Description of the painting by Grandfather Mazai and Kustodiev’s hares. "Grandfather Mazai and the hares." Summary of a lesson in the educational field “Artistic Creativity” in the senior group. Where is Grandpa Mazai?

Marina Bagachuk

Child's age: 5 – 6 years.

Subject: « Grandfather Mazai and the hares» .

Target: Learn to compose a collective plot composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between them.


Vary and combine independently different ways modeling in the style of folk toys;

Continue to learn how to transfer simple movements (tilt and turn the body, move the paws) and the mood of the heroes (fear, fear, hope, joy);

Analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions;

Develop an eye and a sense of composition.

Activities: communicative, cognitive - research, reading, labor.

Forms of implementation of children's activities activities: conversation, duty, listening, discussion, solving problem situations.

Equipment: U children: plasticine, stacks, stands, oilcloths, cloth and paper napkins. U teacher: sculpted grandfather figurine Mazaya in the boat; rotary disk, two cylinders (roller) different sizes to show the method of sculpting, stacking; set of cards with schematic depiction of hares in different poses. Compositional basis for collective work: a mirror or durable oval-shaped foil with a sculpted tree, stump, floating log.

Preliminary work: Reading poems H.A. Nekrasova « Grandfather Mazai and the hares» . Looking at illustrations in a book. Conversation on the content of a literary work. Consideration spring landscapes(if possible, with image spring flood or flood).

GCD move:

I. Organizing time. Children, look at your hands. In boys they are strong and strong, in girls they are gentle and affectionate. We love our hands - after all, they can do everything: hug a friend, lift a fallen comrade, give food to a bird, and beautifully set the table. Tell: what are your hands like? (children talk about their hands). What kind and smart hands you have!

II. Listening to the work. I read excerpts from poems H.A. Nekrasova « Grandfather Mazai and the hares» :

I once went in a boat to get firewood.

I see one small island -

Hares gathered on it in a crowd.

Every minute the water was rising

To the poor animals.

Here I arrived: ears chattering,

You can't move; I took one

He commanded the others: “Jump yourself!”

Jumped my hares, - Nothing!

The oblique team just sat down,

The entire island disappeared under water.

Stack to post, bunny on a stump,

Stands with his paws crossed, poor fellow,

I took it too - the burden is small.

Just started paddle work

Lo and behold, a hare is scurrying around the bush -

Barely alive, but as fat as a merchant's wife!

It wasn't too early.

A gnarled log floated past,

Sitting and standing and lying flat,

Zaitsev about a dozen were saved on it.

“If I took you, sink the boat!”

It’s a pity for them, however, and a pity for the find -

I caught my hook on a twig

And he dragged the log behind him.

I drove the log tightly to the shore,

The boat moored - and "with God blessing" said.

And with all their might, the bunnies went.

And I told them: “Uh-huh! Live up, little animals.".

III. Purpose of the activity. - When and why with hares did something like this happen? (In the spring, when the snow begins to melt, the flood begins. There is a lot of water that rushes to the river. Large areas of the earth are flooded, and hares cannot move freely because they cannot swim). How kind Grandpa Maza saved the poor bunnies from death? ( Grandfather Mazay sailed on a boat and collected bunnies on all the islands where there were poor animals). I show the children the basis prepared in advance for collective plot composition. Let me explain, the oval-shaped foil base is a pond in which you can see flooded stumps, trees, floating logs on which people will be saved hares from stormy water. I put the boat sculpted in advance on foil and place my grandfather there Mazaya and beat situation: I show that the boat is floating on mirror water in which the trees are reflected, and the grandfather Mazay rescues bunnies - picks them up by the ears and puts them in a boat, and some hares and they themselves jump into the boat from their islands (penkov). I suggest that you and I create our own composition based on this work.

IV. Gymnastics for the eyes. "I am the queen"

Look right left Eye movement right, left

I am the queen today.

Look up down Movement of the eyes up and down.

This is not a whim at all.

V. Explanations of the progress of work. - We'll try show mood and character hares. What mood are you in? hare who sits on a stump in the middle of a deep river? (hares are afraid, their paws are tucked in, their ears are down). How does the mood of the little bunny who jumped into the boat change? (hares are calm, their ears are raised up). How does a little bunny feel who is warmed in his bosom? good grandfather Mazay? (he is calm, happy, warm and calm). I ask the children to describe different poses in words in order to clarify observations and direct attention to the most essential (sits huddled in a ball, ears flattened, stood on its hind legs, stretched out in a column, ears perked, etc.). Showing patterns for modeling Hares in different ways.

VI. Physical education minute. I call the duty officer, he conducts finger game "Naughty bunny".

VII. Completing of the work. While working, calm music plays, and the children independently look for ways to convey the movement of the bunnies’ mood. I suggest the children change the pose of the sculpted animal: raise the paws, press the ears to the body, show that the bunny is sitting, lying, standing "column", jumps, jumps over, jumps out of a boat or quickly runs into the forest. I'm walking through group, if necessary, I provide verbal assistance, individually showing the stages of modeling.

VIII. Final point. At the end classes children transfer the sculpted figures onto a common base and form a collective composition. I'm reading poems N. Rubtsova "About hare» :

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,

I was walking home from the forest -

Poor frightened hare

So he sat down in front of me!

So he died, stupid,

But, of course, at that very moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time,

Hiding in silence,

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and about me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have?

After Mazai's grandfathers

There is no one left.

Page 1

The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 - 1877) in the field of children's poetry was a new step in its development.

Well understanding the importance of children's reading in the formation of the child's personality and civic qualities, Nekrasov addressed his poems to those on whom he trusted big hopes in fulfilling the future destinies of Russia, - to peasant children.

One of Nekrasov’s poems, firmly included in children's reading, - “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” (1870).

The main theme of this poem was love for nature, for careful attitude to her, and reasonable love.

The poet gives the floor to Mazai himself:

I heard stories from Mazai.

Children, I wrote one down for you...

In the poem, Mazai talks about how in the spring, during the flood, he swam along a flooded river and picked up little hares: first he picked up several from an island on which the hares were crowded together to escape the water that was flowing all around him, then he picked up a hare from a stump on which, “ The “poor fellow” stood with his paws crossed, but the log with a dozen little animals sitting on it had to be hooked with a hook - they wouldn’t all fit into the boat.

In this poem, the poet-citizen reveals to young readers the poetry of peasant life, instills in them love and respect for to the common people, showing the spiritual generosity of such original natures as Grandfather Mazai.

The plot of this work is how the author came to Malye Vezhi to hunt with old Mazai:

In August, near Malye Vezhi,

With old Mazai I beat great snipes.

The climax in this poem is Mazai’s story about saving the hares:

I went in a boat - there are a lot of them from the river

In the spring the flood comes to us -

I go and catch them. The water is coming.

The ending here is how Mazay releases the hares with the advice: “Don’t get caught in winter!”

I took them out to the meadow; out of the bag

He shook it out, hooted - and they gave a shot!

I gave them all the same advice:

“Don’t get caught in winter!”

Grandfather Mazai is permeated true love to everything living. He is a real, living humanist, a zealous owner and a kind hunter, to whom honor and kind heart They do not allow them to take advantage of the misfortune that has come to the animals.

In the poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares,” the speech does not tire the little reader: his attention switches from subject to subject. Here are some apt remarks about the evening warbler singing, the hoopoe hoot, and the owl:

In the evening the warbler sings tenderly,

Like a hoopoe in an empty barrel

Hoots; the owl flies away by night,

The horns are chiseled, the eyes are drawn.

Here is a peasant “anecdote” about some Kuza, who broke the trigger of a gun and set fire to the primer with matches; about another “trapper” who, to prevent his hands from getting cold, carried a pot of coals with him when hunting:

He knows a lot of funny stories

About the glorious village hunters:

Kuzya broke the trigger of the gun,

Spichek carries a box with him,

He sits behind a bush and lures the black grouse,

He will apply a match to the seed and it will strike!

Another trapper walks with a gun,

He carries a pot of coals with him.

“Why are you carrying a pot of coals?” -

It hurts, darling, my hands are cold...

There are comparisons in the work. The poet compares rain with steel bars:

Straight as bright as steel rods,

Rain streams pierced the ground.

The creaking of a pine tree with the grumbling of an old woman:

Is any pine tree creaking?

It’s like an old woman grumbling in her sleep...

There are also epithets here - green gardens, painted eyes.

In the summer, cleaning it up beautifully,

Since ancient times, hops in it will be born miraculously,

All of it is drowning in green gardens...

...Whoops; the owl scatters by night,

The horns are chiseled, the eyes are drawn.

The poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” is recommended for older children before school age and primary school age. The poem gives children a lesson in love for nature, and a careful and reasonable love; beautiful pictures of nature are given here. The poet does not avoid “cruel” descriptions; his trust in the heart and mind of the little reader is so great that it gives him the right, in this poem of the children’s cycle, to reveal those aspects of life that children’s literature of that time tried not to touch.

Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov created throughout his life, he is rightfully considered one of best artists V national painting. Until his old age he created beautiful paintings. The artist had extensive and versatile talent, to understand this, it is enough to quickly glance at his canvases from beginning to end. creative path. Special attention deserves the painting “Flood” by Komarov. She makes a strong impression.

Student years

Alexey Komarov easily entered the capital's school fine arts, architecture and sculpture, and this proves that the young man was truly gifted. The lessons that experienced masters taught him helped him decide on the most preferable direction - he chose animalism.
Komarov enjoyed depicting the animals found on Russian territory, - bears, wolves, moose and numerous birds found in the zoological garden. In addition, he studied drawing live nature from the artist Stepanov. And this man was truly talented. It was not for nothing that A. N. Komarov studied. His painting “Flood,” for example, turned out simply magnificent.

Who did the artist like to draw?

In his work, Komarov usually gives preference to several of his favorite animals; he depicts them truly brilliantly; in his paintings they seem to be alive. The artist, without a doubt, is a follower of such animal painters as Sokolov and Sverchkov. Alexey Nikanorovich often pretended to observe a lot of their behavior, appearance, and movements. He knew and understood them very well, and that is why his paintings turned out so believable and “alive.”

Where are the artist's paintings stored?

Many Russian local history museums have Komarov’s masterpieces in their collections. He gave almost a hundred paintings to Rekhlov, a collector who founded a museum in Shushenskoye and displays paintings at exhibitions in Soviet and foreign cities.

Komarov "Flood"

Nature comes to life from its winter torpor. The sun's rays are increasingly warming the earth. The river will soon be completely free of ice, and the trees will be free of snow cover. But March brings not only revival to the forest, but also terrible misfortunes. Flood! The water flows in a seething stream, covering the territory ever wider. Animals have nowhere to hide from this misfortune; they have a very difficult time during this period. There is no one to protect them, and the laws of nature are often cruel.

Water filled the unfortunate bunny's hole, and he had to leave his native home. His fur instantly became wet, he was very frightened and rushed wherever his eyes looked. Fortunately, he saw a life-saving tree branch located close to the ground. A second - and the animal is already on the branch. Thanks to this lucky chance, he remained alive. The description of Komarov’s painting “Flood” touches to the core, doesn’t it?

The little bunny sits, huddled in a ball and trembling with fear, his fur standing on end from the shock he suffered. He leans his back against the tree and tries with all his might to stay there and not fall. When you look at him, tears well up in your eyes, because at any moment he could fall into the water and die. However, there is hope in my soul that he will be saved. But the picture around is bleak - only water and tree branches are visible. And no one will come to the rescue. If only the water would stop coming! After all, if this continues, many forest inhabitants will really die. The description of the picture seems very tragic. A. Komarov depicted “Flood” so that people would think about many important things.

Looking at the animal in the foreground of the canvas, you understand how afraid all living things are of death, and you also realize the helplessness of people and animals in front of some manifestations of nature. Other important actor paintings - water. In the spring, it often becomes the cause of real tragedies, deciding the fate of innocent creatures. She is heartless and harsh, she is not at all touched by the misfortune of animals and people. The description of Komarov’s painting “Flood,” like the canvas itself, makes some impressionable people cry. How talentedly Komarov conveyed this tragic moment!

Perhaps the animal artist actually witnessed this picture - he saw a brave brown hare on a branch, by a lucky chance, surviving, outwitting the elements, and wanted to capture it on canvas. Komarov wanted to convey to us that the inhabitants of the forest face many dangers - it is not at all easy for them. This picture leaves no one indifferent. Only the strongest, bravest, cunning survive... I would like to hope that the water will begin to subside and the bunny will survive.

Where is grandfather Mazai?..

Of course, the famous fairy tale “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” immediately comes to mind. These were the trembling animals that this guy put in his boat. a kind person- some from a hill, some from a branch or rotten stump swaying on the water. And they trusted Mazai and were not afraid of him, because he did not want to cause them any harm, but, on the contrary, saved them. Where is this good grandfather? I just want to call him, looking at Komarov’s painting... But, alas, this is impossible. It is not enough to just read the description of Komarov’s painting “Flood”; you also need to see this painting with your own eyes in order to be inspired by it.

Petersburg, Aquilon, 1922. 91, p. with ill.; 20.8x15.5 cm - 1200 copies, of which 60 copies. registered, 1140 copies. (1-1140) numbered. In an illustrated color publisher's cover. On the back of the title we read: “ Title page, illustrations, headpieces and endings – autolithographs by B.M. Kustodiev." IN in good shape very rare!

They planned to publish this book in Aquilon for the centenary of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The book contains poems familiar to everyone from childhood: “Vlas”, “Peddlers”, “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin”, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”. Its design was entrusted to a close friend F.F. Notgaft to Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. Laid paper was used for publication. The soft cardboard cover is printed in three colors using the zincography technique: against a pattern background (yellow five-petal rosettes between bluish wavy lines) there is an oval medallion containing a line drawing (a man with a scythe), the title of the book (with the author's surname), the artist's surname, the name of the publisher, the place and year of publication. The book has 30 illustrations: 8 pages, 11 headers and 11 endings. The title page and illustrations are made using the technique of one-color autolithography.

The illustrations are placed not on separate inserts, but on pages with text, which required printing the book in two runs: the first time on a letterpress press, the second on a lithographic press; at the same time, the back of the page remained blank. “Here, a very subtle and tactful correspondence to the text was combined with the most expressive mastery of technique and typographic execution itself: books with illustrations, lithographed and not pasted or inserted into the text, but printed on the same page with the type, we simply did not know until now,” - wrote A.A. Sidorov. Kustodiev set himself the task not of graphically retelling the content of each poem, but of emotionally supplementing it. IN landscape sketches, still lifes, and everyday scenes, the artist, avoiding accentuated stylization, managed to convey the Russian national flavor with the help of a soft silvery line, “shimmering” strokes, and a velvety range of tonal shadows. The book was recognized as a masterpiece of typographic art. ““Six Poems by Nekrasov” is not only a great achievement of “Aquilon”, but in general one of the most remarkable phenomena in the history of Russian books,” stated Hollerbach, and Sidorov called this publication “pure gold of book art, the most beautiful of the victories of “Aquilon” and our pride."

In 1919, a story by L.N. appeared in the People's Library. Tolstoy’s “Candle” with illustrations by Kustodiev, made before the revolution for the St. Petersburg Literacy Society. The series of illustrations for “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky should also be recognized as a significant achievement of the artist. The merchant theme, which he loved and was well known to him, began to play in a new way in the meager pen drawings. Happy new beginning economic policy(NEP) private publishing houses appeared in the country. One of them was the Petrograd “Aquilon” founded in September 1921, which was headed by the art critic Fedor Fedorovich Notgaft (1886-1942). This publishing house operated for less than three years and published only 22 books, published in a small circulation of 5,001,500 copies. This was, as it were, the antithesis of Gosizdat, whose circulation of publications was approaching millions. “Aquilon” deliberately aimed not at the mass reader, but at amateurs, at bibliophiles. His books will forever be included in the golden fund of Russian design art. Among them, for example, “White Nights” by F.M. Dostoevsky and " Poor Lisa» N.M. Karamzin with illustrations by M.V. Dobuzhinsky, “Poems” by A.A. Feta, decorated by V.M. Konashevich... In collaboration with Aquilon, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev created three books.

The first of them - the collection “Six Poems of Nekrasov” - became an indisputable masterpiece. Surprisingly little has been written about this book; Thus, in Victoria Efimovna Lebedeva’s large monograph, only four paragraphs are devoted to her. “Six Poems of Nekrasov,” conceived as a bibliophile publication, was published in March 1922 and was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth. A total of 1,200 copies were printed, 60 of them were registered, indicating the surname of the future owner, and 1,140 were numbered. Serial numbers were written by hand. The author of these lines owns copy No. 1019, purchased at one time in a second-hand bookstore, funny to say - for 5 rubles. In 1922, at a time of hyperinflation, the book was sold for 3 million rubles. The work of the 15th State Printing House that printed the book (formerly the printing house of the Golike and Wilborg Partnership, and now the Ivan Fedorov Printing House) was complicated not only by the manual numbering of copies. In the process of working on it, B.M. Kustodiev is mastering a new technique for himself - lithography. He made drawings with a lithographic pencil on the so-called cornpaper, and only then they were transferred to lithographic stone. This created certain difficulties for the printing enterprise, because the text of the “poems” was reproduced from the printing press using letterpress printing. Since the elements decoration were mainly on the same page as the type, the sheets had to be printed in several runs - the first time on a letterpress press, and the second on a lithographic press, most likely manual.

Speaking about the technique of reproducing “Six Poems of Nekrasov”, Alexey Alekseevich Sidorov in a book summing up the development graphic art for the first five post-revolutionary years, wrote: “Here a very subtle and tactful correspondence to the text was combined with ... expressive mastery of technology and typographic execution itself: books with illustrations, lithographed and not pasted or inserted into the text, but printed on the same page with typesetting We just didn’t know until now...” The complexity of printing influenced the selling price of the book, which was an order of magnitude higher than the prices for other publications of Aquilon. The “poems” were enclosed in a soft cardboard cover, printed in three colors. The main background was a simple pattern of yellow five-petal rosettes surrounded by bluish wavy lines. On the upper side there was an oval medallion, in which white background All the necessary inscriptions and a line drawing depicting a man with a scythe were reproduced in black paint. The plot of the drawing seemed to suggest to the reader that the poems were dedicated to peasant life. And so it was: the collection included the poems “Vlas”, “Peddlers”, “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin” and “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”.

The book was made up of 4-sheet notebooks sewn together by hand. It opened with a strip with the publishing stamp “Aquilona” by M.V. Dobuzhinsky. Next came the front title with the title of the book reproduced in capital letters. The third sheet with a blank back is a drawn title, on which we see peasants listening attentively to a boy who is holding an open book in his hands and reading to them. The drawing includes an oval plaque with a portrait of the writer. The title of the book is reproduced in a deliberately inept handwriting, and according to the old spelling - with “and decimal”, but the text of the book itself is typed according to the new spelling. The fourth sheet is a title with the title of the first poem in typographic font placed in its center. Titles with a blank back were preceded by each of the writer’s works included in the collection. After the title - already in the second notebook - there was a full-page illustration depicting Vlas wandering through Rus'. This illustration, the reverse side of which is also left blank, cannot be considered a frontispiece, because in other poems there are no full-page drawings immediately following the title - they are placed in the text. There are eight such illustrations in total, and they are distributed unevenly. In the first poem “Vlas”, which occupies only four incomplete pages, there are two of them. There is the same amount in the large 33-page poem “Peddlers”. In “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin” and “Grandfather Mazai” - one each. The artist decided not to limit himself to formal boundaries and made as many drawings for each of the poems as his artistic instinct told him. In addition, for each of the poems, small, about a third of the page, illustrations of the intro and illustration of the ending were made. In “Peddlers” there are six of them - according to the number of parts of the poem. In his autolithographs B.M. Kustodiev first of all admires the free Russian landscape: here are endless fields with ripe rye bending in the wind, and the freedom of clearings in the middle of a sparse forest middle zone Russia, and the violent floods of rivers that flood the Russian plains in the spring, and a wretched apiary near a rickety fence... The lithographs are surprisingly tender. It seems that the artist's lithographic pencil barely touched the stone.

Subsequently F.F. Notgraft intended to release an album of lithographs by B.M. Kustodieva, M.V. Dobuzhinsky and G.S. Vereisky, but this project was not completed, since in December 1923 Aquilon ceased to exist, Kustodiev had to look for other publishers. He devoted a lot of effort and labor to illustrating Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district" N.S. Leskova. K.S., who often visited him in the first post-revolutionary years. Somov wrote on February 18, 1923 in his diary: “B.M. showed me illustrations for “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk” and reproductions of his Russian types. He was quite cheerful and cheerful, although in general he was worse, he could only sit in a chair for 5 hours a day.” Nephew K.A. Somova E.S. Mikhailov later recalled: “Several times my uncle took me with him when visiting Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. My uncle loved his art and was amazed at the lack of anger and self-control of Boris Mikhailovich, who was unable to move due to a serious illness.” A very special place in the work of B.M. Kustodiev is interested in the Leninist theme. One can have different attitudes towards the activities of the leader of the world proletariat. IN last years we have learned a lot about the deeds of this man, who in recent times was deified. But, in the words of V.V. Mayakovsky, the “hugeness” of his plans amazed his contemporaries. And they quite sincerely admired him. Lenin's death in January 1924 was perceived as an irreparable disaster. Hence Kustodiev’s desire to say something of his own about the departed leader. It is clear that this topic was completely alien to the singer merchant Russia, but he bravely took on its solution - this is how illustrations appeared for the memoirs of A. Ilyin Zhenevsky “One Day with Lenin” (L.; M., 1925) and for the books intended for young readers “Lenin and Young Leninists” (L.; M. ., 1925) and “Children about Lenin” (M.; L., 1926). The artist never met the leader, but he was a portrait painter, by the grace of God, who knew how to work not only from life, but also from photographs. Lenin in his line drawings is not only recognizable, but certainly similar. Particularly good are the drawings depicting high school student Volodya Ulyanov, which over time have become a kind of classic. In the countless, sometimes endlessly sweet images of “Leniniana”, these drawings occupy a special place, and one should not ignore them, as some authors have done recently dedicated to B.M. Kustodiev books. The artist never painted portraits of Lenin in oil, and did not strive to do so, since he did not want to fake them. To accept or not to accept the revolution? Such a question did not seem to arise for Kustodiev. But what is more valuable to him - memories of a bygone Russia or a new, sometimes cruel reality? Arguing on this topic, A.A. Sidorov once wrote: “Going into antiquity for its own sake Soviet art unacceptable. In the graphic activities of B.M. Kustodiev can be seen overcoming this with strength real life. Of course, he did not become a completely new, Soviet artist.” It was noted above that B.M. Kustodiev rarely turned to illustrating the works of contemporary writers - an exception was made for Maxim Gorky. The writer and the artist were personally acquainted: in 1919, Alexey Maksimovich visited the sick Kustodiev, and soon after that the artist sent Gorky a version of his famous nude “Beauty”, accompanying the gift with a note: “You are the first who so soulfully and clearly expressed what I wanted to portray in it, and it was especially valuable for me to hear this personally from you.” Alexey Maksimovich kept the note and remembered it shortly before the artist’s death on March 23, 1927, in a letter to his biographer I.A. Gruzdev. It is not surprising that when the State Publishing House asked Kustodiev to design the series Gorky's books, the artist immediately agreed. So in 1926-1927 “Chelkash”, “Foma Gordeev”, “The Artamonov Case” appeared. The covers of these publications with portraits of the main characters seem especially interesting to us. The artist began the illustrative series with the cover, which, in fact, was an innovation. The young and handsome Foma Gordeev contrasts sharply with the hunched old man Artamonov, and the latter drawing is made using the silhouette technique, which is, generally speaking, rare for Kustodiev (he had previously used the silhouette when illustrating “Dubrovsky” in 1919). It must be said that Maxim Gorky was not entirely satisfied with Kustodiev’s drawings; he thought that they were too “intelligent” and wished that they were “rougher and brighter.” During these same years, B.M. Kustodiev did a lot of “craft” work. He illustrates calendars, makes covers for magazines and even for books on agricultural topics published by the State Publishing House. Among his works are the design of the books “The Peasant’s Berry Garden” (L., 1925), “The Village Cart Worker” (L., 1926). One can hardly blame an artist for being illegible, because even a great master needs to think about everyday affairs and earn a living. Moreover, even in these works, which are never reproduced in monographs dedicated to Kustodiev, one can find a lot of interesting things - the hand of the master is always felt. On May 26, 1927, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev died at the age of 59. And on July 2, K.A. Somov, who lived in France, wrote to his sister in Moscow: “Yesterday I learned about Kustodiev’s death. Write me the details if you know... Poor martyr! Overcoming suffering and physical weakness, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev managed to create dozens of successful classical works book and magazine graphics. Finishing the article about him, we will find completely different words than K.A. Somov, - “Great ascetic!”

Long live courage, excitement, speed,

Long live politeness and kindness!

Long live kind faces!

And let the one who is angry be ashamed!

Smile at each other, be always attentive and polite.

Public lesson literature on the topic: "N.A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"


The purpose of the lesson: improve knowledge about the work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov; to activate students’ attention to the significance of the role of nature in his works by studying an excerpt from the poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”



1. Learn to analyze works of art, highlighting the main idea in them.

2. Develop the ability to extract from text means of expression language.

3. Learn to write a characterization of the main character using continuous and selective reading.

Activity-communicative. Improve the ability to work independently with a book, in pairs, in a group.

Value-orientation. Develop cognitive interest to the environment through the content of the modular course “Health”.

Methods. Organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities, stimulation and motivation of learning, control and self-control in learning.

Lesson type. A lesson in learning new material.

I. Organizational moment.

1.Checking student readiness:

Check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place, is everything in order,
A book, pen and notebook?

2.Emotional mood:

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still
We're not used to retreating
It will help us split it
The motto at the reading: “I want to know everything?”

II. Checking homework.

Homework :

N. A. Nekrasova “It is not the wind that rages over the forest...” + figurative means of the language of a poetic work.

Frontal survey of homework.

What piece did we study in the last lesson?

Child's answer . In the last lesson we studied an excerpt from N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose.”

What is the main idea here?

Child's answer. Frost - The Voivode patrols his possessions. (The guys explain these lines).

What does it teach?

Child's answer . Winter is as beautiful as any time of the year.

Working with the text of a work. Individual survey of written homework.

Group 1 task:

Group 2 task:

Write down epithets.

Write out the personification.

Children's answers.

Children's answers

Ice bridges.

The sun is playing

Noisy waters.

Walks around on patrol

Bare earth.

Frost is walking

Shaggy beard.

Frost is boastful

A boastful song.

Sings a song.

2 students answer at the board - expressive reading of the poem.

Assignment for the guys: the competitive nature of reading a poem through setting logical stress, intonation coloring of reading, and correct pronunciation of words.

Assignment for the guys : evaluate the expressiveness of reading, the emotional transmission of the content of the text.

Student response. When reading expressively, students pay attention to reading technique, voice reproduction, and punctuation marks.

The problematic issue is the conclusion.

Student answers.

Children call Frost Voivode because he looks like a fairy-tale king who builds palaces of ice, ice bridges, and decorates his kingdom with diamonds, pearls, and silver.

And I would compare the Voivode with the Huntsman. Because the Huntsman is the master of the forests, and frost is the master of winter. The huntsman protects the forest from poachers, and the frost protects the kingdom of blizzards and blizzards.

Voivode - military leader, ruler of Slavic people. Known in Rus' since the 20th century. IN Russian state- at the head of a regiment, detachment (late 15th - early 18th centuries), city ( mid XVI century - 1775), provinces (1719 - 75).

Checking employees individually based on the text.

What are epithets?

Child's answer. Words that name the characteristic features of objects, phenomena, answer the question what?, what?, what?, what?, are called epithets.

What is personification?

Child's answer. Words used figuratively and characterizing inanimate objects as living beings.

Students read out the completed task.

Analysis of student responses by the students themselves.

The answer is complete. Personifications and epithets are highlighted correctly and justifiably.

III. Conversation (dialogue) with students.

What poems by Nekrasov besides this do you remember?

Student answer. “Before the rain”, “ Railway”,

Jack Frost".


Student answer. Only a very attentive person could notice the beauty of the surrounding nature and verbally convey its charm to readers.

What is the common theme in these works?

Student answer. The theme in these poems is divine beauty surrounding nature.

Bottom line. Only very good man could write poems that touched our soul. To be able to listen to poetry and hear means to hear the soul of the poet, the work of his mind and heart. This is Nekrasov - he loves both peasant children and nature native land and everything that surrounds him. Otherwise, he would not have noticed the beauty and expressiveness of the gray, cloudy weather in the poem “Before the Rain,” the hidden gilding of autumn, invigorating tired forces with healthy, vigorous air in the poem “Railroad” and the diamond, pearl, silver kingdom Frost - Voivodes in the poem “Frost, Red Nose”.

The beauty and harmony of nature can be conveyed not only in words, as writers and poets do.

People of what profession can also convey the beauty of nature?

Student answer. Artists use paints, musicians use notes.


Let's listen to the piece famous composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”.

Let's look at the illustration of the artistic canvas by I. I. Shishkin “Winter in the Forest”.

Think about what theme unites all these works.

IV. Lesson topic message.

Teacher's word.

Today in the lesson we will continue the theme of nature and get acquainted with one more of Nekrasov’s works, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

V. Explanation of new material.

Problematic question. What is the main idea that can be seen in the passage “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”

Primary expressive reading by the student. (Student assistant).

Conversation on problematic issues and analysis of the poem. (group work).

Student response.

I believe that in Nekrasov’s passage “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” the main idea is the friendship of Grandfather Mazai and the hares.

It seems to me that the main idea is how grandfather Mazai comes to the aid of the hares.

I believe that the main idea of ​​the passage is Grandfather Mazai’s kind attitude towards hares, because I read somewhere that a person’s kindness is measured by the attitude of love towards animals.

In my deep conviction, the main idea is a description of nature at the time of flood.

To understand the main idea of ​​this passage, you need to understand difficult words and expressions.

Independent reading of the text by the students themselves.

We have already talked about the broad and multifaceted soul of the poet. This work once again emphasizes the poet’s attentiveness to the surrounding reality.

VI. Vocabulary work. (work in pairs).

Student assignment

Highlight difficult words.

Interpret as much as possible.

Words: game, unfortunate, snare, crowd, will overflow, low-lying region.

What event did Nekrasov talk about in this passage?

Student answer. About a terrible natural phenomenon - flood.

What is a flood?

Working with a dictionary. Flood is a spring flood of a river caused by melting snow.

We have already talked about the broad and multifaceted soul of the poet. This work once again emphasizes how attentive the poet was to everything that surrounds our reality.

Analysis of the poem.

From whose perspective is the story about nature told?

Student answer.

The story about nature is told from the perspective of the main character - grandfather Mazai.

What kind of grandfather is Mazai? Draw his verbal portrait.

Did you like him?


What would you do in this situation?

Assignment for students. Write a description of the main character based on the text according to plan:

Appearance hero.

Action of a grandfather in an extreme situation.

Grandfather Mazai's advice to hares.

Attitude to nature.

Student answers


Main thought of this work- This

What is a flood?

Continue the thought of Grandfather Mazai: “I wish I could take you, yes...”

Transfer good deeds grandfather Mazai.

VIII. Differentiated homework.

Expressive reading of a poem or passage from memory.

Expressive reading of the poem + characterization of the main character with quotes from the text.

Write an essay on the topic “We are saved!”

During the trip, Nekrasov finished the poem, which he soon dedicated to his sister Anna Alekseevna. The poem was published in full in Sovremennik in its first issues in 1864. It evoked a sharply negative reaction from Slavophile criticism and deep sympathy from democratic criticism. The son of the Decembrist, Mikhail Sergeevich Volkonsky, expressed recognition in his letter: “Now I read your Moroz. It chilled me to the bone, and not with cold, but to the depths of my soul with the warm feeling with which it was saturated. wonderful work» In 1865, Nekrasov published in Sovremennik a cycle of poems “About the Weather”, which are satirical image post-reform Russian reality. In it the poet gives historically full description Petersburg in the 60s from the point of view of a revolutionary democrat. At the end of the 60s, Nekrasov created a cycle of poems dedicated to Russian children: “Uncle Yakov”, “Bees”, “General Toptygin”, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”. “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” has a real basis. “Grandfather Mazai,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “lived not only in Nekrasov’s imagination, but actually lived all the time in Vezhi, hunted with Nekrasov, saved hares, and after him, his descendants still live in this same house.”

Analysis of the poem by N.A. Nekrasova

"Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

1. PerformancestudentspaintingsI.I. Levitan "Big Water", as a way of forming a visual image of such natural phenomenon like a flood.Conversationaccording to the picture, in order to develop children’s speech when conveying their artistic impressions when viewing the picture.

2. Initial understanding of the ideapoem (work on its title).

Brief introductory talk about Nekrasov.

According to N.A. Dobrolyubov, “the most beloved Russian poet, the representative of the good principles in our poetry, the only talent in which there is now life and strength.” Look at the portrait of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. How do you imagine it? As a child, Nekrasov was a playful, cheerful, mischievous boy. He was born into a rich noble family, but he loved to play with the children of peasants, swam with them in the river, picked raspberries and blueberries in the forest, and went sledding in the winter. The poet's life was not easy. That’s why N.A. Nekrasov’s poems are different: funny if he writes about childhood, serious if he writes about the life of the people, about the Motherland.

Today we will get acquainted with the new poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

What does the title of the work tell you?

3. Primary reading of the textteacher.

4. Repeated reading according to the pictures (according to the plot) stopping at“incomprehensible words”; drawing up a picture planusing a set of plot pictures.

Interpretation of wordsdevelops imagination, the ability to imagine the details of a picture (snares, hooks, burden, fun, “battering with ears”, whooped, etc. ).

5. Occasional readingcomparison of the attitude towards animals of Mazai and the peasants. Drawing up a system of images, drawing heroes (reader’s assessment of the hero’s actions).

Reading the first picture.

In what words of Mazai is heard the biggest reproach to the peasants? (“Where is their conscience?”)

What is conscience?

Reading the second picture.

Underline the words that Mazai calls hares.

What does Mazai call hares? What do these words say?

How do the words with which he addresses the hares characterize Mazai? (With humor)

Reading the third picture.

What does the word "miserable" mean?

Why did Mazai call the hare that?

Reading the fourth picture.

Underline the words that Mazai calls the hares in this picture. Read them.

Did Mazai want to laugh at the hare? Why did he call her that?

Reading the fifth picture.

What feelings did Mazai experience when he saw the hares on the log?

Reading the sixth picture.

Underline the words that Mazai calls the hares in this picture. Read them.

How did the villagers react when Mazai was bringing hares to the village?

Was Mazai offended by these remarks?

Expressive reading after analysis.

Reading the seventh picture.

Underline the words of Mazai, which he uses to call the hares in this picture. Read them.

(Change of rhythm in the textused by the author to convey the swiftness of movements instead of the measured speech of an old man. The reading pace is fast, lively, showing the anxiety of the hares who saw the shore).

Reading the eighth picture.

Underline the words that Mazai calls the hares in this picture. Read them.

As Mazai himself says, why doesn’t he kill hares either in winter or in summer?

And what do you think? (He doesn’t hit them not only in the spring, but also in the summer).

Re-read the words he uses to call hares.

7. Final discussion on what was read.

Understanding the ideapoems.

How did you see grandfather Mazai? (An amazing hunter who did not shoot, but saved bunnies during the flood).

Re-read the lines that reveal his character.

And you should also draw the children’s attention totitle of the poem. Nowhere in the text does he directly show his attitude towards Mazai, the author affectionately calls him not a grandfather, but a grandfather, and all because this hunter does not kill, but saves dying hares in the flood, that is, he acts like a human being.

lesson lesson: "N.A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares". Composition of the word (repetition)"

Lesson objectives:

introduce students to an excerpt from N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”;

develop the ability to understand what you read, grasp the main idea of ​​a work

improve the ability to carefully observe the language of a work, understand figurative expressions used in it

improve the ability to parse words according to their composition

instill a love for the surrounding world, for nature, for animals.

Lesson format:workshop.

Equipment:portrait of N. A Nekrasov; tests; tokens; magnets; chalk; assessment sheet (2 pcs.); puzzles; colored paper for application; glue; scissors; album sheets; colour pencils; markers.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

- Today, guys, we opened the door to our workshop again.

- Remember what a workshop is.

- Who are the masters?

- What are they doing in the workshop?

- Have you guessed what we will do with you in the workshop based on the presence of objects on the tables?

- We will work in groups. Our motto is: “Everyone helpseveryone, everyone helps everyone.”

(I give tasks in groups.)

On your tables there are riddles and puzzles. Among them there is an extra mystery - be careful. You need to guess them and make up the title of the work.

1 group.

2nd group.

1). Who loves carrots
And he jumps deftly
Spoils the garden beds,
Runs away without looking back? (Hare.)

1). Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
A fur coat for winter is a different color. (Hare.)

2). It's raining, it's more fun,
You and I are friends.
We have fun running
Barefoot in... (puddles.)

2). Mom knits
long scarf,
Because son... (giraffe.)

3). Grandfather + ear = singular noun, m.p.


Can you guess what work we are talking about?

Today we will read an excerpt from a poem by N. A. Nekrasov

(showing a portrait of the poet) “Grandfather Mazai and the hares.” Let's learn to understand the expressions used in it and observe the language of the work. We will also repeat the analysis of the word according to its composition.

3. Work on new material.

1).Preparatory work.

We read with you the first part of the poem, which is not in the textbook.

Who remembers whether what the poet writes about happened or is it fiction?

How did the poet and Mazai end up in the barn?

(N.A. Nekrasov and Mazai met while hunting. It started to rain and they, seeing a barn, hid in it.)

What was special about the village where Mazai lived?

(The houses in it are on high pillars, the water increases in the spring, as if in Venice.)

Who remembers Venice? (A city in which, instead of streets, water and people are transported on boats - gondolas, and the boats are driven by gondoliers.)

What have you learned about Mazai himself? (Grandfather Mazai was widowed, childless, has a grandson. Mazai is a hunter.)

What did the poet “laugh heartily” about? (The poet laughed at the stories about hunters.)

2). Speech warm-up.

A). Read the proverb, changing the logical stress. Find the correct reading. (The proverb is written on the board.)

Time for business, time for fun.

b). Read the tongue twister, paying attention to the underlined letters. Concentration training. (The task is written on the board.)

U meleZay mpenolki jgshorpBoo swarmwould aboutbehind upvoicebo jroele ldoaaprwhether dlomiszu olenizhwould concrete

- How is a tongue twister similar to a poem? (The tongue twister talks about a hare and the poem talks about hares.)

3). Primary reading by students prepared in advance.

A). Checking understanding:

- About which one? interesting case did Mazai tell the poet?

- When did this incident happen? (In spring.)

b). Vocabulary - lexical work.

- There are a lot of words and expressions incomprehensible to you in the poem.

On the desk: Hook – a pole, a long stick with a metal hook and a point;

Talk - talk;

High water – river flood;

Ginut - die;

Arshin – an old Russian measure of length equal to 71 cm;

Fathom - an ancient Russian measure of length equal to three arshins;

Zipun - a peasant caftan made of coarse thick cloth. Cloth is fabric. Kaftan - clothing. (I show the picture.)

Gave a line - ran away;

Wet - got wet;

Silky - a small mesh.

4. Physical education minute.

- You should understand all these words, as you will read the poem consciously, but for now, warm up.


Skok - skok, skok - skok,
The bunny jumped onto a stump.
He beats the drum loudly,
He invites you to play leapfrog.
It's cold for the hare to sit
Need to warm up my paws.

Paws up, paws down,
Pull yourself up onto your toes.
We put our paws on the side,
On your toes, skok-skok-skok
And then squat down,
So that your paws don't freeze.

4). Repeated reading of the text to yourself. Preparing to analyze the poem. Find answers to questions.

(Questions are given to each group before re-reading.)

5). Analysis of the work.

- How does Mazai feel about his fellow villagers – hunters? (He condemns them.)

- Why does he condemn? For what? (He condemns for catching animals with snares, for exterminating game in large quantities, since he himself is a kind person and loves nature. Grandfather Mazai, although he hunts, does it wisely.)

- Is love for animals visible in Mazai’s speech?

- What does he call hares? Selective reading.

(Poor animals, my hares, the oblique team, bunnies, bunnies, oblique rogues.)

- What is it like? the main idea N.A. Nekrasova in the poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”? (You need to treat nature with care, you need to love it.)

-What ways artistic image does the poet use in the poem? (Uses tropes.)

- What do you understand by the word paths? (Epithet, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole.)

Task for group 1: find epithets and hyperboles in the poem.

Task 2 to group: find metaphors and comparisons in the poem.

(Students are given time to prepare the task.)

- How does the poet describe nature?

- How do you feel about nature?

- What would you do if you were Mazai?

- Did you like the story? Why?

5. Analysis of words by composition.

- In speech, we often use words with diminutive suffixes. For example, the suffix –ushk- in the word winter or the suffix –ishk- in the word children. There are also other diminutive and affectionate suffixes.

- What role do you think words with diminutive suffixes play? (Words with diminutive suffixes emphasize the author’s sweet, kind attitude towards the heroes. They show how kind and polite the heroes were. They help determine the size of the heroes.)

-Write down nouns with diminutive and affectionate suffixes and analyze them according to their composition.

(Students work in groups.)

(The guys wrote down and sorted out the words according to their composition: island, island, grandfather, bunnies, column, bunny, children, animals.)

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

1).Answers to questions.

- What thoughts and feelings did you experience today while reading the poem?

- How did you imagine Mazai?

- Is this poem sad or funny?

- What could have happened to the bunnies?

- Why did the poet write this poem? (So ​​that we take care of nature.)

- What did you think about when you read the poem?

2). The game is a test.

To check how carefully you read the poem, let's play a little.

In our swampy, low-lying region
There would be five times more game,
If only they didn't catch her with nets,
If only
rake she was not pressured;
The oblique team just sat down,
little town disappeared under water...
“That's it! - I said. - Don't argue with me!
boys, grandfather Mazai!
Just started paddle work
Look, there's a scurrying around the bush
They look at hind legs get up
they pump you, they don’t let you row...
We are outside the village
in the bushes found ourselves.
This is where my bunnies really went crazy...

3). Creative work. (Students are invited to make an application or illustrate one of their favorite episodes of the poem.)

Giving grades on the “Grading Sheet”. Group leaders are invited to comment on the work of students in their group.

7. Homework.

Re-read from 242 – 244, divide the text into parts, prepare for retelling.