Alla Pugacheva - biography, photos, personal life, husbands and children of the singer. Biography of Alla Pugacheva - the prima donna of the Russian stage

Many professional actors, singers and artists often hide their age. Alla Pugacheva is not one of those people. How old Pugacheva is is not a secret. She was born in the spring of 1949 in Moscow. At the age of five, the future prima donna began studying music. The talented girl was quickly noticed and invited to take part in a concert held in the House of Unions in the Hall of Columns. After graduating from high school and music school, she entered the conducting and choral department of the Music College. Here she recorded her first song, which was performed in the then popular “Good Morning” program.

How old was Alla Pugacheva then? Only 18! But she was able to achieve tremendous success even before graduating from college. Having received her diploma, she and the Yunost radio propaganda team went on her first tour to Siberia. Then Pugacheva received an invitation to work at a circus school as an accompanist and there she met O. Nepomniachtchi and his group “New Electron”.

All life is in creativity

Alla’s whole life is creativity, she lives and reveals herself in her songs. She is subject to any genre of music, any direction of art. The singer turns each of her songs into a story about a woman’s fate, about her happy or sad moments. Not always and not everyone perceived her creative discoveries and experiments positively. For how many years Alla Pugacheva had to fight misunderstanding and condemnation, censorship and bureaucracy, but she continued to surprise and delight viewers with her talent and excellent performance.

Diverse interests

Alla Pugacheva lit up many stars on stage, inviting talented singers to participate in her concerts or organizing solo programs for them. It was thanks to her that Vladimir Presnyakov, Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite, Arkady Ukupnik and many other pop singers became popular. For how many years did Pugacheva manage not only to sing, but also to direct the theater-studio “Theater of Songs”, host “Christmas Meetings”, perform songs for films and act in films herself, and how did she manage to do all this? Not only a talented person, but also a person who is completely passionate about his work is capable of this. Alla Borisovna always had friends and enemies, enthusiastic admirers and ill-wishers, but she never left anyone indifferent.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva – Diva Russian stage, People's Artist of the USSR, performer of more than 500 songs in 8 languages, actress, presenter and music producer.

Alla Pugacheva's childhood

Alla Pugacheva was born in Moscow on April 15, 1949. Her parents, Zinaida Arkhipovna Odegova and Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev, were front-line soldiers; After the war, Alla’s mother got a job in the factory’s personnel department, and her father began his career at a shoe factory and quickly rose to the position of sales director.

The eldest child of Zinaida and Boris, Gennady, died of diphtheria. The girl, who was born two years later, was named in honor of the Moscow Art Theater actress Alla Tarasova. A year after the birth of their daughter, another child appeared in the Pugachev family, a boy, Evgeniy.

Music became a part of Alla Pugacheva’s life even before the girl entered the first grade of secondary school. In 1954, Zinaida invited a music teacher home to test the children for musical abilities. Evgeny did not show himself in any way, but Alla was found to have perfect hearing. Since then, Alla was literally “haunted” by the piano - she had to spend three hours every day at the instrument. However, the little girl’s perseverance quickly bore first fruit - a few months later she was already performing on the stage of the columned hall of the House of Unions. In 1956, it was decided to send the girl to music school at the school named after M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanov.

That same year, little Alla Pugacheva went to school. The lively red-haired girl quickly got the nickname “Sergeant Major,” which means “senior sergeant.” Both the yard hooligans and the bullies from school knew that it was better not to mess with this wayward girl, who could put a button on the teacher’s chair or coat the chalkboard with wax - it would be more expensive for herself.

Alla Pugacheva's first performances

In 1964, Alla Pugacheva graduated from eight classes of secondary school No. 496 and, by that time already firmly knowing that she would become a singer, she entered the conducting and choral department of the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School.

Carefree has begun student life– Alla and her classmates loved to gather at one of the guys’ apartments to chat and discuss latest news, drink wine and smoke a cigarette or two. Despite the girl’s love for a fun pastime, her record was full of A’s.

In 1965, sophomore Alla Pugacheva went on her first tour in her life as part of the troupe of Alexander Levenbuk and Alexander Livshits. Upon her return, she recorded her debut song - the composition “Robot” based on the poems of Mikhail Tanich, presented on the air of the “Good Morning” program.

Alla Pugacheva's first song is “Robot”, 1965

In 1966, Alla Pugacheva's collaboration with composer Vladimir Shainsky began. He wrote several songs for the singer, of which the public especially loved the compositions “Blackbirds,” “How can I fall in love,” and “Don’t argue with me.” The last two became winners in the All-Union Radio competition for the title of “Song of the Month”. A few years later, he wrote music for the musical audio fairy tale “Twice two is four,” in which the voices of Alla Pugacheva and Eduard Khil sounded.

Soon the singer joined the propaganda team of the Yunost radio station and for the next year and a half traveled around the Arctic and the Far North with a repertoire consisting of three songs: “The Only Waltz”, “I Just Love Very Much” and “The King, the Flower Girl and the Jester”.

The beginning of Alla Pugacheva’s professional development

Returning to Moscow in March 1968, Alla Pugacheva was unable to pass her final exams, since a long absence could not but affect her performance. The singer went to practice at Moscow secondary school No. 621. At this school, Alla, who received the nickname “Alka the Shouter” from her students for her loud voice, worked as a music teacher for five months. And already in June 1969 she passed her final exams (under her conductor the student choir sang two songs: “Lullaby” and “White Birch”), receiving a diploma of secondary specialized education.

However, Alla Pugacheva did not intend to become the director of the choir. After graduating from the “Hippolyte”, she was called as an accompanist to the brigade of the circus school. The team, consisting of singers, musicians and magicians, had to travel around the villages and entertain the village workers with musical and circus acts. Among the members of the brigade was the clown Mykolas Orbakas, whom the girl married in October 1969.

After marriage, Pugacheva recorded a duet with Yuri Yakovlev for the film “The Deer King”, left the brigade and became the lead singer of the group “New Electron”. A year later she became a soloist of Rosconcert, then joined Oleg Lundstrem's pop orchestra, and in 1974 she became soloist of VIA“Jolly guys” under the direction of Pavel Slobodkin. During this period (since 1972) her collaboration with songwriter Ilya Reznik began, which lasted until the mid-90s.

As part of the group, the singer received first place at the Golden Orpheus festival with the song “Harlequin”. The composition was a reworking of the song of the same name by Bulgarian singer Emil Dimitrov with Russian-language lyrics, a new arrangement and sound effects in the form of laughter in the background. When, a year after the recording, Alla Pugacheva went on tour to Bulgaria, the audience clapped admiringly and called the singer for an encore.

Alla Pugacheva - “Harlekino”, 1975

"Harlequin" brought Alla Pugacheva's career to new level. In 1976, she performed at the Cannes music festival on the same stage with VIA “Pesnyary”, and composer Mikael Tariverdiev invited her to record the soundtrack to Eldar Ryazanov’s film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”

In the summer of the same year, the artist recorded a short record with “Jolly Fellows”, after which she left the group and began singing in the orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan.

A month later, Alla Pugacheva’s future second husband (by that time the singer had divorced Orbakas), director Alexander Stefanovich, convinced the singer to leave the orchestra. In winter, the girl won the “Song of the Year-76” award with the composition “Very Good” and for the first time became the presenter of “Blue Light”, performing the song “I Like” on New Year’s broadcast together with Barbara Brylska.

Solo career of Alla Pugacheva

At the beginning of 1977, Alla Pugacheva began working on creating the image of an independent singer. The girl starred in the leading role in Alexander Orlov’s film “The Woman Who Sings.” Even those who were not interested in the work and life of Alla Pugacheva guessed that the story of pop singer Anna Streltsova is largely autobiographical. After the premiere of the film, the singer acquired the pseudonym “the woman who sings,” she was awarded the title “Best Actress of the Year,” and the robe in which Alla appeared in the film became her business card.

In the spring of 1978, Alla Pugacheva presented the people of the USSR with her first solo album, “Mirror of the Soul,” on the recording of which composers Alexander Zatsepin, Mark Minkov, Boris Rychkov worked (he wrote the music for the hit “Kings Can Do Anything”), as well as Alla Borisovna herself (under named after Boris Gorbonos).

A year later, the singer recorded her second solo album, “Harlequin and Others,” performed with Joe Dassin at the opening of the Cosmos Hotel, toured near and far abroad, and was also approved for main role in the new project of her husband [Alexander Stefanovich] - a film about the dramatic fate of a pop singer with the working title "Recital". At the initial stage of filming, the management of the Mosfilm studio suspended the singer due to a scandal on the set. This led to a rift in relations with Stefanovic, and in December 1980 the couple filed for divorce. As for the fate of "Recital", the film was later released under the title "Soul" with another leading actress - Sofia Rotaru.

At the turn of the 70s and 80s, Alla Pugacheva unwittingly became the cause of a wave of murders that swept across the USSR. In 1975, a certain Anatoly Nagiyev, a 17-year-old native of the Irkutsk region, was sent to a colony for rape. In the meager prison music library there was only one cassette - Alla Pugacheva, whose songs soon literally drove him crazy: he began to hear the singer’s voice in his head and soon became obsessed with the idea of ​​​​sending Alla to the next world. Once free, he, with manic persistence, prepared an assassination attempt on Pugacheva, simultaneously stabbing to death six women who reminded him of the Diva. The maniac was caught by the criminal investigation department in September 1980, while the superstar had no idea about the impending attack on her life.

“The investigation was carried out...”: episode about Anatoly Nagiyev

The years 1980–1981 brought the singer further achievements, including a new concert program “Monologues of the Singer”, two fresh albums (“Rise Above the Vanity” and “There Will Be More”), as well as a creative union with composer Raymond Pauls, which gave the world songs “It’s About Time”, “Return”, “Without Me”, “Maestro” and the immortal hit “A Million Scarlet Roses”.

The latter was released as a separate mini-album, which sold 6 million copies and was heard far beyond Soviet Union. Among foreigners, the song about a poor artist and a capricious actress was most loved in Japan. Five years later, Japanese singer Tokiko Kato covered the composition, and many residents of the country rising sun were convinced that the song was originally Japanese! For some time, this music was even heard at the Fukuyama train station, famous for its rose gardens.

Alla Pugacheva - “A Million Scarlet Roses” (“New Year’s Attraction-82”)

In 1981, the singer recorded her fifth studio album, “How troubling is this path,” and toured a number of countries in Eastern and Western Europe: GDR, Bratislava, Hungary, France, Italy and others. Abroad, Alla Pugacheva was called nothing less than “soviet superstar”.

The first hours of 1984 were marked by two new songs by Alla Pugacheva: “Iceberg” and “Tell me, birds,” which were performed on the “New Year’s Attraction” show. They were included in Alla Borisovna’s new concert program “I came and I say”, which was soon “tested” in Scandinavian countries.

The beginning of the next period of Alla Borisovna’s work dates back to 1985. In the fall, the singer presented a new concert program “Alla Pugacheva Presents...”, held several joint concerts with Scandinavian groups (Swedish “Herreys” and Norwegian “Bobbysocks!”), American singer Dean Reed and German rock musician Udo Lindenberg, with whom Alla also recorded a joint bilingual album “Songs Instead of Letters” as part of establishing diplomatic relations between West and East Berlin.

The so-called “Baltic scandal”, the main figure of which was Alla Borisovna, is indirectly associated with the name of this German. In August 1987, a joint performance by Lindenberg and Pugacheva was to take place on the stage of the Leningrad Sports and Concert Hall named after Lenin. concert program"Rock for a nuclear-free world." Due to a misunderstanding with booking a suite, the singer quarreled with the administrator of the Pribaltiyskaya Hotel, Nina Baykova, who promised to “find justice for the capricious singer” and filed a police report against Pugacheva.

The next morning, almost every newspaper, radio station and television channel in the USSR reported on the incident. Alla Borisovna was accused of “hooligan behavior”; letters from readers that came to the editorial office included demands to “tear off your tongue” and “fill your mouth with tar.” The singer's recordings were removed from broadcasting for several months. Even the fact that in September 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster, Alla Pugacheva courageously gave a free three-hour concert in the village of Cape Verde for the liquidators of the fire in the reactor did not save the situation. Then, performing the hit “Hey, you up there,” the singer added in the chorus: “Why did they blow up the station?”, addressing the reproach to the party leadership...

However, in December 1987, Alla’s songs returned to the airwaves, and in October 1988, the singer, who by that time had changed her style to a more “rock and roll” one, was already shining on the stage of New York’s Carnegie Hall. Upon her return, she founded her own Song Theater, appointing her third husband, producer Evgeniy Boldin, as its director.

During this period, the singer came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an annual song festival, where the students of her theater could demonstrate their successes. All she needed was an excuse to create a tradition, and it dawned on Alla Borisovna - Christmas! This is how “Christmas meetings with Alla Pugacheva” were born, since then almost every year they have been held in December before Catholic Christmas. Participants in the first festival were Alexander Gradsky, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., Igor Kornelyuk and other Soviet pop stars.

In December 1991, the day before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alla Pugacheva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. She became one of the last creative figures to be awarded this title.

Alla Pugacheva in new times

With the country's entry into new era changes began in the life of Alla Borisovna. In 1992, the Song Theater was replaced by the commercial company Alla, whose first product was the perfume of the same name. Soon the singer unsuccessfully invested the borrowed money in financial pyramid"Vlastilina". In December 1993, Alla Pugacheva separated from Evgeniy Boldin; in the same month, the first issue of Alla magazine, edited by Pugacheva, was published, and the singer herself was recognized as a woman of the century according to the readers of Sobesednik magazine.

In the spring of 1994, the singer married Philip Kirkorov, and in the summer of 1995 she went on sabbatical, finally telling the public: “A place on the pedestal has become vacant. Who wants to stand?" Soon she turned to the Soyuz record company with a proposal to publish an album, which should become the final milestone of her singing career.

In December 1995, the singer presented her thirteenth solo album, “Don’t Hurt Me, Gentlemen,” which included 18 compositions, including the hits “Mary,” “Real Colonel,” and “Love Like a Dream.”

In May 1997, the singer returned to the stage as part of the Eurovision Song Contest, where she represented Russia with the song “Primadonna”. Alas, the composition took only 15th place out of 25, perhaps because Valery Meladze, who was supposed to perform the “male” part, was unable to get to Eurovision due to illness. In November of the same year, Alla officially returned to the stage.

Alla Pugacheva at Eurovision, 1997

In 1998, the newly minted Diva of Russian pop music released her 14th solo album, “Yes!” with a track list of 14 compositions, including “Diva” in French and “Calm down”, performed in a duet with Joseph Kobzon.

In 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin personally awarded Alla Borisovna the Order of the II degree “For Services to the Fatherland.”

In 2002, the Prima Donna recorded a joint album, “Was there a boy?” with singer Lyubasha (Tatyana Zaluzhnaya). The list of new compositions included a duet with Maxim Galkin “Be or not be.”

The next six years passed in constant turmoil of creativity: the singer actively collaborated with Igor Krutoy, starred in the film “Chasing Two Hares” with Galkin and Andrei Danilko, released three new albums (“Water Bus”, “Live in Peace, Country!” and “Invitation” at sunset") and took the participants of the fifth season of “Star Factory” under her wing. Among Alla Borisovna's favorites were young Victoria Daineko, Ruslan Masyukov and Natalya Podolskaya.

Alla Pugacheva at the “Star Factory-5”

After the concert on March 4, 2010, held in the capital of Bulgaria as part of the final international tour “Dreams of Love,” Alla Borisovna announced the termination concert activities.

“Dreams of Love”, farewell concert of Alla Pugacheva. TV version

However, even after these words, the Prima Donna remained the most important figure on the national stage: she wrote lyrics for other performers (for example, Alla came up with the words of the song “My Girl” for Soso Pavliashvili), was a frequent guest on entertainment and analytical programs, and chaired the jury of the show “Factor.” A”, which glorified Evgenia Otradnaya and Nikolai Timokhin, hosted the “Morning Mail” program.

Personal life of Alla Pugacheva

In 1969, Alla Pugacheva married Lithuanian circus artist Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas, her colleague at the circus school. did not break tradition and already in early years accomplished as a musician and singer alternative group"MULTIVERSE". Christina gave Alla Borisovna two more grandchildren - a boy Denis and a girl Claudia.

The marriage with director Alexander Stefanovich lasted exactly three years (12/24/1977 – 12/24/1980). Due to the fact that both spouses belonged to the creator caste, disagreements constantly arose between them. For example, one day Pugacheva witnessed a sex scene between her husband and some nameless girl. She barely restrained herself from the scandal, but later, when her husband reprimanded her about her acting talent, she became furious: “And you still dare to reprimand me, you asshole?” In addition, the mercantile director did not hesitate to constantly get into his wife’s “pocket”. As the Diva recalled, after the divorce he rushed around the apartment, trying to take everything with him, right down to the door handles.

Officially, Evgeniy and Alla formalized their relationship in 1985, although before that they had already lived together for quite a long time. According to Boldin, the stamp in the passport cast a shadow on their relationship - he began to realize that his wife, in principle, was outside the concept of “family.” The couple began to live separately, but maintained friendly relations and continued to conduct joint activities.

Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov met back in 1976, when nine-year-old Filya came with his dad to the Kremlin Christmas tree. Of course, on the main thing children's event Pugacheva also spoke in the capital. After the concert, Shainsky approached Alla: “Alla, Bedros’s son is there, your admirer. Give him an autograph!

From that moment on, the boy, who had fallen madly in love with the diva, firmly decided that one day he would marry Alla Pugacheva. One could attribute this to childhood fantasies, but having already established himself as a singer, Kirkorov did not give up trying to win the heart of his beloved since participating in the first “Christmas Meetings” in 1988. In December 1993, the Diva gave up - at a party of the Na-Na group, she accepted her favorite yellow roses from the hands of a two-meter-tall handsome Bulgarian and immediately publicly announced her upcoming engagement, surprising not only her colleagues and close friends, but also Kirkorov himself, and Soon she officially ended her relationship with Boldin.

Despite the fact that Pugacheva’s fourth husband was 18 years younger, their relationship developed very happily until in 2001 Alla Pugacheva met a young parodist and TV presenter Maxim Galkin. Ironically, it was Philip who introduced them to each other at the festival " Slavic Bazaar» in Vitebsk. From that moment on, Alla began to move away from her husband, and in March 2005, Alla and Philip secretly divorced. In 2009, the singer dedicated the touching song “Alla” to his ex-wife.

The age difference between Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin is 27 years, but this did not become an obstacle for the lovers. Although their romance began in 2001, the official wedding ceremony took place only in December 2011. The couple purchased a castle in the village of Gryaz, where they lived together with their newborn twins Lisa and Harry, who were born in September 2013 with the help of a surrogate mother.

Alla Pugacheva is a unique phenomenon on the Russian stage. IN different times so many books, films, television shows and jokes have been dedicated to her than any other political or cultural figure has received in the last fifty years. The biography of Alla Borisovna is difficult to present in one article. But the most striking events of the creative and life path of the cult singer are still possible.

Childhood, family

Alla was born in Moscow. Her parents were people far from art, although they regularly participated in amateur performances. Mother Zinaida Arkhipovna worked at a factory. Father - Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev worked all his life at one of the Moscow factories. When her daughter was five years old, she was enrolled in a music school to study piano.

The future star was distinguished from an early age by his wayward character. In an interview, Alla Pugacheva once claimed that during her school years she was an exemplary student. However, the authors of biographies of the prima donna all as one claim that the future singer was not assiduous and had three marks in her certificate.

However, serious piano practice requires a certain amount of persistence. Alla Pugacheva not only successfully graduated from music school, but also continued her education in this field. And therefore, perhaps, the opinion regarding dark spots in early biography singer is somewhat exaggerated.

The singer was a child of the post-war era. Parents were constantly absent from work. The girl was often left to her own devices. This could not but affect his character. Already in her early years, Alla Pugacheva learned to stand up for herself. In later life, these skills were extremely useful to her.

First performances, songs

In 1964, Alla Pugacheva entered the music school. School teachers predicted a career as a pianist for her. She chose her specialty choral conductor. After graduating from college, she could work as a singing teacher, teach solfeggio, or conduct a children's choir. But already during her years of study, she traveled with performances as part of a musical group.

Until 1976, Pugacheva went on tour as part of the popular musical ensemble. She received the right to solo performances after the reporting concert in Luzhniki.

Alla Pugacheva was in her second year of music school when she was first invited to go on tour. Included variety ensemble She traveled around the country, mainly to the northern cities of the Soviet Union. And upon my return I recorded my first song. The composition was called "Robot".

Until her last year, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva traveled with concerts. Touring life led to the fact that she was not allowed to take state exams. Get a diploma about music education succeeded after six months.


In 1969, Alla Pugacheva got a job at a circus school as a soloist and accompanist. There the young singer met her future husband. How many times Pugacheva was married, only the most devoted fans of her biography know for sure. The names of the spouses are also not familiar to everyone. The name of the prima donna’s first husband is known thanks to her famous daughter, singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite. His name is Mykolas Orbakas.

The early period of Pugacheva’s biography is extremely eventful. As, indeed, in subsequent years. She worked briefly at the circus school and pop art, then just a few months at the Lipetsk Philharmonic, and then became a soloist of the VIA “Moskvichi”. As for family relationships, there is a star here national stage also did not show constancy. In 1969, Alla Borisovna married a circus performer. Two years later she gave birth to a daughter, and a year later she got divorced.

It's no secret that in everyone's career successful woman a certain man plays a certain role. Collaboration with two talented people helped Pugacheva rise to the star Olympus: composer Pauls and poet Reznik. Rumor attributed Pugacheva to a love affair with both the first and the second. However, the singer was connected with the Baltic composer only by her love of music. With the poet - work and long-term friendship. Pugacheva once quarreled with the author of the music for a song about a poor artist who spent his last savings on buying flowers for his beloved. For many years, Pauls stopped all communication with the singer.

Photo: Alla Pugacheva, Reznik and Pauls
Alla Pugacheva's candidacy for the international song competition "Golden Orpheus" was proposed by the then famous pianist Orbelyan. The singer chose the song “Harlequin”. The Bulgarian public liked the young singer’s performance so much that she was called for an encore. The Orpheus figurine went to the Soviet singer. Since then, "Harlequin" has become a hit. And Pugacheva is a real star.


Alla Pugacheva tried herself in films several times. Her first work was the main role in the film “The Woman Who Sings.” Call Pugacheva talented actress, it’s hardly possible. It is also difficult to classify the above-mentioned film into the category of high cinema. However, the role of Anna Streltsova was actively discussed by both critics and viewers.

Before starting a solo career, Alla Pugacheva works as a soloist in many musical groups. Such as "Rosconcert", Oleg Lundstrem Jazz Orchestra, VIA "Jolly Fellows", VIA "Muscovites" and others. Her first song "Robot", first heard on the radio, won the hearts of listeners. On television future star She made her debut with the song “I’m Coming from the Cinema” in the children’s program “Alarm Clock”.

Already in those years, Alla Borisovna, as part of various VIAs, toured the USSR a lot, and in 1972 her first foreign performance took place in Poland. Pugacheva’s path to fame is long and persistent, working either as a soloist in the city children’s philharmonic, or at the Rosconcert, or at the State Pop Orchestra of Armenia under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan. Her calling card, the famous song "Harlequin", was first performed in 1975 in Bulgaria. Then the singer received the XI Grand Prix international festival pop song "Golden Orpheus".

In 1977, the film “The Woman Who Sings” was released, where Pugacheva played the main role and wrote the music herself under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos. In 1980, the singer created the group "Recital". This group accompanied all of Pugacheva’s performances throughout her musical career until 2010.

Pugacheva enjoyed unprecedented popularity abroad for Soviet artists. She successfully toured the USA, giving concerts at the famous Carnegie Hall in New York and the Trump Taj Mahal concert and gaming complex in Atlantic City, as well as in Germany, Switzerland, India, France ( concert hall"Olympia"), Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Israel, Poland, Japan and many other countries.

The repertoire of the star, who finally announced the end of her musical career, includes more than 500 songs in several languages: French, English, German, Ukrainian, Hebrew and even Finnish. Her albums were published not only in Russia, but also in Japan, Korea, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. The total circulation of discs exceeded 250 million copies.

Personal life

In the life of Alla Pugacheva there were five official marriages and many dizzying novels. For the first time, Alla Borisovna married the Lithuanian circus performer Mykolas Orbakas, from whose union a daughter was born, the now famous singer Kristina Orbakaite. Pugacheva was also married to film director Alexander Stefanovich, concert director and producer Evgeny Boldin and artist Philip Kirkorov. Now the Russian pop diva is married to comedian Maxim Galkin, who is 27 years younger than her. Recently, with the help of a surrogate mother, a loving couple was born with twins - son Harry and daughter Elizabeth.

Interesting facts

At the age of five she took part in a concert held in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions.

She worked as a music and singing teacher at Moscow secondary school No. 621.

Produces shoes under the Alla Pugachova brand.

It produced AB chips.

In 2005, he became a member of the Public Chamber under the President Russian Federation, where until 2008 she dealt with issues social development.

Established her own award "Alla's Golden Star".

Since 2007, he has been the artistic director of the FM radio station "Alla", which completely stopped broadcasting in 2012.

In 1997, at the Institute of Space Medicine, she gave a solo concert for cosmonauts, which was broadcast on board the Soyuz-26 spacecraft.

In 1985, a ceremony was held in Finland to launch the ship "Alla", named after the singer.

In 1986 she gave a charity concert in Chernobyl.


2008 - Invitation to Sunset

2003 - Live in peace, country!

2002 - Was there a boy?

2002 - River bus

2000 - Madame Broshkina

2000 - Golden Songs

1999 - White Snow

1999 - Favorites (Live Concert)

1997 - Diva

1995 - Don't hurt me, gentlemen

1991 - Alla

1983 - A Million Roses, 2nd Japanese album

Name: Alla Pugacheva

Age: 69 years old

Height: 162

Activity: Soviet and Russian singer, composer, director, actress, producer, TV presenter

Alla Pugacheva: biography

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva - living legend Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR, composer, producer, pop director, actress, TV presenter, who has been the most talked about media person in the world for more than half a century.

Alla Pugacheva’s songs became almost national hits in many countries, which allowed her to gain the status of “pop queen.” Alla Pugacheva's repertoire includes 500 songs, and her discography includes about 100 solo albums, the total circulation of which reaches 250 million copies.

Childhood and youth

Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949 in the Russian capital in the family of front-line soldiers Zinaida Arkhipovna Odegova and Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev. The parents named their daughter in honor of the popular Moscow Art Theater actress Alla Tarasova. She became the second child in the family - her older brother Gennady died in early childhood from diphtheria. The entire childhood of the future Diva of the Russian stage was spent in Zontochny Lane on the Peasant Outpost in Moscow, where she grew up with the street children in post-war conditions.

Music entered Alla Borisovna’s life even before the girl entered school - in 1954, when Pugacheva was only 5 years old, her mother invited a music teacher to visit, who discovered that the girl had absolute pitch And musical abilities. From that very day, the future People’s Artist’s everyday life included piano lessons, which lasted daily for 3 hours within the walls of the capital’s music school No. 31.

Hard work on musical instrument bore fruit within a few months - five-year-old Alla appeared on the stage of the columned hall of the House of Unions and performed at a concert of Soviet musicians.

In 1956, Pugacheva entered first grade. Alla differed from her peers by her wayward character and often received criticism from teachers for defiant behavior, but this did not prevent the future artist from being an excellent student. Music was also easy and simple for the lively girl. The teachers promised her a bright future as a pianist, but Alla Borisovna was sure that she would become a singer.

By the end of eighth grade in secondary school No. 496 Pugacheva has already graduated from music school in piano. The young artist could not imagine her future life without music, so, without hesitation, she entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School in the conducting and choral department. Already in the second year of “Ippolitka”, the future Prima Donna went on her first tour as part of Mosestrada’s national program.

Music and creativity

After the first tour, Pugacheva recorded the song “Robot”, which was presented in the “Good Morning” program. Alla Borisovna's debut was accompanied by great success, and she was noticed by music composers who began to offer the singer collaboration. Pugacheva's interest was sparked by a little-known composer at that time. He wrote the compositions “Don’t argue with me” and “How can I not fall in love” for her, which received the title “Song of the Month” and brought Alla Borisovna to first place on the All-Union Radio.

For the next few years, Pugacheva, as part of the Yunost propaganda brigade, traveled around the Far North and the Arctic. She performed in front of drillers, oil workers and geologists with three songs - “I Just Love You Very Much”, “The King, the Flower Girl and the Jester” and the composition own composition"The Only Waltz" These long tours had a negative impact on my studies at music school. Pugacheva was suspended from taking her final exams, as a result of which she remained ungraduated.

As a punishment, the student was sent to work as a music teacher at Moscow school No. 621. After a six-month internship, Alla Borisovna, whom her students nicknamed Alka the Screamer for her loud voice, still managed to pass the state exams at Ippolitka and receive a diploma as a “Choir Conductor.”

Having received her diploma, Pugacheva was in no hurry to become a choir conductor - she got a job as a soloist in the brigade of the circus school, in which she toured villages and villages, entertaining local workers with circus and musical numbers. In 1969, the singer left the brigade and tried herself as a soloist in the musical ensemble “New Electron”. After 1.5 years, Pugacheva moved to the “Muscovites” group, and after a while she ended up in. It was as part of the “Merry Guys” that the singer received the Grand Prix at the Golden Orpheus festival for the composition “Harlequin”.

Alla Pugacheva - "Harlequin"

On the wave of success, Alla Pugacheva attended international music festivals throughout 1976. She visited the MIDEM music fair in Cannes; in the GDR, where she participated in German television programs and recorded the first single “Harlekino”; in Czechoslovakia, where she was invited as a guest of honor at the Bratislava Lyre festival; in Poland, where she performed at the concert of the stars of the international festival “Sopot-76”.

Such success of Pugacheva outraged the other participants of the “Jolly Fellows”, who in fact became simply Alla Borisovna’s accompanists. The director of the ensemble, Pavel Slobodkin, also expressed dissatisfaction with this matter, who came into conflict with Pugacheva, which became the reason for her departure from “Jolly Fellows”.

Alla Pugacheva - soloist of Mosconcert

At the end of 1976, the Prima Donna finally decided to start a solo career and got a job as a soloist at the Mosconcert. In the same year, for the first time she became the laureate of “Song of the Year-76” and took part in the New Year’s concert “Blue Light” with the song “Very Good”.

A year later, Alla Pugacheva gave a solo concert in Luzhniki and received an honorary “red line” from Mosconcert, giving the right to tour with solo concerts throughout the USSR and beyond. During the same period, the singer brightly entered Soviet cinema - first she was invited to the shooting of the New Year's film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath” as a singer, and then she was offered the main role in the film “The Woman Who Sings”, all the background music for to which it was written by Alla Borisovna herself. The film was popular and became the box office leader in the year of its premiere.

Pugacheva - "The Woman Who Sings"

For her role as Anna Streltsova in “The Woman Who Sings,” Pugacheva received the title “Best Actress of the Year,” and the loose hoodie dress in which the singer appeared on television became a kind of calling card of the legendary artist. I created a dress model for the film. Alla liked the idea of ​​using this cut of the outfit. Before performing at an international competition in Poland in 1978, Pugacheva asked her seamstress friend Lyubov Aksenova to create a similar dress. The robe helped the artist to play up her hair, which had been burned the day before by a perm.

In 1978, Alla Pugacheva recorded her first solo album entitled “Mirror of the Soul”, on which composers Boris Rachkov and the Diva herself worked under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos. Alla Borisovna's debut album became the best-selling in the Union, so it was decided to release several export versions of the album on different languages, which brought worldwide success to the artist.

In the early 80s, Alla Pugacheva released two more albums: “Rise Above the Vanity” and “There Will Be More.” Then she met in and, who wrote the immortal hits “Maestro”, “It’s Time” and “A Million Scarlet Roses” for Alla Borisovna. These songs by Pugacheva brought incredible success - they sold a mini-album of 6 million copies worldwide and gave the artist the honorary status of Soviet superstar.

In the program “New Year's Attraction” in 1983, the number with the performance of the song “A Million Scarlet Roses” was presented by Alla Pugacheva’s performance on the trapeze. The artist herself admitted later that the only thing she fears most in life is heights.

Alla Pugacheva - "A Million Scarlet Roses"

However, before the start of filming, secretly from the director of the act, she agreed with the assistant that at the climax he would lift the performer to a 5-meter height. Moreover, according to the idea, the trapeze was also supposed to spin along with the singer while singing. Alla Pugacheva performed the stunt without insurance, which greatly frightened her colleagues.

The next decade in Pugacheva’s career was associated with music and success. Endless international tours, the release of hits “Iceberg”, “Without Me”, “Two Stars”, “Hey, You Up There” were accompanied by a change in Alla Borisovna’s image. Pugacheva began to position herself in the style of a rock singer, which allowed her to shine even in New York's Carnegie Hall.

Alla Pugacheva - "Iceberg"

In 1988, the Soviet pop legend founded her own Song Theater, to which she invited talented aspiring singers. After that, she created an annual song festival called “Christmas Songs,” on the stage of which all of Diva’s wards regularly demonstrated creative achievements.

In December 1991, the day before the collapse of the USSR, Alla Pugacheva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR and became the last creative figure of the Union to receive this honorary title. After the country entered a new era dramatic changes followed in Pugacheva’s career. She decided to try herself in business - the most successful “products” of the Diva were the release of a shoe brand under the brand “Alla Pugachova”, perfume of the same name and the magazine “Alla” edited by the singer.

In 1995, Alla Pugacheva announced that she was going on sabbatical and invited everyone to take her place on the musical pedestal. She recorded the final solo album of her singing career, entitled “Don't Hurt Me, Gentlemen,” which included the hits “Love Like a Dream,” “Real Colonel,” and “Mary.” The disc sold in huge quantities, and the singer's income from the proceeds amounted to $100 thousand, which was considered a record at that time.

Two years later, the Primadonna decided to return to the stage as part of the international song contest “Eurovision-97”.

Alla Pugacheva - "Diva" (Eurovision, 1997)

The story of getting into the competition itself is not so simple. Initially, the ORT channel chose among all the applicants the sweet-voiced one, for whom Alla Borisovna wrote the song “Diva”. But before the competition, Meladze fell ill, and the channel’s management sent Alla Pugacheva to Eurovision, where the singer eventually took 15th place.

Participation in Eurovision pushed the artist to return to big stage– she prepared two solo concerts, “Favorites” and “Yes!”, with which she went on a big tour around the world. Over three years, Pugacheva gave 150 concerts in Russia, the CIS countries, as well as in Germany, Israel, Greece, the USA and Britain. In addition to her concert activities, she also revived the “Christmas Meetings” project. At the turn of the century, Alla Pugacheva’s most famous videos appeared, created for the songs “Bad Weather,” “Call Me with You,” and “Insomnia.”

Alla Pugacheva - "Call me with you"

Having gone through not the easiest path in life, Alla Borisovna achieved her goal. She is respected, appreciated, imitated. In 2005, she became the organizer of the most popular at that time music festival“Song of the Year” along with the muse of an equally significant music show in Jurmala – “New Wave”.

During her creative career, Alla Pugacheva has proven herself not only as a brilliant performer, but also as a talented author. Her pen belongs musical works different years. At the beginning of her musical career, the artist created the composition “The Only Waltz.” The hit “Come”, included in the film “The Woman Who Sings,” became a famous lyrical composition. This was followed by the songs “Autumn” created in 1984 and the hits of the album “Don’t Hurt Me, Gentlemen.”

Alla Pugacheva successfully combined her singing career with her acting one. Her filmography was regularly replenished not only with musical films, but also with full-length films. In 1979, with the participation of the artist, she released satirical comedy“Foam”, where the stars of the Soviet screen played -,. Together with Alla Pugacheva she appeared in the wide-screen drama “Recital”, where she performed cameo role singer Alena Volnova.

Alla Pugacheva tried to repeat the success of the film “The Woman Who Sings” in the 1985 film “I Came and Say,” based on documentary video sources from creative life singers. According to critics, the experiment was a failure. But this rating did not hinder the audience's interest. This was followed by work in three parts of “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” in the musical “Chasing Two Hares,” which Alla Pugacheva created together with and.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin in the comedy "Chasing Two Hares"

Alla Pugacheva has been considered a popular media person since the times of the Soviet Union. Her presence on the air of any program immediately influenced the ratings of the episode. Musical programs were broadcast with the participation of the singer (“Good Morning”, “Alarm Clock”, “ Musical ring"), intellectual and analytical programs ("What? Where? When?", "Kinopanorama", "Vzglyad", "50x50", "Beau Monde", "Theme", "Rush Hour", "Saturday Evening", "Before 16 and older”), entertainment shows (“Field of Miracles”, “Two Stars”, “Factor A”, “Property of the Republic”). The artist repeatedly became the heroine of programs.

In 1997, Alla Pugacheva spoke on the talk show “We”, and 15 years later, in the author’s program, she gave a detailed interview to a television journalist.

Alla Pugacheva with Vladimir Pozner

In 2007, Pugacheva became the artistic director of the Alla radio station. Alla Borisovna took a responsible approach to the choice of repertoire and hosted the programs herself. For short time Radio Alla began to be listened to by more than a million people. But after the death of Alexander Varin, the ideological inspirer of the project, Pugachev was not found common language with the new management of the radio station, and in 2011 Radio Alla stopped broadcasting.

In addition, the Diva established her own music award“Alla’s Golden Star”, to which it allocates $50 thousand from personal funds for the development of the artist, has released three new albums and taken the participants of the 5th season of “Star Factory” under its wing.

Alla Pugacheva’s achievements in the musical field were recognized by a number of prestigious awards, including the Cambridge Center Medal “2000 Outstanding Musicians of the 20th Century” and the Ovation Award in the Singer of the Decade category.

On March 5, 2009, Alla Pugacheva announced the termination of her touring activities and went on the farewell tour “Dreams of Love”, during which she gave 37 concerts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, the USA and 8 other countries around the world.

Alla Pugacheva hosted "Morning Mail"

From that very moment, the Primadonna kept her word and did not engage in creative activities, although she recorded several new songs. In addition, the singer is a frequent guest on Russian TV - she searches for talents for “New Wave” and “Factor A”, participates in many television projects and hosts the “Morning Mail” program together with Maxim Galkin.

In 2014, Alla Pugacheva became a participant in the show “Just the Same” as an arbitrator, and at the beginning of 2015 she opened children's center“Family club”, which includes a trilingual kindergarten, group child development, a school for expectant mothers and a school for professional creative development for children. The prima donna is not only the organizer and artistic director of the center, but also its teacher.

Alla Pugacheva opened a children's center "Family club"

During her successful career, Alla Pugacheva was awarded many state and musical awards, among which are the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of pop art, the highest award of Armenia "Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots", the Belarusian President's award "Through Art - to peace and mutual understanding."

In addition to prizes and awards, the Diva was named “ great woman XX century" and one of the 100 most influential women Russia. The singer also takes 4th place in the ranking of the smartest women in the Russian Federation.

In Finland, in 1985, a ferry was named in honor of Alla Pugacheva, and several personalized slabs and stars were laid in Yalta, Vitebsk and Atakrs. In the Russian capital on Arbat, near the Econika store, where Diva's shoe brand is sold, there is a bronze plate on which there is an imprint of the singer's foot.


Another bright page in the singer’s biography was her participation in political life countries. After leaving big stage Alla Pugacheva became interested in politics. In 2005, she joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation as a representative of all-Russian associations. The prima donna also received membership in the commission on social development, but attended only a few meetings in two years.

Alla Pugacheva at the congress of the Right Cause party

In 2011, the “queen of pop” began to impress the Right Cause party under the leadership of a businessman. She saw in him a person who is truly ready and can do a lot of useful things for the country. But after Prokhorov was removed from the post of head of the party, Pugacheva also left its membership.

In 2012, Alla Pugacheva was approved as a member of the civil committee of the Civic Platform party, which also included Mikhail Prokhorov. Three years later, the legend of Russian show business left the Civic Platform due to the departure of a businessman from its membership.

Personal life

Alla Pugacheva's personal life is no less eventful than hers. solo career. She has always aroused interest among those around her, who, even after the star leaves the stage, follow almost her every move.

Pugacheva married for the first time in 1969 to a circus performer from Lithuania. After registering the marriage, Pugacheva took the surname Orbakiene, but performed on tour under her maiden name. The fruit of the Diva's first love was a daughter, who was born in 1971.

The parents were expecting the appearance of a boy, who had already come up with the name Stanislav. But for the girl who was born, the name was chosen spontaneously, in honor of the heroine of a children's book, who accidentally fell into the hands of a young mother. Two years after the birth of their daughter, the family of Pugacheva and Orbakas broke up, which did not break rising star stage, in whose arms a little daughter remained.

In 1977, Alla Pugacheva married a film director for the second time, with whom the marriage also lasted 4 years. The reason for the divorce of the spouses was the complete dedication of the Diva musical career, in which there was no room for personal life.

In 1985, Alla Borisovna opened her heart to a new chosen one - he was Rosconcert program director Evgeny Boldin, who became the singer’s producer for the next 8 years. Pugacheva’s divorce from Boldin occurred due to an affair with, who at that time was her stage partner.

After this, Alla Borisovna was credited with having affairs with Raymond Pauls, and which remain the “mysterious” chapter of Pugacheva’s personal life.

The period of Pugacheva’s marriage to Evgeny Boldin still remains a “heavy stone” on the singer’s soul. It is known that in her third marriage, the Diva got the chance to become a mother for the second time, but decided to terminate the pregnancy in favor of a thriving career. This decision became fateful for the artist - she lost the opportunity to have children, for which she reproaches herself.

In 1994, the “queen of pop” released the hit “Love Like a Dream” and dedicated it to , which at that time was considered the artist’s main favorite. The new love chapter of Pugacheva’s personal life begins on March 15, 1994 - then a marriage was concluded between the 28-year-old pop king of the Russian stage and the 45-year-old Prima Donna, which was registered by the mayor of St. Petersburg.

The wedding and wedding of Pugacheva and Kirkorov were modest, but the development of their relationship did not let fans get bored, since the musicians were always surrounded by conflicts of a non-creative nature. Their marriage was called the production project of the Prima Donna, who was famous for her patronage of young artists of Russian show business.

Despite everything, the happy union of Pugacheva and Kirkorov “lived” for more than 10 years, after which rumors of divorce began to appear star couple. In 2005, the artists officially divorced without publicity. true reasons breakups. The artist’s friends are sure that Alla Borisovna and Kirkorov divorced because of Philip’s debts from the failed musical “Chicago,” in which he invested $5 million.

On December 23, 2011, Alla Pugacheva married the popular comedian Maxim Galkin, whom she met in 2000. Pugacheva admitted that romantic relationship She began dating Galkin back in 2001, and since 2005 they lived in a civil marriage, which they decided to legalize only 10 years after the meeting.

The love story of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin is currently being discussed among fans of the artists, many of whom are sure that the comedian has become another “project” of the queen of the Russian stage. However, this does not prevent spouses from loving each other. According to the Diva's friends, with Maxim Alla Borisovna felt herself for the first time a real woman, and not just a pop star.

Despite the 27-year age difference, the star spouses became close people who have a lot in common. Maxim Galkin became Alla Borisovna’s first husband, who invited her to live in her own house. The couple built a cozy family “nest” in a country castle in the village of Gryaz on the Istra Reservoir, which was rebuilt by the comedian.

On September 18, 2013, a high-profile event occurred in the family of Galkin and Pugacheva - twins were born to the star couple. According to Alla Borisovna, the babies were carried by a surrogate mother, but the blood of Alla and Maxim flows in their veins. The singer, 12 years before the significant event, took care of her future offspring and underwent a procedure to freeze eggs, in case she was unable to bear a child on her own.

The children of Alla Pugacheva were born in the village of Lapino, in a branch of the clinic of obstetrician Mark Kutser “Mother and Child”, and became a real copy of their “biological” parents.

Harry and Lisa are brought up in a family fairy tale and are surrounded by the love of their parents - each of the children of Pugacheva and Galkin has their own floors in the house, equipped according to all the canons of modern times, and personal nannies who are with the children around the clock.

Close attention The Diva herself pays attention to raising children and willingly works with children. Pugacheva skillfully develops in Lisa and Harry creative talents, thanks to which the star children are already dancing and singing. Alla Pugacheva considers herself a crazy mother and admits that she has her finger on the pulse in raising twins. She calls Harry and Lisa the main happiness of her life, to whom she is ready to give all of herself without reserve.

During the celebration dedicated to the children's third birthday, Harry and Lisa showed off their talents and achievements to the guests, which included studying French in an elite kindergarten. Young Lisa for her musical success have already begun to be called little Pugachevochka, who, according to Alla Borisovna, will become a thunderstorm for all Russian singers.

Alla Pugacheva now

The prima donna rarely appears on stage, but for the sake of her colleague and comrade-in-arms, songwriter Ilya Reznik, Alla Pugacheva made an exception and in April 2018 performed at a concert dedicated to his anniversary. The artist demonstrated impeccable vocal form and stunning appearance. A white trouser suit, highlighting her toned figure, was complemented by a long jacket with a floral pattern. The audience greeted Alla Borisovna's appearance with delight.

Alla Pugachev - "Simply"

Fans are surprised how the singer for many years struggling with excess weight, managed to achieve this result. If earlier, with a height of 162 cm, Alla Borisovna’s weight fluctuated around 64 kg and above, then in recent years the singer looks much slimmer, as evidenced by photos and videos from her personal "Instagram".

Alla Pugacheva pleases her subscribers and fans with regular microblog updates. One day, the artist posted a picture on her page with a painting she painted herself. This is a self-portrait decorating one of the walls of Alla Pugacheva’s mansion.

The singer did not advertise her hobby - painting, which she has been paying attention to for many years. Pugacheva equipped her art workshop on the fifth floor of her house. The artist’s work was noted by the famous artist. The artist answers questions about the organization of the exhibition evasively.


  • 1977 – “Mirror of the Soul”
  • 1979 – “Harlequin and others”
  • 1980 – “It will happen again...”
  • 1986 – “...Happiness in your personal life!”
  • 1995 – “Don’t hurt me, gentlemen”
  • 1998 - “Yes!”
  • 2001 – “Waterbus”
  • 2008 – “Invitation to Sunset”