Madonna - biography. Madonna: biography of the famous singer Madonna photos

She moved with her four youngest children to Portugal. This is the Quinta do Relgio palace, cultural heritage and a landmark in the resort town of Sintra near Lisbon. Now the family lives in an 18th-century palace with 12 bedrooms and luxurious rooms with Baroque style furniture.

Children of Madonna

The singer has six children - two natural and four adopted.

She regularly posts photos of her new life in Portugal on Instagram: shows younger daughters, five-year-old Esther and Stella.

Either they are in the kitchen preparing a birthday cake, or posing next to their drawings on the doors, or listening to their older brother David (he is 12 years old) play the piano.

David has a penchant for more than just music. He is also a talented football player.

After David began playing for the youth team of the Portuguese club Benfica, Madonna had to divide her time between Portugal, the USA and the UK.

Palace of the Madonna

In her palace, the singer is surrounded by memorabilia and gifts.

For example, she has a pillow autographed by her close friend Michael Jackson. It says something about the “sneaky dirty press,” and then there are these words: “They lie. Ban all tabloids. I love you very much. You will always be in my heart."

Baroque furniture and Chinese rugs – tradition and comfort.

The interior of the kitchen is unusual and memorable.

Madonna also has an eldest daughter, Lourdes (21), who lives in the United States, and a son, Rocco (17), who lives in London with his father Guy Ritchie and stepmother Jacqui Ainslie. Next come son David (12), daughter Mercy (11) and five-year-old twins Stella and Esther. The four youngest are with their mother in Lisbon.

In this creative family There is always music and dancing.

Madonna often posts videos of her children dancing.

I'll be 59 years old on August 16th American actress, singer, producer and designer Madonna. This woman manages everything and looks great at the same time. We decided to find out how she manages to maintain her youth and beauty at this age.

Madonna only eats certain foods.

Personal chef Mayumi Nishimura has been cooking for the celebrity for several years. Every day he makes miso soup, which is considered a traditional dish in Japan. There are practically no calories in this soup, which is why Madonna consumes it large quantities. In addition to traditional soup, the singer’s menu includes seaweed, pickled vegetables and soy dishes. The cook never uses semi-finished products for cooking. For many years now, Madonna has not been drinking alcohol or eating animal products.

In addition, the singer gave up coffee and sugar. According to the singer, to maintain the body in perfect shape, it is not enough to exercise. Only a healthy diet will help maintain the beauty and youth of your skin. Some time ago, Madonna couldn’t imagine how you could eat fish and grains, denying yourself desserts and meat. Now America's sex symbol can easily do without what other people eat every day. If she feels hungry, she chooses carrots, lemon, celery or cucumber for snacks.

Sports and active lifestyle

Few people know, but Madonna is very short- only 154 centimeters. When she was very young, she told herself that she should never get fat. With such growth, even two or three extra pounds will look as if Madonna has gained weight by no less than 50 kilograms. In her youth, Madonna was involved in dancing and aerobics. At that time, the singer did not have enough money to attend fashionable sports clubs, so the girl trained herself as best she could. She went up and down the stairs and ran in the park. Books served as dumbbells for her!

Now Madonna boasts several personal trainers and a wide variety of workouts that she practices. The singer tried almost everything: fencing, swimming, basketball, race walking, boxing and more. IN recent years the singer prefers yoga. They say that she studies for at least three hours every day! If Madonna finds a little more free time in her busy schedule, then she goes falconry. It became her hobby: hunting helps keep herself in good shape, lifts her spirits and gets rid of the blues.

Facial care

The American sex symbol has always been proud of the fact that she did not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Madonna has been credited with dozens of plastic surgery, but in fact the singer maintains her beauty only with the help healthy image life and expensive cosmetics. Madonna once said that she only does special injections into her lips. In the morning she does not wash her face, but first applies a little sour cream or mayonnaise to the skin of her eyelids, and only after ten minutes she washes her face with cool water.

In general, Madonna devotes too much time to caring for her eyelids. She even does special mask for the eyes: mix castor oil, chamomile infusion and butter, and then apply the mixture to the eyelids. The singer sleeps exclusively on her back so that her face does not get “bruised.” Madonna devotes eight to ten hours a day to sleep.

Image creation

Madonna has always been embarrassed by her short stature, and since school she has tried to “hide” this disadvantage with the help of outfits and accessories. And if in her hometown she could impress men by wearing short skirt and putting on red lipstick, then upon arrival in New York future star I realized that with her height in the crowd of the metropolis, she would be a gray mouse. When she started her career, she chose unusual, defiantly cut corsets, as well as very vulgar makeup and a lot of massive jewelry.

Then there were a lot of experiments with stage costumes, which helped mislead fans that the singer was not aging at all and looked like a mischievous girl on stage. Madonna even now, at 55, tries to dress provocatively. Many people condemn the singer for her frivolity, but she considers her image an integral part of success!

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Madonna is a superstar who has captured the hearts of millions of people on the planet. This woman is a true example of the ability to achieve her goals using only her talent, perseverance, and Her rise to the top of Olympus took place only thanks to determination and strength of character.

Little Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone - real name worldwide famous singer. The girl’s parents lived in the provincial town of Bay City. The blood of French adventurers who came to conquer America (on her mother’s side) and good-natured Italians (on her father’s side) flowed in the veins of her ancestors. Madonna Fontin and Silvio Ciconne met at the wedding of mutual friends and quickly got married. The family had two sons - Anthony and Martin, and Madonna became the third child in 1958. The singer got her name in honor of her mother, with whom she was very close. Cruel fate early deprived the girl of her loved one, mother died at 30 from breast cancer. While working as a radiologist in a local clinic, the woman received unacceptable doses of radiation, but refused treatment because she was expecting another child at the time. In the Chikonne family, six children were left without a mother. The father of the family did not grieve for long and married his former maid, who bore him two more children.


Visiting secular school, little Madonna showed remarkable success. The girl's IQ was 140 points. She had the power to enter any university, but she chose to continue her ballet and dance classes, which she had been fond of since childhood thanks to the heredity she received from her mother. Her talent for dancing and singing led her to the University of Michigan and then to New York. Madonna in her youth went through all the circles of hell until she was able to achieve recognition. She lived from hand to mouth, working as a dancer and earning a pittance. But Madonna turned out to be quite a tough nut to crack. In her youth, she already knew her goal and the opening prospects and confidently walked towards success.

First steps in show business

In her youth, Madonna quickly realized that only perseverance and upward striving would allow her talent to shine in the firmament of show business stars. Together with her friend Dan Gilroy, she formed the first band, Breakfast Club, in which she played drums. But this was not the role the ambitious Madonna envisioned for herself. The singer showed herself in all her glory, independently composing songs and performing them. Her works delighted her friends. They predicted a great future for her and they were not mistaken.

The eighties became the starting point for rising star named Madonna. Music was everything for the girl - a chance to survive, realize herself and prove to the whole world and her family, who were against the path she had chosen. Madonna in her youth was not always scrupulous in choosing the means to bring it to life. cherished dream. By hook or by crook, she appeared among the right people and got her first producer, who contributed to the release of her debut album in 1983.

Fame and popularity

The first album did not gain wild popularity among fans, but allowed the singer to take root on the musical Olympus. She was self-critical and self-confident. I weighed my mistakes and analyzed the performances of other star performers. And after that, all the following works that Madonna did - albums, songs, singles, demo recordings - brought her wild success. The singer created unforgettable, clear images that blew up the audience with their rigidity and originality. Madonna's harsh and shocking performances in songs and videos put her at the top of the charts and brought her recognition.

Ups and downs

Madonna proved herself not only on stage as a singer and dancer. Music became the first step to her creative path, and the star began to try herself in the acting field with great pleasure in the future. She starred in films, performed musical compositions for films, and participated in all areas of the film industry. The singer’s work was not always at its best; several times she received awards for the worst roles, but this did not become a reason to give up. The woman’s activity and enthusiasm won everything.

Madonna Family

The pop diva was married several times. The star's first husband was actor Sean Pen. The couple met during the filming of a video, love between the young people arose at first sight. The marriage of the singer and actor did not work out due to the violent temperaments of both, and a serious circumstance that influenced the collapse of their union was the frantic interest of the press in Madonna’s work. This fact caused the actor’s jealousy.

In 1996, Madonna gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from a Cuban father. Carlos was the singer's personal trainer, they began an affair that ended with the woman's pregnancy. But Madonna did not consider it necessary to get married. She had her first birth at the age of 38. Lourdes is currently developing a clothing line created with her mother.

Madonna's second husband was a British English director. Sting introduced the future spouses, and the couple had a passionate affair. Madonna moved to Richie in Britain and lived with him for several years, getting accustomed to the new country, learning the culture and traditions of the British, but the singer’s touring activities did not stop. World tours were a success. During life together the couple adopted a black boy. But in 2008, the relationship was interrupted again due to the dissimilarity of characters and the husband’s jealousy of his wife’s success. After this breakup, the star adopted another girl from Malawi.

The singer is not legally married to anyone now; after breaking up with Guy Ritchie, Madonna began a relationship with the Brazilian Lucas, the man worked in the modeling business.

Madonna made her name on her own, starting from scratch. Her success is an example of willpower and desire to achieve goals, despite any obstacles.

Madonna in her youth passed thorny path to achieve success in your singing career. Thanks to her talent and perseverance, the girl achieved fame and recognition throughout the world. It is difficult to find a person who does not know the singer and does not sing her songs.

Girl's Trials

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born to an Italian father and a French woman. She inherited her attractive appearance from her father, and her talent and character from her mother. The girl was born in large family and was the third after two older brothers. Then Madonna's mother gave birth to two more children.

During her sixth pregnancy, the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer. For treatment it was necessary to have an abortion. The mother refused and died two months after giving birth. The father did not remain alone for long and married the maid.

The family did not live poorly, but the stepmother deprived the girl and fed her semi-finished foods. Madonna never had good clothes. The girl was also mentally abused by two older brothers who were drug addicts.

Start of a career

The girl had a high intelligence, but decided to connect her life with dancing and singing. She went to New York to make her way in show business. Madonna worked very hard in her youth. She took on any proposals:

  • model for artists;
  • bar dancer;
  • singer in restaurants.

Often the girl had nothing to eat. She communicated with gay people. But Madonna confidently walked towards her dream.

The singer had a very wide circle of friends in her youth, and finally her song fell into the right hands. From this moment it began creative career future world star.

The singer's appearance has always remained an ideal for many women. Nature gave her natural beauty and endowed her with neat facial features. Thanks to regular dancing classes, the singer has an ideal figure.

Madonna worked very hard in her youth; the difficult road to career growth. Many experts and journalists prove that the singer has undergone several plastic surgeries. Madonna herself denies this fact.

During her career, the singer changed her appearance many times by choosing her hairstyles. She dyed her hair in different colors. Madonna also often experimented with her image in terms of clothing. The singer could appear in public in revealing clothes, and then suddenly change her image and turn into a modest woman in a formal outfit.

Beauty secrets from Madonna

The singer is proud of her appearance and believes that only discipline and work can give a positive result in this case. Madonna experienced very heavy stress during her ballet classes. A photo from her youth can confirm that at that time she was physically strong, with an ideal figure.

Now the singer is actively involved in yoga. Therefore, the figure remains in perfect condition. Madonna also voices that she often goes on a special diet, which is designed personally for her. The celebrity does not tell anyone the secrets of such nutrition.

The singer associates her attractive appearance and good figure only with proper nutrition and active sports. The celebrity also advises not to hold grudges against others and to do more good deeds. Such a life position undoubtedly has a positive effect on a person’s energy, and therefore on his appearance.

Changes in appearance after childbirth

Madonna became a mother only at 38 years old. Pregnancy and childbirth noticeably affected the size and shape of the breasts. But with the help of the right underwear, a woman can correct all the nuances.

There is no doubt that the singer used cosmetic procedures to remove wrinkles and tighten skin. Now it is very difficult to find any flaw on her forehead. There is no doubt about the use of Botox.

Madonna also does not hide the fact that she periodically takes vitamin complexes. She doesn't have bad habits And especially not taking drugs. It's taboo for her after a bad experience with her brothers.

The singer, in her second marriage, adopted two black children. That's why she became a young mother again and keeps herself in order. Many people believe that Madonna has become much more attractive and sexier over the years. Photos in her youth and now confirm positive changes in the singer’s appearance.

How did character and appearance influence the singer’s career?

Now it can be argued that the trials that Madonna experienced in her youth undoubtedly benefited her. She was able to strengthen her character and learned to achieve her goals through hard work and determination.

Appearance played a significant role in career development. Madonna for many years remains a sex symbol on the world stage. Her figure is admired not only by men, but also by women. She looks great on stage and in video clips.

With changes in appearance, Madonna causes a storm of discussion and thus attracts attention. This is one of the points of promotion and raising interest in your person.

Of course, appearance plays a huge role in a singer’s career. But human qualities and character traits still come first in any situation. Madonna has always been kind and sympathetic to people with health problems. She often participates in charity events and makes huge contributions to various foundations.

Her adoption of African children in once again proves that through her actions the singer is trying to make the world a better and kinder place. Her fans admire her and try to emulate her good deeds. This way people around you become a little kinder. This is another calling of the singer, according to her. Madonna gets no less pleasure from this than from performing on stage.

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born on August 16, 1958 in the small town of Bay City, Michigan. Her mother, Madonna Louise worked as a radiography technician. Father, Silvio Ciccone, worked as a design engineer at the Chrysler General Motors plant.

Madonna was born as the third child in a large Catholic family, which in addition to her had five more brothers and sisters. The children were raised in strict Catholic traditions requiring compulsory church attendance and diligent study at school. The Ciccone family was so devout that every day the children were woken up at 6 a.m. to spend an hour in church before being taken to the parish school.

Madonna with her parents and older brothers (left)

On December 1, 1963, when Madonna was five years old, her mother died of breast cancer. This was a terrible blow for the girl. For two years, Madonna fell into hypochondria, convincing herself that she, like her mother, had cancer. As soon as she left the house, she was immediately seized with horror and began vomiting.

“After my mother died, I had a terrible feeling that everyone had abandoned me.”

Madonna's parents

It was difficult for my father to cope with his large family. Therefore, soon various assistants began to appear in the house. In 1966, three years after the death of his mother, his father became involved with another housekeeper who helped with the housework, Joan Gustafson.

Madonna could not accept her stepmother, and their relationship was strained. The birth of Madonna's half-brother and sister further complicated the situation. She could not come to terms with the fact that a strange woman had taken her mother’s place in her father’s heart.

Relations with classmates also did not work out. Her peers considered her a “hello” girl. And many did not like her for her brilliant academic performance. The wayward shocking character was already evident in school years:

“When I was forbidden to wear makeup or wear nylon stockings, I wanted to do the opposite.”

As a sign of protest, and in order to attract more attention, Madonna pulled a pair of provocative, often mismatched stockings onto her teenage legs.

At the age of 14, Madonna Ciccone performs at a school talent evening. This was a key event in her childhood. But since she danced at this performance only in a bikini, the reputation of their Catholic family suffered greatly. The father was furious and put his daughter under house arrest, and the town discussed the performance for another month.

At 15, Madonna begins taking lessons ballroom dancing with teacher Christopher Flynn. He was everything to her: teacher, father, close friend...

Flynn was 30 years older than Madonna and was gay, so the student’s love remained unrequited. However, he took the student to classical concerts, exhibitions and gay clubs, introducing her to the world of art. Appearance The excellent student begins to change towards a sloppy bohemian appearance, scaring off others.

At the same time, 15-year-old Madonna had her first boyfriend, 17-year-old Russell Long. Madonna made sure that her father and the whole school knew about her first lover. And a year later, even the convinced gay Flynn could not resist the beauty of the matured student. 16-year-old Madonna turned her mentor into a bisexual for a while.

In 1976, Madonna Ciccone graduates from school a few months before her final exams. Thanks to an excellent certificate, successfully passed an IQ test and excellent recommendations from teachers, she continues her dance education on a budget basis at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Professor Christopher Flynn, having received a position at the college, gave patronage to his “favorite student.”

The choice of a “frivolous” profession greatly worsened the already difficult relationships singers with father. All the years he hoped that his daughter would be a doctor or lawyer. But by that time, the father had ceased to have influence on his daughter. Madonna knew what she wanted and decided to go towards her goal.

Madonna at the University of Ann Arbor

According to teachers, Madonna had endurance, rare even for a dancer, which was further developed by ballet training. Having studied at the University of Michigan for only a year and a half, she begins to realize that she has no future in the province. And despite his father’s ban, he quits university to go to New York with the dream of opening his own dance studio.

In the summer of 1978, a plane delivered Madonna, full of determination and self-confidence, to the New York airport. The girl had only $35, a winter coat and a suitcase with a dance uniform. In this city she had no relatives or acquaintances and she did not know where to go. Taking a taxi, Madonna said to take her to the very center. The trip cost $15 - slightly less than half of Madonna's entire fortune.

Madonna had a hard time in New York. She lived in poverty, periodically spending the night in basements and attics, and wandered. And sometimes, in search of food, she checked the contents of trash cans:

“I worked my ass off before I became who I am. And I literally starved, sometimes getting food from garbage bins, until I finally broke through...”

Already in November 1978, Madonna was invited to audition for the famous dance troupe of ballerina Pearl Lang. Work in the Pearl Lang troupe did not allow her to pay rent, and the dancer worked part-time as a Dunkin’ Donuts saleswoman, as well as as a model in art studio, and a nude model of photographers (these photos surfaced many years later, appearing in Playboy and Penthouse magazines).

In a word, she had to spin in order not to die of hunger. She made her stage debut in the production of “I Never Saw Other Butterflies Again” as a boy from the Jewish ghetto.

Soon, Madonna Ciccone began to weaken in class due to malnutrition, and Lang arranged for the dancer to work in the evenings for food as a cloakroom attendant at the Russian Samovar restaurant. Renting a room in a cheap and dangerous area of ​​​​New York, where Madonna was raped by a maniac armed with a knife. After a mental injury, she becomes distracted in class and stops believing in her dancing future.

Due to a lack of funds, Madonna begins to go to auditions for Broadway musicals and as a backup dancer, although she previously considered this beneath her dignity, since she danced with Pearl Lange herself, a student of the famous Martha Graham. In 1979, luck smiled on her. At one of the castings as a backup dancer for French disco artist Patrick Hernandez for his 1979 world tour, the producers really liked Madonna’s dance and asked her to sing something.

Madonna sang the simple song “Jingle Bells” and, to the complete surprise of Madonna, who sang only in the school choir, she was invited to Paris, where they wanted to make her “something like a dancing Edith Piaf.” The artist finally left the Lang troupe and spent six months in France, Belgium and Tunisia. She was convinced of the prospects of a singing career, but 20-year-old Madonna by that time was passionate about punk rock, rebelled against the producers and did not want to sing the proposed disco-pop material. Six months later, Madonna fell ill with pneumonia, and after recovery, she flew back to New York to “visit friends,” never returning to the French producers.

Her boyfriend was waiting for her in New York: by the time she met the producers, she had been in love with musician Dan Gilroy for two weeks. Gilroy had a huge influence on the transformation of Madonna Ciccone from a dancer into a musician: he taught her to play drums and electric guitar. After practicing the drums every day to Elvis Costello's CD, Madonna became quite a good drummer and was accepted into Gilroy's band called the Breakfast Club.

In 1981, Madonna left the group. Gilroy recalled:

She has a natural talent for playing percussion instruments, and we offered her a lucrative deal. One evening she wanted to try herself as a singer, we gave her a chance in one of our numbers, and soon it happened. She couldn't get rid of it anymore. By this time we already had two singers and didn't need a third one, so she left us. It was probably one of the smartest decisions she ever made.

And in the same year, Madonna created the Emmy group in collaboration with her ex-boyfriend Stephen Bray, whom she hired to play drums while she was already a soloist. Together they record several dance compositions.

In 1981, Madonna Ciccone meets Camille Barbon, the owner of the Gotham recording studio. Soon Barbon offered to become the singer’s personal manager. Barbon rents more decent housing for Madonna, setting a salary and providing financial support as needed. Camille Barbon tried to get Madonna a contract with the label.

This work does not bring results. Therefore, Madonna, leaving the company, decides to independently ensure that the demo recording of her song gets auditioned by the “right people.”

Madonna's choice falls on the Dansteria company, which at that time was known for maintaining the traditions of entertainment venues. Dansteria was opened in 1981 by Rudolf, a famous impresario nightlife of that time. The establishment quickly became famous and fashionable. They talked and wrote about him constantly.

Madonna begins to visit this establishment, demonstrating excellent dancing skills. One of the most fateful acquaintances in Madonna’s life took place here.

Mark Kaminsa, the recognized king of DJs and aspiring producer, was the person who first played Madonna's record at Dunsteria. The delight in which the audience came convinced Mark that Madonna was a future star.

In 1982, with the help of the same Mark Kamins, Madonna recorded the single “Everybody”. Mark takes the cassette with Madonna's new song to Chris Blackwell, executive director Island records, but he refuses the singer.

Upset by the failure, Mark Kamins, through his friend Michael Rosenblatt, arranges for Madonna to meet with the founder of Sire Records, Seymour Stein. This time the contract was signed immediately. (Madonna Ciccone becomes simply Madonna). Under the terms of the agreement, Madonna receives an advance of $5,000, and for each song written, royalties and a publishing fee of $1,000. President Seymour Stein and Rosenblatt were confident in Madonna's success, but not so confident as to go all in and release the album right away. Rosenblatt developed a plan to promote Madonna through the release of dance singles.

Mark Kamins became the producer to work on Madonna's first single; this was his first experience. The result of their two-week work was a single, which, in their opinion, should have instantly elevated her to the top forty performers. But, after listening to what was considered a hit, Rosenblatt became despondent; Ain’t No Big Deal didn’t seem like that to him.

There was no time to re-record, so they put Everybody on both sides of the single. They decided not to put a photo of Madonna on the cover, since many, listening to her songs, thought that she was a black woman. This way it was possible to attract a wider audience. Rosenblatt's extraordinary decision paid off handsomely. In a matter of weeks, Everybody rocketed to the top of the dance music popularity charts.

In 1983, their debut album entitled Madonna was released. The song “Holiday”, presented on this disc, receives great success and is included in the top twenty American singles, and the next year in top ten in Europe. In 2013 Rolling Stone included it in the top 100 best debut albums of all time. On at the moment Madonna album sales amounted to 10 million copies.

In 1984, the second album Like a Virgin was released. Which topped the US album chart. The album sold 26 million copies worldwide and eventually received a diamond certificate in the United States.

Meanwhile, the singer's career is gaining momentum. The songs she records invariably occupy the highest places in ratings and charts.

Over the years musical activity Madonna successfully tries herself in different genres and directions, becomes the winner of many awards. Madonna also holds numerous records, in particular, she surpassed Elvis Presley in the total number of hits in the top ten on Billboard, and in this indicator she became second, second only to the Beatles.

Madonna's 2008-2009 concert tour “Sticky and Sweet Tour” ranks first in terms of income among solo performers, men and women, throughout history.

Being one of the most famous media persons, Madonna received the nicknames Material Girl (after the title of her early song Material Girl) and Queen of Pop from the English-language press. She is also known as the author of children's books in the English Roses series, a popularizer of yoga and Kabbalah, and an activist in many charitable and human rights organizations.

After the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the singer donated $250,000 to a fund for victims.

In addition, she is actively involved in the revival African republic Malawi, where her adopted children are from. And the Queen of Pop's personal fortune is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

Madonna is very efficient - the singer practically does not rest. According to her, she begins to suffer from idleness already on the second day of vacation. Typically, she rises at four in the morning for the obligatory jog in the park, followed by a 45-minute yoga class and the traditional call to her guru at the London Kabbalah Centre. After this, Madonna is ready to have breakfast with her children. After such a busy morning, an equally busy day follows - business calls, negotiations, meetings. From noon, work begins on the lyrics and arrangement of songs or roles in films.

Personal life

Madonna's first husband was actor Sean Penn, whom she met on the set of the "MaterialGirl" video. It was love at first sight. Sean first saw Madonna as she walked down the stairs in a satin flowing dress. He was 24 and she was 26.

Madonna and Sean Penn

In the summer of 1985, on her own birthday, Madonna married Sean Penn. However, the newlyweds' happiness was short-lived. Soon Sean’s pride began to be hurt by the offensive nickname “Mr. Madonna” and the active interest of the press in their couple. Because of aggressive behavior“Mr. Madonna” in relation to journalists and his wife in the press they began to be called “evil Penns.” For the jealous Penn, marriage to Madonna became real torture. Not only did he have to constantly fend off the intrusive press, but his wife also reserved the right to “go left.” But for Madonna, the relationship with the ambitious (and even drinking) Penn was a test. Penn wanted to lock his wife at home.

Madonna, head over heels in love, meekly abandoned her performances and stage career. Penn fired all her bodyguards and began to accompany her everywhere himself. Madonna could not stand this and returned to the stage. Penn resigned himself, and this was the beginning of the era of “Mr. Madonna,” as the press dubbed him.

At the peak of their life together, the couple starred in Shanghai Express - the film became the biggest failure in Penn's career and one of the worst for Madonna.

The scandalous marriage has cracked. What happened next shocked everyone: Penn turned into a tyrant. He began to beat his wife, mocked her, tied her up, threatening to disfigure her face with a lit cigarette. He demanded details adultery– imaginary and real. As a result, Madonna wrote a statement to the police about rape and beating, attaching a divorce petition to it. Penn was facing a significant sentence, but the singer withdrew the lawsuit...

However, according to the laws of the state of California, Sean was entitled to half of his wife’s fortune. But he did not lay claim to the seventy million dollars earned by Madonna over the years of their life together.

At the end of 1988, after four years of marriage, they divorced.

Madonna with Warren Beatty

Immediately after the divorce from Sean followed whirlwind romance Madonna with Warren Beatty, who was also an actor and a famous womanizer. By the way, Madonna started dating him while she was still married. But this union did not end in anything serious.

Later, Madonna became very close to Sandra Bernard, a famous comedienne. The singer was even suspected of being unconventional sexual orientation, but she strongly denied these rumors.

Madonna with Sandra Bernard

At 38, Madonna finally became a mother. Madonna made an offer to personal sports trainer Carlos Leone to become the father of her child. She also asked him to undergo all the necessary tests and monitor his health. The result of this obscene proposal is the daughter of Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon. Madonna wanted her daughter to be baptized by the Pope himself, but was refused.

With Carlos Leone (left), daughter - Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon

Later, at Sting's party, she met Guy Ritchie, where Madonna mistook the English director Guy Ritchie for a nice guy from the outskirts of London. When the misunderstanding was resolved, Madonna was very embarrassed. This became the reason for a closer acquaintance.

The wedding celebration took place on December 22, 2000 in one of the most beautiful castles in Scotland, Skibo.

With Guy Ricci (left), son Rocco (right)

Better soon medical center Los Angeles Madonna becomes a mother for the second time - she gave birth to a boy, Rocco. (By the way, Sting became the child’s godfather). In addition, the newlyweds also adopted a baby from a poor African family. However, this marriage did not last long. There were rumors that his marriage to Madonna was preventing Guy Ricci from creating film masterpieces. Be that as it may, it was Guy who insisted on a divorce, and in the fall of 2008 they divorced.

With Jesus Lucas. Daughter - Mercy James

Soon Madonna begins new novel– this time with a young model from Brazil, Jesus Lucas. And in the summer of 2009, there was an addition to Madonna’s large family - the singer adopted a girl from Malawi, Mercy James.

Her words speak about the role that Madonna’s heirs play:

“The most important thing in life is children. It is in children's eyes that we can see the real world."

Madonna with eldest daughter Lourdes and two adopted children

Let's gossip

Madonna's passion for black men and women can be called truly fatal. In the mid-90s, the singer, as mentioned above, was actively looking for a candidate to be the father of her child. The first of them was the outrageous basketball player Dennis Rodman. Tall, luxuriously built Rodman seemed ideal father future child! But the lovers desperately did not have the same schedules. Madonna performed actively, and Rodman spent all his time on the basketball court. In this case, too, I had to forget about “fruitful work” on the offspring.

with Dennis Rodman (left), Tupac Shakur (right)

In 1996, Madonna dated rapper Tupac Shakur. A year before the murder of the black legend, he and Madonna began a short-term and stormy romance. But Tupac began to be reproached for dating a white woman, albeit an outstanding one. As a result, they had to break up.

Madonna with Naomi Campbell

There were rumors that in 1992 Madonna had an affair with... Naomi Campbell! The girls were often seen together not only at official ceremonies, but also at parties. However, Madonna and Naomi Campbell claim that they are connected exclusively by many years of warm friendship.

Perhaps this is just a myth, but Madonna has many more similar stories behind her...

  • Curious facts
  • At the age of 10, the future sex revolutionary was going to become a nun. “I wanted to lead a righteous life. But the very idea of ​​tonsure gave me ambivalent feelings. The more this story attracted me externally, the more it repulsed me internally.”
  • Older brothers Martin (who began living on the street in 2011) and Anthony constantly beat and bullied Madonna as a child. WITH youth they took drugs. One of the brothers ran away from home and became an adherent of the Muna sect.
  • Madonna's mother was descended from French Canadians, and her father was Italian.
  • With the advent big money Madonna became interested in purchasing expensive real estate and art objects. She is one of the top 100 art collectors in the United States. Madonna has a house in Miami, and she recently bought another one in Los Angeles, while simultaneously selling her “pink estate” located in the Hollywood Hills. She owns a luxury apartment in New York worth more than $7 million.
  • Madonna always does the study of bank investments and accounts herself, without trusting anyone. She also participates in all negotiations related to her career.

Madonna Quotes:

They say that good things do not last forever, and sooner or later they come to an end. These are the words of people who have achieved nothing in life.
Madonna never regrets anything: “I made mistakes, but I learned from them.”
My fear of something usually means I have to do it.
I pulled myself up by the straps of my own bra.
I am my own experiment, and my own masterpiece.

All Quotes >>> Madonna

  • Studio albums
  • Madonna (1983)
  • Like a Virgin (1984)
  • True Blue (1986)
  • Like a Prayer (1989)
  • Erotica (1992)
  • Bedtime Stories (1994)
  • Ray of Light (1998)
  • Music (2000)
  • American Life (2003)
  • Confessions on a Dance Floor (2005)
  • Hard Candy (2008)
  • MDNA (2012)