Maxim Gorky dates and events table. The main stages of M.'s life and work. The last years of M. Gorky's life

1868 – Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter - Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov.

1884 – tried to enter Kazan University. Gets acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.

1888 – arrested for connections with N.E. Fedoseev’s circle. Is under constant police surveillance. In October he became a watchman at the Dobrinka station of the Gryaze-Tsaritsyn Railway. Impressions from his stay in Dobrinka will serve as the basis for the autobiographical story “The Watchman” and the story “Boredom for the Sake.”

1889 , January - at personal request (complaint in verse), transferred to Borisoglebsk station, then as a weighmaster to Krutaya station.

1891 , spring - went to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus.

1892 – first appeared in print with the story “Makar Chudra”. Returning to Nizhny Novgorod, he publishes reviews and feuilletons in Volzhsky Vestnik, Samara Gazeta, Nizhny Novgorod Listok, etc.

1897 – "Former people", "The Orlov Spouses", "Malva", "Konovalov".

1897, October - mid-January 1898 - lives in the village of Kamenka (now the city of Kuvshinovo, Tver region) in the apartment of his friend N.Z. Vasiliev, who worked at the Kamensk paper factory and led an illegal workers' Marxist circle. Life impressions of this period served as material for the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin.”

1898 – the publishing house of Dorovatsky and A.P. Charushnikov releases the first volume of Gorky’s works “Essays and Stories” in a circulation of 3,000 copies.

1899 - novel "Foma Gordeev".

1900–1901 – novel “Three”, personal acquaintance with Chekhov, Tolstoy.

1900–1913 – participates in the work of the publishing house "Znanie".

1901 , March - “Song of the Petrel” was created in Nizhny Novgorod. Participation in Marxist workers' circles in Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovo, St. Petersburg, wrote a proclamation calling for the fight against autocracy. Arrested and expelled from Nizhny Novgorod.
Turns to dramaturgy. Creates the play "The Bourgeois".

1902 - play "At the Bottom". Elected honorary member Imperial Academy of Sciences. But before Gorky could exercise his new rights, his election was annulled by the government, since the writer “was under police surveillance.”

1904–1905 - plays "Summer Residents", "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians". Meeting Lenin. He was arrested for a revolutionary proclamation in connection with the execution on January 9, but then released under public pressure. Participant in the revolution 1905-1907
In the fall of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

1906 – travels abroad, creates satirical pamphlets about the “bourgeois” culture of France and the USA (“My Interviews”, “In America”).
The play "Enemies", the novel "Mother". Due to tuberculosis, Gorky settled in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years.

1907 - Delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP.

1908 – play “The Last”, story “The Life of an Useless Person”.

1909 – stories “Town of Okurov”, “Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.

1913 - edits the Bolshevik newspapers "Zvezda" and "Pravda", the art department of the Bolshevik magazine "Prosveshchenie", publishes the first collection of proletarian writers. Writes "Tales of Italy".

1912–1916 - creates a series of stories and essays that make up the collection “Across Rus'”, autobiographical stories “Childhood”, “In People”. The last part of the trilogy “My Universities” was written in 1923.

1917–1919 – carries out extensive social and political work.

1921 – M. Gorky’s departure abroad.

1921–1923 – lives in Helsingfors, Berlin, Prague.

1924 – lives in Italy, in Sorrento. Published memoirs about Lenin.

1925 - the novel “The Artamonov Case”, begins to write the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin”, which was never finished.

1928 - at the invitation of the Soviet government, makes a trip around the country, during which Gorky is shown the achievements of the USSR, depicted by the writer in the series of essays “Around the Soviet Union.”

1931 – visits the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp.

1932 – returns to Soviet Union. Under the leadership of Gorky, many newspapers and magazines were created: the book series “History of Factories and Works”, “History civil war", "Poet's Library", "History young man XIX century", magazine " Literary studies".
The play "Egor Bulychev and others."

1933 - play "Dostigaev and others".

1934 – Gorky conducts I All-Union Congress Soviet writers, delivers the keynote address.

Alexey Peshkov (1868-1936) was born in Nizhny Novgorod into the family of a carpenter. Father - Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov (1839-1871). Mother - Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina. Having been orphaned early, he spent his childhood years in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 11 he was forced to go “to the people”; worked as a “boy” in a store, as a pantry cook on a steamship, as an apprentice in an icon-painting workshop, as a baker, etc.

In 1884 he tried to enter Kazan University. I became acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.
In 1888 he was arrested for connections with N. E. Fedoseev’s circle. He was under constant police surveillance. In October 1888, he became a watchman at the Dobrinka station of the Gryaze-Tsaritsyn Railway. Impressions from his stay in Dobrinka will serve as the basis for the autobiographical story “Watchman” and the story “Boredom for the Sake.”
In January 1889, at a personal request (a complaint in verse), he was transferred to the Borisoglebsk station, then as a weighmaster to the Krutaya station.
In the spring of 1891, he set out to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus.
In 1892 he first appeared in print with the story “Makar Chudra”. Returning to Nizhny Novgorod, he publishes reviews and feuilletons in Volzhsky Vestnik, Samara Gazeta, Nizhny Novgorod Listok, etc.

From October 1897 to mid-January 1898, he lived in the village of Kamenka (now the city of Kuvshinovo, Tver Region) in the apartment of his friend Nikolai Zakharovich Vasiliev, who worked at the Kamensk paper factory and led an illegal workers' Marxist circle. Subsequently, the life impressions of this period served the writer as material for the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin.”
1899 - novel “Foma Gordeev”, prose poem “Song of the Falcon”.
1900-1901 - novel “Three”, personal acquaintance with Chekhov and Tolstoy.
1901 - “Song about the Petrel.” Participation in Marxist workers' circles in Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovo, St. Petersburg, wrote a proclamation calling for the fight against autocracy. Arrested and expelled from Nizhny Novgorod.
In 1902 - A. M. Gorky turned to drama. Creates the plays “Bourgeois”, “At the Bottom”.
1904-1905 - writes the plays “Summer Residents”, “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians”. Meets Lenin. He was arrested for the revolutionary proclamation and in connection with the execution on January 9, but then released under public pressure. Participant in the revolution of 1905-1907. In the fall of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.
1906 - A. M. Gorky travels abroad, creates satirical pamphlets about the “bourgeois” culture of France and the USA (“My Interviews”, “In America”). He writes the play “Enemies” and creates the novel “Mother”. Due to illness (tuberculosis), Gorky settled in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years. Here he writes “Confession” (1908), where his differences with the Bolsheviks were clearly outlined (see “The Capri School”).
1908 - play “The Last”, story “The Life of an Useless Person”.
1909 - stories “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.
1913 - A.M. Gorky edits the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda, the art department of the Bolshevik magazine Prosveshchenie, and publishes the first collection of proletarian writers. Writes "Tales of Italy".
1912-1916 - A. M. Gorky creates a series of stories and essays that made up the collection “Across Rus'”, autobiographical stories “Childhood”, “In People”. The last part of the trilogy, “My Universities,” was written in 1923.
1917-1919 - A. M. Gorky does a lot of social and political work, criticizes the “methods” of the Bolsheviks, condemns their attitude towards the old intelligentsia, saves many of its representatives from Bolshevik repression and famine. In 1917, having disagreed with the Bolsheviks on the issue of timeliness socialist revolution in Russia, did not undergo re-registration of party members and formally left it. [source not specified 133 days]
1921 - A. M. Gorky’s departure abroad. IN Soviet literature a myth has developed that the reason for his departure was the resumption of his illness and the need, at Lenin’s insistence, for treatment abroad. In fact, A. M. Gorky was forced to leave due to worsening ideological differences with the established government.
From 1924 he lived in Italy, in Sorrento. Published memoirs about Lenin.
1925 - novel “The Artamonov Case.”
1928 - at the invitation of the Soviet government and Stalin personally, he tours the country, during which Gorky is shown the achievements of the USSR, which are reflected in the series of essays “Around the Soviet Union.”
1932 - Gorky returns to the Soviet Union. Here he receives Stalin’s order - to prepare the ground for the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, and to do this, to hold among them preparatory work. Gorky created many newspapers and magazines: the publishing house “Academia”, the book series “History of Factories”, “History of the Civil War”, the magazine “Literary Studies”, he wrote the plays “Yegor Bulychev and others” (1932), “Dostigaev and others "(1933).
1934 - Gorky “conducts” the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, giving the main report at it.
In 1925-1936 he wrote the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin,” which was never finished.
On May 11, 1934, Gorky’s son, Maxim Peshkov, unexpectedly dies. Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in Moscow, having outlived his son by a little more than two years. After his death, he was cremated and his ashes were placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow. Before cremation, A. M. Gorky's brain was removed and taken to the Moscow Brain Institute for further study.
The circumstances of the death of Gorky and his son are considered “suspicious” by many; there were rumors of poisoning, which, however, were not confirmed. At the funeral, among others, Molotov and Stalin carried Gorky’s coffin. It is interesting that among other accusations against Genrikh Yagoda at the so-called Third Moscow Trial of 1938 was the accusation of poisoning Gorky’s son. Some publications blame Stalin for Gorky’s death [source not specified 133 days]. An important precedent for the medical side of the accusations in the “Doctors' Case” was the Third Moscow Trial (1938), where among the defendants were three doctors (Kazakov, Levin and Pletnev), accused of the murders of Gorky and others.

1899 — “Foma Gordeev”
1900-1901 - “Three”
1906 - “Mother” (second edition - 1907)
1925 — “The Artamonov Case”
1925—1936— “The Life of Klim Samgin”
1908 - “The Life of an Useless Man.”
1908 — “Confession”
1909 - “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.
1913-1914— “Childhood”
1915-1916— “In People”
1923 - “My Universities”
Stories, essays
1892 — “Makar Chudra”
1895 - “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”.
1897 - “Former People”, “The Orlov Spouses”, “Malva”, “Konovalov”.
1898 - “Essays and Stories” (collection)
1899 - “Song of the Falcon” (prose poem), “Twenty-six and one”
1901 - “Song of the Petrel” (prose poem)
1903 - “Man” (prose poem)
1913 - “Tales of Italy.”
1912-1917— “Across Rus'” (cycle of stories)
1924 - “Stories of 1922-1924”
1924 - “Notes from a Diary” (series of stories)
1901 - "Philistines"
1902 - “At the Bottom”
1904 - “Summer Residents”
1905 - “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians”
1906 — “Enemies”
1910 — “Vassa Zheleznova”
1932 — “Egor Bulychev and others”
1933 — “Dostigaev and others”
1906 - “My Interviews”, “In America” (pamphlets)
1917 —1918— series of articles “ Untimely thoughts"in the newspaper" New life"(published as a separate edition in 1918)
1922 — “On the Russian peasantry”


1868 , March 16 (28) - in Nizhny Novgorod, a son, Alexey, was born into the family of cabinetmaker Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov and Varvara Vasilievna from the middle-class Kashirin family.

1871 , spring - the Peshkovs move to Astrakhan.

1873–1878 - Alexey Peshkov lives in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of his grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, the owner of a dyeing establishment. The grandfather teaches his grandson to read and write in the Psalter and Book of Hours. The Kashirins are going bankrupt. Alyosha studies at the Nizhny Novgorod Sloboda School, while working part-time as a rag maker.

1879–1884 - the grandfather sends Alyosha “to the people.” He works as a servant in the house of relatives, as a cook on a steamship, and as an assistant in an icon-painting workshop.

1884 - leaves Nizhny Novgorod for Kazan. Tries unsuccessfully to enter university. Works on the piers. Attends meetings of revolutionary youth.

1885–1886 - works in the pretzel establishment and bakery of V. Semenov.

1887 - works in A. S. Derenkov’s bakery.

1888 - leaves with the revolutionary populist M.A. Romas for the village of Krasnovidovo near Kazan for the purpose of revolutionary propaganda. After rich peasants set fire to a small shop, Romasya works as a laborer, then leaves for the Caspian Sea. Works in an artel of fishermen.

1889 - serves as a weighmaster at Krutaya station. He decides to organize an agricultural colony of the Tolstoy type, brings a collective letter about this to L. Tolstoy, signed “on behalf of everyone” by the Nizhny Novgorod tradesman A. M. Peshkov. Unsuccessful attempts to meet with Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana and Moscow. Returns to Nizhny Novgorod.

Late 1889 - early 1890 - in Nizhny Novgorod he meets V. G. Korolenko. He brings him the poem “The Song of the Old Oak” for review, which Korolenko harshly criticized.

1890 - works as a clerk for lawyer A.I. Lanin. Chemistry student N. 3. Vasiliev introduces Peshkov to philosophy.

1891 , April 29 - leaves Nizhny Novgorod to travel “throughout Rus'”. Traveled around the Volga region, Don, Ukraine, Crimea, Caucasus.

November - came to Tiflis. Serves in a railway workshop. Meets Narodnaya Volya member A. M. Kalyuzhny. On his advice, he begins to write.

1892 , September 12 - the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” published the story “Makar Chudra” signed “M. Bitter".

October - returns to Nizhny Novgorod.

1893 - publishes a number of stories in the newspapers “Volgar” and “Volzhsky Vestnik”. Literary studies with Korolenko.

1894 , August - on Korolenko’s advice, he writes the story “Chelkash” for the magazine “Russian Wealth”.

1895 - on the advice of Korolenko, he moves to Samara and becomes a professional journalist. He publishes articles and essays under the pseudonym Yehudiel Chlamida.

June - the story “Chelkash” is published in the magazine “Russian Wealth”. The beginning of M. Gorky's fame.

October - falls ill with tuberculosis.

1897 - collaborates in the magazines “Russian Thought”, “New Word” and “Northern Herald”. The stories “Konovalov”, “Zazubrina”, “Fair in Goltva”, “The Orlov Spouses”, “Malva”, “Former People”, etc. were published.

October - begins work on the story “Foma Gordeev”.

1898 , March-April - “Essays and Stories” by M. Gorky are published in two volumes by the publishing house of S. Dorovatovsky and A. Charushnikov. The books are an exceptional success.

Summer - Gorky sends “Essays and Stories” to A.P. Chekhov, with whom extensive correspondence begins.

1899 - “Foma Gordeev” is published in the magazine “Life”.

March-April - Gorky lives in Crimea, meets with Chekhov. October - meets I.E. Repin, N.K. Mikhailovsky and V.V. Veresaev. Present at the banquet in the editorial office of Life (50 people in total). Performs at a literary and musical evening, reads “Song of the Falcon.” A huge success.

December - becomes a member of the “Sreda” community, organized by N. D. Teleshov.

1900 - the publishing house “Znanie” begins publishing the works of M. Gorky.

May-June - makes a trip to the Caucasus together with A.P. Chekhov, V.M. Vasnetsov, A.N. Aleksin, L.V. Sredin. In Tiflis he meets with A. M. Kalyuzhny.

1901 - together with K. P. Pyatnitsky becomes the head of the publishing house “Knowledge”.

March 4 - participates in a demonstration in St. Petersburg on the square near the Kazan Cathedral. Along with other writers and public figures, he signs a protest against violence during the dispersal of the demonstration.

Night of April 17 - arrested and prosecuted for revolutionary activity. L.N. Tolstoy is trying to get Gorky released for health reasons.

September 25 - finished work on the play "Philistines". V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko comes to Nizhny Novgorod to get acquainted with it.

November 12 - Gorky arrives in Yalta. Lives with Chekhov. November-December - meets with L.N. Tolstoy in Gaspra.

1902 , February 25 - The Academy of Sciences, at a meeting of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, elects Gorky as an honorary academician.

March 5 - Nicholas II, in a report on Gorky’s election to honorary academician, writes: “More than original!”

March 10 - The Government Gazette announced the cancellation of Gorky's election to honorary academician.

March 26 - in Moscow Art Theater during a tour in St. Petersburg - the first performance of "Philistines".

1903 , January 10 - at the Kleines Theater in Berlin - the first performance of “At the Bottom”. Great success.

1904 - working on the play “Summer Residents”. Lives in Nizhny Novgorod.

1905 - Gorky actively participates in the revolutionary movement. Supplies Bolshevik newspapers with money. Joins the RSDLP.

January 9 - in St. Petersburg he sees the shooting of a workers' demonstration. Creates an appeal - “To all Russian citizens and public opinion European countries”, in which he calls for a fight against autocracy.

January 12 - delivered to St. Petersburg and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Public circles in Russia and Germany organize protests in defense of Gorky. The public from Austria, Italy, England, Denmark and other countries is joining.

1906 - goes abroad. Travels to America with M.F. Andreeva. Begins work on the story “Mother”.

April - at the RSDLP congress in London he becomes closely acquainted with Lenin. The magazine “Russian Thought” publishes an article by D. V. Filosofov “The End of Gorky”.

June - the publishing house of I.P. Ladyzhnikov (Berlin) publishes the second edition of the story “Mother”.

1908, April - a meeting of party writers with A. A. Bogdanov and A. V. Lunacharsky takes place in Capri. Lenin arrives and expresses his disagreement with the philosophical line of “God-building.”

1909 - “Summer”, “Okurov Town”, the article “Destruction of Personality” are published.

August - November - gives lectures on Russian literature at the party school in Capri.

1910 - “Eccentrics”, “Vassa Zheleznova” (first edition) are released.

April - premiere of the play “Barbarians” at the K. Nezlobin Theater in Moscow.

1912 - the cycles “Tales of Italy”, “Russian Fairy Tales” and “Across Rus'” are published. Begins editing the Sovremennik magazine.

1913 - the story “The Master” is published. He is working on the play “False Coin” and the story “Childhood”.

1914 - lives in Finland, St. Petersburg, Moscow. Working on the story “In People”.

March - rents an apartment in St. Petersburg on Kronverksky Prospekt, where he lives until leaving abroad in 1921.

September 28 - signs the appeal written by I. A. Bunin “From Writers, Artists and Artists” protesting against German atrocities. Then he regrets his signature and takes a pacifist position, condemning violence in general.

1915 - creates the Parus publishing house. He edits the journal “Chronicle”, in which he raises questions of national self-criticism (“Two Souls”), for which even people close to him (for example, L. Andreev) accuse him of hatred of Russia.

1916 - works for the journal “Letopis” and the publishing house “Parus”.

April 21 - articles from the series “Untimely Thoughts” begin to appear in the newspaper “New Life”. On the same day, Lenin, in his article “With icons against guns, with phrases against capital,” criticized the position of the newspaper.

October 25 (November 7) - the October Revolution wins. In the newspaper Novaya Zhizn, Gorky negatively evaluates her victory.

1918 - carries out extensive cultural and social work. Prints “Untimely Thoughts.”

September 4 - concludes an agreement with the Bolsheviks on the formation of the World Literature publishing house.

December 28 - elected to the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Red Army Deputies.

1919 - active work in the publishing house “World Literature”.

March - Gorky's 50th birthday is widely celebrated.

1920 - correspondence with Lenin. An attempt to save the intelligentsia from arrests and executions. Reports and lectures on culture.

January 13 - the “Commission for Improving the Life of Scientists” is created. It includes M. Gorky, S. Oldenburg, A. Badaev and others.

1921 , August 9 - in a letter to Gorky, Lenin again insists on his departure abroad.

1921–1924 - lives in Europe. Difficult relationships with emigration. Settles in Sorrento.

1925 - concludes “The Artamonov Case”. Start of work on “The Life of Klim Samgin”.

1928 - goes to the USSR for the first time to celebrate his 60th anniversary. A grand meeting at the Belorussky railway station.

November 6 and 25 - premiere of the performances “Dostigaev and others” at the Bolshoi drama theater(Leningrad) and the theater named after. E. Vakhtangov (Moscow).

1934 - working on “The Life of Klim Samgin”. Supervises the preparation of the First Congress of Soviet Writers.

August 17 - The First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers opens. Gorky, as chairman, makes a speech.

1935 , June-July - meets with R. Rolland.

August - makes a trip along the Volga.

1936 , May 27 - returning from Crimea to Moscow, he falls ill with the flu, which turned into pneumonia.

June 6 - the first bulletin on Gorky's health appears in print. Separate copies of newspapers are being published for Gorky, where there are no reports about his state of health.

MAIN DATES IN THE LIFE AND WORK OF A. A. MEZRINA 1853 - born in the settlement of Dymkovo in the family of the blacksmith A. L. Nikulin. 1896 - participation in the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. 1900 - participation in the World Exhibition in Paris. 1908 - acquaintance with A.I. Denshin. 1917 - exit

Main dates of life and work 1938, January 25 - born at 9:40 a.m. in the maternity hospital on Third Meshchanskaya Street, 61/2. Mother, Nina Maksimovna Vysotskaya (before Seregin’s marriage), is a reviewer-translator. Father, Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky, is a military signalman. 1941 - together with his mother

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1870, November 10 (October 23, old style) - born in Voronezh, in the family of a small nobleman Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, née Princess Chubarova. Childhood - in one of the family estates, on the farm of Butyrka, Eletsky

MAIN DATES IN THE LIFE AND WORK OF EURIPIDES 480 BC. e. - birth of Euripides; Greek victory over the Persians at Salamis. 462–460 - years of Euripides' ephebia. 456–455 - production of the first tragedy of Euripides. 443 - the tragedy of Euripides was awarded the first

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1475, March 6 - Michelangelo was born into the family of Lodovico Buonarroti in Caprese (in the Casentino region), near Florence. 1488, April - 1492 - Sent by his father to study with the famous Florentine artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. From him a year later

The main dates of Dante's life and work 1265, second half of May - In Florence, a son, Dante, was born to Guelph Alighiero Alighieri and Mrs. Bela. 1277, February 9 - Dante's betrothal to Gemma Donati. OK. 1283 - Old Alighieri dies, and Dante remains the eldest in the family,

Main dates of life and work 1904–11 May in Figueres, Spain, Salvador Jacinto Felipe Dali Cusi Farres was born. 1914 - First painting experiments on the Pichot estate. 1918 - Passion for impressionism. First participation in the exhibition in Figueres. “Portrait of Lucia”, “Cadaques”. 1919 - First

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1884 July 12: the birth of Amedeo Clemente Modigliani into a Jewish family of educated Livorno bourgeoisie, where he becomes the youngest of four children of Flaminio Modigliani and Eugenia Garcin. He gets the nickname Dedo. Other children: Giuseppe Emanuele, in

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1930, September 15 - Merab Konstantinovich Mamardashvili was born in Georgia, in the city of Gori. 1934 - the Mamardashvili family moves to Russia: Merab's father, Konstantin Nikolaevich, is sent to study at the Leningrad Military-Political Academy. 1938 -

MAIN DATES IN THE LIFE AND WORK OF LI BO 701 - Li Bo was born in the city of Suyab (Suye) of the Turkic Kaganate (near the modern city of Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). There is a version that this already happened in Shu (modern Sichuan province).705 - the family moved to inland China, to the Shu region,

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1942, September 3. In Maykop, during the occupation, a son, Konstantin, was born into the family of Alexei Alekseevich Vasilyev, the chief engineer of the plant, who became one of the leaders of the partisan movement, and Klavdia Parmenovna Shishkina. Family

MAIN DATES IN THE LIFE AND WORK OF B.L. PASTERNAK 1889, February 14 - wedding of L.O. Pasternak and R.I. Kaufman.1890, January 29 (February 10) - B. Pasternak was born in Vedeneev’s house. 1891, April 5 - departure for the summer to Odessa to visit his father and mother’s parents. September - family moved to new apartment

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK 1856, August 27 - Ivan Yakovlevich Franko was born in the village of Naguevichi, Drohobych district, into the family of a rural blacksmith. 1864–1867 - Study (from the second grade) at a normal four-year school of the Basilian Order in the city of Drohobych. 1865, in the spring - Died

In the section for the question Help me find the chronological table of Maxim Gorky. given by the author ????????????????????! the best answer is 1868 – March 16 (28), birth, Nizhny Novgorod. Real name: Peshkov Alexey Maksimovich
1884 – move to Kazan, attempt to enter Kazan University. Rapprochement with radical and revolutionary circles of students, officers and workers. Introduction to Marxist literature, propaganda work
1887 – attempt to commit suicide
1888 – arrest for connections with N. E. Fedoseev’s circle. is under constant police surveillance
1889 – return to Nizhny Novgorod. Repeated rapprochement with radicals and revolutionaries. Arrest, imprisonment for a month
1891 - Gorky sets off to travel around the country. Reached the Caucasus.
1896 – marriage to Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina
1897 – birth of son Maxim
1899 – first appearance in St. Petersburg
1900 – meeting Tolstoy in Moscow
1901 – participation in Marxist circles in Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovo, St. Petersburg. Arrested, expelled from Nizhny Novgorod, participation in a demonstration at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg
1901 – became the head of the publishing house Znanie
1902 – February – election as an honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences
1905 – joining the ranks of the RSDLP, meeting Lenin. For revolutionary propaganda
1905 – October, creation of the newspaper New Life
1905 – 1907 – rendering financial support revolutions of 1905-1907
1906 – speech at a rally in Helsingfors, departure from Russia
1906, October - 1913 - life in Italy, on the island of Capri
1907 – May – participation in the London Congress of the RSDLP as a delegate with an advisory vote
1913 – return to Russia. Gorky - editor of the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda
1914 – move to Finland
1915 – the publication of the journal “Chronicle” began. Gorky - leader
1917, May - 1918, March - publication of the newspaper New Life
1918 – 1919 – conducts extensive social and political work, criticizes the methods of the Bolsheviks, condemns their attitude towards the “old” intelligentsia
1919 – 1920 – in a series of articles he opposes intervention, as well as “how the power of the Soviets is exercised.”
1921 – 1928 – emigration to Italy – officially for the treatment of tuberculosis at the insistence of Lenin
1928 – return to the USSR
1929 – May, election as a member of the Central Executive Committee at the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR
1931 – return to the USSR
1933 – moved to Moscow
1934 - Gorky holds the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, makes the main speech at it
1936 – June 18, death, Gorki village near Moscow. Buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow

Life and creativity is given in this article.
Maxim Rylsky - Ukrainian poet, translator, publicist, public figure, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Studied at the medical faculty of Kyiv University of St.
Was born March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in a poor family of a carpenter. The name of Maxim Gorky is Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. His parents died early, and little Alexey remained to live with his grandfather. His grandmother was his teacher in literature, and she led her grandson into the world folk poetry.
From the age of 11 he “went into the people”, was forced to work in hard labor, worked as a buffet cook on a steamship, a student at an icon painting school, a baker, etc.
1940 - at the age of 12, Gabriel received a scholarship and began his studies at the Jesuit college in the town of Zipaquira, 30 km north of Bogota.
1946 - At the insistence of his parents, he entered the National University of Bogota to study law. It was then that he met his future wife, Mercedes Barcha Pardo.
1950 - dropped out of university and decided to devote himself to journalism and literature.
1890, April 26 - born in. Zenkov is in the family of a teacher.
1898-1900 - Education at ZINKIVSKY 2-year school.
1900-1903 - Studying at the Akhtyrsky gymnasium.
1903-1908 - Studying at the First Kyiv Gymnasium.
1908-1914 - Student of the Faculty of History and Philology of Kyiv University. One of the leading figures of the Kyiv Ukrainian student community.
1912 - beginning literary activity in the magazine "Light".
May 10 (22), 1840- Marko Lukich was born in the village of Bezhbayraki, Bobrinetsky district, Kherson province (now the village of Kropivnitskoye, Novoukrainsky district, Kirovograd region). Primary education received at the private school of the nobleman M.K. Rudkovsky in the settlement of Aleksandrovka.
1862 - M. Kropivnitsky attends classes at the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University as a free student. He writes the play “Nikita Starostenko”.
1820 - Finishes the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, which receives negative reviews from critics. Begins the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”, writes works: “Goed out daylight", "Black Shawl", "Prisoner", "Napoleon", " Caucasian prisoner" At the end of spring, Pushkin travels to the Caucasus, and then to the Crimea, to improve his health.
1824 - Due to quarrels with Count Vorontsov, Pushkin was exiled to his native estate Mikhailovskoye, under the supervision of his father.
Rilke chronological table the life and work of the Austrian poet, prose writer, playwright and essayist. Rilke is one of largest representatives modernist philosophical lyrics XX century
1892-1895 Completes secondary education and takes matriculation exams in Prague. Writes his first stories - including Pierre Dumont (1894). The result is the first collection of poetry, “Life and Songs” (1894).
1917 - After graduation, he moved to Kansas City, where he got a job as a reporter at the Star newspaper, which became his first journalism school.
July 8, 1918- was seriously wounded in the legs. After long-term treatment, which required a series of operations, he was demobilized and returned to the United States, where he got a job at the Canadian newspaper Toronto Daily Star. When free from reporting activities, Hemingway devoted his time to literary creativity.
Tyutchev Fedor- Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857.
1810 - The Tyutchevs moved to Moscow, they hired Fedora as a teacher - poet and translator S. E. Raich. The teacher instilled in Fyodor Ivanovich a passion for literature and poetry, and already at the age of 12 Tyutchev was translating Horace.
1822 - In July, Tyutchev goes to Munich, where he lives for the next 22 years. In Bavaria, he is actively involved in translating works of writers such as Heine and Schiller.

Alexey Peshkov (1868-1936) was born in Nizhny Novgorod into the family of a carpenter. Father - Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov (1839-1871). Mother - Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina. Having been orphaned early, he spent his childhood years in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 11 he was forced to go “to the people”; worked as a “boy” in a store, as a pantry cook on a steamship, as an apprentice in an icon-painting workshop, as a baker, etc.

In 1884 he tried to enter Kazan University. I became acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.
In 1888 he was arrested for connections with N. E. Fedoseev’s circle. He was under constant police surveillance. In October 1888, he became a watchman at the Dobrinka station of the Gryaze-Tsaritsyn Railway. Impressions from his stay in Dobrinka will serve as the basis for the autobiographical story “Watchman” and the story “Boredom for the Sake.”
In January 1889, at a personal request (a complaint in verse), he was transferred to the Borisoglebsk station, then as a weighmaster to the Krutaya station.
In the spring of 1891, he set out to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus.
In 1892 he first appeared in print with the story “Makar Chudra”. Returning to Nizhny Novgorod, he publishes reviews and feuilletons in Volzhsky Vestnik, Samara Gazeta, Nizhny Novgorod Listok, etc.

From October 1897 to mid-January 1898, he lived in the village of Kamenka (now the city of Kuvshinovo, Tver Region) in the apartment of his friend Nikolai Zakharovich Vasiliev, who worked at the Kamensk paper factory and led an illegal workers' Marxist circle. Subsequently, the life impressions of this period served the writer as material for the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin.”
1899 - novel “Foma Gordeev”, prose poem “Song of the Falcon”.
1900-1901 - novel “Three”, personal acquaintance with Chekhov, Tolstoy.
1901 - “Song about the Petrel.” Participation in Marxist workers' circles in Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovo, St. Petersburg, wrote a proclamation calling for the fight against autocracy. Arrested and expelled from Nizhny Novgorod.
In 1902 - A. M. Gorky turned to drama. Creates the plays “Bourgeois”, “At the Bottom”.
1904-1905 - writes the plays “Summer Residents”, “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians”. Meets Lenin. He was arrested for the revolutionary proclamation and in connection with the execution on January 9, but then released under public pressure. Participant in the revolution of 1905-1907. In the fall of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.
1906 - A. M. Gorky travels abroad, creates satirical pamphlets about the “bourgeois” culture of France and the USA (“My Interviews”, “In America”). He writes the play “Enemies” and creates the novel “Mother”. Due to illness (tuberculosis), Gorky settled in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years. Here he writes “Confession” (1908), where his differences with the Bolsheviks were clearly outlined (see “The Capri School”).
1908 - play “The Last”, story “The Life of an Useless Person”.
1909 - stories “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.
1913 - A.M. Gorky edits the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda, the art department of the Bolshevik magazine Prosveshchenie, and publishes the first collection of proletarian writers. Writes "Tales of Italy".
1912-1916 - A. M. Gorky creates a series of stories and essays that made up the collection “Across Rus'”, autobiographical stories “Childhood”, “In People”. The last part of the trilogy, “My Universities,” was written in 1923.
1917-1919 - A. M. Gorky does a lot of social and political work, criticizes the “methods” of the Bolsheviks, condemns their attitude towards the old intelligentsia, saves many of its representatives from Bolshevik repression and famine. In 1917, having disagreed with the Bolsheviks on the issue of the timeliness of the socialist revolution in Russia, he did not undergo re-registration of party members and formally dropped out of it. [source not specified 133 days]
1921 - A. M. Gorky’s departure abroad. In Soviet literature, there was a myth that the reason for his departure was the resumption of his illness and the need, at Lenin’s insistence, for treatment abroad. In fact, A. M. Gorky was forced to leave due to worsening ideological differences with the established government.
From 1924 he lived in Italy, in Sorrento. Published memoirs about Lenin.
1925 - novel “The Artamonov Case”.
1928 - at the invitation of the Soviet government and Stalin personally, he tours the country, during which Gorky is shown the achievements of the USSR, which are reflected in the series of essays “Around the Soviet Union.”
1932 - Gorky returns to the Soviet Union. Here he receives Stalin’s order - to prepare the ground for the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, and for this to carry out preparatory work among them. Gorky created many newspapers and magazines: the publishing house “Academia”, the book series “History of Factories”, “History of the Civil War”, the magazine “Literary Studies”, he wrote the plays “Yegor Bulychev and others” (1932), “Dostigaev and others "(1933).
1934 - Gorky “conducts” the 1st Congress of Soviet Writers, giving the main report at it.
In 1925-1936 he wrote the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin,” which was never finished.
On May 11, 1934, Gorky’s son, Maxim Peshkov, unexpectedly dies. Gorky died on June 18, 1936 in Moscow, having outlived his son by a little more than two years. After his death, he was cremated and his ashes were placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow. Before cremation, A. M. Gorky's brain was removed and taken to the Moscow Brain Institute for further study.
The circumstances of the death of Gorky and his son are considered “suspicious” by many; there were rumors of poisoning, which, however, were not confirmed. At the funeral, among others, Molotov and Stalin carried Gorky’s coffin. It is interesting that among other accusations against Genrikh Yagoda at the so-called Third Moscow Trial of 1938 was the accusation of poisoning Gorky’s son. Some publications blame Stalin for Gorky’s death [source not specified 133 days]. An important precedent for the medical side of the accusations in the “Doctors' Case” was the Third Moscow Trial (1938), where among the defendants were three doctors (Kazakov, Levin and Pletnev), accused of the murders of Gorky and others.

1899 - “Foma Gordeev”
1900-1901 - “Three”
1906 - “Mother” (second edition - 1907)
1925 - “The Artamonov Case”
1925-1936- “The Life of Klim Samgin”
1908 - “The Life of an Useless Man.”
1908 - “Confession”
1909 - “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.
1913-1914- “Childhood”
1915-1916- “In People”
1923 - “My Universities”
Stories, essays
1892 - “Makar Chudra”
1895 - “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”.
1897 - “Former People”, “The Orlov Spouses”, “Malva”, “Konovalov”.
1898 - “Essays and Stories” (collection)
1899 - “Song of the Falcon” (prose poem), “Twenty-six and one”
1901 - “Song of the Petrel” (prose poem)
1903 - “Man” (prose poem)
1913 - “Tales of Italy.”
1912-1917- “Across Rus'” (cycle of stories)
1924 - “Stories of 1922-1924”
1924 - “Notes from a Diary” (series of stories)
1901 - “The Bourgeois”
1902 - “At the Bottom”
1904 - “Summer Residents”
1905 - “Children of the Sun”, “Barbarians”
1906 - “Enemies”
1910 - “Vassa Zheleznova”
1932 - “Egor Bulychev and others”
1933 - “Dostigaev and others”
1906 - “My Interviews”, “In America” (pamphlets)
1917 -1918- series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” in the newspaper “New Life” (published as a separate publication in 1918)
1922 - “On the Russian peasantry”

Born in Nizhny Novgorod. The son of the manager of the shipping office, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov and Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina. At the age of seven he became an orphan and lived with his grandfather, a once rich dyer, who by that time had gone bankrupt.

Alexei Peshkov had to earn his living from childhood, which prompted the writer to later take the pseudonym Gorky. IN early childhood served as an errand worker in a shoe store, then as a draftsman's apprentice. Unable to withstand the humiliation, he ran away from home. He worked as a cook on a Volga steamship. At the age of 15, he came to Kazan with the intention of getting an education, but, without any financial support, he was unable to fulfill his intention.

In Kazan I learned about life in slums and shelters. Driven to despair, he committed unsuccessful attempt suicide. From Kazan he moved to Tsaritsyn, worked as a watchman at railway. Then he returned to Nizhny Novgorod, where he became a scribe for attorney M.A. Lapin, who did a lot for young Peshkov.

Unable to stay in one place, he went on foot to the south of Russia, where he tried himself in the Caspian fisheries, and in the construction of a pier, and other work.

In 1892, Gorky's story "Makar Chudra" was first published. The following year he returned to Nizhny Novgorod, where he met with the writer V.G. Korolenko, who took a great part in the fate of the aspiring writer.

In 1898 A.M. Gorky was already famous writer. His books sold thousands of copies, and his fame spread beyond the borders of Russia. Gorky is the author of numerous short stories, novels “Foma Gordeev”, “Mother”, “The Artamonov Case”, etc., plays “Enemies”, “Bourgeois”, “At the Demise”, “Summer Residents”, “Vassa Zheleznova”, the epic novel “ The life of Klim Samgin.

Since 1901, the writer began to openly express sympathy revolutionary movement what caused negative reaction government. From that time on, Gorky was repeatedly arrested and persecuted. In 1906 he went abroad to Europe and America.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Gorky became the initiator of the creation and first chairman of the Writers' Union of the USSR. He organized the publishing house “World Literature”, where many writers of that time had the opportunity to work, thereby escaping hunger. He is also credited with saving members of the intelligentsia from arrest and death. Often during these years, Gorky was the last hope of those persecuted by the new government.

In 1921, the writer’s tuberculosis worsened, and he went to Germany and the Czech Republic for treatment. Since 1924 he lived in Italy. In 1928 and 1931, Gorky traveled around Russia, including visiting the Solovetsky special purpose camp. In 1932, Gorky was practically forced to return to Russia.

Recent years The lives of the seriously ill writer were, on the one hand, full of boundless praise - even during Gorky’s life, his hometown of Nizhny Novgorod was named after him - on the other hand, the writer lived in practical isolation under constant control.

Alexey Maksimovich was married many times. First time on Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina. From this marriage he had a daughter, Ekaterina, who died in infancy, and a son, Maxim Alekseevich Peshkov, an amateur artist. Gorky's son died unexpectedly in 1934, which gave rise to speculation about his violent death. The death of Gorky himself two years later also aroused similar suspicions.

For the second time he was married in a civil marriage to the actress and revolutionary Maria Fedorovna Andreeva. In fact, the third wife in the last years of the writer’s life was a woman with a stormy biography, Maria Ignatievna Budberg.

He died near Moscow in Gorki, in the same house where V.I. died. Lenin. The ashes are in the Kremlin wall on Red Square. The writer's brain was sent to the Moscow Brain Institute for study.

Theme "M. Bitter. Chronological table life and creativity" occupies an important place in school course literature. The writer is one of the most prominent representatives of the new romantic movement at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; he was a founder in Soviet literature. His biography is no less interesting than his works: it is full of hardships, labor, struggles that the author went through during his difficult life.

Childhood and youth

One of the most prominent Russian and Soviet writers is Gorky. A chronological table dedicated to his biography should include the main, most important stages his life, the first of which are his childhood and teenage years. Future famous writer born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868. He was orphaned early and was raised by a strict grandfather. Due to constant need, the boy was unable to graduate from the local school. He was forced to work constantly to earn his bread. In the 1880s, he lived in Kazan, where he unsuccessfully tried to enter the university; here he became close to the populists and was even arrested.

Video: Zinovy ​​Peshkov (documentary, biography, 2015)

The beginning of creativity

Gorky, whose chronological biography is the subject of this review, experienced many difficulties and hardships before he became famous as a writer. The 1890s became a new stage in his life. It was during this decade that he traveled around the country, visited the south, and began working for a clerk. But the most important thing is that his first literary experience: he writes his own stories, is published not only in newspapers hometown, but also in neighboring areas. He meets Tolstoy and Chekhov, and readers and critics pay attention to his works.


Gorky was a prominent playwright of the early 20th century. A chronological table of his life should include this new stage in his work. In the 1900s, he tried his hand at writing plays, which brought him not only all-Russian, but also European fame (“Bourgeois”, “At the Lower Depths”). These works are staged in leading theaters, and the young and talented playwright is being talked about as a new outstanding author of our time.

The table below summarizes the main milestones in M. Gorky's life.


From 1906 to 1913 the writer lived in exile. However, he showed a keen interest in the events taking place in the country, and even before leaving he became a member of the workers' party. Abroad, he writes a novel, which marked the beginning of socialist realism in literature. He was especially famous for his autobiographical works Maxim Gorky. The chronological table should also reflect this new stage in his work. The author writes a trilogy about his childhood, youth and adulthood, reproducing artistic form everything that he had to endure during the years of wandering, hardship and struggle against poverty.


The writer perceived the October revolution ambiguously. On the one hand, he was an ally of the Bolsheviks, but was critical of their policies towards the intelligentsia. He got busy social activities and thanks to his efforts and efforts, many scientists and writers escaped poverty and starvation. Maxim Gorky, whose chronological table of life is presented in the article, went abroad in the 1920s under the pretext of treatment, but in fact due to ideological differences with the party. He lived in different cities in Europe until the Soviet government invited him to return to the country.

Last years of life

The chronological table of Gorky's life should include the final stage of his work. In the 1930s, he returned to the USSR, began to work actively, and contributed to the consolidation of socialist writers. On his initiative, their first congress was held, at which this new thing was proclaimed dominant and the only correct one. The writer died in 1936. This event completes the chronological table. Gorky's life and work are reflected in it in brief for ease of remembering.

Attention, TODAY only! It is no coincidence that Gorky is considered the founder of a new literary directionsocialist realism. But he did not immediately become a great writer, and the name “Gorky” did not appear in his metric. There were no writers in the family. My maternal grandfather was the owner of a dyeing shop, and my father worked at various enterprises. His father's name was Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov, and his mother, Varvara Vasilievna, bore the surname Kashirina as a girl. The boy, who was given the name Alyosha, was born in his grandfather’s house in Nizhny Novgorod. This happened on March 16, 1868, and if we count according to the new calendar, then the date falls on the 28th of the same month. When Alyosha Peshkov was still small, the family moved to Astrakhan, where his father was given a position in the shipping company. Cholera often raged in Astrakhan. Alyosha was the first to fall ill, but recovered. His father became infected and died in 1871, and for some time the boy lived only with his mother. He did not receive a systematic education - he studied a little at a parochial school and attended college. In 1878, her mother also died due to consumption, which was very common at that time. Alyosha stayed with his grandparents. His grandmother Akulina raised him. The Kashirins were once wealthy people, but my grandfather was simply extremely stingy, and then he went broke. Gorky later wrote about all this in his book “Childhood,” which he himself called the first part of his autobiography.

Errand boy

Alexei's childhood ended the moment his grandfather sent him to work. He had to support himself. On the one hand, it was cruel, but on the other, it gave me the opportunity to feel independent and gain impressions. The twelve-year-old boy had to experience a lot. He started as a delivery boy - delivering purchases and documents to clients, mastered the profession of a baker, and for some time was a laborer and a dishwasher. The life of an “errand boy” was not sweet; a lot depended on the owners. They paid little, but for the slightest offense they were punished, including physically.

Despite the hard work, Alyosha read a lot and even began to prepare for Kazan University. True, to enter higher education educational institution he failed. hard life the grandmother brightened up - a very kind and gentle woman. But in 1867 she died. This affected Alyosha so much that he even tried to shoot himself. Instead of the heart, the bullet pierced the lung, and this circumstance later affected the rest of my life. Around this time, the young man became acquainted with Marxist teachings. This happened in Fedoseev’s circle. He was even arrested for possession of prohibited literature in 1888, but was quickly released - he had no other sins than a passion for reading at that time.

Years of wandering

In the early 90s. Alexey Peshkov decided to see the world. It happened very simply - he came or arrived in some city, got a job at the first job he came across, and thus lived for several months. Then he changed the place. These were what he later called his universities - in the third part of his autobiography. He moved mainly on foot. The chronological table of his movements is very large. Researchers of the writer’s work are still finding unknown archival data about his movements, although the writer himself described this period of his life in sufficient detail.

Rice. 3. and Maxim Gorky. Yasnaya Polyana. 1900

Gorky - journalist

Peshkov returned home in 1892. He appeared in one of the magazines and offered his services as an author. He liked the articles, he began working in several local newspapers at once, and even came up with a very original pseudonym.In those years he signed his materials as Yehudiel Chlamida. Those who knew Hebrew and Greek more or less decently immediately formed associations with a cloak and a sword. But Alexey did not use this name for long. Soon he took a new pseudonym, under which he became first simply famous, and then a great writer. The first publication under the name “Maxim Gorky” was published in Tiflis.
Important! The pseudonym indicated exactly what the young author was going to write - only the truth, which may be bitter.

The beginning of Gorky's career

Gorky began writing prose in the early 90s. By that time, he had already seen a lot. His first stories were romantic. If you follow the chronology, then first “Makar Chudra” appeared in 1892, the next was “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, then “Song of the Falcon”. Some critics reproach the author that the language of these works is characterized by excessive solemnity. But this corresponded to the laws of the genre, as well as new trends that were already felt in Russian society. This was the time when Marx's teachings became very popular among both the intelligentsia and the workers. was losing ground. Proletarians became the new heroes.

Gorky felt this, so his works immediately began to enjoy success. In 1898 he published his first collection. Many writers started with poetry, but Gorky made his debut with prose and journalism. “Essays and Stories” caused a real sensation. His book was read in different circles.From that moment on, he was openly positioned as a purely proletarian writer. But representatives of other movements also treated him with respect. At this time, his debut took place as an author of monumental prose - his first novel, “Three,” was published. In 1896, at the editorial office of one of the Samara magazines, he met Ekaterina Volzhina. Soon they got married. A year later Maxim was born, then Katya.

Singer of the Revolution

In 1901, “Song of the Petrel” appeared, in which Gorky very briefly and accurately reflected the state of mind. Russia needed transformations, and it was already clear that they could not be achieved peacefully. Sometimes this work is perceived as a call for rebellion, although in fact it is not. Gorky simply caught the mood. However, in political activity at this time he also participated - he attended classes in Marxist circles, even helped write leaflets. For this he is in once again arrested and banned from appearing in Nizhny Novgorod.

Rice. 5. M. Gorky, N. D. Teleshov and I. A. Bunin. Yalta. 1902 The writer was greatly influenced by his acquaintance with. This happened in 1902. They quickly found common language and even became friends. Gorky earned the respect of many members of the intelligentsia when he exposed the provocateur Matvey Golovinsky.

Important! In the same year, Gorky was proposed to be elected a member Imperial Academy. A scandal broke out and the election results were annulled. In response to this, others left the Academy - in particular, Chekhov.

New dramaturgy

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Gorky began to work as a playwright. His heroes remained the same people from the city's lower classes. The play “At the Lower Depths” has not left the stage to this day, but in 1902 it was inhumanly difficult to stage it - censorship was a big hindrance. Despite the censorship cuts, the drama was still staged in one of the Moscow theaters and was a very great success, after which European directors began to stage it.

First Russian Revolution

At the end of 1904, Gorky wrote another play - “Children of the Sun”. It talked about a cholera epidemic. However, the authorities considered that the content of this work was completely different and too clearly related to modern events. For this, the author was arrested and ended up in the Peter and Paul Fortress. At the same time, he met actress Maria Andreeva. Their views on many issues coincided, and Maria became the writer’s faithful companion for a decade and a half.

Gorky's books and plays were very successful and brought in good income. By the beginning of the First Russian Revolution, he was no longer a beggar. He became one of those who systematically gave money to the Bolsheviks. However, Gorky also financed some events of other parties. “Bloody Sunday” made a difficult impression on the writer. He became convinced that political system in Russia it needs to be changed. At the end of 1905, he found himself in Moscow, and it was in his apartment that the conspirators—participants in the December uprising—gathered. When the uprising ended, Gorky again headed to the capital. And again, his apartment became the center of events - it was at his place that the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party met in March 1906 (). The Bolsheviks agreed to temporarily stop armed uprisings. Such activity could not go unnoticed. Gorky could easily end up in the Peter and Paul Fortress again, so he decided to disappear for a while. To begin with, the writer went to the Grand Duchy of Finland, which was formally part of Russia, but had the rights of broad autonomy and its own laws. He hid there for some time, then he went to Europe, and then visited the States. The writer not only saw the sights, he also had more interesting task- collect money for the party. In America he was received well. He met Mark Twain. Among those he managed to meet was Theodore Roosevelt. But Gorky openly supported the American trade union leaders, and for this he quickly fell out of love local press. The Americans also did not like the too frivolous behavior of the Russian guest - he came to the States with Andreeva, and not with his legal wife. IN creatively the trip also turned out to be fruitful. The first chapters of the novel “Mother” took shape on this journey. He published the book in Russia two years later, and Lenin praised it very highly.

Capri (Italy)

After his trip to the States, Gorky decided not to go home yet. He stopped in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he lived for seven years - until 1913. It was a very interesting period of his life in many respects. He constantly communicated with other emigrants, and together with Lunacharsky and several other acquaintances he created a circle of “god builders.” They wanted to understand what the new socialist spirituality was and how to instill it; they thought about the ways in which people could overcome evil and suffering, and perhaps death itself. Lenin did not understand this. Gorky reflected his spiritual quest in one of his best stories pre-revolutionary period - “Confession”. It was completed in 1908, and was highly appreciated by representatives of various modernist movements.

Gorky's return to his homeland

In 1913, the government declared an amnesty, since that year the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov was celebrated with extreme solemnity. Gorky was no longer in danger of being arrested, so he decided to head home. He began to focus his attention on writers from the people. Together with a group of like-minded people, he created the almanac “Shield”, designed to protect the Jews against whom pogroms began in Russia at that time. He also wrote himself - almost immediately after his return, his “Childhood” and “In People” appeared. The first story was published in 1914, the second two years later.

Rice. 8. and Maxim Gorky in the park on Red Square. 1931 His St. Petersburg apartment again became the revolutionary headquarters. Many issues were discussed, including preparations for the uprising. In 1917, Lenin and Gorky disagreed. The writer seriously condemned prominent figures, believing that the acquired power had a destructive effect on them. He wrote about this in the newspaper “New Life”, which he himself published. There he also published his “Untimely Thoughts,” which were then banned for a long time and were published again only in the 90s of the last century.Gorky reproached the Bolsheviks for violating their own declared freedoms. He was sincerely upset by the attempt on Lenin's life. After the telegram sent by Gorky and a personal meeting, their relationship was restored.

World literature

In the first years of Soviet power, with the direct participation of Gorky, the publishing house “World Literature” appeared. It was assumed that the most important works of authors from many countries would be published there. But at that moment nothing happened, because the country had not yet recovered from the devastation. During this period, he met Maria Benkendorf, she also worked for some time in the publishing house. They started whirlwind romance, which lasted for a very long time.


In 1921, Gorky decided to leave. The formal reason was lung disease, which was considered good reason. But, as some historians note, main reason emigration was executed, which Gorky tried in vain to save. At first he received treatment in Germany and finished writing “My Universities”. Then he went to Italy, this time settling in Sorrento. Connections with Soviet Russia he did not interrupt, visited several times and eventually returned in 1932 at Stalin’s personal invitation.

The last years of M. Gorky's life

What reasons made him return - historians are still arguing. There is an opinion that Gorky simply ran up debts. But it’s also not worth denying that he rethought his attitude towards the Bolsheviks. He had come before, including being taken to the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, about which he wrote an enthusiastic essay. This work of his caused serious criticism in the West, so the writer had to justify himself. Contemporaries did not always understand the writer, and such biographical facts caused rejection.
Important! Shortly before returning to one of the central newspapers His appeal to cultural masters was published with a call to direct their talent to serve the people and to build a new society. After writing this appeal, he lost all authority among the emigrants.
Last period life at home - short but important. With his direct participation, the Writers' Union was created, he founded a new literary series, which is still published to this day, it is called “The Life of Remarkable People.”

He was received well. He was given nice house in the capital and an excellent dacha. But in 1934, his son Maxim Alekseevich suddenly died, and this became for the writer a serious blow. His health had not been strong before, but now he was completely upset. Alexey Maksimovich survived his son by two years and died on June 18, 1936. Doctors named the cause as pneumonia. The funeral was held solemnly, although with scandal.The coffin was carried by Stalin and Molotov. Stalin believed that the writer had been poisoned, which he announced at the ceremony. And it cost the lives of many people. Gorky's ashes were buried near the Kremlin wall.
  • At school, Gorky behaved extremely poorly and was considered a difficult student.
  • The novel “Mother” was first published not in Russian, but in English.
  • Gorky holds the record for the number of nominations to Nobel Prize(5 times), but never received it.
  • Gorky signed some of his works not with his name and patronymic, but simply with the initials AM.
  • The city of which Gorky was a native bore his name for quite a long time.
  • Gorky was published most often in the Soviet Union, his bibliography is enormous, and his autobiographical trilogy was the most popular work.
  • Gorky is credited with saying that he would have been able to make the monarchy absolute if he had been the Russian Tsar. The question of who said this may appear in some crossword puzzle.
  • Gorky collected Japanese bone figurines, many of which have survived to this day.
Even more facts about this interesting personality look in the video.