Dream Interpretation: fish, why a woman dreams of fish. Dream Interpretation - Fish, catching fish. Why do you dream of catching a big fish?

Every person has had dreams at least once in their life. Many do not attach any importance to them, but some very scrupulously study dream books every morning. Believing that dreams come true or simply predict the future is a personal matter for everyone. In this article, we will look in detail at several options for interpreting dreams and find out what living fish mean in dreams.

Brief interpretation of sleep

Live fish in a dream - this is a fairly common occurrence. You can’t leave it unattended, especially if repeatedly. The interpretation of dreams can be treated with humor, but a considerable proportion of them, oddly enough, come true. Dream books were compiled and updated over many centuries by our ancestors, because they probably noticed some kind of connection between the dreamed phenomenon and reality. That is why in modern world curiosity about dreams is growing. When answering the question: “Why do you dream about living fish?”, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream. But its general interpretation promises the dreamer only the best. Perhaps it's waiting for you fateful meeting or big win. Sometimes dreams reflect your health. The fish you see indicates that you are full of strength, confidence and feel great. Next, let's look at this topic in more detail, why should you look through live fish? It all depends on the details of the dream.

Live fish is a symbol of good prospects

If in your dream you see live fish splashing in a clear pond, then expect a tempting offer that will bring you considerable benefit. If you dreamed of one big fish, then the proposal will concern something very important to you. But if you are interested in why you dream of a lot of live fish, then know that this foreshadows many different proposals from different areas. It is possible that you will be interested in all of them.

If you tried to go fishing in a dream, then in reality do not rush things, let everything take its course. Those who want to find out what a big live fish means in a dream will find a new acquaintance that will end in an unexpected ending. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a possible an amusing trip or an activity that completely absorbs you.

Why do you dream of catching live fish?

In this case, the interpretation of sleep depends on the person’s age. The younger he is, the better and more favorable the meaning of the vision. Also, a significant role is played by the fact who had the dream: a girl or a guy. If you are interested in why a girl dreams of live fish, then know that such a plot predicts an imminent wedding and the birth of a child. Middle-aged people should expect entertainment after such a vision. But for older people - bad sign. Perhaps someone has their eye on your inheritance ahead of time.

Fishing seen in a dream should be interpreted depending on how successful it was. If you dreamed of a good catch, then set yourself up for success in any endeavor. But if fishing is unsuccessful, then in reality someone is trying to stop you.

Caught live fish in your hands in a dream is also interpreted differently. If you managed to keep it, then in reality you will not miss a good opportunity. But if you missed the prey, then in reality you will have to wait a long time for your future children.

Why does a woman dream about live fish? This dream predicts an imminent pregnancy, which she has been waiting for for a very long time. Perhaps in reality there is already a pregnancy, but the woman does not know about it yet. Why does a man dream about live fish? For representatives of the stronger sex, such a dream foreshadows a child from the woman they love.

Live fish in a dream - happy family life in reality

The oldest and most classic interpretation of such a dream is happiness in family life. But for each person, depending on age and gender, there are different nuances. Let's take a closer look at why a girl dreams of a live fish. Firstly, such a dream promises a date with a person you have liked for a long time. If a young girl saw in a dream how she was holding a fish, then she was destined to get married soon. If you dreamed of a large live fish, you can expect to meet a rich, confident groom. Dreaming of small fish promises unexpected, but very great happiness.

Let's look at a few more options for why a woman dreams of live fish. The most famous interpretation is early pregnancy. But here too there is something to pay attention to. If a woman dreamed of carp, catfish, carp or bream, then large share the probability that a boy will be born. But the pike foretells the birth of a girl. If a young woman dreamed of colorful fish, then she should expect matchmaking. At the same time, there will be quite a lot of suitors, and the girl will have to make a difficult choice.

Now let's talk about why a man dreams of a live fish. If there are a lot of fish, such a dream requires young man so that he could settle down and start a family. He needs to choose his only life partner among all the friends around him.

Dreaming of a live fish is a symbol of troubles and problems

Despite all the positive aspects of sleeping with live fish, it also has negative value. But here you should also pay attention to the details. If in a dream you swam with fish, then in reality be prepared for conflicts and will encounter misunderstandings from family and friends. If you see in a dream one big fish swimming next to you, then perhaps your relationship with your loved one will go wrong in the near future. If this inhabitant of the waters is bright in color, then first you will have fun, and then get ready for quarrels and insults.

Fish in a dream - conflicts in reality

We looked at what living fish mean in dreams, but each dream has different variations. Let's give them special attention. So, eating live fish in a dream means that in reality you will experience love suffering, perhaps even betrayal by your significant other. If in your dreams you had to feed your cat fish, then in reality it will be because of you that quarrels with your loved one will occur. Perhaps you yourself will be the provocateur of betrayal and discord in relationships. But you don't need to get upset right away. The dream predicts what might happen. But you yourself are able to change your destiny and avoid negative consequences.

Fish in an aquarium

When wondering why living fish are dreamed of, we must not forget about the details of the vision. For example, if you are in an aquarium, then in reality be prepared for a complex and troublesome process in which you cannot intervene on your own. Most likely, you will have a huge project waiting for you that other people will do for you. This is what dreams of living fish in water mean. If she swims not in an open reservoir, but in an aquarium, then the initiative should be in your hands. Under no circumstances should you just sit and wait - this way you will simply waste time, and you will still have to do the work. Don't relax.

If you dreamed that you were watching fish in an aquarium and feeding them, then some influential person in the future will need your service. Do not miss your chance. Your attention and help will definitely be appreciated, and you will have someone who can help you in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed of a natural pond with fish, then the main criterion for interpreting the dream in this case is the state and appearance water. Clean and transparent is a symbol of a pleasant new acquaintance. But the muddy and dirty one warns you: be wary of new people; you shouldn’t immediately trust and entrust everything to them big hopes. Strangers are unlikely to justify them.

Fish is a harbinger of disasters and disasters

Before this, we considered standard dream options: seeing fish, feeding it, catching it, and more. But there are dreams that are very difficult to explain logically. The dream book also has interpretations for such cases. For example, if you dream of a living fish that falls from the sky in the form of rain, or you get it in some strange way (dig it out of the ground, for example), then in this case various disasters are possible that it will be subjected to great amount of people. Perhaps it will be a natural phenomenon(earthquake, hurricane), or maybe an economic crisis in the country. In any case, it will be something global and negative.

What else does a dreamed fish portend?

Some dream books interpret a dream in which you see a live fish beating in your hands as glory, popularity, fame. Perhaps people who previously preferred to avoid you will now be happy to start communicating with you or even ask for help. Friends will support you in every possible way and show their sincere feelings to you. And enemies and envious people will change their opinion about you and want to make peace.

However, other dream interpreters interpret the dream with fish differently, exactly the opposite. All enemies and spiteful critics will become angry and plot against you. Gossipers will actively spread false rumors, which will greatly damage your reputation. If you dreamed of a fish you caught, then perhaps someone is throwing mud at you and slandering you in front of colleagues and even friends. If you dreamed of live fish that you pulled out of an aquarium, it means that you yourself will be to blame for this negative attitude towards you. Perhaps you deliberately quarreled with people, trying to prove your point, knowing in advance that you were wrong. In this way you are only actively making enemies for yourself. Be calmer and more friendly.


In this article we examined in detail all possible options interpretation of dreams with living fish. Remember that dream books only predict possible scenarios, and you are able to change your destiny on your own.

Any person, even being an incorrigible skeptic, pays attention to some events in his life. Dreams also relate to these events.

Although we don't give them enough time special attention, but still, occasionally, we think about their meaning. Most of us have had to deal with something irrational at least once in our lives. For example, why does a woman dream about fish? And if the dream repeats itself, what could it mean? Does such a dream promise favorable changes or is it just imagination? Let's try to figure it out.

Why does a woman dream of fish in a dream: types of dreams

Women are more receptive to things that affect their emotional side of life. Dreams are just such things. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman strives to figure out why a woman dreams of a live fish, to find a useful message in her dream.

Statistics show that such a dream is not uncommon. Some try to explain to themselves the origin of dreams using more rational, down-to-earth means, others begin to study dream books and unravel mystical signs. Some believe that a dream with a fish is a prophetic dream that will definitely come true. Such a dream occurs so often that interpretation of it can be found both in ancient texts and on modern sites. And almost all of them assure about positive impact sleep.

Why does a woman dream about fish: dream book

Basic interpretations of sleep with fish.

1. I dreamed of a fish - this means prosperity.

In many dream books you can find this explanation of sleeping with fish. From the descriptions it is clear that this is a good omen. Sometimes dreams with fish are attributed to a symbolic sign. It is believed that a person who sees a fish in a dream will soon be able to gain power.

There are other reasons why a woman dreams of fish in the water. If a fish splashes in a transparent one, clean water, with splashes, then this means a quick change in circumstances. In this case, the person will finally gain recognition, the power that he has been striving for all his life.

Do you believe in prophetic dreams? I believe. Now I'll tell you why. I once had a dream in which I saw a work colleague holding a large live fish in her hands. When I woke up in the morning, I immediately thought: “Is she really pregnant?” When I got to work, I hurried to the girl I had dreamed about and decided to joke with her a little, saying that I knew about her pregnancy. You should have seen her eyes, round with surprise! And then my eyes when the employee confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, but had not yet told anyone about it.

I told her about my dream. We discussed the topic a little more prophetic dreams and got to work. In the evening, when I got to my computer, I started looking for information about what fish mean in dreams. I found a lot of interesting things. I was surprised to learn that women’s dreams of fish do not always indicate pregnancy. And there are also many different dream books, in which the same dreams are interpreted differently.

Interpretation of dreams with fish according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The interpretation of dreams in this dream book is slightly different from other dream books. I think you will be interested to know what Nostradamus predicted about this:

  • Fish symbolizes impermanence and difficulties.
  • If you dreamed of a fish falling from the sky, this is not good, expect environmental disasters and disasters.
  • If you dreamed about a lot of fish, don’t rely on fate, because you might miss your chance.
  • If you were fishing in a dream, you are trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Seeing three fish in a dream is a happy omen.
  • If you dreamed of a fish with human face- to the threat of nuclear war.
  • In a dream, one fish attacks another - you should expect an attack from submarines.
  • I dreamed about rotten fish - relationships with influential person Unexpected gossip can spoil things.
  • If you dreamed about a live carp, it means you are a persistent and hardy person.

Interpretation of dreams with fish according to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya

I really liked the interpretation of dreams in this dream book. Everything here is simple, understandable and desirable for many women. If a woman dreamed of a fish:

  • If you dreamed that you were fishing in clear water, it meant pregnancy.
  • If you ate fish in a dream, you will soon become pregnant.
  • In a dream you ate pike or salmon - give birth to a daughter, perch, catfish or bream - a son.

Why do you dream about fish: common interpretations of dreams

In many dream books I found 2 main meanings of dreams with fish: pregnancy or profit, happiness, good luck. Women's forums are also full of messages about dreaming about fishing, and after a while finding out about pregnancy. From everything we conclude that if a woman dreams of a fish, this is good.

If a fish is dreamed of by an unmarried girl who has serious relationship, this means that she chose the right life partner and will be happily married to him.

I dreamed of a fish splashing in a clean clear water- to recognition and respect; in troubled times - it is worth refusing offers that will come in the near future, because they will only bring failure.

A pregnant woman dreamed of a fish

I was interested in the question: “What does it mean if a pregnant woman dreams of a fish?” Perhaps she will become pregnant again soon? Here's what I read in dream books about this:

If a pregnant woman dreams of a live fish, then during pregnancy there will be no health problems, childbirth will be easy, and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

If a pregnant woman sees a dead fish in a dream, then perhaps she will face health problems and complications during childbirth. Did you have such a dream? Don't panic, don't stress yourself out, but visit your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

Did you see bright colorful fish in a dream? There's a lot waiting for you in reality pleasant impressions, interesting acquaintances. I dreamed of fish in an aquarium - this good sign. Look forward to pleasant chores around the house, positive emotions, happy moments.

Seeing beautiful, colorful and bright fish means in reality to have many pleasant impressions, new acquaintances and generally joyful moments. If you dream of watching schools of colorful fish swimming in an aquarium, then expect a storm of positive emotions, happy moments, even pleasant chores that, despite their ordinariness, will only bring you joy.

I dreamed about a dead fish

Dreams in which you see dead fish foreshadow losses, separations, and difficulties. If you take it out dead fish from water - to failures in endeavors, losses, illnesses.

We saw spoiled, rotten fish in a dream - bad sign. Get ready for deception, financial losses, and gossip. Therefore, after such a dream, in order not to be disappointed, do not plan serious transactions and purchases.

If you dreamed that you visited a fish market, then you should expect pleasant surprises and unexpected monetary profits, especially if you bought fish in the dream. But, there is a small nuance: if you buy a fish at a fish market in a dream, and it turns out to be stale, then instead of nailing it to real life you will encounter troubles and problems.

Cleaning and cutting fish in a dream

A good sign if you dream that you are cutting fish. This means that you will successfully solve all the problems in life. I had such a dream married woman- means it’s worth the wait good news related to the family, and if you are unmarried, then you need to start preparing for the wedding.

If in a dream a fish constantly slips out of your hands while cleaning, it means that a woman has a person in her life who plans to deceive or betray her. For an unmarried woman, such a dream hints that in real life she behaves incorrectly and pushes away possible gentlemen.

Did you dream that you cleaned the fish and fried it in a frying pan? Great sleep! All ill-wishers will soon disappear from your life.

Interpretation of dreams in which fish are eaten

I dreamed that you were eating delicious fish while having fun? For unmarried women, such a dream promises a quick wedding and the meeting of their soulmate; for married women, it promises a successful solution to many problems. If the fish that an unmarried girl eats in a dream is large and beautiful, then the groom will also be handsome and smart. In some dream books, dreams in which people eat fish foreshadow difficulties that can be successfully resolved if the fish is tasty. If its taste does not bring pleasure, then you will have to turn to friends or relatives for help in solving problems.

Cooking fish in any way in a dream means long journey or receiving news from relatives who have not been seen for a long time.

Re-reading the interpretation of dreams in many dream books, I came to the conclusion that they are sometimes very contradictory. Therefore, I advise you to pay attention not only to the interpretation of dreams that you read in dream books, but also to your feelings in the morning. If you are sure that the dream means something good, then it will be so.

Fish is a symbol of purity, faith, righteousness. Usually she dreams of significant changes in a person’s life. There is an opinion that fishing is always for a woman, but this is not entirely true. There are many interpretations of this dream, and in order to determine exactly what the fish were dreaming about, you need to remember what size they were, alive or dead, what water they swam in and other details.

Interpretations of various sources

Miller's dream book promises good luck in life to people in whose dreams a fish swam in clear water. For girls, such dreams mean romantic relationships in reality. If a girl saw goldfish, her marriage will be successful. Catching a fish yourself means difficulties in life, but seeing someone else catch it means good luck in business. If you bought seafood in a store or market, expect an improvement in your financial situation. If she was dead in your dream, you should be prepared for life problems and losses.

Tsvetkov’s dream book will also tell you why fish dream. Those who catch them in a dream will experience success in business. For a woman, such a dream promises marriage and material security in marriage. If you just watched fishing in a dream, expect the birth of a child in reality.

K, will also tell esoteric dream book. He interprets such dreams as an opportunity to receive an inheritance in the near future, and it can turn out to be quite large if in the dream you ate the entire catch. Fishing and never catching means losing your social position, friends or lover.

The everyday dream book contains a lot of information about what fishing means in dreams. Catching fish in a dream according to this source means that you will soon get tired of the routine and monotony in life. Seeing that fishing is going well in night vision is a sign of good luck in business for a long period. Poorly going, unsuccessful fishing, on the contrary, means failures, which, however, will stop after a while. Fishing with a fishing rod means achieving specific goals. Getting a good catch using nets is a sign of great short-term achievements. If you saw yourself as a poacher, it means that in life you use illegal methods to achieve your goals and in order to avoid troubles, you will have to give them up.

To find out why a woman dreams of the healer Evdokia. For a woman, fishing and catching it in a dream means a successful marriage. Fishing using a good net will lead to profit, while using a torn net will lead to frustration. If you were looking at how someone catches it, think about it, in life you are not very active person, which really prevents you from achieving your goals. There is a catch in a dream - to worries in reality. Buying seafood at the market is a pleasure and material well-being. This source promises great profit to those who saw rotten fish during a night's rest.

Women's dream book

The answer to the question of why such dreams may occur is in women's dream book. Happy love foreshadows a dream in which girls dream of living Marine life floating in clear water. Catching them means trials and difficulties on the way to the goal. Hold the hooks intended for fishing in your hands - great sign, saying that everything will get better in life soon.

The 21st century dream book says that a large number of living sea or river inhabitants in a dream promise profit, while dead ones promise failures and troubles. Eating in fish means financial losses, eating fried fish- to the news. For a woman to see crucian carp or perch in night vision - to the birth of a boy. If a girl dreams of a pond with tadpoles, in reality she should expect to meet an unworthy, immoral, but at the same time rich man.

Other meanings

Catching fish with your bare hands and not catching it means good luck running away from you. On the contrary, getting a good catch during such fishing is a sign of success in business.

Dead fish lying on the surface of the water is a bad dream, promising illness and monetary losses. However, with effort, these difficulties can be overcome.

According to Miller's dream book, a fish splashing in clear water foretells the dreamer generous gifts from fate in real life. If you catch a fish in a dream, then you should expect difficult trials that you will have to cope with, making considerable efforts.

If you dreamed of a fish skeleton, then this dream symbolizes making a profit and achieving even higher social status. But this is achievable only in a state of complete immersion in work. But if in night vision you dreamed of a dead fish, then know that this promises a threat and trouble from others. If you see someone fishing in a dream, then this portends you a high tide vitality, and proper use of favorable factors.

Why does a woman dream about fish?

A dream in which this sea animal is present is interpreted for women by almost all dream books as auspicious symbol.

If you dreamed that you saw a river fish splashing in clear water, then soon you will be able to gain the power and recognition that you so covetedly dreamed of.

Live, fresh fish in a woman’s dream may mean that happiness is very close. And if you see the opposite, that your life is shrouded in darkness and a hopeless future, then such a dream foreshadows only joyful and bright events.

A woman dreams of a live fish in the water - according to the dream book, this can be interpreted as sudden incredible luck that will accompany you, without any fear of possible unpleasant consequences.

If you dream of a fish in a river, then such a dream can change your financial situation for the better.

I dreamed of a fish in troubled water - such a dream will be a harbinger of dubious income. Be careful when entering into ambiguous contracts.

If a young lady dreams of fish in an aquarium, then this dream may portend her marriage and an early pregnancy, and their married couple a long, measured and happy life will be guaranteed.

If in a dream a woman tries to catch a fish with a fishing rod, then this is interpreted by the dream book as impending success that will come to you thanks to your diligent efforts. IN modern dream book, you can hear the version that a woman catching fish in a dream is an omen of an imminent pregnancy. But if in a dream, a girl saw a fish that she was trying to catch with her hands, but everything was in vain, this means that in reality fruitless efforts await her. Catched with a net in a dream - pay attention to intimate relationships with your partner.

If a woman dreams of fried fish, then in most cases this is considered a very positive omen. And it is interpreted as a very simple finding of a solution to any given problem. If a representative of the fair sex fries fish in a dream, it means long and troublesome preparation for a long trip.

Why does a woman dream of salted fish? The interpretation of this night vision completely depends on the circumstances. If the dream did not cause a strong form of rejection, then fate will soon be favorable to her. And if the fish looked unsightly, or smelled bad at all, this girl is likely to face serious obstacles in life.

A woman dreamed of a big fish - there is a possibility that she will soon become pregnant. At the same time, the process of fetal ripening will proceed easily and without complications, and her baby will be born healthy and grow up strong. Another option for what a large fish can dream of is almost complete mutual understanding and harmony family relations with your life partner. If a small fish was present in the euthanization of a woman, then this is a sign of positive events in her life. Material profit is possible, but less than expected.

If a lady sees a lot of fish in the water in a dream, you will have the right to count on a quick improvement in your financial situation; the main thing here is not to sit still, but to act.

Why do you dream of frozen fish? The interpretation of this night vision according to the dream book may mean that the dreamer will face a serious confrontation with a rival on the love front. Also, a dream with frozen fish can portend male betrayal and meanness.

If a woman saw smoked fish in a dream, then this means that she should take a break from the hustle and bustle of home, take care of herself and take care of her appearance.

A woman's dream of dead, raw fish usually means something bad. If you dreamed that dead fish floated to the surface of the reservoir - this is a symbol of impending disaster, and in reality extreme caution should be observed. If a dead fish appeared in your dream, minor quarrels and frequent conflict situations are very likely, which of course leads to psycho-emotional stress.

Rotten fish promises a woman an impending state of low energy tone. It is recommended to be patient and wait out this burden.

According to the dream book, a wormy fish may mean that you have enemies who will try in every possible way to disrupt your plans for the future.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a fish, then this may mean a symbol of fertility. Even if the girl still has no idea that she is in a position, similar dream may serve her well, and will give her the idea to check for the good news.

A woman usually dreams of dried fish when she plans to change something for the better in her real life, but the girl doubts the success of her plan.

Dried fish in a woman’s dream predicts quick material wealth and the ability to bring to life any, even the most daring plans.

If a woman cleans fish in a dream, this may indicate that in the near future she has the right to expect spiritual growth and personal development.

A woman buying fish in a store in a dream can be considered a call to action. For a girl dreamer, this means that you need to focus on your interests and needs.

Why a girl dreams of a red fish is interpreted in many dream books as a harbinger of good luck and joy. After such a dream, it is possible that a girl, a wealthy and wealthy gentleman will appear in the life.

A black fish in a woman’s dream warns the dreamer about the cooling of her other half’s feelings. There is a possibility that you will soon have a serious quarrel.

The head of a fish is a dream that in the near future she will have an exciting journey and get acquainted with interesting people for further communication.

If a woman dreams of a fish with caviar (pregnant), then this indicates that she will have an unexpected discovery that will make the girl think about what is happening in her daily life.

I dreamed that a woman was eating fish - this could mean support from the stronger sex, which would make her feel comfortable and harmonious. If a lady eats fried fish in a dream, this promises her quick profit and success in all matters. And if it’s salty, then it means tenderness in lovemaking.

If you dream that the housewife is cutting up fish, then this may indicate a strong sexual attraction to an object of the opposite sex. And therefore, such a dream for a girl predicts a bright and memorable intimate adventure.

A woman may dream of boiled fish as a sign of ill-gotten gains. Therefore, in the real world, you should beware of various scams.

Why does a man dream about fish?

If a man dreams of a fish, then in most cases, this may indicate that he will have good luck and prosperity in almost all areas of life.

A live fish in a man’s dream is splashing in a clean pond - such a dream suggests that very soon he can expect a noticeable improvement in his personal well-being.

If a man was fishing in his dream, then the exact nature of what he saw can only be interpreted by remembering all the subtleties and details of this dream.

If you were fishing with a fishing rod, this portends a diligent and extremely exhausting activity, and if you use a net, it portends quick and sudden enrichment.

If a man caught fish with his hands, this means that the dreamer’s subconscious is trying to warn him against reckless actions.

Catching a fish in a dream and catching it means you will encounter various obstacles that you will soon successfully overcome.

Going fishing in a dream and not catching a fish means you should think about what you really want and what motivates you.

A big fish in a man’s dream may mean, according to the dream book, that in the near future there is a high probability that he will become a father.

A man dreams of a lot of fish when he lacks the confidence and determination to leave his home, to take a step that would radically change his whole life.

Dreaming with fish according to the situation

The interpretation of a dream in which a fish bit you may mean an unexpected misfortune that will disturb your peace. If the bite of this vertebrate animal falls on the hand, this means possible quarrels with colleagues at work, and if on the leg, expect minor intrigues from your envious people, and spend more time on your finger. close attention to your family and friends.

Fish in nets, according to the dream book, will promise you serious challenges, the elimination of which will require full mobilization from you: increased attention and perseverance of character.

Cooking fish in a dream - in real life, you should remain yourself so as not to become a toy in the wrong hands.

If you saw a pike in a dream, then tedious and unpleasant litigation with business partners awaits you.

Seen in a dream salted herring, then such a dream may portend unplanned material losses, which you can easily make up for if you turn to loved ones for help.

If the person seeing the dream, in which the catfish appeared, was born from January to April, then news of a drowned person may arrive, and those who were born in the summer months may receive ingratitude in response to their hard work.

Seeing pieces of fish (fillets) in a dream - to the lungs colds. A fishtail in a dream can foretell the end of a cloudless period in your life, and the beginning of difficult and exhausting everyday life.

Swimming in the sea with fish in a dream portends you a rich and very interesting life filled with bright moments.

Feeding fish in a dream is a very favorable symbol. It promises a quick resolution to many minor problems and troubles.