What does the color of the picture mean? Interpretation and psychological meaning of color. Every hunter wants to know

The smallest “artists” (up to 3 years old) draw seemingly meaningless lines and circles on a piece of paper.

A little later (by the age of 4-5) the idea of ​​the drawing appears - mom, dad, animals, house. How he draws a person, what colors he uses - all this can give the psychologist sufficient information for interpretation children's drawing.

A specialist, using children's psychological tests based on drawings, can feel the child's mood, identify the cause of fears, detect hidden tension and even serious problems of mental development. Get an idea about state of mind Even parents who do not have professional skills in the psychology of children's drawings can do this. To do this, just ask the child to draw a family, providing him with pencils or felt-tip pens of all possible colors.

Psychology of creativity: what children's drawings say

Interpretation of a drawing by color

Take a look at your child’s creation and try to guess what the child’s drawing says based on the main color. Psychology interprets colors as follows.

  • The predominance of pastel shades in the drawing(blue, pink, purple) speaks of harmony and personal freedom. For “pink” babies, tactile sensations are important, hug them and kiss them more often.
  • Predominance of red indicates the child’s openness and activity. As a rule, such a baby is excitable, restless and often disobedient. However, there is nothing to worry about, because it is only his individual feature. Such children are full of energy. As they grow up, they will be able to achieve success in life.
  • If a child's drawing is made V blue color , in psychology this is a sign of balance. Such children are calmer and more leisurely.
  • Green– the color of stubbornness and perseverance. Light green indicates the need for protection. Dark green should alert parents – the child lacks attention and love. Such children grow up closed, so from a very young age they need to be nurtured to be open and instill confidence in security.
  • According to the psychology of children's drawings, yellow– the color of a dreamy baby with a lively imagination and a well-developed imagination. These kids love to play alone, using abstract toys (various twigs, pebbles, etc.).
  • If a child draws orange sky, orange mom– this is a sign of excitement that has no outlet. It is difficult to calm such babies, so it is better to direct their energy to helping their parents around the house. It’s very good if among these things there is one that will arouse the child’s interest.
  • Prevalence purple– an indicator of high sensitivity. This is a creative person with a rich inner world. These are vulnerable children who need affection and encouragement more than others.

The predominance of dark shades in a child’s drawing should definitely cause concern. Psychology says the following about this.

  • Brown: negative emotions, health problems, experiencing family troubles.
  • Grey: poverty, rejection, isolation.
  • Black: Stress, threat and even psychological trauma.
  • Dark red (burgundy with shades of black): depression, anxiety.

The predominance of these colors indicates problems for which it is better to immediately consult a psychologist.

Pressing the pencil

Weak pressure indicates timidity and passivity. If your baby constantly erases lines with an eraser, this is a sign of uncertainty and anxiety. Strong pressure is evidence of emotional tension. And if the pressure is so strong that the paper tears, this indicates conflict and...

Position and size of the picture

The image at the top of the sheet is a sign of high self-esteem or daydreaming. The location of the small picture at the bottom of the page means emotional distress, low self-esteem, depression.

If the drawing turned out to be so large that the child glued another piece of paper to it in order to complete the missing part, this is an indicator of an anxious state. Also, such drawings are often drawn by hyperactive children.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist “Creative clutter in the apartment, how to control it!” Download it and you won’t be afraid of children’s creative experiments!

Analysis of a child's drawing

Interpretation of a person’s drawing in psychology is carried out by art therapists, psychologists, and social workers. When interpreting a child's drawing, it is important to take into account the child's age. Three-year-olds turn out to be “cephalopods”, this is normal. However, it is still better to judge the psychology of children’s drawings from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state of the “artist” when the child is 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Joyless faces in the drawing or their absence, threatening facial expressions and gestures- may indicate emotional distress in the child. However, experts reassure: you shouldn’t judge by one picture. It’s a completely different matter when all the child’s drawings, created in different days and months, have a similar tendency towards gloom.

When analyzing a child's drawing, it is worth paying attention to its structure, comparing the real composition of the family with that depicted on paper. For example, the girl Olya did not draw her younger sister among other family members. There is jealousy towards the younger sister, a feeling of lack of attention. The same thing is said when Olya draws her sister larger in size than herself.

If the baby has not depicted himself, this is a sign of loneliness and a serious reason to think about family relationships.

Also note in what order does the child draw people?. The character drawn first is the main one for the child. A family member, depicted sideways or backwards, is in a tense relationship with the author of the drawing or in a quarrel with him.

During the psychological decoding of children's drawings, look at what the family members depicted are doing. When they are doing something together, they are drawn close to each other, this is all a sign family well-being. But the fragmentation of the characters speaks of discord in the family.

Children's psychological tests based on drawings

In their work, specialists often use children's psychological drawing tests for children, in which they ask the child to draw a family, the same girl, the same boy, or other situations. The drawing assesses the psycho-emotional state and personal development crumbs. Let's look at examples.

Psychological analysis of children's drawings with an example.

Download the checklist “Creative clutter” in the apartment, how to control it!

Any mother knows what “creative disorder” is; it is useless to fight it. How can you help your child develop and at the same time spend less time on cleaning? Follow the advice from the checklist and you won’t be afraid of your children’s creative experiments!

Until about 5-6 years of age, color is for a child to a greater extent means of expression rather than figurative. That's why color palette drawing at this age, and even later, is not chosen by chance.

Psychologist and researcher Max Luscher was the first to prove that the choice of color reflects a person’s mental and physical state. He determined symbolic meanings flowers and proposed to determine the child’s character, psychological type of personality and even the emotional situation in the family by their favorite color.


Of course, it is found very rarely in drawings, but if a child clearly shows a love for white paint, we can say about him that he is emotionally and spiritually developed, sensitive, prone to philosophical reflection and withdrawn.


Blue is a symbol of dreams, love of freedom and carefreeness. This color is usually preferred by boys.


Yellow color causes positive emotions and about a fan of this color we can say that he is freedom-loving, inquisitive, an optimist, a dreamer and a great original. He has a developed imagination and leadership qualities, but at the same time he can be irresponsible. The child feels comfortable in his environment, although he is forced to constantly fight for the right to be different, to be different from the majority.


Green is a symbol of perseverance and even stubbornness, independence, curiosity, poise, nobility and ambition. Children who prefer dark green in their drawings lack attention and love. If the situation does not change, the child will grow up withdrawn, secretive, afraid of any change, and apathetic. But such a child has high intelligence and developed imagination.


Brown evokes disgust, discomfort and other negative emotions. Fans of this color try to create their own world around themselves, reliable, but not bringing warmth and tenderness. Parents should find out the reason why their child seeks to isolate himself from reality.


Red is a controversial color. On the one hand, it is aggressive, symbolizing irritation and anger. On the other hand, it speaks of health and strength. It is preferred by people who are energetic and emotional, independent, purposeful, sociable, and open. Often fans of the color red are characterized by selfishness and leadership inclinations. A sudden love for red in a modest child means tension and aggression. Perhaps such a child needs rest - both physical and emotional.


The color of girls, a symbol of tenderness, sensuality, weakness and loneliness. A child who loves the color purple lives in his own world.


Orange means desire vivid impressions, curiosity and interest in life. The choice of this color is typical for children who are open, emotional, sociable, cheerful, spontaneous, and often change their opinions and hobbies. Instability nervous system such a child makes him hot-tempered and whiny.


Another “feminine” color, which, like lilac, is associated with tenderness, as well as timidity, femininity and emotionality. A fan of pink requires increased attention; she vitally needs a sense of security. Parents of a boy who often chooses a pink pencil should be wary. This may indicate his rejection in the team, wariness, weakness, isolation.


Gray is emptiness, indifference, sadness, anxiety. Color a simple pencil– absence of any color, an alarming signal. A fan of gray is, as a rule, a quiet, “invisible” child, dependent on adults, unable and unwilling to learn to communicate.


Psychologists associate this color with anxiety, concentration, and the need for peace. Blue is in some ways the opposite of red. A child whose sky and sea are not only blue, but also the trees, the sun, and people is calm, unhurried, thorough, inclined to think, loves order and consistency. It happens that children choose blue paints and pencils when they are looking for peace.


Purple is the color of dreamers, creative people, with excellent intuition. At the same time, he can talk about emotional and intellectual immaturity, which is typical of young children. This color of secrecy is preferred by vulnerable and secretive children who feel emotional stress.


Perhaps the greatest concern among parents is the appearance of black in large quantities in children's drawings. And for good reason, because it means depression, hostility, protest and a feeling of hopelessness. Children who draw in black are experiencing stress, they need care and definitely a consultation with a psychologist.

You can also pay attention to what overall shades your child most often uses in his creativity.

Pastel colors are a sign of calm, dependence, and immaturity. Quiet and modest children love them, as well as dark shades.

It’s good when a child draws and paints more often with colors such as pink, yellow, orange, blue, cyan and green. These colors speak of calmness and a positive attitude.

Don't make the mistake of trying to find all the colors in your child's drawing and thus attributing to him all possible conditions and problems. Color only matters when it dominates or when it stands out from the rest of the design. And also, if a specific color is used when depicting the same person in different drawings.

Often, while listening to our interlocutor, waiting in line, sitting in class, we draw, draw, or paint something. Almost no one pays attention to this: it’s just ordinary entertainment, so it won’t be so boring. Nevertheless, drawings can say a lot about a person’s character, his preferences and condition.

Psychologists have long confirmed that you can learn a lot about a person from drawings. Everything is important here: what a person draws, in what part his work is located, and what size and color it is. After all, our creations are symbols coming from the depths of the subconscious. People spit them out automatically when they move a pencil over paper.

Many psychologists believe that something as simple as drawing can help overcome absent-mindedness without harming the performance of the main task. By drawing, we concentrate better on boring tasks. This was proven by such a simple test. The subjects were given a speech to listen to, in which different names were mentioned. Half of the volunteers drew while listening. Another suffered without a pencil and paper. The result: those who drew remembered much more surnames - by 29 percent. So, when going to a meeting, feel free to take a pen, pencil, paper with you and get creative!

Where will we place it, how will we draw it?

The position of a drawing relative to the available space on the paper can say a lot about a person.

  • If it is located closer to the top edge, this indicates high self-esteem, but at the same time it also indicates that a person may be dissatisfied with his position in society and feels a lack of recognition from others. High self-esteem is also indicated by large size drawing. This indicates that the artist is expansive, prone to vanity and arrogance. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.
  • The picture at the bottom means that the "artist" is unsure of himself, indecisive or uninterested in increasing his own importance.
  • If creation is predominantly on the left, the person is focused on his past experiences, focusing on past experience. The painted right edge of the sheet speaks of a desire to quickly bring the future closer, that life and emotions are directed towards something in the future.

Are the lines of the drawings thick? The person is probably worried about something. Weak and thin “web-like” lines indicate body fatigue and psychological exhaustion.

  • If the drawings are angular, the lines are perpendicular, this indicates unexpressed aggression, that in at the moment it is difficult for an artist to adapt to something new. Jagged, uneven lines reveal insolence and hostility. Are the lines smooth and rounded? You are a soft, calm, feminine person.
  • Three-dimensional figures, for example, indicate that their author is a multifaceted personality, capable of making unconventional decisions and performing unpredictable actions.

Quite often we shade something in a drawing. Short strokes mean that the person is excitable, long strokes mean that the person is measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and stubborn, sketchy and light - slightly anxious and unsure of yourself. Horizontal strokes are feminine and weak, while vertical strokes are stubborn and decisive. In general, if a person constantly shades something or draws grids, this indicates that he is in an awkward position or has entered into a risky business, cannot take the initiative into his own hands and is holding back irritation. The artist feels driven into a corner or tries to isolate himself from some obstacle.

Flowers, houses, names, animals

According to psychologists and graphologists, it is important not only how a person draws, but also what he depicts. Here are the most common images and what they can tell about a person.

  • So, if you depict words, meticulously drawing out each letter, putting them in frames, emphasizing them, this means a lot. A word in a frame is a sign of self-affirmation and conviction that one is right; it can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this. A word underlined with a straight and even line expresses your persistent intention, firmness of thoughts on this matter, a word underlined with a wavy line expresses sentimentality and some indecision, written with a “web”, barely noticeable, doubt.
  • If you write your name over and over again, put a signature, the first letters of your name or initials, experimenting with elements of decoration, you are in a state of crisis and are not sure of the correctness of the decisions you are making. Writing your name is a way of self-affirmation, overcoming emotional or intellectual conflicts. The only advice here is to think less about problems, and more about what you have already achieved, what life has already given you.
  • If you draw animals, it all depends on who is depicted and how. If it is a tiger or a wolf, aggression is hidden in you, if it is a fox, you are planning to cheat somewhere, a bunny or a squirrel - you need care and protection, a lion - you feel superior to everyone. This mechanism is similar to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables and children's stories. When you constantly depict the same animal, bird or bug, you most likely compare it with yourself, attribute its habits to yourself. Sometimes in such drawings the faces of animals look like human faces, the shape of the paws is on the legs and arms. This indicates infantility, emotional immaturity, because a person subconsciously places himself at a lower level of development.

Image of a person

The image of little people is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade some responsibility. In general, if a person is depicted schematically, this indicates an unstable emotional state, a desire to close himself off and not let anyone near him.

If a “real” person is depicted, the analysis should begin with the head.

  • Full-face drawing - you are open to communication, the more a person “turns away”, “leave”, the more you strive to avoid external contacts.
  • The head is in profile, and the body is frontal - you have anxiety caused by the social environment and the need for communication, a large head - you are guided primarily by thought, a small one - you pay little attention to intellectual work, a poorly drawn one - you show shyness and timidity.
  • If you carefully draw your face, then you are very concerned about your appearance and relationships with other people, it is important for you how you are “met by your clothes.”
  • And when you depict figures without faces or make them unclear, slightly outlined, this indicates shyness and slight timidity; it is difficult for you to have casual conversations and make acquaintances at parties.
  • Closed, hidden or not drawn eyes indicate a desire to avoid unpleasant visual stimuli, a reluctance to actually see the unpleasant moments of life.

A dissatisfied, sad face indicates the same state of the painter. After all a person who draws faces thinks that he is drawing others, but in reality he is drawing himself, his inner state.

A gloomy face is dissatisfaction with oneself, grimaces express pain and confusion, a smile is happiness. Large, widely spaced eyes indicate optimism and love for life. A face with dots instead of eyes and a line of mouth - alienation (from the world, a person, oneself). If an artist depicts beautiful profiles, it means that he is interested in communication. These drawings reveal a sociable nature and love for people.

  • Large ears - you are sensitive to criticism and depend on the opinions of others, too small or absent - you do not want to listen to other people's views and positions. Heavily colored hair means anxiety has settled in you; unshaded hair framing your head means you are controlled by hostile feelings.
  • Large shoulders or body - you have a feeling of great strength or excessive preoccupation with power, small ones - a feeling of low value and insignificance, sloping shoulders or a stooped back - despondency, despair, guilt and lack of vital energy.
  • Hands are a symbol of interpersonal relationships. If your arms are far from your body (spread to the sides), your actions are out of control, when crossed on your chest, you are hostile, behind your back or in your pockets - unwillingness to give in, to compromise, pressed against your body - you have difficulties in social contacts.
  • Long legs indicate a need for independence, short legs indicate a feeling of physical or psychological awkwardness. Widely spaced legs indicate outright disdain and ignorance of the interlocutors and their actions, legs together (the person stands in line) indicates constraint in communication.
  • If you suddenly "forgot" or deliberately drew a person without any body parts, this suggests that you are experiencing some feeling of rejection of this part, feel a corresponding lack in your appearance, or are unhappy with something in your partner.

Picture of dolls means that the artist is dominated by those around him, he feels that he constantly has to give in to someone, agree with other people’s decisions.

Clown or caricature express a desire to avoid their own inferiority, to hide behind a non-existent image. appeared on your sheet robot- you suffer from control external forces, you worry that much in life does not depend on you. Mask - you are secretive and cautious, trying to hide from the outside world.

At home

Images of a house or home furniture speak of a love for a warm homely atmosphere. Such drawings are found among single women or bachelors. However, when they are drawn by married people, this indicates a lack of warmth in the relationship. No matter how houses or household items are depicted, these drawings show the desire to find home comfort and family warmth. But a too clear, repeatedly outlined outline of the house indicates attempts to control one’s actions and emotions.

  • A huge window will appear in the picture of a person with an open, welcoming, friendly character. A window (several windows) with shutters or bars indicates secrecy, the presence of complexes, greed, and the inability to give oneself or accept anything from others. If they are located in the middle of the facade, then this is a sign of friendliness and hospitality. And when there is also a porch, the author can be congratulated: you are very confident in yourself.
  • An open door means sociability. And closed means isolation. Those who have the door on the side are not very sociable. There are people whose door covers almost the entire façade of the building. This is evidence of frivolity and unpredictability in actions. The same door at the same time indicates your inherent generosity, sometimes even excessive.
  • The absence of a pipe is a sign of insensitivity. If there is a chimney, but no smoke comes out of it, this means the same thing. If smoke comes out of the chimney, the artist is generous. Bricks or other small details indicate optimism.

Other images

  • Stars. A person wants to be the center of attention; it is important for him to be bright and noticeable. But if a star has too many rays or they are depicted separately, this may indicate depression.
  • Bee honeycombs. The painter strives for peace, harmony, and wants to streamline his life. It is likely that he was thinking about creating a family nest.
  • Spirals, circles, wavy lines. They mean that other people's problems are of little or no interest to the artist. Or perhaps he is experiencing a slight emotional crisis: he is walking in a circle of his experiences. Now he needs to monitor his behavior so as not to lose his temper and lash out at others.
  • Labyrinths, passages. A sign that a person is in search of harmony, his life path. If the lines are inclined to the right, there is a desire to be more open, to the left - cautious. Endless designs indicate a lack of time to think about what you really want.
  • Squares, triangles and others geometric shapes. The creator has clear goals and convictions, he almost never hides his opinion, and is always persistent and persistent. Usually overly vigilant and cautious.
  • The figure of a circle (especially one not filled with anything). Symbolizes the tendency towards secrecy and isolation. A man closes his inner world and does not want to give information about himself, does not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones meddle in life and affairs.
  • Interweaving circles. It seems to a person that he is outside of some important events, he wants to take part in something, join some community.
  • Intertwining of hearts. It means being overwhelmed with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world.
  • Pentagon (regular pentagon). Well-being and health. The painter feels that life is good and strives to consolidate this.
  • Hexagon (regular hexagon). Beauty and harmony. The painter wants to achieve true life balance.
  • Brickwork. It says that the artist is trying to focus on one important thought. If the masonry is drawn carefully, the character is methodical and consistent, the person knows exactly what he wants.
  • Serrations (similar to saw teeth or mountains). They symbolize aggressiveness, which can be positive, and mean a desire to fight, or negative (anger, hostility).
  • Chess fields. A symbol that a person finds himself in an unpleasant, difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, this is an indicator of hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve some situation, or being in search of oneself, one’s path in life.
  • Crosses. Feelings of guilt towards a loved one or responsibility for some problem.
  • Swastika. Contrary to the ingrained associations of Russians, it denotes an auspicious and happy object - it is a symbol of happiness and light. The fact is that the Swastika is one of the most ancient symbols. It was used by many peoples of the world: it was present on weapons, objects everyday life, clothing, banners and coats of arms, was used in the decoration of churches and houses. The swastika has many meanings. For most peoples, they were positive - it was a symbol of the movement of life, sun, light, prosperity (before the era of the overthrow of Nazism).
  • Pistols or other weapons. A lot of aggression has accumulated in a person; perhaps he is very angry with someone or is angry with life.
  • Flowers, leaves, sun, garlands or something similar. They say that a person has a kind nature. Such people love to help others and have a very gentle character. They have a little low self-esteem. If a flower is placed in a vase, a person tends to avoid conflicts; he needs support and nourishment. A flower with a cut stem - a person is lost in his fantasies, does not adapt well to situations, does not feel support and support.
  • Tree. If a person draws a tree with a lot of leaves, it means he is sociable and outgoing. If the branches of a tree are broken, there are difficulties in the past that have left an indelible mark on the soul. A tree has no roots - it is a feeling of lack of support.
  • River. The direction of flow from left to right is a focus on the future; from right to left - a lot of unfinished business in the past. The river bed is straight - clearly defined goals, the ability to achieve them. Bending in the riverbed means inability to concentrate on solving problems.
  • Arrows. This is the vector by which you navigate in life. The arrow is directed upward - focus on other people, down - on yourself, to the left - look at the past, to the right - hope for the future.
  • Eye. The eye is a paranoid image of control. The person drawing the eye feels that he is not independent, someone is constantly putting pressure on him, he cannot accept important decisions. Very large eyes indicate vigilance and, in extreme cases, paranoia; if the eyes are very small, the person does not want to notice anything.
Psychological color and drawing tests for adults and children Shevchenko Margarita Aleksandrovna

Interpretation and psychological significance colors

Understanding the importance of color choice in a drawing and its psychological meaning gives a lot additional information when interpreting clients' work. However, just relying on color scheme clearly not enough when interpreting. When determining the psychological meaning of color, the following provisions can be used. Colors are divided into primary: red, blue and yellow, and additional: green, orange, purple. Red– the color of life, the sun, fire, the color of the heart, lungs, muscles. It evokes opposite feelings: love and hatred, joy and anger. It makes a person talkative, excites and enhances emotions. It makes the lazy more active and mobile. This is the color of leaders and people with strong character and high self-esteem. This color has great vital, vital significance. "Burning", a sense of danger, expressed anger, violent reactions, strong emotional reactions, excessive sensitivity, the need for warmth and affectation - all this is inherent in the color red. In a drawing, using red to depict a brick or stove provides less information than using, for example, red to depict a tree trunk. The same applies to other colors.

Orange personifies joy and happiness, is associated with extraversion, affective outburst, and emotional response. Sometimes orange indicates the presence of a disturbing unknown situation associated with the “struggle of life and death”, the presence of ambivalent impulses. It has a beneficial effect on a person who suffers from depression or is prone to excessive pessimism, helping to get rid of a problematic situation. Orange color represents friendship and sociability. It promotes the development of intellectual capabilities, self-knowledge, active creativity. This color is associated with emotional health, is an important source for the perception of new ideas and at the same time gives impetus for their implementation.

Yellow can express cheerfulness, fun, anxiety, symbolizes the midday sun and has a stimulating effect, moving forward, cleanses and renews the life-giving forces of the body. Characterizes the search for internal liberation - bringing happiness, the transition from the unconscious to a conscious compromise solution. It is perceived to a greater extent by the left hemisphere of the brain, the “intellectual” half, and can have positive influence for study and acquisition of professional skills. Yellow color changes the mood of dissatisfied people.

Green balances our energy, has a calming effect, and brings inspiration. Green is the color of a healthy ego, growth, newness of life, peace, and a sense of security. It indicates the presence of a desire to insist on one’s own, self-affirmation. Light blue and blue bring a feeling of peace and infinity, silence, relax a person, indicate distance, reflect well controlled emotions, the desire to get out of the situation. These cool colors affect the endocrine system, stress responses, relaxation, sexuality, as well as the body's defense system against allergies and infections. Overly active children learn better with the color blue.

Violet, lilac, lilac colors reflect the internal, emotional attachment of a person. You can observe the identification of the subject with the figure drawn in this color. The meaning of violet is also the desire for spiritual contact, unity; it acts on the subconscious and helps a person to know himself, enhancing the effect of meditation. Combination of yellow and purple It is recommended to use it in a collage, which can be hung above the table where lessons are prepared - this will increase the perception of educational information.

Brown indicates the need for security, contact with the vital, natural, the desire to overcome destructive forces in order to return to a healthy state.

Jung noted that brown in his clients' works could be associated with the function of sensations.

White contains all the colors of the spectrum equally when mixed. All colors in it are equal. White color is the first step towards harmony. He inspires and helps to overcome difficulties.

Gray– neutral, reflects depression, rejection, emotional isolation.

Black– this is the color of the unconscious, darkness. He expresses depressive state, depression, lethargy, and sometimes a feeling of inadequacy. If black is used to draw shadows in a drawing, then in some cases this may be a projection of dark thoughts or fears.


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Many psychologists have already confirmed that our drawings can tell a lot about our personality, character and mood. It is no coincidence that in both psychology and psychiatry many diagnostic methods are associated precisely with drawings. Particular attention is paid to children's drawings. When analyzing the personality of an adult, you can use the drawings that he makes in between times - we all often move a pencil over paper during telephone conversations, meetings, lectures or long waits. From this article you will learn what our drawings can tell you.

Professional psychologists can tell a lot about a person from drawings. However, basic rules analysis of the picture is now available to everyone who is interested, so even deciphering the picture yourself will help you learn better loved one or even yourself. Why drawing analysis in psychology so effective? There are at least two explanations for this.

  • First of all, in drawings we express what we think. Since this way of dialogue with the outside world is indirect, unlike, for example, speech, drawings are less controlled by our consciousness. If, when answering questions, we pass our words through certain internal filters, then by expressing something through a drawing, we feel freer and demonstrate our true selves. For example, this can explain the arrangement of pictures and their content.
  • Our muscle movements are directly reflected in the drawings. The nature of your hand movements will be reflected in the lines and dimensions of the image. You've probably noticed that our movements depend both on momentary emotions and on temperament and character. Even in the process of ordinary communication, we receive a lot of information about a person non-verbally: by observing how he gestures and how his facial expressions change. Hand movements, which can be easily judged from a drawing, can also give us an idea of ​​a person’s character and mood.

Sometimes in psychology, for diagnosis, a person is specifically asked to draw, and sometimes in the analysis, random drawings are used, which many of us do casually, if we have a pencil and paper in our hands. The second method is certainly more effective. Random drawings provide the most objective characterization, and in drawings made specifically for a psychologist, a person can try to meet expectations.

The analysis of children's drawings occupies a special place in psychology. Deciphering them is in many ways easier than drawings by adults, because children's drawings are distinguished by greater variety and a wide range of colors. If you want to learn how to interpret adult or children's drawings, you should pay attention not only to the content of the image. The location of the object on the sheet, its color and the nature of the lines are no less important.

What does the location of the picture say?

By the position of the picture one can judge the character and values ​​of a person. Adults sometimes draw in between times in the margins of a notebook, free space in old documents or on small scraps of paper. However, even in this case, you can pay attention to how a person uses the available space for his drawing.

  • A drawing located closer to the top edge of the sheet indicates high self-esteem and determination. For this type of people the main life priority- self-realization and desire for success. Such people love the competitive process and strive to be the best in any business. They are often also quite passionate and have leadership qualities.
  • Accordingly, the drawing located at the bottom of the sheet indicates that the person has fairly low self-esteem, he does not feel in demand and is not interested in fighting for championship.
  • The images on the left speak of conservatism and nostalgia. This person is immersed in his memories, and the past serves as a guide for him.
  • If a person draws something on the right, this, on the contrary, means that he is focused on the future. This means that a person expects positive changes, but the current state of affairs does not suit him. It is worth noting that these analysis rules are specific to each culture. For example, movements from left to right are characteristic of our writing, so conclusions can be drawn from the drawings by analogy.

  • The location of the picture either on the left or on the right can be associated with a certain degree of dissatisfaction with life. Usually those people who are uncomfortable in the present look to the past or the future. Therefore, the most harmonious place for a drawing is the center of the sheet.

What does the size of the picture indicate?

The size of the drawing on the sheet is usually associated with a person’s self-esteem. Of course, you should consider the size in relation to the entire space of the sheet if space is limited.

  • Large drawings indicate high self-esteem. If the drawing is excessively large and looks unnatural, this may indicate arrogance and vanity, the underlying cause of which, on the contrary, is lack of self-confidence.
  • Particular uncertainty is evidenced by drawings that strive to take up all the space on the sheet. This is due to the psychological mechanism of compensation: if a person cannot establish himself in his place in life, mentally he strives to take all the best, to take up as much space as possible. Usually such people are extroverts who, for one reason or another, cannot sufficiently realize themselves in society. This is reflected in the drawings.
  • Introverts tend to draw small images and leave a lot of empty space around them. Psychologists interpret unreasonably small drawings as constriction, stiffness, fear and anxiety. Such people are emotionally closed, feel discomfort in outside world, are ashamed of themselves or do not trust their surroundings.

Color drawings in psychology

For the most part, children's drawings are analyzed using this parameter. Adults usually make drawings casually with the pencil that is at hand. The only thing that can be interpreted in adult drawings is the presence or absence of shading. In children's drawings, color has great value for psychologists.

  • Green color can indicate independence, self-sufficiency and stubbornness. This color is used by children who want to assert themselves.
  • Yellow patterns indicate that a person feels comfortable.
  • Blue signifies concern and self-absorption. Blue drawings are made in moments of thinking about the past or in attempts to solve a problem.
  • Purple color indicates developed imagination.
  • Red color indicates the need to throw out accumulated energy. This color is often used by hyperactive children. Red can also serve as a signal of hidden aggression.
  • Gray indicates boredom and lack of positive emotions.
  • The color brown denotes subconscious protest. A child who often uses brown paint is dissatisfied with any situation, feels anxious and uncomfortable.
  • Black is associated with depression. Such drawings indicate that the child is highly concentrated on his problem and lacks positive experiences.
  • In casual drawings by adults, densely shaded figures can mean closedness, a feeling of being contained. Often such drawings indicate a person’s creative crisis.
  • If a person never shades his images, this indicates his willingness to perceive new things and accept change.

What do the lines in the picture say?

The lines a person makes can tell you a lot about his character. These lines can be solid or broken, rounded or with sharp corners. Using the lines in the drawing, you can easily decipher even images made by adults casually. This method is equally suitable for analyzing children's and adult drawings.

  • Solid lines indicate emotional stability, flexibility and confidence. Such people are usually calm and confident that they will cope with all the difficulties that arise.
  • Broken lines, on the contrary, indicate uncertainty and instability.
  • Bold lines may indicate a person’s desire to stand out and establish himself. With such lines we can try to compensate for internal uncertainty, the desire to be noticed and appreciated.
  • Deliberately thin lines, when a person barely presses the pencil and barely touches the paper, indicate a desire to avoid attention and communication, and a need for privacy. Similar lines can also appear if a person experiences shame and guilt.

  • Strictly geometric designs, where all angles are right and all lines are perpendicular or parallel to each other, can mean hidden aggression. Also, such lines speak of conservatism and difficulties in adapting to new things.
  • Clearly expressed aggression and hostility can be determined by the abundance sharp corners in the picture.
  • Rounded lines and soft curves indicate the softness and flexibility of a person. Typically, such designs are found in women more often than in men.
  • Narrow and miniature figures speak of enslavement, the desire to adhere to the rules and not go beyond the limits.
  • Large three-dimensional figures indicate that a person has a broad outlook and is emotionally open.

What do the painted objects say?

Of course, special attention should be paid to what exactly is drawn. Based on what objects a person depicts, you can tell a lot about him.

  • Living objects, which include animals or people, indicate a lack of communication, a need for social contact. Also, such images may indicate a difficult problem in a person’s life, which he is afraid to solve alone.
  • Empty landscapes depicting nature without people indicate difficulties in communicating and understanding other people's feelings or thoughts.
  • Repeating standard simple patterns, such as flowers, clouds, trees or stars, speaks of emotional closeness and an attempt to hide one's true feelings.
  • Subject drawings depicting people or animals in motion reveal an active and active nature.

Psychology of adult drawing

Drawings by adults, made casually, can be no less diverse than children's. By what exactly is drawn, one can largely judge a person’s personality. Let's consider the most popular versions of images among adults and their significance in psychology.

  • Wavy lines and spirals may indicate that a person is in a difficult situation and is trying to overcome a crisis. Such drawings indicate hopelessness and appear if a person is confused about something.
  • The grid indicates that a person feels in an unpleasant, vulnerable position.
  • Often people draw the sun or flowers in between times. Unfortunately, the meaning of such drawings is not at all as obvious as it seems. Drawings of flowers in psychology, like drawings of the sun, they most often express sadness and the need for attention and communication.
  • Joy can be expressed in drawings with hearts.
  • Repeating patterns indicate boredom.
  • If a person draws people, it means that he wants to shift responsibility onto someone and avoid work. It may also indicate a need for help and support.
  • Drawing of a house in psychology means fatigue, hostility of a person towards the outside world and a desire to relax in an environment favorable for this.
  • Chess is usually drawn by people who find themselves in ambiguous and difficult situation when they don't know what decision to make.
  • A honeycomb drawn by an adult speaks of harmony and tranquility.
  • If a person draws geometric figures, this may indicate the firmness of his convictions and confidence in his decision.

Psychology of children's drawings

You can interpret the most common drawings yourself - in any drawing there are always several basic criteria by which you can judge the child’s temperament and emotional state. What do children's drawings mean in psychology?

  • Landscapes with a forest, lawn or street without people in children can signal loneliness and communication problems. If a child draws deserted landscapes, most likely his relationships with peers are not going well.
  • A drawing of a house, just like in adults, speaks of fatigue and the need for comfort and relaxation surrounded by loved ones.
  • Drawings of monsters can indicate internal tension, fear and discomfort. Often such images reflect popular childhood fears.
  • Attention should be paid to the drawing of the family. Family drawing in psychology children demonstrate well how they see their family. If the family is depicted in in full force and in bright colors, it means things are going well and the child is comfortable. If the child does not portray someone, it is worth thinking about - perhaps this person is missing in the child’s life, he pays little attention to the child. Black and brown paints in the image of the family they talk about the problems and negativity that the child feels. Also, for young children, the largest figure will mean the head of the family in a child’s understanding.
  • Tree drawing in psychology means the desire for knowledge and development. However, how exactly the tree is drawn is also important. In the nursery psychology there are tests based on drawings- one of these tests is that the child is asked to draw a tree. By the presence or absence of roots, one can judge how deeply the child is accustomed to thinking. Trunk curvature or barrel unusual shape speaks of stress, dissatisfaction and discomfort. You can easily evaluate the crown of a tree by the lines of which it is composed - whether the lines are rounded or with pointed corners, thin or bold, solid or broken.
  • Drawings of animals in psychology are considered good sign- they indicate the calmness and joy of the child.
  • Interpretations of a person’s drawing are given a special place in psychology - this is especially interesting when working with children. If a child draws another person, this often indicates a lack of communication. It is also worth paying attention to whether a specific person is drawn or a certain collective image. If a person is drawn in dark colors and unnaturally large, perhaps the child has a fear of people.
  • If a child draws himself, this indicates a need for self-knowledge and self-expression. Children's drawings are often not very proportional; you can also tell a lot from the small details of the image. For example, large ears indicate audacity and a desire to stand out, short legs indicate low self-esteem, and long arms indicate that the child is always ready to try new things.

In psychology based on the drawing of a person you can say a lot about his personal characteristics and his mood at a particular moment. By observing your own drawings, you can make sure that the rules for their interpretation work. Of course, when assessing a person, you should not rely entirely on the analysis of his drawings, but some images in which one or another motif can be clearly seen can help you get to know the person a little better.

Video: “What do our drawings say?”