Andrey Reznikov, son of Victor, personal life. Cause of death of Viktor Reznikov. Biography and interesting facts. The theatrical path of Ilya Reznik

Ilya Reznik is a Soviet and Russian songwriter, who was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2003 for his services to world culture, and 10 years later he was also named People's Artist Ukraine.

Future master Russian stage born in the spring of 1938 into a Jewish family. He was just a baby when the Great War began Patriotic War. Little boy survived the Leningrad blockade, and subsequently evacuated to the Urals with his family. During the war, my father was seriously wounded at the front. Leopold Reznik died from his wounds.

Mom remarried quite soon and left with her husband for Riga. New spouse set a condition for the woman - either a family with a husband, or an “old” son. She chose the former. Ilya Reznik considered his mother’s act a betrayal and forgave his mother only in adulthood. On his mother's side, Ilya has a younger brother and twin sisters.

The boy himself then remained to live in Leningrad with his grandmother Riva Girshevna and grandfather Rakhmiel Samuilovich. These people immigrated to Soviet Union from Denmark. Grandfather was an excellent shoemaker, and, according to Reznik’s recollections, the whole family relied on him. By the way, the grandparents not only took guardianship of their grandson, but officially adopted the boy, which is why Ilya bears the middle name Rakhmielevich, and not Leopoldovich.

IN elementary school the future poet dreamed of long voyages, so he said that he would enter the Nakhimov School and become an admiral. Thoughts about a military career haunted Reznik until high school, however, as he got older, he was already thinking about artillery school.

But closer to the prom, Ilya became obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming an actor, as he really loved the theater. After school, the guy applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but failed the exams.

The young man got a job as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, later worked as an electrician and theater stage worker, and every summer he tried again and again to become a student at the coveted university. But only in 1958 Ilya’s perseverance was rewarded. By the way, Ilya wrote the first songs “The Ballad of the French Duel”, “Cockroach” and several others when he was studying at theater institute.

In 1965, the young actor joined the troupe of the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater, played a lot in various performances, but at the same time continued to improve in poetry. Four years later, he published his first book of children’s poems, “Tyapa Doesn’t Want to Be a Clown.” Later, many other collections intended for young readers saw the light of day. But Reznik’s main career in the same 1969 turned towards the stage, as the composition “Cinderella” based on the poet’s words and performed by him became popular throughout the country.

Poetry and music

In 1972, feeling strong, recognized and in demand, Ilya Reznik left the theater and focused exclusively on song poetry. During the same period, he was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. By the way, the year 1972 is also notable in the poet’s life because Ilya Rakhmielevich first met the then-beginning singer and gave the girl the song “Let’s Sit and Eat.” With this composition, Pugacheva became one of the laureates of the All-Union Variety Artists Competition and received the right to represent the Soviet Union at international festival in the Polish city of Sopot.

The song “Apple Trees in Bloom” was a huge success. The composition was sung by, as well as the author of the music. His performance received the first Golden Lyre award in Czechoslovakian vocal competition"Bratislava Lyre". By the way, this was the first time that a Soviet song received such a high award. “Apple Trees in Blossom” also brought Ilya Reznik recognition in Russian television show"Song of the Year" Subsequently, Ilya Rakhmielevich will be a laureate annual competition about three dozen more times.

Over the years of creativity, Reznik collaborated with such great composers as Vladimir Feltsman and others. Songs based on the poet's words were also performed by other artists.

However, the main thing was the tandem of Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Alla Borisovna’s repertoire included such recognized hits written by the songwriter as “Maestro”, “Ballet”, “My Years”, “Without Me”, “Photographer”, “Antique Watch”, “Three happy day"and others.

Today the poet does not stop writing songs. Lovers Russian music they know the compositions “St. Petersburg” and “Return”, “I love this world” well. Reznik wrote entire albums for, and others modern musicians.

In addition to the collections of children's poems mentioned above, Ilya Reznik wrote a number of books. The writer published a biography book “Alla Pugacheva and Others”, collections of his poems “Leili”, “Ditties”, “Favorites”, “Two Above the City”, “Square Quatrains” and others. In addition to poetry, Reznik also has large forms, for example, folk poem about the police "Egor Panov and Sanya Vanin." A patriotic work for children, “Where to Serve,” was also released. A notable publication was published in 2004: “Napkin” is a collection of the poet’s dedications written on napkins.

It must be said that acting education for Ilya Reznik it was not superfluous. He played a lot theater stage, including in original performances, and acted in films. The first film in which Ilya appeared as an actor was the famous comedy “The Adventures of Prince Florizel”, where Reznik portrayed a criminal in wheelchair. Later, he starred in the musical “I Came and Say,” for which he wrote the script himself, in the melodrama “Moscow Beauties,” the New Year’s film “Only Once...” and the comedy “Diamonds for Juliet.” Ilya Rakhmielevich’s last appearance in feature films was in the remake of “Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later.”

From 2006 to 2009, the poet was a member of the jury of the “Two Stars” project.

Personal life

From a young age, the poet Ilya Reznik enjoyed success with women, but remained a bachelor for a long time. For the first time, a man got married at the age of 30. He met his first wife Regina on tour. The girl was more than 10 years younger, but this did not stop the newlyweds from creating a good family.

After the wedding, Regina worked as deputy director of the Leningrad Variety Theater, and later played on the theater stage. In this marriage, Reznik had two children: son Maxim and daughter Alice, who is seven years younger than her brother. It is noteworthy that after the divorce, the son remained to live with his father. The boy trained as a journalist and collaborated with the fairly well-known program “Sharks of the Feather.”

Second official marriage the master of Russian pop music concluded in 1985. The poet's chosen one was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. Four years after the wedding, the couple had a son, Arthur. In the early 90s, the family moved to live in the USA, but in 1992 Reznik returned to his homeland, and Argumbayeva and her child remained in America. Officially, Ilya and Munira divorced only 20 years later, although they no longer lived together.

By the way, Reznik’s second divorce was widely covered in the press. The fact is that the ex-wife stated that Ilya Rakhmielevich left the woman without a livelihood. In addition, she said that she learned about the divorce from her husband from newspaper headlines, although she did not even suspect about the break with the poet. That's why new marriage The writer was considered fictitious and the divorce was denied for the first time.

When Ilya Reznik found out that he was still married to ex-wife, he filed a new lawsuit for divorce. Munira again opposed this and filed a complaint. But this time the court granted Ilya Rakhmielevich’s wishes and divorced the spouses forever.

Almost immediately, having received the documents, the poet marries again. The author's current wife is a former athlete, master of sports in athletics, and today – director of the Ilya Reznik Theater Irina Romanova. She is 27 years younger than her husband, but this does not interfere with family happiness. The couple have known each other for a long time and were actually married for many years even before the wedding.

The wedding celebration took place in a narrow circle. The groom's witness was a lawyer who was involved in the poet's divorce proceedings.

For the last 20 years, the poet lived in a rented house in the Moscow region. Few people know that he somehow made ends meet.

The point is that in Soviet years Ilya Reznik received good copyrights, and the money went into a savings book. The songwriter saved up his savings and thought that he would live comfortably in retirement. But the 1998 default destroyed savings.

Then Ilya Rakhmielevich’s health deteriorated greatly. But he met Irina, and the woman put the writer on his feet. With his new lover, time turned back for the poet.

In 1996, there was a huge quarrel between two friends - Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Later the man admitted that they had quarreled over money. The proceeds from sales of the latest collection of hits based on the poet's poems amounted to $6 million. The man believed that the Diva should give him part of the money, but the singer refused. Then Reznik filed a lawsuit against Alla Borisovna, which ordered the performer to pay Ilya Rakhmielevich $100 thousand. Pugacheva fulfilled the condition, but harbored a grudge against her friend.

Alla and Ilya reconciled only in 2016 at the evening. As a sign of reconciliation, the Prima Donna performed at Reznik’s evening in the Kremlin. They started calling each other. Alla Borisovna also helped her old friend with money. He and his wife traveled to Dubai and to a sanatorium.

Despite the problems that beset the family, Ilya Rakhmielevich and Irina keep three dogs and five cats at home. They love animals very much.

In addition, the master of Russian pop music has developed an official website. Fans of the poet's work can find on the web resource latest news about the writer, see photos and videos.

In April 2018, in an interview, Ilya Reznik admitted that he and his wife were planning to get married in Nizhnyaya Oreanda. And in August 2017, the songwriter was baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Ilya Reznik now

On April 4, 2018, Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. Shortly before significant event, March 20, 2018, a creative concert of the poet “Anniversary Vernissage” took place. On the gala evening, Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Children’s musical theater Ilya Reznik and other artists and musical groups.

And on the birthday of the hero of the day, the President congratulated Russian Federation.

Released the same month documentary about the poet “How many years have I been wandering the earth…”.

On April 14, the “Tonight” show dedicated to Ilya Reznik went on air. Relatives, friends of Ilya and the birthday boy himself came to visit. They remembered interesting stories from the life of Reznik, how popular hits were created and much more.


  • 1982 – “Two Over the City”
  • 1994 – “Alla Pugacheva and others”
  • 1997 – “Yo is mine”
  • 2000 – “My life is a carnival”
  • 2001 – “Why?”
  • 2005 – “Nostalgia for Russia”
  • 2006 – “Maestro”
  • 2006 – “Square Quatrains”
  • 2006 – “The Wanderer”
  • 2006 – “Poems”
  • 2007 – “The Adventures of Boba the Greek”
  • 2011 – “Two Stars and Other Constellations”
  • 2011 - “Lukomorye, or Little stories about a boy named Luka”


  • 1972 – “Let's Talk”
  • 1975 – “Apple Trees in Bloom”
  • 1978 - “Rise Above the Vanity”
  • 1978 - “Take me with you”
  • 1981 - “Antique Clock”
  • 1985 – “Ballet”
  • 1986 – “Two”
  • 1986 – “It’s not evening yet”
  • 1988 – “In my city”
  • 1989 – “Three Happy Days”
  • 1990 – “I’m Praying for You”
  • 1992 - “Convertible”
  • 1996 – “I will part the clouds with my hands”

Among those who performed Viktor Reznikov’s songs were not only Russian pop stars, but also popular American performers.

His biography is a story of brilliant success that was interrupted tragic death at the age of 39, but the composer’s songs live and delight fans to this day.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Mikhailovich Reznikov was born in St. Petersburg on May 9, 1952. His parents had nothing to do with music - his mother worked as a pediatrician, and his father was an engineer. The couple divorced early, and little Vitya remained with his mother. He grew up as a weak and sickly child, so he studied at music school he had to leave the violin class after 3 months, but the teachers managed to note his undoubted talent.

To improve her son's health, his mother enrolled him in various sports sections. Victor enjoyed playing basketball and football, was fond of swimming and gymnastics, and even seriously thought about becoming a coach, but in the 10th grade he realized that he missed music.

Reznikov applied to a jazz school and then to a conservatory, but both attempts turned out to be failures. As a result, he entered the Shipbuilding Institute, but soon dropped out, realizing that he did not want to be an engineer. In 1975, Victor graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of Leningrad pedagogical university.

During his studies he did not leave independent studies music and discovered his passion for songwriting. The young man chose a then-unusual synthesizer as his main instrument and mastered it perfectly - it was ideal for pop compositions. Since Reznikov did not have a full-fledged specialized education, he often had to come up with ways out of difficult situations- for example, without knowing exactly musical notation, Victor invented own system musical recording.


Initially, his work was strongly influenced by his favorite group, but gradually originality began to appear in him. Debut song"April the Tramp" was written in 1970 and was followed by several others. Reznikov showed his work to composer Isaac Schwartz, who praised the newcomer, noting his innate sense of harmony.

The master's praise inspired Victor so much that he sent his notes. The collaboration with her did not work out, but I took 2 songs into my repertoire. With these compositions - “Remember, it’s not a problem” and “Summer without you is like winter” - the all-Union fame of the young author began. They became close friends with Boyarsky, and he also highly appreciated Reznikov’s talent:

“Vitya, you are a god, and you don’t understand this yourself!”
Victor Reznikov - "Thank you, dear"

When she came to Leningrad on tour, Victor rushed to the hotel, hoping to show famous singer your songs. When the concierge informed her about the composer's arrival, she asked to be called to his room, mishearing his last name and deciding that her friend had come.

Seeing a stranger on the threshold, Alla listened to him in surprise and invited him to the piano. Victor left that meeting happy: Pugacheva took as many as 4 songs from him.

In 1980, the Prima Donna performed the hits “Fly Away, Cloud” and “Confession” from the stage, and a little later - “Paper Kite” and “Phone Book”. Working with the singer brought him real success: , - here is an incomplete list of artists with whom the composer had the opportunity to collaborate. Especially for him he wrote the hits “Ice” and “Half”, and for him - “Pearl” based on the poems of Ilya Shustarovich.

Larisa Dolina - "Ice"

In 1988, Viktor Mikhailovich headed a branch of the creative association “Record”, on the basis of which a radio station of the same name was later created. Reznikov also wrote the music for the 2-part film “How to Become a Star.” The film was a resounding success, and was even called a guide for aspiring artists. Victor’s second film work was supposed to be a composition for the film “Carnival”, but later Tatyana Mikhailovna changed her mind and replaced the track with music.

In the late 1980s, the composer unexpectedly became popular in the West. The song “Brownie” appeared on the American Billboard chart and stayed on top for 17 months. The text was translated into English, after which many covers were written - it was also performed by group The Cover Girls.

In 1990, the album Music Speaks Louder Than Words was released, which became the fruit of the joint work of Soviet and American performers. The producers contributed to Victor’s song Don’t Stop Now entering the Hot Dance Music chart, which became an unprecedented success for Soviet composer. After this, Reznikov was supposed to become a member American Society authors, but he declined the offer out of modesty.

Victor Reznikov - "Phone Book"

In the same year, the composer initiated an interesting project - football team, consisting of Russian musical performers, which was supposed to participate in charity matches. Reznikov himself became the first captain, and the composition included other famous authors and singers. The success of the project was stunning - the games of the star team attracted more spectators than the matches of professionals. In honor of the team, Victor wrote 2 songs - “Football” and “Reserve”.

Victor Reznikov and Valery Leontyev

In 1991, Reznikov was invited to the USA, and immediately upon his return he presented his new project– SUS. The composition of the group was international - the guitarists and drummer were Russian, the keyboard player was American. In August of the same year they recorded their first album, but in the end it never went on sale.

Personal life

Viktor Mikhailovich’s wife was Lyudmila Kolchugina, who later headed Radio Record, which he created. The couple had two children - Andrei and Anna.

The musician’s personal life was serene and happy, and his marriage, although early, turned out to be very successful.


In 1992, Viktor Mikhailovich died in car accident. When he drove up to the entrance of his mother’s house, his Zhiguli full speed ahead rammed by another car. Reznikov, who was in the driver's seat, received severe fractures and was sent to the hospital, where doctors fought for his life for two days. After two complex operations, the musician died; the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Daughter Anna, who was also in the car at that moment, miraculously was not injured, although she was sitting next to her father. The tragedy was observed by Victor’s mother, who came out of the entrance to meet relatives who were in a hurry to visit.

Reznikov did not live 3 months before his 40th birthday, and his last song was “Thank you, dear!”, which was later performed by Mikhail Boyarsky.

Victor was buried in his native St. Petersburg, in the cemetery in Komarovo. On his grave there is a modest granite monument without a photo, on which only his name, years of life and occupation are indicated.

A few months after the death of the composer, his friends, including famous Russian artists, decided to create charitable foundation in honor of him. The name of Victor Reznikov was given to the new Children's Musical Theater, which opened in 1992 in Moscow, headed by his widow Lyudmila.

Victor Reznikov left behind more than 100 hits, and his main business - the Record radio station - was continued by his loved ones. Now the company is run by his son Andrey.


  • 1981 – “Songs of Viktor Reznikov”
  • 1988 – “Songs from the movie “How to Become a Star”
  • 1988 – “House of Cards”
  • 1993 – “Give me your hand and goodbye”
  • 2006 – “Songs of Viktor Reznikov”

The son of composer Viktor Reznikov also devoted his life to music. He led and developed the first electronic dance radio in the country, which instantly became popular with his arrival. He comes up with the concepts of all the events held by Record Event himself. In June, the SKK will host a global dance theatrical show, for the organization of which Andrei spared neither money nor effort.

What new things have you brought to the concept of Radio Record?

The radio station is almost thirteen years old. At first the format was blurred. Dodik Goloshchekin with his jazz show, Sasha Vasiliev, lead singer of the group “Splin”, and many others worked at Record interesting characters. The turning point was the decision to broadcast in a dance format. This courageous decision belongs to my mother, Lyudmila Reznikova. I have been working with Record for eight years. That's why I missed those romantic times when every DJ brought his own CDs and, going on air, played the music he liked. I don’t mean original shows, but linear, daytime broadcasts. At that time it was generally unclear how to make a radio; there were no examples. I tried to create a new business model, where the radio station is one part of a larger mechanism. I sat in a small windowless room and made playlists twenty hours a day. Gradually, I, together with my friend Sasha Uneshkin, managed to assemble a team of talented and professional people. Now "Record" broadcasts in twenty-five
cities, produces fifteen releases a month, makes seven to eight annually big festivals, with an attendance of twenty-five to thirty thousand people.

You are bringing to St. Petersburg the world's best electronic dance music show called , which will take place on June 11th. Is it true that Record Event complies with all European standards and doesn't just buy the name of a famous rave?

Yes, it's true. It is important that people understand this. The brands Pacha, Ministry of Sound, Mayday and others are represented on our market. But until recently, only the name of the event was bought, the event itself remained local, and how successful and high-quality it would be depended on the organizer. But Sensation is an event of different standards; it moves from country to country without changing. A team of one hundred people, scenery, equipment, actors, the entire show - everything comes from Holland. This project costs tens of times more than any other.

Premium event?

I would not divide events into premium and non-premium, because, for example, tickets to the Pirate Station are more expensive than to any glamor club. The unglamorous public may be more solvent than those partygoers who enter fashionable clubs for free and drink one whiskey and cola per evening. Now the public is leveling out. Sensation is a merger. “Record” was the first of all promoters to introduce the “18+” age code. Other promoters are also getting in on the act. The dress code at festivals has also been tightened: you cannot dance topless and bring raver paraphernalia with you. Sensation will become its apotheosis: twenty thousand people wearing only white clothes.

At least it will be possible to wear sneakers that are not white?

It’s possible, but I think it would be more suitable with white clothes white shoes. It was not by chance that we chose the date June 11th. At first it was planned to hold this event in December, but I have a hard time imagining people in white trousers and shoes in St. Petersburg in winter.

Does your last name help you in life?

I do not focus on the fact that I am the son of Viktor Reznikov. The new generation probably doesn't know who he is. When I was younger, many recalled how I sang “Dinosaurs” with Mikhail Boyarsky’s son Sergei. Today I am no longer associated with this song. And then Reznikov as a composer was loved by the more educated, elite part of the population. The working class listened to different music.

The working class, when they hear the name Reznikov, often say: “Of course, the Reznikovs and Finkelsteins own radio stations, but the Ivanovs and Petrovs slog around at the machine.”

It seems to me that such anti-oligarchic consciousness no longer exists. Finkelstein and I are not swimming in the sea. All people who have a business, especially a media business, work twenty hours a day. Yes, they find themselves in this, but it is a huge responsibility. You can't leave the office and forget about work. But each person chooses for himself what to do. This is normal for me.

How were these immortal “Dinosaurs” born?

“Dinosaurs, maybe you are hiding in Africa. And you chew baobabs for breakfast...” This is a joke song. I have no idea how it came to be. Dad wrote it for little children. I know that I was forced to sing it at an unconscious age, although I did not possess any vocal abilities. It just happens that children are at hand. They even shot a video for us for “Morning Mail” with computer special effects, where I was a hooligan, and Seryozha Boyarsky was good boy. Which, in general, reflected reality.

Which of your father's works do you love most?

I love those songs of his that few people have heard. Of course, “Ice”, “Native”, “Dinosaurs”, “Fly A Cloud”, “Phone Book” are great folk hits that will remain forever. But another part of his work is closer to me. Victor Reznikov is objectively one of the best melodists who were born in this country. I will definitely start reworking his little-known songs. True, I don’t know how to approach it yet.

How did the idea to create a children's theater come about?

It was created and managed by Lyudmila Reznikova. There, young children learn to sing and dance for free. And our company finances the theater. Since the Record office is located behind the wall from the theater, we work all the time to the sound of children singing. Very cool. Especially when some little girl runs through the office, for example, in a butterfly costume.

Soviet composer V.M. Reznikov was born on May 9, 1952 in Leningrad. He became interested in music early, but he was even more interested in physical education. Therefore, after finishing high school Victor entered the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after. Herzen to the Faculty of Physical Education, which he graduated in 1975. At the same time, he participated in the amateur performances of the Palace of Culture of Education Workers, and attended a seminar of amateur composers at the Leningrad branch of the Union of Composers.

Victor never received it music education, but was fluent in the synthesizer, computer music programs, which provided his songs with a special sound. He was one of the first in the USSR to start creating music on a computer. Then in the USSR, with the help of computers, along with V. Reznikov, only the Forum ensemble (director A. Morozov) made music.

He begins writing songs in the mid-1970s. V. Reznikov's songs were performed by the vocal and instrumental ensemble "From Heart to Heart", the most famous of them is "Jog". In 1976 to the young composer The song “Fly away, cloud”, performed by Alla Pugacheva, brings fame. At the end of the 1970s, the first flexible gramophone record was released with songs based on the poems of Yu. Bodrov, I. Reznik, N. Zinoviev, as well as his own. Tõnis Mägi, VIA "Jazz-comfort", Jaak Joala, VIA "Radar", Alla Pugacheva participated in the recording.

In 1978, the self-taught composer began working at Lenconcert. Since that time, the popularity of Viktor Reznikov has increased sharply. His songs are heard everywhere, they are loved and popular. Several of the composer's new songs were performed by Alla Pugacheva, and Jaak Joala developed his success with a series of songs - “What a pity,” “I had a dream,” “Summer without you,” “No problem,” “Confession” (1979).

In the mid-1980s, V. Reznikov met Larisa Dolina. For her, he wrote the songs “Ice”, “Half”, “Trainee Katya” (lyrics by V. Reznikov and A. Rimitsan) and others. Along with Larisa Dolina, the composer works with Mikhail Boyarsky. The songs “Everything seems to be nothing” (lyrics by V. Reznikov), “House of Cards” (lyrics by L. Vinogradov), “My Yard” (lyrics by V. Reznikov and Yu. Bodrov), “Night - Away” appeared, “ Thank you, dear." Songs by Viktor Reznikov were performed by Alla Pugacheva ("Phone Book", "Paper Kite"), Valery Leontyev ("Hang Glider"); Vladimir Presnyakov ("Touchy"); Anne Veski ("The Old Photographer"); Tõnis Mägi (“I can’t dance”, “Tandem”); Ivo Linna ("Changing", with Tõnis Mägi), Gintare Jautakaite ("Confession", "Fate"), Laima Vaikule (duet with V. Reznikov, song " Migrant"), the beat quartet "Secret" ("Don't forget", "How are you, old man", "I give, I give", "Just don't touch the guitar"), as well as Irina Ponarovskaya, the ensemble "Pesnyary", Sofia Rotaru, Marylya Rodovich, Maryana Ganicheva, the Telescope group and others.

In the mid-1980s, Viktor Reznikov and Mikhail Boyarsky, together with their sons Andrei Reznikov and Sergei Boyarsky, created a musical quartet. In 1986, this quartet achieved success with the song “Dinosaurs” (lyrics by A. Rimitsan). Then “Night, Away” appears (lyrics by A. Rimitsan). These songs were recorded with the rock group "Marathon", led by V. Reznikov.

In 1986, V. Reznikov left Lenconcert. In 1988 he becomes artistic director creative and production association "Record", and in 1991 - organizer of the Soviet-American group "SUS".

Viktor Reznikov is the author of the music for the two-part musical film “How to Become a Star”. This film (directed by Vitaly Aksenov), released at the Lenfilm studio in 1989 in the form of a musical and humorous show with the participation of Soviet pop stars, popular before "Rampant Democracy", the authors called "Pop's Guide for Beginners" famous artists". The tape was a continuous fireworks display of pop numbers, interspersed with funny author's text, uttered by the parrot Vaka and Maxim Leonidov. Reznikov wrote all the music for this film, including songs performed in the film by Valery Leontyev, Maxim Leonidov, Tõnis Mägi, groups "Secret" and "Marathon".

V.M. Reznikov is a laureate of the All-Union television song competitions "Song of the Year" in 1981, 1983, 1986-1990, and a laureate of the festival "Young Composers of Leningrad". In 1988 he appeared on television in the program " Musical ring", competes with the Leningrad composer Igor Kornelyuk (the latter won). At the end of 1988, he wrote the song “Brownie” based on his poems. It was performed by the quartet of Sergei and Mikhail Boyarsky, Andrei and Viktor Reznikov and the group “Marathon”. Suddenly, people in the USA became interested in this song in "Billboard". American producers "promoted" it to such an extent that in May 1989 it entered the Billboard Chart in 5th place in the world, where it remained for 17 months. This was an unprecedented case for the Soviet stage. Soviet show business(at that time there was no such concept in the USSR). After this, the text was translated into English. This song is on English(“Don’t Stop Now,” Don’t Stop Now, 1991) was sung by Rick Astley and the then very young Kylie Minogue.

The life of composer Viktor Reznikov was interrupted absurdly and unexpectedly. In February 1992, in St. Petersburg, while driving a car out of the yard of his house, his car collided with another car. For some time, Reznikov was alive, lay in the hospital and asked Mikhail Boyarsky to continue singing his songs so that they would not be forgotten. So, for example, the song “Thank you, dear” (lyrics by V. Reznikov and A. Rimitsan), performed by the author, received a second life.

The doctors' efforts were in vain. The popular composer and songwriter Viktor Reznikov died on February 25, 1992, at the height of his talent and at the peak of his popularity, just short of his 40th birthday. V.M. was buried. Reznikov at the Komarovskoye cemetery near St. Petersburg.

In 1992, after the death of the composer, the Victor Reznikov Foundation was created, among the founders of which are famous artists, composers, poets - Vladislav Uspensky, Valery Sevastyanov, Alexey Rimitsan, Larisa Dolina, Mikhail Boyarsky, Yuri Davydov and others. In May 1992, the Children's Musical Theater named after. V. Reznikova. Victor Reznikov Foundation, as well as Children's theater His name was headed by the composer's widow, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Kolchugina-Reznikova.

Victor Reznikov wrote about a hundred songs (both music and lyrics), which were included in the repertoire of many pop singers and still being performed today. He was young, successful, talented and very popular: his songs were performed by our pop superstars... He was a man unusual fate, a far from ordinary personality, endowed with talent and beautiful human qualities. His music has always been distinguished by non-standard harmonic solutions and, most importantly, by a rich melody with a wide range. He had the skill to create a hit that the whole country sang and at the same time remain a Musician and not slide into primitivism! But the main thing in his work was not technical innovations, but a recognizable lyrical composer’s style, which ensured his songs a long life. stage life. Nowadays there are practically no such magnificent melodists left...

On which street in St. Petersburg did composer Viktor Reznikov get into a car accident? and got the best answer

Answer from Zhenya Smith[guru]

Viktor Mikhailovich Reznikov was born on May 9, 1952 in Leningrad. Victor's parents (mother - Liliya Efimovna Reznikova, father - Mikhail Yakovlevich Reznikov) separated soon after the birth of their son. Until 1965, Victor lived with his mother in house 13/9 on Vladimirsky Avenue. He subsequently dedicated one of his most famous songs, “The Courtyard,” to the courtyard of this house. Then, together with their mother, grandmother and uncle, they moved to Kupchino.
In the mid-1980s, Viktor Reznikov and Mikhail Boyarsky created a musical quartet, which also included their sons, Andrei Reznikov and Sergei Boyarsky. In 1986, the quartet became famous with the song “Dinosaurs”. In the same year, V. Reznikov left Lenconcert. In 1988, he began working as the artistic director of the creative and production association Record, and in 1991 he organized the Soviet-American group SUS.
Viktor Reznikov is a laureate of the All-Union television song competitions “Song of the Year” in 1981, 1983, 1986-1990, and a laureate of the “Young Composers of Leningrad” festival.
On February 23, 1992, Viktor Reznikov drove his Zhiguli car to take his daughter Anya to her mother, Liliya Efimovna. He was already approaching his mother’s house and began to turn around when a Volga car suddenly jumped out onto the road and rammed Victor’s car at full speed. The impact fell on the driver's side. The daughter was not injured in the accident. The accident occurred in front of the composer’s mother, Liliya Efimovna Reznikova, who went outside to meet him.
For some time the composer spent time at the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg, but all the doctors’ efforts were in vain. Viktor Reznikov died on February 25, 1992. He was buried at the Komarovskoye cemetery near St. Petersburg.
After Victor’s death, his wife, Lyudmila Kolchugina-Reznikova, together with the composer’s friends, organized the Victor Reznikov Foundation and headed it.

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