like

Children see a turkey

This is what a turkey's nose looks like

Gave grain to the turkey

They talk about turkey

Made friends with a turkey


Let's play with the fox

There's a fox under the Christmas tree\Sa-sa-sa

What kind of tail does a fox have?

Let's draw a fox

Let's chat about the fox

Let's play with the fox


We were scared of the goat

We met a goat in the field

We talked to the goat


We gave the herbs to the goat

Sang a song about a goat

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech disorders.

Logorhythmics is assistance that can be provided in a regular kindergarten to children with minor speech impairments.

It is known that a child develops through movements. Sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of motor skills, which is why it is so important to use logorhythmics in kindergarten classes (finger play training, finger gymnastics, dynamic pauses, outdoor games).

Logorhythmics is a system of speech motor games and exercises carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction.

The main tasks of logorhythmics:

1. Develop attention and auditory perception.

2. Develop spatial orientation.

3. Contribute to the correction of speech disorders, phonemic hearing, tempo and rhythm of breathing.

Logorhythmics is a system of musical-motor, musical-speech games and exercises. In logorhythmic classes, music not only accompanies movements, but is their organizing principle. In addition to the traditional sections: singing, listening, musical and rhythmic movements, playing musical instruments, there are exercises regulating muscle tone to develop coordination of words with movement, development of attention, as well as psycho-gymnastics: studies on the expression of emotions, relaxation, breathing training, pantomime, finger exercises. The main principle of music lessons is the close connection of movement with music, the inclusion of speech material. For example: games “Rainbow-arc”, “Cucumber”. Nursery games “Gopher”, “Sun”, “Grandfather Egor”, see appendix.

Logorhythmic exercises, classes have a health-improving focus (general developmental exercises, work on singing breathing, if this is for music lesson, simple massage techniques, eye exercises, breathing exercises. For example: the plot “A Walk in the Forest”, “At the Sea”, “At the Zoo” (D.V No. 10-96, p. 31), as well as those based on the method of Tolkachev (voiced exhalation), Strelnikova (sniffing).

During classes or during the day, at regular moments, finger games or finger massage are included. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear or foot. In Eastern medicine there is a belief that massage thumb increases the activity of the brain, the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart.

Finger games recommended by the guidelines for the “Childhood” program are used. Sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of motor skills, which is why it is so important to use dynamic pauses, finger autotraining, and outdoor games in classes.

When conducting finger games automation of the pronunciation of sounds occurs, the expressiveness of the voice develops, as well as facial expressions, plasticity of movement, precision of coordination of both general and fine motor skills, and this is especially important. These dynamic pauses and finger play training are first learned with children, and then clearly spoken to by the teacher. (D.V No. 5-99, pp. 58-69.)

For example, the exercise “Gnomes” (see appendix). To prevent disorders in the younger group, you can conduct logitmic exercises or take loritmics as part of the lesson.

Ball games are of great importance in the development of children with speech disorders.

(T.A. Vorobyova, S.I. Krepenchuk “Ball and Speech”). According to the authors of this book, such ball games have the following role:

1. They distract the child’s attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. Develop general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation.

3. Regulate the strength and accuracy of movement.

4. Ball games develop and normalize the emotional sphere.

All this improves the functioning of the speech organs. The following is a selection of ball games. They can be used at any stage of the educational process.

When planning lessons, the principle of increasing material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (season, harvest, etc.) is used. The basis of activities can be varied: a fairy tale plot, an imaginary journey or an excursion. Folklore sources, plot and didactic games. All exercises are carried out on the basis of imitation. Speech material is not pre-learned. During class, it is advisable to stand with the teacher in a circle or semicircle. This arrangement allows the children to clearly see the teacher, move and pronounce speech material synchronously with him. The success of a teacher’s work depends primarily on the feeling of joy the child receives during the lesson.


1. Zha-zha-zha we found a hedgehog in the forest (lightly touching your fingers, run across the forehead 7 times).

Ju-ju-ju we approached the hedgehog (swipe the cheeks 7 times).

There's a big puddle ahead (rub your forehead with your palms).

Kok-kok-kok - put the boot on your feet).

2. The mouse washed the soap, washed the paw (one washes the other).

Each finger in order (use your index finger to touch each finger of the other hand).

So I soaped my thumb (with all the fingers of first the right and then the left hand, “soap the thumbs”).

Then rinse with water.

I didn’t forget about the pointer, washing off both the dirt and paint from it (the same with the index finger).

The middle one washed diligently (the same with the middle ones).

It was probably the dirtiest.

The nameless one rubbed it with paste (the same with the nameless ones).

And she quickly washed her little finger (quickly and carefully “soap” with her little finger).

He was very afraid of soap.

Hello, my favorite ball, every finger will say in the morning.

We hug the ball tightly and don’t let go.

Only he gives it to his brother, the brother takes the ball from his brother.

Two little goats butted the ball and gave it to the other kids.

I'll throw the ball up with my hand

Exactly, exactly above you,

On the fly I’ll grab it with my hands,

I'll pull you to my chest with my elbows.

I'm running and the ball is mine

Nearby jumps on the hand.

It won’t escape the palm of your hand

He will sing a song loudly.

We galloped along the path

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

The guys have straight backs,

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

We jump like balls, girls and boys,

Now let's walk together

In the same place.


1. "Sa-Fi-Dance" dance and game gymnastics for children.

2. “Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers” Savina L.P.

3. “Logorhythmic activities in kindergarten.” M.Yu.Kartushina.