Initiation as a student: scripts, competitions, song adaptations

Student years- probably the most best time in the lives of most people. After all, you can not only study while under the strict supervision of parents or teachers, but first of all, have fun free time. That is why, in order to know how to diversify everyday life, I would like to consider the most fun and interesting competitions for students.

Game "Crocodile"

This is probably the most common and fun activity. To carry it out you need 5 or more people. From all those present, a leader is selected, that is, the one who will show the word. Players need to present the encrypted word in such a way that they guess it. Whoever guessed first what exactly is being discussed becomes the presenter. This is a very fun game that you can play for hours.

Competition "Funny Sausages"

When considering competitions for students, it is imperative to talk about competition games. So, you can prepare fake sausages or sausages, which will have to be attached to the participants’ belts. With these devices, players will need to push a ball or a light cube into a certain goal. Whoever does it first is the winner. This competition is always accompanied by cheerful screams and funny words support.

Who is superman?

Only boys can take part in this competition. So, you will need 5-7 people. The essence of the task: decide which of the young men is a modern superman. And as you know, a real man must do three things: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. There will be some changes in this competition. Guys will have to “plant” a liver, “build” a wife and “grow” a belly.

  • To complete the first part of the task, you need to quickly drink a liter of juice through a straw.
  • The second part of the task requires inflating balloons. Then they are tucked under a shirt or jacket, after which the sumo fight begins. The winner is the one who has balloons remained intact.
  • For the third part you will need girls. The guys should gather as many ladies as possible into their team. Whoever has more representatives of the fair half behind him will win.

Superman will have to be announced based on the results of all three rounds of the competition. You can reward him with a medal.

Who's fashionable?

What other fun competitions are there for students? So why not big company don't play dress up. To do this, you first need to prepare a bag full of different clothes: pantaloons, large bras, skirts and sweaters. Under cheerful music the bag is passed from hand to hand. When the melody stops, the person in whose hands the bag is, pulls out an item of clothing by touch. And of course, he puts it on. Then those who dressed best must either dance or sing a funny song. This game can be useful for any youth group, not just students.

Where am I?

When choosing competitions for students, be sure to include the game “Where am I?” in the program. To do this, you need to prepare signs with inscriptions of the places where people can visit. For example: “dormitory”, “public toilet”, “isolation centre”, “nudist beach”, “strip bar”. That is, the signs should be as fun and unusual as possible. The participants themselves do not know which place they will find. attached to the player's back. The presenter asks the most common questions that the participants must answer. For example: “How often do you go there?” The result is very funny. And the winner is chosen by the whole team.


The scenario for the student competition can be supplemented by such a fun game as “Sultan”. To do this you need to choose two men. They will be the sultans. Next, the guys must choose 5-6 wives for their harem. Afterwards, the teams will have to complete several tasks.

  1. When selecting competitions for students, you must also prepare equipment. IN in this case You'll need bloomers. Their “wives” will have to fill them with inflated balloons themselves. The thicker sultan will be the winner.
  2. Next, the sultans must quickly kiss their wives in two places on the body (the places for kissing are chosen independently). For example, this could be the hand and cheek.
  3. The third part is replenishment. That is, the Sultan must think about how to attract more girls to his harem. To do this, the guy goes to the hall, kissing all the ladies he comes across on the way. The one who kisses wins more girls in one time period.

Expectant mother

It is imperative to prepare competitions for So, everyone knows that most university students live in dormitories. And there should be order and cleanliness. To do this, you can hold a competition called “ Expectant mother" So, guys have a big one attached to their stomach. balloon. And they must temporarily collect the matches scattered on the floor. This is not an easy task. It is believed that if the players in such a situation were able to restore order, then real life It will be very easy for them to keep the room clean.

Know ours!

Student initiation competitions can be not only fun, but also educational. So, you can introduce freshmen to the teaching staff of the faculty or department. To do this, you must first prepare portraits of all teachers. It will be good if you can process them in Photoshop in a fun way. And first-year students must show off the knowledge of the teaching staff. That is, beginners will have to guess which subject this or that person will read.

The ideal dean

It is important that competitions for students are fun and funny. So, you can have fun coming up with a portrait of the ideal dean. To do this, two or three teams are given an easel on which they must draw a picture. The team with the best and funniest dean will win.

Find a cheat sheet

Competitions among students can also be educational. Yes, you can prepare fun game, which will teach beginners how to hide cheat sheets. To do this, you need to select several paired teams. The best tandem is a guy and a girl. One will hide cheat sheets on his body, the other will look for them blindfolded. The first team to find everything hidden will win.

In fact, there can be many more games and competitions. It’s good to include the creative component, that is, sing and dance. The main thing is that those present have fun.

The student initiation ceremony is a fun, joyful and cool holiday not only for freshmen, but also for all other students of the university, institute or college. It gives the kids the opportunity to have fun from the heart, take part in staging funny skits, sing in chorus songs about the “hard” life of young people and feel with all their hearts what real student brotherhood means.

When developing a scenario for an event, you must remember that tests and competitions should not be offensive or humiliating. Let newcomers feel that they are truly welcome at the educational institution and no one is trying to put them in an awkward position. This will help freshmen relax and the process of joining the team will be calm, peaceful and painless.

An interesting celebration of initiation into students at the university - a scenario with alternating songs

Perky and funny songs-remakes are an excellent option for interesting musical number for the scenario of the student initiation holiday. TO creative works Neither applicants nor teachers remain indifferent to such a plan. The beauty of these performances also lies in the fact that the melody, as a rule, is well known to everyone, and at the very first chords that sound, everyone present at the event begins to sing along. Joint performance unites freshmen more strongly with the rest of the guys and makes the student fraternity even stronger and more friendly.

To make the song number look catchy and attractive, you can supplement it with a mini-production, thus clearly illustrating the words of the verses and chorus. This will give the performance a special chic and turn a standard university holiday into a bright, spectacular and memorable show.

To provide beautiful musical accompaniment, it is worth inviting a university ensemble to participate. If there is no such group at the university, a regular soundtrack will do. It can be easily reproduced by a music center or any other modern gadget connected to powerful speakers. You will need to place the equipment in the same room where the event will take place. At the right moment, one of the guys will simply press the play button, and the participants of the act will perform a cool remade song for those present.

Lyrics of song adaptations for initiation into students

Students live happily...To the tune of the song “Moments”

You were a mustacheless schoolboy yesterday.
You dreamed of becoming a student, without a doubt!
The list is posted on the stand. Hooray!
You found yourself there in an instant.

The student card caresses the eye,
You accept congratulations from everyone.
And you ask your parents for money,
After all, you need to celebrate your arrival!

Students always live happily:
From the first day to the last.
After all, youth is the best time,
And it will fly by in an instant.

Each semester has its own season.
The time will come - you yourself will understand,
That a bad mark is not a disgrace at all,
You can fix it in an instant.

Think about studying sometimes
You won't become a scientist without diligence.
If you fail the session, then
Your scholarship will go to someone else.

To the tune of the song “If you are a little over thirty...”

If you have already graduated from school,
There is hope to become a cheerful student,
Study to become a lawyer, or become a financier,
Or even a cool marketer.

But you and I live in Russia,
And we know who the students are.
Day and night they learn something, and are extremely tenacious,
And they attack any discipline.

A test is waiting for you, an exam is waiting for you,
Lectures, tests without end.
If you're lucky, you'll cope with the tails.
That's how it is.

To write a term paper to perfection,
Will you pray to the Internet?
The main thing is to catch the freebie on time.
That's the whole secret.

To the tune of “I love you, life...”

Guys, I'm a student. Which in itself is not new.
At the moment, this is a very bad word.
Live forever and learn while drinking tea with margarine.
This is how your life will pass - and you will die like a club - like a club.

We have been given a lot - forty rubles for four weeks.
I ate them a long time ago, and my soul can barely stay in my body.
In the light of every day, my stomach does not rest.
I don't have any money. Life, you know what it is.

How nightingales sing, twilight, a kiss at dawn.
Students give birth to children from fits of love.
You will take it and go unload the trains and piers.
There will be grandchildren later. Everything will repeat itself again from the beginning.

We will remember all those who died during the test week.
We are happier than all of them, even though we barely survived.
Our songs are simple. We don't need marches or anthems.
I love you, life, it’s a pity that this love is not mutual.

Cool initiation script for college students - the best holiday ideas

The ceremony of initiation into students is relevant not only in higher educational institutions, but also in colleges. Festive events are organized there no less magnificently and on a large scale. For the script, they usually choose cool, fun and amusing topics that are equally interesting to both senior students and beginners. Most often, the celebration consists of two parts: a short official one, where students are greeted by college teachers and staff, and an informal one, when boys and girls from senior years communicate with the first-year students.

The general theme of the event is chosen according to the profile focus educational institution. IN music colleges organize beautiful creative concerts with a large number of dance and song numbers. In medical schools they hold funny skits and stage funny scenes, reflecting the ins and outs of life of doctors, nurses and paramedics. In technical colleges they come up with comical mini-plays about electricians, plumbers and other representatives of blue-collar professions. The festive events end with a general disco, where everyone gets together and has fun to the tune of catchy modern music.

How freshmen are initiated into college students - videos from the festive event

Tests and competitions for initiation ceremonies in different universities - examples on video

Not a single student initiation ceremony is complete without tests and original competitions. Guys from older groups often come up with them themselves and then offer them to freshmen. Typically, tasks come down to performing some funny or at first glance dangerous and unexpected action.

Many universities even have their own traditional rituals, which are performed by all students admitted to study year after year.

  • At the Faculty of Biology of Altai State University, the rite of passage consists of a whole series of tests. First, first-year students are asked to taste different solutions (alcohol, water, citric acid, etc.) and determine their name. Then the children are invited to a feast and served dishes made from worms and snakes. Of course, no one forces newcomers to eat real insects and reptiles. All exotic dishes are prepared from marmalade or noodles. But in dark room When you can't see what's on the plate, it's not at all difficult to confuse a gummy worm with a real one. Those who successfully pass all the tests are given a stamp on their forehead with the letter “B” (biologist) and given a commemorative gift set - a neck pendant in the shape of a dried chicken paw, a jar with a cockroach inside and a bird feather. Only after this do freshmen become full members of the student fraternity.
  • At MEPhI, for initiation into students, senior students bring to the main entrance of the building objects corresponding to the profile of different university faculties. Freshmen must find among this abundance an item that matches their specialty, and then wipe it down. Then everyone who has completed the task is placed in the yard as if ceremonial lineup and sprinkling with heavy water (deuterium oxide). This liquid is not too harmful and can be used for ritual. Although, perhaps, cunning senior students take the most plain water from the tap, and only gullible beginners are told about deuterium oxide.
  • At MAI, the official part of the initiation ceremony begins with an oath. First-year students are presented with the symbol of the educational institution - a propeller - and are required to pronounce solemn oath words. Then the relic is passed from hand to hand, and each student promises to remain faithful and uphold the honor of his educational institution. The informal part of the holiday takes place in a more frivolous style. For example, a newcomer is put in a metal basin and lowered down the stairs, or offered to try a “rocket” - to drink four shots of vodka, symbolizing the number of stages of the aircraft, while shouting “the first to go, the second to go...”.

Examples of competitions for initiation into students on video

When choosing tests and competitions for the student initiation celebration scenario, you need to remember that the event, first of all, should be fun, joyful and optimistic. You should not give freshmen too unpleasant tasks or force them to fulfill an impossible requirement in advance. Let everyone have only positive impressions after the ritual and funny photos, which you can laugh at again in a year, and in 20 years.

Initiation as a student at the institute - funny scenes for the script

The initiation scenario for first-year students at the institute will be more vibrant, interesting and rich if you include funny, cheerful and cool costume scenes in it. The plot for such mini-productions can be any events from traditional student life. For example, the process of preparing for a session, being late for a lecture, absenteeism, unlearned topics and attempts to pass a test. Any of these actions can be played out in a playful, humorous style, supplemented with original musical accompaniment, fiery dance or a funny song. Then the act will turn into a bright, spectacular show that will produce the most pleasant experience and will be remembered for a long time by all participants, heroes of the occasion and invited guests.

Options for funny skits for student initiation celebrations on video

Ideas for scenes can be very different. You shouldn’t limit your imagination, because a dedication celebration happens only once in a lifetime and it is very important that it be fun and energetic.

An initiation celebration is a great way to bring joy to all first-year students at a college, university or institute and help them integrate into the team. During it, newcomers can demonstrate their talents, surprise teachers and future comrades with their ingenuity, attention and ability to find a way out. the most difficult situations. This is why initiation into students is both interesting and fun. To entertain invited guests and performance participants, you can organize competitions and tests. Cool numbers and skits will help freshmen to cheer up and leave unforgettable memories. Among the proposed ideas and video presentations, you can choose original examples to draw up a new scenario for a student holiday.

An original initiation into students - a cool holiday scenario for freshmen

Surprise modern students cool holiday pretty hard. That is why the usual performances with poetry need to be replaced with interesting productions, competitions or skits. They will help freshmen at college and university have an unforgettable time and get to know students from other courses and parallel courses.

Ideas for writing a cool script for a student dedication.

The main part of the holiday should be entrusted to the preparation of senior students. They, as experienced students, will be able to choose the coolest numbers and create funny dialogues. For example, include in holiday script for freshmen you can have the following numbers:

  • sketches about life in a hostel, studying at the university;
  • funny stories about passing exams or studying with specific teachers;
  • useful tips on the rules of “survival” at a university or college.

It is important to remember that both curators and teachers will be present at such events. Therefore, stories about them or their teaching methods should be funny, but not offensive.

Examples of original numbers for the initiation of all first-year students into students

To compose cool script and to please freshmen with an unforgettable initiation, it is recommended to study examples of such events. Among the performances offered below, you can choose useful materials to draw up a dedication program.

An unusual initiation of freshmen into students - an interesting holiday scenario

A prerequisite for carrying out cool dedication at the institute is the selection of funny and interesting numbers to congratulate freshmen. They can also be involved in the holiday by entrusting them with learning songs and ditties.

Examples of performances and ideas for speeches to create an interesting scenario for student initiation

An excellent option for raising the spirits of everyone present at the holiday are funny dialogues between students and teachers, the dean. Original stories can be built on life situations that happened to senior students at university or college. It will also perfectly complement dialogues and skits, competitions by including musical or dance numbers, in which first-year students will participate. For example, create great mood This song will help:

How interesting it is to initiate a student - competitions and tests for the script

Eating salt can be considered a classic test for all freshmen. It should first be mixed with sugar and poured into a small plate. At the beginning festive event every freshman must eat a teaspoon of salt (so to speak, so that life does not seem like honey). And then other competitions and competitions may be held.

"Our Life in the Dorm" competition for a fun student dedication

Several people are selected from among the freshmen and each is given one chair. The captain-commandant’s task is to “settle” students into his dorm: to seat students on a chair or simply have them hold on to the back of it. The winner is the participant who can score maximum quantity residents.

An interesting test “Test of wits” for students for the dedication holiday

A couple of boys and as many girls as possible are selected to participate. The guys' task will be to transfer girls from one end of the office or hall to the other. This task is complicated by the fact that each time you need to carry the girl in a new way. The guy who is smart and can handle things differently will win. larger number female students

Cool initiation into students - script with funny scenes

A selection of interesting topic for the scene. This could be a story about student life, funny revelations about passing exams or doing internships.

Funny sketch “Daily worries” for a cool student dedication script

A funny skit telling about the difficult everyday life of each student will help make teachers and first-year students laugh at the initiation festival. It can include dialogues between fellow students, their stories about preparing for the next pairs, competitions, communicating with teachers and life in the dorm.

To conduct a cool and interesting initiation into students, you need to look at many examples of numbers and skits. They should become the basis of a holiday that will help first-year students at a college, institute, or university to meet senior students and make new friends. It is imperative to include competitions and tests in the celebration scenario. Among the proposed video examples, you can select original numbers to create an unusual and original celebration of the initiation of all newcomers.

Two members are appointed as "dormitory commandants". A dormitory is a chair on which you need to seat as many people as possible. Although even any participant simply holding the chair with his palm, and not just sitting on it, is considered “settled”. The commandant whose “dormitory” accommodates the most residents wins.

Pull the ticket

They write on pieces of paper comic tasks. For example, crow ten times, dance national dance, sing a song in bass, etc. Participants in the competition are asked to draw a ticket with a task. But it's not that simple. A strict “commission” asks additional questions, asks to repeat this or that action at a slow or accelerated pace, to accompany some action with sounds, and sounds with movements. And only after that he gives his assessment.

How about clogs?

Students are cheerful and interesting people, and they often take each other on board, as they say. They select male participants and seat them on chairs. The presenter asks the question: “Are you weak?” and then a pause, he pulls out a machine from behind his back. Is it bad for male students to shave one leg, say, for a bottle of champagne or some other tasty prize? Anyone who agrees begins the process at the “start” command. We award a prize to the most dexterous master who can shave his leg efficiently.


Participants in the competition are asked to hide “spurs” (candies) on themselves. Then one “teacher” enters and tries, without touching the participants’ hands, to determine exactly where each of them hid the “spur.” After which the procedure is repeated with another “teacher”. The winner is the one who accurately points to the most places where the candies are hidden.


Participants are asked to come up with and write on a piece of paper a non-existent word denoting an action. For example, “whirl up”, “become dumbfounded”, “doze off” or something else. Then everyone hands over their pieces of paper to the presenter, and he announces that practical classes are beginning. After that, the participants take turns approaching the leader, pulling out a piece of paper and showing what the action indicated there looks like in practice. The most artistic participant wins.

Eternally hungry people

This is not just a competition, but also an extra reason to have a great meal, since it is known that students are always hungry people. So, in front of each participant on a plate are three belyash (cheburek, donut or any other tasty “product”). At the “start” command, participants begin to eat the contents of their plate, but without using their hands. The student who was the hungriest and who trampled down all the contents of his plate faster than the others won.

Smart to the teeth

The competition is quite simple in description, but not so easy to complete in reality. 2-3 students participate; accordingly, the board is divided into several parts according to the number of participants. Each participant receives chalk, which they need to take with their teeth, and at the command “start” the guys write a certain hidden phrase on the board with chalk in their teeth. For example, the phrase “Happy Student’s Day, my favorite group.” The participant who completes the task faster and writes a phrase with his teeth will win and receive a prize.

The wisest philosopher

Since philosophy is taught in all faculties and sometimes helps students in life, you can just check which of the guys is better versed in philosophy. For this competition you need to prepare statements by different philosophers, for example,
1. Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Kant);
2. To speak well about virtue does not mean to be virtuous, and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in practice. (Aristotle);
3. Capable man suffers from the desire to become even more capable. (Confucius).
In any textbook on the philosophy of these phrases huge amount. So, the presenter reads the phrases one by one, and the students guess who these words belonged to. For one answer - one point, and whoever has more points is the winner, and accordingly - the wisest philosopher.

Chemical elements in your pocket

The guys are divided into several teams of about 7 people. In 5 minutes, students must show dexterity and ingenuity and find any chemical elements in their possession, for example, ferrum - an iron watch, argentum - a silver chain, silicon - in a lighter, sulfur - in matches, and so on. The team that will collect the most chemical elements, will win.

Famous students

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare pictures or photos of various famous people who at one time studied at institutes, for example, Pavel Volya - a teacher of Russian language and literature, Martirosyan - a doctor, and so on. The guys are divided into small teams. The presenter shows one picture at a time famous person, and the teams must guess what specialty this celebrity studied in. For the correct answer, the team receives a point. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

The first of September is already very close, which means that very soon universities will open their doors to freshmen.

New students will have to long haul to the coveted diploma. And the first test that must be passed through will be initiation. Each university has many traditions and rituals. Of course, not all of them are observed to this day. Basically, traditional competitions are adapted to modern views, and selectivity and the talent of senior mentors are simply necessary here.

We have selected top 4 unusual and interesting dedications to students from different countries peace.

University of St Andrews, Scotland

At one of the oldest Scottish universities, St Andrews, initiation traditions began in 1410. Then the freshmen had to buy the seniors a pound of raisins, and those who refused had to take a swim in the cold fountain. The tradition has been preserved, but in a modified format. Now the freshman buys a bottle of wine instead of raisins.

But perhaps the most interesting part of the whole dedication is shaving foam battle, which settles down afterwards with the “university parents”. This is another unchanging tradition that still exists today. The essence of the so-called “parents” is that 3rd-4th year students take charge of newcomers. Everything is like in life: mom, dad and a couple of dozen other children demanding fun and emotions. A family day is scheduled before the grand battle. First, freshmen go to the student mother and spend time with her until five o'clock in the evening. But the fun doesn’t end there, and everyone moves to dad’s bar until the morning, and then they go to the battlefield with prepared cans of shaving foam and spray each other for an hour.

It is believed that academic families allow students to quickly enter the student community.

Charles University, Prague

Here, as a dedication, various quests are organized every year. For example, at the Faculty of Philosophy a game called “Faust” is organized: many tasks related to specialties at the faculty ( foreign languages, cultural studies, linguistics). But besides this, the newcomers are also given some strange task: to get the keys out of the disgusting slurry, to paint each other with markers. The very last and most difficult task is to stand in a box of dirt in front of a student in knight's armor and repeat after him incomprehensible Latin words while he touches the freshman's shoulder with his sword.

British colleges

Photo: dailymail

Several colleges in Edinburgh have a strange tradition of initiation, not into first-year students, but into the local rugby team, which applies to many local students as well. The entire future team playing rugby in the city center(on a symbolic mat, without markings, field boundaries and everything else), but the main thing is that they do it completely naked. But that's not all. These guys use a live chicken instead of a ball.

Local student unions are very worried about the chickens and the future rugby players themselves, and in every possible way urge them not to continue this strange tradition. But they don’t pay any attention to the calls.

There is a tradition in British colleges and universities drinking society - “secret societies of drinking students.”

These are a kind of fraternities in which students of different courses get together to drink and generally have a good time, and for freshmen it is a good opportunity to show what they are capable of. Usually such societies imitate secret meetings (for example, Masonic lodges), have their own charter and rules. Being a member of such a club is considered an honor.


But entrance tests for newbies can be extremely challenging.

So in the Cambridge fraternity The Wyverns the newcomer is forced to swallow alive goldfish , then throw it back up. If the fish survives, the student is accepted into the fraternity. If she turns out to be dead, then the newcomer is subjected to new tests. For example, forced to eat something disgusting: cat food, rotten eggs and the like.



Dutch universities have become famous for so-called hazing. Ontgroening - “debunking greenery” is a series of humiliating and very painful procedures for newcomers during initiation into students. Often there are reports in the press: “A student died at the University of Groningen who was forced to drink too much juniper vodka,” or “A student who drank 6 liters of water died after a two-day coma.”